Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Saturday Morning , July 10.
Srrred to tubecribem by carrier to any ] > artlo
the city , every d T , Sundays exctpted at tiltctfc
eaUpur week
Any cornplainta about lrrcg-.0 ritieg , or 1m ?
proper delivery o ! the rpor , U aJctrcwcd to
tbi office will recdve prompt attention.
Tni Onati A DAILY lu will bo mailed to euh
tcritxn at the following rates , payable invar
Wy In advance : $8.00 per tnnum ; $4.00 U
months. Tn * OMAUA WKKKI.T BUR $2.00 per
THB OMAHA DAILY Bin has by ar the largest
circulation both in Omaha and abn < i , and In
therefore the brat and rlnaixat wlvrrusliic
fffo fnta-ettinj N'ttvllan ) ! , latest M
tarn anil OinnwmW Krj-ortt , Hoilroaa anu
r < v5 < . .v3Ym < Taiilci..tre thiriltma
Me tlng of tbe Garflelci Ciub.
OMAHA , July 8 , 1880.
A meeting of the Garfield ani Ar
thur Club is hereby called to meet in
Union lilock , corner Fifteenth and
Farnham street * , this city , on Satur
day , the 10th day of July , at 8 p. in.
At that time books will be open for
membership , and it is especially de-
aired that as many will attend as pos
sible , so that the organizasion may bo
! 5y order of the President of the
Garfield and ArthurCIub.
K. J.
I'attsreon cells coal.
Additional local on firutpage.
Excellent Cn-aui Soda lit S
Carriages and wagons nt Wood-
wml'i's. '
Elegant perfumes t KuhnV
a tore.
Birch Boer nnd Ginger Ale at
* f 1 hursday was the hottest day of
thu season.
Scitlfiihurg it CO.'B Key 'Wist Ci
gars at Saio'e.
A good girl wanted Inquire
liiiy Farnliatii ftroet. If
The jury in the District court was
discharged yesterday.
Two drunks In pt'licecourt [ yo :
day , both discharged. -
A fiuo breezy has tempered the
heat considerably.
The B. & M. and U. 1 * . nines
play this afternoon , .
Twenty per cent reduction. Elgut
tor's Mammoth Clothing House , 1214
-The Garfield and Arthur Club
i in Union Block Saturday oven-
- Dr. Tiiden wVU build a residence ,
English cotuge style , ou iyi , ,
Douglas soon.
Frveh Berriw , Butter and Ecus
received daily at Wm. Gentleman's ,
corner ICth and Css.
Three revolver ? , stolen in Goun
ell Bluffs it week ago , were recovered
in thu city yesterday and returned.
The cause of this heat is , ol
course , the conduction of the planets
and the maximum of sun spots. Thai
Ii euily aeeo.
James E. Boyd has been electee
chairman of the democratic county
central committee , vice Charles H
Brown , resigned.
o. i' . IMVIS win nutld tour one
story and a half cottages on llth am
Mason streets. Fowler & Scott ar
drawing the designs.
The funeral of the l tu Georg
"Westphalf took place ycaterda.
under the direction of Alleinauei
Lodge No. 8 , L 0. 0. F.
A alarm of fire about 10 o'clocl
last night proved to be from H biirnin
barn on Twentieth and Tzard streotti
It ws entirely destroyed.
General Tiiayer hns become a
permanent resident of Nebraska. lie
has secured the contract for the trans
portationof freight from Grand lolani
to the new post , Fort Niobrara.
Thefuueralof little May Hice ,
Thursday afternoon , was largely at-
tendod. The sympathy of friends
was displayed in the shape of flora
tributes , numerous aud extremely
The time for receiving bids ior
erection of the engine house for the
"Fire King" expires at noon to
day. The house will probably be
completed within sixty days , and wil
contain all the latest devices for niak
ing ijulck time to a fire.
Mr. Frank Malcolm , of engini
company No. 3 , was labt night the re
clpient of a handaome gold bad o ii
the shape of a shield. Upon the faci
was engraved the words , "Omah
Fire Department , No. 3. " The wholi
IT i the work of Messrs. EJholnt & ,
Errickson , and was presented by some
of Frank's lady admirers.
The state fair board meets 01
Wednesday next at the Creighton
house to examine applicants for the
free scholarship in the American Yet'
urinary college , N. Y. , one of which
scholarships U offered to the student
recommended by each state fair
Messrs. Csldwell and Redick have
leased the Academy of Music to Mr.
D. A. Griffin for the ensuing three
yean , the contract being completed
yesterday. Mr. Griffin will nndoubt-
edly give general satisfaction to the
public. Ho goes to New York in
about two weeks to book as many
companies aa he can for the fall and
winter season.
A dispatch was received at Union
Pacific headquarters Thursday afternoon -
-noon listing that F. M. Knowles , the
telegraph operator at Plum Creek , had
been drowned while bathing in the
mill-dam at Shelton station. The
body was recovered about 4 o'clock in
the afternoon. The deceased was a
young man aUout twenty years of age.
