VOL. X. OMAHA , KEBEASKA , TUESDAY. AUGUST 3 , 1880. IST0. 37. N" Established 1871. "MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents FOREIGN EVENTS. Gladstone's Serious Illness Excites Great Sym pathy. The Premier Out of Danger , But May be Kept From Work For Months. The British Really the Aggres sors in the Afghan < = . Butchery And Lost 20 Officers , 400 Europeans end 800 Na- ' fives in the Retreat. Rumors of Another Afghan Up rising , Headed by Eng land's Protege , the New Ameer. Prospect That England Will be Obliged to Acknowl edge Defeat. THE KESULT OF OVUt-lVORK. Special Dispatch to The Bee. LONDON , August 2 4 p. ra. Thie morning the bulletin of Mr. Glad stone's condition states that his symp toms are rather mere favorable. The blight fever reported last nidit con tinues , but DO immediate danger is apprehended fi r H. A consultation ol physicians will be held this after noon. 1 he premier was in a phys'cal condition that rendered him peculiar ly liable o di-uise. ll's recent over work and care concerning homo affairs and hia anxiety regarding Afglmni tan have told severely on hig constitution. GETTING BETTEll Dispatch tu the Uce. August 2. 4 p. m. Gladstone's condition is reeardod more favorable this afternoon Sir William Jenner , Dr. Andre wClorke and other physicians are in consultation this afternoon on Gladstone's case. hill CAKNUT WOOLSLCV TO X11E FKOIfT. Special Durntch to TUB 1JB LONDON Aucuat 2 , 4 p. m It is believed that Sir Garnet Woolesley will sail for India next Friday with b special commission for BeitHnp the military alT\ira of the Afghanistan war. It is rumored tint ho will suc ceed Sir Frederick liames aa com mander in chief in India. AMERICAN COMVETiriOJf. The French farmers are organizing for the pre ontation of a ginantic pe tition to the povcrnment requesting the abolition of the land tax , which they say they can bear no longer in the face of the present and futurj competition of'iho United Slates nnd Cana'da in the biipply of grain and an imal food. TIIE AFO1IANJ5 KISING. Special DlspaUn to t no Hur. LONDON , August 2 10 p. m. A dispatch from Simla says that rumors of a heriuus rising at Cabul have reached that place. The telegraph wires were cut beyond Tolebund thia morning , yet it i * supposed that the act was committed by the discontent ed and their followers. There ia rea- eon to doubt thu fidelity of Abdul Rbaman Khnu to the assurances that he gave tha representatives of the British government at the durbar , at which he nas recognized as ameer. Evidence of a treacherous disposition on his par. oSc'- itself on his refusal to amend the durbar. At a consulta tion had yesterday on the camp ground of the British army at Kerva , Abdul Ithaman excused himself by saying that in the present condition of the country ho thought it not wise to provoke - voke further aggression from Ayool Khan , especially until reinforcement * arrived from India , and that the newt of the agreement between Adubon Z - hoc r , the British nd himself would incite the tribes to rise in the neigh borhood of bis capital. The threaten- Ingittitudo towards the British ol Abdul Rahman's followers , which he does nothing to rebuke , taken to gether with 'us ' own do-n 'thine pnlicj carries wi h it a susp cirn wind am miits Elmnst to a dumontt'iitioi that he in/ends to seek f vor w'th hii Incensed coun rymon by bttreyinj the British into their hands rind thu -make snme eort cf n compromise witl AyoobKhan , if necessary. The situ ntion , consequently , gios daily worsi and it teems plain that the British must withdraw from the country i they can and acknowledge a final defeat feat , or send armies large enough t ( make their hold good against a genera rising of Afghanistan. KCSVI4N GKOWLES. EpecUl Disyatch to The Ceei LONDON , August 2. 10 p. in. Skobclotf is scid to have been hesvilj reinforced aud to bavo resumed his Bdvauco in the direction of Merv The Governor of Siberia complaim that American voxels from San Fran cisco are extensively BCg 'd in cnn > trabani trade with tno Pacific ports , introduciog epiriti" , tobacco , agricultural and hunting 1m pi ments without p yinR dnty , and hi says that Ui y j.ra alee trading in fun without pij-iog the slightest regard t < existing tu'cs aud rcgulitinas It ii evident , from the tone of both Russia ) society and the pres * , that there i much irnation against America. PROSTSATED LEAlJEK. Eptcl l li pttcli to Tee Bee. fit LONDON , August 3. 1 a. m. A the consultation of eminent physician over Mr. Gladstone's case was hel yesterday afternoon , they agreed o considering bij tymptoms favorabl , yet it is not regarded as probable tha he will be able to attend to state at fairs for some days , if not weeks t come. PREMIER'S PROXY. The marquis of Ummgton wil lead in the housa of commons durin the absence of Gladstone. EXCITED LOKUS. In the house of lords last evenin the Irish compensation bill was dc bated. Eirl Granville moved secon reading of the bill. Lard Gra moved its rejection , Lords Lani down \Vaterforastronglyoppose the motion. Eirl Derby was trillin to support the till n-ith certain ver important modifications , ' including limitation to 15 pental. Tha mar- qu-s of Salisbury fiercely attacked the bill , and taunted Eirl Derby with timidity and vacillation. Debate was then adjourned. BOUNCING A GOVERNOR. Ill the house of commons yesterday the marquis of Hartiugton announced that the government had decided to recall governor , Sir Bartle Frere on iccouut of the rejection of the con- 'ederation policy by the Capo parlia ment. Lord Hartiugton intimated that the government did not wholly agree with file governor of the Cape Duloiyin his statement attributing the failure of the coniederation policy to the annexation