Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Monday Monrng. July 26.
Patenon cells coal.
See Polack's advertisement.
Try Saxe'fl Coffee Cream Soda.
\Varranted tooth brushes , Kuhn's.
Excellent Cream Soda at'Saxe's.
Carriages and wagons at Wood-
Elegant perfumea atKuhn'B.drug [
SeWenberg &iCo. ' Key WeistCi-
gara at Sax 'e.
Lota , Farms , Hou'es and Lands ,
Look over Bemis1 new column of bar-
gaina on firnt pi ge.
Three carloads of watermelcTis
from the fcouthwere reoelybd in this
city Friday.
The Creijhton House has a tele
graph as well as a telephone connec-
iion with the rest of the city.
For Lands , Lota , Houses and
Farms , look overBemis' new column
on 1st page. Bargains.
FoR HENT. Store building , 174
JFarnham street , Bet. llth and 12th.
Apply to Jno. A. Creighton. tf
The meeting of the committee on
firemun'a tournament will be held
Wednesday evening ntxt.
The Methodists of the Omaha
district will hold their camp meeting
at JNorth Bend , commencing Wednes
day , August 17.
James H. Odpll , the man who
shot himself was atill alive at latest ac-
counta } but his recovery is pronounced
Engine houses NOB. 1 and 3 are
draped in mounting , and are flying-
flags at half-mast in honor of the deco -
co aed foreman , Walter Lourcy.
The Red Stocking base ball club
lift * again come to the front The ab
sent player * have returned to the city ,
and they -will be ready for plaj ing in
a short time.
A corps of engineers supposed tel
l > e in ihe empl-y of the B & M. were
surveying yesterday a few miles west
of the city. What's up ? Another
feeder for Lincoln [ State Journal.
The firat consignment of fruit
ever taken to Lincoln by the Uni n
Pacific WM a carload of lemnn > , wnich
went down Friday. The trp from
.New York occupied juet seven day * .
The clerk of the United St ts
Circuit court has received from Judg *
McCrary his opinion in the case if
Jamea A. Jones against L < irtn Miller ,
vhich-it decides in f.ivor of the de-
fondant. The case involves the title
to a tract of land in Horbach'a addi
tion to Omaha.
From January 1 , 1880 , to July 1 ,
1880 , one hundred and eigtity-eight
miles of railroad iron had been laid in
Nebraska. This is more than haa
been laid in any other state in the
Union except Kmsas ; that state leads
the column with two hundred and
tirelvw miles.
Friday afternoon a letter with
ihe following address wan dropped in
i letter-box ; at the Union Pacific
oBtA'e < f I iwa , to the
--0 W. H. Kvlsey please
| u utiful and fair , for he is
Hero " Tou thousand pilm-
- f , -rans have been ordered for the un
fortunate dwellers in that locality.
MI B Reby Yates C&VB. & chinning
little party at. Henry Yites residence
Fnday.eventng , in houorof Miss Gertie
Batcher , her guest for the past two
weeks. The croquet grqund WHS hung
m the pretty Japanese lights , and the
click of the balls
was heard all even
ing la the parlors dancing and con
versation occupied the evening hap
pily , for the friends of Miss Reby
who were present.
Important changna are about to
be made in the clerical force of the
postoffice. Mr. F G. Gridlay , who
has for several years filled the position
i f money order c'erk , haa sent in his
tosignation , to take effect August 1st.
lie wil , be succeeded by Mr. Hubert
Arms'rocg , who baa for about two
yesrs past filled the position of mail *
ing clerk. John Huff-ted , the atamp.
ing clerk takes '
, Armstrong's place ai
mailing clerk , and Hoffsted's place is
1o be filled by a colored man , either
Dan. Rogers or Mr. Pitts. Charlm
Sweesy has'been appointed night clerk
and a German "has been appointed
auxiliary carrier.
H E Rogers , a sporting man who
came to this city from Denver , WHS
arrested Friday evening by a Denver
detective on the charge nf stealing a
niaraond ring valued a$150. . Rogers
claimsthat he bought the ring for S50.
Ht > d it willing to'r. turn it if his money
IB paid bck. The prosecuting wit-
nvss isE izabeth Van '
At'en. R < cers
is d-fended by Col. Sinytho. The
Demer official bus gone to Lincoln to
p t th necessary papers from Gov.
.Xituco for hia extradition.
A number of men are wanted to
work on wilro&d. Apply at B. & M.
depot , to station agent , and be passed
fr5 of charge to pUce where work is
to be done 4G. W. HOLPKIOE ,
24-3 Supt.B&M.Neb.
than last week , to close out balance of
bankrupt stock.
Real Estate Transfers.
"SVtn. H. W. Whitney and wife to
David C. Redman : w. d. n 44 ft. of
* J l"t 4 , block 8 , City of Omaha.-
David 0. Ro < lm n to Aratnintu T.
Hume. : w. d. n 22ft. of B 44 ft of lot
4 , il > ck 8 , City of Omaha. $200.
Ir * L. Welch and wif to Maria
iln. Evan : vr. d. npj n"i and wj nej Sec
n. 27tl5 , rile. $1,026.
n.II John Br dy to Daniel J. Seldent
vr. d lot 3 , Mnclc 4 , Bowery Hill , City
Omaha. $1,000.
A fashionable lady and her company
were greatly rejoiced the other d y oy
Biddys mistake , who on being ( old to
get some oil for 'he castor , served
them all wuha do e of Dr. Thomas'
Ecloctric Oil '
Bidiiy'g mistake was
the means of curing a number of bad
cjsos cou ha'and colds. Result : They
allieep it in the iouse ai a speedy
remedy for coughs , colds , etc.
