I - 14 THE DAILY BEE. ROSEWATSR EDITOR. TO CORRESPONDENTS OER COTNTT.T FRID.T * we will always be plca (0 tohcr from , on oil matters connected w-Kb Tore , countrj poitlcs , snion 'y subject thstcvcr , of 5cnu l tnteresls Io the people of sur btato Any Infoimatku conncci l with relictions , ar d relalfoj to fi"ode , will be glsd'v ' rfrMlvtJ. All inch communita ; tlorBhowivw.must re as brl f s possiKe , and they mut la til ease ; be rtten en on 3ldeoVoiVetonl ! ' . Tizyil'EOr' WirB.in faU. must intach and commucicatloa cf vry case accompany any Tlat rature ocv.r. This IP notlnteratJ for pnblicatl-ri. ba for cro n sat.EfsMion ma 'us proof cf good Ji'th 1 f Ldid ic for Office hctb- * r nud 1 j f i II cr Jr'imls , and whether as no tice * or coirmuBicat'ors to the Fd.tor , aTf tntll ficmlratioi s rreromlM flnply jxrso-tl , nd will bt charged for 3 tdmtlHrr nM- ' rfa litortryor > M } ; < * ! eontiilmiirbs poeti'al clzractfr , anil ve 1ll cot undertaVt top tunccr romc tbos'me in mv Cft f hatTtr. Cur ttafl IB laCMeat y Urgu to more tb n tuarly our liniitvd tp cc. All con icunlcatlons--lHUld be adfri E UOSFW.VEK , EJitcr "Tkt { ( { istatyrc fhatl pott latrs to correct uluta and prcicnt 1'nj'iit ilircriminntion nd atortion in all rharyte of fff } > rcss , tdc graph , and raili-wil eontpantis in thii state enforce such laicsly adequate pfnallta I'f tiic tstcnt , if nccatar&fur1kat purp tc , rf fvftilurc rf their properly and fran- r'lux. " [ Sec. T , Art. 32 , Nebraska Con- i-ntulion , eusctcd .Twie. ] NATIONAL r.EPL BLICAN TICKET. run .1AMES A. CAliriELl ) , of Ohio. von viCE-rcrsinccT. CHESTKR A. ATVTHUH , of Now Ymk. THE U. P. orgnii snya it is in fsvor of pnrifj-irg the primaries. Why haven't they eet the machinciy in motion to ptrify them lorp ; ago ? They hud the committee. The last committee they hcd necdnd dlelnfcct- ing moro than the primaries. * THE South American tvar between t Chili and the allied republics of Peru I * and Bolivia Elill continues , and ia ct- 1 tended with the most thameful atroc- * itiea. The difficxiliy arose in the Crt r pUce from a dibputo over tarififcn er- ports cf potash. Scvonty-fivo thous and livps have so far paid the penalty o ! this trade understanding. . ot the proudest achievements 01 republican administration in this country has been its raising of the national credit and its prompt pay ment of national indebtedness. What necurity lisa the nation , under n obEDge cf government , that Ihls rec ord trill te maintained ? With the I 1 COVflrnment in the hands cf ib.9 soutb , * i n hat promise is there of cither na tional or private credit ] Euiifess men north TV ill look twice before they give over the reins of povemmatit to * yartj Vhich , in seven southern et&tcB , has defrauded , them bf over 5300,000,000 by repudiation. Of this amount , Alabirr.a haa repudiated 28,446,091 ; Arkaneas , 518,257,001 ; North Carolina , $13.353,151 ; Ton- uessee , § 23,844,600 ; and Tirginia , ? 3J,27C,402. WE call upon a y koiict rssu in Dour M couaty , vho h'S ever worr-cil in politics with 1b B Ensevrater wo aJl tip ni Lo is Iljcn , Judge Atvin Sauiid ri i > r cnybody t-lau to testify whether r not ho IB a tricksto- , H bummur , a briber , a blackmailer , and a nif'st c ncumaiato political iaa- caL [ Republican. "We hope jou will call on Ihcso gen tlemen , and wo assert , without seong : any 0110 of thona , that cioh ono of thorn will pronounce thtao iutima i-1 UOQB &n outrageous libel. Jircry one ofSthesc men heartily approves tha new departure in Douglas eouuty pri marics. Every ono or thsm the registration of republics ! ! and the measures dovisad by the committee against ropeatinr , and the voting of democrats. Every one of them , as tvcil & * the brass col lared gentry of the Ifopubltean , knov that the primaricj in Douglas county as conducted undar tbo old system hare been & farce and a fraud , and all know that no cfLrt has ever been made by the monopoly henchmen to correct those abuses. reports of the lite demo cratic ratiQcation meeting at Sann- : ton , Virginia , at which the confeder ate memories were adroitly need to healths breach between tha two con tending party factions , show how thor ouphly reconatructcd nd national zed ntich pure spirits as Wade Hampton and Zeb Nance have bccomo. Wade Hampton's speech , in particular , is especially worthy of reproduction ae an appeal to sectionalism and an harangue angueagaiust the powers of the national government in its interfer ence with moonshiners and kukluxw. "Under the centralizing influences w.of the BopuWcan pariy you have ecen your judges , " says this southern hero , , I "etricken down by the mailed hand of the national government ; you have eeen the Republican party nwss troops f at your polls to overawe your free snf- ta fraKd > y ° " ave seen their deputy mar- Bhals , their supervisors , their retnrn- inE boards the instruments to rnan overthrow of the last vestige of State rights : " Governor Hampton iniglit hare rovrraed the picture ' , and'thrown conoidorabla lijlit on some other in- tarestiug political events which his fellow countrymen had seen. With ! equal propriety ho might hare contin- r | ucd , " Lnder tha glorious shelter ino f Democratic domlninon you have seen tha power of the Republican majority ; buried under an avalanche of tissue ballots , dissipated by the influence of terrorism and the nfie. You have een the officers of the United States slaughtered from ambush while they were attempting tocarryout theprori- ! SIOCE of the national law. Youhave seen tha polls prostituted to secure the cue- CE3B of