Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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    * - V 0
I 'Tuesday ' Morning , Augusts.
Pateraon Bella coal.
Additional local ou first page.
Try Saxe'a Coffee Cream Soda.
Warranted tooth brushes , Kuan's.
Excellent Cream Soda at Saxe'a.
Carriages and wagons at Wood-
Elegant perfumes at Kuhu's drug
SeWenberg .t Co.'a Key WestCl-
gara at Base's.
An insane soldier w.i3 taken cast
on Sunday crcning'atrain to Washing
ton city.
A row of imposing dimensions oc
curred on South Thirteenth street
Sunday a-jd window panes suffered EC-
Foil I * EXT. Store building , 174
Farnham street , Bet. llth and 12th.
Apply to Jno. A. Crclghton. tf
Mr. 3Iorris Adamsky celebrated
li j 75th birthday anniversary Monday.
llis traiiy friends trill be pleased to
earn that his health is improving.
County court opened Monday
with iifty cases on the docket , as
against fiixty-Eevcn last term. The
docket will ba called over this
Lost- * Sunday near Omaha
lake , a Brown setter , split nose , three
months old ; answers to the name of
Prince. A liberal reward will be paid
for hia return to 0. J. Westerdahl ,
city marshal.
A pariy arrested for cutting a
comrade's wrist Saturday -with a knife ,
was discharged on payment ct costs
us both parties were intoxicated ut
tli3 time and the cutting was acci
Deputy Sheriff Grebe and Cyrua
Morton have gone north to look for
the latter's horse , which was stolen
JFrldsy night , aud Morton's hired
Jnia has ? ; one to I'lattsmouth , La
1'latte , etc. The horsa nis valued at
§ 125.
gj The game ot base ball Sunday ,
ou the grounds near the nail works ,
Ijatween the stara and Unions , re
sulted in a victory for the latter club
by a ccoro of 4 to 7.
The old way of robbing melon-
patches lias been supsrcedcd by more
modern methods. The boya don't
run now from the ferocious farmer.
They turn and pound him. The boys
near the Barracks inaugurated the
new custom.
Mrs. Abigail llousel , 'the ascd
mother of Mr. C. C. Houselwas
stricken with paralysis whileBitting
at the dinner table Saturday , and ex-
1'ired Sunday. Her remains were
cent cast yesterday afternoon. -
Deputy Marshal B-u Westerdahl
roturued from Pcnver Sunday with
L. A. SaalGeld , who passad a worth
less draft on the Kitchen Bros , and
another on .Frank llamgo in April
last. Ho was broughtjn ou a requisi
tion from Gov. Nance.
Sandsy the atmosphere sud
denly became very cool after a day of
lr unprecedented heat. At 9 a , in ,
yesterday the thouionieter indicated
1)0 ) ° in the shade. At 9 a. in ! to-day
business men were wearing overcoats
about on the streets.
At a convention of the Omaha
7 > oot-blacKs , he'd Saturday evening , it
was determined to reduce the price of
si shine to five cent ? . A procession
then marched through the streets
bearing an illuminated notica of the
great reduction.
The residence of C. Ar. Horton ,
cashiwof the Western Union telegraph
office , wns burglarize ! Friday evening.
while the family was taking in the
nrcat moral show of P. T. Barnum on
Capitol hill. The burglar got away
with an overcoat and eouio jewelry.
A portion of the property was re
A man and wife wore arrested
fs iturdsy night for intoxication and
dnorderly conduct , and on being
taken to county jail the latter was
found to bo badly cut on the wriat
with glass and otherwisa injured. She
was also cncicntc end the city phy
sician fearing for her life asked that
Bhn ba discharged. Sunday her
3itab.iud was also released as eho was
reported very sick nnd suffering
greitly. It appears that in the saloon .
where the row ocsured some words
wcro had and the woman was seized
and thrown off a porch aud thus injur
ed. How Ecrlous her condition may
he remains to bo aeen , but some ore
nay yet have to sailer for it.
The report of the city missionary ,
Mrs. H. B. Fuller , submitted to the
Christian workers for the quarter end
ing with July , shows that she has
epent 417 hours in visitinc , besides
pzrforming a large amount of labor at
home. She has brought a number of
children into Sunday school ; and pro
cured clothing for those who wcro
iopt out for the lack of it.
3 In the police court yesterday
B'IX tramps were sent up for five days
each. Ono case of plain dtunk was
not dispossd of when our reporter
called around. R. H. Uanlon was
fined $0.05 for an assault , and Dr.
Vandcrcook compromised a similar
chsrgo by paying the prosecuting wit
ness , a Scandinavian boy , wages due
Jiitn , over which the row originated. to
; S < > vcral minor cases were disposed of.
If you want something cx'ra , nitc in
Bread or Cake try JACK FROST
ri'ur. Wclshnns & Bro. , 8th and
Firuam , Agents.
Don't heat up the house this hot
weather by building a largo fire in the
cjokatove.butuec a small piece of
Haydoii's Patent Fire Handler to boil
-the teakettle. It's splendid Sold
by your grocer. _ _
Elegant accommodations , lowest
price. Astor House , 2f. Y. H-ulm. in
_ Lots , Faroe , Houses and Lands.
Look orcr Bemis new column of bar it.
gains en first :
Inauguration of the New Short
Line and Fast Train
System ,
Railway Magnates Come in I
on the First Through
Our Hallway Budget. I
The 6rst train from St. Louis over
the new St. Louis and Omaha line of
the Wabash , St. Louis and Pacific
railway arrived at 10:55 : Monday
having left St. Louis last night at 8
o'clock , making the ran in 14 | hours.
