Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    VOL. X.
Established 1871.
A Bloody Afghan 'Chief
Badly Worsted hythe
Austria Greatly Excited , Vows
VcDgeance Against Eng
For Plotting With Eussia to
Cut Her Out of Power and
Hob Her-
Ho Dare Net Advance on Can-
dahar and if He Hesitates
He is Lost.
Premier Gladstone Convales-
cmg Slowly , Eut-Surely.
EjiecUl UisjutcU to ibo Hoe.
LOXDOX , August 5 4 p. m.
Thu morning's bulletin represents
Mr. Gltdsiono as having slept soundly
labt ni Ut , and as lieing vrell on
towards recovery. A special
bulletin sijined by Dr. Clarke
reports Sir William Jenner as having
vvithdnorn from the case , as ho is no
longer required , and that the premier
passed au cjcellcnt night , and con
tinues to make aatisJactoiy though
elovr proyres * .
S | cial lnmtch ) Vo The Bcc.
LONDON , Antrusto. A Madrid dis
patch say. . : The royal court have re
turned ' rom La Grange. Tne birth of
un fap if to the throne is cxpactod about
the. end of AugutU
tpcclal i ! ! j utcli to TIIK BEK.
LONDON , Ausust 5 4 p. m. A St.
Petersburg correspondent telegraphs
that the Kuss/an government has de
cided to construct * cn clipper * , five ol
which will lij built under contract
with Mr , Barker , an American , in
the United States. : md the remaining
five in England aa l Gcrminy.
MADRID , August 0. 1 a. m. A
iira at Jourriean in tha province ol
Kavarre destroyed t wo thirds of the
Spocisl dispatcii to The Bee
LONDON , Au ust (5 ( , 1 a. m. A dis-
1 > atoh from Viceroy Rtpon to the war
office yesterday Etated that ho had re
ceived a iclciRiui from Gen. Sander-
inanu , datid ( v > uptah , August 4th , siy-
int ; th t Ay ub Kht iras at Sangbar
onthei.t , n great perplexity , not
knowing whether to advance and risk
: in assault on Caudahar or to remain
stationary Gen. Sniidermaun aflirms
that tlicro ia no doubt that Ayovb's
loss in his recput cngaceiueut with
Gen. Uutrowa ia much moro serious
than at firot supposed , and that in
fact it is very questionable whether
he it ; i < i couditiuii to pursue hio advan
tage , or resent ; m n tuck from the
force wt.ich the rcit.foicemeat3 now
advancing v , ill enable the British to
make. Aa to the probability ol
\ Ayoob'a attacking Caudahar , Gen.
Sandtramm 13 of the opinion that it
is tie small ng to not need taking into
account in making up an estimate ol
the situition. End yet it is equally
clear that if Ayoob fails to seize upon
Candahar , the main object of his mis
sion , which was to destroy Shore Ali ,
and thus remove the latter from his
seat as governor of that capital.
will have broken down , renderin. . ,
Ilia lat a victory a comparatively bar-
ran one after all. Shore AH , having
fallen back upon Candahar , where ho
-willhavo increased British support ,
will practically nu'lify Ayoob's pur-
p-isu to obtain possession of tint
stronghold and thus prevent a union
of operation betwcetis Sherd Ali and
Abdur Hah man against him. This
general conclusion is strengthened by
intellgence brought to Gen. Sander-
ruann at Quet-ih by spies , who report
that Ayoob has expre-sed himselt as
having no hope of making a successful
attack on Candahar. The telegram
also states that in the skirmishing
nlnch took pUce since the battle in
Khojok Pass between Gasman and
Kilto Abulla , wlujrc communications
nro open to ilia tribes , an attack was
' made upon a convoy nrar Dinar Kaw ,
fc'l" in which Iho.fghatis were beaten off.
A dupntch from Cabul to the
viceroy stitei thnt garrison from
Thuland Chatah hive reached Hiwus
unopposed , also that Gen. Gnugh's
brigade ia at Sliirpur near Cabul ;
when it will held itaslf in readinosa
for event iu the capital. Abdur
.Rahman Ivahn , the new atnocr is at
Akscrai. Uo is Eaidtobe very nervous
over ilia evident discontent of hia fol
lowers and inclined for almost any
compromise to preserve his authority.
Akserai isa villigo about twentyfour
miles north of Cabul.
BEPLIS , August 5 10 p. m In
an article which claims to have official
authorization. The Grensabiten. or
Frontier Messenger declares that Kus-
Bta and England ave interiguing to
destroy the influence of Austria in the
dominion commission acd endeavor
ing to rob Austria of what was pro
mised herby the treaty of Bsrlin.
Eujsia ami F.agland , says : The
Granscb.iten , are endeavoring to ex
clude Austru fr.-in her shorn in
the suveilJcnco of the Danuba beyond
Galatz , placing the same in the hands
uf Scrvla aud Roamania. ThoGrense-
batea threatens that Germany and
Austria will never permit their" vital
1 * inetrcst to bo tramped upon bv
I. GortschaKoff and Gladetone. The
whole article is written in a verj
angry and aggressive tone and yet , ir
truth , represents the feelings of tht
government. The outlook is not ai
all a peacablo one.
Epeciil Dispatch to the Uee.
LONDON , August G 1 n. n ? . Thi
house of commons last evening repeat
ed Mr. McCarthy's motion to rucou
stitute the Irish land commission o ;
Mr. Howard , tha tenant farmers
representative , will move in the housi
this evening a resolution that it is in
expedient to alter the existing restric
tion regarding the importation o
American cattle till the America !
government adonis &n efectual mean :
TO remedy .the spread cf ccntagiou :
and epidemic diseases , and until Amer-
oan cattle are free from disease.
United States Minister Lowell lisa ,
by Secretary Evarta' orders , exp-cssed
the concern of the American govern
ment at Mr. Gladstone's illness , and
the earnest hopa of his speedy and
complete recovery.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
ATUENS , August G 1 a. m. Or
ders have been issued forthe mobiliza
tion of the Greek army.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
VIENNA , August G 1 a. in. Disastrous -
trous floods have occurred in the Moh-
reu district in Hungary. Ilailroad
bridgea have been injured and traffic
Epeclal dispatch to TUB Ban.
BERLIN , August G 1 a. m. Prof.
Momaen declines any public subscrip
tions to replace his library recently
destroyed by fire.
8peoolDtipatcQ to Thi Beo.
PARIS , August G 1 a. m.-LoTemps
says the Greek question will certainty
bo kept distinct from the Montenegro
quefct.on. That the Greek iiHgotia-
lions will l t for several months and
no pjwer wishes to undertake any ma
terial intervention on the behalf of
A duel with pistf h was fought yes
terday by the editor of the Gaulois and
Deputy Vucillar. No blood was shed.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , Auguat 5 , 10 p. m.
