Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 2

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Established 1871. MORNING SEDITION. Price Five Cents
The Peruvians Pill the Enemy
With Fruit and Blow Them
To Atoms ,
A Provision Boat Loaded
With Dynamite Demol
ished the Chilian
Terrific Force of the Explosion
One Hundred and Fifty
Lives Lost.
PANAMA , July 24. The latest ad
vices , brojght by the Bt'eamer from
the touth Pacific , give intelligence
of the destruction of the Chilian trars-
pert ' 'Loa , " nit the Amazon BS was
previi u ly announced. Hie demol-
ishtun wzs attended ivith terrib'e loss
life , the vessel having got foul cf a
torpedo which vras Itt loose by one of
the provi ion boats 11 the bay of Cal-
lao The nffdir may bo summed up
an fdliAvs : From the lime the
Chilian fleet has been on the coatt cf
Peru it Ins been norced that the of-
fictra slid men were pirt'cularly par
tiiil to fruits and vegct-ibleg , not be
ing always careful to distinguish be
twi on the market boat of a natural
merchant vessel aud the coasting
boat of a Peruvian olliccr. At last
Peruvian commander hit on a plm to
turn it to Rome practical account.
Procuring a suitable launch , he put a
torpirdu into it and over this he placed
: i Lilse bottom resting on springs kept
ilown by the weight of the cargt. He
then leiiied it with a very
choice nsjtrtiuent of trulls
fowls , turkeys , vesotables , itc , and
towing it out towards .he blockading
pquadron baf re dayii ht set it adrift.
All day long the Uuii.h floated about
liut : he Chilians failed to notice it
mid about Fi oVlock in the evening ,
fearing it would fall into neutral
hands , a boit naa sent out to bring
it in. The "LoV was doing duty nd
neeiug the boat from the shore making
toward it , made for it. Seeing this ,
the boit from the ehoro beat a
lusty retreat , the "Loa , " toward two
boats to Uke in the prize , and it was
broug it alonij ida and tha discharge
at onca c immenced. As the weighi
in the launch was diminished the ma
cbinsry in connection with the tor
pedo was act free ami in a raomen' '
300 pounds of dynamite wore ezplodec
nnd the "Loa' ' was almost lifted of
the water. The effect , as detcnbtd by
thoec who were witnessing the opera
tion with breaihlei-s interest from the
ahorr , WLB airfoil in the extreme.
Erery house in CalUo waa shaken to
its foundation and -very ship on the
bay fluvurod as though a fearful eanh-
rjualctt IMU Ejiont its lury 'ncath them.
The fatal ship appeared as if envoi-
ojtod in nun mvtn ; if-flamo.u-l > JcJt5i
aolt-od itself into densedoiult of b ? tk
cmnke. When thin cli-ar d away eho
Boemod not to hnvo aufTered , but sud
denly eho wa observed to eiuk at the
Bteru while her bows went high in the
air and tha Lo * disappeared forever.
At this time the "Bianco , " "Eucala-
da , " and the "Huaficar , " wore some
eight milca distant from the cccncanc
could nol render any assistance , bu1
boats from the neutral vessel near by
were lowered immediately and pro
ceeded to the rcssue of those who
rrere Ecen in the water. The boats
Euccceded in picking up thirty. Forty
in all were picked up , of whom It is
thouzlu many will die. At least one
hundred and fifty men perished. The
only office ) B saved are the eeconc
commander , the dostor and the engi
neer. A corre-poadciit watchinc from
Lima B vys that , altr oush the Chilian
admiral had aureed to ullow foreign
ers to leave Cullao and Lima on neu
tral ves-els , Senor Picrola has made a
great objection to their leaving nnd
that tou or twelve thousand foreigners
in CaLao and Lima will have to re
main. Some of the neutral ships talk
of leaving Callao , fearing moro torpe
Cautious Contains.
CpccUl dlsp wu to Toe live.
NEW YOKK , August 4.1 a. m. An
evening paper punts the following in
terview with Senator Conkling , whoia
at the Fifth Avenue hotel :
Reporter When did you got homo ,
Senator Conkling Lslo last Satur
day night.
R. Ilow do you regard the politi-
c&l iield now ?
C. The season has not been favor-
&blo forBalmon fishing.
R.'h t do you think of the at-
iacks on Gen. Garfield ?
C. I landed several fine fishes ,
R. You don't want to tackle poli
tics ] t
0. Yes , I used light tackle and
with unusual success.
P. What is the true position of
the colored man in the pendiii" con
test ?
C. Wo hcd an Indian guide , but
he was of no advantage in the fishing.
R. "Which side will capture the
mnss of the votes of the the blacks ?
-C. The Indian's gall hook was not
used at all ; our catches were landed
without his n-sistanco.
Stopping the Asthma.
Epedal dlejuun to The Bve.
LA SALLE , 111. , August 4 1 a. m.
Samuel Moore , a tailor , sged 55 ,
r took lea made of gimpson weed as i
hi. cure for usthina , Monday , and died
. few hours aftoi wards. He leavee i
Grant's Old Regiment.
Epedal Uisfwlchn to Tu lies
DECATCK , 111. , August 4 , 1 a. m.
The Macon .
county veterans as.
sociaticn , in conjunction with tht
Eurvivors of General Grant's reei
moat , the Twenty-first Illinois , has
fixed upon Oitober Cth and 7th foi
holding an encampment and reuntot
on the fair grounds here. Genera
Grant will meet with hi old regiment
and special invitations have been eeni
to Genera's Shenmn , Sheridan , Me
Clelland , Butler , Banks , Uurnsidce
Garfield , Hancock , Palmer , and oth
ere to be present.
Revolutionizing Railroads"
Sjcial Dupatch to TUB Has.
INEwr YOKK , August 4 1 a. m.-
Stepben Dudley Field , nephew of Cy
rusV. . Field , has patented an inven
tion for applying
electricity as a mo
tive power on both surface and ele
voted railroads. Hispatest is daimei
to antedate the claims of other pattie
rho hare lately taken up the
Che new invention will be tested on
the elevated roads and if successful
will ba adopted. It is chimed for
: he invention that it does away with
tael , smoke , oil , heat and noise of lo
comotives nd permits of the hi client
speed consistent with safety. Anoth
er point urged 111 its favor is that an
attachment has been provided which
will ro ider a collision beverii two
Lrams impossible , each train automat-
cliy preserving a safe distance from
the next succeeding one , ilia brakes
t j be operated by electric * ! currents
used in propelling the electric motor.
Lea-pin * Fiom Fire.
Special Dlapntcb to The Bee.
PHILADELPHIA , August 4 1 a. m.
