. . - , , . VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , TUESDAY. JULY 13 , 1880. EX ) . 19. Established 1871 , MORNING' EDITION. Price Five Cents THE GI4NT GENERAL , , * - ; : Who Smells the Blood ol an English-man and Strides Across the Lawn To Embrace the Man Whof Jon a Late Day in Autumn , Is to Die With Him. Preparations For the Wake Over the Hancock- Eaglish Corpse. Englleh Meets HIB Fellow Mask. Special disjulch to Tie ! Bee. - NEW YOKE , July 13 1 a. m. Win. H. Englinh , the democratic candidate for -pieaideut , = iirivedliere Sunday night , and was inut at- the depot by his POII and several friend ? . Yesterday vf tis # day luurnii'gr accompanied by Auitin Brown , of the national democratic comiuittw , and O.-oar B. Hurd , he proceeded to Governor's Island to meet fii-neral Hancuck. At the bat' tery , buforo taking the boat , Mr. En glish wasareuted by Cdpttin Wharton , of General Hancock's staff , who had been delegated by the general to escort cert him to the Mind. On the boat were also A bra in S. Hewitt and Col. Francis Dovr , an eld friend of Han cock's. When the boat reached the inland landing , Mr. English and Oapt. Wharton Blepj.ed on the wharf and the latter led the way to the lawn fronting the general's residence , where a meet ing between the candidates took place. ' Thegeueriil , who was suatid in the K' hallway of his residence , at once advanced - vancod to meet them. He grasped Mr. Euglish's hand , eliuok it warmly and'then escnitid his visitor , followed by the otht r members of the party , within , where they engaged in an ear nest conversation. DKATII or HANCOCK'S GRANDSON. The lilll'j four-month's old sun of Ilusiell Hancock , the general's son , died yesli-rJay mwniiig , and the eveut dis urbed t ! < " quiet , homelike resi dence mote t'i ' > n 'he ' movements of po litical pirties. The I'Jo'cl'irk boat brought quile a di-li'gition of n"tblvs. . among whom were Geiiem ) 'lh"inifi E-vinp , General Blair , of ICmmas , Gob. Scott and Da- vjg , U. S. A , Blml-in Dui'cm , John JMillyr , Geu ir. l McMalmn , John Birch , toc-itary of the United States senate , J.ihn u'OomiHr , of Tennessee , and niini-jroiiB .th. < rc. ' NOTH-TINO TUB N'-MINEES. At thro'.nu of the democratic coiniuittcont the Nrw Y > rk liot-1 the proirrainniM f ir tins rflicial nuti6caiun ( today was prep 11 id The mumbim will sail t < > the isltnd by the 1:20 o'clock boat and will be mot at the cummauditig ollicer'a hnuso by General H ncock and Mr. English. The let ter informing the goutlemen of their nomination will bis read , after which the nominee i will probibly make brief replies. Members of the committie will then ho severally introduced. This will conclude the official part of the ceremony. There will bo a large number of dis tinguished [ > aron * at the nff. ir for , in addition to the committee and jno t prominent men of town , Gen. Han cock has invite 1 a number of his mili tary frieiidi to be present. The cere mony will take place between 12 and 2 o'clock. TIIE TAIL'S TALE. During a conversation with a re porter Mr. En lich said about Indiana , "rup _ > rts wh'ch you see in the now. < ppofs about the dissatis faction. of the democrats in our state , are untrue. .We are ? 11 united and do not hear a word of dissa'isftction from any jwrt of the state. While we realize that wo shall have a hard fight in October , and that the republic-ins of the entire country will do all thsy can to carry our atato , we are confi dent of tuccess. " CAMPAIGNERS. The democratic congressional com mittee met nt noon yesterday at the Hoffman hous . The committee is romposed of active workers appointed by the caucus of democratic congress men. / Hitherto iU dutjes have been confined to the distribution of docu ments 'from Washington , but in this campaign it is passible that it may work in c nnection with the national committee and have their headquarters in this city. The following is the list of the committee : Win. A Wallace , Clearfield , Pa. ; Win H Barnum , Lime Rock , Conn. ; G. W. Gill , Boston ; A. Schell , Now York ; H. B. Banning , Cincinnati ; W. Pinckney , Whyte , Baltimore ; J. C. S. Bhckburn , Kunxville , Ky. ; J. E. McDonild. Indianapolis ; W. R. Mor risen , Waterloo , 111. ; J. F. Farley , San Francisco , Cnl.f. ; B. Clark , Jr. , La Kayetto.'Ind. ; B. F. Jonas. New Orleans ; S. Pases , MonticelloFlorida ; M. C. Bu-ler , South Carolina ; Epja Huntcn , Warrhijjton , Va ; J. 0. Grubb , WilliiiKton.DeL ; S. Hutchine , Waihington , D. C. ; H. M. Davis , Piedmont , W. Va. ; 1-rank Jones , Portsmouth , N. H. The absentees to-day were Messrs. Gill , Blackburn , Morrison , Clark , Butler and Jones. The secretary of the committee is Duncan S. Walker , and there are two vacincies which may bo filled at any time. The ses sion yesterday was short and informal. Senator Wallace presided , and the ex ecutive committee , consisting of Augustus Schell , Blackburn , Hunton , Davis and Jonas , held a short consult ation. The committee finally ad journed till 4 p. m. to-day. ClUIUMAN OF NATIONAL COMMITTEE. Littld interest attaches to the do ings of the congressional committee , but most of the politicians at the Hoff man house devote themselves to spec ulations relative to the chairmanship of the national c.mimittoB. This body is to meet at noon to day , for tne pur pose of electing a chairman , secretary and executive committee. Tnus far , the names of Wm. H. Barnum , of Connecticut , Senator Wallsce , of Pennsylvania , and Abram S Hewitt , of New York , are the only OIJCB named in connection with the office. Y Barnum is a personal and political to i friend of Tildeu , and his election is tb said to be greatly desired by him. tbto Wallace is the leader of the Pennsyl tort vania democracy , and is atd to be a rtM favoritddf Gen. Hancock. Hewitt , st at utual , is nobody's man , but for all stm that may turn up as a formidable dark Bll horse.gi - failing health , howerw , I ! fc'Mf is a great obatacle to