THE DAILY BEE. E. ROSEWATEH : EDITOB. TO CORRESPONDENTS OCK COCSTET tRTEXDB we ivlll alwuvB be pleased to hear from , on all matters connected with vtoit , country politics , aniS on uy subject whatever , of ccneial Interests to the people ot our State. Any information connected ith ti ejections , i d relating to floods , accident * , will be tfadly received. All Bach communlra- tloig however , murt le a brief * a possible ; and h y mut in all cages be written on one side of tl-e sheet only THE NAME or WRITER , in full , must in each Mid of communication ererj cane accompauy any > 6t jturc soott r This 1 * not intended for publication , butfqyijjjywn satisfaction and B proof of good feTu ! f candidates for Office wheth er mvJe br nlf or Iricndz , and whether as no- loeg or conimunical'ons to the Editor , are until nominations are made Blicply persoral , nd will be cbargrd for ag ndveitlw-rrents. WE ix > NOHM-sIro contributions of a literary or poeu al character ; and we will not undertake top-enncrr rescne theB nie in any c8 ha'eier. Our staff is sufficiently larjft. . to mure than supply our limiUd ! ppaoc. AK communications Fhould be addressed to E. BOSEWATEB , Editor. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOB PRESIDES ! : JAMES A. GARFIELD , of Ohio. FOB VICE-PRESIDENT , CHESTER A. ARTHUR , - of Xew York. "The lesrislaturc * hallxu * laws to comet ahiucs and prcrent utyutt discrimination and extortion , in all charges of exprttt , tele graph aiul raih-oad in thit itate and tnforct ivch taut by adequate penaltict to the txtoit , if nccettzry , for that purpose , of forfeiture of their property and fran- chitei. " [ Sec. 7 , Art. 12 , Nebraska Con- otitution , enacted June. ] GAKFIKLD is the "statesman sol dier , " and Hancock the "a ately eol- dler" , and after all what the country needs i more of the statesman and lees of the soldier. THE London jTimesin , an editorial on the Afghnn situation , expresses the opinion that the first duty of the government i to redeem its military reputation. THE Charleston Newt "observes with pain" the tendency of the northern democrats to hnrrah before they are out of the woods. The Ntws will observe with more pain the en- deavf r of the democracy north and south to suppress their groans after the November election. IT must have been a pitiful sight to eo S muelJ. Tilden presiding over the meeting of the democracy at New York on Wednesday ovenirg and still thrusting his alleged wrongs in the facet of the party which repudiated bis claims at Oincinnati. Mr. Tilden has become a monomaniac , with him- Si If n the basis of his insanity. LA.WTEES in Naw York are greatly agitated over a certain provision in the new code which goes into opera tion on the first of September , and which declares that counsel's foes shall not be paid to unsncceasful con- testauti out of the contested cases. After the firat of September it is be- li ved that the number of insane tes tators will decrease in a marked man ner when the lawyers' interests in ouch cases it taken away. AK IMPORTANT DECISION. Judge McCrary , of the circuit court of ; ho United States , has rendered an opinion on the right of railway com- panes ; to cross the track of other rail ways , that is of the utmost importance , not only to the city of Omaha , but to the entire country. The attempt of the Union Pacific railway managers to enjoin the Burlington i Missouri from croseihg its track on our river front , is very properly characterized by Judge McCrary as an effort to prevent close co. nectiona between the north- and southern portions of the state. Incidentally Judge McCrary adminis ters a rebuke to the Union Pacific managers for their arrog'ant attempt to place that company above the laws of the state in which that road is located , and his decision not only settles the right of way of any railroad across trie tracks of another within this state , but the right of the fitate to regulate the rail way construction and railway manage ment by statute. The high-handed Assumptions of the Pacific railroads to dominion over the entire continent and their attempts to evade juct taxation - ation ro fully brought to light by the citations of Judge McCrary in the case of the Union Pacific vs. Pen- nistou.x "It was insisted in that case , * ' says Judge McCrary , "that the Pacific railroad was created by congress for public and national purposes and that likt ) a national bank it was the instru ment of the general government and not subject to state jurisdiction for purposes of taxation. " v This position was not sustained by the supreme court which held that the state of Ne braska had the same legal right to tax the Pacific railroad that it had to lax any other olais of property within its boundaries. In this caio , just decided by Judge McCrary , the Union Pacific assumed that while it had the right to acquire eminent domain in any part of the state , it could build a Chinese wall around its orrn lands to prevent other railways from acquiring the right to eminent domain through their grounds. It will be remembered that THE BEE was the only paper in Oma ha which denounced thin at tempt as tit variance with public policy and destructive of our commercial interests. If the Union Pacific could keep absolute con irol of our river front for the nex ct cte hundred years , Omaha would bi > e dwarfed into a town of 30,000 to 40- OOOiahabit&ntE whereas if our river front is made accessible to rlva' mlrotde we shall , within th next twenty yean , have & city of from 80,000 to 100,000 popu Ution. There is no doubt tha' Judge MoCrary's decision would be sustained by the supreme court if i were carried there. It is bated 01 : the sound principle thatrailways an highways chartered"for the benefit o the public , and as such cabnot be used io obstruct the commerce between stales or between sections of any one state , THF OANDJLHAB MAB&A.OHJB. The dreadful massacre of Genersl Burrows' command in Afghanistan is but the natural outcome of the Brit ish policy. It is singularly unfortu nate that the Gladstone ministry , which has so persistently opposed that policy , should now be held responsi ble for its results. It