THE CENUIIME DR.C.McLANE'S > LITER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is. heir to , " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , thuy bland without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prc- jiaratory to , or after taking quinine. As u Mmple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine arc never sugar-coated. Each box has a rod-wax seal on the lid , with the iminvssion.McL AXE'S LI VKU I'lLL. Each wrapper bears the signa- Uire of ( ' . MOI.NM : and FLK.MIM. UKOS. S3T Insist upon having the genuine UK. C. McLANK'S LI VKU PILLS , prepared - pared bv FLEMING imOS. , Pittsburgh. Pa. , the market bping full of imitations of the name JlitTMne , frjiMled differently , dm lame pronunciation. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. A SpttJy and Effectual Cure. PEREY DAVIS'PAIN-KILLER Ha stood this test of FORTY * trial Directions vith each Dottle. OLD BY ALL DKUOOISTS. \i/AMTCn \ / Local Acents everywhere to sell IIMil I E.U lea. loffei- . Bikini : Powder r Uvorinp Extracts , etc. by sample. lo f mills , fioflt Rood Outfit free. P.ople'BTea Co. , Box 1920. St. Louis. SIo. ATTORHEY8-AT-IAW. HIR M A. STCBOKB. W. W. BARTLITT. STURCES & BARTLEH , i TTOUNEV-AT-LAW-No l.CreighujnBlocV , CHARLES POWELL TUST1CE OF THE PEACE omer loth and tj P'arnham Su. , Omaha Neb. _ WM. SIMERAL , * TTORNEY AT LAW Campboil1 * Wock , Jri. 13th Streetbctwe n Farnham and DouzUc. OMAHA , NEB. D. L. THOMAS , * TTORNEY AT LAW Loans money , buys and sells real atat . Room S , Crelghton A. C. TROUP , ii TTORNEV AT LAW Office In Hwx > m'e A. Block , with George E. Pritchett. 1MB Farpham St. _ OMAHA. NEB. OEKTERL THOMAS. A TTORNEY AT LAW Crnlckstank Build A. ln . A. M. CHADWICK , A TTORNEY AT LAW Office 16N Farnham A Btr et. et.A. A. 3WARTZLANDE 4 TTOUNEY AT LAW-Cot. IBthand Famhau. A. Btreot m J'28tL WILLIAM A. FONDA. * TTORNEV AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Roam No. B , Frenaer Block , opposite Post OMAHA , NEB. WM. L PEABODY , AWTVEE Offlc * In Crelghton Block , next u Port Office , OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Procured.1 KOl'ABY PUBLIC. OOLLEOTIOSB UAOB " E. D. MCLAUGHLIN" -1 TTORNEY AT LAW AND JUSTICE Or ; A TRE PEACE SoutheMt corner Fifteenth C9Collectli > ii8 Promptlv AttanJ J O'BRIEN &IARTLETL Attorneys-at-Law , OFFICE-Unton BlockFlrt ench aiu Farnhaml A. L. ROBISON , . _ * TTORNKY AT LAW. Room Crelghtou Iff .V. Block. OMAHA Men. Iun4-tl ATTORNEY AT LAW. KARBACH BLOCK. COR. DOUGIBTH STS. OMAHA. NEB. W. d. Connell , Attorney-at-La w. : J Office : Front rooms , np Blairs , In lUnscom'e oew brick building , N. W. corner Fifteenth and Fornhsm Streets. JOBS I. RlDIOK. Cms R. BIDIC& . KEDICK A HEDICK , Attorneys-at-Law. - - . Sp cll UUntlon will be given to U salts aiOklnat oorporatlons of uverv dewriptlon ; will pnctlce In 1 Jthe Courta of the Suite unJ the United States. Office. Fambwn St. , opposite Court House. EDWARD W. SIMERAL , TTORNEY AT LAW Boom 6 OreljLton _ / _ Block. 16th md Douglaj gtreeta. no9dh C. F. MANDER80K , A.TTORKSY . AT LAW ! FMnlum Btttet A. Om h K KPARKE PARKE GODWIN , A TTORKKT AT LAW Itth toil DongUi J\ _ Strata , with O. W. Pen W. T. RICHARDS. O. J. HONT RICHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-Law. ypnci 2M South Fourteenth Street. Only Direct Line to France , i CENERALTRANSATLANTICCOMPAN t } OETw'EKNX wYorklLndHrre > WerZ > N'B ft foot of Morton BU , pier of company. Travelers by this Hue a\old both transit by En Ub railway mid Ui discomfort ot crossing tht . J n nne lin a small boat " ANADA , FHASOKCI , Wednesday January 21 DOOD , . AUERIQUE , B. Jonow , Wednesday Februar ' FRANCE1 , ' TRCBIU.I , Wednesday , Februar p'RICE OF PASSAGE ( Including wine ) : TO HAVRE First Cabin , JIM aodJSO ; Secon 'ft - Cibin58 ; Steerage , $26lndndlngwinebedding r ud utlnculB. LOUIS DEBEBIAN.Acont , SBroadway.K. FRAKK E. MOORE8 , No. ill , West Side Hth 8tr t , Bet. Farnham and Douglas , Next Dee , o U. S. Eiprew Office ( Slm ) of Palm - < * $ K toamihln. ) OUAHA. SBB. t JEAST INDIA ' J ' BITTERS \ ILER & CO. , 8OLB MANUPACTURBRS I Neb. PAD hitherto unknown remedy for all Kldnrii , Bladder , and Urinary li. It will positively cure DiabeUs. Oravel , Drop- * iv BrUrbt's Dicc * , inability to retain or exptll Llh'eL'rine. Catarrh of the BUdfer , high colored Tid wanly urine , Painful Urinating , LAMB ' JaCK. Ueneral Weaknma , and all Female Com- lt aroUs Internal medidne * . It certain In it ffKt * * 8dcum uhennothing el e can. per l Xiy all Druggist * or tent by mall free -ipon r oeiJ5t of th price , t-CX ) . 3AY KIDNEY PAD CO. , PROFRS , Toledo , O. gg-tund your ddraa for our UtUe book , , How * Vt * 8 T l. " t , K. iBHfcAf ct tor Hitrub. THE DAILy BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING PROPRIETORS- - VK Parnftam , bet. 2th and 10th Streets TERMS OF SCBSORIPTION , 1 Cpy 1 rear , in advance ( postpaid ) . . .Si00 Bui.nUs " " 4.00 3nonths " " 2-00 TIME TABLES- THE MAILS. C , 4 , N. W. K. P. . , 6:30 a. m. , 2 : p. m. 0. B. & Q 5 : 0 a. m. , 2:10 p. m. C. K I & I' K. II. . 5:30 a. m. , 2:10 : p. m. C'St Joe 5:30 : a. m S. City & P. 6:30 : . in. U. P. B. R. llWa , m. O. & Jl. V. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. B. AM. R.K,8:40o m. O. & X. W. , 7:30 a m. C. 4-N. W. R.R. , 11 a. tu. , 11 p. m. C. B. & Q. . 11 a. m , 9:30 p. m. C.K I. & 11. , lla.m. , Up in. C. B. &St , Joe. , 11 a.m. , U p.m. V. P. R. R. , p m. O. 4. R. V. ( ram Lincoln , 12:10 p. m. S City k P. , 11 a. m. B. ick. in > eb.,4p. m. Local mills for States Iowa leave but once * day , vis : 4:30 a. m. Ottice open from 12 to 1 p. m. Sundays. THOMAS F. HALL. Postmaster. Arrival And Departure of Trains LNIOK PACIFIC. IJCAVH. ARRTVX. Daily Kvpresa. . I2:15p. DL 325p.m. do Mixed 6.10 p m. 4:25 p. m do Freight 5:30 : a.m. lWp. IP. do do 3:15 : a. m. 12:20 : a. tn. TIME CARD OF THE BURLINGTON. LKAVK OMAIIA. ARKIVK OMAHA. Expreb.3iOp : m. Kxprees 10.