The train consisted of the directors'
car of the Wabaeh , St. Louis and Pa
cific railway , the Pullman pa'ace car ,
"Gtrman'c , " the elegant new dining
car of 1he Wabash , St. Louis and Pa
cific railway , one of Mr. Horton's re
clining chair cars built by Barney ,
Smith & Co. , a handsome smoking car
and a baggage car
The equipment throughout is finish
ed in the most elegant style known to
modern car building , the dining car
being the finest ever turned out from
any shop in this country.
similar train left Omaha Sunday
night for St. Louis at 4:5F : > .
One of these trains will leave each
end of the line daily at the hours
An Inspection of this train will sat
isfy any person that the Wabash , St.
Louis and Pacific ra-lway intends to
eecuro their full share of the business
between the Pacific roads and the
east , and that passengers taking the
new line will have all the elegant com
fort that the latest improvements in
railway equipment can give.
Wo are glad to welcome the new
line to Omaha , and wish it all the sue.
cess it deserves.
The opening of this line marks a
new era in the history of our business ,
as it shortens the time between Omaha
and St. Louis eleven hour ? , saving to
the traveling public half a day in
time , besides securing to them a ma
terial reduction in fare.
The train brought quite n party of
gentlemen connectfid with the Wsbah
and other railway interests from St.
Louis , including :
Hon. John Jackson , president St.
Lotus elevator company.
Hon. J. IX Brown , general uassen-
ger ajicnt M , K T. R R.
T. II. Wickes. superintendent Pull
man palace car company.
Geo. U. Hookius , secretary to gen
eral manager W , St. L. it P. R. R.
A. C. Bird , general freight agent
W.St L.-P. II. 11.
M. Knight , assistuit general freight
agent W. , St. L. A P. R. R.
Geo. If. Daniels , general tickei
agent , W. , St. L. AP. . Hy.
S. llnwell. div. freight agent , W. ,
St. L AP. . Hy.
. .7.V. . Blauchard , div. sup ! ; . , W. ,
St L. & P. By.
J. J. More un , travelling auditor ,
W.St L. &P. Ky.
W. T. Townsend , secretary to gcnl.
paps. RRcnt , W. , St. L. A P. Ry.
F. A. Fulwiler , of tlio W. , St L. &
P. Ry.
Thcae gentlemen spent the day Jn
seeing Omaha and Council Bluffs and
will rutarn to St. Louis by the same
train last evening.
The party reported the track in ex
cellent condition and that the train
made the time with perfect ease end
without any particular by fast running.
It is expected aomo lime during the
month of August that the Wabash
will open for passenger business their
new line between Kansas City and
Chicago , and their now St. Louis and
Chicigo line.
Both of these lines will bo practi
cally r.s chort as any other between
the points named , and will give addi
tional facilities for business between
these citit-s.
For very many years no more popu
lar railroad man has graced Omaha
with his presence than Lyman 3Ic-
Carty , of the old-tlmo St. L. , K. C. fc
K. , now the Wabash. Ho has a very
happy faculty of winning frienJa , who
stay by him , snd all to * man are
waiting lo congratulate him in person '
on his appointment as general western
passenger agent of the Baltimore and
Ohio road. His acceptance of the
new position da'es from the 1st inst. ,
and hia headquarters will be in Kan-
eas City. If wo'mistake not Ihis lat
est appointment by General Passenger
.Agent Lord will prove onu of the best
he has made. Mr. McCarty is a
strong man , both as to experience
and popularity in circlea where busi
ness originates , and his work will
show itself where itwill count best
ill the earnings cf the road.
cars of stock came in yester
day and twenty-nino cars Sunday.
A train of tea will arrive from the
coa t Wednesday.
Two cars of fruit east Sunday night. '
The first passenger for San Fran
cisco over the Wabash road was G. W.
Geode , U. S. A. , of St. Louis.
The Wabash ticket oflico is In
Union block , and ia in charge of F.
. Moores.
.TheL. AX. W. and the Midland
division of the B. & M. R. R. are
now taken out from Lincoln aa far aa .
Seward with one engine At that
point Iho tr.un JB broken , oncpurtgo-
ing to Central City and the other to
- |
Garticld aud Arthur recommend the
use of Haydcn's Patent Fire Kindlers
all republican campaign clubs.
They make it hot for the other fellows.
All grocers sell them.
Buy Oil , Needlea and attachments
for all machines at BEG HIVE SEWISO
MACUIXE office , 1120 Farnam street.
The comet having disappeared the
neit best thing to light up with is a
crate of llayden's Patent Fire Kind
lers. Just the thing for hot weather.
Sold by all grocers. o
a day or two , a fresh lot of JACK
Fitosi Flour. The Beat made. Try
. Welshans < iBro. . , Agents , Sth
and Farnam.
A Man Chloroformed and
Robbed of Wife , Children -
dren and Money.
The Sleeper of Sulphur Springs
and the Treacherous
Traveller , '
? About 8 o'clock Sunday morning
a couple ; of men appeared at Sheriff
Guy's , residence , on Farnbam street ,
and there told a strange etory. The
oldest of the two men was of medium |
height , dark complected , decently clad
and withal a respectable looking man
of 35 or 40 yeirs of age. His actions
were somewhat atran o as well aa his |
story , but this is accounted for by the
facts he relates.
