\ VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , 1'EIDAY. JULY 16 , 18SO. Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price f-lve Cei.is THE STEAKjPLAIVS , Whei'e ' Big 1eeves § Thrive and Fatten on Native Grasses , The Niobrara" Cattle Bringing Wealth to the Coffers of Rancheros. i S - ' The Hardyi Pioneer Secures For Himself the Cream of the. Land. * " "V The Piperies 'and Canyons pf ' the North. Corresyon-'c'ce ' cf ths BEE. IN CAMP ON * Pi.UM CREEK , Unor ganized Territory , west of Holt coun ty , Neb. , July 10. Ou leaving Game postoffice , I cro.-scd to the north sid of the rive.- . The valley pf the Nio brara varies in width , from one-hal to one in k , and7 the bluffs rise , in places , very ab'riiptly to a height o ; 100 to 150 feec above the river. The first pine is reiehed about two miles west of the bridge. The treei are about twen'y fec't high , witli well prop .rtioncd branches , but of a rather inferior quality of wood at least , no1 euch as would answer for finishing purposes. Five miles further up the valley , on each bluff , is seen etna ! groves , and of a much greater height than before , and the tuwanng trees seem to havcjarrivcd at perfection in size and luxuriance of foliage ; in fact , there could be no improvement , unless it b * in the quality of thu wood. One CKU Ecjrculy comprehend the quantity < > t { jocd timber in one ol theie canyons , without passing in at the mouth and going to i a head , but I do not extKgerato , when I say thai there are veiy many of them from a half to a mile long , and BO thickly grown wi-h pine that a dozen men would spend a good summer's work in cutting the timber in one of them. Onj sirangt : peculiarity of this pine region , is that it grows mostly m these canyons , wh.lo bu * a small porportion of it flourish on tlie Jblutts. We are nowiippr.'aching the stock raising disir'.ct , and the farmers or settlers here are turning their whole attention to this busiuefs. Each set tler has perhaps fit" can or 11 enty acres of l.ind under cultivation , on which they ca'culato to raise com enough for oiu te > iu , and with a gar den | jttch , t ! > ii eutuutu'es the full ex tent of ih > fa'inin . Corn and all kinisof vf get .bit a ire tl riviuu nicely , the furinci h .vmjj aqood"healthy color , and , bairnn ; all the accidents , will yi-ld a heivy rr p. nh'le the gardens are looking bot'er ' than further down the valley where farming it the chief pursuit of the settlers. The country north of the bluffs is high and thickly matted over with a Inxurianr growth 01 buffalo grssj , and \ their range extends to the K ° ya Paha river , a distance of twenty miles. The etock is branded and turned out on the nngeand the settlers t-ike turns in riding out lo sje that the stock is all right , evcty other day. In the winter the stock in allowed to remain out on the range all tha time , requiring no attention whatever , and in the severe storms , they drift aoutn to the canyons where tiny are aa well protected trom the violence cf-the weather , as they would be in barns"and In the spring they come out in good condition for beef. ' Thigrasi in thiscouu'ry ' is especially - adapted for winter feed , and maLts excellent hay , but the stock will leave hay thrown to them in wiuter , and dig away the snow to get at the grass. The old cry that wns heard in this part of the s'ate ten years ngo , that northern Nebraska was fit for nothing but stock raising , is still echoed m thi * region , and nearly all the settlers have heard it BO oft-n that they beRin to talk it themselves , and eome of them actually be ituo it , nutwith- etandint ; what ftw crops that were put in list year turned out well , and : this yer'crops are looking very promising. Stocked rats tic here has proved a success thus far , and the roind-up in this part of the stock dis trict , lias shown no lotts during the pint year , and it is only a question of a very short ttmo , before tlte prairies will teem with new comers and the stock men will havn to pull further west , to escape from too close a proximity to that claw who prefer to farm. farm.Above Above the"mmith of Long Pine , along the banks of that stream , the character of the country is much the g4tno as across the r ver , though for a distince of five m les south f the Ne braska , the soil is very sandy. Here sgtin the land is good , a deep sandy loam succeeding , the surface of the country gintly undulating and ex tending as far as the eye can reach to m the eouth. The Long Pine i : very if heavily timbered , o.kaud cedar with a little cottonwoud sprinkled about equally with pine/ It ia a beautiful \ stream , about 20 feet wide at its momh and veiy swift , and affords ) natural mill privileg-s at short inter } vals along its whole length. The set ' tlement o.i this stream commences about ten milra from its mouth and is of an enterprising character , olmoit entirely American , and are people who have been used to good society , nd accustomed to luxuries not to be found in a nnw counfry. W At the huad of Bone creek is located - H cated the first of .the large stock in ranches , belonging to Ed- Cook forni merly of Cook , Creamer $ Isaacs , tl who were in buiiness from ' 67 to ' 71 hi on Thirteenth itr et , between Farn41 hnm and Douglas streets. I found ai Ed. stretched out on a bunk , unconw scions of everything in this world , n : and probably dreaming of his increaa- ) ing wealth and the successful roundup - up from which he had recently retl ; turned , which panned out a loss dur01 ing the past yesr of not to exceed 20 ci head out of over 1800. Of course he"wa jolly ; Ed. always is , and you have probably seen his GI aidea hake , as I did when he would relate seme amusing incident of the oi > round-up , and he Seemed to take a pleainrable exultation in speaking of J. . the immense advantages of thi country - A try for stock raising , and not 'till I suggested that the "stir of the empire WSB coursing westward" and another ipring wculd brirg settlers Into his very wrap , end the st ci men would to t k < ; Horses Qreelcy'g udvlw and "go west , " did his manner change and with a long drawn sigh , he re peated tha words of your itluatriou Jim Creighton , that "God Almighty wouldn t send rain every year to