S. Collins'mattress manufactory was
discovered to be on fireyetterday fore
noon. Ella OJesVy , ased 25 , and
Emma B rnes nged 2L' , were em
ployed in the fourth Btory , and the
smoke and flames cut them off by the
stairs , and both jumped from the win
dow , falling heavily on the pavement.
Miss Barne * escaped a few bruis
es. Mi s Oulesby was seriously , if
not fatally injured , and an arm was
broken , besides being badly cut and
bruiatd , aud it is feared that ho has
received internal injuries. LJES by
the fire , 820,000.
Emancipation Day.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
ELMIP.A , NY. . , August 4,1 a. m.
Emancipation day was Celebrate !
litre by a procession of grer.t Inngih
and fine character. It is brl cved
that all the counties in the ttato were
represented in the throng of colored
paople present. Tlie exerciEO5 , held
in a largo grove , consisted of music ,
reading of the emancipation proclama
tion and an oration by Hon. Fred.
bittins Bull's Guardian.
SpMlil Dispatch toTbx Kef
CHICAGO , August 3 10 p. m.
Major Wr/Bhof the Canadian mounted
police , passed through Chicago en
route tj Ottaw * last nisht. lie eaj *
that out of Sitting Bull's cr'qica !
band of 500 lodges only 200 now remain -
main , with less than 500 effective
fighting men. The majority have
gone quieiiy into various Sioux
agencica butinanv succutubrdto star
vation. Major "Walsh says Sitting
Bu'l is fur peace Before leaving
the major was presented with his
famous war bonnet by Sitting Bull ,
who said , "uko it , my friend , antl
keep it. I hope never to have use for
it again. " Major Walsh goes east
with some important proportions fron
Sitting Bull to both the Dominion ant
United States governments , which ho
\vill make public at the proper time.
Raidicg Tabbies.
Special dieiutcn to Hie lice.
XEwYoRK , August 1 a. in.
The board of aldermen yesterday took
up the ordinance relating to the cap
ture and destruction of csts , aud dis-
cuss"d it at some length. A letter
w s read from H. Ben-h , president ol
iho society for the prevention of
cruelty to animals , auyrovina. the
ineaa-.iro anu ac grstini ; thatan
amendment be made to the cidinr.uca
providii g that persons under fifteen
years of ajjo be prohibited from cap-
tu ing cits so as to prevent any cruelty
to the animals. Bergh also suggested
that ECO p nets be used in capturing
cats. The ordinance with the amend
ment was patsed by a vote of 13 to 8.
Garfleld'a Reception.
Special Dlsptlcb tv Tbo Ucc
BUFFALO , August 4 1 n. m. Al
four oVlock yesterday afternoon Gov.
Cornell and etaff and a larga number
of prominent politicuna Wtiit to Dunkirk -
kirk , from this city to welcome Gar-
field. Tne general anc par > y and hie
escort arrived here at 0:20 and were
the recipient * of a msgn ficcut ova
I tton. The escort from the depot waa
, composed of several bands aud nearj !
two thousand torch bearers. Tne
j strotta weio one Etrugiliri ; crowd. I
I was nearly 11 o'clock whun the pro-
cctei n reached the Palace hotel ,
where a temporary platform had been
erected. About 10COOpeolo gathered
j in the largo patk in front of the hotel
aud after they had cheered themselves
hoarse , GHH. Garfield was introduced ,
and for fully five minutes , Gai field
could but Etand and lietcu to the
plaudits of the people. Finally , when
they Rave him a chauco ho made t
ahot but effective speech , in which h <
thanked Buffalo for his magnificcnl
reception and announced his intentior
of standing by the mon whoso votei
would elect him.
Senator Harrison then made a verj
ttirring speech , after which Ch"irmas
Jewell , of the republican national
committee , and otlicra made briei
tpeochcs , and it was after midirghi
when the crowd began to disperse.
Gen. Gnifieid leaves for the east thi :
Hard Times In Canada.
Special Pttpaich to Tbo Bee.
WASHINGTON , August 3 10 D. in.
.Tho United States consul at Poit Sor-
ma , in a dispatch to the department
of state , dated July 2Itb , says : Tht
prosperity which is BO universal
throughout the states is in marked
contrail t to the general depressior
which prevails in Canada. The outi
throw the blurao on Sir John A. Me
Donald and his tariff policy for the
prevailing state of affairs , while tin
organs of the party in power repel
these accusation * . The result , how.
ever , would seem to be an exodu :
from Canada of some of her best citi
zens. Consul Pace says that the em
igrants who crossed over at that pom :
alone during the year ending Jun <
30th , 1880 , and who declared their in
te'ition of becoming permanent resi
dents of the United States , numberoc
77,051) ) .
Negress Aesaaeinated.
SpccUl Diep tcti to The Uce ,
SAVANHAU , Ga. , August 4 1 a. m
Sallie Moore , while in charge of i
constable , going from the jail to oh
tain bonds Monday night , was mot b ;
Tom Golden , a well known colnrei
barber , and after a few words Goldei
shot her in the temple , killing her in
stantly. The woman had had a previ
ous difficulty with Golden. The as
sassin was snested.
Reducing the Debt.
UpecUl DigpitcU to Tht B .
WASHINGTON , August 3 , 10 pm.- *
Secretary _ Sherman is very muc
pleased with the reductions made i
the public debt during July , also wit
the financial outlook generally. H
expects to make reductions of tb
debt during the next three or fou
months iggregating perhaps fort
millions of dollars.
Murphy < fc Lovett.ins , .Agency ; ol
en established agency in this state.
The Fasting Doctor Constant
ly Craving for a Wet.
' v5
A Secret Corpd of Watcheraon
Spesl&l dispatch to The Dee.
NEW YORK , August 3 , 4 p. m. Dr.
Tanner was reported this morning very
weak , but in better condition than
expected. He is so far gone , however ,
as to ba completely exhausted lifter
any exertion. It is thought he has
been drinking too much water of late ,
but the fierce thirst that consumes
lira calls imperiously for instant satis-
action. Hot being able to drink suf-
3cient water for hii neads he sponges
tiis face and wraps wet towels
around his head hoping thus to
ab < orb asoiall amount of moisture.
Oulv four days from this noon and
Tanner w.ll have completed his task ,
but everyday findshimweaker though
confident. Ttiu f.ietcr is advised to
keep quieter and not to waste his
strength in exercise.
A secret and tndrp ° ndent corps of
watchers was org < n zed some time
ago , to watch the regular watchers
aud Tanner at Iho same time , and as
certain , if possible , whether the faster
was receiving foodfroin some unknown
source. Tanner's every movement ,
day and night , is closely observed , but
nothing has occurred t3 give tlio
slightest ground for suspicion.
Special Dlsnatch to The Bco.