His name is A. L. ROBS and ho came
out from Illinois last spring to settle
in Nebraska. He travelled across the
country with his wife and three little
daughters aged respectively seven ,
nine and eleven years. At Malvorn ,
Iowa , he had bad luck. He put both
h's horses up in a stable there one
night and in the morniiiE ; they were
both dead. He thinks they were po-
soned. He sold hia wa on , harness ,
etc. , and came on to Omaha , where ho
found work at the barracks , and with
& tent purchased for the purpose the
family encampedce r Sulphur Sprints ,
of their household t'titfit ba-
ing.left to get along on.
During the summer hu accumulated
about § 120 , and once more life began
to look brightar. On Saturday after
noon he did not work , but went homo
and being rather tired laid down to
tike a nap. This was about 2 o'clock.
A few momenta previously a man ,
whom ho saya ha had never seen be
fore , drove by the camp aud asked
Mrs.Rosj if she would bike him a : > mo
bread. She said she would , and be
gan to make preparations for the work ,
Rsss meantime going to sleep.
When ho awoke It was
with the morning aua high ad
vanced , and its bsams falling upon
him from the cist instead of the west.
He looked around and found himself
alone. iSo wife was to be seen , no
children were playing around him ,
even the stove and other articles of
" *
camp furniture had disappeared. The
s eepcr felt dazed and bewildered , end
his head appeared to bo whirling , as
if the comet had exercised a inal'g-
nant influence over him. All search
for his miasiug family and effects was
unavailing , but what he did find , sad
to relate , wag an empty pocket ,
which had the day before been heavy
ivith his hard-earned shekels. Mr.
Ross at once carao to town to notify
the sheriff of his
loss. He remem
bered that the man drove a team , and
that he had two colts tied behind the
wagon. Ho learned that his name
was Orlando Broaden , and that ho
had been camped a few hundred yards
from his tent for several days. Ho i ,
found Brogden'a hn'f-brother , who
lives near Jo. Redman's , and the f
youth eaid Brogdtn had tried to get
him to go off tr.ivclinj with him the
diybsforo. He told him he could
make more money that way , and ex
hibited a roll of bills as proof his pros
perity , saying ho had made all that on I
that day , Suurday.
Ross believes that an acquaintance
had been struck up between hia wife
and Brogden unknown to him , and
that an elpamont was pre-arranged.
His nap afforded them the desired op-
portunityuid ( he thinks ho was chloro
formed heivily aud then robbed of
family and possessions. A silver
watch and gold chain , the latter hav
ing a gold nugget attached to it , was
also _ taken from hia pockete. Ho felt
terribly broken up and half-crazed by
the unexpected loss , and was anxious
that tha officers should endeavor to
capture the decamping party. He
left Sheriff Guy , promising to return
Monday and make some arrangements
for the search.
The American Gymnasts Aston-
isli their Comrades ia the
It will be a matter of considerable
interest to the Turners of this city to
know that the American members of
their society have successfully com
peted with those of the old country
in the fifth grand quadrennial general
international tournament , held at
Frankfort-on-the-Main , July i2d ! to
28th , inclusive.
The American Turners chartered
the steamer Gaelic of the Hamburg
line , and went over on a grand excur
sion , the parly numbering upwards of
They were received at the tourna
ment with great enthusiasm , it being
the lust tinio the United Slates had
over bean represented on such
0'c an oc
casion : There were four hundred
coapotitora for the twenty-two prizes
to be distributed , and out of thenum-
, bor seven were won by Turners from
Milwaukee , aa follows : Henry
Rathko , Herman Kohler , Carl Paul ,
.Anton Schafer , Carl F. Muller and
Otto Wagner.
Henry Rathke won two prizes , one
for gymnastirs and one for wrestling.
The result was received with
the wildcat enthusiasm in
Frankfort , the Americans being the
heross of the day. A procession
marched throuph the streets with flags
flying , greeted by cheers everywhere.
A grand banquet took place in the
evening , presided over by the Ameri
can consul at Frankfort , at which a
San Francisco gentleman made the
sddrc-s on behalf of the American
Turners. Congratulatory messages
were received from all the consular
agents and from Ambassador White ,
in Berlin.
The tournament was held in a park
of forty acres , owned by Banker Roth
schild | , who gave them the use of it for
the occasion , and the citizens of Frank
fort ' contributed 120COO marks to
wards defwvins the escensea.
A Heavy Robbery of Gold
Watches > and Valuables.
A Reward Offered For the
Goods ,
The omniscient deity muet have
had the future Omaha cracksmen in
contemplation when he used the ex
pression , "like a thief ia the night , "
as expressive of the unexpected man *
nor of the coming of the day of judg
ment. Atanyratatho Omaha thief
js up to to the average in his method
of descending upon his victims in the
most unexpected time and in the moat
unlocked for manner. An instance of
this WPS shown in the robbery perpe
trated Sunday evening , between 9 and
10 o'clock ( , on the fewelry establish
ment of S. Jonason , on Thirteenth
street , between Harney and Howard.
Mrs. Jonasen'a sister had been down
spending the evening with them and
when she got ready to go homo
J.t suggested to her husband that they
should walk homo with her as it was
such a delightful evening. Mr. Jon-
a . sen was juat putting the stock away
for the night , locking it up , as waahia
custom , in the aafo. A few artic es
of value were left in the cases and
those he thuughc would ba safe until
his return , having no thought what
ever of a raid so early in the evening ,
and especially as it is known that the
family sleeps in the room opening in'
to. the store. The walk occupied perhaps
haps an hour's time and on their re
turn it was discovered that in that
time the enterprising burglar had
"been a-buglaring" successfully. The
transom over the rear door was open
and throu h this the rascals had eni
tered , as the prop was knocked out
and lying upon the floor- The exit
was make through the rear doorwhich
was easily unlocked with the key left
sticking in the outside.
