Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    i. "
Established 1871 , MORNING EDITION.
. Price Five Cents
Poreiga Stock Market Af
fected by Eumors
of War ,
A War in Europe Thought
Imminent Powers
Pairing Off
A1 ready ,
Retraction Demanded in the
Wetmore Scandal Case ,
or Legal Trouble.
Great Revival of Fenianism
And the Brotherhood
Russia and China
Have Made Up.
Sped * ] dispatch to The Bee.
LONDOJT , July 28 10 p. m. The
Srase for the Levant stakes at Goodwood
triw won by Lortllard's Iroquois with
Icala Maid second , Cauazo third. The
Taco for the Findon stakes was \ \ on by
"Wandering Nun , Iroquoia second , Al-
bin third. The race for the Lenox
stakes took place to-day at the Good
wood meeting aud wa won by Phoenix
with Parole second , Gillas third.
The Dory "Little Wpetern , " with a
crew of two men , which Bailed from
Gloucester on the J 2th of June for a
trip acrois tha Atlantic , and which
was last spoken if a day ago , has ar
rived at Cannes Isle of Wight , all
A dispatch from Manchester re
ports the Fenian meeting which is be
ing held there to-day AS a very excited
awemblase. Several of the American
delrgtes announced their intention
to revive fenianmm , and to see per
sonally every Irishman who had left
the brotherhood in canaequenca of
Roman Catholics interference and
indues them " to return.
The minority of the speakers at
tended to the condition of Ireland ,
and proposed that the delegates to the
convention should iut , leave Manches
ter until 3,000 names were enrolled
in the Feuiaii brotherhood in that
my alone. Thia wan received with
vehement applause by the crowd , al-
thoURh it was observed , the more
moderate ones of the meeting
8 med to deprecate the rather
TnlJeet dements of the leaders
A dispatch from Melbourne says the
Victoria parliament at its opening
ptucd Af r. . . _ , > . s. . . - , „ 2
of confidence in the ministry , by a
Tote of 48 to 35. The defeat of the
government in the late elections and
the defeat of/tfce reform bill two years
ago , were .undoubted signs of ita fate
and no one is surprised at the mult
of the vote on the motion. Hon. Jai.
Service , the premier , was persuaded
not to rink going bef i re the country
alter the failure of his principal meat-
nre for the Best ion , on account of the
existence of an exciting publis senti
ment against him , but to leave the as
sembly itself to precipitate the crim
which has now occurred. It is now
understood that the ministry will re
sign at once.
The rumored ainicjblo understand
ing betreen Kitten and China is pro
mature. It has bcon dec'Jed , irre-
epective of the Marquis of Teengo's
Visit to St. Petersburg on Saturday
next , to retain Kuldja. The entire
Pacific lleet has sailed under sealed
orders. It ia believed that Russia's
policy towards China will ba entirely
dictatorial. General Kuffman * *
ports his ability to tutduo the K. . * -
PARIS , July 29 , 1 a. m. The pub
lic mind here is much agitated by the
threatening aepsct which the Turkish
question ha * assumed. The bourse
ha felt the effect of the general alarm ,
and exhibits a marked downward ten
dency. In official circles in Berlin it
Is believed that complications are in
evitable. The impression there is thai
Russia will form an alliance with
France , and England with Auitria
and Germany. The attitude of Italy
is undecided. Biiraarck and Hay-
rnerlyeare to be at Gastion , where the
tvio emperors are to meot.
The astronomer Flammarionceom-
panted by his wirO and four servants ,
etnrted from Pamlate Tuesday night
in a balloon on along aerial tripwhich
is to last two nights.
5pedal Dlspitcn to tac BEE.
LONDON , July 29 , 1 a. m.
Last evening's Truth said the story
going the rounds of French newspa
pers respecting the of a parson
formerly connected with a nobleman ,
who has recently married , is under
ntood to be based on an attempt to extort -
tort money. TJnUss a public retrac *
iion U made by those responsible foi
the tale , legal action -will be taken tc
enforce one.
Too Scales Dropped
EfXClsl Dlrpatch "o tb lit.
NETV YORK , July 29. 1 a. m.
A most peculiar and decided changi
h s taken place in Dr. Tanner's con
dition , but still it is his opinion , a
well of the doctors , who watched him
that he will b& ahle to hold out o
forty days. On Tue day he gainei
a quarter of a pound over hi
weight of Monday and there wer
hopes that he would keep on increa :
ing his averdupois , but at 2 o'cloc
yesterdsy afternoon , when he wa
weighed , the n.ost perplexing resul
was obtained. The scales showe
that he only weighed 128 , a decreat
of two pounds since Tuesday evening
The scales were examined carefnlly t
maka cure th t there was nc mistali
Tuiner was a towned at this fallit
off and said that there must be semi
thing wrong with the scales or bin
telf.He stated ih t he felt strong an
hearty and ccu'.d nut account lor tl
wonderful decrease. Medical gentl
men say it looks servions. and if 1
went down at thia rate , there was i
telling what would occur.
faring the evening Tanner evince
"rest deuie for aiher l srttsr at
> k g enacts at 550o'ccel ; !
after which he took a spin nround fie
* -U , making fifteen laps in eleven
minutes. Another drint of mineral
Water and he again went to bed. At
6:30 ho awoke Complaining of the dry-
new of his skin and asked for an alco
holic bath to produce perspiration , it
that time he was from an
eruption of giues from the etcmach.
1 ie Tm W88 Postponed and at 0
o clock Tanner was sleeping soundly.
