Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Hj >
Monday Morn' ' ng. August 2
Patcrson sells coal.
See Polack's advertisement.
Try Saxe's Coffee Cream Soda.
Warranted tooth brushes , Kuhn'fl.
Excellent Cream Soda at Saxo'a.
Carriages and wagons at Wood-
Elegant pcrfiftues nt Kuhn's drug
Six cara of ciltle and two of hogs
came in Saturday.
SeWenberg & Co.'a Key West Ci-
ara at S.ixe'a.
Banmm's trains left at 1 o'clock
Saturday morning for Cohnnbus.
Col. D. B. ll n = k has resigned
, jiis position SB ag < > nt of thu S. P. C. A.
Lots , Farms , Hoiucs and Lands.
Look over Berais" new column oi bar
gains on first pi ge.
A vigorous effort is being made to
secure the building of a street car line
lo Hinscom park , by way of Farnham
The board for the erection of the
inw State house will convene this
week , as their last adjournment was
for two months.
Col. Higgins , of Columbus , Nob. ,
-formerly of Aberdeen ,
speak at the Academy of Mug c nv.\t
Thursday uight.
For Lands , Lots. Houses and
Farms , look over Bernis. ' new coknni
on 1st page. Bargains.
Foil RENT. Store building , 174
Farnham street , Bet. llth and 12th
Apply to Juo. A. Crcighton. tf
-APlattsmouthboy was arrcstei
Friday night , on a big "tear , "and madi
it lively on his route to the j il b ;
thrcittiiinj the othccrs.
The devotional committee of thi
Y. M. C. A. have made arrangement
for holding their young men's meeting
In the basement of the Prcabyteriai
church for the next tix weeks.
Mr. George Whitbck , a ovetn
ment painter , was followed to Lis
homeonCuningand Sixteenth , Fiid y
night , by two \ilaiuous-ot. ! ! > kn. : ' f l
1 JWB , who remained about the pn.m-
nes all night long.
List , a gold quartz chirm. Fit d-
v : will ba libtrally rewarded by leav
ing the simo at A J. Simpsan'a Car
riage Depository , Dodge Street , be
tween 14th aad loth Sts. aO-2t
The GirSeld and Arthur cleo
t clnb have been invited to Plittsmouth
nest Friday evening to take part iu a
grand republican mass meeting. Thry
will go doxvn en the evening Jrcight
train , and return next morning.
Buffalo Bill and his partner
shipped 1200 head of cattle to Chicago
recently and have just received ther :
returns. The former loft Saturday
! for the cast to perfect arran e-
| menta for the opcntrg of his dramatic
§ season in XQW York in i\ few days.
f Mr. Catl Meyers , of Ft. Calboun ,
1 | who was at the circus with his son.
5 Frank , five years of pgp , had the mi&-
6 fortune to lose him Friday , in the
afternoon , and was unable to find him
at the circus or in town. ThcboywB
found in the eveaing and restored to
hs ; mother , through the police.
Captain Kellei of the Governors's
Guards , has notified General Alexan
der that his company cannot be
present at the soldier's reunion , at
Central City , in September , as was
anticipated , for the reason lint they
have cngasei with the State Bord of
Agriculture , to do police duty at the
state fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Uansrn cel
ebrated their tin-wedding Friday ,
and in the evening were treated to a
surprise party by th ir frirnds , a hos'
of whom poured in to congratulate
them on the happy event. A number
of appropriate presents were received ,
with any amount of good wishes for
their future happiness. The enjoya
ble occasion did not terminate uutil n
late hour , and wo venture to siy that
it will long ba remembered by all who
had the goad fortune to ba prestnt.
At the afternoon exh b t'on
Friday , Barnum'a press agent , Mr.
tD. D. Thomas noticed a very old lady
hobbling into the circus pavillion,4nd
remarked that she was the oldest per
son ho had ever seen at the show. B o
found her and her party rweived
seats , and did all ho could for their
comfort. Her name is Margaret Mc
Laren , of Omaha. She is ninety-two
years old four generations of her
f&mily were preieut with her daugh
f ter , grand-danghtsr and grand-son ,
] the latter a baba. She has tccn sis
* genera'ions.
Following is a very important city
ordinance that should bo generally
regarded : "Be it ordained by the city
council of the city of Omaha : If ai.y
person ahall plae or caused to he
placed any handbill sign , posters , erin
in any manner deface a iy lamppost ,
tree or tree-box , awning po-t or ttle-
graph pola within the limits of t' e
cify of Omaln , such persons ahall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeinor , and
on conviction thereof shall bo fined in
any sum not exceeding twenty del
lars. This ordinance shall take effect
and be in force from and after its
passage. "
Sunday afternoon Concert. Eve
ning Ball at the Tivoli.
We have added to our large stock an
assortment of garden groirf/iTeaa. / The
best to be had. Come and try them.
Sold vnder.pnce.
W. E. BESXETT & Co. ,
113 > . 15th atrset.
Headquarters ior Joe Schlitz's
Milwaukee beer at MEMHAMh' EX
CHANGE , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodge.
The price reduced on all shirts , at
the Omaha Shirt Factory , 1207 Farn-
etrect near 12th. Call for price
Lorett.lce. s&scy ; eld
Cheerful Commenting on
Our City's Commerce.
Tribute to Trade.
The pnvirg in portauco rf Omaha
as a trade centre , is illus
trated In the constantly insrouirg
volume of her foreign imiorts , enjoy
ing as she docs all the fa il < l ci of her
eastern rivals for the direct and im
mediate importation of the labor
products of the old world.