KEW YORK , August 4 , 1 a. rn.
Tanner changed Ins quarters yester
day fr < in 'he ' largo hull to the sin ll
one underneath it on a level with the
entrance. The fasting man is evi
dently very weak , but still parsis's in
persevering , and is apparently as con-
lident as ever that ho will hold out
till the eud of the fortieth day. His
stomach is not so troublesome as it
vas Sunday and Monday. It is believed -
lieved , howpver , 'hat his stomach
must be greatly inflamed and his un
usual wakefulness durir.g the morning
was attributed by one of the wa"che s
to a touch of gastric fever. On re
turning to the hall at 0:15 from his
drive , Tanner said that ho felt but
little refreshed. It was decided to
abandon driving in ti.e future as the
consequent fati ue is too great for his
enfeebled condition. He did not
sleep any till about noon wheu he Isy
down on hm cot. H complained of
being bothered by the visitors and said
that at times he foil , as though his
heart would step beating. Shortly
before 2 oMock he was induced to bo
weighed , being the first time since
Saturday. Ho turned the scile at
125i pounds
Ho then laid down on his cot and
rested until four o'clock , whin ho getup
up and read his mail. Amonp his let-
tera - < oiio ofiitminln an pfler of nil
hororary diploma from a Boston med
ical colleso. Tno doctor bt-emed muoh
pleased of the offer and aid tint ho
would tiKe the offer into considera
tion. Ho disc intmued hii rides f > r a
time.In conversation with on < 3 of
his attendants ho said that ha ex
perienced more difficulty in tin PX-
oeriment hero than what he did in
Minnt-sota which was part y due to
the difference in air. He wt.8 of the
opinion that people suffered more
from too much food rather than not
ennuch. He said ho felt first rate
and thought he would pull throush all
right. Ho went out to get shavtd and
when he returned to the hnll ho r-m
up stairs at a lively gait and laid down
on his C"t with his clothes on , and at
nine o'clock he requested visitors to
leave as he wanted to retire for the
night. Ho lay very quiet till mid
night and at that hour was app rently
sound asleep. Ho consumed two-
birds of n pint of wa cr during the
.wentj-four houn ending at that time.
Disjulch to tbo lice.
LONDON , August 3 4 p. in.
it ia now believed that parliament
will adjourn within a fortnight. The
conterva iva factions are coalescing in
anticipation of Gladstone's prolonged
absence. Under any ciroum tances ho
vrill be unable to re-appear during the
present session.
The recall of Sir Birtle Frere meets
with very Very general approval from
ho people.
CROP ' ' .
The agricultural pro-pecta through
out tno entire kingdom are unusually
Special dNpatch to TBE Bsa.
, August 3 i p. m. The
new ameer of Afghanstan avoids a
conference with the British officers ,
.hereby confirming their suspicions of
iis loya ty.
SpccUl dispatch to Tbe Bee.
, August 4 1 a. m. In the
election for members of the councils
general , the republicans have elected
JOO member ? , and the conserativfs
S82. Second b " ots are necesfary in
125 Cantons. Lie total republican
Cain is 243. Mvderate republicans of
the ministeral shade have nearly
everywhere beaten radical candidates
opposed to them.
y , August 4 la. m. A dis
patch from Cabul S YB eight thousand
Britith troops under General Roberts
will leave Cabul for Candahar on Sun
day ntxt.
In the house of the lord's last rijht
the Irish compensation bit ! was de
bated over eight hours , Lord Ctihn'a
g nearly three hours , Lords
BeiconsQeld , Crandook and other
leaders also spoke. The bill was re
jected by a vote cf 282 against 61.
Candahar men are preparing for t
siege and have expelled the Durani
inhibitanta. The supplies are ample ,
Sptdil Dispatch to Tbe Bee.
LONDON , AuzuBt 4 1 a. m. Tht
war office has received the following
official dispatch from Candahar , dated
July 29. The engagement be
tween Gen , Burrows arid Ayool
Kahn commenced at 9 o'clocl
Tuesday morning , and the enemy.
12,000 etroagsera excellently post-
edmnch _ better than the British , or
jrcuad slightly undulated. "Until 1
o'clook the art'llary l"ne were en
gaged , The Afghans' superior ma
nipulation and natural superiority
no'jtr-iliz ng the superior quality of
the British. A vigorous advance of
the Afghan cavalry and the Ghilzaie
caused the British natives to fall
bick in confution , and on the
Sixty-sixth r giment abandoning
two guns , the formation waa
entirely lost. The infantry slowly
retired , deri e Gen Burrows ca'lant '
fcfforts , and they were severed from
the cavalry nd artillery and ai
three o'clock the followers
and baggage bolted toward
Candahar. After a severe fight on
enclosed ground Gen Burrows extri
cited the infantry and brought them
into line of retreat on tbe main
road , the rend baing devoid of
water a maiority of th * caus'iultiM
apparently occurred through men fall
ing from exhaustion and thirst. The
estimated lees of British is 1220 in
cluding about 550 Europeans.
epeclid dlepatcl ea to The Bee.
NEW YOEK , Aucust 3 Mrs. Annie
Kenneywho was bequeathed con-ider-
able property six weeks ago , died yes
terday from heart disease induced by
worry over attempts to get poasestion
of the propetty.
DETROIT , August 3 Congressman
Omar D. Conger , of Michigan , went
tn Mcnton , Ohio , last evening to join
Garfield and tha two go to N. Y. ,
whore the republican national commit-
the holds its session.
COLUMBUS , August 3 4 p m.
Inner Gorgnei , a patient at the Cen
tral asylum employed as an attendant
during lucid intervals , drowned her
self in the lake last night. She figured
in the late Finestone investigation as
bfinct the patient who was paid as an
employe. She was from TiiHn , but
has an only sister in Philadelphia.
CINCINNATI , 0. , Aug. 3 Henry
Harbor , who we" assaulted by a crowd
of roughs on July 24th , on Spring
Grove avenue , died this morning at
t e hospital , from his > vounds. R'ibert
Kelly , Fred Hanson , Henry Stern
and John Mundary are incarcerated
for the crime.
NEWARK , August 3 An unknown
rnbii waa killed by the
cars , and mangled beyond recognition
near Clay Creek on the B. & 0. Rail
Road last night. Ho had a card in
his pocket with hia name. Pataey
Wood on it.
SAN FRANCISCO. August 4. Schroe-
dpr , who killed Lefevro in Oakland
for alleged outrage of his wife , was
yesterday hold to answer with bail.
His counsel gave notice of application
to the superior court for a writ of
habeas corpus.
Sr. Louib , August 4. The demo
crats of tha Third congressional dis
trict , tlm city , ronommated R.
