THE DAILY SEE. E. HOSEWATEB : EDITOR. TQ CORRESPONDENTS- On CevXnr FtUJCBS vt mill always be plwed to > .tar from , on til nutters connected with rror , country po'.lllca , nj on wy subject whatever. of general interest ! to the people of cmrS'ato Anj lafoimation connected with tl e elections , u d nlatiss ; to floods , accidents , Trill b eolv received. AH oca cotmnualca- tIot how.T rinu.t U Irfef a possible ; nd they muslin all caeeibe r en on one tide oft I f beet only. Tra Nxr or Witna , in full , must in each Kid of wry cane accompan y nj comanBleaHon wtaA ratnre sotTi r. This is rM Intetdid for publication , but for < KJrMcn sati fattlon nd M proof cf good fatta. , j- AxKOCiccxWbni of can&Uaia fer.OBee * hetb- er m0e ry crll or Jrgnd * , and bethr u ncn tites or conmr5 1jk > n | to b Editor , are Until riominajfonprjrroide steply..pcrionaV and will tof charged fcrMidvertlsnrenfci. Wir-o i.oT < lesir contribution ! cfa lltor ryor poetnal character ; n < l we irtll not tmdsrtakf ' to p mrrtcr ns-ive thes-me Jn my cue bttT r. Our rtaff U ruffldent y larg * tenon non thin tupply our limited tpioc. All communications fhonld be adrVceeed to E. BOSKWATER , Edltcr. HATICHAL REPUILIGAN TICKET. TOR JAMES A. GARFIELD ; of Ohio. CHESTER A. ARTHUR , of New York. T KB party which repudiate * It lost. LOOK out for the sewerage and ven tilation , and the doctors-will look out for THEEK is no doubt that the next house of representative will "be largely republican ; three years hence the sen ate will b * equally BO. - Irissa'd ' that Col.Forney is to re ceive $6,000 for his C4mpaiin ; life of Gen. Hancock. Thii is John's price for jumping the republican party. BAZAINE , the defender ol 3Ietz , who Buffered inclnrious exile tfter the clone of the Franco Prusso war , it reported as seriously ill. HEAL Jpw , of Maine , hai acceptec the nomination for the presidency Viy the prohibition party. Ncal will be prohibited from the presidency. HANCOCK'S "great staving powers' arc much praised by democratic or- liana. The subject of HnnoocVV BUys" is bein ? preity well ventilated thronghout the country. THE democratic demand for a change , in the face of good crnpi , ant a lively business boom won't strike the average voter with any particularly trontf force. "Let wellenough alone * ii a gomd motto. THE New York Timta ia after the vultures of the law in the shops o jailors deputy aheriffi and prison keepers who ply a profitable trade in robbing ; prieionen committed to their care. The evil is not confined to cities as far east as New York. THE state department has caughl Spain in a plain lie in reference to thn -firing upon an American vessel by the Spmisft gnn fro&feaeH : - Evarta propocea to make Alfonso's ministry apologist or "walk Span iah. " V ' TOT rumor that Franca is to re main neutral in case ol war "between Greece and Turkey is denied by the Paris Gales , -which atsarts that tbe French gouemmcnt is about to tend A general and sixty officers with arms to assist the Greeks. ACCORDING lo 'the Htralil Omaha tar-payers will be $150OpO"ont of pocket in-twenty-fire years by disrupt ing the Holly job last year. We con fess our inability to match the editor of the Herald as a mathematician. He says Holly's twenty-one miles of pipe would cover a great deal more ground than Locke's twenty-High milec , nod asserts that the Holly four million gallon pumps and engines wereprefer- nble to pumps ancl engines of & capac ity of five million gallons per day which ire are to get under the LooVo contract. The eminent mathematician also figure * that SlO ydrauis for S21tKX3 a'year are cheaper than 250 hydrant'i for the Bains price even though' the latter wore six inch hy drants instead of four inch. For the same- reason , we presume , Omaha vould have derive'd greater advantage from Holly's contract 'without , reser > voirs and with no specific plan , than with Lockes contract that requires ' nine millions gllonN' terTCiIrii nd ? * i * - Kl * machinery to correspond. . S / „ ; " * * M * It was an affecting scene that exanv' inatlon in New'i5or fof'Trrjhh'Da"Ten- ' nort relative to frAadulent naturaliza tion papers by "Coffee Pot" Wallace's c mmilt e. Wallace gainefhis nick- ' i ame by his ingenious system of soak ing bogus paper * in coffee to give them RO appearance of age. Davanport f und them bolder irrNow York wherf ihej Toted on'freah papers within six weeks , and the democratic courts kept * professional witnesses to swear'- for everyone who wanted such cervices. THX increase of the foreign trade of the United States for the fiscal /year ending Jane SO is worthy of at tention. Daring this period thn ex- rcrtB and Imports were the heaviest in the history of th country , and the domestic tiports for the month of June were almost double thnme of pny rrespondtng period. For the port of % Tuw York'alone the imports were $524,844,862 agaicjt $306,746,124 for I st year ; sad the exports were $400 , r 768,000 agalBBt $351,319,610 for last year. lathe year of ths heaviest fade heretofore , 1S72 , the imports ware $426,321,437 ; and the exports of the heaviest > previoa.yASJ , 1878-9. wer $302 44,063. J bg- exports for Jjne tthportof New ! York alone , . . r ia to be remembered , 'were | 43- ' for' the ame month laet year. "Of course a preat part of-tiii export YM grain - ] e * ed by the syndicate. THE STATE PAIH. The local committee who'kave in charge the erection of thelbailiings' for the coming state falr andStKe proper arrangement of the groundare pushing matters forward withjurigor and at the same time"wth a"oarewhich bodes well for their early and thorough completion. They are shoeing an energy as desirable as it is worthy of praise , and from present indications Omaha will do her full share toward making the Stile Fair of 1880 a suc cess. Our people have justly earned a reputation. , for never doing , things by halves. This reputation mustbe" sastained. _ Our Tcitixenc should enpport the hands of jthe local . * - * - . , , * * ir * " - 3 L „ - -n and state committee financially asiwell ! as by making atfull exhibit of , our various - rious productn and indnslrias. Oma ha's position gsjywsnjlfBcturing and industrial centre should be clearly placed be'ore th'e peoplec-ofgiiiebraska at tne coming exhibhjon. To this end all of our citizens , the- ; results of whose daily business come under.