ATTORKrfE-AT-tAV ? . HIIUK A arc GH. w. W STU8CE3 & BARTLETT , TTOPN YATLaAVo lCr l.WonBlock , A CKAUES POWELL , "TTSTICEOFTliE l E Ct JSUj and Jp j'l.r-.htan . * . Omalia J > tb. \Vf.i S ! ' 'ERAl , i TTORSEY AT LAW-O-eiph1 ! * OMAHA. KKD. D. L THOMAS , \ TTORSE7 AT LAW Ixani ttoroj. bnjs A.ttd . tells rtil tzU.U. Room S.Creicbwn Bl-ei. A. C , TRQUP , AT tATV OCw Jn H cseom'i H. Block , ritli Ccrgi E. rrltchm , 1S05 arahipi ? t. _ OMAHA. Ii'EB BEXFES L , THOKAS , A TTOSNET AT LAT7 Crultttninl : i Build A. M * TTORN'ET AT LAW O3c 15M Twoluun .A Str * _ _ _ _ A. SWARTZLASCE A TTOMCET AT LAW Cor. 18th and Fmli ni jHL itrB t. t.WIlUAfA WIlUAfA A. FONDA. * TTORSCY AJID COUNSELOR AT .TV Koom t.ii. c , fc'rcsrtr Bi < x.k , f > i > K-ste ! Post ote OVAHA ysn WfcS. L. FEA5CDY , AWVZK 02 te ID Crc'.ettnn Block , nert to . OUAKA. SKBRASKA. fe Procursd.TS * rrwiac. " < MicnoKB E. D. MCLAUCKL-H. A TTowrrr AT LA JUSTICE OF Attended to.SS O'EHlEJi & BARTLETT , Attorn eya-at-Law , -XMon Blouc.rlf8eoTith a < ? A. 1. A TTORrfET AT LAW Uoorn Crclshlon JIV Blnrl O'.tMTA NVh fojii-tt ATTORNEY AT LAW. KRR2ASH BLUSK. 8GR. DC'JC- I5TH ST5. OM\HA. W , J. Oonnei ! , t-Law. Attorney-a - . OfSoeFroel rooms , KD ( a slre , In HMUOOCI'II brfck huil-J'ng ' , S , W. corns : FUtcestb. and i'OBB I. KSSJCK. 'Sis H.IUD1CB. RLDICS Attorneys c-Law. -a - . Etic ! J will In circa to U suits tlcun o ! tv rr ces rtptlon ; rr stii tu al ths Oourtz c ! the E .t * nJ th DnhcJ S'.tt3. Oi3c9. Famhttn St. , o , > poilu BD W SrHERAl , AT LAW Hooro t Cr lLtJn ATTORNEY uid Dnni : ! rtrretj. ao3db C. F , * rroarray AT LAW MS PARKS GODV/Irt A TTORXKT AT LAW-14th aad Dottjiaa i.Str sn. < rt.h Q IV. w. T. 0. J. RiGHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys -at-Law , - th Ptreat. EAST iNDiA R & GO , , BOLE MANUFACTURERS ! ! \ . Neb. s * A ae * aM lilt in Tin no rtm 1y for nil dli ft t > C ( ti Kl u 7. , lii.di r , Orsrwa. Jt n 1 pot'U l cure ll Si ct tlrT > l , I'rop- fcj. TlKbfl D t B IniiiJ < y 'n rctuln or fX - I1 lb Urii. C.Uraot ho n.d * r , hlzh iilQied BACK. O.ueiUv'e t ws , i n til r enule Lea- It Tnll in cr U niJM a , 1 ; certain In It nM'B tidat RI 4.1 n. thin eitn. ! . For 'tin y ill ti r.v i r sect by mill free cpanrvnlp cl th mice.8J.0 DAY KIDNEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. your * < MrcM for oar little book , \Hatr a Ufc i u Saved. " IKH f.mtl for N * i rt . HO.HE Bur > h& * Ex Marnr v , tn IaBnauta ! S"i O , Tbt Pn ro inc M D ojic r-0 , f i5i , o.i Oxrtt M S I I * l oiidtr roiny obllpitloo to Toul < rlh rijll < f ffc > dft maiythe meo'yoor TnTa'ua'iJc tneJl.-'ae , Dr Biko'i nhtumatlc Cum I 1i r-liwn lo- nun * 4f * * uJT rcr irom Oironlo ! Ui ca > t ! iu , oSe-lng tt timer moot eiomo ttin ? | kl > taai'"iivinj me of nihi ' ttD. AftorCvr . tr i numhei of phi Bicwni xcd oljtilain : r.Iltf , 1 com irwawd ttlnc your ! Tu-t nud U * | o * nf four bottlw. and ta'tm : "ht Blood Pcnfier > n conneoiloa Tilth it , 1 im sHolm ly art < llrce tram any pain. ble to ittend to rnrcu rtrtlnj ptrfa tly roirforuli ! * t ni KfspeoiJul y your . b. B. OAB.VE7 FR5E > Dr. Ztoanto'i Tr afc'j er tirwi and ftlei tt..t on cfphtatim. Addrcra The Dr. Bosan o Medicine Oo , ' PJQOA , OKIO. Auer CL.AUS TO oND. areat st Uisco-rory or tno Ae . Wen j rtul discoTcries In thi world h re b en midt Among oUnrthinjs b reS&ataClausUj d , Children ot ask if ha mates sct t or not , If rUy tt 11 rn in & moan tain of snov- . Lttty ir n erearsion ail J clwr to th Pol Aadenddenly dropped tn to wh t * medliituhole Where woad-T c ! wonders they found * norland. ifhlle fitrj'-'ito ' b ims app ired on each hiad. Tint v r m"CntAlc Iiie ours , with mere teacttf nl rrwn , Aad far brih * r . j than ever rere § s a , Birds with tha buei ol a ralnbav wuro tnunJ. While SoKrr ) cl oiqulllt * fncnase wer gra-w Not Icaj were thty ! eft to woaj r In Joub4 A fceli c * eon c m thty had beird cineh about , Tvu Siuia ClxuV self and thlilhey all S&7 , 3e looked Uke the rccturc r rsst srsry d y. H drove up n team th&t loc > k d > - ryqusr , Tnt a Um f crash jpfera Inite&d rf rend ST , Ua rode In a shell itistiij of * tlekh. Bat he toot thesi n toird sad drars them aw y. De ( bowed thm U over hl Tocd rf ul reilm , Aod fvitcriae teaViKr coeds f c * women ed men , Farru-s wsrt "wotilsc on bit * crsut rad email , To Bunct'e thcf id they were ( endlrg th-m all. Ws Klatlt. tbe Glove M ter-oMthsm itonm , All car Glovrs w ar * tnjicj to Bnnee , jaat * showed them f\upeadc aad many thlnj s mere. fiylES : ! U e tool tb to i lead Bn = ' store. Biau CTna thsa * bl5portd a s-cret fc'd tell , As Ja O ahi e\-sry one koe Bsace well , Ee therefore e oaic send his e ods to bis ca . K = owr * his ir.i if v.iu TCt their iall shtre * yov remsmber ya dweacrs ! a Onsis. isvc' All - nlonact p.-c t = it to cacy. jo rosad , Tor ii-t ! . ooUarr. cr slcnes srui aid drsur siller or iu = t c = iii ail. i = c , Champion Eitto ci ths W-tt , D"t DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBL1SHIKC CO. , PRO PR ETORS- SIS Farnham , bet StJi and JKi Strtvli TE S OF SUBECKIPTION , 1 Copy 1 yrar , In advaow ( postp&ld ) . SS.OO Cm.Dt B " " . 1.00 " " . 2.00 T.ME T'BtES THE MAILS. C , N. W. E.R.B30a. B. , 2,40 p. K. C. B. t Q S : * Q . m. , 2 : 0 f. nj. O. R i ft f E. H. . > : SO 1. m , 2.M p. ta. 0Et Je fSO & . tn E MIT & P. S to . m. U P. K.R , 11:40 * . su O. ii F. V. W L1r > coli10 i. aj. B. A-M. R.BE : 0& a. O. ftX W. , 7SOa m. C.&V.W.B.R , 11 a.m.,11 p. at 0. B tQ.11 a. n , 9SOp. : n. C.H I. iP. , li . m , Up a. C. B. & I . 'oe.,11 . ) . , 11 p. BU U P. It IL , 1 p ni. O. & H. v. from llncoln , 12:10 p. te. 5 Q'T & ' . . 11 a. m U a . InSeh. 