The national board of honlrh to-day
received advices fiora Havana , dated
July 31 , as follows. Thera are prob
ably two hundred cases of yellow fe
ver at this data in th 8 city. For the
week otidms ; Ju'y ' 24th , there were
hfty deaths from yellow fever , seven
from Emli poxaud three from typhoid
fever. For thu week endins ; July 31st ,
the deaths were as follows : From
yellow fever fifty-seven , small pos
The president to-day appointed Geo.
W. Roosevelt , of Pennsylvania , to be
United States consul ut Mamanaes ,
Spain , and H. J. Crouch , of Pennsyl
vania , to bo United States consul at
St. Helena.
The U. S. ship' Michigan ia at
Grand Huron , Michigan , eurouto for
Chicago. The Michigan , in addition
to her regular pdtrol duly , is engaged
in enlisting bi > ys for the naval train
ing ship. She \i3itcd Chicago for
Una purpoae. A considerable number
i > f w * stern boys have already unliated ,
and as the material is lirst-clasa the
secretary is very auxicun to secure ua
much more ; u possible.
The consul of the U. S. at Para
Brazi1 , intorma the department of
sUtu that a line of British steamers
has recently been established between
Bubya and the Uuited Stales , and it
is intended that ovtry port between
Baby * and Para sbail ba a stopping
place , but no stojpjge will be made
between Para and New York. At
present there arc only two steamers of
000 tons burden , but otbtra will bo
added a > BOOH a business increases.
The consul thinks thnt Americana
ought to have the carrying of this trade
which is so Urge. He is also of
opinion that there is an excellent op
portunity to establish a line of
feteauiers between New York and the
Amazon valley and remarks that it is
currently reported that the citizens of
Manoos , a citv of 201110 8,000 inhabi
tant e , about SOD miles from Para on
the river Negro , near iU junction with
the Amazon , desirous of establishing
direct trade with the United States
and are willing to grant a subsidy of
ibout § 3,000 each trip , but whether
monthly or tri-monthly is not stated.
The import duties are six per ce < t and
the export duties three per cent less
at Manoos , than at Para , for tha pur-
[ joeo of encouraging direct trade with
"oreign countries. The a ont at Para
of the British line of steamers makes
no secret of the fact that their
steamers have paid enormously.
Among the letters received at the
dead letter office to-day was one wiich
was iu a snull way an infernal ma
chine. It was addressed to "Henry
S. West , Pittaburjj. Pa. , "and posted
in that city. As no such person could
bo found it was sent here. When
opened it was found to contain all
ounce of powder and sever * ! huida oi
parlor matches , all wrapped neatly in
caper. It is surmised that the semlci
of the letter thought that the force ol
the stamping wuiud Ignite the match'
cs ud explode the power and thus in
jure severt-ly the face aud bauds oi
the clerk.
Patrolling the Coast of Cuba ,
Special Dispatch to Tus LIE.
WAsmsoro , August 5 , 10 p. in.
A report TMB received at the iiavj
department this morningr , from Cap
tain Braine , commanding the United
States ship , Powhattan , dated oQ
Samias-0 do Cub < , July 28th.
Captaui Braine reports oil quiet or
the Cubun coast. He was then er
route for Santiago da Cuba. Th
report contains no additional information
mation relative to the tiring ut
the schooner Merritt and Newcomb.
Captain Brainolias not bean instruct
cd to lurthcr investigate that matter
it hiving been thoroughly sifted bj
rear admiral Wyman. Capt. Braini
v\ill , however , look into the matter o :
the outrage on the Baltimore echoon
er , "George Washington , " as soon ai
the instructions to tbat effect , een
several days since , shall rich him.
The special duty of the Powhattai
is to cruise on Cuban -vvatera until re
lievcd , and while there to look ou
for and render all proper assutanci
and protection to American interests
It is boliavcdhere that the pressnce o
an American man-of-war in Cubai
waters will nrcx-ent any further in
suits being offered American vessels
It is the intention of tha governmen
to keep at least cne vessel cruising ii
the Cuban waters during the summe
season and in the triater a lar a po *
tion of the ] Sonh. Atlcntic tquadroi
sill be : en : there.
Gathering of Noted Republi
cans iu Conference ,
Garfleld in New York.
Special Dispatch to Tns En.
NEW YORK , August 5. Large
numbers of visitors came to the Fifth
Avenue Hotel at an early hour this
morning to see Gen. Garfield. The
programme for to day was as follows :
At 10 o'clock the general had a
consultation with the executive com
mittee of the republican national com
mittee. At 12 o'clock there will
hold in the dining room of the
hotel a meeting of senators and con
gressmen and representatives from
the various states M well as members
of the national committee and the
chairmen of various organizations.
At this meeting 0 article. was
present aud'reports of the condition of
canvassing the various states
presente l. This meeting was not
thrown open to the general public.
Among these present were Senatots
Hoar and Dawes , Gen. Banks , ex-
Secretary Boutwell and Juhn M.
Forbes , of Massachusetts ; Ired. A.
Pi'ts , of New Jersey ; ex-Minister
Stous-hton and E. D. Morgan , of New
York ; Gov. Jloyt , of Pennsylvania ;
J. F. Briggs , of Now Hampshire ;
Gecr o M. Morris , of Wisconsin ;
P. G. Alvord , of Syracuse , ex-Secre
tary RobesonYm. . Crepe , W. W.
Belkmp and othrrs. Gen. G irliald
extended a coidmlgreetirg to all. The
conference is held with closud doors
in the lrge dining room. It is to
crowded that there is scarcely any
standing room for those present.
ipecUl Dbpatch to Tbe Deo.
NE\V YORK , Auguat G 1 a. in.
The republican conference at the
Fifth avouuo botel'yeaterdayafternoon
waslargely attend , d. By request of
Gen. Garfield it included not only the
national commktoe and congressional
committio but the chairmen of elate
committees and leading in en of the
party in all sections. Among those
present were : Gen. Garfield , Gen.
Arthur , Secretary Shermrn , Senators
Logan , Blame , Cameron and Dawes ,
ex-Governor Morgan , Gun. N. P.
Banks , congressman Morton ,
Chauncoy , I Filley , Gen. Ben Harrison
risen , John H. Slaven , Anson G. Mc-
Coolc , congressman Conger of Mich. ;
Murat Halsted , ex Governor Alvord ,
Frank Hiscock-Chas. E. Smith of the
Philadelphia Prepo ; J < hn Francis of
thu Troy Times ; Carroll E- Smith of
the Syracuse Jou'iial ; Hamilton Fish
Jr. ; Edwards Pieirepont ; ex Gover
nor Pinchbeck of Louisiana ; Collector
Mtrritt , Gon. Graham , ex Collector
Thomas Murphy , coi grssman Geo.
B. Loriug of MzasaLhuaetts ; Geo.
Dawson of the Alba , jy Journal ; Lieut.
