Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Thursday M rn'og. August 5.
! PatcrBon culls coal.
1 Additional local on first page.
| Try Saxe'e Coffee Cream Soda.
' Warranted tooth brushes , Kubn's.
t Excellent Cream Soda at Saxe'a.
I Elegant perfumca at Kuhn'B drug
. ctore.
f The street sprinklers appeared on
the streets Tuesday.
The special C. P. car "California"
ouae in on train If o. 4 yesterday.
One drunt paid SI fineard coats
nt the police court jcsterday raornin- .
Sctfenberg & Co.'a Key WcstOi-
gara at Saxe'z.
A car of fru't ' and one of hogs
pasicd thrMisjli the city yesterday ,
bound cast.
Th > r.'y-foiir can ; of lea and silk
came in from the ivcat Tuesday and
yesterday morning.
For. KEXT. Store butldinjr , 174
Farnhara fctrect , Bet. llth and 12th.
Apply to Jno. A. Creighton. tf
Nineteen land settlers \vent west
yesterday to Central City. They ere
Just thirty passenger trains ar
rive at and depart from the transfer
vvery : day.
The GarGeld and Arthur club go
to PlattEinouth , Friday night , 10
_ < strong.
We were ypfitcrday shown a crape
vine leuf froui the yard of Mr. E. F.
Cook whch intnsured nineteen inches
In ; diameter.
A member of the "Hoots" van
expelled latt evening for not doing
the square thing by the boya in the
matter of ba'.l tickets.
The Eighteenth street M. E. Sun
day tchool will hold a picnic in
llai'.sccm park to-day. All arc
invited to go and spend a pleasant
Mr. F. Alsted has decided to
eave for Denver next Monday. He
oQVra his busmosB , at 1,420 Doug'as
otreet , for sale cheap. aug3 2t
-Friizl\i pen , the ox-member of
the city council Tfho BO mysteriously
d8ppeared ! a few mnntha ngo , has nt
length been heard from. He IB keep
ing the Wyoming hotel at Evauston.
The Irish Tunperanca band will
fu meh the music for the cxcureu n
and picnic of the Ancient Order of
II Hermans , at Sahlmg'a Grove , Aug.
Cltatiau Meany , infant son of
\ Iatid Mrs. Michael Menny , d od nt
Dp. ro. yesterday , nge-i 1 ? m n'be ,
iitter a I'liffirinu ilii ss of bt-verrtl
Jnomhi. The > umral to k place nt 2
p. m. yestcidaybunal at the Holy Sa-
Tuesday a Ken of Sir. P. J.
Qacaley , aced Bbont eighteen Tears ,
fol tnrough a hatch way nt Cook's
packing houfc , now owned by tie
Sheelcys , snd r'Ce'ved a cotnpom d
fric'ur * of the tlii h and Brin-bruue *
about the head , lie wiis removed to
bU - ' m , where he ivaaattended toby
Dr. Coffman.
Mr. Woodworthcalled at the EKE
oflica yesterday to B'y that the roi-
son he welted Mr. Arnold's boy was
because the boy stood in the street
with a polo and rope and let his horao
have it as ho went by , nearly causing
him to bo upset. He says ho would
have hit his grandmother uudtr the
circumstances. We have faith in Mr.
Woohvorth's word.
Manager Griffin , of the Academy
of Music left yesterday for Chicago
cage and Kcw York city , to make ar
rangements for the appearance hero
this winter of the best talant the
country affords. The best brands of
domestic and imported actors will bo
kept on hand at all times the present
saaaon. Manager Griflin will give the
amusement line a b'g boom thii year ,
and don't you forget it.
The yonparcil , of Council Bluffs ,
says ; A man giving his name as John
or James Lovingood called at police
court , this cty , on Saturday last , and
stated that he tvas A deserter from the
regular army and wanted to get back
to Ft. Fottarman , from which fort ho
had escaped in May last. Ho was yes
terday sent to Ft. Omaha , from where
ho will doubtless bo returned to Fet-
t erm in. Ho said that ho was sorry
ho had deserted , and was very anxious
to get back again.
McDEMOir August 4th , 1880 ,
youngest son of Charles and Ann Mc-
Dcmott , 30 10 months and 14 days.
j'j Funeral to-morrow , August 5th ,
from residence on Nicholas street be
tween 16th and 17th streets. Friends
| r arc invited.
It .
Grand republican rally at the Acai-
i > my of Music to-ni ht. J
Go and hear Cvlonel Ilugghis at
the Academy Thursday night.
The Scandinavian Garfield and Ar
thur club will hold a meeting on Tri-
1 1 day cvenine.
Thu GarEeld and Arthur campaign
, i , club will be out in full force at the
Academy to-night.
Hon. J. L. Webster will address the
republican mooting at Pla tsmouth
Fndav evening The Omaha Gat field
and Arthur Glee club will eing on the
siino occasion.
Judpo Hale , of Iowa , will address
the meeting at the Academy to-night.
Hon. J. M. Thureton will afs-st in
opening tli9 campaign at Glcn cod
< m Friday evening. They will have a
big poll raising there. On Saturday
he will probably speak at Nebraska
City. ' -
Ladies are especially invited to be
present at the Academy to-night.
W. 0. Sanders , who has returned
i from Fcrt Keogh , has joined the Gar-
tl field and Arlhur Glee club.
" "
fe "
Jlcrphy & Lovettlas. igencr ; old
est ettabiiahed agency ia this state ,
Startling Features of the
Mortality Report for
North and South Omaha
Creeks H t Beds of
During the month of July just past
the mortality in tlrs city was greater
th. n at any previous time on record ,
eighty deaths being reported to the .
city physician to torty-four for the {
m ntn of Juno ani ( forty nine for
J uly and M ty three for June in 1879.
Tais would make the de&th rate thir
ty-two to the 1,000. which IB very
larsje for this city , whose annual mor
tality report for last year showed a
death rata of thirteen to the 1,000.