4 p. m. J or J tn Sis for Statt * jowa le but cooe a Jav , ! * : 430 u. m. 4nfromlJtol p.ta. gnnd-yt. T MI.MAS v. HAUL J- Arrival Ami JNpiirmre of Trr1"1 D'l Frn'tis..12:15 p-TU. icSip.irL i ) > Itl'frJ 6 in p in. 4:21 p.m. 1 > irtht 6:30 a. cj , do < lo S li b d. JliSOa. m. T1SIE 04RD OF TUB ICAVI 02UR1. Exfrvst. . . . S:0p : in. 100 B. a , Meil . .6 0 * . m. JIcV 31i0 p.m. CHICAGO , JiO K1 LAND4PACIHC. Mall 0:00 : i. m. 1 .Mail 10.-00p.rn. DijTus Si0p. m. | Czpresg..10:00 : um. CIU 5AOO NORTHWESTEKK. Moll 6:0a. : tfl 1 Mill. Hipree * . . . . , r:40r. tn. | Exprf KANEAS CITT.BT. JOi : ffl COUNCIL BLUITS. LEAM5 ABklVt. lftll S > : y0a. in. I Express Ixi-reit C : Op.m. | ilstl TrfUi.m llicou v hue rumiioj tollman SleepiujCaio out c ! Ornate to Uion Depot. OXSAUA i NORTUWK-TESK AND SIOUX CITV & PACIF 0RAILROADS. 5.00s. m I Finrrt * JSO ; | > m. Dall. Eic ptSunJAiJ. 4 IL R. U. la NEBRASKA. Cmaha ( H ) . . . .901 Hmt-n'ihitr ' < > : % Kssrn J'ncir)7u ) pm I KsjLloudHrtC : Sam K i Ion1 ( nrrT.Mpm I l'lUs'th { w ) 4:20 : p m Bl3om"gtunir)3.-ii ) p m i < > in ba ( err ) . . . 4o5 p m KtVUBLlClX VALLEY RAILWAY. CO Sn5 B tn | ton 1:3B pin | UiB'Ing * ( rG:6ip ) : m OrWis ( U ) 7:83 a m I IndUntla ( rlrOpin ) OiKaiia ( ar ) 7.-00 p ns I inliano' ' ( iv ) 1:80 : pni 6IOU.X CITT & ST. PAUL R R. MJ1 . e:10arn : | Erp-csa . 1 : M n Eipr f . b.tOpiu MJI . 7-JO p tn WABASll , sT LOUl-sAPAOl'lU. ilall . | Mill . : P.O. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. IU R. J iru CinahJ , dtJlj. S a m , B a. m. , 10 & tn. , 11 a. ta , 1 ji. in. , ; p. m.S } > . ta , 5 p. IB , , 0 p. L--&v Cgcncll Elcfls ; S:25 n. n , 0J5 : ft. tn , , 30M : a. in. , ll a.ralOp m , 8:56 p. . , SIS : p. 01 , 5Ar > p. m , 6J5 p. m. , Tour trir * ft' > S indaj , leavinir Omaha at 9 and 11 a. m. , 2 and 5 p. tn ; Council Bluflj ct WS , 11 .M a. tn. , nnJ J5 : and { : p m. Leav Cmaha' 0 ' . . m. , 7 a. m. , S O a. ffl. , 1 u ra. , tfO : p. m. , 7X5 p. m. , I.\M Oouncii B U3 ' fl IS a. m , , fclO a. . , 11 0 a. m.e'.SSp m , 7.00 p. m. , 7iO p. n. Uall > ticep ; Soudhj. O.UAAA t ZEPUBLICAX YAU-EY B , B . . , . . . 10:15 : a.m. , 4 ip. m. except COMMERCIAL , Omaha Wholesale Markets , OMAHA , August 4 , 1880. BUTTER AJO ) KGUB. Pwkeralnta . . . Frtsh cgja , psr doz . 12J . . . - - - . * " POULTRT , per doz. . . . . - 2 2fi GROCERIES. SUGARS. Po wclerwi Standkrd"A" DBA Extra "O" . Extra oiolco and very bright. . . BO Bright Tftble Drips Orleans Rio , prime to choice . 174 Rio good to prime . l 5 Rio fair to good . 1 Mocha . 374 0G.Java Choica . g Go-dto prima. NeivPrenee Old Francs. . _ Curraate.ohojc * ElaokEtrrit * Iaspberrie > Pitted cherriw Miohigsn grtdApplS - ° X. Y. SHoed . . 9 Eraporated " . &j State PeachM . . . , . . . . . . . & Skit Lake Peaches . . . 16 California Peaches. . . . . . . . . 15 CANNED GOODS. "S"OyUrs , 2 ft > cans , U case. . 8 70 do do 1 lb caa.seronM . 340 LlshtWeight Oyf tera Zlb\ ? case 3 90 Salmon , 1 It ) , tf dozen . 1 75 do 21ti.tfdozen . 2 6 Standard Tomntoes,2 ft , $5 ca5 2 30 " " 3 Ib , cats 8 00 Standard Psaohes , 3 a , J ? case. 4 40 " 2 lb , IJ oa 6. 3 40 RnspborriM , 2 ft , cae . S 00 UlaokberrieR , 3 ft , ce a . . . 3 80 Corn , 2 onne . 3 PO Apple * , Ga.1 , doz . 3 75 Narrow Fat Pew,2 It ) , ? ow . . 4 CO FtrInB * nB. 21b.p rc . . . . 340 BUIOJIUEtf. Nutmeg * . . 50 Pepptr . 17 AllsplM . * ' Clores . . . Ttope . . . . . . . . . * . . * " Candles , 1C 01 . 1 Greenwich Ly .per , * . 3 5 Bfcansp rbuah l . . . 1 SO Che-sso fullcrattn . Hi UL.ASS. \Vbdow Glasj , 60 p wnt. dl . count oft liit. HARDWARE. IRON. Common bar . S Horse-iho bar . * JCorway nail rod . 9 ETKEL. Castplow . . . 9 Am. caxt , tool . . . . . . . . . . IS JesVi ff0 . . . . . . . . . 25 KAILS. Tun : , upw&rds. . . . . . . . . . . . . S of ' ' ' ' 8 6C B'rd'd'i hhoe 'g . " mule" . 6K Omaha nails tens , upwards. . . 3 5C K w'str't hn . . . . 23SO Putn-MB nails . 33SO DRY GOODS. BHOVTS COTTOK5. Atlantic "H" . 7\ \ ilr < rpi JL * i. > . . . 7 PeppsrsU " 0" . . . . . . . 7J do 'TT . 7 < Qo it . . . . . . . 9 ] Indian Held . fi fiK Standard "AA" . L'EMMS. . 16 Becver Creek , ' ' AA" . 14i do "BB" . ISj Haymsksrs . 9 : Pahner . 8 Otis " -VXA" . 15 do "KB" . H do "CC" . 13 Warwn "AXA" . . 15 do ; 'Bir . ; . do CO * . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 BLEACHED COTTCKB do Cambric . 12' C&t)0t. . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . t : Fruitof the Loom . 10 -ew York Mills . 12 Hilla'Mnslin . 11 Pepperell . . IICKIKGS , Amoske&s ; . . . . . IS rJJO. B. O . . . . . , 2) . do "AAA" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < 16 River. . . . . . .I..J.J..M 16lc Albany . . . . . . . n Albion . . . f\ \ Harmony . . . 5 | \merican . . . 7 'B . 61-2 MlenVPinks . 8 ncona fancy . 7 1-2 lanchestcr . 8 IcrrjiDac . 71-2 ierrimac hirtinzE . t 1-2 Ijchmnnds . 61-2 lichiaonds , E . . . . 7 1-2 "pragne's . 61-2 iimpton's mournisx . 7 1-2 Inpson'i blick. ' . . . . 71-2 STEffES. 12 , TH'innA . 17 1- Hamilton . 111-2 Omfjo. . . . Uol'2 "ittrfeld . U LUMBER. 'rarain ? . 18 ft. andund r. . . . S20 00 Each add. ft. err 18 , per M . . CO enciajf , Xn. 1 , 12 to 20 ft _ 22 00 0. 2 , 13 to SO ft. . . . 3000 ihwting , drestad , No. 1 . 30 00 " " No. 3 . 190(1 ( Common boards. dreeMd . 72 00 UTOCC SOAEOa , Astock . 40 CO B " . 3500 O " . . - SO 00 'ommon ' etock . 2200 FLOOEIXO. S'o. 1 fleering. , . . . . 4000 ! so.2 " . 8500 3500 Yellow pine flooring , No. 1 . . . . 45 00 SIDECO. 2ft 00 o.3 " . 22rO tfc.S " . UOCO tfo. 1 plcleU , per M . 8250 "o. 2 " " . 2500 Vo. 1 Cnleh. li. li , and 3in. . 53 00 * o.l " lln 6000 : o. 3 " 1.15 , and 3 In. . 4500 ro.2 " lln 40 CO S'o. 3 " in 3100 BKV LAP. Plato ship laj. 2300 OO " No. 1 SO 00 " " No. 2 25 f" ' No. ' bssdcd. 6 la. , No 1 Sf i No. 2. WOO " 4 and ft in. , No. 1. . . 