S Years before thePublie. THE GENUINE DR.C.McLANE'S LITER PILES * re not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to. " but' In Affections of the Liver , and in ail Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Headache - ' ache , or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. J AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can betused pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. As * * Jmple purgative they are uneoualed BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , , e. Each box has a red- wax seal on the lid , ththehiirffeEslon.McLANE'S LIVER f .rfstch wrapper bears the"signa tures ot a McLA.VE and FLEMING BEO _ * * * Insist upon having the genuine I * .C.McLANE'S LIVES PILLS , pre l pared by v ' FLEMING BROS.7PitteburghPa. , The marktt being full of imitations of the nme JTcZxinc , grilled diflerently , but nunc pronunciation. BOWEL ( OMPLAINTS. A Speedy and Effectual Cure. PEREY DAVIS1 BAIN-KILLER Eu atood tha Ust of FOEtT Tl'li' trial. Dirtcticnt with tach txiU.lt. HOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS aceuBeTfrj where to Bell inl 'lea. ( off . Baklnc Povder i'UionnK hztracla. etc. , by ( ample , to iamlliM , ProlBt sooA 'Outfit tree. People's T aCa , Box MO. 8t. L ATTORNEYS-AT-IAW. . 6TUKOK6. W. W. . . STURGES & BARTLETT , A TTOENtY-AT-LAW-Ko Omahit. Kel ) . CHARLES POWELL , JUSTICE OF THE PEACE oreer 16th and Barcliam Bib. , Omaha I eb. _ WM. SlulRALJ TTORNEY AT LAW Campbell' * Block , 13th Street.bot e nFarnhim and Don * lag. _ _ _ _ _ _ UMAHA. KfcB. D. L THOMAS , TTORKKT AT LAW Loam j oc y. boy and e U3 real estate. Boom 8 ' CreUhtoo A. C. TROUP , a TTORJfET AT LAW Office In V. Block , with George K. Prltchett , " 1M6 frnnhamBt. OMAHA. NEB. DEXIER L THOMAS , A TTORNET AT LAW Cralckwumk I BnlUJ A. M. CHADWICK , ATTORNEY AT LAW Office 15M FirnhMa 8tr . et. _ _ _ A. SfARfzLAKDE ATTORNKK AT LAW-Cot. 18th and FunhaB. . WILLIAM A. FONDA. TTOBKEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. JHL Boom No. 6 , Frenter Block , oppurite Pct . OWAHA. N WM. L. PEABODY , LAWYER Office In Crelghlon Block , nut to Pott Office , OUABA , NEBRASKA. OTABT 7UBUC. OOLLEOTIOK8 MABK E. D , MCLAUGHLIN. AT LAW AND JUSTICE OF AtToRNKY TrjE PEACE Southeast corner Fifteenth Douglas bt. Jj"Colltctliun Promptlv Attcml d O'BRiEH & BARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law - - , OrnOE-Uoloa RlockrVtacnth an ? Famham A. L. R031SUN. A TTORrfEYT LA\V. Rum Crelcbtan JriBlock. . OMA114 Voh luiil-U ATTORNEY AT LAW. VARBACH BLOCK. COR. DOUGISTH STS. v OUAHA. SEB. W. J. Connell , Attorney-at-Law , Office : Front rooms , np etaire , In Hangoom'i rxw brick building , N. W. corner Fifteenth tad f trnhata 'Btrcele 3oa * L RKDICR. CUAB R. RBDICK. REDICK & UEDICK , Attorneys-at-Law - - , fipedil attention will be given to all golu fimlnrt corporation ! ot every deMriptton ; will jnotloa in al > tlie Courts of the State and tbe United StaU * . omce , Faroham St , oppoilte Court nouaa , EDWARD W. SIMERAL , AT LAW Room 6 Oregt.Un ! ATTORNKY Bio fc. IB1' . tnil D > iuelM Btreata. noMh U. F. MAKDERSON , TTOtUIET AT LAW 2W Firnrum Street Omaha Nebraska. _ ' _ PARKE GODWIN , AT LAW Itth ud Donjiai ArroRNKT wlthG W. Poan * . t RIOHAKDH. O. J. Hcuf RICHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-Law , Omen S16 fionth FonrKwth Street. Only Direct Line "to ! JVanoe , CENERALTRANSATLANTIC COMPAN BETWEEN New York and UarrePier 42.K.R foot of Morton at. , pier of company. TraTelm by this line ai old both transit by En lah railvaj- and the discomfort ot crossing the bum * lin a email butt AJiADA , FRJLSOKCTL , Weoneada ; January U Inoon. , AMERUJTJE , B. JOCCXO , Wedneaday FtbrUMf U a. m. * - - FKANCK , TRTOILSJ , Wedaeeday , F bmary ,11 a. to. PRICE OF PASSAGE ( Including wine ) : TO HAVRE First Cabin , (100 andSO : Second Oabin6C ; Steerage , J261lnclndinwlns1Deddtof ( LOUISDKBEBIAN.Ajrcnt. C Broadway.N. T. FRANK K. MOORES , Na ill , Wert Side litb Btreet , Bet. Famham and Donglag , Next Deere o U. fl. Ezprcffl Office ( Sign ot Pals id EAST INDIA BITTERS ! ILER & CO. , SOLE MANUFACTURERS OMAHA. Well. A. tew and hflhtrto sskne'wn rtawJy for U < B a uottt9 Kldn'ys , BlidJcr , aud Urinary It l 1 ytsitl-rely c&re Di b u , drawl. Drop- y. fright11 Diti-nr. Inability to rwaiiTor orpin thoTTrini * Catarrh of he BUdt'sr. . hLrh colored tadt-cxnty urine , Painful Crmitinc , HM > C BA.GK , Onnral Wnkuan. and all y aitl Com- plabtm- ID eroal oedielnM , U eerta In It Heti an cnre M i , n nothta t titt on. ro al y all Dicss\rtB or Bent by VtSl fro t os rve pt of the price , tiW. DAY KIDNEY PAD CO. , PROFCS , . . Toledo , O. . JH Bd'yosr arfdrtta lor oar hole book. \Bar a Life mtt Saved. " „ JAKES E. IBH Ajdt lor Nebraska , THE BAILY BEE. OUAHA PUBLISHING ctfPflOPR.ETORS. . 'tit Forniion , bet. tth and 16A StrttU. .TERMS OF SrjBSORIPTION , 1 Copy lyttr , Jn advaneeliortpald ) $8.00 6minVi " ' ' " i.M ? month * " i / " N..2.00 TtME TOBIES- / THE-MAILS - . C , &N W.B.R.,630a. to , SHOp. m. C. B. & Q S : ' 0 a-'m. , 2:40 p. m. C. KI I t P R. R6'80 a , m. , SvWp.ci. 0Et Jo * f : SO a. m. ; 5 tlty&P.8:80am. : / 0. P. B. BllWa . O. & R. V. to Llreclo , 10 . m. B. * M. B.R,8HO n. 0. &N. W. , 7iW > m. omos * 0 , &N. W. K.R. , 11 . m. , H pm. . C. B. i Q , 11 a. in , 830 p. m. C. K I. & P. , 11 , m , 11 p m C. B. & fit , lcll am. , 11 p. m. U. P. R. R. , i p m. O. k R. v. from Llneoln , IS:10 : p. m. S City i P. . 11 a. m. B. til. in Seb..4p. m. 1 o al milla for Statri Iowa leave but one * a dir , vin.-4.JOa m. Ofaceoptntrom 12 to 1 p. m. finndira. THOUA8F HALL roxinuftcr. Arrival And Departure of Trains UNION PACIFIC. ' „ LXATZ. Dally Exprew. . . . 