This has been due to various causes ,
but chiefly to the marlaria arising
from the stagnant waters of Korth
Omaha creek in the Sixth ward and
South Omaha creek in the First and
Second wardsIn these three wards
sixty-eight of the eighty deaths oc
curred , jvhile in the Third , Fourth and
fifth wards there were but a dozen
deaths in all. The condition of North
Omaha creek was brought to the no
tice of the city council last winter ,
with the suggestion that it be attend
ed to before spring and summer came ,
but no attention waa paid to the
warning. The fact of the matter is
that our board of health ought to have
authority to enforce sanitary rules
aud measures , nnd until they have we
may expect a recurrence of last
month's fatality. As It la the board
is now only advisory in its character ,
and no attention is f aid by any one
to its advico. The folio wing statistics
will be of interest , as they arc taken
from the oflicial report :
The total number of deaths for the
month of July was 80.
Causes : Suicide 2 , violence 2 , dip-
thcria 5 , diarrheal diseases 31 , con
sumption 5 , bronchitis 1 , pneumonia
3 , heart disease 1 , marasmus 2 , hydro-
cephalalus 1 , Jnthmmation or the
the brain 3 , convulsions 5 , hepUtia
2 , gastritis 4 , premature birth 1 , uter
ine ditcase 2. fatty degeneration 1 ,
old ji e 1 , congestion of brain 2 , par
alysis 1 , congestion cf the lungs 2 ,
causes of death not given 2 , scalded 1.
Ages : Under 1 year 41 ; betweui 1
nnd 2 , 8 ; 2 and 3 , 4 ; 4 and 5,3 ; 5 to
10 , 4 ; 10 and 15 , J25 and 30 , 1 ; ' 30
and35 , 3 ; 35 and 40 , 3 ; 40 and 45 , 5 ;
40 and 50 , 2 ; 05 and 70 , 2 ; 70 aud
over , 1 ; a ea notuivt-n , 2.
First ward ID ; Second ward 21 ;
Third w.trd 5 ; Fourth ward 3 ; F fth
ward 4 ; Sixth ward 23. Residences
not repined,5.
Miles 51 ; s 29.
Win ts 79 ; c-l-red 1.
Jlarno ! , 14 ; sinale 03. Widowed 3.
Buriila : H ili S-piilchre 9 ; Prts
p'Ct H.ll 42 ; C-uEidy'n 5 ; Poor farm8 ,
S.utLer'p 7 ; Grman Oa'.hohc 3 ; ra
rnoml frf-m ti y , G.
Births 12 ; mles5 , females G. While
12. OIIB ti 11 horn reported.
It will he pcn fmm the above that
r f the c gHty cases reported fifty-six
were if chi'dren utiderojoarsof age ,
a very alarmiug fact , and ono which
shows the necessity for a change
Duni'g 'ha tlrst week the death rate
In Omaha was equal to 40 to the 1,000
while that of N.'vr York was but GO 8 ,
Pmladelphia 30. ? , Cincinnati 195 ,
and Brooklyn 43 , J , from which it will
be seen that Omaha assumes metro
politan aire , even ia the most grave
The number of births reported ia
very email , and it is believed that
some have failed to report , as re
quired by law. The secretary of the
board of health is instructed to report
the names of any physician or mid
wife who shall fail to report in this
matter , as required by law , to the po-
lica judge , by whom a fine of S3 to
550 may be assessed , to wh'ch ' may be
aided imprisonment for not exceed
ing thirty dajs. Wo are authorized
to say that the rule will bo strictly
enforced. One of our eminent phy
sicians his boon complained of al
ready , nnd will bo fined for his neg
J. A. McSlune is now running his
Livery S able , on Capitol svenue ,
baweon 15ih and IGth streets , in the
Iload Horse liirn. Hereques.s con
tinuance of patronage from old pat
rons , and promises low rates nna good
livery to all. itigS , ot
Ueadquatturs lor Joe Scblitz's
Milwaukee beer at MEiciu > rst Ex-
CKAXOi : , X. E. Cor. IGth and Dodge.
Distinguished Guests.
The train from the east yesterday
brought among its pissenaers ex-Vice-
President Ferry , of Michigan , nnd a
p rty of four , including Mr. Lombard ,
a Chicfgo banker , and Mr. Gilbart.
These gentlemen are en route to Echo ,
forty miles this side of Ocden , to look
after some mining property. In the
course of a brief call at this office , in
company with Senator Saunders , Sen
ator Ferry expressed his appreciation
of this state and the stand it has taken
among the first in prosperity in the
Union. Ho remarked its having
outstripped lewa in the race ,
and prophesied a brilliant
position for it in the future. In con
versing on political subjects he showed ,
firm faith in the success of republican
principles and the perpetuity of re
publican institutions. Ho iaconfilout
that G irfieMand Arthur will bs elect
ed. Indiana he is certain will go re
publican aiil fee's but little doubt
coiiccrnii'g NCIF York state. TQ
party Itft fur the weit on tte nooa
Came to the mck-tie aocinbleat the
Baptist chnrch Thursday night , if you
want * J enjoy a delightful titae. 2t
The price reduced on all shirts , at
the Omaha Shirt Factory , 1207 Farn-
nam street near 12th. Call for price
Elegant accommodations , lowest
price , Afitor House , 2f. Y. li-dlm.
. . - . 3. case of ccnjtJpsUea by
oslag Hamburg Fige.
The Proof Against the Alleg
ed Benders Grows
Stronger Every
Their Sojourn at Kearney ,
There now remains but little doubt
that the prisoners confined in the jail
at Fremont &re the genuine Bender
outfit , Ihe remainder of the devilish
crew h ve not yet been overtaken , but
no doubt th"y will be captured m the
coarse of a few daye ?
A telegram received in this city
frcm J. S. Dunhtm , of Clarksvllle ,
says the old couple passed there on
the 12th of July on foot , going east.