4000 " " " No. 2. . . tW 00 Corrugated ceiling , No. 1 SO 00 A star ( be t ) th nglea 3 75 Xo,3 > .SCO ' 1.3 " 350 Luth 400 une , bbl 1 SS " bulk , per bu 40 Cement , bbl 3 50 owa plastar , bhl 360 tHchigan plaster , bbl 2 75 loir , per bu , 35 Tarred felt. 100 Ibi S 00 Straw board , " 4 00 0 G battocs , p r 100 ft lin. . . 1 26 Veil curbJnjr 2000 louyh $ . and 2 In. , Ia bctts. per 100 ft. lin 50 rosia ; edar hnlv s , 7 in 18 " Gin 18 " Quarters in 16 ) sk,4x4 30 " 4x6 4'J 0 Ceasing , 6J and-6 iu. , vet lOOftlin 300 ) ak plank and timber , per M. 40 00 JlsarpopUr 5000 Black Wulnut 100 00 HIDES. trees hide * , per lb tf Gren cured hides 7 * Dryhides al7 Dry salted Wdea 10al2 SheepTelts SBal nO Tallow 44 LIQUORS , WINES , ETC. Ugh trinee , p rgal 108 Alcohol , ISO per cent. p r gal. 2 10 Tr n h epirita , pioof 1 18 Harphall'bourbouwhisky. . . 1 23 MUlir'c bourbon whisky. . . . 1 2S soidy , very fine , perKal.-- 3 dw8 00 " common to fine ISO Gia , 100 per cent 160 Holland. 80 p r cunt 12fl lurar , mixd Jamaica , pir gel. 1 fOa3 00 " New England 200 xenrudy Bitters per esl 1 to " " psrcase. . . . . 760 " " per 100 caB s 7 C ! ) ihaiapngneg , pints in LaskeU. K CO Domestic chatupaigtto 22 00 'ort wine , per case. 1 60 3 00 Sbeirifs 1 itttf 00 AJts , Kdinburg J 75 \ Bas3&C.3. ' 226 Guinness Dnblin itoot i ! 25 LEATHER. B t slaughter solo 82 B3toak 41 French kips 1 lOal 40 French calf , htdiaf brands. . . 1 60a3 10 Dmaeitlcklra „ 7Cftl 10 Dome tie wifs 1 lOal 30 Hemlock tipper , t tt fo t 35a5 < J 3ac upper , per foot i6v ; 6 3rain , npp r per foot 25 Linlnei , per do 8 00a9 60 Topping ! , per do 11 00 Morrocc * ( bootlec ) p r foot. , . S5a 8 " oil dreaded 35 " Bimon p r skin 3 00a3 25 " florekld 30 Boot webbintf , per font 45 HARNESS LEATHER , No. 1 Pittebcrg oak 41 No. IPittuburg Cnk 42 No. 1 Cincinnati o&k 4t No. 2 Cincinnati oak 30 No. Ihemlock 39 No,3Hemloek COAL-EETllL. Antkraclts 1060 Blowburg 1300 Wyoming g 60 Oskfcloot-a 660 lowannt 600 White Brwat 550 "I bad tuffered f. r t long tlm wiJh go- itre , oak * or sv lled Liver , indigHtion and general bed health , slid aft r trying many other remidies , nothing done ma tnucn good as Simmons' LiTer Kegulator. It oured me , and now I have not to take any mediiine fo I am nal ; but I ehall keep it In the hous * to cure Acy one ftlw of th * family that have anything the matter. It Is rood for tmrlr ev ervt insr. "JL I. WILTA. Clintoa. G * , " A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For the speedy euro ni Ooneumr tion and nil di V ' to f- - < aa i such as stubborugta , f i Ooldi , Bronchltit , Hay Fet r , Aitti- vna , pain Jn the side and cheat , dry hacking tough , tickling in the throat , Hocnoneu , Sore Throat , nnd nil ehronio or liugering diseases of the thrcnt and IUDRS , Dr. KIDR' * New Dii corary has no equal and has established for itself'R Korld-wide reputation. Many leading physicians recommend and use it in their practice. The form ula from which it ia prepared is high ly recommended by all medical jour nals. The clergy and the prsss hava complimented it in the most glowing terme. fie to your druggist and get a trial bottle free of cost , or a regular size for § 1.00. For sale by d(8) ( ) J. K. ISH , Omaha. CHICAGO SHOT TOWER CO. Majuf aoturtrs ol STANDARD SHOT - WTlrtETrfXA * * - ' ! " A. - _ SlIZJ = " k. * 9 ? * ' " lmzfJfS i * * bWaBs nn \ViiiriTiinniTuuirtiiHiiiiif nln/ . BHSnHETOBUTIT. THE BEST IN MARKET. E , IF , BLATCHFOBD & CO. ; J OJ Cii . 05DEKE SOUCITEC. 70 HOHTH CLINTON ST. . CHICAGO , THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAB , The Grand Pageant in Chicago The Most Magnificent , BverWitnes = ed in this Country. i The CTind encnmpment of Sir Snights Templar of the United StattS will hold its tmnniil cinclave in Chicago , commencing 011 th * 17th of August. Ail of the available room tt the principal hotels has ben engaged for the visiting brethrsn from abroad , but tfca committee has made arrangements outside lor ths accommodation t { ll who my com * . S'e'ptng and eating acco urnodttion : Lr about 20.000 p r- SDI B byyoid the o pscity of a 1 the hota s and boarding houses have 1- rr-ady been aeourea in private houses , which csn be extended tu almost any extent. Besidts the reaular inTjta'ion * t > the Kiiigutt , theie have bet-n ig ud 82COO invita'lons to the leading bu.i- ucii nun of the country , and tbeit mv.tetloB * have been geneisdly ac cepted. This , Maionry's gswndest gathering aud feast , has boon a regular occur- renes tinoa 1819 At first , and in fnot , until 1868. when thei first parade \vai given in St. Lnuii , the otBcm- b'fgu was for business purposes nlore ; but at the meeting mentioned th en- trirgnredge of a parade was magical in its eflVct , f.nd tines that tire o ea h meeting has bo-m of grandsr proportions tions thnn the laat. The pomp and pageantry of tbs met tings held at Baltimore , New Or leans and Cleveland are ell irell rn- mambered , und tha display to bo given at the coming Chicago rapefng bids fair to oclipsa that of any former conclave , nnd carry the mind back to the days of true , earnest knigMb/'od tfiat d d battle ii jewelled armor and trappings for its "Icdyo faire. " PABTIil , PUOOR1MMB OT TU15 ENTEB- TAISMKNT. Moiidav , Auguu 16 Reon ing nnd esci r'inp rifitirj ; onmm uderics. Three recaptions wi 1 bi given at S o'cl ok p. m. , ti caan t f whi h T-jm p'argu-ata who may have arrived will be vrclcomsd. One of theeo weep- eionswill bo given &t ( ho new cei.'ral mtisioimll , coinarof State nnd dolph ttreets ; another will bo wen at McCormioli's hell , corner of Nnrth Clark and Kina'e ' streets ; tha third will be given at Furwell hall , on Aladi- son streets , near the corner of La Sa , la sirest. For tach of these recep tions a speaking and musical pro gramme will bo arranged. Tuesday , August 17. .it 10 o'el-ck a. in. , prompt , grand parade and re view by the most eminentgrnnd mag tep , nnd the escort of the grand