At 9:20 he arose , walked firmly up
stairs and retired for the night. At
midnight ho tvas sleeping soundly.
pstlal Dlapatchas to THI Bu.
BOSTON , July 28.- Prohibitionists
hold their state convention at Worcei-
ter oi September 8.
CISCIKKATT , July 28. MonroeRob-
erU , in the Greenville , 0. , jail under
sentence to hang on August 20th , attempted -
tempted to commit euicido this morn
ing by cutting his throat andarm with
a. broken knife. He will recover.
WASHINGTON- , July 28 United
State * Consul Thomas Adams sends re
ports from Rio De Janiero for the
weeks ending June 12th and 19th.
There were thirty deaths from yellow
fever , and three from typhus fever in
there weeks. The total number of
dsathi was 372 , in a population of
310,000 , giving an annual death-rate
of 329 3-100 per 100.
WASHINGTON , July 28. The following -
ing internal ravenue appointments
wcni made to-day W. G. Mitchell
andM. W. Long , inspectors of tobac
co , snuff and cigira , Twenty-Eighth
district of Now York ; T. J. Daniel
and W. F. Steel , storekeeper and gau-
ger , Fifth district of Kentucky ; Si
mon H. Anderson , ganger , First dis
trict of Missouri. The i idicitions
are that there will bo only a slight re
duction of the public debt for July.
ATLANTA , July 29. At Dublin in
this state Hogan Fountain , aged 29
yeas was killed by Dr. Higntown.
Fountain attacked the doctor because
of a difficulty of the latter with hs
NEW ORLEANS , July 29. A Grain
barge and elevator has gone to the
quorantino station to load the fever
bark , Excelsior to save her from re
turning to the city.
NEW ORLEANS , July 29. Sarah
Bsrnhardt has been enjaged to appear
at the opening of the St. Charles
theatre under Davis Bui .veil's manage
NEW YORK , July 29. A large stock
i rm on Bioadwy was "epoited
in financial strattsyeatsrday afternoon
but at the office an emphatic don'al
was given to the ruu. . .t is known
that the house has lo t lioavy jnL ke
Shore , of which they were large , short
buyers The firm has very heavy
backing , and it was' no doubt owing
to this fact that a formal suspension
was averted.
Bit ? Qulncy Blaze ,
ppeclil DUmtcb to The Bee.
Qciscv , July 29. A fira broke out
at noon in the planing mill of E. C.
Pfanschmidt.iirthe . manufactoring . . dh- . .
btlbV * VIw J-v -v - / u Vx..j
and it was not till 2:30 : o'clock that
the fire was got under control. The
following buildings and factories were
burned : E. C. Pfanschmidt planing
mil and sash factory. Loss
820,000 no insurance. A
lar e foundry building formerly oc
cupied by Bennett Duffy , now unoc
cupied , loss5000. Theold , Harris
& Be ° be tobacco factory , unoccupied ,
lots § 15,000. The Gardner governor
building , machinery and stock , loss
$20,000 , insurance 810,000. A largo
double two story dwelling , loss $10-
000. A number of sraal'er ' dwellings
nod houses were burmd which will
swell the loss to ? 100,000 , with an
insurance - all told of 825,000.
The largo foundry and machinoahopj
of Smith , Haynes & Co. , and the fine ,
large fine cut tobacco factory of Well-
mar & Dwyer ere , with difficulty ,
saved , both being frequently on fire.
The area burned is between state
street andPsj'srn Avenue and Fourth
and Sixth streets. Most of the build
ings were old or the loss would tnve
been much larger. At one time it
seemed as if the fire department would
bo unable to check the conflagration ,
a high wind blowing , and telegrams
were sent to Keokuk and Hannibal
for assistance , but were soon after re
Murderer Brought Bacfc to Life.
Special Ditpatch to To * n.
DENVER , Col. , July 29,1 a. m.
Great excitement has been created by
the report that Cicero Simms , the col
ored boy who wat hanged l at Friday
at Fairphy , has been resuscitated. He
had hung for sixteen minutes when
he was pronounced dtnd and his body
wss taken lown and given over for
Cleveland Trotting.
Bp d I dbpawh to Tun B § .
CLEVELAND , 0. , July 29 , 1 a. m.
The first race yesterday was the 2.3C
clsss , in which there were six starters.
Gipsy Boy won tha first heat in 2.28
Prospect Maid von the second ir
2 28 ; Wilbur F. won the third and
fourth in 2 30 and 2.28. In the rae
of 2.19 class , there were , five starters
Mud S. won the first three heats ii
3 28 , 2.18 and 2.31. Charley For <
was second , in the first heat , Hannii
in the second , andDriver iu the third
In the pacing race eight horse
started. Bay Billy won the first heat
Change the second heat ; and Boy Bil
ly third andfouth ; time 2 21 J , 2.19J
2.22,1.19J and 2.20. .
Concerning Fertilizers.
Special Pitpuch to tbe Beo.
" \VASHTNOTON , July 28 , 10 p. m.-
About 200 agricultural ohemiits an
o her prominent agriculturists ha\
arrived here from all sections of tl
country , and will meet in convcntio
at the agricultural department at
o'clock. The conference is for tl
purpose of analyzing and determinic '
the value of fertilizers , with a view t
secure a uniform method of produ
ing an article that shall prove lei
worthless , as many fertilizers are sai
to be. The convention expects i
conclude ita labors 'h'1vening , bi
with so important & w jto ba cci
aidero3 , it is possible i' iat tne Bessie
may Hst a day or two. Among llio
uow present are the commissioner
agriculture , J. T. Hendorson.of Gee
gia ; Dr. C. A. Grejsmian , state chet
iat of Maine ; Dr. J. R. Wolf , at
Prof. C. C. Buck , of Delaware , ai
id others.
e. New Bairwray Project.
