Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 2

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j OCR CofNTRT I RIESCS we will always be plcanc
i tobetr from , on all matters connected will
\ < rotp , ctuntry politics , an ion any subject
' whuttTer. ci gene ; al interests to the people o
our State Any information connected H1
U election , ardrelatir.g to floods , acc'dent"
will be Rwdly received. All snch corrmunica
tiot showier mubt te as brief as possible
aad they must in all case * be wrtten on on <
side of tl e fhcet nnly.
TEZ KAMI or WMTTR , in full , mutt in each acr )
oommuDlcatlon ol
evrry oa * accompany any
wlat ratnreeoevir. This ii not intended fet
butforocroim'Mt'Bfaition anii
publics 11-n ,
. as proof f f good faith
Ajoorycrar.XTS of * ar.didaies for Office whelL.
er nude 1 y f" If or tr'endi , and hcther as no
tices or communicattrrB to the Fditor , are
until riomlratioL * re made 'simply ,
and wl" be charged fra d ertlsrrrcnt" .
WEPO jJOTdfB'rc ' contributiins tfa litoraryo :
poetical tharacttr ; and new-ill not undertake
to p e r crr reserve the s. me in any case
whatever. Cur ftaff is sufficient y large to
more than supuly our limited tpsce.
AU con munic tiorsfhc ld be addressfd to
E. ROSEWA1EK , Editor.
of Ohio.
of Sew York.
motto Swear not at
THE br'gtdiera now allude to
Gettysburg with almost as mucb
gusto * as they used to refer " to Bull
THE "HANCOCK" corset is the latest
advertising dodge of a shrewd Xew
England manufacturer. Tliey are
_ aaid to be much aff-cted by Demo
cratic ladies.
OVER 6,000 h'U'es in Now Yotk
ware empty when the census was
tiken in that city , the fanvlies having
gone to the seaside or the country for
their summer vacation.
HENRY WATTERPON IB spoken of ? s
chairman of the democratic national
committee. Should Henri aca'tipio
pve leading a force of 100,000 armed
men to un eat the prendent on the
coming March , this would give him
the advantage of position.
ENGLISH , the demociatic copper-
he d nominpe for vice-president , is
now in New York and the national
committee are commencing to found
his b r'l The millionaire who con
tributed $1 to the Chicago sufferers
can hardly be expected to pull open
the spigot with the freedom of the late
lamented S. J. T.
THE great powers have sdviccd
Oretco to delay calling out tier re
serves and thvis virtually delaring
war against Turkey , until the sultan
replies to the notu of remonstrance
issued by them. What answer Greece
has returned is not reported , Vut the
announcement that she is torpedoing
every harbor indicates that she means
THE long expected proclamation of
universal political amnesty has been
issued on behalf of France by Presi
dent Grevy , and the galley s of Mar
seilles and the barren islnnJs of the
Pacific will yield up their thousanda
of political convicts , whose crimes
have been amply expiated by nine
years of expatriation and penal servi
tude under a tropical sun. This act
is worthy of the French republic ,
which by its magnanimity hua emulat
ed the example get by the United
Tan campaign in Indiana will open
with the reception to be given to Hon.
A. G. Porter , the republican candi
date for governor , on his return to his
home at Indianapolis Wednesday.
The preparations for his ovation are
on s grand scale. His immediate
neighbors will tender him a reception
ft his residence after supper just be
fore goitig to the wigwam , and Ten
nessee street from Pratt to First will
be fairly covered with flans and
Chinese lanterns. The escort to the
' vMgwm will consist of th < 5 Irish-re
publican clubs that day assembled ,
who will msrch with torch-lights.
/ Gen. Ben Harrison will deUvor the
formal welcome.
COMPLAINTS of low fevers come
from vat ious sections of the slate , in
all cases -accompanied by reports oft
dirty etretta , filthy alleys , or defec
t tive drainage. There ia no question
of the day which is at present attract
ing more attention among men of sci-
v ence than that of the neglect and ue-
/ ceasity of sanitary precautions. It
"I can M truthfullybe said that there is
I no topic of vital importance upon
/ which the ma'ses of people show more
/ lamentable ignorance. In a com
" paratively thinley settled country ,
Lko our own , the moat ordinary pre-
ciu.ions will usually suflice. Chief ot
these is duo care that all welh are dug
at a safe dis ance from vaults and cess
pools and nt the
higher end of any
elopa in the ground. Care should
nlso be taken that no refuse matter
during the summer saason be allowed
ti accumulate in the neighborhood of
the house which s'hould at Ml times
be thoroughly ventilated.
In the cities ono of the most fruit
ful sources of ma'aria f * filthy alleys
hich are mode the.receptacies of all
refuse and offal of the adjoining build
ings. A prominent physician states
it as hU' opinion that next to imper
fect sevrer connections more fatal cases
of typhus /ind typhoid fevers in large
c tie * result * from filthy .alleys than
fem any other cause. In Omaha
there are a number of these pest-
bro-ding .alleys which demand imme
diate attention. Filth breeds disease
which diffuses itself by living germs ,
pprrading themselvM in every direc
t-on from tEelr 'place of origin. In sl-
mnt every instance they are the re-
nult of the mostTnlpable carelessness.
The middle age idea that Providence
sends pestilences to punish mankind
for their Inu'deftcli , Has yielded happi
ly to the knowledge1- that -mankind
i lone is r pontible 'for most of Ihe
a hea and'ills whiea afflict him , and
which , with' ordinary'jare , might" bo
_ , .
* * V " * T S' * x. '
largely arc
ARTICLES of incorporation have
been filed by a new etock companyol
h ma capitalists , who propose to com ;
pete f IT the water works 'conttact.