Two Young Women Terrib y
Burned by Kerosene.
Shortly before 6 o'clock last even-
inn an accident occurred on the corner
of Thirteenth and Chicago streets ,
which resulted in probably fatal inju-
nus to Mnrv Buckley , daughter of
the pr-pnetor of the Mechanics'
House , and Jess serious ones to her
sister , Julia Buckley-
It appears that the two young wo
man went into the kitchen to light a
fire preparatory to getting supper
ready. M ry was engagtdinbuildmc
the fire , and placed some wood tn the
stove , which she tried to make "jm _
flammable by pouri
some ker ene
on from *
a M gallon nearly fun
C * the fluid. The noon fire had not
yet entirely died out , and the few em
bt rs left burnmc in the s'ove ignited
the stream of oil , and fiishmg back
into the can quicker than
lighting , exploded and sent the blaz
ing contents over the person of the
unlucky woman and over floor , ceiling
and stove.
Greatly frigMened and with clothes
afUmenhe ruehed through the front
hall and ou * into the yard where Borne
ono tried to tear her clothe * I'fl snd
another threw a comfort a-ound her t
at fle her burning apparel. Still a
th dashed water over her. At
1 40j % he fire waB reduced , but not
u * r clothes had burned Uearly
off , > * jvrqiiilt had burned up entirely ,
and terrible burna had been received
on liml'B , hand * , arms , back and
breast , in fact almost over the entire
Her sister Julia , who was in the
kitchen a' the came time WAS bunud
in the face and right hand , but her in-
ju'io are comparatively slight.
Dr. Peahody was at once summoned
and a'eo ' Dr. CofTaiano , and all that
could be was done for the buffering
woman , wh'se agony was terrible
to behold. The wnnle neighborhood
. < emtilod at the ac ne "f the accident -
dent and if n remedy was found . it
W. R nanc of suggestions.
Of course i * waa impjasibld to tell
just how bad the burns wer , but it
appeared only too probable th t in cue
case thty would prove fatal.
The Gat s of Death Open at
the Bid ring of James
H. O eJ.
At 7 o'c'ock ' Satuid y evening Jas.
H. 0 tell , who shot himee f ( > ii Thu'B
d .y night ] & t , died fr-m the efff ta of
his a < lf-n flic'ed wuucd. Befcro l > 6
brthd h s last hi > admitted to Mrs.
W. H. l Ain , who was at his botstde ,
that r had fin-d the shot whicti wa-
goini ; to result faiHll > , and said be did
61 because hu as tiren of liviup.
Pievioiia to th s ht-h d refused to p y
an > thini ; at all hboutiheshot or any
of the c-rcums an os c mnected with
the unfoituunto .ffar He only > -aid
one" , ' * It w s a bundling job. " He
told Mrs. I that he purchnsed the pistol
tel thiee orfonr divys before for the
purp Sd 'h'i a'terwards put it to.
When he Crdtho fatal shot he wrap
ped his hind in cloths to deaden the
r.r.ioti. Theio is Mil doubt but it WAS a
most deliberate suicide , consumma
ted in a mument of mental depression.
The remainei wore removed to
Coroner Jacob * ' rooms on Farnhsm
street u here nt f ! .30 last evening an
inqucai was held. A jury naa im-
panncllod consistirg of C. S. ( iood-
rich W. H. C. Stephenson , W. H.
Kent , 0. H. Withnell , S J. Stover ,
and M. H. Parir \ and three wituexs
es werw pxamit viz ; Dr. W. H.
Lanyon. Mrs. V J. Ijams and Mre.
Cecilia Rich. "he
testimony WJ > B
substantially as already de'a-led ' in
the e colums , and the jury returned a
ver.Uct to iho effect that the * aaid
James H Olell , came to his death on
the 24th of July 1880 , by a pts ol shot
fired hy his own hand , on the 22ud of
July 1880 , in Omaha , Ntbraeka. i
Omaha a Double Header.
We asKtd Mayor Chnte Saturday
about his trip to Oakland Fr-
day and what he thought of the route
of the Omeha & Northern Nebraska
railroad to < hat point.
He Baid that the whole route WHS.
very interesting and immense crops 1
of grain were visible on every side ;
that wheat WHS being harvested and |
of mo t excellent berry , and good
crop. Oats the same , but that the
fields of corr were simply immense' , all
tass-l < d out and m the silk so that it
would ripen a long time before - ny
fr.ict could touch it. On that portion
of the ron to near Oakhnd , which is
62 miles from Omaha , he saw large
herds of ca-tlo in every valley m tine
condition. -karoah is growing fast
and i * a beautiful toirn , but that Oak
land , for beauty of location and apbar-
unt enterprise and thriftj equalled any
town that ho bad ever seen in Nebras
ka less thin a ye r old.
It Is located on an inclined
pl < me to eaitt of and overlooking the
valley of the L3gnn. The scenery as
far as the eye could reach along -that
creek , with its farm houses and fields
of grain , being the loveliest' imagin
able. Tha mayor s id that if he we-e
j ist starting out in 'ifo ' he should be
strong y tempted w becom _ an Oak
liuder. He ke in
ap very complimentary - -
mentary term * of the hotel kept by
Mr. Corey , late of Wisconsin , and of
the Bumptuom dinner whicn Ee ea
joy djthp oparingof which had been-
ev dently S'lpervti-od by the lundl-rd'a
wife The ro d-bed from Oakland to
Ssous City is already graded , and th
tr ck istihelaM
throu-jh eiryin
Sen'e'i.b-r .