Je Spodal dirpitca to The Be
10 NEW OBLEANS , July 29 , 1 a. ro.
It has been definitely determined ti
the JTew Orleans Pacific railway w
crcsitieMissttjippi uver fit Bat
jf , c
Sammy Ti'den ' Dresses Up and
Goes to Receive Homage
Of a Ranting , Blowing Dem
ocratic Hoodoo in
New York ,
He "Whines Over His Bad Luck
and Says a Word for
SjfccUl DUpatch to Tbe Bee.
NEW YORK , Ouy ! 29 , 1 a. m.
The ratification meeting > f the demo
crats last night in f-r . of Ha"0" ! *
and English iras a ms , moth political
demonstration. The interior of the
Academy of Almlc was magnificently
decorated ; coats of arms of the various
states being placed around iho galler
ies , and fines and festoons of every
description flaunting irom cornices and
pillira. On the sta tuspended from
a drop curtain , was a very fine paint
ing of the democratic candidates for
president and vice president. At the
rear of the stage were similar picture ; ,
having under them the inacriptiona
"Nothing can intimidate me from do
ing what I believe to bo honest and
rght. " W. S. Hancock , and "A
pure , econom'cal government , which
will protect the liberty and property of
the people that the domocracypropose
to stcure. " W. II. English.
At 7:30 : the doors of the Academy
were thrown open , and iu twenty min
utes thereafter the vast building pack
ed from pit to dome. In ono box was
Gen. W. F. Smith ( "BiUy" ) , several
other generals and Gen. Hancock's
staff from Governor's Is'and. In the
opposite box were Thos. F. McLean
and a number of Tilden's friends.
At 8 o'clock John McKean came
upon the stage , accompanied by S. J.
Tilden , who was followed by Mayor
Cooper and Abram S. Hewitt. Til-
den was in full evening drees and
walked across the aUga to the chair
placed for him. The immense sudi-
ence sprang to their feet and for ten
minutes nothing could be heard but
the cheers of men shouting "Hurrah
for Tilden. "
When quiet had been restored Mr.
McKaan nominated us ciuirman "the
legally elected president of the coun
try , S. J. Tilden. " Mr. Tildan on
being called to the chair was wildly
cheered. His voice was clear and
strong at the outset of the address ,
and his delivery effective and wel
Mr. Tilden approached to the front
of the platform and in a voice trem
bling with etnntion , said : "I think
you , fellow citizens , for the cordiality
of this greeting. I have come down
this evening from my country house
to jria wi'h you In ex pressing and de
claring the purpose of the democracy
nomihafioh'oi"Hancock and English , i
[ Applause. ] I have come , under a
stipulation of your committee , that in
consequence of the hoarseness of my
voice , that I should notba required to
make a ipaech. I will touch , howev
er , on two points. T'lo walcare of thi
people of the Unit v states dem&rds a
changa in the administration of the
federal goveruuicnt. [ Prolonged ap
plause , ]
to remove the abuses which have
grown up during the twenty years of
continuous pox\or , prolific of false
principles end bad practice ? , of the
republican party. This party , stifling
its conscience , has made itself respon-
sponsible for the intrusion , under the
color of law , In the chief magistracy
of our great republic of fifty million
people , of a man wbo was not elected
by the paoplo. [ Loud app'ause. ]
They have set an examp'e , which , un
less condemned , will subvert the elec
tive system of the government of
which we are so proud , and substitute
in Its place a dynasty of oflice-holders
holdiug on to power against the willof
the people. [ Applause J The com
plete eve hrow of the republican par
ty In the election of 1880 will be re
tributive iudgment. It will prevent
a repetition hereafter of the crime of
187G against the sovereignty of the
people. [ Applause. ] Congratulating
you upou your call and upon yolir
nominations and auspicious promise of
success , which I see in every quarter ,
I will proceed to the business of the
meeting. " [ Apphuso. ]
Col. John R. Fellows read
They affirm the adherence of the
Net York democracy to democratic
principle ! ; eulogizes the record of
General Hsncock and his adherence tc
civil law after hostilities had ceased
congratulated the party on the nomi
nation of English , a life long demo
crat-invites ; special attention to th <
resolution adopted by the house o
representatives in 1877 , affirming tha
Tildfin was elected president ; concur ;
in the action of the Cincinnati conven
tion eulogizing Tilden'sself sacrificing
spirit and patience as manifested dur
IDE the progress of the electoral count
condemns the republican party for it
abuse of power and centralization too
donciea ; deprecates the introductioi
of pononal attacks of the campaigi
aud quotes extracts from republics
journali of 1877 , denunciatory of th
CreditMobilicr participants ; affirm
that to the democratic pirty ia du
the credit of reducing the public del
forty million dollars ; chims credit fo
a the extension of commerce ; affirm
that it is the duty of the democrat !
' 6
ie party to protect naturalized citizei
ien against federal cfficia's ; they hail wit
3 heartfelt gratitude the coming dow
ie of a brighter day for the rapubli
when the government , in democrat !