This now corporation , nnlike the bogus
company organized by Dr. Gushing
and the Holly jobbers , is made up of
snen who have "ample- means tobuild
water works without borrowing a dol-
Othpr responsible bidders will also
doubtless compote for the contract ,
and Omaha may now rest assured thai
she will have a first-class system o !
water worki within less than twelve
We still adhere to our origins
views concerning the ownership of the
water work * . All things being equal ,
we should consider it safer and more
advantageous to have the works built
and owned by foreign capitalists.
The money invested in water works
by a home company will necrswrily be
withdrawn from actiye usa in other
enterprises such as hotels factoties'and
store houses which are much needed
hero , thilo every dollar of foreign
caf ital invested in Omaha increases
the pggre ate capital c f the commun
ity. It ia on the whole safer to con
tract with responsible f ireiijn capi
talists because n home company would
ex rt greater influence on our city
C'luncil ' and might through such in
fluence eva-io responsibility , where
the foreign company would bo held
s'ricUy to tbe letter of the contract.
If , however , the home company will
contract tg erttt water works acecrd-
ini ; to Engineer Cook's plins , and on
the condition * prescribed by the
water ordinance , at lower rates tlau
any competing company or indi
vidual , we should favor the n ard
of the contract to thorn. The taxpay
ers os Omaha want water woiks nnd
they want them built in the most sub
stantial manner , of a capacity to sup
ply fifty or sixty thousand inhabitants.
They want these water worka built
w.thout delay nt the least expense to
tax payers. If the Omaha water
works company makes the most favor
able proposal they ought to Lave the
Since the above was written the
bids have been opened and while the
Omaha water company appear to be
the lowest bidder * , all the bida are
decididly too high. Ninety dollars
per hydtant is about twenty dollars
higher than we ought to pay , but it
may be advisably to close the coi
tract if no assurance is had of better
TUEUE is some possibility that the
oppressive restriction placed by the
English privy council on American
c.lttlo , one of which requires all such
Imported cattle to be slaughteted at
the post of ilebarkitiun , will be re
moved by order of parliament. Ar
thur Arnold , liberal member of par
liament , leader-writer in ihel'dlMull
Gazette , and one of the ablest mem
bers of his party , has given notice in
the house of commons that ho wiil
c ll attention to the restrictions placed
on the importation ot foreign cattle
into Englind , with a view to hivinu
theaa restrictions reinowd. The
c-iusus which led to the order of the
privy council no longer exist.
The international meat tradt
in which western stock-growers are s-j
much interested , has suffered exces
sively , and the complaints from Eng
Hah consumers are as loud aa those of
the producers. Should Mr. Arnold's
motion prevail , the coming fall will
witness the most remarkable export
In cattle since the trade opened.
THERE has been much talk among
the democratic organs of the unassaila
ble record of General Hancock. The
Chicago Tiibnne says that that "rec
ord" ia s'owly getting into shape.
Among the items in it are : First , Ac
tive simpathy with McClclIan , and a
proposition to assist him in deposing
the civil powers at Washington. Second
end , Nullification of acts of congress
n Louisiana , and friendly support of
ex-rebels against loyal whites and ne
groes. Third , Insubordinate conduct
and the iso of insulting language to
iia siiperujr officers , Gens. Grant and
Sherman. Fourlh , Candidacy Cor
the presidential office on a plitform
favoring the payment of the bonds in
greenback * , nnd declaring Hie recon
struction ac-s "revolutionary
, usurpa-
tive and void. " Fifth , Proposition to
recognize Sam Tildon as President ,
nnd disohoy thoorders of his command
ing general. _
ACCORDING to a writer in the Inter
national Iteviciv the growth of Ameri
can agriculture is unparalled in the
history of any nit'on. In 1865 our
whi > at was .
crop 148,553.000 bushels ;
n 1879 , 448,750,000. Corn in 18G5
was 904,467,000 , and in 1879 1,544-
000,000 bushels. Wii hin thirty years
ho corn centre. has been hansferre.l
from the south to the west , and the
wheat centre from the middle states
o the west. The tobacco increase
lag , of course , been in the southern
tales. Within the sam period the
cotton crop has incroasd from 3,012-
000 bales to 5,210,000. Arkansas
and Texas are the largest gainers
rom the increase in cotton.
are commenting on
he liberality of Wm. H. ' Vanderbilt
in contributing $75,000 for transport
ng the Alexandria obelisk to that
city. As William
escapes taxes on
852COO,000 of peri-onal property and
owns one-thirteenth of "the funded
debt of Jhe United SUtes , his pocket
is not likely to suffer much from the
THE southern presTled thankful
that the sectional issue is lifted en
tirely out of American politics , but
WJies it distinctly understood that
"the south is hopelessly democratic , -
and all effotts of
republicans to re
claim it will ba useless. " This ia rec
onciliation with a ventreince.
THE new oath for the Erench sol
diers contains no reference to the
Deity or the republic. It will be
taken on the 14th of July , ai follows :
"In the name of the regiment , I
iwe r on my honor to remain faithful
to the constituting , an4 to Defend this
B&S until death , "
Niobrara's now bank is opened.
Columbus is to have a steam
laundry. -
TEe B. & M. in Nebraska employ
5,000 men.
* Milford is talking of erecting a
§ 40,000 hotel.
North Bend talks of organizing
fire company.
Carleton has a new paper namec
The Advertiser.
Niobrara Turners hare crganizec
a gymnastic school.
The A. & N. round house at Co
lumbus is completed.
Spring Creek , Thayer county , i
to have a school house.
Twenty seven brick buildings ar
now erecting in Lincoln.
Beatrice census returns give th
city a population of 2464.
Red Willow county holds its fits
teachers inst tuto on August 1st.
The militia , company at Beatrice
has ordered fifty suits of uniform.