Giahsm Furst for congreis by accla
Sr. JOHNS , N. B. The value of
timber destroyed by tlic-.reccnt forest tno couth west dtri't of the
province i * estimate ! nt 3COCOO. ,
WASHINGTON AutuB' 4 Secretary
Ramsey and Adju apt General Drum
n o en route to this city from St.
Johns , N. B. , journeying via Port-
aud , Me.
LONDON , August 4 On account of
Glfds" ne's iMneta the animal dinner
of the Lord My < r of London , ten
dered the minutry , has been post
poned. It wag to have taken placa
next Saturday.
WASHINGTON , August 4. It wan de
cibel at tne o b not meeting yester
day to suspend action upm the al-
1 goi Spanish outrage * until hftor Ad
miral Wymsn makes a more detailed
rep'iit of his investigation in Cuban
waters. He arrived list night and ia
to call upon tha secretary of state and
p'a e the facts before him fully.
WASHINGTON , August 4 1 a in.
fTpon the expiration of his term in
th * senate , i.ext March , Sena'ot
WithersVill bo tendered the iro-.i-
di ncy of Blickbury college , of Vir
BEHIIN , Ausust 4 1 a. m. It ie
rumored hero that the Chinese gov
ernment is gaihoring pioviaions foi
10,000 mon on the Sohugatchak fron
CHICAGO , August 4 1 a. m. Rich'
ard E Ibt-rt was drowned Mondij
night by driving into the open dra
of the Xorth Wells street bridge
Despite much yelling of spec atou
his team kept on the driver boinji
either drunk or asleep ,
The Butcher's Wife Makes e
Clean Breast of Their
FREMONT , Neb. , August 3. Then
were important developments in th <
Bender matter to-day. Mrs. Bendei
made a full confession of all the horrible
rible murders committal on the Johr
Bender farm during 1872 and 1873.
She was a widow when she marriec
McGregor , alias Bender , ' ' who wa :
a widower with four children
They migrated from Missouri t <
Libello county , Kansas , where , un
der the leadership ot Kate , old John's
! daughter , the murders and robberiei
1 began. Mrs. Bender declared shi
had no personal hand in these crimes.
The first man killed by them was i
man named Browa. Very soon aftei
the firs : murder two more strannen
were killed. The woman was askec
v hither she remembered about i
whole family beidg killed , and said
' 'Yei , I do. There was a man ant
wife and two 1 ttle girls who drove U ]
to the house one afternoon and wanted
od to spend the night. That night
while the man and wife were droppei
through the hole , Kate and the eli
man were below. The man fough
pretty hard , but they fixed him
Nuxt day the two children wete bur
ied alire. Old John took ono am
Kate the other. They hollered aw
ful , but finally stopped , an
Kate came in and said
' The damned brats are al
right now. " Soon after this accord
iiiR to the woman's story , they be
cams frightened aud joined the Chei
okeo or Choctaw nation. Many fui
thur datails were obtained from th
woman , and if these are not tha orij
inal Benders the fact can easily b
rciala will be receirid uniil Auu t 7t :
1S50 , at 4 p. m. , for the Ujli 5 of i half milllt
brick , mnra or lest , * . cording : to plans ax
srcclfiatiors , aow en Ia at A. T. Larse's o c
. 5. CicigttoiElect. Thsrlghttotvl'rta :
er ri ! > iis u TtssrrsJ. JAiTES 5IEP2EK2OJ
Alabama BolJs upa Hugo Ma
jority for the Democratic
A Eoted Uiohigander Keturns
to t o EepubHcan Camp
Witha Modest
riouiish ;
Tne Alabama Majority.
Special Dispatch to The Bee. ,
MONTGOMERY , Ala.August 3 12
UL Reports from , Reading voting
pi ices in various parti .of thostato indicate -
dicato a democratic majoritybf belwoen
60,000 and 70,000 on the whole- state
ticket and legislature almost entirely
democratic. Independent and green-
b ick vote was much lighter than anti
Political Spoils.
Special Dispatch to The Beo.
YOEK , August 3 12 m.
The Jerssy C-ty police commissioners
removed a number of democrats on
the force last evening to make room
for republicans. Among the ap
pointees is F. Harris , a colored man.
He is the first colored policeman Jer
sey City has had.
Death ofMrs. JoiinG. Saxo.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , August 3. The death
of Mrs. John G. Saxe , wife of the
poet , is published this morning. Her
husband has been confined to his home
of nervous depression during tht past
year , and haa been unable to do any
literary work.
Yellow Fever.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
NEW YOUK , August 3 4 p. m.
John McBridea seaman on the steam
ship "Niagara , " admitted to tin
quarantine hospital , died of yolk .f
fever Sunday night.
Iron and Steel Worsern.
Special Dupuich to Tin Hrp.
PITTSIJURO , August 3 4 p. m.
The Amalgamated Association of iron
and steel workers of the United
States met in convention at the Pitts-
burg opera house to-day. It was the
largest meeting of the association ever
held , about 225 delegates from all
par's ' of the country being present.
Nothing wa ? done this morning except -
copt the work of organization. The
afternoon will bo devoted to hearing
reports , etc.
Kentucky Crlmo.
Specinl ( liEpatcU to THE BEE. ; jV
FHASKFOBT , Ky. , Auf/u S3 [ i p
m. At midnight last JunjA officers
hoard uhots in the lower > , rtl town.
and going to IPJI-P Jo
over the nuitdcrod f rm-ol 01inton
Monta ua , nn ooipli ya of feusher'-s
ewory. Tbt ; assassin fled and is nol
known. /
Fighting Burglars.
Special Dispiicb to ILO Bee.
DETROIT , Aiignst 3,4 p. m. Young
Bros * . B'ore at V.cksburg , Mich. , wa
entered by burglars last ni ht and the
sate blown open. The explosion was
overboard by a clerk , who made a gal
Innt G > .lit , in w ! ich ho was joined by
ci'iz us. Much shooting was done ,
but nobody waa hurt.
Joining the Republicans.
Special Diepaicb to THE BII.
DETROIT , Augusr 3 4 p. m. The
i'ig News to-day publishes a briei
extract from loiters written by ex-gov
ernor Austin Bhir of Michigan , ex
plaining his reasons for joining the
republican pvty. He says in polilici
life the DC B f'oai conviction alone ant
eays he likes Garfield and thinks he
will do all in hits power to elevate the
tone of p > litic3.
Now York Money ana Stock.
Wjilb Sr. . N'iv YOBK , August 8,1.30 p m.
MO Ei u 3i per ceut : exchange etoiih
at 81 8385 CO.
U'H'ioI'Bl 101 } Kenri'g 109
125 Currency o'a 12
irrcgulnr , variations ranging from
JQlu since tne ci'Oniny.
