VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY. JULY 22 , 1880. . . 1ST0. 27. Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five C ei s FOREIGN EVENTS , Europe Exc.tedly Waits to See if Turkey Means to > Fignt , "Russian Official Journal Pre dicts Peace for Europe. Kcvival of Fenianism Any thing to .Md Ireland. Terrible KT&ges fcy TeltMi * la Maalla. BHAKTCO UP. MADRID , July 21 10 p. m.-3n ! Itland Luzon there has been several earthquakes. A volcano has been in eruption , hut water spouting from the Mirth , and the inhabitants were forced to flee. Eleven persons were killed * nd injured. Earthquakes in other placet demolished buildings. HONORING ACTOR8. jWcUl Dispatch to The M a LOSDOV , Jnly 22. The Savage club of London will entertain at a banquet , on the 30th inat. , all Ameri can actors now visiting in England. Mr. Lowell , the American minuter , ku accepted tin invitation to be present. NO WAR WAKTED. Bpedil Dlsp&tch to The Bee. LONDON , July 22 1 a. m. The Agence Eusse , a semi-official organ of fthti adminietration at St. Petersburg , aiaya it anticipates an early solution ot the Greek and Montenegrin ques tions. No single power , Bays this journal , ia likely to take the initiative in bringing about an armed conflict between Turkey and Greece. . Eu rope's ttrencth consists in conct-ntra- tiun upon all questions which affect ihe common interests of the conti- ment. A war at this time would be inadvisable in itselF , but probably would lead to such complications as would threaten the stability of many of the existing governments on the continent. A GREAT COUNCIL. A Constantinople dispatch states that the national council of Albania -consisting of 260 delegates from dif- it-rent cities and sections of the coun- ttry assembled at Prisrend to discuss questions raised by the pteaent aspect of affairs between Albania and Greece and Montenegro. Priarend , where the council wwemblec , IB the capitol af a tanjak nu the Riukat , four miles f r m its confluence with ihe Drin and eight miles east of Sortari. It is , the Tesidenco of the Turkish government , 3iis a kianufactury of fire arms and maintains active trade with adjacent towni. It is not expected that the Limucil'wiU by . .anymrni be of ona , mind on the impending issue. Turkish - ! ish rule in Albania has not be n BO popular ma to unite this brave but miioellaneouB people into a defensive body in this crisis. The Taekitris in the south , who are of great etrength and speak the modem Greek Ian- xu&ge , wil probably instruct their delegates to favor the views of Athens and the concerted letter of the pow- en. While on the other hand it ia considered likely that the Turkish Latin and possibly a part of the Ital ian elements will favor the projects and attitude of the Porte. In any ewe the council will ba largely repre eentatire and the report of Its dellb- eratlonR is awaited with much solic itude at the Turkish capital. l-EKIAH AWAKENING. The Fenians of Manchester and Halford the latter being a parliamen tary and municipal borough in Lan cashire in the suburbs of Manchester , entertained last night the American Tenian delegates at Manchester. During the speech making Mr. Daller , the leading delegate , denounced the landlords in viuk-nt terms and ex pressed the h > po that Irishmen in Great Britain would rally to the sup port of the Fenians and take advant age of tbe present state ot things tj pre a their measures by fair means if possible and by foul if necessary. Several of the delegates mildly fa vored the idea of waiting to see what would come of Parnell's home rule convention , which is summoned to be held at Nuw Gwtle-on-Tyne on the 9th of August. LOUIR SAy'8 MONUMENT. The queen has ordered the erection of ft monument to the late prince im perial in St George's chapel , Windsor. T1KKT TERROK8 A disastrous earthquake has taken . place t Manila. Openings were made in several places , and ejected boiling water and clouds of burning yshea. The cathedral and the bar racks have fallen. The utmost con- alternation prevails , and the loss of life is laid to have been great. Ac curate details of the disaster have not yet been received. Manila , the ecene of this calamity , is the capital 'city of the island of Luzon and all the Philliplan islands. The city is in the form of a segment of a circle between the river and sea , and its suburbs ex tend over numerous inlets formed by the river and its branches , and are reached by boa's. MORE "WORK FOR BRITONS. A dispatch from * Capetown lays there is no longer any doubt as to the purpose of the Basutos. Their rebel lious attitude is pronounced , and a detachment of rifles has been sent by the colonial government , with in- itructions to march to Basualt and a rapidly a * possible. Intelligence from Mason informs the government that the nativea are already threatening the Britith .residency at that pltce , and f a of assault are entertained. AMERICANS GIVING MINTS. In the contest yesterday at Wim bledon , in the third series of extra prizes , Brown , of the American * , who on Tuesday made 49 out of a possible 60 for the Arthur prizes , was the only rifleman who made the highest possi ble score. The contest for the Kala- pore cup at 