' * ' THBPAILYBEE. _ B HOSEWATEE BriTOR. TO CORRESPONDENTS. OTK Cccstci J UEXSH T > vi'l ' ! be pl a J to bra r irrmcu all matttiB cocreclcd tiitli . croir , ctun'iy pol'lcs , tnicn uy znb.cct I nhatrvcr. cJjCBMiJlntereaistotlicpeor'e ' < > ' cur & tic Asy liifoinatl u ccunecleJ vitb J. All s-ch cottcucica. yo.sbswvw.najt te as toUf lyntlb'e. tad ihy racst tn ell ca : t r tten on or.s z'.3etft h et only. s > 4srcrWanxfiln tu'l.mnst In each trd oi ocmnutlttUon errrj ca e frcccar" " ? * nf * tat Titarasocnr. 7bj ! ! s act inttcdtd for tp5UlC9tl n.batfororrcwvut'sJettlcn tnc t prtwf t f < atdid to8 fcr OSce 'hctl'- * i a e 1 y r , H cr Ir'tcds , btid nhttlier ts HQ lew cr tcmnvmlont'ors ' to tl.6 fd'-tf , tir cn'.llzcinlriitjo ! ! tren-ads Hap' TKKO tl cdrtll te d-Mfulf rs.o'.dterti Tent Vsto rcr ! < sT ttj-tr.ttiilfEs cfa lltor.rro' pom-iileiaractfrjXiO vowill net inJcrtat. op t'trvcit i sriTo the ir.e la my ca f r. tnr ttan ia ft ff-ient j larg tc All * 4Stccnl < stKjre licudta ! tdi'rc rd to E. noSFWA-ER. Edltrr * ' 'Tht. iQislatvrc thcdl pats Jam to cc rcct s5u.es and prevent vr tut tfwrtinr.a'ion ( cwr ezio-Jicn in aTZ chnrya of txprtll. tele .n railroad ccnpxnica in 'hit sittte tudi. ? a by adequate ycnalivci t9 tit extent , y ncc&rsarr , for that purpctt , tf Jorfe urc cf thdr property end /ran. rifce. " [ Ssr 7 , Art. 12 , ebwilta. Caa- KATICHAl REPt BUCANJtGKET. roa JAHES A. GAEFIELD. of Ohio. CHETER A. AETHUH , of New YorV. ESSTIAT. GASH. ELD'S pfcrfai yat- iirdiy fioci his betas to Buffln , rn roily to Ket ? TtrV , tras oao contJnu- oas ovation. J5 recur ed as better , but the tcBUs.1 banquet z van by the lorl Mayor to ill ? rumistry has been indeEnitely postponed until after his hh recovcrr. BtiTAIOR ITSIBS , of fcB'n elected to iho Prc < Jer.O ? of Bbtkbair onllrge. Mr. Vithare 5a an o'Joatrcd-fhiricr , tnditisundsratooa that this is not ilia fir t tixe ho has gons tlsck-burvinir. THE exodus from Canada to the United States duricg the last ye r has been remarkable. At the ona point oi foil 8'unii 1h U. S. coniul reports thiti7t057 ; K-ncclta croseed over tc < ho United Statrs shoru during the 5o r. of vhu disgruntled ia tLis city vrbo ere indignaut thai lirocsupaticn is gone , tay that Ihi v publioan county committee ehoulJ ! not htvo bacn changed till this Ml. They ovidentlj forjel ihat famous report midf bj Chailcy Bar.k , chnirrnan , nboul ttolun campaign fund. If tin commtttou hsd been ptrpeta. ate 1 , the roputlicin party in Doujlas county would hax-e diabBnded. Orleons Picayune learni i7i'h surpriss that a § 300,000 coi ten mill is to ba croalod in WIB oasin.nud tronderswhy it wasn't plsoed en tht binls cf the BlissiiMppi , in a colt < r growing country. "I'he ojplaiiRt mi 11 nssy. Capital Ecohsinvestment when the laws are beet unforced , and tvhtr < * he liven and properly of the Iziborer ; employed Tfill be eafc. Capital aat labor alike steer clear of Alabama i and THE Afuhaa situation is , to say tht ) e > ast , very alarming. The newemeei by his actions ia escitius grave sus picionR of his loyalty to the Bn < isl > vrho ecaicd him on the throne Ht Ca bul. General Primrose is impriMonec within tharRlls of C ndahar. Thi hill tribes ro cocttanly : receiving re inforcemvnti , and are pushing on ti join the victorious Ayoob. Pull par ticu'&rs of the recent disastrous battli provo that the British defect tvas o * ing almost ab much to superior goner ? le-Ip on the part of Ayoob ts to au uerior nutnbtrs. Lci.DI'0 piptra in various stntei are mikiug calculations o ! the effect of the CIIKUS returns on the new sp rxrionraent of representatives. Th prfssnt number of m mbsra of th hoUJO it 203 , elected on ft basis o it/ 181,425 to ths con resaicnal dietrict Any great increase in the house o representatives won d maie th t bed ( oo lirga and untrieldly. The genert IB th t the new nppoition bo cadi on abieis cf ICO , OODwhic , esctptmg m the wesi rn etatei , will not materially iacreai the represent -tion. Sin. Fo.Rsrnii's Irmh Oompanralio . Honso of Lords , by the deceive vet of 281 against 52. There hae bee little protpect of its passega ace il introduction into tha House of Con mocs. It was radical in some of it ffeitmes , and weak ia others. lit prc visions allowing a non p'yinj ; tcunr to claim damages for evictiou esc , M those whets rent had been paid was a positive premium on rent shirl ing , while the counties to which som cf its operations werere&tricte < b ere by no means the most in need cuch assistsnce. The . bill wea op posed on the one hand by the land lord element and on the other bV number of the most influential of th Irish reformers. Both sides claimed perhaps traly , ihat as a measure e relief it would prove a failure , an both tide ? , while admitting the neces tsity of some rcfcrm , fdiled io find i the compensation bill . any adequat solution of- the problem. Although th bill has failed to pats the upper hous : iti introduction by the ministry an its postage by the cornmors has give the Irish people an atsurance cf th earnest eLdeavors of Mr. GUditor and his party , to meet the presstn derrunds of an oppressed oonntry , an thj pesster-y : af the former ia for * : UR it to a v.