th Grangers as He had this , and they would soon find that this country wa only adapted to stock raisinc " REOJC. The Wool Prospect. Bt Urals Stoclcmin , July 14. It is now evident that men who arc able to hold their wool for advances in prices will command good figures Advices condentcd elsewhere from al Dart B of the country s y that the do tneitic clip is held back on the as sumption of a conspiracy between dealer * and manufacturers againu pn-ducers , and that wherever pur chases have been made in quantity higher prices prevail. Foreigi srools have not broken prices am c.inuot break th' m Imported stock msy have b-en meant to operate in that way , but it has been badly han dled , and the outcome on the whole has been appreciation in values. Me dium Texas , which a year ago was sel ling as low as 14c , is now held at 22c. Colorado , which was selling then al 16@17c , is now held at27@2j5c , and in California prices have advanced two cents more this week , as telegrams in dicate. Advices from San Francisco , Cal. , Ju'y ' 8 , 1880 , say : "Our mar ket continues active and all descriptions are taken readily at an advance of 2(34 ( cents from the lowest figures. " Californians are sending their clip around Cape Horn , saving a trifle ou freight , and possibly iu storage , and keeping their supplies off the market until prices have ad vanced considerably ; but there are elements of risk in their action. Michigan farmers have parted with their clip in a large degree , and but little can be bought in thit state under 40c. Tno scoured pound of wool is worth 80c , and no good can be gained from pretences that the staple can be bought for loss money. Revolting Ravishing. EMjcial | DiSjjatcbostoThe Bee , WASHINGTON , July 16 1 a. m. John Morris and Frank Buck , two youn ? white men , were charged in the police court yesterday with commit ting rape on Mary Mansfield , a young girl 16 years oldarout 3 weeks i-ince. The prosecuting attorney asked for a postponement till next week and eaid that circumstances were of a most fiendish character and asked that the highest bends be fixed on each. So far as can be learned this young girl arrived on a late train , an entire Btranger,8iid these fellows beingabout the depot , offered to show her to a boarding house , instead of which they took her through an open lot and knocked her down and committed the outrage. The young girl says she is from a village outiide of Boston and she- left home without the consent of her parents. A telegram has been eet't ' to the chief of pol-ce of Bc-ston at'd it is expected that a request will bo sent to forward her to her home. She is being kindly cared for here. Pesky Keds Raid , bped&l ilispatch to T e Bee. PORTLAND , Ore. , July 16. Reports have reached here that the Indians \bout Deep Crook and MedicaUleke , in Washington Territory , have murdered several families in that vicinity and ire on the war path. The rumors lack confirmation and are generally disbe lieved. Running Races. Spadai Dispatch 10 Tim Rn . NEW YORK , July 16. 1 a. m. Yestsrdny was the second day of the second meeting at Brighton Beach. The first race , all ages , three-quarter mile , wai won by Lillian , with Kate Clark 2d ; time , T20J. Second race , ill ages , mile heats , Speculation , won i-'d-aud 3d heats und Democrat fitst ; ' time , 1:49& : . Third race , all ages , selling allowances , mile and a quarter , was won by Startle with Bairdman 2d ; time 2:17 : | . Fourth race , handicap , tuileand a half over six hurdles , was won by Bay Kum , with Ventilator 2d ; time , 3:05. : Fatal Bolt. lpeci l DUpatch to Tbe Bee. MUNCIE , July 16,1 a. m. Wednes- lay evening , during a heavy thunder itorm in the northern part of this ounty , S. BarcUy , a fsrmer , was itrujk by lightning and instantly tilled ; several men standing near him ivere prostrated , but they will survive. After Many Days. IpeeUl Dlipitch to The Be * DETROIT , July 16 , 1 n. m. ' A News eporter now "doing" the White Mountains , telegraphs of his finding he skeleton , clothes , etc. , of one ElarryV. . Hunter , a printer , on Mount Washington. Six years ago a nan of that name was lost there mid a oward of $400 was offered for his jody. A card found with the bones md clothing and a printer's rule dentify him fully. Oregon Floods Subsiding. peolil Dlspatcb to The bee. PORTLAND. Oregon , July 161 - a. . Water is receding from the streets this city and the rivers are falling. Killed by Indians , peclal Dispjitch.to The Bee. SAN FRANCISCO , July 16 1 a. m. an Detrick , of the firm of Morgan & o. , a large merchantile house in 'hoenix , Arizona , was killed by Pina ndians on Gila rivur , near Pbcenix. Outlaws In New Mexico. peeUl dkpateh to The Bee. SANTA FE , N. M. , July 16 , 1 a. m. At Lincoln , in Lincoln county , N. ii. , on July 3 , a young man named larriton came into town , and becom- ng intoxicated was locked up. At light a mob effected an entrance to he jail and killed Harrison , riddling nm with bullets. On the night of the Ith the mob again surrounded the jaii md killed the deputy sheriff , who as implicated in the killing of the light before , and had made himself bnoxious to the outlaws. On the light of the 5th tbe mob again visited he jail , taking out and hanging a pris.- ner. It is not known what his irimes were. Shipping News. ipecUl DiapUch to tb Bee. The following were the movement * f ocean steamers on yesterday : * ' NEW YORK , July 15 10 p. m. failed Gallert , Hamburg ; State of Uabama , Glaigow ; Adriatic , Liver- Arrived Belgenland , Antwerp ; ictftria , London. . . . LIVERPOOL 8ajled Bulgarian Brazilian. Boston ; FOREIGN EVENTS. * GladstoneDeliberately Sur rendered to Parnell in Parliament. The Government , Amid Scorafu Protests , Accepting What He "Obstructed" For- A Young Flood at Northamp ton , Eng. , Driving People to High Ground. OperativesDeeert the Factories and Scramble to Save -Household Goods. Peace and Plenty on Sunny , Vine-Clad Hills Cause Joy in France. Another Mine Horror by Which 120 Lose Their Lives. MINK DISASTER. Special Dispatch to Iho Bee. CARDIFF , Wales , July 15 4 p. m. The London and South Wales col liery had an explojign this morning. One hundred a-id twenty minors wore in the pit , and it is believed all have perished. LONDON , July 15. 