600 yards was shot yester day. The Americans , Messrs. Far row and Hyde , each made the highest powible scores. The Canadian * , who practiced uninterruptedly all day Tues day for th's contest , and made a strong point of winning , broke down on the 600 yards range , and altrgather spoiled their record and their chances. An increasing interest M fait in tbe coming international match , and all the teams are coaching for it with gnat industry The beta still decid edly favor.tb * Americans. A lite dispwcfc says that the English [ teim won the Kslajorecup by a score E 63D. The Canadians were Bome- l what comforted for their dpfeat in the 1 cap contest by winning the 8 prize by the reputable score of 566. A dispatch from Constantinople says two ve.'sels faavcamved at Varna with arms and ammunition from Ode-sa. A NEW AMEER. A dispatch from Calcutta says Ab dul Rahman will be recognized as ameer of Afghanistan on Thursday. WASHINGTON. False Beports .of. Indian Balds Contradicted bys Gen , The Case of the Clipped Cadet Still Under Consideration. The Indian Scare False. Bpecill Distich to Tbe Bee. WASHINGTON , July 21 4 p. m. The following dispatch was received at the war office this morning : To Adjutant-Uenenl , Wuhtngton : Gen Terry reports that the rumora of the defeat of Capt. Haley's cum * mand by Indian * , in the neighbor hood of the B'ack ' Hills , are ground less. That officer has scouted the whole northern country for one hun dred miles. miles.The The Whittaker Case. SpecUl Diipatch to Tni EKE. WASHINGTON , July 21 , 4 p. m. Secretary Ramsey eaya that no action will be taken iu the Whitiaker case for ten days or two weeks. Toe ques tion of granting Whittaker a martial trial is under consideration , but as there is no necessity of hurrying the matter , and as several important ques tion * must be considered in connec tion with Wbiltiker's application fora court martial , thu whole subject will be gone over carefully before final ac tion is taken. Mississippi River Survey. Bpocial dinpitch to Tbe Bee. WASHINGTON , July 21 10 p. m. When the work of surveying the Mis sissippi is begun , which will probably not be until October , seven different parties will be put simultanuously into the field , and work will be pushed forward with a1 ! dispatch possible. The work will be under the direction of thu coast survey , but will be con formed , as far as practicable , to the views of the Mississippi river commis sion , as they have been designated to take special charge of the improve ment of the navigation of the river. TUe Squatter Chief. WASHINGTON , Jnly 21 4 p. m. Attorney General Devenshas gone to New England , but left instructions as to what should be done with Payne , the squatter in Indian territory , and his ging. He said that under the law only those who had been guilty of trespassing on the territory twice could be punished. In that case they were liable to prosecution and a fine of S100. Payneof the twenty-two captured.ig the only one whom the military authorities have any knowledge of be ing trestpasiers for a aecond time , and he will be prosecuted. The law in re gard to the fiwt offense is that on be ing caught the first time the trespassers shall bo turned off an Indian reserva tion and warned. POLITICAL POINTS. THE JUSIONIhTS. CHICAGO , July 21 , 4 p. m. The Times Boston special pays : A reliable informant says the democratic-green back alliance in Maine will certainly collapse before the election. Already quarreling hai begun. Gtn. Chambers of Texas , greenback candidate for vice president , will with draw , owing to ill health. BCHURZ IN CHICAGO. Special dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , July 21 4 p. m. Hon. Carl Schurz and family are in the city to day en route to Wisconsin for a few days' rest and recreation. It is hoped that Gen. Schurz will consent to peak at the great ratification meeting in this city next Saturday evening by the republicans. THOMPSON IN THE MOUNTAINS. Special dispatch to Till Bra. DENVER , July 21 4 p. m. Sec retary Thompson made a strong repub lican speech hero last night , showing no Hancock in a very bad light as a statesman. statesman.Missouri Bourbons. Special Dtepatch to The Bee. JEFFKKSON CITY , Mo. , July 21. 4 p. m. The Democratic state con vention met and temporarily organ ized by electing ex-Governor Chas. P. Johnion chairman. Committees were appointed. Recess. Bloody Work BpecUl Dtapatch to Tbe Bee. CHICAGO , July 22 1 a. m. James Bray and Mike Martin , two workmen at the Union rolling mill , had an al tercation Tuesday afternoon. Martin ( truck Bray , knocking him down nd cutting his head with a large piece of Iron ore , producing concussion of the brain , which will probably result fa tally. Undoubtedly the best shirt in the United States is manufactured at tbe Umaha Shirt Factory. The superiority of Material and workmanship , com bined with their great improvements , that ia Reinforced fronts , Reinforced backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes their shirt the moat durable and best fitting garment of the kind , ever manufactured. Resd the following low prices : Frettnt. Former. Oar Fine Whits Shirt - 3S 160 Our xtr FJnt " 176 SCO Onr Impelled Cheviot tbirU 