A now democratic newspaper i
soon to bo started at O'Neill City.
A family near Seward , has jus
lost nine children from diphtheria.
Hastings 1 id tbe corner stone
for her new Episcopal church on Sat
Lincoln's colored population pro
pnso to hold a jubilee on the first o
In Franklin cuunty the cattle are
dyit g in largo numbers from black
Five loads of dry buffalo bones
were hauled through Culbaitson re
Beatrice has shippr-d 200 cars o
stock to eastern market i during the
present season.
Over 900 cars of live stock were
shipped from Lincoln during the
month of June.
Mail service was extended over
the B. , t M. , to Cambridge and In
dUnola , on July 1st.
Mny of tlift fruit trees in Lincol <
and vicinity are dying. The cause is
not yet ascer < ainc < J.
The of H' ll '
population oun'y , as
shown by the complex returns of the
enumerator , is 8,550.
The stock yards at Indianola are
large enough to accommodate four
thousand head of cattle.
The P ; lendid rail's in Red Willow
county are stopping who hat
started to leave their cl-uiiis.
Last week a youns mail namec
Hotick , while swimming in Beaaa
Ljk , near Wahoo , drowned.
Twenty two breaking plows wera
ruonh'g within sight cf each other in
Valley county , one day last week.
At Ayr on the 3d inet a tramp in
endeavoring to climb on a movmg
train , was run over &nd fatally in-
The corn ctop in the Republicau
valley will bo eni mous. The wheat
will not < ! go inoie than half a
Linculti Catholic1 citizens realized
8244 fr m their recenf picaic which
num will bj applied on finishing their
new church.
The Adams county board ul
equalization found § 80OKO' > f personal
property that had b-.on overl' okecl by
the assessors.
Mr. Newmin , an extensive Co
lumbus sheep grower , has located a
ahoep lauch stocked with 3000 sheep ,
near Clarke i'K- .
Eleven hundred dollars worth of
bmldini > lots at. the n.-w town of Har
dy in Nuck 11s county were B Id in
oue evening a week since.
J. L. Spencer if Pawnee accuied
of forging on the Sibbetln bank h is
be : held in 81,000 bond for his ap
pearance at the district court.
A son i f ex-Mayor Hardy , of
Lincoln , was Urnbly burned at Firth
on the 6th He had a pocketfull i-f
powder which by some merlin became
A resident of Boone county came
to Columbus last week with 39L71ls
of wool for shipment. This was pro
duced 379 sheep , being 10.51 Ibs. av
erage to the fleece.
The storm of last week did great
damage throughout ihu western and
central portions of the state. At
North Phtte , Grand Island and Hast
ings its force was felt nir st severely.
On Friday , July 2d , Win. Uor-
ken , a workingman employed on a
Lincoln building , fell from a tall f caf
Folding , breaking ono leg , shattering
the. ankle and sustaining severe inter
nal injuries.
The county taxes levied for the
pear 1880 in Thayer comity are nine
mills on the dollar valuation. The
taxes in Jefferson county ate 14 mills ,
ind the Cl.-iy county taxes are 15
null ? .
Two sons of Mr. Fry , of Spring
3roek , Thayer comity , while in swim-
111113 last week were drowned. When
: ound their bunds were cksptd to-
; ether , indicating that one had tried
lo help the other.
The persons implicated in the
tilling of yount ; Parker at Tecumseh
ivero all five admitted to b.r.l three
! n the. fcuui of § 1500 each , and two in
; he sum of § 1000 each. All prtcured
Mil except one.
Gua. Jiurj ; , a citizen of Arrapa-
100 , was drowned on Friday night ,
Inly 2d , while attempting to cross
Muddy creek on a raft Ho was found
m Sunday three-quarters of a mile
lown stream. Ho was intoxicated at
he time.
A number of indictments have
aeen found in various counties of the
itate against Dic Middleton , and it
low looks as if he will spend the
jreiter portion cf his life in the pem-
; entiary.
It is reported that the U. P. will
iommeuce work immediately at Lin-
: oln on that part of the O. &R. V.
oad to ba built between that place
itid Beatrice. The distance is ouly
10 miles , and when the g p is filled
he line from Omaha to the St. Joe
fc Western road will be completed.
A scabbing affray occurred in
lebron on July 3d , during which ono
McDonnell stabbed Joseph Shulta of
Dry creek , inflicting three severe stabs
n the thigh and one in the face. No
ogal ett-ps were taken in the matter
A convict named Nelson Jasen
jscaped last week from the peniten-
, iar > brick yard by scrambling over
, he wa'la ' and lett-ng himself down
vith a rope. He was serving out a
ive years sentence for grand larcenny
iommitted in Douglas County.
At Crow Creek , Franklin county ,
ast week , the house belonging to Dan
3augh , in which Mr. Isaac Novinger
ires , was struck by lightning , etun-
ling Mr. and Mrs. Novm er. P ! S3-
ng outside- the eame stroke killed a
ot of young chickens , near where it
vent into the ground.
The Democratic- Split In Vlrffinla.
! t. Paul Pionetr-Pregs.
The oplit in tha democratic party in
iT'irginia , which has led to the forma-
ion of two electoral tickets , becomes
nteresting. It ba * an anxious inter-
tst for the democrats and a dimly-
icpeful interest for .the ropublicgn" .