Then Om ha will he
connetd with Si-mi City , nd from
theie by rail to Yaakttm ani
from there by rail to Btsm rok , and
from Bisraan-k over the
- Northern Pa
cific to the Pacific Ocean. 'Then ? '
the may.r says , ' -Omaha will be a
double heador. "
The European Hotel has thft'rep-
uUtion of furnishing the beet board
In the city. _ . ,
Raspberry Vinegar , at Puadt's ,
MMJkMbtaffWi * *
- a-- -
Oonveys the-EemRin of Wal-
terLow yto th Train.
' _ T .
Funeral Services at Creigh
ton Hall.
Those who witnessed the itnpoainc
ceremonies with which the remains of
Walter Lowry were jester day honored
by his comrades of the Sre depart
ment , were doubtless carried back in
thought to the jci.nea of two years
ago , nh'ich succeeded the calamity '
| Q
the Grand Central. '
. , mce that time , a funeral which
produced tha simr feelings of univer
sal sympathy until the funeral of tbe
driver who WSB daehid from his cart
and killel while hurrying to fight the
fire fiend.
For an hour previous to the .time
set for the services at Creighton Hall ,
where the body lay in state from 8
o'clock yesterday morning , the people
were mHnm lon the sidewalks for a
block on either side , while the hall
itself wta packed to its utmost stand
ing capacity. Dnnnu the day hun
dreds ot friend * had pa sed in and out
of the hall to take a last look it the
brave fireman's face , und when at 2
o'clock the fir < < department , headed by
the Union PiC'tio ' band , nmrchodj to
'he hall from their engine hnua- , the
crowd was only to bo numbered by
the body rccnp'ed aspacein the cen
tre hnd in front of 'he pltform A
gu-ird of firemen was on duty all day.
The fl Til tributes were very nuiner-
ms aud exceedinclv beautiful , a mag
nificent cross from the members of
Fire Kine Engine Co. No 2 beinc the
moat elaborate. It was mauo with ex
quisite taste , th initials and number
"of 'he company be ins formed in the
middle of pure white fluwers. In ad
dition tn thin was a lovdyfloral basket
from Mm. John W. P , ttr ; a delicately
beutiful CIO-B from Mr * . L. W leon ,
whose husbind aa ono of the victims
of th Grand Central fire ; R wreath nf
flower * and another of o < k and laurel
from Mis. A. Newton nd Miss
Brown , w th others , tha names of the
donors not Vwing lea ned , snd inuu-
merab e bouquets .f ereat htauty.
The space in the u , rth end of t e hhll
was reserved for the fire drpa < tment
which Appeared in full uniform , aud
n avei'uo W B kpt open between
them nrt the entn-nc , thf rest f 'he
space being crowded to excess. Upon
trio tt-g , besides the flicntiug min
ister , 11 v. E B. GraU-im , of the
Umt rt Preshyteri u chitnh , wtra
Mayoi Cha e an * the mrmbtjia of the
c-ty council Apur pmte music WBB
t-l.yed by the l.aud dU'ing the ime
uouupittd in pa-'i g > n a semi-circle
about the c-B'-et t" view the fcuo f
the d ad , which a * -miik bl >
and lile l.t > e iu exur-ss ou.
The s Tvies w r. opened by the
sniguig 01 the 23rd Plm , ' 'The
L ird IB My Shepher , " af or wh ch
the bu al s-rvice , beginning "Man
born i f a w-man is of f w days and
full of trouble " w s rend. After a
fervent pr yer M' . Graham said :
Ag-iin G"d ) > as txken from us a
fr'eud ' in1' ' brmher
; taken from us one
to whom we 'o ' k d fr protection
vKoKistthiit whi htiia r > yi' < ur buus'-a ,
C < miQm the wei-1 h and hiudem ihe
proHpoi i y nf our ci y An enemy ,
nut only < f properly , but xlro ot < ife.
Our fro d , while AI hit pi B o duty ,
wah B eiird aw > b this enemy. D t
not think mean p < vs imp uous as tea
a te > p toixolriin the IIIJBrng ot
GoaV infini o windnm. His thou n's
are above our th up"ts. Y-t a little
light shines Mi up-ui us even here , and
we need no awakening of the imapma-
tic.u In c ntemplnting a cceiio such
as this. Thin , thdrefore , is not
tha time for mo tu spe k 8C
length of his virtues , hie bravery
or > he history of his lifw , but I cmue
hero in the name rf 'he Lord Jesus
C'irist to minister to this house of
mourning It is roadin history thikt
I hilip of Macedon had a herild pro-
el lim tn him every day. Phillia thou
art mortal ! And here wo have before
us thopnauiiceof death , saying 1 ud-
er than herald could ever proclaim
the lesson : Remember , thou art mor
tal ! The ppoaker procexlod at
length , , the substance of hix di < course
being the legisbn"taught us by the
tragic death "f Walter Lowry , that in
< the.midst of life we-are in death.
; w A closing hymn wa suni ; aud the
benediction pronounced after which a
last or'jjoriunily was given these who
wi Led to view the ramains.
At the clcsd , the procession formed
on Fdrnam , the light rt-B'ing f > n 10 h
sireet and'the casket was borne from
tlie hall by the following pall bearers
appoii ted for the occasion : Fire
King No. 2 : John McShane , Chnrlea
Koster , J. F McCartney , Phil Me-
Shanp , Frank Hanlon. , Omaha , No 1 :
Z Stevens. Ne"Ea8ka , No 3 : Chftr-
ley Rjpp. Pioneer H. & L. ' . James
The procpstjon then marched down
Farnam t 10'h and downlOihto the
Union Pacific Dejot in this order :
Chief engineer , J. J. Galligan and
Marshal Westerdahl.