This is an advantage that our ener
getic and liberal minded business men
are not slow to appreciate , for in a di
rect correspondence with the manu
facturers of Europe , they reap bene
fits in the aaviug of onerous charges
at the port of r t arrival , together
with the commissions of the eastern
Ihose remarks have been suggested
by Mr. John Campbell , collector of
cintuojs at this port , having called
our attention to the advancement
making in this department of the gov
enimerit's bueincss. A number of our
merchants are availing themselves of
tliCBO advantages , among whom fro
Messrs. Brown , Blus , A" Co. , the weil
known crockery men , whft are taking
a spir ted and enterpris ng lead in'lie
niit-cr. Gil iiig on these people ut
their place of business we were in
formed that during Mr. Brown's so
journ in Europe , two years sgo , he
made arrangements with Messrs. J , V
G. ilcikin , the earthenware potteis
of Hei.ley , Encland , for the sale arci
exclusive agency for their widely-cele
brated goods. In this connection it is
a source of no little price to know that
Onnha enjoys tha distinction of be
ing one of only six cuias in the union ,
where the Messrs. Ulcakhi , who are
the largest and wealthiest potters of
Great Britiin think it desirable to
ninke a distributing point for their
Messr . BrownBl"ss kCo.havebeen
in coi.s'ant commuuication with thesa
p tterifs , their last importation ( f
ti.-i b nded cars , wiihout appraise-
meat at Xew York , having a rived a
f * d r * since , and one iu transit to
CJH o in iwo or threa weeks hence.
This direct hanoli of crockery
has been n-c < ? fB tited by their larte
an 1 ever-inertasmc j b aug trade , nt-
f jrd'ng them t o < unsurpassed
f r thu proper treatment of their cus.
to mr ind a vigorous prosbdi'.iou of
their business.
There are point * in the forrgoing
that may be i f terv c * to many of oor
business men who pay a good profit to
thiir for iga b okt-r , when in nuny
cans it could bo IT-C usb'y avoideo.
S. D. Tuthill waa at the Withne1 !
Hon. C'inruh Ho we , left for Brown-
villo Saturd iy.
Hon C r.s. Hariman ia abls to be
about a ia.
u. B. Stewart , of Council Blufi's.
went wi at to lti&lin < ! Saturday.
- Goo.V. . Crofut ! was among the p3B-
eoiigera oat f .r JJeu7 .r Salurd v.
H.'ii. S. B Ralt-y , cx-m > yor of
L1noln , was in the city Fnd y.
Geo. CanSeldltft at noon Suurday
for Georgetown , Crl. , to bo jone about
two weeks.
Mr. Thomas Heck , of The Blair
Times , and wife , came down to ECO
Barnum Friday.
Miss Addie Davis , Blair , daughter
of Judge Jesse T. Davis , is visiting in
Omaha for a few days.
Mr. D. S. Thomas , the Great
M ral Show's press agent , went weet
on the U. P. train Saturday.
Hon. Guy C. Barton , of Kbrth
Pl < itte , was in the dty Saturday , and
went wtst on the noon train.
Hon. Horatio Burchard , d'ractor
of the mmtSjWas in tha c.ty Friday ,
ro.urning from his annual trip wo i
for ssttlement with the mints.
Col. E F. Smytbe , with hia wife
mountains of Colorado , where thty
will remain several weeks.
Mr. Williim H. Bowman , of
Kn ghUtown , Ind. , is in the city and
wil remain a couple of weeks. Uc
is a guest of his eon , Harry T. Bow
E. H. Adams , of Wells , Fargo A-
Co. , with hiauifoaud son , arrived
iu the c y Friday from Cherry
Creek , Nev. , and are the guesti of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rose.
Among the many arrivals at the
Metropolitan hotel are the following-
Mary I. Stocking , Annie E. Stocking ,
Rock-ford , Ind. ; Mrs. J. Mattistn ,
Mrs. Jackson , Bhir ; S. H. Hariran ,
New York ; C. E. Dewey , Omaha ;
R , L. Coop r , Winthrop , Iowa ;
Prof. J ; H. B odgatt , R.ckfard , III. ;
Win. Mogselman , Hastingi ; W. H.
Keefe , T .lcdo ; D. E. French , E. S.
Willis , Bui ; Ms J. J. Machiugh ,
Mnry L. R by , PLttsmnnth ; J. F.
NVlisms , Cincinnati ; E. S. HUC'-B
aud wife , Com cil Bmffg ; S 0. Beach ,
Strausbun : ; A. Y. Carlscn , do. ;
G. C. Wandlim ; , Xew York ; N. B.
Putnam , B. & Ml R , R , : A. T. Hew
itt , St. L uh ; Ch s. B + ker , New
York ; J > T. Rted , SL Paul ; F. F.
Burdic'i , Hermin , Nob. ; W. S. Den-
cison , Dennieon. la ; E. C. Lamb ,
Denver ; T. M. Matq-iett < > , Lincoln ;
J H. Bl s , L. Sandtrs n , Chicaao ;
C. Vtnst , S : . Lou ? ; C. 0 * 5o s , Bos
ton ; A , S. King , New York ; Mrs. E.
C. Bosbeybell , Gltn 'ood , Iowa ; Mrs.
H. Bonfoy , Coving onHI. ; Miss Mc-
Cules ! , Miss Addits M Collcs , Spring
field , HI , ; F. HxtmbUton , Pailadei-
The St. J h
i Sowing M chines re
fast takirg th * leid. Call tBrz
HIX-E Sei * Machine Depot and see
these wondeif til machines , 1:20J : F < irn-
ham stre-t. 30-3t
Buj Oil , Needles and atta'hraents
for all machines at BEE HIVE SEWIKG
Jarsara stresr.
50 St
Hambcrg Figs 25 ?
He Bo s Not Propose That They
Shall be Taken f.ora Him ,
A Pure Question of Law and
Not One of Defalcation.
Another Lucky Claimant.