an- cnmpraent to the asylum on Lake Fri nt yak , on the shore of L&ko Micnijnii At 1 o'clock grand yacht regatti off the lake front by the Chicago Yacht club. club.At At 2 o'clock p. m. and hourly there after until G o'clock p. m. , there will be boat excursions weathtr perailt- t'ng on lake 'Mfahfcan. ' A large fl et of ttsum reseels will bo in use , prov'd'U ' ample accommodations for t-11 who dtsira to do so to taks aa ex cursion on th lake. At 8 o'cloct p m. a grand recap tion rrunicalo et dansanto trill besiven under the auspices of Apollo com- mandery , Chioago comman'e' ; ' > y nnd St. Bernard commandery , Knights Templir , ststtonsd At Chicago , at the rrand exposition building on Laks Front jwirk. This bu Iding is capable of aicomraodatimi 75,000 people. Wednesday , August 18 , at. 9:30 : a. m. , the grand competitive prize drill will itko place at. the Chicago Jo Vey Club p rk. There will a'so ' be a fra- terni'y park reception at the fume plf > 06 , uudff the autptcfs of Apullo , Chijnijo end St. fioruurd commander- IBJ cf Chicago Five prizas will be avHrdtd , reapeotively , as the first , second , third , fourth and fif'h prises , to the oonim-inderica of Knights Tora- plar ei ibitii g the great W. pioQcienoy in Tempi r tact os , and who challhave bounudgd ] in order of merit as the first , second , triird , fourth and fifth b ? tha judges of tha drill. A spselcl prljs will be given to the mnunted commaiidsry which ahull be sdj idg d the mO't proficient in drill of all competing m < un'ed commi-nd- er : i. bhould no mounted commai.d- ries compete , the piii ) which would have been adjudged to ga mnunted comnnndery nil than ba awarded as a sp-flial prixs to the cnmmand rT ot King t < Templar who B iall be found to Hand sixth in order of merit by ih.9 judg . Tneia jriaes will g < re- tfate in value the amount of 61100. At 0:30 : o'clock a. m. , also weath er pormtttinr and hourly thereafter , until 6 o'clock p. m. , there nil ! be day boat excursions upon Lake Mich igan to the crib , Eranitcn , South Chicago and elsewhere to points of in- terdut. At 8 o'clock p. m. , and thereafter , there will be moonlight bet S eii ni upon L < ke Michigan. At 8 o'cl ek p. m. , tl-o , there b performances at McVicker's th < > R trc , and other places of amusement for the gratuitous and cTrnplimeutny entertainment of the Templar guest and the.r ladies , under tha arspiceE of Apollo , Chieago and St. Bernard ooramandaries Upon this night also receptions will be held at the different lommandery headquarters. Af or 10:30 : o'clock p. m. , leting nntil 3 o'clock , a grind surprE , hieh can bo witnes ed by 200CUO puop n event which will imrer b forgot. t.-n by those who witnest it. TB SKAKD PKOCEMIQK. Tha 1 na of mnrch is about atz find a quarter mil fg lonjjj end , m orJerto g ; all the Knights within the limits neaesenry to prevent confusion , th-y will mirch in platoons of twenty- four double ranks whioh will be only sixteen feet ap&rt. Even by this arrangement the procession will cover tw nty-one blocks. Were the usual distance allowed , the line would be fifty blocks long. Dlsgloy the PiMlrlea by Bream. Si. ? ul Piort r Prtw. A bonsnea awaits tha man who will mike stiam practically available in superseding th plow upon the vast ares of western prairie. The thing will be done , no doabt , bat the in ventive genius of America appears sniguhrly dilatory in this field of mo- c ai.ics. The Lend m Times of July 12 contains a description of a machine , ditven by a single cylinder engine oi eight-horse power , which digs ten acres per day in a stiff clay soil thai takes three horses to plow an acre per day of the tame depth. The inver sion of the soil ii as completa as in ordinary plowirg , with the ad- vnntsgo of thorough pulverization. Ths epades or digging forks are suspended from a crank shaft mounted behind the boiler , anc .operate upon a breadth of twenty-one- feet at once. Each fork risea , anc in falling penetrates the ground .ono foot and is carried backward a distance of twoftet. It is cliimod that the diggers in penetrating the ground ease ths weight of the engine to a coniid erable aitant cff ths traveling wnoeh and also by their back action drive the engine forirard. There is no swedg ing action upon the furrow bottom a in plowing , and the grass roots ant I weeds instead of bsins cut off ar pulled UD bodily. The machine , Teizhbgrs'eb'a to .i , is carried upon ' fcrar wheels hiring Jejlses tws fees j broad. The ps atsg ! n'rinciple o ! th I invsation ia osaeiibed'aa folhfra ; Applying ths motive porar at th6 point where the work is , Involving the employment of an engine twvel- Jn ? upon th lani with the tilling api i ja-a'u follniring ; effect : < g the cu ti- vat'on byaira3tctiua t n sorb'adts ' , instead uf b the wedqe and twist act - t oi. of the pl-iwahiM and moldbnard ; utili : us ? the thrust of the tools in a baskivard ouoctio" tT aid the propul- elon of the engine forwardand taUng a grs'it breadth at once with a slow we of advancij , in order to transport the engine over the ground as seldom a ? possible Lti proportion to the work done. " The advantsgss of the new d'gger are laid to ba economy in power and cost of nyinsaement ; the avoidance of all bss by friction upon the share or moldboard ; a completa preparation of the toil for iirowing purposes , for ex posure to the air aud sun and for tha nitration of water through it. The sulky and tb * gang plow are n 8r91 advance on the old hand-plow , but our short woiking ee ons keep the farmer continuklly i rested for time nd pre vent him in m at ORBS * from getting hn tfi pain wi houts'ightmghuwoik. ' Jome of ouf WrfsUhy wheat-growers hou'd ' rend to England for a diyce- ; , he firt coH would bo heavy , but rhey doubtlctii woull find