Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 2

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OPT. C0OTKT Tt EIOTJS vt will ilw ye be ple d
totnrfrom , on til m ttete conceded with
cror * , ccualry po'itlcs , an3 on any tobjct
* h Uvcr. of ceiia : * ! Ict rc ti to the people of
m State Aay Snloirnitlon connected wjlh
UetkctlocB , ardt aticgto flwOs , accident * ,
will be gladly received. All such communlra-
tiers hout rer , tmilt te ss fcrief as po Kib > ,
tnd they must in til caici be itr.Ucn on ons
ride cf U * thret onlr.
Tnr KAMEOF'tt'Rnxrv.ln full , snort in each end
communication cf
very toso accompMiy any
wVatTttOTesocvrr Thl IB not Intended for
t tEfittion ! and
"roiJTj U.
.WaiCi for Office whetli-
rr madttlvfflf cr Ircciljj EndMbcthtrsmo-
< * itvr ct "tontSu&rSUors to the Fdltor , re
fcntll ncn > lr t J > ! fc snitntde tin-ply pcnoral ,
' . - .
und RUntrcbitFcd'frrasr.dTcrtlsrn-ents.
. eta lltonryor
WKIKJ JOT dee jo toctribuUr.nj
jtoetr * ! ciaHUer ; urd we will net cnu rtaie
top tune < r rcsc thei-uie In any ccse
wha'tvtr. * "Our ftnS 5s tvBidenty large to
inert than thoply our HmUcd t pice.
All ron.r.itiiiJcM'.or.t.tbculdbo addrcsMflti
K ROSEXVAtER , Eiiltcr.
' ron
of York.
tn'tiaturc tlmllfaat latrt to eorrict
and prtrtnt utgtitt ditcriminalion
ffltl extortion in all eharga of express , tile-
grcph and railroad cowpanu * in this ttatc
( cf t orct ruck la.KSl/y adequate pcnaltiu
ic Hit txtfut , if iiKtftary , for thai purpotc ,
* f JirfeitUK cf their proptrt } ! and /mis-
rhtits. " [ Sec. 7 , Art. 12 , Nebraska Con
stitution , ena l'dTuna. . ]
\Vrrn brandyand watar temporari
ly placed under his note by the fear
ful phjEJclani , Tanner tiili continues
hisiast. Tanner is evidently not a
Vmurbon. '
Douglas county central con >
mittee mcots to-morrow. It is rery
fortunate that. Mr. McCormick had
the foresight to call the committee
thus early.
THE Cleveland republican ! have
nominated the HCJJ. 0. B. Lcctwood
to contest the congressional scat now
occupied by Am OB Townsend. Amos
will find that the Standard Oil Com
pany can't elect him this fall and will
probably withdraw. Packed conven
tions don't work any better in Ohio
than they will ia N
THE rumor tliht the military head-
qua * ters of the PJatte will be ehortly
rctransfcrr'cd to Omaha , will ho re
ceived with pleasure by our business
men and citizens. It is not to bo de
nied that their removal from our city
was an equally Eorioug disadvantage
to our merchants who had to transact
liashieei with the various departments
and to the officers in whose charge was
corciniUcd the purchasing of supplies
for the dillorfcnt commands. There-
turn of the headquarters will be Rise
.a source ol much gratification to man ;
of our citizens who feel the social Irsi
wlifch the traruferof the officers to'th <
fort occasioned.
In this conno'.tton it is rumorec
that Gen. Sheridan contemplates th
citahl thmont of a school of instruct
ion In Omnha. Thcrciaiio placobrt
tir adapted for tirroy hittriictioi/ <
cannot understand , -wliy tbo govern'
mcnt continues its schools of instruct'
ion in locations where they are main
taincd at great expense and an equal ) ;
great loss of efficiency. Why is th <
school for-cavjilry instruction locatec
at Carlisle , ( Pa , ) "barracks. Carlisl <
wes very properly chosen a ? a locatioi
for such a school during the revolu
tionary , or the -war of 1812 , hu
in the these days when all thi
cavalry are employed exclusively wesi
of the Mmjouri river it ii very pooi
economy to buy horses in Pennsjka
nia and Xew York , train them at Oar
lisle , ship them west , whore they CRT
bo bought cheaper out west and whcz
their maintenance would be ao mud
cheaper west of the Missouri. For
Omaha would aflord a splendid placi
for such t raining groimds&nd it atrikci
as that it would "be a very eoonom
ical measure to abolish Carlisle bar
racks and trarisfer the school of oav
airy to Omaha.
TUB BcB"has _ no objections to iti
tmterprising contemporaries copyinj
Jts special dispatches from two to foil
days after they have appeared in iti
columns , so long as they extend thi
usual courtcsyjof 'crediting themjto tin
paper from which they are taken. I
is perfectly willing that its inoruiiif
competitors should avail theraselve :
of its ample telegraphic facilities anc
save themselves the expense of special :
co long as they do noi bodily steal thi
excellent dispatches which THE BEI
furnishes its readers. But of late thi
Rtpullitan and Htrald have beei
printing dispatches -without giving
credit for their pllferings. On the 27tl
inst. the Republican copied , word foi
word , from THE BEE ot the 26 tn hi
Sail end exclusive < 3iayatcJC3 ! froa
Chiwgo and Boston relative to Gen
cral Grant's .business prospects , unc
placed it on their telegraph page with
cut crediting it to THE BEE. Thurs
rlay Tan BEE published a complete re
port of the democratic ratificatior
meeting in New York , with the speech
ea of leading democrats
, while its en
feqirising CDntemporarica simply an
nounced the fsct that such a meetin ;
was to have been held. This mornini
ihsHtrald prints a column and a quar
ter of THE BEE'S report , and heads iti
telegraph page with the account whicl
was published twenty-four hours previously
viously in THE BEE. THE BEE hai
always credited every' telegraphic
item taken from its contemporarifs ,
and has a right to expect the same
treatment. Of course it is mortify-
hip for the Herald and Republican tc
find themselves daily beaten by the
BEE in both -telegraphic and local
news , but EUch mortification should
not prevent thenxfrorajfollowingthe
nsual rules of newspaper couttesy.