Considerable anxiety has been felt
since the receipt of the news from
Lincoln concerning the action of
Auditor Lsi ka in the matter of in
surance fees recsivcd by him as in
surance commissioner , to learn the
facts ir. tliBcase , it not being bflieved
that the rumors of defalcation ; fraud ,
etc.hadnny foundation.
It appcara that sima days ago it
came ta the kuowUd o of Governor
Nance that thu state auditor had
deji sited the fees in the bank as his
own fund ? , and had drawn against
them for his own use , and he there-
upi n wr > te him under date of July
25th reqni > Etirg him to report in
writinc and under oath to hia office
witv out dtlay , lha amount and kind of
etch class of fi 03 received as auditor
of public account } from January 9 ,
1S70 , up to the 1st day of July , 1880.
Thb demand was made tinder authority
of s c. 22 , art. 5 of the constitution of
the state.
The Governor also notified the Slate
Treasurer ta report in writing under
otith , the amount of fees of all
kinds paid in by the auditor from
irmry 0.1870 , up to the 1st of July ,
1330 , and as fjr as possible classify
the same.
Auditor Ledtko replied that from
January 9,187H , to July ls % 1SSO.
lie had collected olHse fees as Auditor
of Public Accounts amounting to SI ,
105 37 , Tshile the fees received dur
ing.theperiod named , on account of in
Burance , amounted to 7,408.
Treasurer Butlatt re'ponded witli
a statement showing the amount paid
I ito the state treasury on account o
o2ieo fees ffom January 0 , 1870 , tc
August 1 , 1850 , by the following rec
ord from the auditor , July 15 , 1879 :
Iteceipt Xo. § 49 312.5 o
Sept. IS , No. Sfi9 500 0
Nov. „ ' $ , No. I ) IU 'JO i 0 (
Jan. 1,1S3 < . > , No. 092 27S 0
Total amount reccucd . $1,103 u (
On the Utth ) the Governor again ad
dresaodMr. Liedtko in regard to th
abive comniunicHti .us , according tc
which § 7EOO 37 remained inthehand
of the auditcraid said iu conclusion :
1 Undoubtedly it was thu intention of
of the legislituro that all fees ann per-
quifites if olfic * , since the ad pLion
of the on > ti-utinn o' 1875 , should bo
piid into the state treasu'y , and from
my imd r I n5i gof the law , I must
iu.-ist tint euch a cutiree shoulJ
bo taken by you , and that all
fee chouid bo piid into that
Li rcp'y to this tha auditor writes
at length. Hd states tint he hss
perforraod the duties required by the
Con tittitim of 1875 , ic eived his sal
ary a d p id his i ffico fo s into the
state treasury. He then follows up
the train of reasoning by which the
supreme court increased Iho salary of
the secretary of etato 500 a year ,
a * .idj'iiant-pcnercl , and by which
Hon. J. B.Yston , the predecessor
of Auditor Leidtke , was allowed to
driw a largo amount of money from
the state treasury after the expiration
of his term of office covering his fees
as land commissioner , and claims tint
the fees of his office as insurance com
missioner arc his perquis'tea , it beinc ; a
septrata oflicc and no other pay bcinx
assigned hiai for it.
In conclusion , ho says : "Tho per
quisites I earn from insurance coinpa-
niea by examining their statement ? ,
and looking after them genora'ly , I
consider well and fairly earned by me ,
and this business in no manner inter
fering with or appertaining to my
proper , lawful duty as auditor of
public accounts , according to the de
cisions of the supreme court , is also
lo ally mino.
The legislature has appropriated
nothing for clerk hire In the perform
ance of t ese duties , presuming , I
z ippose , that the pert uisites will pay
for the necessary clerk hira , traveling
expenses , etc. , and I employ c'crical
hsl ; > myself when I find it necessary. "
The above correspondence was
transmitted by the governor to the
attorney general nith the request lhat
ho take immediate action by proper
legal measures to compel the payment
of said fees to the state treasurer.
The Journal of Saturday saye
it "suspends judgment upon the
Auditor's ca'o until the mandamus ,
which will bo asked for in the supreme
premo court on Monday next by At
torney General Dilworth , shall have
been decided.
The issue had not been made up til
a late hour last night , and the Gover
nor promptly garo the correspondence
to the press yesterday , to ! correct the
rumors of "defalcation" and ' 'fraud"
that has been put in circulation on
the f treats for a day or two back , i
will be eeen that it is merely i
question f jt the cour'a to decide , anc
depends upon the Sta o constitution
as iub'rpreted by the legislature and
4he courts.
Auditor Weston apparently over
locked the point when ht > went out o
office , and did not lay claim to thesi
fees. If the present auditor wins
Mr. Vft st n will fa'l heir to a lilt ! s.e ! <
sum of fibont $6000 , the amount re
por'sd into the treasniy by htm ein
this acc-unt. "
Go to the Tiroli.
The property of the late Mechanic
and M'nirg Smel'ing Co. Trill he sole
at auction , Thunday , Aug. 26th , a
7:30 p. m. , at Durant Engine House
Omaha. jj31-dlt-w3t
Fcr fine -wtlry j and Bilvprware a1
low prices go to Edholm&Erickson ,
We have tried Rush's Eagle MilL
Flocr , and know it to be the best anc
Winter Wheat Flour m the
500 Olicrys.
- A ciioof constipation bj
Fi , ' '
Two Men Attack Wm. Ford
jn North Omaha to
Rob Him ,
But Are Defeated and Leave
Their Garments With
the Viccorv
North Omaha is notorious for the
deeds of violence committed there
and it teems imposjiblo for the police
to check them. About the last place
ono would expect to be held up by
highwaymen would bo on the quiet
streets of that lonesome part of town ,
but it is a matter of fact that thcso
bridges over the creek , of which there
are several , are haunted continually
by desperate men who do not ecruplo
at anything in levying a toll on night
passengers. Many are fortunate
enough to escape by the USD of their
legs but one does not always care to
race homo for hia life , followed by
midnight robbers and assassins , the
aniusmient pills on one after a time.