of Trarsi a l and the condition of affairs in Zululand but iu any ca-c it was deemed wito to try the experiment of a now administra tion. BUKROWS BEAT. A telegram from Bombay states that new.s hs l > een received from Can- dhhar , probaoly a d'"sp-t on Satur- d y per untive runni r * , tu the efftC' . .hitihe taitla wih Aycob Khan , took p'ace oti the 27th , ( iei.erol Bur rows being ihi acgressnr. General Burrows was repulsed after four hours fighting. Tne British loss wis 20 oih'cers , 400 Europeans and 800 na- tves killed and missing , mostly in retreat. Three guns were abandoned on the field. Candah r WRS prepar- in" for a siepe. General Phayra has occupied the hed of the Khayakpass. TURKEY ARMS UP. A Constantinople dipa'ch says the porte has enrolled 20OOJ Albanian volunteer for Eervice in Thesealy and Epirus. The Albanians have been entrenching for months. LATEST FBOM GLADSTONE. Mr. Gladstone pisied a very com- For table day , and his general symptoms are more fayiTable. Three thousand people sent their cards to Gladstone's house yesterday. A REPUBLICAN VICTOKY. Special dispatch to The Bee. PARIS , August 3,11 a. ra. The re turns irom eltCtora 10 the consuls pen- eral , up to t he I-.BI moment before sending this dispitch&h < jw a decided victory f ir the r publicaTis. The fig ures were , republicans , 257 ; conserv atives , 82 ; leaving 10 members to ba balloted for. Tims far , the republi cans have gained 45 seats. This is the regular triennial election for the municipalities and arondissementB , each ono of which elects ono of the electors senatoml , nho inthc'rturn ' will in two months meet together to choose senators. Upon the whole the result is considered favorable to tt0 [ DC Freycinct cabinet. * Outrage in the Bluci Sea. Special Dispatch to Tis Ilrs. CONSTANTINOPLE , August 3,1 a. m. The Russian authorities at Novor- ass'uk , in the BIicLeca , fired on a vessel conveying thither some Greek and American cmgrant6and ; prevent ed their landing , killing sn-oral of them. A Russian man of war snbse- queiitly captured the emigrant vessel and imprisoned the passengers aud crew. - VAGABOND VILLAINY. Workmen on the Northern Pa cific Attacked by Indians. Special Dlipatch to Tbo Uco. WASHINGTON , Augusts 1 a. m. The war oflico yesterday received in formation fnm private sources stating that thu Indians had attacked u work ing party on the Northern Pacific rail road and that several of the workmen had been killed. Gen. Sherman eays that Gen. Merrill , who ia ' j command cf the roops at the end of the road , has sufficient force to prevent the In dians "from committing any extended outrages. The patties attacked must have ventured beyond their safety line , as the cavalry are stationed along the road some distance beyond which trainn run. The General is of the oninion that the Indians who made the raid are vagabonds , who are lurk- ins around the outpostsSin search of plunder. Fatal alow. Sped l Dispatch to The Uco. FKEEPORT , Ills. , August 3,1 a. m. Between G aud 7 o'clock Sunday evening as three young ladies , Uortha Dietrich , Anna Meiiseukamp and Mary Mensenkamp , wo o passing along Steihn8iin [ street , a cornice , loosened by the hiph wind prevailing , puddcu y to the sidewnlk crushing M'ts Diptnch so tht she died soon after , and inflictini ; injuries on Miss Anna Meubonkimp , that may prove fatal. Miss Mary Met.suiKamp nar rowly escaped and so also did Mrs. Bogar , who wa pissing at the snme time. MIS Dietr.ch was a well known and estimable young lady aged 20 years , aud daughter of Dr. Dietrich , a prominent physician here. Treasury Payments. Sp ' I Dtepitch to The Boe. WASHINGTON , August 2,10 p. m. The payment made from the treasury by warrants during the month of July , 18SO , were aa Ml iws : On account of civil and miscellaneous , " ,4GG,090.39 ; war , So.373,091.32 ; navy , 81,863,215 ; interior , Indium ; , S 282.720.37 ; in- tprior ppueinns , 84,462,732 ; total , § 20,353,449.08. The above does not include payments made on Recount of the interest on the priuciplo of the public debt. GOVERNMENT RECEIPTS. The reduction of the public debt for July was mainly duo ti the hoivj receipts of somi-in-iual tires from na'ioi-al banks amouncing to over S3- 000.000 , The t"tal receipts of the government for July were , from cus toms $18,500,000 ] "internal revenue $11,000,000 , miscellaneous 85,000- 000. Scnooner Sunk. EpecW < li | iatch toTnn BIB. MAUYVILLE , Mich. , August 3 , la , m. The schooner Tom Boy eprang a leak Sunday noon , while on the waj to this city from Houghton , with r carfiu of powder. The crow trorkec the pumps faithfully orcr four hours and took to yawlBtheachoonerii5nkin ( in five minutes after. The craft wai abandoned twelve miles out from thii port. The cargo was valued at $5 , 000 and the schooner a $4,600 ; n < iniurance on either. The crew wa picked up an hour after by the pro pcller , S. Chamberlain. A 1AKE GALE. A terrific wind storm prevailed las night. The tng , W. B- Castle , loa her srnoko stack , but no other acci dents of a eencus nature have ye been reported. A SKELETON IN" THE COT. Frightful Emaciation and Suf fering of the Fasting Doctor. Indomitable Will Power Alone Saves Him from Death. Hpedal Dispatch to Tha Bee. NEW YORK , August 2,4 p. m. Dr. Tanner rested more than usual yca er- day , scarcely leaving his cot. Ono solitary sip cf carbonated water in the afternoon reduced the fa'ter from cheerfulness to nausea. Ha was sick lt ut night , and in a discouraging con dition this a. m. Hw system is so re. duccd by this long aVstinsnce frcm food that he his snffend muta ol s from cold even in the hottest weathrr , and has frequently astonished hia watcher ? , -vheu they were sweltering with the heat , by shivering and ask ing