TheBrs can now , with-prids , call
attention to its. unequaled facilities
fo ohtaininR news , anddaily presents
its readers with a telegraphic" -
The state eshtral committee , by a
reiv close vote , hive cecif el to cell
the republican state conventicn en the
first dsy of September. This cires
the people of Kebratka a fraction
over four week& to canvass and elsct
delegates to the convention that is to
nominate an entire statD ticket , in
cluding a'l the slate officers from gov
ernor down , : w-well as a member of
In 2ebraskswithlur
congress. , re
publican majority of/10,000 , a nomin
ation by the state convention's practi
cally an election.- & --canvass that
follows the nomination has always
been merely a matter of form and'the
election simply a ratification meeting.
It is therefore self-evident that the
jcal canvaBB ia-thUfltate-musbbBxIur-
ing the pariod between the issue of
the call fcr the state convention
, nd the nominations. It will .take at
east one week in most of tha counties
get the committees together icr
calling the local conventions and a
'ew ' days will necessarily have to in-
: ervene between tbo local conventions
> nd the state CDnvention , This loaves
eally only a little over two weeks for
a canvass , which , in the do days of
Autjust , means leaving the ring poli-
icitnx to carry things by default.
To a dispassionate observer this un
usually short canvass is an attempt on
ho part of certain office-holding poli
tician ! to get control of the state con
tention by snap judgment. Behind
all this is the Union Pacific corpora
tion that now controls not only our
member of congress , but also a num
ber of our leading state officers. The
act that Mr. Thurston , the paid pol
itics ! attorney of the company , made
one of his oleaginons appeals to the
committee in favor of this move shows
that they have an In ercst in cutting
Ehoit tha canvass.
Sow suppose that these rings and
corporation lawyers should suc
ceed in packing the state convention
with their creatures and striken ,
will act the republican party
run a very lerioua ritk of
revolt among the republican
masses who will refuse to swallow the
doee put up for them. Seven weeks
between the nomiustion and the elec
tion will give plenty of time for a for
midable uprising. If ten republicans
in each county should meet in a man
convention and repudiate the work of
tbo corporation attorneys and brasB-
colhr editors , they are liable to upset
all that the scheming politicians have
The republican parly of Nebraska is
rflspoccible to the people for honest
and good government. If the party
simply registers the decrees of monopoly
ely managers , and nominates Jjita
wood men and tooh for positions that
require men of brains and integrity ]
thty will seriously imperil party tuo'
cess. It will not be long be
fore ( he republicans of Nebrask :
will be in the same positior
in which tha democrat * of Georgii
now aro. Independent , fearless mu
will rise , and , * triking down ih <
shackles of party , riveted on by cor1
rupt men and corporate monopolies
arc liable to repudiate the work o !
packed.convolitions and make a direct
appeal to the poopla. Tor oai
fart , wo h''pe Mich move
meats will not he necetsity ,
We trust that the honest anc
incorruptible masses of the party wil
assert themselves in. every locality anc
give us men of brains and men trhc
can't bo bought with a railroad pass
an interest in a gradin ; contrast or e
bunch of greenbacks. Ai ire havi
aiid before , this calling the convontioi
on Euch short notica is a very risky experiment
perimont , especially in view of thi
fact that in many , if not in nearly al
the counties , the conventions tha'
nominate delegates re the state con
vention will also select representative !
to the legislature that will elect i
"United States senator.
Qs Monday a delegation of work
inzmcn waited on General Hancock
at Governor's Island. It would nat
urally ba supposed that the super !
"statesman" would have given at leas
some attention to this act of courier
and good will , and expressed some o
these deep and statesmanlike view
for which our democratic friend
claim ho i * so remarkable. On the con
trary , Gen. Hancock referred the com
mrltee to Senator Barnum , chairmai
of the national democratic committee
The fact of the matter ia that Hancocl
has no real opinions worth concidera
tion outside of the conduct of militar
aff lira. The pretense that he is thi
embodiment of sage statesmanship i
entirely at variance with his educatioi
and training as a soldier. If the work
ingraen wish for any expression of thi
democratic party's views on labor the ;
must seek so'ne other oracle than Gen
FISH denounces a
an absurd He the report that he wouli
join the democratic ranks this fall
He isn't the sort cf fish to be caugh
by democratic flattery. .
Wyoming ;
Men arc offered 2.50 per day it
work in the mines at North Park.
L'ranve county has the followinj
stock BBf e sed : C Hle , 11S,4C6 ; sheep
79,944 ; horses , S530.
The Fort McKJnney and Platti
roads from Hawlms , together with :
bridge across the Pl tto near Wprn
Spring * , is now about a settled fact
The cit-zens' committee and-the coun
ty commissione's have puttheir shoul
ders to tbo wheel.
The Homcstake placer miniag com
pany has fini'hsd its ditch at Cummini
City and made arrangements to buih
ths dam. By tbia means they wil
run he river through the ditcli , whicl
will leave a considerable proportion o :
its bed dry , which will be mined as i
There are eight emelters runninc-iz
A number of strikes are reporter
from Copper mountain.
The nortn of Jack monntsin is at
iracting considerable at'entiou.
.On and after August 15t& Leidrille
will -iare ths letter carrier system.
The rscchmen of
the mountains re <
pors 4 ? . _ their Wops ! fi cVeellest cord-
( t } ? he
emelter has arrived nt that placo. It
was ioyonsly received.
Between two and three hundred
minors are at work in Lead mountain
district. North park.
TheLeadvi'la Chroniolo claims that
there are only two good mines in
the GunntBon country.
Tha Ten Mile district has now a
smelter of forty tons daily capacity
working to its fullest extent.
It ia believed that the street-beds of
Denver are so firm and solid that with
proper care they will never have to be
Mrs. George O'Connor , of Lead- ,
ville , drove a couple of lot-jumoers
away from her premises with her pis
On the range between Kokoraa and
Alma prospectors have ftruck galena
hioh runs from 600 to 900 ounces of
Irer.- - - " "
While two Puebloans were arrang-
ng for a prize fight last week
hey became angry and indulged
n a fi ht ivilhout any prize.
Larimer county boasts one firm
ilone , Miner & Warren , who have
, dded 100,000 pounds to the wool
iroduct of Colorado for the present
ear. They sheared 18,000 sheep.