So thought Mr. Wm. W. Ford , a
carpenter in the employ of
the government , at the corral. Mr.
Ford had a little exparienco a year or
BO ago with these fellows and Friday
night ho turned the t bios and gave a
lesson to the other side of the house.
He lives up in Shinn's addition and
started home about S o'clock in the
evening. He was paid off Friday
morning and it is possible that fact
may have been known to his assail
ants. When near the Pullman L un-
dry , between Twenty-first and Twen
ty-second streets he turned with the
road which then irmkes a sharp curve
totneleft and as he steppedaround the
corner ho was suddenly seized by
some ono in front of him. Ho had
his hand ) in his pockets and had his
penknife in the right hand closedand
when the sudden attack was made he
involuntarily drew out his fist still
c'mching the knife and lot Iho man
have it right between the eyes. Ho
thinks the end of the knife must have
struck him , for ho wnnt down like a
At the same moment he 'was seized
from behind by the second ruffian ,
who seized him by his clothing. Fcrd
turned quickly to tackle him and in so
doing his shirt , for he was in his sbiit
sleeves , was torn nearly off. Then tl o
struggle began , but it didn't l t lorg ,
Mr , Ford is a largo and muscular man ,
and getting the ruffian by the coat
collar he tore the garment down full
length and and stripped it off of him
in two sections.
Ho also caught on lo his hat which
WEB knocked off in the matinee , and
the fellow , finding himself worsted ,
flid , leaving the to articles in the
hands of his intended victim , who
still has prs'essinu of them. Ho ran
t iwards Hulbert's garden , whi'e his
comrade in crime flow as fast sa his
heels would ca-ry him to the creek , a
few rsds distant.
Mr. Ford did not care to pursue
them , but re'ired ' in good order wi h
the trophic * ( f his hard fought bit lie.
A few such instances of successful re
sistance would have a wholesome effect
on these high-way men , - > nd Air. Ford
is to bo warmly comracndfid for his
A good Stnijer Sewing Machine for
823 at 1120J Farnham street. pUKlt
Edholm it Erickson , the jewelers
opposite tha postoffico , employ the
most skillful workmen. If your watch
needs repairing give them a call , they
guarantee satisfaction.
Grana Excursion.
- There will be an excursion from
Omaha to Noligh , Antelope county ,
Neb. , on the 4'h uf August ( next
Wednesday ) . Ncligh is the western
terminus of the S. C. & P. R. R , and
it will remain so for some years. The
excursion train will leave the Omaha
& Northwestern depot at G a. m. , ai.d 1
will arrive at Neligh by 1:30 : p. m. ,
returning the same evening. Parties
wishing to stop over can leave Neligh
the following day. Faro for the
round trip is $ .j.5 about one-fourth
of the regular rate. There will bo an
auction Bale of lots in the town of
Neligh on that day. This will afford
our business men a good opportunity
to look up the advantages of Antelope
county. The census gives it a popu
lation of 4000 souls , most of whom
have emigrated there within the past
year. Noligh is the principal town in
that section , and is the starting point
of the government freight lines to the
northwest. The whole Niobrara cat
tle region is tributary to Neligh , and
the S. C. & P. railroad contemplates
opening stockyards there this fall.
Tao crops in Antelope county are bet
ter thij year than they ever have been
bsfore. From the outlook of No
ligh wo can safely say that there is no
better opening for investment now
offered in this state , nor ever has
been. jy29tsmt
DEPOT and examine the New Im
proved Howe Sewing Machine. Don't
forget the place , 1120J Farnham
street. 30-3t
Elegant accommodations , lowest
price , Astor House , N. Y. 14-dlm.
e St. John , Standard mgcr , Im
. proved fotceand other leading Sew
o ing Machines , at 1120 Farnham
- street. Very close figures given tc
cash or short time buyers. 30-31
The Republican Campaign club will
meet to-night at Eureka Hall , corner
of Sixteenth and Farnham. A cor
dial invitation is emended to all. The
report of the committee on calling a
colored men's atate convention will be
submitted for ratification. A full at
tendance of members is requested by
the president. BENJ. FULTON ,
If a pair of Boota , Shoes , Ties or
Slippers you need , remember you can
always get good bargiinsatFullreide's ,
C3ar Lutheran church , on Douglas.
Will receive another ear lead er
' nezt-
The Republican County Cen
tral Committee Opens
the Campaign. .
Adoption of Bfgulationa for
Preventing Fraud in the
The Primaries August 26th ,
the County Convention
August 28th.
The republican county central c m-
mutro j he'd a meeting SatuidHyafier-
noun i at board ot trade rooms.
Hoti J. S. JHcCjimick , charman ,
called tie tommit eo to or er The
roll was cahod ai d the foilow ngmom-
bais answered to h'ir names :
FirctV td G "lo'b ' Zimmerman ,
who aho h.d ajjroxy frun Jcmos
Sic > nd Wrd John Bui m and Mr.
0. A. , E. W. Simtral'a
proxy ; , i
'In rJ Ward J. .1. Points , Simon
Bloom. I
Fourth V d Frank Kennard a d
E. llosewa er.
Filth Ward Not represented.
Sixth Ward Lewis Reed and John
M. Tliurston , proxy for John W. Me-
Saratoga Precinct Lawia Little-
Platte Valley-F. W. Corliss.
Fl irence J. G. Cole.
Duulas D. A. Griflin.
Millard John Bloom.
Jefferson H Timmo
Sir. Simon JL'oorn ' was elected secre
tary , aud Frank Kennard elected
treasur r.
Mr. Kennard moved that a com
mittee oi five on finance bo appointed
by the chair. Carried.
Mr. E. Rostjwator moved that the
chair appoint an executive comir.itieo
of five. Carried.
