THE DAILY BEE. E. ROSEWATER : EDITOR. TO CORRESPONDENTS Oin. COI-NTT.T 1 KIIATIS we will always be plea-ed to bcr from , en all imUcre connected with ctors , ccuntrj po'thts , s > i2 on MIJ subject hatfvcr. or Kcneral lutcrcslb to the f > eoplo i r ur State. Anj infomaUcn connected ub trc election * , ardrctatlc ; ; 1 < > floods , accident' , "ill tc Ruulb rectivcO. All ssch coicrauii'ca- tiorBhcwc > er , must tc as biicf AS j-oseib'e ; and Ihej must in ill cases te irr tten on one side of the tlicrt only , TiiENAJiKorWRiTEit , in full , must inoarh and r\tryc3f < s acc mp.icy any communication of irtat raturesofvfr This Is cot intended lor jmblirati nUitforerare Ti fatisfMtion and SB proof cf good3ath. taciMfiieg for Ofiicc wheth er miOc Iji tlf or frcnls , aril whether as no- ices v coEjnunicailonB to the Editor , are wuW nomiratlocs * re made tiirpli jHrsoral , Mid will lie iherccdfrraBsdvcrtistn-tnts. WE to MTiUrire contriljuUcns cfa litonryor iiocti-alciaiacttrjfcnd wcwill not cndcrtaVe to p-ttt.rct > r reserve the fme in aiicaec whatever. Cur iitaff is efficient > lirjt to mere than m pljr oar limited tjiico. ill ccirinunic&tionsFhtuld be addressed to 11 ROSKWATER , Kdilcr KATJCNAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. von pBtbinacr : .TAMES A. GAHFIKLP , of Ohio , vor. vicr-j'KKsroExr , CHESTOR A. ABTHUn , of New York. "The ttftitlaturc thill pass laics In evrrcct fliuta and prci-cnt vr\jvtt \ ilismmination Hid extortion tn all ehaiycs of ( rprcsr , tilc- stmpk and railmad con'jwnits in this state and enforceeuch laKsfyi adequate jxnulttit lit the extent , if ncccrearii , for thnt purptc , / forfeiture of tlieir prtipcrt.u and frctt- fftitu. " [ Sec , 7 , Art. 12 , Nebraska Ton- etitution , enacted June. ] THE Afghan disaster ia reported to have seriously injured the Gladstone ministry. CHOP reports , by special dispatches to THE BEE. announce an average wheat harvest in Iowa. Wisconsin and 11 Illinois. E.XHE national democratic committee have opened their headquarters in "Washington. licw Orleans would be a more appropriate place. THE democracy accused the repub lican nominees of deroting too much space to the record of their party. The democratic nominees \\laely leave the party record alono. "Hn attempted to organize an in dependent movement , and Patron Smith preached the funeral sermon four days later , " is a suggestive item recently appearing in a South Caroli na paper. .T. STEBMNG MORTON and Dr. G. L. Miller are the financial nyunts of the democracy in Nebraska. The won't find much of a barrel in this italo and it is Bild the will soon make a trip together to New York to engage with "BarmiiB , "Wallace A Co. in ueurching for the "bung hole. " WE withhold all comment on thu imbroglio between Gov. KVmco and Auditor Tjaiatke until full information reaches us concerning the alleged de dication of the auditor. This ia a cry aerioua matter , a id wo hope for the sake of the high standing of the parties concerned that it is nothing but a personal quarrel. TUB subject of fruit-growing is one to which the people of Nebraska have fciron too little attention. What er pcrimonts have bean made indicate that a great source of wealth liea open for our poopio in the development of this branch of agriculture. Kebras- ka'a capabilities in this line will be well shown , wo xindorBtand , in the coming state fair. AMNKICAX talent is in demand abroad. At present wo have officers in the Egyptian army , financial and educational instructors in Japan , nnd now Russia has called upon ua for a. .Mr. Barker , of Philadelohia , to do- lelop her resources. He has esbtab- lishcd joint Block company with n capital of $3,000,000 to work the South Russia coal mines and has built four cruisers for her navy which have given great satisfaction. THE report that Gen. Daniel E. Sickles ia out for Hancock had better Ija confirmed before it is credited. This would be : 'too much of a good tbiug. " [ Herald. Yes , about aa much of a good thing as the reports that General Grant ' , Bon Bristow nnd Hamilton Fish , Jr. , were about to declare themselves for Hancock , nil of which campaign glan ders the Herald published as facts and has never retracted. THE claims of statesmanship which have been advanced on behalf of Gen. Hancock by the democratic party will fade away after a reading of his letter of acceptance just published. To say the least the document is in the extreme. It asserts fundamental principles of the government which have always been assumed and which not even democracy has openly ventured to doay. That the constitution is isfl eupreme that the powers of the fl ral government are defined by its provisions and that the central and local : government have lawful jurisdiction In their own limits no one will deny. The enunciation of those principles by General Hancock while byc , perhaps nec essary to instruct the dsmocracy , ahou little ability as a statesman. To ne eentiment io which General ck gives utterance , sJl republicans will yield a hearty assent , all the heartier bacause it is the baldest hypocrisy in thnir io it inas opponents place forward as of the issues in cue the coining campaign paign for which democracy is striving. f It is oii'y by a full vote , free ballot and fair count that the people can rule. " In that section of country to which General Hancock looks for 135 out of 2.55 electoral votes necessary for his election , such a thing as a ful { vets , a free ballot or z fair count , has been : for yecrs unknown. There is no need : of showisg how thoroughly hypocritlc. al ic tush as Titteraaca froa tie the deaccraoy. PURIFYING THE PRIMARIES. The principal cause of bolting is di'organizition in the rotten system of primary elections. Ten years ago , during the memorable Thsyer and Saunders campaign , over fiOOO votes were cast in the republican primaries of Omiiha when there were less than 2000 republicans in the city and les-i that 3500 voters of all political parties in the county. During every important campaign since then our primaries have been debauched by re peaters , ballot-box Bluffers and hordes of voting cattle that hire out to polit ic : ! bummers of both parties , and votfi r.t democratic primaries ono week and at republican primaries the next week. This disgraceful and corrupt ing system has been a eonrco of de moralization among the better ele ments of the party , who look upon nominations procured by such means aa a farce and a fraud. When a re- publicnn believes that the parly nom inations are made nt the hands of re peaters nnd democrats , his allegiance to party nominees is shaken. He doetn't contidcr himself bound to sup port a ticket nominated in the slums and grogshops. We congratulate the republicans of Douglas county that an effort Is to be made now to purify the primaries by the establishment of a tyatom of regis tration , nnd by throwing around the ballot-box at the primaricsjsafeguards agaiuBt repeating and other frauds. The republican county central com- mittehavo adopted regulations which will bo made public in P day or two , and which will coutine the voting at pnnnrici to republican citizens of ; he respective wards and precincts , whose choice of delegates to conventions will represent the party not merely in name , but in fact. Couventionsmade ] up of republicans elected by republicans under an honest count will be respected , and the candidates nominated by such conventions will bo voted for without dissent , no matter which faction they may have bslonged to or tr med with. The registration system will do away with double headers , since only the poll where the registration list prop erly certified to are kept will be re- recognized us legitimate. We shall have no more disgraceful rows Rt the polls by patties trying to capture the organization , because there will be no cdvantago in captur ing it. The judges of election will bo simply supervisors to sso a fair count of the registered votes. The only discretiouiry power will be to reject the votes of parties who attempt to vote on another min's ntuno aud fails tn ansner the description in the n gister. There will bo no disgraceful at tempts to capture Ihe preliminary or ganizations of conven'ions , because only these who have proper certiti- cites of election , in accordance with the e&tablished regulations , can take part in an } ' preliminary organ.zition. This is a very important and long ncodtd reform , that will do mote to consolidate the republican party in this city and county "than any measure that has ever been devised. A NUMBER of bids for the extension of the South Omaha sewer , from Thhtccnth to ICinlJi streets , were re ceived at the last meeting of the coun cil , and arc now in the hands of the committee on sewerage. Unless these bidsappear extravagant orabove | the figures at which such work should bo done we hope the council will I award the contract , The extension of thia sewer , during the present year , ia aluio&t an absolute necessity. Wo have already shown the terrible cOcct of its absence upon the health of residents on the ' south part of the city. If the city can save the lives of even half a dozen men , women and children the work ought to be done. It isn't , however , merely from the sanitary standpoint that we view this proposed improve ment. The extension of the sewer tea a point below Uinth street will affect a \cry des'rable change in all that section of the city ly ing west of Tenth street The bed of iho creek can be filled this fall , and the removal of the rickety bridges that dis- fi uro that part of the city and endanger the lives of people and the safely of vehicles will follow. The filling up of the creek will make busi ness property of a largo amount of a real celato now worthless , and it will raise the valve of all property south of Farnham street. The opponents of the proposed ex tension of the sewer declaim against the special sewer tar , but it tlrikcs ua that the benefits to their property will moro than counterbal ance any taxation. "We admit that a system of sewerjgo such as Omaha must eventually establish can not be built by special taxation. "We shall have to raise the money by a sewer bond , as other cities have done. The > trouble is , however , that such bonjJs can not be issued until n wo' have a special act of the legislature granting us authority ' to SESUO such bonds , and even in that case tha aggregate valuation of our property will have to be considerably higher than it now is , to enable us to increase our Indebtedness. This lisot means , practically , that we cannot build a sewer in Omaha for at least one year , and probably longer. Meantime we would have to rebuild bridge ! , run the risk of damage suits by accidents , and espcse residents of a large portion of the First ward to malarial diseases , which may ne epidemic. "Five thousand voices" says the Chicago Times raised a deafening ysll at Mr. Tilden's appearance on the stage of tha Academy of Music in York , on Wednesday evening. > There was less of respect for the Ban than homage to the bar'J in the afore- esidyell. & the present month 23,107 immigrants have landed at Castje Girden , making a tots ! for IS'SO cf 202i70 , the largest curafcer ever re- c rded. POETRY OP THB TIMES. Wsaring of the Gree-n. I met xrith Xapper Tandy And he took me by the hand , Sez he. "How's poor ou'd Ireland , And h w rloe * she stand ! " I rmocked him wan upon the sob , An' up ha heels they flew ; Sei I , "Ha bockllsh marourneen trhla whoop hnrroo ! " | My First Clzar- Clzar'd TWM jnit behind ths woodsh d , One glorious