VOL. X. OMAHA , JNEBKASKA , MONDAY. AUGUST 2 , 1880. IsT0. 36. Established 1871 , MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents THE BOSS BUTCHERS. A Chain of Evidence Estab lishing the Identity of the Dodge County Pris oners. Old Man Be-ider Identified by a Man Fami iar W.th Bis Packing HOUJ--O aud Himself. "Young John With His Wife Children and a Strange Woman , PaeEBd Through Omaha Last Thursday Morning. A Description of the Whole Outfit , NOA in Iowa. Some years rgo a certain wayeido house in a lonely re : > ion on Agreeso creek , sixteen milt a northeast of In dependence , Kineas , Jind on tbo pub lic road leading fiom that to Oeagc , Miss"uri , ivas tbe scene of a series of murders , scarcely c uiled in tbe an- nalj of crime. The bouse wan about 12il6 feet ; there were no rooms on'y as div dcd ly canvass curtains ; there ww B garjet up stairs ; there was a email utrden : iud a p ach orchard of nb iut threj acrja near the house sy 100 yards away. There \vvro no'cat- tlf , bus o : > e c w and two horses. Tuere was no ttal > : e or outbuilding < m the preiuisss. tbp horses bumg picketed out or tied in thev > gm rend about t'OO y ds from tbe huuso. Such was the borne and sur roundings if the infamous Bender familyjConsisting of old Juhn Bender , his wife Kita , mid their eon John and his TCjfe. It was generally n dcnto din the neighborhood that the Benders'was hoadijuatt _ ra for hi no thieves mid h rd chsrdc'ors , and at length BUFp-eions of even wortc character actor were an.nserf. In 1873 , Dr. York , of Kansas , a brother of SUto Senator York , rays- terion ly disappeared while on a busi ness trip through the country , end nn ( inves ijatnui of tiio mystery by the lattir rciultcd it- the unuarthing of a private bur ; ing ground on the Bender T7hore d' dead b d.cs including pl-ici , a ' ECU ( , cluding that of the mituinu Dr. York , were uifiutrrred. The Benders hud fled a few days previously havai. ; been alarmed by the firou of one of their Visitors to h > ve the hnuao searched , and eluding all smirch were supposed to have disappeared forever. A few days nines it uii announced that an njjed couple had been arrested by Sheriff Greg. ; , of Dudje ; county , on the supposition that they were the in iquitous old John Bender and bis wifo. They were taken to ja 1 and j locked vp in separate cells and search begun fur the rest of the family , mid to be pissing through the state by a d fft-rent rend , and tor proof to estab lish the Identity of t ie prisoners. Although the news of the ar v rest of the Bendera was re ceived with considerable increduli ty , as iium ° roui persons had been ur- rested and diseased at intervals for several years , yet e chain of evidence was constructed link by link which nose ECtms ij It-ave no doubt that the inhuman butchers have at last come to the end of their rope , and that the wlulo outQt will bo in the h -naa uf ju t'CO verys > ou. In ad dition to tie ! cucums'auces stated below - low , a Mr. Hocr au. fur the psnt 3-1 y nw a res'd nt of Fremont , b t fur two yeira prior 10 July Idn 1873 , a peighb r uf tbo Bendtr f in ly , and engaged in hca'dmtf cait c KB * than a in 1 f > "i their h uslua mdo'nitifd tha old mm as Jonn B : ntt r und gos the woman to ttd.nu the fust , faho denies that she is Kate B h'-wev r n- der and say * tha Utter died in 1870. Thtro are other circumstances point- in ; ; to the probabdi y that this is no ewe of mistaken indenty and tint in addition to furthering the ends of justice , somebody will fall heir to about § 25,000 the amount of out standing rewards , $11,000 of which is on old man Bender alone. Sir. Dan Congdon who wai the prime mover and leading actor in the arrest of the allcgod John Bender and 1 his wife culled at this office Sunday morning , and furnished us the follow ing particulars of the capture which wo will give in. bis own language : About dark on the nichtofJuly 20th an old man and an old woman citne to my house at llichland , Colfax county , and asked for lodgings and something to cat. 'It you haven't any supper for us , ' said hey , 'give ui v plsce to 1 o down. " I showed them out to the hay-mow. When I opened , the barn door the old woman kind of i pulled back , as if afraid. I asked hdr what sha was afraid of. She said thtra might be eome trap or hole there. I left them and my neichbnr , Wra. Herndon , who lives about 100 yards from the barn , came around shortly and took them home with him. He gave tbom supper and broakfaet next morning. After supper at Herndpn's , the ola man said , 'By the way , is there any talk of this Bend < * r murder now ? ' Hprndon said 'No , not much.1 The old man ra'd'lined to know them Benders ; stopped at their house many a time. They killed one mm and wife and buried their two children alive. ' In saying they , the old man , by a slip of the tongue , stidtrv. Then he went on to describe the canvas wall , from behind which the fital blow was BtrucU , and how nice Kate used to do the woik. Then he talked about the California ! ! who came there in the evening and asked what nmellcd so. Kato said it was roaat meat. If ho had stayed there that night ho would have been done for. But he gave them a warning by threatening to have the house searched. If ho hadn't threatened they would all have teen captured in the honso. ' The old map said that he rent south with the Benders that night to the railroad , where ho and the Benders parted. Next day when I heard this story I started af ter them and to make a sure thing I went for Sheriff Gregg , of Fremont , knowing he had the sand iu him. We lef Fremont at 10 o'clock the night of the2l6t. Thinking I'd find them at Sogera' Siding we got off there , 56arejed. ell around thai eid& trsck trjriout euopefs. Took ths nwt