YHT3UGKI r. /-MI J3HOA8 3MJh VOL. X. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY. JULY 9 , 1880. TO. 16. Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents FOREIGN EVENTS. The PormiaablrGhost of Fenianism Will Not Down in Ireland , - * i he Statue of Liberty to be Beady by 1883-The French * --1' Amnesty Bill , HUTVE Of LIBKBTT. pedal Dirtch to The Bo . PARIS , July 8. Bar'tfioMe's ' 'SUitno of LlberTyV'tO be erecti-d In New * York harbor , will bo put up before 1883. * T TUB NKW AMNESTY Bill , consist a of a single clause as fellows : ; "AHj persons condemned for pirticl- - patirig in the irjMirriciiuii of 1870 and 1871 , and wJio slmll not have been'par- duncd up to July 14 , 1880 , shall be considered ns niniiestiod , as the gov ernment intends to pardon all without exception. " - ENGLAND'S NIGHTMARE/ flptcial DiCTtchto | Tha lie * . > - LONDON , * July 8-4 p" m. A Dab- , Jin correspondent s ys : There | sno doubt.'that Fruinnisin is engrafted on the land agitation , and imparts to it its most effective organization and formid able character. The peasantry have been trained to move in military order and understand how to act together as " disciplined bodies , and every oppor tunity is tikcn to collect arms. " * ' ' Tlls BIK. HAVANA , July 8 4 p. m. Hews has l'een received from Monfoanillo that'the villige of Guisaw'as destroyed , by fire. * * * * ' ' RUSSIA AND CHINA. l Dispatch to Tin BIB. July 9 1 n. m.In the house tif commons yesterday morn ing Mrf'Gla-lttyne made carefully con sidered' answers to the two ques tions , of which notice had been given Wednesday. The first question re- ' I Ute'd to. the condition of affairs be- twncnRursta and Cliina ; tlie premier said tuu < rovcriimunt lias received no confirmation ofthe reported defeat v of , the Russian army by the Chinese forces on the frontier ; the report was . -probably falie. ft either the Russian nor Chinese ambassador in London believed it It was most probably ne of tbos storir s which are an f re- Tjumitlysnt ioingby ; mtervstod parties in order to advance thuir own imme diate interest. Mr. Gladstone went - m to eaythatin the rvant of a war r- between Russia and "China , 'England would avail hoi self of the offer made by Russia to enter into friendly com- tnuiiica < in i with her majeity's govern ment. KNQLAND AND TCRKKY. Regarding all questions affecting England's ink-reals in the east , in re plying to the question , Mr. Gladstone aaid the g vernmeut could give no direct'inforroation as to 'the course wHich it prop , sod to take in the event of FurkepIuefusing to comply with and cany qJEithe recommendations of Jlhe late conference at. Berlin. It 'should be remembered , he s lid , that the decisi > n of the c inference had not yet been.formally presented to Turkey and that rumors concerning the inten tions of the latter power to refuse com- . pliaucis with the decision were , at 'least , premature. We have usually found , added Mr. Gladstone , that when there was a real ani earnest union among great powers the sublime porte wisely preferred to do thuir judgement and adopted their conclusions. It would be unwise and disrespectful to the porte to anticipate its answers in the present instance. Some aneorit were observed In the houee when Gladstone spoke of the necessity of being respectful to the power which not long ago ho had de nounced as being unworthy of living , and whose people ho had alluded to an the unspeakable Turk. PEACEFUL MARCH. A dispatch from Calcutta says that the. government is informed that Gen. uiull's a'dvanco brigade fromTJan- ahar has reached Knrziak on Its marsh towards the north , having met with no opposition. HUSH TROUBLES. \ tThe ho * ' of commons last night S hadaiix h * debate the tr „ on motion trtl tion for going into cammitteo on tlP the coinpetisaion ! in Ireland bill. The tldi government lias g von notion that the di ninendiiu-iit by which tenants having 01 01tl the privilege svll 'heir interest in tlei holdings will not bo entitled to com- ei ; .pensation under this bill This Mr. teSi eite Parnell bitterly denounced , and last Si night announced that the Irl h mem bers would no longer assist the gov- % erment in passing the bill. Sp CABINET TROUBLES. SpT The Marquis of Lansdowne , under T Becretary for India , has seceded 'from ' the ministry bectusa lie disapproves of the government's Indian policy. It is rumored that other ministers of the " ministry will follow him. ' "fTROUBLE FEARED IN IRELAND. at 4tTbe London correspondent of the & Edinburgh Scotsman says that he has ydi heard that the government has re- dihi s reived Information from Ireland that hi tifileRs tbq compensation for distur- BO ibarices in Ireland bill is pessed public BOvt ftranqvul'ty will be endangered. It is th Vssid that a number of peers are anx tii ious" to substitute for the bill a meas te ure'extending the Ulster tenant right system into distressed districts. U.VJUbT LEGISLATION. Sp SpH A Dublin , dispatch to the Times says H the opponents of the bill believe that M if' iU bitter character was understood Y. . by the people of England it would th --never be allowed to past , and that all tli .that. js required is a , ltte : ! time in order to enable them fully to expose it. They say that-the natural inference - " ence will be that it is only intended to At apply to a few districts where there is th extreme distress and to a few landlords vc of a very hard type , w hose power of ofTl ' conviction every good man should de Tl sire to chock. That the fact that the ca . 