is eqrally un- f ( rtunate that at the very moment in which peace seemed assured and the English forces having seated a. ruler of their own creation on the Afghan throne , were about to evacuate Af ghanistan , rebellion should again have broken out and reDpened the endless controversy which for three years paat has been draining the resources and taxing the prosperity of the English nation. The Afghan war had its origin in the fears of Lord Beaconsfi eld's ad ministration lest Russia , pushing her conquests east from the Caspian , should menace the gates of Great Brit ain's possessions beyond the Hima layas. The victories gained by Rus sian arms in Turkistan , the rapid ad vance of the armies northward to Kuldja , the secret mis. sions of Russian emissaries to the homes of Afghan chiefs and the apparent intention to ronclude a friendly alliance with the only coun try which lay between Russian rule and English possessions , were eventa chiefly responsible tor the Afghan policy of Lord Boaconsfiold's govern ment Counter efforts were imme diately made to force an Anglo-Afghan alliance in upoositiou to Russia , and the offensive persistency of the Bea- consfieldgovernmentmet by obstinacy on the part of the Afghans , who de clined any interference into their affairs of state , was principally responsible for the war which ensued. The bloody detail ? of. that war are fresh in the recollection of all. The sacrifice of life necessary to force en trance through the rocky passes which separated India from Afghanistan was enormous. The natives fought like tigers in defense of their country , and the advance towards Cabul was con tested inch by inch. Tha massacre of Major Cavagnari and his brave com mand within the walls of Cabul fol lowed , and the city waa only recap tured by Gan. Roberts after heavy nghting. The subjugation of Aghanistan was now considered complete although the natives were divided into two classes one oT which positively refusing to acknowledge English rile , took vo the hills and maintained a guerrilla war fare against the English forces. Yakoob Khan , the ameer , was de clared by the English government to have forfeited his throne , and a great gathering or durbar of the chiefs waa called last week to hold a conference with the English and acknowledge the supremacy of Abdur Rahman , an ally of the British as their ruler. Several of the tribes . refused to attend , and it was noticed that a number of the chiefs present maintained a sullen reserve through out the ceremony. The result WAS shown on the 14th instant , when a number of the troops of Shere Ali , one of the English allies , mntiued , and ominoua reports of the gathering of hostile mountain tribes in the vicinity of Cindahar come to the eara of General Uurrows. His column was immediately set in motion to go to Shere Ale's assistance , but on the night of the 23rd it was at tacked by an overpowering force of natives and almost anlhilated. The news has created the most tre mendous excitement in Great Britain , when the blunders of the Afghan war have been since their commencement matters of daily comment. It is not just , however , that the odium of this terrible defeat to British arms should fall on Mr. Gladstone's ministry. They found themselves upon their entry to office burdened with a foreign policy in whose inception they had no part , and whose results they have since endeav ored to shape to the best of their ability. It is to Beaoonsfield , with hia love of glare and glory , his desire for imperial splendor and territorial aggrandizement , his disregard of in < ternational justice and comity , that the blame of the terrible blow must and will fall. England has paid dearly for interference in Eastern politics and her jealousy of Russian invasion , and from present indications the end is almost as distant as when the gates of Afghanistan were fo ced and the vic torious troops seated themselves in triumph in the citadel of Cabul. TURKEY has finished her note to the powers and it is understood to be short and stinging. Dispatches from Paris announce that an European war seems imminent and that the prevail 1. ing impression is that Russia will form an alliance with France and England with Austria and Germany. Should such a war result the partition of Turkey among the great power * would be the bone of contention which would be bitterly fought over. THE Republican protests that it does not intend to be "levitous. " Neither Webster nor Worcester throw any light on this singular word , which is supposed to be of Fremont origin. CHINA has prohibited the importa tion of petroleum , which they call "that dangerous American oil. " The spitheU would seem to refer with greater propriety to fnsel oil. I fasting , itis said , that the fat ii always first consumed , then the spleen. Thii ii singular. Some individuals have more spleen than fat and grow fat upon their spleen. THE telegraph announces that Dr. Tanner took an alcohol bath last night and was in good spirits. This may refer to the alcohel or to the doctor. JUDGE McOrary got down to "bot torn facta" in hia decision against the UnionPacific track obstruction out. rage. THE battle cry of the great corrup- tlonut , "Reform ii necessary" S. J. Pr. . WESTBEN LANDS To the E liter of th B * . "To those who have imagined that from the immense rush of settlers into the western states and territories all the vacant lauds in the continent were in a fair way to be taken up at once , the following facts may be a source of comfort. " [ Omaha Herald. The article of which the above ia an extract continues and enumerates the percentage of unsurveyod lands in the states : For California , 41.4 ; Minus- seta , 2G.7OreconG5.3Novada ; ; , 83.9 : Nebraska , 17-9 , and Colorado , 6G.8. And of the territories : For Wash ington , G ! > .3 ; Dakota , 77.9 ; Utah,83.4 ; Wyoming , 87 , Idaho , 875 ; Montana , 88.5 ; New Mexico , 89.2Arizona ; , 92.7 , and the Indian Territory , 38.G The object of this communication is not to controvert , but to explain the statements of The Herald ; for surely the writer of that article could net have intended his figures as the percentage of unsurveyed