WUT 107J W.BtL&P 42
NYC 133 ? W , StI&Pl > fd. . . 72
Erie 45 } U. P 9
EriopfJ 72J CCA.IC 117
LakoSLore H9 Mich. Central 8C
Kock island 115 Lacka an & W. . 86
Northwestern. . D5J lliidsjn SI
Northw Btern pfd.llhj N J Central 7
Fttfinc Jlall . . .425 Jlorrls&E 06
Obi i 3lJ Reading in
Oliopful 71J I. M 5
St. PAUI swi St. P. andOmahi. . 47
Sl.Faulpfd irj > St. P.andO. lifJ. . . 81
c Joe 35J K. &T SO
S Jcopfd 72
Chicago Produce.
CUICAGO , August 3.
Wheat No. 2 closed at 89go fo
August , 86'o ' for September , 86jc fo
October , and 80s teller for the year
Corn Clrsed at 3536c cash fo
Auguit , and 3Gc -September and
Oats Closed at 22c for Augunt
22c for September.
llyo Closed at 66c for cash ; and
with Goic bid for August.
Whiskey Fairly active and ateadj
at SI 09.
Pork Closed at S1450@15 00 foi
cash ; § 15 82i15 85015 85 f < * Octo
ber.Lari OloBed at $735 cash fo
August , and $7 371@7 40 forSuptem
at. ixjulB Produce.
Sr. Louis , August 3.
Flour Unchanged.
Wheat Higher andactiva for cash
No. 2 red , 9U@91c for caeh ; 91r (
Ol c for August ; " 89J@903 for Septem
ber ; 90c for October ; 83@89go for thi
year ; No 3 do , 85 } < § 87c ; according t' '
location ; No. 4 do , 83jg84c.
Corn Bet'or and slorcat 34g@34t
for cash ; 34ic for Augnat ; 34gc fo
October ; 31c for the year.
Oa's Dull at 22c bid for cash.
Bye Dull at 59c bid.
Barley No market.
Butter Unchanged.
Egaa Unchanged.
Whisky Steady at SI 08.
Pork Firmer ; $15 25 bid.
Dry Salt Meats Firm ; § 4 80@7 3
@ 7 60 for young meat.
Bacon Firm at 85 G2i@8 208 4 :
long cleir sold at 58 128 15 ; the la :
was half September.
L rd Nomiaal at 57 25.
Receipts Flour , 7,000 bbls ; wbea
82,000 bu ; ; : D , 24,000 bu. ; oati
10,000 bu.
Shipnents--i''Jour , 14,000 bbls
wboal , 85,000bn. ; corn , 7,000 bu. ;
ats , 25,000 bu.
Chicago Live Stock.
CHICAGO , August 3.
Hogs Were 5@10o higher
indor a falling off in receipts and a
airly active demand for sales were at
! 4 G0(34 ( 75 for light packing , and re-
leipta 15,670 , shipping at § 4 50485 (
or heavy picking § 4 G5@500 for geode
o choice cniooth assorted lots.
Cattle Raceipts were c 'nsiderably '
t'ghter that yesterday , but the de
mand was only moderate and was
chiefly for Texan stoera , native cowa
and medium to good shipping Bteera.
? here were no choice or txtra steers
sold up to 11 o'clock , pric-s rangpd
from § 2 CO 32 80 fornat've ' cows , § 2 CO
or Nebraska steeri , § 412J43U fnr
Colorado eteers , and from § 400@4-10
'or medium to good shipping alecra
A largo number tire in the pens un
sold , the fresh receipts were 9,000
N6\v York Produce Market.
YORK , August 3.
Flour At prices without important
change ; rdceiots. 23,750 ; round hoop ,
Ohio , $5 1085 75 ; choice do. go 80 ®
00 ; superior western , § 3 804 50 ;
common to good extra do , § 4 25-15
L GO ; choice good to e.vra do , § 4 70 ®
7 00 ; choice white wheat , ? 4 705 00.
Wheat Spring , steady ; winter
wheatj- shade stronger ; rod , scarcely
so firm ; No. 1 , nhito , Augn-t , $1 08i ;
$ o. 2 , red , August , § 1 05 > j ; do Sep
tember , 81 09 J ; do October , 81 O'Jj.
Corn Shade better and moderate
, rac.e ; mixed western spot , 44 < 347 c ;
do , futures 4750c.
O.tts Firm and quiet ; western ,
Beef Steady and demand mode
rate ; new plain mesj , $9 fiO ; now
extra 810.
Pork Strong and qniet ; new moss ,
814 50.
Lard Firmer ; steam rendered ,
87 Go.
Butter Firmer and fair inquiry ;
Ohio 14@27c.
St. Liouis Llvo Stock.
ST. Louis , August 3.
Ilogs Active and higher ; Yorkers
and Baltimores , § 4 60(34 ( 60 ; packing ,
$4 55@4 70 ; butcher * ' to fancy , $4 70@
4 88. Receipts , 2,400 ; shipnittnts ,
Commissioners Proceedings.
SATURDAY , July 31.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
Present CommisRioners Knight ,
Corliaa and Drexel.
A petition was presented asking
: hat a license bo printed John Flood
to sell liquors at Elkhorn Station , and
the same Avaa laid over for two weeks
The clerk was ordered to notify
Fred. Ilickilein to abate the nuisance
at his slaughter house , in West Oma
ha precin 't , at nice , n he would to
prcBOQuttd as provided by law.
The cUim of W. W. Lowo. of $1,110
for laud'and trees taken by extension
of cminti n ad , December 1874 , was
A hcenss was granted H. A. Nottp ,
to sell liquor at Elkhorn Rta'ion for
iey ar , f-om July firft 188 .
The cfflciil b < nd of Rufus R ifcortu ,
Jus'.ice ot the Peace for Chicago pre
cine' , waa approved.
Tee clerk was directed to advertise
for sealed proposals until August 7th ,
1880 , ai 3 p. m. , for building a forty
foot combination brHa" on sec'ion
line between 8uction 5 , 6. IB and 12 ,
and also f r the following grad ng :
2,000 yards , mure or UBS , at Cunning
ham's place , on sections 35 , 15 and
10 , and about 500 yards ner Sohl's ,
on line betn esn eections 2a , 2G , 15
and 11.