a .hopeless minority. You have beheld state credit sink to the lowest notch and czpital 2y ncrthtrard and -srestward to acre secure asd sons honest places of investment. " This , ind 33ci moi-a , Governor Hampten = i ht hare said which , while inora ; u -ccor"da.n 9 vlh ( io fails tl a iia O-TI rairkrrduld proKitly zot iiVo proved 22 a:5&5tib5 ! ts his wdissce. ll KOT A STEP BACKWARD. Every radical reform is euro to meet with opposition from some quirter. ThoT giualaboliticnistswerohounded down a robbers and murdprers. The opponents of polygamy are denounced -irnoujj the Mormons as infi- dela and pimp' . "When Jen- ninss , cf the Xew York Times , "pentd his bittenes on the Tweed rin the organs of the JTew York thieve * covered him with fall the tlimy filth and abuse that could be heaped on msm. When this papr , eight year * 330 , opened up the war on the corrupt and disreputabl senator , who bought his seat in Ibo senate with money p id foi democrtia votes , he was waylaid by bullies aud rowdies advertised far and wide as a blickmaflcr nnd villian of the deepest dyo. But history tnows reforms , like revolutions never go backward. They may not always ac tha dfs'gUB of the origina toic ; they may not ba as far rcachinc .is their suppoitens anticipated , but they at least alwBjs pave the way for bitter things. The proposed change in the method cf republican primaries like every otter reform meets with violent oppreition from the men and papers , nho are mainly responsible far the disgraceful carnivals of fraud and crime that have demoralised our par ty in the county- and Btct . They have the impudence to call for a halt , anddemaud that the county committee shall mcmd the order for the regis tration of voters and for the proper eupervision of primiiry elections. Tne ommittca : has considered this in ess- ure in all its bearings , and BO far no Ulg' good reason has presented iteelf why thry-should retrace their eteps. It is tru not < their fault that parties interested ir the perpetuctiou of fraudulent irP pr'mwies ) should misrepresent their actior.sand intentions. For instance the 31X Republican charged that Rcsawater could place any republican on the Clb black liit and have hB name stricken from < the roll of registered voters. This is absolutely false. The commit tee conferred the power on Mr. Me Goraick , its chairman , to notify the judges of elections upon weM es- tabbnhed proof of fraudulent registra- tif'a to reject the votes of non- r eidentg and democrats. Again the Rf2)ullicai , and such eminent reform ers EA Hanlou ntul Hitchcock , are howling thoniBslveR hozrae over the nbjurd aBBUiuption that the executive committee ia to canvass the returns of each precinct , determine end award credentials. The executive committee Trill arrogate to itself no such power. The judges. aud olcrka ot election will be instruct ed to canvass the returns cf their re spective wards and precircli and issue - sue csrtificitt'S to the ptlesratsB elect ed. Thesa certificates of election , ac- . cnmpRnitd by the registry list , poll lJ6f , etc. , TV-ill be toiled iu the ballot , box and delivered to the secretary of the county committee , who will open the b-'xas in a public s sjion in the presence of tie executive committee on the tUy set for the convention. The csecu'ive committee -.vill then . issue tickets of adnmsion to cith delfg to who is entitled to ixseat ou the face of the certificate signed 0I by the judges and clerks. All ocn- tusts will bij decided by the conven tion , wbiflii will bo placed in posses sion of all the papers , documents and certificates relating to each precinct. Parties havingjjrima facie cart fictte > of election will be admitted to sea'e. Iu any case wherclho certificates of the judges and clerks of election fail to show who are elected , the rights of I contfb'aDti will bo determined by the convention. And now a word about this hue aud cry of intended fraud. The executive iomrnitteo w.ll appoint registrars , whoso honesty and veracity no one ares question. The instructions r uirj registration to be conducted in mblic. The list will be published for correction nnd revision. No name ? , howevtr.Tjm be added after registra- t is closed. The judges of election will not deny any registered republi can the right to vet ! If the parties who cry fraud were sincere in their pretensions that they want an honest election , they would come forward and ECO to it that tbo registration is honestly carried out. They hnvo been offered an oppor tunity to name registrars , but for rea sons known to everyone ihty insist 3BOll a "free clc-tiou" where men of all' parties can vote as often aa they plfasa. Thi : tha committee cannot and will not concede. They don't I ' propose toabandon the reform , or take a Eingli itep b c ward. A > adventurer by the name of Hibercom , who has recently come to Omaha to edit Charley Bancke " U. toP organ , exhibits his ignorance of Omaha ha pcliticsin a whclo column of slush , which the Republican copies. Taking his cue from Charley Banckes and Frank Walters , he plsys the role fate disinterested observer , and Inea to make people believe that ho repre sents the German sentiment in our city. He cays this registration of voters is an outrage , and foils us that the ward bummers will register while honest republicans will stay at home. Mr. Habercom is very indignant over this resist ration "g. g law , " and expresses grave feata that some stilwarts will bo excluded from voting by its provisions. AVe can assure Ztlr. Habercom that his v 11 bo registered as soon he becomes a