Host people k ow that this split is in
omo way an iaheritaace of tie old
rouble'over * h TeadjrjirmeetoUier. ;
ra ? fce partjsj vopudjaqon of the
state debt of Virginia ; but most pee
pie are puzzled to know why that ol (
trouble should have split the democ
racy on the presidency ; or what the
readjusters hope to gain by running i
second democratic electoral ticke
pledged for the same candidates
f : > r president and vice presi
dent as those named at Staui
ton last May. The Key to the puzzle
is the ambition of Gen. William
fllahone , tbe leader of thia readjuatei
party , and his associates. .These gen
tlemen saw a chance to divide the p > tr
ty on the debt question , and ride into
popularity and power on the repudia
tion issue. They eeceded from the
regular democratic party upon the
question of accepting the settlomen
cf ihe d'jbt proposed by the bond
holders in the McCnlloch bill and do
fcatod the measure. Tnen they orga
nized for victory in state politics
They appealed to the people as thei
protectors against increase of taxation
gained the colored vote by iavisl
promisfs and then division of patron
age , and swept the state in the elec
tion last year. There WHS no vote
for governor ; but the read
justprs carried the genera
assembly and reaped the
fruits of their victory by electing G&n
Mahone to the United States senate
Last winter tJ.e readjuatera pis ed a
new debt bill , carrying the scaling
down process farther than had eve ;
been done before ; but this was veioei
by the regular democratic governor
Hlliday. . The trouble next tppearec
in the electoral cunvuntioua. The
regular democracy met iu Stauntoi
last May , and the readjustee callet
their convention for July 7. Some o
their representatives appeared a
Staunton and rsked tha' the nomi
nation of an elec'oral ticket ba poU
ptnied to July when the two factious
could unite. Thia was tefused , em
the regulars nomiiiHtud their electors.
It was supposed that the roadjutters
would acquiesce ; but on the cc ntr ry
they met m convention MI Richmond ,
Wednesday , and nominated a ful
electoral ticket , instructing the
elector to vote for Hancock and En
glish for president and vice president.
Of course the only object of this is to
ci lull out the regular democratic or-
gjii'zation ' and confirm the supremacy
i f the readjusters iu the btato. They
de-sire to preserve their separate or
ganization to facilitate their contest in
the congressional districts. They have
suvetal candidates fo'r congress , whom
they expect to elect , among them
Henry A. Wise. They think they
can best accomplish th s with a separ
ate electoral ticket. Beside ? , their
nomination is a threat to the regular
orinnizVions. The democratic ma
jority m Virginia is not so large that
the party can afford to go in
to a contest with two electoral
tickets in the field Tha fact
that both of them are pledged to Han
cuck will not prevent his defeat in
Virginia , if the Garfield electoral
ticket , happens to have a plurality
over both of them. The regular de
mocrats are frightened by the threat ,
and re.ilize their responsibility , as the
smallest faction , for any defeat that
may come from a failure to unite the
ticket. They have already made
overtures for fusion , which it ia likely
enough will end In their complete sur
render and support of the Mahone
t ckut. This result will complete the
triumph of the repudiatura , and make
Mahone the Demi cratic autocrat of
tl-eSt te. On the ether hand , if the
regulars are stubborn and keep thuir
ticket in the field , the bnlJ step of
Mahono may ruin him , and Garfield
may get the State.
M-mson handles a ton of butter per
Duriut : the past year Cornell col
lege had 384 students
The assessed value of stock in Harrison
risen county ia § 1,015,808.
List Monday the Cherokee creamery -
ory churned 4,000 pnutids of butter.
It is estimated that 30,000catlleare
Feeding in Wright county this sum
The final figures give Davenport a
ptpulatioit of 21,812 , and Scott coun
ty 41,068.
The Cedar Falls disbutees ymong
the surrounding farmeis § 115 a day ,
or § 3,500 a mon'.h.
A mining engineer estimates the
quantity of coal in the Fort Dodge
district mines at 150,000,000 tons.
The Daveupott lumbermen figure
this season's cropt-f lumber 250,000-
)00 ) feet short on ace -tint of the flood.
The crop reports from the western
part cf the" state are more favorable
now th < tn at any former time this
Valisca gets an 18 inch vein of coal
at 220 feet depth , and , arguing that
s'le will have a G-foot vein at 600 feet ,
keeps on boring.
Burlington tries bard and agonizes ,
> ut about 19,000 is the grand sum toil -
: -il of her population under Undo
Sam's inexorable mathematics.
The pnpnecors of the Dos Moincs
glucose works agree to move them
within thirty days to some locality
where the stench arising from them
will not be a public nuisance.
A panther has been in the woods
lorih of Estherville for some time. It
has killed several sheep , turkeys , etc. ,
of late , and is quite a terror to the
A gang of track layers , employed in
putting down steel rails for the Illi
nois Central railroad , when about ICO
miles went of Dubuque , struck for
higher wages , with 1,000 fest of trjck
up They got it.
For the tree months ending with
July 1 , Cherokee shipped 12 cars of
cattle , 04 cars of hoes , 85,871 pounds
of butter , 39,999 dozen eggs , 6,164
lushels of wheat , 59,329busheJscorn ,
2,750 bushels oats , and 1,544 busheh
Hill & Day , of Kookuk , have 600
acres planted to cucumbers , peppers ,
cmliflowers , etc. , which , when har
ested , will be manufactured into
pickles. The crop is expected to
nake between 3t'00 and 4,000 barrels ,
and require an outlay of from § 75,000
o 8100,000.
The two largest libraries in the state
are the state library at Des Moines
and the Dubuque library. The former
ontains 14,000 volumes , and the lat
er 8,000.
Iowa city enumerates her manufac-
oriesas follows : Oil mills , iron works ,
a bridge factory , alcohol works the
argest paper mills in the United
States , a booming cutlery factory ,
class , works , glucose work * , breweries ,
oat meal mills and many minor indus-
rial establishments , all run with
lome capital.