The chair appointed the corniniUes
aa follows : "
Fmii'Ce Lev/is S. Eeed , J. W.
CUIIH , John Behm , Elijah Alkn and
John Bloom.
Exe.M.tive E. llcsewater , E W.
SiniL-n-1 , Lewia Littleticld , J. J. i'uiri K
and Will R. Browne.
A motion w.ia made by E Rose
water , aud carried , that primmi-jslur
election of delegates to th.- county
conventi- to ic'ect ' deli a 01 to the
state co iveiition , be hold on the 26th
of August , and that the county con
vention be held on the 28th of Au
guat , ai d that , the polls at the pri
m ry elec'ion ' iu the ci y be opened
from 3 to 7 p. m , and in the country
from 0 to 9 p. m.
Th following resolution , in'roduo-
ed by E R is water was adopted :
JltsolKcd , 'Jhat the foil iwing g ner-
al inlea shell govern i ho conduct of
the next primary election in this
F rst Nojperson shi-11 ho permitted
to vuio ut-ltWhisnamo sh-.ll apoe r
on the reais ered lisi ( f republican
v > ters fi r the ward or precinct in
wh h he ivsi ed.
Second Ev ry repul lioan c5M'z n
of h-i c < unty wuo fh 1 ba e igi lo to
vo oat ih-t iux ueiurti o cctiuii siall
booiit-tied to rri'Hir noa utdirt5'i ] ' < > h
rrgul t ous as iha executive commit
tee may hotcsfterprecede.
Tdi.-d Tne Hit of teg'.stered re1
publi ; an v t-jra of uacrt wa d ami pr e-
ciuc shah bo published in one or more
pij.eri f r pmsral iufc.r u tiou and
co rectum within one wo < k bar. r th
set for the primary o o ti n , a d
a c r ifiVd c py of the ccrreciud teg
is raiiou hits of ia h ward end pr.-
Ctuct. s' ' all bo posted nt the { .l-ico des-
igrjated lor holdii g jrima'y ohc'ioiiB
three days before the primary diction
is held.
Jbourth. No additions Bhall be
made to any on lint after it
Las hua been ptsud ; i ut if any f cr-
aon whose name appea B on t..o re-
* list ii non-resi
gitty , disqmiilied by -
dence or any other c.iue , and m t cute
to that tffect it served upon the cha r-
inan of t o county committee art r
reg tr < ition has cl' aod. the name of
such pirty a' a 1 bj placed on tiie
bl .ck list hnd hii vote tholl be rejsct-
td by the judiia.
Filth. T e executive committee
thill eppmiit one eup-rvitor , two
j idges , a .d o-o cl rk of election for
each waid ; and o' < o suptrvia > r , one
j idge and one do k for each precinct ,
and eatat li-h such icgu'anons ' for tht-
caivassof reiun s sn i prevention of
repeating and oiher frauds , that nsay
be dot-mud u-ceaaory
S x h. The certified returns from
ea h * rd ana prec not , tneether with
the ballote , pi 11 Late , talloy-shpet"
and the regittratiui lisis , pr perl >
sealed , shah be deliverd ro tne eecre-
tary of the county corami tee
thirtj-eix hours after the primary
clecuou Ins been held , and these re-
turna shall be by him opened in tht
presence of the executive committee
on the 23 h day of August , at 10 a. n )
The executive committee shall ex
amine these returns , and in publ
session award credentials to each delegate
gate , or , upon hia order , to hia proxy.
Seven1 h. The executive committee
sha 1 designate from < > raoi > y the dilo1
gat s to wh m credentials a o award 1
ed a chairman , wh" shall preside ovoi !
the convention until it haa been per
manently org iiiizod. In caao of anj
contest , by reason of alleged fiaud 01
miscount in. the returns of any warder
or precinct , the claims of contestant
shall ho adjudicated by ho convex
tinn , but no cuitesUnt shall bo ad'
mitted to a Beat until his cbim has
been piasnd upon and decided m hi'
favor. The Buporvi jois , judges auc
clerks shall bo renden's of the ward
and p ecincts in tvhtch they act.
Air. L wis S. Used moved that thi
county convention consiet of aevn
delegate from each city ward , anc
three dt legates from each county precinct
cinct , and the sime was carried.
The following resolution was adop
ted :
Resolved , That tlw call of the chair
man fur the county convention in
elude 1st , the delegation to repre
sent t o county in the state conven
tion ; 2d , to repreient the county it
convention to nominate a district at
tnrney ; 3J , torereaent the county ii
convention to nominate a S at sena
tor ; 4th , to represent the county ii
convention to nominate members o
the legislature ; and , 4 h , to nominal !
a coun-y commisa-oner
A motion was nude by Mr. Pose
water , tint where a ward or precinc
Is rtpreser.ted in the central commit
tee meeting that a phco for hi
a. primary election tcrthe
wards and precincts be announced b ;
the ward or precinct representation
and wh > re a ward or precinct is ne >
iepresi-nfed at the meeting that th
place of holding th primary elect ! -i
be detcrminid y iha exatu'ive com
mittee. Tne motion w s
The following places of h Idiiig prl
mary elections w ; re named :
First Ward Pnrr'sdrrg etorp.
Second "Ward Engine house No.3
Third Ward Rosenfeld'o cominis
eion store , Douglas street.
Fourth Ward Court honse.
Fifth Word No place name d.
Sixth Ward Enjina House No. 1
Twentieth and Izrd streets.
Saratoga Precinct School house
Chicago Precinct Place not nam
Pktto Valley B. C. White's store ,
alky Station.
Elkhorn Plac * Bet rawed.
ngt nenjrjtl ,
Florence Shool * hoaso at
Fl ] r nce.
We t Omaha Place not named.
Unio" t lacrt nut n i nod.
Mi' ' arl ScSinl hoin" at Milhrd.