-e , d3spito the entreatit or macy ciis friends a = d the thren or La enosies , is a' prot F ofthat n : daunted integrity which"chwactei iz&s the mia and viich. ref3 es.to ca abrtaslaE isths " - pariuit cf * iit" belter" o b& icitit CONV10T10N BEPOKB THIAU The republicans of Dongla&county and ! ' . intelligent republicans m tha sta'e understand that the p'itneob j'Ct of tha men wno own acd control the Omsbu 7cjmWi ni is to subserve thu intercfti tf the Union PaciGc mo nopoly. That corporation controls the editors cf shit sheet a * absolutely as it dee the fiuntrintcndenta of its rosd. Jay Gould and his Nebraska managers cars nothing for the repnbLonn party or the demo cratic pirty , but they have an < nter 3t in controlling men that rep- r ent us in th legislatures , whtfher a'ate tt ) cttionali Ever since Jay or 'uld came into control cf the Union Paci6c he has cndoavorad to run the machinery of parties in the state , chroush subordinates who made poli tics a tpecisl busineEs. Now it * a happens thct the republiosn party is UrgeJy ; n majority in Nebrefi'kehence the monopoly managers have operated mainly through that pirty. In Douglas county , where 110 parties are very nearly eveoly bal accsd , the monopoly managers have fr yurs manioulsted the prirawies sud convontiona of both parties. Our primary Iss'ior.i ' have been a stupend ous and di'pracefol fires. WhoJe b-igadea of bulldoaad railway em y * ! l ve been promi'ouously thrown into ilia various wards and r-ited rerardless rf thfir political fsl-h. Oarg ? rf repeaters , organized under thedn lof monop"l/henchm ° n , huairatrs and deadbeatsimported from Io ? , and gravel trains loaded with TOT r ident tec'ion handi have particptted m our party primary ecc- t CTitRiid mafle our mmiuntions. This E'ate of affi'rs very naturally de moralised all partee. gcoica of tha be't -pallican- ) - , disgusted with the pr.ruiry frauds , have bolted the party ticket at every general elec tion and hundreds rf democrats , eQ'ia'ily disgusted with the nmnuula- ticn of their conventions and prim aries by the eama agency , have re fused to ra'ify tha wosk of tha U. P. hosiers. The corrupt man'paVion of of jrimaries and conventions of both psrties , madpit Hobson'schcizofor re- puthbie Democrats nnd Republicans , and generally resulted in osr misrep resentation in ihe Srate nnd national For the first time in many years , th * Union Pacific monopoly have leal cent rol of party machinery Doug'ai couaty. Tha Republican co inty oonv mittrc , to abata the primary acotici ! frauds , his established regulation ! thiil mil cnsura AH honcat , untr&uv cicllcd expression of party sentiment. And this is why the monopoly org.v : has set up such n tumble howl. Like tha Eecejiionisfa , at the outbreak oi Iho war , who pronounced Lincoli a tyrant and usurper be * fore ho had ever taken his asst , and precipitated the war withoui an overt act , the monopoly henchmen have pronounced the entire system ol ropull can registrations and measurer to provfint double voting and ballot- box stuffing , a nefarious scheme ic defraud the party. Without waiting to know -who the registrars will bo. the ? pronounce them a sat of yillaicf tnu gcouncirels ho will falsify tin record , and \\l\o would violate thei : instructions for tha purpose of dis franchising honest republicans. It the face of the fact that tha registratioi list i > lobe publiihed and posted so tha everybody msy copy it , the Republican charges that men will be voted whosi names do not appear on the register : iJ tliat the judges of election wil rafusa to let men veto who are regis tereJ. Rojznea usUhlly judge every body by their own standard , am there is no doubt that ; f the cadetshi ] trader and rip-rap chief , who is mak ing ell these frcud howlc , were reg's trar or jucge ! , ho would perpolrat : uch frauds. For imtincc , a littli ov r a year ao , about eevei o'clock in the evening , ths editor o THE Bis standing in front of his of fics saw tha high-toned and diguiSei senate r running up Farnham stree from the river , followed by ft pang o ebout thirty rip-r ppera. They turn sd the corner of Tenth and Farnham end upon personal inquiry aom o thess men informed the editor tha Ucy Lad baen brrught up to th Th rd raid po ] i f.t th j engine hens to help Barney Shannon carry tfci democratic primaries. Atid there i no doubt thty voted. This ii a sample ofwhat the Btpul CMI calls free ana open primaries i : Onuhs. We don't wonder , howovci thatary tffrtlo putaetop to thi fyatem mteta with such violent r < eutance. Republicans who war htnust elections and a fair expressio .e. ufnartv sentiment.wlll not , howevci be icfiuenced'by these howling hencl men vho pretend to BPS a terribl n'gger in tha wood-pile. Tb rrcutration will bs coi s dncrcd by honorable mei > No Eepnblican who presents hirnsf ! it for rc tatration will bp diifranchieec ij The lis s will be published. Xo ado ' tiona will be made to them after rej is'r-t'on hai c'o'prl. Erery registore Republican will b allowed to vote i the primaries , but repeaters andDerr ocrats will have to keep nway. Th returns certified to by the judges ( election , accompanied by the balloii poll lists and registry list , will I placed in the hands of the convei fen , and no frauds can be perpi trated without detection. The threat t the Stpvibl\cant \ that it's followers wi not abide by these regulations , show what they have to fc r from an honei priiasrr. THT ordmaaca passed by the cit council at ita last meeting , which pn videsfora special election to detei mine whether 560,100 of our old 1 psr cent , bonds now outstandin shall be refunded at a lower rate of ir tercel , is a nova towards a more bus ness l.ke administration ' of the cty' finances. There is no reason wh Omaha should be paying 10 per cem oa her municipal indebtedness whi ] other western cities are selling 5 an 6 per cent , bonds at a premicn ' Money , in iheoastera Etitts , is ceel ing investment at low ntes cf. intsi esr , acd tlnf-boads of a city whic bj shown Szsh 2. iteidy rscii growi as ocr CT2 wrelddsnstlsafba taken ti sdvantagsoiis Mter. At tb present rata of interest tha city annu ally pays 6,610 interest on the amount now proposed to ba funded. If the new bonds could bo placed on the markjt at 7 par cant , the interest