Burlington has a novelty in the
hapa of a pear tree , which blossomed
at the usual time rind has a fine crop
of green pear * . Not content with
which , it haa blossomed the second
ime and the new crop is nrowin"
The int r-State Fair association of
bwa , Missouri and Nebraska will be
laid at Hamburgh , commencing on
he 13th and closin ? on the 18th Sep-
ember. Over $2,000 in purses for
rials of speed are offered by the as-
An unknown woman recently put
ip at the 0den hou e"m Council
Uuff-i , and on leaving left t two-
aonthB-old babe to the tender mercies
f the hotel people. . She asked the
loujakeeper to tafce care of th * child
rhli lie * 8 t it 4
last seen of the woman , who probabl ;
-took this means to get rid of the little
one.There are twenty orchards in Ma
haska county which will averag
5000 bushels of apples each , and 101
that will average 1000 each. J. F
Dixon'tt crop is estimated at 30,00 (
bushels , and the entire yield of th (
county is estimated at 300,000 bushel *
The Oaceola creamery business ii
steadily rising. Commencing opera
tions in May , 1879 , with the manu
facture of 320 pounds of butter foi
that month , each successive month ba !
witnessed an increase in its produc
until for tha month of June , 1880 , tht
yield reached 15 300 pounds.
The state fair will be held at De
Moincs , on the fame grounds as las
yeart on Sop"ti > mber 6th to 12th inclu
sive. The premiums offered art
§ 5000 in excess of these of 1879
and aggregate $16,000. It is confi
dently expected that the fair will be
the best over held in the state.
The contract for the railroad bridge
across the .Mississippi at Sabula hat
been let , and ii to be completed by the
1st of .November , 1880 The stones
for the piers are all fitted and num
bered in the Anamosa quarries , and a
St. Lotm company is to construe
the bridge , which is to be of iron. The
c' ifer ( iimiR nrt * going in , and the work
will he pushed to its completion.
Work on a flax mill has commencec
at Algona , which leads The Republi
can to remark : "The product of flax
str\ in Koesuth county will nnuunt
to not less than 8,000 tons in the sea
son of 1880 , and thou h no more than
6,000 tons of this total should be mar
keted , the county will be bettor off tn
the amount of § 12/000 / to § 15,000 by
the locution of the flax mill. "
Wm. Duncan and Alex. Kilts , the
men charged with the murder of olc
Mrs. Duncan , and who were arres'et
in Nebraska by Chief Jackson , ol
Council Bluffs , are still in jail in the
latter city. Arrangements will proba
bly be iiuide to transfer them to Mills
county , in which county they will no
doubt be arraigned on the charge at
the S pt 'iui > er term of court. The
reward offered by Gov. Gear w s
§ 500 , which is to bo pitd "on convic
tion of the murderer or murderers ol
Mrs Duncan. "
A mo. t d.strepsing accident occur
red nt-ar Clinton 1-ist Sunday after-
iiuon , Hu'il' ' Hdtma with his wife ami
five children was returning home ,
when in crrssini ; a swollen creek the
wagon capsized and Mr. Hanna and
the five children were drowned. Mrs.
Hanna jumped from the wagon In
"imo " to si\e herself , but wan forced to
stand on the bank and see her chil
dren drown before her eyes The
bodies of Mr. Hanna and four of the
children were recovered , but tbe body
of the fiifth had not been found at. last
advices. Ono of the horses was also
_ _
Tne Price of The South's Solidity.
Albauy Evcti'n ? Journal. ( Rep. )
The rebel claims , amounting to mil
lions of dollars , which have stood for
jcara in awe of the veto of a republi
can president , would be rushed through
at the earliest moment , were the dem-
ocrara given undisputed possession at
Washington. The pirty at the south
which rcjcc'ed the reconciliation poli
cy of Hayes would dominate the fed
eral executive. The parly which has
made the soutl "solid" under "white
men's government" aBid degraded
humanity its-lf by Innumerable as
saults and ( utrauis upon defenceless
repub'icans ' , white and black , would
1-iycliimto and r ceive its delayed
regard as soon as the democratic par
ty was given tl > e reins of power.
Why Garflela Will be Elected.
The re.tfiipii why we are confident
that Garfield will be elected president
of 'hn United States in November ,
1880 , is bfcjuno we have n cbidiuj ,
confidence in the patriotism and good
common sense of the American people
ple The people who suppressed the
rebellion and saved the government
ate not fools enough to put in power
ilrj partv that rebelled and sought to
dest-oy the government. We will ad
mit the gray to equal privileges , but
the blue nnift continue in charge of
tno fruits of their victory. This is
the main p' nk in the platform upon
which the citivass will be conducted
a'ld the contest 'Jeei
Garfleld en Hancock.
General ( jarfif-ld made a concise
criticism of Hancock's notorious New
Orleans letter , wherein the latter took
the ground that the United States had
ii' i authority to enforce the recon
struction las , in a speech in the
houao on Jamury 17th , 1868. Gen.
Garfield then said :
Wi < BOO him issuing a general order ,
iu which bo declares that the civil
should not give way before the mili
tary. Wn hoar him declaring that he
finds nothing in the laws of Louisiana
and Texas to warrant his interference
in the civil administration of those
states. It is not for him to siy which
should be first , the civil or the mili
tary , in that rebel community. It is
not for him to search the defunct laws
of Louisiana and Texas for a guide to
his conduct. It is for him to execute
the laws which he was sent there to
administer. It is for him to aid in
building up civil goiiernmenta rather
than preparing himself to be the pres
idential candidate of that party which
gave him no sympathy when he was
gallantly fighting the battles of the
h a thief. It neglect hygianic laws ,
an'1 cntiils losj on its victims.
SOZODONT sajB , "let me preserve
the teeth cf your mouth. " Procrast
ination whispera , "wait until your
teeth need filling Break this slavery ;
use SOZODONT and keep your masticators
caters until old age. Get it at once.