Ho did not eoe any others with them.
The same couple passed up west
through there in May , 1879. They
ttopped at Mr. D.'s house over night.
They said they were going up to the
northwest of Nebraska to take up a
land claim. They said their name
was McGregor. The old man called
her Nancy.
As will beseenby our dispatches the
woman has confessed. It ia not yet
known when the Kansas authorities
will send for them.
Mr. E. B. Carter , the Farnam street
jeweller , who formerly resided in
Kearney , tells a curious incident
which goes to show that the Ben
ders resided in that town for some
little time in the year 1878.
An aged couplp , with one small child
occupied a house in the outskirts of
the villege , in July of that year. They
seldom went out , nude no acquain
tances and made few purchases , pay
ing cash for what they did buy. Some
suspicion was aroused at that time
whan suddenly they disappeared.
The house was discovered locked up
and a strong odor issuing from it.
The sheriff burst in at the door and
found every evidence of a hasty de
parture The cat was found deaden
on the floor and in an advanced state
of pu rtfaciion. The breakfast iab'o
remained uncleared , the dishes still
containing remnants of food. A few
articles of apparel still hung on the
hooks. All the furnitura was loft as
it had stood and even the
bed remained unmade as if
fl'ght had been sudden and unexpect
ed. The lamp h d burned out on
tli ° tab'e. ' No traca of their where
abouts could be Ir-arned , and the sher
iff finally Bold out < ha gi'ods a' auction.
Tne coupla answered the deter ptton
of thobeu der arrest , and Mr. Carter
is convinced it was the Benders and
The Sheep to be Separated
from the Goats.
A session r-f > ho executive committee -
toe of the republican county central
committee w s he dycsterd.ymorning.
Thrt f.illowu g rules governing reg
istration were adopted :
N" p-'S ' ! shill bo registered un
less in pub io ccsaijn , in the presence
nf both reciatrara , he ainwt-ra the lol-
luwing condiiiot 3 satibfactory :
First That he is a citizen of
Douglas county and entitled to vote
at iho next general election.
Sec' nd That ho is a republican
and has heret f < ito be-n identified
with the republican patty.
Ill case the applicant for registra
tion is : i citizen who ia about to cast
his first vote , his name shall be regis
tered upon his signing a pledge that
ha will vote for Garfield and Arthur
at the next general election.
In every casa where the applicant
for registration h not personally
known to the registrars as a hgil
voter and a republican , they sha'l
ascertain his eligibility as a republi
can voter by propounding the follow
ing questions under o th :
1. How long have you resided in
this county , and where do you reside
now , stating street and number of
house , if known ?
2 Have yui been identified with
the Republican party , and if so , how
lon ?
3. Did you vote the Republican
ticket at the last general election in
any of the United Sta'ca or territories ,
and if so. name the place ( where you
last voted ?
If the answers to these questions are
evasive or do net fully satisfy the
registrars that the applicant is a re
publican , they may ask such further
questions as in their judgment will
elicit the desired information.
In every case where the applicant
refuses to answer these questions
under oath , if his answers show that
ho has never been identified with the
republican party the registrars arc in
structed not to register ilia name of
such person.
The commi'teo adjourned to meet
again in the evening.
The following are among the arrivals -
vals at the Metropolitan hotel : M.
Detzesms , Rock Ishnd ; John Saul ,
Texas ; Geo. Juseph , Wahoo ; E. Ten
nyson Lewis , New York ; Oicar
Louth , Fr nklin Grove ; C. H.
BlanchardXew York ; J B. Mathews ,
Logan , Iowa ; 0. D Randall , Chicago ;
S. tL Heitb , J. D. Mason , D-ivonpoit ;
C. S. Graves and Lawis Cohu , Oitum.-
wa , Iowa ; D. D. Devon , Qu'ncy ,
III. . Miss Schumacker , Akron , Ohio ;
A T. H wett , St Louis ; C. S. Chap
man , CMciun ; Mrs Hughes and chil
dren. Chicago , 111. ; Ge.irge . F. Briec * ,
Burlington , Iowa ; E. Batep , Chicago ;
G M Swecart , Chicago ; Wm. Dolan ,
Dufcuqno : C. D. Fried , OmaVa ; W.
H. Pe ryDesM"inPs ; W. H K ef r ,
Liucoln , Neb. ; C. F. Goodman , City.
y Keal Transfers.
Newton J. Smith and u ife to Mal
colm MoTntosh : w. d. lot 4 , Lane's
sab division nd addition to the city
of Omaha S330.
Augustus Kuuntze et al. to Charles
E Sei grtn ; w. d. ei " s J lot 10 and t J
n 12 $ feet of lot 11 , "block 7 , Kountzo
& Ruth's addition , city of Omaha
Augustus Kountz and wife to Ce-
wtinoE. Wood. w. d. , aw j lot 1C ,
Ivountzs's fpcoud addition , cifjf of
Om4u S225.
G > G. H. Gay to John Lewis , s. d. ,
lot 7 , lot 458 , Grand View addition ,
city of Omaha S21.
Ada P. and Josiah Drake to Ole
Olesen , w. d. , w lot 2 , block 7 ,
Reel's first addition , city of Omaha
I Why dc -ourselves with nausea'-
' in medicines , when a purely fruit
} cathartic will cere yea at once Ham-
j burg Figs. Try then ,
To Ihe Bee Keepsra of Nebraska.