lands at all adapted to settlement and cultivation ! although he suggests that the "facts may be a source of comfort. " In each and every state and terri tory mentioned there are Indian res ervations , of great extent in the ag gregate , which are not , and until the extinction of the red man , never will be open to settlement by th& whites. But travelers and men of observa tion will smile at the unintended in ference of which that article is sus ceptible , when they reflect that every acre of the lauds in the states and ter ritories mentioned , at all suitable for agriculture or homes have been sur veyed and offered In the market. Col orado is mentioned as having 66.8 per cent , of its whole are unsurveyed. Beside the fact that every inch of Colorado is comprised within the Great American desert , and is sub stantially a sterile desert , aa a matter of history , I will say that-I have just returned from an extensive tour throunh that state , and that there is not a green spear of grass , from its center to its circumference , except what has been produced by artificial irrigation , and which treatment has this year been substantially a failure. New Mexico is equally , and Arizona even more desulate. It is true that in exceptional seasons , too few and far between to save the husbandman , grass has grown in Colorado But it is alee true that to-day hundreds , ( said to be eigbt hundred ) dead cattle which have starved to death this summer , lie about one abandoned ranch in South Park , the boasted elisium of Colorado. But in most of districts named as in Colorado west of Denver nineteen-twenthietha of the of the country , ia a vast sea of moun tain peaks , cliffts , rocks and indis cribabledessolationutterly sterile and worthless for any thing save raining , and from personal observation I verily believe that not more than one out of each ten thousands of those who seek mineral treasures iu Colorado and contiguous mining districts ever get back one dollar of their invest ments. This is a poor show for homes in any of the mining districts. After coining some twenty or thirty miles eastward of Cheyenne , on the Union Pacific railroad , I wa ? pleased to find eastwardly along the line of that road a fine growth of grass , increasing in qnantity thitherward , pastured by hundreds of thousands of thrifty cat- tie. The same cannot be aaid of the latitude of Denver , Jolorado Springs or Pueblo. The Union Pacific rail road and the Burlington and Missouri lines traverse a section of country whflre the sail is excellent and rain and moisture is more abundant west ot North Platte than it is more south in the same , and therefore cannot be said to be in the so-called "rainless district. " But I assert without the fear of contradiction , that the only desirable untaken lands in the west to any con siderable extent , suited to agriculture , having a deep rich prairie soil , good climate and sufficient rain and moist ure , are in the beautiful state of Ne braska east of North Platte , and are chiefly owned by the Union Pacific railroad company and the Burlington and Missouri railroad company in Ne braska , and the intervening sections chiefly taken up by individuals or pri vate companies , who hold them at about the same price asked by the railroad companies. These lands are the finest in the world and will proba' bly all be purchased for homes within from three to five years , and in in creased value will double the purchase price the first three years. People who want western homes are alarmed , and justly so. In a few more years all the lands in the United States worth cultivation will be taken and instead of the luxury the afflu ence of a rich Nebraska farmer , too many will be obliged to seek a scanty subsistence in the great workshops where capital enslaves labor and the independence and pride of citizenship is lost in the degredation of unre warded enterprise. OBSERVER. BLACK HILLS NUGGETS. The Lead City Masons and Odd Fel Iowa have purchased a lot for a ceme iery. iery.Dead Dead wood has 3.773 inhabitants and Lead City the second citv has 1- 678. 678.The The Falaebottom ditch is now com pleted to within two miles of Dead wood. Nearly all the mills at Central are standing still , and quiet times are tht consequence. There are now building in Dead wood no less than half a dozen tub stnntial brick blocks and more are con templatcd. Grass is ao scarce on Grindston creek that there is not enough to make five tons of hay in a district of twenty four miles. The corner-stone of the SpenrQsl academy was laid on the 24th. The foundation is finished and the carpenters ters are at work. The Homestake paid its ngua monthly dividend , aggregating $30 , 000 , on the 26th. Total of 19 diri- dends , § 557,000. The Homestake company's furnace will be In running order in a few days , with a cupola capable of melting two tons of iron at a heat , A laborer on the toll road near the De&dwood driving park struck rich gravel in a small gulch and made a good thing ot it by working the nod. Central City was recently visited by a hail storm that laid low the garden trurk and destroyed crops. The storm only extended a abort distance from the town. A force of sixty-three men and fif teen mowing machines are at work pnting up hay for use at the different stations on the Fort Pierre stage route. The hay crop is light. Ranchmen claim that it will not be half as heavy as it was last season , on account of the extreme dry weather in the early part of the season. The limited supply of water afforded by Silver creek has induced parties with _ omc capital to investigate the practicability of bringing in the water from BoxElder creek. Roehford baa a bonanra. In the BUni-By mine on the lowest level a rein of ore three feet in thickness wss usetrthed thtt vill RO 3100 to tha ton , and the people of that camp srs jubilant. There is a demand for dwelling house * in Rapid City and not one is vacant. ( Lama Bradley , a desperado who a tew years ace was the Dick Turyin of highwaymen in the Hills , was recently killed in a friendly game of ooker in Texas , which causes many of the vic tims ' of this monster to rejoice. The owner