train for Schuyler and got there at 3:45 in the morning of the 22d. Hir-da livery rg of Jim Hughes and got track of tne party at old man Dixou'a grove. Wo patsed them by there and went on to North B nd. Drove back to Mr. Y < rk's. We were going to make thearreat there , but Itt them walk on aga n. Took tnera un and gave them a r de it'lo ' Ni.rt Bend. On the way the old mail CTai curmg iha Mrmona juid prct mod hi hai od f.om the Niubrara c Untry. We put : our teims iu the b-rn th < fo. TLey sat al t le whiic in trout of D Unn te Purceh'a stire and then we vr lKed down the track and thy walked down the road to the eli ranch , forty rods from town.Vemarhtd out on the road and commanded old man Bender to tsrow up his hinds. Sheriff Grfgg put irons on him and the old woman. He said he waa not old Bender r.nd denied hav ing said anything about She Bendera at Kichland or ever kn > wn them , and said he never was in Kansas in his life. When we sskcd his name he turned around to his wife and askoi 'whats that ? ' She sdd 'McGregor' and giid she , * uvy name is Nsncy Me- "We brought them down to Fremont that day , and the next day at Schny- ler. I heard there were throe more in company with them , supposed to bo young John Bender , Kate Bender and a young woman about 22 , whose name is unknown. I didn't g < vo tba : any credit until I went and investi gated the matter by secreting myself , f i air davs after the at rest , in the jail where I heard the ft llowing conver sation between the old uitui and old woman : Old Man Oh Kate ! Tin o < i raps on thefl" or with feet. Old Alan He's caui ht asjain this time. ( Meaning John Isuppise ) . Kate Bow doy < uknow he's lonk ? How do you know but he baa followed them. ' OH Man That's EO ! Did ihat felloiv com" back that was hero tins morning ? ( Mranini ; the j ilor ) K ts No. I didn't too him since dinner , and the less wo have to do with letter writiut ; and lawyers , the better. OH Man Do you think he's not taken. Ivatn No , he wont south from the railroad the las : I fictn of him. lie did not go wcit. Old Man What are they talking abouf , Ch'.rry Vale , Montgomery county , Kansas' ' Ka'o It was not there. I don't . know tthoroMon'gouiery county is in Kansas. Do you. ' ' Od : Man I do. How dc you feel ? . I ff el as if I lud gotto d-e. Kate You feel as if you were g - - log to thetlaiightcr houso. Old Man Damn the luck ! 1M he hanged. Kate You had hotter blame me for b itjff caught. 0-d Man No I don't. Kato , what did lie say ( meaning the shorilT. ) Kate Why ho said wo t\ero not married. OJd Man 1 wish that letter came from Springfield , III. Kate It would do you no good as j you are delected and and ho says they will hang you. I will go back to Jack sonville , 111 , when 3Tou are hung , Jf 1 had stayed iu Wisconsin and been [ buried with my child they would have you but not me. Old Alan Hell ! Hang me and not yea ? Well , that letter will got rae otst. otst.Kate Kate That letter is no good , you , nro detected. Old Man Not unless you have told thorn something. Kale No , I did not tell them any thing. Old Man Do you think they will let us po to-morrow when they got that letter ? Kite No , the reward is too b'tj. Ola Man What did the sheriff tay Ktte Ho said you were solid. Old Man In what way. Kute 1 hat vnu are Bender. Old Man Bender bo d d ! lam Ales. McGregor now. The bt-et way is to h ive the trial hero , for it would bo a bad job if they took us to Kan sas. sas.Kato I should say tt would. ! At this juncture I entered the cell to interview Kate and told herl would start for Kansas the next day and that I was afraid of being mobbed in Kansas City. Kate Do you think there is any danger going through Kansas Citj ? I eaid there was. KateI'd like to wait for a letter from Illinois. Old Man ( to Kate ) You are the one nt fault for telling so much at llichland the other niuht. Kate No , you gave yourself away. You done all the Inking yourself. Old Alan You told something. Kte-yl told them nothing ; I nor- er told lie in my life. Old Man I know you are going back on me , but never mind. You told him you wanted lo co to Illinois. 1e Yon might as well go to Kamas aa one is as bad us the other. Kafe No , I told him I wanted to get a ktter from Illinois btforc ctait- ing.Old Old Man I feel as if I was going to hang.Here Here a conversation took place about the alleged ghost of Dr. St. Louis , who was to have been hung at Wahoo , but who killed himself in the Fre mont jail , which his spirit Is eaid to haunt. On Thursday after getting a meanro detention of young John Bender , Kate and the other woman. I started for Omaha. I went to the ferry and the ferryman told me ho had seen such an outfit cross at 11 o'clock Thursday , answering all the descrip tions except having four or five children. To make sure about the children , I went back to Fremont that night and tried to find Sheriff Gregg but could not find him. I en tered the jail and told Bender , I had Kate and John arrested at Omaha and , by the way , I said , to the old man , how many children has this Kate bad. ' The old man said four. Said I to the old man , Kate says that you done all the slecgiug in the inur ders from behind the cinvaes trail Old Man She's a liar she's the one that done it. | jgl started back to Omaha Friday and cro sed to tbe Blafts on the trans fer but found no traces except tht thej- were seen on Broadway. I to Neola and found a man there who said he met such an outfit Thursday evening as he W < JB goinc to the circus at the Bluff * . I went froiS Neola to Avoca and after informing all the of ficials there about it. I gave up the nasrch. That ends my iftesa days tramp. &re within a radius of 25 mi ! t from & uu- j cil Eluffa. Tfte deaciip'i n3 n ar as can ho found ouf , ia cs 10 lowAn : ' I old three spr ng wagan , not sure whether covered or not. An o d priy : horse and an uld hay , thobsy impposed tobe < n the oft side. T o dirty chd women , one of them Kate , about : 44 , not red hi a fed but win sandy hair. The other em't be d sctiofd S'-e is < fired um * ize , hge about 1 i2. ! Y uiu Jo ui Ko"dr n I u i ipofe.l to ha > ' 0 anvutuhe at.d linht fide whisk s W.nii 1. st seui had a cow-b y'a hut in. In ti e wug- on : were a lot f dirty cli.ldiuu , oniii- . b.ri ot known. They are travel H.J underthauirao of J < hn McGregor , Maggis McGrepor and Miry McG.esj- or. They eay they are going to vinous - ous plici-s , the l.iit they i-ad they were bound for b-.ing Coutral Iowa. Amen the i IAC-S thej'nrij going to are Jacksonville , I'lf. ' , i'le'port , l-l , Sprinnfield , JU , M-Gr < g r'sL-nd n r , Praiiie du Ohionu , Wi * , Spiiugti Id , 111. , and eomi'times they say York s'a > r > . Tiiey cUnu thny hail from I In Niobrara cnuntry or Uta * > and last of all they are Kamas iiiilercrs from Nos/b-.v.-stori : Ktuisas. QAEDENOITY'S GBEATHES3. The Stewart Executives Per fecting Place for Vatt Edu cational Interests. Special dlspitch to Tbe Uco. NLW YOIIK , August 1 10 p. in. Sonie of the iiiiitiy n > il i ! s oi dt > iura ! left by the IHIO A. T. S owart r.ic to dvVtd to a vety wortliy /nt purpi sd auii in a u-uiini-r that will perpgina ! ! ! tno memory of tHe duad mou aiii p in e fur all time. G irden City Long la and , which owes iis origin to the t-nterpri-e and liber ality ot tha d-y g' oJa inicluut , is to bo nude t y Mis. Siewnrt and Jir go Hiti ! > n , as cxecutora t f A. T. Stewart , Qihe g et'C3t cccl siastual and educati > ml c-ntre cf tti s cui.tinent , if not iu the worlJ. No such provision was made in A. T. Se art's will , al though the dccotst-d often api.ko of the undertak ng. The executors of Siowart's w.ll decided to erect male and female coihgea in the im.ncdiatu vicinity of Stewart's Epsopal cathedral , nearly fiuitlud in t ) c Garden C ty. | 'J h-j ta imated coat f il.e mt.t tiua and their ei doniyntould r nch tie sum of $4,000,000 Onu cf ihe nule and femuld suhuola is alrt-ai y uuciir ] way and the ruma ndbf xvill be co-n- mcnced and cjn plet das nejtfirj n- juires. The cu lego < r coileg s n ! ! I'O the la'ge I in Airuca V lulu Lo ingii'ii-tet nan mca .rACitr tverj ftcalty will be afforded f r ecdesiaat- cal and STular cdncilion at mcro'v nominal c s , ih um per Miuuni f ; r day EC * o ar * who 1 ve in u j ic. nt cit ies of Br..t.klyn and lt'W Vol.in , chiding trsvenn3 osjionEt- , n- ! . ex ceeding § 100 , and probably a good deal It-s. Stidcmeb"a > xh ! > g at ttsc etiiuti'in nmy expect of cotitae , tu pay more. , ELECTHID BRiEFS. s to The Si Louis , J.u3-a t 1 , 10 r > . m Whit is to to kin vvu as thu St. Louis trott'ug club has been uruns d with Cha-loi L. Hun. a < pr o diit : u d5 0 Clark Etc o nry. Tiie ric-a o ! t is assou-itinn will ba Ironed in tracli of tie jocacy ciuo. DAYIOS , 0. , .4 ! ! U5t 1. Tlie dem- of ihi < F 'tirth cont-icsssoual yes'ciday itouiinatuil Jno. A. McMahun fc r cong'i-ss , irg his rerouted declari'ions that ho would not bo a candidate. NEW YOKE , July 1 W.Jf Bach , aged fif y , firmer ly H wdthy-iy UO' ' ds morcliiiit , die ! su dtri'ly rrmn her' dietasyeto day i f .ernooa in the Rursian luth house. BAI.TIMORE , Auci-et 1. Mrs. Scl- nn , tt.o upt rating r , wns in-i - ned in 'hoSf. Lmirt E yesterdtyto Dn\id W 1 ca , a ra 1- recd ffi si ot India ap ! s. OrroWA , Ont. , August L II is statuu tfittt the chatter ot th- Toronto & Otiewa railway was n > tbonht by Mr. Goodeian f T the Gr.uid Triink railway , but for Mr. Ynndeibil * , who will ottcmptto secure the purchxseof the Noith Shore road and pnih tie ! i Ton nto & Ottawa road to completion. ! Failing to purchase the North Shore | reid the Nandi-rbilt eyndicato lull attempt to get hold of certain lend railway construc'ions , bnildirg a high level bridge across the St. LiwreucB rivar in ac ordanco with Iha fiecisi' n of the goveinmtiit's last sefsion. CIKCINXATI , August 1. Hon. Stanly Matthews spoke for nearly three houts at u ) ar n meotinsj held in Clifton hall last evening. His speech was in answer to Judge Hoodly , de- liveriid at the aamo plico Friday ovenirg. DEritoir , Mich. , August 1 Oliver Bonn , nn a ed and well known Inrso jockey , tried to burn Litnsrlf to tUath by jumping into a preit refuce bcrn- ing furnace st MuEkcgon Fiiony night ; ho was restrained a d after wards jumped into Like MichigRii and completed the job. WASHIKGTO- , August 1 The de partment of E'.atd ia jmt in receipt of a communication from the Augustus Morris . honorary coniro'.sioner , and adits executive offi ei ' J the U. S. com mission ta tbe Sidney international exhibition , forwarding a compcto ! list of awnHs to a sitt exhibitors. There were 223 exhibitors from thtj country . and 223 awards made to them. QUEBEC. August 1 Shortly after nine o'clock Saturday morning her highness princess Louisia left for Eng land in the stcamsh p Polywick. Weston's ti\s \ Walk. SpwiJ Dbpatcb to The Bee. PROVIDENCE , August 2 , 'J a. m. At 1 a. m the 5th iu the aeries of the Haverly EnsJohardt pedestrian tou n- amcnt opoiied in this city. Tha pi in- cipal feature ia Edward P. " attempt to beat : sy six days ice' r.l yet made. While We5ton i spiui ing around the track on his long journey thort races wiU be engaged in , by profetsionalg and atna eursT A Life for a Trunk. DuLtTH , Mirn. , August 2 , 1 a. m. The Foly hn ling occupied for bus iness houses aid residences was { burned early Saturday miming. Lofa. | about SojOOO. Seven'een persons i sleeping in the upp r stories were cut off from escape by the stairs and htd ; to jump from the windows , several l being injured. A Ijrgnchnian