for an-aher b'anktt. The man appears haggard and worn to-dav , and one of the watcli ra says there will be plentv of work for the attending doctors bef < re the week is oat. His eyes are deeply sunken , and when he is fully awake they are ab normally bright. His skin is drawn tightly 'over his check bones , and his nose eharp as a pin ; his lips and chin look BS though they weocut out with a chUel ; his is face bloodless and yellow. His appearance in truth is less than ghastly in comparison with what it was the day before the fast be gan. The change his face has undergone is startling to one who baa not seen him since tne early days of hia task , but with all the gaunt and famished expression tint char cterizes it , his countenance has sleek look of indomitable resolution thst is pmmieing for the completi > n of th ta k , if it is not ( uramarUy stopped by deat1) . The doctor is re potted to be tcarcely able to dross himaelf. Ono of the at ending uoc- torn says that if Tanner continues to fast till next Saturday ho will be as near death's door as he haa ever been before in his life , or as ho will be again until ho is within five minutes of dying. TANNER'S SUFFERINGS. Special d It patch to The Bee. .NKW ioKK , August 3 , 1 a. m. Dr. Tanner at a quarter past 3 yesterday morning , after considerable retching , vomited and then drank four ounces of clarified Croton water , but with an additional half ounce of carbolic acid water , and slept 'juittly. At 5 o'clock distress in his stomach cea ed. Dur ing the night he slept abmit f even hours. A15:30 : he vomited again and during the next hour ho lay quiet , al though not Bleeping. Ho then arose and dressed and drank two ounces of warm water. At 7 o'clock ho started on a drive to Central Park. At a ' spring'iii the park he drank water and I had his demijohn fill-d. On returning - , ing to the bal ! at D:15 : Dr. Tanner laid a little while in the lower par- ar and looked over the morning mv.l. At 0:30 : he drank six ounces of water , nd went up to the south gallery and laid down on a ot. Ho admitted at this time hat ho was feeling weak and that his tomach was in a bad condition. At 0:15 : he drank two more ounces of water with corbonic acid water in it nd was then nauseated , and vomited. t 11:30ho : askel for asft cushioned hair in which hu aat with his head e&ting o i a pillow He kept very quiet and looked miserable. A good many vis'tora caoio in but were re- [ nested to leave as soon SB they had akon a good look , tr > o faster being nuch fivorso to thtir continued Kescnce At noon the 3Gth day of iis faEt began. From 12:30 : to 2 p. m. tanner had no attacks of navsea or omiting. Ha lay on a cot in the gallery exposed to a cool breeze which came in at the open wind. w. Fr-m2to3 o'clock T-uiner spfmfc most cf his time dozing on his cot ; he was very irritable and refused to talk with any visitors. AtS.30 he drcnk some ice water and eaid that ho felt considcr < ib'v refreshed. At 4:30 : the ; ter was sleeping , but a few m nu'is ater ho w s awakened by the loud : alking of some visit' n. Bo appeared to be very much annoyed and requst - ed serertl p-rsons to leave the hull. Be reniii > ud d < zinc c < n his cot until .19 took hei r-u'iilir evening drive. Ele apppar d cbo rful and drunk two ounces of wa er bur soon vun red it up. Whnn he returned , he apaeared much ixh-iUittd nud reftjd several minutes in the hull way btforo he at tempted to walk up stairs to h'B qui ter * . During the evening ho dozed and refused to enter into con versation. He also refused to bo weighed , although requested to do to by BBVt-ralc'f the attending physicians. At 10 o'clock he undressed and re tired for the night , but he was rest less and his stomach out of order so that three quarters of an hour later he was obliged to Ret up and § it by a window. Ho had a slight attack of retching , but was soon able to lie down iuain. ; At 12 45 he awoke and called for some water , after receiving it he retched violently , but this aoou passed off , however , and he WEB soon [ ast asleep. Iowa's campaign. Special ( Ibpaich to TUB DIE. B0UUNGTOV , IA. , August 3. 1 U. m. A Hawkeye reporter inter * io ed Governor Gear wh > oxpres < es r pinion thvt Iowa will tive Ga.-rield pni Ar thur a cltar msiori'y of 40,000 and a plurality of from 75,000 to 80,000 Ho believes tbo republicans will carry all the congressional districts in the state and says : ' 'Wo will pall every repub lican vote this year. I do not hear of any defection from the party , and on the other hand. I hear of many oc- cessions in FAyettc county foi instance , when there was formerly n strong greenback vote. Nearly allthc grcenbackers are now working with the republicans. " Fighting for Ofleprlntr. Special Dispatch to Tns Lss. CHICAGO , August 3. 1 a. ra Sirs Annie Pridgeoa from Strothraj Canada , is in Chicago trying to re cover her child from her former bus band Wm. A. Pridgeon whom sh < married in England. Ho left her anc came w the United States where hi morried Carrie Long also from Eng land. He went back to Canada aw stole the child from his former wife She has twice regained precession each time to have it stolen again b ; him. Pridgeon was yesterday fine ! $25. for knocking her down Sunday night and taking the child , ELECTRIC BRIEFS , Sped&l dltpatct os to The Bee. PEOHIA , 111. , August 3 A man mraed Coleman dropped dead yester day afternoon in this city , from heart disease. AKRON , 0. , August 3. Fred. Hor- ii's brewery , near here , burned Mon- davmnruing , loss , § 12,000 ; insurance , 810,000. WASHINGTON , August 3. A tele gram has been received at the post- office department from Horace Mayn- ard , the new poftmaster general , dated London , July 31 t , saying that he would leave