Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871. iVTORNING EPITION , Price Five Cents
Parnell Agaia Thratens
Obstruction in Parlia
Tha Powers Will ba.Obliged to
Back Cut And Tu key Win
Russia's Securities go up on
Account of Her Resump
tion Policy.
A Bussian Town of Sv nty
Houses Burned byvla-
cen diaries.
Russia Orders Ten War Ships
America to Build Five
of Them.
Tanner Set. * a Bad Example teA
A Frenchman.
kPVUl ulsjuwi to tuo BEE
- Lo.voox , August 4 10 p. m. A
f "li-rlin b s ys that the ultima
turn repi-rttd * s beit > g now in course
of prepaia'iou by thu Bigni'ory pow
ers to the c illonive n ite of the Ber
1m cunu reuce , requests the por'.e to
execute the Co'U -
c-otnprnmiBe , ngrved
upon at the Montenegrin coi < vention ,
\vuhm three weeks otherwise
, or sur
render Du cijji'o to the Montane-
gillie. L Co-l comment here , how
ever , up MV this st iry is g.e t and to
the efle t that the document mention -
tiond can ' be in the
ha'dy na ure f
an ul luiaium , for the reason th > .t if
Jl not acted upon by ihe sultan as
" Very unlikely , the fear nav&l doiu-
o.nstrat'0'iB in Tu'k sh wnt r , BO
much talked ahum , TVU d littve to be
made , unle's the pow < rs * rts content
to tr fie vrith th whole question.
England lies a pjsaMe ronuftal of the
Afgha > i&tin stiu ula on her hand * .
Mr. Gl'datone ii u able to take part
jn _ politics without a chance of hii
dying , Mhich would bring on a minis-
. ierial cr BI , and England is there
fore , not likely to court frsh
troubles. First , now the demonstra
tion will nit be made withtut her
and hcncu it is agreed 'ho ' powers are
not likely to prccipi a-.e affairs by
K' < std ng to the porte an nl imatuin
which they arc not prepared to force ,
limited tu t o short aj ace of three
irneka Dulot uo is ft seaport town
in Albauid , eituatrd on the Adriatic
about twelve miles fr-mi Scutari.
Tno population la fu'ly ono hlf Tur
kish nrd toi viiluablo ti the pultan to
ba mrrendwred at d EC eiu.n uny more
thin the etruaghnlus in Epiruj and
Toeesilv. It 10 hilieved by well
informed'authorities that the whole
buuiiusj will result , BB often bjfore ,
in much talk and an indefinite
poitpoDrmtnt and that Oriental
inerti'a will substantial' win the day.
"fcptci&l Dispatch to Te Bee.
LONDON , August u. I a. m. A.
Bdtlm dispatch atntei that there ia
aoueiderablo rise in tht cry m the
price ot lluemn Block bink notes
on aco-mut of the report tht the RUB-
Bian mtuwter of finance will sh'Ttly
withdraw from mn 38,000,0 0
rou lei ( dbout 325,334,000) ) 'by mena '
of silver lotns. This IB underatoud
to be ono of a scries of efforts the im
perial government bat been making ,
from time to time for many j ears , to
improve the financial condition of the
country by w thdrviwing from circula
tion a part of its imm-nsa amount of
flowing paper which ro ulted from the
nnlimi ed piprr issue syetuni , datiiig
back for nearly a ceutury. According
to official r > p Tls the total am unt of
bink noes in c < cu atioti < nttioltt
of Januarv , 187C was 113,044,783
since whuh time there have been' '
other large is u s , making tne dt > bt in I
September , 1879 , about 162,030.000. '
By the estahliahiuetit of the bank cf
Ruiaia in 1879 , the nominal value of
Russian paper money as somewhat
improved , but the prospect of 10-
Bumption IB still remote.
Parncll will raite a discussion in
Ihc house of Cfmmjnspu the n-jt-c-
tion of the Irih sonip-nsaMon bill hy
the hoiuo of lords Tne Irish mem
bers are much excited snd threaten to
obstruct bu ° inrs9 during the remain
der of the sess'on a * a protest against
, the action of the house of lords.
FRENCH riECT10 > .
Special Diepalcli to Tlitt lino.
PARIS , August a 1 n. m. In the
lrct.una for members of the councils-
general , the rej ublioana havn elected
927 and the conservatives 374. mem
bers. S-cond ball ta will bo neces
sary iu 129 cantons.
TLe French government has comm -
m ° nced n crusade against obscene
Los Journal Debates endorsee the
Temps Fentimeut on the eas'ern ques
tion that France ahall not go w war.
Epcdal DVpatch to THE Brs.
; Co sTA TI OFiE , August 5,1 a. m.
' The oorte guarantees a settlement
' of the'Montenegrin question within
; three weeks.
. BpecUl Ltispatch to Tni llic
Sr. PETERSBUHG , Ausust 5 1 a. m.
-Ru sia hai dicidcd to bu Id ten
| new war clippers of which Mr. Birker
, has secured tne contract for five which
to be constructed in America.
fireat ijuiXnvoqorvd , deatroyed
seventy houses. The origin of the fire
attributed to in < , endiari m.
. , August 5,1 . m. Herr
tHossellman , a Socmlut member of
the Riichstag , has suddenly left for
America leaving a number of debts
unpaid j
The tridga of the Jl'rine t Rich-
. cn n , Switzerland , has been de
stroyed by fira.
muU-i to Thtt Bw
LoNDoy , Aucast b la. m. Mr.
GUdsione's condition continues to im
Spsct ! 5sy ! : t t The iiM.
Jj7o.vsAnrust\--l 4. m. A dec-
tor of this city is immitating Dr.
nor a'thonph at n respfctful distance
Ho commencfd Monday to f st fifteen
d.ya IF successful he wins one
hundrfdloU'S ; if he fails ho forfeits
one hunriiee francs for each uf the
fifteen da\a lacking to make up the
whole numbe' .
Hazed Cities.
SpcdM dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YoRKAninist 4. A Lima
let'er s y * ot the taking of Tacna by
the Chilian troops : Only ore stree'
escaped sack , and this good f mnne is
owed to the circumstnuqe that Gun.
enl Barqued ro had hi head
quarters in it. Hundreds or
wonndiid and
prisoners wr *
slaughtered in cold blood. Not tne
wounded lly was found a'lve on the
fio'd ' the day succeeding the b tt'o '
Women and pirh of the tendetest
a cnere violated snd many kiled.