his accepting the position , which is one of much re sponsibility and great labor. DOMESTIC DOINGS. Fearful Bloody Work of a Tramp in Colorado , Chicago Tickled With Cool Lake Breezes A Rood at Waterloo. The Sand Lot King Dethroned and Hooted Out of 'Frisco. Waterloo's Wate'loo. BpcUI dlspntcb toTh B < - . CHICAGO , July 12 4 p. m. A portion tion of Waterloo , Iowa , was flooded yrsterday afternoon by a rainstorm. Barn * and Mnnll farm buildings wpro mrtved from iheir foundations and many more substantial buildings paflly submerged. Two boys and one girl were drown d. The damage isostimted at $25,000. TUB UnextlnguiBhed Small Boy. Special Dispatch to Hie Bee. CHICAGO , July 12 4 p. m Small bijB phyit'g with fire-crackers set fire to a lumber yard of Haskell & Baker Car company at Michigan City , Indi ana , and before the flames were ex tinguished property to the value of $25,000 were destroyed. Bonanza Blaze. 8p Ul Dlip&tch toTlic Due SAN Fiixjfcisco , July 12 2 p. m. The buildings of the Gould & Curry mine burned last night , supposed to bo the work of an incendiary. Chicago as a Summer Resoi t. Bpedftl Dlnpatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , July 12 4 p. rn. Four days of heat only caused half a dozen sunstroke ? ; one proved fatal , another likely to prove B-I. Thermometer to day 92' , the highest yet. A cool breeze occasionally makes the weather more bearable. A Forger Sent Up. 8p cUl Dispatch loTlie Ew. CINCINNATI , OHIO , July 12 4 p. m. Judge Bur.iet eontencn.l Sam Bowles , Ex County Eug-neer , ten years penitentiary for forging County bonds. A Tramp's Deeds. Sp cl l Dispatch t Tbo Gee. BTCRS , Col. , July 12 , 4 p , m. Frank McCracken , a telegraph opera tor , was fatally shot last night by an unknown tramp , supposed to be in- EBIIP , who also cut Siinuel Green over the rye and stibbed John McGlyn so th-tt his bowels protruded. A' consta ble then shot the tramp dead. Kearney's Fall. > Efi-jcltl dispatch to ThoJJoo. " SAX FaANCisco , July 124 p. m. Kearney's discretion ( or cowardice , to speak more plainly ) in staying away from the sand loti yesterday , he him self excused by saying it was indelicate to appear BO soon after the death of hjs younger brother. He leaves for the springs Tuesday to recuperate his weakened constitution. The only words -hoard abont him are cowardice , corruption and disgust. Three-fourths of ( ho workingmen are fully sat < sfi < d that he has become rich by soiling their votes and influence to the highest bidder. Had he been present to-day ho would probably have bei-n killed , for their hate is intense. Ho has no following now but the socialistic and communistic elements Cnpt Douglas had 75 armed policemen on the Band lotsand to their presence and determination to act on the first sign of trouble , is due the i/reservation of peace. The first evidonca of trouble would have brought down their clubs with telling 1 effect. A history of the riot , however , has been spared. Oplum-SmoKingr In Idaho. ld hn Citj World. There is a Chinese den in this city where men and women congregate to smoke opium. From fifteen to twenty have been known to indulge in the . liabit during twenty-four hours. The rice was introduced by newcomers ind is thus far confined to that clasn , } ut there is danger at all times of our routh being enticed into the vile prac- ice and ruined. In all the townn of he ooaat where these dens are opened he authorities immediately break hem up. The one here is of recent irigin , and known to hut few outside if those who do the smoking. Base Ball , pedal Dltpatch to The Bee. The following games of base ball fere played yesterday : ALBANY Alhanys 3 ; Providence 8 ; ROCHESTER liuifalos 3 ; Rochester Resisting- Reduction. pedal Dlap tch to Tni Barn. READING , Pa. , July 13 1 a. m. ibout 250 employes of the sheet lills of the Reading Iron Co. in this ity went on a strike yesterday and qti lie works were closed. A proposed tiei m per cent reduction on wages is be- eila 'g resisted and the men are deter- latl uned not to accept it. The beaten tlPi sceive 65 cents a ton and can turu Pi ut about 100 tons per week. All Piti lopa of the Reading company will tiE ereafter work but five days week E . per " - " - , < otices being put up yesterday. , . Found Guilty. frfc pedal dispatch to The Boe. fcP1 INDIANAPOLIS , July 13 , 1 a. m. P1P' ha jury found Mrs. Brown guilty of P'e ' ie murder of. her husband. Sen- P'bi meed to death. biti ti tiai A Frightful Death. ai in ? cial dlipaleh to TH Bit. CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. , July 13 , 1 . atri L Susan Hutsell. a highly respected ri aung lady , wrs thrown from a buggy riar ar t Dayton yasterday , and kicked to arOS eath by a mule. OS th Life Sworn Away. wd l DUpateb to Th bee , j FRIMONT , 0. , July 13 1 a. m. ta estorday John Welsh was sentenced be hanged the 3d of December for th 10 murder of Cottsacher , committed t * iree yeara ago. Welsh said he CO he had not had \ fair trial , as COdi 'ary Cuerbierzhad denied everything BO te had testified to. Efforts are being th id a to hare the case carried to the thbe ipreme court. Welsh r ceirad' bit ia 4 very cool w jr. THEPRURIE SCOUT. Pen Ectures of the Country on the Northern Border , And the Slice ol Dakota Proposed to Be Attached to Nebraska. A Rich Agricultural Region , Well WatereSF and Timbered. The Home of Middleton and tbe Pony Brigands. Correspondent < f tlio Bee. OAKNES , Unorganized Territory , Neb. , July 7. Holt county has been a subject for ayre.it doalof correspon dence during the past your , and nut until so recent aUtwliB ita resource beau advtrtiaed , and the hidden wealth cent titled wlt'ui-i its bouiid.iric , been given to the world. A score o lines will ait ( xceed the number o my visits , but only within the pas ew days have I become aware of its Mtt area of chuicu lands , rolling away miles upon milea to the north and and weit of O'Ncil City , and which before the suu has twice crossed the equat-tr , will teem with humanity , and the virgin neil offer ite treasures of golden grains to the sturdy pioneer. My course lay almout north from O'Neil. To one who is not acquainted with the character cf tlw country through out northern Nebraska , it would p pear Bttange that a valley or stream could be approached to within a few hundred yards , and not be aware of its near proximity. Tins Vhllry is narrow , and affords a better protection tu ttock from the storms ( winter , thaiimy particular advantage forfauin , but several f.uui- lies are located h. re , and ate culti vating sirmll fields. 