for the United States Auguit 2rl He may be expected to arrive in New York about Au uatlSth. BUFFALO , August 3 Rev. E. R. Adaa s of Dunknk , wrs yesterday fomil .cu ty of heresy b > the Buffalo " v Presbytery. C > STAMI.VOPLE , Auguit 3. M d hat P sia i 1 probibiy beeupercflded aj goviruor of Syria. Marauding Victoria's Band. Special Dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , Augusts la. m. Gen eral bh-ridan received the ftllowina dispatch yesterday from General Ord , commanding tha department of Ti xas : SAX AXTONIO , Tex , Auguit 2 1 a. m. The following has been receivnn from lioddquartorp , district of the PC- COS , in the field , E < gle S rings , July 31st , via Stockton , AI gust 1st : Victori t's batjd , estimated at 60 or nu-re , attempted to p-iss north be tween the Eagle and Q'litman moun tains to-day. I was encamped with a email party at the point which they attempted to pass. Having leanitd , at 1 o'clock this morning , of their prubsb e approach , I fortified the po sition with such mo-ns as wore availa ble and sent orders to Captain Yi.le at E-g o Spiings and CapUin Nolan , at Qmtman , to proceed immediately to that piaca. At 4 a. m. a detach ment of thirteen men , under Lieuten ant Finley , reported to me , previously to which I had but seven men , includ ing teamsters. At about 0 a. m. the Indiana were observed approaching rapidly in force. They were vigor ously repulsed and our position held until the arrival of Captain Ville at abuut 11 o'clock a. m. with hia com pany and part of company G , Tenth Cavalry. Upon his approach , a sharp action took place between the troops and the Indians , in which the latter were severely punished. Lieutenant Oalloday was wounded and one man of company Ekillcd and eight wound ed. In the entire engagement , which lasted about three hours , several In dians were killed and many wounded. Upon the arrival of Captain Nolan's company , the Indians iled rapidly to the Rio Grande , none having gone north. The Mexican troops returned to the Rio Grande , opposite Quitman , on the 28 h , being entirely out of sup plies. They are now moving down the river and are opposite here. From the best informntion wo have , it is thought that the Indians will now at tempt to pass north between the Ea gle and Van Horn mountains , and I have made the best possible disposi tions of the troops available to inter rupt and puni h the marauders. GRIEHHON , Commanding. Bigr Cotton Urop. Special Dispatch to The tea GALVESTOXTex. , August 3 1 a. m. The work of cotton picking has commenced. The crop will bo very large. Special dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , August3 , 1 a. m. Dan O'Leary is arranging a match between two unkiiowi.s , supposed to bo Dubb- ltr and Hughes , and any two of the Arizona Indian runners , who have buon exhibiting here the past w < ; ek , the conditions to be § 1,000 a side , and ttte match to take place in Chicago within throe weeks. The Spanish Insult. WASHINGTON , Augu-t 3 , 1 a. m. No ntws has ydt been received from the United States steamer , Powhat- tan , engaged iu looking up the facts connected with the alleged Spanish outrage , but it is expected that there will be sr.mo hing reported to the cabinet meeting to-day. The Eecre tary of state had a lengthy consulta tion on aubjVct with the president yesterday and there are good indica tions of the earncHti e a on the part of our govtruuioiit to reach an early set tlement of the matter. CITE IOY NEIGHBORS. Commander Boaslee , of the U. S. steamer , Jamestown , sends to the sectetiry of the navy , under da'e. Sitka , AUeki , July 12th , a most in teresting account of affairs at that place. He reports affairs generally quiet. Mining interests are at a stand still and the show ii too deep in the mount * jus fnr prospering. The season ia unusually backward. The salmon are late incoming and every- thinu seems to have combined to re- tatd the advancement of the country. Mbvcrtntlc33 during the year , the place gained in population , houses and business. The climate ia very se vere. On the ship and her boats the life ia monotonous and tells on morals of the old hands. California Blaze. Special Dispatch to The Uco. SAN FBANCISCO , Cal. , Aueuat 3 1 p. in. A large fire at 1 o'clock yes terday afternoon at Rod Bluff , di- Rtmycd property to the value of § 100- 0 0. Illinois Strongly Republican- Special Diepitch t The Bco. SfKIXOFIELD , 111. , AllgDSt 3 IB. m. Governor Cullom , who h stump ing the state in the interest of the re publican ticket , is now here for a brie : time. Ho reports no signs of defuc tion in the republican tanks , but , on the contrary , the best of feeling anc indications are unmistakable that the state will give her old time republican majority.OX OX THE RIGHT TRACK. The Evening Post , heretofore an independent and labor paper , will to day como out in support of the repub Itcan state and national tickets. A late application of Electricity ij an attachment to street letter boxes which sounds an alarm to the noares police station , in case an attempt i made to rob the box. If you wish t ( apply an Electric application to cough , cold , Eoro throat , asthma broscbius , or catarrh , purchase * bet tie of Dr. ' Thomas' Electric Oil , an you will find it money well invested DOMESTIC DOINGS , r * I All Attempts Thus Fa to Recov er the Bodies in Hudson Eiver Tunnel Unsuc cessful , § Chicago's Building * Boom Threatened by Discon tented Laborers. The Usual Variety of Fatal Ac cidents andBloodvEows. , f The Tunnel Disaster. Special li8H 'ch to The Bee. ' NEW YOBK , August 2 | 4 p. m. Work on the cofferdam " 'which the twenty bodies buried in the Hudson river tunnel at Jersey City , were to b recovered , wenton 1 > wly yester day. One