Twelve oar-loads of wool have been j 1
ihipped east from Larimer county
'urine the present season. Shippers
are getting batter rates on transports
'ion than they received last season. )
The Colorado Central railroad , In
.ddition . to a new depot and freisht-
home , will build a roundhouse at Oen-
ral. The plans are now being pre-
jared , and the work will be com
menced in a few days.
The railroad company is about to
build a S75.003 hotel at Idaho Springs ,
also a new depot in the town. The
hotel will , in all probability , be built
near the hot springs , and will be on
.he most approved modern plan.
The waterworks question Is agiin
.gitating Silver Cliff people. The ci y
authorities have purchased the Aldrich -
drich springs , which afford a boun-
eous supply of pure and wholesome
water , and notice will so in be given
for voting $65,000 in bonds to build
the works.
Idaho Spring is showing evidences
. ' solid and permanent improvement.
„ large number of buildings are in
process of erection , many of them of a
substantial character , aud in addition
to those now building some six or eight
more brick buildings for stores are
lontractecl for and to be crested this
The Manitou people are in eosUcies
over the discovery of a new cave in
Wiliiama cinyon , which , from the
description given , appear * to ba the
finest yet disovered in the KocVy
mountains. It IJM not yet bom ful y
explored ; five or six rooms , however ,
in which are grottoes orstolectatiea of
the rarest beauty.
A detruotive fire prevailed in the
mountains between Pennock'a camp
and the range list week. Allthetie-
mnken' cab na in that vicinity and
several thoJsnid ties were burned up ,
and a belt of limber at least five
mites in width and several milts in
length was destroyed. The heat from
the burning timber along the creak
was eo intense that large numbers cf
fish were killed.
A cose of vagrancy recently came
tip in Lsadville. The alleged "vug"
waa found guilty by a jury. There
upon the jud e ordr ; d the vagrant l
ba giren to ihe chaga of the sheriff ,
and was hired out by public outcry to
the high'Si bidder , for a period of
fourmoatbs , thelnw relating to ap
prentices governing the prinmer foi
the time that ho is in tha possession
of the man who hires him.
A company has been formed in Denver -
ver called the Colorado brick manu
facturing company , and the pressed
brick and fire-clay works in Golden
havn been purchased. The company
has a capital of S100.COO. The worts
at Golden nre quite extensive , and
will be made still more si b } ' the in
troduction of a 1 the fac lities end up
oltances which will contribute to the
manufacture of pressed and fire brick
on a largo scale , and ultimately to
manufacture sewer-pipe.
Tae Denver & Rio Grande railroad
has over two hundred men andseven
ty five teams at work in Grapa Gredi
canont and several miles have already
been'graded. The engineer , Beemer ,
is placing a large force of men ai
work on the road at the Silver Oli
end of the route. By placing thett
two forces nt work the Rio Grands
will be completed to Silver Oliff by the
first of October at the furthest. "The
Rio Grande depot will be west oi
town abouta mile , at which place the
site of Clifton has been located , anc
already articles of incorporation foi
street cars between the two town !
hare been tiled.
There is inoro blooded stock com
ing to Montana this y ar than ai an ]
time since its settlement.
About 33,000 buffalo hides wen
shipped from Ytllowstone county thii
summer and soring. They were wortl
about § 70.000.
Deer Lodge county has now onlj
12,000 shetp wheto she had 38,000 i
short time ago , the rest being of
where hay can be had for the stack
A company contemplate building i
suspension bridge across the Mieaour
river at the Three Forks , on the site
of the old ferry , if they can purchasi
the property.
It is said that a man cow serving !
sentence for grand larceny in the ter
ritorial prison , is the first Dane eve :
sentenced to a penitentiary in thi
United States.
The wool-growers of Meagber coun
ty are thr ugh shearing , and most o
them through dipping , and have meted
ed their flocks to summer ranges , bu
there is fully 80,000 pounds not yo
Wool is rapidly aocnmnlating 01
the levee of Beaton. Every boat i
leaving loaded with that staple , bu
trains are arriving so fast from Mesgh
er county , that a load is always wait
"Work has commenced on Fort Aa
Binaboine. Col Bhck has men di
tilled quarry ngrock and by the tim
mechanics arrive from the eist every
thing will be in readiness.
Cariboo it a Tory promising jninio
Considerable damaga has bean don
to crops in the Fayetts rallty by higl
Bearer canyon hu three saw-mill
in cp ration cutting lumber fcr th
U. & y. ra'lroad.
Thirty-two thousand head of catt !
Tiava passed through Camas prairia fo
the eastern market this spring.J
A lreo beaver dam has formed ;
Iste'on S'ubblo creek , Casia county
aud It is literally filled with specilei
A ditch is now being built from thi
Blackfoot river to within a mile cf thi
town of Slackfoot. A smaller ditcl
will then bring the water into thi
town , tnd shads trees , etc. , can bi
Lake Tahoe is three feat higher thii
year than ' usual , w ici wil secure j
good * eV of writer in the Irusbs :
veyors are , locating the lines from
Brownsville to Springfield , and thencs
will continue on over the mountains to
connect with the Central Pacific at
The waters o ! Pyramid Lake are
said to bd like those cf Tahoe noth
ing floats and nothing risen. At Tahoe
logs soon become water-lrgged and
sink. At Glenbrook the lake's bottom
is paved with sunken elabs.
The Hale & Norcross mine , at Vir
ginia City , has abandoned the idea of
bulkheading the 2200 level apainstthe
Savage water , the ground on that level
being so porous aa to render such an
attempt ineffectual. This will render
pumping la the Sutro tunnel level the
water coming from the old north drift
of the Savage , and which o long
flooded both mines , a continued necas-
The board of regents of the Nevada
state university recently met at Car
son and fixed the price per acre of tim
ber land granted the state. The price
of state timber land containing nut-
pine , cedar , juniper or mountain ma
hogany was set at 81.25 per acre , and
lind containing pine , fir , tamarack or
other timber suitable for mapufactur-
ing into lumbar or timbers , fixed at
$2 50 per acre. There will not be sold
a less quantity than 160 acres of tim-
her land in one body.
In Tucion the pigs take their af
ternoon rest under the piano. So
says The Record.