1 was soon across the ttrenin , which 1s clear and pure , recording another among thu thousands 'n this patt of thu at'itu tlittt is eiipplu'd With water from springs. .Beyond , a level table stretches awjy to the north as far r- the eye can re.icli , and the only d'sap- pointmoiit felt w- the total absjKe of habitations and not ovoa a pieof breaking or4-luxuiuu3 ? duout relieved - liovod the monotony , and distance of Jive miles further had to be trav eled before the Keya Paha butt s drone in thu distance , which looked ? 3 [ f they were bauds which bound this country to the skies. Three miles further the head o Brush creek is reached. This stream BOWH north t. ) the Nibra , and tin hills which follow it : course on eithu tide gradually settle down uiitil they we lost in thu valley of thu Niobrara i is a strip of snl , extensi n o ; the sand belt found fti'ther d wii th which 13 from three to five miles idennd , this entirely disappear ) before the river is n ached , aud tiivei place to the rich , black li am that ha made this valley so f-uious as an agri : uitur.it country. A mile further on is the plor.ian little settlement of Lavinia Hen Dn the banks of the Ninbrara inl'.cat 3d a smtill store , and just back iu i : learin is a log echoul huust > , the t leer of which is wide , open , and it 'rontarn a as ire of little urchins , when n the buoyancy cf youth and this bo ng the first day of school they an safer for the voice of the teacher to miiimon tbt-m to their first lesions. ; My course for the next eight miles ay up the river. Along tha banks ire scattered well-cultivated farms , md log houses and dug-outs. Their > wners are new-comer ? , struggling 'or a foot hold , which , once gJined , lecures a home for the luiuatndcr of heir days. The timber al > nc the itream is of the character fouud fur rier down towards Niobraw , the cot- .011 wood prevailing , with a cedar cattered along no aud then. The text conspicuous object in my path raa a log Irmeo , combining the post- ifiice , a grocery etore , drug store and ; juice dispenupry , all unJer one oof ; and a few rods to the wfst is a ilacksroith shop , wliich ' itli two or hree other buildings , cnmpriso all here is of the town of Keya Pahs , nit from its well located position on high table , opposite the natural rosslng of the Ni < > brara to the couti- ry above , gives it advantages which rill develop it with the growth of be country into a thriving town. The country embraced in Senaior .Hinders' aniioxation bill , beyond , [ eya Poha , is a Inng frtrct h of high rairie , extending to the north , which Si i n w included in the territory of SiT lakota , and if the hopes of our jun- T > r senator are realized about 1CO.OOO E cres of beautiful land will bo thrown ithin the boundaries of our state. ' The only stream of any conse- uence , is Ponca creek , prising trough the contro of the district from ) st to west , well timbered , and the ind bordering upon its banks is good , lough broken , affording exceUont isturage for cattle or sheep. This is becoming qui a a point for avel to Fort Niobrarp , and a Dr. eves has built a bridge across the iobrara of this place , about 200 feet mg , and is deriving quite a revenue om the toll. Pr.iaing west about irty miles to the point where the pro- Dsed annexation line will join the resent state boundai/ , the laud is iod all the distance , and the rich affaloand _ bunch grassesfully justify w 10 impression that the soil i osaerses 1 the requisites for successful farm- g , as well as has been demonstrated ut i a ftock raising region. uthi Along the south side of the Niobrara hica ver the small streams are numerous ca id well timbered with cottonseed , ik and. cedar , the water clear and ild , and are all supplied from springs .at navrr become dry. Further up 10 river the valluy grows wider , in nt aces stretching to the south a ds- ? nce of two miles , and is quite heavi- timbered with cottonwood. On e opposite side of the river the tim- ir 'is scarce , but the surface of the iuntry is covered with a rich ver- ire , the hilh graduiliysloping to the nth and back from the aslivlty , ere is a high table , wholly unsettled , it offering especial advantages for Ai rming. Aim Pacing ajvp the river to a point Pi fifteen miles west of Keya Paha , I crossed the western boundary of Holt county into the unorganized territory. The character of the cosntry contin ues the tame as that lately traversed , but the settlement * become scarcer , until the settlement of Game * is reached. Tnis embryo town is named in honor of our lieutenant governor. It is the location of thn only saw mill along the river this side of Fort Nio brara. Here are the first log houses built of pine , so plentiful here. The Nio brara river at this point is not over 150 feet wide , with good btnki on either aide , offering excellent oppor tunities for a bridge , and were it not for the deep and rapid current of the river from thi place to the town of Niobrara the rafting of pine and ce dar could be made a profitable busl- BMI. BMI.To the west , on the north aide of the river , are aeen heavy growths of cone-abaped trees , which , upon a nearer approach proved to bo pine. A short distance from here it a band- scum s'.ro. ' , of valey ; , with small wil low bushes scattered over it. Th > s WHS the battle-ground of the outlaw Middloton and Llewe'lyn ' , a few months ago. Just at thu base of a hill stream , ear and pure , and is wry appropHUtfly named Laughing Water. This is the strenn that fur nirhodtho water in which the wounds | of H2on were bathed by the wife of Mr. Skinner , after ho WAS shot by Middl'ton , and to the care of this bravo woman , who nursed him for hirly six hours in the face of threats f the pony boys that if ahe harbored H.tzcn , they would fire into iho tent and kill them all , mar bo attributed more than to any of'er cnuso n zvn's final recovery. At a point about twenty rodn ( o the west of this stream , MiddK'tnn dis covered Lvkina secreted behind some willows , nndcmspejtlng foul play , im rr-di.