2 SO 2 75 Our " Penaug " 2-5 S76 Our " " Cheviot 17o 200 ( Tfacte are nude on whit * bcdlen ) Preterit Fermtr. Onr Imp rted Penang and Cheviot viet viih col an attached , also on Whit * Bcrles 1 BO 2 00 Alto a fine working ihirt for 128. None but WamsutU Muslin and best Linens used. The abova prices include Laundry- Ing , a discount allowed when otherwise oraered. An additional 35 cents charged when mad * to order. Omah Shirt Factory , 1207 Ternham gtpeet , near 12th 6tr et. CAVE OF DEATH ! Another Added to trie 'Long List of'Human Sacrifices in-the ; Vicinity of Hew Toft. Thirty 'Men Buried Alive t > y 'th < vCavfng of the Hudson . ' " , River : Tunnel. - * * " v . . " ' * . ' " o The -jron "PJates Break- and ' ' " ' Vfloo'd of Water " * ' Pours in. Bight Merr Eeoape , tbe Remain- * - ' "del-Perish. : * " * * . T - * - 9 NEW YOKK , July 21 i p. m. * At & o'clock this morning the caisson leading to the entrance of the Hudson river tunnel , at Sixteenth street , Jer sey City , oaved In , burying thirty men. Eight were soon rescued , twen ty-two remaining under the earthwith the water rapidly pouring in from the river. Steam fire engines were set at work to save thtm from drowning , and a great , excited crowd soon gathered. Their efforts at" rescue were entirely unavailing , and the buried ones were drowned or smothered. Three men are also miesing besides those whose bodies were recovered. Thonightgang were engfged in the shaft ; twenty of them were sixty-five feet below the surface , and ten were working on an arch forty feet below the surface. All but two of the lat ter equad escaped. Through negli gence the air lock was improperly ad justed. Peter Woodland , assistant superintendent ; Frank Aleston , fore man ; Thomas Burns , foreman , and nineteen workmen were killed. One hundred men are now digging , but cannot get to the tunnel in less than three days. HOW IT HAPPENED. James Hayes , one of the last to es cape , made the following statement : There were 28 of us all told in the tunnel at the time of the break in the roof. I , with aix. others was at work in the main shaft leading to the twin tunnels which diverge from It and about ten or twelve feet from the air lock , which is about ten feet from the shaft. All of UB had come up to the top a short time previous , .eating lunches and all below to finish our watch expecting to come up ngain at 8 o'clock when we would be relieved by the other watch aa none of us were employed on the twin tunnels as < hcy already been barred up their entire length 300 feet , All but myself were engaged in step ping leaks overhead and on the aidu prepaiatory to putting in a layer of crown plates , so as to make this part of the work conform to that already completed. I was then attending to the blow pipe connected with the air lock and was suddenly startled by hearing Superintendent Woodland aay ; stop those leaks , " pointiug to thereof roof a short distance from the door of tbe air lock. The words had scarcely been uttered before I beard a noise like that of escaping steam and upon looking up saw thereof roof of the tunnel crumbling in. Knowing that all ground above and surrounding the tunnel was made and filled with water like a sponge , and realizing the great danger in which wo were placed , I , with others near , made rush for the door of the air lock through which we had to pass to gain shaft and safe'ty- Eight of us scrambled into it and Woodland called to us to close the door os as the air was escap ing too rapidly. We tried to do so , but were prevented by Oelson and Anderson , whrse bodies became jammed in between it and the facing , preventing other men from getting in side. The water by this time came rushing into the air-lock reaching our knees betoro we got to the door lead ing to the shaft. How we ever man aged to escape is a mystery. All I know is that I was forced out and then ran for the etahs leading from the bottom to the top of the shaft. We clambered up as fast as we could. It was a race for life , but we beat the water. Had not Anderson's body interfered with the work ing of the door othera of the gang would have been saved. I thought Woodland escaped , but the poor fellow must have perished within - in a few rods of the air lock. Moses Pearson , engineer at the mouth of the shaft , had been on duty the greater part of the night and was standing by the engine overlooking the mouth of the shaft. He says a cloud of dust suddenly arose on the other side and Instantly afterwards he saw the earth caving in. Night watchman Badsell , who was standing close at hand at the time , witnessed the same aighf. "I knew , " he said , "that this meant something terrible below , and throwing off my coat descended the stairs to the bottom tom and running to the air look I motioned to men through the dead eyes to attract their attention to the danger. I then tried to cet inside but the door was fastened. When I broke in a glass eight men eventually suc cessfully iu getting out , and they all made for the stairs , KB the water was rising rapidly and delay meant death. It is a mistake when it is siid that the water that followed us up came from the river. It did not , but on the contrary , from the wet soggy