12:15 p. m. fcjip.ra. do Mixed 610p m. 434 p , m do FrrUht. . . .6.30 a. m. l0p. B- . do < to 8-15a.m. ,1 ! : > 0a.m. TIME OA.SD OF THE"BUHLtNGTON. . MATI OMAHA. AUTO OtUIU. Exprrts3iO : p m. Fxpmi Mail ofO a. m. Mall .10:00 p. m. Sundays kxoepted. San- CHlCAOO.tRO K ISLAND & PACIFIC. ' Uall & 00 a. m. I Mall 10:00 p. m. Express 3 : < 0p m. I Express..ln:00.m. : CHICAGO KORTHWESTEKN. Mall . 'fl : 0 a. m. 1 Mall 7:20 p. a. Express X:40p.m. : JKrpre B..10:00a. m. SundajseitepUd KANSAS C1TY.BT. JOE" & COUNCIL BLUFFS. LXATB ARRIVE. Mall 8.00 .m. I Express 7iO , m. txprew : . . . . 6. Op.m. | M fl 7:28 j.m. Tbe on i'line running Pullman Sleeping Carl oat of Omaha to TJuion Depot. OMAHA & NORTHWESTERN AND 8IOUX CIT1T & PAOIF.C FA1LROADS. Expreei 8:00 : a. m | Fxpres4:80 p 'm. Iallv ExceptBuadijs. B. & M. B R. In NEBRASKA Omaha ( I ) ) 9.00 K esrney Jfnt ( U > i.50 m Platt m'tb ar' 0:25 a ra Blookrlngt nlTJ ( :10am Eeam Jncar)7S'p tn Ked I loud flv ) 6 : 6 a m ttwl floud ( jT,7K.'pm PUtt 11/til ( ar ) 4:20 : p m Om > ha ( rr.4oipm : REPUBLIC * * VALLEY RAILWAY. Hasting ( h ) 8:06 : m | Lloom'gton ( arl iOpm Blwmtnjrton 1:1 p m I Itu'ln ' * ! ( -r)6.Wp ) m Orleans ( Iv ) 7.-SO a m I Indlantla f r ) 1 Opm Orleans ( ar ) 7.-00 p m | Iidlanolah ) i.80 pm 8IOUX CITT 18T. PAUL R. R. M I1 6:10om : I Expresa 10:00 : am ErprtfB f.lOpml IV all 7-30 p m WABABH , aT LOTJla & PA WIC. Mall 9a.m. | M 1I * : Pm. . BR1DOK DIVISION U. P. R H. LeAte Ornahn , dally. a m , 6 a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a m , 1 p. m. , 2 p. m. , 3 p. m , 5 p. m , , 6 p. m. . Uave Coancll Blofh ; 8 : i a. m. , B J a. m , , 10:26 a m. , 11S5 o , ra , 1 : 6 p m , 2:26 p. m , 3:25 : p a , 6:85 : p. m. , 6i p. m. , Four trips on B icdny , tea\-iru. Otqaba at 9 and 11 a m. . 2 aod p. m ; Council Bluffs at O-.ES , llxfi a. m. , and SiU ind f : Si p m. Leave rmth : 8 a. m. , 7 a. m. , 8'SO a. m. , 1 p m. , 4:60 : p. ra. . 7 6 p. to. , L ive Uoano'l B Ufi8 6 16 a. m , , B.S4 a. m. , MM a. m. ( 5 p m , 7 00 p. m. , 7 0 p. m. ItallT i pt SiiDdbr. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VAtLEY R. R. Lsm , auurx ! Urt5a m , except Bondayi. COMMERCIAL. Omaha Wholesale Markets. OMAHA , July 31 , 1880. BUTTER AND EUUH. < holoetaUe . 1014o Packers lota . . . . 7@10 Fresh eggs , per dot . 12) ) Honey. . . . . . . . , . * . . . . U POT/LTRY. iilokens , per doz . . . . . . . . . ii 25 GEOCERIE8. 8CGABH CutLoaf . " . 10 Powdered . 10f Granulated . . . 10 $ BUnd rd"An . Wj OffA . 10 Extra " 0 ° . 8 8YBUP8. Eitra choice and Tary bright. . . 60 Bright Table Drips . 45 New Orleans Mc-Uasaes . 50 Market advantlnc. COKKEK Rio , prime to ohoi6e . Rio good to prune . I Rio fair to good . 1' ' Mocha . 27' ' Choice 84 Good to prime 7Ja7J URtEDtHUlTU. ' New Prunes OldPrnnea - . CurrantBchoio new 7 < BUdcB iSe 12i IUspb m 8 SS [ Pitted cherricB 2u Mlohigan grid Apples 8 N. Y. Bhoed * 9 Evaporated " 64 SUM P aob c 8 'S ltLake Peaches " 15 Calif ornlaPeaohei. . 16 CANNED GOODS. " 3"OvEt rt , 2 ft cans , J ? case. . 3 70 do do 1 Ib cnnp rcase. . . 240 LigU'Weignt OystersS Ib case 2 80 Salmon , lib , Vdown 176 do 2B > , .tfdoz8n 2 b6 Standard TomatOM,2 Ib , I ? wuw 2 80 " " 8 Ib , ca * S 00 Standard Peaohee-3 B > , t ? cauT. 4 40 " " 2 ! b , case' 3 40 Raenberries , 2 Ib , $ case. 300 Blackberries , 2 Ib , ? case 380 Corn , 2 Ib.tf case 380 Apples , Gi , dot 8 75 Narrow Fat PeaB,2 Ib , 1 ? ewe. . 4 00 String Be&DK. 2 tb.per owe. . . . 240 SUNDRIEH. Nntm ga. . _ 10 Pepper .7. 17' AiUpico 17 Cloves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 * Coaeia 26 Hvipe . * . . . Candle * , 16oz Grenwichl yep rIcMe 3 86 Beans.per bushel. " 1 80 CbteM full cream 114 UUA.SB. Window Glass , 60 per cent , discount - count off list. HARDWARE. IRON. Common bur 3 Horse-shoe bar 4 Norway nail rod. - 9 BTEKL. Cwtplow 9 Am. cast , tool 18 Jes'pVEneT. do 35 Tens , upwards. . . . . . . . . . . 6 CO ' ' ' 890 B'rd'dVshoe'ff . " mnle" . 6 SO Omaha naihi tens , upwards. . . S 60 Nw'str'ihn . 2880 Pntnnm nails . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . 28@SO ' DRYOOO B. BBOW COITONB. Atlantic "H" . 7f uv J- trpn f. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 t PeupertU " ( T . 71 do "It . . . . , , , . * * . * . * * . 7j 8 10 Nebn k . Standard ' 'AA" , . . . . UKNIHH. Amotkeag . 16 Beaver Creek , "AA" . U do "BB" . 13 Haymakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Palmer . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Otis " 4XA" . 15 do "BB" . 14 do "CC" . 13 Tt UT6TX A kA * 15 do 1313 * * * . 14 do "CCT . 18 BLEACHED COTTOXK. do Cambric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Oft Dot * * * Fruitof the Loom . 10 < ewYork Mills . 15 HG1 * Muslin. , . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * U XICEIKGB. Amoskag. . . . . , 13 Fall O. B.O . ' - * > ' do "AA" . . ' . . - . . . " - u 18 P BINTS. Albany 7J Albion 7 Harmony American. 7 Allen's B 1-2 Allen'sPinks 8 Ancona fancy 7 1-2 Manchester 8 Merrimac 71-2 Merrimac shirtinga 6 1-2 Richmnnds 61-2 R5ohmondsE 71-2 Spragne's 61-2 Simpson's mourning 7 1-2 Simpson's black 7 1-2 STRIPES. American 10@11 Amoskeajr. 12 Awning stripes 1 < J LBvritonA , 171-2 .BAmllton 111-2 Omega 11 12 Pittsfirid 1H LUMBER. Framing. 18 ft. and under $20 00 Eneh'add. . ft. over 18 , per M . . 50 Fencipg , No. 1,12 to 20 ft. . . . 22 00 " . - , No. 2,12 to 20 ft. . . . 2000 Sheeting , dressed , No. 1 20 00 " " No. 2 19 00 Common boards , dressed 22 00 STOCK BOAEDI. Astock 4000 B " 3500 C " SO 00 Common stock 25 00 FLOOMNO. No. Iflooring 4000 No.2 " SB 00 No. 3 " 2500 Yellow piae flooring , No. 1 4-5 00 KDINO No. Isiding 2500 No. 2 " 22PO No. 3 " 3000 1-ICKET8. No. 1 pickets , per M 82 BO No. 2 " " 2500 FIXIBKIKO. No. 1 finish , li , 1J , and 2in. . . 55 00 No.l " lin 5000 No. 2 " 1J , li , and 2 in. . 4500 No. 2 " lin 4000 No. 3 " in 3500 SHIP LAP. Plalnshlplap 2300 OG 'v No.l 3000 " " No. 2 i'5 00 " " Nn. 3 CEIL1.VO. § beaded , 6 in. , No. 1 25 00 " r' No. 2 2300 i " 4 and Gin. , No. 1. . . 4000 " " " No. 2. . . 