summer day. Far o'er the hill * tha s'.nding aim Pursued its westward way. And in my lone seclusion , Safely removed afar From all of earth's confusion , I smoked ray first cigar. Ah. bright the boyish fancies Wrapped in the wreaths of blue ; 3fy eyes grew dim , my head was light , The wood-shed round me flow. Dark night cloned in around in * 1'aylees without a Rtar , Grim death , I thought , had found me , And spoiled my first cig-ar. Ah , pallid wae my noble brow , The vranini ? night was late. My startled mother cried in fear , JfMy child , what have you ateS" I h wd my father's tmothered laugh , It seemed so strange and Inr I knew he knew I knew he knew I'd smoked my firtt cigar. A Melancholy Tale. . , The boy Btood in the melon-patch , When all but him had fied , And visions of ft roval feast Went dancing through his head : But the farmer and ths bull-dopcamc , And the boy , oh ! where in he ! Go ask the di etor-mnn who patched Ilia w > re an-al-o-niee ! For Love'e Dear Sake. "Two more dishes of cream , " To the waiter he cried , His eyes ttaring wildly , His mouth open wide ; "I love her mos madly , On marria-e I'm bent , And I'll satisfy her appetite If it takes my last cent. " RELIGIOUS. At St. Mary's Church , Chelmford , England , on a recent Sunday , a roll of notes of the value of § 2,500 was drop ped into iho offartory bag , for the benefit of the Chelmsford Infirmary. The EnglBh : Catholics are building a tnacnificont ; cathedral , of the florid Gothic stjle , at South Kensington , London , which will rank in eisa next to St. Paul's Westminster Abbey. Over Sl.OOO.OCO has been raised for it already , and money is still pouring in from all quarters. The boy preacher , ihe "Rev. Thom as Harrison , is working at the Chea ter Heights camp meeting in Penn sylvania , and be is flipecfed to con tinue h's tfforw during this week. The trains which carry people to ihe camp are solargo that two locomotives are required to draw them. The Presbytery of Buffalo has re quested theRev. E. P. Adams , pastor of the church of Dunkirk , to reaicn , on account of heretical views. Mr. Adams promised to take the matter under advisement. He is said to en tertain j Universalist doctrine . There are more than a hundred Nonconforinint ; congregations in var ious towns towns in England wor shiping in the Welsh language , while the Church of England has but four. In Liverpool there is a Wolth-apeak- ing population of 60,000 persons , whom the Cslvanintic Methodists have appropriated ; and thoybavebeon able in a series of years , po ° r a * they are , to expend moio than $600,000 for the interests of their commission. IMPIETIES. An actress seen hugging a minister rernnrked that aho was only trying to embruoo Christianity. A preacher at Clrcago advocates the introduction of lady ushers in church to make young men attend. A young lady on being asked where her native place was , replied , "I have none , I am the daughter of a Metho- . minister. " I The pool of Bethesda was very cleanbing , and we have known a young reaii in the present day io be entirely cleaned out by fifteen-ball pool.A . A Boston theatre company recently played a ECCDO laid in a church to naturally that to many of the nudionoe | it seemed EU real that they went to eleep. A Brooklyn mother fed her year- old baby on sliced cucumbers and milk and then wanted the prayers of the church because the Lord took it away. A barkeeper has been killed and a drinking saloon destroyed by light ning in Mississippi. The theory that lightning prefers churches is evidently not correct. Sextons of New England churches take pride in seeing who can ring hie bell loudest and locgest , and that's why the clappers of so many church ! bells turn up missing. "What did the Puritans come to this countfort" asked a Mnnachu- retts teacher of Irs class. "To wor ship in their own way , nnd make o'horpe ' plo do the came , " w.ia Ihe reply. A New York paper can't SOB why preachers should bo buttoned UD and hokcd up to distinguish their calling any moro than lawyers or editors. No good man is required to hang out a sign that he is good. A New Hampshire minister in a sermon said that he expected angels' visits at any time and that he was prepared to entertain thorn. The next night three visitors in flowing robes and white wings appeared at his door and aaid they were hungry soul ? . They wero- partaking of cold chicken and hard cider when the minister's wife catno down stairs , and looking st the indelible ink names idn the robes , Eaid : Boys , I've washed all three of those nightgowns before. i PEPPERMINT DROPS. | A Michigan man was arrested end fined $10 for hugzing a widow. adIs this the boasted freedom of the Amer ; ican press ? The individual who SRTV a mou [ e fightin wuh a piece of Limburger cheese readily realized that the battle is not always to the ttrcng. "It's not the phigky a man dhrmks that makes him dizzy , " said O'Flaraty. "but'a lukia * at the bartender's diamond mend through the bottom iv the turn- itslbl ra. An Irishman , watching a game of ofa base ball , was sent to the grass by a foul which struck him under the fifth rib. "A fowl , was ut ? Begorra , I thought it was a mule. " The man who loafs hia time avay around a one-horae grocery while his wife takes in washing to support him cn always tell you just -what this country tnesds to enhance her pros perity. The Leadvi'le epitaphs are terse and pointed here is one : O' r this poor sampler's fileni clay , Kind readar do net His death took place Then Johcsai caught Tbiso acsi up bis sleere. The following is an extract from 2 thcitriaal adv'ertisaiaent ii Ls&dville f-UnIntejruote < ! sucssssl Aopetranoe of 15 baaatiful-dissy blendes ! Scale ofAt prizes : To the near-sighted , $1 , At nn altitude , 50 cents. To the far off 25 