-00 a. m , Mill 6:00 : a. m. Mall 10:00 p. m. Sundays Exoepted. SiHWB } Excptcd. CUlCAGO.lROi K ISLAND 4 PACIFIC. Mall 6:00 : . m. I alall 10:00 : p.m. Express 3:40 p.m. | ExprfSS..10OOa. : m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. Mall 6 : 0 a. m. I Mall ISO p. m. Express 8 : p. m. | Exprefg 100 a. m. Sundaj s excepted. KANSAS CITY , ST. JOE & COUNCIL BLUFFd. LKAYTS ARRITK. Mail 8:00 : a. m. I Express 7:40 a. m. Express &iOp.m. | lCan "SSi-m. The on v line running Pullman Sleeping Cars out of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA i NORTHWESTERN AND SIOUX C1TV 4 PACIFIC KA1LROADS. Express 8:00 : a. m. | FxpreM 4SOp : m. DaUv Except KundAVB. B. it 11. K. R. in NEBRASKA. IWEST ] Omaha ( l > ) 9:00 : Keimey J"nc ( h ) fl:50 a m I'latlHtu'th ar 10:25 : a tu BlooiclnjrtonQvJVlO am Kearnj J'ncar)7i5 ( ) p m KedCloudtt\fl5 am Red Cloud ( nrr)7:55pm ) Platum'th ( ar ) 4:20 p m liIoora'Ktoniir)9:2.r. ( ) : p m Om baarr.4J5 pm RKPUBL1CAN VALLEY RAILWAY. UaatlngBh ( ) 8:05 a m | tloom'Ktonarl'Opm ' Bl-iominRton 1:36 p m I Hasting * ( ar ) 6:55 : p m Orleans (1730 ) a m | Indianila ( r)1 ) 0pm Orleans ( tr ) 7:00 p m | Iudlanolalr ) 230 pm SIOUX CiTY & ST. PAUL R R. MJ1 0:10 : a ml Kxpren 10:00 : am Erprws 8.40pm Wail ' 20 p m WABASH.sT LOU1 ? 4 : PACIFIC. Mail 9i m. | Mail 4:26 p m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R. R. Leive Omaha , dally.-S & m , 9 a. nu , 10 a m. , 11 a. m , 1 p. m. , 2 p. m. , 3p. m , 5 p. m , , 6 p. 'brave Council Bluffs ; 8:25 : a. m. , 9:25 a. m , , 10:25 a. m. , 11:25 a. m , 1 5 p m , 2:25 p. in. , 3:2S p. m . 5:25 : p. m. , 6:25 p. m. , Four trips on Sunday , lea vine Omaha at 9 and 11 a. > . , 2and 5 p. m ; Council Bluffs at 9:25 : , 11:25 a m. , and 2:25 and 625 p m. FASSKNOKR TRAINS. Leave ' maba : 6 a. m. , 7 a. m. , 8:30 : a. m. , 1 p m. , 4:50 : p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , Leave Council Blufis : 6:16 : a. m , , 9:10 : a. m. , 11:40 a , m.5:25p : m , 7:00 p. m. , 7M ) p. tn. Dally except Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY K R. LXAVB , ARRHTl. M il 10:45 : a. m. , 4Sa p. m. Laily except Sundaje. COSIHERCIAL. Wholesale Markets. OMAIII , July 29 , 1880. BUTTER AND KUUS. < . uoicetable . 10 l 'r B h eggs , per doc . Honey . . . . . . POULTRY. f ilckeiiR , per dot . . . . 2 25 " Uucka GROCERIES. SUOAR3. CutLoaf Powdered. . Granulated Standard"A" OffA E'tra"G" Extra choice and very bright. . . 50 Bright Table Drips . 45 New Orleans Mollasaea . w Market advancing. COl'FEE. Rio , prune to choice . 17 Rio good to prime . 16 Rio fair to good . 1 Mochu . ri Choice Goodto prime NewPrune * . f OldPrunes . o Currantschoice new . < BlackBerries . , . 12 Raspberries . . . " Pitted cherries . 20 Michigan grtd Apples' . . 8 X. Tf. Sliced " . 9 Evaporated " . 5 State Peaches . ? Salt Lake Peaches . California Peaches . CASHED GOODS. "S"Oyst rf , 2 ft cans , Joas . . 3 < 0 do do llbcan.percase. . 240 LichtWeigbt Oysters 2 Ib case 2 90 Salmon , 1 lb , V dozen . 176 do 2tt > , ! .tfdoren . 2 65 Standard Tomatoes.2 ft , t ? case 2 30 3 tb , tf c * e 3 00 Standard Peaches , 3 to , 0 case. 4 40 " " 2Ib , case. 340 RaspberrieB , 2 Ib , 0 case. . 300 Blaciberriea , 2 Ib , tf case . 280 Corn , 2 Ib.t ? caoe . 380 Apple , Gal , * doz . 3 75 Narrow Fat Peas.2 Ib , S ? case. . 4 00 S tring Beans. 2 Ib , per case - -40 SUNDRIEa. Nutmegs. . Pepper . } ' Allspice . Clove . R pe . Candles , 16or . Greenwich . 3 85 BeanHper buahel . 1 80 Cheese fuUcream . 11 -ULiASS. Window Glass , 60 p r cent , dU- Lount off lilt. HARDWARE. IRON. Common bar . . . 3 Horse-shoe bar . 4 Norway nail rod. - . 9 STEKL. Cast plow . 9 Am. cast , tool . . . . . 1 do. . . ' - ' Tons , upwards. . . . . 550 B'rd'd's shoe 'g . 5 M ' mule" . 660 Omaha naiU tens , npwardn. . . . 3 50 Nw'str'ihn . 2S@80 Putn.-un nails . 23SO DRY GOODS. BROWN COTTONS , Atlantic "H" . 7J j 4113 * * * CIO * * . - , I Pem rell 0 . 7f " * * * " * " * , , 4i X * „ * * . . . * . . * . , O J 3 " jRWTffHOfl j\ 10 - - - - | * * * * * * Nebra.ka.Standard/IAA" . Amoskeag. . . . . . . . . . . 16 Beaver Creek , "AA" . 14i do "BB" . 181 Haymakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - * * 9 Palmer . * . . . . . . . . . . * . . - * - " ® OU8 "AXA" . IS do "BB" . 14 do "CC" . 13 Warren "A3LA" . I5 do "BB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * " * " " ' 13 do "CO" . BLEACHED COTTONU. . . . . . .f do Cambric . . . 1- | C&DOt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . * Frnitof the Loom. . . . . 1" ewYork Mills . . . - 124 Hilla'Muslin . I . Waxnrotta. . . . . . . . . . . . Pepperell . 1S4@27 TICKINGS. Amoekeag . IS FmlUO.B.0 . 20 do "AA" . iij An "A A A" 16 uu n it fm * . * " P * rl River . 16J Holyoke. . . , . . „ , - . 18 PMH73 , ion Harmony American Allen's Allen's Pinks Ancona fancy " Manchester . . Merrjmac Jlerrimac shirtings Richmond Richmonds , E " iia mourning Simp ou' * black 8TB1PE3. Atuericuu . Amoskeag. Awning stripes Lewiston , A Hamilton Omega Pittsfield LUMBER. Framing , 18 ft. and under. . . $2000 Each add. ft over 18 , p r M . 50 Fencing , No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft. . . 22 00 " . No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. . . 20 00 Sheeting , dressed. No. 1 20 00 " " No. 2 19 00 Common boards , dressed 2200 STOCK BOARDS. A stock 4000 B " 35 00 C " SO 00 Common stock ! ! 5 00 FLOORING. No. 1 flooring 40 00 No.2 " 35 00 No.3 " 25 00 Yellow pine flooring , No. 1 45 00 BIDINO No. 1 aiding 2. . 00 No.2 " . ; 22 . .0 No.3 " 20 00 PICKETS. No. 1 pickets , per M 82 CO No.2 * " 25 00 No. 1 finish , 1 } , 1J , and 2i in. . . 55 00 No. 1 " lin. . 5000 No.2 li , 1J , and 2 in. . 45 00 No.2 1 in 40 00 No.3 35 00 SHIP LAP. Plain ship lap 2300 OG " No. 1 30 00 " No.2 > r , oo " " No.3 No.3EILTNO. EILTNO. 3 beaded , 6 in. , No. 1 25 00 No.2. 2300 1 " 4 and 6in. , No. 1. . . 40 00 No.2. . . 