8500 Corrugated ceiling , No. 1 50 00 BHIXOLE8. A star ( best ) sh ngles 375 No , 2 " 300 No. 3 " 260 Lath 400 Lime , bhl 135 " bulk , perbu 40 Cementbbi 260 Iowa plaster , bhl 2 60 Michigan plaster , bbl 2 75 Hair , per bu 25 Tarred felt. 100 Ibs 300 Straw board , 1 00 O G battens , per 100 ft. lin. . . 1 25 "Wellcurbing HO 00 Rough ) , and 2 in. , in batta , per 100 ft. lin W ) P08TB Cedar hah e , 7 In 18 " 6in 16 " QiwrterSin 16 Oak , 4x4 30 " 4x6 40 O Q oasit g , 5i and 6 in. , per 100ft.lin 300 Oak plank and timber , per M. 4000 Clearpoplor 6000 Black Walnut. 10000 HIDES. Green hides , p er Ib Green cured hides 7 : Dryhidea 15al ? Dry salted hides I"al2 Sheep Pelta 25al 50 Tallow 4 $ LIQUORS , WINES , ETC. High winea , per gal 108 Alcohol , 180 per oent. per gnl. 2 10 Fren h spirits , proof 1 18 Marshallshourbonwhisky. . . . I 2" < Miller's bourbon whisky 1 25 Brandy , very fine , per gal 2 Ottafl 00 " common to fine. . . . 1 SO Gin , 100 per oent 150 " Holland. 90 per cent 1 M Rums , mixd Jamaica , per gal. 1 & 0a3 00 " New England 200 Kennedy Bitters per gal 160 " " per case 7 50 " " perlOOcawa 7 0- > Champane . pints In backetd. 25 00 Domestic champaigns 32 00 Port wine , per case 1 B8a3 00 Sherries t Wa3 00 Aleg. Edlnburg 2 76 " Bass&Ca's 2 ' . ' 5 ftainnass Dublin stout 2 25 LEA I HER. Beet slaughter sole 32 Best oak 41 French kips 1 IQal 40 French calf , leading brands. . . 1 60&2 10 Domftticklps 76al 10 Dome-tic celfa 1 10.\1 SO Hemlock upper , ) et foot 25a26 Oak upp r , per foot l-5a 6 Grain , upper per foot. 25 Linings , per do 8 00a9 60 Topplncp , per doz 1100 MorroccK ( bootleg ) per foot. . . 85a 8 " oil dressed ? . 35 " Simon per skin 8 00a3 25 glovokld SO Boot vfebbinif , per foot 45 HARNESS LEATHER. No. 1 Pittsburg oak 44 No. 1 Pittsburg oak 42 No. 1 Cincinnati oak 41 No. 2 Cincinnati oak 89 No. 1 hemlock 39 No. 2H nlook S7 COAL-RETAIL. Anthracite 10 CO Blossbnrg 12 OJ jWyoming 8 60 Oakaloo-ft 5 50 Iowa nut 5 00 White Breast 550 Stop that Cough. If you are suffering with a Cough Gold , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , lota of voice , tickling of the throat , or any affection of the Throat or Lungs , use Dr. King's New DiBCOveryior Consumption. This ia the great remedy that is causing BO much excitement by its wonderful cures , curing thousands of hopeless CASPS. Over a million bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery have been used within the last year , and have given perfect satisfaction in every instance. We can unhesitatingly say that this is really the only sure cure for throat and lung affections , and can cheerful ly recommend it to all. Call and get B trial bottle free of cost , or a regular size for $1.00. J. K. IshOmaha. (3) ( ) , BucKien'8 Arnica Salve The BKST SALVE in the world for Cats , Bruises , Bores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds tif Skin Eruptions. This Salve ii guaranteed to give perfect aatiafac- tiodjin every case or money re tended. Price 25 coiits per box. For eale by 8dly J. K. ISH , Omabn. CHICAGO SHOT TOWER 00. Manufacturers ol STANDARD SHOT 3BE"EURZ10BUT1T. THE BEfeTIN UAREET. E. W , BLATCOFOBD & CO , BdBarLeai , - Ifflook Ea , Pipe ana S3U-.r , LIc wi OU 1 and Oil Ctte . } ' - f OBDZKS SOLICITED. 70 NORTH 'CllHTiJN ST.T SALTING iMINE. . TIM BUCKLEY TBLIS HOW HB MIBSED HIS FORTPNE. ' " Laidville Chronicle. "How I mivsed my fortune ? " said Tim Buckley , with a good-natured chuckle. "Lordy , I'm afraid you'll go back on me if I tell yon , for it was a durnad mean trick and no mistake ; but I oon't know as yon'll blame ma when I tell you the facts. He was rich and I , like many a poor prospec tor what'a worked and worked and never gita any ahead , I seed my title clear to a cool forty thousand , and just took the bull by the horns and said "frefl-npl" Tim gave another chuckle as he thought over the past , and finally concluded : "Me and my partner had been prospectin' on the headwaters of the Arkan-ft * , and just made up our minds we'd strike it or bust Every body clue around us win ge'tin' rich , hand over fist , and th&r w s no par ticular reason why we shouldn't , we thought. Leadvilla was just rising into notoriety , and evtry inch o' ground for miles around hod been s-aked out in claims , 6 > tha ? hen B 11 and me Bill was my partner finally came to the o ncuiiion that we'd go to mimn' , too , thar wai no room for us any n here except to do the next best thing and strike the Arkansas. We dug an incline into a hill , ani at the end of the first werk we'd run ft hole eleven feet deep. The indica tions were just tip-top , and wbtn we packed our burrer on Saturday after noon , our pockets filled with speci mens that bout anything 'he Robert E. Lee ever turned out all hullow for looks , wo was just about the two hap- piojt raortrfh that ever went into an assay shop. "Well , the ntsay panned out eleven outicej , which was a sort of damper on our feelin's , of ouurao , but concludin * that by next Saturday we'd run it up to fifty or a hundred , wo wentbaokto our claim and pitched it atrain for all 'twas out. Next Saturday we went back to town aga'n to have another assay made , and it was 'levin ounces again. "We felt mad when the assayer told us ; made up our minds hd was no good on earth at his trad * , and 8 > t urday we pegged back to our claim , deter mined tu go to a man what un derstood his business next time we wanted an assay made. "Wo did try anotner the followin' Saturday , but it wag no use. It was 'levin ounces just the mine. "Wu kept workin' away like good fellows two weeks more , and had got the hole all of sixty feet into the lull , when we left for town and just lot the durned pruspecthole go to thunder. " 'Leven ounces was no showing at jail , and ruther than work another week with never any better indica- ti ns developing , we just made