would amount to 6-1,627 , an annual saving to the city of 81,953. If a ; x per cant funding bond could be placed the cifferense would still be more marked , amounting to $ ? ,644. The mo73 is one in the right direction nnd ctm hardly fal r f success. Beth parties have taken the chair man of their national committee from Connecticut. It is understood that Gen. J. R. Hawley , of Connecticut , will not agiJn be a cindidate for the lower huuao of congress. Conklin has eons fishing for trnut. He had the Uettoral vote of New York already honked , and tbat is what bothers tha democrats. If both the democratic electoral tickets remain in the field there is 10- rious danger thatYirginU will be lo < t to the dotaoctat'c pra idential ticket. The demncrts of Ohio have rut a very genteel ticket in the field , one ih.it will In k ? weH md blossom in the dust of the campaieu ftiid maio a pretty cnrp.-e in Novembr. Gen. Joseph R Hnwlev has notified h's friends of his intention to It are London nsrt Sa'urday ' for his homo in rrd r to be litre to engf-ga in the tarl < eB. work of the campaign Dr. Willnm H. JVHon addmsed a po'H'C'l ' ' meeting at Cartewvillo , Ga. , on the 22-i inst , p.nd a-snounced pub hcly 'or ths firit tlma that he will * a a candidate for rc-cWtion t : > Congrc's , and will run as en Independent Demo cr.it. cr.it.Col. Col. W. M. Lin ? hss withdrawn from the contest for the Democratic t for Governor of Texas , g GOT Huberts and Lieut. Gov. Savrea to fit-lit it out between th mi. And a very lively fight they hsvo baen making it Seewary Sherman hss been re- qut-fjted to open the campaign at Oo- lumb-Js at such early diy ea is con- vcniint to him. It i expected that the rrpiib''c ' n eampnicn ni that state will brurdr fu'l headway during the first weak in Auguat. SriiaUr Brucej of Mi'sivippi , Js to take an active p.rt in the M < mie cam- Daign , and w.ll have for Aupusla In a few davs. Hn will also muko several fpeeches in Ohio and Indiana. Afror tha isnater's term of office expires he will m ke his home in Ohio , whore hie wife has rtlativts living. According to ths ISoston Htrald Gen. Butler's friends say that ho will no : run for tha Governorship of Mat s- nchusetU thi < year , but will make matters lively in the SeventhDialrict , where he will bo the Independent- Greenback Labor-Reform-Democratic candidate for Oongreaa. Tha venerable Senator Hannibal Hamlin , who prone ses to retire as senator from ilaina next spring when his term expires , Ins been m public life as legislator , governor , congress man , vice president and senator since 1830 , without interruption a longer period than that covered by the ser vice of any of his present associates. With encn" record , in which no flaw appears , Ir. Hamlin has earned the repose he scelta. Sena'ora Wade Hampton and Z. B. Vcnce apoko ct a democratic ratifica tion meeting in StaunU.n . , Vs. , on Monday , and .va arc- told by the cor respondent cf The Richmond Dis- uatch that "constant roars of npphuse were kepi up , except when the pa- the'jc appeals of the senators from the Carohnas io Virginians not to force thu hated republican rule again upon the south brrKj. ' ' , a solemn hn b nnor iho vast Rwrmtly , ana some tears tt tha eyes of 5 The Brohen Slate , Lirct In DurH * t Tliat the Leidtke matter is a politi ct ] movemtnt of Eoine kind is quiti evidtnt , end , sprnn ? just at tht present moment , it breaks the state slate which the republican p < pero all over the state had tacitly agreed io "the renominatinn of their preseni state otBcors , with the exception , per haps , of Divis and Thornpion. " 01 course , if Leidtlso ia guilty now hi was guilty six months ego , nine months or n year asjo. Why was nol the matter \'cntilatud then ? Win have nt t the patriots , who are alwny ; willing to servo their country , callec the intention of the governor to thii matter before. Whether Lciflt'io ' wini h's case , or loses it , his r-mminatior bescmes an impossibility ; tha slate ii broken , and the pioec cannot be pin together without some troubb , anc that trouble will conk Senntor Pad dock's gocse. McBride , Van Wvckt and Eaton , with Weioa in the back ground , h vo more to do with thii han Guv. .Saooa really imagines , anc the above mmrd coterie of gentle men is not favur b'v ' impressed witt the idea of Senator Paddock'c ro-elec non to the U. S. icnate. The Repub'ioin convention in Lin coin on tins Drt of September prom hes to bo a very interesting aff .ir E quite unexppotedly , too , to the De m cracy. Wo fe t confidnt a 1 thi time thnt the county conventions fo the nomnutiun of members tf thi legislature w , uld creito r.n immen'i imount of b5d blood among the Ra pub'icana. but we hud no icci that i would extend to the state t.eket. W rejoice upon the additional iroub'o which our friends have manage i tobrins , ; to the fiont. The Demo crats of Kcbrsska have to fight han all the tirno for thii which they d net even cet , and it is nothii g bu I'lyht thot Iho rwpah mans should fisjh hard amont ; themselves for tbat whic thryaro always ruro to have Take ill in a'l , nnd whether Mr. Leidtkci quilty or nor , , he is , in our opinior the victim of a conspiracy within th republican ranks , the main purpose c which was the downfall of Senate Paddock. It is well played centl < men ; it remains to ba seen how i will pan out. it Controlling Forces. Buffalo Coramer , ; il. Two forcss , one moral nndtheothe economical , will help to make Garfiol the nest President of tha Unite States. The first is the awakened spirit c the north which revolts against pul ting ths government in the hands c the south , a eecticn in which ire speech ana an honest ballot are no yei tolerated. The second force springs from th pocket nerves of the people , and com pals business rnentoscfcupcnth * prin ciple , et well enough alons.1 The case is BO clear and the argu ment in a continuance of the reoubl ; can administration to easily drive home to the understanding of th laborer and the capitalist alike the we believe the Eeond force alon would determine the result of th next election. With bnth forces worl ing constantly , invMbly , irresistib in favor of the republican ticket , ou faith grows itronger dsy by day ths Garfjeld and Arthur will carry ever northern state. 