-itely drew his revolver , and the L .ie intt-nt Hazen shot Midaleton r .o returned the fire which proved so noirly fatal to tlazen. About t n rods west of the spot v > here the fight occurred , at the foot of the low hills which skirt the vulley , stood n cluster of scruby oaks , mid the side of one facing the spot where Lykins Iny concealed , is blazed to chow where the bullet took nfTuct by th shot of Lykins which w s in tended for M'ddloton. ' This ground is looked upon as n sort of consecrated spr.t by Die admirers of Mtddloton , whom 1 found to bo not afow through out this section , and s'.range as it may appear , thn respectable element of the community , were lively repreiented. Tha flubjoct of Mid-Uoton's battle with the officers and his subsequent ujiluro is one that is every day dis- : i"-e I nii-1 a story that never grows jlJ , ar.d whatever may have been M ddloti n's evil doings broaain , this immediate locality hu preserved the rt.ic'tst good conduct , , and eithiT hrough far that ha would m > > lest ; honi , or that they ttiougSt him inno- : ent of the cha'-gos-ltid at his door , , heir terms with him in either event Terefiicndly. The countiy around h 'rco from horse thieves , which wi-re. ! > numerous when Middlctoit wai at arge , and Ihe present state ofsccuriiy yh ch the Eottlers ftcl a brought ibout by thi capture of Middlet > n ind the effectual breaking up of this JAIIZ b } ' Llonellyu. The Niobra' a river at this point is larrower than at any place below Ft. .iiobrar > , and is spanned by a aub- lian.ial pine bndjjo , 160 feet long , xiiU entirely of pine , and not a nail r iron bolt is uocd in its ronslruc- on. The architect waa Cnpt. Fr nk it rbel , formerly of Troy , N. Y. , and no of the pioneers of this country. On-s-half mile to the nort > of the : > ridgr , is the home of the outlaw's viSe , a comely womnn of twen.y , who s patiently waiting for his tsrm of inpr sonment to oipiro , that she nay link her fortunes e ain with his , ind pa > s along the rrad < f life to- ether in pence. In reply to the [ uupu'on if rho know that her bus- land's sentence to prison relieved her f her marital relation * , she replied hat she did , but waa not going to ake advantage of it. RKN M. L BOUBBON BOOMEBANQ. 'hat Which Makes Grant in Favor - p vor of Democratic ' ° Ascendancy. "oo Many Congressional Re- I y cords in Garfleld's Path of Life. 'he National Committee Con sulting With tbe Eepub- lican Leader. rant Talks About the Candidates. wiinl Dixpatch to The Etxj. CHICAGO , July 12 , 4 p. in. The imt's s.iys : When t'en. Grant was in Imporia , Kas. , a few days ago , he ad a long conversation with an old iend named L. Q. Eutwright , who ow relates the substance of it. The c president declared , in speikinc of Is candidacy at Chicago , that he had eon misled as to his strength before le conventionnd that had he known , i his leading supporters must ivo known , that he wai as a hopeleis Jnority he would not have permitted . , .e use of bis name. He said that in Dmlnating Hancock the democrats ad for once hit the nail on the head id that their chances of success were tuellent. The General had no unkind. ords for Garfield , but ezj ressed the linion he had rather too many vol- ncs of congressional debates behind m to make a smooth and successful nvass. Consulting Qnrfleld. * d l Dlipatch to Iho Bee. NEW YORK , July 12 4 p. m. Marshall Jewell , chairman , accompv ed by ex-Senator Doraey , secretary , the republican national committee , arted from tbii city last night to vis- Gen. Garfield in Mtntor , Ohio. The iject is said to be to consult Garfield girding the political campaign. Telegraphic Consolidation. BALTIMOBZ , July 13 , 1 a. m. The vt morican district telegraph companies vtto et here to consolidate with tf ] ) tele * ion oompaniff if poaaible , BRAINS AND BUSINESS , The Conspicuous and Overtap- ping Characteristic of the Republican Candidatp , Whose Brilliant Mind Shine Forth in Every Paragraph Beneath. General Garfleld's Letter of Ac ceptance of the Republican Nomination. Special Dlipatch to Tbe Bee. MENTOB , 0. , July 13 1 a. m General Garfield baa forwarded the follow.ng letter of acceptance of the nominition tendfred hinn by the re- puMican notion * ! ? convention to Sen ator Hoar , of Massachusetts : ME.NTOK , 0. , July 10 , 1880. DeirSir : On the evening of the 8th cf June l st , I had the honor to receive from you in the piodencoof the ommiitee , of which you wore charm - m < iu , the official announcement thnt the republican national convention at Chicago bad that day nominated me as their candidate for president of the United Stales. I accept tlie nomina tion with gratitude for thu confidence it implies and with a deep senau of the responsibilities it Imposes. I cordially endorse the principles set forth in the platform adopted by the convon tlon. Of maMy all of the subject1 * on which it tr ats my opinions are on record among tlie published proceed tng of congress. I * M venture , how ever , to make special mention of souiu of the principal topics which are likely to become subjects of dicupHion. Without 10 urrinn to the controversy which has been settled during the last 20 years , and with no purpose or wish to revive the passions of the lute war it should be said that while the republicans fully recognize