'g hands shall bo back tl
bo , brought to :
boc purity and integri'y of the better dai
cid of its history ; and closes by invitir
id all New York democrats to put asic
their differences and mita in redre
at sing the grievances done the Americi
people by the republican party.
so AmonR the letters received was 01
soof from Gen. Geo. B. McCldlan enlogi
ofr ing Hancock tiid exprerstng his sati
rn - ruction with fellow citizens at hoc
nid and his anxiety for the election
id Hancock and English ; one fro
ex Gov. Lucius P.obuison cordially a ,
proving the nominations and piedii
ing tha : never again will the voice
the people expreuodat the ballot-b
be thwarted by fale counts' and frau
ulent returns ; from Senator Fsan
ill K6rn n , of New York ; Judge Ami
oa J. Parker , of Ne r Jersey ; ex-G <
Join SI. Palmer , "of Illinois ; C <
i J , Proctor Knott , of E <
tocky , and WmM. Sponger , of Illi
nois ; Senator W. W. Eaton , of Con-
nectcut ; ex-Secretarv of Stite John
Bi elow ; ex-Lieut. Gov. Wm. Dor-
aheimer of New York ; Richard O'Gi r-
man and others.
Henry Watteraon , of tbe Louisville
Courier Journalin his letter says : "It
Is not necessary to etigmat za the re
cord of the republican candidate for
the presidency. That Ju < 'gJ black's
objection that never so gooi a man
could make so bad a politician is suffi
cient to defeat him if properly urged.
That the party is sinister to the hst
degree that can seduce a man to take
so loose a view of his public obliga
tions as to parform memil service in
defence of the Grant administration
and participate in the rape of the
presidency , first as a conspirator in
upon the bench of the electoral com-
Speaker Samuel J. Rindall of the
house of representatives raid that the
democrats entered upon the campaign
with the beat candidates and the best
platform. Hancock was without fear
and without reproach. The platform
is worthy of the men and did net seek
to elevate one section to the detriment
of another , but declared concord and
justice t-i all alike. It was in strong
contrast to the opponent's. The re
public was the very essence of general
welfare , and could anyone believe
that a man who shed his blood at Get
tyabnrg and elaowhero in defense of
the union would endanger publ c faith ?
Th § speaker denounce ! the republican
party for osntia'izition of power , sub
jugation of stito sovereignty , extrav
usance aud maladministration , and
eulogized the democrats for their fight
agiiust these evils and efforts to ef
fect retrenchment of public expendi
General Tom Ewing of Ohio was
the next speaker vnd raded into the
republican party , first on Grant's ac
count and their all-ged extra
vagance In governnunt expenees.
He closed with t eulugy of Hancock.
Speeches wore aho made by Randolph
Tucker of Virg'n : % Senator Jones of
Florida. Daniel D/ugherty of Pni'a- '
celphia and others. It was after mid-
nLjui when the meeting abjourned.
SIDE 8110W.
At the meeting in Irving hall last
night 3,500 persona were present. The
decorations were elaborate. Charles
H. Marshall was elected chajrimnand
made a brief speech. Speeches were
also ma'le by Senator Jo a as of
Louisiana , General L B. Faulkner ,
chairman of the democratic state com
mittee and others. The mention of
Tilden's name was greeted with great
applauaj. Resolutions wtro adopted
endorsing the platform as expressed
at the Cincinnati c invention and re-
cogn ztcl the wisdom of the choice
of Hancock as the nominee.
Speeches were also made at several
out door stands. I
SjiecUI Discatch to The Bee.
COLUMBUS , July 28. 10 a. m.
Xhe greenback labor ttate convent'on
met at noon to day with about ICO
delegates present. All congressional
districts lud one or more representa
tives. Robert Shilling , of Cleveland ,
of the state central committee , called
the delegates to order at 12 o'clock ,
and announced the name of Colonel
J. H. Rhodes , of Sandusky county ,
as temporary chairman. Both Mr.
Shilling and Mr. Rhodes made brief
speeches , in which they said itnai
the purpose of the party to make a
hard fight this year. The usual com-
mittes were appointed , and the con
vention took a rocets until two o'clock.
Upon the reassembling of the con
vention ex-Repreientat.vo Kel'ogg , of
Lucas county , was o'octed ' permanent
president. The following ticket was
nominated by acclamation : Secretary
o state , Charles A. Lloyd , of Norwalk -
walk ; supreme court judge , De Witt
Clinton London , of Brown county ;
clerk of supreme court , Charles Bon-
sale , of Columb'a ' county ; member of
the board of public works , Am sRob-
iiiEon , of Knox county ; electors 4 al
large , Harvay Kello t ? , of Lucis and
L. L. Foster , of Mahoning county.
The platform endorses the nominees
and resolutions of the Ohicigj green
back convention , favorsfennlesuflrafre ,
demands a reduction of official fees ,
and denounces the use of scrip and
store goods by corporations in payment
f employes , and the accumulation of
land in the hands of a few , also de
nounces the coalition of greenbackera
with democrats in other states.
Baratrga Races.
SpecUl dispatch to The Bee.
SARATOGA , July 28 10 p. ra. Th
programme to-day included foui
events. The first was a three quar
ter mile dash for a puree of $350 am
was won by Girelfle , with Bramletti
second and Conovor's Leamingtoi
third ; time 1:1 G | . The second rai
for a purse of $450. free handicapon
milo and GOO yards , was won by Adi
Glenn , with Juniata second and Gen
Phillips third ; time 2:15. : The ama
teura" sweepstakes , a dash of throe
quarters of a mile , for gentlemen rid
ore , was the third race , and was woi
by Lady Middleton , with Oriole second
end , Kingcraft third ; time 1:18j :
The selling race for one mile , tn
closing event , was won by Charli
Gorhain , with Redman second , Eunc
third ; time 1:45 : | .
IJUflsy Dander.