George McDonongh , a runner for
the Atlantiohousfl , was arrested Friday
morning on suspicion of being impli
cated in the job by which the granger
was swindled out of $250 , as reported
last night In tbe meantime the old
granger ha given the oily the shake
ind can't be had to identify the man. i
constipation by
udng Hwburg Fig ,
The Smelting Works Wa
ter Bound and En
twined by Flames.
Another Chapter in the Succes
sion of Catastrophes.
Total Destruction Averted by
Superhuman Efforts.
Fierce FJamos and BraVo Fire-
There aoems to bo a curious fatality
attending the workv of the Omaha
Smelting and llelh'ing company.
Such a succession of misfortune
would , a few centuries asjo , have giv
en a belief that the tput was
accursed. To begin with the grim
visaga of death hovers over the spot ,
no man beii-g able to work within its
w& la for any great length without
being poisoned by the deadly atmos-
pheto. But a few months ago fire
attacked it , again the shadow of war
cast Its threatening presence over it ,
a week since mid the waters robe
against H , Mid yesterday the Ilnnnjs
renewed their attack , and were only
prevented from devouring the entire
institution by the almoat superhuman
of our gtHant firemen.
It was nearly 5 o'clock laat evening
whunun i-.kirm was rounded frm box
, : tnd it being ubout the hour -.then
everyone wiia kiiuckhig o'Ffrom ' work.
a Kr c crowd soon asseuibloJ on Iho
hill ovcrloking the river bottom ,
from which the smelth'g ' works were
to bo burning. With the lirat
stroke of the bell the department vas
out and dashing down the river bink
J5y the time the engines were on the
spot the storehouse , retort room and
hide futuace shop wire all burning , : > ud
a strong breeze from the eouthwtst
threatened with destruction the entire
establishment. The cats on the aid-
it g had already bcrn rom-ivec1 , and
U. 1' . 'dcomotivo No. 53 wasstation-d
; it thu west side of the buildings
tiirowiogu lively stream on thu fluniui.
It waa with the utmobt difficulty that
die atoaii.era and hooks could get to
tht-ir siilions ; , the yard being eur-
rounded by the high water , and the
only path by which to gain access
being the side-track runnini ; in at the
south g-ite. Ovar thia the horses
drew the hi avy engines , and the hook
and Lvlder track and BOOH No ? . 2 and
3 had their suctions down and were al
work , while iho "Pioneers" with their
ladder ] soiled the roof and devoted
their energies to preventing its falling
a prey to the devouring element. The
Duranta were also evrly on the spot
and took their station on the north
eido HO that the buildings wore guard
ed on over } ' aide. At this time the
ti'-l destruction of the Works seemed
inevitable , nllj the superintendent ,
Mr. Hilbach , saj , iH would not have
jivn > five cents for itschu.M > Hun
dreds thronged nlong the traiXo ,
covered th < > roofs of c.irs or gathered
> n dense clusters on the lull to watch
t'.e progress i-f the threatened cala
mity. Among the latter were scores
of c images so that it resembled some
contest in the arena and the blulli a
vast iimpilhe-itre filled with eager
spectators. The. flames 1 urnei in the
great intensity and nearly scorched the
cothes i if thoee whote cur-osity led
hi-m iutocloto proximity 11 thembul
when at their height No. 1 arrived ,
her gallant bi-ya lutn with fo.un and
u LTi.i u i-ociin , iin-miiottvo and tank
car arrived and took up its poaitiou
and from that moment it became evi
dent ihat it waa an unequal contest
with the firemen in the ; iaccnd < tncy.
Stre.unh of water were poured on from
every quarter , the source beinj ; the
cwollon flood of the Missouri itself , ita
capacity Biillicent to drown the fires at
the auu. Above the glowing fires
arched a dozen brilliant and beautiful
rainbows and their Mollification waa
never truer. Slowly the crimson
tongues of Ore ceased to lp up the
pr perty upon which they fed , smoke
and uteam drowned out the beda of
fierce tliunus which were visible through
tiio chinks in the wooden structures
and finally blackened embers and
doaolale 1-ioking clock rising naked
above the ruins told that the work waa
accomplished aud the institution
Whfn there w.xs time to inquire a *
to the origin of the catastrophe
it was learned that the
fire waa first discovered in H small
building back of thu office ,
uaed as a storehouse. In
one portion of thia was stored a quan
tity -f liuiK , aud beneath it the water
Imd worked its way. It i.i believed
that in Home way thu water came in
contact with the lime and slacked it ,
and from it the building was fired.
In the same building weiu quantities
of blue vitrol , coke and charcoal , all
partitioned .iff from each other. Mr
Uoyt , the assi yor , aud the gato-kee- |
er discovered the tireabuut the same
time , and the latter rang the alarm
bell and g.ivo the cry of lira. At that
time the ro.oii waa full of smoke , but
it bn.ko Into flame with stattliug rap
idity , and in the space of sixty seconds
ends had enveloped the whole build
ing In fin1. From ilna it spread to the
retort r. om , then to the aide furnnce
room and plstf-Tm and sheds. Theaa
three buildii ga were totally destroyed
as wore silao the platforms upjn which , bullion , ( -to. , are unloaded from
the cars. The cupall shop was saved
by the hardest exertions , and to the
devoted work of the firemen and oth
ers can alone bj attributed the saving
of a single wall of all the cluster of
buildings. The materhl destroyed
wai inconsiderable , and the buildings
were old , being the first put up of the
entire lot. The huge stacks and fur
naces were ieft standing unharmed ,
and the managers estimate the loss at
not exceeding ? GOGO , and perhaps
within $5,000. All this is amply se
cured by the insurance held in nine
companies , represented by Messrs.