Gov. Hoskirs , FnuiUm Wocdrull' ,
Salem Harles , Senator Birdsall , ox-
Socy. Yf. H. Belknap , A. T. Paddock
of Connec.ticutox-MinisterStonthti ; > n
E 3 ward McPh ° rson , cominiaaionur
llaum , John M. Forboaof Maiaachu-
setts ; W. E. Chanaler , J. C. Conover
of Florida ; John Cessna of Philadel
phia ; J. H. Syphor of Louisiana , and
During the morning previous to
the meeting of ttio conference , Gen.
Garfield i\csived seorts of vieitora in
his private parlors. Hundreds who
aent up their cards wore not admitt
ed , and the mob became so deiuo
; hat the policemen were placed at ho
stairway and in the corridors to keep
out the crowds. GarSeld hold a
lirivate conference with the principal
leaders and during the morning made
a short visit to the parlor of Secre
tary Sherman.
A well known republican stated
"Wo intend to take : i thorough stir-
voy of all states and when our work
shall have ended wo will know exactly
where we stand and where to pi ice our
shoulders. Henceforth until election
dnyit moms workof the hardest kind.
Wo will make a strong canvass ill the
southern states , where thcro ia a
possibility that wo can win. Wo do
not propose to permit the democrats
to have a majority in the next house. "
'Senator Bruce said ho expected a
iin of three congressmen in Miesiss-
Tppi. Pmchriack aaid ho thought we
could carry the close congressional
districts in Fl > rida , West Virginia
anrl North Carolina.
Senator Blame excited much com
ment by the attention ho paid Pinch-
back of Louisana , who stood aide by
side with his colored confrere , Sena
tor Bruco. Secretary ShermanThur-
low Weed and Gen , B nks formed a
little group by themselves.
Sonnti r Conkling , although in the
hotel , was abaci. . irom the conference.
It ia stated he htid an interview with
Garfi-ld in the morning.
Chairman Jewell , of ths republican
national committee called the confer
ence to order and presided. Ho made
a brief address touching its object.
No sooner had the conference been
opened than Mr. Chandler and Sena
tor Logan protested against the pres-
encs of reporters. The latter created
some amusement by hia vehemence in
pointing out a reporter who tried to
cover .us identity.
Dr. Lnring said ho did not object
to the presence of reporters , on the
contrary , ho thoueht the proceedings
of the conference should bo ( lifsorai-
tated all ovev the country. He of-
gered a resolution that all money and
fpeakers possible should ba sent to
the aid of the Soulhcrn States , and
that no states should bo abandoned aa
lost. Dr Loring'o resolution waa
aecondeV by Moore , of Tennegseeand
was road amidst cheers.
Hicks and Ccnnover , of Florida ,
said they could carry that state for
the republican party , if they received
assistance. In any event they would
J. H. Sypher caused a sensation by
declaring that the party has lost the
negro vote of the South and would not
regain it. The negroes were now in
the hands of the southern demo
crats and it was doubtful if the
vote of a single Southern State could
be gained for the republican cause.
His speech brought ex Gov. Pinch'
bask to his feet and he delivered the
speech of the day , claiming for the
colored men of the South , the eup >
port end assistance of the conference ,
in ihe most impassioned manner. He
callsd en the rapresentatives of the
party present not to forget the ter
rible sacrifice made in the interest oi
the * , party by the colored men of th <
South , the wrongs which theyh-u
patiently anduyed. Ho asked thi
mesticg notr that the clouds
gathering and the future of the south
ern colored people seemed likely to
ba darkened , would northern white
men , whom they had faithfully ad
hered to , ana the party for whom they
had freely shad their blood , abandon
ttum in their hour of peril. He could
not believe it to be BO. Let the party
Bond money , and such men as Sher
man , Conkling and Elaine to the
South to convince colored men that
republicanism was not a sham and
Clarke , of West Virginia , said he
regretted that he saw a disposition on
the part of gentlemen present to aban
don and surrender the Southern States
to the Ku Klux , midnight raiders and
barn burners. Should they do to ,
they would be unworthy the name of
Secretary Sherman on rising was
received with cheers. He alluded to
the work of the party in the past , the
ful611ment of its promises ,
the clearing away of all
financial difficulty and the prospect
of a future so bright and glowing that
he felt that victory was already se
cured./ Still he hai. noc forgotten
the colored population of thJ south ,
the storcs : of their wrongs , outragsa
andmurlers that they had poured
into his ears. The remarks of PX-
Gov. Pmchback had made his heart
beat as it did years ago. Hefor one ,
would never consent to abandon the
colored people of the south to the
tender mercies of Wade Hampton and
the Ku Klux murderers. Ho would
not give money where it would be of
no service. The democrats would
surely , by base means and cheating ,
secure votes , but wherever there ex
isted a possibility of victory to he
Rained , there ho should ssnd money
and men largely and liberally.
Senator Bhino followed , and when
he advanced to the chairman's desk ho
was received with applause. Ho said
that ao far as he knew all the talk
about abandoning the south had come
from southern men as well as nurth-
t era men of the most pronounced typo.
Ho wanted it dis'inctly understood
that ho meant to stick by tha south
and southern republicans who stuck
by the party so nobly. But ho would
tell the conference that they should
first carry Maine , aa a starter of tha
campaign. Ohio would take care of
itself. ( Cheers. ) Indiana would be
won next , and the party could sweep
the south and make another march to
the sea. ( Cheers )
Chairmrn Jewcil said ho had the
great pleasure of introducing to the
of the party , Hon. Thurlow Weed ,
thts veteiau journalist , who was re-
Cvived with great cheers , southern del-
egiUfs especially tendering him on
ovation , and ex-Gov. Pinchbick and
Senator Bruce taking him by the hand.
Ho siii the republican party was
never more united than to-day , and
that could an honest count of tue vote
, be secured in the southern states vie
tory was ct-rtain. The feebleness i f
his voice wculd not permit him to ad-
drosi thu conference nt further
After addresses by Senator Logan
and others , it was decided that the
ecnecof the conference avowed an ag-
greseivecampaign , namely , the send-
i 2 of speakers and money to Flor
ida , Nnrh C-irolina , Louisiana and
West Virginia.
Trio conference then adjourned ,
amid cheers of the members.
Senator Blaine aaid , PS ho went to
his room , "Now that we have started
ao well , wo will go right through. "
Cnpltol Building Board.
The capitol building board met at
the state housoin Lincoln , Wednesday
afternoon. Present Messrs. Alex
ander , Bartlett , Birkhausor , Chcaey ,
Coulter , Dilworth , Day , Dorsey , Jen
kins , Uickman , Osven , Price , Mar
shall , Starrctt , Gibson , Van Wyck ,
Ley and Chairman Davis.
The minutes of the previous meet
ing were read and approved.