nisied I " * * - - -d Cfrillfrd .tried to save his ; wd was burned tv d3tb , EVENTS. , < A Fata ! Fever Rapidly Thin ning the Garrison at Candahar , GLADSTONE ILL. Sp"c'a' Dispatch lo fho Bee. LosnoX , Ang st. 2 1 a. m. Prcn ier GLuM-jno was ur.ab'e to at- und | t cc binet council Satn-d y ow i g < > having contracted a teveie old * h ch yesterday had devel"pod intec c c ii es'ioti of the base of the left i luiu jn I bo ia c mfinsd to his bei. j At iu d iiaht the doctors in at'oid- ' ! i aiice bpon 3Ir. GlatltiUno were much I ota-ipLointcd nt iho increase of the j fever. ' Dr , Antirew Clarke will v < > - , m-iu all night at Mr. GladsU no's bed- LETFEll rUOM AFUUANISTAN. Special dispatch to The Bes. LoKOoy , August 2 , 1 a. m. The Marquis ofllpju , viceroy of Iiulii , I. k plied h-om Sim ! . : yiatorday thSi Gen. JJurrnvTS wi'.h the remnai.ts of h.s fi-rco Kivo arrived at Caudnhar. Ayoob Khan r.mained on the La'tle lit1 d .11 , d did not atti nipt a pursuit as I i < trrops had ht en bidly handled. The Uiiiish still occupy the city , only a t art of the forces having retired to thu citaibl. EXGLAXI/S bTKOXG .MAN. A disf atch from Bombay says the Intlii'i newspapers are mxioua that Sir G.irnet Wuolrf-l .y ba appointed ti c chief cuiimmd : of India na Gin. Hiii ci infprea : no confidence and it 1.1 Ix 1 cvcd n strong man ia indnpen- aible. BLACK. Whose Iondno23 for Notoriety Hnd Him in a Murderers' Gull. 'tcial Dispatch to T o Dec. WASHINGTON' , Augmt 1 1 a. m. fi'rtthc-y Lee ( .olur o ) who has been held on suspicion of murder , was re- iy upon official informa- that the real murderer had bren caught and had cufo : ) = sjd. The facts cm , i octed with hia areat are of un- ii'Ut.l in'e CJt. pomtinu out the dun- crf i f to < > great a d sre : for notoriety. 1 1 , appear that Henry Willmma was mt ' raored rcc9iit'y at Bwliisg Crcok , V'a , oy Rri nnknoon uian. who 01- c pe I. Several cinys later Williams' tiic : s.ot ( ut t r this ti'y to notify the pol cc , raitl when the steamer , on K h ch nhe t" ( > k pi's g i stepped at a pi c calel Sto.art'a LTiiiiing , Lse got ab 'Wid. O'i 'h ' > i r-i s.i e LJO en- ier < id in i > convir-a ion and riorescnt d to ih-5 wo'iian tlixthe was a fugi ivo fr < m jiistica , having nearly killed a man in a light. This aroused the wmr.aii's KUf-jucioni and she turned L'o "Vi r to Iha police upon her ani- val here. There boinj no teletjraphic co-i.miinication wi'h Bo'.vlini ; Creek , a lo'trTTSS cent 'ii'i'iunci c Lee's ar- rtt nd I-o wn held itnt 1 an answer nas received. During ihe day an an- flcir-nivtd. : tnd during his detection no drc'art'd his - but mno-unuo , con- fc'sud to bcincf a mgitivo fcr assault- irg 4111011. Tno ustj.iijlt , however , he h 1 1 , w a i'0 * ceo i uo uffiir , nnd oc- c'i're.1 in King Gcorga county , Yi . lie taid he mit-jn fi-d s ) e crime to the wma ! ) , s tnp'y to n.ake it appear that ho vvaftio'iiothin of importance. The r tly to 'Jielo ' tPr yestordny straight- P' o > trw 'p'sontand explii od fur- tlrri ? .t Lea's fo ra wciu croiindlef s , in ti i rw s no drsirc in K. ng George enmity fir J'is arrest. Ha was set ut 'inert ' v arid 1 lit Lift night , declaring Lo was c ii d of " Treasjr ' F eta and Figures. ] Special di > iutch to The lee. W.\SHIKGIOX , August 1 10 p. m. The e impri 1 er of currency rrpurls the nditiiuinl X.iti > nal Bank circula-1 n'nu i-sued dtiriri the month of July , to be 052 000 ; the amount su'rander- ed or destroyed was 81,000,116 ; showing a n t dccrcnsa during the mouth of July , 83-11,166 The in- cross > of k-ia ! tender notes on de posit for the purpcso of retaining cir- cu'ntion ' duniiR July was $14,875. The incrcaso during the yenr ending Auuustlsr , 1870 , was gC.491,875 ; the amount of legal tender notes now on deposit ia 810,797,233 , the net inoorao of na'.iinal bank no'cs durine the year endincr August 1st , wasSl-i 320 035 ; the total Amount of iHtinal bank notrs out- s'adi.s August 1st , was § 942,816- 772 ; not including national gold bank not s amounting tn 81,336,915. The amount if call bonds still re- mai linff on drp > ait as security for circulation ii 81126,900 of 10-40's .ird SSO.OWof 5-20'a of U per cent , bonds The public debt statement to bo publ'shoi AL nday will show a ro- ductiDii i f t e d. bt for the month of Ju'y < > f ? 3 000,000. Aesi-tant Secre- firy French , of tha tre su > y di-part- tno'it ' , who lies been l id up for sever- ill days with rheumatism , started for Ills honip in Massichnsotts , Monday , to ba absent till tho,20th of Auaust. On the reurn : of Mr. French Secretary tary Sherman will take the atump. Tanner the Faster. Special Disnitch to The Beo. NEW YOUK , August 2 2 a. m. At noon yesterday Tanner entered on th-3 th it iy-Gfth dny of his fact snd frjm his present condition , he is very lilcely to complete aucceEsfully ha : vont'erful tnslr. He dfchned tii's ; visitors and remained in bed i- ity all day. At 3a. m. be was t i 'sed w.th violent fit of vomiting , : : h , for tinio alarmed his watchers. L ; .ng down at 5 o'clock , he slept un til 11 o'clock when ho awoke and re- qui-sted that a wee tow-1 to be placed ' on h's brad , and at 12 o'clock the mcraing pipers were nad to him , and hiirink .1 small quantity of water , whLri h'-wever he failed to retain up on hi . Btomach. Th.s faster then laid his c it and slept until 2:30. : T vei.ty minutes litr the doctor getup up and t-ied to t'rass himself , but [ /Hire ) and laid don tgiin. Shortly afrft 4 o'cloik'Tie comtnainei of be ing c 'Id , and hr d another blenket put on niin , and durirg tto evening he c > n p'aioci of his head and wet clo hea w ro applied to bisj head. A9 o'ch ck he was apparently sound ae-p. ! T o fos'fr vomited at 8:30 : and a iin 3t 10.15 , tf.e lust time ho rctohtd