cents. Bald-headed association , 75 cents. Hats with cast iron crowns will bo fashionable this fall. They are de signed esperially for those who take part in torchlight processions likely to be interrupted by a shower of bricks. [ Philadelphia Chronical- j Herald. A man went into a Galveston dentist's shop to have some teeth ex tracted. He had taken a larga drink of brandy to sustain his courage. The ofde dentist retired to another room , and came back with a revolver and a bowie knife strapped onhia peraon. "When a man breath smells of emotional icBimty , aa yours does , " he said , "I am not goict ; to exasperate him un prepared. You may bo Currie him- Eelf , for all I know. " An Ohio statesman returned from the Atlantic cosst , aud , as he sat on n sugar barrel in tke village store that evening whilu his partner was selling bar , soap and birdshot , he was asked whether he had tasted any of "thoio famous chms they talk so much about ! " "Yes , " said he ; "had 'em raw , fried , baked , every way. " They looked at him in admiration and en vy , until ono said , "What do they taste like'Oh ? , anywhere ba- tween ' pickled pigs' feetand lemon pie. " "Are they hard ? " "Well , about the heft of a book agent's cheek there ain't much give to them. " HONEY FOR THB LADIES. Sparking across a garden fenue ad mits of a good deal being said on both sides. sides.While While toilets ratain their favor. " Moussoline do laine" is moro popu lar than anything * . Bracelets of white kid mounted wlth narrow strips of gold have flow ers piiuted on them by lady amateur artists. A Colorado girl lost a lo ? , and her gallant lover had a pocket-book made of a piece of tanned skm from the amputated part. Hop-scotch is not a pretty game for girla , according to the old ladies , but it is good training for the now style Of The ladies' brass band of Albany , Oregon , ia composed of twelve mem bers , the fcremcet young ladies in the city in social standing and intelli gonce. The instruments used by this band coats S350. "A young lady in Pen Yan , New York , wear * twelve diamond rings on one finger. " Shu should also wear a gold band around her head , to pre vent the crack in her skull from be coming wider. [ Norriatown Herald. The "baby ttare" is considered pretty for young girls now. It donn by opening the eyes as wide as possible without raising the browsand slightly turning the corners of the mouth upward. Siying "mouse" five or six times gives the light position to the lips. Women nre never contented unti they have found a use for every thing , They are happy now because they nave discovered that an old silk hat can bo made into a work-basket. The crown is embroidered , the brim and lining covered with flute J material , and loops nnd pockets are tut inside , aa in any work-baskt. At Dieppe , in France , the following notice has been issued by the police : "Iho bathing police are requested , when a ladv is in danger of drowning , to seize her by thodro s , and not by the hair , which often remains in tboir grasp. Newfoundland dogs will gov ern themselves accordingly. " Very showy small viaites are worn. Some of these are of a brass-colored plush , trimmed with fringes of gold beads ; others are of auran , embroid ered with beaded flowers , ivml bead ornaments fnjl loose over the garment. Small mantillas of purpla aurnh nro embroidered with beads in the same j color. I A bride lately returned from a trip to Niagara Falls declared herself great ly disappointed. They all expressed great astonishment. "Yes , " she added , "it was the greatest disappoint ment of my life. I saw as many as two hundred and fifty hack drivers , and not uie of them wore diamond shirt studs. " ' The lightning struck a girl living in . Iowa side last week. She was not in jured in the least , but her corset-ribs were sadly demoralized , as wai also the arm of the young man who was trying to keep them in phce. When asked by his friends why he keeps his Arm in a slicg ho explains that ho "didn't know she was loaded. " All the old aty'63 are now brought out as novelties. Antique shades , such as Titien red , Veronese green , and lapis blue , are to be tae fashiona ble colors nest winter. These hues seem very odd after the pale tints , such as sky-blue , flesh color and water green , which are so much worn . at present. A most peculiar matinee \ is made of Veronese preen surah. The small garment is shirred with h.a h.T kind of straight cachsmire vest ULtler- neath. The surah sleeves have a high trimming on the shoulders. A toilat combining all the novelties of the season may be described as fol lows : The round skirt is of surah merveilleux , in faded heliotrope color. > The large plaited flounce is covered with crossed draperies which are fas tened in the back. The "surcot Ver onese" waist is of silk knitted work. It laces in the back , and the lower part is covered with a drapery match ing those on the flounce. The surah hood ia 11 t and trimmed with satin ribbon. The small straight collar ia of heliotrope velvet , embroidered with gold. The cuffs are of the same vel vet , trimmed to match. 