An examination revealed the fact
that property to the value of over
§ 250 had been taken. Tina included
four gold watches , one second hand
watch valued at Slo ; one tilled caao
with No. 1C Elgin movement , valued
at $35 ; one case and Swedish stem-
winder movement S45) and one gold
case , no movement , 30 ; two ladies'
chain . ? , valued at § 25 and § 30 ; one
. ladies' sot and box § 7 , and several
hand ring. The latter were taken out
lustily . < and some of them dropped on
the floor. The ofiicora were notified
of the loss at once and yesterday a
thorough , but unsuccessful , search
wn : made through the pawn shops and
a telegram was sent to the officers at
Council Blufls. No clue whatever
was attained to the thieves or their
plunder. Mr. Jonasen oilers a reward
of § 50 for the return of the goods.
House ] keepers say Hayden's Patent
Fire Kindlars are juat splendid for
use ( this hot weather.
MISSI , > O. A case of constipation by
using Hamburg Figs.
A good Singer Seii'lny Machine for
§ 23 at 1120 Farnham street. [ 00-ot
Don't suffer from the excessive heat
whan you can keep your house nice
and , cool by using Haytlen'a Patent
Fire Kmdlera at an expense of one
cent per dsy. Sold by all Grocers.
oocllf at POLACK'S.
It is not necessary ro put 1 ' S
Patent Fire Kindlers on ice this ot
weather. They won't spoil until the
match Is applied. Sold by all Gro
DEPOT and examine tbo New Im <
proved Howe Sowing Machine. Don't
forgot the placs , 1120J Farnham
For a quick small '
tore uao Haydon's
Patent Fire Kindlers.
JVi'cc Peaches , fresh receipts to day
Blu& Gage Plums and a
Haydcn's Patent Fire Kindlers are
just the thing for this hot weithor ,
Aak your grocer for them.
Grand Excursion.
There will bo an excursion from
Omaha to Neligh , Antelope county
Neb. , on the 4ih of
August ( nex '
Wednesday ) . Neligh is the IX'n
terminus of the S. C. & P. R. R. , and
it will remain so for some years. The
excursion , . train will leave the Omahr
& Northwestern depot atG a. m. , anc'
will arrive at Neligh by 1:30 p. m.
returning the same evening. 1'artiot
wishing to stop over can leave JTeligh
the following day. Faro for the
round trip is 55.15 about - th
of the regular rate. There will bo an
auction sale of lots in the town of
Noligh ou that day. This will afford
our business men a good opportunity ;
to look up the advantages of Antolop *
county. The census gives it a popti
lation of1000 aouls , most of when
have emigrated there
within the pas'- '
year. Noligh is the
principal town in
that section , and is the starting poin
of the government freight lines inhe
to heat
northwest. The
whole Niobrnra
tlo region is atnd
tributary to Neligh , and
the S. C. it P. railroad
contemplate !
opening stockyards there this fall
The crops in Antelopa county are bet
tor this year than aten
they ever have been
before. From the outlook '
of Ne
ligh we can safely say that there ia 'en .
belter opening for
investment now
offered in this state , nor ever h in
been. jy29tsmt
No danger of oil stove explosion . ,
ycu use Hayden's Patent Fire Kind
lers. Sold by all Grocora.
Si. John , Standard
Singer , Im
proved .Hbuyand other leading Sew
ing Machines , at 1120 * Farnham
street. Very close figures given ti
cash or short time buyers. 30-3t
fieadqoarters tor Joe Schlitz'e
Milwaukee beer at M p.CHAJOa' Es- j
: N. E. Cor. 16th and Podge ; , j
Wanted One Superintend
ent For the City Schools
of Omaha ,
Prof. Maples Prefers to Go to
Milwaukee , For Better
Miscellaneous Matters of Im-
The board of education held its
regular monthly meeting last even
The Journal of the preceding
meeting was read and approved.
The a&crutary read a letter from
Prof. J. J. Maples , of McGregor ,
Iowa , declining to accept the ollica of
supotintendent of the public schools
of Omaha , to which position Lo was
recently elected. He gave as hia
reason that , as tha board had been BO
8ljw in answering his letter that ho
was in doubt as to their intentions ,
and ho meantime applied for and ro-
ceired a position in Milwaukee at
§ 2,5rOporytar.
Tha srcretary reported that a tele
gram hnd hpnii sent to Prof. Maples ,
on the reefipt of the letter , asking him
if ne would accept 82,4CO to which ho
replied tl at he had accepted the Mil
waukee pobi i n , and was therefore
ol liged to decline the rflkr.
Stveral apj'ons ' for
positions were referred to
mittee on touchers and text books
Thecityt easurer ex officio treasurer
' of the bouid , mndB a report shoeing
a balonce of § 10,768.50 on hand , and
§ 3,420 52 balance in the sii king fund.
Permission was granted to J.
J. Points , county auporiiitoiulcnt , to
occupy t oro"ins inthf High school
building from August IGth to thc.22d
for a teachers' institute.
Mr. S'alcy reported verbally that it
I will cost ? 5CJ to move the Oass street
i school ' house. The mitter was re
ferred back to the committee to rep -
p > rt ttt the next meeting , and they
worn' instructed to take charge of the
foundation stone.
Tno secretary was authorized , by
resolution , to advertise for bids for
fuel , stationery , nnd printing for tuo
coming year.
