TttE DAILY BEE. Thursday Moral ng. July 22. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE fcerred to euloribcrs by carrier to any l rijo the < atye ery day , Sundays cscccpteJut fifteen cent * per e k Any complaints about j ropr delivery of the paper , if ad . es l Uus < > 01oe will receive prompt attention. TB OUAHA DAILY Utt will \n mailed to ub ecribers at 'the followine rates. payable invar ablv in advartce ; SS.OO ptr nnnum ; fl.OO mr mouths. TUB Ouust. WKEKLT Ess ti.W P r Tear. Tear.TH TH OB Alia. t AUT BBS ha * by ar the l nert vlrculatlon l th in Omaha. and abroaa , and is ' therefore toe nest and cheapest advertlsine metlioin. tS-Fo Inttretrtn ? Milton ! ? . MHtX tan , and Commercial RfparU.Ra\lnad a u BRhYITIhiS. Patewon veils coal. . Additional local on first page. Try Saxe's Coffee Cnam Soda. Warranted tooth brushes , Kuhn's. Excellent Cream Soda at'Saxe's. Carriages and wagons at Wood- worth's. Elegant perfumes at Kuhn'e drug etore. The noon train west yesterday ear ned ten cars , all full. Two cars of fruit came in by ex press yesterday afternoon. Setf enberg.Co.'s ; Key West Ci gars at Sato's. A car of hogs was sent to Chicago yestterday from the bridge yards. The Nailworks are loading five cars of nails for San Frftncisco. Two military prisoners were brought in from the west Tuesday. Three engines for the Southern Pacific ro&d'go out on No. 7 laet night. Sheely Bros , are loading two cars of tallow , nideBetc. , yesterday for Chi c-go. The waiting rooms in the T7. P. depot are being repainted and calao- mined. Twenty per cent reduction. E 1'at- I-T'B MammothlCIothing House , 1214 Farnham street. Found Coupon No. 12 cf bond No , 604.28. Owner can have by call ing at BEE office. -s-The Western Union company are putting up a line of new forty-five foot poles along Farnam street to the Union bridge. Airs. P. L. Pcrrino acknowledges the receipt of a generous contribution to thu Persian Fauiino Fund , from au unknown friend , Thirteen cars of stock from Fre mont were brought in over the Union Pacific , and were shipped out < 'Verthe Hock Island road Tuesday. German services will be held in the Salem's church , Doilge street , be tween Twelfth and rhirteenth , at 10:30 : a. m. next Sunday. All are cordially invited. An Experinncei Practical Ac- countint desires a position as bookkeeper kae keeper or travelling a cut for some good busiiie-B or manufacturing house. < Address ' 'Accountant , " BEE Office. From the crowd that lined the depot platform when the overland tram left yesterday , one would have thought the whole town was going away to the mountains. Photographers atttention ! Want ed A No. 1 Negative Operator thai , lalke understands also retouching , to take charge of a tent galltry during the summer. Address C. W. Florence , Schuyler. 20-2t The murderer Gozzolo in reported ni having passed through Atchison one day last week , going south. Depntj Sheriff Grebe lias t one to Kansas City iu hopes of getting on the v'tl- liin's track and capturing him. The Scandinavian Garfield ant Arthur club will meet at reptiblicar hindquarters , Union block , Fifteenth street , on Wednesday , July 21et , at 18 p m. , for the put pose of perfecting its organization. ij 19-21 Owing to the pressure of business Mr. John Petty , of the firm of Collirs & Petty his been j , compelled to forego ! the pleasure of a shooting match with Mr. It H. Collins , of Lincoln. The money has been withdrawn and the : match declared off. A man named John Dowdwas ar rested on Tenth street Tuesday for intoxication. On examination yes terday morning before Judge Ha wes eshe proved to be insane , and is supposed . tn be an escaped lunatic from sonic asylum. He had a hole in the back of his head large enough to lay two fi-jgers in. He was discharged on p omiie to l3ave for the Iowa side. The ladies of the First M. E. church will give a sociable and festival this evening at the residence valof J. J. McLain , corner of Saundcrs St. and Michigan avenue. All the deli cacies of the season will be served. The programe will consist of reading , nd vocal and instrumental mus'c. No p ins will be spared to make to male i hit entertainment most enjoyable and they desire a most liberal patronage. Four cars of machinery , consist ing of boilers , drive wheels , etc. , M ere brought in over the Rock Island r < ad Tuesday. They are from the Baldwin locomotive works and are billed for South Wales. . The earn ; were accompanied by a man from the works , who was Anxious to reach San Krancisco in time to load on a steamer that leaves there on the 30th instant. The plasterers , have struck for 3.50 , a raise of fifty cents a day. The famous comedianMr. Harry Webber , will soon appear in Omaha iu his new dramatic version of "Nip ah 1 Tuck in Private Life , " being a s.quel to the eminently successful c-medy of "Nip and Tuck. " The comedy is entirely original , and a continuation of these private detect ives , being a leaf from the volume i of their every day life. t * * * X * t -.At a meeting of tbe af e board of purchase of BUppJifcS Jield atXincoln Tuesday , bids were received for sup plies for the deaf and dumb institute it this city for the ensuing quarter. Contracts were awafde'd w follows : A. CruickshankCo. . , dry goods > ; Soindorff & Mauss , bresd ; Harris & J"csher , meats. ; J. J. Browq , grocer- : 18- | TWO JEWELS , A Firm" That Takes the Lead in Their Business and Will Keep it. The Magnificent Establishment of Edholm & Brickson. j j When General Sherman predicted , that Omaha would at no distant day ; take the front rank among the great cities of the west it the ( , was r-n sup position that her population included ' enough live enterprising business men to ke < p pace in her growth and by their tact and fkill coiitri'ni'e to her prosperity. ; Hs-d he been wth our m porter last evening he would have ha > no further : drubts on the subject or if he had ! , he would prove himself a very flkept'cal man indeed. skuT In his u ual round fur news the lat- terMe dnpped into the JMwlry store of Messrs Edh-.lm & Enck-on , on Fif teuiith street just opposite the post- office bu Iding , and what he a .w there was so Gunviucii g a proof of the suc cess to bu won in this city by the right kind of men that he deemed it worthy of notice. As is well known the two young gentleman who c impose this firm graduated from the establishment of A. B. Huberman & Co , and less than two years ago began business for themselves , on a small scale at their present stand. Their out fit was at that time small and their two workmen were able to time. The young men had a hard struggle before them.but they brought energy , skill , taste and coed judg ment to aid them , and although but an offshoot , as it wera , of the old louse , they soon took root and began D show an unprecedented growth and iromiso. That promise has not failed , , nd OB on this occasion our reporter ooked about the spacious room , SAW ts lofty esses and broad shelves with .heir wealth of glittering treasures , uid beheld the unmistakable signs of hrift and success on every side , he could not but marvel. The firm now employ eight workmen , who , with themselves , are \ept busy night and day and can then icarcely fill all the orders that come 11. Ono man is kept on the road all 11e the time wholesaling , and the traJe extends over all the adjoining territo ries and as far out as Camp Verde , Arizona , for it has become proverbial with the western trade that Edholm & Eriekson sell cheap because they * posse's the requisite knowledge to buy ' cheap nnd give their customers the benefit f 'liPir bargains. In short , it-look * us if the firm was about to away with the rest of the trade in th's p rt of the countryand they are alrn.idy crwi'ing a perfect panic among t'ie old-time dealeis who have been accustomed to alow silus and immense profits , while this firm believes in the old adage that "a nimble penny is better than unionshilling. . " It would Idm bo almost supeifiuous to wish them success , for they are bound to have it anyway , but nevertheless we do sc , for surely they desi-rve an acknowledge ' ment of 'lie credit with which they have fought for nnd maintained a po in the front ranks of Omaha business men. A ulinc- " over the stock nw die- in this jewelry emporium will prove tlij t tlierd la jooil fornication for ourasicrtioiH and that Omiliucaii compete vitli any citj' , east or west , in the aiz-J and clioice ch-iratcr of the stuck here displa3' d. 1 hree sides tieof the room are heinnitd in by ro s ofof liundsome shutvcAscs , wliilethe walls hidden from view by elegant upright - right casy all lilied witti a store ol the r r hi trt-nsiires the Aui-ric.iu otn 1 European inart.s c > n yield. In OHM C"rncr of the room is the hne t rrgu- later in Omaha , which cou § 500 while in til ? oppoittf Jirt "f the room is lieA now safe just tiiniuifiictiiied to order for this firm and \vith its convenient and comn'odioiis interior arrng mcnts and its Buperblj * pa nted ex- tenor acknowledcrd to be the hand somest iu the state. lt > one of the show cases we found a vast HPBortmentof watches of every conceivable stzo and shape , of the latent and must enqutrite-dt signs ati < i tlie must approved American and for- eitn ; works The HSortnit > nt of la 'es watches. S * MH winders , wa very estc' ive and varied from UlDSO 'lio ( , lz of a silver quarter up > nd ranginc in price from § 12 , whi-h isvry li-w to any price Oesirl. . Amnjig the most beau ifnl watchet were iho < e orna uient-'d with < ie igni in Fl- routine but them Here so ninny To patterns thi' we could not mention tlnrii of tt.viu incur siiRce. It is thv laigejt stock of w ches our reporter has s n iu this city and fairly took Vis breath. A novel style is the "locket watch , " the cases of which are constructed to accommoda'e the likenesses of one or more friends. From watches we pa's to bracelets , of which there is an endless style and variety. The most unique , and the litest , is the engagement brrcelet , whhh is provided with a diminutive golden p > dlock and key , which the ; Inrer locks and is supposed thereby lo keep secure so long as the key is in his own pocket. There are also banijle s bracelets of all styles , and adjustable bracelets , all of solid gold , enamel and Roman gold , and from nela quarter of an inch to two inches in breadth. These lovely articles with smaller jewelry and gold chains completely fill another case. In