Tlio following accounts were allowed
from the
C. A. Baldwin , defending prison
ers . 8 21 00
J. Trisler , gradiug . M 00
C . Clauaon , work on road . 3 00
33 , 1'oaron , goods for poor . . . . 3 00
TJ. P. Itailway. ticket for pauper. . 1 20
M. Duffy , woik on grading . 41 tO
A. D.mble , haxiling and building
material . 12 0" >
M. Duffy , on account grading . 30j 1 0
Win. Van Dohren , wurk on bridge 62 10
Wm. Dowling , building bridge. . . . 8 0"
A. L. Strang , bewer pipe . 88 CO
J. J. Brown , lumber . 1824
J. A. Howe , on account grading
Farnham street . Iflfl 00
Dau Burr , eight scrwers . 65 i > "
John G. Jacobs , coffins for poor . 18 00
John A. Creightoij , rent . 225 OD
Thrca Persons , laying sewer pipe. . 27 00
0. II. Brown , on account grading 10" 0 '
A. Burn eitcr , tinware . C 00
Morris Elgutter , clothing for poort 00
Four Persns , tales juro s . 100'
Eight Persons , witness fees . 17 20
Geo. H. < uy , taking insana person
to asvlum . L'G 03
Geo. 11. Guy , jailor and guard ,
July. . 93 00
1. N. Pierce , salary and cash . C'J 00
Mrs. I , K. Pierce , matron poorhouse -
house . 2)03
J. It. Manchester , compiling c n-
BUS . 18932
J. B. Whittier , refunding taes. . . 182 00
Seven Persons , work at poorhouaa 93 SO
Twelve Persons , coroners jurors. . . 12 ( .0
Adjourned to 7th inst.
County Clerk .
Everything Working Tor the
Success of the Grand Army
Everything thus far has worked in
a way that seems to assure a grand
success to the G. A. R. reunion to beheld
held at Central City inSeptemborand
it will undoubtedly be a great occasion
for the state of Nebraska as well as
for the members ot the order. * Adjutant -
tant General Alexander has just re
ceived a letter frum the war depart
ment on the sub ject of issuing tent ? ,
etc. , by the general government ,
which is as follows :
July 28,1880. f
SIK : I have the honor to acknowl
edge the rece'pt of your comtsunica
tion of the 14ih inst , requesting thai
the tenta authorized by joint resolu
tlon of congress of April 16 , 1880 , t (
be loaned for thesoldiers's reunion tt
be held at Central City , Neb. , in Sp
tember nest , ba shipped to you direc
from Chicago upon the cloee of thi
Knights Templar celebration in tha
In replv , I beg to inform you tha
the * quartermaster general , to when
the matter was referred , reports , un
der date of tbe 23d icst. , "that thi
officer in charge of the depot at Jeff
ersonville , Ind. , has this day been di
rected to ship in charge of as agent
directly after its Holding of th
Knights Templar celebration at Chicago
cage , the 300 hospital tents culled for.
All transportation to be without ex
pense to the government. Very re
spectfully , your obedient servant ,
Chief Clerk for the Secretary ofVar ,
in hia absence.
Kegulations for Securing a Fair
Vote at the Coming
The first meeting of the Douglas
county republican executive committee -
tee was held at the office of the county
tuperinteudeut ut S a. m. 7-isle day.f !
Present , E. Ro ewaterWtll Brown ,
J. J. Points and Louis Littlefield.
Absent , E. W. Siraeral.
The following resolution , introduced
by Mr. Will Brown , was adopted :
Hesohed , That every republican in
this city shall personally appear before
t'ie registrar and register his name.
Tint the ri g'strarpj in the precincts
sha'l pers. > v.sit euh resident
therein and register all republicans
who are entitled to vote.
Mr. Pointi introduced the follow-
ng resolution , which was adopted :
Hcsohed , That two registrars be
ppoiuttd for each precinct of the
ouuty and two registrars fcr the city
f Omaha , and the registrars for the
ity shall hold daily sessions at the
ooma of the Garh'eld and Arthur
ilub , commencing Thursday. August
th , aud continuing until registration
is completed.
The committee agreed upon the
'olliwing form of registration books :
First , name of the voter ; second ,
igo ; third , plico of birth ; fourth ,
) Uce of residence , includrg for the
ity the name of the street and where
iracticablo the number of the house ;
i th , length of residence in the state
r caunty.
The following blank was ( jreed
ipcn to be signed by Republicans re-
iding in the country precincts : "I ,
i. B , do hereby affirm
ip'jn honor , that I am a residetit of
DougUs county , and precinct
"uriug the past ; that I am a
Republican , have voted the Republi-
an ticket , and intend to support Gar-
'eld and Arthur at the coming eloo-
The committee adjourned until 8
. m. to-day to meet in the came
ilace , whtn further action will ba
a ken on the appointment of registrars
nd regulations for registering.
Real Ea.ato Transfers.
Augustus Kountz and wife to Geor
\Villcini ; w. d. n. lots 1 and 2 ,
ilnck 202 , rity of Omaha.
Tarnuel E. Rogers and wife to Line
Was-imann ; w d. lot 12 , block 13 , and
. 34 feet 1t 1 13 , bl. ck 13 , Improve
ment Association's addition , city of
Dinah i 8"00.
A. J. Popplelon ami wife to W. G.
Ha-rill ( ; w. d. lot 11 , Ehz.bsthPlaco
addition , citv of Omaha 450.
Is-ac D. Fainsworth to Georce H.
B g s mid Low W. Hill : s w. d fej
iec 24 , town. 1G , n. r. 12 e. 5500.
Adt D. Drake et al to Knut Kuut
mi : w. d. e lot 2 , block 7 , Reed's
1st add. , ci'y of Omaha 5200.
Uni'ed States to Sdth W. Higley :
patent aw | , sec 4 , town. 14 , r. 10 e.
Wiping Out a Town.
ANNAPOLIS , August 3. Incondiar-
Edt fire 10 a small building in this
ci y yes'trday morning beloro dav-
"ight. A stormy wiud blowing at the
time the flimos soon got beyond con
rol and BWI pf nvtr the upper part of
; own to the h church wher ,
with the assistance of the b'ra depart
ment from neighboring townsthe fire
was otopp6d f-arely in time to save the
church. About twenty building
were burned , and aa the town ia not
closely built a largo area was closed.
The loss is rouchly estimated at between
tween 335,000 and 840,000 ,
with only § 13,000 insurance.
Militia Notes.
The "Beniitt Rifles , " cf Bennet ,
Lancaster county , have forwarded
heir mu tcr in rolls and enlistment
ji.orstotho [ adjutant general. The
: ompaiiy is officered by Cept. S. P.
Derby , and Lieuta. Varley and Cobb.
The company now numbers over
seventy men , rank and file , and is
made up from among tl o best citizens
of that thriving village.
The "Alexander Guards , " of Nel-
ton , Neb , , named in honor of Gen- l
Alexander , adjutant general of Nebraska -
braska , have reported to military
headquarters that their compiny is
now in a flourishing condition , and
that they will accept the invitation of
the covernor to be prejont at tbo
soldiars * reunion in Sastomber next.