Special Dispatch to The Bee *
ATLANTA , Ga. , July 29 , 1 a. m-
T 0 colored washwomen of this cit
nr i on a strike. Notice of a was !
w. men's meeting was given in all <
110 colored churches Sunday at
meetings were quietly held at trro <
three churches Monday and again ye
terday , between 200 and 400 beit
present. Notice of an advance
washing was given and the strike
genera ] , except in cases where whit
laJ acceded. There are no steam lau :
J- dries here , the whole washing beii
done by some three hundred colon
ae i Democratic Forms.
Special DJjpiVch to The Ctr
is- NEW YORK , July 29 1 a. m. Ge
Hancock's letter of is
tie acceptance c
tieof yet ready to be given to the publ
ofp but it is understood that in a day
p- two it will bo sent out , simultaneous
with that of English ,
Combed Out ,
id- Special dlxpitch to T-
cifi .rt , 1'enn. , July 29,1
isa- r .s-Three"white and one caloi
isam ? J oner eseansd iron : ths i
m- Tuesday nigM bjr tey
A Oa-go of the Dreaded Yellow
Jack Afloat K"ear Mobile.
Gen , Merritt Scouring the
Border for Horse Thieves
and Savages.
Gen. Trevino and Bride Wel
comed Home.
Pardons by the Prc6a it
Special Dlipatch to The U . .
WABHISOTOK , July. 25.fl p. m.-
Anholt , convicted in the eastern 3fs
trict of New York for violating the
bankrupt law ; Michnel Gorder , con
victed for parsing counterfeit money ,
and W. T. Jones , convicted in the
District of Columbia and sentenced to
four years' imprisonment ,
Yellow Fever.
SpeciM Dispatch to tha lice.
WASHINGTON , July 28 4 p. m
The national board of health has re
ceived the following from Mobile ,
Ala. "The birk R. W. Woods ar
rived at Qmrantino from HavanaJuly
25th , with a craw c f nine. Six
have been sick witli yellow fever ; two
have died , three are convalescing and
cne is at the Quarantine hospital.
Every precautionary measure will be
strictly enforced. The vessel is
quarantined 26 miles from this port.
Arrested for Forgery.
Special tflgpatch to Tin On.
NEW YORK , July 28 4 p. m. -
Geo. Bell , Henry Clearly and Chas.
Farrin were imprisoned last night ,
charged with passing forged checks to
the amount of 810,000 on the Mer
chants' national bank and the Third
national bank of Biltimore. Clearly
and Boll are slid to be professional
forger : . Farrin is not so notorious.
.Je came to the Etirf ace , however , Jan
uary 24th last , when , in company
with Charles Brockway , he was arrest
ed and accused of having been con
cerned in a forgery on the Phonix
National Bank , of Wall street , but for
want of evidence ho was discharged.
Clearly and Bell have been identified
and it is said that there will bo little
trouble in producing the necessary pa
pers for their transfer to Baltimore for
Red and White Korea Thievea.
Special Dispatch to 'ihe Bee.
WASUIKQTON , July 28 , 4 p. m.
The war office has received the fol-
lowinp :
\ > Ci * i. 7g .txt T < - " * * i
Two men were attacked by a party
of five Indians near Short Pine Ililh.
Both were wera wounded and the stock
taken. Tbe men were brought here
and are under the care of our medical
officers. The Indians are no doubt
the same five that were seen by
Baker , and seem to b- after
stock only. Have sent a scouting
party from my own camp and also
fr > m Bell's. I think there ia a little
party of Indians , with possibly snme
white horsolhieve3lurkingin the Bad
lands of the Little Missouri , about
Pine hills , and these have done all the
mi'cliief. I will endeavor to concert
my scoutinc with the commanding
ofhcers of Fort Keogh and the camp
of the Seventh cavalry un the Little
Missouri , so as to clear that out.
( Signed ) MERUITT , 7th cavalry.
Buying Bonds
Spechl Dispatch to The Bee.
WASIIIXOTOK , July 28 , 4 p. m.
The receipts of the government for the
month have exceeded the expendi
tures about 8,000,000. In conse-
quoac3 the secretary of the treasury
to day ordertd the purchnio of 2- ,
000,010 in bonds. Government re
ceipts to-day aggregate 1,250,000.
Special Dlnmtch tn TnS IIS
NEW YORK , July 28 , 4 p. m. There
were fifteen proposals to-day to sell
bonds to the government rggregating
$4,690,650. Secretary Sherman in-
structee the sub trersury to accept
§ 2,000,000.Killed
Killed By His Mistroas.
Special dlipatch to Tho. Dee.
CHICAGO , July 28 4 p. m.
Thomas Delan , the victiv of Monday
night's stabbing affray , died at 0:10 :
o'clock this moruing at the Mercy
Hospital , just about thirty hours
after fatil ttaba inflicted by Minne
Dixon , his mistress , who claims to be
his wife. The coroner is holding an
Tanner'a Tri3l.
11 Special Dispatch to Till Bus.
NEW YORK , July 27 4 p. m.
Q Dr. Tanner began the 31st day of Mi
fast at noon to day , his general condi
tion is unchanged , he slept bgttei
last night and drank sparingly
He took bis usual ride at five
o'clock thia morning , slept coneidera
bio this forenoon and waa restless
calmed himself by walking rapidl ;
around the hall thia afternoon aud it
confident of his ability to hold out til
e . noon , August 7lhivhen his foity day
Gen Trevino and Bride.