A rts > ution was pissed authorizing
' the president and sec etary to draw a
warnnt for S2,505 on the Fourth
tfatiunal Bank , New York , ro psy in-
erest on § 50,000 bonds , the intereat
omins ; due on the 15ih of August.
The secretary was instructed to
I earch the records and Sud oul. if
Miss Wood has n teacher'H certificate.
The committee on claims naked for
urthor time on all bids except jani-
era pay roll for July. Granted.
The pay of janitors for the month I
f July , § 100 , was allowed , anil the
ecrutary authorized to draw warrants
or the same.
In ' .he matter of the paymnent of
, he salary of Superintendent Beals
'or July , objection was r-istd by Mr.
Connoyer , who took the ground that
he term for which ho was employed
erpired July l t , on the failure of the
board to elect a superintendent. No
, otion was taken in the matter.
On motion the board adjourned.
The Mission of Assistant Chief
Mealio to Ohio.
Mr. S. N. Mealio , First Aesistant 1
Chief Engineer of the Omaha Fire De I
partment , returned from his mission
f to Ohio on Sunday morning , having
i been absent just ono week.
It wi 1 bo remembered that he left
this city on Sunday afternoon , the
' i 25th inst. , with the remains of Walter
Lowrey. Ho arrived in St. Louis orat
( i40 ; Monday evening and left twenty
minutes later , arriving at New Lon
don , Ohio , Tuo3hy afternoon. This
is the nearest railway station to Sa
vannah , from which it ia distant eight
miles. On arriving at the hitter
place , a omall town of four cr five
hundred inhabitants , the funeral cere
monies took place the eamo evening.
The casket WBS opened and the re
mains found to bs in an excellent state
of preservation. The services were
conducted by Rav. W. F. Miller , pas
ter of the UnilcdPresbvlerian church ,
and were attended by a largo con-
courao of citizens. The family of the
deceased consisted of an eged mother
and an iuv&lid sister , whoso grief at
the loss ot a son and brother , whom >
they htd not seen for fifteen years ,
was profound and sincere. The people
ple of Savannah were impressed with
a moat exalted i lea of the esprit du
corps and benevolence of the Omaha
fire department , and well they might
Mr. Mealio met with the utmost
courtesy from railway oflici hallal ng
his route tnd feels
aa though won n
were inadequate to express his thanks ,
Ho eaya they acted more likobrothers ;
than anything else , and were un
sparing in their aitention nnd assist-
anc3 , iftor putting themselves out -
considerably to facilitate and expedite
hia sad journey. Through THE BEE
ho desires especially to return thnnks
to Mr Charles Knapp , Pullman con
ductor on the Omaha & St. Louis
line ; to J. 0. Schuer , conductor cf
the Pullman car "City of Now York , " |
on the Indianapolis &Sr. Louie road ' ;
to J. Daykin , conductor on the C. C.
C. & L R. R , and to General Bag
gage Agent Beutloy , of the Yaudalia
lino. These gentlemen are worthy I
representatives of the class of railway I
officials employed now by the great
railway lines , and arc both a credit
and an ornament lo their profession.
Prosecution and Banishment
For the Crime of Re
On Thursday evening next a grand
republican rally will te held at hoes
Academy of Music under the auspices
of the Garfield and Arthur club.
Among the prominent apeakers of
the evening will bo Hon. William
Hale , of Iowa and Col. Higgins , late
of Aberdeen , Miis. The latter gentle
man while a resident , of Aberdeen
passed through a thrilling experience
on account of hia republican principles J I
and was eventually driven out of the
stale by the southern bull-dozera for
the sole crime of republicanism. Coi- i
Higsjins will on this occasion simply
detail his personal politiart experience
in the Ecuth , and those" who have
heard ] him say jt f s a story of wonder- *
ful interest told In an easy conver
sational style , and most interesting to
listen to. It was chis gentleman who
was summoned before the con
gressional committee on the investi
gation of the southern outrages and
his statement is said to have had
more influence in ehaping the action
of the committed than that of any
other man who appeared before it.
Hon 0. P. Mason , of Lincoln is
also expected to be present and ad *
dress the meeting.
The Garfield and Arthur Glee clab
which has created so much enthu
siasm already by it's magnificent
singing will bo present with its full
complement of singer ? , sixteen and
will give the audience the beat _ cam
paign tongs.
It is expected that Ihe occasion will
ba an intensely Interesting ono , and
the ladies are invited to bo preaont in
full force , and they will bo provided
with good seats.
Farmers having hay to contract , for
delivery at Willow Springa distillery ,
will do well to call on Her &Co. , 1313
Farnham street , Omaha , without de
lay , as they will soon stop contract
ing. jy2Gdwlm
The St. J.-hn . Sewing Machines are
fist taking the loid. Call at BKE
HIVE Sewir g Machine Depot and see
thrse wonderful machines , 1120J Farn-
ham strett. 30-3t
Barn urn makes it hot for his White
Bear with Haydon's Patent Fire
Kindler. A k your Grocera for it.
NOTICE Advcrtlsomen J To Lot Foi . t
Logt , Found , Wants , Bordn ! ? &c. , will be In-
gortod In these columns ouco for TKN OENTS
per line ; eacb subBecuontinsertlon.FIVE CENTS
per line. The ( list Insertion never loss than
01CT TO J.OAJJ Cull at Lsw Office
D. L. THOMAS. Room 8. Cretehton Blorfc
NF.V TO LOAN 11C9 Farnhiaj street.
Dr. Edwardn Ixinn Acency. nov-52-tf
WW TED Girl for general housework , at
22 ! 10 Cass Btrect.