of a ranche on the Lower Whitewood , finding a drouth imminent , and fearful of his success with a crop of wheat , ordered the ir rigating ditch turned on , and claims to"have cleaned upS55.30 ingold-duit when it was turned off. Bald Mountain is predicted to be the coming lucky camp , and that in five years it will produce more bullion than any other in the Hills. It is claimed that the ore assays higher than the Comstock ever run. There is a lively competition going on among the freight haulers on the road between Lead and Deadwood which has brought the rates down to seventeen centa per hundred for heavy freight , and contracts have been taken at fifteen. The gravel in Bear gulch is said to je uniform and paying when water is t hand. There is a movement to jring the waters of the Little Spoar- ish into that section. The water can ) a carried Into Bear ovur an easy rade at a distance of twelve to four- een miles. Work on the Castle creek hydraulic ompany's tunnel is progressing rap- dly During the hat two weeks they lave made over thirty feet , and it is low confidently expected that by the middle of September the waters of lastle creek will "be turned through he tunnel. The census returns for Pennington ounty show a mining population of .533 as against the Rapid City or gran- ; er population of 638. A determined ffort at removal of the county seat will now be in order. Heretofore the ; rangers were in the majority. Rapid Jity is from fifteen to forty miles dis- ant from the nearest mines. Work on the Spearfiah ditch is pro- Dressing. Thirty five mon are at work in the contractors' saw-mill get- ing out lumber for the flume , and the one-million foot contract , which is about one-half sawed. Four miles of ditch is dug , and tunnels one and two are finished. The original contract was to [ bring this ditch to Deadwood - wood in three years from the time the work was commenced on it , which will be about Christmas. The Boulder park toll road is now sufficiently completed to bo deemed a good road. A Deadsrood paper con- _ ratulatingthe people on the construc tion of this new route to that city states by way of argument to show its superiority over the old route , that two mule trains left Sturgis City to- jether for Deadwood , one of them coming through on UIB Boulder park road and arriving in the afternoon of the same day , and the train that went by Crook City arrived more than 24 houra later. The great drawb&ck in the Southern Hills is the scarcity of water There is none now , excepting what is iu French creek , and there ia no more there at present than would be re quired to run a 20 stamp mill. If these mines prove rich enough to pay for the milling , water will bo brought iu , as from snrveyes that have been made it has been demonstrated that from the waters of Beaver creek 1000 miners' inches can be brought in at an altitude sufficient to wet all of their mines , and companies have buuu or ganized for that purpose. The outlook for transportation over the Pierre route is bad for five weeks ahead. Mud abounds enough to make pulling bad. During the cur ly part of tha season it was so dry that the grass attained no height , and had become so dry that it would burn , un til about a month ago , when it rained nearly all the time. An immense amount of water fell , more than has ever been known to fall before in the same length of time. Streams that usually have but little water iu them were from six to ten feet deep , and ravines were axle deep to a wagon for weeks. Presidential Chanc „ , . Milwaukee Sentinel The electoral college has 3G9 votes , 185 being necessary to elect. The re publicans are certain of 157 and the democrats certain of 138 , leaving 74 doubtful. Garfield will need 28 votes more than are conceded to him and Hancock 47. The outlook is as ful lows : Republican Colorado , Illinois , Iowa , Kanea ? , Maine , Massachusetts , Michigan , Minnesota , Nebraska , New Hampshire , Ohio , Oregon , Pennsyl vania , Rhode Island , Vermont and Wisconsin 157. Democratic Alabama , Arkansas , DelawareFlorida , GeorgiaKentucky , Louisiana , Maryland , Mississippi , Missouri , North Carolina , Tenneesec , Texas , Virginia , West Virginia. Doubful California , Connecticut , Indiana , Nevada.New Jersey and New York 74. If Garfield carries New York he will be elected , but the loss of New York does not necessarily defeat him. If he-loses New York and carries California , Indiana and Nevada , he will lack but four votes of election , which Connecticut or New Jersey would supply. The probabilities are , however , that if he loses New York he will also lose Connecticut and New Jeney. Usually the three stitea go together , although there have been exceptions enough to leave a hope bs to both the smaller states. All the possibilities are embraced in this That if Garfield carries California , Indiana , Nevada , and either Connect ! cut , New Jersey or New York he wil bo elected , and-if he carries New York alone he will be elected. The democrats , are very confident of carrying California on the Chinese question , but as Blaine is to stump the state , their confidence may bt misplaced. Connecticut and Now Jersey are likely to go with New York. Indiana , though doubtful will probably go tc the republicans , For convenience , tha following tables of the possibilities are given : Garfield is certain ot 157 New York 35 Total 192 This would give him a majority in the electoral college of fifteen. Garfield certain of 15" California 6 i Indiana li Nevada. Total 181 This would give him four less than a majority , which Connecticut (6) ( ) or New Jeraey (9) ( ) would supply. It is not altogether removed from the pos sible that the republicans msy carry North Carolina (10) ( ) , although it is generally conceded to the democrats. The work of the campaign , there fore , will be mainly in California , Con necticut , Indiana , Nevada , New Jer sey and New York chiefly in New York , which will be likely to direct Connecticut and New Jersey. And it is in these states that the democrats will spend their money. The efforts of the democratic local papers to make it appear that Wisconsin is good fighting te ing