and will streiiuoii'ly defend all the rights ro twined by the people nd all thu rights reserved to the sUtts , they reject the pernicious doctrine of state suprem acy which to long crippled the func tions of the national government and at one time brought the union very near to destruction. They insist fiat ihe United StaUft i nation , with Bmj'lo poweis of self preservation ; th.it its constitution and the lawn , nude in pursuance thereof , are the supreme Liw of the land ; that the ri.ht ; of thu nation to determine the method by which its own legishture shall bo created cannot be surrendered without abdicating one uf che funda mental poweis of government ; that . the national laws relating to thn elec tion of representatives in congress ihall neither be violated or or ded ; Lliat every elector should bis permitted . ! i aly and without intimidation to ca t its lawful vote at such an election ind have it hones ly counted , BO that ; he potency of his vote shall not be iestroyed by the fraudulent vote of * jy other person. The best thoughts md energicd of our people should be Jirected""to th'.su grol questions of intional well beinj ; i'l vhich nil have i „ ; i common interest , b c i eff'-r-s w.ll o ioi > nesi restore to porf ct peace t toao t * ho were lately in arms against each t ) ther , for justice and good will are our i ast possession. But it is CJit.iin that K .ho wounds of the war cannot be CJHI- I jlotely healed and the spirit of broth- t trhoad cannot fully pervade tha whole 8 ; souniry until every citizen , rich or 8S 8t ) oor , white or black , ia secure in thu 8d ree and equal enjoyment of every d ivil and political right guaranteed a > y the constitution and the lws. b rVherever the enjoyment of theee 1 < ighta is not assured discontent wM 1ti irevail , immigration will cease and 1 he soil and industrial forces wili C'-n- 1v inue to bo disturbed by thomigrat1 j 1o if laborers and the -nsequent dim d ution of prosperity. The nation I Ci ovornment aliould exercise all its con0 | : ' titutiopal authority to put out these d'al vib for all the , the people and all al tnt a are members of one body , and alP 10 man can suffer without injury to b 11. The most serious ovi's which now w fhVct the south arise from the fact li-U there is not such freedom and | n uleration of political opinion r.nd ac nU ion , so tlmt the minority pai y cm xerc'se effective and whole < me re-1 B ( traint on the parly in power. With- le ut euch restruint patty rule lem ecomes tyrannical and corrupt , r < 'ho prosperity which is m : le 01 ossible in the south by its great r. ' - in antpgea cf e"il and ilunr.le w ! inC ( ever bo realized iMiil every vo'ar tl freely and tafoly support any tlOl arty ha pleases. Next in imp-jrt nidi Olta } freedom and justice is Ho popular tace lection , without which nei'hoi ' ju.tice ceP.1 or freedom ran . bo . permanently . i ci P.1 union ill iiitorcsis nr. : in)1 j ( )1 ) ruston to the spates and the volun | ( j , iry action of the people. Whatever fa elp the nation on justly afford 01 lionld bo generously given to aid the 01bi tates in supporting the common li ] : heel ; but It would be unjust to our oople and dangi-ruus to our Jnatilu- yr uns to apply uny portion rf the ro- r < > urces of the nation or the states for oi ipport of sectional echnols. The oim jparation of the church and the s'ate ' i everything relating to taxatit n th P lould bo absolute. On the subject thtl f the national fituncoa my views have tl BBII so fnquuntly and fully oxprescel to lat little is needed in the way of adi- ? totr onal statement. Tha public debt it trsi ow so well secured , and the rate of si iniul interest has been so reductd siF sioi F 1 refunding , that rigid economy in oi : aud the faithful oiol tponditures appltca- ol on of our surplus revenues to the th lyment of the principal of the debt ill gradually and certainly free the I C ( sople from its burden and close With ' onor the financial chapter of the nar. iI" i t the same time the government can I"ol rovide for all ordinary expenditures ol id discharge its tacred obligations tote la te soldiers of the Union and to the th idows and orphans of those who thcc II" in its defense. The re- ccw ccai imption of specie payment , ai hich the republican party so aifa , larageously and successfully acc m- ished , has remove 1 from the field of tr imtroTersy.rmny question } that long trof id seriously disturbed the credit of of IB government and business of 'the iuntry. Our psper currency is now national as the fl-tg and resumption Sp IB not only made it everywhere [ u l to coin , but has brought into use ir store of gold and silver. The cir- ilation medium is more abundant n i n ever before we neei only to main- in the equality of our dollars to in- 0te rra to labor and capital a measure of te Joe from the uae of which none en teJA iffer ! ! . The great prosperity Uelit&e aoontry u ao r enjoying JACT " " act b adqger d bytooie CT violent changes of doubtful financial experiment * . In reference to our customs laws , a policy should be pursu. d which will bring revenue t ) the trer.