' " ore.
. , . ,
Pianos and Organs First Class
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Sheet Musio and Musi
cal Instruments ,
Oil Paintings , EDcraTln a anH Frames at greatly -
ly i dnced prices.
8x10 Frame ; , 1 inch , Walnut tfc
10x12 " 1 ' - " 20
iOxli " 1 " " 20
12x18 " H " " W
m s ii" " 65
16x21 " ll" " ; 5
Rr.s 1C Sx'O Inme lo
Chromo * fr " * d , f mill , 2ic ,
Chroo.09 framed Jaive , 1 * 5 ,
E' grivlng * from SOc upward ! ,
Photopuph tr mw from 15c upwards ,
Wlirto v Cor Jew 75c w Indow and jp ards
Lambrciuir t 00 pn window and upward : ,
Corclcft CUM 2 50p < r winrto * and upwards ,
Velvet fr > mc < > iic eich to5 00
Violin Stnns lie ,
Yio i 3 1 "S. 2 50 , 3 and upwards ,
GniUro S f 0 , 6 10. 7 00 and upwards.
Banjos 1 CO Z 00.5 00 , asd upward * ,
Accurdeo-y Iroia 1 CO up. chcaptot la cty
S ni far insoles aai caUlozua o ! merais ! ?
a = ishct = ft. _ _ A. HOSPE.J2. .
Undoubtedly the best shirt in the
United States ia manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. Tha superiority
of Material and workmanship , com
bined with their great improvements ,
thatisReinf'Tced front * , Reinforced
backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the most durable and best
fitting garment of tbe kind , over
manuf > cturecl. Read the following
low prices :
Prutnl. Firmer.
Our Fine Whlt Shlif 3135 1 SO
Cur'liraFine " 175 2 > 0
fur Imioilul Clicvoi fHrtu 2 It ) 275
Our " lYianir " 25 275
Our " ' Clicilnt 1 3 -00
( Thtto aio UIi < le on whl'o bcclicn )
Present , former.
Our Imp rtcd Pcningnml Cheviot
viet wllbcnl r Much til. also
on Whl-c B * ia J 0 200
Also a fine w ork loir tlrt for I 25.
None but Wamauttn Munlin and
beat Linens used.
Th'e above prices include Laundry-
ing , a discount allowed when otherwise
An additional 25 cents is charged
when made to order.
Omah Shirt Factory , 1207 Farnham
street , near 12th atrcnt.
I'S ,
Though Somewhat Damagedby
Are Aeain
"With an Immense Lot of
Which Were
And so we will be obliged to
close them out at prices way bs-
low value.
All kinds of Shoes are includ
ed in this lot.
Ladies' and Children's Pine
Shoes , Slipprs. Sandals.
M n's and Boys' Boots and
Shoes , Figh and Low. Cheap and
Fine Goods.fl hey have all been
m re or less WLT.
We have also a lot of
very fine
Table Spreads ,
Napkins ,
Stand Covers ,
Toilet Sets , Etc , ,
Which were just opened
before the Fire , and which
are slightly Damaged by
These will be ready for
Wa have some EXTRA BAR
Now is a chance to secure a
good Shawl , very low. Thoae
Shawls are NOT BADLY
SOILED , but still they will not
bring FULL PRICE , so wo will
close them out AT A DIS
We will be on our feotin a few
days , whea you can ospect to
find Bargains in all depart
ments as usual.
"Leiuliiij ; Retailers , "
1422 & 1424 Dodee StCor. 15th ,
Omaha - - - - Neb.
Safe , Certain , Sure and Speedy.
The only articleknownihatWill
fsorcffoafelhis disease
perm efnent/yfromlhe , system.
General Agents ,
lulli anil Doiii'lns Sired.
Over 3.0CO iciidanca low ferrule by tbl tftn
cy at pi Iceir mgir y tn m $24 to ft < X ) cub , and
located De-cr } p it of 'hecito , n < I In every
direction Jrora the Po toffl < > , north , t. § outh
or weft. u.d .11 distance Jrcm oo
blfli to one or t o milcj Irom i mc. C ! l n J
ciaminoour' ' H
fTeial choice lot * la GrlSn k Intn' Jd !
tlon. wtst of convrnt , bttnten St. M ry'inyeo
ue tnd llarney ptrect i ( CO to * SOO.
bO acre Jusi i t of ta racks nn Slenders St. .
thU ts choice ard and will b * Iil Tery cheap-
for c sh In 5,10 cr.'u cr lotsntw ! " your tlmo-
tosrcurea barjain.
Chi l e lot at end of street car tracks en 8un-
ders street for 3.-76.
Choice Icit. Farnh m and 21th street * , 00x132
tect for Sl,5 < 0-wlll dlvdo It.
Cheap lot * in Credit FnnJiT addition. auUtn '
U. P. depot $100 to ? SOO.
Forty lots nn Park Arenua and Georzia itrctt ,
on road to pzrtc , and near bead c' fit. M.rj'd
avenue , at Ir m $125 to fSOO each. Eeien TOVK
tlra t eluht p r cent Int r > st to kho e who will
put up ? i.fnl * uh.tantbl buildii.g . F r further
particulars apply to.
0. P. BEMI ? . A * nt ,
Fifteenth and Voaglit btcct ? .
A nice lot on llarney and Twentj-flrat atr U ,
Two choice tots on JOth. neir 8t. Mary's arcn-
ue. 60x166 feet each , forJSSO and 000.
Two chr-lce lot * near 25 < 1 and CUrk street * , in
K V. Smith'B addition $300 and 1550.
Fifty IOIB m 8h nu % , flrecond and third Rd-
ditlona forSUO to J6W ( tn ,
Lot near 15th and Plrrce. 81 W.
Z lots on Harnnv near ZUh St. , f 600 eseli. X
ot on X4tli rr Huuard > tre t. I7o0.
,0 , lots III Grand View addition , south cf U. P
iridia and depot , frum * 15 to 3 00 each *
One acre , 117x30 feet , on 13th street , south
of Popplctuu's new regidenca , for $2,000 , or will
dlrldu into city sized lots a ; from $350 to f KO
Large number of beautiful residence lot * , l3
cattd tn this itew addition on Cipltol 11111. ba
tween 21th st.e t on the cast. 26th on tha ott.
Dodire street on tbo north ard Faranam street
un the south formerly o ued by C. n Downs
and more recently known is the Perking 15 acr .
Only 22 lots hare thus far been platted 14 on
Farnbam and S on Douglas street. Tr > ' Jots
aruSO to 56 feet In widt- > and UO In depth. ? 1,000
for the choice. E jeart time , at 8pr c nt in
terest to thoee who will build good eubstantinl
hwiscs thcre-m. Call and ciamino plat arid get
full Information at
15th and Douglas Stro i .