up our mind * to stirve to dea'.hfor in the end it was ul > the smo anyhow. "Ab usuil , 1 stopped in at the hotel Sunday af moon , aud while lookm" over the papers in the readin' room I litftrd two m n talkin1 together back o' me abc ut mines and aa how one o' them would like to ait hold of an In terest in a Rood payin' loda for some eastern cap'Ulists. ' "I don t kuotr what gave me the tbe idea , but it came oil of a suddiu' l.ke ; an' fixin' the rain's face on my mind I passed out of tne room and tock a walk up Fryer hill to think the ruat'er over. "What I concluded to do was this : Salt the mine , take the fel.ow up io it and Sfll it to him , make or brake. "I rcaue a bee line for the Little Chief mine and failed rny pockets with ore , takine just aa much aa I oou.d lusj off. The ore looked for all the world like the ore in our mine , and on nrriviu' there I at onoo pet to work s'ickm' pieces into crevices nlid patch- in' up tbe walls of the tunutl. until the hole looked for all the wmil like the bfut payin' lead in the state. Tndn I returned. " uxt raorniit' I returned early to the hotel and introduced myself to Mr. Bitters. Told him I had stru.k , it nch and would fell out for sixty thousitid dollira. I finally induced him to visit the mine. "He set to work sprdadia * a news paper on the ground and began to pick wliera I'd told him. He folded it carefully up and we rode back to town , where we h-id an assay made. It gave two hundred ounces , which set him wild with dtlight. ' For that momant you never need a fellow stick so close to another , as Bittora did to me. He waa afraid I'd sell the mine to somebody else before he oould git a chance to buy it , and he beg < m to watch every strp I took Nothing would do but I had to go to his room W'th him aud drink and oat tha best'there was in tha hotel. Then hebegAn to make proposi-ions , offer in * ? me the forty thousand dollars. "I told him I couldn't of tikiog less than six 7 thousand , half o' that to Bill and thuty thousand to go to me ; but ne urged so hard that bnally I said I'd see Bill and find out what ha thought about it. "So Bill was culled , and being posted , he thought as how perhaps we'd better take it , is it waa a cash transaction. "Yes , said I ; if it's a oajh sale I gueesed , too , we'd take it. "Bitters said of course it was cash. and right then and there he pulled out his wallet and fixed up the papera , which Bill and I signed with the un derstanding that the money was to be paid over the next day and everything straightened up. "The next day came , and a I walk ed into the hotel I seed Bitters sitting thar , waiting for me. "A ? I WAS about to go where he sat , one fellow spoke np out of the crowd , loud enough fcr every one to hear : 'Hello , Tim , I understand your mine assayed ' ( even ounces to the ton , the other day ? ' "You never seed such a look on a man'jb face SB that on Bitters' when he imrd that rom irk. I tried to laugh it' off , but it was no go. He had begun to smell a mouse and insisted on an other assay being made ; and durned if he didn't make me take him back to the mine and let him have hia own way in picking his specimens. I knew the game was up ; and sue enough there was that assay of 'leven ounces again. "Thavs how I missed my fortune , " concluded Tim. "It was a dnrned mean triok , I'll admit , but old Bitters could 'have lost that forty thousand and never missed it , while I was on " * e btdrock. t Plant Forest Troea. Olmtand Leader. The la'eat report of thetcomaai - eioner of agriculture contains some statements of the comparative- value of farming and timbered lands' , show ing that the l Uer evince a tendency to advance in priee mpro rapidly than cleared tracts. "Tnis is one result of the wastefulness and , destruction in forests which have characterized the settlement of the country. Large tracts have been swept of valuable forest treei , which were piled np to diy and then burped , as the cheapest way of gethng'rid of , ; > natural pro duct , whieh cost nothing origirally , but , ojiee , lost , cannot be restored without lena ; years of patient"waftingr Th consequenc * ! xrf.ttiat , hort-iifht- ed pol oy are 'already 'iniking 'tb mi salros feltnot alone'in tbe-scarcity and enhanced valu of lumber , ' but also in the dryitag of irynviu and , io seme loea itiet , . completely eh aging the climate of the ? countiy.J Jn aadt- tipn to the ravages noon forCst treai toade "by short-inghti'd ' ettlen , th railroads of the country are conaum- Ine timber at an enormous rate. The demand for ties alone is enough to thre ten every forest in the country with de truction , and the consump tion of fuel by wood-burning locomo tives forms another exhausting drain upon timbpr resources. The ombined result of wastofulnm and increased d mand for timber. t s and fuel will soon bring the United States to th condition of certain portions of Europe - rope , where the forest trees are con sidered of more value than any farmer or garden product' . Even in our own country the want of timber has been so keenly felt in some localities that premiums hi the form of exemption from taxes have been offnsd for the encouragement of planting forest trees for the purpose of improving the climate ; and their oat'ivation hai been found profitable for the farmers in thu surplus p'oduct B < Id. Iowa , Neoraeko , Dakota and other prairie stam and territories have found it almost indie- pensible that fortsttn-es shou'dbe ' cul tivated , and the legiflttur.s of thogi regions have mtuIIy paid the farmeis For lrokin aft-tr their own interests What is need i in this count y ie. a national commis ion tif forestry with power to tnf rio lawa for tha jreser VHtion and propaga'ion < f foreu trees. Congrats shi.uld tnact a law compel ling owners of farnn to s'tapm a cer tain proportion of their lands for tim