At the last regular meeting of the
Nebraska State Bee Keapera Associ
ation there was appointed a commit
tee to atrange for and conduct an ex
hibit of the products of the apiary and
the implements necessary to the sue-
cessful management thereof , at the
State Fair , to be held at Omaha. On
page 61 of the State Fair will be found
B list of premiums offered for
honey , etc. , to which your attention
is called , and for which we hope
you will all competei The prem Uni
on comb honey ia not what was 10-
quested by this committee , being by
some mistake limited to sections
w ighing two pounds each , instead of
to sect ons weighing not more than
two pounds each. This the committee
will try to have rectified that all pro
ducers may have an equal chance in
the exhibit. We fcol assured that
the exhibit can be made of great ben
efit to the bee keepers of our state ,
for with our areat honey harvests ,
which ate now but in smvll part gath
ered , and which for quality is equal
to the best of any section of our
country , an exhibit of the methods
and products of improved agriculture
will not only help us to develop our
home markets , but wi'l ' also enable us
to compete successfully with produc
ers outside our state. You will do
the committee a favor to notify them
at once of what you wish to exh'b t ,
that wo may not be at the last unabls ,
for want of room , to properly exhibit
our products. Direct all communi
cations to 620 , South avenue , Omaha ,
Neb. Respectfully ,
J. J. McLAis ,
0. Bortle , of Manchester , Ontario
Co. , N. Y. , writes : "I obtained im
mediate relief from the use of Dr.
Tnomas' Eclectric Oil. I have had
asthma for eleven years. Have been
obliged to ait up all niijht for ten or
twelve nights in succession. I can
now sleep soundly all night on a
feather bed , which 1 had not been
afcle to do previous to ustnij the oil. "
writes "I have been
Another : trou
bled with asthma for yors ; have used
h-tlf a bo'tleof Dr. Thomas'Eclectric
Oil , and th benefit I have received
from it is so great thit I wou'd not
take one hundred dollars tor the bal
ance if 1 could get no more. "
Farmers having hay to contract , for
delivery at Willow Springs diatillery ,
will do well to call on Her &C. . , 1313
Farnham street , Omaha , without de
lay , as they will soon stop contract
ing. jv26dwlm
Hambnre Fies Voc hox.
Maennerchor Bl-ctlon
At the Rnnuil mo-t-ni ; of the
Omaha Maoimerchor , he'd on Mon
day evnniiie , the f lliwing f fleers
were o'ected for t e ensuing ttrra :
John Bdumer , presid-nt.
Alx Hrmi n. vice pns'dont. '
John Boekhoff , secretary.
Wm Au f , treasurer.
A. Kit-in , librarian.
J. Trritschko , E. Maurer and Ed
Wirth , irui-t es.
Col. Ryal has g no to S'dney.
Deputy TJ. S. Marah .1 Ball wont
west ysrerday. .
J. M. Taylor , of Nebraska City , is
in tjwn.
JueGibbs , of the Wabashline , was
in the city yesterday.
W. A Iledick has returned from
Lake Minnetonka.
M. Salisbury passed east Tuesday ,
from Montana.
Hen. C. F. Manderson and wife
went west yesterday.
Luciau Wakoloy is at home on a
furlough from Weat Point.
Hon. J. W. Pollack , of West Point ,
arivod In the city Tuesday evening.
Judge R. A. Johnson , of Cincin'
nati , went % vcstyesterdayto Colorado ,
Miss Annie Dunham has gone on t
two weeks' visit to Burlington , Iowa ,
Misses Mollie and Maggie Cottei
left yesterday for a visit to Chi
Col. Luddhiglon. Dr. Luddingtot
and Major Stanton left for Ogdei
Mr. Erickson , of the firm of Ed
helm & Erickson , has gone west on j
business trip.
Train Agent Wing's family arrivec
from Indianapolis yesterday , andMoac
Barkalow took his run out.
Mtss Mary Morse , of Syracuse , N ,
Y. , is visiting the family of. Mr. P. B ,
Sharp , in this city.
Mrs. JamesMcCormicJt loftTuesdaj
evening for a visit of several weeks t <
her relatives in Covington , Ky.
U , S. Marshal Wilcox , of Colorado
arrived Tuesday over the Northwes
tera and took the Union Pacific foi
William Henry Hurlburt , genera
western passenger agent of thoCanadi
Soutnern railway , went ea fc Tuesday
"Track" Atkinson , train baggage
man on the Union Pacific , left Tues
day for Fort Wayne , Ind. , to visil
relatives and friends.
Conductor A. A. Bradford and wif <
and Ed. Stout and wife , of iho Unioi
Pacific , will leave at noon to-da ]
for Utah to remain several weeks.
W7. C. Bason , city editor 'of Thi
Kansas City Times , was in Omah ;
Tuesday , returning home from Fre
mont , and favored THE BEE office wit ]
a call.
James Brennan , a portly and goo ;
humored member of the police forci
of the city of Chicago , is in the city
under the protecting care of Deputy
Marshal Ben Westerdahl. Ho wil
remain several days.
Conductor Geo. Duncan , of the U
P.left , yesterday fortho mountain divi
sion , where he wil take the pi-ice c
Conductor Philepaand that gentlemai
will come here. The exchange is enl ;
a temporary one.
Rjbert S. Goodman , mechanics
and artistic draughtsman for J. H
Bond & Co. , of this city , left for Chi
ca o yesterday with his wife. H
goes to accept a permanent positioi
with the Western Engraving compa
ny , of that city.
Hon. E. C. McFettridee and wife
of Beaver Dam , Wis. , and Hon. D
S. Ordway and wife , of Milwaukee
arrived m the city yesterday ei
route io Santa Ft. They are tbi
guests of Hon. J. M. Thurstcn.
S s Pchck's advertisement ,
NOTICE Advertisements To L t For Sale ,
Iiort , Found , Wants , Bo rdlne 4c. , will he In
serted in tbeee columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each suhoeqnentlnscrtlon.FIVE CENTS
per lino. The fliet inaerilon neVer Icsa that ]
ST TO LOAH Ctll Bt law O&ca
. . Block
ONF.Y TO I.OAH 1109 Farnh&m ptr t.
) . !
Tr.J Acancv. nnv-S2-t
ED \ cul to dowaehinsr anrtironlnj.
Apply Planters Ileus j , corner DoJg" ami
.TT-ANTED-KUchcn gill , at Pacific House.