- sury and nil ! enable labor and capi'al employed in our great industries c 'in- pete fairly in our own marke s with the 1-tbor and foreign producer--1. We libor for the pe * pie of the United States n it for the whole wt.rld and it is our glory that tha American laborer is nvre intelligent and bolter paid than his foreign ci mpetitor. But the country mu-t he independent un less its juoplo with their abundant natural res > t rrea , pi educe fherequ ste skill in war timu to cloth , arm and equip themselves for war , and in timis of peace produce all iho necessary iinilomeiita of luhor It was the manifeit intention of the founders of our government to provide for the common defense , not by standing ur inion ulono , but liy raising among tlu > pe. plo a greater army of nrttNana , whoi > e intelligence and skill should i owerfuliy contribute to the flifetyaiid glory of the nation. Fortunately for the interests of com merce , there ia no longer any formid able opposition to appropriations fi.r improvement ! ! of our harbors und gro.i * n ivigHb'e rivers , provided that tl.o ex [ > onditurett for that purpose are strictly limited to works of nationa importance. Tie ) JMissie.Mppi river , with its great tributaries , is of such vital importaneo to EO many millions of people that the safety of its mviga- tion requires oxcep'ioniil considera tion , in on'er ' to secure to the nation the control cf HI its waters. Presi dent Jefferson negotiated the pnr- clii'ke of a vast territory extend ng fromtho Gulf of Mexico to the Pacitic oco-iii. The wisdom of coiir } .s-H ill mid be invoked to divso s me plmi l > y which that great , river "lull cense to ho it terror to those who dwpli upon its banls , and by wliich rts * hip ; iog may sifely carry the i ; du-t-i 1 products of tweuty-Ove miil'ons 6i people. The lnti-r.-s 3 of agriculture , whith ii the bai's of all our mateiiul prospi'iily , and in wt ich sov .i-t\i elfths of our popul : ti.in ii engaged , i-s well us t.o Interests of manu ? cturois and c > m- msrce dum md thnt the facilities for cheap tnnsportttion shMl be increased by the use of nil ourgre.it wuter courp.es. The material intcrcats of our country , the traditions cf iti set- tlmint and the sontiinents of our , pe > po ! led the g v < rnmont to ofior thu widest horpitality to euiigranta who seek our shores for new and happier homoi. willing to share thw t.n denn HI well is the buiiutits of our society and in tending tliat thi-ir posterity sh ll be- jomo an iindiitin.uishabli ; : part of our | ( 3opulat o : > . The secent movement of ; ho Chinese t > < ur Pacific coast par- | , . .iikcs but lit'le of the ( jualit cs < f such in imigiatton either 1:1 i s purpose or ta ros.titj. : It iu ti o inu' * liku an im- ) ortation lo be wt loomed without re- .triciionj ; too much hko an iuV siuii /i bo looked upon without solicitude. iVo cannot content to allow any form if servile lah r to be introduced .moyg us under the guiqe of immigra- IOM. llVcoyiiizing ih-j ur. > vity of this ubject , the present admiiiis-ration , I I upported by comjrrfs , h.ia . nt to | r. illiina a o mnii-son cf distin- uisied ! cit'Zfiis for the purjit.- if securing such moderjtion of tlj reaty as will prevent ihe v.irt Lk / o arise from the pres.nt situ.ition. . . - s confidently bili'-ved : lliht th. so ne- [ ot'a'ionn vjil lesucceoftil without he loss of commercial interoonrao be- ween the tivo powers uhicK promis-'s ' r. at incrraso of rtcirocal | ; trad and ho onlargrment i-f our markets , . j ihotild theai ; efTorls fail it wil be tit ? > f ' ' i uty of ciuigrets to miliKtto the evih 'riicdy felt and prevent thoiriiicrcaso y auch ie-trictiona as without vio- 'iice will plaoo on proud foundation lie freedom and dignity of labor , 'he appointment of citizens to the arioua ex < cutivo and jud'dal t-flicea f tbe governrmnti * perhurs the most m . ifficnlt of nil the dntioi nhich the th onstitution hma imp'.ced UIK n thu si ; iccutivu. Thrt cjnslit'it 0-1 \7i-itly th emands that shall - congress co-oper- towilh the executive di-p.-vriinenta in laoin : ; the civil seivie in a better E\p--riencj h i p'ovtd that fr , itli our frequent changes of 'uiminis- in atiou no ayslem of luform can lo th tado ( IF.-ciivo andpfrinaiiui -.viihout . d. < leaidof Ifghlatinii. . Appointments d.dc ; the mill t try and naval service iiru dc : > regulated by Iiur and custom u to ave little ground for compliint It an Liy not bo worse to m.iho aimilar or ignlati His in civil service , but with- it invading the uthorily or the COnc ucossary discretion of the executive ncwe we ingress should devisu u method in tat would duvlae the tenure ; : oltice and greatly- reduce thn uncer- hnGl jiity wliich made that eervic-j so un- irtain and umatnfactory without de re riving an/ officer of his rights r.a .1 tiz-jii. The government should -e lire him to discharge aU hrs oftic. il pr atios with intelligence , efficiency and in thin ; iithfulnets To eelict wisely fiom in ar vast ] opjla'ioii ' thoco wuo are jst fitted for the m-iny oflices t-i bo [ led requires an ucquaintniKu ft r b : - md the range of i > nj oiu : ron Thu cecutivo should then fur. ; seek and : coivotho infurm.iti nand aseist.ince M : those whoso knoivlcdgu of the oi'in- HI : unitius in whch : the duttei are to bj bo jrformod best quil'fies tlu-m to aid lein in taking tha wisest chuito F : , The doctrines announ. 3d l.y the us ic Chicago convention are not the th unporaiy devices of a p.r.y t > a- CO act volet and carry anl' c Ion. hey are deliberated coiiviclioi s rt- ilting from a careful study of the foi lirit of our iraiitttion ? , thy c urs foiU < our history and t e best impn' ea th : our people , jii my judgment ieo principles should c'n r ! thu ce : th gtsla'ion and ndininistr.'ition of iho di ) vernment. In rny event they w'll : lide my conduct until cxp irinte rii dnts a wetter way. If elided , it ill be my purpose to enforce strict CO th jedience to thu constitution and the thdii dii WB and to as best I , promote , may , fr. . te interest and honor of the whole fr.on mntry , relying for support upon the on isdom of congress , the InteJligmce id patriotism of the people aud the vor of God. bi With great respcc I arc , veiy thwi nly yours. J. A. GARFIELD. wi To Hon. Geo. F. Hoar , chairman wiar committee. | er Jbe Boyne Braves. cUl Dispatch to the Bzz. NEW YORK , July 12 10 p. m. in he Orangemen are picnicking to-day inhe i a merry mood. fe MONTREAL , July 12 10 p. m. The j 0 { rangemen are celebrating very unrs- j ev intatiourly. i nc Headquarters tor Joe Schlitz's beer at SIEECHANTS' Exgp K. B. Cor. 16th and Dodge. ! . . . . . . ° FOKE1CBVEXTS. . Disaffection in the British Cabinet Continues Unabated. Gladstone Goes to Visit the Queen.With His Resigna tion Prepared , . To Tell Her If Bhe Don't Like the Way He Buns Things Sne Can tfelease Him. M. P.'s to Stop Shooting Off Their Mouths to Shoot Grouse in August. * Bill Eeported For Taking Great Britain's Census iri a Single Nijj.'it by Police. TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING. Sp < cl.it Hi iatth to TUB Oi * . LONDON , July 12 4 p. m. It is not I eli.'ved that the British compsn- gation bill will brcome a law. KUMOHS ONLY. So fir as can bo learned Premier Gladstone Iiai not y t settlo'l upon thi ) successor to the Marquisof Lands- down as undcr-i > ecrelary for India. I'lie rumor that Lord Rosebmry hi > d l > . 