4 p. m. The Risca c ' 1'iery ' explosion caused , great excitement there. Three miners' bndiei are in sight. There is no hope of saving any of the men. The force of the explosion was teriflic. Scenes are heirtrending. Herr.u ean efl'oita are being made to uncover the mine and get at the bodies in the hope of saving some. MYSTERIOUS EXPLOSION. Special dispatch tu The Hoc. LONDON , Ju'y. 16 1 a. in. It ap pears that two previous explopion have occurred in the Block Ve'n coal mine at Newport , Monmouthshire , an ac count of yesterday's disaster at which place has been given in these dis patches. The Blo k Vin is situated ou the side of Wyny Mielyue moun- taiu. The last of these earlier explo sions took place in December , I860 , when 145 persona nerishfd. The theory is rdvjnced that the terrible calamity of ynsteiday morning may have been caused by electricity sftth-g on fire the mine through s < * mo figure in the mountain side , as the atmos phere wai observed to b ? unusually heavy a short tinio before the disaster occurred. This idea , however , is not recoivtd by more experienced miners wi.o hold that th cause was the con tact butwreti iho fire damp and the lampj of some workmen in the pit. 120 MEN KILLKD. Liter dispatches from Newport con firm the report that 120 minors were killed by an explosion of firedamp in the Block vein pit. SUBMERGING A TOWN. A terriflio thunderstorm deluged the town of Northampton , capital of the county of tne same name , and the seat of Bradlauqh , member of parlia ment. It is situated on the River Nene , a navigable stream , and h also on the line of the London & North western rai'way , about sixty miles northwest of London. The storm was of unprpcedented violence , and a wonderful amount of water fell in a short time. The Nene at once beyan o rise visibly , and soon the water owed into the lower windows of fac oiiea , anil some of the latter standing n unusually exposed positions -ire nearly i-uhmerged. The swelling tream presently reached the town , and the people , unable to rescue their muaehoid goods , arc endeavoring to dam up the doors with clay , but with very little efivct. Others who had somewhat longer warning succeeded n escaping to higher ground with ji nrt of their portable chattels. The staple manufactures at Northampton are boots and shoes , although the cur- ng of leather is carried on extensive- v. There are aho many varieties of mills. Great danngo h salready been lone , and-as this dispatch is being sent the river Is "reported still rising. All the factories are abandoned , and he hands are gazing helplessly on rora all KXtrvinslilo eminences in the vicinity. Much damage is also done o the Grand Junction canal. The railway's structure , in the upper part of the tpwn , located on the elope back of the river , is eafe , and the inhabit ants are mostly gathered there , ex- itedly witnessing the scene. IRELAND'S FITFUL FEVER. A Dublin correspondent of the ) aily News Pays inquiries on the spot how thut the character of the fever n some parts of County Moyo is much xaggerated. It is ordinary typhus , and deaths are very few. GERMAN COMPLIMENTS. A Berl'n dij atcli says almost all he paper * have leading articles on the Trench national fete , expressing their incere sympathies with the republic. GLADSTONE SURRENDERS TO PARNELL. In the house of commons last even- ug debate on the compensation for- isturbauces-in-Ireland bill was re umed. After considerable discussion , he government , amid the scornful > retests of the tbries , abandoned the 130 limit and agreed to accept the 50 imit. Tories and whigs consider this deliberate and unblushing conces ion to the ParnellitPS. The whijja I. obsequently held an informal meet- nz , at which the government's vacil- ation was strongly denounced. Later n the debate the Irish members made n unsuccessful endeavor to force an c mondment extending tbe operations S f the bill to the whole of Ireland. 1 ! VICTORY FOR THE CLERICALS. tC Special Dispatch to The Bee. tJ tr ROME , July 15 4 p. m. The cler- r cils have gained a great victory in J and Vicenege elections over * . liberal ) . ? .THE FRENCH FETE. 1 Spwfal Difpatcb to Tin Bn. jj PARIS , July 15. 4 p. m. Tester T day's fete was one of the most tnaqnifi- ( bent-eyer" celebrated here. The ex- r penae of public and-privste illumination - tion and displays was immense. SAWS OF HOCHEFORT'S PAPER. r BpeoUl Diipatch to Tni. Bis. a 16 , 1 a. ra. The sales the fmt mrr ) br of which was issued on Wednesday , amounted to over 25,000 copies. The largo sale is due to the curiosity of Parisians havinp been oxeited to know what Rochefort would have to say on his return from the east. Its eales have never been exceeded by any paper in Paris , Bive Le Petit Journal. SATISFIED FRANCE. Tbe press yesterday morning spoke in the most laudable terms of Wednes day'a celebration and ceremonies . Special men'ion is made of the fact that , despite the number of people ill the city , there weru no disturbances calling for interference of the police. Several iournals instance this as an evidence of the pnolio's satisfaction with ihe government and proof that the French people , when freed from degrading authority , are peaceful. High praise is awarded the military for the non-partisan spirit manifested during the ceremonioa. Gambetta has ordered a photograph of every change in the movements of the troops during the review , and these will be placed iu the national library for preservation. FRENCH LEGISLATURE ADJOURNED. M. Leon Say opened the final sit ting of the senate yesterday with H brief eulogy on the amnesty. In the chamber of deputies Gambetta was was silont. GRAND PERFORMANCE. President Grovy , M. Gimbatta and a Iriliiaut company attended lh grand representation in honor of the , amnesty at the Grand opera house this evening ! when the opera of "William Tell" was performed. .MOURNING FOR JESUITS. The legitimists celebrated St. Hen ri's day by simply attending mass. At the desire of Count Ch.unbord the i church was dressed in mourning for the sufferings of the Jesmts. j IRELAND'S wots. j Fpecial Dispatch to Tha-Bcc. i , LONDON , July 10 , 1 a. m. In the | I louse of commons la t owning Mr. ; | Foster , chief secretary for Ireland , ' said that although