2ogus Whit It tie ta tr.ing of this war "rpconc liatioaV' Why is "th fecuthy sot "recKiciJeii" Ish nor i. 'Js o& forglrac * Istie r-uth grively io play j = tha snisn ths ra of John Zellsy at Oinc.s2it/&n pardon the loyal country ? The dem. ocntic tactics are the very madness of sectionalism. Here is a section of the country which has plunged the union into a sanguinary contest , in wh'ch the section was worsted , and after fifteen years , during which all that has been asked of it is no pena'ty , but tha acceptance of equal liberty for nil citiEona , it ia S2rion' > ly announced that the section will bo "recon ciled" upon condition that the control of the government is placed in it a bands. AB an argument for the sup- uort of General Hancock , this ia eira- plv silly. The only ground upon which "reconciliation" that is , sso- tional hermony , is possible ia the ec- Quiescence of every /section in equal eiril nnd political liberty. The par- res of the war continue because that cqnxlity is denied in she old slave- h Iding section , and the last reason that would persuade R loyal -Amerioin to vota for General H ncnck is that his election , by giving the government to those who practically deny oonsti- tutional equil rights , would ' 'recon cile" or paeify them. TheTe'eeraph War. Toptki Commcnwultb. Judee JlcCrary filed his opinion yes'frdny in the case of the Western Union Telegraph company ncam t the St. Joseph and Denver railroad com pany. This cage ia similar to the Ksmas Pacific , recently decidotl , Jud a McCrary holds thit the wil- rnad company had no riqht to seize the wire , and that the qnestinn whether the contract between the telegraph and railroad i void ia for tin courts and not for the railroad company to decide. He holds that a court of equity will proteo * the pro- pe-'y rtgirrUess of the validity or in- rn'idity ' of the contract. The opinion concludes as fol'ows ' : "What I wish to emphasize inth's case , as well as in other similar cases is , that the defendants have no ii ht to tnko their remedy in their own hands. If they have the right to seize ths property by force on the eround th t they hold the contrsot void , accordinc to the same reasoning th" t laintifl' would have the right to adjudue the contract valid , and by force retake the property. In other words , force and violence would take the place of hw , and mobs would be substituted for theprocess of courts of justice. The strongest litigant , the one commanding the largest force of inen. and the most money would suc ceed. Such a doctrine , if recognized by courts pa a proter mode of adjust ing disputes concerning property rights would lend at once to anarchy. If the defendants , after yeara of ac- } u'nsence in the contract in question , lifter receiving ita benefits and after a property had been built up undnr it to whioh othera made a claim , ba- came suddenly convinced that it was a void contract it was their duty to ap ply to the courts for roliofpraying for a cancellation of tlu contract , and a full and fair settlement of all accounts growing out of its execution in the past. Until they saek'some such rem edy , nnd until a fair settlement upon full accounts can ba had , they will be enjoined from attempting to eject the plaintiff or to Eeiao tha property , The demurrer to the bill is overruled. ' " .Entail" in Office. Cleveland L * acUr. Mr. English , in his letter of accep tanceof the Democratic nominatioi for vice-president , reiterated the well worn Democratic demand for t "change" in Federal offices , and pul forth the exceedingly origioul reaaor for his demand that the "laws of en tail have not been favored in our ej'3 torn of government. " The necessity of a "change , " for the mere cake o T-bange , exists only in the minds o Democtii'ic office-seekers like Mr. En glish , and the alarm with which ho am others of his party profess to viuw thi ' entail" idw iw American nMities i ot comparatively inoilorn growth , an < born ot impatience in wa'ttng for th "chance" that is always desired by th "outa. History , however , shows th Democratic alarm on the subject o "entail" had no existence durinj the largest continued Democratic ad ministration of the government. Gommencintfwith Andrew Jackson' first term and concluding with th close of Folk's administration , w find the democrats to have been ii continuous possession of the presiden tial otfice for twenty year * , with th exception of one month of Harrison for Tyler , though elected as a whig worked in harmony with the dome cratsand o"ainst the principles of th prty by which he woselected. Afte Gen. Taylor's death Millard Pillmor acted in harmony with the democrat against the whig * to the close of hi terra , which continued nearly thro yearr , and then there were two mor straight-out democratic adtuinietra tionsthose of Pierce and Buchanai bringing the record down to Lin coin's inauguration , and it is not pre tended that the democrats then volun tarily retired. This shows a stretcl of almos" continuous democratic ad min'stration for thirty-one years , a follows : President. Yeara Jackson Vim Burcn Tyler Pork Fiilmote Pierct Buclaaan Total . 