J3'J-1 .1. C. KOSSXFKLP.
ANTED A pirl to do general homawnrk.
ua hiii' and ironin ? . Enquire at Julius
Treltgchkt'a Grocc-ybtore , lith St. 333-C
"ANTE 1-2girls ut French Coffee Homo ,
If Hi M
ASTED flooil cirl { or general homework
fu a Em ill family , t C13 11th St. .12 ! .
vINlN'O rt-om girl wanted , at I'acifij llou " .
f 3 9-3'
TTTAXTKD Good jjlrl for i ncnt lin
Vy Apply to WILLIS M. YrtTKS , 15JS I'odzc
St. , near 16th. Ull-tf
, A Girl to do hou o work , 1109
' 'nrnbam Street un Stairs 14tf
WANTED-F- rash-l lot or hilf lot. with
or without Imnrcxeine'it'i east of 23d nt. ,
west of 10th * cuth ot Izaanl and north of Chi
cage t . Addrcs * A. L. Gush cir shopi Tf P.
Ra -
la-ay 340-1
BOY W NTED-At Omaha Shirt Factor
I iumlr\ . 333. !
WANi ED X sonnd horse about 15 hand's
hljh , mint drive einzle or double. Ap
ply _ N _ K cor. Tglli anil California St SiS-tf
WANED Piano tuning and repairing at
lIOsPES. iiin Dr-dire S" snn.lm
WANTED Foreman at urick-varJ. ' T. Ml R-
T7IOI1 nHN'T Katnl'hcil loom for 1 or 2 tents ,
J ? _ JSOiParohain , 2dhou cabo\u 19tli. 332 2
I7OU ! KKNT A house with five rooms. Coed
P collar and I'N'prn ' S W. cor. of 13th and
Chicigo S'S C. A.Xf-QIID. .115-tf
FOR KENT Room in Jacobs' Block.
"TIOK r RENT Home on 2tst , near Dwnmrt.
rP.O. Enciulro HOWARD B. S3IITH ite
, oppo-ite
P.O. iteIt
T7IOURENT " Cottaccof 3 rcms , peed ce 'ar ,
well , cistern mid onthrusc ? , cor. cf 23rl
and Clark , M W. KENNEDY , S. 13th ijt 312-tf
FOR REST 2 furnished rocma o\cr Her-
crai'ts Exchange , N. E. Cor. Ifith ernd
Po lcc "trputs.
2SD-tf f
' t'ro"r < f > In
m brick Wock
. r corner
P 10th at d DUihs SK , with or with nt cel-
I 1 ' ? ' -V"50. S r < loms > ssond etory. Apt.v ! elto
Atacruan ncnse. "
NICELY fnrnkheil rwmsMth board Tirielc
. house Bet 17th and isth struts on c" 18 ? !
. 202 tf
J ? _ r cirtHJ iylOtf
FOR REST Hou ? > with § ! v rooms , well , cit
tern arid celhr. On Capitol Aie , bet ISth
and leth , t uth sldo J S. ilcCORMICK
RENT A splendid I'hotdfraph Gal
T710R 1 pry.
FOR SALE Hou e. lot and imf rovcment ' ? ,
ThJrJ and Walnut fels. Cheap for 'V1
JAC OrSTEIiDE 33 .tu jm.fat |
The nncst rpfidpnro pror 'ly in ths city.
' ECJf'son FarnHam , Ilnn-ey andTwentj-'fl'th / '
, oxcrlookiiiir the city anil eurroun i" [ ?
country. Prices moil.rato rnd tcnmre-non bio
321-13 DAVI = ? ft
FOR --ALE A wcll-c t bli.hca business in a
'ririunet wnon the B. & .R K.inNrli ! .
G Hid rcaa rg eVM1 | for „ . ] U Enqujro lui
' fflcu or addrctBj Laik Drawer 12 '
, Unutia , NK172
\JC TY Forgalu cheap IntB 7 aud 8 , block
121 , cnr Tan am pnit Ninth slrectH
E. } lo' 1 , hlock ' 07 , mar corner Howard and
Tbiiteeuth t-t c t ,
Property f r & ! . Lot 8 , lilok : . with good
hUS" , t"-f9 , etc. IM'TS * SVYOKIt.
July 20-Ct. 1M)5 ) Enrnlum street.
rpo CUII DBRSriuV ! > TKaKliS A > T MASON'S.
1. Coarse hank jid , < rrn ' for sarde : anj !
niuulcinc sand will bo dclii. j . U .irt i- '
Leave unlorsot-U. Sicrkrf i , Farnlnm
Charlca Drandea , JKIJ Fannnt , : St3. M
BOCK. . b'acccjsor'to Charles L i > .r.i.L _ _ t52-tf :
and fixture of Om French Coffee Homo : 7Ckat
a barjraln , J citli , ba'ance Ui'o jcars time. atK.
AIiKl > . IDS-liu
FOK SALE A grail dwelling honas. cent to
O. H. Collins residenc , corner 19th and
Capitol Avenue i or information call at G. II.
J. a. COLLINS. 131 FamhMn Stn-ct. o03-t
FOR SA LE A srai' ' pony marc , gentle
and excellent tiavdlrr , t tthfr with an
almost now band-made
- bugpy-hirivgj fh
far each Jii'iulro a SOSlSUiKt. , Ect , Howard
ami JacKgon. !
MILK Tncntjr to twenty-tour quarts or one
dollar by John T. Paulson.