( HerlOO buu and luUore offend lor aal
by this omen They are scattaietl all orer the >
city. Any location you de.Iro. Prices Tarjlng
from $300 to 315,000 eaili.
2 go < dials ami 2 cheap houses near Jackson
aud 1-lh strtcts at a great tacilfice. Here is *
great b > rzaln for como one. Tha property rnuot
ba sold 1a.m. dl jely. Co ere Jn t a rjkinrtcr of
block- Call acJeiamlr.o.thta without , > y delay.
GKO P. BEM'fcVAfttnt.
12th and Doug Us St .
A desirable lot n ar Cumlnjf and Blunders
Streets , $1(00.
The cheapest aero lots In tha city of Omaha ,
are those fur sale by this agency In Fatk
PUce and Lowe's ttcond adJi Ion , on Curfllng ,
Bnrtniid California strett > ; > ou can make rx >
mistake in pit king up thtse bargains while jon
have the chance. Theselot" arc more than equal
in size to 4 lull-slid ! city Iota cr s half block-
Arid it will bo hut a very short time before one-
fifth pirt of ore cf thcoo acre lota will sell for ai
ninth as we offer alul acre to day. They urn
located a very Iiort dis snca wc t of Cr ljhtr > n
C'lllfge. Prices rangirrp from 4150 toJSOO p r
acre lot. Call immediately , and don't lone your
hance. and get plat and full particulars of
GEO. P BEMIS. Agent ,
15th and Douglas Strtett.
Mce lot on Sherman A\cnue uorth ot KIchoH *
street. $1,400.
Half lot on Ca89tctwcen 13th and llth etttd
2 nice Inti in Hartman's aildit'on , JJOO to WW.
Largo numlwr of acre lots In GIse's addition tn
North Omasa , $1:5 to $300 each.
Cbolce earner lot near 2ud and Cnllfomln
Btrecls , S1.5CO.
b'c\cral ifood lotd In Melton' * addition , 160 to
$350 each.
Choice lot in Thornoll's addition , $750.
Several larfa lot * In llartlett's addition , 14
rods andlj ncri-neach. Prices f700 to fl.OCO
Several choice lots iu Rccd'a flrjt addition ,
Acre lot on Sherman avenue , (1CU ( street ) ,
south of Popploton's new resldenv * , for (1,100
2 lanjotAts nwrlSth andClnrk itro U , 60 <
330 f et Corner , 31,200 ; infide. 81,000.
3 lar e lots on bho m n avenue , flttth Itr et ) ,
near Clark Stieet. JiKto rorh
22 nice and cheip loU , very neirtotba bns
Inesspart cf the city , located a very fatr t r
s uth of the Conrent and et Mary's avon j , aod
last outh f and aajomicir the crtmnil of James
M Wvolworth a d WJ. . Council 'hers * are
cheap and very do lrable , belnif so handy to bu -
Ine s pare of.Ity , to ruw governmoLt depot , nail
wor 3 , hit lead works , U. P. depot , elock
yaida , packing hnusen , etc Call and get plat
and nh ar icu.ars. P-Ice $275 to 83W and * * ty
termn to thoeo v.h < > Luild
GEO. P. BEMIS , Agent.
16tli and Douglas 8t .
Schotce resilience lott en 21th street. brt mr
Douglas and Dodie : 8treets.Sl.100 to tl..0 rach
and loni time to t ofo who will b'llld.
i choi o lorncrlos nrar and Fainbam
BtrejtCiiKl ftLt.S .ICO and 11,200. and vtry
oiey teims tu putchaner * who wt 1 Improte.
Also t los on 21th , b t cea Firnbam and
Doujla4 s reett , JU50 to { 1,600 each and lee ;
fSTZSO of tbe bc > t business Iot9 In tbe dtr of
Ortaha for sale , located on every bugluens 8tre 1 ,
3IO3-0 jg.OOOoach.
XlTAlio very valuable sto'e properties In al
most every buelne * block iWX ) to 918,005
lOcboice res'donce lota in abore addition , ta-
raeJiMely noith of and adjoining Porpletoa'a
beautiful residence and grounds , > nd locaUd on
15lh i9th and JOth strtete , $300 to 25V ) each art
verv easy terms to thowi who will build. Call and
examine | > ht and get full partlcnl ir
GKO. P. BKM S , Agent.
Beau ifnl bnlldlnir rite on arcnne ,
< 16th streetbetwccn Poppleton an < J tne Dudley-
I jams prote ty ; 263 feet eait fronuza on the
avenue , bv Si fret tn depth. Wl'I ' dltl < ! Itmile-
In 132 feet by 353. Call ami get full partlcnl w.
An acre un Isth ttieet. IClffet east front z
by 373 feet deep. This is Just south f tbe Kilra-
beth f Poppleton place , lh.3 Is gllt-cdze , rail and
getf-nceand tbrmsef BEVIS , Aeent.
13 nont\ lot * , ] u t uorth of and adjoining E. V
Suiitli'd addition , and locaUd be'ween COth tnd
SaundCM streets , at reationab.e prices and lens
time to buyer who ImproT * . BEMIS. Agent.
53 lots In Horbach's first and second add tioos
on leth , ISth , 19th and 23th street ; , between
Nicholas , P u ] , She-man and Clam atteetr , rery
handy to U P Shope.smelting works , etc ,
ranging in price * from from 3-00 to jl.100 each ,
re'iulrin ; only ( mail payment down and long
tlm at 7 ptr cent Intertst to those who will Im
prove. GEO. P. B2M1S.
15th and DougUs Htrct.
33 nice Iot In Parker's addition , between
Blunders am Pierce. Kin ? and Campbell' * Sts. ,
on BIon-.ostre t10 lots with south frnnts and
ID with north frontaze , onlyfJulorku north of
the turn-table ( nd str t car trart ) on Sinnd rj
street. Veryi.w prices ; * 175 ca h , cr rMO on
lo-'gtime.ndSpercent inUrent to those who
will bnilrj. \
i2T150 icood farms for sale In UotlgU * , Barpy ,
Wtihington Hurt , IJO'Jge. Siun.ersand Eistsrn
tier of countiw. , , . , , .
> r 3 0 OM > acrra best i Iect d lands in tht
a ate for site by this azrncy. Call and get map * ,
circn'ars and full partlcuUrj.
3rBernb"iewm r > of Omaha , 60o and 31.60.
X TBemiV new pamphlet ( % Qd map of tha
State ) eotitl'd "tho outlook cf Nebraska" for
free distribution.
Geo. P. Bemis' ,
15th & Douglas St. ,