Jufibrson Schuol house custiict
The Arrival of the New Wabash
Soiling Stock.
Fifteen Hours from Omaha to
St. Louis.
Other Railway Matters of Im
There ia now no doubt lhafc the
Whbash means business and will enter
the field at wnco to coirest for the
tl rough passenger tnvel between
Omalia and the east. An eljgant no-v
dining car , two Horton reel niug cluir
ore , now : i < id of el g-mt finish , eeve-
nl fine new cotdi a Hiid two new bag
gage cirs , tl o { .ropery of the mw
1 lie were bro"gH to C uiioil Bljffa an 1 ci mp Bed the first |
train out on list evening. Mr.
T. B Gault , the newly appointed
general agent for thia terminus of tha
reid arrived at the bluffs Friday.
He is ejiid to bo a thorough railroad
man and one who will make a populir
nndoih'cieiit officer.
R-gulur through oxprsss trains be
tween Council Bluffs and St. Louis
commented running regularly.
The tram ? will arrive and
depart us u.l'ows ' : Pcific expivfs will'
le\o C'nui.cil Buffi daily at 4:55 : p.
ni. , reaching St Louis the fo lowing
m truing at 7:45 making the trip in
less than fiftetn hour * . Returning ,
the express Will linrc St. Louii
at 8 p. m. and reach Council Bluffs
at 10:45 : the following morning , in
tme ; to inaku connection with the
Union Pacific. The Union Pacific also
connects with the outgoing express
in the evei ing.
By the now schedule fi slight change
has been made in the time of leaving
a > d nrrh ing of ihe mail trains on this
ro d Tim m-ul , which hiw hprolo-
for.s lefc Council B'uils ' at 10.05.a- . .
will lonvo on and after Monday at
0:15 , ai cl the incoming ma 1 will ar
rive at 4:25 : instead of 425. ;
It shoul 1 be remembered that the
time above given is St. Louis time ,
just I verity iiiinut'io faiter than locil
and ten minutes slower than Chicago
The opening of Chicago line of the
Wdbash hasb en postponed until Sun
day , Augusts , for the reaion that f i-
cilitiea to Chicago ure not yet arrang
In the m > nth of Juno thpro was a
total of fifty-six ra lro d sccidenrs in
the United Stages , where ! y sixteen
pars na wire killed and seventy seven
injured. Seven acctdeira caused tha
death of one or more persun each ;
sateen caucrl i jury but not dta'h ,
leavir g thiry three , or 53 9 par cent
of the "hole numb nn waich ijo srfr-
"ous ii.jury to per < in ia r c'irried As
compT'-d with Ju m. loTt1 th-rd
a deer aso of -coidrnts , a dutr a a
nf thn o in the numb r killed , and an
incrHnseuf twriitj-two ia tiwt unin
An exfpnivo excursion is bnni ; ar-
anz > d by tha n omb ref the M. E.
urch oi C icncil B uffj to Liucvlu
, nd Bli foid , Neb. , n Tl'Ur ' < * dpy ,
.gust 19 , over tro C , B. . .VQ. ; . 10
'ItuteniJiith fti.d the ? . itI. . r > -J < -
incoln ancljMitio'd. jJuford isqui e
i summer resort , bo'iig at a del gntful
) oint on the Blue river , and his been
arranged fo the reception of cxcu ?
ainn parties and pU asure-eeekera gen
era ly. It's the desire of the mana-
; era of the excursion to loive C r.ncil
3 uffs at an oir'y ' hour and reuirn the
same day It is tlmugh that em u'h
oersons will go tj make five or six car
" > ds.
Mr. T. J. Potter , aamttint general
of the Chicag ' , Builmgton &
3umty railroad c < m pany announro-
1 10 opening , Friday , of the Mt.
Ayr br nch line to'Reddincr , twelve
and a half miles snuMi of Mt. Ayr.
was opened yeaterday aa a
billing station.
A pir g apli h a be n circulated
around the count y in iff ct tr u-
He hanbroVen' ut between the Noit
wi stern ra'iway and itOm ha exteh-
siun , whiih iu-s from Ced.r R-ipids ,
, I iWto Comic 1 B ff ; tha' the le.tsi-
when it espirtd with n n snort t'liio ,
- woul I ba taken i p by thu Chica
g- > , Milwaukee and St. Paul company ,
nd that tha Litter coropiiiy would ,
- her- fore , have a direct road from
Chicago to Council Bluffs , shutting
. out the Northwestern road entirely.
The St. Louia Globe-Democrat
pronounces the story falsa in every
t particular. In the first place , th ro is
no coolness between the Northwestern
company and its Omaha extension.
In tha second place , the lease does
' not soon expire ; it. is a perpetual
1r , and , in the wutda of one of the
r Northwestcrn'a officers , "cnn notbe _
cv ded , escaped or annulled. " The
atory , no dou t , received its head
from i In fact of the expiration of the
lease of the Illii o s Cen'r- l road , from
! Iowa Falh to the Sioux City road , and
its tail WAS appended by some brilliant
' Chicago iounial'st. '
An ex-hnpo mentions the case oi
a Now York city street c.r conductor ,
: wnodep-'sittd | 25 witJi the compsnj
thit ogig d him , .and WPS subse-
qMontly d ssKarpod without the returc
of hia mortjey , on the report of c
"sootier , " and who won a victory ir
court F iiay last. He sufd to recovei >
his $25 , and got ir. The spotter' *
memory pp.vo out under oath , and an
ut < f irj istice w sprevented. Prob'
ably the "spotters" on railway trains
nine times out of ten , if brought be
fore tin courts to awuar to the state
ments they make to railway officials ,
which often re ultm the discharge ol
passenger conductors , and the spot
ter's memory would civo out. Bui
conductors are discharged without tlr
least opportunity usually to defend
them-e'ves , on the testimony of men
who are hired , and who , to show thai
they are doing something.often trumj
up snma charge against a passengei
tor ductor , which , if ferreted out
wo U have no real bans. Just now
wo b 1 f ve this thing wi 1 be keenli
appreciated by some of the victims o :
a pernicious and demoralizing ays ten
of spying.