SAN ASTONIO , July 28 4 p. m.-
Gen. Trevino and bridal party reich
ed Piedras Negras Studay. The ;
were met three miles from the tow
yi by a company of the 8th cavalry an
iid if ) escorted to town , and salute' '
id by 12 guns fired by the garrison i
Duncon , when the Rio Grande w
irs reached and a salute was given froi
> sg Pedra's negras. The firry boa
which carried the party over the rh
is er was gaily decora ed with Mexico
and American fhgs and me
ean trg. Upon reaching tl
Ttlexicin'ahip , Ool. Morel welcome
the bride 'neath the sunny ekies <
Mexico. The Thirty first infant ]
forme"1 into a line of battle and firec
salute , and the band pUyed the n
tional air of Mexico. The bridal pa
in. ty then proceeded to the milita
lOt plaz * and took quarters. _ . The p
T T * * - *
ic , leave Friday ior Monterey.
or Bull Figbt in America.
ly 'Lpedji Dlspitcti to The Ue .
NEW YORK , July 289-1 a. m.
Twelve Texan bulls , which were
take part in the fights announced
the circus ring , are duly on hand a
.8. eo is Senor Ferndanze , who is to g
red. the exhibition. The animals :
ter splendid specimens of Lavine ? . 1
Jfs mea ia cbsjge cf s fei p&ik Spin
| only , aftcUijcps \ c > as
necessary. Senor Ferndaczo insists
that he will give the show despite all
interference , and Mr. Bergh's repre
sentatives say that it should not be
permitted. Mr. Borgh is , himgulf ,
emphatic in his resUtinca to the
scheme , so much to , that ho nill
pounce dawn rn the show at the veiy
tirat roar of pain from anyof the ani
mals engaged in it. The law , ho aayj ,
is on his fiiclo and ho proposes to en
force it.
Base Bill.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
The following games of base ball
were played July 28th :
SPRINGFIELD , Mas * . , July 27 , 1 n.
in. Cinc.nnstij , 4 ; Nationals 3 ,
YoutnfUl Murderer.
Special Dbpatch to Th Bee.
NEW York , July 231 n , m. A
was arrested on a warrant issued ty
the coroner , charging him with hav
ing thrown Wm. Kloppler , agfd 7 >
into the Harlem rivrr on the 24th ,
causing his death. The boys quar
reled on the dock , when Neil pushsd
Kloppler into the river , and ho was
drowned ,
Starved to Death.
Special Ditpatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , July 29 1 a. m.A
Wilmington special says : Miss Eliza
beth Belville , who resides in Delaware
City , conceived an aversion to solid
food on January 22d , and would eat
nothing but a few oyeters daily. This
continued till June 5th , when she re
fused to take even these. From that
time till June 10th she was sustained
by drinking currant water , but in
verysmnll quantities. Beef was fro
zen on water ices , but she nai unable
to retain it on her stomach. Since
June 10th she has tasted absolutelyno
food and taken no nourishment of any
kind. This state of affairs continued
Ml hitSund-iy , when she died peace
fully. She weighed 160 pounds and
lest only 10 pounds of bar weight ia 80
New York Money and Stock.
NEW YOhK , WISt Ju' ' 23. 131p.m.
MONEY At 2j iur cent : cxci aiye ilexly
tt $1 83 < < t5 00.
Ylleat SteadTerBt "J@c § higher ;
No , 2 spring , 87j(3&7Jc ( for August ;
for cash orJuiy ; 80j < 3 for August ;
8G8Gic $ for September ; 85ta seller.
Corn Firmer and c batter ; No.
2 , 35j(535io ( for July ; 35@35Jc for
August , clcsing at 35gc fcr cash or
July3bj35Jc ; | for August or Septem
ber.Oats J@lc higher ; No. 2 closad at
24s for cash or July ; 22o for August
or September.
Rye Strong at 4Jc higher for casher
or July ; siles at7275c.
Barley Entirely nominnl.
Whiskey Steady at $ L 09.
Pork Ho ; ; produces weaker and
lower ; mesa pork detl.ned 50a per bar
rel , with sales at 815 17i@15 55 for
August ; § 15 20@15 50 for September ,
closing at 514 00015 00 for cath ;
§ 15 20@15 25 fci July ; S15 25 for
August ; § 15 32J for Septemher.
Lard dropped lOc V" cwt ; sales at
57 14 < 57 22A for August ; § 7 32i for
September"closiiij ( at $7 1" for'cash
or July ; 87 15@7 lofc for August ;
57 2C@7 27J for Ssp'cmber.
Chicago Live Stock.
CHICAGO , July 28.
Cattle Receipts , 6,000 ; sales rang
ed at 82 0001 00 for common cowa to
choice cows and heifers ; § 2 G5 foi
Texan cows and choice Texan steers ;
market dull ; shippers held off foi
lower prices.
.bt. Lioula Produce.
ST. LODIS , July 28.
Flour A shade off ; funvly , § 4 65G
4 75 ; choice , § 4 00@4 95 ; fancy , $5 ( X
® 5 25.
Wheat Active and higher ; No. ' .
red , 91J@91 c. for cash ; 02@94c
July ; 88@8789@88ic , Auaust ; 87
@ 88Jo , for Sep'emberf 88S87S@88 $ < !
88 c , for Octiber ; No. 3 do , 84J@85
< 384c ; No. 4 do , 81@82Jc.
Corn Firmer ; 35'J5io § for cas
35 0 , and July ; 34igc , August 34 (
34e , for September.
Oa's Higher ; 23j@23jo forcasl
21go , for September.
Rye Lower at Goc.
Lard-DuUS4 20.
Butter H hendalry 17@22c.
Exgs Hightrat 638 0.
Whisky Steady at SI 08.
Pork Dull , at § 14 50 bid for Jul
and August.