in some districts In I Ireland there was much suffering , etc. , j | t was not famine fever , i i AFGHAN WAR EXPENSES. ! The Marquis of Hartin'/ton , secre- I ary of state for India , announced that ; he government intended to propote hatthe solidand substantial portion of j ihe Afghan war expenses should be ) erne by England. Lord Hartingtoii ! said ho could not define the proposal exactly yet. IRISH BILL FINISHED TO-DAY. Debate ou the Irish compensation j > ill in the house of commons , was ad- ourned lait ninht till to-day when Mr.Gladstone hopes to finidh it. NO SACRILEGE. A great meeting was held at St. lames last evening to protest against he erection of a monument to the ate F.ench prince imperial in Westj j i minstur Abbey. i TURKEY'S OPPORTUNI TY. The Times , in a lea'Jinsj article this morning , says that to d y iht > collec tive note relative to the Berlin con ference , .will be presented to the Porte. CHINA SIILL FOR WAR. Private adviies in St. Petersburg report that Chung Ham , le.xler of the Chinese w r p < rty , has been liberated and degraded from a first to n fourth rank mandarin. Nevertheless the war party is in the ascendant. MASSACRE BY TURKS. A Constantinople dispatch says the Montenegrin agent has received a telegram - gram from his govtrnment saying that all the Montenegrin advance ; ! ports on the Zem were attacked by Turks. One of them was surprised and the men cut to pieces , ten out of ! iztHn were beheaded and the othori escaped , though wounded. MORE UIG SHOOTING. Special Dispatch to Tun Bss WIMBLEDON , July 16 1 a. in. In the contest for the Graphic riflu prizes , Jackson made 28 and Rockwell 29 In the St. Leger competition R ithbotio ' made 45 and Brown the highest pos- ; Bible score , ten bulls eyes. In the Hal- ford prize competition Rockwell made 47. In the Genoabyn competition Scott made 31 and Rockwell 80. j NOW FOR BIZ. ? CONSTANTINOPLE , July 16. 1 a. m. i Count HalzJield h s formally pre- ! aentcd the collective note to the Porto. DISGUISING THE FACT. BERLIN , July 16. 1 a. m. Re ports of the Prussian harvest are more favorable. BISMARCK'S JJEST. Prince Bismarck will prolong his stay at Friedricksruhe , 1m personal police has been increased. PARNELL AND AMNESTY. DUBLIN , July 16 1 a. m. Parnoll has accepted tbe presidency uf the now Irish and Amnesty association. Buckeye Editors Inspired. Special Dispatch to The Bee. COLUMBUS , O. , July 16. 1 a. m The democratic sditora of the Ohio weekly press jnet with Hon. Dick Harper in the chair. Senator Thur- man addresied them , counciling a united effort to carry the state in October A constitution for perma nent organization was adopted and committees on finance and campaign documents were appointed. The officers elected are : president , Dick Harpei ; fecretury , Tbos. Wetz ll of the Lancaster Eigle ; treasurer , M. L. Bryant of London. Twenty-five were present. Our Doctor. The following from thiTNew York Herald is supposed to refer to Dr. H. . Fisher , formerly of the First M. E. church of this city. He is evidently as pugnacious as ever : A few years a o the Methodist church at Salt Like City , und-r the guidance of Chaplin McCabe , had made considerable headway against the powerful opposition that it en countered from the Mormons ; but more recently it fell off in prosperity , and the work finally in a large decree was aban doned. The church has lately come into the hands of another energetic pastor , who promises to restore to it somethingif not all , of the prosperity which it enjoyed under Chaplain Sic- Cabe. He already contemi lates the re-PBtablifhrnent of the Sunday and day schools , which are looked uoon aa the agencies essential to making in roads upon the system of polygamy , and considerate hopefulness of good resets from hjs work is felt in the Methodist THE HOOSIER rALLY. ! A Close Canvass of Indiana | Show a Kepublican I Majority of 2300. ! Jewell's Calculations in the North j and South The Campaign jn New York. Senator Logan Wakes thej j Political Echoes at His Old Home. .Republican Candidates Force1 to Retire to-Pijvate Life in V Alabama. j Camp Fires Burning Brightly A Canvass of Indiana. Special dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , July 15 4 p. m. Th republicans have made a close canvas j f ' of Indiana and find that they hav about 2,300 majority. Don't Be Too Confident. Special Dispatch to Tui BBB. ' HARRISBUHO , July 15 4 p. m. j A talk with Marshall Jewell indicatei . that he has an abiding faith in thi j certainty of the republicans carrying every northern state and some southern orn ones. Conkling , ho says , will do powerful work. The Campaign In New Yorfc. Special Dispatch to the Fan. CHICAGO , July 16 4 p. m. The re publican managers have decided to open the campaign in New York early in Auguat. "Good Democrats. " Special Dispatch to Tbo Bee. CHICAGO , July 15 4 p. m. A deficiency of $4600 haa been discovered in the official accounts of the late county treasurer and county clerk of ' HI both " demo county , , "good crats. " Locran Talks at Home. Special .Ifepatcb to The Beo. OHIOAGO , July 15 4 p. m. Geu. John A. Logan addressed a great re publican mass meeting in Murphya- boro' , Jackson county , 111. , hia old bon e , Tuesday evening Both the general and the paople gave ample evi dences that they are as completely alive as ever. Politics Down South. fc'peiul dispatch to Too Jive. CHICAGO , July 15 p. m. The work of intimidating the candidates on the republican ticket iu paits of Ala- bitua haa begun , and has already re su'ted in the withdrawal of two persons Major W. S. Bowie , whom the republicans proposed to nominate for a county office , and B. H. Craig , the republican candidate for county judge iu Dallas county. Tne independent democratic candidate for sheriff of Tailed ega county , haa al BO been compelled to withdraw. Advices from the Norfolk district of "Virginia ars'o the effect that the democrats despair of carrying" that district consequent upon the with drawal from the congressional race of their nominee , representative John Geode , Jr. The Leaders at Work. Special dispatch to TDK DIE. NEW YORK , July 15 4 p. m. Thomas C. Platt was re-elected chair man : of the executive committee of the republican j btate committee yesterday , and ' Henry A. Glidden was chosen sec retary. ' For ; he present the committee will occftpy rooms in Fifth avenue hotel. ] Campaign work will be begun at i once. Members are unanimous in declaring i that the prospects of repub lican success were never better so early in the campaign. Hopeful let- tera from all'parts of the country are received at the headquarters of the national republican committee. A. Tails With the President. Special DiBpdtch to Tbo Bee. WASHINGTON , July 15 4 p. m. Marshall Jewell had a long interview with the president this morning. Lawrence Accepta Special Dif patch to TUB Bu. WASHINGTON , July 15 4 p. m. Judge Lawrence accepts the first comptrollorahip of the treasury. < Democratic Plans. Special Dispatch to the Bee. NEW YOKE. July 16 1 a. m. A meeting of the conference committee of the national democratic committee and also the congressional committee was held yesterday at the Hoffman House. Wm. A. Scott.of Philad Iphia , A. S. Hawitt and Wm. H. Barnum repres3nted the national committee , the members of the oth.tr committee being Senator Wallace , of Pennsyl vania , Senator McDonald of In diana , Gen. Walker and Augustus Schell. Discussion took place con cerning the most advisable plan of carrying on the campaign , but it wao finally decided not to suggest any method of action to the nat onal or congressional committee till head quarters for the executive committee could be secured , which will probable ba to-day. The congressional com- mttiee will have its headquarters in Washington. Mr. Scott , of Pniladel- pliu , proposed to the members of the executive cjmmittee to rent for use as headquarters a cartain building on Fourth Avenue below Twenty-Third sireet. The headquarters will be selected immediately as the executive committee have determined upon selecting headquarters next Wednes day. ENSIISH TAIECJG AGAIN. Mr. English , candidate for vice- president , man interview , says : "I am astonished at some of the pelty stories that have been circulated by the opposition , particularly in regard to myself. Why such lie * hould be spread broadcast , I am at a less to tell. They are almost too contemptible , an well sa fcVaurd , to temaad netic * tr < S . lelr&ctiou from myeflf or friends , but ' since one in particular emanate * fro n that man Halstrad , it may no' bo out of place to make a promut explaua- . , tion , which will show the f lity of the charge. It has been said that my ' i residence in Indianapolis , while I oc- : 1 cupied thn posit'in ' of president o ' the First National B.uik , was a mini ! ature fortress ; that the front dee ; ' leading to the street was of iron , arc j ! , that so fearful wasl of personal -iange 1 ard a visit of Uirghis that my slfep . . ing apartment was protected on al j sides by iron plaitsb rs and shutters j Now the fimp'e tru h about the mat' ter is thi ? , years ago b fore time locki j were in IKC , duapuratc burglars hat j forced , on more than ono occisi-.n bank ollicer from their hnnies at night and c impelled them to nprn tin sale or give them the . .ombinutton An attempt was made on tbe doors o a bank officers in Indianapolis for this same purpose , which excited m IK hat tention. I , being president of thi most important bank in the city , real izing the immense danger of the larg < funds entrusted to my care , took precaution caution to protect the bank and m person. Below my apartment , facinc the street , I bad attached a flexible iron grutinjr , which would open ant shut at will and to the inside of tin door u thin iron plato was fastened This I deemed ample precaution , tinc < the augur of a burghr , after penetrat ing the wood , would be forced back b ] the iron. Tne front door of my hou is not composed of iron but on the contrary is f wood. It has been saic also that my nomination had createc great disatisfaction in Indiana , that Gov. Heudricks and other loaders were opposed to ire and would , ii consequence only engage in the i an vass in a half-hearted way. This is a lie and without the least foundation in fact. " English will leave for Indianapoli Saturday , and will conduct the state campaign in pursuit. ItLtBKETSltl TELEGKAFII. New Yortt Monev and Stock. NEW YORK , Juli 15. MO.N KV Mirket at 2 < S4 per cent. GOVERNMENTS. 0.8.6s , 1881 _ 103 ] n. 8. e , Now _ lOBj U. S. 4's new _ 1CSI STOCKS. Eock hla'.d If 61 llllnoe Central 106J C. B.&Q 121 C. & A " preferred Keir Tort Central- lakeShore 10J sne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ; Irio prfferrtsl 7i S'orthwcsteni 01 Northwestern pretmred 109 ] A. A.8t P ul , . Oaj St. Paul preferred 104J Wabaih.St. Louis ami Pacific 3tj ) preferred OS Hun. iSL Jo 33 Han. A St. Jo , pfM. . , 6t > ; Kansas &Te\aa . Uatoa Pacific Bt < Northern Pacific 26 ; < lo preferred 4' ' ' " ' ' " ' " " ' Central 1'acillc T . . .I. . . . ! . Pacific Vail 40 | U. P. land era ts Cdlcayo Produce. CHICAQO , July 15. Flour Quiet but firm. Wheat Unsottledan'5 IovrerNo. ; 2 , 04(595jc fir ( cali ; 94(595Jc ( , clos-d nt 95c fnr July ; 89@01c. cl Bed at 90ic b' ' ' for Auaus1 ; 87j < " 83c. c'csed ' at SSgsforPep'Ptnber ; No. 3,82No. ; . 2 red , 96s97c * ( , closed at 96Ao bid ; rejectrd , 62c. Corn Firmer and c higher for ca hnd July ; No. 2 and high mixed 36@3Gji , c | ed at 3CJc ' for cash and Julyo5f@35 ; | " , cloeed'at 35o bid for August ; 35gg35o ( | , flowed ao 35o fur September Oats Steady , firm and a ahodo ewer for cash and July ; 24g'J5c ( ) closed at 25c lor cash and Julj ; 22 § ® 22go for August ; 2222gc for Stp- : eiuber. Kve " Firm and a shade higher at G4c. Barley Steady and unchanged. Pork In moderate demand and 5c lower ; $13 50c)13 ) C5 for caab ; S13 65@13 72J for Auijust ; § 13 70 or September. Lard Fairly active and firm ; 6 70 or rash ; § G 70@G 72 $ for August ; 87 75(57 ( 77i for September. Bulk Meats Moderately active , but o@20c lower ; shoulders , § 4 75 ; short iba , gO 85 ; short clear , $7 15. Whisky SI 09. Chicago Live Stock Market. CIIICAOO , JULY 15. The Drovers Journal this afternoon eporta as follows : Hfga Receipts , 22,000 head ; ship ments , 6,800 ; market active , but 5 © Oc lower ; mixed packing , 8425@450 ; hoice heavy ; $4C04 85 ; light , ? 