of the men in charge of that portion of the work , stated that the cofferdam has jnvod impractically - cally and th t they could go no further w'th < t thfui t'.ey had , for the reason that they couU no longer control the wti r. It ia now the intention to eink acai"3onon the fits of tha present cofferdam mtng comprrssed air. Satisfied Coal Miners. Special Dispatch to The Bee. MASSILLON , 0. , August 2 4 p. m. The coal miners of Tuscaroriaa val ley have wheeled into linp and reject ed the resolutions of the inter-state copventious , held at Pittsburg in Mil ch and at Columbus last month , The rejected resolutions demanded the abolition of screens , eight hours for a day's work and two pay days a month. John McBride , state presi dent , aaya tbe projects are good for steady work hero for a year or two , and that the present arrangement gives general satisfaction among the men. Fatal Fire. Special Dispatch to The Bee. NEW YORK , August 2 4 p. m. A fire at the storehouse of the Atlan tic Dock company at Brooklyn , yes terday , caused a loss of § 70,000. John Jarantry , a boy who was watching the lire from Hamilton Ferry dock , was knocked over and crushed to death. ColebratlogEmancipatlon. Special Dispatch to The Bee DETUOIT , August 2 , 4 p. m. Over 5,000 negroes , from oil parts of this state , arrived here to-day on regular excursion trains , a well-dressed , well behaved crowd. Most of them went to Windsor and Sandwich , Ont. , just acrosa the line from Detroit , where a monster emancipation celebration is going on. A ffettU Wash , pedal dispatch to Tns BSD. DETROIT , August 2 , 4 p. m. Adam i"ifer , of this city , dove cff a steam- ioit yesterday , disobeying the city rdiiunco which forbids a man wash- ng himself in the river. Ho did not iso and his body has not been found. A Tennessee Tale , pedal Dispatch to The Ucc. NASHVILLE , Tenn. , August 2. 4 p. m. At Woodland null this morning , lenry Crenehow was shot in the ireast and morialy wounded at his own houEO by Alex Elison. A crowd s pursuing Elison and will lynch him f caught. Blue Grass Elections. pccial Dispatch > o tha UEB. CINCINNATI , August 2 4 p. m. Kentucky to-day is holding her county lections for the selection of sheriffs , ounty clerks and magistrate ? . In moat places tha candidates are running every man for himaelf , without nomi nation , and the fight is a most spirited one. The intereat in these local elec- ions has completely overshadowed ha national contest in the old com monwealth. Labor Troubles. Special Dispatch to Iho Bee. CHICAGO , August 2 4 a. m. In answer to the demand of csrtain brick ayera of Ch'ccgo for rn increase of w ! ses troin S3 10 § 3.50 per day , the > hster , masons and buildois as- lociation eay that the former iguro is as high as is brine ; paid anywhere and they willn-t pay higuer. Th * bricklay ers union in SprmgfioM fixed the price 3 and it is nnlerft-od does not aak an ad\anco. The builJera" asso ciation mvi'ei good workman to Chi- cao and gmr nte-'n them permanent empli yment. Kuilding operationshere are unprecsdo d , except in the sea son fo.lowini ; s.-s s greit tire. On ev ery m in thoroughfare largo blocks and handsome residences are going up , besides about a doz > > n manuf-ic turiug establishments , two mammotl depot buildings and the new city ha ! and court houso. Railway Mall Service. Special Dispatch to TUB Bi. WASHINGTON , August 2 4 p. m. Superintendent Thompson , of the railway mail service , who has been traveling in the noitli and west , re turned to this city to-day well satis fied with the working of tbo service in the parts ho visited. Ho had some conversation with railway officials while absent north , in reference tc the proposed to fast mail route between Boston N. Y. , Philadelphia Baltimore and Washington , but nc progress was made toward final settlement - ment of the proposition. Washington Turnverelu. Special Dispatch to Tlio Bee WASHINGTON , August 2 1 p. m. The fifteenth annual festival of the Washington schuetzenverein to con tinue five days , began to-day. There was an imposing street par.iJc and a banquet at uoon at the new hotel m the park. Darinp the festival prizes will bo given foi bowling and rifle shooting and com' potitors from New York , Baltimore , and elsewhere are hero to enter the list. With good weather the festiva bids fair to be the most successful eve : held. held.DETKOII DETKOII , August 2--4 p. m. Thi body of young Monaghan , one of thi altar boys of the lloly Trinity church who was drowned in the Garland Mamie disaster , as found yesterda ; on the shore of Lake Erie. Th bodies of the entire seventeen hav now been recovered. _ GKESSHELD , O. , August 2. Sec . tion men on the entire length of th Springfield Southern railroad have itruck ft r back pay , the road beine wo months in arrears. Arrangements are being made for a new torce. Texas Lynchlnsr. Special dispatch to Iho Iko. GALVESTON , Tex. , Auguit 3 la. m. News has reached here that a negro named Beed Evans , who killed a boy named John Dwyer , in Trinity : ounty , Sunday , was taken from the i'ennington jail by a party of armed men and hanged. Destructive Elements. Special dispatch to The bee. CHICAGO , August 3 1 a. m A ter rific thunder storm prevailed laat lignt throughout this sec ion. Con- id erable dam ge is reported in Illi nois , Wirconsin , Indiana And Michi gan , from lighting , wind , hail and ram. Numer- barns were struck and barn , d with g-niu and stock. "Krc n the Sboot. Special dispatch to Tne Bw. NEW YOUK , AUju | > t 3. la. m. Col. Fohn Budiujcaptmn of U e American rifle team , who went to Irtlmd to hoot in the international rifle match , with the members of the t am , Ran som , Ratr.bone , Homer , Fisher and Col. Ciark , arrived hero Monday morning by steamer. The two other members of the team , Dr. L. J. Scott andJ F. Brown , are atil1 in England , but will bo here shortly. Tno team members wrre not met down the Lay nor at tliu whirf , the hour of their ar- ival not bung known. It has not eenset'l d whetherornntany recap- ion will be given the team here. Power of Workingmen. pedal Dispatch to Ihe Hie. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , August 3 1 a. m. The election for county oflicors esterrlay was cloao'y C"ntested for each oflicer. Ignatius Vetter , mar- hal of the city court , hitherto un mown to the public , was elected by ; ho amalgamated workingmen. The republicans had no ticket in the field , hou h Gill , attorney of the city court , is a republican The vote for a chool taxhad n handsome majority. aiABKETSlil TELEGRAPH. New ork Money ana Stock. WiLb ST. . Nsw YoKh , August 2 , 1.30 p in. MONEV Vt IJ per cent ; eicbango etc.dy tIS3 < J5CO. GOVERNMENTS. Steal ) CstfaufSl . 104J New 1'a . 109 $ US.Vs . 103 } Currency ffe . 1'U STOCKS. Active and aihanced. WUT . 103 * Hudson . S2 NYC . 133 NJ Central . 77 Erie . 4U Reading . 19 EnepfJ . 72 I. SI . 5 LakeShore . 1691 K. &T . 3- lock Island . 115J St. 1' . andOroahi . 47. \orthuistern. D9 St. I'.and 0. pfd. . . SO Nortluv. stern pfd 11SJ N. 1' . . S'J racitiu Ai-ill . 2 { N. P. pf.l . 56 Ohi.i . 34J Cen. P . 7 ( Ohiopf.d . 73 Ame.lcan [ > . . . 58 St. Paul . S9J R A. Q . 12i ! St.l'aulj.fd . . 110 1C . Ill WStI.iP , . 42J LiN . 119 W , StL&Ppfd. . . 72i Mton . 115 U. I' . OCi Denv &Kioaraudo 73 } CCA.IC . 117i C.C.CA.1 . 7i Mich.Ct-iitral. . . . 97i Canada So . C3 \V . C7J- Cblcaao Produce , CHICAGO , August 2. Wheat Opened weak and dull at a decline of c , but subsequently rallied and closed at i@ jc better than on Sat urday ; No. 2s prinjj sold ar 87 § @ 90c ror August ; SC ( < iS7 c for September , closing Rt 91Jc for cash89g@90c ; for Aliquot ; 8787jc for September ; 8Gc tellr for the year. Corn Fairly active and oloseJ at J@lc higher ; No. 2 sold at 353@3.jc for August and September , and closed at 353@35Jc. Oats Quiet and steady , No. 2 clos ing at at 22i for cash ; 22c for Au gust ; 22jc ; for September. Rye Go lower for cash , with sales at OGs ; options steady at 75o ; rather Srm nt Saturday's prices. Barley Quiet ; new No. 2 sold at 73c for September. Whisky 51 09. Pork Hog produces moderately active , opening easier , but the recov fry was sfrerward ; mess pork old at S15 G0@15 82J for August ; $15 u7 @ 15 85 for September , closing at § 14 50 @ 15 00 for c > sh ; Slo 80 for August or Sdptember ; § 15 40 f < r October. Lard Sold atSJ720725 forAu- qust ; § 7 20@7 35 for September ; cl is- icg at § 7 25 for August ; § 7 32i@7 35 for September. Chicago Live StocU. CliiCAao , Ausnsfc 2. Hogs Dull at 55 00@5 1 p r IOC ft * . ; lowf-r , with talts Bt46j/$47C fjr light picking indsh ppiiig4 ! ; 40(3 ( 4 70 for neavy j a.kii g ; 5j4 60@4 90 foi good to extr-i ETioot'a shipping lots , ReceintB , 19,051. Cattle Rtce'pts were excessive but consisted largely of Tex'is Btee-s - or r.earlv half the total BUfply thi market fnr native steers was quiet bu steady , the New York market betej satisfactcry and prices hero firm , bu not qu tably higher ; buyers of Texai cattle held off and no tales wern ef fected up to 11 o'clock , holding bad for concessions ; sales ranged at S3 01 for native cow * ; § 4 25@4 50 for fair ti good shipping steers. Receipts , 6,41 < head. t > t. Louie Produce. ST. Louis , August 2. Flour Unchanged. Wheat B tterNo. ; 2 red , 90J ( OOci foicash ; 89J@90 § for AugUbi 89g"for September ; 88 @ 89Ac for Oc t > npr ; 881 for the ynr ; No J do , 84 @ 85c ; No 4 do , 81(383c. ( Corn Lower at 31g@34jc for cash 34c for Augubt ; Sljcfur thoyeai Oa s Dull at 223 tor cash. Rye Quiet at 5GOc bid. Butter Unchanged. E cs Unchanged. Whisky Steady at SI 08. Pork Quiet a15 25. Dry Salt Meats Slow : car lots 84 80@7 30@7 35@7 GO. Eicon Dull at 85 75820 < 38 45. Lml Quiet at S7 20 asked. Receipts Flour , 1,000 ; wheii 180,000 ; corn , 103,000 ; oats , 47,000 rye , 3,000. Shipments Flour , 18,000 ; wheat 382,000 ; corn , 118,000 ; oate , 19,00 ( St. Loula LiveStoclt ST. Louis , August 2. Hog3 Slow and lower ; Yorkera an Baltimore , 143(3455 ( ; paskinp 54 453165 ; butcher to fancy , 84 60i 470. Receipts , G,300 ; shipment 2000. New Yort Produce. NEW YORK , August 2. Flour Steady ; a moderate demar receipts 34706 barrels ; round boo : Ohio , $5 105 75 ; choice do. 55 80 7 00 ; superfine western , § 3 SOG4. 5 common to gocd extra do , $4 25 4 60 ; choice do , do , 84 7037 00 ; choice white wheat do. , 54 50 © 5 00. Wheat Heavy , and about Jc lower , Sales No. 2 red Aug. SI OSj © ! 08g do S-ptembr SI OSjQl OdJ do , October SI 09J. Corn Dull , slightly in bnyors fa vor ; mix'd western spot , 45(347c ( ; do , futures 4719c. . Oats Dull , and heavy western , 34 ® 42c ; white. Beef Moderate , demand and steady pricps , new plain mess , § 960 now extra § 10. Pork Dull , new mesa , § 14 BO. Lird Re < vy , and lower , stovn rendered 87 57 . Bu'ter Unchanged , and qniet , Ohio 14Q27c Railroad Ma tazer Dead- 'aiMtc&ei to Ills Bs Sr. Louis , Mo. . August 3. 