a third are rings , eardrops , lace- pins , sleeve buttons aud sets ot elabo rate workmanship , rare design and costly finish. Diamonds and rubies ceetn to be the favorite stoner , and the brilliant lustre of the former aud the warm plow of the latter make an en chanting sight to look at. The bird jewelry is very beautiful , and another style fashioned like geranium leaves with diamond dew-drops glistening from their contra were i-xquisite Especially beautiful were some scarf : pins after the latter design. Brief mention should be m&de of a beautiful _ gold enameled , pearl-inlaid bracelet in this ; case also of some imported Milan work in the same line ; of a solitaire diamond mend lace pin , a set of mosaic ba. ket ear-rings , cameo and coral sets , diamond mend bird sets , turnuoiae and pearl "buckle" seta , etc. Another case is filled with gold pens , thimbles and charms ol all kinds ; an other with silver watches , and still an other with a great variety of small sil verware , cups , vases , jewel cases , and a thousand and one other articles. Passing to the south side of the room we saw a large case filled en tirelywith spectacles and another with silver knives , forks and spoons. & tall veneered and tiled , upright case , just built by A. F. Rafert of tbia city , with a niagntficent stock of silver ttia Bets , ice sets , etc. , among the most beautiful articles we have ever seen" , and at prices so Low as to be startling. j Near this is a case filled with solid silverware , tea , ice cream and jelly , spoons , nut picks , fruit knive < , napkin ring , and card receivers. Ona tha latter , inlaid trith silver and gclc } and beautifully engraved with a quail In two colors , is one of the finest designs ever executed. A jewel case in the form . . of 3 a mineature . . , , , , nrand :3 piano - is greatly dmtred by all. The stock of American , French and imported clocks is large and complete , and includes everynnge of pries. One of the mostinte'estins features of the store was the manufacturing departmeiit. and hero we were shown the precions metalin every stite , from the glittering dust to the perfect gold rimr , the process through which it gee ? being to intricate for us to follow. But we must not go further into ' toil * . A flood of customers occupied f'e time of the jewelers , and with a vivid imprp-sion of a very lively and pro < perous 1o ing e-tabl hmnnt , and c n . .f the ability of Messrs. Ed * & Erick"ii to cater t- > the wants ' of the western ppoulo , our re- Wfa' ' ; > r left to attend t-j less pleasant PERSONAL. PARAGRAPHS Hon. 0. B. Tan Wyck is in the city. Miss Mattie Sharp left yesterday for Lincoln. LinE Hon. J. H. McCall , of Plum Creek , is in own. Mrs. A T. Simpson has returned from Colorado. . C. T. Taylor the Insurance man has returned. George W. Sheidly , of Big Springe , is in the city. U. S. Senator Jones , of Nevada , went west yesterday. Col. J. J. Dickey returned from Keokuk yesterday morning. Ex-Senator P. W. Hitchcock has returned from Missouri. Harry L. Hall , of the Vandalia line , was in the city yesterday. Dr. J. G. Monell left for Denver on the noon train yesterday. Byrcn Reed's family left for the east Tuesday afternoon. Howard Kennedy and family were west-bound passengers yestarday. W. H. Burns , of the U. P. transfer freight depot left for Denveryesterday. T. A. Bergquist has returned from a trip up the Elkhorn and Logan val l- ley * . James Quiulan , travelling agent of the Chicago & Erie railroad , w s in town Tu sday. WilSrvtu Stephens , Jr , who has been sick fo - months , is reported to be iu a critical condition. St. A. D. Balcotnba has gone to Fremont and North Platte. He will return about August 1st. Frank R ts , travelling agent of the Houston A Tdxus Central railroad , was iu the city Tuesday. Hon. Jaa. H. Kyner is the recipient atof of a handsome present in the phapo of a handsome gold watch and chain. Prof. E. A. O'Brien left for Greeley countyNeb. , yesterday to write up the colony settled thera for eastern papers. T. F. Lyon , city bill poster , return- ed Tuesday from Chicago , where .he had been attending the national , , . . , convention of bill posters. Dr. M. H. Da2gett. T. J. Smith tnd "Billy the Heir , " from Holt County , are in the city , and called at THE BEE office Tuesday evening. P. H. Foley and W. C. Burrowes , of Creston , Iowa , have entered the service of the Western Union tele- grapti company at this point. Bishop O'Connor and Rev. Father McCarthy left for the eisr Tuesday afternoon , the former going to New Hampshire Ber-ch and the latter to Newark , Xew Jersey. Him. F. M. Leidtke , auditor of swte , is in the city. Ho registers Ofat the Metropolitan. General Sherman took a driieabout the city j-esterday , "and waa much pleased with the improved appearance of thiig * . He p pfed last evening at Fort Omaha , and to-day he left for Fort Leixemvorth , accompanied by Mis R < chel Sherimn , and his aido-de c-imp , Col. Bacon. John I. Rvdick and family l-ft for " Mmuetonka , Minnesota , yester day. day.Mis Mis * Cirrie B.Vihon , daughter of CoL Wilson , of the Metropolitan ho tel , left for the east yesterday afternoon - noon on a visit. Hon. Charles Lamb , of Stanton ; county , was in