Farmers havinz hay to contract , fo :
delivery at Willow Spring * dUtille'y
will d. wt 11 to call on Tier & C > . , 13K
Farnham strait , Omaha , withoutde
loy , as they will soon stop contract
ing. jj26dlra
Eilra bargains to those wishing an ;
kind of shoes , at Fullreide'a.
W. E. Bennett & Co. are ofi rinj
their customers the cu' jr.-.ted ' : Gai
den Growa" Tea. Tets ? are c ;
the best quality grown. See 2dver
tJeenest in local column.
Coneart and Ball at the Tlro ] to
The Doctor Receives a Very
Serioud , But Not Fatal
Fall ,
isAbout 10 o'clock Saturday as
Dr. J. K. Ish waa driving up Daven
port street , near 18th , hh horse , a
new one purchased a few days since ,
took fright at something and rearing
up fell to thu ground , upsetting the
buggy and throwing the doctor out.
The accident occurred jiat imfrontof
Mr. John McCormick'a residence , and
tie ii jured man wan taken in there
and Dr. Coffman summoned. It was
f < und that two of hia rih.a Ind been
fractured and that ho had re
ceived severe internal in
jury. * Ho ia still at MtC'ormiciv'j
this afferncon it being considortu , n
prudent to remove him to hia rwn
roaidenco. Dr. C iFman says the
woundc , while torious , are not danger-
The horse wasinjuredby cno of the
broken th > fta po o rating his side.
Concert every eyoning by Professor
Schroder , Piano , Professor < ! angol-
hoff , Yi din , at the Tivoli.
After a day's hard work at business ,
ono goes honi3 to rsst and enjoy tlio
evening in conversation or reading.
Having caueht cold during the day ,
a cough , wth astinic dolijht ! , lays
claim tn hia tinv , ard tortures hira.
Ai such time a bottle of Dr. Thomas'
! Eclectric 01 ia certainly worth its
' wc-gV in gold , as it almost instantly
| reliever ) collars , co'd-1 , etc. , however
tfiey nmy hp.
NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Sale ,
Lost , Found , Wantj , lioirdtnsr Ac. , will bo In-
toil In tbcso columns onca for TEX CESTP
per line ; each Huhaecuent Insertion.FIVB CENTS
per line. The first Insertion never loss than
AAATO LOAN At a percent Inter
) wlMI wt , in sums of ( ilfO.inil up-
war It for 1 to C vcaii' time on fir-it cists Improv
ed utvnnl form property. Ai | ly at BEMIb'
Koil Ceutcand Loan Agency , i5tli an < l
OUST TO LOAN Cill at law OBea
M j. 7HOJ1AR. Rwmg.Oi-ljhton Block
[ ONEV TO I.OAN 1109 Farnh&m strest.
i Dr. Edwards Ixnn Asrency. nov-22-tf
WASTED OIXH ! cirl f.ireijenl
_ in a tm > ll family , at b53 19th St. 3g-
DIKINQ room Irl wanted , at Pacifi ; Ilo
rn\vo C.IULS
_ L rct.iiir.u.t 320-31
" \TTANTKD-GonJ rirl for c ncril hmisf work
V V At ph to WILLIS M. YaTES , 1513 I cxUe
St. , near ICtb. 31Mf
Kr , A Olrl to < lo hnu-o work , 1
V Fitrnl-nni Slri-et. nn Stair * 14J-tf
WANTED Ry an exprrien c < Irson ] , f
gitmtion 0.1 hou c ke > per or nur3e En
quire at 1518 Cal fotn-a St. 120-21
WAN"1 ED V wi'ind horao about 15 haii'Ia
lii.-l' , mutt drive sinirlo or tlouWc. Ap
ply X. B cor. IBth nd California St 323-lf
PAN EI I'iarn tnnir and repairine at
HOSPB S , 15IC Dodjp S : 30C Tru
ANTED Foreman at brick.yarJ. T. M1 R
"AY. IflS-tf
fjlOR Il-'VT A h m with liie room * irc
C1 cel'ir and cN'Tti SV. . cor. of 13th and
CHcwoSs U A.\Foni ) 325-tf
Birrains in Hou ca , I.ot" , Karros and
> li. In big new col limn on let
f. JK HEXT Koom in Jaeols' Block.
f1 31 h tf
" 7CR nKXT Hnii'eon'Jl't , near Dircii or ! .
11 Knqilire HOWARDS. SMITH. eppo . ito
319 tf
FOR REST Hur-sc uf 9 ro nn. I.cementasei
cell T. ami all coincnicnce * ; will rent allo'
art togood tenants , 12 St , bet. Jackson anc !
'ones. 315-11
T70R BEST Cottazocf 3 ocrn ? , peed cc ar ,
P well , cistern ml'Uih'U'ei' , cnr cf 23r
and Clark , MV. . KESJiEDV , * . 13th ht 312-t
rOI RENT 2 furnlohcil rooma over Sfer
c'a1fjichaiiKC , N. E. Cor. Ifl'h and
OH R2 > TSt re n om fn brick block comer
10tlii > rilD u.hftSt * . , with or with nice !
ar. A 'sn , 3 rvims in second etory. Api > 'y to
\mcrinn Ren e. 'Ji-tf
J !
hou-o Bet JTlh And iStli ittrccis o : > i'i
> f
1 } f o t HougO.
FCR RE T Iloiifc it > six moms , well , c's-
tO'ii aidc llir. On Cspi'ol ATO . b-t > 5tb
and'etlJ , toiuh side J 3 iicCUKUICK l&
F : OR. RBST A splendia hotojraph G l cry.