1 a. m. M j r J hn E. Simpson , ceiiorsl tnai.agt-rbf the Yacd ilia R. R. died y stt-rJ-ty morning wi'houthvinjr ra turned to con ci" unrss tinc his first attacked en S-turdny morninz. His remains will bo tikon to Michigm Cily Indiana , for burial. More Yazoo Work. Speclll PI Mitrh W The Bee. LOUISVILLE. Kv , August 3 , 1 a , m. A col. red republ" an n-tmed Boa- mith. was killed a' Milron , Kentucky , yesterday , ry white democrat' , in a quarrel at the county election. This ha been a dav of drutikonueai and dirceful conduct here over thf-c ty and cnuuty ructions. The republi- had no ticket in the fiold.j ADDITIONAL LOCAL The Greatest Tot. The most imposing tliow ever yet witnessed in Omaha was the juvenile Barnum'a own and only , which was opened out yesterday on Fjrnham street h 11 en the new court houao grounds. The general manager ia Hattie Crow , the clowns Bill Paxton and Harrv Sharp. They are assisted by a largo number of juvenile acrobats bats , trapeze performers acd eques trians ( on foot ) . The show will con tinue for two days. Admission to all departments of the va t aggregation of wonders , ten pns ; ; side chow , three pins ; concert , two pina. Tickets can bo had in all the dry goods stores or at the door. Mnrphy & Lovott.ins oncy ; old eat established agency in this state. opl8-lj A Joke. It was reported among tha mould * era at the U. P. shops yesterday that the wife of ono of their number , Mrs. Thomas G.din , had died , the funeral to take place this af ternoon. According to custom , a few of them asked to ba laid off to attend the funeral , and it appears that they were oil laid ciT for the day. Somj of them hired livery rigs and made every preparation for a first-class fanral , and appeared at the rasi- donce , on North Nineteenth street , at the appointed hour. After having waited sumb time ono of the mould- era thought that there should be more activity displayed than was visible about the Imuso , and at once proceed ed to investigate. He found that the lady supposed to bo dead was away visiting , and the honao wag locked up. The proposed funeral was therefore indefinitely postponed. Monov Order Business. The following tranecript of official statement No. 28 will show the amount of business transacted by the money order department , Omaha post- office , for the week ending July 31 , 1880 : BTAIEHEM yO. 23. To bal. from statement . $10,4(57 ( M Tel 2 domestic orders issued. . . 2,1.0 . " , f To fees on same . IS UTe To 1 British order issued . 15 5r To 2 German orders isaued . 23 Of To fees on snme . 4s To 176 certificates of dep. i * 'd. . l.,41S Ofl 82 ,103 91 By SCO doir.estic ordsri paid. . . 5 6,2 0 9 ? By 5 dome tir orders rfr/d. . 87 7. By 1 G rmon nrder r c'd . 37 8' By ? Saiss orders r c'd . 3 44 7 ! ByScemficatesof deuositrc'd . 14X'C ( BybaUnce . 7,3 2 61 328,103 0 ! Why dose .ouraolvei with nsusast Ing medicines , when a purely frni cathartic will euro yon at once Horn burg Flz . Trv thorn PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Wm. F. HarlowIeftforOgdeuMon day. day.Dr. Dr. G. L. Miller went east Sunda ; niftht. Geo. W. Homan , Sr. , has gone ti Chicago. Mrs. A. Burley ha gone to Denve on a visit. P. J. Nichola returned from th * east Sunday. r " D. C. Brooks has returned from wcetora bug-hunt. Gen. 0. F. Manderscn end wife lei yesterday for Colorado. Will DoolitUo went west for W. J Broatch & Co. yesterday. Senator North and family , of Colum bua , went west Sunday. James StephensonnndA. T. Large left for Chicago Sunday evening. Judge Baldwin laft for Leadvill Sunday noun , on legal business. Clinton Briggs left yesterday for th Colfai ( Iowa ) nvneral springs , to b absent a week or ten days. Mona. Dalborg anthe French conn to China , waa an east bound paszenge over the U. P. road Siturday. Mr , A. Cruickshank , the genial dr goods man , and Master Alexandc Cruickshank , left for Lake Minni tonkaMinn.Monday to be absent tw weeks. d Mrs. John Morrell left Saturda for a vuit in Chicago and Buffalo , a terwhich nhs will spsnd. tbrea veel at Chatinqua Lake , 2u Y. , where ti EDHOLSV1 & ERIGKSON , Wholesale and Retail MANUFACTURING JEWELERS ' AND PEACTICAL WATCH-MAKEHS. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Goods sent to any part of the United States on "J solicitation. Largest assortment of SILVERWARE , CLOCKS & SPECTACLES , ? And everything found generally in a first- claas Jewelry Store. ' " BEST SELECTED STOCK IN THE CITY ! Jewelry manufactured on short notice. Order * froaa the roiintry solicited. Tfhenln OumLn call and see us , Ho trouble to snow Goods. t EDHOLM & ERICKSON , The Jeweler ? , Opposite thePostoflice , 15Ui & Dodge. V- ' VJ. . * . Hart ii < inetl Ihe fulloiKinij remarAa&'e paper , the siyiutntrey vf which can at our office ; Mtxn. SKALl'HY &JOHXSOAr , SI fluft St. , Sew York. I GEXTLEME.V : "For the past fou- years we have sold variousbrand * of Poroai Plantar * . ' Physicians and the Public prefer 'BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER' io all others. Wo consider them one of the Tory few reliable household lemadiea worlliy of confidence. They arr superior to all vtlur Porws Platters or Medkinufor External u . .reat . Sunday ichool assembly takes place. The Chicago Tribune of Thuriday ays : "Mr. Henry Ames haa declined he position of local Iroight BRert of , ho Wabash in this city. Mr. George 31inton , formerly with the , Chicago , Milwaukee and St. Paul , has beuu tendered the pamtion , and haa accept ed tha same. " AEMY MOVEMENTS. The Order for the Eemoval of the Department Head quarters. HEADQ'RaDEPT. OFTUEPLATTK , ) FOIIT OMAUA , NKH. , July 31. f General Orders No. 12. ] Iii accordance with telegraphic in struction * from the lieutenant general commanding the division of the Mta- scari , dated July 22 , 1880 , the head quarters of this dtp trtment will return to the city of Omaha , Neb. This transfer will be carried into effect when suitable accommodations in Omaha can bo obtained and in such manner as will least interfere with the transaction of public business. By command ot Brier. Gon. Crook. IloBEUT WILLIAMS , Assistant Adjutant General. SPECIAL ORDERS. Leave of abaence f < r one month , with permission to apply for an exten sion of two muntht , ia granted to Second Lieut. George Palmer , Ninth infantry , Fort Omaha. First Lieut. Norton Strong , medici ! department U. S. A. , having reported at these headquarters in compliance with parjgraph 1. special orders No. 149 , current aeries , headquarters of the army , adjutant general's office , will , upon the recommendation of the medical director of the department , renort ia person to the commanding officer at Fort Douglas , U. T.for temporary duty. To the Colored Men of tfearasks. OMAHA , August 1,1880. CilIZESS : A B-ries tf unparall I'd utia ea from t e uloeo < f the war to the pieaent time have b on inflicted upon the rights and libertten of colored Araeiicsns in the south. Peaceable citizens have been icnpnatncd without warrsnt of law , um tfcndn g and d < s- fenseltss man , wrnan ard children have been ruth'es ly eht down and murdered. The tight to deposit a fr < ro b-illot ha } been obs'racted and denitd ; and in the no ti , taxation withe , .t rppreteiitati'in in municipal , county acd state aff irs , has with few exceptions been eevproly dealt out tc ui. The coming rational and state election l -me of the mrat important in the bl-tory of the nation. Sball we by a uoolo and united efLrt ui- t in republican inetit'ition ? , or shall we have democratic despotism , a.5 in < ftusu'at d in tha southern ct t s , tc extinguish forever the hopes r.f free dora. Wo invite and c II upon you tc meet wi h us in convention , in the city of Oraa .a , forthe purpote of cf-n sultxt'on , in regard to t > uch measure aa public policy , our duty and inter ests as loy.il citizens to the state anc national government invoke ; educa tion , proprietorship in the soil , emt grationand allegiarco to party , an prominent mattera for our piofoum consideration. In viuw of the above wo call 01 colored Americans and others who an friendly to this call in the reipeclivi counties of Nebraska to collect stat is tics concerning the number of votori and farmers , and the number of acre : fanned in 1880 by colored Americana also the number of homesteads anc timber claims and tbo amount of citj property oned , both real and per sonal , and report the eamo ( o E. R Overall , chairman , of tha campaigi club , Omaha , Neb. [ Signed ] W. H. 0. STEruEjfsoy , JAMES 0 ADAMS , E. R. OVERALL , JOHN R. SIMPSOK , PETEU WILLIAMS. State papers please copy. Justice to be Don" . Epeclal Dispatch to THE Big. NEW YORK , August 3 1 a. m.- Piotro Balbo , the Italhn who cut th throat of hia wife in their residence i : this city , and who waa arrested whil fleeing from justice in Wheeling V . , will be hung in the Tombs priso yard Friday morning. Every ei fort postible has been mad to save him from the scaffold by hi counsel monster petition for th ' Commutation of his sentence , signe by15,000 persons , was procured. The Itulian minister at Washington waa interested with the lawyers in the effort , as were also thoao of Catholio fathers. Their hope * have been daahed by the following dispatches re ceived by Calbo's counsel : "ALBANY , August 3. "Tho governor is unable to juitify himsulf ia finding any juat ground for interference with the execution of the unfortunate prisoner , Balbo. " Bound to Die. SpecUl Dispatch to The Bee. PHILADELPHIA , Auu t 3 1 a. m. J. ftlcCrea Hildcburna well-known salesman in the wool buiiness , walked into the Continental hotel liut night and registered. Ho gave the cletk seven hundred dollars and said that iu case he did not appear in the morning , to send it to 710 Spruce street , hia residence. The clerk asked him whnt ho meant , when li crrao out that lludebem intended to commit auiciJo. A detective waa called who arrested Jlildobnrn on the way to the Dcl-twsre river. Ho ha-i attempted suicide before and aayi life is burdensome and ho wants to dio. After being locked up Heldeburn committed auic.de in bin cell by hang ing. He was perfectly sane and ish ) cl to end hia life beCaUie bo wss tired of the world. Reception to Garflold. Special Duutcb { to The ttea. BUFFALO , August 3 1 a. m. Ar rangements are being made , and re publican meetings held , for the pur pose of receiving Gen. Garfield , who ti to arrive at 8 o'clock this evening. All the republican claba will tern out and a grand reception will be given him. Gen. Garuold will bo here over night and go east by the New York Central railroad on Wednesday. NEW YOKK , August 3. During an altercation > esterday afternoon be tween Fred. Mensbach and Zavier Landover , the former drew & revolver and shot Landover in the face , inflict ing a wound from which he died in a few minutes. The price reduced on all ikitt * , at the Omaha Shirt Factory , 1307 Farn- nam street near 12th. Cnit for pric Absolutely Pure. Made from Crape Cpiti TarUr. No otM preparation mvkca uch llzht , fl ky hot br > 'U , or Tujurioiu pwtry. C ti be < ntoa by Jyp9it'c without fear of the illj rasultins from bwy In- dU'ntlblo food. Sold only la cans , by all drocert. llOYAX. Bmxa POWDIR Co. . Naff Tork. < T 7 H < 4k. f 13 s &iy it h omo eutly nud a. Goitlr l f/'OBilUfroo. A'Mntai Trn * Co. rarthuid.llir . MECHANICAL. AND MINING EN GIMKEKI.Va at the HcnshotiorFoIyHwhnle Institute. Troy , Jf Y The oldest cnxinttrtny ichonl m America Next term begins S'pt K bcr 16th Tim Rejmtir for 1830 contain * list of the frridnttM for thf 'tut 31 year * . Tlth their poult ! ns ; lv > , nourm ot studv , requirement txpeiKC" , tc. Addrcta DAVID U GREENE. Director. eoddrw4w J. O. "V A "POIR , * MERCHANT TAILOR Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonic Hall , OMAHA. - - - - - NHB. LEGAL NOTICE. West 4 Fntcber , pTalntifls. azaloat B.T.W j > at , dtfendant Before thirleu Brindw , Justice of the Pete * , ol Omaha , Dotulu Co. . Nab. On tha rthil y of July 1880. id Justice w &ued an Older o' ntUcbnv nt In ih bor ictton jorta-atiaS3375. WEST& FRITCHER. Omaha. July 17'.b. 1380. Addrua