the city last night and returned home to-day. J. J. Cumrnings came in from a business trip last night. S. 0. Smith , U. P. land agent at Columbus , is at the Metropolitan. W. C. Ghost , of Fremont , was in the city last night. E. W. Simeral has gone north. Councilman Roddis left for Chicago yesterday. W. H. B. Stout was at the With- nell this morning. Mr. John Bascom , a prominent citizen - ' izen of Madison , Wis. , Is at the Met ropolitan with his wife and daughter. ; Frank Carruth , of Piattamouth , is in the city. Daniel Leech and John E. English , ot David City , are at the Creighton House. Hon. J. M. Thayer has gone to' ' Chicago. W. A. Pazton and wife left for Chicago last evening. R. R. Riugwalt and wife have gone on a trip south. Hon. J. M. Bailey , M. C. , of Al- biny , N. YM and family passed ! through the city yesterday , en route from the Pacific coast to St. T'aul. T. J. Smith , of the Holt County Record is in the city. Base Ball Briefs. The Red Stockings have disbanded , It is rumored that the Mutuals have endisbanded. . The professional club of Kansas : City has challenged the U. P. nine of this city , to a game to be played next Friday and Saturday. The U. P. nine will accept , for a week later. The game is to be played at Kansas City. The U. P. nine goes over to Council Bluffs Saturday to play ball , in a raatch with t&e.Blufij team. | Fine Michigan Laicion Bhdiberrits > y iht case atid Jfom jars , fletning's. ! I TflE ftABHELD BOOM. i ' Senator Jones , of Nevada , Thinks Republican Pros pects Bright , i And ( Saya New York Will gofer for Our Ticket. Senator John P. Jones , of Nevada , arrived here yesterday , homeward bound. ] Senator Jones is a stalwart i , i republican _ , who takes a very active 1 j interest i in the party. He attended ! the hte meeting of the nationalrepub- jlca ] committee at the Fifth Avenue , hotel , and is fresh from thrt seat of j war in the Empire sta e. The senator is nn intimate friend of Roscoe Conkc. ling and Gen. Arthur , and a reporter of TUB BEE interviewed him c incom ing thu outlook of the campaign. Senator Jones is not only hopeful but confident that New York will be carried for Garfield and Arthur. Conkling is going to take off his coat and work for the ticket with all his might aud main and that of course fought for Grant will go into the can vas as vigorou'ly as they can. Gen. Arthur is very popular , and Mr. Platt , chairman of the New York state cen tral committee , who is man aging the campaign in that state , is one of the best urganizera in the country. Senator Jones will , soon after his return to Nevada , take an active part In their campaign , which willincludein its results the election of a United States senator to succeed Senator Sharon. The contest will , he thinks , be close in that state , and the Chinese question will enter largely into it. Incidentally , he thinks Omaha will one day be the largest city between Chicago and 'San Francisco. LAST CHANCE. GRAND EXCURSION to Blair , Nebraska , on Saturday , July 24th , under the auspices of the First M. E. Sunday School. A good time assured to all who desire to visit this beautiful spot. Fare for adults 51.00 , children , f > 0c. Twins leave the Omaha & N. W. depot east Sixteenth street bridge at 8:30 : a. in. Tickets for sale at Joe & Sam's. f20t3 t3t. New Restaurant 1410 , Famam St. ; Board by the day or week. Meals all hours. Ice Cream and Confec tionery , ttoon Coffee n specialty , 1Ctf J3uadqu.ii tors tor Joe Schlitz's Milwaukee beer at MERCHANTS' Ex- CIIAKOK , N. E. Cor. 10th and Dodge. Real ISstate Transfers. Louise J. Clark to Oiuar Whitney : ir. d. aj ' , &ej , 11C , r 10 , e 86GO. Olto'and Mary Lange to Aug.Full - riede : w. d. parcel iu nej , sw | , ) 11C. . 22 , r 13 e § 1,100. Narrow Escape. Tuesday about G o'clock , Solo loon mon's oil-wsgan team ran away on Douglas street. Mrs. Taft , with her her littlechlldwa.s , sitting in her gy In front of Cumming's auction re , , -when turning round she siw the team making directly for the bupgy. She instantly threw her child to the ground and jumped after it. and the next moment the runaway team colli ded with with the buggy , knocking off b.'th wheels and otherwise badly wrecking the vehicle. Mrs. Taft and her child were not injured , but they had a very narrow escnpo. A largo crnnd gathered au-1 wa-i gMtiBed to learn that the ccdent : did not result seriously. Everybody rejoiced at Mrs. [ Taft's presence of mind in jumping , for had she remained in the bupgy she and the child would would no doubt have boon badly injured. The run away team were stopped at Thirteeth street by the plucky driver. ilurphy ifc Lovettins. A ency ; old st tiolishedajency : ! in this state , aplfi-ly Why dose m ourselves with nauseat inu medicmps , when a purely frnit cathartic will cure yon at once Ham- hurg Fics. Try thwrn Closing out Seven dollar Lawn Suits for ? 3 50. MCDONALD & HARRISON. 