ber reservations , and require tht whenever one trea ie felled , in such iract , two shall be planted to sup h its place. If any bttter provision than the one suifeeBtei oin be devised let it be made ; but the sooner tlm matur Is taken in hand by the government , JIG better it will ba for the o uu'ry. The early ( -ettlers of the E'giernaid NliddTu etflt-s , gener He , were edu cated in the ide < t thai furrac timber is nuisance , one ( if the curses snnt upon Adam's sons for the sin of dis- bedioi ciind that the si oner and more effectually they could get rid of it the more fai hfully were fiey ful- llhuf ? tho'r ' destiny. Ihst is an Hroneous idea which the"govomment is allied on to correct. The character of the timber to bo cult.v.itcd dep-nds largely on the nature turo i f thoaud and cltiimte ; tiutevtm in these mattern uxpt-rienco may prove some of the pn-va liaij notions io be erroneous. In thu eastern and middle statta the black vnlnut is tn- dig-noui as well a ? the hickory , oak , cht-stnut , maple and b iob , a 1 of which are valuable in the manufacture - ture of lumber f nr VHrious purpous , from flue cabinet ware to ship building The fruits of the walnut , hickory and chestnut are of ihemstlvcn sufBcieutly valub'e to make the crop hignly profitable. Whitewood might be preferable in somu localtsiea and pinj ir spruce in other * , in the cool moun- : ainou5 region ! " , for example , Wnat trees to plant will be determined by ! ircal iofluonccn To plant itomu a > rtj of foroat trees and keep up the supf ply of timber ohould bo ineistod oil by the governmi-ut. I A Longr Negeot ] damily. . WT. VKRKON , 0. , July 14. In the T 1854 Madieon Robiaon wai mdr- rid to Hattie , daughter of Authnny White ; three children , a i'H ' , were rn to the i , nnd in 1S59 Robisoji ctarted for Pike's Peak to make a for tune , leaving his family behind. For four years IHI tars were received rsta- brly from him , but their arrival be came lacs frequent , and finally ceased altogether. Time rolled on , and no tidings being received frnru the ab sent one , the wife and relatives me to the conclusion that ho hud fallen a victim to Tndiiu bullctg or the knife of an a iwsin. Tim hand of the wife WBB sought in marriage by a former lover of her yonth , and she finally yielded to his solicitations and was wedded to htm fourteen years after her first husband bad been given up as dead. They at onttaraiu' ved to lowaaud settled near Teenr b , in that * ntB. The long-lout It bucm nrrivod to-day , after an ab- senao of twontv ono y ars , and , seek ing out eome relat v-a , learned for tbe firat time of hia wife's second mar- ige. He gave a 1 > ng ao--uijt of his vflla and adyentuies. Aftere ) ying Pike'a Pek he vpvnt to Oala , British Columbia , and ffora thence to New- Zealand and Australia. A few yeirs ng > he returned to this country , and claims to have written to his wife , but received no reply. When the Lead- villa excitement broke out he woa among the first to locate in that min- camp , and by a ttreaV of grind for tune , has amassed over $250,000. Co learning t'tat his wife w i now a wi'jow tier eo"nd bujbind having diri , hw de artud for Iowa to reoMrn her. He ad he knew his f ra ly have had a rd time during his absence , but h& now prop' aea to make them comfort able for life. Not So In ocant us Ha deemed. "Want topliy a paraeof saven-up ? " kfd one of our citizens of attr-mg r who was reading a pap r in a Pneb'o ( Oal. ) saloon recency ' ! don't oare , " he si wly remarked. The game went on sing'e lunded for a while , the B'ranger loaing all the time. Present ly two other citizens took a hind , and still fie atrang- lost It h-id already o > t him a ojuplo of dollars for drinks , and , as he took up the cards to deal after paying the bill , he simp'y ' re marked that luck would change even tually. He dealt und looked at his cards. "I'd like tu bet 810 on this hand. " he said ; "and if wa were playing poker I'd do it. " "You wonlu ? " Baid one of the players. "Yes , I believe I would , " replied the stranger. "Di cjrd , and I'm with you , " sxid the other. The other .liyers threw down their hindi and Wdtcrud the new turn of affairs. The draw won given , and the atranver planked hia 810 down upon the table. His opponents covered it with four more tens , and the stranger increased the pile to $200 , when the otlur player called for a sit > ht. The stran ger Lid tbe cards down upon the ta ble , face up. There were four acea and a king. The other man had four queens and a jack. It broke up the social game , but the boys could not help but notice the peculiar smile that twitched around the corners of the stranger's month as ha asked tog crowd up to lake "Pint-thing. Flnor Wool. St. louls Stockman. Touching tha claim of some eastern journalists that finer qualities of wool ara in demand and should be pro duced by wool growerg , to which we havt given publicity in our columns , in the interos's ' of free discueaion , The Wool Growers' bu letin savs : We * liva in the fine wool sect on. Eis'ern buyers are vontinnttl y t ling firman that they should raise mora superfine wool. There are still a few Saxony flock * scattered through th section of country wher * "Ohio , Penna. and W. V . " wool is grown. When buyers come to these they ssy : "Why do you not raise more of this ? ' The farmer soon tells him , "tooiuig you do not pay enough for it. " Jf be is the , owner of the Saxony clip he continues : "You go around. and buy up tne heavy , greaay wool , piying nearly aa much for it as you offer fcr my wool , .while it weighs 6 and 7 pounds to th < fleece , and miae dtss not weigh erer half of this. " It tsthe same old story , manufacturers will not piy the differ ence ; By this system of buyjng they hava don * much toward corrupting tile ways of ; "wool-growers of ton send mcifi grease and