3 Therefore , in the course of thirtj one yeara the democratic control c the executive office was only intoi runlcd by one month of Harrson nn a year aud four month of Tayior. Bi then the democrats did not tronb ! at the idea of "entail" in offici It miy be added hero the republ c n administration of twenty yean so- called , was broken by "thrc yews of Andrew Johnson's adminti trat'on , during which he oppose himself to every republican mcesnr and principle , and , had it not bse for a two-thirds republican majorit in both houses of congress , ho wonl have proven an obstacle to all legisl : tion for securing the fruits of the wai it The dancer of " " "entail" in the goven ment hag not yet appeared to impai tial observers , nor is it probable th ; the voters of the United States wi become alarmed at this bugbear , E long as the country is peaceful an . It is when prosperous. the peace an prosperity of the nation are threa ened or attacked by the party in pov er that the people demand a ' 'change , and then they insist on having it. Apportionment for Congress. By the constitution of tha Unite States the ratio of representation i congress in 1789 was fixed at 30,00 ( and the number of representatives Ci Under the first of census 1793 the n tie was 33,000 , and the number ( fepreseniauv&s was 141. Under ill third census in 1813 the ratio was 35 000 , and the number of represent ; tives 181. Under the fourth const in 1S23 the ratio was 40,000 , an the number of repressntativi 213. Under the fifth 'census i 1833 the ratio was 47,700 , an the number of represent ; tires 250. Under the sixth census j 1543 the ritio was 70,630 , and tl number ot representatives 223. Und ( the eighth census of 1833 tha rat : was 127,581 , and the number of re ] 24S. Under tha aint census in 1S7S the ratio was , ar.d tse number of representativi 2 5S As this i ; a rbjeri ilwijt , wiS in tie dleoreiiin af xagrsss , ti no ij b incraastd cr dirsis'shj by i nex ippci PERSONALITIES. An.Alabama boy named Paris Grean- died a few days ago from eating paris green. It was Theodore Walton who won 820,000 at the Saratoga race ? , not TheodoreTilton.assome papurs hadit. There WBS a Mrs. T nnsr , but she objected to the doctor's manner , and that w what was tha matter with Henrietta. Frarcis Murphy has gen to Lock H'Ven to see what ha may do for tha citiians of tha' place and whtt they will do for him. Hans MskMt's latast 20x30 foot picture was sold for 816,000. By the time Hn has p id for the canvas and paint h won't nave much left. Alexander H. Sfepl'ens sstonishrs the ehamberma ds at Wnite Sulphur Sorin s by c ll'ng fora comforter and feather be ! oa the hottest niligte. A Now York minaser wants to ss cure Dr. Tanner as an attrac ion at his theitre. Ho probably want * to brinz him out in a shadow pantomime. G. P T. to General Hancock. Don't snore. Lose mftgno'Sim , Of- fica sppkinp vnmpires. Bourbin hears- eg. Keep bands in pockets. One meal a day. Sarah B rnhardt always carries with her a skeleton of n youna nrmy r > fficrr who corami'tod suicide for live. Sarah can ba distinguished from the skeleton by her clothes. Henry Irving wants S2600 per night for a. limited ueason in this country. Mr. Irving'a nerve IB only equaled by the liberality with which he displays ih Mra. Ann Lyncl' , a ay out in Oro- gr , tooltho law into her own hands the mb riJay. It WBB Lynch lawtoc. The b isn fillow who fell a victim to her w H justice will not go a-wooing any rr 18. Archibald Forbes will lecture in America about "Iloynl Persons Whom I EUvo Known. ' ' Wo don't cere to hear nb ut rovsl pprsons known io Archibnld Forbes. If ho would lec ture about royal ruffians , or royal midd'es , or roynl rakes whom he hm known , it would ba more to the point. The other doy when the report was arrt'scl about in lUiodo Tslund that Senator Buru&ide had decided to clip IH'B whiskcw , he received over twenty different petitions praying him not to do EO. To these petitions frnm differ ent parfc ot the ftato ho had but one reply to makn. This wagf that Provi dence permitting , ho should clip hia whiskers whenever bed n pleased. ANKCYING HANCOCK. THF. VABIOVS WOKKLMEXT * TO M Hlt'D THE UE.MOC1HATIC XOMIXEK IH 8UI - JECTI.D. N. V. Horalil. A pEuuliar feature of Gen. Han- cock's correspondence just now ia the multiplicity of applications for hii autograph. They coma from all f s tions o ! the country and era writtcr by all sorts of people. Politicians d ( not teoiu to have much of this speclei of curiosity. When they write it is t < cive advioo in regard to his letter o acceptance or to boldly press forwarc their claim3 for some appointment taking it as an assured fact that nftc tlu > 4th of next March his area o patronage will bo greatly extended Many of ths autograph seekers ar ladies , and not n few solicit the ad clitionsl favor of his photograph. "How does the general treat thes classes of correspondents ? " The Her aid reporter yesterday asked ons o his officers. "He ie not asking any advice , an does not want any , us to hia letter c acceptance , " replied the officer "Those risking cm'co only waste p < pe and ink in writing t < him , and the nr plionts for fuitoirrap-is and picture must nave somu onicr claims than th mere gratificition tf the idle curiosit to receive much attention. The general oral , with all his Euperabundaut ui banity and disposition to oblige , ha got too much business to attend t and too many really important lettei to write to heed inch requeata. " "la there any other special annoj ance to whioh his nomination has sub jected him ! " pursued the reporter. ' I don't think the qenerat wnul cla sify them us aniioy nct * . Toi know how parsons , most of them pel feet strangers , c ill on him everyday He treats them nil politely , os he ha always been in the habit of troatim everybody. Stacks of npwspipei are sei < t to him uvery day with inorkc pa agtH , most of them compliment ary , of course , but it would take a ! his tima to read them , and as faa o he is concerned , though well mearj on the part of fie"senclars , a good dee of it ia waste ammunition. " THE COST OF THE WAR. TWO MILLIONS OF LIVES ASD TlIT THOUSAND MILLIONS OF DOLLAS8. 