ground simply Indicates their de sire for funds rather than an interest in the successof the democratic party. Every dollar given to Wisconsin leavens ons the chances of the party in the doubtful states , ' tha managers of both parties are ahrewd enouph to un derstand this , and whatever newspa per or politician has hoped for a chance at a campaign bar'lvill be disap pointed. Not Any in-Theirs I Tha democrats have not been at all modest in laying claim to republicans who were sure to vote for Hancock. But it certainly reacts upon them when they use the names of republi cans without authority or justification. Hera are two cases in point : The following letter is addressed to the editor of The New Ynrk Tribune : "Sm : My attention has just been called t > the following in Tno New- York Express of July 20 : " 'It is whispered about the corri dors . .f the Fifth Avenue Hotel that Hamilton Fiah , Jr. , is at heart a Han cock man , imd will show his hand presently. ' "Allow me to say that there is about as much truth in it as there is iu most of the democratic claims of republican support for their ticket. As I am of opinion that Gen. Gar- field's flection will insure an adminis tration which will be not only in name but in fact republican , I shall give him my hearty support. 'Tours respectfully , "HiMILTOSiFlSH , JR. "Garrison's , July 24 , 1880 " Hon. William Williams , of Indiana , has been claimed by ( he democratic preta as a recent conver"to " the de mocracy. But he denies the soft im peacliment , and takes ofcasion to de clare his position aa follows : . "I consider Gen. Hancock's nomi nation by the rebel democracy aa simply a decoy to entrap democratic soldiers to support the ticket , and thus enable the southern brigadiers , with the aid of their northern allies , to get peaceable control of the govern ment they failed to shoot to death in the war. and attempted to starve to eath by legislation in congress unless he laws to protect ballot-box rom fraud were repealed. " It is difficult to see what the demo- racy can make by circulating fahe eporis relative to the allegiance and oyalty of such well-dnown republi ana. But the democrats are desperate nough to do anything. Hoadley and Cronin. Cle eland Leader. In his reckless speech , delivered on he park Thursday evening , Judge loadley said : "General fiarfiold islet lot a good lawyer , " and then proceed ed to repeat the slanderous and ex- iloded stories in reference to the De Solyer case. For Judge Hoadley to say that "General Garfield is not a good lawyer , " shows either a want of delicacy and good taste on his part , or ilse he is influenced by a feeling of resentment ho may have against the general. If the latter , it was caused by the fact that in 1877 , when the _ roit case of the foreclosure of the Mortgage and sale of the Mobile & Dhio railroad was argued before the United States district court at Mobile , General Garfield was the leading counsel on one tide , and on the other side was Judge Hoauley , who was Beaten on every legal point by Gene ral Garfield , who won the case. Judge Headley may , however , boast of one achievement which crowns his fame as a great lawyer and entitles lim to be able to judxethe merits of all of his brethren at the bar. He was one of Tilden's lawyers to pre sent the claim of that jjreal cipher chief before the electoral commission. He had assigned to him the Oregon case. He spoke more houra than any of his associates , and devoted his legal abilities to the de'ence of the Cronin Fraud , and it resulted in hia triumph antly obtaining a unanimous vote of the commission in fact , he was the only lawyer who obtained a unaiii- mous vote of that tribunal. Instead of the usual vote of 8 to 7 , the com- mission decided unanimously against Cronin and Hoadley's six houra' speech defending that extraordinary specimen of an Oregon fraud. After making such an exhibition of his legal ability before the commission , it comes with remarkably poor grace for Judge Hoadley to decry the merits of Gen. 8.irfield as a lawyer , especially when he w s so signally defeated by him at Mobile. Our advice to Judge Head ley is to be more modest and not ex pose himself to the charge of being vindictive in his personal feelings to wards Gen. Garfield for reasons that are now obvious. INVALVABLE FOR TILES AND KIDNEY DISEASES. " "SWAKTON , Vt. , September 19. "I suffered _ greatly for years from Piles , and tried various remedies for relief with out success until I used Kidney Wort. If the disease shows symptoms of return , as has been the case , I have never failed to chech it by the use of this medicine ! I have a son eleven years old who had for years uniformly wet his bed nights , and all the prescriptions of different physicians were ineffectual in checking it. I was as sured by a physician that "Kidnew-Wort" was just tae medicine to cure him , and sure enough a trial was completely suc cessful. I regard the medicine invaluable for Pile * and Kidney diseases. "SAMUEL BULLARD. " BRIC-A-BRAC. - - . Ladies are wild about "Brie a- Bras" and will talk , talk , talk about them world without end. Such ladies should be&OZODONT and use it be fore they descant upon their hobbies , especially if the prosecuted one is a male. It gives a flavor to the con vorsation. SPALUINO'S GUTE will prevent a break in a five four's talk on bric-a- brac. CAN PILES BE CURED ? lg the mo t important question to-day with suf feting millions who , when looking at the lonjf list of usulc-8 pile nostrums , feel 18 < h afllictei Bible Patriarch , like exclaiming : "I hive heard many such things , miserable comforters are ye Ml , how long will ye vex my soul and break me In pieces with worcUV" It 19 not recorded thai JOD had piles , but be cou'd not have had a > iy thin ; : mo'6 painful , and thoeamc question mlehi have been asked then as since for three thou-anc ye . Can piles be cured ? We belies e that Dr. -ilabee has solved the problem , for nothing is inorocertain than tnat lia "Anakefls" doe. ah solutely and promptly cure the -worst cases of pilot. When half a million of aftided assert poei lively that it has cured them , and In 20 yearg no one