35 60 Corrugated ceiling , No. 1 MOO HHINOLEd. A star ( ben ) sh ngle * 375 No , 2 " 300 No.3 " 2 50 Lath 4 00 Lime , bbl t 35 " bulk , per bu 40 Cement , bbl 250 Iowa plaster , bbl 2 50 Michigan plaster , bbl 2 75 Hair , per bu 25 Tarred felt. 100 Ibs 3 00 Straw board , " 4 00 O G battont , per 100 ft. lin. . . 1 25 Well curbing 3000 Rough J , and 2 in. , in batta , per 100 ft. lin 50 P03T3 Cedar halves , 7 in IS " " Gin 16 " Quarters kx 1C Oak , 4x4 30 " 4x6 40 0 G casing , 5J and 6 in. , per 100ft. lin 300 Oak plank and timber , per M. 4000 dear poplar .1000 Black Walnut 10000 HIDES. Green hides , p erlb Green cured hides Dry hides Dry salted hides 10al2 Sheep Pelts 25al 50 Tallow 4 } LIQUORS , WINES , ETC. High wines , per gal 1 03 Alcohol , 180 per cent , per gal. 2 10 Fren h spirits , proof 1 18 Marshall's bourbon whisky. . . . 1 23 Miller's bourbon whisky 125 Brandy , very fine , per gal. . . . 2 00-iS 00 " common to fine. . . . 150 Gin , 100 percent , . 150 " Holland. 90 per cent 1 25 Rums , mixd Jamaica , per gal. 1 sVa3 ) 00 " New England 2 00 Kennedy Bitters per gal 150 " " per case 750 " " per 100 casea 7 00 Champagnes , pints in baskets. 2500 Domestic champaigns 22 00 Port wine , per case 1 50a3 00 Sherries 1 50a3 00 Ales , Edinburg 2 75 " Bass&Co/a 225 Guinness Dublin stout 2 25 LEATHEPv. Beat slaughter sole 32 Bestoak 41 French kipa 1 lOal 40 French calf , leading brands. . . 150210 Domestic kipa 75al 10 Domei-tic calfs 1 lOal 30 Hemlock upper , per foot 26 26 Oak upper , per foot Grain , upper per foot 23 Linings , per doz 8 00a9 50 Toppings , per doz 1100 Morrocc * ( bootleg ) per foot. . . S5 ' 8 " oil dressed 35 Simon per skin 3 00a3 25 _ ! - . _ * 1.TJ "rt Boot webbing , per foot 45 HARXEbS LEATHER. No. 1 Pitteburg oak. . . 44 No. 1 Pitteburg oak 42 Nu. 1 Cincinnati oak 41 Is'o. ii Cincinnati oak 39 No. 1 hemlock 39 No. 2 Hemlock 37 COAL RETAIL. Anthracite 1050 Blossbuig 12 OJ Wyoming 3 50 OakalooEa 5 50 Iowa nut 500 White Breast ; - . TiO GBEATEST REMEDY KNOWN. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption ; s certainly the greatest medical remedy ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity. Thou sands of once hopeless * ufferors , now loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful Discovery to Which they owe their lives. Not only does it post tively cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Brorchita , Hay- Fever , Hoaranesa and all affections of the Throat , Chest and Lungs yields at once to its wonderful curative pow er as if by magic. We do not ask you to buy a large bottle unless you know what you are getting. We therefore earnestly request you to call on yowr druggist , J. K. IHH , and get a trial bottle free of cost which will convince the moat skeptical of its wonderful merits , and show you what a regular one dollar size bottle will do. For baleby J , K. IBH. (4) ( ) CHICAGO SHOT TOWER OO. M&nul&cturen of STANDARD SHOT _ BE SURE'TO BOY rr. THE BEST IN MARKET. E. W , BL4TCHFORD & O. Manufacturer ! ot Lead Pipe.Sheetand Bar Lead , Block Tin. Pipe ana Soldrr , Linseed Oil and Oil Cake. ORDERS SOLICITED. 70 NORTH CLIHTOH ST. , 1. ffi HOa w ? t. in a day at borne easily ronla-CoiUj Vl > JiiocintrrM , Adiir wTr3 A Co. Portland , M A. F. RAFERT & CO. , Contractors and Builders. Flae Woodwork a SjSecJatty. Agents for the Encaustic Tiling 1910 DODOK ST. , OMAHA TKRKIBLE DEATH OF A PROSPF.OTOll THE A most horrible and i hastly illus tration of th ? experiences uf tuuu in his assiduous pursuit of wealth is that which was given to the reporter yesterday - terday morning by a party of prospacI tors who had just returned from the Gunnison districts , and who are now encamped on the Arkan a3 River , The following nariation will he vain- able to those comtemplating a visit to those regions , and will serve to admonish - monish them in way that they will fortify themselves n ) t o ly Against one predicament , but against : * mul tiplicity that miuht arise : On or about the 1st of July two prospectors completed their outfit at Pitkin and departed in search of p y dmt and salable holea. They travelad on tor some days and stopped only for a few hours now and then to examine the deceptive rock that arose before them on both sides. Thiy at last reached a small valley in the mountains aiul were passing through it , when suddenly - ly a number of mountain lions made their appearance and started immedi- atgly for their prey. One of the men made an effort to repel the attack from the hideous beasts , while the other sought protection in kis legs and , running to a projecting rock on the mountain side , waa enabled - bled to aoe the terrible encounter ha1 twe-n his comrade and the lions. Tnere they were in bloody battle , while the shining claws of the btvats were seen to combine and strip the flesh from the man who was battling with the stock of his gun. The coward - ard who unfortunately lived to tell hia atory says that suddenly the proa- pector waa on the ground and that his enraged adversaries were devouring him. Thinking that possibly one man would not appease their i.ppe- tites , the looker-on thought it about time to leave , and so hastened away , He was now without any weapon against the invasion of hunger or the chill mountain weather , and hia only recourse from inevitable death waa to reach a camp. To return through the valley he dared not , and by making a circuitous route he trusted that he would strike the trail. It was lmost dark and a ilight rain began to fall. ' lie started on , however , and wanted to reach the trail before night was there to lead him astray with her myriads - riads of starlights. This was when he committed h B error ; for he wandered ftom the right direction , and wearied and discouraged he < at down and built a tire. The light came to succor him , but now hunger advanced , and soon ' visions uf a comfortable cabin and ! ! plenty of food danced before t him , aa if gloating