Estimate No. G , made by Superin
tendent Dorsey , for labor and mate'io ]
furnished , by W. H. B. Stout , ex
tractor , for wing to the capilol br Id-
ing , to the amount of § 4,905.01 , was
1 allowed.
I The board examined the work and
was well pleased with the material
used and the character of the work.
The board then adjourned to meet
September 2 , 1880.
Ireland's Uprising : .
WASHINGTON , August G , 1 a. m.
Miclusl Ddvitt , secretary of the Irish
land league , addressed a largo audi
ence last night at the annual festival
of the Cl.ui Na Gael society. In re
turning thanks for subscriptions soot
to Ireland he said that the genenl
sentiment of the Irish people was that
they would sooner have a cent f rum
this country than millions from Eng
land. He said that the people of Ire
land were organizing to resist tyranny.
It is the intention to establish branch
offices of the league in every parish in
Ireland , members of which must agree
to the following conditions : That
where-a tenant suffers eviction for
non-payment of rack rent , the land
ahull remain unoccupied. Thi&fprin-
ciplo has been curried out so thor
oughly that of all evictions , which
have taken place sjnce Chrisimasnone
of the farms have secured tenants.
Mr. DAvitt leaves Saturday for
Pittsburg and from there he will go
to the Pacific coast.
Base Ball.
The following games of base ball
were played August 5th.
TROY N. Y. , August G. 1 a. m.
TROY 1 , Cincinnati 0.
WORCESTER Uuflalos 4 , WorceS'
ters 3.
BOSTON Chicagos 3 , Boetons 0.
PROVIDENCE Providence 2 , Cleve
land 1.
Tumbling Train.
Special dispitch to The Bee.
NE\V YORK , August G 1 ra.
Yesteiday afternoon an engine and
passenger car of the ninth elevated
railroad backed off a siding Into the
street below. No one was injured a :
the car was empty at the time andtht
engineer and fireman seeing that i
fallwss _ inevitable jumped from tht
engine to the narrow footway alonr.
side of the track. The engine and
car were badly wrecked. People ii
the ttreet , frighteend by the crash ,
socght refuge in neighboring store :
and houses and the greatest excite
ment prevailed in the vicinity.
Haaabarg I Jgg 25o a box.
_ >
Progress of the Work of Opening
the Tunnel Grave a
Jersey City ,
The Fasting Doctor Materially -
ly Weakened by Mineral
Water ,
The Chicago Orispin Oome
Out and Demand Living
The Tunnel Excavation.
Spedal Di | iatch to The Bos iff
NEW YORK , August 5 4fp. m.
The leaks in the excavation of the
Hudson river tunnel at Jersey City
have just baen discovered and stopped
as soon aa possible. The/have been
pouring in a volume of "Jj/er at the
Vate of 120-7 gallons poteute \ , and
tha pumps could not overcome it. The
prospect now of reaching the buried
bodies is bettor than over.
Tue Fasting Doctcr.
Special Dispatch to Hie Bee.
NEW YORK , Auaust5. Dr. Tanner
is reported pitifully weak this morn
ing. He belioyes some of the mineral
water sent him has been tampered
with , and several physician ? , ifTs said ,
have been made sick by drinking it.
It is learned a number of beta htvo
been made on the doctor's success ,
and some of them in well known ponl
rooms. Letters received daily
contain references to such
Vints. A dispatch from Pensacola ,
Fla. , paid the cender had made a bet
of 85,000 thnt Tanner would com
plete his fast , and promised the doc
tor one half of it if he succeeded. A
Chicago man has offered the faster
81,200 a week to lecture next season.
Doubts are entertained among the
phyaijians at the hall about the doc
tor lasting through to the evening of
tha fortieth dy without food , but
most of them think ho will.
As Dr. Tanner nears the end of his
fast the indication- exhaustion no
npar more distinctly and the number
of vomiting tarns are more frequent
and violent. During lait night he
slept mo" of the time
and did not appear restless.
At one time in the nfcht
he had great pain in his stomach , he
was rubboi by the physicians and the
treatment offo-ed some relitf. A'l '
the physicians exp'oss confidence in
the successful accomplishment of the
faet before it will be necessary to call
in the coroner.
NLW Yoiiii , August 6 , 1 a. m.
Tanner looked bettor yesterday than
ha did Wednesday , but felt worse. A
hot musterd bath and vigorous rub-
bine over Ins entire body give his > kin
a warmer and more life-liko appear
ance , and were the cause of , at loHst ,
icmporary improvement of his physi
cal condition. He was exceedingly
rritable , and complained of the slight
est noiou made iu the hall. A though
le comparatively comfortable his
vitality was apparently most exhaust
ed , and his recent stomach diflicultiea
lave told severely upon him.
At noon ho suffered1 frc slight
lausea and vomiting , which quickly
> assetl away. At 12:10 : ho laid down
in his cot and examined his mail. At
L o'clock he arose and came down to
ho lower hall. At 1:30 : his pulse was
! 2 , weak but regular , temperature
9803 , respiration 1IJ , weight 122J
} ounda. Ho appears very weak and
rritablc , at intervals of five or ten
minutes requested every one except
ho doctors and members of the press
.0 leave the building , as he did not
whh to bo annoyed by talking. At
2:50 : he returned to his cot in the gal-
"ery , and lay down apparently ex-
muatod , where he remained till 3:20 : ,
when he took an easy chair and looked
out on the visitors in the hall. Dur-
ng the afternoon he drank small
quantities of water , which he retained
on hia stomach for a short limo only.
At 3 : UO , after walking around for a
'ew minutes he went to his cot on the
jalcony and slept till 5 o'clock. At
5:50 : he drank an ounca of spring
water , and five minutes later two
ounces , after whicn lie lay down ou his
cor and appeared to bo sleeping. At
7 o'clock he commenced feeling very
cold , and extra blankets wore placed
over him. All gas except one light
was turned off in the main hall , after
I o'clock , at which time the doctor was
lying asloep.
He soon was awakened from the
doze ho had fallen into , and left the
gallery and went down into the lower
liall and did eix laps. Ho aaain fel !
into a doze and awoke about 8:30 : tmd
called tor a warm foot bath and to be
rubbed with mustard. This WPS done
and he went to sleep. At 9 o'clock
he had a severe attack and asked for
hot water but before it could he
heated , ho had fallen asleep. At
10:40 : ho again awoke and drank
water , vomiting a part of it up again.
He said to Dr. Hattsberc. "When ]
get out of this I will ba glad. " Later
on ho awoke and talked pleasantlj
with those near him and then wonl
aleep for the night.
Labor Troublss.
Spedal Dispatch to The Bco.
CHICAGO , August 5 The bottom
ors , siders and crimpera employed ir
the leading boot and shoo factories ir
Chicago are on a * strike for an increasi
of wages. They say at present prices
they cannot average more than 57 pel
week. Manufacturers claim that thej
cannot pay more without loss to them
selves. If the strike continues thi
cutters and stitchers will have nothing
to do , and factories will be cloeed.