'scheduled districts corriprise over elt eleven million aares of land , while' therearConly twenty millions 6f acres in the whole country , ahows that the MB is far more 'sweeping than * might , & supposed from -the. statement of ; Mr rorster , chief secretary for .Ire- 'So -AWK > ah.a only ievan'te } conntlea are named in the schedule , other counties may be.partly brought within its operation .for the poor law union , in many instances over a lot of adjoining counties The bill is alao felt to be peculiarly hard upon small , struggling landlords who .have to deal With tf nan's whcm it' is meant to pro tect. It will reduce many of these landlords to indigence. Those who hsvo given the moat and lest the most by bad times , and bad tenants will suffer most severely , while the cless whom it is intended to restrain , mainly the iron-handed , vho have used tbe utmost pressure to ex tract rente , cannot afford to wait un til the feter which the act puti upon them is removed. 'They will then go to work -frith a vengeance upon de faulters. The land committee , who have been for Bomo time organizing for the"'de fence of landlords , are working strenu ously to enlist public opinion against the bill , aed It is contemplated to give expression to their feelings-by public , manifeitatinns. ; The land'agi tation is still kept up atd ; branchesTof land leagues nre being formo-1 in ev ery town in western Ireland. The tone of the speakers at their ' meetings is j'v 6UGGESTIVK OF LURKING -MISCHIEF , which will have to be closely watched. It plainly indicates a political purpose beyond the rneru acquisition of land to which the latter object ii subordin ate , but contributo.y. LORILLARD'S 'LAURELS. Special Dlspitch to'The Bw n tf LONDON , July ,9 , , 1 a. in. The Chesterfield stakes at Newmarket were won by Lorillard's Iroquois. M-mE RELIGIOUS TROUBLE. Special dispatch to Tha Butt. PARIS , July 1 1 a. mT Tbe morning papers assert that the paoal nuncio recently bad'an' interview .with M. De Freycinet ; jn-which he inform ed him that the Vatican would -break off relations wi h Franco if the Mirch decrees were forcibly applied _ to any more religious orders/ Nothing would please thu government more , but the Vatican will not gratify "jt. The D * ) minicans will probably" be 'e'xpelled Saturday. ' * * AMNESTY HBTILKDT The general impression is Urn t the Labiche amendmrntslightly'modified , , which was pissed Wednesday by the chamber of deputies , will bo accepted by the senate. It grants pmnosty fin- ' directly by accordiug'to the govern ment province in favor of those Al ready pardoned up to July 14th , the diy of the national fete. Hancock Didn't Write tbe Letter. Special dispatch to The lice. . WASHINOT-JN , July 9 1 a m. The Star last evening said. "Army of ficers hero are very decided in their op > nion that Gen. Hancock .never , . wrote such a lotter..r iMenibers of Gin. Sherman's .staff , I who' Jwould know of its existence as- well'as'.any - onoj said lo af Star'reporter lb-day that , except through .the "newspapers , the report had never come to them. They said , further , that they be lieved Gen. Hancock to bo a sensible man , and that nu officers of the army to whom that would apply would t write such a letter. Gen. Hancock was here during the inaugur 'a ation of Hayes , and was on the floor 'at t of the senate during { the inaugural proceedings in that-chamber , and a at n by Gen. Poe , now on duty in the | war' department. . In company with war'e Sherman , he was among - war't call on President Hayes after war'I guration. Furthertho fact is that the a General came to Washington to par I ticipate in trip inauguration'ceremon ies at the invitation of the general of ' e the army , Gen. Sherman himself It In is not considered likely that if Gen. n Hancock had written such a letter io Sin him , as is now being stated over the Siw country , Gen. Sherman would have w invited him here on the 5th of March , w 1877. There is no doubt that he did invite him. In the face oft' all this it wouldseem settled that no such letter was ever written. It ia' stated , however - r . over , am. < ng those who persist in the belief of the existence of such a letter - . . tor that it was part of the private cor respondence between Hancock and the general of the army , begun at the-in ; stance of the latter. Gen. Hancock's friends say that he would undoubtedly be quite willing to have hia portion of the correspondence published if it ex its , if Gen. Sherman would allow his jwn letter to bepublished. r , „ Huge