han u < ed the doctor's wonderful remad } v.ithout instant relief , and by following hU sim ple instructions as to habit and diet , all wire Dcnefllte.l and over 95 per cent , cured , and argu menu and theories of those who Jiaven't used them , go for naught Anakesis is now prescrib ed by physician * of all rchoolsandhasproaouiic ed aa near Infallible aa is possible. It la easily appliel. perfectl } stife. Instantly relieves pain , and ultimately cures the most Inveterate cases It has grandly sohtd the proHem th it Piles cai be cured. Samples of "Anake-ls" are eent free to all suffereis , on application to P. Neustaedter 4 Co . sole manufacturers of Anakems , Box 3940 New YorK. Also sold by druggists everywhere Price 31 per box. EucKien's Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE in the world f or Outs , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Totter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and al kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve li guaranteed to give perfect aatiafac tied in every case or money re funded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly , T. K. ISH. cr _ c. MERCHANT TAILOR Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonic Hall , OMAHA , NEB. J.T. B. A. FowtiR. JAMES H. dcoir. FOWLER & SCOTT , ARCHITECTS. Designs for buildings of any description on ' exlhibitlon'at our office. We have had over SO yean experience in designing and superintend. Ing public building and rHidenec * . Plans and estimates tarnished on short notice. ROOM B , UNION BtOCK , rn20-6m OTHERS BBEKIir. HEALTH , STRENGTH and ENERGY , WITHOUT THE USE OF DRUGS. ARE REQUESTED - QUESTED TO SEND FOHTHE ELECTRIC REVIEW , AN ILI/VTRATED JOUR NAL , WHICH 1 = PfBLloHED FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. TT TREATS upon HEALTH , HYGIENE , and riijei- J eal Culture , and is a complete eJcyclop.Mifi of information for invalids ftml tlioie who slider from Xervou * , Exhausting and Hilnful Di e.i.Hi. hvtry subjectthatbeirsupon hr-ilthaml human h.ipuiir i. rccrliM attentbu in its paijri : and UKlainr < ] Ur tiouiatked who hair ri.-a | > HIM ! of ft cure , ate an w ? r l , and \aluatili > inform'ti H. n volunteered to all whoirn in need of meilinl * ! vice. The snbjw-t of Elwric Belli rtriM .V and the hundred ind nut qne tmn of - ! Hnttto auif.rius hmaiintT , iiv .lul ) , . and explained. explained.YOUNG MEN Visor , niid iso-lily Ti * 1tiur 1 tiiiilr1'1 * xtti \tiur TH j--- > inf > rtintinu worth thousand * rULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO. , 'OR. EIGHTS1 ami VINE SFS. . CINCINNATI , n SANTA GLAUS FOUND. Qreateat Discovery of the Age. Wonuc.-ful dhscovcriesin thi world havobeon made Among other things nhcre Santa Claua stayed , Children oft oak If he makes gooda or not , If really he Urea in a mountain of snow. Last year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole And suddenly droppedinto whatgcemedlike&hola Where w ender ot wonders they found a new land , iVhile fairy-like beinua appeared on each hand. Tlicro were mountains like ours , with morj beautiful ( .Teen , And far brigh'er akios than ever were utoii , Birds with the hues ) of a rainbow were found , While flowcru of exquisite fragrance were grow Ing around. Not ! on < were they left to wonder In doub. A beiti ? soon came they had heart ! much ahout , Tnas Santa CUus' self and thit they all nay , 3elt okcd like the picture * eaeeevery diy lie drove up a team that looked tery queer , 'T\vaH a team f grasshoppers instead ot reindeer , lie rode tu a shell instead of a nloUli , But ho took them on toird and drove them au ay. Ho showed them all u\er hig wonderful realm , And factories making goods for women nd men. Furriers were working on hats great and small , To Bunce'd tliev said they were sending them all. 'v'ris Kinsrle , the Ole > e Makertold them at once , All our Glovesweare sending to Dunce , Sa ta allowed them suspenders and many tlilnirs more. Saving I alae took these to fiiund Bunco's store. Santa Claug tiicn whispered a secret he'd tell , As in On aha etcr } one knew Bunco well. He therefore should send Ills goods to hia care , Knowing his frie d uill get their full share. Now remember ye dwellers In Omaha town , All who want presents to "mice's go round , For Bhirta , collars , or glovea great and small , Send > our eister or aunt one and all. Buncc , Champion Hatter of the Wait , Douglas gtrret. Oraalin UNO. G. JACOBS , ( Formerly of GUh & Jacob ! ) TAKER So. 1417 Karnham St. , Old Stand of Jacob 01 * o/Oh/.s nv rKLKHRAPa SOLICIT h MEAT MARKET. i , . r. itiock. iirh M. fieah an 2 3ll Mtutn o all klnda cuujtanl on hand , prureasoinble. . VeRetables In sen ? on. Koodtlr'itoioil ' tot lit jurt of the clt ) . > VM AUST , v ) V rh Irtth * ( Of fn mnni > raiyat homo. SairmlM worth J5j IU )4)ZU ) 5 free. AddrcM 9tlnSoff" & Co. , Portland , Maine. AT7EHTTGH TRACTORS. The owuer nf the celebrated Raolio Banks , near LOUISVHJ.P : , NKB. , hiwj now ready at the depot at Louisville , on the B. & M. railroad , to fill any order at reasonable pricuo. 1'ur- ties desiring a white front or oru.uneutu brick will da wel ! ( o givd us u call or sent : for sample. J. T. A. HOOY K , Prop. , .11. K. KISUO.V. General Insurance Agent , REPRP.SF.NT3 : PHCEKIX ASSURANCE CO. . of Lon don , Cash Assets f6.107,12Z WES1CHKSTEH , N. Y. , Capital l.OOO.COJ THE MERCHANTS , ot Newark , N. J. , 1,000,09 ( 01RARD FmEPhHadelphlaCapital. . 1,000,000 NORTIIWF.STEHN NATIONAL.Cap- Ital 900,000 FIREMEN'S FUND , California 800,000 HltlTlSH AMERICA ASSUROICECo 1,200,000 NEM A tK FIRE INS. CO. , Assets. . . . 800,000 AMERICAF CENTRAL , Assets 300,000 Southeast Cor. of Fifteenth & Douglas St. , mcnS-dly Oil AHA , NKB. OX2X.SXOXC. Machine Works. * J , F , Hammond , Prop. & Manager The moat thorough appointed and complete Machine Shops and Foundry In the state. Castings of every description manufactured. Engines , Pumpg and every class o machinery made to order. Special attention < lven to Well AugurSfPulIcys , Hangers Shuftlnc , Bridge Irons , Geer Cutting , etc. Plansfornew MachlneryMeachanlcal Draught lug. Models , etc. , neatly executed. 