1 MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. Teresa is taking her rest at Nice. Miss ROB AVood is to be the star of an organization next season. Miss Litton , the English actresp , contemplates visiting this country with a company , of which she will be the star. Barry Sullivan will not come to America for some time. His engage ments for Eneland " are mads up geto April , 1681. A small opsra troupe ia going out under the title of the "Flock of Geese" company . The members nil think themselves gtese before the sea son ii over. Mr. Hankin has made such favor able engagements through the Eng lish provinces for "The Danitef , " that the piece will be kept abroad for a year yet. Mr. Joseph Wheelock and Mr. Frank Mordaunt are , it is ssid , en- for the leading male parta enin Two Nights in Rome , " in which Mis. Gi anger will star next season. E. A. Southern is expected in New York during the first week in August. He appears at the Park Theatre ic September , in the new play he pur chased from W. S. Gilbert , entitlec : "Shogner's Fairy. " H. C. Jarrett and D. B. Gulicl have organized a musical combinatior called "Tho PkiLmx , " to consist oi sisty periorraers , ipcading ! orchestra choras , and double auartst of thi : iliirigal boya. HOT rscch sincerity there was i : Mi's Neilsoc's affecting Si the stase may be judged by the fact that she soon eal ; . from San Fran cisco to Australia to fulfil along en. gagomenf , and will act in London next year. Mme. Mndjeaka terminated on Sat urday , the 17th inst , her engagemedt at tha Oourt Theatre , London. The eminent actress will again appear in London early in October next , and will play Mary Stuart and other char acters , under Mr. WiUon Barrett's management. Patti's programme for next season ia announced. It Includes London , Hamburgh , Berlin , Leipsic , Frank fort , Monaco , and Paris ; but not New York. Her ternia for concerts are only three thousand dollars a night. Tint means two hours at § 1,500 per night. Mr. Edwin Booth is now nt the lakes of Killarney. Ho will viait Scotland and Wales , and expects to arrive in London in September , whence ho will go to Germany , where he may fulfil Bn engagement in Berlin. Mr. Booth has not accepted any en gagement in London. The startling announcement comes from San Francisco that Mr. Jarrett is arranging to produce the "Passion Play "in this country. Bethany , PH. , ivhicli is the central point of a large German-speaking population , is said to bo the place fixtd upon by Mr. Jarrett for the production. EDUCATIONAL , The University of Vermont has just graduated a class of twenty students , six of whom were young w.omen. Samuel Martin , a Quaker of Ken- nett Square , Pennsylvania , has left 535,000 to various educational pur poses. rpnri _ . . _ _ < _ * - . . _ I | castle , Indiana , h : > s an excellent idej. ' of encouraging teachers. He proposes to his county board of education tha teachers who have proved themselves to be competent should have their sa'.iries ' advanced in proportion to their success and the length of license they hold. hold.Tho The Irish university bill provides .hat the honoris and degrees of the new Irish university shall bo open to women as well aa to men. A B jciety has been formed to procure the en ' dowment of fcholarahipa and othe : m ° ans of aid for the higher education of Iceland. The New Orleans schools were closed l < at month , "to be reopened when there shall b3 money enough 01 hand J to pay teachers salaries and oth er expense * . " It is feared in manv quarters that this time will not soon arrive. The city appropriated 8200- 000 for school purpoces thia year , and it ia estimated that it will require 8176,000 to pay the teachers for the six months already past , and the amount allowed them for one vacation month. State taxes cannot be col lected until December 31. The expenies of the Boston schools have , since the reorganization of the school committee , been reduced by 8380,486. The total amount expend ed for the high schools list year was § 182,713.76 ; the number of pupils instructed was 2,009. Thn primary schools , instructing 20,898 pupih , cost 385,534.60. The grammar schools had 27,387 pupils , anl coat S772- 378.34. On a ilaries for school offi cials 81 236,853.01 was spent. The committee's estimate of the sum * needed next year was SI , 443 240 ; the city council has voted 81,334,000. It is a profound bub vo'y common blunder , The St. Jaruca Gazette si ys , to duppcsQ that the work cf a t.'acher in an elementary school is nccsssarily dull That depends upon the toicher himself. If he will woric with fine intelligence - telligence and spirit he ill not only vivify the dry bones of thetoxt-book for hia pupila , but fit.d himaelf a keen pleuuro in the awakening of their curiosity and pertinacity. It can't too often bo repeated in this country thai thn true teacher inuet bo born to his work ; there ia something more them , in his mind and heart , than the mere earning of a livelihood. Among the duties to be performed by the four inspectors who are to bo appointed by the San Franciacoschoo' directors , ia the enforcement of the rulfs , excluding sectarian booKs nnd teachings from the schools , and pro - saribina such instruction shall 31 as en 1- > able pupils "to earn a living , end cul " tivata a respect for truth , labor , and industry. " This board of inspectors has power only to examine the schools to report concerning them , aud to en - force the rules of the directors , who will limit its term of office at pleasure iOS. S.D I 'TNVAhVABLE FOR PILES AND ' KIDNEY DISEASES. " _ " 3wAMX > .v , Vt. , SoptemberT. ' . " 1 suffered greatly for years from Piles , nnd tried various remedies for relief with out Biiccess until I u ed Kidney Wort. if the disease shows symptoms of return , UK has been the ca e , I have never failed to chech it by the use of this medicine ! toI bate a son eleven years old who had fo yenrs uniformly wet his bed nights , ant nil the prescriptions of different physician were ineffectual in checking it. I was as - sured by a physician that "Kidnew-Wort" was just t e medicine to cure him , nnd sure enough a trial was completely suc cessful. I regard the medicine invaluable for Piles and Kidney diseases. "SAMUEL LULLAK1X" Ask the reoov- k , tlio mercurial diseased patient , ho they recovered health , chcorfal spirits and good i ppctltc ; they will tell you by tak- In LlTBR eo r DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION , Jiundlce B1 Bimons Attacks I , SICK UEADACHE , Colic. Do . Ete ! EtSl S ° DK STOMAOH Hear nr/valled / sOBU rnHemcdy to warranted ? nvini ? Uw S"IS' ' particle of MIRCURT , or ny injurious mineral rebalance , but ia Pnrely Testable. containing thc-so Southern Roots and Herbs. which an all-wise Providenca has placed In countries where Liver Disease mort prevail. It -rtll cuie all Diseases cau cd by Derangement of the Liver and Uowelg. .THE SniPTOJIS ot Liver Complaint ar * a bitter or bad taste In the mouth ; Pain In the Back , Sides or JointB.oftei mistaken forRhoumv tlam ; Soar Stomach ; Lo's of Appetite ; Bowls J temately costive and lax ; Headache ; Loss i of Memory , with a painful sensation of tminir fail ed to do something which ought to have been done Debility , Low Spirits , a thick yellow ap pearance of the skin and Eyes , a dry Cough apof ten mistaken far Coniumptlon. .1. ji mes tnan3r ° * the38 eymp'oms attend tbsdlseaee , at others very feivbut the Liver , the ' /f4' ,9r n in the body. 1 pcncrally the seat I 01 the disuse , and if not regnlated in tlme.Rreat suffering , wretchedness and death will ensue. 1 can re"ommend as an efficacious remedy for dpCMoof the LHer , Heartburn and Dyspepsia Simmons' Llvr Regulator. lwis a. Wnnder ] o12. ? ? "tw Street , Assistant Post "stagier" fhlladelpala. "We have tested Its virtues , rersonilly , and Vno-v ttiat for Djfpepeia , Bllllousnesa , and Throbbing Hsadacl.e. it la th best medicine the - worldI eaw. Vie bavo tried forty othei : remedies be/ore Simmons' Liver Regulator , but nonoofthcm rave us norethau temporary rebut 1 til but the BefuUtor net only reJeted , bu cured nt. " Editor Tclacnph and Messenftr Macon , 0 . HAKUMCTOTID OSIT BT . J. H. ZEILIN & CO. > , - PHILADELPHIA , PA. PrIci.Jl.So' S'd ! by 11 Dragglsta. 7 LEGAL NOTICE. w 3ti/ri'horpVmtifl3 : , sals tE T Wehnt defendant - Before Chitries Erandea , Justiw cl the Peic ? , o - 'sab ' * , Dcra Ias Co./Keb. Oa the 15th djy ol Jcly. 1ESO. said Jujtico ! s tued an order of ittachta nt In the above sctloi lor tn saa SOS 75 WEST i FR1TCH ER. Omaha. July uth. 10. . JylSeraS 33,000,000 CAn be saved ei ery \ ar by fanners in this . country if they will properly color hsir , butter by ing Wells , Kichardson & Jo.'a IJerfeeied Better Color. Ii is far Ijs i ar ttaa sawote. oria atts , oriay odiar'aob : at osu-fsuth tbo ocst , aid so aradtiotsa It gives a tplesdid Juse oclw asd wva hirsared. STRENGTH and ENERGY , WITHOUT THE USE OF DKCoS , ARE RE QUESTED TO SEND FOU THE ELECTRIC REVIEW , AN ILLUSTRATED JOClt- KAL , WIIICU IS PUBLISHED FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. TT rREATfiupon HEALTH , HTOIi.NE. n4 Thjii- J cal Culture , and i" a ecmrl'te ejcTClop > * < ! ii o ( Info , nation for Invalid ami ih < x * who suffer from Nt > rvcu . Eibau'lKz and Tainfu ; Di-cnvs. Every subject that baus upon health and human hapr m- -f receiver aUvntLn in its r(1f"t ( * an'l th * toiny ue * tionn aeked bveutferios imoiicl" , wbohnTt d ' r3ir"l cf a curt- , are andTCertd , and valuable lufnrmctH'B | \oluiitetrvil to all who iru In nicj uf uiflicnl ai- vlo . Tfce subject of Ur * * nc Pells u > Me-ii'iuf , ami the hundred and out tuic-iu'U1 * ot fnl tmtioi- Liuco to lUtTeriuK hutmu'ty ' , are dalj jaautered and txplamtd. BuU1n lit centtuU. , . . TiieliLEOTKICRrviEVrxpo eslheiininnlr t l frauds practiced by < ju ckt nml mtiliial imi'ielon who vnfft to "practice meiiiuno , " .vul point o it tha only afe. sluiple , and 3 < .m lOdU to llfal'll. Vl.or , a'ad BuJilfcntrgy. . FenJ your fuUre'4 on pnvtal ctr 1 for a coi > y , 3i > J Information w.irth thotnandj vf-ll t ? sent you. Adire * s tilt * publtelier * , PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO , , : OR. EIGHTH and VINE STS , . CINCINNATI , 0 SANTA OLAU3 FOUND. Greatest Discovery of .He Age- ucrful discos erica in the w nrld havoheen made na other things where Santa CI&u stayed , Children o.'t ask if he makes cooda or not , If really he lives In a mountain of enow. Last j ear an excursion galled clear to the Pole And suddcnlydroppcdinto what eeomedlikoihole Where wonder of wonders tiny found a now land , rt'hile fair } -like beings appeared on each hand. There were moinuuna : like our ) , with inure beautiful creen , And far brich'-er kcs ! than ever were seen , Birds with the hue * cf a ralnliouwtro found , While flowers of exijuiiitc fragranio were grow In ; around. Not long nerti they left to wonder in doubi NA Ni beiuj ; soon cama the/ had heard much about , Tnas Santa Glaus' self and thlethey all Bay , He I oUoil llko the picture ? esee e > cry diy. Ho drovfc up a team that looked i eryqueer , "Tv.a3 a team * f grasshoppers instead of reindeer He rode tn a bhcll instead of a slclzh , But ho took them on toirJ and droro them away. Ho showed them all over his wonderful realm , And factories making cootis fur w omen > nd men Furnors ncre working on liata cre t and email , To Bunco's thov said they were sending them all. Kris Kinzlc , the Glove lltker , told them at once , All our Glmcs we are sondinc to Uunce , Saita shoned them suspenders and many thinrs mere. Sajini ; I also took these to Mend Bunce's stoto. S i.ta Claua then whispered a encrct he'd tell , As in On'&ha c\cry one knew Bcueo well , He therefore should esnd his jrcodB to his care , i riends will gel their full "hare. Now rtmjmber jc dwellers in Omaha town , All who want presents to Funco's go round , For shirts , collars , or cloves K'rcat nnd Kinall , Send \our sister or aunt onp and nil. Ilutice , Champion Ilattorol the West , Dough gtre et. Omaha UNO. G. JAOOBS , ( Formerly of Olsh z. Jicot , , ) 'Si ' Ko/1417 Farnham bt. , 0d ! Stand of Jacob OIs ORDZRS BY TXLXGRAPa SOLICITS \n27-lv MEAT MARKET , U. P. Block , 10th St. Freeh nuJ Salt Meats o all Mndg constant