YV * oO
CTTANTE - 2 glr B at French Coffee House.
YV 1 th St 33-m-w-f
Vf r.VN'TKrt 1 illnlntr room ell End 1 pastcry
Vcook , at St. harles Hotel. 8 S
AMJRaE finl Waiitnl , at northv.est corner
Hamilton MiJ Pier streets , Shlnn'a a ill-
Mon. S4Jtf
\T7A > TED Oitl for general hojsework , at
Y V 2210 Cas ) street.
WANTED A pirl to do general housework.
a ° liin * and ironlnc" . Fnqulra at Julius
rreltschke'g Or.-icc-y store. St 333-0
WANTF D Good clrl for e < : nenil housework
Apply to WILLIS M.Y VTES , 1513 I'odie
near 16th. 31Hf
l/AN'TRr. A Olrl to dn hnuo work , 1109
r. "
- - - - , strrct. tin St In UJ-'f
A GOOD man cook wants work In eilv o *
eou-lrr ; wagoi moderate. Ad'hcsa ' X. Y
J. , Dec Office , 3(5-0 (
| AILOHV 'NTFD-V tailor can have steady
work hv apr.lyins . : to Uns onhek Ena ,
merchant tiilor * , PI-ttgniouth , Neb. SS39
WANTFD-qtuxibnaacl-rk. or book-keep
er ; good reference. AdJresa C. J. B "ce
Office. 319-1
OY W XTED At Omaha Shirt Factor
B L.inmlry. 333. }
WAN"1 ED A soiud horse about 15 hands
hleb , must drive elncle or double. Apply -
ply NEcor. 1 Oth and California St. 323-tf
AVED Viann tnninp ; and repalrin ? at
HOSPES , iJlflPodcoSt. w.lm
WANTED Foreman at brlck-yar.1. T. M' R-
T70K REVr enldenee northwest comer 19th
P and California Et . Inquire two dims
"Drill. 353 tf
FURNI'lIED O CPB f'r ront.sou'lifai'cotncr
of 1Mb And Dnu-hs. * ith prlvilcif * of"
-nn tiH-tion mom and law library. E-'on're of
1 " " ' -Lsaghlip , orJas.F. Ho 'icl s
FOR PEVT Two f mall btorcs on 10th ,
one nfan'ppot ' , tbo otherEc t Wo a'g dry
po"ils tnrc. Enqulro of II , G. CLARK , 1" ' "
Douylig St. . 3H 7
FOR U" " < T Ah'msowlth flvo rooms , coed
cel'ar ' oiul eis'oru SV. . cor. of ISth anil
C * . XF"RD. 3"5-t
"TTtOR KEXT Koom in Jacobs' Block.
"T7OR HFNT Hmi'conSlgt , nov IHveii orf.
Enquire IIOWlRD B. SMITH , oppo i'c
' . O. 819-tf
_ _ -
FOR RENT Cot'iire of 3 oems , coed cu r ,
nll , cist''ii < -utlfUTC' , cnr. of 23r
tnd ClarkV , KE-VNEOY , * . l th St 312-tf
F OR REST 2 furnished rnomi o\or Mor-
"schansc , N. E. Cor. 16'h ' "rt
Podcu "tree's.
FOR KENT -St r om in li
intha dD u I > sts. . ithorwlth nt col
lar. AV , S r-'nnw in second story , App'y ' to
American "rntie.
( urnMied ro"iu3 with board Brick
hou-.o Bet 17th and iS'.h streets on C m.
K0011S FORRENT-Atl ) vfn.
J ; Iv'Plf
"T7 RRE" > T IToimo wit" fix room , well , C's-
r t9'n s-d c 1UOn Capitol Ave . bet 15th
and ' 6tli , > outh sldo J 3 McCORMICIt
TiOa R"VT A gpIendU r'hotoirriph Oal nry.
7'I T. B. WirT.T"RtcfW
TQREECII and M zzlc Leading Uuni at a ° icrt-
X > fiel G 1) h S . 352-U
UAUKll'.inAIN 1 dozen of ppl i ld ! oil
i t rai tit % $ in irenuinn gilt fr.u c3 , a . ) o.
Itobins , Old Sou li HKh street. S5l-tf
MILK Twenty to twenty.tour qu&ns or one
dollar by John T. Faulson.
nhfa i-mnn-woilt
fpon ? AfK SailJif pony t'loronplilirr.tiolile
1 * snJ'OUii'l. ro tricis , fjunor Henmlics.
' ixanurbot. r. B. LOWE N W
Cor. 9th sud Harmv. SI28
look o\cr BEMlb' new column on 1st \ < nxe
T710R SALci
The lines' rtsidencc property In tha cltv
28'o'sou ' Fainham. Harney andl rnty-fifth
streets , oierlooltinir the city and surroimdiip
country. 1'nrcs moderate ? nd terms ren on nlo
324 13 _ _ _ DAVIS A.SVYOFU.
T TY For Bale cheap , lota 7 and 8 , block
124 , cnr Fa'ii'i am and Ninth streets.
K. i lot y , block tC7 , near corner Howard and
Tbiitecmh c'l' ,
Troperty f T s ! . Lot 8 , block 48. with coed
houac , trers , etc. DAVIS & SSYDEH.
July 0-0 * . 1505 Earnlnni street
i Coarse bank f and , envoi for cardena and
moulding sand will bo dclhoredat short notice.