Dry Salt Meate Nominaly lowe
Receipts Flour , 3.COO ; whea
11,600 ; corn , 50,000 ; oata , 20,00
St. ijouls Uve Stock.
ST. Louis , July 28.
Hogs Lower ; Yorkers and Bali
mores , 54 60@4 70 ; packing , 84 C5
n 485 butchers' to fancy 84 85@5 R
nd * 3tOI/ ; UUYVUlM vvr u VJ j v-
nd 1200.
d ceipts , 5,800 ; shipments ,
it New Yoric Produce-
isn NEW YORK , July 28.
n Flonr Quiet and firm ; modern
t export and a jobbing trade inqnii
rn receipts , 18,945 ; round hoop , Ohi
rl § 5 10@5 75 ; choice do , $5 80@7 (
lle superfine western , § 3 80@4 40 ; co
le mon to gocd extra do. , S4 204 (
choice do. 64 7037 00 ; choice wh
wheat do. , ? 4 50@5 00.
- i Wheat A shade better and fai :
a I active ; No. Iwhite September , 810'
No. re3 , 8L03 for July ; do , gl 07
ir- 107for August ; do , 8103J@1 (
irry for September ; do , ? 1 09J for Oc
ty bar.
Corn | @ $ c betterand fairly acti
miaed western , spot ,
future , 47i < 344c.
Oats A shade stronger snd qu
to western , 33s@42c.
in BsefDall and nominal ; new pi
nd mesa , 59 50 ; new extra do. , 810
ive Pork Dull ; new mess , SH 20.
rre Lord A.bou > steady at 57 52i-
"re Buttar Very firm and 15 gcoq
A Eeconstructed Nation
Rebels Against British
Rule ,
And Annihilates the Con-
querer's Army at Can
dahar ,
Gen. Burrow's Command Entrap
ped into a Fatal Am-
, buscadef
- '
* j
yiicr-i ' - ? i-lfrij
; B'-OVrRwr o * : ;
Slaughter Them IndlsJ
All England Startled by the
News ofthe Disaster ,
The .Afghan "War Reopened
With all Ita Horrors.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
LONDON , July 28 noon. Lord
Hattington startled the houao this
moining by announcing that the gov
ernment had received new * from Can
dahar stating that an engagement had
taken place between the Afghani and
Gen. Burrowu" brigade , in which the
latter had been completely annihilat
ed. Lord Hartington further said tha
government was not yet in possession
of full details of tha disastrous engage
ment , but from what ii known of the
relative pcsition of the British and
Afxhan troops it la inferred that the
Afghans who are reported to have
were under command of Ayoub
Kahn , who is supcsed to have been
reinforced by the mutineers , con
sisting of the entire infantry of the
old Oabul regiment , who deserted
from Shero Alia command at Oanda-
har on Wednesday too 14th. At that
date Ayoub Kahn waa two marchei
distant fiom Candahar with his whole
regular force of the regiments of In
fantry , exclusive of the mutaineers ,
who are believed to have joined him
subsequently , three regiments of
civalry numbering 4,000 men and
400sabre3 and thiry Runs. In addition
to these ho had some irregulir cavalry
variously estimated from 1,600 to 3-
500 , Of these 1,000 under Shshagaas |
g.mrd. This force left Herat about
the 19th and marched directly toward
C indahar with the evident purpose
with the British garrison at that place
as soon as a favonblo opportunity oc
curred. Ayoub is known to have
plenty of ammunition. If this morn
ing's news ia confirmed by later news
it will explain the reticence of the
Siradcrs at Ilia late Durbar , when
implored by Gen. Dugfdd Stewart to
sink their differences and unite with
Abdur Rahman Khan , thonewameT ,
to pac'/y and unite the country under
the new administration. Ayoub is
merely the tool of those friendly to
Russian and ngainst English rule.
Notwithstanding the apparent friendli
ness of Eome of them , these Cabul
chiefs have been suspected for some
time of stimulating Ayoub Khan to
the desecrate enterprise of attacking
Gjndabar , and to gat up an enthusi
asm among his solilii rs lie made them
at Oandahar in case of success. The
doubtful state of affairs in southern
Afghanistan also explains why the
British representative at the late
Durbur at Cabul declined to go fur
ther than to recognize Abdur Rih-
man Khan as Ameer of Cabul and
not of Afghanistan , which had been
the title of his predecessors. It is
believed that In some way General
Burrows was enticed beyond the wallf
of tha Candahar fortifications and en
trapped into
It Ayoob's victory i < aa sweopini
as reported , it ia conceded that th
war in south Afghanistan is reopenei
in ell its horror. The evacuation o
the country by the British is indef
initely postponed and poiaibly th
' rrndo thai
new Ameer'a seat moro
doubtful through a probable early r (
0 ; volt in his own capital.
SpecUl dispatch to The E * .
ti- LONDON , July 28 4 p. m.-
i@ Liteat ulapatcbes state that Afon
3- Khan crossed the Helmund on the 23
inat. and surpiiaed Gen. Burrow
whose force was encamped on the Ie
bank of that otroam opposite Gerrial
tey Since the battle Gen. Primrose h
y ; . Bu
io , retired , with a portion of Gen.
' wWch succeeded in esca
)0 ) ; rows' force ,
m- ing to the citadel of Candaharand w
30 , try to hold the place until the arriv
of reinforcaments. Meanwhile Ayoi
Khan , who has
i ® threatens an assault , and fears are e :
itO- tsrtained that he may take the Citat
before ns. iatanco may arrive. A i
ve ; lief force , under Gen. Phayre , it * i
do , to be concentrating tcr a march
iet ; Candahar. Owing to the recent c
weather , the Helmund ia everywhi
am fordable , and this fact probably fai
tatcd tha saaprue.
de Siter diaatobea to the India o2
byway of Soabiy- , says that G
Ay <
ments. Solid Bargains'
Good Goods.