430 @ 450all ; sold. Cattle Receipts , 7200 head ; ship ments , 1GOO head ; market steady , and generally unchanged ; shipping , com mon to fair , S410@440 ; good to hoice , § 4 60 < g4 90 ; closing quiet and veak for heavy , bi-st Idahoa , $39G ; grass Texans , $2 G0@3 20 : Kansis wintered , $310@335 , native butcher ? , trong at § 2 3003 00. Sheep Receipts , 500 head ; ship ments 170 head ; market firm at § 350 34 40. St. LiOuls.Proauce- ST. Louis , July 15. Wheat Cash higher ; futures un- setted and lower ; No. 2 red , § 1 OU ® 102g fnr cash ; 91@93tc " for Jufy ; 88gS89J ( for September. Corn Firmer ; 35S35c for cash ; 35c for July ; 34lc for August and September. Oats Slow ; 24Jc for ciah ; 23Jc for July ; 21c for Augiisf. Rye Nominal ar 70c. Barley Nominal. Butler Steady at 14@19c. Eggs Lower ; 5@7c. i Whisky Steady at SI 08. Provisions Dull and nominally un changed. Ullwausee froduce Market MILWAUKEE , July 15. Flour Finn Wheat Dufsettled ; declined c and closed firm ; No. 1 Milwaukee , ' 81 01 ; No. 2 iM Iwaukee , 974c " ; July , 7ic ; August , 89c ; No 3 I "Alilwau- ee , 82ic ; No. 4 do , 75c ; rejected , ominal. [ Corn Higher a 364c. " / Oata Du ! ! at 24c. Rye Firmer at 70c. Birley Nomiusily unchanged ; No. spring , 74c. St-iiouls Live Stock. ST. Louis , July 16. Cattle Better feeling and price * nchanged. Sheep Unchanged ; receipts , b'OC * 11 iipmeuts. none. 3i Hog Active and lower ; Yorkers nd Baltimorts. g4 35S4 40 ; nicVing , 84 * 0@4 50 ; butchers' to select , % * 50 54 CO , Swsipt * , 8000 DOMESTIC DOIXGS , : Cotton and Cora Crowned , Both Beaching an Average of 100. Wheat Falls Short in the West But the East Makes up the Deficiency. Several Oil Tanks Struck by Lightning and Destroyed in Pennsylvania. Dr. Tanner Gradually Growing Fat on Wind and .Water Crop Keports. Biwcial Dispatch to The Pee. WASHINGTON , July 15 4 p. m The department of agriculture reports the condition of cotton 100 , the high est for years. Corn has increased in area over 1879 ono per cent ; average condition 100 , the highest for years being seven percent , higher than last year. Drought in the eist and too much r < tin in the west are complainec of. The Pacific states report very high conditions. Wheat , winter , 95 against 91 a year ago. The South falls off nearly ono fourth , but the average in the North is 98. West of the Mississippi the crop averages 05 azainst 89 last year. Sprirg vsheat 91 , same as list year , a decline from June average of six per cent. Nebraska falls to 62 , Iowa utaiith 91 , Paciiic Coast 90- Blazing Oil Tank Sped ii Dispatch to The bee. BRADFORD , Pa. , July 15 , 4 p. m A tank containing 623 barrels of oil , of the Acme oil company , was struck by lightning this morning , overflowed about 1 o'clock this afternoon , and now threatens a tank of 621 barrels. Both arc located np the Kansas branch , in McKenny county. Two 25,000 barrel tanks , near Ouster City , we-o also struck by lightning and are now burning. Both belong to the United Pipe Line. The Heat. Special Di'patch to The Bee. CHICAGO , July 15 4 p. m. The heated tetm continues to bo exceed ingly oopressive at Cincinnati , Lnuis and elsewhere in the intT'or ' , west and south. Many cases of pros tra ion and death by sunstroke are re ported. The temperature in this city to-day is comparatively moderate at'd apli'asxnt breeze is blowing. Toother mometer marked at 1 p. m. 86 do greeq. heter Cooper Prostrated. Special ill p-.tcli to The Bee. NEW Y BK , Ju'y 15 4 p m. Peter Copper was nearly prostrated by heat to-day , but his physicians say there's no cause for uneasiness. A Story. Hptcl l Dispatch tu The Bee. PORTLAND , Oregon , July 15 , 4p. m. It is reported that Indians revolted about Deep Creek , murdered several Families and have taken to the war path. The story is discredited. A Blaze. Special Dispatch tu The toe. AKKPKIOK , Oat. , July 15 , 4 p. m. Twenty stores were burned. L"ss § 50,000. Tanner's Fast. Special Dispatch tu THE DIK. BOSTOX , July 15 4 p. m. A news paper , speaking of Dr. Tanner's fast , recalls the alleged fact that ten yeara ago Dr. M. G. Smith , of Nowburry- aort , went without food for forty days , and during all that time visited his patients daily. Dr. S'mith is still alive and sincerely believes that healthy people can live on air. Special dispatch to The Bee. NEW YORK , July 15 4 p. m. Dr. Tanner shows a marked improvement. 3.a has swallowed from 30 to 40 ounces of water In fifteen hours , and ia ? gulned four pounds since Wednei- l y. He drove to Central Park this morning and forced the dynamometer up to 151 against 80 yesterday. Pulse , 80 , temp.-rature 98i , respiration 16. THE WATER DIET. NEW YOIIK , July 16 1 a. m. During the 24 hours ending at 9 o'clock last night Tanner , the fasting luctor , drank about two and one-fifth qnarte , or seventy ounces , of water and showed no evidence whatever of nontr.l or other disorders. WASHINGTON. NO RilD ON INDIAN TERRITORY. Special dtetatch to The Ike. WASHINGTON , July 16 1 a. m. the following telegram was received it the war office Wednesday night rom Gen. Pope at Leavenworth. "In further reply I report herewith telegram from Capf. Morse , com- oianiling the company on the Kansas ine andhlso send by mail the full report ff Capt. Ribinsou , whose compauy is west of Morse's. Both corroborate my dispatch of yesterday and think it very doubtful whether even Payne is in the Indin Territory. The following is M < > rae'a dispatch : From information obtained I do not think there ia any concerted move ment on the Indian Territory , Payne desires to be arrested , bufc not on the ' 'idian reservation. The action of the /'ivernment in releiaing him , when ' fast arreated , has had a bad jnfluence an the mmrfs of the people wh b obeyed > tbe proclamation , but who find the principal m ver in the attempt to make a > et lament s t at 1'berty thus snahhng him to repeat this attempt. BONDED. The Mississippi Valley Transporta tion con piny has bonded , under the lec-nt act of congress , from the port New Orleani to St. L'JUM , Cincm uati , Pittsburg and LousriiK DON. CUJfZBOK ENTSUSUSnC Dor- Q&in&iK Brrvs4 } br * J yei'erdny mornirg.and was for several houis in conjrrenco with Gov. Jew ll , chairman of the na'ioual republican committee , up it important natters connected wi lithe pro. denial cam paign. Yies wtre