360 Harnev St. . Bet. 14t antl I6tn PILE.REM1 ! AN ABSOLUTE CUI TESTIMONY. The Cashier of the First National Bank , Tro , Ohio , 83 } a : TROT , O. , Deccmoer 30th , 1879 DiC BOSANKO MKDI I.NB Co. , , 0. : GIXTLRMK.S : I was troubled \dtli Rhcuma tism last spring in the acute f > m so bidly that I was unable to use my hand. Through the rec ommendations of my friends , I was induced to try jour Rheumatc Cure , nliirh immediately be/anto soothe , comfort and allay 'he pain , ai.d in a short tlmn 1 waa relieved of thin distressing disease I take gr at pleasure in rtcomme ding thla > hluable reiedy totho-e simihrly Dected. Yours respectfully , JNO.L MEREDITH. Thsa remedies djieak for themselves. To try them ia to be cured. Ifou canuot get ihrm o your Drurfrlst , by romittlnj ? us 83.00 w wll send you four routes of the Rheumatic Cure , or six of the Itle Remedy , by express prepaid. Ohe plain directions for shipping- The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co. PIQUA , OHIO. C. F.-GOODMAN , m24-d wtf Agent , Omaha VINEGAR WORKS ) . /oil's , Bit. 9th and 10th Sti. , OXAHA. First quality distilled Wine and Cider Vinegar of any strength below eastern prices , and war ranted Just as good at wholesale ind retail. Send for price list. ERNST KUEBS , Inh03m Uanayer. PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR. OFFICE AND DEPOT COWMISSJIP.T OP SCBSWIRJ.-BE , Omiha , > eb , July 26,1SSO. / SealeJ proposals in duplicate , subject to the usual conditions , will be received at this office until 1 o'clock a m. , on Aoguit list , 1850. at which time and place they will be opened in p esence of bidden for furnishing and delivery , at the subtis'ence warehouse in tnh city , 312 barrels of flour. To be made of No. i sprint'wheat , half hard , halfaof orOJrtsi. To be iweitej before grind ing and mixed in milling. To be high ground. The b&rre's to be of tha best quality new and s'ronp , well co < perej with hickory hu-pa , ' ( Hliy heid lined. No machine nude barrel * will be accepted. Simp'e * of flour to be E nt In with proposals , and all to be delive ed by October 9th ihe government re rvea th right to reject any or all propojils. Blank prop-ail and full Information mation as to Ihe manner of bidding , conditions to be observed by bidders and terms of contract and payment , wI ] be tarnished on application to thla office. Envelopes contalolaz prtp sals should be marked : "Proposals for flour atcma- ha , " and addressed to the underslgneJ. THOMAS WILSON , Capt. and C. 8. Jv23-dSt MUSIC , GERMAN & FRENCH MADAM MENDON. WHOcomn to Omahajjighly recommended u an accomplished tcicher of , German and French , li desirous 01 securing a class la either of these branchej. She will open a school shortly , but for tht present parties con addrea her at Max Meyer A. Bro.'i music ( tor * . JLOESr ESTA BUSHED. BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. ALDWELLHAMILTONfGO Business'ransactedsime as that of n Incor porated Bank. Accounts ke-pt In Currency or gold subject to lUht check without notice Cirtifieates of Jepoa t ii utl pira * le in three , ! ix and twelve months , hearing interest , or on 2 < ? mind without tnttreit AiU.iiceomade to uatomera on approved se- : uruiM at market raies of Interest. Bin and gel ] sold. WIN of < "cchat ge Govern ment , State , C .un y an I CHj Bonds. Draw sigln Draft * on En land , Ireland , Scot- Inn J , and all parts of Europe. Sell E .ropein Paaite Tickets. ROLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. augldtf U. S DEPOSITORY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFOMAIfA. Cor. 13th ana Farnnam Streets , OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IX OMAHA. ( SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROS. , ) KsrABLlSIIKK IV 1356. Organized ai a National IHnk , Awruat 20. lbC3. Capital and Profits Over$300,000 S ecially outhorized by the Secretary or Treasury to recche Subscription tu the U.S.4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAN. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS .s KOUSTZE , President. At'ocsrcs KOUSTZR , Vice PresiJent. II. W. YAKS , < 'aehicr. A. J. POPLETOX , Attorney. JOHN A. CR IOHTO.V. 1 ? . U. Dtvn , Ass't Cashier. Thig bank receivesdeposit without rc-.arJ to amounta. limes time certificates bearing Interest. Draws drafts on San Fiancisco and principal cities Pf the United States , aljj London , Dublin , Edinburgh and the principal cities of the conti nent of Europe. Sells pass tgo tickets for Emigrant * in the In- man line. majlitf REAL ESTATE BROKER Geo. P. Semis' REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 15th Doiiytas XU.t Omaha , Neb. This aencydoc6 STRICTLY a broktine busi ness. Does notspeculate , and therefore any bar gulua on Ita liookaaie Insured to Ita p&trona , In nteaJ of being goblihd up hy the agent BOGGS it HILL. REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 1403 Farnham Street OlilAHA - NEBRASKA. Office North bide opp. Grand Central Hotel. Nebraska Land Agency. DAVIS & SNYDER , 1505 Fatnham St. OmuhaiVt , ! r. 400,000 .ACRES ti , re fully selected land in Fastern Nebraska ! for sale. ( treat Bargains in fmprmed farms , and Omaha cltypropurty. O. F. DAVIS WEBSTER SN'YDER , Late land Com'rU. P. R. R 4p-teb7tf 1THON RESD. LKWLi RIKD. Byron Reed & o. , OLDKSI KST.IBUSED REAL ESTATE AG-ENOY /Ar NEBRASKA. Keep BI complete abstract of title to all Real Estate . ( i Omaha and DougUa County. mavltl HOTELS. THE OEIGINAL. BRIGOS HOUSE ! Cor. Randolph St. & 6th Ave. , CHICAGO ILL. PRICES REDUCED TO $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY Located In the business cenbe , convenient to places of amusement. Elegantly funiiahe < ( . ' containing all modem Implements , paraengrer elevator , ic. J. II. CL'MMINUS , Proprietor , ocieu OGDEN HOUSE , Cor. MARKET ST. & BROADWA Y Council Bluffs , Iotva On line ot Street Rallwsy , Oinnibui 'o nd ( rom all tramg. RATES Parlor floor $3.00 per day ; second floor. S2.SO per da } * ; third floor. SJ.OO. The but furnished an.i mon com nodloua honse in the city. OKO.T. | PIIELPS. Prop , METROPOLITAN OMAHA , NEB. IRA WILSON - PROPRIETOR. The Metrojwlitan i * cenlrallj- located , and first c'aea in