Farms m the vicinHy and their in
habitants shared the common fate
Tfish the town ,
Evtry tidy fix , oi htor ten murders
are Committed , while thebidieaof the
victims are allowei to remain un-
burled until tho'r removal becomes a
matter of necessity. Arica suffered
even more than Tacna. All the houses
are eithprtotally or partially destroyed.
'utoflSOO ' defenders onlv COO sur-
virc. Those of the 1200 who did not
fall in the fight were sub'oquently
massacred in cold bl od It is an
authenticated fact that iO soldiers
who had thrown away their arms nnd
taken refuge in the citadel , and weio
slaughtered in cold blood.
Special dkpatch to Trni Bin.
LONDON , Au u-t 4 , 4p.m. The
bulletin of Mr. GiadRtone's condition
this m-irmnrr ginned by Doct TB Jon-
ncrand CUik , states that the prO'nier
pxgfcud a good niiiht , restii g quite
as well as coull ba expected. T c
congestion has been rplieved and the
pttient is atprr-sent free from fever.
These indicitiona and the care are a
great relief to the who'e country
scarcely any other topic having been
prominent for the la ° t ftw cliye oscept
Mr. Gladstou'siUnisi
_ . _
Why Senator McDonald Waa
Not Nominated Presi
SpeoUl Dlffiitch to The Eee.
NEW YORK , August 4 10 p. in.
Murat H * ! toad had a vigorous letter
in The HT.ild this morning concern
ing Democratic critici-m of an inter
view with him , Dublhhed a month
ago , regarding his statemtnts then
concerning the interview betwren
Hendr-cks and S-nator McDonald.
TTilatt-aa shows t ! at the interview
actmlly took place , but some wet-ks
ea-lior tliaii he had been informed. had " il that R teleixram
was sent fr m Cincinnati by the Indi-
airndtk-ciitiou rojura'-ng Hendncks
to w thdraw. This Hend.icka deuitd
and Ha'steid now ezj Itina that th- >
mtbsage w-is cuiivej'ort oy spccinl mes
senger. Tnis me seagur was an mil-
mate p rs'inbl friend of H-'iidr.cks ,
distinguished railroid a d bu-inesB
man , who went to Indianapolis and
personal J'faw Hendiicka , uxplaini g
tne situation to him , eaying that he
CDuld not ba nominated , but if he
withdrew in favor of McDomld the
latfer would certainly crrv the GJII-
vt-ntion. Uctidricks politely made no
reply. Haliiead charges that lieu-
dncKs prevented McD nald's nomin-
tion , aud says that English's nomm-i-
tijn IB a revenge on Hendruks be-
| causa of the latter'a refusal to go for
the old ticket.
The third point noted by Halstea5
is that the door of E Chan's private
residence , instead of b ing iron , is
wood , with i on lining , which ho con-
eidcred immaterial.
A reporter m > t Seatir McDonald
to-day at the Gilst-y house and the
follow i" conversation oasuod :
Reporter 1 presume , fen * or , you
have rrfMd Mr. Halateaa'a letaer in
to day's Heralo ?
Sen t r McD mid Yes , I hare
just fi'iiabod ieidiig it.
R Hm kes tome very oiplicit
clia g-s ilKroin ?
MoDorinl i Oh well , while the past
is past , let it be.
J rhon there is some foundation
for th * ch trgei ?
McDnual i What particular charg
es rlo you ri-fer to ?
R In the n'rst pl ce , ill regard to
your interview wi h Governor Hen-
dricks b f re the convention.
McDonald I do not care to recur
to tlit point no " ; it can serve no use
ful or good purpose.
R Your name was before the In
diana delegation for the nomination
for vica president according to the
letJot ?
McDonald I was never a candi-
data for thitt office and would no acc -
c -pt it under any circumstance : .
That , I think , is a sufficient answer
If lam to remain in public life , Ipre-
fer to be U. S. Senator , just where I
am now. If any one intended to
puah my name forward it was without
ray confer ) ! , and. as I said , I could
not be induced to accept if tendered.
R You attsudtd the c" > nventon
as active iupporter of Mr. Hendrick ?
McDonald Yes , and I stood by
him from the bffginnmng till there was
no lonaer any hope.
R ' \Vhatab"Ut themeasace alleged
to have been arnt to Mr Hendnuks
asking him to throw his influence for
you nd withdraw from the racjJ
McDonald I canaut s y a-iythlng
about it.
H It was charges ' * * . c defeat
of Mr. Hendricks ivcsdue to thb Til
en comihination agains : him , in re
taliation for his alleged plotting
again gt Tildfen.
McDonald There were no Tilden
in Indiana. I
men maintain that we
enteied that couveu ioa like other
states and took our chances and we are
very wtll satis fied with the result ,
R Were yon Burpriaed at the nom
ination of English I
McDonald I admit ihit 1 certainly
was. It was au afterthought.
A Bisliop'9 Welcome.
Spdil Dl.r tcfl la The lieo.
COLUMBUS , 0 , August 5. 1 R. m.
Risht Re - John A. Wattorson of
Emmetsburg Md. , the newly elected
bishop of this catholic diocese , arriv
ed at 4 p. m. Catholic societies and
patoAul Echool children et > : otted him
from the depot to the cathedral where
a welcome addms was delivered for
the clergy by Father Gallagher and
fortheliitv by John G. Gillmore.
The parade VAE a brilliant spectacle.
Ta& eo-isirition will take placs Sun
day -o-ith impressive ceremonies.
U , S. Consuls Report Good
Openings for America in
Russia and West Indies.
Our Tars Abroad.
Special disprtca to The Bee.
WASUINOTON , August 4 10 p. ni.
Thu consul g.nwial of the United
Stitp ! < at S % P-te shurir , in a recent
dispatch to the d pir'ment of stare ,
presents a Iniianubla picture of the
cobdi'inn tf t e eram crps of Rus
sia. H-il , drouth and insects hive
combined , he.represouts , to render the
prospects for the present yetr far
mure discouraging than they have
been for many yearg. Tne exporta
tion on grain , during the first four
months of the present yearr B
15,000,000 bushels lew than for the
correspond inj period list year.