oa hand , pricca rcaaonablo. Vc ettblto In ecai on. r'ood delivered tot uy part of the tlty. WJJ AUST , 77. < Nnil If th Bt ( Mr tn ffinnpjrdiyat home. S mplcB worth 14)3 lU UjUJ5 / free. Ad-l'CM StUJoh .t Co. , Portland. Maine. _ ATTEHTIOH , BlMLDERsTrD { COK TRACTORS. The ownef of the celebrated Kaolin Bfttike , neat T.OUISVILTE , NEB. , hits now ready at the depot at Louisville , cm the B. & M. , to fill any order at reasonable prices. Par ties desiring ft white front or ornamental britk will do well to give Uf a call or send for ? .inipo ! , J. T. A. liOOYIJJI , I'rop , , T r iv"ln. VI1EOAR WORKS ! Jonc , M. Oth anil 10th Sti. , 0)1 All A . First quality distilled Wino and Cider Vine nr of any strength Iwlow wxslern price" , and u-ar- ranted just an good 'at wholesale anil retail. Send for price list. ERNST KREBS , tflhPlm Mvavcr B. A. FOWLRR. J AJIKS H. EcOIT FOWLER & . SCOTT , | i Designs for buildings of any deeerlntlon on 1exlhibitionat | ourolEco. .Ve have had over 20 years experience In designing and eupprlntond ID < pubho bnlliliufr and re-iidoncc1 ? . Plans and estimates furnished on short notice. IlftOW S PVlfW nr.onK n > 20-Bm _ Machine Works , ' J , F , Hammond , Prop. & Manager The moat tlioronzh appointed and corrplct Machine Shopf and Founcln In the state. Castings of ei ery deacription manufactured. Engines , Pumps and o\ cry class o mochinerj made to order. Special attention clven ; to Well AuKiirsPnIlcTF , Ila Shafting , Bridge Irons , Gcer etc. ' PtanafornowMachlnory.Mcachanlcal Draught Ing , Models , etc. , neatly executed. Haraev St. . Bet. 14 * and MUSIC , GERNiAN&FRENCH MADAM MENDON , WHOcomta to Omaha h ch'y ricommendea og an accomplished Ic cher of mu-ic , German and French , 11 desirjus ot tecunng a elm In either of tnesu brancho. She will open a school shortly , but forthr prcsant p rtio5 can address her at .Max Meyer > t Bro.'a music storo. lesn-tf la'2a day at homo eartly mn'.lo.Coetly /inrttHfrfM. AiMrcm TranAPn PnrtUnd. Ma THE OHLY PUCE WHERnTcU can find a gocd S3ortnci't ot BOOTS AHO SHOES At a LOWER PIBVRE than ot any other shoo house In the city , P. LANG'S , 236 FARNHAM ST. LADIES' & GEN TS- I tr es [ SHOES IV1ADE TO ORDER' d a perfect fit guaranteed. Pricca vrv reason PASSENGER _ AC .OM PDATION _ LINE ' OMAHAAND'FORTOMAHA C'ouaccts With Street Cars Corner of SAOvDliRS aod HAMILTON STREETS ( End of Red Line ) M follows LEvVE OviAHA. , 6305.17 and 11 lOa m ,3 03.5 37and7.Mp m. , LEAVE FORT UMAUA , 7:15 a m . 0-15 a m , and 12:45 : p rn -1.00 , 8.15 and 8:15 : p. m The S 17 a. ra run , Ic to omiha , * nd tha 4.GO p. a run , leaving Fpit Omaha , ars usna'Jy ' loaded to full capifitr with re ulir passengers. The 6 17 a. in ruivjll be made from tha post- offlci , corner of Dodte and 15th anrehU - Tickets Cin te procured from meet car drir- > era , or from d ivera of hac'tg. , FAKE , 23 CENTS , INOLUDLVG STREET OAR. tf CHARLES RIEV/E , ! / ! I 1 IU I H B3 IK I 1 k I lletilic dss , Ccfllae , Cisttt ; , Shrouds , tt. . , Famhani Street , Eat : w fsb. 1 Telegraphic Orders Promptly Attended To/ A. F. RAFERT & GiO t. t . Contractors I VJUlltl and - . - - , rs , Fiss Wcod"-ntfc a Specii ty. \ Agents for the Encaustic Tijiu I lain nnnnn RT . mrim f . /1IVIL , MECHANICAL. AKD MISIKC. EN. : I lo GISEEc.Daatth9Re ( _ = s-eberolvte\hnit , Institute , Troy , > , . Y Tha oU t ; lshool Is AsE i Nsrt 4si b& ' t = & ns Sip : C ; ; ber IJth. Tis V. r.5tsr icr lii S-taci ! i ; Tnii ttjji ; 9fi a ; , 1 Dectcr. . ecd BAHKIVC HOUSES- OLQ Sr ESTABLISHED. IN NEBRASKA. CALDWELLHAP ILTONCO 'nnsacted same aa that of an Incor porated Bank. Accounts kept In Currency vt gohl subject to tiibt ; check without noiico. Certificates of depcs'-t Issued parall * in thrw , fix aod tweho months , bearing interMt , or on demand without interest. Adjnccs made to ruitomera cu approved se- curriuj at market rates uf Interest. Euj and sell zold. bills of e chanjo GoTern- mt'iit , Stat * . Cjun'y aint Clt } Bonds. I'riw S-ht Drifts on Fn land , I.lan > l , Scot- lam ! , and all parts of Europe. Sail K iropcau 1'assaee Tlckrls- fiOLLEGTIOHS PROMPTLY MADE. augldtf U. SDEPOSITORY. . Cor. IStli and Farnfioni Streets , OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. SORS TO KOUXT2E HK03. , ) ISTtBUMIBD l.S ISStl. a ; X tioml B\nk , August tO , 1 Capital and Profits OverSSOO.OOO . SccialIyauthorIzcUbythe Secretoryor Treasury torectiie Subscnption titths U.S. 4 PER GENT. FUHDED LOAN. OFFICERS AND DlBECfOIlS Kou > rzs , PreeMent. irsTcn Kon.NTZij , Vice Presidtnt. II. W. Y M. achler. A. J. forrtETO.s. Attorney. Joa A. CR IOHTO.I. r. II. DIMS , Aaa't Osshier. This bank rccu\es deposit without regard to amounts. Isiues time certificate ? bearing : Intereit. Ira s drafts on Sin V ancuco and principal cltltJ of the United States , alsj London , Dublin , Edinburgh and tha principal dtiis of the contl neutof turcpe. Eel opjasis ' , " ticke'3 for Emigres m thu In- man line. rniylitt ESTATE BROKER Geo. P. Bern is1 ESTATE AGENCY. 15th d : Douglas Sii.t Omaha , Neb. Thia azency does STRICTLY a brokerage bcil. ncea. Doc-j nctspecuUte , and therefore any bar * galn3 on lia books aio Insured Io lie p-tron , In of belnir srobhln ! up by tb e agent _ HOGGS ifc HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS A'o.Ji S Farnham Strut OMAHA - NEBRASKA. Cffico Nor'1 ! Side opp. Grand Central Ilotfl. Nebraska Land Agency. DAVIS & SNYDER , 1005 I'arnhnm tit. Omal < a , Ntbr. 400OCOAORESc3rerulh E elei-teJ lonil InKatUra Mfbra ka for sale. 