Murphy t Lovett. None of the men
will be thrown out of work , as there
will bi sufficient occupation In clear
ing up the debris and making repairs.
New buildings will scon replace the
old ones , and except for the Immedi
ate pecuniary loss to the managers ,
the damage will scarcely be felt.
Our reporter was requested by the
managers to say that they appreciated
the fact that but for the noble work of
the firemen they must have sustained
the loss of the works entire.
At the closing meeting of the
iherrill Club for the season , Tuesday
ovining , the members presented Mr.
and Mrs Sherrill with a fine steel en-
ivii'g entitled Magnanimity of
Sclpio the African. W C. B Allen
made the presentation in behalf of the
club in a nea' speech to which Mr.
sherrill responded for both. The pro-
entation wai a complete surprise.
Pictures given away to all good
girls and boys , at fullriede's
jjtgre. - - - *
John Martin , the Chicago
Merchant doubles the
The Officers in Hot Pursuit
The remains of Louis Zorga , the
murdered Italian , were yesterday
forwarded to Chicago for blirial.
Mr. John Martin , Iho fri"iid with
whom he linci loft his inoiiuy , and to
win ( go child be was godfather , arrived
in the city Friday morning for the
purpose of inking thu body back with
him. Uo at once iiiithum.'d Maralial
NVesk-nlahl to odor an additional ie-
ward of § 200 fur thoci > i > iuro : uil de
livery of ( .lozolo , thus making the sum
sot upon his he ; ul j'IGO , and impiilug
the ollicurs to do their utmost to catch
the man and the bag of wealth at
the same time.
Mr. Martin Bays the deal man had
a boat of friends in Ohicago , by whom
the news of his death was received
with surprise and deep mourning.
The diapitch reiched there in the
ni ht after all had < j'jno to bed , and
all got up Land a number of friends
came in and there was no further at
tempt to sleep that niglit.
A farmer who livts south west of
the city , cuno : iji town yesterday and
going to Jiulgu liawc * , informed him
that on the mvcnin f the murder , aa
lie was driving humj fiom the city , a
man came out of iho brush near Har
ris itFlshtu'ij p.'cking house ,
and asked him for a ride.
He allowed the man to got
into his vi agon , and he rode ns f r as
Gr.ftin's placp , wh ; re the man jumped
out and left him. Ho was an Italian ,
and didn't h.xvo much to say. Ho
told the faiuujr , Vihou ho liratgot into
the w.igon , that he WES going about
four miles to work on' a farm. Othur
information was received which led
M-iralial WestcrJ'ahl ' to believe that
the man was j'jinouhfro in ! he neigh-
borhool of Papillion , and accurdii gly
ho left fur that place farly yester
day. Now that ( hero is money to
work for there will bo no lack of zeal
and energy , nud if the criminal has
not escaped already ho stands a slim
chance of eluding the hot pursuit that
it being organized.
At noon yesterday it was reported to
theofliccrs that Guzzolo w.inseenThurs-
day evening at a beergarden out on the
extreme south of Thirteenth street.
He came there about 3 o'clock and
stayed until between 5 and G in the
evening. He had all the marks cor-
resionding with the description al
ready given , but the proprietor had
not read the papers and didn't know
the imn was wanted. The money
thus lost would pay for a daily news
paper for fifty yeara to come. The
Banio reported as being seen
at the beer jjardon was a ain
noticed about fi o'clock Friday mornIng -
Ing going down the B. & M. track.
towards Bellevue , having cut across
the woods to that track. Westerdahl
and McClure have gone to investigate
the matter , and think they are'getting
on the right track and will bag the
The name cause which has revived
the search hero is at wi-rk elsewhere
aa may be seen by tlie following from
Frl 'ay's ' Lincoln Journal : "Our po
licemen were bustling about the city
Ijwt night like hens on a hot griddle.
The cause of this unusual commotion
was the receipt of a telegram by the
\VesternUnionoperatorof this city ,
from the operator at Pint tamouth ,
stating , in aub.'tance , that a man , un-
the description of Gozolo , the
murderer , had been observed entering
a box car at Plattamonth. jiwl as the
train was leaving that city for Lincoln.
The Plattsmouth operator seemed
corilident that the right man was in
the car , and stated in the telegaam
that ho would b ; > found in the eighth
car from the engine.