Ra'lways in Russia , he remarks , are
constructed for ttio purpose of mov-
inu troops aud not fur the development -
ment of internal resources.
The United States consul at An-
tiqua , \\t-Bt Indies , r ports that a
must gratifying increase of trade ex-
is's between the United States and
Antiqua. The espnrts from Antique
to this countrv , dur ng the fir < t six
months of 1879 , amounted to 170-
533 41 ; for thu corresponding period
of the pre out year was 8364,181 59 ,
and the increase would have been
creator had not somesu ra remained ,
on fhoro nearly ninety days awaiting
t'ansportatinn. The imports from
the United S'atos are increasing in &
marked decree.
Rear A dm ral Wyman called on the
president this morning aud h da tnlk
about the rt-cont trip of the "Tennes
see" to Cuba. I he admiral explains
in detail the result of his invoit'ga-
tion into the firing upon the American
scho'ier Merritt by the Spanish gun
boat "Corre a " The statement made
by the admiral to the president
was , in subst-incu , the same as has al-
rnady been published. The president
ezpresstd himself assaliefied with the j
manner and promptnfs with which
the mission of the ' 'Tennessee" was
performed. An additional affidavit
was received at the department of
Btato to-day from Oiptaiu Pur oua , of
the Baltimore tchoonor "George
Washington. " Thipatfidavit contains
the additional information asked f-1
bySdcretarv Evarts. Tha case of the
"Geoige Washington" is now fully
made up and wil be prf a nted to the
Spanish governmon * at an early d. y.
" " " . '
VTAbliDfC"1" / IF3
TheU. S. tc L 3 jlot" Ti.l
eon 'oy the U. S. coaimhsionera ij
China on their way to Pokin.
Command.r Sim ; son of the U. S.
Bte mer "SwA'ara" tt-ac's the n vy ui j
aprf U ii of vioit pa il f < i ifio l/ii jj f
Si m at TUnsrlok. Thu commiudt-r
nnd t .irt-en f.fScnrs ware kuid y * o-
cei 'frf ' j * the ki'g , wii taid h.t he
h d note inqniaiiBi h a m'enuon of
\isit n ihe Dnitrfd States. Earthing
was d ne by way of cunvlimtnt to
our i fibers.
The l > iim beins ; nH' d to go info
the inti rlur of his kinRrtom w is nnibla
to v sit t e Mennerinp4rsjn bu aai t
the Bt-cond ki"C who did the houois
ry p-i'Xj' . Visits w re eic'iaiiged
w th the king' minUtora and in all
C'S E urea : dtferenco and kindness
New York Money and Stock.
Wyitt , ST. . Stvt YORK , A 'ju-t 4 , 1.3 p.m.
M'ivE vt 3J p r tent ; exchange 6tc dy
U-n'aofbl . 1045 New t's . 100 }
USy * . ins ; Currencv c's . 125
UBii'k . UIJ
Ac w ; declnidj tel % ecoierinsr J to Ijc.
AVUT . 1071 W.'ULi.P . in
NYC . IbCl AtLi.fpW. . . . : ij
Erie . < 3 IT. P . 0 i
Enopfl . 72 OCi.IC . 117
L " > eJ orc . 1 73 Mich.t c .tr l . . 851
Rock'sliiid ' . 1H } l c'-a ' anua6W. . g J
yjrtli cstcni. . . . 7 | liudj.n . hlj
Northw etern rTd.Hs } NJ ontral . 7 }
l&iiflc Vail . lj JJonl * & E . ll'I
OH- . 3 Riadins' . J9
Oh.ipfJ . 71 I. M . 6SI
St. Paul . 88 S- . ! ' . amlOmah . . J6J
St.Paulpfd . I'Ji ' St. I'.andO.pJJ. . . & 4
St Jou . 3 | K &T . S §
et J epfd . 7lJ 1C . Hi ;
LsN . 119 N &C . 67
Mtcm . 116 KK . 82
an Francisco . . . 33 X. P. P' < 1 . 664
Diinv. < iJtioGratide 73 Araeiem Eip . . . * - *
Con. P . 7f4 Oulckdl ver rM - JM
D. & , Q . _ .1S7JJL % C , U&I . 72
Otilcago Proauce.
CIIICAOO , August 4.
There was less activity in the mar
kets and wheat , corn , mess pork , lard .
And shcrt lib eiies , wore lowrr ; No. j
2. spring whest declined l@l c and ]
salea were at 8888c for i.e * and '
89J@90c for old in store ; SSj@89 c
for August ; SoJfaSGgc for So ( ember ;
closing at b8a for new nnd 89jo for
old in cr lot * ; 8S j for Augmt ; 8 | j
for Septemhtr ; 85c f < r October.
Corn No 2 , at 35g 335 c for cash ,
August , Septemb r o October ; closing
at Sogofor cash ; 3535o for August ,
September or October ,
Oats Firmer ; Jo higher ; ! Nb. 2 ,
closing at 24Jc for ca h ; new 22 0 for
August or September ; 23jS23j for
Rye Firm and steady ; No. 2 , 662
for cish ; G5a for Augiut , 63i@63Jo
for Septemt'or.
Barley Quiet ; new No. 3 on track ,
63c ; now No. 2 , for September , 75c.
Whiakv Steady at 51 09.
Mess Pork Foil 40c per barrel and
closed at $14 50@15 00 cash ; 815 40Q
J5 42 t for August ; $15 42i@15 45 for
September ; 315 10 ft r October.
Lard D oppsd 12S15o per 100 ,
closing at 87 20@7 22 for cash or Au-
ust , 87 25@7 27 for September ;
87 237 SOfo.
St. tiouia Prcxiuco.
ST. LODIB , August 4.
Flour Unchanged.
\Vheat Opened lower but later ad
vanced No. 2 red , 9fy391ic for
catb ; 90J90f390o ( forAu urt ; 89 ®
89SS8c for fttp ember ; 89 (289(5891 ( (
for Oct ber ; 88J&S7ge for .he yeir ;
No 3 do , 85js86Jc ; No. 4 do , 83J ©
84o , according to location ;
Corn Lower * Hire frcaah ; fo :
August ; 343c@3i > ; "f r September.