citizen of Nebraska. Until then it would ba mere modest for him to conceal his ignorance by silence. If Mr. Haberoom eipects to wield acy influence over Germansin Kebras- ki.he will do well to refrain from play ing stool pigeon to Charley Ban cke . The Germans of Omaha are intelli gent and honest ia their political con- : vction . They abhor the primary swmdles as they have heretofore bsen carried on. All the Garraan mem bers of the county committee -were Zaalousl ? in favor of the "registration oatrase , " as Sir. Habercoans leased to o ll i , end thty represent tLatEaa- _ _ . . . . i timsar of that nationality. TJLXXTS. thinks his crbcsic acic -water his bsea poisoned. sonrds too jsuch like Courtney's fi ; t j S excuse ; sa : ia ! Is'ir.fr i fiftar ib BLACK HILLS NUGGETS. NUGGETS.in A rich strike is reported in Galena. UnuRual activity prevails about Bald Moantain. erne protpscts are re ported in Rapid Creek valley. Four largo brick business houses are under contract in Rapid City. The bulk of Ihs fre'qht is in , and in a few weeks the bull outfit will go to grass. The Cress gold mining company ill.hsvan SO-starap mill in readiness by September 1. Three or four new stamp mills will be set up in the neighborhood of Ous ter this fall andw nter. Moro freight has baen received at Ripid City ihus far 'Ins season than all of l st year put together. The Northwestern Transportation c mpsny are mak n < ? 44 to 45 hours from Dead wood to Bismarck. Harvesting is progressing iu the valleys. On ps are in spUndid con ' dition , and the yield will ba great. An elopement recently took p'ace from Hot Springs , Ouster county , the pair being made one in Rochford. Rapid City will have the largest whi l jala Jiiu r toro in the Hills. It will be 25 by 140 feet , built of brick 24 stories bi h. The Sidney stage compiny is build ing a meal and stock ranch at Spring valley , and will transfer their stock as soon as it is completed. A big rti'h of H Hers was ma3 * to tlie B ack Butes in the Inyan Kara country , just across the line in Wyom ing I , where n big camp is likely to bo started. The batteries and electric firing ap paratus f < r the Savage tunnel ro ex- pectad daily. At present the length of the tunnel is increased by four fott I each day. f Hill pipers think u moral wave must have pt'uok there , but gives warning to expect aresulur holocaust of crinii- . which usually follows such quiet spells. TheSturgis arid Bouldrr cut off toll rn d continues in good condi'icn , a'ld bull trains make gord time. The ot ly fault that can be found is its nar rowness in souie places. Mines iu Sirawberry Rulch are pret ty general" } " worked and with good re sult * . The practicability of bringing in the woter cf Beir Butts creek is under adrhorucnt , in which casa an other stamp mill wi 1 be set up. The miners of Penninuton county , who are two to ona agiinst the ranch men propose to bounce the present cnmrnlssiorera as snon aa thuir terms "Xoiro , running ths county to euit themselves , .vid removing the countv- pat from Ripid City to Rcchfoidi Hill City or Sheridan. Residents en the Big limpid creek are deligMid nt the announcement that the Fort ieade tunnel will bo oampleted by Septambor 1 , much socm'r than was expected. It ia lo cated twelve railea above Rapid City. Tl-o lunnul will bo 10 by 13 feet and . 700 feet li.np , 600 feel of which haa been completed. Water is being brought from Fel * j- bottom creek into Central City. The ditch will be seven miles in length and Will bo boxed and covered so that the frosts of winter will have no effect on it. It will carry a hundred inches of water. Six mios of this woik U al t- ready completed , and there is n f > rce of men ct wrfe Bufficientto finish it at the rate of twfcnty rids a day. In the divide it v/cs necassiry to mikoa tumid 1000 feet in length. A now and rich discovery has been nindc in the Southern Hills. Rich TOCK has been otruck in the vicinity of the Queen Bee mine , which ia s id to equal the ore of that mine. Gocsid- rablo excito' riit t-iVa over this new fictl. Isuuicroui disc iveries of peed oro'pectu g rock ; n ttio ep.mo loct-luy arenp rtad. This Icca'ity hai fur nibhcd more oed paying pUcer ground than , almost any other part of the country. Wtrk on the Salmon mine in the Southern Hills is being pushed. Tne ar'S'ra is completed tirl running on f 100 or . The veiu BO fir cuutinms t iia old dimensions of ihreo feet in thickneta. Reptatsd afgiya ha e re sulted in givin-jscat values from 81200 , the lowest amount , up to814OlO , the higheft amonnt , per ton. The vein , outside of the Salmon has been tapped ; by tcvo extensions , ono on each end , aud continues bra-ing the same char acter of rok. How much further rit | | extends is not known. Considerable plaoer mining is boinp done below the falls above Deadwood in Whitewood gulch. Owing to the fcsrcity of water seme of the miners have to lay off during she day and work at night. Ihis is done eo as ot to cotrprl cUira owne-s who wish to work tfuir ground to lay idle , as by that meat's they utilize the little wa ter there iAll the claims that are being worked pay well. Torraville has an impending war. The Gopher company last full bf ir.an running a tunnel to tup a body of are clairnea by them and the Terra com pany. Bdforo reaching it the Terra company broke into it , took posses sion and barricaded the tunnel. S3he Gopher sturt-d another tunntl i short ' time ago with the same ibjeciive point , and bjth companies bavo be-n exercising great caution. From bf ifcd Ueii io twehtymsn are now employed by the two c/jiupjuses , who at iu the tapici'jrof guards , to protect t io in terests of the ccmpiny who - T them. These men are all armed , and receive live dollr.rs per dfiy for their services , and when the tunnel reaches the ere chamber , it is expected that there will be fighting. In the mean time the Terra m n have stood 10it patently , but iho G phcr men were restless aud undertook to smoke out the former guard by burning sulphur , but the game dida't work , being dis covered too soon fnr nny effect. The Electicna of 1880. All the states will elect presidsn'ial electors on Tuesday , Ubvombar 2 A 1 the territories will elect delegates , to congress on the same dy. Alabama will elect representatives in congress on Tnedjy , November 2. The legislature will elect n UuiUd States senator. Arkansas will elect atnte officers on Monday , September 6 , and vote upcn a proposed amendment to the consti tution of the state forbidding the im position of any tax or the making of any appropriation to pay the state railroad and levee bonds and thebonds issued in settlement of the Holforo claim ; will elect representatives in congrets on Tuesday , November 2. . California will elect representatives ia cougrce&andlrgielatuie onTuesday , November 2. The legielsturo will - elect a United Ststes senator. Colorado will elect eta'e ofncsrs and one represerraiive in congress en Tuesday , October 5. Connecticut will elect ttate officer * . representative's iu conpress and legis- tore , November 3. The legislature will elect a Gnited Stat&i senator. Delaware will elect one representative - tivo in congress tnd legislature itaon Ttitsday Novsmber 2. The legisla ture will elect a United Stites 5ena - tor. Florida will s'ecr state oSeers , re- preeectatives in congress nd legisla ture ou Tuesday , NtWemtier 2j and upon the quonioz of calling a : estion j3--i , ' TC e tia Wi&titution it iss ttate. Its leglslaruro Til ] elect s cnitad States jsaatoj. elecrstste oSesrs S2 Wednesday , October 6 { representatives | in congress on Tu sd y , November 2. The legislature will elect a United SiUea senator. Illinois will elect state officers and repreBanta.tives in congress on Ttiea- day , November 2 , and vote upon an amendment to the constitution of the state extending the terms of county treisnrers and sheriffs to four years , and making them ineligible for a BUO- * ieFsive term. Indiana will elect state officer * , rep resentatives in coneress and legisla ture on Tuesday , October 12. The legislature will choose a United Statei sanator. Iowa will elect minor state officers and representatives in ooneress on Tuesday , November 2 , and vote up n the question of holding a convention to revise the const tution of the -tat. . Kansas will elect representatives in eon roas ou Tuesday , November 2 , and vote upon the question of holding a constitutional convention and upon proposed amendments to the constitu tion of the state prohibiting the sale of liquor and exempting S200 in per sonal p-operty from taxation. Kentucky will elect county and ju . dicial officers on Mondiy , August 2j representatives in congress on Tues- dav , Noveinro-2. ; Louisiana will elect representative B in Congress on Tuesday , November 2. Maine will elect governor , repre sentatives in congress and legislature on Monday , September 13 , and veto upon a proposed amendment to the constitution of the state providing that a plurality vote shall elect tbo govtrnor , instead of a majority , na now. The legislature will chooo a United States senator. Maryland will elect representatives in congress on Tuesday , November 2. Massachusetts will elect state offi- cen > , representative * in congress and 1-g ehturo on Tuesday , November 2 Tne Jegi-lature will cheese a United States senator. Michigan will elect officers , jepre- sanlatives in congress , and leg da tura on Tuesday , November 2 , aud vote upon a prcposed amendment to the constitution of the state author izing the city of Detroit to aid in the construction of a railroad bridge or tunnel to an amount not exceeding 1 per cent of its taxable property. Tlio legislature will elect a United States senator. Minnesota will elect representatives in couorero and legislature on Tues day , November 2. The legislature will elect a United States senator. Mississippi ivill elect n presenta- tives in congress on Tuesday , Novem ber 2. Missouri will elect state officers , representatives in congress and legin- luuro on Tuesday , November 2 The legislature will elect a Unitid States senator. Nebraska will elect state officers , one representative. ! ! ! congress and lg- i laturo on Tuesday , November 'J. The legislature will elect n United States senator. Nevada will elect a judge of its supreme premo court , one representative in congress and leg'slature on Tuesday , November 2. The legislature will elect a United States senator. New Hampshire will elect state of ficers and representatives ia ' Teas on Tuesday. November 2 , aud will vote upon a proposition looking to the representation of minorities m cor- porations. New Jersey will elect governor , rop- reseiitattves in congress and legisk- ure on Tuesday , Nov. 2. The legis- luura will elect a United States sen- ator. New York will elect the chief jus tice of the court of appeals , represent atives in cougre's and members of the itaambly on Tuesday , Nov. 2 , and will vote upon a proposed amendment to the ccmtitution ot the state relat ing to certain courts of New Yoik city , Brooklyn and Buffalo. The leg i laturo will olsct a United States sen ator. i Norlh Carolina will elect ttato offi- cors