1408 , Farnham St. Garfleld and Arthur. A meeting of the Scandinavian re publicans was held last evening at the club room , in Union block , where s Scandinavian Garfield and Arthur club was organized. The following officers were elected : President Charles Salholm. Vice President Olaf Ole son. Secretary Gustavo Anderson. Vice presidents for the various wards were chosen a * follows : First Ward John Pearson. Second Ward . Third Ward . Fourth Ward Mr. Simpson , Fifth Ward N. D. Johnson. Sixth Ward Peter Swan Over fifty gentlemen signed the con stitution. Blue Plums at Jfleming s. Immense reduction in Children's Suits , also Ladies' Mohair Ulsters at McDoNAiD & HARRISON'S. The price reduced on all shirts , at the Omahi Shirt Factory , 1207 Farn- nam street near 12th. Call for price list , Dr. Lyons has removed his office to Creighton House , Room 33 , where all patients can find htm between 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. CELLULOID. COLLARS AND CUFFS. General Western Agents S. P. MORSECo. . Have just received a fresh lotof Celluloid Collars and Cuffs , amcng them are the "Ooera" new standing collar and the " " "Peerless" new style cuff. These goods ns now made ar8 } far superior in durability and finish to any yet produced , and beyond a doubt ; are bound to supplant linen and paper ; we are the only parties west of Chicago who buy direct from the factory and supply the trade , wholesale or retail , at manufacturer's prices. Parties who purchase from us can rely on getting first I qualities. Country orders MAFKETSK1 TELEGRAPH. New Yore Money and Stocfe. NEW YORK , July 21. MONEY Market at 2 } per cent. Sterling ex- Chang * Bttady at $4 8) $ < a 85. GOVERNMENTS. Firm 0. a. M , iSSl . _ . 101 U. S. 5e , New . _ 103j Now } 6 . _ 111 0. S. 4'snew . _ . 109 STOCKS Moderately active ; declined 1to 11 , recover- JSI percent. n - u.m union Tcle.ripb . 108 } Naw York Cential _ . . . 176 ibTlb. Erie preferred . 70 | Uko Shore . , . . ttick Ulid . 89 Northwestern . 93 Northwwitem prefeired . , . US St. Paul . SU , /preferred 105 $ U u. 4SL Jo 3(3 ( n.aSt.Jo , pf'd 3(3gj i , St. Lotiig auil Paciflc preferred 6fl | Union I'acinc 90J ortliem Paciflc 27J Jo preferred. . 4a * anata & Texas , tlntli , , Oc-iira ! 106 } c. B. A Q . . . " 124J A.aP. & A. 112 " preferred 122 Produce. CHICAGO , July 21. Wheat No. 2 spring wheat was ess active irregular and easier and clo'-ed i@c lower for caah aud July iiid @ | cfor the long option as com pared with the figures current 24 [ lours ago. Sales were at 88l@89Jc and closing at 94@94c cash or July , 38c August , 85gc September , and " 5gc | feller the year. Corn Was firmer and i@lc higher for cash and July. No. 2 sold at . July and 3o36Jc | Ausuat , closing at 3737Jc c ih , 37@37jc July , 35gc August , and 35c Septem bei ber.Oats Oats ( Were Jc better for cash and July ' and No. 2 closed at 25c cash or July , and 22f c August or September. Rye ] Was steady but at 69Jc fur No 2 in store. Barley Dull and nominal at 79 © 80c for No. 2 cash and 79c for Sep tember. Whiskey 81.08. Moss ] pork Closed at 814 00 C'Bh ; 814 20@14 25 July ; 814 22J ® 14 25 August. Lard -Closed at 86 80 cash or July August ; 86 82i(3G ( 85 September. Chicago Live Stock Market. CHICAGO , July 21. Hogs In good demand and im proved 63 per hundred. ; s'les at 84 40 @ 4 60 for light packing and shipping ; § 4 25@485 for heavy packing ; 84 40 @ 4 90 for good to extra smooth heavy assorted lots. Receipts , 16,360. The excessive ' receipts to-day had a de pressing effect on the market for cat- tlu buyers held off and only a few sales ] were made of fair to good grades up to the hour exporters left the yards. Cattle Receipts , Texns were large ; market nominal , prices ranged for 260 > yearlings , from 84 254 55 for fair to good shipping lots. St. iiouls Produce. ST. Louis , July 21 Flour Better ; XX S3 60@3 85 ; XXX S4 50@4 75 ; . family S4 759 4 85 ; choice to fancy § 5 00@5 30. 3d Wheat Active ; cash options opened : lower and unsettled ; No. 2 red 92J ® 9393gc enih ; 92g@93J@92Jc July ; S8jj@88 ! < § 88gc August ; 88g88J ( Sep tember ; 88i@87 c the year ; No. p3 , 88 ! < 288c : No. 4 do. 831 < g83c. Corn Slow at 3GJc cash ; 36j@3Glc July ; 34c August and September ; 31c seller the year. Oa s Easier ; 2524jc caih ; 23go July ; 21Jc bid for August and Sep tember. Rye Slow ; 75c bid. Barley Nothins : doing. Lead Unchanged. Butter Unchanged. E gs Unchanged. Whisky Steady at 81 08. Pork Slow ; 813 CO bid cash ; 813 62A bid July nnd Auaust. , St. .Louis Live Stock ST. Loms , July 21. H"g ? Active and higher ; Yorkers and Baltimorcs. § 4 45@i 55 ; p ckit'g. S4 454 55 ; butchera * to select , 84 55 @ 465. Now York Produce NEW YORK , July 21. Flour Firm , with a moderate iu- inqiiiry ; round hoop Ohio , ? 5 V@ 5 75 ; choice do. , S5 80@7 00 ; eu- petfine western , S3 75@4 40 ; com mon to good extra do. , $4 254 CO ; choice do. , § 470 700 ; choice white wheat do. , 84 oO@5 00. Whoar J@l c lower ; very heavy ; sales , 8,01)0 : No 2 red , cash , § 1 HA ; d" July SI llil 12 ; saleg,48,000 ; do. August , S108J ; sales , 32,000 ; do. Seutemher , SI 08j ; sale ? , 8,000 ; No. 1 whttf , July , SI 12. Corn Dull and a shade lower ; mixed western , spot , 4C49c ; do. , future , 485@49jc Oats Dull ; western , 43@44k. Provisions Beef unchanged ; new plain mess , ? 