-the lists open for competition shopld en deavor to place their goods on Exhibi tion and in competition with other * . This done , with a good attendance of our paople and with the best possible hotel accommodations for the crowds who will flock into the -city , Omaha's contribution towards the success of the State Fair will be ample and sat isfactory. Butte , the state at .large , more than to any ftne city or locality , will belong a large pirt of the credit for a success ful and satisfactory fair. The exhibit in September is intended to be a com plete and comprehensive showing of the resources of Nebraska. Her ag ricultural wealth her possibilities in stock raising and wool growing , her industrial advancement and progress in the mechanical arts all should re ceive that attention whish they deserve. Our farmers shoild make no delay in preparing to exhibit specimens of their farm produce , which will bear comparison with that of any state In the Union , stock growers should care fully select the best from their herds and flocks , and our county agricul tural societies should unite In sending to the fair careful exhibits of the wealth of their seel ion ? . With an united eD rt to advance { he best in- terpBB of ou" state fair and mike the people of other and adjacent static , as well * 8 thofe of our own , acquainted with Nebraska's constant growth and progress , * nd under the auspices of an able and disinterested board of man agers , such as we now have , the com ing fnir will at once reflect credit upon the people of our state and communi ty as well ai upon their representa tives in the state board of agriculture. THE urgent importance of immedi ately extending .he South Omaha creek sewer from its present terminus in the First ward , eastward to the river , cannot be overestimated. As i Is now , there is not the slightest doub that it is a pestilence breeder of nc small proportions , and is largely re sponsible for the heavy death rate 01 theJTirat ward. This can be clearly and mathematically proved from city mortality reports for the last year. According to the- annual report o ( IheToity physician , covering the perioc from May 1 , 1879 , to April 1 , 1880 , the total number of death occurring in the six wards were 346 , of 'which one hundred and nineteen the First ward , a section less thanone third of the whole city.v During the same period the Second ward reporte ( 66 deaths , Third ward'33 , Tou-th ward 17 , Fifth ward SO , Sixth ward 61 in hospitals 11. Th5 reports'for April "and Mny of the present year tell an equally alarm ing/story. 3he death rate1 for April is given asTolloivs : whole .number 28 First ward 11. Second11 ward 9. Third ward 2.Tourth ward l.-Fifth'ward 1 Sixth ward 6 , while in May a corresponding pending discrepancy Is noted , the whole number of deaths being S4 , , o whioh number the First ward again lead * off with 15 , nearly one half. "When the figures are taken into consideration and the alarming foot ing is made , that out i of 398 death's occuring'in thirteen months in out city 145 of them have taken place in a single ward , the imperative seed of , immediate action ; is Lat fence made necossary. * The filth ane washings of ft by no means cleanly portion of the city are poisoning the atmosphere of the First ward. The odor from the outlet of the newer can at times be perceived four blocks off , helpless children and residents who are compelled to live in the noxious atmosphere are daily feeling the deadly effects , , The extension of. the sewer , al | least to * Ninth street , should im- juediatily b& made and the lives of the people of the First ward placed out of jeopardy. " * " Should the present condition , of affairs continue , property will inevita bly depreciate and the locality obtain a name for unhcalthfulness which it will take years'to efface. Mixed Piety. Stw York Commercial AdrertUer. An old farmer on a Hudson river train the other morning wai heard to exclaim to a friend : "It was d d hot list night , but corn" was growing all the time , thank God. " Crowded Uxn&ha. Lincoln Globe. Omaha is the largest city within a tract of conn Fry embracing the * states of Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska and " the territories of Dakoia , Wyoming , "Montana , and on west to the Pacific i * tat s. Nebraska .istproud to know' ' that the'largest city of the west is located-within her borders. Good , Political Wjsather.