earth which is loose refuse lying dumped there , and is of the nature of compressed air forced through the lock while men were making the excavation , but the moment the air escaped it left a va cuum and the heavy weight of earth ab'ove crushed in the supports and everything gave way. i President Haskins gave directions for the pumping of all water from ehc3 and a large force are now em ployee ! . Th > B afternoon additional and powerful force pumps will ba put to work. He ia of the opinion that it will require fully three or four dtys labor before the shaft can be cleared of water sufficient to permit entry in to the air locks , and tunnel workmen employed in the tunnel say that lately it has not been "uncommon to hear the noise of escaping compressed air b- > low. So often had they been attracted by sound that'they had cause to have fears on that account. All the lost were residents of Jer- &eV City or Hoboken , and a majority of them were married and had fami- Ifea. The superintendent is unable as yet to determine the cvise of the dis- o&t r , but thinks it may have been caused by the looieniug of one of the plnte ? through which the compressed air. escsprg. The tunnel had been completed for a distance of 300 feet and entirely built up , except just ont- tide. The lining of the tunnel is put up of th-se plates till the maionry is put up , and are supported by heavy beams. Itis supposed oneof the beams became loosened and the plate moved from its position , allowing the air to escape. The lessening of the power which held up the roof caused the ground to cave in. This theory is probable , as the compressed air engines and air reservoirs were in good condition. Within a short time after the accident the place was sur rounded by large throngs of excited people , among whom were the wives and children of the unfortunate men , whose cries were heart-rending. All the men that could be obtained were set to work at digging a new shaft , in order to reach the victims , but as they are 70 feet below the ground and with out air there is not tbe slightest hope of getting them out alive. By work ing mt > hc and day , it will be at least three day before they can be reached. The official report says eight men escaped and twenty were drowned in the tunnel disaster to-day. The re port sheds no ligr < t on the accident. Peter Woodlandassistant superintendent - ent , lost his life in trying to save oth era by remaining behind. HEROISM AND ORATII. Special dispatch to TBS Bli. JERSEY CITY , July 21 10 p. m. Thos. Van Nostrand one of the men rescued on the waste lock , gave the reporter a thrilling account of his nasrow escape. He said there were twenty-eight men at work on the tunnel. They went on at 12 o'clock last night for au eight-hour shift. I was at work near the east end of the Wadle lock aud in the west end of the tunnel. It nas about half p l four o'clock when I heard the bolts snap and the braces give way. At the same time I felt. 'JL BUSH Or AIK on my face. * I. started back with seven of thajnen who were near me , and ran intQ th , waste lock. The air proBouro-crpwdflil the doer ahut at the east end. First it woa'WtfckoJ by a joist , which wo pulled out , and then the door slammed to. The lock hax doors at both ends and glass dead eyes. We could see the men inside the tunnel ; water was feist rushing in. Peter Woodland , the assistant super intendent , stood at the door outside the waste lock , which was stitionary. It would not move with us without knocking out the dead eyes. This would bo fatal to the men outside , as the water would rush in and drown the men in an in < tunt. Woodland knew this , but stood at the door. His face was ghastly. While he realized THE TEBKIBLE DANGER he said to me , ' 'Tom , quick , burst the dead eyes ; do what you can for us. " I know it was death to us if I did not do o. I obeyed the order. As the glass broke the air rushed in and the waste lock shot out into the mam shaft leaving the man to drown as the space occupied by the shaft filled with water. In an instant we were wholly stripped of our clothes. When we crowded out we heard THE RUSH OF WATER at our back. It filled in fast , but ob structions kept it back long enough for us to eicape from the m in shaft. It was all we could do to save our- selves. Woodland was standing in the water up to his waist when I last saw him. It was sure death and I had to knock out the dead eyes a * I told you. He knew as well as I that it WHA all over with him. I shall never forget the look on his face or sound of hi * voice as he told us to favo ourselves , though the very act was to insure his death. HISTOKY OF THE TUNNKL. NEW York , July 22,1 a. m. The organization of the Hudson River Tunnel company was begun several yeais ngo by Col Hoskin. Ho finally succe''ded in enlisting capitalists in the enterprise , and applications were made for chatters to both the New Jersey and New York legislatures. Considerable opposition was met with from the various railroad companies , and it' was not till last wintur that the charter was obtained at Albany. The corporation is known as the Hudson Rivef Tunnel Railroid company , with a capital of § 6,600,000. Work has been going on slowly at in