upon hia misery. He did not suei succeed iu finding the trail that day , and when nightfall came he ate i\ few , ptae burrs and laid down exposed .o j the elements again. This continued for eight days and nights , and at last j I ke accidentally discovered a trail. E reached thisand , when he ahjuld have been overjoyed at his uroapects all i hrpoaeemod to desrrt him , and he la ddown , not caring what came. He rema ned theie some hours probably when a party of prospectors cama along and found him almost uncon scious. They administi red a little br ndy and succeeded in reviving him. A meal was prepared , but his ttomach , that had been denied food for ao many days , refused to retain it. He was taken up and strapped upon a horse , being unable to keep his seat without it , and the narrow condition of the trail preventing them from riding be- aide and supporting him. The re pot tur's informants met the party with the man shortly afterward , ami , hav ing halted them , elicited the above , but neglected to ascertain the names of the unfortunate prospectors. The man with his days of starvation was a'fnost reduced to nothingness , while his fissure lips and cheek-bones that appealed for aid presented a revolting picture. The man will , no doubt , fol- lop his friend into eternity , but in a way not ao tragic and horrible. Butter Preaervativss. * Several notes , writes Prof. Caldwell - well in The New York Tribune , have appeared tn recent journals on pro cesses for the preservation of butter. Maiiotti , in Italy , has tried the effect of a much more thorough washing than is usually practiced , the operation be ing continued till the wash-water waa quite colorless , but the butter wu kept sweet only ; i few days longer than another sample washed aa usual. The addition of two , three and five thousandths of salt caused the butter to keep sweet five , fifteen and twenty- five days longer than butter without any salt ; with one to two thousandths of borax the butter kept sweet from ifteen to twenty days longer than without any preservative. Concerning this last-mentioned sub- itance our consul in Florence wrote to .he commissioner of agriculture ( sea report for 1878) ) that very successful experiments had been tried in Italy on its substitution for aalt in the pro x > rtions in which ealtia usually added ; > ut since scientific men disagree as to he harmleasness of borax in food , hero is some reluctance in respect to : he adoption of this preservative. Prof. Becchl , director of the experi ment station in Florence , has fouud in the well waters of the city , and in the air , aa well as in some inin eral waters ot good reputation ; and ne therefore concludes that , at least in small quantities , the substance is aarmlpas. He preHervea his own but ter by mixing with it as thoroughly as possible about one-sixteenth of its weight of pure calcined and very fine ly powdered borax ; the flavor is not fleeted at all , and the butter keeps admirably. A new process brought out in Ger many consists in covering the butter with a layer about an inch in thickness of a strong solution of sulphur of lime , a chemical that Is in somewhat com mon use for the preservation of cider. Butter thus treated kept quite sweet in a damp cellar through three weeks in July at a temperature of about 59 degrees , while another sample , not so treated , and unsalted , was quite spoil ed. From England comes the accoun given > n The LondonTimea of a teat of a new patent preservative. The butter , in which a trifling quantity of the material was worked , coating about one cent per pound of butter , after being wrapped in a mualin cloth was put Into a firkin without any salt , and left fully exposed to the air , on the premises of the Ayleabury Dairy company , from the last of July to the last of October , and was then as sound and fresh as at first , having only a little less aroma ; about 1 per cent 7e of salt jnay bo added to flavor the butter thus preserved to suit the fancy of those to whom perfectly fresh butter t- tit ter is too tasteless. It is affirmed that butter salted in the usual way from 5 to 6 per cent , of salt will be driven out uf the market in consequence of > this new discovery. If it bears the test of trial on a large scale , it will certainly cast everything else into the shade iu the line of butter preserva lives , and will be a great boon to these who are forced te use butter that must be put up in a way to keep it for a long time. "I had Buffered for a long time with go. itre , cake or swelled Liver , indigestion and general bad health , aud after trying many other remedies , nothing done me so much good as Simmons' Liver Eegulator. It cured me , and now I have not to take any > medicine , for Lam well ; but I shall keep > it in tne house to cure any one else of the family that have anything the matter. 36It is good for nearly e v ervthine. " L'I. WILTA , Clinton , G , " TUB eUKfiKNCK OV THK MISII A ril.V- | < tUl < AU sroKY sriltlTS OR t'MIK- Now V rk Sun. i I have in'iuiH'e acquaintance with a lady ! in one of the counties in Kansas , who is of Scotch descent , well-bred , intelligent I and truthful. Within part of her family relationship she exhibits i at intervals an exceptional nien'al i endowment , either subjection to impressions on the brain from great j distances < , or the pervasion of space with hersense and sensibility , orclair- , voyaiicv , or mediiinuhip. Which is | it i ( The periods at which this cjiidttion is i active coincide with misfortunes to distant < members of her family. Her sisters i are endowed as she is. Throughout their lives they have had immediate i intelligence of disaster in the 1 family by dreams , subsequently confirmed < in every instance by letterer or < telegram. These dreams Are vis ions i of things seen , not messages by word or sound. They are pictures of events ( as if seen with the eyes in the daytime. < My