- „ Boston Trsnioript. * & ! " , * This ia very favorable " political weather , thank you. Senator Cam eron , almost , hopelessly fll , has recov ered with marvelous rapiditv'and now talks confidently of sweeping Penn- sylvaniafor Garfield. Roscoe Conk ing , instead of going abroad for his lealth , wiirreoreate a few days , when is proposes to make things lively for he Hancock men in New York..We can alaie Um-on.wluLXhe.Patjrould , call tKe"9ulwst authority. " " 'The lemocratic "national' committee had wtter begin to trot out their "mules" " Nothing like "Copenhagen" for a brisk canvass. HASVABD'S ' HARVEST Dust , Doubt , Despondency and . Drought Vanish Before - - ' .Showers * and Sun- shine. The Hurrrof-the Harvester Heard in the Land „ * Town. Gossip. Cerrerpondtnc * of Ibs B : . HAEVAKD , July 10. The spring and summer of 1880 will long be remem bered throughout Nebraska as a rare season of season of gloom , dust- , < doubt , despondency and drought. Our daily dust WES much less a matter of doubt than our daily-bread at that critical time , though many anxious thoughts were bent in the direction of a future supply of the latter commodity. "The 8 } ing clouds withheld their stores of rain and the parched earth failed to put fprth its uauil rank growth of veg etation. During weary daysand weeks , stretching into months , alarm and dcubt saton every countenance , while wheat fields and gardens promised to remain us barren of substantial fruits AS a democratic campaign of victories. Ono farmer near Harvard had 1200 acres of small pram , but infected ny the universal alarm he kept h's men and teams at work plowing up at the rate of 15 , acres per day , and plant ing to corn , -until at length the win ; dowa of h2aven * were opened , the rains descended , tlie gentle floods came , aud now what remains of that wheat-field gives promise of a fair yield. North of this city crops of every description are unusually fine , and many farmers are reckoning on 18 to 25 bushel * of wheat per acre. Corn is looking mag nificent , and "Irish lemons" will soon ba a dru : ; on the market. Hay is short , and many shrewd farmers are raisnig sod corn for fodder , which , under the benign influence of nightly showers and daily sun , cannot fail to remunerate. Already the hum of the harvester is heard in many a field , while our grocers are busy filling orders for har vest supplies. Straw generally will be short this season , so that drapers in "headers" are heading off the self- binder men. A gang of men with a ten-horse power corn shelter twkled W. J. Tur ner's 600-foot corn crib recently , and are chewint ? uy 1600 bushels da'ly. There are yet some 80,000 bushels in crib here AriiMit fnr y wedded conples of our city ga'.iiered in city bull a few even ings ngo to celebrate the sixty- eighth birthday of the proprietor , much - fellow-towns our re-poted - man , W. H. Hammond. Tables were improvised , and laden with the sweet things of the land , for the delectation of tl OEP present. An elegftnt gold-headed , mssnve cane , handsomely chased and fittingly en- craved , was then presented to the venerable g n'leman ' aa & token of the respect and esteem of our citizens. The presentation speech , by Judge Haves , ws a model of its kind , and the respousa by the recipient was good , although it was delivered in a voice husky with emotion. It ii safe ton mirk ( sof"o race ) that Mr. Hammond mend is younger than either of his sons ( though doubtle a he was bom fir.-t ) , for when the tables were clsared off , and " > he band began to clay , " he cotillioned and schnttisched with the epger graca and nimbleneis of a Texan grasshopper in an onion patch. Politics hereabouts stand a good deal or discussion , but when any of the demo-rob stalwarts attempt to usually cornered in the debate by some old republican centenarian who known jnoreof historical-facts than-is pleas ing to democratic ears. The fact ie , too , thu those chaps down at Cincin nati played too much English on the game to suit the loyal portion of the democracy. The enumerators have found 11,32- inhabitants in Clay county. As to the per cent of increase in the last decade , it's nearly all per cent , for the count ] was oraanized less than n i.e years ago with lets than 200 people within its limits. Hxmmond is rejoicing ( ? ) over prospective addition to her list of le gal aentlfmen , aa Dame Rumor leads us to inter that at lea t three speoia trains will be necessary traurpor the gentleman's _ law librarv from the Pacific coast , to be as follows : Con saltation , to appear in justice court , $25 ; retainer in all oases , 850 , and si on. W.A. 0. IOWA ib OILED DOWN. An artificicial stone manufactory ic beinj ; started in Keokuk. Htnry Lamer , of Muscatine , is 102 years old , and as vigorous * as mos men fit 70. The slaughter of prairie chickens , contrary to law , has commenced ic some ot the western conn ties. The new creamery at LaPorte ex pects this fall to handle 10,000 pounds of milk daily. The Davoupoit savingabank has re ; duced the rate of interest to 4 par cent. Marshalltown goes glucose next , 22x274 or. the ground and seven sto ries high the dimensions. Weber City brickmakers uee corn cobs for fuel a x pronounce thorn su perior. * The ra'lway ' bridge at Dubuque across the .Mississippi is to be thor oughly retimbored. Burlington proposes to build % a 550,000 opera house. It will be stock affair , Jhe capital furnished by a few wealthy citizens. - - Fayette county claims to rank as the boss butter county of the state. The shipments thu > far , this season have averaged 400,000 pounds'per month. Hon. John Diron , of Maha-ka , has a young apple orchard of 12,000 trees ; from which he expects to pick 40,000 bushels this year. Three counterfeiters of silver coin wer arrested and tken to Dubuque on Saturday , from Mitchell countj- . With them tb.eb'ffice'-s ' tooklialf a eack 'nil of spurious silver coin , mostly in SO cent and 25 cent pieces.