0 n. Bank's Epteth at Cticaso. Is was a terrible struggle. I ai not 0'ng to say u uch about it nc much , but I toil you it was a terribl strugule. It luted the better p r o to-ir or tivo ynnrs. It coat us 2,000 , 000 of livfs , f > r broken hesrts fi more graves even than the fihot an shell of battle. The government c the United States nnnounced only week r ton daya ago that out of th treat-mT the government paid 6,000 000.0a . the cost of the wat Mr. btt-.erjB , the historiun of th confedeiata states of America , e thev TVBia called , doclarea that it oos the people of that section of the cour try alone 611,000,000,000 , makio 817,000,000,000 from these two item alone. I have no doubt thinking c this oltau and seriously for man months I have no doubt I should b within the limits of probability an reason if I told you thai that war on this country SoO.L'OO,000,000. Twer ty years have passed since the tim that I oame here to which I have a luded , when there seemed to me prospect that I might bo somebody 1 could only remain less than 2 years by some three or four month : and now , aa I stand here to-night , soethevery men that made the mos causeless war thnt the history of tfc world ever exhibited ; the very me that cost us 2,000,000 lives , the vei men that without wrong ? , without an cause , involved ns in the sacriSco ( nearly § 50,000,000,000 ; these mei without the support of the peopla i of any State , without the concurrenc of any portion of the public opinio in the United States ; these very me are in possession , absolute pospestioi of the House of Representatives < the United States , to do with its lav just exactly what they pleasi And the e very men that brought th causeless trouble , of such magnituc and of such terrible results , upon n hare possession of tha senate of tl United States , to do with that part i the government whatever they pleas and they only want one power more 1 make their victory complete , and 1 put the Union soldiers that d featt them in the war under their heels ! far BE the eserciae , or so far cs the ii fluenca , of the political power of ll government may enable them to c ie that. " [ Applause and shouts i "Neve o "Mr i"e TT H sand by arailog ors of Pri Gnilastte's EJdnsy Pad : , fter I bad tried i other ramtdies.xrlts sll-kaaran minis 5 , tiho hid tte jrrivel fcr CTS jvus. as G S HLES535 OTBgBt I tl as stl = rerti.ffq'- ficzti.it7 5iisr siliisss horhss loatiE it ti Us : si W'es ( } f ! ! t cor.r5 = 3 , let ! ts ii SiHs Pitrisrsh , Uis many inch thlnv , alterable eoaforUri ara y * all , how longnlll ye TCI try soul an < < brwt ma In pt c with ord 'f H U not rccon'id that Jo' , had jiflei Imt > ' cou'd not havf had a 7- thlnfr mo ra'nful , an'l itiutairoqueHloiiinliht bate beona'Ucd then assincx lor thrrothou anj > rs : Can pileo - tu ei ? We Ullive thit Or. il li03 hmsil id thur.iMein [ , fur m thlu is murerertalil than t.iat " N " nakc > U" dee ab- Oilutilv-nil pioaiptly cnra t' o nrorst rsuiei of pllci. When h lf a million of offlcidl assert po < i- tlvelv that it tnt lUrcd them , ar.d in an jei'i no ona has 11 cd th 'doctor' * r > nderful rem y vlthmit itiatant relief. an > l by f > ilotii , ' hl slsj. pie Innnictionn aa to habit > nd dljt , all were oenefltted and o cr 95 per cut , cnr d aud aru- manw and th orics cf the e who haven't u vi thera.Ro fcr nauht Analcesis Is POT prejcrto- vl by pbyiletanu o ! all choolsaudhaipro ou'ic- d 19 near In'alllM * 1 § p > vlhla. It is eidly appl's' . prftietlj * ' Instantly relterci pun , aort uSmat ! 'y cur thi mo < t lnvet rat ci e u 'i ; randly solr d th * pr"Nsm th t Pllea caa bo cnrtd. eompln of "Anake't , are .it Jr 9 to a1lintf r if. on appllff.tlon to P. VenttA'Atir tf Co , ola maaa'art ir is . .f A"Xk ! , Boi 3 , Ke * Tt'r.tH. Also * clJ by drutfrUte f r r ; h e. Prisjlprbos. If yu * etrou Ul uhh fer r and rjf , < Jumh eu , biUlon ' r , J un lw , ibtpcptla , r ny fils aido' ih l'ier ' , I mil or "tounch , anl w sh to cet it well trvthentw r .e y Viof. Guil matv-'d French LUa- d As' * jour iliUlit for It rJtikiD' tbPr. aril if ha has not tot It fend { 1 59 in * le'Kr It tha Trmch Pd Co , Tel df , O. , ar.n ie elre > r.6 by return malt. FOlTPILES KIUXKY DISEASES. " "Swdsrox , Vt. , September 19. "I sudeied greatly fo years from Pile- , and tried various rt-me'Hs' " for relief with out succeea until I used Kidney Wort. Il the Ufstn'e shows fcymptoms of return , a lins been the Cf.se , I hiv : ntver failed to chech it by ti o use of this mcdicinel I have a arm eleven yean old T\h' > had for years uuifnrmly v.et his bed nights , ; uid all the prescriptions of different physicians ware ineilectu il in chcckir ? it. 1 was as sure I by a physician that "Kidn-w-'Wort ' wu Juot t , e ine licino to cure him , and eure euoiigh a tri l v.at completely eiic- cefsfu ! . I regard the roediciac invaluable for Pile * and Kidney di'cajec. "SAMUEL BULLAED. " STRENGTH and ENERGY , WITHOUT TUE rsn or DRUG * . AIIE K * - MCiSl DTO SEN ! ) rO.iTIIE ELECTRIC REVIEW , AM JLt' > TKATEl ) JOL'K- N.VL , VIHCH IS 1'lTuMJIED run FREE Di = Tiunaiox. TTrr.EAT uponlIEAI.TltH\GIi..V2.iiidrhjs- ! I ol Calturf . and Is aooir ' te jcj < .lo m of lofrnniwlca for lu'El-Js aa.1 11,0 8 who ; ; - . r froin an , ! 