Kansas friend has a dream , bate 1 in outline , severe in simplicity , with not a word of speech , rap , or motion i of pantomime in it , with no ghostly ( shade In the chamber. She wakes i np with a full knowledge of the misfortune 1 that hzs happened to a blood 1 relative. H r vision intelli gence 'r covers only relations oy blood. Kelattvis J by marriage may die , be wounded i , or violently killed , and the sisters will know nothing of it. And this 4 clairvoyance or mediumship does not extend to the male line in the family. i It ii restricted to the females. Now ] for a dream which Mrs. de scribes : My brother Dan had disease of the lum 1 s It was aggravated by expos ure < l hard service in the Army of the i I'otomac. Rendered unfit for du ty t , he threw up his commission in the Pennsylvania 1 Bucktails , and went to Cuba. ( At that time I was in Terre Haute J , Indiana. My husband was ab sent in the Army of the Cumberland. A lady friend lived in the house with \ me. Dan waa my favorite brother. 1 At short intervals he wrote to t me. One day I received a letter from f him in which he said that he was strong , that the disease of his lunss seemed to have passed away , and that he I intended to take the next steamer for f Now York and then go into the Leathercracker 1 region of Pennsylva nia and settle his business att'airs. The settlement made , he intended to remnin in Cuba and engogo in buai- ness. He urged me to meet him at Altoona , and be with him during his short stay in this conntry. An im- pendine ] battle in the southwestwhere my husband was stati-jned , made me undecided t about going. I hesitated , not i knowing whether to meet my brother 1 as he requested , or remain at home 1 until after the battle and until I ] had heard from my husband. 1 i-ent to bed at 10 p. m. , and dropped t slesp at once. "At 10:30 : 1 was awakened by a shortvivid dream of warning. Alarm- led , I roused my friend and said : 'I have my warning. Something is the matter with Dan. ' My friend laughed at me. I soon recovered from my nervousness , and again dropned to sleep. Instantly it seemed the steno was changed. 1 was on the cars lev eling ea t. Opposite me sat a white- haired man who had a covered basket on his knees. There was a hole in the cover of the basket. The aged man occasionally peered into this hole. I was courious about the contents of the basket , and WAS pleased when I discovered there was tish in it. The train stopped for dinner. Getting out I met a lady I knew , and we had dinner together. I have forgotten the name of this station , but I remember there was a misspelled sign over an adjoining restaurant. The incidents of the dream were those of a journey from Terre Haute to Altoona. I was happy , pleased with the changing scenery , and thoroughly enjoyed the trip. I looked forward to meeting my brother at Altoona , and in the dream 1 never d inbted that I would meet him. "Soon after my western train mn into the depot at Al oona , the eastern train came thundering iu. I stood by a post on the platform watching the passengers get oft'the train , expecting to see my brother. I began to doubt his being on the train , when an ex pressman passed me wheeling a great box on a truck. I looked through his box as though it was clear glass. In the box was a coffin , and lying in the coffin was my brother. One glance bowed me that ho was dressed in heavy gray Scotch twill. From a but tonhole of his cjat hung a black rib bon. On his feet were hoes that had perforated toes. Never having seen shoes of this style , they attracted my attention. The buttons on the coat and vest were very peculiar , and forced themselves on my notice. The expressman wheeled the box past me , and it was put on the express car for Hollidaysburg. I got en the Holli- daysbnrg train also. "The intense vividness of the dream awoke me. I sat up in bed crying. My friend arose , lighted the gas , and talked to me. With tears streaming down ray face , I instated that Dan was dead. The hands of the mantle clock indicted 11 p. m. Knowing that something was wrong , I resolved to go home on the day that my brother had requested. Again I slept , this lime a heavy , unrefreshing sleep that last ed until morning. Good humorec ridicule from my friends had a bene ficial effect on me , and after two days I was almost persuaded that I was at taching too much importance to i dream. " for my departure came. I entered the car in the Terre Haute station. I seated myself and looked about me. In an opposite seat sat a white-haired man. I recognized him at once as the man I had aeen in my dream. He had a fish basket on his knees. The faces of the passengers were familiar to me. At the dinner station I met the lady I had seen in my dream , and we had dinner to gether. Arriving at Altoona , I stood watchin ? the eastern train come into the depot. I was sure my brother's body would be put off the train. As I stood watching the passengers hurry Into the dining-room , the expressman I had seen in my dream said to me : 'Please give way , madam. ' 1 turned to look at him , and on the truck lay a large box addrcssedtomy father. Itook the Hollidaysburg train , and on arriv ing home was met by my father , who said : 'Dan is dead. He died at sea five days ago from heart disease. ' In answer to my question as to the time of d y he died , I was informed that it was fl p. m. The difference in time of the east and the west showed me that Dan had been dead some hours before I saw him. Silently I stood in the house by the side of the box when It was opened. The lid of the coffin was removed , and there lay Dan dressed exactly as I had seen him in rhy dream. "I have no explanation to make of the dream. I simply tell you of the fact of my having aeen an apparition of inanimate objects , of dozena of strangers , and of my dead brother's body. " Knowing the truthfulness of the I believe heratranga gtory. The most sensible remedy , and the only ttc , sure nd perm-menl cure for all disease of he lirer.blood ndg omichInclu-UDgblllioujfevers , fererand iwue , dumb ague , Jaundice , drspepsi- i , ic , is Prof. Guilmette's French Lire Pads , which cures by absorption. Ask your druztist f r this noted cure , and take no other , and If he has not jot it or wfll not get jt for yon , send 11.50 to French Pad Co. , Toledo , O. , and thev will tend you one post-paid bv return mail. AN OPEN SECRET AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant , fasciuatinc lints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial , and all who will take the trouble may secure them , nieso roseate , bewitching lines follow the use of Hagan's 3lag- nolia Halm n delicate , harm less and always reliable article. Sold by nil druggists. 