- Waterloo has a population of 5,621 and Oedar Falls of 8,350 , a gain for ; he former of 1,284 , and a loss for the alter of 358 since 1870. The total of the county is 23 908. Tn 1875 it was 22,913 and in 1870 21,706. The Wesley creamery in Eossuth county from May 17 to June 21 made .315 pounds of butter from 2800 uchea of cream. From June 4 to 21 the net return to patrons was 15 9-10 cent * per inch of cream. Cedar Rapids-Grinnell , Tola-do and ( lanhalltowD are-candjdatM for the ilucrse factory closed by th > Dei iloines authorities. Atlantic alto comes with a projpsct of getting the > lanr if she will offer inducements. Blnoad tbo Sailor. Herald There U an intention "in certain quarUta- hoiEf Mr Tijd < n upon Jeneral Hancopk's back. " The old ; entleman himself would { ladly take * he ride. The Cincinnati convention passed a resolution which he construe * into an invitation" to mount , and the democratic national committee , at : heir meeting la Gramercy Park , ex hibited an indiscreet willmgness to belp him up. But before Gen. Han cock lends his broad back to the bur- ien we tespectfnlly counsel him peruse intelligently a few pages in a volume with which he doubtlesi was familiar In his youth , though his memory of it mny have grown rusty in maturity. We refer to the "Arabian Nights' Entertainments , " and the passages spscially poramendable to his attention are * contained in the narrative of the ifth voyage of Sinbad the Sailor , as told by Scheherazade to the SulUn on the eighty third and eighty fourth nights. "When I was a Httle advanced into the island. " said Sindbad , "I saw an old man who appeared vary weak and 'eeble. I went toward him and sa- lu'ted him , asking him what he did there , but instead of answering me be made & sign for me to take him upon y back and carry him across the btook. 1 believed htm really to stand in need of my help , and so took him upon my back , and having carried limover bade him get down ; but in stead of that the old man ( who to m had appeared very decrenit ) clasped dis leps nimbly about my neck , sit astride upon my shoulders , and held my throat so tight that I thought he would have strangled me. He never left me all day , and when I lay down to rest me by night he laid litmself down with me , holding al ways fast about my neck. Every morning he pushed me to make me a wake'and at'erward obliged me to cet up and walk , and pressed me with bis feet. " "You may judce , thengejtlemau , " added .Sinbad , 'iwhat trouble * was in , to \ > < * loaded with such a burden , of which I could by no means rid my self. " POLITICAL NOTES. Ex-Governor Rice , of Mass. , refuses to be candidate for congress. Governor Colquitt's renomination by the democrats of Georgia is ex pected. Senator Newton Booth expresses confidence that the republicans will oirry the Pacific states. Ex-Go v. Garcelon , of Maine , has lost a lucrative practice in Lewiston , and is said to be in needy circum stances. The Washington correspondent of th New York Post says that Presi dent Hayes is expected to make a political speech on the Pacific coast. The Colorado republican state con vention has been called to meet in Learlvllle on August 26. This will make the campaign 10 weeks in length. Ex-RepresentaHva Frank Jones , whom the New Hampshire democrats were expecting to nominate for Gov ernor , has refused to run for the office. John H. Starin , the steamboat man and republican , who now represents the twentieth New York district in congress , declines to be a candidate for re-election. - % Bob Insersoll remarks that the dem ocratic nomination is not good enough to recure any republican votes , and not bad enough to excite great enthu siasm among the democrats. Secretary Thompson thinks Indiana is all secure for Garfield and Arthur this fall. ' He deesn't remember n cam paign for years whi < h wa BO full of promise for the republicans as is the present one. Gen. John A. Logan opened the re publican campaign in Illinois by a strong speech at Murphysboro , his old horde , on Wednesday night last. He spoke for two hours and a half , and was well received. After the 4th of November Han ; "cock" wilt atiUhave a chance to go in with Jubal Early and Be uregard , turnmt ; the wheel of the Louisiana state lottery company. Certwnly one good turn deserves another. Cant. John S. Wise , a son of the late Henry A. Wise , is running for congress in the Richmond , Va. , dis trict , as an independent candidate , and he says that if he cannot be elected he at leaet can cause the defeat of the regular democratic nominee. The New Hampshire republican state committee has elected Benrv H. Bate , of Manchester , chairman , Geo. EJenks _ , of Concordsecretary ; , Jno. Kimball , of Concord , treasurer , and Senator Rollins , of Concord , chair man of the executive committee. The official returns of the Oregon election give George , republican. ISO ? majo/ty for congress. 1 he total vote wrt - . ' ,812 more than in 1878 , when Whiteaker , democrat , now defeated , w < iselected. . The three republican candidates for supreme court ju'dges had an average majority of 1696. A superstitious voter in Norwich , Conn. , ba set two hens , each with 12 eggs. He has dedicated one to Hnn- cock and thaxother to Carfield , and ia waiting to see which bird produces the greater number of chickens. Ao the hens hatch , so he says , will he vote. Ool. Thos. Rafferty , late Lieute nant Colonel of the 71ut N. , Y. Vol unteers , Third Army Corps , publicly states that a canvass among about 70 of the former officers of that Grope , at its recent annual re-union , showed that only four of them will vote for General Hancock. The Third Corps , was commanded by Hancock. After a bitter contest , Representa tive W. 0. Whilhorne has been nomi nated for re-election to congress by the democrats of the Seventh district of Tennessee. The nomination was made on the fifty-third ballot. The republicans of the district will make a nomination , possibly ex-Revenue Col lector D. B. Cliff or , Judge A. M. Hughes , formerly United States dis trict attorney for the Middle district of the state. During Gen. Garfield'a seve'nteen years' career in congress , says The Cleveland Leader , a portion of the time serving as chairman of the com mittee on appropriation * , and disburs ing over 81,000,000,000 , out of which position he could have realized mill ions if he was dishonestly inclined , he never accumulated any property to any great extent , and