LOUISVILLE , KY. , August 6. Thi
members of the Ohio Car Company'
Works have struck , and twelve
hundred men are thrown out of em
Georgia's Convention.
Special DUpitcb . Ino Bee.
ATLANTA. GJ. , Aumist 5 tp. m.-
The state convention reassembled thi
morning , and the excitement haa beei
very great. * Rules for balloting wer
adopted andt1ie convention prepare *
to ballot for governor. No one wii
ba voted for unless nominated by :
delegate and two thirds are requirei
for choice. Later of Sarannah , am
Colquitt , Hardman and Gamull wer
put in nomination , no ballots yetbee :
taken and there are prospects of
dead lock.
Death from Accident.
Specitl dispitcb taTho ce.
MOBEEX.V , Mo. , August 6. 1 a. H
. -Al"
Engineer Bienville and his brother
who were injured by the rail road accident -
cidont near here Wednesday morning
have died
Railroad Fire.
Special dispatch to THE BEE.
Sr. Louis , August 6,1 a. ra. A fire
ivas discovered at 0 o'clock le t even
ing in the freight depot of the I. &
St. L. R. It. , in Eist St. Louis , and
very soon spread to their warehouses ,
onsuming them and spreading rapid
ly to the Cairo Short Line depot and
ivarehouse , totally destroying all with
ifty freight cars , fifteen of which were
loaded with different merchandise.
The buildings were principally frame.
Liis estiraafed at 8100,000 ; insurance ,
if any , not known.
New Yorfc Money and StocJt
WAU , ST. , N w YORK , August 5,13 * p in.
MOJ.Eif--At 21 p r cent ; cxclunjo ( inlet
U SB's of'SI ICUJ New 4's 109J
Urfo's 1023 Currency G' 125
US4J' ml
The stack mukct U firm and generally higher.
WUT 103f Northwestern 98 }
AtPTel } N.P. 32J
B. k O 159 } N. P. i > M S'J
Lackawiuua&W. . SOj OH > 3 J
JJ&H felj Ohiopftd 74
Ene 43J N YU 13 1
St Joe SS NJ central < 6 |
St JcerW 73 Kiailmg 21J
1. M 6bl St. Paul fc9 |
K.ST S9J W.btLfcP 43
LakeSliOro 110 W , St L& IMifd. . . 731
Jlicb. Central 1333
Chicago Produce.
OHICAOO , August 5.
Wheat QuiutNo. ; 2sprinijopened
rather strong , but cUasd quidt ; tales ,
S8@88jo for now ; 8'J SOlc for old in
store87 ; | < 388g for AiLu t : 85i@86g
for SepU-mbe Closing at 88cfornow ;
89ic for o J , ca8h88S88Jc ; for August-
8ic ( for September.
Corn S'cadv and firm ; No. 2 Bell
ing at 35J35c for cash , Ausnut ,
September or October , closing at 35c
in each instance.
Oats Firmer ; J@o higher , cl'sing
at 23jc fur new ; 22gc for No. 2 , in
ato-e 23jc for 23s for
, Auguat ; Sep
Hyu Firm and steady ; sales of No.
2 , CGs for cash ; CS SOGu for Angu-t
Barley Quiet ; new No. 2 , fiT fc'ep
tembtr , qui-t at 73o bid , 4c asked.
Whisky Steady at SI O'J. '
Pork -Hog products were quiotbut
Meai Pork Cloeed at § 14 60@15 OC
for c art ; Slo 57i15 00 for Auuust ;
§ 15 57i@lu 60 tor September ; S160C
015 02 fir October
Lard 01 foi at S7 27A@7 30 fr :
cashS725 ; < 5727 for AuL-ust , S727i
@ 7 30 for September ; 57 30 for Oc'
Chicago Live StocJs.
CUICAOO , August 5.
Hr > ss Dull and e&sisr ; salts at
65(3-177 ( for light packing and
shipping ; § 4 405 ( 00 for beay pack
ing ; § 4 03 5 00 for good to chose-
iiotli assorted lots , receipts , 17,0b7
Catt'o The excessive receipt * of
cattle had u depre-sing efleet on the
market ; the quality of the offerings
was generally of medium tofair grades ,
with a few extra to prime lots ; among
the arrivals gras cattle are coming in
freely and the demand for such is lim
ited and prices weak and unsatisfac
tory ; Texan atoera were in large sup
ply , but owing to a good demand by
buyers of cantoil moats and city butch
ers , prices ruled steady and firm ; a
few lots of Wyoming steers were ta
ken by a shipper at § 3 10 and tTolota
of choice smooth steera were taken on
eastern account at § 4 75. The market
was dull at 11 o'clock. Receipts ,
New York Produce Alarke * .
NEW YORK , August 5.
Flour Without importnt clangs
and dull ; round hoop Oh'o , ( ' . ' 3 ,
do , § 5 S0@7t)0 ) ; aupeilino western ,
75@4 60 ; common to peed extra do ,
Si 2o@4 GO ; choice do , do , $4 70@4 77 ;
choice whit * wheat do , 84 505 00.
Wheat Quiet and pricts without
quotable clungejNo. U red , August
$108jj@1082do ; September , ? 1 00 ®
001 ; do October , SI 09L
Corn Firm and fairly active ; mix
ed western spot , 45@4ijc. ( , do future ,
Otts Firmer ; western , 38@4fC.
JJecf Unchanged and quiet ; new
plain mess , § 9 60 ; new extra § 10 00.
Pork Quiet and firmer ; now meas.
814 50.
Lard Stronger ; steam rendered
Butter Quiet steady at 14@2Gc.
St. .Louis Live Stock.
ST. Louis , August 5.
Hoga Steady ; Yorkers and Bal !
mores , 5465(3470 ( ; packinjr , $470@
4 80 ; butcher'to fancy , 8485@510.
Receipts , 5,200head ; shipments , 1,5CG
be. Louis Produce.
ST. Louis. Augtut 6.
Flour Shade belter ; XX , S3 60 < n
4 00 ; XXX , 84 40@5 60 ; family ,
S4 654 80 ; choice to fancy , § 1850
Wheat Opened better , but clorec
off ; No. 2 red , 915@91J for cash ; 00) )
< 3cJH < s91c f r Angu-t ; 88e893@88g <
for Sptembar ; 89@88o for October
88 ? < g88J for the ypar ; No. 3 do , 8C < ;
87o ; No. 4 do , 84
Corn Slow at 3434gc for cash
34c for August ; 34 c f r October.
Oa-s Slow at 22@21lc for cash
21jcfor August.
Rye Firmer at 61 c.
Buttsr Scarce and higher : dairy
Escs Higher at OOlOjs.
Whisky Steady at SI 03.
Pork Quiet at 815 25.
Dry Salt Me < s Steady ; car lute
$4 8007 35@7 60.