exchanged as to the general ronuttct of the cam > ai.n ; , especially in Pennsylvania and Now York. Sena or Cameron said his in formation from his own stitc led him to believe th t the republicans were united and would carry the s'ate. He was equally confident t-s to New York and the other northern statis In this opinion Jewell fully concurred. The interview was aatisf.ictory to both parties , Mr. Jewell stating afterwards that Senator Cameron was fully as en- thusias'ic as he could wish on the sub ject of the campaign. CAMERON AND BLAINK XOT "OUT. " Senator CVmeron says the stories about Mr. IMa n and himself b ini ; at locgurhc ds arc nil bosh , thtro is not a word of truth ir. any of them. Cam eron li-ft Lure in the afternoon for llarrisburg , where he will meet a con- foronca with prominent rfput'licafj to-day and make preliminary arrange ments for conduct-Hi ; the campaign in Pennsylvania. Mr. Cameron sajs hi < health is not nearly so bad us liai been represented hy the newspiperr , that there is nothing the niattrr with him thsl ciunot be remedied by rest , that he was hard worked during the session of congress ami utChicsnoand felt the need of r > ' t before oiitorini ; actively into the cunuoiqn. Hia trii > to White Sulphur Springs had prove-1 of great t > en lit ni d ho now feels fully equal to rcfttjuiibibility of tlu > camijiicn in hii s'a'e. He pro poses to vs't { Uariisbiirg for this pur pose. Ho * < y * that the ncmiiiation of Gen. GaroVld ia one that grows iu popularity day by dsy , and m hisjudt"- ment Garliold will ceitiiuly bo elected. Ex-Senator Simon Cameron , who went to the Su'phur ' Springs a f--w days since to confer with hi * son ox politiu.il matters , will rouitin there several dnya longer , after which he will rsturn ro Pennsylvania an I "as sist in conducting the c'iinp.ngn in thats ate. REPUBLICANS T " 'AFTI'ltE CONt'.RESb. The repub 10.111 c < > g.vsiioiial cam paign comini'ttr uiticijiate that the republicans wi 1 ga n a number of congressional district' . The calcula tion is that there will b a g < iin of at least one in Vi ginia , two iiiLurri- ana , four in Olii" , three e.xch in Penn sylvania and Now York , one in Wis COIIMII and probably tw , one etch in Minnesota , Indiana , Iowa and .Maine , anJ two c'-ch in Mi uuri and I linoia. This makes an aggregate of 22 , which , if correct , will giv * the republic-ma the control of the next housu of rep resentatives. TIBBLES' MISERABLE SUCd-.Ss. William Whiting , the Indian agent at Punci , In lia'i t-j'riiory , wr.te * to the interior department , ustiler d.ito of July 7 , cicloan : g Iii3 report for the mouth of Juno , lie s yt that the Poncas are ilnu. < j well at firming. grazing , etc. , r.nd are p aucably dn posed. Oa the 15h tiliiun > many -f the IndiauB went ou a viait to thu Cheyenne agency , and while there a person nniiod Titb'os entered thi-ir quarters during the night and tnctl to persuti lo t .cm to leave a > d r > tutu t > the'r old huniir , gr ur. b. II s : ul ha xvould -hrm catili hi rseset givehrm , > , > \ Tnij msdn ihetji disc' meii'e'1 , .u.tl Poison LJuntor and liis wife left thu agency. Tno others , howover. liavt returned to the Ponca ngt n y , and are now eatt.'fi > ; d to remain , and have re sumtd woik. PROSPEROUS NEZ The Nez Percva , at the same agency , pive no trouble and are pn.'Bper.nj ? in their farming operations. In conclu sion he eajs the Indiana * r < > anxious to know when the industriil school , which the department had promised them , will be built. Massacre of Cubans. Special l > ifli < atfli tu TUE ten. Niw YORK , July 16 1 a. m. A letter from Santiago Du Cubj re ceived in this city yeatctday confirms the news of the macsaTo of Cuban prisoners by Spaniards It ap- [ ; oara that the unforumate patriots were on a plantation of Dr. Tores n * ar Santiago. Do Cuba. 3omo of them will suffer from severe illneaa and nurses and were waited up on by their companions. A spy jave information of their presence to the Spanish commandant where the "Virgimus" massicre took place and a detachment i-f soldiers niirrounduil the house at ui ht , ontcrod it and the party was captured and the butchery , commenced immediately. FOR SALE EVERiAGU THE GREAT MALARIALANT1DOTE OFTHEAGE. Safe , Certain , Sure and Speedy NEVERFMLSTOCURE. The only article known that Will eradoafs\\\\s \ \ disease perm an Mf/yfromAhe system * , J.C.RICHARDSON , OLl PROPRIETOR Genera I Agents/ RICHARD SON a CO- WHOLESALE. DRUfiClSTS , EVERYWHERE. BARGAINS 3OXT ESTATE IBIEJIMIIS' AGENCY , 15th and Domrlns Street. Over 3,000 ri * Irncc lota fona-'c bjr tbl * ty at j.riix r .in iBir fixni $2i to l ? , ! < X cb , anil locatwlln o'err ' rart if 'lircito. intl in eren direction fiom'ltic I'oetutticnorth. . j f , routlt or c.-t. aril .arjrlrjr in illttaiuc frum cor litocL to one ir tw i > nnlej from tame. Ctllaml cvamine our 1 MH > CTcial rlii'ict : lots in Criffin & lines' MI tu n. west of eutuent , bclwtrn St. JI rj" yen ucn.t Ilanutlttel ' itW ti $ > > . tO acn-3 jiu't cast of bar rviflu on S - niters St . iliw "iiln'iif > .limlwil ! ! DuM trri cbrap- fur j 'i i > i . " , 10 r ii > acre 1 > ; no in.Kir time tosjre a turban- rii i r ' .it at i- I .if tired rar tr cV < on Satin- Jt.T : rB ! f.ir Ji"- Clt-iiue It. . K ru..nn an > l 2 'h strr t , 90x132 t. t f. > r51(5 > 0-nillilu'.il ! . Cl.ra | > lot ! > in CreJil Fon. Ur jJilitioit. goalh of I" . P. ilfpii TERRACE ADDITION. Kortj lots on 1'ark Avenue inU ( t rcia tmt. o- rout t i jark. anil near head of St M rV aM'iinc , at ir m elCa to $3W < acv Seven Trai < time at cik-Iit | > rr crnt mtcrrst t tbixe ho will put up I'tM MibftanlUI builtlu.sr * . K r further t'trluuilari * ai > pito. . O. P. 11EMIS , Asent. Flttccntli and DnuscUs tr t < . A nice lot on ilini'V ! ! I TwcntBrst strrei- . fur Jt > ' ' 5. T o . hotco lots nil .Oth. r.eir S'Sarjr' ! i nt uc. Wxlra f : t eicb. f jr eSW and S.1" . fni ihiu-o 1-jts near 23d and Clark 'rrt ! . In K V Smith's addition $300 ami OSO. Kiity I"tinbh nu'i > rr < .x nd n < l tliird * l Ix-t ne ir I5 v. and ri ro$150. . 