The Celebrated , $1,00 Kid
Sieves , 90o.
Lisle Gloves , 15 to 90o.
aiitts Very Clieap.
We have too many. Linen
Ulsters at SI.OO.
Better Ulsters at S2.00.
Best Ulsters at $3.50.
Yon should See them.
1 Lot , 25c.
1 Lot , 600.
Splendid Silk , S1.7C.
Fine Goods Reduced From 98
to 85.
Our stock is till ahead of all
Gross Grain , 6 and
We claim to sell Hosietj
cheaper than elsewhere.
Job Lota , 5o up.
Fin Hose Very Low.
Reduced from $7.50 to 45.
Good Linen Suit , 31.75.
Calico Wrapper , 85c.
Children's Suits way down.
Dressing Sacqnes Cheap.
A Real Qood One-40.
See Our Corset at SI.OO.
See Our Corset at $1.50 ,
Examine Fine Goods. .
Our large aeaortment wo PO.-
pcee to close ot very low pricor.
In TIES , FEMGES and all Kinds of Fancy
Goods we Make Clearing Prices. These Goods
Must be Sold to Make Eoom for a Large Stock
of Gents' Furnishing Goods , Now Boinz : Sete'J
* * * 'J-
You arc Invited to Call , Whether You Pnrchi8
or Not.
KURTZ Store , Creighton Block.
Benson 's Caprine
Porous Plaster.
The only Improvement evermade on the common
Over 2000 Druggists have signed a paper stating that
are superior to all other plasters.
aplG-eodaw Pharmaceutical
Khan , was lending hn brigade to the
aasiitanco of Walli Shero AH , whose
troops had mutinied , as alreadr de
scribed in these dispatches. Shore
Ali , who was holding an outpost on a
branch of the Helmund river ,
in the direction of Girishk , was
threatened with an attack : by Ayoub
Khan whowith greatly superior force ,
was approaching on the left bank of
the Helmnnd , and Ayoub ia supposed
to have croised the almost dry bed of
the river from the weat in the night
and itruck Gen. Burrows' force some
hours before he would have
made a Junction with. Shore
All's. The battle soon became
almost a route on the part of the
cutist , the aloughter being terrible
and those who could saved them
selves by flight in the darkness toward
Candahar. Eirl Granvilla visited the
home to-day , to confer with the mar-
qninaof Hartington , secretary of state
for India , upon this disastrous in
I LDPDOS , u y VJ. 1 a. m. -
Later advices from Candahar , via
Bombay , state that General Burrows'
brigade was composed of one regi
ment with English artil/ery , the re
mainder of the force being native
troops , consisting ot ihrea regiments
of infantry , in all a total force of 3-
000 men. Ayoub Khan'a army num
bered twelve thousand men with
thirtv-six gum , which with well '
served fragments of General Burrow' ?
force are still coming in. The British
lois is estimated at from 2,000 to 3-
000 men.
ftU Liter advices from Bombay st t
that Gen. Burrows ws defeated in i
U rout , and the enemy pursued for threi
r- miles , but it is believed that four on
rP - of the x guns were saved. Strag
Pill glers continue to arrive at Candahai
Th whole snrroundinct country is rii
ing. Gen. Phayre wH at once reir
ib force Candahar , his rear fcein
strengthened by Bombay and Beiig :
troops , wiio have been ordered t
march immediately. Contiderab !
alel reinforcements have been advanctu
lel up the Baton Pats. Tha Indian go1
re- ernmenl's information greatly nnder
iid ted Ayonb Khan s strength.
in Ind
There is rauca excitement
on terrible disast
and England over the
Iry to Gen. Burrow s * army. The Timi
Bre this morning thinks the first duty i
al- , t&e government ia to vindicate itc n1
J itary reputation.
Oae of tlia rasjl
ice gpcdjl DupiVi to Tcs Bw.
en , Thi , CToly y > , i
young man living at Kemp Mill ,
engaged in a dispute with his father ,
he drew his revolver to shoot hhs.
His mother rushed between them pre
venting it , whereupon he placed th *
revolver to his own head and fired , tha
ball entering near the light to pl
and passing entirely through hb head.
G. A. R. Boys.
Special dlntch to Tha DM.
BROOKLTX , July 29 , 1 . m. Yes
terday wai a gala day , the occasion be
ing the semi-annual encampment of
the state depirtnientof the Grand Ar
my of the Republic. Flags wert dis
played from public and pnvato build
ings. The festivities began Tntftdi7- >
evening when President lUnlla jf v
a reception to the deltgatcs. Heided
by the department commander , L. C.
Young , the demonstration yesterday
were a succe-s. Tbe proewkm
marched through the principal aifMtt
to the ilaaic hall , where a publia
meeting was held. An addrtM of
welcome was made by Wm. DftTFlft
and responded to by Coraaander
Young. SInsic and singing com 4ilnt > -
ed the remainder of the public x r-
sei. The encampment th n ioclc
place with closed doors. Ai 3clock
the delegates took a boat for Ccnioy
Islasd , where all point * of intWMt
were visited , and at 7:30 tha
took place. -
Absolutely Pure ,
Mida tasi Grsjp Cream T ti ? . 3T atfc *
pr r ri on sakt acb Ught. flaky IwS r
- - -