Fit RALK C0ttonwn.d lumber of all flizpnat ,
REDMOND'S , Sixtceiith-91. 516-tf
1 - < OH SAI.K A yrist.MII ! Appiyat
1 472-tf T. -VlILTAXte
BEALEOPR' I'OSAUi Scaled proposals will
be r'ahel by the county clerkutitil Satur
day , Augtiat 7lh , ISsO , at 3 o'c ock i > ID. for
building of a 40-foot comblnato n ! on : ; cc
tion line bet \\ecn a ctionafi and 0 , 10 , 19 , and
al-o lor the radiDg :
31 rudj more or I. fs on line belnccn urctbnd
It and It , 10 , 12 2000 yar > ! s more or Icsafacur
Cunuinxlu-m's , on fi-ctl m S" , 15 , 10 , and nee
yards inc ir Sohl e , on line between
ectioni > and U ! , 15 , 11.
RpeciflcatforB can be ccn > t the county clerk's
offi : e , and the right is reseneu t j reject any ror
all blda
Omaha , Aueast 2J , 1 50.
By order of the Bo-'d of Commimioners.
d2 143 County i Icrk.
T OSt Ool 1 flecre 1 utton. blue enamel e t ;
JU ptent fastin ? Liberal reward willbep-id >
tor 1(8 ( return to E cffice. 335-3 !
nTRAYED Wednesday , bay nure , weight
> 5 abcnt 1000 ; lame from hoof bound ; had
bandafo en lift front foot Any infoirrution will !
bj thanifullj receded , at Bee office. 331-J
posals will be received until Au/u t 7th ,
IhSO , at 4 p. m. , for the layli s ; of a half million
brick , ranro or lest , a'-cordiuj : to plans and
specifications , now on Hie at A T Lane's oHIce ,
Jfo , 2. Ciciahton Block. The right torrj'ct any
or all bids i } reserved. JAMES srEPHE.YSO.v.
311-7 1
S UP One old sorrel ronv , white face ,
JL i'ne hind les white. J. C. ORTON. ice5w
l ol , rne Jourjearsotd b yber5ecnleg ,
Eood ie , left under ] iw eclaried with saill
man nj sore on under piitif Jiv. Twenty five
dollars reward for the apzrebeceion of the thief
f nd recovery ol the horse. CEO H. OUY. "
331-3 - ' 6tcrS2i
Are Not Half as Interest
ing to the General Kead-
er as the Following Price
List :
lOlbaof Aguear fcr..f. . . . tl 00
10 } Iba extra Ceucar for. 1 00
11 Ibs Canary C. Suzar for 1 00
B Iba Granulated Sunar for 1 00
8j Ibs Cut Loaf Suirarfor - 1 M
CLIbs coed Kio Coffee for 1 00
5 Ibs best P.lo Coffee for 1 00
4 Ibs choice Java Corf so for 1 00
3 } Ibs best Mocha Coffee for 1 00
Youne Hyson Tea per lb , 30 to . 40
OolonpTeaperlb. 80 to < 0
Japan Tea per lb , 30 to a
Finest GunpowderTea perlb 7S
BcstO K Flour per sack 3 2S
Snow Flake winter wheat flour 3 66
Havcntbtst [ flour . 4 60
20 bare White Russian Soap for 1 00
tO lurs Climax Soap for 1 00
SI bare Laundry Soap for 1 00
13 bars Linen Soap for 1 CO
Pure Maple Syrap per gallon 1 15
Golden DJTOP per gallon. . . . _ 63
New Orleans Sjrup per callon 70
New Orleans Jlolaiges per gallon 45
Suuar Houjo Molasses per pilloi 40
I Ibs St. Loula soda Crackers for 100
171baSt. Louis Ojntcr Crackers for 1 00
UlhsEoaton Butter Crackers for 1 OC
II IbaGin 'cr Snaps for 1 00
13 Iba New Currants for 1 00
SlbsNewBbikborriea for 1 00
4 Ibs Pitted Cherries for 1 00
10 Ibs Dried Peaches ( hahea ) for 1 00
10 Ibs Choice Dried Apples for 1 00
10 Ibs best new Prunes for 100
10 Ibs. best Valencia Raiains 1 00
7 Ibs now la\er Raisins 1 00
Peaches 21b cans 16
Peaches. 3'beans ( standard ) 2'2i
PiePcAhcs.8 Ibcans 25
PeachesCal)3 ( ) Ibcans 30
Blackberries , 2 ID can 16
Apples. ( York State ) ftol cai 35
Bluebvrrica 3 lb an 15
Chcrriea 21b can 12 }
Damson I'lums 21b cans M. . 16
Raspberries i lb can 16
Straw berries , C Ibcan _ . 2c
Stnnr : Ikans,21b cans 125
BAed Beans , 3 lb cau 21
Lima Beana , 2 lb cans 125
Suv-arcorn , 21b can 12j
Yarmouth corn , per can. . . 17 $
Tomatoes , 3 lb can 16
Snccotiuh , 2 lb can 12J
Pumpkins. 3 Ibcan 20
2 lb < beans 1 00
9 lb dried Lima beans 1 00
25 Ibs hominy 1 00
11 Ibs Carolina rico 1 0
25 Ihs oat ICO
Fit f.tinllv mackerel , per kit & 0
family tthit ! ! 3ti , { > er kit 90
lodfteh , whole , per lb 8
j I Codfish ' , boneless , per lb 10
IWhhut. pt" lb 12J
IlulUnJ herring ( ncnr ) per keg 1 25
Tubucxo ( BLickwel'V ' Durham ) r-r lb 61
Toljm-oilmrf ( plumper lb CO
Tulurcu ( Ohl SI } le ) per lb 35
TotuccoMeerschaum ) perlb 4
HanH , s ijrir-eured , pcrlb 11
L'lS 11 loz for 1 00
Butler , fresh roll , perlb 20
Complete prlcu liata furnished on appllcatl
Country orders will receive prompt ard c r
altci.tion. Positively no troods sold on credit.