their a-- ou t ill it , while conferring a benefit upon t * > oc < mmnnity. Our irgsnicus mechanics would soon improve upon t. A BOMANV C TALK. A bOY CABKIED OTT BY OTPSltS TWO VKiEB AQO fiCCC'ESLh IS B50AP1SO TKOM TUB BAXD. Washlngtca 111 g im lc Ch'frijO Trilutit. A strarga oise uf kidnapping was > rouht to light tht * raornin ? . A whitu yuth who pave his name ns iamuel "Wright. appl' d at a policu tatlon la > t rtjaht for lodgings. Th'S morninv , being quest'oned bsfcrQ ill1 * miyor ia 'o ' his former life , ha ittd h < t he was tha eon of B fa-mer re- idiig in Ch ° stein ; 1d erufty , "Vir- ; ia' ' & , not far from Jlauchrst r ; that ic ao m time rtadad in that vi liae ; hat about t o yprs fines , while i wns in the neighborhood f R chmond co'.leee. ' on the out- kl'ts of the cJ-y i.f Eici'm ' nd , he TOS aeiE'd by scYorr.l C-fyp iei , wo were encamp d niarVy , and iliotdla a wg n and hi * limbs tied , after whien he was aarried off w th tha bind. 10 further states tint for the past iwo yeara he has travelled in varL m ocaht'ei with Gyp'iue , and has been iompallcd to wo.-k for members of the > and , but during that time no op- lortunity of es-apa presontcsl itse'f ' tntil a few since , when ho v-ulel himaelf of the opportunity. 3e tzyt that the bicd is encamped on a place ealled Pocciin I-latid , ub mt iftv m1a from this city. The manner of h'H tsjapa from hia captors , as ; iven by him , is in aubstnnae h.At lu wa ordered by merubers of tha band to proceed from the gland to the main land in R sum 1 boat on an errand , whan he [ etsrmmail to maka an effort to e- ape. He abandoned tha brat and made hia way to a place of which he m w nothm ? , where ho obtained ) aiif to Pfirtsm uth on the sho' n- ( r Piyor. Upon being questiontd ha ; a,7B the namn of several people who eaido in Manchester. The maycr IM tglear phed to the Richmond au horifies to Esccrlnin if the boy's tat men > . is correct ; if so , on cxpa- dition will tturt immediately for the eene of the gyp'y camp , which ia upp 8ed lo be on the Cheiapeake bay on the wostsrn tide- The boy says nat ha ia now thirteen years of ngs. 3a is ry taU , and is much tunburn- od. Bis appearance denotes hard Poultry Notes. Oornand whrat ; mtddliuge , in un- tronnd , osti , broad a > * d slops from he houw thould \ \ fed , changing often. Tha exoonse of keeping a dorm iena ia ti ifiing , A brgu nhajo of their iTin1' caa be rdt'y ' Btipplied from the table Hens require a variety of food , and : et esoeasivfely tired of one kiH'3' The cgq contains almost all the con stituents of tha human body , and icnce the hen muat hnvo a variety of ood. ood.The The neaU muni cosasionally be re newed and kept clean. Straw ia > tter than hiy. Tobicso stems cov ered with straw are an exoellant pre vention of insect breeding , ivpeoielly when they are si'ting. As roup in f wis is exceedingly einta'jiou , rapid in its proeress , and difflcu t of cute , we adiijo the imme- diats removal from the yard of such : owls , whuh stionld bs destroyed d buritd de ily , to prevent frmtur spread of the disease. Lime-Kiln PhlloBophy. Detroit Tne Titss. "Up to widin n few we ks da eollecdehnas have been worry satis factory m amount , " bftjan tha old man u Jonts uoi hit hat ready , "but of lat dar hea bin a great fa lin' be hind. Ac de hot mee'iti' six naili an * an * fo' battens war inclined m da colleckshun , n' it seems t ) mo dat some of do member * am sort o' stand n' back on dair oignity. If any roan , Rmoun ? bu kin run dis club on nails and buttoni an1 t-ich , let him ttp for'd an' take my cheer. For de pur pose of nndiu' out who frows in nails snd whofrowa in iii kl * ' , I will pats de bai myai-l * to-night. " Tha presi dent took the hat end mada tha rounds , and Mich a giving down t ftd not been itneasad in two montri. Brother . > h ncer Simmons vt eharg-d by several whits pwrsons with hivu.g taken a jag of vinegar from a grocery store , 'i he committee's repnrt was full and exhaustive , and ooneludft-i es followi : "BruddrfrStm- mon had no dif&julty in 'stablishin' de faek dat ha had a cabbage under his m whea he entered oat grocery. Ha placed dat cabb < ga on de counter betide da jug.Vhsn he went out he war talkin's pollyties , and hia mind war busy widdeprendsntial queshun. In a m iment of absent-mindedness he ptckc up da jug instead of de cabbage an'walks Out , an' drt'e de long an1 ih Tt ob th * story. It am de opmyun of his committee dat he didn't mean to do it. ' 'I doan' believe Bruddar Sim mons would steal a jug o' vinegar in de daytime , " remarked tae president , as he received the report , "out 1 fesl it my dooty to cnuahin him to ba more keerful iu the fucher. Da likeness between jugs and cabbages am not so clus dat he ncod eber make de sama mutaka agin" tthen the sound of the triangle striking the closing hour had died away to a mere whisper , Brother Gardner extended his arm and said : "Life's pathway em up hill an' down hill , an' across lots. Do roads runs 'longeida o1 canabraisa whar do wolves ho l aud make G a ehill'en afeared ; ober ribbers whsr da ole men an' de women may git lost ; frew dark wocd in which strong men tremble s da midnight bre > ta RhispsM in de tree-topi. We BM allen on a journey. We are all gwine to one pl < i03. Fast as we git dp > - w ate put on de right ban' or da left , an * it am a saurt o' judgment dat never ekips a day or adjourns for an hour. De rn'.n who do&3 de roos' prayin' ' may not git dar befo' all de res' , but Ize figerad it up , an' I believe de Straight w y am cb bes' way. Git de compaa pint an * den more on lendm' ' 6 dollar heaa-rSpeaHn' fKfad. Tori ijarw-braciz' up da Weak chiariii' a lowly puttin'cut T af bt 's 6)1 ) d' time for chil'en id lean on. We Til cow bulge outwards to cur hones. BRIC-A-BRAO. Ladies are