9 50 ; new extra do. , § 10 00. Pork Strong ; new mess , S13 75 ® 14 26. Lird Quiet and steady ; steam ren dered , $715. Butter In stood demand at very full prices ; Ohio , 14@25c. reCheese Very firm at 7@10c for poor to choir-e. Whisky Nominal. Milwaukee rt-oauceMarKet MILWAUKEE , July 21. Wheat Weak , opened , decline lie and 1 closed steady , hardl 15 ; No. 1 Milwaukee 1 , § 1 05 ; No. 2 98c ; July August , 9ljc ; September , 80c ; No. 3 do , 83c. Corn Quiet at 37Jc. Oats Steady at 25c. Rye Dull , nominal and scarce > at 77i@78c. Barley Steady at 76c. Barnum Is Coming. _ , barnum s show is coming with titB many added attractions of special m- terest. The Brooklyn Union-Argus says of the show there : Two of the most pleasing exhibitions were those in which the six black Trakene stal- lions in charge of Mons. R. M. Dock- rill , ana the yoke of performing oxen in charge of Mr. Charles White , figured. The oxen are decided novelty. The ox is naturally a clum sy animal , but training can effect wonders even with it , and these performing oxen move about almost with the grace of horsea. They ' dance , see-saw , walk up and down stairs , jump over one another , and ( crawl under one another with remark able ease , and seem as gentle as kit tens , though going through their movements with bovine imperturba bility. Then there was batout leap ing by acrobats ; Mr. John Batchelor's turning a somersault over the bicks of eight elephants. The entertainment concluded with Zazel'a aerial dive and cannon act. The first was fully as startling as the latter , her dive of nearly 100 fe&t head foremost into the net causing many a fair dame to draw a Ion ; ; breath. In the cannon act she was projected fully fifty feet from a cannon , and landed unhurt in the , nor , very much to the relief of the spectators. Barnum's street parsde took p ace in 'he morning , and itnessed by thnusands-of penons , eg- ctally in the vicinity of city hall , where the sidewalks were lined with spectator ! . The prowwion mile long , and included elephants , camels , performing horses , chariots , menagerie vans , fantastica , mechani cal hand organbesid03 a fine orchestra Everything looked bright and new , and the entree was one of the most memorable ever made by the veteran showman. Baruum's Greatest Show on Eirth will visit Omaha on Friday , July 30th. Ou the day of exhibition , ladies and those who desire to avoid the crowd at the ticket wagon may secure tick ets and reserved seats , at the usual slight advance , by applying at Ed- helm & * Erick3on's jewelry s'oreoppo site postuffict ? . Over utility millions or dollars of Insurance capital of the oldest aud bust homo and foreign companies rep resented in the nuuncy of Taylor & I Hnwell. dl6if MISSING. A case of conetipatlon by using Hamburg TRADE NOTB3. Hats at 90c store jn29-lm SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE AdvortlHunjoutg To Let For Sale , Iioet , Found , W nt8Jto\rdlnir Ac. , will be In serted In lh ae column * ones ( or TEN CENTS per line ; each subsequent InsertionFIVE CENTS pur line. The first luertlon never lees than TWENTV-FIVK CEMTS. TO LDAN-MQNZY. TO LOAN-C ll t Lsw Office MONST D. L. THOlUb. Rix.mS.Crelgntoii Block UKRT TO LOAN H0 Farnham street M Dr. Eilwandi Loan Agency. nov-23-t { HELP WANTED W ANTED Admlnc ; room girl , alsoawoman for general work , corner 16'.h and Dodee. McKenzIe 1) . Room ? 68 22 \TTANTED-A ( rfrl to do housework In fam'Iy ' VV nf two : muit give teference. C ll at No. 818 South 18th SI. 267-23 WANTED A frlrl for central hnunotvorki W par week to J capable idrl Apply &t soutlnvost corner ot California and 2ist SU SU272tl 272-tl (7ANTED A peed cook , at ST. CIJARLKS \ HOTEL 263-21 T\rANTEr , A Girl to do home work , 1109 V T Karnbam Street , up Stain 143-tf WANTEO-BHSCELUNEagi. WANTE D A situation in dry trond" , grocery , r hardware huainera Well quaSfied ; will also furnish $1000 cash In business. Adilre39 ! E. , Bee Office 266-21 W ANTFD TO TRADE A. first digs brick resld-nco with full lot In Omtha for an Improved farm of 160 a'res within ten miles anof Omahi. Address. R 0 II. , Bee Offlc ? . 270-23 23K TT7ANTED [ SlTtIATIOv as OLKRK ; SECRK- VV TARY. or CORRESPONDENT , in some peed biHiticdH hou e T office , by a lady well- nullified to fUl either position. AddretaCor. . lien Office 180-tf TTTANTED Foreman at brlck-yarJ. T. Ht'R W HAY. 166-tt FOR RENT-HOUSES AND UNO. I70R RENT Hnuin with6room * , well , cistern j" anil no < yl cr ler , ' 7th andjuckvm St. ! rnn quire M. W KENNEDY , 31-2 S 13th St. SB'1- nt' t'n FURNISHED ROOMS FORRENT AtDenn- roitllous . ivlBtf IMAM , HOUSE Pleasantly located , to rent. 3 with furniture. Apply to B e Office 248-16 Furnlghed roima to rent , atC W. Finn's Rrstamrant , on Farnham St , IV.Bt 14th and 15th. 259-21 COTTAGE HOUSE FOR RENT Between 22nd and 23rd on Hamey St. 248-21 TTIURNISHED R001H TO RENT At E65 13th 1J Street. Near Capitol Avenue. 245-tf T OR RENT Houye with six room" , well , iis"- JJ tern and cdkr. On Capitol AVJ , bet IStli and 16th. tenth side J. 3. ilcCOUMICK T710R ' RBNT A splendid r'hotn > tr pli Gal Pry. ' 71f f L. B. WILU M ! ftvnV SALE. M \ ILK Twenty to twenty-lour quarts or one dollar by John T. Tauleon. eh/ati-mon-wedt ii - - t FOR SALE A horse , 5 years old , fit for a lady to rfrive. Apply T. H LATEY , 707 Six teenth St. 201-S1 TTIOR SALE Baleen ard tlxturos.aolnj- jfooa I l.u lncss Will be eolrt cheap. Adjres ) Saloon , Bee Office. " e22 A GOOD 8jxl4 In. enzlna with or " 1-hout bolter , also o o 60 in.s-'iv mill , corapltte. rir pirtlcuHrs addreR * A H. JvOKMAN' r & SON , Lou s > illo , CiBJ county. Neb. 218-20 ) TT10RSALE , UHEAP Stock ami fixtures . of JJ _ note" and bar. > pplyat Bee Offleu. 