and rerreser.tntives in congress on Tuesday , Nov. 2 , and vote upon two proposed amendments to the consti- ution of the state ono forbidding the payment of certain state bouds unless authorized by direct vote of the people , and the other reUting to : the support of deaf mutes , blind and ' insane persons. Ohio will elect minor atato officers and represautatives in congress on Tuesday , 0-t. 12. The hga'aUira I will el-ct a United States sen-itor in I the event of the election of Gen A. Garfielil , senator-elect , as president. Orageu elacted republican judges , state printer , and representative in congress on Monday , June 7. Ptnnsylvauia will elect auditor , one judge of supreme court , reproaenta tivca in congress , and legielituro on T rgday , Nov. 2. The legislature will elect a United States senator. Rhode Island elected , on Wednes day , April 7j republican state officers and legislature , which ro-olected Gun. Ambrose E Bunmdo to the United svnnte ; will elect representatives in congress on Tuesday , Nov. 2. South Carolina itill elect state offi cers and representatives in congress on Tuesday , November 3. Tennessee will elect governor , - representatives resentatives in congress and legisla ture on Tuesday , November 2. The will elot a Uuitod States senator. csp. Ttiai will elect stale officerj , represent - resent livfs Jn corgrefs nnd Jegifli- lihe turo on Tuesday , November 2. The legislature will elect a United States nator. Tormout will elect elate officers , representatives in congress and legis lature on Tuesday , September 7. The legislature will elect a United Stn tea senator. Virginia will elect representatives in congress on Tuesday , November 2. * West Virginia will o'ect state offi cer * and Irgislaturo on Tuesday , Oc tober 12 , and vote upon two proposed amendments to the constitution of the state ono relating to courte and the other to the right of trial by jury in certain cases ; representatives m congress on Tuesday , November 2. The Iczi&laturo will elect a United Staes senator. Wisconsin will elect legislature and I . , 'presentativea in congress on Tues day , November 2. The legislature will elect u United States senator. In the foregoing no account is made of state legislatures to be chosen which . will not bo culled upon to elect United States Senators. Dodging1 a Vital Question. . New York Tribune. General Hancock talks as fluently about the constitution as his friend , the late Andrew Johnson , used to when "swinging round the circle. " He devotes a large part of his letter of acceptance to such profound wis dom aa this "The JEms : constitution forms the bans of tha government of : hath United Statei. " He says that neith er the general nor the state govern ments snould trench upon the juris diction of the other , a truism we have heard before. He lays down old , well-wprn maxims is tho'agh they were newly discovered truths. "Ibe ? powers granted by the constitution ito the legislative , executive and judio-al departments defies and limit the aura - thnr'tr of the general government " ment , ha fay ? , -shich noI boay . will . deny. He ias space eco in his letter for such piirastr as these , but he HS : cot a ward to say about a itter cc the utsr.ss izniwta ca to i rga parriqn of tha „ ae'cirP80' pld. 'Jii3 Oi ciarati jlatfo'ia : ' ' - ' -Jf : 0 thiji" aad i "tirif fer rsranas crly. ' ' Hurdrsdj cf thouialitls of workingmen whose in tnrests are directly at stake in this matter have e8n waiting to hear what Gpneral Hancock thinks of these declarations. He does not even men tion them. Amid the lawns and gar dens of Governor's Island , kept in or der by B libernl government for the of himself and hin brother officers , with soldiers in hand some uniforms to do his bidding , and a baud to d ivo dull care away with the l sb opera airs , he doubt- leal f.rjot that there were grimy , hard h nded mechanics and operatives toiling in workshops , ship-yards and fact > rie to whom this tariff question i one of bread and clothes nni shel ter for themelves and their familie . Perhaps ha does not know what a rev- omiH tariff is. A man who hns been a soldier all his life cinnot be expected - ed t > have very clear ideas on matters of leg'slation and political economy , or ntrnapg the democratic p 'liticUns told him ho had better dodge the question , beoiuse the lees said ab ut it here In the eaafc the better for the patty.Well Well , the workingmen do not in tend that the question shall be dodged in th's ' canvas. They will inter pret Goner l Hancock's silence as an acquiescence in the Cincinnati plat form. Their loaic will bo simulo and direct. "Jf ho does hot bolteve in a tar ff for revenue cn'y , " they will iay , "ha would have said so inh-s let ter. They know very well what thst little phrase "for revenue only" Btpnifias. It means that the protec tive system established by the repub lican party , upon \vhioh \ all our vaut manufacturing interests rest , ia toba abolished , and heavy importation of foreign poods encourcged by low du ties. The more importations the more revenue. The more goods im ported thfl le s theto will be for Amer- iom worknnn tj make. With less w rk forthSlntVdo will cdrne lower wages , c tcaroity of employaient , hard times and poverty. All thu ia SB plain as that two and two make four. four.The The mechanics in the ship yards of Maine , Pennfj-lvanin and Delaware know thit "free " ships" mean ships bruzht in England , Scotland ani Norway to rn2o ( in our coastwise and foreign trade undar our flag in compe tition with our home-built craft. For evely