The telegram was received about
11:150 : , and the train from PJattsmouth
was due liere at midnight. While
Policeman Hyatt was telling ua about
the dispatch Hank Mi-nfgomory put
in an appeaaancc , and stated that a
man answering the description had
just left Ulalley's on hia way to the es
tablishment of Frank Clark. Hyatt ,
having time enough to visit Clark's
before the train arrived , made a search
of the mansion , buti.o one answering
the description could bo round. A
few minutes before train time Hyatt
and Newton started for the depot , but
failing to report to us at U o'clock this
morning , we judge that the man in
the box car either got away r was not
Gozlo. .
100 acrea of good timber for sale
near the city. Will be sold cheap for
OJbk. For full particulars , apply to
at Snnpion'a Carriage Repository ,
Dodge street. july9-2t
Wo call attention to the advertise
ment of the Equitable Life Assurance
Society , of New York. The company
is well known to the citizens of Oma
ha , and has met with substantial suc
cess in our city and state. The state
agent , Mr. J. H. Mockett , will here
after inako his homo in Omaha , giving
special attention to Iho necessities of
our people in hia line.
For good low and high shoe call at
A fine line of CANNED MEATS for the
HOT SEASON. Look at the list. Prices
reasonable :
Lunch Tongue.
Lunch Ham.
Potted Duck.
Potted Chicken.
Boned Turkey.
Boned Chicken.
Boned Ham.
Spiced Oysters.
FLEMING & Co. , Grocers.
Our clearing sale continues all this
month. Now is your time for bar
gains. KCKTZ'S STORE ,
Creighton Block ,
Try a pair of Fullriede's shoes.
See Gottheimer's latest style of
Shirts. A good thing ; you cannot
1207 Farnbam street , near Caldwell ,
Hamilton & Co.'s bank.
Figs 25o a
A Montana Man Starts to Ar
kansas With a Friend and
And the Two Men and the Cash
Are Missing.
A day or two since Mr. Alex. H.
Irvim a Cairo , 111. ) lawor , cable to
Omaha , 1'naking inquiry for a man by
the name of John E. Black , who loft
Hutte , Montana , on the 12th of last
October , for Hoi Springs , Ark. He
had purchased a ticket by the way of
Om.ilia , Kansas City and St. Louis ,
and wai traced s as Luraniie. At
that place he was lost sight of and has
never been heard of since. He Mt
Butte in company with an acquaint
ance , and it is reported that he was
made away with for the money he had
with him , which amounted to over
§ 2,000.
Mr. Iivin told Marshall Wester
dahl , with whom he held quite a con
sultation , that the man had no rela
tives so far a * was known , but that ho
left an estate that will bo able to pay
for all trouble , if they could obtain
information of bis death sufficient to
warrant administration. Ue deaired
the marshal to make inquiry at all the
landings on the river south to Kansas
City , and of all coroners , and left the
following description : "John E
Hldck , blacksmith , 5 feet 8 inches , 105
pounds , dark complexion , hair bl.tck
aid gr < iy , 45 years old , grizzly mous
tache and imperial , India ink mark
( anchor ) on right forearm ; wore new
black , well worn durk pants and
coat and woolen shirt , and bonta part
ly worn.
It is m < > . t likely that the cash Mr.
Black had with him killed him in or
der to get liia friend , and is another
warning ng.unst the pernicious practice
tico of carrying your friends with you
in making a long journey , if you are
likely to meet any money.
It pays to trade at Kurtz's.
L'iw shoes , low prices , at Full-
rivde's , near Lutheran church.
TION on Saturd IF , July 10th , at 2
p. m , at the store of J. C. Rosonfeld ,
1203 Douglas street , one safe , nearly
Jiew , desks , Fairbanks platform scales ,
truck , stoves , gtoncil plates , and other
furniture , < tc. Sale positive.
J. BoNNMt , Auctioneer.
Try Fullriode'sgood shoes , at low
Mrs. Sperry has rented the north
room In Masonic block , where she has
opened nicely furnished ice cream
parlors. Mra. Sperry has for some
time been located on Twentieth street ,
where she has boon very successful ir
making ice cream of a superior qual
ity , many of her customers coming
fully two miles ( passing all other ice
cream parlors to their
) get ion cream
from her , being satisfied that it was
en- ugh better to justify them in go
ing so far. Her down-town friendi
will no doubt be pleased to hoar o
this , and vill visit her more often
She will continue the business here
after at both stands , and invites al
who wish a first-claaa diah of cream k
give her a call.
Henry Gibson has gone east.
Mrs. J. F. Morton h.i3 rotnincc
from the fast.
J. J. Noligh lus gone to Chhag
with liia sister.
Hon. E. F. Warren , of Nobrask
City , is in town.
S. S. Stevens has gone to Chicago
on oflicial business.
Mr. George Hall's family went wea
yesterday to Laramle.
Mrs. M. A. Kurtz is visiting
friends in Philadelphia.
W. B. Wood and wife have gone to
Iowa for a week's visit.
Hon. E/ra Millard and wife wil
leave for the east to-day.
Col. Stanton , paymaster U. S. A.
went out to Sidney Friday.
G. W. Pool , of The Tecmnseh Jour
nal , is stopping at the Creighton.
Alex. Swan , of Cheyenne , passed
through the city Thursday on his way
to Iowa.