2 3-20 A OOODOPPOKTUN1TV FOR5ALE Stock : J\ . and fixture ofhe French OoUee Hotiao at a barjriin , $ Ca-li , balance two j'eara time. alK. AL3i l > . 153-lm mO BUILDBRS.PLASTE3ERS AND MASONS. JL Coarse bank sand , isrxvcl for Hardens ami raoululmr sand will be delivered at abort notice. : Leave nrders at H. Slerks 1414 F rnliam , and 6UCharles Brandes , 9UU Farnham Sts. HANS BOCK , Successor to Charles Daniel 652-tf FOB SALE A s-isll dwollins house , next : to n H. Colling reaidenc , comer 19th aud Ctipitol A onuo. .or information call at 0. H. ' J. H. COLLINS. 131 Farnham Street B05-t f.l K SALE Cottonwo-il luniltcr of all { ' KKDMOND'S , Slxieenth-st B16-tf M O'l CAI.K A OrlBt Mill. AppiJ'at JL 472-tf I. . -V1LLIAMSASON. . MIsCEiLANEOUS- TKYOinVAiYTto tnae a larm of 160 ncr.a J _ for Hr t-cliwa city property that ill rent for 325 per month. Addns < R. G M. , Bee Office. 271-23 * LLEN RUTHERFORD ( late Third Auditor JU. . S. Treasury ) , Attonicy and Counsellor at Law , 20 Grant Place , Waaliinirton , D. C. Havlnc been Third Auditor of the United States Treasury for six years , I am thorouchly familiar with the course of business before the Govern ' - merit Departments. Special attention given > to the settlement of accounts of all Government Offitftra , Postmaster ) , Marshals , Mail Contractors and others. Will practice before th o Supreme Court of the U. S.Court of Claims , Patent Office , General Land Office , &c. , &c. Refers to Hon. Sam ! F Phillips , Solicitor General U. S. ; Hon. [ Jaa. Qilflllan , Treasurer of tha U. S. ; Hon. J. M McOrsw , Sixth Auditor U. 8. Treasury opl7wly THE CELEBRATED Oval Steel Tooth Harrow Mantifatitaied by UA QR001 ie Oi..vOS , fan du Lex , Wit. F. D COOPER , Wrltfl for pilca Aecnt. Omaha , Neb. tttwtf Dr. Bosanko's Kheumatio Oui ( AN ALKALI OINTMENT. The add lilood is the primary cause and tl tatnlntr power of RIIKCIKATISM. Where there an Alkali there can be no BHRUMATIUM. irero "DR BO3ANKO RHEUMATIC CURE to chemically prepared Alkaline , neutralizing lath acidity and removing : Chronic Inflammation bj absorption. Price 75 Cents. Dr. Bosanko's Pile Kcraedy , A safe , sure and permanent curr or thb one ol the most painful , unpleasant , and distressing diseases to which the flesh Is heir. Wa guaran tee this remedy to be without an equal for the cure of all kinds of Pilet. Price 10 Centt. C. T. ARMSIROKO , Drugorist and ! danCe Corunna , Michigan , say : Tour PiU Rtmedt , has Riven first-class satisfaction. The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co , ' PIQUA , OHIO. C. F.tOOODMAN. Acent. Omaha > haEL INTER-OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. Flrst-cl'as , Fine large Sample Roomi , one mock from depot. Trains atop from 20 minutes to 2 hours for dinner. Free Bun to and fro a Depot. Kates 82.00.12.BO and $3.00 , according to room ; g ngle meal 76 cenU. „ ADBALCOM , Proprietor. ANDKEW BORDENCiilef CUrk. mlO-t HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET CO.'S Weekly Liiie of Steamships Leaflet Kew York Er y Thursday at 2 p. m. ' ' F ° ? England , France and Qermany. For Passage app'y to C. B. RICHARD & CO. : , General Faaenffu Agent * , SToris LATEST TELEGRAMS Are $ ot Half as Interest ing to the General Eead- er as the Following Price List " : lOlbjof A sugar for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H 00 10 * Ibs extra C sugar for 1 00 n Ibs Canary 0. Smrar for 1 00 9 Ibd Granulated Sujtar for 1 00 8 } Ibs Cut Loaf Suirarf „ 1 00 0 Ibs teed Rio Coffee for 1 00 5 Iba hest Rio Coffee for 1 00 1 Ibs choice Java Conco for 1 00 SJIbflbeit Mocha Coffee for 1 00 Young Hyson Tea per Ib , 30 to _ 40 Oolonp Tea perlb , SO to * 0 Japan Tea per Ib , 30 to 80 Fincat GunpowderTeaperlb 78 Best 0 K Flour per sack s * S Snow Fjakeniuter wheat flour S 65 Ha vensjbcst flour _ i 60 20 bars White Russian Soap for 1 00 10 bare Climax Soap for 1 00 24 bars Laundry Soap for 1 00 IS bars Linen Soap for 1 00 Pure M plo Syrup per gallon 1 15 Golden Syrup per gallon 60 New Orleans Syrup per gallon 70 New Orleans Molasses per gallon 46 Sucar House Molasses per gallon. . . , 40 1 Iba St. Louis -oda Cracken for 1 00 17 Ibs St. Louis Oyste Crackers for 1 00 llltigBoeton Butter Cracker * for 1 00 11 IbsGinger Snaps for I 00 13 Ibs New Currants for 1 00 SlbsNewBlickberritt for 1 00 4 Iba Pitted Cherries for I 00 10 It * Pried Peaches ( halves ) for 1 00 10 lb Choice Dried Apples for 1 00 10 Ibs best new Prunes for. " . 1 00 10 Ibs. best Valencia Raisins 1 00 7 Ibs new laj er Raisins 100 Peaches 210 cans 16 Peaches. 3 Ib cans ( standard ) Pie Peahes. 0 In cans 26 PeachesCat)3 ( ) Ibcans 80 Blackberries , 2 ) b can 18 Apples , ( York State ) nol can 85 Blueberries 3 Ib aa 16 Clierrie 21b can 12 } Damson Plums 2 Ib cans 16 Raspberries i Ib can 1G Straw berries , 2 Ibcan . 