The eutlre police force in full uni
Mayor. Chase anil police Judge Hawes.
Thw city council.
The Union Pacific Band.
Pioneer' ' Hook Hnd L ddur Co. , and
The Dui'ant'ii.
Omaha Engine Co. No 1 , steamer and
hoe c rt.
Nebraska Engine Co. No 3 , steamer
and truck ,
Fire King Engine No 2 , heavily drop-
ed in muormng.
Hear e. flanked by pallbearers.
No 2's hove ca-t , also decorated with
insignia of mnurninc' .
CarriageR and citizens generally.
- Trm procession waseev > iral blocks in |
leng'h , and WAR of tbe most imposing
appearance. The dppmtment appar
atus W-B Hppropri-tely draped Lit
tle Bennie VVitiigj Son of Mr. Ed
Wittip , ridiin naiform on tha Pie
HOT truck , at the wheel. No 2V
engine waa covered with Sags aud
Bumbre drap ry.
howeverwa thit . < f the hose cart
jshichhad been d iven tn so many
fires by pin-r L-wiy nil from which
he at length met hit fate The gal
lant hnrae , wh ch has like its de d
master e-en years of arduous cervice ,
_ was leil i y Geofk-e Coul r and 'Oumert
im atiei t > f r s < au t an'l ' M if nogg.
i * " h nd thht d
g h BO often and > o
sk llinlly guided i's c-mse ever t is
8nm- ree' . Bl ik aelf p umei waveo
frm tt head and w r in keep ru ;
with the mournful em leras on the
rart. The Inter W B covor-'d with
white aud hl cK entwined and fn-m.
the centre rose anarch of oak and
"evergreen in the mid-t 'f whi h was
the Bin.'l" iume ' LOWBT " Th-J cart
n d u.i cc a pants TO tittle Joe Hengtn
W"o HSO wore the red chi t and cip of
toe fireman. Be \ as m ct since B ,
ifni fthttohitf rnourn-r hvu g been
petted nl played tth by th brave
driver uat'i h * nad grnwn ti lova him
wtiK a cnild warmth ind apdur. When
tbe long train had reached the depot ,
hi * head vaa burned in his hinds afid { .
ha vat weeping most bitterly. The
two boys'eiownhe stuff our men are
made of when they den the danger
ous tiguific nt
in their miniature manhood and with
the warning of death itielf facing
them. In l '
'er years they will no
doubt be enrolled among those who
atand between our city and the fire >
At the foot of 10th str et the of
ficers and firemen formed a
double line between which
the hearse pasted and the procession
crossed the tracks in reversed ordef ,
and with the apparatus withdrawn
from the line. . The remains were
transferred from the hearse to tjjj
the car and accomDanj m , ft | pecial
escort of ; -cmobn firemen gtjd a de-
taohmBtit of police , c twisting ef Her-
jeai.t Ford and Ofleef * Qorman ,
O'DottohUe hd Black , were slowly
drawn out of the depot , while the
bind played ' 'The Sweet Bye and
Bye. "
At Council Bluffs the remains were
transferred to the train of the K. 0. ,
St. Jo. & C. B R.H , and in charge
of First Assistant Chief Engineer > .
N. Mealio , left at 6 o'clock for the
former home of the deceived , Savan
nah , Ohio , where they are awaited in
sorrow by an aged mother and sister.
Chief Engineer Lacy and lereral
members of the Council Bluffs de
partment were over , but arrived too
Lue to participate in the Ceremonies.
The invitation to their depa-tment
unfortunately did not reach them un
til 11 o'clock to day , or a goodly num
ber would have come over.
It is seldom that such a crowd is
seen in our city as that which yeater-
d ty lined thu sidewalks and clustered
beneath shads and rhade trees along
the line of march ot nuigod through
the depot like a htiuian sea. It
nhowod the appreciation in which our
citizens hold the firemen.
As the result of Mr. Lowrey'a
thoughtfuluess and thrift he had
placed note * and warnmU to the
amount of $1200 for keeping with
Captain Marsh , and some $200 in the
ban * besides hi * farm at Fnirbury.
The property will doubtleis go to his
mother and sister.
Those who know Walter Lowry
beat bear witness to the excellence of
his character. Ho WM very fond of
children , who naturally took to him ,
aud he would , when nt leisure , ait and
amuse them by the hour. Joe Hen-
g--n was ono of these , and a little son
of Charles S Goodrich was another.
When the latter htard of L > wry's
drath his grief waa unc ntrollabla.
Th * fire department desires through
the BEE to return its thanks to the la-
die * who contributed so ninny beauti
ful flowers and to the Union Pacific
lo-icl for free transportation tendered
the firomeu to Council Bluffs and ru-
A Chicago Firm Closes an Oma
ha Jewelt-r's doora.
C - > n lderable of a sensation was
camtd Sa urdaby the ann uncement
th-it the jewelry firm of Wbuple &
McMillan had been closed up , and
our reporter , in order to get the trap
ttfio of affairs , called upon Mr. W.
E McMillan , who , in the .bsence of
M . Whi | pie , had chat ge of the estab-
F oin him we learned that the house
of Giles & Bros. , wholesale a-d retail
jewellers , of Chicago , had procured
an order of Httaohment , thr-ugh H.
D. E'ab'Ooktheir attorney , and
that at 9 "o'clock Friday the aher-
iiT ook posseiiion of the stock by
virtue of the * rit. The affidavit was
filed with the clerk of the district
court , and alleges , we understand ,
an intention on the part of the firm to
dispose of their prooerty and defraud
their creditors. The fact is said to be
that the debt is only $750 , and is
a balauce on account with the firm.