. . & CO. ,
The Original Reliable Grocers ,
No. 1119 Farnham Street ,
. , . ,
Pianos aud Organs Pirst Class
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Sheet Music aud Musi
cal Instruments.
I i 3VE O TJ 3L ID I IT (3S ( _
Oil Paintings , Enprai ines air1 Frames at great
ly T duced prices.
8x10 Frame" , 1 It ch , Valnut . Ifc
10x12 I . 20
10\H 1 . 20
12x10 1 } . JO
12\I3 14 . es
10x23 Ji . 7.1
Rustic 8v10 frimc . . . . . 15
Chromes fran ed , eniill , 25c ,
CliniiiiO ? framed , larce , 1 5D.
Krigrivingf from 60c upwards ,
Photograph frames from 15c upwards ,
Winrto v Cor .icw 75o a window and upwards
Lambrequins 00 ptr window and upwards ,
Corni'-c ' P/I ( 32 Op < i'viinJo and upwards ,
Vchct frainea 2Sc c ch t"3 00
Violin String 15e ,
Vie i 19 1 75. 2 50 , 3 and upwards ,
I Guitars 5 00 , 0 00 , 7 00 and upwards ,
Banjos 1 O'J. 3 00 , 5 00 , and upwards ,
" Accordcons from 1 CO up , cheapest in city
Send for sain plea and cataloeuo of mouldings
and aheu muaii , . A. HOSPK , JR. ,
1576 Po-Js-c St. , Omaha , N > 1 > .
[ Safe/ Certain , Sure and Speedy.
[ The only article knownlhatWill
es-arcffca/e\h\s \ disease
perm anent/yfrom th c system.
General Agents ,
OrwE PI p.nnsivo ito DEPOT 'J
Omilii. Web , July 2U IssO. t
Scale 1 proposals in duplicate , subject to the
tntul conditions , "ill be received a : ibi cffl e
until loMorka m. , on 2Jbt , ISiO. at
whkh time and place they will le opened in
picjcncerf b ddcra for fnrnuhinard delivery ,
at the fubsn-cnce warehouse in this city , 312
barrels of Hour.
Tobcmidoof No. 1 fprinz wheat , half h nl ,
half e i 'f nr O'l 'U. T. be xvrcitcd before crind-
insjonil mixed in rmllin ? . To lie hlch cronnd.
Iho barrp M t' > he of thn b st rjuilityt new and
B'ronir , welt co"i icJ witb hickory ho p , tul'y
heul lined. K maehlir ) mvlo barrelrvtill t j
accepted. Samp 11 of Hour to be sent in with
p oposa's ' , and ail tr > be delive d bv Oi-nbsrOth
ihr ? o ernmcnt recretho ruht to reject any
or all prop < u Is. lilank prt p ill and full < OTna
mation as to < be cuniitrof uiddmif , conditions
to bo ob er ed by hidilrre an ! terms of coRlrac'
and paymcnt.-iv'll be furnished on application ito
tliu cmce. Envelop s containing prop lIm
should be marLed "Prnpaeab furllonr atCmi-
ha , " and addre ed to tlio un JernIjjne-J. .
THOJIAb \ \ ILa0.i , Capt. arid C. S.
jyM-dSt _ _ _
Jletallc Ctses , CofSn ; , Caakets , Shroud , etc.
Firniun Strett , Ett. 10th aud lltn , Omihi , Neb.
Telegrapbis OrJerd Promptly Attended To.
I have secured the aeency of tr t.-eU-knovru COLUMBIA Steel Spoken and
Rubber Tires Bicycle from the Pops Manufacturing Co. ; Also the Otto Hand
Made. Samples can ba seen at r y store , nt Manufacturers Prices , royht
added. Send fur ( .rice list
listIT. . I. 3D.
No. 1204 Farnham S'root , Omaha ,
Having Taken the Above for Our Motto , We are
Determined to Offer
Our Entire Summer Stock of
Regardless of Cost.
In Order to Make Boom for Our Fall and Winter Goods.
We Will Xot Be Undersold.
Cigars i'roiii $15.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tolnicco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per do/en upwards.
Send for Price List ,
m-w-f MAX MEYER & CO. , Oiiialiai\clh _ _
Fishing Tackle , tee UuIIs and a lull line of
Dealers in
House Furnisliing < .1oos ( ! , Shelf Hardware ,
and Etc.
2I Farnham Street , lac Door Eaaf First National Bank.
IF. O.
I213 Farnham St. , Omaha.
Wholesale and Retail in
OFFICE CITY MAR SET 1415 Douglas Sc. Packing House ,
Oppos'tw Omaha Stock Yards , U. P , R. B.
B iJLijri %
In Kegs and Bottles.
Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable
Prices. Office. 239 Douelan Sf.rnet , Onmhn.
Stetua Pmnpp , Eneine Trimmings , Mining Machinery ,
A. T STRAND 905 FqrnWi Rti-oot "
1317 & 1319 DOTOLAS S'IK JiT ,
.pi * Positively no floods Sold l UftaiL
1421 and 1423 Farnham , and 221 to 229 15th Bta.
i.i rr >
The Atteallon of Cash and Prompt Time Bayers Solicited.
and the Omaha Iron atid Nail Oo ,
, /