J. M. Stafford , of The Uastingi
Daily Nebraskian , is in the city on i
brief leave.
Hon. GuZon M. Lambertiioii , U. S
D-fit-let attorney came up from Lin' ,
coin ytslerday.
Mr. Wm. Jarvin , general westen
agent of the I. B. & W. went west Fri
day to Denver.
Miss Adie Bowers left for the east
Thursday to spend her vacation at
Plymouth , Ind.
G. B. Harris , assistant genera
freight agent of the 0. , B. & Q. rail
road , was in the city Thursday.
Harvey S. Brown , attorney of the
Central Pacific , passed through the
city Thursday night on his way cait
W. E. Annin , of THE BEE , returned
from the ea t last night , after a de
lightful trip of three weeks' length ,
M. F. Mooney , the machinist , of
the.U.P. ahops.went east yesterdayvia
the Rock Island roule , on a six weeks'
Conductor Shields of the U. P.
came in Friday morning from Lincoln ,
where he has been taking a salt water
Hon. James E. North , accompa
nied by Mrs. North , passed through
Omaha Thursday on their way home
to Columbus.
Do your shopping at Kurtz's.
Headquarters tor Joe Schlitz's
Milwaukee beer at MERCHANTS' ExCHANGE -
CHANGE , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodge.
A. F. & A. M.
There will be a special communica
tion of St. John's Lodge , No. 25 , this
( Saturday ) evening , for work In the
H. M. degree. Visiting brethren are
cordially invited.B.
The PlattsmoUh Bridge not
Likely to Bring About a-
Deduction of Rates.
Alleged Fickleness of Omaha
Business Men.
Railway Miscellany.
In conversation with a prominent
; entleraanofOmnh yesUrdayonewell (
versed tn railroad matters , a-BKB re-
portar observed that ho liad bren led
to believe that when the PhtUmouth
bridge shall have been completed ,
Omaha will bo greitly benefittud by a
coiuequunt reduction of freight-rates.
The railroad man snid that such an
impression was gaining a circulation
in the city , but he could not see it in
tint way. He argued that the C. B.
& Q , would not be likely to initiate a
war with the ) maha bridge for the
uke of this city's patronage alone ,
when it could make much larger profits
on the cast-bound U. P. through
freight which it carries for three or
four hundred miles from Kearney to
Plattsmouth. And even 'f It ever did
conclude to sacrifice this patronage to
help Omaha himineps men , the lat
ter would not stick .by it
any length of time. "It has
occurred several tiuiea , " said he ,
"during my long residence in Omaha ,
that thii biisinocH men have gone back
on all contracts wit-h steamboats and
railroads whenever a second road
comeH in with its bid to do a well by
them aa any other. These men are to
blame fi r ho extortionate rates now
exacted of them , and unless they
show in-ira stability and fairness they
will guffer until death overtakes
them. "
Mr. LoM'int Conies , a member of
the U. P. corp of surveyors , came in
from the went Thundny. He is one
of the pirty which starts to-day
to survey the Juleaburg and Denver
road along the South Platte , upon
which they will bo engaged till Decem
ber next. This road will start
from a point about six miles
woat of Juleaberg , thin avoiding nt
the beginning a heavy grade and form
ing an entirely new terminal station.
How far the track laying will bo com
pleted tl is year h not known but it is
expected to got the whole line graded
and a force of two hundred teams and
men sufliciont lo work them is now
engaged in pushing the enterprise
oooi > ENOUGH.
The Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy
railroad hns juat perfected an arrange
inniit for the comfort and convenience
of ita passenger * , which promises to
bo ai big a card as its celebrated ( lin
ing cirs It has constructed at its
shops at Aurora several first class
smoking cars of an entirely new pat
tern , which will be attached to all reg
ular through trains just behind the
dining cir. They are finished in su
perior ntyle and furnished with rattan
Huats of various patterns. The seats
at each end are regular revolving
chairs ; next tn thee are double se ts
with tables between them. Then
came several single seats and thei
a ain couie double seats and revolving
chairs. Finit-elasi pasaengera who
wantud io enjoy a ci < ; ar after their
meal have been compelled to go lethe
the second-class smoker in front o
th traiii , nhere things wore not par
ticulirly inviting , but now that ne
cessity will be done away with.
The Watiaih & Pacific railway earn
inga increased ihe third week in Juno
§ 1 J,705. The Wabaah company is
negotiating with the Pan-H.uidle and
Illinois Central r < ads , in order to ge
into the heirt of Chicago over thei.
tracks. The company desire to make
an immediate temporary arrangement
being prevented by injunctions froir
using their own tracks , into the city
which wore completed last May.
One car of hogs in to-day for the
Rook Island.
Tnero were 11 cars on the noou trail
yesterday Including four Pullman's.
Wine , wool and salmon come ir
from California daily by the car load
Railrcud business is reported rathe
dull at present although travel is fai
for this season of the year.
The Chicago and Northwestern i
laying track on its extension in Da
kota territory at the rate of a milo
each day.