This amount Mr. Whipple had gone
to Chicago to settle , and the action
of the creditors was a surprise to Mr.
McMillan. While the latter is in
cluded by name in the writ , he
states positively that he was not a
member of the firm , and that while a
partnership had been agreed upon for
a future time , it was not to be con
summated until the liabilities of the
firm of Whipple & Co. were settled.
It'is claimed that the indebtedness of
the old house does not exceed $1,100
in addition to the balance due Giles ,
and tht the stock will invoice from
$3,500 to $4,000. Also , that thorn ia
due the firm in town 81,200 to $1,800 ,
on good parties.
Mr. McMillan objects to being
treated in this manner decidedly , on
the ground that he is only holding a
salaried position , and does not wish
to be closed up before he opens out in
business. He expects Mr. Whipple
home soon , when he thinks things will
be satisfactorily settled.
Y. M. O. A. Library.
The object of the Young Men's
Christian Association , if wo rightly
understand it , .ia the , merltal
and social improvement of young
men , and to advance add accomplish
this various means are used , and the
one to which pur attention is now par
ticularly drawn is the proposed estab
lishtnent of a library one that the
association and its friends may feel
proud of.
Not long since Col. WationB. Smith
donated to the association a very ex-
.celleut book case , which will hold
about one thounand volumes , and at
onca the contribution of books com
menced to the library , and above'what
have already been received , many
have been promised. Prof. Anderson ,
in the land departmant of tha
B. & M. railroad , gave the asiocia-
tt in the loan of 100 volues as a
inference library , one thit will be
found mjst useful in the study of sa
cred history , and to him they are indebted.
The library will be for the free uae
of members of the atsomation , and
those ho are desirous of investigat
ing or ranking any researches , and
y -uugmen who come to the city stran
gers , can find it a pleasant and profit
able place to call. committee in charge contem
plate giving a "ho > k rocep'ioa" ere
long , and wa predict some' excellent
donatious will be mdo by those who
attend. Soccers to the enterprise.
Pretzels , at Pundt'i.
Blackberry Brandy , extra fine , at
Men's Alexii , $1.25 ; not to to b * t
in price at Fullriede'e near 13th and
Douglas , Si * . " "
The Organization of the National
, and Industrial League of
America. .
Omaha and Other Western
Cities to be Worked Up ,
"No Best Till the People Get
Their Own ,
A meeting was held Friday night at
the Creighton House by a committee
cdnsisting o ! jf ichael Donovan , Hon.
0. V. Gallagher , John Groves , The * .
Tallon.'M. J. MsMahon , Jas. Boiln ,
Richard O'Keiff , Pat Ford , and Thos.
Kennedy , to take action upon a recent
letter and proportion received from
Michael Davitt , the famous Irish na
tionalist. Mr. Davitt hai resolved
upon mbking an organization tour in
the western states , including Califor
nia' before returning to Ireland and
has signified his intention to stop over
In Omaha en route , if he can be of any
service to the cause which he repre
sents. It * as decided by the commit
tee to write him that he would be wel
come here and that a reception would
be given in his honor during his visit
to this city.
Mr. Davitt came over with Parnell
and Dillon and Is working in
the interests of the Land Leaguerot
which ho fs one of the originators
and of which Pnrnell is the present
head. The Land League movement ,
to use Mr. Davitt's own words , is but
a tempo-ary one , which has been
called into existence to save Ireland ,
during an alarming crisis , from the
horrors of ' 47 and ' 48 , and to put an
end to periodic famine and perpetual
poverty by securing the ownership and
unrestr > cted cultivation of the soil for
the people. It was not intended and
does not purpose to be placed in opi.o- .
ition to those movements which aim
at achieving either national independ
ence on the one hand and what is
known as Home Rule on the other , its
object being the advancement of the
interests of the people at home and
the lifting of the fatherland from the
mire of social serfdom.
An appeal is mdo to non-political
societies and to all who sympathize
with the movement to support the
work and show that it is a truth and
not a boatt that neither distance nor
time can change the devotion of the
I.ish heart to the land of its birth.
On the'lOth of May last the
National Land and Industrial League
of America was founded. Owing to
various causes , chiefly the short upsce
of timu which has elapsed since it *
foundation , the work actually accom-
plifhed has been small and it is for
the organization of this branch of the
League that Mr. Davitt's trip trett Is
made. It's work will bo the collection
of the fund for the did of the Land
League in i's ' work of protecting lives ,
dutending prisoners arrested for re-
aittanca te procea * serving , sustain
their families , clothe and educate their
children , teed their land , etc.
Mr. Uavtt will no doubt be en
thusiastically received in Omaha
where the strong sympathy with the
cause has already been expressed in a
practical way.
Why dose . ourselves with
ing medicineb , when a purely fruit
cathartic will cure yon at once Ham
burg Fie * . Try them.
Sea Trout , in cns , at Pundt's.
The Board of Education Settles
the Question of Super
intendent ,
And Elects Principals for the
Several Schools.
An adjourned meeting of the Board
of Education waa held Saturday eve
The special committee on the selec
tion of a candidate for superintendent
made a majority report and a minority
The majority report was signed by
Messrs. Bloom , Conoyer , and Long ,
and recommended Prof. Fitzpatrick ,
of Leavenworth.
The minority report of Mr. Staley
presented the name of I'rof . J. J. Ma-
pel. of McGregor , Iowa.
The reports were placed on file , and
the bonrd proceeded to vote.