such foreign ship given an Am erican register tfapy know there will be one lese for them to build. The "free ships" policy of the democratic party would close evary important ship yard in the country within a year. The iron workers of Pennsylvania , Ohio , Indiana and Missouri know that for every ton of foreign iron hid upon our docks there h one ton less for them to mike. Ihey understand per fectly weil that a tariff designed to simulate importations of iron would ruin tha iron industry in this country and reduce them to poverty. So it is with tf-e silk weavers and leather manufacturers of New Jewey , thn spinners and weavers of Massachu setts , tbo hardware and tool niakera of Connecticut , and with ell ths mem bers cf that gr-'Rt army of art sans of whom General Garfield f peaks in his letter of acceptance , ' 'whoso intelli gence and skill , " he siys , "powerful'y contribute to the eafoty and glory if the nation. " Thjjy all know that their wel'ara depends upou the continuance of the present wise system of moder ate protection to home industries. Hero is an arvy which i General Hancock cannot command. Th for mer rebela ( f the south will rally at his rait , and with them vt'M comu iho rabble of the greit cities and the igno rant , bigoted pir'isans , who vole the deiuocr.t c ticktt without caring what the principle ? and purposes of the pur- ty are ; but the inU-lligont working- men will not vote for a party that propod-'s to take the bread out of their mouths , or for .1 candidate who hss not u word to say in their behalf. ' They will support'tho party that has built up tlieT industries by fostering IcKishtion , tnd the candidate who is himself a H orkinijinun , and whosa roc- ord on the tariff , made by the votes iand speeches of seventean years in oongrc's and empties zed by his letter of acceptance , in plain and consistent in its advocacy of the cLrmj of Amer- ican labor , . General Garfleld'd Family , dnc'nnatl < J miuete.nl The general is very peculiar in tha discipline of hia children. Ono even ing an ogjnt f > r a Bibcock fire ox tinguiihor was exhibiting the machine on ti pile of lighted tarred boxes on the public squire , in the presence of A 1-rge crowd , among them General Garh-ld and h B little son Jim , who is a chip off the old block , as the saying is. A gentleman accidt-n'aJly ' st ° pped on the boy's fnot. Ho did not yell , as most bfya might have done under such a pressure , but savagely sprang at the gentleman and dealt him a blow with his Got soraewhero in the region of the abdomen about as high : as he could reach. The father eb- served it , and immediately liad the crowd open and ordered the fireman o turn the hose upon Jim , wh'ch was done , und ih.4 boy extinguished in lois than a minute. At another time a dispute arose be tween Jim nnd an elder brother ( Harrv ) , which resulted in a fight. The G nerel heard of it , brought the offend-rc btfore him , and , after a patient hearifg of the case , sent Harry into tha orchard for three apple-tree spr > uts He placed one into trc hxnds of each of the boys with a per emptory order that they should flog hg each cither nntil ho ordered n halt , he retaining aswi'ch to en force the order. Th y wait r.t their assigned task with vigor , nnd kept it up ua il the endu rance of both was nearly exhausted , hut bearing their mutual punishment unflinchingly , when the General ntm mniidi d them to stop. After R severe lecture upon their ucbrotherly la vior ha dismissed them sorer aud ser tiai they had any previous recollec tion of. I know of no man who had i a heartier fympAihy with Iho young than General Garfield. pjy understood R boy's cbawcttr. If he happened along wherea party of them was _ asBambled , engjged in sport or "spinning yarns , " ho would join in the amusement and take his lull share of he fun. A number of us were Once Bitting in front of the college , busily chatting , when the feoneral came illyP. seated himself on a wheelbarrow standing byand after listening quietly to u * for a while , finally enjjaxtd in conversation , relating some of tno cleverest stories I even heard , and exciting the uncontrollablei merriment of us all. He was emphatically a boy ) among boys , entering into ail their feelings and modes' thought , and yet , when most familiar , never losing in the least his dignity a ? a man. Thou-ands of people , who are afflicted vvith a diseas d liver , indigestion , heart burn , witsrbrash , socr stomach , or a gea- erally intolerable biliousness , aa it eais termed , u s agrcary. This ia dons reluc : tantly , jjsrhaps , bat tbs commonplac * ar gument u , Ob , nothing will reach ths lirer and spleen e.c Etblu& miss. Ccaldlgat something e'cs f wouldn't use it Reader , you ca get something eke , and thai sons- trung olss b SJaarasns' Livtr Regulator. It ia * 5Tja ] ia pawsr to ba iaa t , ar without aay of its lajuncus aSscts. IMPORTANT TO SUFFERERS. I JTl. . „ . f , _ , . , Trcelicttr la OCB e-sts - - - .AltKxa. Dr. ! ! sb , rob or hii aurjculoia d'sccf-cry ' isr pi -Is .mt at : t'i'S plto.iisa is " < i = itotU" 1 = ; : : , 5 s STRENGTH aM ENERGY J WITHOUT THE CEE OF DRUGS. ARE RE QUESTED TO EESD FOiJTHt ELECTRIC REVIEW , AN ILLUSTRATED JOUR. NAL , WHICH IS PUBUJHED FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. TT IEEAT5 upon HEALTH , H YGIiXE , sad TIjs' J cal Collar * . nd ie a compUt * Siej-clcpwdia of informatics for invalids witl ihaee who taftr fioa Servou" , E bio-tUg and ? aiorul lueau ? . l > erj tubj ltbftibeJijnpbiihtalthaDdbntnaafcjfpirisS , iteMies alt ntlj In its paj ' . and th * rainy qn-- tiocs ask d by ittfftrln ? tnialidJ , wbo h TBdefrs'red ' cf A cnr , ftrw lui wtrcd , aud rulcabl mfcrtcrsica \Dlnntvdife-d toall vrboAtw in need cf intlcaT ] d- vi . jhi > abi of Elf "no Bst ! rr-r-i iSdjf.n and ths bnndr.d inj cct qnsn.ea cf il tmpri . " - " /1 - - < * < * ' ' tinu.to euffiriag and YOUNG ME AcJ oth rs who tuSts from Vjn i ai d rhT l.