34J < 5S7c for Octi J--
Oa s Lower at 22il2Jto fof c35"1-
21jc bid for Aogut * , 2 c' bid fcr
SeD'emb ° r. ,
Rye Firmer at 61ctid.
Batt = r Unchinged.
Ecus Uncnang' d.
Whisky Steady at 51 OS.
Pcrt Sttady 315 35 fer ci i ;
$15 00 for Ociobsr.
Dry Salt Meats
Bacon Firmer at f 5 76Q8 2&S8 60 ;
L rd Held at S725.
Receipts Flour , 5,000bbls ; wheat ,
04,000 bu ; corn , G OOObu. ; oats ,
13,000 bu. ; rye. 1,000.
Shipments Flour , 10,000 bbls. ;
wbcar , 14 000 bu. ; corn , 17,000 bu. ;
oats , 20,0:10 : hu ; rv l.OOH.
Chicago Live SIOCK.
CIIICAGO , Autrrst 4.
Hogs Good demand ; light and
heavy i ackinu gr de , a shads higher ;
s l s at § 4 60 < § 4 75 frr light packing
and griuuing ; § 4 60600 ( for uood ti
choice 'inooth shipping lots ; roceip s ,
1G.1CO head
Catuc Advices from eastern mar-
keta bnfavor iblt ; with alsr enumn1) )
It-ft over from yesti rday. and will
only 1410 head shipped east and wi h
liberal receipts to-day , caused buy > rte -
to hold off , snd the prospect looke
gloomy for sellers aa very little was
d 'no up to 11 o'clock , only oce salt
of cows being rrwle up to that ll ur ,
at 82 55 ; the fr sh receipts wore 5287.
Bt.Loula Live Stock.
ST. Louia , August .
Hogs Active and liijhtr ; Yorkers
nnd Bal'imores , ? 4 60Q4 70 ; packing ,
84 60 485 ; butcherV to fancy , ? 4 85 ®
5 HO. Receipts , 6,200 ; shipments ,
Nfcw York Produce Markot.
NEW YOEK , August 4.
Flour Dull , and without quotable
change ; rcceii > * s. 18,611 bbla ; round
hoop , Olio , 56 10@5 75 ; choice do ,
35 80S ? 00 ; supirfi o western , $3 80 ®
4 50 ; comiii ( > n to good extra do , 84 20
fo4 GO ; choice to good ex'ra do , 84 70
@ 4 77 ; choice white wheat , do , § 4 59
Wheat Slightly in buvers1 favor
and quiet : No. 2 rod , 81 08g@l 09 for
Augu-t ; do September , 81 O'Jj ; d. Oc-
tobe' , 81 091 10 ; No. 1 , white ,
81 C2i for -ptember. > .
Corn A fiitn tr dn and moderate ;
mixed western , 4i < jj4Sc ; do , future ,
Oats Steady and quiet ; western ,
Beef Dnll and prices unchanged
new plain mesa , § 9 50 ; notvextra do ,
810 00.
Pork Dull and weak ; now mess ,
§ 14 60.
Lard Heavy and lowertteam ; ren-
dertd , 87 55.
Butter Finn aud quiet ; Ohio 14 ©
Produce Market.
MILWAUKEE , August 4.
Whe.t Steady ; opened declined Jo
and closed steady ; hard , nominfilj No.
1 Milwaukee , 81 02 ; August , 89jc ;
September , 8Gc ; No. 1 , 70a.
Corn Declined jjc , at 35 o.
Oats Quiet at 23jc.
RVP Quipt at 65c.
Birley Hitfhor at 72e.
A Bloody Row Impends in
Indian TCI ritoryi
Tho. Oreoks and Oherokeee at
Dagger Ends.
Bptclal Dispatch to The fee
VISITA , I T. , August 4 1 a. m.
On the 26 h two negro Creeks were
barged. The Crocks accused the
ChtrokeeH and vowed to kill the first
of them they met. On Tuesday ,
thirteen negroes crossed on the Chero
kee side tor vengeance and Cobb and
Cowan , two Cherokee boys , \\OTO
encountered. Mr. Cowan was badly
wi undod nnd Mr. C bH , after a de-
to-miro'l fi ht , was killed.
The Cher > kops are greatly incensed ,
siH have demanded the thirteen no-
grops < f the Oeek chief , givine him
u-itil last n'ght to surrender them.
The Crouks ra said to be willing to
Burrendpr the negroes , b-jfc it is
thouuhf tha' they will not bo able to
d-i so , thu nearoea be'r-g too strong for
them I * was difficult f"r chief
Bu-hyhe"d nnd Adair to restrain the
Chtr eea frim immediate vengeance ,
ord t PV will bo unab'e to keep thorn jeff j
off thp Creek Terr , tory lorgf r than his
morninc. There are three hundred
armed m ° n now rn the cronud and
mire gnintr. A fight is almot sure to
take olaca to-d-y B the negroes ere
about two hnndr d a'ron ? , and well
armed. A I-MTCO mnnbcr left here last
night for the batt'e ' ground.
Drunkenness no Excuaa for Crlma
Special dlsimlcn to Too Bee.
NEW YOKK , Ausust 5 , la. m.
Police Justice Dutfy , yesterday after
noon rendered hia dccis'on in the
cise of Liwrence R Jerome Jr. ,
Edward M. Patch ell and Wm. McGib-
bon br < kers , who were chargpd with
feloniously appropriating 887,000
w irth of securities which were lost in
Wall street on July 8 h by a messen
ger boy of the firm of Brajton , Ivts
& 0o. The ex limitation room was
crowded by bankers and brother ? ,
prominent among whom was Leonard
Jerome. Justice Duffy , fifter reciting
the evidence iu the case , the finding
of the securities , by a telegraph boy
who unwillingly delivered thorn to
Jerome , thinking that he waa the
owner and the subsequent detention
of the stocks by Jt-romo Patchell and
McG.bbon. although they were aware
that Bray ton Ives & Co. , were the
owners , said : "I deem it an injustice
to public policy to hold that the
finders or recei\-era of anything lost ,
can keep it until a liberal reward is
offered. Houetty suggests a different
courae. If drunkenness were to be
considered an excuse for crime , I
wonld discharge Jerome , but the law
holds that drunkenness ig no ezcuae
for an il'egal act. The prisoners
should at once have returned the ie-
cuntips to Braytonlrves& Co. , 'and
relieved that firm of distress and
anxiety under which they suffered. "
He held the prwioner for action of the
grand ji'yt and they were released on
2.000 b-il. The decision excited
coniiderable comment in financial cir
Georala Democrats.