On the fourth ballot Mr. Mapel
was elected , receiving 7 out of the 11
A motion was made lo make the
election unanimous , to which an ob
jection was rained.
On motion of Mr. Long the board
proceeded to the election of principals
of the various schools.
Principals were chosen as follows :
Hascall School Miss
Bedfield ( re-
elected. )
Cass Siroet School Mias A. M.
Williams ( re-elected. )
Jackaon Street School Miis Nellie
Wood ( re-elec'ed. ' )
Hartman School Mrs. Cbamplin
( re-elected ) ,
West School Miss
flarney ( reelected -
elected , )
South Ssnool Miss
Stannard ( reelected -
elected )
East School Miss Anna Fees ( re-
ulected )
North School Prof. Bruner ( re-
A motion was made to elect a prin
cipalnf * he Central sehoolwho , should
be the toucher of the eighth frrade.
This was discussed at some length.
It was moved that the office of
principal of the Central school be
crt-ated with a saUry of $1300 , with
the understanding that th t official
shtll be the teacher of the eighth
It waa moved that the principal of
the Central school ahall rank under
the principal of the High sshool.
It was moved that the further con
sideration of the principal of tha Cen
tral sch 'ol be postponed until the
next regular menting. This motion
waa carried after considerable discut-
Mr. Ma th , in speaking on this mo
tion , sid that the board kept increas
ing salaries initead of reducing. He
also thought the superintendent ought
to h * full control of the ichooli ,
aod not ba hampered by resolutions
of tha board.
The board proceeded to elect prin-
cp ! lof tha Hkh ichooL
The fourth ballot resulted : Lyoai
7 , Crafurd 3 , Wank 1.
Mr. LyoDiwag d eUrad
. rincip * ! of the Hifch school. .
The board thraadjommed.
A Bellevue Man Shuffle * ofF
His Mortal Coil.
Being Weary of the World's
Tribulations ,
Jt seems that the mania for suicide
is not confined to Omaha alone but
hasseztended to the suburbs and will
doubtless ran its course throughout
the state like any other epedemic.
The latest case of voluntary death
is that reported from Bellevue ,
From what we can gather of the
facts it appears that -German who
had contracted a thirst for ardent
spirits and grew discouraged , on
Thursday night took a doia of poison
and died from it's effect It is said by
some that domestic difficulty was at
the bottom of the rash deed , but what
ever nny have been the cauie it ap
pears that the act waa committed
when under the influence of liquor.
The man leaves a wife and six chil
dren. Some of the friends came up
to Omaha Friday and purchased a
coffin of undertaker Riewe , which they
took home with them , and the funeral
probably took place Friday. We
could not learn the name of the un
fortunate man.
0. T. Taylor , agent for the New
York Life Insurance Company , left
yesterday for Denver on business.
He will be absent two or three weeks.
Goo. A. Crofutt was amen the
east-bound passengers last evening.
Hon. E. K. Valentine came in from
the east yesterday and proceeded
homo. Mrs. V. met him at Fremont
with a carriage and they drove from
that place to West Point.
C. C. Puck , of Belle Creek , was in
the city over Sunday.
CG. . Fisher , of Harris & Fisher ,
left for Chicago Isat evening.
Charlie Whipple returned from Chicago
cage lst evening.
A. L. Katz , of New York , who was
in the city yesterday , lefc at noon for
Capt. Augur , U. S. A. , was a pas
senger for Cheyenne on yesterday's
Gea. Mallon D. Manson , of Indi
ana , auditor of state , with his daugh
ter , registered at tbo Metropolitan
Saturday and went from this city to
Blair to visit friends
George Mills hns gone to Minneso
Judge Lake , of the Supreme Court ,
is at home again.
Mrs. Thomas Swobe loft for Chicago
cage Friday evening.
P. C. Backur came in on the 0. &
E. V. train Friday.
Hon. Ger rge W. Frost , has return
ed from Washington city.
Milton Tootlo , Esq. , was a westbound -
bound passenger Friday.
Hon. E. B. Brown of Lincoln
registered at the Withnell Friday.
Hon. Jotl Hull , an attorney of
Mindeti , Nob. , was in the city Satur
Mr. Jacob Higgius , the Red Cloud
grain | dealer , was in the city Fri
G. W. E. Dorsay , of Fremont , was
in the city Saturday , and went home at
E. M. BArtlatt and family came up
from Lincoln ivia the 0. & . R. V. at
noon Saturday.
WA. H. Loveland , president of the
Denver and South Park road , went
west Saturday.
Hon. J. C. Cowin and wife left for
Colorado Saturdayintendiug to bo ab
sent two or three weeks.
Mr. and Mra. R. R. Ringwalt have
returned from a visit of several days
in Atchisoti , Tupeka and Kanins City.
Mrs. 0. P. Morton , of Indiana ,
wife of the old "war governor , "
passed through the city Friday ,
bound west.
Hon. "Dick" Thompson , the ruler
of the President's "navoe" Went
around Omaha and Is reported out of
Cneyenne , for the Pacific Coast.
Mr. John U. Gordob , president of
ft Canada railroad went cast Friday
evening over the Union Pacific. He
was en route home from atrip to the
Bandnhich Islands , he look
the Rock Islind lor Chicago.
Adelaide Neilson , the actress , who
recently finished an engagement in
San Francisco , passed through the city
Friday on her way eait , accompa
nied by Mr. Compton , who plays the
leading male parts in her repertoire.