In Tucson a fea of $3 is Imposed
upon every now case filed with the
clerk , the money going to buy a libra
ry for the use of the bar.
Long before the completion of the
railroad to Tucson freighters began to
bemoan , and expressed their fears as
to their future prospects They
thnusht the railroad would do away
with freighting , or at least so crjpple
it that the business would not be
worth following. Contrary totho [ ex-
Eectattons of almost every one. the
reighiing business has beeu improved
instead of impaired , by the advent of
the railroad , and ic is a hard matter
to get freighting done to the various
mining camps.
A large settlement of Norweaions
have taken postession of Wild Horae
creek , in Umatilla county , and are all
steady , industrious people.
A new bridge 500 feet long , and to
cost 81000 , will be built on the Van-
onuverroid , to replace the fabric de
stroyed by high water.
A party cf surveyors are surveying
a line from the Puyallup bracnh of
the Northern Pacific railroad to
Rattlesnake prairie , to connect with
the uirvry through the Bnoquaimie
Lieutenant T. W. Symens/U. S. en.
giueer , has started for Cnmp Oh elan to
looite and survey a waaon route from
that prst to tbo neare-t. po'nt on the
lineuf the Not : ern Pacific railroad.
Rich gold diggings have been dis
covered at the head of Moore's Yal-
l y , m Tanhill county , in the Coast
RkDga mountains , Considersb'e ex
citement prevails , end several pros
pectors have gone to the LOW dis
An immense run of salmon is re
ported in the Lower Columbia. Th's
is confidored transitory , and canni't '
last but a few days. Notwithstand
ing ih a heavy run it is probable that
the whole season's catch will not
reach that of last year. Owim ? to the
strike among fishermen the work did
not commence until late , and during
the efcriy part of the season the ruu
was very light.
Very flatterinc ; reports are received
from up the Willamette Valley in re
lation to the grain crop. The wheat
crop in the upper portion of the vl
ly will bo enormous , as from every
Bscti-sn reports coma that the heads
are. filling nioelv. The farmers feel
greit'y elated over the prospects.
Gond pncoa for grain is the only
thing wanted.
Henry Thilson , assistant engineer
of thi 0. R. & N company , reports
very little damage to the , rrade alonp
the river by high water. By tha end
pf August the entire grade will be fin
ished from Oellio to Wallula , and
track-laying will begin at that time.
A largo force will be set at work or
the grade of projected road
. _ _ _ _ .
Snake : -J ! lt -
river , and will occupy two 01
three months. Work on tbo tunnels
between the Cascades and Dalles wil
begin in the fall and continue througl
tha entire winter. Work on the Can
cides canal and locks is being protecn
ted with all possible vigor oonsidenni
the obstacles , particularly the recen
high water. Although the water i :
eteadily receding , yet it is thought i
will be toward the latter part of Au
gust before a full force of men wil
resume work At present only abou
BEveniy-fivo are employed. As sooi
as the water falls so as net to interfen
with the work , a force of 400 will b
put on.
There is lalk of constructing a nar-
row-guge railroad between Lodi ant
Near Lodi tha wheat will turn ou
forty bushels to the acre. Hopi
thrifty ; grspes excellent j p ach cro ]
very poor.
Immense quantities of water , valu
able for irrigation , is said to be goi j
to waste in Kern county , through th
Buenn Yista slough.
The matter of the extension of th
railroad from Cloverdale to TJkia ]
is merily a question of time , and ;
very short time at that.
Two oil wells arc being bored a
Sauta Crui , and six more are bcin |
got ready for drill The cost of bcr
inz , etc. , isfromSSOOO to S4000.
Tuhra farm * nrge the construe
tion of a canal from Bakersfield ti
Wafcson'a ferry , on the San Joaquin
and down the river
to Antiooh , eo a
to move farm produce fehdaply.
Therp are six oities in the s ate hav
ing a popuUtton of over 10,000. The ;
are : San Franciico , Oakland , Sacra
mento , San Jose , Los Angeles an
Stockton , ranking in that order.
Some fields of flax in San M&te
are injured by worms and also by a
insect resembling the spidar. In othe
oa < es a sort o ! blight or rust affect
tht stalk , which turns blaek &n
breaks off near the ground.
The water troubles are sjpia sgital
ing the people at the Central CMifol
nia < * 1ny 1 , at Fresno. The colonist
complain that their vines and trees ai
being burned up for the want of vri
ter , and that in consequence they ar
Work on the Golden Gate woola
mill * , San Francisco , is being pushe
forward rapidly , and it is expect *
that the mill will be ID operation b
the end of August. Oue hundrei
and fifty white persons will ba givs :
employment in the mills.
. Some whalers of San Luis Obisp <
recently put the automatic buoy 01
Point San Luis ont of order , becaus
the whistle frightened off the whales
The steamer Santa Oruz went ashori
in consequence , on her last trip , am
was injured considerably.
Some white Australian wheat of un
usually fine quality isreported fron
Fresno. They are from sis to nini
inches in ItngtH , the kernels grdwjn ;
ip small leaf Ijtfe .s sh a , .5rr fjf < fc
rf clarlyaB two das of tie stW
. . . ,
eaci assli -T-- - - -
oow iKnfi ; : froa ggc to , te :
cf tfiect , SJoile , * - '
yielded over 180 kernels of large ,
beautiful wheat.
C. F. R ed , of Tole , is noW run
ning seven self-binding reapers and a
Urge steam thresher in hw imrneme
wheat field , and working ovefcfifty
men and about at many' threshers.
The reapers will run night and day
until i'ne grain becomes too ripa to
cut with reapers , and then he will put
on h edara and finish it up. Hii crop
will ba st least 60,000 sacks.
The farmers in and about Rsdwood
Canyon , Morapa valley , Contra C sta
county , about fifteen .miles from Oak
land , ara just no'w terribly excited
over the recent discovery of gold in
what a'e represented as vastly paying
quantities , in a well defined ledge , at
the head of Redwood canyon.
A party under the charge cf Assist
ant State Engineer Schuyler , with as
sistants and a camping outfit , trans
ported upon pack mules , is now reconnoitering -
connoitering and surveying the head
of the .rCern river , to ascertain the
praci Suability of building reservoirs
for the storage of water in that region ,
to increase and preserve the supply
for irrigating purposes in the San
Joaquin valley.