1 Du.S'tiZitry upuu -l Uum n Upi > .mc > . cf iur * , ore wu n * < . " . . is tulunltra to all who me in c J tf o.i..Ji 3i cJ- v\o The -ubject ofEUc'ne l ! lt § te-.tu j.1i m * , iiaJ thrtiUBdied tnJ MI qutuirnt of - M "T'l ' 7 - dul .cs-'J.iid txcce io ulviinii buoisnliinio ) ( YOUNG WiEN At-i o "to "tof PeMIl- f M ib. u. . , r ctw ' - > s 'j-i - . j'rb..v. ' io "nr cti IIK ! " , ' " " 'PO"1 ' ; p ' ilt July sun.- , . 'mi If , . .J HT < .i e i . "l fu M L.O , \igur. and flu.iiljl.a.rgr. ten.l . } .j.ir . . idr-w . i ml T. | ' .r a cry , c J icf'irm-'iu'i w , itlnhi.usjn'li ! vr.ll t-t f o ( Jou. A.lircrtthajuli'is'ier * , PULVESMACHER GALVAMiC CO , , : OR. EIGHTH ana VINE STS. . CINCINNATI , o tloYears'beforetfiGjPiibUe , are not recommended cs a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir to , " but In affections of the Liver , and 5n all Biliona Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , they bland without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pro. pnratory to , or after taking quinine. As ublmplc purgative tliovare unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine arc never sugar-coated. Eacirbox has a rcd-wo.v a al on the lid. with the impression.McLANE'S LIVEK PILL. Etch wrapper bears die wgnfc- turcs of C. McLAM. and Fi.EMl.vc Buo ? . .CO1- Insist upon having the genuine DiTc. 3IcLAXE'S LIVER PILLS , prs- Wij'llNG ' TJUOS.a'ittslnirgli. Pa. , the market being full of imitationi of the name Mcl.nnti , s-polkd differently , but tame pronunciation. A SpteOy and Lffectual Curs. PERET DAVIS' PAIN-KLLLER Has stood tbe teat of roftrr TfttA' trl&I. IJlrttlhAS trfJA taeh battle , OLD UT ALL D R D 0 0 I 5 T S , Loral Ajronls ewry hero to Mil lea , tcff'f , BihTK Po U t. il i\onn | ( turic'F. tie , by ssrop'e , to NmlllJi , Piodt good Outfit tree. l\oplo'9 Tea Co. , Box 5'0 ' , St. otils. Mo always Cures nail uover disap points. The -world's great Pain" Reliever for Mnu and Bonst. Cheap , fnick nnd rnlinlilo. PITCHER'S CASTOR1A Is not Narcotic. Cliiltlren prow fat upon , Mothers like , nutl Physicians rccoinuiend CASTORIA. Itregulatoatho Bowels , cnroa Wind Oolio , allays Fcverlshwess , and destroys - stroys Worms. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cnrc , a Constitutional Antidote for this terrible mala dy , 7 > y Absorption. The most Important Dl oov ry sinoo Vac cination. Other ramodies may relieve Catarrh , this euros at any stogo before Consumption iotn in. , MECHANICAL. AKD yiMKG E CIVIL ' . ' at tha Rens-elaerPoIjtecIinl ! 3f luttitate , Troj , N Y The olded E lneerlD ; 3fe : ichoil la Ameno * . If sit U'm begi- S jptea. her 16th The Remitter fo 1SSO cuntalns a ibl inn of tn * pradtutts for tha ast 4 yearaith then in'i p iti n , alio , eoursa of ftuds rtqulrfments expen-es , etc. Address DAVID M 'i l > lt ctor 'ijf 7Sa. MEAT MARKET a. , a.is 71. P. Block. 16th St. Ie PresbanlSalt JleaU o all kln is constant Ies on hand , prices reasonable. Vegetables In iei < on. tooJ delivered to nr part cf the dty. ieof " " vn v-rth jfith Kt ofe e ; to Io Iod ; d Jon * ; , Bit. P'A aid Kth Sti , . . ion First quality distilled Wina ard Cider Vlnf la n- of any itrenyth below eoitarn . - nie pncej , .niail ie ranted Jnst as ipod it wbcleiila .nd retaU Io Send for price lln. ZEKST KKEE3 Df 2a day t home ielly maaeCcal . Adrfres ? Tra.s Co. Portland. M T ESTABLISHED. IN NEBRASKA. OALDWELLHAMILTOMCO Bu3n ! 3 < rinsactfJ sirce s tbat of in Iiur- porstcd Bulk. Accounts kept In CurMnjy or gold subjttt to tl.ht chen without nolle * . Certificate of ilrrctlt iMU'd paraH * In thrt , Hx 'dt e T mnnth , bearloj luterwt , or oo dtniind without Interest. AdT nces made to ustomsn on approTed curViei at marlut rates of IntMCiU Buy cnds'll zold. bills of fi < : h nj8 OoTcrn- tu nt Sute , C un'y aivl City Uondi. Praw S ght PrifH on fa land , Iceland. Scot , lux ! , act ] all parts of Europe. SUC ropeanPi-sayeTIcketa. nOLLECTiONS PROMPTLY MADE. aujldtf U. S DLPOSITORY , 'IR8T ' NATIONAL DANK OF OMAHA , Cor. ISUi ana. Farnbam Streets. OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IK UJUUA. SUCCESSORS 70 KOUNTZ5 11BOB. , ) IJTiEUlUZD W IbCO. : d -3 a > otlonal Bank , August 20 , I Capital and Profits Over$300,000 Sf cclilly * u4lj r'd ! by ths Secretary or TrsMurjr to if oeiTa Subscription to th U.S.4 PER CENT. FUHQED LOAN. OFKICEPS AND DIHECIORS s v KorMls. TVe l 'cut. Aifrrt-3 Korvr.s ! , Vice PresUcnt. 1J. U" . Vilrf. a-hier. A. J. forrLETO * . A'torncy. JUHS A. CR iciitTox 1 * . U. DAUH. Aw'l Cishl . This bunk ruc Keedepveit wlthuUt r jirj to m < > unt > h t ? lure crtiflcnto bairjii Inttr l. l > raralwon iin F sacijco anJ prlnci ( > al I'l8 ' ? < f tli L"nt ! a ft-itc' . , al j Lr-ndoo , Dublin , bur.h and tSs { .ruitipal e.titsot Ui txinllr ucnt rf ilujj i. ati to the In- m yl t ( RLU ESTATE BP.3KE3 Geo. P. Bemis' REAL ESTATE AQEHCY. I5/A tf ; D < myliis Sis. , Omaha , JV < 6. This seiner docs aTRicitT trek r ? 8 bc * ncss. Do > uot FMoalatc , ml therefore any b r. nsonltT bookaai9lcflirwltolta pitrona , In il r l h < ilncnliMr il up W th e agent BOGGS & I2SLL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS Xo IjOSI'arn'utnifitrttl OMAHA - NEBRASKA. CSlcc Xort J SUc of p. Grand Central Dolll. Nebraska Land Agency. DAVIS a SHYDEH , 1605 Farnham St. Omaha , Nebr , 400.000 A ORES csrefnlly & ltct < J l nd Io Eaateit Nrbru- ) > for sale. ftrtat Bar t'.nsln lDiprcv J firm , ndUBiah ! V/KBSIEK SXTDEH , LatsIandConi'rU. P. B. It- Ip-tebTU llyron Heed & Co. , BE AL ESTATE AGENCY Keep a compete av6tract of title to all Res Kutate In Onuh and IJoivlas County. m jlt HOTELS. THE ORIGINAL. Cor. Randolph St. & 6th Are. , CHICAGO ILL. _ j 3gj rJ wqjfc < [ > iy * r ggv 3 PR5CEE REDLCE1) TO $2.00 AND S2.50 PER DA\ \ Lrcitcd ID tha businees c nt-c , cnnvenl.n to pUo s of snutraent. Elwan ly furnnbed containing all mudern improvvmenU , pafuenva l ra or. Ac. J. U. Cl'MMItS'OS , tropri Wr. oclfltt 5 Cor. MARKET ST. < BROADWA1 Council lUufT-i. loivni On Una ct Strc ' Rallvny , Omnlbni 'o nd free all twins. ILVTCaI'art.ir II ir J3.00 per dajr teoond ( loir S3 to psrdij ; tli.rd flier , ii.it Tb tfUTt9hc < t .T ciotc < .m irOlnnn hoes 1C ths city. OEO. T. FIICLFS , Prop. OMAHA , IRA WILSON - 1'HOPRIETOK Thi Mctropoltan p con'rally lor t d , i Bnt ours In eve y rtTOjcha.loiri nt'ybc - cut Ira y r0non ed Ire public wlu find It enmfirtib c tnd curaellkc tiousu. maritf. Sclniyler , Xcb. Fiist diil IIouw , Good Mrali. Good Kedi Airy Boonu , and kind and accomaodatln trfatnent. Tw.good simp'e room ? 