tervals before , but on the first of No vember , 1879 , it was begun earnestly oniheshalt at the foot nf Fifteenth street , Jersey City , and has been prosecuted steadily over since. Noth ing has yet been done on the New York eide. The entire length of rhe tunnel and approaches will be nearly two and a balf miles. Col Hoakin , president of the com pany , is an old Californian , who has had a great deal of experience in tun nel and bridge building on the Pacific coast. Tanner's Matrimonial Life. ' Specwl Dispatch to The Bee. NEW YORK , July 22 1 a. m. At 1:35 : p. m. Tanner the faster' * pulse was 84 , temperature 99 1-6 , respira tion 16. He denies the statement published in the morning papers tha ( he tried to make his wife fast and be cause she would not consent left her. The fact is , said he , that our tempera and desires were diametrically oppo site and it was impossible for me to live with her , so we were divorced , and she is now , I believe , married tc some one else out in Dakota. At 6 o'clock he wa weighed anc only marked up 132J pounds. This shows that he has lost one pounc "ince Tuesday. He says he does' not balieve it , and that it u thsj mistake of the scales. DOMESTIC DOINGS , Grand Ceremonies Attending the International Tie at- San Antonio. Marriage of Gen , Qeronimo Trevino to Mies Koberta Augusta Ord , ' Uncomfortable Accumulation of Silver Shiners in the , . U. S. Treasury. Dr. Tanner Grows Short and Beautifully Thin tfy , Degrees. v A Variety of News Items. An International Wedding. Special lllepatcli to The Dee. SAN ANTONIO , July 21 4 p. m. Gen. Geronimo Trevino , commanding the northern divi ion of the Mexican army , aud Mias Roberta Augusta , eld est daughter of Gen. E 0. C. Ord , commanding the department of Texas , were married here last evening in St. Mark's Episcopal church , Bhhop Elli ott officiating. Upvard of two thou sand persona thronged the church , and vast numbers were congregated outside intense interest being taken. After the ceremony the bridal party proceeded to the resi dence of General Ord where a recep tion was held. The yard and premises were br.lliantly illuminated and the scene was very gay. The presents are very numerous , costly and elegant. A banquet will be tendered Geneial Trevino to-morrow when he leaves with his bride for their future home at San Luis Potosi Mexico. Killed by Indians. Sped * ) dltpatcb to The Bee. BI&MARCK , July 21 , 4 p. m. The 17. S. mail leaving Bismarck on the 10th for Mills City was captured by Indians and the carrier , Henry Frees , killed three miles west of Pennell station on the 12th. His body was found shot through the head half a mile from the track. The wagon was ne r by. The ends of the mail sacks were found and the mail scattered over the grouud. Judging by tracks there were eight Indians in the party. Fixing Freight Bates. Special dUpatch to Tbe Bee. NEW YOKE , July 21 4 p. m. Trunk line freight arbitrators of the pool this morning considered the claim of the Grand Trunk railroad for ncreased proportion of freight from Chicago. Silver Dollars. Special l > ljpteh In Tn n . CHICAGO July 21 4 p. m The Pinica says since the "Daddy Dollar" aw went into effect , the mints coined $63COO,000 of the shiner ? , nil but § 19,000,000 of which are still in the Treasury. The storage room is now nearly exhausted and aa the dollars are coined at the rate of $2,300 000 a months and will continuo to bo put out at that rate until congress shall order otherwise , the authorities at the mint and treasuries are at a loss what to do with them. They have found that sil ver paid > ut is returned with great promptness , and the only expedient seems to be the increase of storage room. The Fasting Doctor. Special Dispatch to 'Iho Bee. NEW YORK , July 21. 4 p. m. Tanner entered up > u the 24th day of biia fast at and his noon to-day phys ical condition is still reported good A curious fact that Dr Tanner has lately been increasing in weight on tils diet of air and water has been totally eclipsed now by the discovery that he has been diminishing very much in height. When he began his Fast he measured 5 feet 5 inches , and be now measures oniy5 feet 3A inches. In undertaking to eiplain it some physicians say that between each of tlio 24 vertibue which make UD the spiral column or back bonp , there is a layer of cartilhge va rying from one-eighth to one quarter of an inch in thickness. These cart- illauenoua tissues , they say , are al ways first to suffer when a pttreon does not occasion nourishment , from the fact that they are not supplied with blood vessels and have to depend en tirely up.'n ' absorption. For the same reneoii a partly nourished person al ways ha * dull eyes because the corner of a healthy eye must be perfectly transparent , and In order bo trans parentit must bo devoid of blood vessels was said shrinkagd of twenty three era of carttHiage batween tbe ben i of the vertibrae column W B undoubt edly the cause of tbe curious pheno menon of the man's height diminishing two inches within three weeks. THB DOCTOR'S WIFE. A St. Paul ( Minn. ) special says Dr. Tanner has a divorced wife in Minne sota. This lady or somebody in her confidence says the theology that pee pie nt > too