'i"i tendered the plice is not gtne- orally credited. QDEEN ISABELLA M not c"ini' g to England as has been r"p' ri < d. She ha * gone lo Fonlenoy whuro alu * will remain till autumn. CONTKMPHTED ASSURANCES. Foniimembets contemplate assur ing GIa'l t < > ne that they will support iiim in continuing the session inden- ian-ly , if npcvtst ly to carry out the 'iiveriiimmt programme. BANISHMKNT OF JESUITS. ii cLil l ) iutcb to the lien. PAKIH , July 12 4 p. m. Up to lu > piO'ont limu 130 nmKHtrateN and jlhei l"gjl functionaries have resigned heir oflioes rather than aid in the en- orct-ment of the decrees cf baDish- nent iigixiust ui'1'cei-sed religious or- TIIE tZAB. 1 rumors are current that h > ) czar it c intain ) lating early abdic- ton , rotirh.-g to Florence and purchae- no the pnl.ico of S in Donato. There 3 piobal-ly nothing in them. THEY'LL OIVE HIM LEAD. iKxUI Dispatch to Tin tits. CABLI , July 12 4 p. m. Ah- urnthmiui Khau wiitestothe British ominissioiibr s'rongly desiring peace. OONVALESCINO PREMIER. DibpaUh to.Tho Bee. . July 13 1 a. m. Ur.itir.n , of R-'innimia ' , whoe MIOI a illr.esi recently hai orcisioned m'.derabluaiixii tyhns ! < moconva- - - . cent : i.d g > u to Moldavia in the o , eof c iinplutiiig the restoration of is health. FAMINE FI.VER ABATING. > ttl.il I'l-iutch to Tlie Ike. > * , Ju'y 13 1 . ,111 In tbo i.nso of commons yistfrday W" , 'i rs'er ' , homo tocrulary for Irrlind , ittiouncid thct great exntions hud en madt ) und v.ould continue to be uide to pievint the spto.tt of the inline fever in the district of Swin- ird , I Jniid. The I.itert inforrna- "i ! in . c g' rnuient'd posjcssion , B taid , was to tha etleet. that the ver wrs iiicrusiiigt and < ha govern- ent .iad but litilo diubt that the .o.'stT'S it h d ? li-ea-iy tkon , and LOSO whiu'.i ' it would c-mtinuc to pur- 10 , would Bptedily put nil end to it terrible alllictiou. Id. . H'OKTANT IIEPKESENTATION LEOInLA- TION. Mr. CilaJslouo , who had returned .mi Windsor , moved that huronftt r ilil tbf end of the pretont session i ja government should have prooo j a , nculor i'a biiriiieusoiiTnufdiiBHiid I ot to ilie exclusion of nuy ' ate U | > ai mensiires introduced by iv.ilo inemhern , for advancement of y private bills , lie said the gov- rimunt nould prepare a bill for tin ' m niinoanco of the ballot r > ct , wliich ia iw near its expiration , and that it mid abandon the bill for assimilat- g the loroiigh frnnchisrs inEng- nd to ri'iinty fr. > iicriiifs. Mr. went on to tay thnt wi'h ' ce to other important b'lls now P $1 n'liiigtho ' xovornmjnl would not 1 opt in orbitrary courno in either 1wl eusing thi m fo. ward < < r withdraw-1 „ . ; ; them , luu would take the srniie of I * e hoiirc upon ench , and act nccurd- g to its plraime. This deoltrAtlon 5 : us recmvid witli rhi'orn fr-'in the inistorial side of the house. 1IASTKNI.VO TUROUCIH BUSINESS. Sir StalFi rd Noithcotu concurred in r. Gladstone's prop-nal The re- 37 It ia that government bill * will pushed f'rird with considerable idity , and it is th itiijht that the linn wi'l oud en the 12th of Au- t , when grouse-shooting begins , and c nifnihera are anxious to go to the unt.y. NO TROUBLE IN BULGARIA. Sir Charle ? Dilko , nndor s-'cre'ary faca ni , r foreign aifaira , replying to Sir ca oniy Wolf , said that by re : son of cav u latest information that it had re U ! ived , that the government dd n t that ink an attempt would be made to at sturb py 'tinjj arrangements in Bul- 9 9S na. There had b n continued nr S < rals and departures of Russian ofli- rs in and from Bulgaria ever sine- ; bi e war , and her majesty's government biS d not believe the warlike rumors S ; 3m that quarter were well grounded 2ifc facts. fc CEJTSUS BY THE POLICE. 2 ! Viscount Edfield has in'roducd ' a 11 providine ; for tiking the censas of e United Kingdom next year , the ark to be accomplnhed by the p.'d'co id ci-nstabulary force , nidei by oth- s when necessa./ . The count is to i accompl'shed in a sii'gle ' ni ht. MIKISTEEIAL DISArrECTIOy. . No fuither developments concorn- g the state of affiira in the cibmet B ! ive been made public , but the dimf- ction manifested by the resignation the earl of Liiudown , nd other ente which occurred last watk , has , , > t at all abated , but is , on the cong ary increaeiog. g A WELSH TACTIOjr. r , lil Pixpatefa to Tin Bn. . Loifpox , July 13,1' . EDHOLM & ERIOK30N , Wholesale and Retail MANUFACTURING JEWELERS AND PRACTICAL WATCH-MAKERS. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT WHOLESALE PRICES , Goods sent to any part of the United States on solicitation. largest assortment of SILVERWARE , CLOCKS & SPECTACLES , And ever } thing fouid generally iu a first- cl 2s Jewf-Iiy Sto-e. . , BEST SELEGTtrD STutiK 'IN THE GITY ! Jewelry nimitifachircil on > hort notice. Orders Treat the rouiilry solicited. Ytliciiiu < ) : nalia call niul see us. Se trouble to .show < ; oods. . EDHOLM & ERICKSON , Tlie JeiifhTP. Opiio.sncHK-t : < > soiriivf ( i'5li ( & Dode,1 AT ONCE CUBED BY BENSON'S CAPGINE POROUS PLASTERS. : IT IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY I HAT NEVER FAILS. ' . Over 2000 Drujigitts hav signed a iinper stating th'it Phyel- ci n- * say they are m every way Su er or to the ordinary slowj j acliiig Pore-US Plasters used fi-r this pii'pose. i SEABURY & JOHNSON. Ph-rmai euticnl. New York. PRICE 25 CENTS. | parli.