thus to-day he is comparatively a poor man. Senator Blainehas returned Augus ts , Me. , where he haB , refused the earnest entris * of his constituency to permit them to offer him a formal re- option. The Kennebeo Journal says that "had Mr. Elaine consented there would have been the largest and most enthusiastic demonstration that has ever taken plac in the Konebeo val ley. " The senator will at once rush into campaign work. Tnre * Time * and Out. N w York Tribune. The democrats are making their third attempt to bamboozle the soldier rote. They will fail , as they have every time before. SOME YEARS AGO a dentist wetit about the country cur ing people's gnmsand attending to their teeth. He made money and re tired. He was really successful. HB says now that all housed on them was SOZODONT. It was Irue. He - stored the health of the mouth by this natural remedy.1 - He stuck like SPALDDTO'S GLUZ to his customers and cured them. * * df41 < * * 4 " THE MOGUL MIGRATES , And Strikes Pacific Junction in Time for a Square Meal. -M A Peep at the 'City Thrdugh & Pie Orusfc. Corraipo dwic * of Ths .Bee. PACIFIC JUNCTION , la. , July 20. "Pacific Junction , " called out the bwkeman in a voice whish seemed to indicate that he feared the passen gers might suspect him of practical jokes , and in a few moments the train which carried your correspondent draw up before an ordinary -oking. . depot. A few passengers after being assured that they had arrived in the the riiral suburbs town proper , And not urbs , alichted. and , as the twin moved bn , discovered themselves facing a city ot some eight or ten1 houses on the opposite side of the track , promi nent among which was the "Eclipse" House , which roust have been built in anticipation of the coming town , and which loomed up in majestic con trast with i's ' humble neighbors. And here let it bs said that the outward appearance of- this hostelry is by no means deceptive , as your correspond eut during his brief sojourn at the Junction enjoyed ita hospitalities. More enjoyable , well served and dl- testable meals it would be difficult to 5nd at any time , wh'le ' the Quaker neatness wtijeh prevails throughout thehonseiK a flight to the weary traveler- For a number of years the bouse his bean undertlie management of Mr. W.Woodhurstex-warden of the Nebraska penitentiary. Recently , however , it * hi ! changed hands , and now the genial and accommodating Geo. Cole , formerly of'North Platte , Neb. , presides. Pacific Junction is situated in Mills county , Iowa , on the'C. , B. & Q. rail road , some sixteen milea from Coun cil Bluffs. Here the Kansas City and Nebraska road crosses the 0. , B. & Q. at right ancles , and the B. & M. crossing from Flattsmoutb , about five miles west of the t'nvn , tiiakoa con * nections with both of the aforemen tioned rods. Notwithstanding the fact that it ha ? been a junction for some years , the place has never pro gressed , owing to its proximity to the terminus of the C. , B. &Q. road , but now are ita citizens happy , indeed. ConsideringHhe number of inhabitants in the place thn quantity of happiness is astonishing. The postmaster is seri- oursly'oontemplating the advisability of being an assistant when the man who keeps the general store , and who has been s'tting ' down the greatest part of his existance here , is taking lessors in standing in order to he equal to the coming emerppnpy. This is atl because the 0. B. & Q R. B , , company have decided to establish a division station at this point and also build extensive stockyards. A round house is ulready under way and the advent , of a large body of workingmen has lent an unusual active appearance to the place. The town site is owned by Frank & Elmendorf of Corning , Iowa , and lots are being eagerly sought after. It is a delight ful location , on a beautiful track of land gently sloping ; from the pic turesque bluffs to the Missouri river. The soil in the vicinity is second to none in the stao while a seemingly unexhaun'ible quantity of timber is within easy access. access.THKO S QORHAM. DR. J. D/COOK , ot Cookgville , Bcird County , On. , writes : MXSIM. P. XXCST1U > TXR & CO. Gentlemen : Ismb.ipyto Inform you thtt "Anaktuis , " Dr. B .SIU > > ' " P.l Rem dy met WtThij tTpprolalinft ; ThTvo tried it In three dlffer-iit > , and it has not fal ed to relnvo -hem at onre. The ra'-'mt ' that had It for two yaarstaya he think * bell well , and that he & 1- * MJI tipocU to keen a box on hand lor fear It uii ht come b-etc ajaln ; another caee ot short duration used ot It tbrce ippllcatlons and P&JB 8he is entirely veil. It In t > o best thtnj ; I have over B6 n for piles. 1 will use it in my practice vincn needed. Your * obediently , J. D. COOK , SL D. Mna * iit" Dr. SilsWa External Pile Remedy is ; oid b Urugi3U er rrwhere. Price SI 00 p r bJX. Samples mailed frtt to ill stifferera b > P. NeuUe < lte > & Co. . Bole na-ufacturera.Box3916 NewTork THE best gift to give to your enemy is forgiveness ; to your opponent ; tolerance ; to a friend , your heart ; to your child , a good example ; to a father , deference ; to your mother , conduct that will makt hei proud of you ; to yourself , respct ; to al ! ine < , charity , and to the siok , Simmons' Liver Itegulator. I found it excellent for sour B'omach , indigestion , dizziness and headache. A. J ADKIN8 , A GREAT FRENCH PHILOSOPHER once defined a doctor to be "a person who pours dru s , anout which he knows little , into a body oona ° rniuz which he knows lex , in order to CUM dUea > FSof which he knows nothing , " and the tmpirieal , Mrbkroui , useless treatment of piles s ncethedayjof Hyporates. when doctors burc- ed the 'r.m < rs off nub red hot iron , down t the absurd wonder-curta and nostrums of modern quacks v > ould reem to bear testimony to the H'sdom of the