violently and delivered his sti.mach cf a viscid fluid in which a I 3nbot.iac6 mucous membrane was visi- ble. I"ho odorw&s extremely na. jcsnf'ng. He then erov weaker and ast jj that a imj taid plater be applied/ / This w.s tept"oa 11 l.t f < J 7 when his ( tomach wa * in c quiescent wI at3. He thereupon drank tfcree uncrs of corbon c ao < d w.uer. At 11:35 : : he g't UP. nd Jyingdowu was sl-eping srundly a jmidnight. Tw-uty minutes liter he , .telchod Cl mid nl-ly , nnd at 12:40 : ho anoko Cl"I ' < requested the windows to be opened wider. Ar 2 o'cl ick ho was still awake and verv irritable. Two Brothars Run tlieir Lo- comotivea Tng are Killed. Special Dispatch to Tha Bee. KEW YORK , August 2 , lja. ra. A collision , attended with fa alresult ? , occurred < Saturday evening" . , on the Long Island railroad. The scene of ihe disaster was Morris Grove , just * beyond East Now York. The Long Beach trjiu left tlu beach von 'time and t witched four coaches f' Jamaica . . . Hvritches nnd DUt a short distance /rora Morris Grove , a locomotive , with ono car , a local train from Brooklyn , was seen approachim.- in leas than two minutes the two trains collided with a .erritic force , tumbling passengers from their sects. The force of the collision was so great that the eastein bound locomotive was turned com-1 pletely around. Both engineers' jumped with thnir firemen , the engi neers being caught under their loco motives ; John Wolcott was dead hon ivmoved , , and his brother , Henry i \Volci tt , died ehrt'y ' affpr being ta ken to tha depot at Morris Grove , where the ir jured pifsengeis were ta ken iind cared for Conductor Allen had his libs bn-ken ardh injured iu- and four otliers ara seri ously in jured and mniiy moro or less huit. 'Ihe tram from Brooklyn left i ten minutes la'o and should have wait- fid at Wood Havui till tha beach train passed , or e'sa took a siding. Base B-.ll. The f < .Hotting games of baseball ware played July 31st : Special DUpatcli to lux B i. a BOST > .v , August 1 , 10 p. m. Bng 2 , CleveJsnds 7. KB. Cincm-nati5 , Worces- ' to 's 0. : MJE Chicagoa 4 Provi- dence 1. , Trampj Soaa n-.bly Served. Special Dl-utcli ) to Tito Bee. KANSAS CITY , August 2 , 1 a. m.- Two tramps entered the bouo cf Mr. Wilson Stturday eftcrnoon and demanded food. Being refused they made vile proposals und threat- ned rioieuca , and there be'iig no ono in the hi use but M > s. Wilson , lunch was sptodily prepared. While the vaga- bonas wtre fc is ting the old lady qtii- oty ; went i'p stair. ' , procured a gun and coming down "got the drop" on the foragers and quick'y ' regained j os- sessicn of tuoir premises. Ai the tramps \vere running toward the river shtj fired nnd brought one of th m , Andy Johnson , do. vu. Ho ina'ned , however , In c'-mpn-y with his com panion , to gee jVdr tne river , where ate to the Wilsons followed them , and leaping at the thr a. of the wounded man ha lacerated him fearfully fully- A Slculy Bull Fight. Special dispatch to Tux BBK. NEW YOUK , August 1.la. m. ' . much adverdced bull figh iuR took place in the ncflly-ereo ed arena in Harlem yesterday in the presence of 8cvor.il tm usand piopla. Bergh was in att ndaticd with to * r I of his o3i ccra for the purpose of interfering if the amm i'a were _ croc'Iy treated , and aeven'y five puiceiuei ) : were ( here t enf < rca his i rdcrs. There waa no rierd of interfertiice , however , and the entertainment grew very tame. Seven Tirrio * t rmented the ani mi s by ilauntii g tlip r mnntlea in front of ilum but if the bulls chased , thorn too oharply tiey o caned by jumpi-g over the fence outside the nre-m , which , evi ry inataiice , called forth hin-.e.-f m thespectatoiB. There is no EombJancD of u fight iu the ex hibition. A Husband's Devotion. I Dlsoatcb U > Tlic IScc. ' BALT'MOUK ' , August 1,10p.m. J. M. E frenboi k , u grocer of this city , wcntio Holy Cross cemetery , near this city , Piid shot himself in the htad and breaet , and was found lying dead ou the grave of hii wife , who died about two months a < { o. He had frequently said , after his wife's death , to whom ho was devoted , that to bo happy ho would have to blow out his brains. Eeal Eatato Transfers. i. F. Hcins , county treasurer , to Abnor french : t. d. , 120 acres in s. w , s. e. Jsec. 16 , t. 15 , r. 13e. S11.57 also , 14 acres iu n. e. cor. s. w. B. c Jsec. 17 and 33,1 acre in s , e. s. e. } s.c 17 , t. 15 , r. II ) o. 564 54. Abner Prench toFredeiick B. Lowe q. C. d. , parts o. i sec. 17 and w. J ere. 10 , and w. \ B. e. | eec 16 , in eluding Lowe's tirtt addition and sec nnd addition to city of Omaha § 524.01. Emily and J. W. Satterthwait t Frederick B. Lowe : q. c. d. , all o block 8. Lowe's second addition tc city of Omaha 81GO. Annie M. and Jacob Snyder and ! M. McKnight to Fred. B. Lowe , q. c. d. , lot 1 , block 8 , Lowe's second addi tion , city cf Omaha $200. El zP. . and John Evans to Fred B. Lowe , q c. d. , lot 2 , block 3 , Park Place , city of Omaha 8275. Fred. B Lowe to the public , w. d. w(21 ( feet lot 5 and e 45 fret lot 6 block 4. and w 31 feet lots 6 and 25 , and e 35 feet , lots 7 and 24 , bloci 3 , all in Pirk PJaco , Omaha for exten sion of Pleasant street. Frederick B. Lowe to Rt. Rev Jas. O'Connor , w. d. block 8 , Lowe's 2d addition and lots 1,2.3,4,6.26,27. 28. 20 nd 30 , and e 79 feet of Jots 6 and 25 , block 3 , Park Place , Omaha 82.533.34. Frederick B. Lowe to Creiguton College , w. d. of lotJ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 and 8 , and e 109 feet of lotnandwgS feet of lot 6 , all in block 4 , Park Place , Omaha $1,108.95. Savannah N. Cole to Simuel E. Rogers , w. d. , lot 5 , block44 , Credit Foncier addition , Omaha S'200. Homer Holcomb and wife to Annie Dworat , WL d , lot 8 , block 198 , city of Omaha 82,000. Why doaeourselves with nauseat ing medicines , when a purely frnit cathartic wir . , : a you a Fige. i.