dirt to m rfcff thin wo l AB to growing TOGM da- l ine wool ; curfanners re do ng this , but now how much diffcraoca is thwro in the quotations of clothing and de- Jaine or combing wools , and A3 to me dium wools , thev come from croste' , a kind of bastard stock , neither coarse- nor fine , and to raise which of course ruins both the fine and the comb ng flock , and la a continual grating upon the fnenaitiv * natures of our sheep breeders. rovn MXRSM ir ev r un tb sUrt to find treoh fields to work , hat they nevtf Itat'&to a worthless article. Prof. Oullm tte' Fitnch Kldnej P > d wag bronzht oai about ten j-ears to. mil since then a hort of ch. D without skill or ooniclence hnvi rnnzbt to Imlitte It by many worthies affairs ; but a dlrnraliintl g public will hold "fa-t to thit whi h id tod. . and the On Imette Pad mote lh nhnd < lt own Itcnregall kldn } rilv&iCg and s ' conU wherr mcdtdoe oWn fall ) , Aak you diujgUt ( I this not s If jou ar a suOerer from any UI * iV ol the kidneys try Prof Oullm tt ' > r nch Kldtwy Pad , and take no ol * > cr. It will oar * you. PERMANENTLY COKED OF PILES. Hon. G. H. Rice , 1st * railroad commis sioner I Vermont , writes : MILTON , Vt. 8 rr . 16.I hare t * n a ijre.it a fferoj- from pllea , baring bad it in its blind phase for yearn. About two years &jrr > , when the msewe began to a - mme the leading form , I tri-d "Kliinev- Wort. " and used about half doz n pack ages , which I I elieve effected a p rmanent cure. From my own experience and ihat of others I am acquainted W'th , I became catiafied that the Kidney-Wort poweseJ remarkable virt 'to , and probably should jjwe purcha dd mi interact in iti sale had I been po ifestfd of sufficient meana. Truly , yours o ; H. face. AN OPEN AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant , fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti- Iclal , and nil-who Trill take the trouble may secure them. These roseate , bewitching hues follow the use of Hagau's Mag. aolia Balm a delicate , hann less and always reliable article. Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm conceals rcry blemish , removes Sal- lowness. Tan , Kedness , Erup tions , all evidences of excite ment and every imperfection. Its effects arc immediate and o natural thatno human being can detect its application. Ask tba recov ered dyspeptics , ! II- ! on BUfforcrj , vic tim * ot fe < r ad sue , the mercurial disused patient. lOff hy recovered health. cheerful plilts and good ppetlto ; they-will .ell you hy uk- 0/SlHMONtt' LIVER RRSUIITOR. The Cbejpeat. l'urv and Best Family Mudl- tli In the World. ForOYHPEPHIA , CONSTIPATION , Jaundice IMllous Attatfe. . 1IOK HEAPAOHK. Couc. De areaslon of Spirits , S00R STOMACH , Hr Barn , Etc. . Etc. ThlB unrivalled Southern Remedy Ia warranted not to contain a single particle of MHHCCRT , or &nv Injurious mluaral BubsUncu , tint la Purely Vegetable , cuufalnlng those Southeru Koota and Herbs , which an all-wuo Providence hag placed ID countries uhera Liver Disease most prevail. It will cuie all Dlfaanca canned by Doranxement of .lie Liver and Knwelu. THE Sr.'IPTOMS of IJver C uipUiut arc a Jitter or bad ta e In the mouth ; r-aln In tlie Hock.-'kka or Jolnts.o'tw i mistaken forKheuraa- tUm ; Sour Htomach Lo t of Appo'ittBowls ; ft te nately costive and lax ; Headache ; Loss of Memory , with a pilnful actuation o ( bavin ? fall ed to do Boroothln ? whlcb ou bt t < > hive beci done Debility. Low BplrlUL ix thick yellow ap- s r DC6 of the skin and Byrn , a drjr CoUKli of ten miatakeu fur Consumptlou. Eooictlniea man } of ihe o symptoms sltcnd hedistase. ai othera very fewhut ; the Liver , the nrt-ist orirati In the body. 1 < ijcaorilly tha seat of the riis oiaud if not reflated In time.ifreat suffering- , wretchedness and death will eniue. I canra'ouimondasan etfloclous remwly for llscafo of UIB Liver , Ifrarthuru and Dyspepsia , Simmons' LU-r Rcirnlaior. Lewis O. WundiT , W1& Mi-stor Street , AeslatiOt Post Master , Fblladalpnla. " e h tve teeted ito virtue * , rersonally , and < now that for Di-weF a. Bllllou ness. and rhrobblng Headache , tt Is tbo b el medicine the orld e\er saw We have tried forty other remedies before Hmmons' Liver Rey l tor , but lone of them iravo un more than temporary re ef : bi-t the Regulaiur not only relieved , Ira ired ni _ " Editor Telnripb an l Mrgs mrer , Mvon. Oa. ONT.T ET J. H. ZEILIN & CO. . PHILADELPHIA. PA. Prlc * . .CQ ( yld septlnoiiatcly Serve an Inunction on Disease By Invifforxtinj a f < Wo oonstltatlon , rsnovat- In ; n debilitated phiskruo , andenrLhtn ? a thm and Innnrrrio'iS drouutUn witn Host it r'a Stomach Bitters , tbo finest , t > - most highly s-incthned , and thi most popular tonlo and i'K- Tenttvo in existence For sale ! ial ! Drutfct anilL' aleTS gv era 11 IRON TURBINE WIND ENGINE MANUrACTURED BT Maat , Fees & Oo. , Springfield , 0. Th Srrocs t sad Mctt Dtirabl * WIND ENGINE In the World. Bondredi In UK In loin and b'efcrajii Bold by Dealers la newly avf ry connry This cut represents o r Buckeye Force Pump vhfeh ii partienlariy adapted to Wind Mill use , as it works eazily and throws a ecnrtant Etream , and does no * feeezs np in the ecld- est weather. Send for prcelisr * W. H. RA.YKER. i Western Aj"t , Omiha , Kcb. CO EAST ) -VIA THX ' Chicago & Northwestern . 2,380 MILES OF ROAD I It If th SHORT , SURE and Safe Bovto Batveoi COUNCIL BLUFFS uro CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE and a'.l point * EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING H7BUC GREATER FACILITIES AKD JtO&K ADVAUTAQE8 THAK ANT OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. ftb the O.VLT ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which I * ran PULLMAN HOTEL OABS ! In addition to tbeiwand to pleaae all cJ * * * o * tr vrier , It irive P1RST-CLA83 MEALS st In KATINO STATIOKo at SO centa each. STSmCKJISTEEilm liSCOAUHESARETHE ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST CLASS If you wish the Bt Tmerlnf A * nnHvl * . tl ni vou ul 1 boy ywir UUet by tnU Bow. * X3-AN1) V\ ILL TABS NONE OTHKK AHTiekvt Ajrenticans-UToa Tbronzh Tkkrts via thla road aid Chrck uraU Cu-f- 8 < e tree < > ( Cbargv. OMAIIA TICKK p OPrirKf-l * Cor Uth , ar..l a' Uolu'i P.dflc D pui. DKMEK OFFIC&-n ! frfor do CcutnU and Unl'nP cite 7 kiet Office. 