Since the first of July there is to
be but one agent al Hamburg for the
C. , li. & Q. and K. C. , St. Jo. & G
B railroad.
Live stock shipments from westen
Nebraska and Wyoming will bo largi
this sunnier but will arrive a littli
liter than nual ,
The deliyod train on the Kock Is
land did not arrive at the tr.msfe
until thid morning at 4 o'clock. Th <
p isiengors went west on to-day's tra ;
There is a rumor that A. C. Dawea
the general paaiengt-r agent o
theK C. , is lo bo genewl southwest
ern agent of the C. , B. & Q. at Kan
sas City
The work of grading on the Avoca
Macedonia an I Southwestern r-nlroac
has been coiiploted , and it is one o
the best bu'lt ' branches that the C.
II. I & PI railroad has built in Iowa
The Chicago , Rock Wand and Pa
cific railroad company has now only
abc.ut . 300,090 acre * of land loft on
the line f that road. The greater
portion of this land lies in western
A great improvement at the U. P.
transfer depot is the iron covering
being erected over the platforms. Thai
on the west side is almost complete
and is already a source of great com
fort to passengers.
The work of re-laying the track of
the St. Joe & Western road has be
gun and steel raih will be substituted
for iron aa fast as they can be brought
here. Twenty cars were sent west
last night on No. 7 , and more will be
sent daily.
On the Missouri division of the
Northern Pacific road , the track has
reached a point 100 miles west of
Mandan , D. T. , and twenty-five miles
beyond the late teiminus at Knife
river. The road is to be completed to
the Yellowstone this season.
J. McConniff , for several years super
intendent of telegraph and train dis
patcher of the Kaunas City , St. Joe fc
Council Bluffs ra-lroad , has left the
service of that company , and accepted
the .position of assistant superinten
dent of the Nebraska division of the
Chicago , Burlington & Quincv rail
Over eighty millions ot dollmn of
Insurance capital of the oldeat and
best home and foreign oompulM rep
resented lntb. % pgency of Taylor 4
[ * he Old Firm of Stephens &
Wilcox makes an As
It will bo a surprise to many to
: now that the firm of Stephens &
Wilcox , one of the oldest doing busi-
neas in this city , made an assignment
, o-day , and have closed their doors.
Oils firrii has been in business
n this city for over 15 years ,
and ha ? always stood high
n reputation for honor and honesty.
Chefr bii'iinofs ' has beun in general
hat ot dry goods and post-traders'
supplies , and the secret of the trouble
s believed to be bad accounts made
in the latter department , a it is
mown that collodions have been
jeer for several months
wat. It is certain that there h no
dishonesty in the failure , and there
is a general feeling of regret over their
misfortune. The bulk of the indebt
edness is with relatives , not over 25 to
33 per cent of it being to eastern
creditors. The indebtedness probably
reaches 875,000 to $100,000 , and the
firm , wo understand , claims that their
aascta will cover nil liabilities. The
matter has bean kept very quiet and
business run along as tuual until it
became evident that there was no al-
ternalivu , and Mr. Jacob U. Hen-
drix. was to-day authorized to
close out their afFura , and Is this
afternoon making an inventory. Iltd
the firm not sunk a fortune in bad ac
counts with pnat traders it is believed
no such disaster would have over
taken them.
Murphy & Lovettjlue. Agency ; old
oat e.-tablished agency in this atate.
For needles , oil , rufflera , tuckers ,
parts and supplies fur all Sewii > g
Machines , go t < > "Bee Hive" Seeing
Machine office , 1120J Farnham street.
For Omaha and Council Bluffs is now
ready for press , and those who have
recently located in this city should be
sure that their names and residence or
boarding-place bo properly located ,
and to insure this should leave such
information at The Republican office ,
or at my office , ever Kennard & For-
sythe'a drug-store , and it will receive
prompt attention.
jy3-14t J. M. WOLFE.
Why pay such enormous prices for
Sewing Machines when you can buy
for so much less than the old prices at
Sowing Machine office , 1120J Farn
ham street. j-3t
Moat popular Now York hotel , the
Aator House.
Cash and good paying customers
will save money by buying a Sewing
Machine at "Boo Hive" S-jwing Ma
chine Depot , 1120J Farnham Street.
McCoRMick Elizabeth P. , wife of
John McCormick , died Friday , July
9 , at 4 a. m.
The deceased was born in Ohio , but
came to Nebraska in 1856 , where she
has since resided. She was 47 years
of age. The funeral will take place
at 2 p. m. Saturday from the late resi
dence , where services will bo held ,
Dean Millspaugh , of Trinity , officiat
If you are in need of an Ulster ,
Lawn or Linen Suits , Wrappers ,
H alery , Gloves or Trimming of any
kind , it will pay you to call at Kurtz's.
Why dose m'ourselves with nauseat
ing medicines , when a purely fruit
oathartlc will cure you at once Ham
burg Fig * . Try them.
District Court.
Proceedings had Thursday , the
Hon. James W. S.ivage presiding :
Creighton va. Billiter et al. ; decree
of foreclosure.