-y thwn. DOMESTIC DOINGS , Comments v the New Yoik Press 01 the Hanocok- Eoglish Letters , * - The Fasting [ Doctor xBattles Bravely With His Rebell ious Stomach. Rumors of Bishop Feehan'sf Elevation to the Seo- of Chicago. 'CrittCil' ' Comments , pocial DisMtcli to Tlie Boe. , NEW YOHK , July 31 , 4 p. m. The Tribune saya of the letters of accep- ince : "Hancock's is dignifiedcourt- ous and moderate , but it advocates doctrines which democrats do pot practice ' , * BlthoDgh they'profoss. It P'ci criticises sharply the financial hart ciai and compircs his acceptance of the results of thb war with Hancock's en dorsement cf the platform of 1863 , which demanded the immediate re storation ! of rebels and rebel states to . . ' their rid places. Mr. English's letter s denounced i\a undignifiedcheap and trivinl. The Times says : "Hancock's let ter is liight , trivial , and contains nothing worthy of serious criticism. " The Herald comments on the fact that Hancock's letter makes nn ref erence to the electoral f.tiud of 1870 , and says its best point is in its clet > r recognition of the fact that the war is over. The Harald says of Mr. Eng lish's letter that "he touches the fraud Issue badly and cot freshly , and ban altogether made a loud and clumsy response.1 Tha Sun saya : Hincc'ck's ' letter is rather a statesman-like document to . emanate from a mere aoldicr. It is as . broad and comprshensivo SB the conti- n nf , but Gun. Hancock makes 01 e mistake , bespeaks cf all clftfH3 of cur _ people. A true democrat ought to know that we have ouly one clats in the country. Wo suppose Mr. Tildm would not write a letter for any one but himself. The World lays the contrast be- two2ii the letters c f Hancock and Garfield - field will strike the moat careless and indilieient of men. Hancock's is the letter of a man who speaks l.ia o n mind nnd shows clear and positive opinions about our system of govern ment. The W < nl also ccmp'imcnt& Hancock's rejogniticn that thu war issues aia things of the patt , end asya of Euglish'a letter that it Si R cleir prounta'ion of democratic doctrines. The Star applauds the let'.er of both of the candidates ? s f-iirly expressing democratic doctrines as being direct and clear enunciations of the princi- l Jss of the party. fipec'al Dlspitch to Tha Boe. Sr. Louis , July 31 4 p. m. The Post , commenting on Gen. Hancock's letter of acceptance , asya : "The pub lic will read Hancock's letter ol ac ceptance this morning with profound satisfaction. It meets all the require ments of the occasion , leaving noth ing fcr the most exacting to demand. Tno opposition press will find nothing in his letter that can be successfully assailed , founded en theeo democratic truths on which tbo party has stood from its birth imbued with that pat riotism which General Hancock's life and character has BO signally il'us- trated , it appeals with irresistible force to the mind and heart of the people. It will quicken their love for . the union and their devotion to the constitution. The Republican publishes iho let ter without comment. A Singular Accident. Special Dispatch > o the I rf. GKEEI-SBORO , 2T. C. . July 31,1 a. m. A shocking accident occurred near Sttveville thia morning. Mr. Jack Oraddock , with a brother , broth er-in-law and nephew , were walking along in single fa'Io in a narrow patb , when a tree fell , instantly kOl 112 Craddock , mortally wounding Drury Mai tin , his brother-in-law , and proba bly his nephew , and painfully injuring his brother , who is the only ono left to tell the fate of hia companions. Bishop of Chicago. Special Dispatch to The Beo. NASHVILLE , Tenn. , July 31 It ia reported here that Bithop Feohan will , in a few dhys , receive the official doc umenta from Rome transferring him from the diocese of Tennessee to Chi- cazo. Bishop Feahan has not yet re ceived such notice. ThomaB' Trip. Special Dispatches to Tua BXE CHICAGO , Augustl , lOp. m. Prof. Cyrui Thomas , of Carbondale , III , a member of the United S'ates ento- mologicdl cornmicsion , has returned from a professional tour in Minnesota , Dakota and Manitoba. Heeports an | immense acreage of wheat in thcsa rsgions and in excellent condit on. The beat wheat WES in the James river country. He found little or no dam age to the crop from chinch bu r or grasshopper ? , which he attributes to the moisture of tha season. He be lieves that grasshoppers can be exter minated by the settlement of the country and forest culture , which will bring moisture and fertility. Tha ; grasshoppers thrire the best en dry prairie. MAFHETSII1 TELEGRAPH. Chicago Produce. CHICAGO , July 31. Wheat No. 2 , 90c for cash ; 00c for July ; rejected , nominal ; No. V red , 92ic. Oats Lower ; No. 2 , 23c for cash ; 23c for July ; 22 c for August and September : rejectoi , 20c , Rye Lower at 72s. Barley 63Q70c for No. 2 Porfc-SsmiDally ac 613 7 5l5 Sa far Auflx tj § 15 fO for S Lard 72.1 fr cosh ; 7 2.VJ7 27A for August ; 7 31H f ir September. Bulk M-aN She : hlrr < . $ -i 7" > ; short rib , 87-10 ; ehtrt c'c.ir , 7 < % „ Whisky 61 O'J. Live Stool : . CHICK ; ' ) . Jtilv 31. Hcgs BeceiDtB. 11.000 5-e8dctill ; ? and Wi oil ! ni'Std ' ? a-ki'g. $4 2D@ i i > 0-cbcKo ; i-envv , - { Ct > @ 4 S , " ) . Cntsle IJccL' pt ? , U { ,00 head ; ghip- fh'pment ? , 4.2UO ; natives , ? 100@ 4 75 f-'r but. liens' - ' common to g-iod ; 52 0033 2fi ; stockers , del ? ; ias ? Tex- an.i , lOc of ! ' , sal. s at S3 lt . ShJ p - ' - ' , ' . ( ) ' ; f'n'l ' , thovgli ll sold ; c mnof , fcU L'oi.3-10 ; gocd to choice , ? 3 75ff 4 2. ) . at. l.ouia ST. Loci1 * . July 31. Whotf No. 2 rP-1 , 92J.-500c for cab91 ; } f.