Special Dl p tca U The Bto.
AILAKTA , Ga. , August 5. 1 a. m.
Tne democratic state convention
assembled yesterday , Pat Welsh of
hsAiig.ita Cnroniclo and Comtitu
tion was made temporary chairman.
The roll of counties was called arid
L. V Trannet was made permanent
cha. rraan.
CLYDE , OHIO , August 4 John
Seitr , cr Senee * , county , has been
sasuna&ri by tba gmabtcVeri f $ ;
tocgrsst. ,
The Very Latest Tele
grams , up to 4 a , m.
Chicago Intensely Inter
ested in Gould's Puget
Sound Project ,
The Locomotive of a Passenger
Train on the Wabash Ditch
ed in Missouri ,
Two Female Benders in Men's
Clothes Murder a Neigh
bor's Wife.
Enthusiastic Receptions Given
Gen. Garfleld in the Pivotal
A Tnin Story.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , Auguit4 , 4 p. m. Great
interest is felt hero in the report that
Jay Gould has desgns on the North
ern Pacific route across the continent ,
and that ho has the llocky mountains
full of surveyors for the purpose of
discovering the hast route for a branch
of the Union Pacific from Cheyenne
to Puget sound. It is believed ho is
going to do this to head ofi theNorth-
orn Pacific road.
Accident on the Wabash Lino.
Special Dtepatcli leThe Bee.
CLARKS STATION , Mo. , August 4 4
p. m Owing ioa misplaced switch ,
last night's train on the Wabaah , Et.
Louis and Pacific , bound to St. Louis
from Kansas , was thrown from the
track. The engine and tender were
overturned , causing the death of the
fireman. The engineer and his brother
were dangerously scalded. The two
unfortunate men were put upon the
west bound train and crrried back to
Mi berly , where they were placed
under medical treatment. No others
were injured.
Mlctnleht Murdreeaea.
Special Dlapulch to The Dec.
CINCINNATI , 0. , August 4. A spe
cial from Poplar BlufTa , Ho. , says
that Mre. Kelly , wife of a prominent
ci-izen of Wayne county , was killed
by two persons who entered hei
room at midnight during her hus
band's absence. The murderers
proved to bo two women of the neigh
borhood dressed in men's clothing.
Tesan Triggers.
Fl'vciil dwrutc to THE Hnt.
SAN ANTONIO , Tor. , August 4 , 4
p. m A fhariff and pcsje pursiitd
three desperadoes of Massrtck county ,
when they were ambushed and one of
their number named Megillic and a
Moxicon desperado named Giderowoc
w < ? ro killed. Ono of the gang was
captured wh.lecrotaing theBio Grande
on a log ,
8peUI Jlgpatch tu J'ho Bee.
COLUMBUS , 0 , August 4 , 4 p. m.
R. N. Richards n , a pump maker at
Worthi' ' gton , a villaao nine miles dis
tant , hum ; hniHolf m his E table this
morning with the iron chain of hia
Wbg m. He was about fifiy years of
ago and b > ave * a wife and daughter.
The suicida was a great church man
and a loading Mason. Motive not yet
Killed by a Boer Keg.
Special Diepatch to 'Ibe Ue
CHICAGO , August 4 4 p. m. Yes-
teroay aft-rnoon an unknown stranger
was tj ttod from the siloon of John
Sulhviiu MI South Canil otreot. "While
proanato upon the sidewalk Mrs Sul
livan raised an empty beer keg and
struck him a crushing blow upon the
chest , afterwards brutally kicking
h m. The man was taken to the sta
tion where he died during the night.
The Sulhvana are under arrest.
Tee Chieftain's March.
Special Dispatch to THS 0 .
RrciiESTERN , Y.Angust4. Gen.
Garficld and party were met m Buffalo
last u.ght by largo delegations of Re
publicans from this place , who nc-
compinird them to fiis city. The
ttain lo t BuQol > at GSO : this morning
and at rived at Bdtavia , N. Y.
nt 7:30 : , where it stopped
about 10 ramutes and was met hy a
large number of citizens of that place.
Lieutonent G iveniur Hoskins intro
duced Gen. Garlield , who made a few
rcnnrks Grn Gr field said
"FELLOW CITIZENS : I shall not
talk much to you this morning , but I
want to say to you that I aai glad to
see you hero in Bitavia. You are
early risers. It is early rising that
has made us what wo are as a people.
It is early rising that will carry the
November election. Fellow citizens ,
I thauk you for your early welcome. "
GenOMl Hirnaon of ludiina , fol
lowed Garfield and made stirring
speech of a few minutes , giving his
reasons for beliovins that Garfield
would botbo next president.
Hon. G. S. Orth followed in a few
The Lincoln club , of Rochester ,
numbering 200 , and several thousand
republicans , were at the" depot here
when the train arrived at 8.30
o'cl ck , and welcomed the party in
an enthusiastic manner. As soon
ai the train came to j stand
still the car door opened
and Lieutenant Governor Hoskins
and several other gentlemen stepped
out on the platform , and as soon as he
could get the attention Lieutenant
Governor Hoskius introduced Garficld
in a brief speech. Cheers upon cheers
greated Gtu. Gar/bid as he steppsd
out upon the pla'form. Hosaid.
"FELLOW CITIZENS : To say that
your litany greeting pleases me ,
would ba but to express my honeet
feelings , bat I cannot now make a
speech , though I have before sjoken
to Rochester audiences. I am glad to
meet yon all , and will now make room
for anothertpeaker. "
Here the cheers were repeated , and
in the midst of the excitement Lt.-
Gov. introduced Hon. Cha ? .