Woodburn vs. Hillike ; motion over
ruled ; defendant has ton days to an
swer.Whittiervs. . Estabrook : 'first trial
for ejectment ; verdict for defendant.
Verdict set aaido and a new trial or
Goldsmith vs. Ward et al ; same.
Baldwin vs. Jenaen ; verdict for de
fendant for $25.67.
Lipp vs. Meyer ; dismissed at plain
tiffs cost.
Gallagher vs. Dew ; plainteff has
thirty days to reply and the cause
Titus vs. Ayer ; dismissed by plain
tiff without prejudice at his coat.
Kiewith vs. Harris et al. ; diamiascd
at phintiffscoat.
Dopeisaa va Manning , et al , ; same
Wirth vs. Siemon ; same.
Wirfh vs. Schroeder ; same.
Robinson vs. Riewe ; judgment by
default for plaintiff for $31 30.
Scheuvicht vs. Scheuvicht ; decree
of divorce.
Larson vs. Lrraon ; decree of di
Davis vs. Davis ; decree of divorce.
And court adjourned until 9 o'clock
Friday morning.
Hats at 99o store. je29-lm
Absolutely Pure.
Kde from One * Cream Tirt r.-LKo otbe
fnp&rUlon maki meh feht , bread * .
or loXDfion * Qtftxf. Canb * teDt)7dv itk >
thout ( ear of tie flls retaking o& htavy ia ,
ia eu * . by til Qtottn ,
'ertisaments To Lot For Hale ,
Loit , Found , Wants , Bo rdlnir Ac. , will bo In-
eertoii in these columns once for TKN CENTS
per line ; each suhowi'ientinBCrtlon.FIVE C'KNTS
per line. The first Insertion never Iriw than
SI f\f\ \ AHA TO LOAN In guma of S50
1 IK/.IMH/ JSOfOoreinOOO , atStolO
per cent interest on first class improved real
e&tale in the city of Omaha. GEO. P. BEMIS'
Rflxl Kfttate and Loon Agency , 15th and Douglas
SU 654-eodtl
M1 ONZT TO MAN Call at L w Offlca
t . L. TUO1IAS , Knini8.Crel ht < > n Blook
OMKY TO I.OAK 11W Farnlum Btreot.
M Dr. Edwards Loin Acency. nor-22-t !
r ANTE ICot I , NVE. cor. Iglh'am " ! Dodfe.
W-mad prrferc.1. 1S4 IB
W A" TD Oo"d co , ) ! , , at 538 13th 81 btt.
DcMUe 178-12
Good cirl fir general h.'mcTirk
In f un'ly of three A | ply Mrs Pey kc ,
N IStli M , re\t to lUunian's brewery , or at
PcycVoV C.IT inn ion IIOIKC , Karnliam St. J82-9
WANTED ( rood cirl forc-oklng-n.l wash-
int in f i ily of two , see nd sirl kept , S
E co. 17th anil L'wlico 177-10
TTTANTEr , A Girl to do hon e work , 11M
Vf" i'arntam , upstairs H'-tf
TARY , or C KRESPONHENT , in tome
( rood business hcme r office , hv a l-'dy well-
qutliflcd to Ml ) cither position. Address Cor. , B o
l > ffi e 180-tf
Foreman at brick-yard. T. MUR
RAY. 166-tf
Pirliei throujhout the rtate to
ml their ord. n for n cdlei. oils , i est ,
attachments mid suiplit | for : inv and all sewinc
n achlmto the "I5e Hive" Se'\inf ( Machine
Depot , 112.1 J Farnham St , Omaha. 160-12
WANTED Employment hy a Dane to work
on a firm. Address Hotel Denmark ,
Omih * . 169
"TT7 ANTEI Kni | > lojmnt by a precticil ma-
VV th'nist. ' Would accepta nnrk of any kind.
Address II. II. P , Bee oRKe. 151-9
WANTED To purchase a ifood horto , mire
or pony Enquire Of Dr Edwards , 1109
Fnrnliam street. 132-13
"IT-ANTED A flrnt-clare jiweler , at EDHOLM
VV * F.Rir'KSONS. 100-U
r St , one door south of P ilflc , east aide.
Go ( ! ventilation. 183-15
10R KENT Fur.iishrd . bertrnom for 1 nr 2
' pent' , 1904 Farnham , 2d homo abore 19th.
"fTV'R REST Hou e wltli dx rooms , well , cls-
C turn aid cilUr. On Capitol Ave , btt 16th
and Ittb , routh side J. S. McCORMICK. 161.U
170R RENT Furufshcd rooms , S E. cor. I4th
and UotUe. 185-tf
TWRNISIIKD ROOMS At 1310 Davenport St ,
1 ; bet. 13th and 14th. 152-6
' ) ROOMS With or without
FUl'NISITEl 1718 Jackson St. , bet. 17th nd
18th. 182-9
FOR HEN"I House of 7 room' , hard und soft
water , wither without burn , 181(5 ( Ptven-
port St. 157-tf
. IlKNT A splendid . 'holograph Oal ery.
I.WR 1 71-tf T. . ! ! . W1LI.MVS&PON.