2 lots on HariK-v near 24th St. . fWcvh. I 1 jt on1th n > ir ! loaril trwl , KuO. 10 lots in < " "I View addition , south > ! I" I * britUe and dt . < > t. From ; ! . ' to j 00 each Onoaire , tl"70 fett , n l th etrret. omtH 'f I'upplcton D' csidaico. for fcJ.fr'C. or nil' ilivi.lt- Into < MI ) ri < sl lot : , a from f3 0 to $ .VO each. I RIVERVIEW ADDITION. Lar ; e number of Iwautllul res Jrncn I U. 1 > taUtl in this new Juiiton < * n l'ii < lti > l lilll. If tuvfli tilth street "il 'h tait. 'Jnth on tb ? e.t L > o < l . otr tlt > n tbe n Tth aid Farchum * in r on tlie foiitli furuerlr rrd by C 11 ! > and more ntcntlj known i the 1'crkiy 15 vrit Unl > i2 ! o9 ! hactl.usf-r l * n platwl 11 on Karnt.aci ami 8 on Poiigla * : rtrt Ti > ! < ! ar. 50 to5t > fietmv idt aid 1M cde-t ll.CiKi f"r the choice. 5 yejrn tiuv st sprr ctnt n tenet t' tho.e wb uiI ! t > uutil eubetxii'U ! hotu a therc 'i. Lall icd cx.in inc plat and get full inloiniiti m ut UCHIJiKl. . FJTA f E AOENCV. 15th tnd LTou io SIre t * O\er 200 hoU'rtt nu lots ae tiCertd * * > r 110 by th'j otfic-i n y are finite e l H t T r th nrv Am li otion ) > .u He Ire lri < * / . - KII LO to * 16.0 > oath 1 KO d l"ts an. I ' * tlicap liouyrK ucar Jiik Kii.l 12-h uttntri t a irrci.raerilKv. . Here i uicat I > rcain for oonit. < > n < * . 1l.e nn. [ < rty ma < b a ild i tu ilutcly. Cottt ju-t a itiarter > f * Mock. Cull jtideTiiidiK : Hiloal huat n > Jel y GEU. Y 11LMIS. A : tnt. lilli am ! I > ayU 5t . A dealrable lot 'car tUDiins- l & < un < ! n Streets , $1 , HO HOPARK PARK PLACE. Tlie clvupf ot ncro I.'B tilth cl'.j of Um < ha. ar thoMf . 'Her. J f r-si'e by .his agency In Talk ft co anil I iKr'aft-K'ul ad .1 i > D. un'Cuni r > . Uuit r. d Califrn'n "treet . you van u.Le < mistake in pr Lhv up th * ae b > n.iii > hUc mil hive the cha ic These l t * remoTthin . ( tn ! in s-ue to 4 fuit siiwl < ily loU'r abtlfM- and it will be bu < a fr ) fiort tin hef.'re oue- flfth j-irt of.M c .1 th'insa-ro l..t lll etll fr 9 rnuclKd toctTcr a in I cte today. lb y * n Ic < ! attd a rerx ( hoit di stun wi t t f Cr i btun r liege. l'rfc 3 mr.pii.i ; from J5SO to $30O rwr actvlrit. Cal ! injinrdlatelv , atid doa't lose W-IIT JiAiifc. nd irtt plxt mid full particular * of OKO. P BEM19. AyMt , 15th and IHiDzIa * Streets. Nice tut on Sherman Avrnue north of Nichob * trect. 31.1OJ. Half lot on Cv-l.tctveru i3th aixl llth .re-t ? l,00inice - nice lots in IlartuM.iV aiMitlnr. HuO t > < f6u' Laru numlicr of ncrr loin ill Ufer'e addition tn North Ouutia , jlz5 to SSiM lacb. Choice corner bit near 22d IIH ! CaKf'inii i-treets , 3I.JOO. tjvirral cooil lutn in J.ex. ! n'x nl lit in , $1M > l < > KM rocb. < A. ii-u lot in Tbnriieirg addition. J7MJ. Scvtnl bore lots In Ilirtlrtt's addition. 1) roi's and 2 } acres eicli 1'rien $700 to $2.fV > eath. eath.Hererai Hereraili - ! - Ii > > ii. Tr d'9 flrjt Aeic lot on Shennan a > enuc , (16th ( rrr ) . eolith of P < i | > i > I ton'4 r.rvr residente. for Jl.l-1 2 lanc li.ts neir Isth and Clark ' .r t , 0x 3.10 feet Corner , jl.200 ; iiiMde. il.Ow ) . 3 Inr e lotd on she m n arenue. ( IB'.h > tre < t ) . near Clark &tre t. X * each. McCANDLISH PLACE. 22 nice and cheap lota , very near tu tl. . baj- ine < niirt of the ci'y , lonteda very fcv t | ) south of tbe Convent and rL Mary's a naraiid juH f otitti i f and a < l jo.nins t' rnund of . 'accrs M Wiolworth and WJ. . Oumell 'Iirt * are cheap and tery deoirabte , bciii n handv ti > bta > - ilirsn part c.fity , tnueor soicnimettiieior. > ail works , ulute Itad work * . I' . I * , depot , itock jaidn , pickiti : li'iuce * . ttc Call an > l c t pi t and lull var icirara. P'icc $575 to iJtO and M.-S terms to tbore b < > huild CKl > . P. DEillS. A < tnt. 15th and IVutU * Sti" . 3choice residence I Un 21th street , brt o n D..U-U8 and Uo.lkv9trcel9fI.10it ; < > jl.AOrv and lon time to t-i > fe who will btiilil. Lh i. c corner In < t near 2ithan < l KoiBuam etit-jt * , G3xl2 fett , JI.1SO and 31Sf . trl rtry ovy tiviiL" ti > pnirliawn , who nil ini | > r < ite. AIi 413 \ mi 'Jltli. lietHern Fmham axl I'oiU'U" s rcrtf , j''i'l to JI.COO caih an'l l o { time. XfZW of 'he bo-t btuiim I"ti in the cltr of Omaha for pale , located on ct rr buaiie'j street , o ery atabte ! store pr.i < rtlri in at- eiiry bu inr * ) blockS.OOO to ? 15,6 ) < > earhLAKE'S LAKE'S ADDITION. lOctiotcc rcs'ilcnce lots tn above ail > litM > n. im. me lively ninth of an < ! ailj-jinmz 1'of p.'eti. t beautiful reaidcnce and Krc > nci > . and Iocatl 0.1 lath I9th and iOt h street * . t3W tn JifO each in-i \ary cafy tcrita to tboxe who lll btuM. CaD and examine pl > t and Kct full pArtlraUM. KO. P. BKM1S. Azent. Heau' iful huiliimic eite on Sherman artnn- ( l ti ! stn-ct' x.t ees Poppleton and the Iu- : ! 1 j m j'Hjr c 11 , - 3 feet ej-t frutita/e un avenue , by i'J frit in depth. Will divide it.mik inzl32feetby33'J. Call aaJ ret full parUcalar- An acre un ISth street. lOif'et cisi front ! - by 378 fett < leei > . This u j J t south f tee K. 10- bcth ( Poppleton p'ace. TKs h ziltde , cJI ar i iet price and terms vf BEVIiA crt IS 1500.1 lot * , j'ist rorth rl and adjoining E X Snjitn'aai'diiton , and locatol be'.weenCMi < - ' Saundert ntreet > > . at rea nnab ° 9 prices n t lor time to burer who irorrov * . BEMIS. Acnt HO REACH'S ADDITION. 53 lota In IIorbacn'3 first and ncond 'UiUt > i,5 on l > itb. lath , 19th and 20th strati. b t e a NichoLJ ) , P < uISbe-m naDil Clara at ttts , rerr handy to t * P Shops , a-nettis ? rks. t . ranging In prices from from i _ 0u to jl.ieo 'i. raquinnz or y null payment dvwn awn tim at7p r cent interest tn those wbu iltin prove. GKO. P. BEMla. 15th and DutJylw Sir * t 33 nics Inn H Parker * * addition , Kttwe Ti Saunderu an 1 Pierce. Kui < and CampicI- at * on Blon-.o stre t ; 10 lota with south frt * ' 13 with north frontage , only 6 bk is prtt f the turn-table ( nd s r t-ear tnct ) on svmkrs street. Very I w priteaiSnSea.'h , er sM r r lo it time nd 3 per ceat intereat to tttnan wh" will bniid. iariM zoo.1 f .irnw fcT safe la Does ' . S rv . Washington Burt. 1 > * Jge. Saocders aoJ Eaitrrn tier of counties. i2T3 0 OM acrra best seteetwl land ] ta th state fuJ sale by tbia a.-tccy. Cat ! and gtt najfl , drc-ilar * and full pariicul r * i2TB ni ' new map of Omaha. 50c asd St 5e X7Bemis new paa > pMet ( and map of t. ' . ? Stat ) entitled "the out'ook of K btaafc * fr free diainbution. Geo. P. Bern is' , REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 15th & Douglas St. ,