'Jrcat Barg-iin * in Improved farm : , and Omaha cttyprop rty 0. F. D \ VIP. WEBSTEK SSYDER , [ Jt land Coni'r U. P. R. H- 4p IfbTtf DTHOM KEEO tKWl * RJED. K.rroii Uecd A o , , UUIESri3TABUl21 > HEAL ESTATE AGENCY Keep ft comnlete abftraut of tttlo to all Real Eptale in Ouuhi mid Douglas County , majltf HOTELS- THB ORIGINAL. Cor. Randolph St. & 5th Ave. , OH1CAGO ILL. PRICFR KEDUC-ED TO S2.00 AND S2.50 PER DAY Locitcd in tha business ccnt'c , con\emcnt to p1 0'8 of amusement , tlciran ly turn rhed , lontainmir all nuKicrn improvements , peeaengrvr o ! alor , .e. J II. Cl JIMIXI.S , Iroprictor. oclOtf J Cor. M.1UKET1ST. d ; BKOADH'AY C'onncil BIufTs. Iown < On line oj .Slrtt * Kallwiy , Onmibtn 'o nd from all trains. 11ATE3 Parlor tl J3.00 per day ; pcoond floor , 32 W ) pcrdij ; third floor , JJ.OO. The best furnished anJ mnjt com odinus lionss Irrtlieut > . QEO T. 1'HELVS , Prop. ILITAN OUAIM , NEB. JllA WILSON PROPRIETOR. The Metropolitan ii centrally located , and first o'Hf ) in eve > j r ? p ct , having recently bcra entire1renova'H Tlie public iil find It a ccmlortablo and hcmeliko hous . mar6tf. Sebuylcr. ' " ia : doss House , Good Meals. Good B d Airy Roomi" , and kind and accommodating treatment. Twijjood cample rooms. 8p cia attention paid to commercial travelers S. MILLEE , Prop. , BlStf Schuyler , Neb. "FRDNTiERHOnL , " Laramie , Wyoming. Tha miner11 ! resort , good accomtnoditlonf , arse sample room , charge ! rea un bl . tfpeiUI ittentlon given o traveling men. 11-tf II C. HILLIVRD. I'rnprletnr. INTER-OCEAX HOTEL , . Cheyenne , Wyoming. . Depot. Katea il. SO n < l ? 3-00 , an.ordu . to rooia ; 9 nglo meal 75 ufnt' „ „ A l > Bjitcolt ANDREW BORDEN-'Cniei CIr * . mlO-t HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line of Steamships . i-5 vi2 ? Syr York Every ThJrUy &f 2P = For V * England , France aad Germany. Fcr Passage app'y to G , B. RICHARD & CO. , General pj eDg9j Agesta , Juno2My 61 arnafl ay. New ToriC . . U. 11. BE S.1IEK , GQMMISS10H MERCHANT Carpetings I Carpetings I E Old Reliable Carpet House , 1405 DOWLAS STEEET , BET. MTH AND 15TH I3ST 1868. ) Carpets , Oil-Cloths , Matting , Window-Shades , Lace Curtains , Etc. MY STOSK ! S THE LARGEST IN THE WEST. I 3ake a Specialty or WINDOW-SHADES AHO LAGE CURTAINS And hayy a Full Line of Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet- Lining Stair Pads , Crumb Clothes , Cornices , Cornice Poles , Lambrequins , Cords aud Tassels ? In fact Everything kept in a First-Class Carpet House , Orders from abroad solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed t or Address John B. Detwiler , Old Eeliable Carpet House , OMAHA. INDUSTRY The Only Lithographing Establishment in Nebraska JERQUE RAOHEK. Proprietor. OMAHA BEE THOOBAFHINO COMPANY. G Drafts , Checks , Letter Bill and Nute Headings , Cards , Bonds , Certificates of Stock , Diplomas , Labels , etc. , done in the best manner , and at Lowest Possible Prices. . PRACTUAL T. OMAHA FOITIGK , V _ House Furnishing Uoods , Shelf Hardware , Nails and Etc. IJJgiFarnbam Street. Isc Poor Bast First National Bank. IF. o. iMoRGrAisr : 1213 Farnham Si , Omaha. ' SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. , PORK AND BEEF PACKERS Wholesale and Retail in FRESH JIBATS& PROVISIONS , GAtlE , POULTRY , FISH , ETC. CITY AND COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglas Bt. Packing House , " Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. R. R. H V. BLATZ'S EUAUKEE BEER1 In Kegs and Bottles , Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reaeonabla Prices. Office. 239 Douelas Street , Omaha. HOME TESTIMONY. Hear what Ex-Mayor G rv y , an laflnsntia ind prominent citizen of PJII , eti : Pi9W , 0 , J5 c raber 27,1 = 73 The D * . BosiSEoMiD CWB Co , Plqua , O.s GntTLiHHS 1 f el under nunr oblations to joa for tha relief afforded ra ly ths usoo'jour ftfuabl * medicine. Dr. Bownko's Rheumatic ' iia I hav b n for many ea' a mflerer ii m Chronic Rbeamatiam. tuQetln ; at tlmar excruc : .tin piln , and deprtvlc ? mo of many nights' le p. After coniultin ? annmb i ot phTBlcUns and obulalnz no relief. 1 com menced tuin ? your Pheumitio Cur and aftoi uslnjf four bottle * , and taking tha Blood Purifier In connection with it , I n aMolulelyeured.rree from any pain , ble to attend to ray btu J rtstic ; perf * . tly coaforubls at nw . Kespwtfuliy year * . S. B. OARVI FRSS Dr. cnntc'e Trtatua on turn end fituiiiit en arfltcnt'X'i. Addieta The Dr , Bosanko Medicine Co. ' OHIO. c. P : < Azant. Osuha. J. O. " > 7'A'POB. , MERGHANT TAILOR Capitol Ave , , Opp. PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR. OTIKC PcT.eiiA3i. > ' > AVD Dirar ) Onuha. Neb . Jalf 28. 13 # > t B * I ' proposiln in dupllato , ( ubjeot to th u nil condi'ioni. f 11 be recwmdat ihli ofl.n until I o\Io'k a m. , on August 21st. 1S30. at Tblch time and cac ! tber * ill bu or n l ta ' p. ; s ne of bidden for fumlthlnz acd'd Uvtrr. at theiubkls' nce wuebonw In this cliy , 3li birrils cf 8 mr. Tob-mideofKo. 1 r rrtag nh t , half hard , baU of orOd-fsa. Ta b t J before grtad Inif nJ mltt'l to nllla ! . To b biga ? rouad. Th b rro s to b * of tb b t qnallty nv and i'rcDzwell co'p-r-J wltb hickory hps , fully b'ulliae-J SoBiaebln * m d b rrel < will fc a pt d. C mp' cf flour tob * S"nt fa with r ipes i , and mil to b delir * * 1 br October 3th lb go erncent rrve th ? rf < ht to r j ct any o'allprop j-ls blank prop ; 3 1 and lull mfor nitlon as to iho maiour of olddlo . c-ndtloai ! to b-s ob ? - ed by bidders and tonns cf contra - and parent , * 11 bo furnlahed on application to \ tbu office En" lopeg containing prop U % j ( should be marked "PropoMl * forfonr , " " - ' l THOH 43 TVILSOW , Caps , isd C. 3. jj < iy _ _ _ 31. K. KI5DO\ , General Insurance Agent , REFREBEMS FECE > nXAS3CRAX''S 'O.of tea- don. Cash Asset ! . . .tB.lOT.lT * ESTCUEST K. IT. T. . Capital. . . 1 Wcoj TH lIeRCHArSot e A rleN J. , I.COO.OC' GIKVF.n FIREPD"idIphjCapltiI. ! 1,000,003 KORTHWEST KN K-a- JfSWijtS S22S DiE. GO. . . 'Vr.P.TOl ? CEI.1JLiX.lgr . 325o Scatissat Ccr. e ! S-Jaestt & Dai3 ! St. . = c 3diy OHHA.HSB. v