G. Wilhasa. of Wisoo insIio mada
a brief Bfcaci tro tutes long , fol-
lo-s-3 by G n. Harrison and G
McKindey , and the train left , follow
ed by many cheers.
Garfield at Syracuse ,
Special Dispatch to The E-o.
SYRACUSE , August 5 1 a. m. As
the tnin bearing Gen. Garfield and
i.arty approached the city , it was an
nounced by the firinz of cannon and
shouts of the peoule. A platform
car decorated with thcs and carpeted
was backed up to the drawing-room
car of the train and upon that Gen.
Garfield stepped and was most enthu
siastically received. After cheering
had subsided , Gen Garfield , s-id :
/ have nothing to eny except this , I
'thank you for this cordial greeting.
When I last passed thrown. Syracuas
you were dubating whether you could
not get rid of hard times by the use of
priutmg press fiat money and repudi
ation. But the people of Syracute
Juve worked the way out by the peed
old way , on the old road upon which
Pod'a word is1 written , 'By the
sweat of thy brow shall then earn thy
bread. ' This faithful word has
( fjrouuht you to the summit of that
prosperity whion shines over this
great land of ours. You kep * . faitn
in your financial doc'rines. The doc
trine is true to diy wherever sunlight
falls. I congratulate you tht > t y < iu
hive never gone back on that doc
trine but stuck to the truth. I have
nothing more to say except to repeat ,
I thauk you. " Immediately at the
close of Gen. Garfield's remarks , there
were loud calls for Senator Logan ,
but he did not appear and Congress
man Conger , of Michigan , stepped
forward and made a brief speech of
purely local interest. Before he had
iinhhed speaking the car commenced
to move aud soon after the train was
out of eight.
NEW YORK , August 5 , 10 a. m.
Gen Garfield and party arrived ntthe
Grand Central depot at 7-30 last evening
ning- Long before that time an im
mense crowd had asaetnbled in front
of the depot , among which were over
twenty Garfield ami Arthur district
campaign clubs , woarin ; * white gloves
und silk badges. On the pbttorm ,
where the train bearing Garfield and
party drew up , was also a largo crowd
composed of many prominent repub
licans of this city. Great cheering
erected the train aa it arrived , and
Gen. Garfield , who was amen the
first to alight , was warmly received
by members of both the national and
state committees. After considerable
hand sluking the party walked to-
waid the main entrance , when Geu.
Garfield received another ovation
raising his hat in acknowledgment
and bowing to the multitude , who
cheered until the party had entered
carriages in waiting and were driven
towards the Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Among the gentlemen who arrived
with Garn'eld were 0. U. Conger of
Michig-tn Wm General
- ; McKenley ana -
eral Streiyht of Ohio ; John C. Jfew
G. S. Orfh i f ludUna ; Judga Mor
risen of Illinois ; Ex-Governor Jefull
Col. Hoopar , and Ex Governor Fish.
And mong thoao who met tin p rty
m this city wsre Levi P. Morten.
Cianaral .Limaiiund Stanley Malilm A BOn -
On the arrival at the hotel Gsnoral
GnrStH w. s immediately thown to
his suite of rooms. In H few minutes
after hia aarival , the hotel became
almost parked , the main corridor on
the ground door being almost inipisai
ble , while probably 5,000 persoi.s had
assembled out side , the crowd re
ceiving accessions ov ry minute ,
soon cheers and shouts for Garfield
became so great that , although tired
from his long journey and intending
not to see anyone or to make a speech
before to-day he was prevailed upon
by intimate friends to chow himself t n
the balcony over the the main en
trance to the hotel His presence was
the sign 1 for a storm of cheers which
lasted several minutes. Finally when
something like quiet was
restored , General Garfield
stepped to the front of the balcony
andspokeasfollows : "Fellow citizens ,
accept my thanks for your kind con
gratulations and presence.Good
muni. " Gen. Garfield then returned
to hia room and later sat down with
about a dozen , friends to dinner.
Among those present at the hotel dur-
inz the evening were Senators Blaine
and Dawes , Collector Merritt , Gen.
iVnson McCook , Postmaster Sperty , of
New Haven , Congressmen Bailey nnd
Townsend , Juhn F. O'Brien , Don
Cameron and John J. Davenport.
After dinner Garfield received friends
and retired to rest at 11 o'clock.
YOEK , Aujtut 5 , 1 a. m.
After an absence from active pirticipa-
tion in politics for twenty-four yeara ,
General John C. Fremont was last
evening recaived by the republican
central campaign club , at the Coleman -
man house. The psrlow of the ho'el
were fairly packed with visitors , and
when Gen. Fremont arrived ho was
heartily cheered. Gon. Fremont was
ii.troducod to the audience and for
some time wan busitd in shaking
hands with about five hundred young
men , who filed past him one by one.
Gen. Fremont was then introduced
aa the pioneer of the republican party.
In rep nso the general returned
thanks and said ho was proud that ho
wrs remembered detp to the stirring
scenes that had intervened. The repub
lican party wis the party of progress ,
and though Webster aneeringly said
that this country was but diasoverated
fraRmeuta'cif a glorious republic , the
party in the present campaign rested
on its reputation. He was glad to
see that measures , not men , formed the
oeat plank in their platform and that
the disgraceful system of publishing
personal attacks on the characters of
100 candidates wonld cease. Suppose
that a wealthy man of business should
become impoverished by the lax con
duct of his agent or steward whom ho
discharged , and employed another
man in his place. The second steward
by hia talent and shrewdness brought
Older out of chaos or built up the
man's success to its original standard ,
was it likely that the man would dis
charge the second steward , who had
worked faithfully for him and replace
the first steward in his stead. The
republican party was the second
steward , it had fulfilled its promuea
and carried the country throcght a
great war , paid foreign money duo
and was even now studying cut o so
lution of the tariff question. Ho was
well pl = a rd with the nomination ot
Garfitld and Arthur and wished them
every success. Gen. Fremont at the
close of his address was warmly ap
Weston Qlvea Up
Epsc'al ' Dspttch ! to Tha Bee.
PF.OVJDSNCE , August 5 1 a. ra.
"Wfrston gives nptrying to walk against
time , this wefel : the ureVailiDg rains
racrs thin 200 zni ! 5.