-r July : 89fF9i ( ? Tor Auqutt Mid Sep emb r ; SSJi-'SlK-'for Oct -her ; No 3 do , 80 < J85ie , No 4 do , Slf'82 ] ? . Con y' @ 35ic for cas' ' ; Utjjc tor Ju'y ; Gljjo for Aupi'ft and October. Oa-a Lower at 2Ul.e22j for caih ; 23ft for J-ilu. Whisky Steady aSI OS. Pork IchUntr , § lo 2.VSU5 30. Lird S'.ron-j at i-'il''J5(27 ( 30 , St Louis live Soclr. ST. Lot-is , July 31. Hoga Unc ! ariilvd ; Yorkers and BaMim n s. S-l u9 < 54 75 ; butcher/ faacy , § 4 75S4 HO. Il cppia , yJOO. : Cuttle b'uf iilv 1'ght , but tfctj de mand fi rgrats IVs.n3 , rativea ftitd butchers' .stulFkeei a v-'tll upand there ncruafiw tales to-d. y at previou : [ rices. Slwep Wanted at $3 CO. ? ' ! 400. Receipt , 4CO. Now Yorfc Produce- NEW YOUK , July ? 1- Whea > No. 1 ! Mil cauk-je , § 1 " 110 , the ta'tir hard ; uiur d ' 1 iiOSJ C7 ; N . : s M- ' . § 1 C4V I 05 ; No. 2 do § 1 ( )8.rZJ ) ] CD ] . C m L'lisjni'eJj5' > -J8c ; N < . 2 , 47g ' 47Jc : No 2 white , j > 4 ; Ni > 2 f. r Ju y , 47firi48c : do f'.r Augus : , l $ < i ; do lt > r Sejittfinbrr8jc. ! . Oats Mixtd weattui.oGiiOSc ; white wea'ern , 4la4L'c. E gs 15-31CC. 1'ork New m s ? , S1450@1509. Cut Iiedts Lorg cleur middle ? , . § 7 ll-'i ; short clear , ? -8 25. Lar.i I'rituo sream , § 7 G5C7 Btr.Ur 1457c I'rodtxco MarkeS. MiMVArKKC. July 31. Wh r t No 1 .r.ivrjuic"nomi ! * l ; No. L a. ) . ! Mc f r July ; 9L1 Jo for Aa- ens' ; Of'Jc fi > r Sop'einbcr ; Ito. IT < ic . SIjc ; ! > ( . . 4 do , 71s ; rc-jtct < idr ncmi- nal. Corn We-lter.it Sajc. OatWo.jk a' 23ic. j Bailer No. Usprm .83' . His Ovm lurdore > ' . SW ; ! I Js : ? rich to Tlie Bvc. , I.I. , Auguaf. ? , 1 a , ID- W. L. ti'trn , v.Im entertain. < 1 .1 ffri.il o against a njprcau named AVnjjh : , cJ. a d h'in ! tatntlit ! w.ih T. hr < } " - - : : do r. wh ch came slut nn S c taigin the revolver end self. THEES THEFTS. A Horeo , Coafc , Pocket-Book and Vj ther Gorio the Way of tiio World. Frrjii Shetiti'Gny wo learn that Fr- day ov&ffiii ; a ho-so bdunging to Air. Cyrus Merion , who Hvs : < niUi of tlie po-ir fafju , was sto'cn ' , with eaddlo s.d brulla rji. It appears that Mr. Morton' * hirjd man ruilo th-j In-r5O to . tj\\-n in thu eveiiinr , r.ud whtlo ho I was gone U > the circtn left ii siari'lirg for snftty ted ia Mr. Gibson's yard , j When the show was over , this man r-i- turned for liw h < rss .ir.d found him gone , and dil gent search failed lo dis cover ha vrherpRbf u'e. The officers cro notified , and &ro en tbe look' ut fort f .c missing animal , which no d ubt wss stolen. Friday im ni'n ; a yr.iing l.i-Ty went to a will-known jewtl yOur of thia city ti make sxinu and fh-ru b-inii qu"o a c'owd ar und wutcJ'i-ie for adveitst" ! by Uirnum , a'so ' was warned tn lo. kout fur her rocket bm 1 : f > rit would } > j stolen. A f w miiutjs afterwftrd s'e di-C"Vdvi that i' was miisinc , tin pic'-p-ck t luivirg ab- fliracted it s- deftly : s nit to atir ct herr.ttenfion. It ; s morothan bkt-Iy that thu picLp'taket was a woman flying her vf .iMnn in the cr ; > wd. There w.is but S10 tr ? la iu money in the purro. Lawyera are ncte > I for their ciro- leasne's in leaving property croe'l to the cupidity of any on v\i \ > s c-ils f.r a living , but it is a subject r.f to- mark UHt t'ney lire feld'm rov.bvd. An exception to the rule U reported in the case of Mr. Oanrjjf Shields , lo- cit-l ; in Ptter Goos" block. Oa Saturday while he waa bvrr at C'-uii- cil Blufl'i a valu.-ib'n ' zi'hcr was stolen from hiaroLin tnJ Friday ho loat a § 15 the . He 'nil cca ; same way. proba- lly Invo leai faiiri in thtr honesty of men horeaftorand moro in the oftica- cy of leek .tad key. No ona can deny thai Itush's Eng'e Slilh Fiuiir , i < t'-o Flour that gives the biat satisfaction. . Jnliua Thiole invites hi.i friends to thoTivc-li. TJntloubtidly the best bhirt in the United Statei is manufactured at tiio Omaha Shir t F.ictory. The iuiperiori'y of Material and workmanship , com bined with their urtat imprnvemeivi , thatia I'cinf > rred froftt , Il inforcen backs and Reinforcrd aleevca , makes their fliirt tin mo.it durable and best fi'ting garm"nt cf the kind , ever manufactured. Itead the followini ; low-prices : _ . _ . Our Fine Whif bhirt St.r , I GO turtnFine ITS 201 Our JmF-Jitc'l Chcv'ottliirts 2 . ' > : > O'ir " Kianj " 25 275 Our " ' ChevfSt fitj - ( Ificfe aje raiJ OB wtfi'o btJi'i ) I'rettnt. fntinrr. Ourlm | ile < l I'enangainI Clit- vlo : n Mb 01 ! tn atucht J , also on V.hi-e Ujit - . ISO SCO iVs i a fine worfcioir ifrlit f u A 1 2S. Ncno b tt Wanuutia Muslin and best Linens used. The above pnres include Lutndry- ing , a diicouiit alljwed when otherwise ordered. An additional 25 cents 13 chargei when ma'Jo to order. t Shirt Priory , 12D7 Farnham [ r , nesr < 2hatrost : , ' : THISWHEATTIMEIS'COME For the Music of the Thresher Echoes O'er the Hills , And the Farmers' Condensed Wallet is Again Grow ing Fat. Nebraska , Dakota , Iowa and fYiFnnesoia Yield Enor mously. A Fo\v Isolated Districts Ruin1- ed by Rust. MRflRASKA. Special uiiipatch to Th ? Ute. AVcYr Pnixit NEB , July 31. 4 p. m. Hnrve4 * * is prcgressinij finely. Tha rraj.ir prrtion of tmsll < ? rain i- harvested , tbe averxg" ' is much greater . than List } er. Ti rrii hrnt the Klkhorn valley , mneh threshing lias been driw nnJ Ttith better result than In 1ST9. T'i ' wh at ji-.ld rromises to be more trail 15 for cett ; grta'er. The ci ra crop n ver ; v\ta bct'er. IXKOTA. Stccial Dispatch to Toe l' . Siorx Fvtts , D. T , July Jl , 4 p.m.Tlu what harvest bis com mence 1 in earnest through tht ? Si ux valley and u'hern ' Dakota ten. r illy The crop is in trio c n It ion and staailsvi If. The heads are l > > n.j and wall tfile'I. sha berry ia jlompand largo. S'-uthc-rn Ilako'a never har- rested such a crop. Th > avcratre VJ-'M per acre is set down at ivt 1 t'niK tivtiny bualie' ' ? , cr ful'y lull per cen . better than its' yrar The * OMRO is I.trg. r than tji st of any [ rc- viiiiij crop. Dt-T tch lo Tim EBK. , Juy 31 , p. m. All iu c < mmoniial circlds cutters jn.'t now in thoeprirj ; wheat harvest that ispr. < ; rfSESi g iu the nrr.hwest. Thi railroad c mpanits and cliamber cf crmice-ccjfirnisare'iticonj.tiijtcom- muiicit ; < M with their nui titude of ajpiil throughout tha xvhsr.t { rowtiif ! area and tins inf , rm.it ( r > n rtceiv. il is of an > stive and rel able character. It et ranoTT guiiertHy conceded th.