much grew upon Tanner till it became a inani and made it exceedingly ceedingly disagreeable to his family He tried to impress his theory upon his wife and aho resented the experi ment and left him. She was fond of good living and would have three square meals daily. Sorrel Dan. CHICAGO , July 21 4 p. m "Sorrel Dan" won the pacing 2:20 race in 2:18 : | , unfinished yesterday. Moving of the Pool. 8p cUl Dlipatch to The Bee. SARATOGA , July 22 1 a. m. The rail way board of arbitration concluded its labors yesterday. Decision in the case of the Grand Trunk railway for increased proportion in the pool was reserved. The case of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad , carrying lake freights from Sandusky at the same rates as charged by other roads from Buffalo , was argued and decision was also reserved. President Roberts of the Pcmnsyl vania railroad , President Garrett o the Baltimore and Ohio , Preaiden Vanderbilt and "Vice President Rutte of the New York Central , and Vice President Blanchard of the Erie helc a meeting toarrange _ a pool for the east and west bound passenger rater but adjourned till September , when the arrangement will probably be perfected. perfected.Burned Burned at the Sped * ! Ptapatca to The JM . OTTAWA , July 22. 1 a , ras a large gathering of people at Vellington to witness the races. Dur- ng the afternoon Thomas Pollard , oatswan ; of the British ship "Maggie Izced , " who was intoiicat d and un ruly , was chained by th'e wrist to ft > est in o birn near tn the grounds. In about an hour the , barn was dis covered to be on fire" Several men orced their way inside and vainly mdeavored to liberate the poor fel- ow. Pollard begged them to cut off iij arm but the men were forced to flee leaving him to his awful fate. Saratoga Races. Special Dispatch to The Bee. SARATOGA , July 21 10 p. m. The first event of the racing pro gramme was the three-quarter mile lash for all ages , for a purse of $300. 't waa won by Sioux with Lady Mid- llet-n second. Minaa third , time . :16J. : The second race was for a ) urse of $400 for all ages , distance a nile and a half. It was won by Turenna with Fortune second and Day Star third. Time 2:46f. Arthur's Successor co Go Out. NEW YORK , July 22 , 1 a. m. It is generally assorted in the custom house hat Collector E. A. Merritt will re- ire from office on the Grtt of August. Whether General Sharpe or florae one else will be his succusior ia not yet an- lounced. Among the oiuB'S given for the retirement of Oollect'-r Mer ritt is that he has removed nnre thn 100 old and experienced officers since 10 has been collector to make places for favorites , relatives and friends of > olitical colleagues from St Lawrence , Jhatauqun , Franklin and E sex coun- les , who lacked the necessary qualifi cations for the important duties re quired of them. Most of the ap lointrnenta made in the past two rears have been residents of the counties named and of Ohio. Another complaint against the collector is that here are a large number of inspector ; , clerks , detectives and others holding inecure positions under him , drawing good salaries and performing little or work. It is charged that the civil srvice rules of the president have teen openly disregarded or their in- ent thwartad in many instances. Another grievance felt by the mer chants is that he has devoted most of lia time to politics and politicians , eaving h's duies to be performed by ] iis deputy , Mr. Balch. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. The thermometer at Rome circu- atesbotween 95 and 100 degrees. The French ministry expect to pay off the war taxes in three years. The Wallace committee have ad- ourned indefinitely. It is that ex-assistant reported - cor- > oration counsel Kaebel , of Brook- yn , who has gone to New Mexico , tas misappropriated funds amounting o one hundred thousand dollars. Reports from the Minnesota wheat ields continue most favorable. In the s uthwestern par : of the State wheat will average 10 to 15 bushels to the acre , while in the north and north west the crop is simply mngrjificent , nnd Will average fully 20 bushels ? irst cutting will begin next week. The war office at Washington ia iu receipt of intelligence from General t'orry stating that the reports of the defeat of Capt. Haley's command in the neighborhood of the Black Hills are groundless. The whole northern cruutry has been scouted within 160 niles of Deadwood , and not an Indian > as been seen. The executive committee of the national democratic convention mot n Now York yesterday but trarsacted ittlo business of importance adjourn ing till Friday. The committse se lected the house No. 138 Fifth av enue as its headquarters. The quea ion of democratic electoral tickets in Virginia was discussed but no action was taken. The republican central campaign club of New York city opened its headquarters last night , Chairman Jewell of the national committee making a fdw remarks. A letter was read from Gen. Garfield thanking the club for a resolution expressing co * fi deuce ia him , and congratulating the club on its energetic efforts to carry New York for the repub'icans. A ranjority of the German news- pawers sympathize with Belgian inde