A procrastinator puts off , and
SPALDINO'S GLAE holds on forever.
Extract from Telegraph and Messenger ,
M con , Ga. : We had tested its virtue
oerronally , and know that for dyspepsia ,
} iliouneBS and throbbing headache arming
therefrom , it IB the best medicine the
world ever saw. We had tried forty other
remedies before the Simmons' Liver Regu-
ator , but none of them gave us more than
fcmporary relief , but the Regulator not
only relieved , but cured us.
Are you low-spirited , "uo n-in-the-mouth , "
and weaV in tbe tick ? Does walking , lifting or
itandmgcause p-iin in the small of ths back ?
f BO you have kidney dieemii'l Prof , ( lull
mette' * French Kidney P 1 It tno only remedy
which will cure jou inpidlf "I'd rerroxnentfy
ml without flilingycur stomach with natwcatlng
Hear what Ex-Mayor Osrvey , an inflneutla
nd prominent citizen of Piqua , savs :
Ptili'A , O , l > * cemb r 29 , 1879
rhe DR. BogjiXKoMiD CIXK Co , Piqua , O. :
GEXTIRMFS 1 feel under many obligations to
ou for the relief afforded me ly the use or your
nva'uable me.licine. Dr. Bosanko's Rheumatic
'un. I hay .1 been for many jean a sufferer
rom Chronic Rheumatism , suffering at timer
most excruo'ating ' pains , and deprmnj me of
many nihts' sleep. After coniultinj a number
of physicians and olitainin ? no relief , 1 com
menoed using your Rheumatic Cure and artei
tuiug four bottles , and taTtinjr the Blood Purifier
n connection with it , I am absolutely cnred.Iree
rom any pain , able to attend to my builnes , ind
estinp perfe tly comfortable at night.
Respectfully your * . S. B. OARVET
_ PR K 'B ' Dr. Botaitfo'i Trtatite on Ridm *
Tm and ftttttt/.t on application.
Address „ - \ t ,
Dr. .Bosanko Medicine Ooi-
J cal Cnltur * , and 11 a complete ejcjclopicdia ol
infoimillen for Invalids and Ihowwho tnfcr from
Nerton , Exhausting and Pmnfnl Di * an3 Ertry
ubject that b iB upon health and hurain huppincss.
receiTf s altenti-n in it pag - . and the many qn -
tioni iked by juffering ia * hd , who hav dtip > ti 'd
of a cure , r aniwered , nd T liiabl niforruKtion
is rolanteered to all who re in need of mf ilical ad-
rice. The subject of El c'rie Bell remit Meiliciue.
nd th * > hnndrd iind onf 'jtiedtifin * Pf * " ! miMii-
tance to auStriog humanity , ar dul ) vousiderei
Dd explaioed.
explaioed.YOUNG MEN
Acd otheri who moVr from S wnn and rhvnica !
liability , L of Manly Vigor , Preipntuic Kilun -
tion ana the toany gloomy consequences of fnrly
uidi-cr tion , etc. , ar * especially benefited by cou-
anltine its contents.
The ELECTRIC REVIEW exposes the uumilc : lei !
fiend your midresa on | O tal caid for copy , i' 1
information worth thousands will bt * eut you.
Address the publishers ,
Ask the
Ilous sufferers , Uc-
tims ot fever and
eue , the mercurial
diseased patient ,
hjwthey recovnrod
h alth , cheerful
spirits and good
ippetlte ; they will
tell you by tak-
Tlie Cheapeet , Purest and Best Family Uedl-
the in the World.
Billious Attacks , SICK HEADACHE. Colic , Pe
prcaalon of Spirit * . SOUR STOMACH , Hear
Burn , Eta , Etc
TWs unrivalled Southern Uemcdi Is warruntcii
not to contain a single particle of MSRCURT , or
any Injurious mineral substance , but Is
Purely Vegetable.
containing thnee Southern Root * .and Herhg ,
which an all-wiao Providence hits placed ID
lountrlea where Liver Disease most prevail. It
ni'l ' CIIIH all Diseases cau-ed liy Derangement ol
the Liver nd lionets.
THE SrilPTOJlS of Liver Complaint e a
bttiror bad taste in the mouth ; I'ain In the
IJa-.k , bides or Joints.oitc.i mistaken forKheuma-
tl m ; Sour btomsch : L re of Apretite ; Bowl3
a'te-natelj costive and lax ; Headache ; Loss ol
Memory , with a painful sensation of tmlni ; fail
cd todopometlilngnhich ought to hate been
done Debility , Low Bplrlta , ft thick > ellow ap
pearance of the skin and Eyca , a drj Cough of
ten mistaken f < .r Consumption.
Sometimes many of these s > roptumB attend
the disease , at others very fewliut ; the Live' , the
lar cat orvan iu the body , it generally the Beat
of the diaae , and if not reflated in timeKreat
anfferinc , wietchcdnesa and death will endue.
( can recommend as an efflcndous remedy for
disease of tha Liver , Heartburn and Dygpepsla ,
Simmons' Liv-r Re ulfttor.A \ , \ \ \ * 0. Wiind r ,
1C2K Mrgter Street , Afslatant Pont Master ,
"We hive tested Its virtues , tersonnlly , and
know that for Dyspep-ia , Billiouancsa. and
Throbbing Headache , it is the beat medicine the
world ever saw. We have tried forty other
remedies before fcimmons' Liver Regulator , but
none of them cave ua more than temporary re-
1 ef : but the Regulator not only relieved , bu
cured us. " Editor Telegraph and Messenger ,
, Ga.
J. H. ZEILIN d CO. .
Price , f 1.00 & , ! d by all Druggiata.
To Its Natural Vitality
and Color.