Frenchman. Tho'KT at modern benefactor of the modern racola now admitted by ercry one to be Dr. Sl ! oee , the diioorerer ol ati infall bio pile remedy ! n ' Anattsii " This mlraculou cure for the most pai'iful ' of al diseases in regarded as the scientific triumph ol the Age , and Is preicrlbed and endorsed b } phy sicians of all sshools. It U not taken Internally but applied ai a suppository direcjy to the a'- feotfil part. It give ? Instant relief , t oothee pain as a poultice ; preg es up the turners aaan instru ment , and ultimuelr cures piles by its medic * tion. "AncHeri * " Dr. S. Sllnbee'ii External Pile Itemed } , is sold by all first class druggists. Puce 81.00 per "box. Samples mailed free to all suf ferers on appllcatio i to P. Kenatacdter & Co. , B X3916 , New York. _ olwaya Cures and never disap points. The -world's great Pain * Reliever for Man and Beaat. Cheap , quick and reliable. PITCHER'S CASTOBIA is not Narcotic. Children grow fat upon , Mothers like , and Physicians recommend CASTOKIA. It regulates the Bowels , cures Wind Colic , allays everighness , and de stroys "Worms. WEI DE METER'S CA TARRH Car * , & Comatitational Antidote for thi , terrible Mala dy , by Absorption. Ta most Important Discovery aince Vac cination , other remodiaa maj relieve Catarra , thia cure * at any atag * b for * Coanmpttoa Mtaln. A. F. RAFERT & . CO ; , Opntractors aiid Bnilden ' Tina Woodwork ? Sp 4 ty. Agents for the Encaustic Tiling 1310 DODGE 8T. , OMAHA. INVALIDS AH ) OTHEE8 HEALTH , STRENfiTHaniEHERGY , WlTflfJOt f BE TJSB OF DRUGS. ABE RE-J QUESTED TO SEND FOIttHE EtECTRIC REVIEW , AN ILLUSTBATEn JO NAL , WHICH IS PUBLISHED FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. Nerrotu. Ixhimtlng and ? lnfu ) DIS MU. Ererj subject that bears upon health and hnraan happiness , r lTM atttntLa lo U < page * : and tb many qun- tions uk d by inhering Innlidt , who have despaired of a cora , ara animrbd , and raluable iuformntion u volunteered to all who nre in need of medical ad- no * . The iubject of Elefnc Belt § ttrnu MMicine , and tbe hundred and ont qnwtion § of"al imWi. tance to ludtring bumanity , are dulj v.oniid ted and explained. explained.YOUNG MEN * Acd others who suffer from Narroui and Ph ; lCAl Deblhtf. Lm of Manlj Vigor , Premature Eihans- tion and the many gloiinj coneequences of eivrljr IndiKietion , etc. , are enpeaally bentflted by con. laltlna lu eontenu. The ELECTRIC REVIEW eipoeei the unmitigated fraudi practiced bj quricki and medical impostors who profess lo "practice mediciue , " Md poluti out the only safe , impje , and em-dire rcmd to Uealiu , Vigor , and Bodily Energy. Send your 8ddres > on [ xwlnl card for a copy , ar > 3 nformation north thousand * Trill benent you. Addre the pnblithere , PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO. . ' -OR. EIGHTH and VINE STS. . CINCINNATI , o AVER'S CATHARTIC PILLS , For all tbe purpose * ot a CURING Ccttiventtt , Jaundice Dyspepsia , Indintt- tion , Dytentery , foul Stomach nnd Breath , UeadachetErytipelai , nits , Rheumatirm , Eruption * and Skin Diteafen.Eillinusnus biter Complaint Dropsy , TtUerTomert "and Salt Rhtuni , Wormt , Goutjfcural- gia , as a Dinrur Ptll , and Purifying the Blood , ire ths most congenhl purgative yet perfected. their effects abundantly show how much they excel all other Pills. Tney are safe and plea-ant ; o take , hut powerful t'i cure. The purge out .he foul humors from the blood ; th nlate thesluggiab or disordered organs into tion : and they impart health and ton to the whole 3eng. ! They ucre not only the nvefy day cum * > ! alnta of everybody , but formidable and danger- m' diseases. Mont skilful physicians , most era- n nt clergymen , anil our best cif ng , Bend csr- nQiatesof cures performed , and of the great hem ills derived fro these Pills. They are the sue.4 ! and bef t physic for children , becanso mild as n ell u effectual. Beln ; susrar coated , they are easy to take ; and being purely vegetable , Phcy art entirely harmlecs. PREPARED BT DR. J. C. AYEB & CO. , LOWEEL , MASS . Practical sad Analytical CbomlatB Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. Always Fresh ! Always Beady ! One of the adtant es thit TARRASfi ArrzRlEKT b mg a dr > - white powder hag over many na ural n.imra ! waters , u the fact that it neVir become * \aiiJ or stale , His. therefore , tbe tiiosl admiral ) ] * preparation not only for trnvellen on land nd tea ; btit ( or all who need abrl lit , fresh. gparklinK alteratlre arid correc tive , and It lj always reajv. BOLD ii i AIL DRUGGISTS MEAT MARKET , I.iMilock'lGth ) St. Fresh auJ Salt Meat * 6 Ail tUnOs constant on band , pricoa reaKontble. Vegetable * ia teai on. food delivered to nv pan ol the city. WM AU8T , * * ' - " " " " " 7 * ' yn tilth Bt HANTA OLAU8 FOUND. Greatest UiBcbVery of tbe Age. WonurrfuldlscoverleslHthl * orld haa been made Among otlitr things where Santa Clans BUjM , Children oft aak if hi makes eooda or not , It really he lives In s taouhtaln of sndnr. Last year an excoralon sailed clfiir tb tHe Pol * And suddenly dropped In to what leemedllXaabol * Where wonder ol wonders they found ancwlanu , WTilla fairy-like bsinirs appeared on each hand. There were mountains liV onn , with more beautiful green , And far brighter fkl a than ever were ttOS , Birds with the hues of a rainbow wrre foand , While flowers ol nxqniiite frajrrance were grow ingaronffd/ Not long were IhBj left to wonder In doubi A beiiisr soon came they had heard muoh abonc , Twag Santa Clans' self and they all say , He Uoked like the picture r eaee every day. fie drove tip a t am that looked vsryqueer , TWEM a team * f grasshoppers Instead of reindeer , B * rod * in a shell instead of a slfilgh , But he took them on board and drove them away. He showed them all over his wonderful