Bacon Quiet ; ? 5 70 < go 7o@820 < ;
8 35@8 50.
L rd Nominal.
Receipts Flour , 7,000 bbla ; wheat
106,000 bu ; corn , 33,000 bu. ; oats
11,000 bu. ; rye , 1,000. Sh pmcnts-
flour , 9.0CO bbla ; wnea' . 17.000 bu
corn , 5,000 bu. ; oatg , 11,000 bu.
Mllwautee Produce Market.
MILWAUKEE , August 5.
Wneat Steady ; opened and cloie
steady ; hard , SI 15 ; No. 1 Milwauke *
. SL01 ; Xn. 2 do , 95c ; ca. h , 99i <
September , 86gc ; Ocu-ber , 85c ; Nc
3 do , 78c ; No 4 do , 96 ; rejected , 6fl (
Corn Quiet and unchanged at 35i
Oats Scarce at 24c.
Rye Steady at 72c.
3 alley Firm at 72c.
Why dose /ourselves with nausea
In medicine ! , when 3 purely frn
cathartic will cure yen at once Han
Fige. Trs < thera ,
as * .
Who Sorrows Too Late ,
and Dies Deserted and
Alone ,
The Mobile Signal Sergeant
Guilty of Bigamy and
Murder ,
Two Virginia Rivals Fight 1o
the Death for a Woman's
Hand ,
Balboa , the Wife Murderer ,
Nearing the End of Hia
Earthly Career.
Died of a Broken Heart.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , 0. , August 5 4 p. m ,
A sad cortege followed the body of
Jul'ft Hooper to the depot this morn
ing , on route for New York , the for
mer home of the deceased. Ou March
U Julia was married by Dr. Kidd
to Ossan Aid richof New
York. Aldrich was the agent of the
signal service in Cincinnati , but ia
now stationed at Mobile. A month
aso Julia leirned Aldrich had a wife
andthroo children living. Ho had
aent her home on a viiit , butaho
sought him in Mobile , and waa aent to
this city , where she died of a broken
heart. Her sister was summoned
here by her illness , and took the body
to New York.
K'lled for Love.
Specif Plsr'tch to The Kee.
RICUMOND , Va.Augu t5 4 p. m.
Information has baPii received here of a
fatal encounrr in Bu kintham cnun-
ty between J. W. Da > idson and W. J.
Franklin , two young gentlemen rival
fuiiora for the hand of a young lady
in that ciun'y. Davidson was ac
cepted by the hdy , and tha two met
each other in the wood * , near firay's
"tnro , ami began quarrelinjj. Finally
they fell to blows , when FavMson
drew a r vo'verand phot hi * antago
nist , i'-llic'ing a wound from which
r > e died that night. Davidson ia at
Wearing Hl3 End.
.Special Dispatch to Tns UK.
NEW YOKK , August 5 4 p. ra.
The erection of the ecafl Id on which
Pictra Halbo Is to ba executed to
morrow for the murder of hia wife ,
rie in this afternoon in the Tonics
prfs.m yard. It ia the name aa the
"i r Chaitme Cm died on. l > - lbo
attended m33 t ia morning and spent
nlmoat the entire day a * pr.iyer.
Special tilipatcl 03 to The Bco.
New YOIIK. Auzuat 5. The manager -
ger of the Ox Dudeing Spanish troupe
says he will sue Berths society to en
join it from interfering with the bull
tights at'd also for ino hundred thou
sand dollars damage.
PKORIA , Til. , Augiml 5. An old
counterfeiter named Chrkp was col
lared bcrA to day , having in his pea-
session § 1,000 in counterfeit treasury
notes , the denomination of which
were ton dollar bills. They were very
well executed.
LONDO > , August 5. The announce
ment is n ado this morning of the
death of Lo'd Cl IFnrdathig residence
rt Wyhrook Park Devonshire. Lord
Cliflord of Chuldleigh , was the eighth
baron of the namn. the title having
been created in 107'- .
LOSDOW , Auzuat 5 4 p. in. Mr.
Mirk Ffirth , a wealthy Methodist
layman of Shnfli W , presented t'1000
to the Wesleyan Methodist conference
, to-clay.
CINCINNATI , Auaust 5. Wm. Mann
wasarrestfd in Covirgton , Ky. , for
rape on a sir year old child of Goo.
FitEEi'Our. ILL , August G. The
republ'cins of the oth district nomi
nated II. M. A. Hawk for congress.
CINCINNATI , August C. The repub
licans of the first nnd'aecond districts
nominated Ben Butter worth and Tom
Youni ; for congress. A fu'l county
ticket was placed in nomination yes
NEW YORK , x\ueu t G. John G.
Thompson , Jr. , of Ohio , son of the
sergeant-at-arms of the U. S. house of
representatives , who was shot by a
voung Texan , a fellow-cadet at West
Point , some months ago , hai so far re
covered .13 to bo able to travel with
his family , and 13 iimr in this city.
Congressional Nominations.
Dispatcbcj to Tus EBK.
CINCINNATI , 0. , August G , 4 p. a.
IntheFir- congressional district ,
Etn. Ben. Bullworth waa thia morn-
ng rcnominated by the republican
cc vertion by acclamation.
SAN Fi-.ANCibco , August G , 4 p. m.
Wa lace Leich haa been nominated
congress by the democrats of the
First district.
CINCINNATI , 0. , August 5. In the
second district Hon. Tho3. L. Young
waa nominated for congress tln'e
morning Ben. Ejiglaston and Josial
Kirby were selected ai republican
electors iu the first and eecond district.
Qrad d Scullers.
Sp Jal dtipatch to Ha Bee.
HAIIFAX , Auaust 5 , 10 p. m.The
single Bcii'l ' race for 8500 a aide , be
tween J. McKay , of this city , and P ,
H. Courtney , of Portland , Maine
takes place ia Bedford Basin , Hali
fax , next Tuesday. Courtney arrived
by train yesterday , with Wm. Spell
man , the well-known trainer , and wil
go into practice at once , fihbackeri
arc Lowell , Mass , men. The
icull regatta , for tha championship o :
Halifax harbor , takea place next Sat
urdav , between Anthony Hall , Johl
McKay and J hn Mann.
Saratoga Races.
Special Jkpatch to The Uee.
SARATOGA , August 5.10 p. m. Thi
second meeting opened to-day wit ]
four rases , the first of which , for two
year olds , purse of $350 , 'hr--o-quar
ten of a milt * , was won by Jeweler
with Thf-ra second and Mabel third
Time 1:20. :
The eecocd race , purse of 5500 , entail
tail e an da quarter-was won by Col
Soragio , with Joniata ScotiUa third
Tuna 2-13.
Third rac , for the rTcittd State
lotul stakes , for three-year-olds , one
mile and a half , waa won by Luke
Blackburn , with Fercliff second and
Odden third. Tiino 2:41.