3AN KKASUBCO umCS-2 J > Moot u. ery Street Fur Information , foldtrt , SCUM , tic , to * ob tainable at Hume Ticket Office , ajdr g not / / t of the Company , or MARVIN HUCHirr , ff. H. STENKin , OanT Manager , Oral Pwt. Ateiit , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARX , Geal Ax" : Omaha A ConuoU Blofla. SHORT LINE 1SSO. K.C.ST.JOE&C.B.R.R. , If the only Direct Ln to ST. LOFIS AND THE ELHT From OUAHA and the WEST. No change ot can between Omaha and St. Lo ) i and but on * hetvean Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS UiCHUW AU- Eastern & Westtrn Cltit'8 With IMJ chJrjreg and In advauea ot other Una. Tils entire line Is equipped with Pullman" ! Palace S'eeplojt ' Cars , Pal ice Day Coaeh- , HiIer'B ! Safety FlaUonn and Coupler and the celebrated Vtegtlngiiouae Air-Brake. THAT YOUR TICKET RKADSf * VlaKansaa City , St. Joeeph jarCouncUBIuff3K.R..vI fur sale at all coupon stations In tbe We t. J. P. BARNARD , A. C. DAWK8 , OenT Bui-t. . GeuT I"a i5. & Ticket Aut St. Joseph , Mo BJowph , M < > , W C. SEACUHIHT , Ticket Ann. , ill Flftetinth Stirvt , between Faruhata aivl Donzlan , Hnloo Block , Otonha. Joa.naoN ! : , A. B. BARNAUD. . Airent , Omitu. Oen'rl Agect , Oicaha. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. TVw Old JWwW Sioux Oity Route. / 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE I From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And al ! { ttlntaln No-lbem lotto. Minntt--ta ao4 Dakota. Thli lint ID equipped with the Im- p-iii ed Westlnzhousc Automatic Air Dniiw sad Miller Platform Cnnpler and Buffer. And for SPEiD , SAFETY AND COMFORT la unsarpaHaed. Elejnnt Drawlntr Bourn vA Bleeptn/ Car , nwno I ! u 1' co > " > ' rolled by the coin- r&ny , f un Through With at Chanjo between Union Vaelflc Transfer Pcpotr Cour.cil BluffE , and St. Paul. Trains Itavu tbe Union PaciSc Transfer D pot at Council Muffs , at K.5 p m. . reaching "loux Cltat 10:20 p. m. . and BU Paul at 11:05 a. m , raak n ? HOURS IN AUVANCU or ANT OTHZE KOOTB. niuiK , leave St. I'aol al 320 p m . w- at Btiiox frty at4H5 2 m. . and Union Pacific Trau-ior Depot , 0 and I Bind * , at 9:60 : a. m. Be > ura that your tickets read ria "d. C. 6 P. B. R. " X. a HILLS. Buperintvndent , Ml ouri Valley. low * . P. E. ROBINSON. Ara't Gen'I PUB. AytcA. J , H. ffBRYAN. Soutbwestoru Freight und Pa ng r A ent. mySO-t ! Ooandl Bhifft THROUGH TO CHCACO Without Change of Cars ! CHICAGO QURLINGTON & QUIHCY With gmoctb aol Perfect Tr.ri. EletratU Fas- wager Gcache * , and PULLMAN SLEEPhCA DINING 6AR8 It Is a-.kr.cT-'ddged by th Pre 9 , nd UI nto twvtl uvr It , 10 bo tb B t Arpolntd and Bt t Manned dd in the Count * ? . PASSBN&BRS GOINQ BAST Should b ur la mind that this la t * > e BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Potnti Kant , r-orth aiid Xonbwcit. Pawingtn by tbh Route h r choice ol FOUR DIFFERENT EOUTES , And th Advantage ol &U Dally lines o ( Falaca Can team Umo { O to New York City Without Change. iprfss Tnlni on tti'o llntare equipp J witi tbo M estin hoUM Patent Air Brak and Miller * ! rtent Safety Pla.lorm and Couplen , tba raott Perfect rro tectioc Againit Aocl- d nu In the world. PULLMAN PA.LAOt SLEEPING AND D'NINQ CAM Are run on toe Bonlogton Bout . Information conocrnmr Foate , lUUa , Comictt.onetc. . , will be cheerfully friven by app yin at tbe offlw of the I urJ ( rton lloute , 61.1 tourtoentn Street , Omaha , hebraaka. O.E PERKhS. D W. UUCHcOCK. Uen'l i > uuu'erG * " - wf ' " Pa ( - AgX J. O. PHILL1PI , S Joa. , Mo. 0 neral Agent , Omaha. U P. UUEL , f p-dl 1 Ick et Afect , ICC a w * k In your own town. Terms tad fS ) DD omfii fr j. Adilrees U. Hallett It Os. cnland , M ONLY MEDICINES That Acts at the Same Time on "HE LIVER , FS BOWELS. and the KIDNEYS. they TOre SRRI81S SUFFERING , i , Con UpstIon sad Pllei , orKM- nyj ( xraplklats , Cr'f ! DUbetw. f-dlntret In the TJrfne , BIUT ' or 50P7 rriB n or Bhcn- IEJ ti ? Pains and Ache * . | .icfH-dtecaaMthftWoMUpotMBSd V:1 * - Tarr thi . shoo- : ! nave t e n ' ] } ieinj--.nl'- ' - I KIDNEY-WORT ' t - i --ei-re ti ' 'eliliv artlon an4alltbe e - - - < Tar-5a.-asfe fnctL'e. 2rj' .l ww. to ± e cnintwr. Tike it ,5 .c a'-altawll'oaeesEsrcelsdde f3 ofhw svfTar lorl * ' rornt * i / 'ri"ac'-l'5 tacVc ? ' ' ' > 'vf'zz-i' s-jc'idlatrsaa t ' : ; i = T3 76S. . c ssiiit . -e.ir ; . rr' ffii Z Sii"X. . THEE APPETIZER SURE CUR For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUL - ' > TION , and all Diseased of the THROAT and LUNGS. The tu t a * plaM * prepintiun in the kisown wnr.d By jdiling toTOLU BOCK ml RYE * . . Lemonjul'-e. you h ve ueselIentAppetlzer nd Tonic. furten-ril and family u-c. r . Iromei'fe and I T" ? lnir M ! S "nd ttcnnnieroua Its imonul * rcicitvl dai' ' > ar the boot ulrti. . | of Its 'Irtuisuuil pui ul&'itv. Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. PAIITIflM . . .DON T BE DECEIVED by uiiprinalple.1 d al ra who try to palm off \.p.iTi. . UrlU I I Dili common Rock and Rye in place of our TOLU ROCK and RYE , which U . .o only MElilCATED artl.-Ie made , the OEXl INK Bavin ? a OOVERNMKNT STAMP on * ach bflUlf Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenu" : TREASURY DEl'AKnJEVT. OFFICE OF INTERNAL Ri.VKNll- > Wjuni.toio * . 