Advancing years
sickncfa , care , di -
appointment , and
lieriditary predis
position all turn
the hair gray , and
either of them In
cline it to shed pre
OR , by long and
Jcxtensnc use , haa
? prij\en thatitotopa
Uhe falilie of hair
immediately ; often
* - - jt - rene Hthegronth ;
and always surely restores its color , when faded
or gray. It stimulates the nutritive organs to
healthy actiiety , and preserves both the hair and
! ta beauty. Thusbra'h } , weak or sickly hair be
comes Rlotsy , pliable and strent hened ; lost
hair rcgrowa with lively expression , faliinp hair
Is chocked and Htabliehed ; thin hair thickens
and faded or gray hair resume their orfginal col
or. Its operation u sure and harmle-f. Is cure
d&ni'ruft , b als all hiimorb , pnd keeps the scalp
cool , clean and soft under which conditions
diseases of the scalp are Impogpiole.
As a dressing for ladies' hair , the ViaOR Is
praised for its grateful and agreeable perfume ,
ind valued for the soft luitreand richness of tone
It imparts.
Dr. , . . ,
Lowell , Maes ,
Practical and Analytical Chemists
Greatest .Discovery of tne Age.
Wonucrf ul disco i eries in the nrrrld have been made
Among other things where Santa Claua stayed.
Children oft aak It he makes goods or not.
If really he lives In n mountain of snow.
Lust year au excursion sailed clear to the Pole
And suddenly dropped into hat eeemedlikr thole
Whore wonder of wonders they found anew land ,
iVhile fairy-like beinga appeared on each hand.
There were mountains like ours , with more
beautiful green ,
And far brvh'er skies than e\er were seen.
Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found ,
While flowers of exqultlte fragrance were grow
ing aronnd.
Not long were they left to wonder in doubr ,
A being soon cimo the/ had heard mnch about ,
Twas Santa Glaus' self and this they all say ,
Helsoked like the picture r tsee ever'diy
lie drove up a learu hat looked very queer ,
Twa a team f grasshoppers instead of reindeer ,
[ Jo rode hi a shell instead of a leigh.
But be took them on to\rd and drove them
Ho showed them all over big wonderful realm ,
And factories making goods for women and men.
Furriers nere working on h/itn great and email.
To Dunce's the ? said they were sending them all.
Kris K ingle , the Glo\e Maker , told them at once ,
AH our Gloves we are sending to Bunce ,
Santa showed them sujpenderg and many things
Saying I alse took these to f ii nd Bunco's store.
Santa Glaus then whispered a secret he'd tell ,
As In Omaha every one knew.Bunce well ,
He therefore should send his goods to his care ,
Snowing his friends will get their full share.
Now remember je dwellers in Omaha town ,
AU who want presents ts Tunce's go round ,
for shirts , collars , or glovea great and small ,
end your sister or aunt one and all.
Bunce , Champion Hatter of the West , Douglas
gtreet , Omaha
'Serve an Injunction on Disease
Jy Invijrorating a feeble conititutlon , renorat-
ng ft demlitated physique , andenrichlng a thin
nd tnnurrjiloos circulation with Hngtettor * *
Stomach Bitten , the fhiMt , the moat highly
mctloned , and tbe moct popular tonic and pr -
r Qtiye in eilstonc * .
Tor nle bv all Drnjrlt ua D al rs generally
Btisine's 'ranmted same as that of an Incor
porated Bank.
A'counta kipt in Currency or gold subject to
8l < ht check without nolc :
Ctrtificattgof ilopce't l u-'d parti 1 * In tbre ,
eixandtvielvemonthi , bcarinz Interest , or on
demand withuut interest.
Advances made to uutom ri on approved M-
curi'ies ' at market rates of inttrrst.
Buy ai'd sell sold , bills of rxcbtrge Govern
ment St.ite , G .unfy ana City Bonds.
l > ran S jflit Drafts on In land , Ireland , Scotland -
land , and all parts of Europe.
Sell European Pi : aje Tickets.
Cor. 13th ana Farnbam Streets ,
Organized * ) a National Bank , August 20 , IfSS.
Capital and Profits Over$300,000
Si eci ally authorized by the Secretary or Treaiury
to reielvtf Subscription to the
KOU.STZK. PresMcnt.
Aiuc&ns Ko1 KTZK , Vice FretiJenl.
It. W. VArrt , . a-hler.
A. J I'oppLETON. Attorney.
F. H. DAVIH , Ass't Cashier.
Tim bank rB'.cliesdeposlt without regard to
ISUUB time certificates bearing interest.
lirav s drafts on Sin F ancisco anil principal
citie * of tlie United Matci , aljj London , Dublin ,
K < lul > urili ; nnd the principal citits of the conti
nent uf Europe.
Sel'srussige IkkoU for Emigri U in the Io
nian line , majl.itf
Geo. P. Bemis'
15th 6 Dougla Sis. , Omaha , Ntb.
This azency does BTRIDTLT a brokerage tout'
ncos. Doea notspeculate , and therefore any bar-
galna on Its hooka aie Insured to Its pktrons , In
gtead of being gobbltil up hy the agent
No. IjOSFarnham Street
Office North Md opp Grand Central Hotel.
Nebraska Land Agency.
1605 Farnham St. Omaha , Nebr.
400.0M ACRES carefully selected FaUm
N Br "l > a for sale
Urcat Bargains in improved forma , and Omaha
citv property.
Late I and Com'r U. P. K. R. 4p-f b7tf
Byron Reed & Co. ,
Keep a complete attract of title to all Beil
Estate in Onuh-j and Douglas County. mat Iff
Cor. Bandolph St. & 6th Ave. ,
$2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY
Locited in the hu lnep * centre , convenient
to pl.ic.-u of amusement Eleiran'ly furnmhod ,
containing all mtdcrn improvements , pawenger
elevaior , &c J. II. CUMMINbS , I roprietor.