John H. Burke ha ? forwarded to
the _ state board of equalization nt Sic-
rumento a complaint , asking that the
assessments of the railroad companies
bo raiaed in every oountyin the state.
He claims that on an examination of
the various reports of the following
companies , made to the transportation
commissioner , and also of the reports
to the state board of equalization , he
finds the companies are assessed on
their roadway , roadbed , track and
rolling stock , at a much lower value
than the cost or value , as shown by the
offiira of the company ; that according
fo ; this fully § 150,090,000 has been
cubitted from the bet.
may not work injury to people when
they relate to matters of little consequence
quence , but when entertained as to
what we aha'l take when afflicted nith
serious disease thfcy may lead to
dear experience. Don't therefore trifle
with diseases of tha blood manifested
by eruption ? , blotches , scrofulous and
other Sffellingg and gave symptoms ,
but take that well tetted and effica
cious remedy , Dr. Pierce's Golden
MtdicBlDiscovery , the greatest blood-
purifier of the age. If the bowls are
very costive use also Dr. Pierce's
Pellets ( little eugir-dcfttod pills ) .
III. , March Slst J879. Dr. PJBBOE ,
Buffalo , N. Y : Dtar Kir I write
this to inform jouthat my ch'ld , one
year old , has ben p&nnantiuly cured
i-f the fever and ague in a weeks time ,
and the use of but half a foltle of ym Jf
Golden Medical Discovery. My wife a
long sufferer fromltvvr complaint ESd
b < li > > usnea < , by the use of tne Discov
ery and Pellets has been entirely re'
lieved. The Discovery has never dis
appointed us for cougha and ooldi.
Yours truly ,
"SwAsro.v , Vt. , gebtstabftr IB.
"I suffered greatly foyeala from Pilti ,
and tried various remedied for relief with
out Kiwebs until I used Kidney Wort. If
tha cliofcse shown Hyinptoois of return , ai
has been the case , I have never failed to
chech it by the use Of this medicine ! I
have a eon eleven years old who had for
years uniformly wet his bed nichts , and
all the prescriptions of different physicians
were ineffectual in checking it. 1 wag a -
eurei ! by a physician that "Kidii"w-Wort"
was ju t t e medicine to cure him , and
sure enough a trial was completely suc
cessful. I regard the medicine invaluable
for 1'iles and Kidney Jfeeax * .
Grovel , JUbttfB , ErljrhfidlteasecfthekJdrtTS
nnd all diseases c ( tbo kldncyj and urinary
organs -rrnanmtl ? cured by Pro ! CltiVmette B
French KUlney P.U
- - .
Ladies are wild about "Brio a-
Bras" and will talk , talk , talk about
them world without end. Such ladies
should boSOZODONT and use it be
fore they descant upon their hobbies ,
especially if the prosecuted one is a
male. It gives a flavor to the con
SfALMKO's GWK will prjvent a
break in a five hour's talk on bric-a-
Is the moit important question to-day with uf-
feilne millions who , rr tn Ibokln ? at tbfc lonz
lilt ol up'e-s P1I6 nostriim * . feel ft lh sflicted
Bihle Patriarch likeoxcblmlru : "I hare heard
miny an b thinps , mlsenbla comforter * are j e
all , liow lorif will ye vex ray Knil nd break me
In piece * with ord-t" It It not reiordod thtt
JOD bad p'lefl. but ne co'JM not burn Gad uf
thing taoso painful , and the noMkection mlsht
have been aikcd then 03 eincsjfVireethou-iin ! < 3
jra : Can pllt br tu-ed ? wjPclleve thut Dr.
ilrfbro bcssilxd the probleST , for nothing I !
more certain than tuatlls "Afaakeslj' ' ' aoo * ob'
solntily nu promptly cure tin vortt caaes ol
pilen. When half a million of articled assert rxttl <
tlrely that it his cured them , tnd in 10 r ari no
one his u-ed the doctor's wonderful renwdi
without instant relief , arid by foljonjng hi * elm <
pie inTtnictiono as tti babll fi3 dlot , alt w r (
oen fllted and over 05 per < -ent. cured , and arjn
men ta and theories of tbojo who bsren't mod
them , go for naught. Anakesls la now prescrlb'
< vl by pbyalclana of all rchbolsandhuprououne'
ed as near'infalllhle MS p > | blo. Jt ia e 8llj
appli * I , perfectly tafe. Instantly rcllerei p in ,
and ultimately cures tha most inveterate cuei.
It baa grandly rolv. d the problem that riles CM
be cured. of ' ' "
btmpKs 'AnakctU" art Mat frei
to allsuffereis , on spphofttion to P. Kcnsusdu :
& Co . role mann'act < u i of Aiakeein , Box W4 ?
New York. Also eold by dnignlgtt nvtrj htrft
Price 81 per bos.
Amiga Salve
The BEST SALVE in the world foi
Onts , Bruises , Sore i Uloerst Sail
Rhenra , Fever Sbfls , Tetler , Chapp
6d llands , Chilbhins , Corns , an'd al
kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salvi
la guaranteed to ( rive perfect satiafac
tied in every case < > r money re fehded
Prica 25 ceuU per box. For sale by
8dly J. K. ISH. Omaha.
J. C. .
Capitol Ave , , OCp-'Mapciiib Mali ,
TTTHOoom 8 to
VV aa aa accomplished w * hsr of
Otmian nd French , 1 deslrjus 01 fecunsg :
e in elth-r of thege branebe * . She will opei
sehool shortly , btitrforib : pres nt parties cu
address her it Max Meyer i Bro.'i mule etort .
> a M i.
, 1ft. fe. filSOON ,
Genwal Insurance
P8&NIX ASSURANCE CO. , ol ton ;
don , Cish Assets . 4..n . t ,10Tl
' " reit. IT. Y. , Capital 1.000,00
0 I or . " KRCB ' NTSol Kew * . . J. , 1,000 00
* 'vvu vi'
' >
. . .
lt l .
1,200 00
J. CO. , Araetg. . . .
OEXTRAL , Assets
_ H- . , -M5 Cor. of Flfteanth & Dowlas St. .
qenMlv OMAtf * . N' B.