I1 71-tf I. . B. WirJLI M'J& OV
The finest mMenco prope tv In the citv
2tfiorson Farnham , liar ey and Twmty-1lh (
BUectJ , o\irloniii ! the c"lr anct gurrounrn.J
country , rruea mod-rato Piid tcrnn rcn cm ola"
T70RSALE Awell-c'Ubli.bed tmsincM TrTa
I1 thriving t non the tt.k w.K I'.in Neb.
Uncxlrrna n elvcn forp-lling Enquire at this
< tficu or nildrcssj Lot k I MW cr 12 , Omaba , Xeb.
FOt. over BE3IIS' novr column on lat page
\TJ" TY Forgaln fhei'p l"t 7 acd S , block
124 , cr Fa n'amHml > mth ptretts
K. j to * 2 , block 07 , ntar corner Howard ami
Thiiticnllt kt c tu.
Property f r s [ . Lut S. hl"-k 48. with good
hotHc , tn-fB , etc. DArIS ft : &XYKEIL
julj SO-Ct , J505 Kurnhim etr tt.
I OR SALE Silmjti il lixliir'fl. rtoi-
F lustcess Will be ted cheip , co' . Iiti *
nnd llanicy 3l33l
1. Coarse hank eand , erivrl for yardcns and
motile in caml will be delunrciiat ehnrl notire.
I/cave oril < rs t II. Sicrks 1414 F rnham , and
Charles BrandM , ViFftinhara \ Sti HAJ S
DOCK. Succeaaor to Charles Kanlcl. 552-lt
J\ . and fixture of > hn French CotTec IIouc at
- \iArxz\n. \ \ 5 ca'h , ba'ancc two scars time F.
ALS-EP. 15lm
r JJ10KSALE A s-ull duelling liouv , next to
JJ O. H. Collins rcsrclcnc , corner 10b ! and
Capitol Avcnuo. . 'or information call at 0. H.
J. f. COLLIN' . IS ! Famham Street. 605-t
, LJ over BEMiS' now colnmn.of bar aine on let
I7IORSALE A itravpony m.iro. ftentle. kind
I and excellent tidtrllcr , t-'i thtr with an
almost new hand-martn buy.h rn'55 Chop
or ash Inquire a' KB 15lh St. , Bet. Howard
and JacKson. 317-lhu sat
\ffluK Twenty to twcnty.foar quarts or one
1J-L ilo'Jar by John T Faulton.
T7RSALE \ Cottonwood lumber of all
T RKDMOND'S.Sixtccnth-st. S16-tf
r Appiy t
472-tf T. . R VII.LIAWROV.
MK3. E. Andrnn , the New York dress m Icer ,
hy requ st of her many friends , ha ? de-
titi-d to give a cour-e ol lessons in 'h art (
cutfng and fitting , ( on tha french Sistein , no
mod-Is ;
Terms ? in for twelve l wns.
t-adiesBi'bin ? to avail thecuelvetof theop-
ortunily will p'ei'e make tnelr applicttioa , on
or btfore August 1st.
E. AndreJ , 207 North l th St Omaha.
PKOP''SALS FCR > BUILDING ' 'ealed pro-
posali willbereicirni un II AH7U > t Ttli ,
HV > , at 4 p. m. , for the laying of a hulf million
mnra or Ity , a cordii' . lo plain and
snci Motions , now on file at A. 7. Larzr'K office ,
N 2 Crcuhton BUuk. Therl.'ht lor-j ct any
o- all lids a referred. JAMES SIEPHENdO .
T OiT Sum otmonfyou Tiiitdsy afterioon ,
JLJ Under prease leate It at the Eee office
A FINE Ktaiucjuyr. front , Doore.
ounter. Mantle , Store fiitinsr , veno red
c.o to 1310 Dodje street , A. F. ItAFEBT It
From CVRTJS ilOETOK , July Mth ,
STOLEN n fourysrold bayhcr59 , !
fis , letn ! er Jiv enlarged
; sore en under pirt ff J v
e apcrebecaloa of tht tblti
" " " " " " "
"T""i "I" nri
Immense Stock for
sis 1 KD Sbi
Fine Castosi-ila < le
Men's Suits ,
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits.
For Men ,
Boys , and
Children. 'I '
UmiT-TVcar ! , Ilafi and < * ; ips ,
Trunks iir.d Visiles , ut
Trices t > Knit All.
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
Having Taken the Above for Our Motto , We are
Determined to Offer
Our Entire Summer Stock of
Regardless oi' Cost.
In Order to Mnke Room for Our Fall and Winter Goods.
We Will Xot ! Je Undersold.
. FAKMIA31 STi'iEEF. &
_ , _ . _ . . . ' _ _ _ _ . _
jf fc - < * * - "
gM - i : * < - - * J-- T.-I- ff - 1 .yTVT " * iTi & * *
3 = Tf T SrtfrT-sf ,5JS = r > ssri > S kZJr '
tblti"T""i .
i - - - ' - " ' " zt--g g
f IS"
' B"
Propose for the nezt ninety (9 ( JeLys to sell then
entiie stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
Silver-Ware ,
Pianos & Organ
At Manufacturing Prices , Which is f om5 to 20 per
cent , below any Eastern WhoL sale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We Mean Business , Conic and I > c Convinced.
i nANuri
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery ,
A. L STRrVNfr , 205 Farnhr.m StTBot Oraahii , Neb'
1317 & 1319 DOUGLAS STREET ,
.pit * Positively no fi'wds Sold at Re f ail.
1421 and 1 23 Fambam , and 221 to 229 15th Ste.
0 Atteaticn or Cash and Prompt Time Buyers SoUcitctL
the Qjnnhn Iron emtftfl Co ,