wld bout "Brie a- Bras" and will tall- , talk , t llc abnut them wrl ' " t\ < ur eiif5. Such ladits should be OZODOST and me u bs- fore tiny decuit upoi thosr hobbies , esprciil'y if the prc-aecu'ed one u n rmlo. It gives a ilivcr to the con- versa'ton. _ iil pravant a brmk in a fire hour's tik ! on brio-a- bras. Eucsten'u Arnica Balvd The BE.ST SiLre in the world f or Outs , Bruises , Sores , Ulcera , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. Thia Salve is guaranteed to give perfect satiafao- tied in every case or money re hmdi-d. Price 25 eenta per box. For ssle by 8dly J K TSH. Omaha. FETEil AA'O AGUE. 9 DsfenslTO Medication sul u ihch sliott rt n verb noz'tti- eJT ) > 'Hiwtr i IT jint , and t her-f urea Puur eof th D t 't at tbisa-iKiilipart ! uar- IT t' Irablff. > pjtallr ( cr tha f IB ndtlotly. As a remedy fur iiill"in & idyn ! > p Ia , narvou ni-i nnd tew * ' ccm It titthei * iu cumfiar1 ! e to tMi wholwoias r t rallrs for Kill uv si ! liru.'il t .iiJ ] [ > tic ! > wi. A ) c tli- err ! ! ilre liona euffir'er ; . tima of ferer nruo , the mercurial hoTthav " rtenrercd health , tbj.rful spirits and jno.1 pptlle ; they will loll yon ky tik. . KK'JCLAIOH. The Cl'o.p jt , Purest i > nd E-,3t fuaily iledl. the lu the U'orld. DForUYM'E'aiA. COSSTIPATIO.V , Jinndioo Blllou9 ! Atiatks. SICK HKAIWHK. Coli , Ds Preston of DpSrlUj , SOUR STullAUH , IleiJ Burn , Ktc. . Eti Th'fl anrlralied 'onthcniRoir.ody fe vTarr nt d not to Contain a slnfrle particle ol Xcscuar. or any InJarioHs mlr.ural snbstinfe , but la Pnrely Vegetable , cmif'jjilr.jf thn o Southo-a Hoots and Bsibl , wuleti an a'.l-wnt Providence hoi placed In ountrlss hcro Liver Di'we inoit preTiill. It wlU cui all Iis tt * u sd r.y Deranremtnt ol tlio Llv&r nd l iwels. TaE SfMPTOMg of Liyer C mp'a < nt are a bttcr or bad taste In the icontb ; P lu In the Baeh.Mdea or Jontio't ! rt minaken forRhauma- tiam ; Sour btomichLoaol Appstlle ; Bowls to nately contiro nd lax ; Ilwdaehe ; Low nl Memory , lth a jialnful i-aiation of hatlnz fill J to do Eoinethlnt whlth oa ht lo habs a done Debility , Low Spirits , a thlrk y&low ap. poarnnee of the kin nd Eyes , a dry Cough of ten mlitaktn fr Consumption. Sometltnts mwy of ihe ytrptonn attend th dlgass , t others TBTV f rhnt tba LlTer , the lir 8toreiinin ths body , | . zenorally th Beat of tha clisjiM , and If not r srulat d in tlms.ifraat rufferinr , wrecb lne s and dosth win enrag. I can re'oxraead n tI1ca < ; lnnB r mfdy for dltoMOof ths Ur r , Heartburn and Uyspupsia , B'mtaons' Ltr-r Re tilator. Ltvcii O. Wimder , J925 Majter Str t , Asshtact Fiat Muter , f hiladelpb a. "We h a lxtt'1 Itirtr'atf. . trfon-\lly , and know tlwt for Drsmrm'a. Blllloapn * * ! and Tlirohblnj H ada be. it Is the besC rc dldn the world aiar saw W * hava tried forty other rtmed'f e b foraImmnrn' Liver llcjr lutor , but nnna nl them sravu ui more than temporary re- 1 cf : b' tlhe Eoiulator not only reiliwd , bn cured tu. . " Editor r Ujfriph tad Itfi'pcjer , jla'on , Gt. HANV/iCnm B osn.7 zr J. H. ZZILJN & CO. , PHILADELPHIA , PA. Prl . Sl.OO Bu'.d ky all Drngalste. Dy pep Iii's tnrtutd Tlctlm , Why crofs th ooeju tlj& la ditnlc tha Sft ! * < r < ruur Tli Kitturu'g foant Buorllol { When at jour t-e < i I In. fddnc Present * th * If m dr ught , Eba'lteni lu slisaltiw F o M X tiirt' f > u tiln qniliiU. In Tiinirr's COOL APCUISKT , T ud in < fv-M b aliii ; thl'i' Tu t Uo.1. tha G M' I hy 1 Un , ll i cn t Intj thefpnns' 80Lr > BV At.L PF.Dr.niaTg ATTEfiT8.'J ! ' , BUILDERS AND COM TRACTORS. The ownar of the celebrated Kaolin Banks , netr LOUISVIIJ E , NEB. , hns > BOW readr at the depot nt Lpninville , on th B. k M. railroad , .10 fill onjr order ot reasonable prices. Par- jsa desiring a white front or ornamental arick will do well to give ca a call or sender ; or aampl . J. T. A. 32OOYEK , PropM IKOH TUBBIN Mast , Foes & Co. , Springfield , 0. Ths StronjHt andHwt Durab ! Jn the Wcrld. Bandrods lc use In Ion and XelrajVa Ecl'J by Dsalera In ntirlyerrry county. * \ This cut represents oor J S Buckeye Force Pump | 1 phlch ia partioulany adapted to Wind Mill ties , as It works easily and throws a constant stream , and doea not frseza up in the cold est weather. Sead for price hat TV. H. EATNEB , Weit-rn Ac't , Chaiha. Neb. TKE OHLY PLACE WHEHE YOt can Bad a ? ocd assortment ot BOOTS AND SHOES At a LOWER PIGtTRS than a any other ghee house tn the dtr. P. LANG'S , 23SFA3HKAH8T. LADIES' GENTS SHOES s , bis d -VIA THE Chicniro Si > riwesterii * ! 2,330 , MiLES OF ROAD ! t Islit SHOKT , SURE and Si. * Sonts C t e j = COUNCIL BLUFFS 1SD OHIOAGO , MILWAUKEE ini ill pcbti EAST and NORTH. IT O'FCHS THE TRA7SLIXO PtTBUO UHEATES VAOUTaa AND MOHB ADVANTAGES THAN ANT I/THE K ROAD VX THE WEST. It Is tu * OSLT ROAD btfe o COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Cpoa t > Mch Is run PULLMAF HOTEL OiES 1 In tJJItlou to theoeaaj t' > plea ill claaiea ol < lrFIR5T CLASS MEALB at ite EaTINO STATIONa * : W cents TS TRACK IS57EELRAI13I Ii5 COACHES AR- THE nn-E&TI ITS EQUIPMENT HBST CLASS It yon wl b the B t Trivfllai i tl ns\ou \ tl buy rnur ticket I-T t lj lloa. AU Tl I ( t Ajrents run a H ou Thrmi'h TJI tbla a d O ck un l Euj- fj e rrw { C .arj . OMAHA TIC1Er OiTIfE JrJJ Ttrnl-iua St , Cor UUr. HU ! at Colu P C'fl-3 Brr-n X'Ett OFFICE 'D fo'or il CeutraJ uij Union o'licket Office. KKANCISCO uF-lt.E-2 Aa crj Stro t. TCI Information , JoM'rs. irari , etc. , not Ulr tte dt ni'm Tlckst tno , JJifi4 t ' t ct lh Uompaay , ur KARYIH HHCHITT , ? fH 3TESN1T7 , Can'l Mnae-r , O uT Piss , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T- CLARK , „ fien'l Arfl Oaaha ft Cooatfl Blu3j. 188O. K.G.ST.JOE&C.B.B.B.I Is the Direct Line to ST. LVUI5 AXD THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. of u : < b twr n OmaKl and St. Louis and bni uaa between Omths and K'jw York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS IUUCHIXO ALi Eastern & Western Cities With le s charyss and in adranra cf othtr Mnis. TbLi entire lir. U equipped vrtth rnllman's J'aJaoo K erplcj Can. False * l ) y Co h- , iir.I.r' Btfu'y I'lct'onn ad Ccaper ind tha c lebrat9d W gtIa bOU Air Eraie. THAT T it'll TICKET READST Kanw City 8t Josiph and31 Tlct ! t2 lor &Ue at all coapua atatlorj Id tha W . J. F. BAHKAHD , A. C. DATVES , Gon'I Suf.t. , Onu'l I'asi. A > inket Az't St Jc o.JiMo , f-t Jiiwpb , iSo , W. C. SEACHKIST , Ticket Azao. , S"ii Fldecntli &tr : * ' , botw n Farnbam and Donc'as. iTnlon Bo6k ! , Omaha , JOS. 1 CllCttJ , A. E. BABNRD , ? ija. A jeut , Om ht. 0n'rt A joat , Oin ha. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Rilmbh istottas City J7oute / 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE J From COUNCIL BLUPFS to ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all points In Ko-th m low * . Jllnnwota and Dakota. Thl iln li equ'ri ' d with th In- pimed TVr-tlnchou-w Aiitomaii" Air Brakf and lliller Platform Coupler * ad Duller. Afld for SPED , SAFETY AHDC3MF08T U unsurpamrd. Elegant lim nnr Koom nd . l > Jiny , tun Thron < ri Wjtk tit Ohanga btt n Uni"3 1'iclHe lraisf r ( Epo" , Cornell BUiffj. and St. I'iil. . Trana Iwve the Unioa P clBc Tran-f r 1'ep tat Council niun , atS:6p m. , roi-bia ; "icux Cuy at ICila p. m. , asu bt. Paul ain-R ci , niiU ni : HOLRS w AuTAjfcs or AJTT Orasu ROCTH. Retnrntnp , IciiTJ Ft. Paul at * : & > p m. , tr. rl.g atSi-uxOlty atl : 5 i ra. and Untoa icine Trailfcr Depot , C uncil CluS-at8-SO a.m. B irarc that your tci ! ! t8 ' * 1 rta "s. CL s P. P. . It. " F. C. HILLS , Superintendent. Mb onr | Valley , lo & . V. E. fcOfclXSOV , Asa't Of n 1 Paw. A - at. J. H. 0'BBYA.V , Koathw ; tern Trelitbt end Fiaitngcr Atrrat. mjJO-tf " C'ounoil EluPs THROUGH TO GH GAGO Without Change of Cars ! CHICAGO gURLINCTCN & | UIHGY With SraoctU t < l Perfect Tntk , lltgsnt P > senjeruc 4hcj , a d PULLMAH SL EPJAC _ & DIH1HQ GARS It If & krow dtj by tha Prwg , > nd ill -aio travil nr < r It. 10 b. tha Celt Ape J > t J led Bett llinj. , a i Ofel In the Country. PASSENOaEsTGOING BABT Should beer in mind that thd ! 13 th BEST ROUTE TO CH1GAGD , And Fomta wt > crtb ar.d Passta eri ky thij lout : h Ts cho-'ce ct POUR DIFFERENT EODTES , And tha Adrantaje ol oil Dilly Llr.cs c t I'iW * fcl pla4 C.rj ( New York LityWiihont Change. All I' pi * : : Trains on thit llaeira c < ja ppfitdtii th " tetin.hc.uje [ 'Mint Air DrtkM acd Milltr'e ' .lent Bio y fla focm and Ccupltrs , tnon it Pcrf ct ire * ttction Ag Ji.g. cvl- iltn.a ID the w > rlil. PUIUAH PAlACt3LEEPIH3 AND D'NINS OARS Are ran on t 'UriiB toc konto. In'onnatloa sctjurnn. Fou'es. Eit . * lni Com ett.unw.ll ts ta rmlly gl n by app ylnf > t the oKs of tbt > . urj jtou Koute , 6tt cnrtemn S > rM : , Orasba. . ebr-'ii. C.E HIKKI.S. U w.HUcH.uCK. G.r/1 A tnt : r. C B. Wtjl'o Pat Ag't. J. O. I'HILU-PI , S. . Jet. , 0 , Gtural Agct , O H V f pj-dl i w ek tn roar own tonm. Ttrca s < u flifiM. Addric * U. PrnUnd. M AVER'S AGUE CUBE Tor th gjxedj rtl ! f of ror nnd Ague , Intermittent Ferar , Ohill FovorRemittont FeTerDnmb , Ague , Periodical or Billious Fever , &c. , and Indeed all the Affections ! which Ariae From ilnlarioua , or MiasmaticPoisoaa , Has bt \r\&tfy \ u ed dnrln ? tfc list twentj.Sr * yeva , ! n tbs treatment of thcs dlitrwsta ; flisoues , and irlth ( uch nnTinr- iizrjcco i that It hw ; un d the r pauton tt beinir irJilllblt , Tlis ibaVco , orchllls cues broktn bj It , do nnt return , until tb dlnu It oo- tract ed i atnTbli tM rsids tt an accpt d rsrnedj , and tnut d ip ! lCo , for the Fer r and Ajue of th vest , and tb ehiUs and feTtirs of tha loath. Ayar't Aam Cure radlcatea tb noxious pols on from tha syittm , and loaves tbs patient u well a ? ocfo e the attack. H tboroixhlv erfwls tha ilucaM ? , ao that no Liror compUlnU , Khan- matiim , 1'etiraWa , Djiant ry er Debility follow the cure. Intlee < l. wburs DisorJ rs of the Liver and Bon L have occnrrwl from Mlwmatlc Pois on , 1C renvnres the canto uf them and ttioy disap- ooar. Kot onlv li It au effectual nre , but , il < , skan occaslocilly by patiei.ta exposed to cid. ria , U alii eipcl tha poison and protect th n from attacic. & 7rave era and temporary ro Identi In Fever anJ jn loca hies an thus enab'ad to d.f v the disease. Th General Eebillty which Use so apt to enrcs from contnuc/1 nrpasurt tc for LIVER COMPLAINTS , = t rsmsdy- DS , J. O. AYBR & CO. , Lowell , Mass. Practical and Analytic Clianuits | CUJ 2V At WuCOSIS JLK3 p.rc 3 . Aiinu Fcr COUG-ES , COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all Diseases of tha THROAT and LUNGS. Tb niorta e rUV pr p r ti tn tti. * n . n w rJ By , llrv toTOT.U UOfKaa.1 R7K uii Lomonjui O. jnn i-.av9 n osoKent Appet./orm I Tontc. ( . r I T r : . .ua Uiollj u e Th- liniui r9 > cJ ! r Js-lr.- filiyJ ; i.c Luuir-nij its luu.j. . - r l i.ldutar tbetvit I < KK - > o ( lt tr u .1 auJ I , u'a i > Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. PAMTinM . . .CON THE DECEIVED by unprlnclpl"- * * ! * " \vb < irv to palmed pp > o-r i Urt ' I lUli. coTtnuii Hoc * a.i ! in p a > c ' ( OT T > ltT IM'CK ' nna KYK. wbkh to th oaly iltlviCATK D tnlde Cid r t io GE.S L'l N'K m > luc n GOVES.N ilKNT STAill' oa wc& Ulti * . Batract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : lEEAsCrtV DKl'AUTHK.NT. OKFIC * "F INTERNAL RiVCMK. > tti HMoiuj , U. C , J nuary 2S. Isa * . T.l SCK A VAKTIX , 1111 Mad'son St. , Cblcao. . U a. . Os n. aw TI Jiicmn-ard. In tbo opiiil > n ot f-w ulfct , "ouMbatsa ut9ciBt > | uuiinv > ' K 't \u rTi'l r to tv lt . .11h' l > au aiatr ! rf t tliU ni I * ill p t < 'r J oun.p : lntr. I ihu wM < ky dtb .irui > cnciTut ui tin I.