Ixave orders st H. SierVs 1414 Famham. and
Charlea nrandes , 921 $ Faniluai Sts. HANS
BOCK , Successor tqCbarlc3 Daniel. 652-tf
J _ and fixturs of > ho French Coffee Home at
a bargain , j ca h , b.\Ianco two jcara time. F
ALSIED. 153.1n ,
F K SALE Cottonword lumber of all
REDMOND'S , Sixtccath-Bt. 610-ti
'OK SALE AGnstMUl. Appiyat
472-tf T > R
BEALEOPRf I'OSALS Scaled proposals will
be r'ctivcJ by the countv clerkuntil SUtir-
day , August 7th , 1650 , at 3o'cockp m. . for
buildine of a40-f'iot corablnatepnbr.dKo on fee-
tion line between 3 ctlon 5 and 0,16,1 ? , and
l'o Jor the follow ng pradinRt
30 rods more or ltF3 o.j line between s ctiona
11 and 14,10,12 2000'yanlfl more or less nc
Cunniii2h > ra'n , on section 35 , 15 , 10 , and 600
yards < aore c.r le-KnsarSohl'B , on line between
section ! 25 and 26,15,11.
Specifications can bo cen t the county c'ctk's
ice , and the right Is reserved ta reject any or
all bids.
Omaha , Auircst 2d , 1SSO.
Ey order of the Bo > 'd of Commiisioners.
d2-l&5 Coniry Ic'k.
rriAKEN UP One old sorre roilwnite face
JL one hind leg w lute. J. C. ORTON.
F < R BU LDINO-Sealcd pro-
1. posilt will bo rcccivfd lin'il August 7th ,
1839 , at 1 p. m. , for the layi > s of a half million
1'rick , more or lesi. n"cordi p to plans and
specifications , now on tile at A. T Larcb's office ,
Nn. 2 Ctciahton Block. Thcrifht tnrcj'ct any
or all bids ii reserved. JAME3 SIEPI1EN30N ,
Q1TRAYED Wennc'uay , DIV mire , weight
O aVut 100" : l mr from hoof bound ; had
bandJie tjj kft frunt fnot Any information will
D tnan f ilyrccn Ted , at Bee office. ' S34-1
STOLES From C7RUS 5IORTON , July 30th ,
1..85 , i nI ui j ears old baj hone , loutC.P ,
Kood-ira left u der jn\- enlarged wit small
ruim ng bnru on und r p rt fliw. Twentv-fivc
dollars icwatd for the apprehension of the ibid
aud rc-uverj oTtho horse. GEO II. GUY.
331- Sheriff
Absolutely Pure ,
Mide from Gnpe Cret-n TarUr. So othc
pupari'icn SiVcs r-ch light , 5iky hot bre *
cr luzotious ptiti.r. Can b ? itn ty d7p9tii
without f * r c ! tb ? Ills rsjalhsg fron"
l st'te oxJ.
SsW caly in cacr , by all Groceu.
Horn EArau Posru Co. | Keir T k.
j *
Are Not Half as Interest
ing to the General Read
er as the Following Price
List :
10 Ibs of Asujrar for . . . . .SI 00
101 Ibs extra Csuirar for 1 00
nibs Canary O. Suirar tor 1 00
0 Iba Qraculatud Sugar for 1 00
8J 11 Cut Loaf Suzarf * 1 CO
6 Iba irood Rio CoSeo fur 1 CO
6 Ibs beat Rio Coffee fur . 1 00
4 Ibs choice Java CoBco for. . . . . 1 CO
SJlbg best Mocha Coftce for 1 00
Vounn Hyson Tea per lb , SO to 40
oolonjTeap ; r lb , 3u tw * 0
Japan Tea per lb , 30 to . .mi. . &
Fines ; Gunpowder Tea pcrlb J"
BcstO K Flour per sack 3 _
Snow Flake winter wheat Hour 3 69
Uavensprest flour „ 4 60
20 bare White Russian heap for 1 00
20 bars Climax Soup for 1 CO
2J bars Laundry Soap for 1 00
13 bars Linen Soap for. 1 CO
Pure Maple byrup per gallon 1 16
Golden 3jrup per gallon flt )
New Orleans Syrup pr gallon 70
N'ew Orleans Molasses per gallon 45
Suear HoUiW Molasses per ( fallen 40
1 Ibs St. Louia aodi Crackers for 1 00
17 Ibs St. Louis Oyste Crackers for 1 CO
11 Ibs Boston Butter Crackers for.- . 1 OC
11 Iba Glnzer Snaps for 1 00
13 Ibs New Currants for 1 00
SlbaNewBlttkberriea for 1 00
4 Ibs Pitted Cherries for 1 00
to Ibs Dried I'oathca ( halve * ) for 1 00
10 Ibs Choice Dried Apples for 1 00
10 Ibg best new Prunes for 1 00
lOlbs. best Valencia Raisins 1 00
7 Ibs new layer Kaisins I 00
Peaches 21b cans * 5
P caches. 3 lb cans ( standard ) 2-4
Piel'eahes.e In cans 25
PeachesCal)3 ( ) lb cans 20
Blackberries , 2 Io can 16
Apples , ( York State ) , .cl can 35
Blueberries 3 lb an 16
Cherries 21b can _ 12 }
Damson I'lum ? 21b cans - . . 16
Raspberries 1 lb can 15
Straw berries , 2 Ibcan ' . - . 20
Siring Buan9,21b can ? 12 {
Baked Beans , 3 lb cat 2l >
Mma Beans , 2 lb cans 121
utrarcorn , 2 lb can. . . . 12 |
Varmouth corn , per can 17)
Tomatoes , 3 lb can 15
Succotash , 2 Ibcan 12 }
Pumpkins , Slbcan 20
2tlb3 beans 1 00
9 IbvJricd Lima beans 1 00
35 Iba hominy 1 00
libs Carolina rico 1 0
ISlbsoatmeal 1 00
Fat famlli-mackerel , pcrkit 80
Fat family bite flsh\t > cr Ut 80
Codfish , wbole , per lb 8
Codfish , boneless , tier lb 10
Wallibut , pe'lb 12 }
Holland herring ( new ) per keg 1 25
Tobicco ( Blaekwci'rf ) Durham ! r jr lb , . 60
Tobia.-otil erP < ralpluiperib ) 68
Tubareo ( Old Style ) per lb 86
ToluccoMeerschaum ( ) pcrlb 4
Hams , s-iirar-cured , pcrlb 11
tKB , lldozfor 1 00
Butter , fresh roll , pcrlb 20
Complete price Hits fumlshod onapplkatl
Country orders , will recthc prompt and care
attoMion. 1'oaitii civ no coeds sold on orc'lit.