realm , And factories making coeds for women -nd men. Furriers were working on hate great and email , To Ounce's tber said they werevendln ? them all. Kris Klnclo , the OloVe Maker , told them at once. All our Gloves we are sending to Bonce , Santa showed them suipenders and many things more. * Gavin ? I alse took tbesa to tiltnd Bonce's store. Santa Clius then whispered a sectot he'd tell ) As in O' < aha every one knew Bnnce well , He therefore should send bis coeds to his care , Knowing his ft Ie > ds will get their fnll share. Now remtmber ye dwellers in Omaha town , All who want preeontt te Dunce's go round. For shirts , collan , or gloves great and small , Send your sister or aunt one and all. Bunce , Champion Hatter of the West , Douglas gtrcet , Omaha Dr. Bosanko's Eheumatio Can AN ALKALI OINTMENT. The acid Blood Is the primary cause and u tainln ? power of Rn PSUTlBM. Where there 'an ' Alkali there can be no KHKCMATISM. C i "DR BOMNKO RHEUMATIC CUBE is chemically prepared Alkaline , neutralizing th acidity and removing Chronic Inflammation by absorption. PrietfSCentt. Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy * A safe ; sure and permanent curr or'tbhoneol tbe most painful , unpleasant , and distressing diseases to which the flesh is heir. We guaran. tee thia remedy to be without an equal for the cure of all kinds of POtt. PHctSO CenU. C. X , AKMBTROKB , Druggist'-and Phtsldan Corunna , Michiian , nays : Tour Pilt Jtontdy has given first-daos satisfaction. The Dr = Bosanko Medicine Co. PIQUA , OHIO. 0. F.IOOODHAN , " mii-d&wtf Axent. Omaha. - ATTENTION , BUILDERS AND CON TRACTORS. The owner of the celebrated * Kaolin Banks , near LOUISVILLE , NEB. , has now ready at the depot at Loulaville , on the B. & M. railroad , to fill any order at reasonable prices. Par- tiee desiring > white front or ornamental brick will do well to give na a call or Bead for sample. J. T. A. HOOTEK , Prop , , M. R. ftlSDON , General Insurance Agent , REPRESENTS : PHENIX ASStniANOE CO. , of Lou- don , Oath Anetv. " 1UI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOA ( Son TIRKMEirs F0HD , California 800000 * BKITJBH AMERICA AB3UBHCECo 1,200:000 : AtKra KB. CO , Aejetf. . . . 000 AMERICAF CEKTRAI Asseta 100,000 Southeast Oor. ef Kftontb & Donzla * 8U nenMlT ; DMAA. JNO. G. JACOBS , ( TorasartyaltHih * Jacobs ) UNDERAKER llptr dty tt horn * . , -UiSfra. Address S .JUtet , BINKIW HOUSES. JLO E9T ESTABLISHED. BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. CALD WELL , H AMI LTONICO ' B.A.1STBZBBS. Busin * < s'rinsaet d Earns as that of an Incor porated Bank. Accounts kept in Currency or gold sabjtet to Hunt oneek vtrfont noifoa Certifleatra n { ilrpos't isiti'd payaHs la tbre . six nd twelTe months , bearing inUrsst , or OB dtmmd wltbont InUreat. Adr.nce made to lUitomsrs on approved M * ouri'lei at nurkst ratea of iRttmt. EujandBell zold. bills of exchvga florvm * ment. State , C nnfy aod City Bonds. Draw Sight Drafts on Fniland , IrsUnd , Soot- land , and all puts ot Earop . Sell E irop an Paasaro Tloktts. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. augldtf U. S DEPOSITOET. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA. Cor. 18th ana Farnb&m Stroata , OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. ( SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROS. , ) ' EmsuiHXB r 1558. Organized ai a > ttlonal Bank , Avgust V3 , 1J 3. Capital and Profits Over$300,000 Specially nthorlzedbytha SecreUryor Trewnry to receiVe Subscription ta ths U.S.4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAN. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS IlBBMAN KOUKTZK. President. AUOCSTUR KOCNTZK , Vice President. H. W. Tints. a hler. A. J. POPWTOS. Attorney. JOOK A. CR 10BIOK. V. H. DATIS , Ass'tCasbitr. This bank receives deposit wltbont regard to amounts. Issues time c rtlflext s bearing InUrest. Draws drafts on San F andsco and principal cltito of the United fctatcs , alu London , Dublin , Edinburgh and tbe principal cities of tbe conti nent of Europe. Eel's passigt tickets for Emigrants in the In * man Hue. majlatf REAL ESTATE BROKER Geo. P. Bern is1 REAL ESTATE AGENCY. ISth it Douglas Sti. , Omaha , Neb. This azencjr does BTRICTIT a broking * bnri- neat Does notspecnlate , and therefore any bargains - gains ott Its book * aielnnnred to its pitrons. In gtead of bolny gobMtJ _ np br the agent BOGOS & HILL. REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 1408 Farnham Street OMAHA - NEBRASKA. Office North Side opp Grand Central Hotel. Nebraska Land Agency. DAVIS & SNYDER , 1505 Farnham St. Omaha , Ntbr. 4W.OOO ACRFS carefully selected land In Eastern NtbrMka for sale. Great Bargains in improved farms , sod Omaha cltTprorxjity. 0. F. DAV18. WEBSTER BNYDER , Late I and Com'r U. P. B R. 4p-teb7tf BIBON MID. LXWTS MED. Byron Reed it Co. , OUZSTklTalLUED EEAL ESTATE AGENCY IN NEBRASKA. Keep a compete abstract of title to all Real Estate ia Omaha and Douglas County. mayltf ' HOTELS. THE ORIGINAL. BRIGGS HOUSE ! Cor. Randolph St. & 5th Ave.J CHICAGO ILL. MlCEft REDUCED TO $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY Lootted in the buslueet cnt-e , convenient to plae a of amusement. Eloicsntly furnished , ; containing all modern ImproTtmenU , pawenirar elevator , ka. 3. H. CUHMINUB , troprirlor. oclott OGDEN HOUSE , Cor. MARKET ST. & BROADJTA7 Conncfl Bluffs , Iowa * On line ul Street Railway , OmnibM 'o md frotfl all truing. RATES Parlor floor. $8.00 per d y ; iceond floor. S2.W per diy ; third fl.ior , 91.00. The beit furnisb d and most com iiodlmu hocto in th city. OEO.