-1 tve srri" : ; wheat cr ' [ > inVisc > > i in wil . be lii ht and pc 'r , ns c nip. rd vntf > Listyt'sr's oiul th < i nt t > otce d J'J. 080.000 or 15CCl'OCO l.u'hcls . .f vhc'it wi'll ! birvts'od in t' ' n state ivaini.t 2l.GOOOO ) fcosbe'd IdBt yeir. Tfi < 3 burve t id e stucaud to bo at least one-third dcno. ILLINOIS. Speu.il Dwpatch tc tbe Vie. POLO , July 31 1 p. m. Harvest projpe-ta in Oalo county are most en g , wi h the exception of sprin wheat. Tiiere is no ctretl but that surpass in yield the crop of ] st year. Sprint ; wheat is poor.vin terwhc t w a vury good crop and ia much bo vi r than Ta-steeasun. Twen ty buslifli to the aero is considered a very frtir yield , but this jo.ir there are thoao who injihtsy that it will resell at.d ! K > btuheIs. C At.t > rn : , July 'Jl t p. m. Cri'ps have bcensucctsifiilly harvested. The uveroco is lesj and yuld of both \f inter and sprint ; Tvheat ia vanoutly estimated at from ono-half - to one- third a niuuh in last yeir. Oits are fines' evec prbiliicp d. Kye is nn - ! crop. Il.iy yield ? hrco times as much as 1 ut yer .uul the qtiilry is hotter. Tha pmcpect fur corn is fir.t rate. tow i. Special Dispatch to 'I fee I5 e. WATEKIOO , July 31 , 4 p. inO'rain is nearly all cut. All ccncedn th-it the yiflil w.lt bo about twenty per cent , larger sban lisc year , and it will . 'bibly r.versge afr'Ut U.olvo bush els psr Hero , t"fh the pntaib lity that it may nn a Irtle mnre. The cr"p will undonbtsdiy gradu higher than list ytar. Dfitrt'irn , July 31.-Wnoit and oat nre cut ami in stuck rtady for the thresher. Cr 'ps were ncvi r gathered inbtiftcr cimliti n. I5orry of b"tli wheat nnd ra'a is larce and plump , geticnllv * yradin number OIH- . i'hojicid > b ab"tit the sutiiu as hint yar. Adj'iiniry counties in Iowa , IHiroia and \ \ iecotisin report aamo fa- vorabl. * tenor. DES MOISH.S , Ju'y 31 I p. m. The wlifat harvest is over. Som has been fircihed nt in ditfrront locali ties , iv (1 yii-ld ? 1 srgoly in th s en nty. It i * claimed that the avo'aso yield will turn out fifteen to twcn'y bushels t the acre. The b < rry it superior to inst year's yiel.l , s.iy twenty percent. , and avant rs about the same , if not larger. O.ita t-rj away ahead of last year. Corn prospects are excellent. MItSKSOTA. Special cispatcb to 71m Iko MAXKOTO , Miss. , July 30 4 p. m. From what get-tm rolihla an- th rity who it will r.v-gefrom 18 ti 22 bush'im to tb acre but in ia com- * places it will go down to 14 There are some pliuei where it will run as h'gh a-J 20 biishela prr arr , ful'y ' one h-ilf wj.l i 'a'le X . 1 and the balance N . 2. 'Jh-jyifrld with everything ccns.dercd favorable at the present time. It will bo fiO per cent higher than lait ytar. V.'IXO > A , Miss. , July 31 , 4 p. m Th- wheat cr > p is about one-quarter b-'veated. The yi-jld arid quantity are both p < or in th > 3 vicinity , and will be fcboatthe s-rno as last year eiaht or ten bushels to the airc. Si > bafley ia all hitvestel , and is proving snd ; about twenty BVH to thirty bcsheJs { > er acre , raoitly No. 1. UEU Wise , July 31 4 p. m. The vheat harvest in U.is vicinity is now 111 full prr rcsi The wheat 13 in a splendid cr.ndirioii and with favorable weather r-r the ns\f. ta to twenty days i n abundmfr crop may bo ex pected. The avers-g- yield p r acre \v-ll bu ai'out fifteen bushels and in S" me place * m"r , ahead of the paat year fr m tlrec to five bushel * p < Jf acre. Tha v/ea her oontinuea to bo favorable , azd polefa t 5 u vi F THE GREAT MALARIALANT1DOTE . OFTHEAGE. jSafe , Certain , Sure and Speedy NEVERFMLSTOCURE. 'he onlyartlsleknownlhatWill es-arcffaa/elhls disease jp/VTrcr/7e/7 'fromthc system. J.C.RICHARDSON , SOLLPROPRILTCtt GencralA ents > RICHSRDSONaCO. WHOLESALE. DRUGGISTS. AbsolutelyPure. Sfmlo fr-m I'rafo < r ' " Tarur - ! fn otho pret > ar.iti n niair Midi li bt , Ilaky hot breid * . or Itnurimt' ' piftr - . Can be tuten by Jrp.lic . withont feu of tbeilbraulMnz from heary Jn. Sold only in cans , by alt Oroc W. . tl n. t f " / > ! . Co. . N w Torlr. L 0. WILLIAMS ThoughSoniewhatDamagedby FiRE AND WATER Are Atrain READY FOR BUSINESS "With an Immense Lot of BOOTS AsiD SHOES , Which Were PRETTY f WELL SOAKED , And _ sowe will bo obliged to c'ose ' them cut at prices way be low value. All kinds of Shoes ara includ ed in this lot. Ladics' and Children's Fine Shoes , Slippers. Sandals. M n's and Boys' Boots and Shoes , high and Low. Cheap and Fiac Goods1 ' hey have all been m re or less WET. COME AX ! ) SEE TIIE3F. We have tilso a. lot of very fine ' 'LINEN GOODS , Including Table Spreads , Napkins , Stand Covers , Toilet Sets , Etc , , Which were just opened Before the Fire , and which are slightly Damaged by Water. These will be ready for Sale WEDNESDAY , JULY 28. Wo have eome EXTRA BARGAINS - GAINS inallDBPARTMBNTS. FIXE IXDIA BROCIIE SHAWLS. Now is a chance to secure a good Shawl , very low. These Shawls ara NOT BADLY SOILED , but still they -will not bring PULL PRICE , DO we will close them out AT A DIS COUNT. We will be on our feet in a few days , when you can expect to find Bargains in all depart- menta as usual. L. B , WILLIAMS & SONS , "leading Retailers , " fee St , , Cbr. 15th ,