$ 7 ? ! f 1I ? y & < > = ewaiymaaa-cottl
* 'ftootfitfrw.
Addr6BTra &Co.rortUnd.M
can find a gocd jssortttsst of
M LQWZB. flSrjRB th n i
sy other gho h ae in th dtr ,
3' & QENTS
, , ° i.PA i * CUi Stnd. * W . vi ,
Hi _
cal Culture , nd is eompl < te
lufm-malic * for InraUcls and those wo otisrtroin
y rtouiEihanitlog and Famh. ! DISI.IMJ. . Every
ubjcct lint bsar uroDh .Ulh an il human haj-pnf' .
rtcrlrw attention la 11 r > " - oni' ' m1.ny I1"-
tion a ktd bj euffotins mvolids , who < l ; airwl
cf a cur * , art oanwrwl , and rals l > U lufcirmntlon
U voluiiiJtr 'l to all wlmnr * In n 'l of mFjlieal aii-
t\cf. \ The ubjecl of EI o'ric Blt rmw llcdicine ,
and tba hundred ami on * qucaUoun ' of - al iiaiKji-
t&nce to suffering bumaulty , ar > JaJ )
AcJ ethers who suffer from h rrom and rhyrteu
Debility , I.C-M of JIau'.y Vigor. rr a-ctnr E.xliau -
tion and tha tnaaj flacaj con G . * of early
In.lic.-ttion , etc. , ate cspscUIly lnefil < td ly < > > -
eultlu ; Iti contel.t" . . ,
TbeliLErTIlIC REVIEW cijK-e lh unmitigated
fraud * | > racticjl by quac'iis * n < I medical imfustors
whoprofeai to "practicv intdiciiH. , " on l imliile owl
the only .ife , nlmple , mi tactile rwl to iUaltii ,
Vigor , and Bo-.lly Energy.
Pend your n.ldreni on po t l atnl for a coiy ; , su > l
information wontnlioaiaudu will I * stsul you.
i the publisher'
Greatest Discovery of tbe Age.
Wonucrf ul discoveries in thi world hare been made
Among other things where Santa Claiu stajed ,
Children oft ask If he makes soo.13 or not ,
If really he lives In a mountain of enow.
Last year on excursion sailed clear to the Tole
And suddenly dropped Into what eeemedlikeuhole
Where wonder of wonders they found ar.cwland ,
rVhile folry-lihe beings appeared on each baud.
There vrero mountains like ours , with more
beautiful f rcen ,
And far brlgh'.cr allies than ever were ecen ,
Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found ,
While flowers of extruitlts fragrance were grow
114 ; aronnd.
Not long were they left to wonder In donbi
A being soon came the/ had beard much about ,
Twar Santa Glaus' self and thltttey e.11 tay ,
He looked like the picture t eaee every Jiy.
lie drove up a team that looked very queer ,
'Twaa a team f frraMhoppere Instead of reindeer ,
He rode ill a shell tne toad of a elelgh ,
But be took them ou loird and drove them
Ho showed them all urer his wonderful realm ,
And factories inakinff cOvds for women m ! men.
Furriers were working on liatg great and ( mall.
To Bunce's thev said they wereecndingf them ad.
Kris KIncle , the Glove SaLer.toId them at enc ,
All cur OloVei we are Rending to Bunce ,
ta showed them scspcnders and many thlnjf
Saving I also took these to fiiend Bonce's store.
Santa Claua then whispered a secret he'd tell ,
ta In On aha every one knew Bcnoe well ,
"le therefore should ecnd his ; oods to bia cart ,
knowing his frio' da will get their full share.
i'ow remember ye dtrallers in Omaha town ,
ill who want present t to puuce's go round ,
'or shirts , olkrs , or elorea great and email ,
lend your slater or anct one and all.
Bunce , Champion Hatter of the Weet , Douglu
[ trect , Omaha
( Fonaartj of OUh 6 Jacobs )
s'o. 1417 Farobam St. , Old Stand of Jacob Qlj
V. P. Block , 16th St.
Frtsh an J Salt Meats o all kinda conjUnt
on hand , prices rcasonAbl * . VegcUbles In esa
on. Food delUertd to i ny part of the city.
V.t ( > MIK-rthlflthSt
flir fn CTinnperUiy at homo. SaropJcs worth
iDj IU kP Uji free. Addieti Stlasob & Co. ,
Portltnj , Malno.
The owner of the celebrated Kaolin
Bonks , near LOUISTSLT 13 , KEB. , has
now ready nt the depo nt Louiaville , oa
the B. & M. railroad ,
to fill any _ order Rt rcosonablo prices. Par
ties desiring a white front or ornamenUl
brick vrfll do well to give ua a call or eecd
or wimple.
J. T. A. HOOVER , Pcop. ,
( luies the faiost dabgwOus cases of
Inflammation of the Thront , Mnmps. Cancer
Sores , Whooping Cough , and all acute cind
Cluonle df.ieaws of the Throul ,
Scarlet Fever ,
MEASUES , RASH , POX in every
firm & . ail efllptions 3f trie shin. -
It Is an untalllns remedy and proteetlonln
times v nn the < 1i f te5 prevail ,
It cures all e-vesarlslmr from TEETHING
Ir > children , ffif irirtHrlra Worm Fever etc. ac
companies 07 Cramps , b'pftiuis , VdirJlung ,
Conitlpation and Irr tntlon. .
Acute and chronic dlsonsea. for Instance
Lung , II art , Liver an I KUlney Complaints :
Billons Feter arid DUlcjisness. disease ? 01
the al ! M6 Eir.doef , onu all urinal ( Jl > eailj ,
piles etc.
Weak siomnch , loss of appetite , dlspepsla ,
constipation , wlndcollc , etc ; , c'.c.
. Impure Blood acd al ! diseases arising there-
rcmnid Complaints , weak and Irregulskf
menstraitlon , lack of blood , pains In the oack
before and after the period , eh.oresls , whites ,
ete. Asurecurti
Will convince the most sfceptlflal in a few
hours after giving It a trial of Its unfailing
curative properties : If taken immediately after
JDU ha > e take cold , drafter driauiost Impure
water or food It will be a sura jfrerentativa for
all aUsents that generally follotv.
Give it a trial and yeu will bs con
vinces ! that you have got the best
Foil direction ! gHen 6a each iwflte.