J. B. FRENCH & CO. ,
The Original Reliable Grocers ,
No. 1119 Farnham Street ,
Pianos and Organs Pirst Glass
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Slieat Music and Musi
cal Instruments.
O TT L 3D 11ST GS .
Oil I'aintinps , Enwravinjrs anFrjmoe at great
ly r ildeed [ rices.
8x10 Frames , 1 inch , W < tlunt 1'c
12SIS ' 1 } " " (
10x21 " Ij " " \
KiKticSxIOfrime ]
Chromes fra td , mi ill , 25c ,
CIiroii.oj framed. Iarf , I B ,
E'ii'rAviiij-j from EOe upw rd3 ,
PhotoRraph framed from Uc upward ? ,
Wiudo.r Cur iCM 73c a window and up arda
Lanibreqtiir.i S 00 p r wn.ilon und upWanlR ,
Coiniee k"ole32 EOjnr nin lo and tijrrrnl * ,
V'chct frames 2Je t-ieh Io3 00
Violin Strings lie ,
Vioii is 1 75 , 2 51 , 3 and upwards ,
Guitars 5 CO , 0 00 , 7 00 and upwards.
Banjos 1 00. 3 00 , 5 00 , ami upnardc ,
Accordco 13 from 1 CO up , cheapest In city
Send for tamiilcs aud catalogue cf mouldings
and sheet nuisic. A. IIOrfl'K , JI { , ,
1578 Do ! sc SOmaha. . Nb. .
Safe Certain , Sure and Speedy
'he ' only article known that Will
escrdicafe\h'\s \ disease
lermcrnent/yfromlhe system.
General Agents ,
OFFICE PntciusiNO ASO Prror \
On .ha. Neb Jul > 215 IbsO. I
Etale' ' proposal * in duplicate , subject < o the
U'uilcordit'ons , mil be receuedat ihi * office
until llo' locka m. . on Argust 2 bt. IsSO , at
which time in'l place they wil be opened in
p eMnce "f l > ddcrg for furnishing ard delivery.
t i he fcuHU cnce warehouse in this citj , 312
batela of fluur.
Tobemidc of No. 1 eprinij wheat , half hard ,
half -oft or Od f sa To be aweateJ before grind-
in ; and mixed ia milling. To bo high ground.
Thn barrrstobsof the best quailtyt new and
a ronjr , well cope > cd wil1) hickory hr * , fuliy
hen ! lined , Ko maohins nude barrels will te
accepted. Samp'ca cf flour to bo sent in uith
p oposale. and a 1 to be Jelive f d bi October 8th
ihe government re'errea the ri ht to reject nye
o- all pr- pos ! E. Bbnk pr > p s-l and full 'nfoi
mitionai to 'ho ' manner of uiddin- , conditions
to be obsef d by bidders an 1 termi rf rntract
and pjjinent , IT U be furnished on aj pli&l'-I n 'o
rhH ciSce. Envelops coital , in : prop ala
should be marked "Prnp f ila { > r fl < ur at Oma-
h , ' andaidrts d to thounJera-gned.
THOMAS WILiO.H , Cspt. and C. S.
WHO com a to Oirabihzhiyreccmicendea
is au accorspIuSid tc cher cf = m'ic ,
Germs cd Frjscb , ! < desirous o : csrtig t
tJisa in nt'nn cf * srinchw. Sie nffl open
I a Kho'-l shor'htutfcrihicressat tittles car
addreea h r at ilax Jlejer i Bro.'j music store ,
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long Time and
Low Interest.
Large tracts suitable fcr
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State.
80,000 acres scattered
through Iowa.
A large number of Improved
Farms in Nebraska , many 01
them" near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre ,
An Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Resi
dences from $3,000 to $20-
000. Many vacant lots in
the additions to Omaha.
Hundreds of lots scattered
Ihrqugh the City. House s and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , aud all kinds of Ci y
Real Estate.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , at
10 percent , interest to all who
can ehow good titles.
Maps for Douglas nnd Sarpy
Comities for gate ,
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Farn , St , , Omaha , Neb.
T710R H EXT Tvio new cottages , 6 rooms each ,
i ? cvorv cuaxcnicncc , Cbira j bet. 22 & 23
strccta. ilOOO & HILL.
WANTED Weisiit to contract witb a roH
able nmn t clear iimlguib 20 IUTOS o
1-rinli laiul. UCHIO- HILL.
WANTED 15.COO yards of dirt
BOGC.8 & HiLL.
RICKHOL'SF Convenient tabusincss , with
fu I ! < > : . 7 rooms , $2,1M.BOGGS
FOR REST Ken- residence , 315.
TJ10R EXCHAXGE-For city property , HU
E tracts of ItnJ , covered with youujr tiraie
at JJO per acre. EOGOS ft HILL. PROrEBTVVe arc authorized Io
offer the Atlantic Hotel at the ureill } ro-
ilarcil i rice oJ 310,0(0.all ( fiirnislicd and in run-
ninjr onler , time t.i biiit. DOOUS& HILL.
TTMR ) SALE Brui new howe , 5 room" , with
| j every eonxtniencc , with lull lot , 33x122
ft , No II c-ition , time to suit , will sell : it u bar
gain for 5 daj a only.
TTlOUSALK lirick pjwjtrsliouseanil "acres
JJ near itock Yards , 2,500.BOGGS
riOK S M.E Corner lialf of lot S. W. Cor. 15
J2 ami Ja:8on ! at a sacrifUo.
roGos & HILL.
FOIt SALE Full comer lot , N. . Cor 1C and
Jones ! 5ts.
noaos & IIIIL.
fT/ANTED-School dijtrict bonds at a fair
V V discount.