Fourth race , for handicap iteuple
chase , purse of $500 , over the frac-
ional course of about one mile and a
ialf , was won by Walter , the favorite ,
with Rosa second , Derby third. Time
3:14. :
Another Offender.
Special Dispatch w to Tux BIX
PEOBIA , August 5,10 p. m. The
counterfeiter arrested hers this motn-
ng proved to be an old c tender , and
one chat the government officer * have
> een watching frr corns time. Heave
( ave his name as Johnson , but United
States Detective Hall , of Chicago ,
who has been watching him , called
lim by his right name , Clark. He
isils from St Louia.snd has a duuch-
er there , a respectable woman. Cl < rk
surved five years in Joliet for the
same offense. Ho U about 60 years
Stedil Dl3ptch to The B .
BurrAto. August 6 1 a. ra.
D'Leary'a 25-mile running i ace opened
ast night , resulted as follows ; D n
Bvrnca , 25 roi'cs ' in two hours and
50 minutes ; McCann , 24 3 11 miles ;
Nignault , 24 miles ; White Eagle ( In
dian ) , 23 miles.
The Kelly Clan
Spedal DIaintch to The Bt .
NEW YORE , Auguat C , 1 a. ra.
The executive committee of the reg
ular democratic committee met yester
day afternoon at the St. James hotel.
As it was known that the sub commit
tee of John Kelly's democratic state
committee would endeavor to confer
with the regulir committee in the in-
crests of peace and harmonj ,
th rewasa lar , o guhering f loc.l
and state politicians of both factions.
The otily pcei'ion to bo filled at the
cnmi > g state flection : chief justice
f tbo cuurt of appeals in place of the
atpSiiiford E. Church. Tt.o K lly
men insist that there shall be a state
C' > n\enti > u to nominate , whilt
the other wing of the party are op
posed tj holding a state convention
and clain that the nomination should
be made by the state com
mittee , which they couir 1. At
the recent meeting of the Tammany
state committee , a sub-committee W.IB
appointed to confer with the Fau kner
state commit co and adjust differences.
Judye Itipello , who will bo named 33
the candidate , is acceptable ei.ough to
both sides , but the Kelly men demand
Thomas' Eclectnc Oil commands a
larpe and increasing sale , wtich it
richly merits. I have alwaya found
it exccodingly helpful ; I use it in all
cases of rheumatism , aa well as frac
tions and dislocations. 1 made use of
it myself to calm the pains of a
broken leg dislocation of the
foot , and m two days I waa entirely
relieved from pain.
J' b. BEALDIN. M. D.
ON'S ,
Are Again
"With an Immense Lot of
Which Were
And so we will be obliged to
close them out at prices way be
low value.
All kinds of Shoes are includ
ed in this lot.
Ladies' and Children's Fine
Shoes , Slippers. Sandals.
Men's and Boys' Boots and
Shoes , Bigh and Low. Cheap and
Pine Goods'J hey have all been
nrre or less WET.
We have also a lot of
very fine
Table Spreads ,
Napkins ,
Stand Covers ,
Toilet Sets , Etc. ,
Which were just opened
before the Fire , and which
are slightly Damaged by
Thesa will be ready for
We have some EXTEA BAR.
Now is a chance to secure e
good Shawl , very low. These
Shawls ara NOT BADL1
SOILED , bat still they willnoi
bring FULL PRICE , BO we wil
close them out AT A DIS
We will be on our feet in a fev
days , wbea you can expect tc
find Bargains in all depart
meats as usual.
"Leading Retailers , "
1422 & 1424 Dodge Bt.Oor. loth
Omaha Neb.
- - - -
IB IE IM : is3
lot Ii anil Douglas Street.
0 > or 3,000 rnidenre lota fcrr ! e by tbl * j n
cy nt pilceiranglnirircm JCt to J2 , W cb. u > d
located neierypirt of 'hocito and In tvirv
direction from the Po toHce. ( nf th ertt. toulh
or west. nd tirjinir m dltunco from OD
block to one or tWnnlcj Irom same. Call and
j'eTcisl'tririce lot * In Griffin & I-ucs" nidi
tion. we t ol convtnt , l > t e n St. Jiir/auTtii
ne and IJirney trctl-00 to 8800.
80 acre * just east of bv racks on aondera tit. ,
this Is choke ami and IJI t > ! " ! ' very ciaap-
for cash In a. 10 IT iu aae to1 ; now I jour time-
to Kf cure a bargain.
Choice lot at eml of Jtreet Oar l rt on tMuin.
dcrs ttrcet for fc To.
Cholc * lo' . Farr-lum ind 21th et t .V0xlS3
leet for | lKO-wlII divtilo It.
Cheap lots In Credit fondsr addition. With cf
U. P. depot-SICO to iSCO.
Forty lot * on T rc Avenue and Geond * > trr t ,
or road toparit , ami oeir bead of St. 3I-r > '
a > cime. at fr. m Jii to J300 each. Se en y r
time t eluht p r ctr.t ! n r i > t to thc > who wilt
put up ici-od > nbtantia ! t-uIWnis * . F r lurtht r
particulars apl'ly to.
U. P. IIEU1S. Agent.
Fifteenth and Dough Street * .
A ac lot en llarney and T > nlj-flnt tie M.
for J6S5.
Two choice Io5 on Iffth. netrSt. Mry' fen-
UP. 60x165 f t tucft , Tor IbiO nd S9CO.
Two choice Iot near C3d and C'ari trM < , *
E V. Smith's addition-$300 anil ; 3iO.
Fifty loti in Sh in. ' * flr ticund ind hriit ! -
dltlons for 3UO to 1600 e
tot nrar 15th anil 1'1'fce , 1150.
2Iot nn llarueruear ! lth St. , JflOOeach. I
lot on : tth n-nr Howard * trett , J7o0.
O lota In ( Irand Vew addition , south of U. V *
bridge and depot , ( rum Sl5 to i 00 each *
One acre. 117x370 feet , on 13th itrwt. ioulli
of Poppleton's new residence , for iC.OCO. or will
dMdu Into city eliol lots ai fruta UO U > ft'1 ,
Larxo number of brautlf ul residence lot * , ti *
cated In this new addition on Capitol I1UI. b
twcen 24th street on the fast. Mth on the xeM.
JJoilce street on the north and Farnham ( trerl
onthe.outh formerly owned by C 11 IKmns
and more recentl ) known > s tha Perkln * 15acre ? .
Only 2''lots hare thus fir len platted 11 on
Farnbaruand Bon Uounljin street. TMcn loU
ara 50 to 50 feet In widtn and ISOIndeptF. . l.OVJ
for the choice. 5e r time , at 8p r c nt ID-
tereettthuoo ho III build ( food substantial
h ouaes therctn. Call and examine plat and ge-t
full infurnuti'-nat b ,
15th and Douzlas Mr . tn.