-At DeMlitj. It u f Man ! ? " igo , 1 .to'tta e Esli-in - tioa and tbx many glcoaiy c > . * totf - of Ally . ludiscrsnon , etc. , lie fpc > j i I t uo L , ji- &ultng [ iu LonttutH. Tboli.n : < 'TR'C REVIEW sr jt'UeccCitr- " * /rauds | raciicfl by quacks and medicul linr ttcn who prvfes" to " pratlice tce.licint , " m4 fomts e t th culj s f , tlia pit , anJ tJttuta iceJ io Hea. a , Viiur , and UoJily Cncrsy. tend yojr ad Jress ou yoMal C'rd fccopy , ti J north Uiouiandj 17.11 . t at JOb. Addict ) lh [ .ubli , PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO , , ' -OR. EIGHTH and VINE STS. . CINCINNATI. 0 1.5 Years before l/ieljiiblle , DK.C.MOLANE ' LITE.1 ure not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flcbh is heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , nnd Sick Ilead- nclie. or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. Jfo better cathartic can be used pre paratory to , or aftei-taking _ quinine. , Aa 6. simple purgative they are uncquakd. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box has ft red-wax teal on the lid. with the impression McL AXE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of C. MCL.VM. nnd FLEMI.O UKOS. - Insist upon having the penuino DR.C. MtLAXE'o L1VKII PILLS , prepared - pared by FLE1IIXG BROS.l'iltsljurgh , Pn.f ihe market being full of Imitations of the nani9 .Tfcrxio , splled difforcnUy. but earue pronunciation. BOWEL OMIPLAISTS. A Spwdy anJ EBectuil Cure. PEEET DAVIS' PAIN-KILLER HBP stood tic t 5t of FORTY T irs' triiU lltnctivnt irftA cacA MtU. OLD DV ALL UKUdOIBTB. W.I ft M"e ° 5"n I-Oi-sl Ace'its eifry-liero tu Mil VVrtH I fcU 'ea , iclt'Bifelnff PowJor. HivoriiK titrao 3 , f Io , by samp e , Io Umlli-3 , Pioflt good Outfit } rso. I'vupls'u Tea Co. , Bux 6'20 , Et. always Cnrcs mid acvcr tliunp- point * . Tlio worli'b sroat Pain- RoJtcver for Kan and Boast * p , fiiicl ; Rud .VJTCHEK'S CASTOKL.4. Is not Narcotic. Childreu grow iUt upon , Mothers like , and Physicians recommend CASTOIUA. Itrej ulateathc Bowels , cures Wind Colic , allays FeverighnofeSj and de stroys "Worms. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cure , a Constitutional Antldoto for this terrible inala- Ij" ' hy Absorption. Xha most Important Discover's.aoo Vcow oination. Other rt-tavliHi inay relieve Co.ia.vih , tiu- euros a * any stage loforo Ccnsnmptioii aata ini fft'Tnauccic. JI2ailayz.mociaea ilf maCo.Oco CD J.r.ntPtfrpHHn"aTrn * -rn rnrtland. r lVIL , MECHASICAL. 4VD VIVJSO EN. lGISEBHI.NO at ib Fens el rPolvtchnlc Institute , Trov , N T The oldest en InesrJuy tcho > 1 In America Nextt&'m bcsl B Sjpten- berlfith The Kesliter fo1830 ntami ft 1st of thcpradmtes for the trt 1 yetw , vrlth the : r positl Dsal3o ; , ssurjs of * li'il ' , rt Is , expen-ts , etc. Addresa DAVID M K. Iilr o'or & \ { , 2Zi' < QT5T5S J V 5J.i : * CJLLSG5. J..1lJr ' .V.IB jr " < I f Machine Works , J , F , Hammond , Prop & Manager The most Ihorourh appointed mid coirpltto Machine Shops anil Foucdry ia tha sut . Castings of every deecription oionnlictxired. Englnco , I'aicpa anJe\sry clisao machlncrj made to order. S | - > dal sttcutlnti jlrca to Weil Ansurs. * Hcy. , Hnncers , ShaftintrBrIdic Irons , Gcer VuttLu ; ; , etc. Plans for u w Machlnary.Ueaobunicftl Draught * In ? , Modcla , etc. , nea'.ly executed. Hnrnn ; t. . R r irt * and th BI. R. General Insurance UEPRESENTS : PIirENIX ASSDKANCE CO. , of Lou- ilon , Oaali Asbets . JS.107.I5J wESlCHlvSTtK. y. Y. . CapltJ . 1.000.30J TIIE MKRCII * S. of Kewnrk. N. J. , l.OOO.OOf ( FIRErbUadelDhi3CaptaI. ! . . 1,000,000 NOllTHWESTEr.N XAaiwNALCap- Ital . 300,000 FIREMEN'S FCSD , California . 60--.OH ) BKI11SH AMKKICA A83l'R\NOECo 1,200,000 NE A tKFIREI > S CO. , AMets _ SOO.OOO AMEI'.IOAF OEXT1U.I- , Assets . 500,000 Boutlieaat Cor. of Fifteenth t Donrtaa St. , . N-B. UNO. G. JACOBS , ( Formerly of Glsh 4 Jacoba ) No. 1117 Faraham St. . Old Stand cf Jacob Oli QRDKRS BY rXLBSRAPlI SOLICITS n27.1v cr. o. MERGHANT TAiLOR Capitol ATO , , Opp. Masonic Hall , OMAHA. . NTB. ! PASSENGER DIJgPpAnDH LINE NEA OMAKA ANDFORTOMAHA ! Connects Witn Street Cars Career oi S CT-DiiR : ? i-.d HAHILTOK SrBZSTC ( T d of Red L-ne ) 3 lMsi. 20 , 3ir : di I3a = ,303. = 7andr23a = . LEAVE FOET t'JIAHA- 7 5 a n. . 35 Ji , cd 12S p. = - -iSOriSUB lad 535 p. a "Tho S-1T 2. rs. jns.laivia ocii . szdiha 4 > 0 p. 51 rca , leiriBS Fo/t OpuhSjjjriJJy : ads3taftM " : cs-5K sitt i alirrteMS.'efa. "ta e 17 y. rtJT TiU to K ; o irti ; iV iSs j esaej : I D * i. tsi Ui arw ? s IiitaM K ; t r.trarsd * s ! > 3 ' - - dlv = J tie' * tl "OOS S- T ESTABLISHED. \l IN NEBRABELA. CALDWELLHAWI1LTONCO Busings 'rscsacted ssraft as thai of aa Incor porated Bank. Accounts kept In Currency or S W < ubjet to ht checa knout not ko OcrtiScates of drpos't ' la'-U'J FaTi > ! 5 In thrw. fix t dt Te month * , bearing IaUre-5t , or 03 dtaucd without inttreat Adv uc 3 ma-la to ustnmers MI arprovij s - cnri lei at market ra'es of Interrs' . Bnya'da-ll < oM. Mill of rjchi'gs Gorem- u > eit St to C nnty ml City Bonds. Dra-v S'c'nt DrafU rn fn ' ad , JrslanJ , , mid M parti of Europe S < lt E ropsn P * . sine Tickets. RQLIEGTIOHS PROMPTLY MADE. Jingldtf U. S DEPOSITOEY. 