W. M. Madden , who represent *
Hibbard , Spencpr & Co. , of Chicago ,
at Deadwoodarrived in the city Friday
night over the U. P. road. Mr. Mad
den is president of tha Deadwcod
Driving Park Association , and is en
route oast.on basinets for that or
Miss Nettie McCarty , of Logans-
port , Ind. , and Geo. L. Barney , Ed.
Graham and' Miss Laura Barney , of
Indianapolis , are in the city , the
guests of 0. P. McOarty , of the U. P.
passenger department. Miss Barney
is the daughter of Oapt. Barney , of
The Republican , and will make her
home in the city.
Among the many arrivals at the
MetropliUn hotel are the following :
H. A. Wilson , Jefferson , Ia. ; M.
Detjeans , Rook Island ; 0. B. Detrick ,
Chicago ; D. I. Thornton , St. LonJs ;
M. D. Manafra , Mi s Sally Manson ,
Indianapolis ; J. 0. LincoJn and wife ,
Salem , Maw. ; Henry Give and
wife , Hiawatha ; Ira P. Davu. ' , Cedar
Rapids ; A. T. Hewitt , St. Louii ;
O. P. Berry Racine , Wiicomln ; R.
K. Cooper , St. Joe ; Col. L 8. Tioh-
enor , Washington , D. 0. ; John Roche ,
Darlington , ' ? Wis.'Mi ; Bhelton , 'Da
kota ; J. 0. 'Castro , Deuvarr J. H.
Wheat , Chicago ; A. Emsiy , Bedford ,
Pa. ; N. Marshall , L. Stewart , Chicago
cage , John A. W kefi ld , Rock I -
l nd ; Paul Heinnch " , Ndfr York ; W.
EC JUyuer , "Omaha.
Choi * freah picie , at Tuard'i.
A. F. & A M.
_ Then will be a special communica
tion ol 8t. JohH'I twdg , No. 25 ,
this ( Saturdayevenirig ) , for work hi
the M. M. degree. Visiting brethren"
are sordislly invited.
Elegant accommodations , lowest
price , Astor House , N. Y. 14-dlm.
Hamburg Figs 2no a 6oi ;
Board of Education to-night.
LOST July 23d , a large red moroc
co book , containing legal and consta
ble's blanks. Any person finding
tame will be suitably rewarded by
leaving with E. M , Stenberg , 12th
street , or at my office , southeast cor.
of 15ih and Doughu street.
Murphy & Lovett.lna. Agency ; old
eat established agency In this state.
MISSING. A case of constipation by
using Hamburg Figs
Over eighty millions of dollars of
Insurance capital of the oldest and
best home and foreign companies rep
resented In the agency of Taylor &
ftOTICK AdTonUamenW To Let For Rmln ,
Lost , Found , WanU , Botrdlnj Ac. , will ba In
serted la theM columns onoa for TEN CENTS
per lint ; each BUbKxjuont InsertionFIVE CENTS
per line. 7h flnt Ini rtloa noTcr Iw > thin
TO LOAN At8 p r cent Inter
epOO.UUU * t. In um of | 20W ndup-
R ardi for I to 6 jt r ' time on first CIMS ImproT-
ed city and farm property. Ap ly at BEMIS *
Real Kstiteand Loan Agency , 15th and DonfflM
Sti 378 eodll
M OM3T 10 LOAX-C.Il at Lew Offlc *
B. L. 7HOHA8. Rooma.CreUhton Block
M ONKY TO LOAN 1109 Farnhun street.
Dr. EJwardti LOMI Agency. nor-IZ-tf
A A GOOD fltfrem \ 14 to 10 y * r § . to take
care of children , 608 5 > h itraet , between
Cal. and Wobiter Btreeta. 23124
ANTEU-A ire d coo1at Richard's " i-
tanrant , 1,017 Karnbam. 233-M
WANTKO-Good dhilnir room girl , 638 13th
Bt. , Bet. Dongha and Dodge. 291-26
WANTKD Cham-ennild at the Exmet
Hou f. 295 27
WANTED A wo-nan ( middle aged ) , to take
charge of an iifant , fl weeks old. Apply
g. E. corner 32d and California. 283-21
WANTED One gofe ! wamjtrew and one ap- '
prrntico rirlto Ie rndrem 1ilnfr1Mt > S.
DELAWARE , g. W. cor. 12th and Howard Sta.
250 28
TTrANTFrA Olrl to do home work , 1109
Y Farnham Street , up SUIrt 14tf
ACARPKNTEB who undrritan H dr wn ?
and who la abl t Uk charge of s thop or
bnlldlncr , wanta emplojrmrnt. AddreM A. B. ,
Be Office. 23J-24
live energetic aataiman can obtain a
AOOOD sitnttlon hj applvln ? t the ( Bee
of the WB EI ER ft WILSON Sewing Machine
Co. , 669 18th _ Bt. 277-23
WANTKC V > men who Mre ome aHI tv as
uteomen lo join ourforcr * In lotra and
Nrbraika , In the rale of Dr. Napnry * famllv
mcdl'al book. Wfll gu'nntee rood wazen to
flrjt-el'M men. Thoswhn will Inrnlub hnoir
preferred State axe , experience in bmmew , and
addresnW J. HOLLAND &O ) . Chlwgo , Fib.
Will meet applicants in Council Bluffs.