OierlOObouaea and lota ate offend for tale
by this offlc ? They are wittered all orer th
city. Anv location you ilnlrn. Prices rarjlctc
from 4300 to 3I6.00O each.
2 go. il lots and 1 cheap houses near Jacksun
ami llth tr'Cta at * great lacrtflce. IJf re Is
Kreat ! > reln for EOIUO one. Tha nroporty must
be ? "Id In inilUtely. . Co vvrs just a irnarier nf
blo.-h. Call and examine llita nlihout any drl.j.
15th anil DtnjLisSts.
AdetlraMe lot li'-\r Cumln sml Bamtrt
Street * . Jl.lCO.
The cheapen acre lots ! n the city of Oniths ,
are those ofTerml for sale by this agency In P k
Pl.i-oand Lowe's Mcntid addition , on Cumlnff ,
Hurt aud dilltornU streets ; you can roake i >
mistake In pi'klnifup thfim bargains wlillo Jim
hare the chance. Tricar lota iiromuretban e'iu l
In nize to t tull-siznl city Iota or half block
andltnlll bo but a very short time before oni > -
flfth part of one nt thcso acre lot.i Kill sell for J
nmchai wonfTer atn.l acrotu-day. The arn
located a very tliiiitdis'anfci wcKtof Cr Uhton
Collfgr. Pricoa ran Inu from JIM tu 30u ix-r
acre lot. Call ininiwliately. ami don't lose vcur
liancw , and xel plat and full particulars or
( ! KO. ! ItEJIlS , Agent ,
ICth and Doujlaj &tre U.
NIce lot on Slifrniini Avenue north of MchoUi
street. $1.100.
Half lot on Casj.tctwwn ISth and Mlh > tree <
i nice Iot-j in Uartman'H addition. 2100 to 6 > .
Large n-jmbcr uf acre lots in Glso'if addition In
North Oniabali5 In J30O fach.
Choice corner lot near 2Znd and California
Streets , $ IEOO.
b'cveral gci.Hl Iota In Kelson's addition , 160 tu
1350 each.
Choice lot in ThorncH'g ntldltlort , J760.
Se erJi hrji > lota In Ihrtlett's addition , Ij
rods and ! airca each. Prices $700 to $2.ur < >
Soverol choice ID'S lit Rced'a flnt addition.
J275 to 3 50 each.
Acre lot on Sherman avenue , (16th street ) ,
south of Poppleton's new residence , for il.100 ,
2 lar e tnin nctr ISth and Clark streets , 60
330 feet Corner 31.200 ; in.ide , 31,000.
3 Ur < o lots on She in n ayenun , (16th ( itrett ) ,
near Clark Street. * nuo rai-h
22 nice and chein lots , rery near to the bn
ine s part of the cly. located a very few step *
south of'be Convent iml at Mary's avenjr.aiid
] iut outn f and aofoininz t' e zroand of Jam en
M W.olvorth d WJ. . Counellheia am
.heap and \ery d&lrable , bein handy In bni-
inei-S part ofity , to i > w guyrrnme t depot , ral t
wor , white lead works U. P. depot , stock
dido , packlnic li'-usei * . etc Call nd Z6t pUt
, nd 'uli tar Irulare. P Ice ? I74 to $250 and eay
enns to thoao who build
GEO. P. BE3I'S , Agant.
15th and L < i ImrStf.
3choice residence lotion 2Hh st t. brt e n
DoiiKUsand Dodirontreelii.jl.lOU. 'l.IlOc-J , h
-nd Ion : * time tn f-ofo who will bull
2 chnii e corner lo near 2ith ar 1 Kainhani
itrejt3,65xim < ! et , $ .ISO and < l,2CO.and very
ipy tetinf to pmclia r- who wi I improve.
Alan i Io ; on 2ttb , b tweeu Krnbun aul
Iou-Ia ? a rcctiS3iO to $1,600 each and tone
-bO of the bent businert lot * In the city cf
On.aha formic , located on every builu * street ,
3:00-038.000 each.
\erytalua1ilestorepropertln In l
most every Lusintn block * 5,060 to 316.00O
40ccoicn res denco lots In above addition , Im-
eJUttly north of and adjolnine Poipleton' *
bsautitul rtsul. nee and Kronans , and locattd on
ISth > 9th and ! 0t rt str t , J300 to 8550 each and
very my terms to thorn wbowlll build. Call and
examine t-hl and get full particular * .
OEO. P. BE1IIS , Azent.
Beau Uul buildm ; lite on Sherman venu < - .
flfiih srestbetwe ) n Poppleton aid tha Dadlin
Ijams pro e ty ; 263 feet eJ t frontage on th
avenue , by 539 feet in depth. Will divide It.mik.
in < 132feetby3ai > . Call and ? t full pullcnlan.
An acraan lath itie t. ICifctt t front n-
by 373 leet deep. This ii just south * f IM K Ua
be til ( Poppleton place. TlLs Is litl. . e , caUuiJ
get i-rice and terms of BE i 1 ! > , Atcc1.
1) zoort lots , Just north of an-1 v. ] inine Z \
Sruith's addition , and located tw * . Ma Oth ati
Saunder * Btreets , at reaconab o prices ird losy
time to buyer who Ixaprovi. r.KJliB. Agent.
63 lots la.Horhach's flrat and second add tioss
onlfcth , 13th. 19th and Mth s'reet ? , bstwen
Nioholi , pAiil , Sherman and Clark at. tf'.t , ivTj
hn.dy to U. I * , bhops. smeltinsf nrks. ttf ,
raozin ; Ift pnc"H from from S20U to 91.100 e cb ,
re-quiring or.Iy imall ] yment down and Ions
tim * it 7 p > r cnt Int'res'- thesis who will im
prove. OKO P. BEAI13.
15th and Douglas Strst *
33 nice lolla Firker'i tddltlon. tistwc.--
Saunders inrt Pierce. KIs ; and CampbIl * St <
on Blon' o stret19 lots with iouth fronts an'
10 with north frontaze' , only 6 blocks north cf
the turn-table ( rrnl stioet car track ) on 5nnd r
street. Veryhw prices ; JITi CMh , or JTOO on
Iwx time * nd 3percent interest to tb'- ! * * ls
will build.
27150 itood farn for sale In Dotislaa , 5pT ,
W shlnu'.on Burt , Uodgf , blunders anJ Eas.ef
tier of countlei.
fiT3 0 OCO acrM b st s lect d Itndi m to
ate for s > le by thl a nry Call and i { t may.
circular * and full parllraUri
iarBcmls'uewm.pof Ouiarn , 60c and 31. W
SafBemi-f neiT p mphlt ( on4 nur. of tb-
Stat ) eatltlrd "the outl-'k. cf Nebrsaka tt
free distribution.
Geo. P. Bern is' ,
15tJi & Douglas Sf. , .
OMAHA , - - - 35J