13. C. , J niury 28 , 1JSO. T Ktttn. LAWBKNCE * MARTIN , 1111 Mad'ion St. , Chleigo , M'i. . OKjrL'MS.x : This compcund. In the opinion of thUotflce. would have a aiuficient qiuntlti ! * BAI S\M t'F TOLU to nl\e it all the a h.in-are tun } ia thU anido lu pectoral cumphl ' . while the vhUkyard the qymp con tltutc an cmulninn reiulerlrit 1C an agreeable rooiftljta HHI L&t nt. CnmpuunJedaccbr las tu thornni'.i , it nn\ properly be clas-eilaa a MEDtGV41t PKEPARATIO under the prjvl.iois m U. H tiw.l SUtt-tw. uid when noiUmpfU , tray 1.1 sold by DruigUts , Anothe r and Oth r Pw n itr.ou. r nileiin them Uabl < i to par rf nl Mt a > liquor < ! ei ! r8 Your ) Rfsin-ctfully , ( Sliti.e n OBESN. B. BAUM.Commlselonpr LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GROCERS and DEALERS everywhere WHO 18 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CFOCRAPHY O rHJS COUNTRY. SEE BY EXAMINING THIb MAP. THAT THE CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK 3 It * main line runs from Chicago .o Council i Liberty. Iowa CitT.Maron o , Brooklyn , ( irlnnell. Peg Molnes ( the captUI of Iowa ) , diuaru Atlan tic and Avoca : with branches from Ilur iu Junction to Peorla : Wlllon Junction toMu ca- Ute. Washington. Folrtold. KMon. Uolknap. CentroTlllp. Princeton. Trenton. Gallatln. ' " me- rnn. Leavonworth. Atchlson. and Kaasiu City ; Waehlngton t Sl ournt < 7. Oskaloosa , and Knox- Vlllo ; Keokuk to K rmlnru > n , Itonaparte , Uen- i UiDSDon , Indepcnrtflnt , Klilon. Ottumws. Eildy- Tlllo , O9kikl < x > 3a. Pelln.Mnnroe. and Dca Molnos : Notrtoo tu lloaroe ; Det Molnea to Indlannla and Wlnl retj AUunttj to L wla and Audubnn ; and A "oca to IlarUn. Tnu la positively the only Railroad , which own ; , and operate * a through line from Cnlrufto Into the St-it of Kansas. Thronjih Expre * * I"a 6eneer Train * , wltn Pnll- m&n "aloce Can attached.areruu each waf dally between CniCAQO nnj I'KOHIA. KASHAS CITT , COUNCIL BLUFTB. j > rAviswoiiTii and ATCHISON - SON . Thr > u8hcamiirenJsorunbetweenMi'"Tiu- leo nml Kanivu City , via the "Mllwaukeo and Bock Island Sh - J.IHK" Tb Great Vjct Island * * la macnlflcpntly oqnlnped. If road bed Is slmplr perfect , and its track b laid with eteel mi ! ? . What will pleneo jou most win bo the plcasnn of onlaylna your meal" , while niuslne orerthe beautiful pralntM ot Illinois and Iowa. In one of ( nrmaanln'cent DlnlnxCars that accompuny all Torouzli Biuro < Trnln * . Ton net an entire meal , u good aa Is nerved In nny Srst-claas hotel. rorserenty-OTO centn. J pprertatln * the fact that it majority of the people prefer separate apartmcntM furdlfTarcnt pnrpo < i ( and the Immense pasceneer business ct Oils Mne wnrrantlne Itj. weari-plra Ml t un- nounce that this Company runs Iullman I'atate for ( leaping purposes , and I'nlace BETWEEN THE EAST & THE i Vintng Curt for eatlnx purposesonlr- ' - * ! irreat frato.ro of cuI'liUcc Curt \ a M VI 1 SALOON ner yoii can eujo/ jour - J' I at nil nonr # < > f tbo ttij. I Maitnlncent Irun Bridjre * upon the M i > rr't > na Ml .viurl nvoniat all polnta crtw < y. 1 llnr. and transrersaroKToldeOatCounc' . > al. Kansa * City. Leavvnworth. and AtrhlsOt "if cp tlnnft b intrmade In Union Dopnt . T1IK I'HINCli'AL , K. H. CUNNKCTlVN - < THIS UKEAT TUROUUII LINK AK V M > LLO\VS At CniCAiin. wttb all drrcnrtn liner Vw * E t and Bouth , . St. W.AC . At WASHINGTON UEIUOTS. with f. C At LA 8ALLr. with IIL Cent. U. R. Atl'KoniA. with P P. AJ7 : P.D. AB. ( . W. . 111. Mid. , and T. I" . 4 W. Rda. At KUCK IKLA.NII WltnM1I UQ * > W i * * < bland Short Line. " and Hock Idl'dft rV i At UAVEsroiiT. with the IMTtfnport i C.M.ASUP il-K. At\VEtrrtaiiiirrr.withth B C.K.A - * AttKl > NELlArltn Central Iowa K. M. 11 DEM Moi.Ntrf. with I ) M. A r. D. U. n At COCNCIL. ULtrrrK. with Union ficuit - At OMAHA , with B. * Mo. R. K. It. m Nr : AtCoLCMBC JCNcrm .wiU > B..c.t.i.r- At orrrMWA. wiln Ccntrtl ! < . u. t St. 14 I'MU nd C. B. A O. It. Rrti. At hK KCK.wlth ToL.Teo. A VT r. [ Wlti. Lonrs A Pnc. . and at U. Keo. A N.-W. K H < . AtCAMEliov. wltalLHt-J K.R. At ATCTIISOv , wtta Atch. . Totxta A ban . - A ten. A Neb. and Con. Dr. C. P. R. Bd * . At I.CA VENWOWT11. with Kan , Pao. ' Cent. R. Kdn. AtKANSAi Crrr.wlth all lln s for to * "It ami Southwmjt P17Zi1 < VAN PAI.ACE OAKS r . ran thron.h to PKOKIA , DK MUliftr X > rTNCJII. MX.TJFF8 , KANHAM CIXV. ATCIIISOW. end I.KA vfc > w6RTit Ticket * via tnta Llnr. knovn tha Grvnt Sock Iilanil fiuntc. " rc ! > . milJTleXet Auents In the Vnltrd Htntt * nnil CuniMlB. For InfornnvtlOQ not ohtnlnnl > 1 t jonr home ticket ofllc , < ldr i . A. . BUIkTBALTE. . ST. &enl SupcilnteoiMnl. Uen'l Tit. Chfeasr GHA 'i VERIG FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS And everyming pertaining to the Furniture an1 upholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THE O3BCja.es. p U mon Ui * at aiid 1 10 Famham StreeL Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator IE1 O IE 1 88O. MANUFACTURED BY P , P. MAST & CO. , SPRINGFIELD , They also make Buckeye Improved Iron Henm Walking Cultivator , with or without 8j rings. TheXew Force Feed Buckeye Drill , one or two Horse Bnquir * for them at the best dealers. F. H. PUSH , Gen. Agent , Umaha , Neb A. H. Guno. Manufvtnrer of Moiln M - cht > ie , TrBmiBsbar ? . NY , ra s ; My thamb vu cangbt InamachlneanJ vubidlvJajarH. 1 applied ZcJertrlo Oil with a ia > t foBtint re lief. I h a large acmb T of men oplor 4 nd Kavly e-n ry oo * of tbeia vtef it. V. Snzziu ? . el Oicixla , ill b.wntI b ' t f j yoia Idtctrie O3 on bor-es for dlffw > t dAf ! f ) , and loimd It and JB tha best 00 r cias 3si b as ! , Odd. BXATOOCT. Bfcll. P Q. . ny : 1 &aro arfn wM a mtiJJdn * wilcfe hsa ren Vftn 'barstizb Jfi > r o ed a taay nwa ease.oa . -wfci the b e tot Cole * ? -x > NERVOUS DEBILIT/ Humphreys' utnmmtr * ' In u 2 - - - c stul remedy kotwn. Prl 31 vUlsandlirzo-rUISf tKiwderforJ5 , wntv.- * . HUMPHRx- free on receipt of prl HOMEO. 1IEI > CO , ' 09 Fulton St. , Ntw C- litest. C l gu of Eowlp'Jl - DB. A. j . GfiHSyLTIHfi PHY81GL4' !