282 dSt-wlt
A CExperienced , Practical Ac-Jnutant dralm
_ 1 _ a poi lion * ' book kreaer or traveling
agent for pome good hnnineig or mannfietariue
home. Address ' 'Accountant , " Bee Office283tf
good ttulneM hnu'a r offlco , by a J.'dr wefl-
qnH8ed to nil eltber position. AddrettCor. . Pea
Office IBO-tf
TTTANTZD Foreman at hrick.yard. T. MI'R-
RENT 2 fiirnlnbed moms frwr Mer
FOR ' Exchange , N. E. Cor. I6th and
Dodge streetR. J99-tf
FOR RENT Stcre rrom In brick block corner
10th at d Dnnclu .Its .with or with at cel
lar. A'so , s riom * in second story. Apply to
American Htnse. 200-tf
\riCELT furnished rooms with hoard Brick
_ Ll houae Bet I7tb and 18th streets on Casi
291 It
look over BEMIS' new column on Ist pain
FOK HENT One rarnlihed mom , inltab'e f-r
one or two gentUmen , 1811 California St.
front room for rent , Davcnpirt
i1 Bl. , between 16th and 16thsuitable for tire
gents. Addrw H. B. , thl oflce. 274-M
T7IOR RENT Small hotiM , 22d and Hirney.
1J C. OLSEN. 278-21
rpOR RENT Home with fl rooms , well , clftcrn
P and uovl cr ler , ' 7th and Jackson St. En
quire H. W KENNEDY , 31ZS 13th St. 2S9-W
1 ? r 't H6use. > yl f
Jf Street. Near Capitol Arenne ; 4Ltf
lj orer BEUI8 * new column of bargiinB on Irt
TTWR RENT Houn with ilx rooms , well , cl -
J } tem and ccllir. On Capitol Are , bet 16th
nn j 16th. south side J. 8. MtCORMICK.
t ,10R < KKNT A Splondld t-hotorraph Gal ery.
| 71-tf _ L. B. WILT.MMS
MILK Twenty to twentf-tour quarts or one
dollar br John T. F atJ ! m.
. Ib/aat-mon-wodt
FOR SALE A house of 3 rooms for tltO , on
Jones nd llth 8U Apply to 8 JOROEN-
BEN , eorner 10thand JscknonLlc ritore.271-21
Coarse bank und , gravel for gardens an *
moulding pand will be delivered at abort notice.
Leave orti'ra t H. Slerks 1414 Fimham , and
Cbarlee Brandeg , W1J Farnham 3U. UA 8
BOCK , Successor to Chatlea Daniel 862-U
Bargain * In Homed , Lots , Farms * nd
Lau'li , in his new column on 1st page.
J\ _ and fixture of the French Coffee Home at
a fcanraln , J cub , balance two yean time. F.
AL81EI > . 163-1m
FOR BALE A s-iill dwelling house , next to
O. H. Collins resident , cottier IBtb and
Oapltol Avenue. / or Information call at O. H.
J. 8. COLLINS. 181 Farnham Street. 606-t
FR SALE Cottonwood lumber of all
REDMOND'S , SUteenth-st. filB-tl
-pORSALK AtlrittkilL Apply at
J. 472-tf L.B WILLIAMS ft SON.
T OR A FINc. KuiUbnuB front , Doon.
JJ counter. Mantle , Store fitting , veneered
work go to 1310 Dodge ( treet , A. F. RAFERT *
CO. . Bullden. D2 v t.tfv
Om ha eb , July 28. 1880. J
Seals ' proposiln in duplicate , fubjeet to tbe
ninal conditions , will be received at ibi offl e
until lo'.locka m. . on Avguit i ! . it. IS0 , at
which time ad pUce they will be opened la
p eenee of bidden for furnishing at A delivery ,
at the rabils cnce warehonaa in tbls div , 3 > 2
barrels ef flour.
Tob mid * of No. 1 iprlag wbnt , half hard ,
bait rot orOdiri. Tu b swulavl before grind
Ing and tallld In nilllnTo b high ground.
Thi btrre s to bo of the b t quality turn and
i ronr , well eo < p r d with hickory h ' * pt , tuliy
htari rnied. No mMblne avle barrel * will tw
acerpt d. SuaplM of flour to be seat in with
p opowJi , and all to be delivt d bv Oetnber9th.
i be government rverren the rbht to reject any
O' all propos 1 * . Blank prop fl and full inf or-
matlon aa to tbe manuer of biddiag , conditinm
to be obx > d by bldilers and term * of < octnct
and pajTaent , r 1) be furnished on appllrallcn to
this offlce. Ennlop-i eonUitina : prop ( * !
( hauldba marked : -'Projn ali for floor at i ss -
o * , " and addraxed to the tmderHgncJ.
THOMAS -PTILSOa , Capt. axd C. i.
WH UQDmcl ; tO
Immense Stock for
Fine Custom-Made
Men's Suits ,
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits.
For Men ,
Boys , and-3
Under-Wear , Hats and Caps ,
Trunks and Valises , at
Prices t. . Suit AH.
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
Having Taken the Above for Our Motto , "We are
Determined to Offer
Our Entire Summer Stock of
. Regardless of Cost.
In Order to Make Room for Our Fall and Winter Goods ,
We Will Not Be Undersold.
Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then
entire stock of ,
Diamonds , Watches , - .j
f *
Jewelry , Clocks ,
Silver-Ware ,
Pianos & Organ
At Manufacturing Prices , Which Is from 15 to 20 per
cent , helow any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
New Store , Cor. & Farnham
We Mean Business. Come and be Convinced.
. _ '
T- 1 I
Dealers in
House Furnishing Goods , Shelf Hardware ,
Nails and Etc.
1221 Farnham Street , lat Door East Firat National Bank ,
. O.
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha.
Wholesale and Retail in
OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglm * St. Packing HODJW.
Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. B. B.
Steam Pomps , Engine TnmmingB , Mining Machinery ,
A. L. STBAK& , 205 r&ntam Btmt Oznaia , Heb