-nientarj jmrty in the house ol commoua Is am * nj i" hibllitirs. KIG i vrrLE The ajri ; ult' 1 show at Carlie : , tbe c.piici i f Cuiiibsrl-nd cu > ity , opened aucre .fully yestfrd y. 1 : is ustimalod tlist t Itast M,000 ! ( icop'c wen * present and the diaplny ot caci.'o ' dairy productt and ogricu.tutal im plements WJB very vite : > aitc ind Sne. The Kta'her wai projjitii us and thetwn were a gala diy appcar.mce. OLAD.STONE VISITS mi : jrEE > . Jpecial dirpatth to 'Itio L'CT. LONDON , July 13 1 a. m. Mr. Slodtt'-ne went lo Windsor yibterd.iy tud Lad bii audience will ; tlie Qim.n. Lli visit is believed to have h < d iu 'erence to the reigiiutic > ii uf L > rd Lindson from iho c.sb.mt. Tc juubtion of the appointmmt uf S'-IIIP Mia acctptablo to her nmji.-i.ty to BSIC- : eed him , and an - * * to the 3uecn ot present rattier critical hi 11- % ; iou of the ; ovenmeut ia thoug t to lave been im IU-BIOH. : GLADSTONE KKAPV TO KFSION. The city is full of uiirou coKcer.t- og Ihocoi'di ' ioiidfiitrarsaiid csait i't il'e ' c'ube JOBO ; far r-.a t" hint tliat Mr Sladstone had In h'3 p cket up > n lia < uinoy to Windsor hit rceignation vhiiJi lie W B r.a'Jy ' tojro ont to her iwjt'siy if she displiyyd any auiicty onifriiiiiy his court e eii.cu hu Ind akcn t-ffico. Jiut this is - report c > n- idered to be an extravagant c uwnl. TICHBOUNE CASK KEV1VEU. An application bw been luado by .rthur Or'on's cuuiincl , J .dgo Jtubh Ifcajanun , Q C , f r the attornty- uneial'a fiat fornn.-ipt'al ; to the In IHO f lords ny.iinst thu rccuiit ticoisioii of 10 cuurt of uppea'a ' m the Ticliboruu j fe , ti.e court hating decided ajpirut i le at'iit--nce. | Mr. BeLJ-tmine' crgunient was that j 18 two sentences of impnsoiiiui nt j issrd upnn the chuinniit were u t { > nt-ii..ou3 but co socutt\o. It is jub fal whether tha li.t will Iu ranted. If it be the appeal will I o ? ad before a judici-tl committee of le house , and the merits of thoc.'iu ill Lo thorocj'My argued by M . Ben- inin and nsioci.itts on thu oi.c sidu id the ofiici'ra of the crown on the her. TRADING UKirONK. { The commurcial trt-nty rowi.tiy no- itiatcd brtirujii England iind liou- ania lias been ratitk-d and promul- ited. Now Yorlc I'rcclu o KEW Yon K.July 12. Wheat In uodir.itu doiirnui ; re- ipla , 2.VdOJ , l.inl.els ; No. 2 iriDjf , tl 12 1 12 ; ungraded ro.i , i. 15Cvl 21 ; mix il winter , 51 J7t/ ; 18 ; ungraded white , § 1 17 ; N . 1 fi-.ie , SI 17 < yl 18 ; No. 2 n-.I , Juiv , Uorn Aituo and lti\v r ; > ' > . J , t . 'lS c ; mixed , 5' c ; No 2 v.lutf , tjo ; nii'ii ] yc ! i w file ; i 'u 2 Julv " , ! 4@4Sit ; Vt.gu i , 184.'jtc } ; S-j.tfi.- r , 4'Jc. ( ) at llonvy ai.d lee 5 ruitipii , i.OlD runnels ; tiisturn muel , IH ® rc ; whitu wt-Btc-.i , 3'JS4ii ! : . 1'tirk Stronger ; ne * mt -it Ly 25 jl3 75 , i lie lat'--r for cho ce. Protlu e. CHICAGO , Juy ! 12. Flour Non iiul. Wheit Ui'Sw-ltled , irregular , v , ' k id lower at opeiiini , ' , but later un- v < rable crop reports ii the west im ed a sh rp reaction ; 'id pricr' ! ad- mc d 3c for July and 2 * ; for Au - ii above the lowest point re'chud in ic m < rniiig ; Ni > . 2. 91i'95c , cl Rd ; 9Jc for cash ; 'Jlit94jc , cl scd at Ic July ; 99 o bid"Ai.-gnt ; 83c bsd splember ; No. .i , 82 ? 3ic. Corn Steady , shade h'gher ; 322C ill July ; Sfljc bid for August. Oils Firmchigherlh3iic'os ; $ | ' ° l aturdwy ; No. 2 , 'JoJ.i " for caib ; 24 © jjc , c'oacd at 2. > 3cl"r July22&22c ; ] ir August tnd September ; reje tsd , 2lc.Bye Bye Steady at C3Jc. Barley Steady and unchanged. Pork Active and firmer ; opened 3S50o hi-her , and clojpd teady wiih decline of 20330c ; § 13 75O14 00 for IB'-I ; 814 12 015 00 for August. Lird Firmer ; ! C3l2jc higher ; 5 S2J@6 85 for cash ; 86 85g6 87 for .u nst ; $6 9C@6 92i for September. Bu k Meata Shoulders , S-l 80 ; iorr.h , § 7 15 ; short clear , § 7 40 Whisky Steady at $1 09. CLOdZAO PRICES. Wheat Moderately active and eaa- sr ; No. 2 spring , 94994ib fT JaH ; 0 s90 | f6r August ; 88334i f.-r iep eraser ; 88c for the yt ar ; Ko. 2 ad iator , July , 94jc bid ; 9ic for . Cururuiet } ; 35 55 0 for Kfi J$2oJc ( ! f-T J try ; 35i < 5 53c for S p- { ember. OA'S-V : . bid f..r July ; 22o for J August ; Sr L-iiibrr 2 Jc. bt I.outH 1'roc.uce ijr. I ( ifi.s , Jul > 12. Wbeit Oi'imd l-.wur , ndvaurid and ilieii dccl-tu > ' ; No. ! > nd , 97JO 9fc"8 ' forw . ; > 3 91 > 6'-)0g ) f-r .In 3 * . 8C * @ 88cft88ctf fur"AiiKimi. . P5" < 387 for ? ri > > in'tr : .V 8' for the year : N' * ' . II il , M > ( ? ! 'lic ; Com oUf r ca-- ; "Ic for Aug ust anl : ? . | i' i' 1 r. Oata-fJuiV ; L'Uc f. r cvh ; LMJ@ lMcforAu : jU ilyiI'n m 11 . l - i I'.t'l -j - N 't' iti d it-K. I'.utter Firm ; a.Uiy. ! 7- ' ! " . KfrjjtD . ! ! .t > d i..r- . it ( U7A - ; . I'o.I. l , ic til-JT ! Dry Sal : e.Ut r . , ? 7 lr.7 ( ) 48 f r iLu i.tunier. L c.-.i S oa.lv ' ? r gi".i 8 S7A r P T fv /i Q PT i ! i * \ t t - - . t . \ Pv. ; _ J I . i' . tt..i u. : < : : ; > . ( . f.M.Ji - : - - ! x. . . 1 * crft M l.jii'i. | ri * 1 .v-lt it. ! > I | , , ! . . - , . . . t . . / h r : -w i-jv. = -lKtt. : * -'nf YOU I . . . . . i i - w .rtTj.ev : l . i-S . . . - - , . , * - > l " - ' > < -j ! , t'S-Sjgi * < isM - - = " ' | M P. LANG'S , ; vs' * t ENTS > f fevs' , SHOES &ASE TO GSOER .J 5 pe.U-.i f . - ' . - . . I . . . . - . . rrjon Machine J. F. Earamoad , Proi [ 4 The mint l'jrujxii ! apt- ' .ril aii.1 .otrplet * iliclilno Si < > | " xnil KiMinJr ; ti > ( l > e ttjtr. Cimtln a ot cry tl : < ri'tr | i nunulv-tinrJ. Kn fncs , IMinije ami every tlifs o ir r > .lnrt | oiado to ordtr. &I < ciial attention iltcn to * If cii Aumir.sl'uHcys Ilaiigers , Ijal'tiiiir , 5ri Jce Irons , < ; ccr dittinu , etc. Plans fur now Machinery , Me.tcb.inc ! ! Drta ht- In ? , Minlc ! ; " , etc. . neally pivutwl. and Hnrmty Hf . net. I4f nn l inrn RSALE EVERiAGUE THE GREAT MALARIALANTIDOTE OFTHEAGE. and Speedy. Safe , Certain , Sure NEVERFAILSTOCURE. The only article known that Will r. disease J.C.RICHARDSON , SOLtPROPRItTOR General AsentSj PUCHfiRDSONaCO. V/HOLKSALt DRUG SISTS. EVERYWHERE.