'J'ho ' Magnolia Balm conceals every blemish , removes Sal- imvncss , Tan , Kedness , Erup tions , all evidences of excite ment and every imperfection. Us effects are immediate and so natural that no human being can detect its application. Cures and iiovor disap- polnta. The -world's great Pain- Rcllovor for Mau and Boast Ctoaj ! > , quick uud roliable. PITCHER'S C ASTORIA is not Narcotic. Children jro\v fat upon , Mothers like , and Physieiaiis recoiuiiiend CASTORIA. It regulates the Howels , cures AVind Colie , allays Feverislmo5 > s , ami le- .st roy.s Worms. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cnro , a Constitutional Antidote for this terrible mala dy , by Absorption. The mart Important Discovery kinoe Vac cination. Other remedies may rcliovo Catarrh , thi oar on at any stage before Consumption setn in. ETAJLL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER Tills standard article a compounded with the greatest care. Its effects re ai wonderful and i atisfictory as ever. It resturea Cray or faded Iwlr to its jouthful color. It remotes all eruptions , itching and dandruff ; and the scalp by its use becomes uhite and clean. By IU tonic properties it restores the capillar. glandg to their vigor , preventing bald ness , and making the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing nothing Ii * ) been found BO effec tual or desirable. fir. A. A.Hayca.FtattfAssajcrof M.vmcliU4clt8 , Hajaofit : "I consider it the beat preparation for its intended | > uri > osc9. " DYE , Forthe Whiskers. 1 hi4 pro | > 5rati' > ii may l > c relied on to ' liatiKC Iho iolor of the bwrd from Stay or nny ihvr undcbirablo nhadc , to brov n * > r Matkat discretion. It is e.isili applied , bciiis i ' " > e prc- p.irati'in , and fiiickl/ | and effectually prwlnrca a ( iciiiMnDiit cxlor which will neither Huh r sh off. MANUKACTUKKI ) BY BYSz Sz CO. , Nashua. N. H Sold by all Druggistn and Dealers in Medicine. IRON TURBINE WIND ENCINE MANUFACTURED BY Mast , Fees & Co. , Springfield , 0. The Strongest and Most Durable WIND ENGINE In the World. liundrudi in use In Iowa and Nebrwk * Sold by Dealers In nearly evrry county. This cut represents onr Buckeye Force Pump _ which ( s particularly adapted to Wind Mill use , as it works easily and throws a constant stream , and does not freeze up in the cold est weather. Send for price list W. H. RAYNER , Western Ajj't , Omaha , Neb. FEVER AND AGUE. Serve an Injunction on Disease By Invixofitiru a feeble conatitutipn , renovat - in ? a debilitated phtsique , anilenrithinir a thir and innurrlclous circulation witb HottetUr' Stomach Bitters , the finest , the molt highly sanctioned , and the moat popular tonic and pre ventiye In existence i'or ula bv all DrujnUti ana Dealera K ° erall U . . . . a GO EAST UA nip , Chicago & A orlh western 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! , U Ij the SHOUT. HI RE * mi 3 Jo itouto R twem j COUNCIL BLLFFS I CHIC AGO , MILWAUKEE [ ami all j > lnt * KAST and .VOI'.TH , IT OFFKRS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC GREATER FACILITIES AND MOKE I ADVANTAGES THAN ANY I'THER ROAD IM THE WEST. It U the ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which It ran PULLMAN HOTEL CARS ! In addition to them and to plena all clai ei of travelers , It icUes FIRST CLASS MEAU at its EATING STATIONa at 50 rents cich ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAOS I ITS COACHES ARE THE FINEST ! ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST CLASS lfou ish the Best Traveling Accommoda tions you will buy your ticket hv thU Route JWAND WILL TAKE NONEOTIIER All Ticket A cnlg can II vou Throuzh Tickets vii thi road ami Check 1 ? U5U > P-as- Krec of Clnrse. OMAHA TICKET OFFICES-1'-I Farnham St , Cor. Hth , and at Union Paciflt Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colortdo Central and Union Pacific Ticket Oflicc SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE-2 N w Montpim- ery Street. For Information , folden , mapii , etc. , not ob tainable at Home Ticket Office , address any agtrat of the Company , or MARVIN HUCHITT , W- STENNITT , Gent Manaicer , OenM Paw. Azent , CU1CAOO. ILL. . JAMES T. CLARK , Gen'I Ae't Omaha & Council Bluffs. SHORT LINE 18SO. K. C.ST. JOE&C.B.R.R. , Is the ony ! Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AXD THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. No change of cara between Omaha and St. LouU and but one between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS RKACHIXQ ALL Eastern & Weste- Cities With lesa crurgro and In ailvancu of otlier Hues. Thld entire line Is equipped ith Pullman' * Palace Sleeping Cars , P.Uace Day Coieh- ev.Miller'g Safety Platform ami ' Coupler and 'the celebrated \V estiniliiase ; Air-Br.ike. /WdEE THAT YOUR TICKET ' Kinua Cit > , St. Joseph Ticket ! furaalcat ill coupon station : ) In tha West. J. F. BARNARD , A. c. DAWES , Geu'l Supt. , Oen'l Pass. & Ticket AK'I St. JoaephMo aL Joseph , Mo , W. C. SEACHKIST , Ticket Aeon. , 214 Fifteenth Street , betw < en Fatnham an.1 Don las , Union Block , OmahA. JOS. TEHOX , A. B. BARNARD , Pass. Atient , Om ilia. Geti'rl A cnt , Oinalia SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable S'wus Gity Hunt * I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE ! From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all points In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. Thfc line U equipped with the Im proved Westinuhous- ) Automatic Air Brakeband Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer. for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT is unsurpassed. Elejtant Drawini : Room nd Sleeping Cars.owne-1 ami controlled by the com pany , run Through Without C'lian o between Union Pa'lfic Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and SPaul. . Trains leave the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 5:15 : p m. , rcachlne Sioux City at 10:20 : p m. , and Ht P ul at 11:05 a. m , making HOURS is AHVAM-K OK ANY OTHER ROUTK. , Icno 8t I'anl at Tjn p m , ar. i-ii ; at Siotiv. City t 1:45 : a. ra. , .and Union Pacific Tnnefer Depot , Council Bluffs , at 8:50 : . m. Be sure that V"'ir ticknta rvul l "S. y , 4 P. R. R. " K. C. HH.I.S , SiipcrliitoiiHenl , Miwourl Vslley , Invrn f. K. UOBINHON , Are't Gen I P.IIM. Agrnl. J. II. O'BUYAN. m320-tf O'ounill Bluff ? THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars ! TBIIE CHICAGO QURLINGTON & QUINCY With Smooth ar.d Perfect Trick , Klcspiu Pas- ocn er Ccachca , and PULLMAN SLEEPmCjS : DINING CARS It is acknowledged by the Press , anil all wko travel uv'cr It , m lie the tlcat ApiKiintcil ami Beat Managed lioml in the Country PASSENGERS GOING EAST Should bear in mind that this is the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points Kast , North ; ucl Northwest. Pa9svnkvr3 ; l > y this Route have choice o ( . POUR DIFFERENT ROUTES , And the Advantage of Six Pail ) Lines of Palace Sleeping Cars ) ( rom Chicago tn New York City Without Change. All KijirKss Tmiim on this line are eqalpp d with thu WcBtinjhouaa Patent Air Ilrakcs anil Miller's Patent Safety Platform anil Couplers , the most Perfect 1'ro- tection Against Acci- denta in the world. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND D'HING CARS Are run on th eBuriington Koute. Infomiatiiin concerning Routes , Kates , lime Connections , Ltc. , will be cheerfully given by applying at the otlice of the burlii.gton Rout * , 613 Kourteentn Street , Omaha , Nebraska. C.E. PERKINS. U W. HITCHCOCK. Oen'l Manager. Gen. West'n Pass. Ag"t. J. 0. PHILLIPI-I , Si. Joe. , Mi > . General Agent , Omaha. H P. DUEL , Iep5-dl licketAeent. Omaha. GJCC a week In your own town. Terms jsJ $5 kpDO outfit free. Address U. Hallett ti Co. , Pcnland , M f 1 THE BOWELS , | 1 ancr the KIDNEYS , - ' iMion ffitea it won- ' ui. j iM dif eases. ihfssyrentorguii. ' ' ; I ' , > t c' " 'f > d iff tor 'd. , " ' / ' i re 111fjtre ' ' 'ft/ ' ' , , ' ' / ' < ; < . ' liC . . . . . . ' ' " ' f { / , t"H'i- ; , ! ' ! " { " > of fhcxc orrjmu t | t i ii . -i , ' i-c ' ' poKcr to throa off ; t . * f r. f 1 V. fViT [ > r r > : li'.i prln < iirn ! arhnl * A' ft- it' l. " ! vit . ( ' . ' - . < t , iMiiatlon : ; ! - ! . r , _ . : , i > : < riJ. .i'lT .I Kiilurj * i ( - . rf - rtMor sirk h-silarlicil ' . . . . ) i.-.r- - > > | | r 1 nJKlll. I ' t KI''MEY .TO2'V / ! ) ( { { ryO , In ! . ' Jiisi 'Irij , r yftal'le CQirpwtr. > f 3I - , , f'ir ] ) nfi"t , hi v-lt ortilf P , - 5. its KIDNEGBN is hiphly recommended and untnirpasaed for Weaker or Foul Kidneys , Dropsy , Bright's Diseaaf , Losa of Energy Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions ansins from Kidney or Bladder Diseases. Also for Yellow Fever , Blood and Kidney Poisoning , in mfected'mnltmal sections. Hie .liitillttioii "t * FOItKdr I.KAK with .ICNIPKIt KKICKIKS * ml H.VKLKY JIALT h ve dHc erctlKIDSEOENwhictiact.tsic | < : ilic ll on tliu Knlncv iu1 Urln-uy Driin , r muvm < in jurli > u iltporita forratil in the hlaiMi'r jml | ir.\cntliii ; .my Htr inin , smsrtmi ; sonjitioa he t or irriUtmn Hi the mmibranoue li iiie "t thj ihicti or w tcr [ > uw.iu oxoiU- healthy action in the Kidney * sivin * them atrciiith. i nr ami rrntonn thf w orpuii t < : i ht-tlthy cuiiditfon , shou-int ; iu effecto on holli the color and ai < y tiow of urine. It can ho UK en AI til time * , m all climttea and undrr all circum'tttiiccs i-hoiit injury t the lysteni Unltke * ny othvr pre | nttion for Kulney ultflcnltlen it h s . vcrjr plununt in < l .ijrcc idle t-Mte in.l lUvnr It ha be a ililticiill to make A preparation i-iiiitainiiijr jioHitUo iliurmc pr < > | > rtio > > uhuli will not luuwuti- , hut be acceptable ti > the itomach. licforo taXliv ; any Liver * Ivittle of KIDSKOKN tr. rL tNSB the KIDNEYS from fnul matter Trx it HIU ! y.ju will al iy u v it a a f Ainil ) moJii in U.ll < espcciallv will like it. -uid Quntlcmcn uillflml KIPXKCKN the Iwat Kidney T mic oer weil' NOTICEh.icli Mtt'e 'nvirt li ! 8i n > ture of I.A WHENCE > V MAUTIN. alsoa Proprietary ( luvera- ment Stamp which ] > nniw Ml > .N'EOES t hi ? * .M ( vTi > h < mt licctiiai liv Dnis i'to. : nx : * anil Other Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use. If not fouml at jour Pruir.'ut4 or Or c r , we will yn < \ n hottle nrrpHul t > the neareat exprr otllio tn you LAWRENCE & MARTIN , Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold DRUGGISTS GROCEES and by , DEALERS everywhere. Wholesale aent4 in Omahi. STKKI.K , JOHNSON' & CO , nil ! nupplv the manufacture prices. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY O * THIS COUNTRY. WU t SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP , THAT THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THK GREAT COSXECTIX LIXK Its mnln line nins from Uhicnitv .o Cunncll tlluIT-i.piL'Klni ; thnmch Jollct. Ottc * . La fulle , fJeneaeiA.Mollne. Itm-k I lnncJ. ll venp > ) rt. Went Liberty. Iowa ( ttr.Mnrro.'j. lln > ukljn ( irlnnell. Oos Moinoi ( the capital of. Iowa ) . Stuart. Atlan tic , and Avocn : with branches from llur nu Junction to Peoriti.Viltnn Junction t Mu < ca- tit.0. Wnshinxton , Kalrtlcld. Klilon. llelknap , Centrcvllle , 1'rlnceton. Trenton. Oullatln , ' 'HIUB- rnn. l.eavenworth , Atchlson , and Kan a c"lty ; Wnghlnirton to yiimurnor. < ) kaloo a. and Knox- Title : KcokuK to Karainizton , Honuparte , llen- UmsDort. Independent , Klilon , Ottumwn , Kildy- vlllp.OakitliMMa. I'elln.JIonrno. and Ooi Molnoi ; Newton to Monroe ; DetMolnea to Indlanolaanit Wlnterset : Atlimlk ; to Lewit an < l Audulxin ; and A"nca to IlarlKn. This l positively Iho only Railroad , which own * , and operate * H through line from ClilcaitolntotheStnteof Knn.'nu. Through Kxprcns 1'ajnenaer Trains , with Pull man < > nlacurHriinttHChet.HrerunPnclivra7daU7 between Cilinco and PEOIIIA. KANSAS CIT.V. I'oi'Ncir , ttirrrf. I. AVSSWOKTII nnrt ATCHI- Sox. Through oar * ar * ) nuo nin b ttw < M n Mt ! * nM- koo find Knnna * 1'ltr. via the "Milwaukee and Rork Island SliiLine. . " The "Orpnt Unck l lnn'l" Is mnuniBcently oqulpniM. Iti rciinl bed i Blinplr perfect , and Ita trnrk H l ld with uteel rails. What will plcnio YOU most will h , ; thw plrjjKiipj of enjoylnc ynnr rnc l , whil pn'Slni ; over the beautiful pmirte * of IHlnni * Hn < f Inwn. In < mo of ourmaKnitlC'-nt Dininic Cars that acoimptnr all ThrouRli Kxpr" " Trmnr Yon uct an t-ntlrn racal. nj Enori as In iiTved tn nny Urn-cla s hotel , fomsrrntytlTo rt > ritit pprcclntini ; thw fnt thnt n maj-tntT of thn pnoplo prefer < * pnrntt' partm Miia for ( iifferent pnrn so * 'and thrclmmprun p "nspr bnsinc's of thin line warrantlncU' ' wtr iiNiisod loan- n * uncp th t thH r-impan * run * ritlliniii P'llnre Sl/'pttig fur * for ulenptni : pnrp t4p < 4. and fitt'itf P T.f.M\V JTAI.Ai'R < ' , MJ nrf < run ( hr.ii.ah to 1IEJ . for ATI I. HI.rKFH , K V > S\H 'ITV. ATrillHOV. iiml I.KA VKK WORTH Tli'U"lm T | llll I. Inc. kimwit H lh "Or t Koek I > 1nn < l Konle , " nrn tolc f nil TlrUrt Alrrnl" In thf 1'nlll Nlnlr * unit Ciinmln. Fnr Itir-rrmnllon not ol > ( nlniil > lc nt your luiino ticket nfflcc. nddrr > . A. . ICIMT * > VLiLi. IU. K'r. .TO 1 17 . Oon'l Superintendent. lian'l Tkt and l'ns ' i A4 * . VERIGK. FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS , And everything pertaining to the Furniture and "Upholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THE ap It mon th ( it 1208 and 1210 Fimiliam Street. Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator 1 880. MANUFACTURED BY P. P. MAST & CO. , SPRINGFIELD , They also make Buckeye Improved Iron .beam Walking Cultivator , with or without Si rings. The New Force Feed IStickcvc Drill , one or two Horse Stylr. Enquire for them at the beat dealers. F. H. PTOH. Gen. Agent , Omaha. Neb mtHITSV/EJGHTINGOLD A. IT. CKZ't'V Manufacturer of Mowiriff Ma- chincu , Trnmansbunf , N" . V , M\I My thumb was caught In a machine am ) wunliadly njureil. I applied Eclcctric Oil with a tiwat irmtint re lief. I hatcalarze nrmhvr of men employed and nearly every one of them uw * it M. SiiKitif inf Oxtrola , Mich .wmlm : I hvr twcd your Kclcctric Oil on horeeH fur different fltieafica , anil fouiul it tn itr * jtiAt 04 yon rerom- mcndul It ha * done jutie for rnw ererv timn. ami 14 the > > MlOiI tor man ami hcut , I eirr E * what Hi * roedu-al faculty * ay. Dr J BnAttxjis , Hull , P Q..fay ? : I ham netersold medicine which ha K > v n more thorough nails/action. I have UM'I it in my own caw , on a broken lez and dislocated ankle , with the bwt ' " "HOLD IN OMAHA in ALL DRUGGISTS. tarGo to Your Druirjriat for Mi * Fr'eman's New National Iyes. For brightness md dura bility of color they are unequalled. Color 2 to . , price 15 cant * . BETWEEN THE EAST & THE Dininq Can for eatlnir purponeonly. Oneo xrpfil feature of our Talaco Can H it SilOtUIVC SALOON jrnpreyou can enjoy your l- nt all benin ur the ilar. MaimlUcent Iron Ilridno apnn the Ml * nmi Mlmourl rivers at all point * crowed 3y toi line , and transftr * are avniiled at Councl. BtCD > Kan art City. Lieavenirorth. and AtchtMic OOC nectlou * hefnirmada In Union Dppou. TMK IMdNCIPAL. It. It. CONNKUTIlMc v. THIS (111EAT TUUOtlUlI MNK AKB V KOIJ.OWS At OniCADO , will ! nil dlveru-ln- line : 'Or- . < Enst and Smth. At BNOLKWOOD. witnUiel > . .3.JtM.Bocf Ft. W.AC K. H < 11. At WASHINGTON HEIGHTS , with I' . . * . LK. . K. At IX aAM.r. wl'.h III. Cent. ft. It. AU'KORiA.wllh ! P , A J. : IM > . A E. > i . W ; III MliI . mm T. ! A W. lld . At KOCK ISLAND with "Milwaukee & . . > . Island dliort Line. " nnd ItocklnrdA Pec. rUT" AtI > AvKN rt > RT. with lh I > areni ure Uifiy..r > At'WEMTliineirfr , with the II. . C. It. A * n At ( i KINMI.I , Tlth Central luwn U. It. At I1KS MlN . .wlth D M. A K. U It. n Atror > ciL HLcrr * . with L'nion rucinc tv , i AtOMAFM , wllh II. AMo. It. K. It. In NeO. AlCnf.r > .MRl'Jl'NtTI ! < > : f.wfthlI..r U.AN.ttu. At OTTPMWA. with Central lowalt.U W St. I. , .t Pur. , anil 1 II. A ( J 'It. IW AI KKOKt'K. with Toi. . 1'cn.AWnr. : Wso. Ix > ur A I'nc. nnrt Ht. K. Kc . A N.-W. I ? Hd * At CAUKIUIV. with H. St. J It. It. At ATOItso.v. with Alrh. . Tnpokn Abantf Ati-h. ANeh. iindr in. llr C I" li. Hit * . At MUVKNWIIUTU , with Kan. I'aa. nt tka- rent. K. Iln > . At ILaNAi CITT. with nil HUBS for th * < j am ! Southwest. NERVOUS DEBILITY Vital Weakness ami ft&f- trail n from overwork or Specific No. 28. C' ful remctly known. Price $1 per Tial or .Ub and I- vial ? > " < > * ' tot * * ' % KZg.l * , . „ rv ir.t ttt nrlte. HUjIrllKC * 3 OIIEO.TED co w > i n St. . x. vo.k. IlIus"c UiU f Receipt apl3d&3p till. A. S. PEXDEKY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN UA3 PBIlMANPSTr.Y LOCATED III3 MED ICAL OFFICE. 193 Tenth Street. Olf AHA , .NEBRASKA Offering his services In all departmeuH . medidne ind surjtery , both In Kenenl an special practice , acute and chronic diMues C bo coniulted night and day , aiulwUlvU parta o ! the city and county oo receipt i. or telegrams