eveiy respect , haIOK recently been entirely renoa'ed Ihe public will flnci It a comtortable and homelike house. mar&tf. UPTON HOUSE , Schuylcr , Neb. Klist daft ) House , Good Mealg , Good liedi Alrj Rooms , and kind and accommndatlDK treatment. Tw i good ( ample rooms. S ; > eci atUntiori paid to commercial travelers. S. MILLER , Prop. , jjohnyler , Neb. FRONTIER HOTE Laramie , Wyoming. Tba miner's resort , coed accommodations , argeaample room , charges reasonable. Special attention given to traveling men 11-tf _ H. C. H1LLURD. Proprietor. INTER-OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. First-el s , Fine large Simple Roomg , one block from depot. Trains stop from 20 minute * to 2 hours for dinner. Free Bus to and from Dap-.t. Jtatea 8ZOO. fcLSO and 03.00 , according to room ; s ngle meal " 6 cents. A. 1J. BALCOM Proprietor. ANDREW BORDEN. Cnlef Cl./k. ml6-t HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line of Steamships Lmlnl .Vew York Ererj Thuridaj at 2p.m. For England , France and Germany. For Paasagi ; app'y to C. B. RICHARD & CO. , General Pisaeoj , , Ag nU , 01 1 > . B. COMMISSION MERCHANT . Wholtaile Dealer In Foreign nj Domeit Fruit , IJntUr , iyyt. Poultry , GBK. HMBI , B eo ° , Card , Fran Flib , and Agent fer EOOTHU OWTKB8 , noTMm BARNUJVTS DAY. THE PEOPLED HOLIDAY. Everything Advertised Will Be Exhibited Positively. I pledge my reputation anil my personal ord that my bo for tb geaion of 1SS * contains more novelties , bmnra extensive , expeusi'.e , beautiful , and m every wav th gtxnJMt and best public entertainment 1 e er prosenfoi to the public. P. T. "SAKNUM. The Sensation of the Day. A Furore of Excitement. Tke Same Attractions and Programme as Given in New York , Brooklyu Bos ton , Oaicago , and all Large Cities , with all the Novel Features , Which Compose OJaJJLVST GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH Thi * Htnaon It will exhibit in OMAHA , FRIDAY , JULY 30 , .FTEK3iTOO3Sr ATT3D ZE-STEZNTmSTQ-- the tame attract ! ' ns in the same pro r mma. as given in y w Tort , Bojton , Brooklyn , and all larce cities , under an imineiwo patill n , with n seating capacity of 10,000 , mad of CW.CKX ) metreo of patent French Water-Pioof canvas , imported for and uwJON'LY by thij Show , Hundred * of new features added to the rincile attractions of be named principle formr Sik-wns Araonr the mo t notable may The late sensation of London , Paris , ami .Yew York , iu her TERKIFICAEKKLDIVE , orEAOLE SWOOP , crossing the immen > e pavilion c n 3. Single Spider Web Wire mounting tu tba teprn wt height of the pavilion from which the make * her Aerial Headforemost Dive , iii < > pct , n.l Ii .J- terwards Shot from an Enormous Canton. A GROUP OF NATIVE ZULUS In their national wmg ? , dances and fentiiMea. MADAME DOCKKILL in her remarkable barebook aitonFOUItND SIX HORSES MIS3 EMMA LAKE , in her beautiful Manage Act. SEVEN NEW TRICK STAf.LIO.VS added to the famous group oi TWENTY IMPORTED ROYAL STALLIONS , till appearing in new scene * , tricks and evolutions , on ier th direction of MONSIEl'R ' ijoc > A [ vim MADAME NELSON , La Charmcu-p dei Colombei. witta her flock of Educated DOVM A YOKE OF TRAINED OXEN iu an entirely odd and novel perfoirrunce THE TRAINED LEAPING STAG , "LANDSEER. " worka THE FIRE HORSE "SALAMANDER , " In hIneroarkaM act , surrounded bv a BUM of Flr - MADAME MARTHA and HEBRNEYOAARDtu ch nnlnDouhIeFoUr-II r > Act J M aw * S1GNOR tERASTAIN in his gematlonal Bareback Act. ' A CIRCUS COMPANY rf the beet urtltU In Europe or America. A VAST MFXAOERIEof the larest Wild A-.imaU , Bird * and Reptile * , including th Lar it Hippopo-amua in AmeiicaLhlnlralIf , the Finest Den Of Uaniral Tigers overseen. 4c. c. A MU'EfM OF 50,000 CURIOSITIES U pt COSTENTENUS. the Tatooed Greek. th PALES. TINE 01 ANT , LITTLE QUEEN MAB , the pretty tinv Dwarf WHEN BAKNUM COMES jou will we HVERVrilINO ADVERFHKD and Tea Ttmej more Seat- m/ Capacity of Exhibition Tent. 10 COO. At 9 o'clock on tha m jruin of trie d iv of th tbltUo a GRAND FREE STREET PAOFANT , never bsfor , equalled ' Doors open at 1 and 6:30 : p m Performance * at 2 and 8pm , thm ifivinan hour and a Ivdf to view the Menagerie and Museum More the evening performance begim. Children under nine 25 centa , Reaerrtxl ScaU extra. THE LIFK OF CAR.VUM , will be for s Te on the ground * an J In the tefc. Prioa50c nU rluta- paper , 25 centa 'Lion Jack , " Mr B ir urn' * latest story. , price 7S cts. 3"For the accommodation of Indies , children and all who ilaiire to avoid the crowd lurrouo.llaj the ticket wagonj on the show grounds , Mr. Barnum will opan a ttckent offlca on the dtrofex- hibltion , for the sole of TICKETS AND RESERVED SE.VTS at mual slight France t EDUOLM A . ERICKSON 3 Jewel.y Store , oppoiite Postofflce- ' Ltdies , children and othe.-H wjhinir to atroiJ the cro * in 'lie evening , ara .ivi e > ] to ittand th Afternoon Exhibition 3rKxrur lou Trains on alt ijjlruad-i on tljediy of exhibition at reduced rate * Unil exhibit m COUNCIL BLUFFS. July 29th ; COMJMBU-i , July S st ; CHEYENNK. At .2Dd- QBKELetV. Aug. 7thKBARNKVAuj. 9th ; FHEMONT , Auy. IJt'u ; Lincoln. AUJllth. . GARPETINGS Carpetngs ! 1 . Carpetings 1 J. B. DETWILER Old Reliable Carpet House , 1405 DOWLAS STEEET , BET. 14Tfl AND 15TH I3ST 18Q8. ) Carpets , Oil-Cloths , Matting , Window-Shades , Lace Curtains , Etc. MY STOCK IS THE LARGEST IN THE WEST. I Hake a Specialty of WINDOW-SHADES AND LACE CURTAINS --d And have a Full Line of Mats Rugs Stair Rods , , , Carpet- Lining Stair Pads , Crumb Clothes Cornices , , 1 Cornice Poles , Lambrequins , Cords ajid Tassels ; In fact Everything kept in a Firat-OIasa Carpet House. Orders from abroad solicited. Satlsluctlon titmrtmteed Call , or Address John B. Detwiler , Old Reliable Carpet House , OMAHA. H. J. ZaDESXES & CO. , JOBBERS OF HARDWARE , CUTLERY , NAILS , STAMPED AND JAPANNED WARE , TINNERS STOCK , SHEET IRON , TIN STOCK , ETC. 1317 & 1319 DOUGLAS STREET , , IfcTEIB. Positively no Goods Sold at Retail. HENRYJORNBERGER , V. BLATZ ? IHnLWAUKTir BEER I In Kegs and Bottles , Special Blgurea to the Trade. Families SuppUed at Beo0on bU Prices , Office , 339 Douglas Street , Omafea ,