Council Bltifls , Iowa *
On line ot Stree * Railway , Ornnibm 'o nd from
all trauiB. RATES I'arlor flotir ? 3.00 pf r day ;
eecond floor. S2 0 per diy ; third floor , 8J.OO.
The htBtfurnibhcdan.l mO"t com nodloijB honse
In the city. OEO.lT. FHELP8 , Prop
The Metropolitan h centrally located , and
first c'ag in eveiv respect , hiving recently been
entirely remns'ed The public wi'l ' find It * .
comfortable and Itpmelike house. marStf.
Scliuylcr , Neb.
Flint-class House , Good 'deals. Good Bedi
Airy Room * , and kind and accommodating
treatment. Twigood sample rooms. Epecia
attention paid to commercial travelers.
S. MILLER , Prop , ,
Schuyler , Neb.
Laramie , Wyoming.
The miner-g resort , euod accommodations ,
aree Mmple room , charges reasonable , tipceial
attention given to traveling men.
Il-tf U. C. HILLURD , Proprietor.
Cheyenne , Wyoming.
ririt-cl'ss. Fine large Simple Rooms , on *
lock from depot. Trains stop from 20 minntet
o 2 hours for dinner. Free Bus to and from
Depot. Kates $2.00 , 12.SO and $3.00 , according
to room ; s ngle meal 75 cents.
A. O. BALCOM , Proprietor.
ANDREW BORDEN. Cnief Cl rk. raIO-t
Weekly Line of Steamships
Leaving New York Every Thursday at 2 p. m.
England , France and Germany.
For Passage app'y to
G , B , RICHARD & C9. ,
General Passenger Aganti ,
uneil-iy el BroaQway. New gortt
Vhoieeal * peiltr In Tpreifn asd
We have all the Latest Styles of Spring Suitings , an Blegant
Stock of Beady-Made OlotLinc ia Latest Styles. Gent's Furnish
ing Goods Stock Complete
In fact tbe Stock is complete ia all Departments.
Don't Fail to see our Custom Department In chance af
Mr. Thomas Tallon.
1:101 : < fc 1S S Farnham Street.
Dealers in
House Furnishing Goods , Shelf Hardware ,
Nails and Etc .
1221 Farnham Street , 1st Door East First National Bank.
mS-tf Ll
The Only Lithographing Establishment in Nebraska
Drafts , Checks , Letter Bill and ftute Headings , Cards ,
Bonds , Certificates of Stock , Diplomas , Labels ,
et . , done in the best manner , and at
Lowest Possible Prices.
A Positive and Permanent Cure
In 11 case * of Grave' , Diabetes , Dropsy. Bright1 ! Disease of tb
Kidne ) B , Incontinem and Retention of Urine , Inflamtk > n o
the Kidneys. Catarrh of the Fladdcr , Hit h Colored Urine. Pain
In the Riuk. s do or Lions. Nervous Wnkness , and in fact all
disorders of the Bladder and Urinary Organ * , whether contract
ed hv private diseases or otheawue This great rmedy has txo
Died with succ'M for nearly ten y r In rancr , "vlth the awt
wonderful curative ed ct . It euru bv absorption- naaeoi
Internal medicine * beln , ' rmnlrcd.Ve have hundred * of U U-
moulals of cures by this Fad when all elee hid tu'td-
LADIES. If you are suffering fn > m Temale Weakness , Lracor-
rhteo , or dlsecsis peculiar to f ( males , or In fact any disease , ask
your drui-g < st for Prof. Onilmette's French Kidney Pad , and
ta.te no ether If he lut not cot It. send ? i00 aaid you viH
receive tte Pd by rtturn mall. Address U. 8. Blanch ,
_ Toledo , Ohio.
Will positively cure Fever and * gue , Dumb Ague , Acue Cake , Billions Fever. Janndm , Djsrttpda ,
an * all disuses of the Liver , ftomtch nnd Blood 1 he pad cmeg by absorption , and is p rmanet.t.
Ask 3 our druggist for this p d aud take no other If he does not ke p It , send (1 JO t tne FRENCH
PAD tO. , ( U. H. Branch ) , 1 oledo , Ohio , and receh e It by return mall. . KUHN 4 CO. ,
Agents. Omaha , Neb.
Carpet ! ngs 1 Carpet ! ngs I
Old Reliable Carpet House ,
I3ST ± 868. )
Carpets , Oil-Cloths ,
Matting , Window-Shades ,
Lace Curtains , Etc.
I Hake a Specialty of
And have a Full Line of
Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet-
Lining Stair Pads , Crumb
Clothes , Cornices ,
Cornice Poles , Lambrequins , Cords and Tassels ;
In iaot Everything kept in a First-Class Oarpet House.
Orders from abroad solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call , or Address
John B. Detwiler ,
Old Eeliable Carpet House , OMAHA.
General Insurance Agent ,
don , OMhAiMU . M'12HH
WE870HC8TEK , N. T. . CapiUl . 1.000,00)
THE M2BCHAKTS. of Nenrart. K. J. , l.OW.WX )
7IMPhlUdelphi .0 PJtl. . 1,000,000
Jtaj . . . „ . j.f. . , . „ . " ' 600,000
Q * , * FrfU tt * t
Jontt , Bit. 6th. trtd UtSU , OHABA.
rtnt quality distilled Wine and Cider Tlnfir
of any itrength b Imr euUrn prices , and var.
ranted ] ut al good at wholesale ind retail.
Send for price lilt. ERNST KREBS ,
Ieb83m Uanager.
Contractors and Builder