The Man With an Iron
Stomach Alive and Fee
bly Kicking.
Numerous Engagements Com
ing in ,
Special Dispatch to The B a
NEW YORK , August 4 4 p. m.
Dr. Tanner is still suffisrinjr , but c n-
fidcnt. Every precaution is now being -
ing taken to avoid any unnecessary
strain upon his remaining strength ,
and , although he is very feeb'e , it is
generally believed ho will complete
his fast , He has lost 32 pounds since
the commencement of his task. One
of the regular physicians on watch
with him expresses the opinion that
the fast would be accomplished , and
that , too , without any serious injury
to the fa'ter's heal'h.
During last night Dr. Tanner had
a serious vomiting turn and thre r off
a considerrblo quanti'y of bile and
mucuous , this caused him much pain ,
but ho went to sleep again without
any apparent sign of exhaustion.
Doctors generally believe ho will
succeed iu fasting thb forty days , and
pass their opinion on the condition of
his temperature , pulse and respira
tion. Tanner says he will never t y
a forty day fast again , and the general
opinion is that ho would fail if lit ) tried
it , aa his two long fasts now
itbout completed , have seriously af
fected hia constitution. The fastar
evidently appreciated the danger
attaining such a long fast and from
the manner in which he has occupied
his mind ho has been preparing for
any event.
Tanner Digesting Himself.
Sp d.M lii r > atch 'o the PKK
NEW YOHKAugust 5,1 a m. The
fasting Tanner seems to take delight
in reciting instances of costly feats re
corded in Roman history. On Satur
day when the feat is ended , there will
bo a grand banquet of fruit , milk and
vegetables presided over by attend
ant physicians. His condition is with
out any change for the better. He is
still very weak and irritable. Hii
sufferings are great , although in the
early days of the fa t he did his ut
most to hide them. His will power ii
wonderful , it is hia determination
which ia carrying him safely through
the remaining days of the task. Al
though ho assumes an air of cheerful
ness it is too plain that he is in a
most pitible conditirn. Physicians
employed on the wa'ch think his en
feebled condition ia principally due
to the use of mineral waters. Said a
physician : "Thero is great causa fi r
alirm. Dr. Tanner's stomach has
probably lost its power of digesting.
On Sunday morn , I am told , the fast
er ejected something from his stomach
ach which resembled a tissue of mem
brane. If this Is true , it would show
that his stomach is undergoing a sort
of digestion caused by the effect of
carbonic acid water , which , 1 am in
f rmiid , has been taken contrary to
the advice of his medicil watchers.
This fa t is of no benefit to science ,
BO far as I can understand it never
was intended for a scientific fast , besides -
sides it has not been conducted in a
scientific manner , and it is of no par
ticular value to know that Tanner can
fust forty days , nor is there any scien
tific evidence that he fasted so long.
Belief in the fast of cnurao , in that
case.muat depend upon the confidence
of the medical profession. "
Special dispatches tu The Ike.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , August 4. Tro
weather in all sections remains excel
lent , and harvesting operations have
become general. In this section gram
is ripening in magnificent shape :
Conn'y averages for grain will be
from 17 to ' . ' 2 bushels to the acre.
WASHINGTON , August 4. Reports
from the southern states say that the
general condition of the cotton crop
b good throughout the south. Toe
yold is estimated to exceed that of any
other since the war.
EvANbMLLE , Ind. , A fire broke
out about midntuht in the rear of
Thomas Engle & Go's , icu house on
fifth avenue , destroying the ice house
ea'oon and restiurant on the corner ,
and three frame dwelling * inhabit-d
by Mr. Ballot , whoso loss is $1500
insured in St. Paul Insurance Co. No
insurance on the ice house.
HuNThviLLB , Ala. . August 4. Full
returns show a complete democrnt'c
victory. In 1878 , Lii-wo , greenback-
er for concress , carried this county by
1,300 majority. The result yestefday
shows ho will bo defeated in No
NEW YOUK , August4. Mr. Henry
Beigh , president of the society for
prevention of cruelty to animals ,
threatens to stop the bull fight an
nounced for this afternoon , if the
scenes enacted list Saturday recur.
SAKATOUA , N. Y. , August 4. A
heavy rain storm prevails hereto-day.
There will be no races , and the entries
have been declared off.
DETROIT , August 4 Four scientifi
cally inclined ocamps who were in jail
at Adrian for horse thieving , adultery ,
poisoning , etc. , made charcoal in their
tire about a window , heating the
etonea so that they broke and thus
made way for liberty.
YOUNOSTOWN , O. , Aueust 4 Last
night the safe in McConnel Bro'e.
store in Mineral Ridge , a mining
town near this city , was blown open
by unknown parties and the firm
robbed of § 500 in cash and a small
draft on the bank of Pittsburg. There
is no clue to the burglars.
WASHINGTON , August 4. The Sec
retary of tl * Treasury has directed
the Assistant Treasurer , at New York ,
to purchase two and a half millions of
bonds on account of the sinking fund.
j Scretary Sherman left for New York
this morning.
GLAMJOW , August 5 , The waje
question of the miners of this district
who arc now lying idle , will likely ba
speedily settled by the miners ac
cepting the offer of a raise of 6d.
LONDON , August 5 Lord Chief
Justice Cockbmn is reported seriously -
{ ly indisposed.
BERLIN , August 5. Professors
Nordemkjohl and ScVhemann will
meet the authropolcgical congreea
whehassembles hereto-day.
CINCINNATI , 0. , August 2 The
board of officers of the chamber of
commercial yesterday decided to ei-
. pell John W. Christy aad suspend
I Oscar Christy , and Mr. Cobb , all cf
Wholesale and Setail
Goods sent to any part of the United States on
Eolioitation. Largest assortment of
And everything found generally in ft flrst-
claas Jewelry Store.
Jewelry manufactured on short notice. Orders from
the Country solicited. 1 2icnln Omnba ? all nnd see u # , No
tronble to show Goods.
Tlie.lorrcler ? , Opposite the Postollice , loth & Dodge.
lla w signed the follomiuj reniarlublo paper , the signatures of which can be tttu
at our officeMessrs. . 3EABI RY t JUUNSOSt Jl Plait St. , yew Yorl.