-i i > rtff lerlnif It an aeiev bla rwnw'y to th t ! ' . U ' p"Ununi so * r laf la thfi nn . It nm | ir fttlv l ciij-ot a a V EPABATIO iriJtr tfta pr tt r * of I' b K < l ! tttrtwi. iml uh'ifc t mp i , cJ 'J I'ru .il , Aj > u > l."C rU ana Other I'.mvU' n'.lBuur.Luctu. . , ; Ibfn IUM t. p f tax u lqu ! < r > * < : > -i YOUIJ fcp'r > : ir , t > iine.'i OKEEN. B. EAUai.CoainU5toner LAWRENCES : MARTIN. Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by D3UGOHSTS , GROCERS aid DEALERS everywhere WHO IS UNACQUAINTED Y/1TH THE ( .COCRAFHY > < rHS ! COUNTRY , VSEE BV EXAMININO TH.i MAV > , fflAT THE T T " * - mm rrnn . TT-T * " ? * " - * ilhs. , ° Jiinapo' sjP'JtiJ ! i'i i U N7g * MSMyxIn - If i YJx < ? u Kr ' _ j y0 CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE OUEAT COXXKCTISK LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE YVfc Itenutln Una runs from ( Memo M ( ouncll JJluUv fa1nc throuzti Jollut. ' ) ttca. La < ! i > lle. enetes , Molina. ltic Ii'iml , Darenpirt , We t Llfcertj. lowstltr. 3Iarn. . . Urou l.u.Jrinnell , l > c * Molne * tllit capital of Iowa ) . < tu rt. rttlan- tie , and Av . ca t with dranchc' fum I ur * " u Junction to fiorln i Wilton Junction tc.v.u cn- ttro. Washington , KairZcIU , CMnn. L'elxnap , CcntrerllW , itince cn TrcatotuGnrlatln. ' am - rnn. l.ea eawortti. Atchl-on. and Ivan n t'ttr * ' TTmihlneton tu blsocrnsy. O : aloo3. anil Knt - j Tlll ; Keokuk to KnrrjUipu > n , Jlonannrtp. lien * tcnsDort , InCcpenrtwnt. Claoc. lAturawn. EiUlr- Tlllo.Oll.N 'ii. P9lln.M"nn > 9. nntl l/n Moinei ; Kuwtm to Jlonroe , Utv > JIotnM to Ir-dinnniuaml TV'latertct i AtUntl. tn S.exN cat Auiiubna : out ] Ac > ca lo iliulLn. This Is poeitlrelr ti ! nulr i'jIroa3. nlilcli OTTII. n-t operate ! " ttirougu Ucj 'rum Chicago Into fiv'tnlm r Kan n . Throui'U Einr ? PiMnnuer Trains , with Pnll- ian u& ! ce' arsaitaobwl.nrariit Hcn war ( lull ; bei" eu CHIC i .o and I'eoiUA. Ktygis CITT. ULC" " ' I.AVENWORTII and ATCIII- . , , IPO mt Kan .i 'tr rj tb "Mllw uUf * ana KocSk Island fchuLm ' Tbe " Rreat v.ocS l I a > f * Is nuzntdcentlT tijuiiintd. It < roait b < l t ' : uipU pKrfovt , un'J lU trauz in lutil nitb itav ) lulls. Want will pltmra you mi t wtn w tlie plcusnr- f cnjoylr.krnr tncn ! . rhtle p MiD < JT rtliw bnnuful pralrios < > ' 'Htioisami lena , tn n < i f a. x forteT ntj-t ) ? ccuu. f ppredattntr the ( u < rt that n ma'orlt nf the pople prefer separuto npnrtm at furdllTcrant porpOBCS land the Immmuu pumrnii r bujlcem of tnta line warranting H > , wu ari pu-wscd to an nounce that this Compani runs I'ulliium Palace Cart Ser tlaaplntt parpotes. ami I'alaa IKnlnv r in for en'.ins pury .v on'.r 'T * TS < ? 1 Riurtt feitr oof u" I'aUic" tars I PM 'lijNS . * nrih you can eujoy yonr " i ) J a : nil hon.of thf < > uy. ' .Maxnlnrcut Inn Bri < land - > ' and J'i ourjil'c.-sat nil poinw crr- ' , r I Una. unit trnnsf era aronioiUe nt tV'Ur.l. . - I Kanvis ' itr. Lenvonwortn. and Atciil * ourr ui < MI ni f > Itictn ic In L nlon Orpin * . I TUB rill.M'lfAl. U. It. CONNRtTItANt ' ,2 [ Tills .Kl-.Ar TUUUL'UII UMS AKS 4 ? At < HICJIOO. with all dhrcrztcf toes Ha Cant anil S4mth. Al KMjLEivoou. Tilth tboL.S-iM.S- IS. W. < tf It. iI . _ At WASHINGTON lUiatrr . with K. U , C 3 * IU it. At LA SALLE. wii lit. Cent. " , it Ul'Ki.KiA. with f. I' , it. } . . V O.AS. t , JiA W , I" Mid. , nnd T. 1' V W. 1W - At UCAK 1-LAM > vlth "Milwankea a , v C I land 3j.rt I.lnto. ' ' nd Itock 1 IM .t I'ec At l > AvzM > iiur , nlU the Ua C. M. . * ? t f it K. At WMV I.IBEIITY , with thoB..C At OKI WELL , viin < Hntmi low X. 'I * At'oi'M'tL iti.frr * . with I'.jfcjT t' c > a At I.M tilt , with II A Mil It. ILK. n .N9i AtfoLt-iiin.-i Jt M-riu.x.wUhIL.I ! : . i i. ' At trrtcji - . \ . wltn Central lowaK.H- St. I * , .t I'M. und C It. A V > 1C. 1 W * . At KEOitCK. itb TOL. I'wi. i Wur.t * Lautr i I'JP , anil L U. Kro. * N - \ . H UU * At < .45IEHDN. with Il.fct. J ILK. At ATCHIOX. . wtlli Atcli.Toj > lia * ! . itch. A N > b. and I vn. Ur t. P 1C. ltda. ; At 1.CAVCNWOUT1I. with Kan. 1' dk } Cent. K. ltd * . i ClTT.witu all lines ror ih ? ivesr l ti.I.MAS IAI.ACC OAKS i r run tlir m h ta PKOIXIA , I > E SlOIrtt * . CNC. * ! . 1HTFVS , 1LV > SAS CITV , TC1I1 * 4 X , t > n < l JKAV \VOUT1I. . ri X t * Tin thlx Lin * , hnnirn t lh " Irvat JIooU I > lanU ICuatv. " nra iOl M nil Ticket Aicent * In Cie VnltvJ Mate * r.nit Cuniulii. Infonaatlou aot obunnalil at your liumo ticket office , i jtiirr * . ST.TOII > T. 6ea'l S-jp Uitoc < ! at. ( Jen'l Tit. and iWjr Aat. It * VF" ! tEi And evoryining pertaining to the Furniture and upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORT EHT OF KEW GOODS AT THE KIK * h nt 1208 : HK ! 1210 Farnbam Street Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator 1 88O- MANUFACTURED BY P. P. MAST & CO. , SPRINGFIELD , They also nako Buckeye Improved Iron .beam Walking Cultivator , with or without Sj rings. Tbo y&vf Force Feed Jluckcrc Drill , one or two Horse Style * Enqulro for them at the beet dealers. F. H. PUGS , Gen. Agent , Uinaha. ffeb. JC - " " - s / y Xj * * jfr--\f ' n + .ir h A y m OUSES RnETJMATIRW. CFRS3 COCOES and CO'D3 CUBES rHETJMATlSM , ftn-.E3 COCCHS ! = d COLDS SORETHEOAT.CCRE3 DTFTHER'A. I-AME BACK Bi "TIFF CCBSd LAilS BACK , and 1. CT7S Dd "BCJ3E5. CT72 3 EVE S , CUTS crd BETJi r Celir i to 5 Jti , 57to IS cwzts. NERVOUS DEBILITY I Vital W inen nd"r : 'Specific No. 28. feT -n. Price 31 Fr n " - . iioo a ( UrS . .ntp 7 fr.e on of price bCMPHBE. HOMEa ED COH3 f ulton St. . hrwt < . Mas ! . OiU U * of DR. A. S. PZNDERY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN K TI.Y tOOATSD H3 UE5- ICAL Or F10E , OC fcy 's& scyirfces Is ill djjirtsscsw e ' s ; > liei55 1 s nc.ery * ftii la _ K aciil su. ) bo ar * . l ! jt5 d j p rts rf th 41 aid eittl7 ! ca ncsr ?