Dendence. Secre'ary os the navy Thompson , t-ft Denver yeste day for San Fran c'sco to consult with Engineer Evans ncerning the U. S. navy yards at Mare Island and San Francisco har- r ; both of which are threatened ay destruction by inflowing sand , Forming bars. Greece has decided to mobilize her army. The king of the Belgians unveiled a statue of King Leopold , at Docken , yesterday. The New York democratic state committee met yesterday and per fected the org-.nizMion of the com mittee A nituralization committee of six was appointed to watch Super visor Davenport , who was charged with disfranchising voters No de cision was reached as to whether or not a state convention should be called to nominate d candidate fr-r successor to the late Sanford E. Church , chief justice of the court of appeals. David Whalen , engsged in phunting cars in Toronto , had his head nearly severed from his body by getting a rope entangled about his neck , the lo comotive starting ap and causing death instantaneously. Three negroes are on trial in Louis ville charged with digging up bodies , cutting off the hinds and carrying them in their pockets. They claimed the bones make them lucky at cards. The president has appointed John M. Hawley internal revenue store keeper for the Tenth district of Ohio. Cbas. Beck , while adjusting a belt ou the machinery at Kirders stone yard , in Chic-go , this morning , had his left arm caught and Instantly torn off near the elbow. His recovery is doubtful. Secretary Sherman has arrived In Washington , where ho will remain a few days , leaving for Ohio to open tha republican campaign , The government receipis to-day ag gregate $104,000. , The loss by the fire on First avenue , New York , on Monday night , was $150,000. A Yountr Cues , j EpMUl dlipatcb to Tn Biz. ' DENVER , July 22. 1 a. m. Bins , the 18 year old murderer , 'rill lung at Fairplay to-day , f IAT FEEDERS. Big Hotel Builders Try to Feed Workmen on I 0. Fs , Whereupon 1,000 , Men Kick , and Coney Island Has a Strike. Special Dlnatch to Tha DM. NEW YORK , July 22 1 a. m. At the new hojel at Coney bland , one thousand men , including COMODI , carpenters , painters , etc. , ' struck yes terday for non payment of wages. The men for tome time put hod no ! received their wages , and it-is said the hottl company is in debt to each man from $40 o $500. Tuesday afu rnoon tb3 ; paymaster ofuthe company offered the man 20 cents on aollir. h Ilia proposition created tbe greatest alarm , and s.ima of the men threaUned tbtf hotel if they were not paid in full. Due bills were offered in Addition to the 20 oer cent , but the offer was re jected because the due bills could not bo negotiated. The improvement company's cipital stock was $700,000. It has all been paid in and expended. To bring into being the extensive plans of the company $300,000 will be needed in addition to the present lia- bilitias. The hotel is yet far from completion. The company is respon sible to the boarding house proprie tors for the board of mechanics and laborers. These people refused to accept 20 per cent , of their claims and due bills for the balance and at a conference yesterday morning it was agreed to rtfase to board the men any longer than 24 hours if the claims were not paid. These claims amount to about f 18,000. The boarding house keepers owe a grocery man and bakei over $9,000 and he said that if he was not paid yesterday he would shot down their credit to day. The contractors for carpets for the hotel refused to trust them till their pay had been guaranteed. Six teen car loads of furniture rom Chicago have been detained on he switch at Far Roctaway for nearly month. The officers of the corn- any have assured the men that if hey will accept 20 per cent the due lilla will be met in twenty days. Ne- [ otiations for a loan of half a million dollars progress with a reasonable Tospect of succen. Nine out of very ten men refused to accept any- hing less than the full amount , and oclare that they will not leiume work under any circumstance ! . About 00 men were willing to go to work esterday morning , but were deterred iy about 300 men carrying clubs , who eclared that if the willing onei did ot hold out they would crack their kulls. The watchman at the railroad restle , fearing that an attempt wai ob'e made to fire it , shot a man amed Conners. The strike was extended to railroad iborera. What the result ot the rouble will be no one can foretell. The men are desperate and those who have money are spending It for * iquor for themselves and those who are none. Serious trouble is aniici- rted from this intemperance. Chicago Trotting- . pedal Dkpatcb to The lie * CHICAGO , July 22. 