1' For the past few years we have sold varionsbrands of Porous Plasters.
Physicians and the Public prefer
to all others.
Wo consider them ono of the rery few reliable household remedies worthy ftf
confidence. Then arc superior to all other Porous Piasters vr Medicines for
External use.
whom are members of the firm of
Christy Cobb & Co. , proprietors of
the I. < k 0. eluvator.
The change was issuing fradulent
ware houaa receipts. The book
keeper , Oscar Christy , was prohibited
from coming on the iioor uf the
MADKIU , August 5. Spain will
seed an iron cl-id fleet to the Pacific
in the event of war between Kuasia
and China.
ST. PEIEKSBCRO , August 5. Mur
derers of the ruiesionnry at Ism.i 1
hive been arrested and conta'sad tint
they were inspired with religious zenl.
ATLANTA. Ga , Augurt 5. Jack
Mix , colored , run away Mond.y wi'h
the wife of Luther West a colored bar
ber of Jessup Georgia , West followed
on the rioit train nnd came up with
tSo flying piir at Way Cross Tuesday
Tha injured husband drew a pistol
and fired three shots at Mix killing
him on .he spot.
CINCINNATI. August 5. ( Jeneral
TlurXiin Ward waannniin\tuil for con
greas by the democrats of the 3rd Ohio
diptrict ysterday , and A. B Clark of
Licking was nominated by the repub
licans of the 13 h district.
COLUMBUK , Ga. , August 5. Tues
day n ght pclit'cU ' quarrel arose be
tween S. M. Ingersull a prominent
itizun , and s youth named George
HowdH. Trouble sprang from a
p. litical digcn'sion , Howard beirt ; a
stnught-outdemociat and lugersoll an
independent. F nilly the former
drew a revolver , firii g five shots at
Intersoll , two of wnich had a fjtul
NEW YOHK , August 6 , Balbo , the
wife murdortr , crndomned to hang
to morrow , was vi iied by an under
taker yesterday and gave directions
for his funeral and burinl. Ho exhib
ited a "devil-may care" indilTorenco
to the subject and suggested to the
undertaker that his ( Baloo's ) measure
ah > uld be taken fer a coffin. The
undertaker repied , that he had no
tape measure with him , where upon
the coudemned man drew f-om his
pocket a strir y and proceeded calmly
to measure himself.
INDIANAPOLIS , August 5. General
B. J. Ohauibera greeubick candidate
for vice preci'ent baa written to the
editor of the Sun that ha will continue
on the ticket till the end of the cam
LOCISTILLB , Kv. , Auzust C. John
Lankan ordered Ei'l ' tiulmes , colored ,
to go aw-iy from his grocery store
when the Utter pulled a revolver and
fired at Langan vho then whipped
out bis own revolver and shot the
ne ro dead.
MELBOURNE , August 5. A now
ministry has been fotmed.
WAHEINGTON , August 5 Gen.
Weaver the greenback candidate for
preaidf nl has issued a begging letter
addressed to worhingmen and green-
backers asking for contributions of § 1
and upwards for carrying on the cam
paign , tno outlook ot which , he says is
CHICAGO , Acguat 5. James Mans
field and wife are under arrest for
kicking their daughter , Jennie , aged
12 , to death , during .1 drunken brawl
Tuesday night.
Undoubtedly the beat shirt in the
United States ia manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , com
bined with their threat improvements ,
that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
backs and Reinforced aleovcs , makes
their shirt the most durable and best
fitting garment of the kind , over
manufactured. Read the following
low prices :
frctent. fortrtr.
Our Fine Whit ) Shirt ] SI 35 160
Our * tr Fln " 175 200
Our ImpoiUd Cheviot ihlrtt 250 275
Our " Pening " 25 275
Our " ' Chariot 17o 2 00
( These are midn on white bcdloa )
Frtttnt. Formtr.
Our Imp rtcd Pening nJ Cheviot
viet with col nn attached , also
ontthlwBorisa 150 200
Ag9 a One troAlnf ubirt for I 25.
None but Wamsatta Mualin and
best Linens used.
The abova prices include Laundry-
ing , a discount allowed when otherwise
An additional 25 con la ia charged
when made to order.
Omaha Shirt Factory , 1207 Farnham
atreet. near 12th street.
Jortil. Bit.9th. ani MA . ' . ,
& SON'S , "
Though SomewhatDamaged by
Are Agaiii
With an Immense Lot of
Which Were
And so we will be obliged to
c'ose them out at prices way be
low value.
A.IL u .jl c cn- - - : 1 .j
ed in this lot.
Ladies' and Children's Fine
Shoes , .Slippers , Sandals.
M n's and Boys' Boots and
Shoes , High and Low. Oheap and
line Goods- They have all been
m re or less WET.
We have also a lot of
very fine
Table Spreads ,
Napkins ,
Stand Covers , ,
Toilet Sets , Etc , ,
Which were just opened
before the Fire , and which
are slightly Damaged hy
Water ,
These will be ready for
We have some EXTRA BAR
Now is a chance to secure a
good Shawl , very low. These
Shawls are NOT BADLY
SOILDD , but ncui t/iiey will not
bring PULL PRICE , so we will
close them out AT A DIS
We will be on our feet in a few
days , when you can expect to
find Bargains in all depart
ments as usual.
"Leading Retailers , "
1422 & 1424 Dodse St.Cor. 15th ,
JJmaha j- - - - Neb.
\J GINKKK1NG at the Ken olMrPolytechntc
Jnitltute , Troy , N Y The oldflft enpliworln ;
school in America Noxtterm twging Saptem
ber 16th. The Register for IS O contains H *
of the sndnucs for th < y t 51 yetrs , with their
ponltl n ? ; Iw , ours of tnd , rMure n nt ,
fxpenca , etc. Addreft ) DAVID M OREENK.
V. P. Block , 10th St.
frtsh nl Bait Ueatu o all kinds cotuionl
On hind , prices reuonahte. Vegetables In m
on. footl dallveied to ny put of th dtv.
QX.M nt NTth J h
Wnclmla Dealer Is Tortlya &Ol
JraU. Barter , tga , Pedlary , BMU