MOSEY TO LOAN Any ono wishinjr to use
10 per to t money in suma to tuit from
$50O to S O.OOO , can procure it through in.
EOR SALE S busme-s his , ne.Nt west of
Masonic Temple , 51,650 cnch.
FOR SALE-2 lota west of Odd Fellows Block
TTJIOR A CHEAP LOTUo to Boggs and Hill's ad-
J ? dition.
MORTGAKES Wo etill have some siall
mfrtca 'j for talc. ranii ; from { 100 to
J900 rer3"iia ha\ias ; email fums of money c n
mie t with 8 < fety , and without any expcntc
wh.lexer , and Ket 10 jier cent. Intcrert
i LOME 3100 to 3:00 is allj.u nee-J pay
_ f\ _ down tf jou huv n hoio for yourself
through us. TIIDO to suit on balaire.
TnOK RENT Improrcd farm rear barracfcu.
SALE 1cne and full int ' -c atcr
s-icet , one of ( ho best locations a ifce city ,
' 1,500 , easy terms.
\TtW IIOUbES We are IIOH prepared to
i.N tui d houset , north from 3100 to J M on
our ncu ad Ir.ion , 'i-tb anil 20th and farnham ,
I'oujla < nd Umlfe , ami sell on small mon'hly
paym nts BOGUS & IHLL.
JLV' K"nto &'j addition , ncai but ) nen ,
iTf'Od aurrour < lm ? . Iota covered with young
rec ? , and arc tbr choicest , cheaf e-t nndcc.irtxt
tobiismeKS of any Iot in tlie mtrkct. By all
msau look aHo M in KuU"tzo & Ruth's additl n
hcfo'C purcbasbln.clscwhero Will sell on
monthly pa ments ; Price SICOto S'tSO
-3 and 5 , block 6 , Shinn'sad-
Vditioa. . Want be.t offer at onto for ono or
' < "tb. BOGGS 4 : HILL.
COKAD LOTS Lots 17 and 18Thomeir ad- .
ditlon. BOGGS HILL.
HOUEK AND HALF LOT Ne r Thirteenth
and Cipltol avenue , 1,300.
2BESTLOTs-In Shinn's addition , 2300.
HOUSE AND HLFLOT-OnDudjo atre't ,
between Twe'fth and Thirte nth. A well
improved and deslrabla place , con J3:00. W III
Gcll for 82,109 , half coaB , bilinco ono and ti'o
3 ears. BUGGS A HILL.
A SACRIFICE-The huslncss lot 22xIS2 fe-.t
X icxt caav cf I Inlnger'd w re rocuslS &
Farnhasi streets must teold thia month tor
wtat it 1I ! brtor in cash.
EXCHANGE Oa er of 320 acrw near
AN BUit wi-I exch nye for first class business
or resilience fr < psrty in Oraahacd pay frcin
J3.000 to ? 1 , X > m CiSH to boatEOCOS
Tie oottigesiith small lot * .
Tenth etrtst. jcutb ci derct tvo fc'.stla.
21,550 Js.-isti. 2&GG5 t HILL.
1 - C50ICE LOTS On P 'V tVHd ATecst.
IO uly3tolbackBf ! > onjdpot ,
I have secured the agency of the well-known COLUMBIA Steel Spoken and
Rubber Tires Bicycle ( rum the Pope Manufacturing Co. ; Also the Otto Hand
Made. Samples can bo seen at my store , at Manufacturers Prices , reight
added. Sand for [ .rico list
listIT. . I. 3D. SOLOnVEOISr ,
No. 1204 Farnham S'reet , Omaha , Kebraalca.
Having Taken the Above for Our Motto , We are
Determined to Offer
Our Entire Summer Stock of
Regardless of Cost.
In Order to Make Boom for Our Fall and Winter Goods.
We Will Xot Be Undersold.
Cigars from $15,00 per 1000 upwards' .
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Send for Price List ,
m-w-f MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Xeb.
Fishiiu ? Tackle , Uase Balls and a lull line of
GO0:0 : s
v ?
W y far * 9 & . -
In Kegs and Bottles.
Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied &t Reasonable
Prices. Office. 239 Douglas Street.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery ,
A T , . STRAW Qflfi Famham Rtroot nmantu '
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha.
Dealers in
House Funiisliiii ! , ' Uoods , Shelf Hardware ,
Nails and Etc.
"Farnham Street , lar. Door East First National Bank.
pnRif flun iPiPP i
1 Ulliffttl < iEJ fiJlLSaD i
IA V f f tB r * H H H §
Wholesale and Retail in
OFFICJB CITY MARKET-1415 Douglas St. Packing House ,
Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. B. B.
_ _
* H 19
n Vx n BP" J i fl n HP * & PF'V ' " i ti D * * \ ua
1421 and 1423 Farnham , and 221 to 229 15th Ste.
Tfie AtteEtlon of Cash and Prompt Time Bnyers Solicited.
and the Omaha Iron and Nail Co.
( fformerlj ol Qlah & Jacobs )
No. 1117 Fainhim St. , Old Stand of J cob Oil
JC. .
Capitol Ave , , Opp. 3Iasonic Hall ,
C'ounccts With Street Cars
STREETS. ( End of R d Line ) aa follows :
630S.17and H 19 m ,3:03.5:37and"-jap.m. :
715 a m . 9:15 : a. m. , and 12:15 p. m.
"l.OO. 6.15 and 8:15 p. m
The 3 17a. in run.Iaiviix omih , and the
( CO p. m run , lea vies Fort Omaha , ite usni'Iy
lojJedtofall ciptcuvwith re ulir po ag r .
tt 6 17 s. = rua i-Ulbe mida Ircr : the pest-
'its , C3a r o Bcdjca as 15th aarshta
Jt-ists ciu li prccorsi from strwt cor drif.
.n , os.f rosi d'K r of hickj.