Price per Bottle $1.00.
y For sale by all drujsiit and by tbs ealy
826 & S28 S. 16th Street ,
Machine Works ,
J , F , Hammond , Prop.&Managei
Themoit thoroogh inpolnted and coirplct *
Uachlne Shops ted Foundry in the Ui .
Castings ol every detcriptton maacfictared.
Eagineg , Panpt and every eUea o '
R da to order.
Special attention g1ea to
Well AnsrursPulIeys , H nters
Buslne's'ritissctedsameas that of an Incur-
jMr ted Bank.
_ Accounts kept In Currency or gold gubjert to
sixht obeoc without notice
Certificates cf df pcs'.t lwu J piT > lo la three ,
tlx a-nl twelve months , bearin j lnterot , or end
d email J nlthcut Interest.
Ailr nccs maile to < U9tomer3 on approved le-
curi lei at irmkttt rates of Intfrcst.
Euy ar.J sell zold. bills of cicUinjo Govern-
incut , Stat , 0 > u ry aji-1 City Bonds.
Draw S'ght ' DrafU on Fn land , Ifclaoll , " Scot-
lamt , and nil parts of Euroi > e.
Hell K iropean Paisaze TickcU.
Cor. 13th ana FarnUam Streets ,
WTABLisuru is 18 d.
Organized ai a National Bank , August 20 , 1S33.
Capital and Profits Over$300,000
8f edally > utborized by the Secrctarj or Treaswy
to receive Subscription t the
oCKTti. PreeHent.
U.V. . YAri-s. a-hier.
A. J. ForLitrox. Attorney.
JOBX A. CK lauiow.
F. H. DAVIS , Asa't Cashier.
This batik receives deposit without regard to
Issues time certificates bearlnc Interest.
lrasdrafMon Sin 7 anclseo and principal
cities of the United ttatca , aljj London , Dublin ,
Edli.buTich and the principal dtits of the coaU *
nent of Europe.
Selgpusige tickets for Emigraatsln the la-
roan lino. * mal > tf
Geo. P. Bern is'
15th de Douglat St.t Omaha , Neb.
This agency doez siRtonT a brokirage best-
nes * . Doeanotspeculate , and therefore aoybM *
gains on Ita books aie Insured to tta p&trooa , In
gtcad of belnr Kobbl-il up by the azent
JVb. IjQS F'trnham Ktrtel
Office Norfb fclila opp. Grand Central Hotil.
Nebraska Land Agency ,
1505 Farnlutm SI. Omnha , Ntbr.
XOO.OOO ACHES carefully jcl ct d laml In E it n
Ni-br.nlia ( or nnle.
Kreat Eargaloalu Improved fsnns , nJOmaha
Ite land Com'r 0. P. B. K. 4p.Jeb7tf
BJTOII Reed & Co. ,
Htep a oomnlata abt ut of title to ( Ul BM !
Est t4 In Omaha and Douclas County. nmvltf
Oor. Enndolph St. it oth Ave. ,
32,00 AND $2.50 PER DAY
Loeitcd in the buslnen cent'e , convenient
to plae-s cf amusement. EleKin'Iy funiisbed ,
Containing alt modem imuroi ementa , posaonptt
eleralor , &e. J. II. CUUMIN'CS , Iroprietor.
Cor. tiAllKETST , tfc BROADWAY
Council Bluffs , I < mat
On line of Strtt : * . Rallwiy , Omnibm * o nd from
all trains. RATES Parlor fl > ir , $3.00 per day ;
second floir. 82 60 per d y ; third.'floor , JJ.Oa
The bei % furnished anJ molt com nodlous boot *
Inthtcltr. flKO.T. PHELrs.-rrop ,
Th * Metroi < ol. an ii centrally located , and
first o'ns In eve y fcsfJect , barlo roeenUy been
entire y r noTa' < J Tli public will 8n4 It B
comfortable and homslikA houst. mar6tf.
Scliuyler , Neb.
f"Iist-clui llooss , Good Vfals , Good Eedi
Airy Rooms , and Ic&d and actormnodattng
irMttafntj Twigood samp'e rooms. Spoa
atUntioo paid to comfcerflal trr I rs.
S , MILLEE , Prop , ,
Sohuyler , Neb.
Larainie , Wyoming.
The tflintr'l retort , gyod accoramodatlans ,
irge sam pie room , charges reasonable. Special
attention frlren to travelln ? aea.
IMf H 0. Hlf.ClVRD. Pr prf.tnr.
Cheyenne , Wyoming.
First < le , Fine larje Simple Rooms , ona
block from depot. Trains step from 20 minutes
to 2 hours for dinner. Free Bus to and from
D pot. Kate * $100.82.50 and ? 3.00 , according
to room ; s ngl meal 75 cents.
A. 1) . BALCOM , Proprietor.
ANDREW BORDER. Onief Cl rV. mlO-t
Weekly Line of Steamships
L JVEB ! KewTcrt Every Tbursdiy at Jp. as.
England , France and Germany.
For Passage app'y to
C. B , RICHARD & CO. ,
General PiS'enyu Ajentg ,
fua 2t-lr 61 Broad wigf. New Tork
II. B. BEE.11ER ,
' * ot > -
We have all the Latest Styles of Spring Suitings , an Elegant
Stock of Heady-Made OlotLine in Latest Stylea. Gent's Famish
ing Goods Stook Complete
Ia fact the Stock ia complnte ia all Departments.
. . Fal1 * ° see our Custom Department in charge of
Mr/Thomns T.-illou.
mSIe-odav 1301 46 1303 Favnliam Street.