1 a. m. The econd day's summer trotting at the bckey Club course was attended by ve thousand people. Weather and rack was good. The unfinished race was won by Daisy Dale , she taking he seventh and ninth heats , Rienai winning the eighth. - Time 2:24 : :27 : | , 2:28. : The unfinished pacing a 9 was won by Sorrel Dan , taking he third heat in 2:18 $ . The first egular event for the day the free for all pacing race purse for 91,200 , rought out the greatest pacers in the world , Sleepy Tom , Mattie Hunter , Rowdy Boy and Lucy. The race was won by"M < ttie Hunter who took the bird , fourth and fifth heats. Rowdy y ciptumd the first and second ; .ime 2:20 : , 2.18J , 2:20J : , 2:21 : , 2:19 : $ . The $240 strtbe was won by Wilbur F n straight he Us , J. W. Thomas sec- nd money , M ry Miller third money. Time 2:20i : , 2:29f , 2:31. : Tne third ace , 8230 stallion stake , entries Am ber , Kei.tuc'-y Walker , Black Cloud , Gray Cloud , Piedmont and Hamble- ouiau Bashaw. Won in straight heats > y Piedmont , Hambletonian Btshaw econd money , Amber third money. Time 2:22 : , 2:2l : , 2 23J. Base Ball. SPRINGFIELD Rochesters 1 , N - ionals 2 PROVIDENCE Providence 3 , Bnffa- os 3 ; 14 innings. TROY Troy * 1 , Clevelands 3. BOSTON Bostons 4 , Cincinnati 3. WORCESTER Chlcagos 4 , Wor- cesters 1. Died. BHRNHAM July 21st , Lewis Mer riam , on of Nathan J. and Mary 0 burnham , aged 4hnonths and 28 days Funeral from the house at 4 p. m to-morrow , July 22nd. Friends'of the family are invited to attend. Joseph Ruaan , Percy , Ontario , writes : "I was induced to try Thomas' Eclectric Oil for a lameness which troubled me for four yean , and I Found it the best article I ever tried. It has been a great blessing to me. " The Chicago and Northwestern. There are rumors that the Chicago & North western is building Its Toledo branch to the Missouri rirer for the purpose of making it the main line. It is well known that from Cedai Rapids west it operate * leased road. It will own the Toledo exteniicn , and would naturally prefer to operate lit road rather than pay rental. It ii more probable this extension is in < tended for an eastern connection for it Dakota and northwestern lines , ai a competing link with the Chicago < 5 Milwaukee short cub via Chicago , Clinton and Dnbuque. LAST CHAHCE. Grand excursion to th beaatifn Valley of the Missouri. 20 3t Elegant accemmadatioai , IOWM price , Astor Hoaw , N. Y. " ' - * ' " fie "ho r KURTZ' BULLETIN ! JULY CLEARING SALE ! ? a * Immense Reduction in all Depart- ; , ' merits. Solid Bargains in. . * Good Goods , . - < % J.A.ID OTJIR LIST , GLOVES. The Celebrated , $1.00 Kid rloyes , 90o. Lisle Gloves , 15 to 90o. Mitts Very Cheap. UIATERS. We have too many. Linen Ulsters at $1.00. Better Ulsters at $2.00. Best Ulsters at $3.50. Ton should See them , PARASOLS. 1 Lot , 25c. 1 Lot , Sue. Splendid Silk , S1.76. Fine Coeds Reduced From $8 to $5. RIBBONS. Our stock ia till ahead of all competition. QrosB Grain , 5 and lOc. HOSIERY. We claim to sell Hosiery cheaper than elsewhere. Job Lots , 5c up. Fine Hose Very Low. LAWK DRESSES. Reduced from $7.50 to $5. Good Linen Suit , $1.75. Calico Wrapper , 85c. Children's Suits way down. Dressing Sacques Cheap. CORSETS A Real Good One , 4O. See Our Corset at $1.OO. See Our Corset at $1.6O. Examine Fine Goods. BUTTONS. Our large assortment we pro pose to close at very low price * . In TIES , HUMES and all Kinds of Fancy Goods we Make Clearing Prices. These Goods Must be Sold to Make Koom for a Large Stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods , Now Being Select ed for the Fall Trade. You arc Invited to Call , Whether Yon Purchase or Not. KURTZ' Store , Oreightbn Block. EDHOLM & ERICKSGN , Wholesale and Betail MANUFACTURING EWELERS ' AND PRACTICAL WATGH-MAKEES- * WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Goods sent to any part of the United States on solicitation. Largest assortment of SILVERWARE , CLOCKS & SPECTACLES , And everything found generally in a flrat- claaa Jewelry Store. BEST SELECTED STOCK IN THE CITY ! Jewelry manufactured on short notice. Orders from the Country solicited. Whenin Omaha call nnd see us. Ko trouble to show Goods. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , Tbe Jewelers , Opposite thePostofllce , 15th & Dodge , Benson s Capcine Porous Plaster. The only Improvement evermade on the common Porous Planter. Over 2000 Druggists have signed a paper stating that BENSON'S OAP'OINE POROUS PLASTERS are superior to all other plasters. PRICE 25 CENTS. 8EABVRY & JOHSSOn , ap6-eodaw Pharmaceutical Chemiats. ATTENTION , BUILDERS AND CON TRACTORS. Tbe owner < A tha celebrated Kaolin Banka , near LOUISVILLE , NEB. , haa now ready at the depot at Lonirrflle , on the B.&M. railroad. to fill any order at lewonablo price * . Par- tine dMirisg a white front or ornamental brick wfll do well to gin tur a call or lasd for cample. J. T. 1. HOOVEK. Prop. , Nab N. R. BI5DOK , General Insurance Agent , REPRESENTS : ? HZNIX ABSOBASCZ C0.ol Ltra- doa , Caah Asart * . . , . $ S,107,127 WES7CHESTEK , K.T.C.pttal. . . . . . I.OOO.COl THE M EBCHAinS , ot N nr rir. H. J. , 1,000,00' OlBAai'FIBEPbll < JelptiaC plUl. . 1,000,000 KORTHWESTEKH KATIONAL.Cap- IU1 900,000 FIREMEN'S FCKP , California 800.0CO BKITIBd AMERICA ASSUIUXCECo 1,200,000 jfEHAxKTnoTrss. co. , * § . . . . WD.QOO AMERICAF CESTEAt , A ets 800,000 Bootbeat Ccr. cf fiftnath k DonzUs St. , o dlY OMAHA. S- UNO. Q. JACOBS , UNDERTAKER No. 117 r rnh m St. , OH Ht n4 rf Jiecb Q ! ORDBJIS BT TBLNRAFP SOLICIT * MEAT MARKET , T. P. Block. I6th St , Fresh an ! Salt Uet o tU klads conUuI 05 hind , prices r 05 ble. Vegrtablo IB * on. yayldsHTSttdtoiaymrtof tbodtv WM A. P. RAFERT & CO. , Contractors and Builders. senta for the Encaustic T&njr