'IRST NATIONAL ANK OF OMAHA. Oor. 18th and Farntmm Streets , OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. ( SCCCrS30R8 TO KOUSTZ5 BBOS. , ) IMAXLISKED d loiC w a ltIonal Dank , AUZBji 8C. J 6S. Capital and Profits Over 300,000 , Specially sn'li-'rlz-dbj the Secretary or Trtircrj- to receive Subscription to ibt U.S.4 FER CEKT. FUNDED LOAN. OFFICERS AND DIRECVOHB rsnu. 1're-i'ent. is Ko STZS , Vic Fr slJnt. II. W. YAI B. a-hier. A. J i OTtETOS AMorncy. Joa > A. CR lomra. 1 * . H. DAMAss't CaaMw. Thii bank roc h < 8depv it Mthout res d to amounts. li U 9 time certificates bearaf ! > oterest. lira" a crafts OT s n T tnclscu aBtl prlndpO citlti f f the United rta'es. al j LonJiu. Dublin , I'dii bur.-h and tbo principal tatits of tke contl- Qent of Europe. S'Ispassi. ; tlcbtUfir Ecitjriats in the In. lean line marlitf REAL ESTATE BROKER Geo. P. Bemis' IEAL ESTATE AGENCY. 16th & Douglas Sis. , Omaha , Neb. Tbl iscncy does 8THICK.T * liroksrage trad uces. Doss i'ot speculate , and therefore any bar- Rim * on Itg IKIOKH .lie injured to Its pstrons , in nl of hflnr cntitil-i ! np bv the srfnt HILL. REAL ESTATE BROKERS Vo 140SFarnham Strstl OMAHA - NEBRASKA. CfDw TCort i side opp Grand CentnlKottl. Nebraska Land Agency. DAVIS & SNYDER , 1505 Faniham St. Oiiwha , 100,000 AORFS carefully selo-ted land In Ep t ra J bfa-kaforsali . Great Ua' jams In liuprcTed fanns , and Omaha dtvproper'j . O.lF. DAViS. WEBSIER 3XYDER , Late I and Com'r U. r. n. l : . LTVa EXZD. ISyroii Reed A Co , , HEAL ESTATE AGENCY IX NEBRASKA. Keep wm leto ahttract cf title to all Real KaUte In Omaha und Doug Us County. majltf HOTEL3- THS ORiaiNAL. Oor. Randolph St. & 5th Are. , CHICAGO ILL. B ? liCE3 REDCCSD TO S2.00 AND $2,50 PER DAY Li't.ud hi the tiQslimi cent-e , conrenlsnt to pl't ) x cl Amusement blxan ly turn shed , onialni zalidtdeni Imcrovementc , poMeus eJ v or , Si J. H. CUilJllNuS. Jtroiirletor. : ' N HQi j Cor. MARKET ST. & BROADWAY Council Blnfls. lotva * all tr m . RA.TE.-i Ptn IT fl n.r 33.00 p r day ; second Cor s2 ia p rdiy ; th r J fl or , 3J.OOL Tht iKltiurfiUui-uon ir.u-tctr.i < > Utoa < hoaw in the tity. OEU. T. WIELrS , Prep. OJIAHA , Jfeu. IRA WILSON - PROPRIETOR. Th * Metropol tan h renlrzlly lotated , anil flnt CMI li e'e v re'pact.hsxloir rpctut'Tbe n entire y rtnora e < l Ir.o pnMlc will flnif it a comfortable ind bomsllkn boui . maritf. Schuyler , Neb. Flist class Hens * , Rood Vea'g. Good Beda A'ry ' flccn- " , and kind and accommodating treatcifnt , TwigooJ iamp > room § . Sp a attention pal I to ccnaercial tnt\rI < T3. S , MLLLEE , Prop , , > " Neb Schuyler , , FRONTIER HOTtt , Laramis , Wyoming. The dinar's resort , jjood accnmmoditlons , ar.-e iample room , charses reasonable. Special attention ylrcn 'o tra elln ? men. ll-H U O. Hir.Ll\RD , Pr"prl tnr. INTER-OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. Flnf-cl-s' , Fine larje S mpl Booms , ona lock from depot Train tcp from 20 minutei to 2 bouTB for dinner. Fre Bui to and from D0p..t. Kates 8200 210 and fS.00 , according to r&oa ; 9 ujle meal 75 cents. . A. D. BALCOir , Piocrietor. ANTmW TORr > F.V. CnJsJ n.rfc. nilO-t HAMBUnC AMERIOAH PACKET CO. 3 Weekly Line of Steamships Lwrtcz > 'ew Tort Erery Ttundiy at 2 p. = . Tor EngaadJ ] Francs and Germany. Pa 3igBlp-yl , G , B , RICHARD & GO , , Centr 61 Broaawar. iOM WORKS ) HENRY RGER , V. BLATZ'S iVifLWAUKEE BEER ! In Kegs and Bottles. Special Figures to the Trade. Familiea Supplied at Reasonable Prices. Office. 2r9 Douglas Street. Omaha. .DOUBLE AJ L ) SLNGLJS ACTING ACTINGMRS Steam Pninps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , GELTING KOSE , BRASS AND IROH FITTINGS , PIPE , STEAM PACKINC , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A T , . STRAW 905 FaTnrmm Rtrnot nmnhru Nob' . o. 1 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha. in Honse Fiirnisbiiig' Goods , Shelf Hardware , IVaiiS and Etc , Farnbam Sfreor. Isr. Door Bas Firpf. National Bank. SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. , PACKERS Wholesale and Retail in FKESHHIEATS& PROVISIONS , GAUE , PlIlTTRY. FISH , BTC. CITY AND COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITT MARKSr-1415 Douglas Sr. Packing House , Opposite Omaha , Stock Yards , TJ. P. R. E. Oarpetings i Carpet ! ngs I Old Reliable Garpet House , 1405 DOUGLAS STEEET , BET. 14TH MD 15TH 1SQS. ) Carpets , Oii Cioths , Matting , Window-Shades , Lace Curtains , Etc , MY STOOK IS THE LARGEST IH THE WEST. I Make s Specialty of WINDOW-SHADES AND LAGE CURTAINS And hava a Pull Line ct Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet- Lining Stair Pads , Crumb Clothes , Cornices , Cornice Poles , LanibreqniBS , Cords and Tassels ? In fact Everything kept in a First-Claw Carpet Honse. Orders from abroad solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed Call , or Address John B. Detwiler , Old Eeliable Carpet House , OMAHA , PATRONIZE HOiE INDUSTRY The Only Lithographing Establishment in Nebraska Proorletor. OMAHA BEE LITHOGRAPHING Drafts , Checks , Letter Bill and Nuts Headings , Cards , Bonds , Certificates of Stock , Diplomas , Labels , etc , , done in the fcsst manner , and at Lowest Possible Prices. nSAT. MTMiViRPITER. OMAHA PAXTON & GALLAGHER , 1421 and 1423 Farnhaia , and 221 to 229 16th Sin. KEEP THE LABeEST STOGK MAKE THE LOWEST PRIDES , Tie Atteatlon of Cash aad Prompt Time Buyers Solicited. TOE THE HAZASD POWDEE COMPT and the Omaha Iron and Wall Go. 1 $ . B. BEE3IBK , C-OMMISSIOH MERCH.A8T g ? > Tvr & t = ? A-- Fii O * JBeiler J = ? ; : ; ? 4 iD _ < : i = ir. yEAT | MARKET , r. P. BlocJi 18ta St. ? -tii is i ii : Zieit * s. aU iisi ? 6Di r.uit nuezzsls.