20 Strinleans,21b cans 1 * Baked Beans , 3 Ib can 8 Lima Beans , 2 Ib cans 1 * Sufarcorn , 2 Ib can IS Yarmouth corn , per can 17 Tomatoes , 3 Ib can H Succotash , 2 Ib can 12. Pumpkins , 3Ibcan 2 ( 24 Ibs beans 1 01 9 lbdried Lima beans 1 ° 0 35 Ibs hominy J 00 11 Ibs Carolina'rice J j 25 Ibs oat meal Fat family mackerel , per kit. . . 80 Fat family whitefUh , per kit. . . . . . 90 Codfish , whole , per lt > , . . . . 8 Codfiih , boneless , per Ib , . . . . 10 Hallibut Holland , herring pe'Ib ( new ) per keg : : : : : ft Tolncco ( Blackwel''d Durham1 - 60 * ToliicWiilierPtalpIujdperlb 60 Tobacco ( Old Style ) per Ib S5 Tobacco ( Meerschaum ) perlb 4 Hams , S'lrar-cured ' , per Ib 11 ; gs , llaoifor 1 00 Butttr , fresh roll , perlb 20 Complete price lists furnished onapplluitl Country order 111 recclTe prompt and care attention. Poaitlvelv no goods gold on credit. J. B. FRENCH & GO , , The Original Reliable Grocers , No. 1119 Farnham Street , OMAE.A. NEB. SIGN OP THE GOLDEN PIANO & FRAME , I A. HOSPE JR. . , . , Pianos and Organs First Class on Easy Monthly Payments , Sheet Music and Musi cal Instruments , FINE HtuCK OF nun o TT LID isr : G-S . Oil Pintinga , Enfrta * Ingn an'l Framw t great ly r.-duced prices. 8x10 Fratnes , 1 inch , Walnut 10X12 i 20 i 20 12X16 ij 60 ijli " " . . . . 60P6 10x20 l | " . , 75 Ri'BticSxIOfrime 16 Chromes fri" d , tmall , 2Sc , Chromes framed , lar/e , 1 J5 , Engratingj fri > m 50o upwards , Photrgraph frames from 16c upwards , Wlndo.v Cor icea 75c a window and upwards Lambrequir eS 00 ptr windo * aril upwards , Cornice Poies260perwindo and npwards , Velvet framed 2 c each to5 00 Violin , Vio'l ' is t 79 , 2 50 , 3 0 } and upwards , Guitars 5 00 , 6 Co , 7 00 nnd upwards. Banjos 1 00. 3 00 , 6 00 , and upwards , Accordeons Irom 1 00 up , cheapest in city Send for samples and catalogue of mouldings and s he music. A. HOSPE. JR. , 1676 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb. POWDER Absolutely Pure , Mad * from Grape Crem Tartar. No the preparation makes such light , flaky hot bread ) , or luxurious pistry. Can be eaten by dype.tln without fear of the ills wsullinj ? from heavy in digestible food. Sold only in rans , by all Grocers. ! UQTAL RtKuo POWBIR Co. , New York. CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! ! Metallc Cases , Cufflns , Caskets , Shrouds , etc. Farnham Street , Bet. lOthand llthOmaha.Neb . Telegraphic Orders Promptly Attended To. O * . O. MERCHANT TAILOR ) Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonic Hall 1 , OMAHA , NEB. B. A. FOWLIR. JAMM H. con. FOWLER & SCOTT , ARCHITECTS. Deslps for bulldlngi of any description on zlhibition at our office. We hare had over 20 yean experience tn de < lgnl3 ? and roperintend- ID public building and rejldtnce * . Plani and estimates furnished on short notlco. KOOM 8 , UNION BLOCK. /"IIVJL , MECHANICAL. AND MINING EK- \J OINKEKINO at the Hen laerPoIyt ehnIe ; Initltote , Troy , N. Y Th oldeit enzlneerlng : ( chool In America. Next term begins Septem ber 16th The KegUUr for IgSO contain * a Hit of the graduates for the < an it years , with their posit ! nsalso , touna of studr , requirement * , expenses , etc. AddreM DAVID M GREENE. ! Director eodfcw6j FREE TO ALL Any one who lorei good , cbalc 'r vUngaa btf a copy of tha ROSEDALE LIBRARY FREE , * ! eontalnlnj 32 larz pJir . awUed to thnn , bj oadlag thtlr nia acd loll * < ° STREET 4 SMITH. KEW TORK WEEKLY , 81 JJP St , New York wow4l COLUMBIA AND OHO BICYCLES ! I have secured the agency of the veil-known COLUMBIA Steel Spoke , in * Rubber Tirea Bicycle from the Pope Manufacturing Co. ; Also the Otto H ad Made. Samples can ba seen at my store , at Manufacturers Prices , reiM. ! added. Send for price list. list.3ST _ X. 3D. No. 1204 Farnham Street , Omaha , Nebraska. GJT UP AXD GIT ! XO OLD STOCK ! Having Taken the Above for Our Motto , We are Determined to Offer Our Entire Summer Stock of CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS Regardless of Cost , In Ordei to Make Boom for Our Fall and Winter Goods. We Will Not Be Undersold. BOSTOIT OlaOTIBCinNGHOTTSIEJ } , FARJVHA3I STREET. OHAELES SGHLANK. SOL , PEDTOE. ap2S-ly MAX MEYER & CO. , WHOLESALE TOBBAGCONISTS ! Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards. Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards. Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards , - Send for Price List. ° " "f MAX MEYER & CO. . Omaha , Ken. . _ MAX MEYER & GO. , onvc GUNS , AMMUNITION , SPORTING GOODS , Fishing Tai'kle , Base Balls and a full line of 3STOTIOJSTS JSTID G-OOIDS CLIFFORD'S FEBRIFUGE FEVER ; AGUE DlftXAIXB from ti SYSTZX. J. O. RICHARDSON , Prop. , ra. LOUIS. LANGE & FOITICK. Dealers in House Famishing Uoods , Shelf Hardware , Nails and Etc. 1221 Farnham Street , lac Door Eaa First National .Bank. JOBBBBS OP HARDWARE , CUTLERY , NAILS , STAMPED AND JAPANNED WARE , TIMNERS STOCK , SHEET IRON , TIN STOCK , ETC. 1317 & 1319 DOUGLAS STREET , Positively no Goods Sold at Retail. IE1. O. WHOLESALE GROCER ! 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha. SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. , PORK AND BEEF PACKERS Wholesale and Retail in FRESH HFATS& PROVISIONS , ' CAtlB , POULTRY. FISH , ETC. CITY AND COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglas St. Packing Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , TJ. P. B. E.