8iceii ; attention paid to commercial travelers. S. MILLER , Proa , a5-t ( ROMTTEBHOTEU Laramie , Wyoming , Th miner's resort , peed accommodition : r ; ! EimpIe room , eharef i rea onabl . dpc < ± attention 2lv a o travsllny tail. 1J- II O ITir.Ct\RD. Vr-iprlctnr. LNTER-OCEiX HOTEL Chesyenne , Wyoming. Fir * * " 3 , Fln larjr * Simpta Hocnu. oc block i. dd pot. Tralr.istep from 20 lalnut' to 2 h" ' < for dlmer. Free Bui to and froi D pf > t , Kates 8100. Si 50 and I3.CO , accordln to room , s ugle meal 75 ( yntf. A. U. BALCOM , Proprietor. ANDREW EORDEV. Cnief Clarlc. nilQ. HAMBURG AMERIDAH PACKET CO/ : Weekly Line of Steamship L i' lcz K wTcik Er rr Thnrsdij at I p. c Tor England , France and Germans For ? iZ33g FF r to C , B , RiGHARD & GO , jsa-Il-Iv 61 . Na-ar 7ort i > . S. BEE3IBR , COMMISSION MERGHAH' r ! = .Trait ? aity , GvsS , PV < . E > .e = S. eci h.-- ' tit EO i tZ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A COMPLETE STOCK FOR f STYLISH AND GOOD , NOBBY AND CHEAP. We have all the Latest Styles of Sprirg Suiting , an Elegant 3took of Eeady-Mada ClotLins ia Latest Styles. Gent's FurniBn- ng Goods Stock Oomplata HATS , CAPS , TRUHKS AND VALISES , In fact the Stock is complate in all Departments. Dnn't Fail to see our Custom Department In charge of Sir. Thomas TnJloii. M. HELLMAN & CO , 1801 & 1JJ03 Favnham Street. THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : FRENCH KIDNEY PAD ! A Positive and Permanent Cure Guaranteed , In all ca * of Or ve' , Diabft'es. Drop"Rout's Vlttaee of th KiJne , Incoatiaen' e ami Kclvnt tin ofUriue , Inflamitlon n the Kidneys , Cntanh of tl.e I ladder. Hi. li Colored Urine. Fain In tro iUck. (1 * or Lior * . JJarvots Weikn , and in fjct all tlisordtrs of the Bidder an I Urinary Orpins , whether contract ed by r > rivato di wi or otheawlw Th. jrreat remedy has hwm n ed with urc B for nearly ten y r < In "rine" , with th nwn * . wondo ful curatiie effects. It euret by abi rplvm' no Bamwiu * Inte-nal medicine boinz repaired.V have hundreds of tel moala.1i cf curt * liy thli Cad trhrn all else hvl f u'ed- LADJES. if you ar TOfferln * fr m female Wukncei. Lrucor- rhoo , ir dl ecaf pecnlhr to i > ma'e or In fact any dlectw , asV yo'ir drazst for Prof. Onllmetta's Kro.ich Kidney P l. afv * tolit no ethtr. If behjs not sot 1L send Si < H > and J'JU w > H m ! \a tie Pidliy return mill. Address U.S. Biuich , FREXCfiPADCO. , Toledo , Ohio. PROF. GUlLiVlETTE'S FRENCH LIVER PAD Will " . . Dumb Azut , A C'aVt , ! f . Jftundli- * jx > "Uvely CL.TS r cv r ndyut. u BIIioa v r. wi ail d > e ss oi th Llvsrtonnoh , nd Blood lh pad cnrM bv bwrptlon. nd U p im n . . Ask jC'Jrdruj st for tht p a n < l Ukauooiher It h J jnoiUt plt.j.ud Jl O ti tne CKKSCII VAI ) CO. , ( U. S. BrinebljSoIsdo , Ohio. nd r 3clr H by rttnrn null. KCON * CO. , . Om h , Vt'f ' Oarpetings I Carpet ! ngs I a Old Reliable Carpet House , 1405 DOUGLAS STEEET , BET. 14TH MD 15TH I3ST 1808. ) Carpets , Oil-Cloths , Matting , Window-Shades , Lace Curtains , Etc. MY STOCK IS THE LARGEST IN THE WEST. I Make a Specially of WiHDOW-SHADES AND LACE CURTAINS And have a Full Line of Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet- Lining Stair Pads , Crumb Clothes , Cornices , Cornice Poles , Lambrequins , Cords and Tassels ; In fact Everything kept in a First-Class Carpet House. Orders from abroad solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed Call , or Address John B. Detwiler , Old Sellable Carpet House , OMAHA , INDUSTRY The Only Litnographing Establisnment in ITebraska Ll _ JEROME RACHEK. Proprietor. OMAHA LiTHOORAPHINO GOMPAFIY. Drafts , Checks , Letter Bill and Nute Headings , Cards , Bonds , Certificates of Stock , Diplomas , Labels. etc. , done in the best manner , and at Lowest Possible Prices. PRACTICAL T-tTnOOgAPHgB. OMAHA A. F. RAFERT & CO. , Contractors and Builders. Fine Wood-York a Specla ty. Agents for the Encaustic Tiling ntn nnnoK RT . .11. K. K1SDON , General Insurance Agent , REPRESENTS. PHCESII ASSURANCE CO. , of Lou don , Cagh Attela. . .11.167.127 E310HKSTEKXT.Capltal. . 1.000SO > THE JIERCIUirrS , of Nff rk.N. J- , 1,000.00' OIRABt * nREPbllad ! phl , Ctpltat 1,000.000 NORTHWESTEKN KiTJOWALC p- lt I . . 900.060 FIREMEN'S FTJM ) , Califsiola goft.000 unrns AireaicA ASSUB CETO 1,200.000 ITZH A iK FIP.E 153. CO. , Assets. 8r .OM AMERICArOES7RArAiS t . . . 200.0CO Soutteajt Cor. of HftMath & Dcnjlis St. . CHARLES RIEWE , r iEtutt.Ett. . lOtt t dUaCs ! Id sr pbl5 Otd ts Pro ptl/ Machine Works , J , F. Hammond , Prop.fe Manager The matt thorotlzb appointed and corrptet * ! Machlaa Sbopa and Foundry In theMate. . Cuttnz * of tier ? d crlptlon irannfaetand. Enziae , Pompa and orery claaa o mMhlo'ry mad * to order. Spfldil attention siren to Well Auzurs Pnlleys , Hangers , Shuf tins , Bridge Irons , Geer Cnttlnsr , etc. Inj , liodtls , otc. , neatly tL. HAt. 14. anrt B. A. FOTtZK. JAJI5S K. EOOTT. FOWLER & SCOTT , ARCHITECTS. fcr bitliesjs st izy dcserfptlss. as. 4t5iro . "Kt iiT hjdove fccpnbUebn tirl , tte > furnished on sliatt 5 tl ? ! . EOOH J , UNION BLOCK. . nJO-fes