-T. PHELP8. Prop. METROPOLITAN OMAHA , NEB. IRA WILSON - PROPRIETOR Th Metropolitan Is ctntrally located , and flnt o'srt In every respect , havtngree ntlr bsen entirely renovated The public will flnd It a coWforuble tnd horaellko home. tn r5tf. UPTON HOUSE , Schuyler , ATeb. Fliit-clan BOOM , Good Veals , Good Beds Airy Eooma , and kind and accomaodatlnK treatment. Twigood sample rooma. Bpeoa attention paid to commercial tnTelen. S , MTT.T.EB . , Prop , , * " ' " Sohuyler , Ifeb , FRONTIER HOTEL , laramie , Wyoming. Th miner's resort , jood aecommodatloni. arg * rnrnpl. rooa , ehtreea reasonable. Special attention given to traveling men. " " H. q HILLIIBP. Pmprletor. INTER-OCEAN HOTEL , . Cheyenne , Wyoming. nnt-elisv. Flna large Simple Booms , oofr block from depots Tnlnt atop from 0 mnnt ! a to 2 boon for dinner. Frs Ba * to and from Depot. Katei-JlOO.W.60 and 13.00 , aecordlng to room ; s ngle meal 75 cents , . „ _ A. O. BALCOM , Proprietor. AKPREW BORDEfT. Cnlef CItrk. jnlfl-t HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET CO.'S WeeMy Line .of Steamships LwlasrlTtwYcTk Zrery Thnndiy at 1p.m. For England , Fratio and Germany. For Passage app'y to C. B. RICHARD & CO. , General PaMeogei Agent * , " ' "fll BrtMuiirey. " " 1 . B. BEEMER , * COMMISSION MERCHANT Dealer ia Fonfara and DejoMt Fruit. Batter , ttyt. Poultry , Cam * , Eaaiis\B eon.tard. Fretn flslj. DJ ( jraifet BOOTH'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A COMPLETE 8TOOK FOB SPRINOfSUMMER STYLISH ANF GOOD , NOBBY AND CHEAP. We have all the Latest Styles of Spring Suitings , an Elegant Stock of Beady- Made Clotline la Latest Styles. Gent's Purniflh ing Goods Stock Complete . HATS , GAPS , TRUNKS AND VALISES , In fact the'Stock is com plate in all Departments. Don't Fail to see our Custom Department In chance 0f Mr. Thomas T.illon. M. HELLMAN & CO. , mgteodiw 1301 & 1303 Farnbara Street. TO THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : FRENCH KIDNEY PAD I A Positive and Permanent < 3uic Guaranteed * In ill cam nl Onra1 , Diabt'M. Dropsy. BHjht's TMian of Ut Kldnen. Incontinent mtid KeUnt'on ofOrlu * . InfluaUloa a- tb * Ktdn yi. Catarrh of the I ladder. Hljh Color * ! Urln * . F ht in the Bock. i'da or Lion , Ntrvous Weaknm. aodlaltcttll it ! nrd n of th BIa < M r rvt Urinary Onpn * , wh th reontrMt- d hr private diMU or otbtawlM Tb'i Rf * * t rtn d ? hM xji tired with saoerM for nwrly ten j ir * In 'rjnce , with tb * movt wondeifulcuntire ff ct . It currtby o > * 7 > rTffn : n < > na'tMou * Intern * ! medicine * b'n ? reqnlred. W h ro hundred * of Vfrtl- mouIitTg of cures by thi * Pad when all eW hid Iti-ed- LADIES , If you are laffarinir fnin Tenula Weakness , L aeor- rbcso , diMcata pteulhr to f'ma'e * . or In bet any' < lJeaM afc , jo ir drntr'st for Prof. Oollmetta'i Xroiioh Kidney Pad , fad taJte no other. ILhelns not tot it. land tiflO and fan receive t' P.-dby return mail. Addma U. 8. Blanch , FRENCH PAD CO , , Toledo , Ohio. PROF. CUILMETTE'S FRENCH LIVER PAD Win poaitHely cor * Fever and /jrua , Dumb Ajrue , Azue Cake , lilllloug Fever. JaundiDjip pt * , an * all diKaies of tbe Liver , -lomtch and Blood > he pad cnrea by absorption , and U peiBAM.l Aik jour dnvgiit tor thfs pad and ta > e no other If h * does not keep it , lend $1.601 < tn * fKKIfGB PAD UO. , ( U. s. Branch ) , 1 oltdo , Ohio , and receive it by return mail. . KUHN & CO. , A gent * . Omaha. } ? * * HENRY HORNBERGER , V. BLATZ'S MILWAUKEE BEER ! In Kegs and Bottles. Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable Prices. Office , 239 Douglas Street , Omaha. GARPETINGS Carpet ! ngs I Carpet ! ngs ! J. B. DETWILER , -Old Reliable Carpet House , 1405 DOUGLAS STREET , BET14TS.AND. . 15TH. CEST-AJBiniSIHIIEID I3ST ± 868. ) Carpets , Oil-Cloths , Matting , Window-Shades , Lace Curtains , Etc. MY STOCK IS THE LARGEST IN THE WEST. I Make a Specialty of WINDOW-SHADES AND LACE CURTAINS have a Full Line of Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet- Lining Stair Pads , Crumb Clothes , Cornices , Cornice Poies , Lambrequins , Cords and Tassels ; 1 In faot Everything kept in a First-Class Carpet House. Orders froa abroad solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed Call , or Address John B. Detwiler , Old Reliable Carpet House , OMAHA. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING POWER AND HAND PUMPS Steam Pomps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , BELTING HOSE , BRASS AND IRON FITTINGS , PIPE , STEAK PASXIHC , AT WHOLESALE .AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLI A. L. STKANG , 205 FarnhRm StTflflt Omaha , fTeb' PAXTON & GALLAGHER , WHOLESALE GROCERS I 1421 and 1423Farnbain , and 221 to 22816th Ste , KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK ' MAKE THE LOWEST PRICES. Tfee Atteatlen of Cash sad Freuapt Tiae Buyers Solicited * AGENTS TOR THE HAZABD POWDEE COMPT and tbe Omnba Iron and Nail Go. Machine Works , J , F. Hammond , iProp & Manager The most thorotigb appointed anci eotepIeV * , JfachlneSbop * and foundry Ia the st t . - ' * Castingi of fiery dsseriptimi manufactured. _ ' ZnghxsvPnmpand erery daos o machlnorj Bada to order. Special aitention gtren to Well AHgwStPalleys , Maagers , Shaftine , Bridge IroBg , deer entttncr , etc. PUaifernew ifaehlrury MeaehanlesJ Draojht- fof Models , etc. , naatly executed. 3BO Haraer St. . Bet. 14 and IBtD VINEGAR WORKS ! "Tlma lry of SAT KrsDTtb bale * tern pric * * , ani war- zanted tot a * rood t wholesale sad retail. fend for pric * list. EBNST ERKBS , THE ONLY PLACE WHERf YW can flnd a good ueortmcntoi BOOTS AND SHOES At a LOWER flQUJUS than a any other shoe kooM tn th * ertr. P. LANG'S , 235 FARMHAM 8T. LADIES' & GSHTS , SHOES MADE TO ORDER d a perfect nt gtunsrteed. Frke * ' MUSIC , GERMAN &FRENCH MZNDON , < -W i * aa riroapfa > ad , 1 > ibe > cf ; : C nua t&diFTMce. U ititr/c * 01 * * a. _ _ _ dan ia eltiiOT f tl > M bruche * . SS iriQ p - a icfaool abortlr. tat for the prntot putt * * cea xUitM her at Max Meyer d Bro.'i naa&e etor * .