PAI.E-A sooil Singer Scwini ; Machl-e
FOR -22.f.O. ? hi isa hubir < ain. Cill
write Dee Mire ijcnini ; Machine Depot , 1120 }
Farnrum St. ' 68-9
OR SALE At a > otsonat > le prire , a ( rood
family liurce and han.e'S. Enquire of E.
F OOK. 161-9
FOIl 6ALE-raM ce plants 25o per liiO. by
Cliarltnn l'.ron. , IGUiaiidlMuenpoit , and at
gaideii on 18th St. 167-tf
and fixture of'tip Krcnch Coffee Howe at
Kirirain , J ca-li , balance two \c.iu time. K * .
lil OH SALK -Small roda fountain in eo l con >
C dition D. W. SAX - , cornT 13th and
Karnliam. 577-tf
L C < wrse lionk eaml , cravd for gardemian < 4
nioul'jinu band nil ! I'O delivered at short notice.
Lcavu onlpreat II. Sierks 1414 Farnliam , and
CharleH Brandca , .I-J1J Karnliam SU. HANS
BOCK , Succi-rtsor to Cliarlea DanieL 652-tf
, * 'll [ SALICottonwo - d lumber < > f all sizcn.ut
1 RKDMOND'S. Sixteenth-st 516-tf
L 10It SALE A H-irll duelling IIOUBI' , next in
C U H.Collins rcbiilenc , corner 191 ti and
Capitol AICHUU or information call at 0. II.
J. y. COLLINS. 131 Faniham Stn et. 605-t
' 10KPAI.K AUiwtUill Appiyat
' , OLi\Zl\0 Ills FIRST SIGN A
Ne Hiclmioiid in the field Emmit O.
Solomon lias liurijr out his situ at N. I I' , b'olo-
nvm'i * OUfs ami Oil .Store for Utazinp. You tan
h ivo one li ht of las-t 0t or more , without be <
ing ban-mi t Hfter pai > ifr for fame , Pleaae ( rt > o
me a call. EMMIT O. SOLOMON. 17Z-9
FOUND A youn ? bird dog. which the owner
can hate t > y callingat the cornsr i f Chicago
and Uth. 175-tf
From South Omaha , a cream-
STKATED colt , 1 jcar old. Infoimition lead ,
inj ; to Mi recovery will he rewarded. VICIOR
WOLF , Soda Factory , 10th St 170-10
LOST A Kold etr-drop with cameo setting : .
Liberal reward will be paid for its return
to N. E. cor. 10th aud Hartley , or to Bee office
T OST White horse rony. Finder wi'l ' be re-
JJ warded C K. SCIIALLER , BridgeY nK
ctrriE : . I
Safe , Certain , Sure and Speedy ,
I'he only article knownIhatWill
esadaafehdisease \
General Agents ,
Capitol Are , , Opp. Masonic Hall ,
OMAHA. - - - - - NEB.
TTTHOcom-6 to Omaha h'chty recommended
VT aa au acconjplljhed te-cher of. mu lc ,
Oerffi&Q ajijj French , , | % < J Ii T28 01 ecurin ? *
daw in either of t e e hrancies. She ill open
* * ' - - ilortly , but fpf ; jif pregect p rtle eaa
.1 Bro.'j tRMtc tor .
I have secured the agency of the veil-known COLUMBIA Steel Spokes and
Rubber Tires Bicycle from the Pope Manufacturing Co. ; Also the Otto Hand
Made. Samples can he seen at my atonat , Muiufacturers Prices , reight
added. Send fur price list
listnsr. . i. ID. somoiMioisr ,
, OXX.S5 -VCrHSTE > O' r GS-I..A-SS-
No. 120-4 Fariiham Hire.'t , Omaha , Nebraska ,
GIT UP AM ) GIT ! XO < > L1 > STOCK !
Having Taken the Above f"r Our Motto , "We are
Dete. mined to Offer
Our Entire Summer Stock of
Kcuimllcss ol * Cost.
In Order to Make Room fo- Our Fall and Winter Goods.
We Will Xot ISc Undersold.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 wills per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Send for Price List.
MAX MEVEIl A' CO. , Omaha , Xeb.
Fishing Tackle , Uase Kails and a full line of
. O.
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha.
Steam Pumps , Engine TnmmiugB , Mining Machinery ,
A. L. STRA.PQ , 201 Farnham Street Omaha ,
In Kegs aud Bottles.
Special Figures to the Trade , families Supplied at Reasonable
Prices. Office. 239 Douglas Street , Omaba.
Wholesale and Retail in
OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglas St. Packing House ,
Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. Ii B.
Dpalers in
House Furnishing Clouds , Shell' Jlarduare ,
Nails and Eh * .
1221 Farnham Street , 1st Door Eas First National Bank.
1421 and 1423 Farnham , and 221 to 229 15th Ste.
- L2V2 >
Tbe Atteatlon of Cash ami Prompt Time Unyers Solicited.
and the Omaha Iron nnd Nail Oo.
. .1317 & 1319 DOUGLAS STREET , -
Positively no Goods wSpl < Ut .Retail ,