A Positive and Permanent Cure
In all cases c ( Grave' , DUbe'ra. Dropiy. IMjht" * Dijcwo of th
Kidneys , Incontinent p and Ket ntron of Urine , Influnitlon o
the Kidney ; . Catarrh of the I UJdcr , III. h Colored Crina , Pain
In the Buck. ailaorLIoni , Jfenroes Weaknfs * . nd In fictatl
disorders of the BlmlJtr and Uilnarj Orfatf , whether contract
ed brp'lrata ilijew i or ptbeawije Th 9 iptiit remt-Jy baa 1-Ma
uned with mircfra for nwrly ten ye ni In "wnc' , with lh mot
wondeifulenratire effeetn. It eunibu abruption' noritiM Aii
Internal mMicines b lnc Tcqnirri. We barn InindrtJs Of t sil-
jnonlals cf cures lv _ thii Pad when all eltohitl f fj-
LADIEM , If yon are tufferini frt'm Temalo Weakn wLeucor-
rhces , or ( ifSfS ! pevullur to f < ma' > or In Jact any illsjaso. afc
yoir drnrrst for Pr f. OullmetUs'ii Kre.ioh KMney Pad. aiu2
laie 110 otter. It b b' not Lot it. MDI ] $2.0 and joti w.ll
iccrire tte Fad b ; r tu/n mail. ddrvs U. S. Blanch ,
Toledo , Ohio.
Will positively i-rc Fever and > gne. Parch Afcp , Afue Ci'.g , hllllom fcT r. Jaundir * Dj-pf ll
ane all disunea f the Liter , > tom > rh and Bloid Iks jnd cur bj nbrorpflon , and Is p irno.C
Ark jour drng t for thi fiA and take co otb r If ba do 5notb < pltiaa < 131 61 < tn PKKKCH
PAD t.O. , ( U. t. Dianch ) , lolcdo , Obe. ! and raeelv * It by rewin ipail. . SHUN & CO. ,
a. Ocjaba , KcV.
Oar pet ings I Carpet ings I
Old Reliable Carpet House ,
IIT ises. )
Carpets , Oil-Cloths ,
Matting , Window-Shades ,
Lace Curtains , Etc.
I Slake a Specialty of
And havs a Full Line of
Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet-
Lining Stair Pads , Crumb
Clothes , Cornices ,
Cornice Poles , Lambreqnins , Cords and Tasselsj
In faot Everything kept in a Pirst-Olafis Oarpet Eonse.
Orders from abroad solicited. Satlslactlon Guaranteed
Call , or Address
John B. Detwiler ,
Old Keliable Carpet House , OMAHA ,
Dr. Carl Mtiller's
Cores the most dangerous cases cf
and all s p arising from Teething tfl
Cholera Morbus ,
Diarrhea , Vomiting and C-ramps lo adults.
and all sicknesses caused 67 lt , or instanca
liver. Gall , Kldner , MUt and Storaaeh cem-
plalnts ei * .
forms. Imure blood , tomltlnc of s U er
blwxl , chills and fe er. ete
It is an Unfailing Remedy and protection
in times when these diseases prevail.
Temale complaints. loss of blocrf. too strong
and long lasting monthly coiuse ? , severe cftta
tntteb'idf.erabdmen , e'cAsuiscurs !
Give it a trial and you will be con
vinced that you have got ths best'
Tull dlreetloai glten on eish bcttK
Price Tier Bottle $1.00.
Hear what Ei-M7or Giryoy , an
and prominent cltlren of Fi > t'i , nvi :
Piqt7A , O , D cemb r 23 , 1S73
Tbs n.BcatxioMio cixK Co , Fiqtu , 0. :
CpviLitiiij : I feel nuJer many obligation ! to
Ton Tor tha relief ifforde < i ma Ly the use o' jour
mvilushle medicine. Dr. Bosanko'g Rh uinaU-
Care. I h r t > n for m Dj .leva infferer
from Chronic Rbeamatlgm. suffortncr at tlmce
moat eicrarititig pale * , and deprmng mo ot
rosny nlihli'fleep. Alter coniultlnir anumb f
of phvilriaari and obtilclny no relief. 1 torn
mnced nilnj your Pb nmatlc Cura and aft r
Tulag' four boUiw , and Ukin ? the Blood Purlflor
In connofltlcn wh It , I am absolutely cnredtna
from any pain , abhr to attend to mr bailaKsiiud
restinjr p srf tly eo { ojt l'I at nijM.
KtspoctfoliyyonrK , B. B.OARVEY
FREE Dr. Svtanto'i Trtetiu on Rheumdl
titm and tOet m.t on appltflt" '
The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Go,1
C. r..GOODMAIf ,
Aatnt. Omaha.
Jens , H'-t. Sth. and 10th Stt- , OMAHA .
Tint qnaltty dlililled Wlna and Cider TIaexi'
any mrarth b lnw * ut ra price ; , and m-
S nd for fri : U . ZRJfST KREB9 ,
l'mah . > il > , JulyI6. IddO. I
Be I ' ' pmpoiala In dnpllca'ubje t to Ih9
meal esndihonfrJl b rt if ed at ibis efl. '
* . 19 0. * t
JntU I oMocV a m. . on Augut
hkhtlm nd plare tber ill 1 > opened fa
furnl hla and de-ivory.
- ef b 4d rs lor
p8 nta
at lho ur ! s' nv w r bonw la tBIs city , 312
barnla of Hour.
TotwnSideofKo. 1 fprlop unfit , half bard ,
balf toftorOdff * . Tu twtwwtifl b Jor grindIng -
Ing and mind In aininir. To bo hlsb ground.
The barre's to b of t6 be quality new and
strirar. well oxperrf lth hlcVory h-j-pj. lollx
hulTln d , Noasiebln * mi * barteli will ta
aec ptfd. Simp'es of flour to bef ntln ith
' 5ps * ' , nd all tob d Hr ed br October 9th
p lh zoveraraent rt'rrves lhrijht to rs ] ct rry r\ \
' illand fall mfoi
or all propos" ! ? . blank prop' ill-
52itiona to tbo nwnner of ilrHloj , eondltlont
to b ete4 by bidders and t na flf contract
and p yaeit , w tt H IuniUh d on applk itloa trt
thu off : * . Env 'ops wntiloln ? prop § a !
houldb marked "Pmpmli farlour atOisa-
la , " ad * ddrti d t < th asdenl p J
THOHASW1L3CW , Or'ad C. 3.
B. A. Foniit. Jj&s S.3 : Jtr
BseijMly Vm > U41 < tfd ti7 < i : <
iiijifOi * * * * 74iw5. vTiHtf ) JsM fir
. ytia a 6U4 * < Us ii'lKJi ; ' '
jcS7iiT LT-Lyi'Saswr. {
eis ft aySi siSi -
1 5(1 ( ( 5 a r