Trotting1 Purse ' " > t J Special Dispatch to Tbe Bee. w CHICAGO , July 9 1 a. m. The jockey aud trotting club have arranged ho following extra special purseto be rotted for on Thursday , July ' 22d , he third day of the regular meeting : > Purse , $2600- > open to all trotters : Uvided , $1500 to fir-it , $600 to sec- Mid , $400 to third ; mile heats , best hreo in five , in harness ; ton per cent 'ntrauce , three or more horses to en- .er and tbreo to start ; entrees close [ jalurday , July 17. Death of Nephew Pelton. : Ipedal Dbpalch U The Bee , NEW YORK , July , 9 1 a. m. filden'a nephew , "Uol. Pelton , died 'esterday morning. HEIGHTENED HYPOTHETECATORS. Lawrence Jerome , jr. , and Edward H. Patchell , charged with being in : rossession of railroad securities valued $87000 ; , belonging to Brayton , Ives ' Co. , Wall street , was arraigned esterday. James" Wallace maJde'nffi- lavit that Jerome , on July 6th , told V ! liin he ( Jerome ) expected to be rich IoK eon , as he had found , the bonds , Kai aluod at $100,000. The counsel for ai he accused demanded an examina- ion , which was set down for the af- . ernoon. . EntrllsH Keply. ditt " tt . ' * < pedal Dispatch to the BEE. , - - INDIANAPOLIS , July 9 1 a. m. so Ion. Wm. H. English and Senator ifcDonald left last night for New ct fork and some of-the ctnl ; are - opinion nl hat the letter of acceptance has some- hing to do with the trip. \ _ fc HOOSIER Judgw Neiblack fri lay filed their dissenting opinions in n he case of the state 'against Swift , in- olving the validityof the- adoption tic the constitutional amendments. They declare them to be adopted "be- ause rUB a 'by 'aT majority "pf the lector .of theAtate. Efp .Another MiU pedal OUofttcb to The sei IKDIANAPOUS , July seimi regard to the origin of the fire , some clamlnij : it to have besn caused by eparks from the engine room , and oth ers that , it was caused by an explosion of "flour dust. The loss on the build ing ia 816,030 , aud on stock § 12,000 ; fully insured. The Faster a Fraud. Special DSpatch to Tm B > = . H jr YoRK/3uly 0 1 a. m. ' Th'efe ts a row over the fi-iling doctor , who hai broken his con t net on all sides. Doctors are taking sides on it Homoaopaths , Eclectics and army surgeons are * in * arms. Dr. E. Bradley pronouucesDr. Tanner a fraud and unworthy the notice of honorable scientist * . : Dr. BraOley claims that he detected Taiimr receiving some thing from onu of his watchTa shortly after 12 o'clock Wednesday night , whior'ttnder4he ! circumstances , war ranted him in believing th\t : that something wasfood. H. J. Swift claims also to have seen the fame f.t Dn Brrdley. The circumstance * are a = i follows : It was 10 minutes aftt-r 12 o'clck , nd most iif the phy were in a room adj 'ining tlio hallway , where Tanner slept on a cot. They were intently exauiinini : nil inatru ment for treating cuticle sons-l/ility , and were so interL-ate 1 that the faster was tomporunly fnr oiton. Among the watchers mined for the night was Scott Johnson , mid to be n physician and artist. Ho , it is averred , hovered about Tanner's cot , making hiimolf useful in procuring w. tor , &c. Several timys Dr. Bradley , who Imd been ex perimenting with the instrument mentioned.was attracfed by Johnson's action , and , without appearing to do BObugan to watch his movemmts. Bra'dley , himself unnoticed , ( canned closely every movement yf J < > hns-m , and was convinced tha' sjniuthing WUB wrong. Very so in he e. w him wetting a towel and sponge at thu wash bowl These .articles he Iwndod Tanner with hi * left hand , while with his right he hastily PASSED SOMETHING WHITE TO HIM. What tBis was Dr. Bradley could not J ell. Turning around in disgust , his " eyes'"encountered those of Swiff , which told pii inly tint that gentleman had also observed th's. Moreovnr , bbth.r-amnrked simultaneously , "that sottU's it. ' : Ii was at this juncture that they left the h til , railing Dr liar wood to accompany them. A stoim soon ensued ain > ing tlio physician- one fealuco of'the wrangle being open bitterness with which the ' .vo schools rej-ard each other. The Neu rologist men claim tliat the fast is an Eclectic one , aud therefore on the face of it a humbug. Eclectic phy sicians | hold that the old school prac j titioners are je.ilous of them , fearing that Dr. Taniior wilt bo successful aud thus .stultify , , them , because they have repeatedly asserted that no man can fast as T.uiner cUims he can. .Consequently the old school practitioners who w r. ) present were imprejsed with Di * . Bra'lle\'s state ment , wluli : tlio new rchool doctota opposed him Tanner w.is acquiirted with the matter , and ho sa , tl ho had received nothing but ; i sp ago saturated with water from Jolinon. This sponge was secured , and subjected to several eatery It emitted about three.ounc-'S of Water. Dr. Tanner became excited and offered to take an emetic to show th-it : he had nut received .my nourish ment. An eclectic man was n-a'ly t- > give it to him , but Dr. Bradley Biid that three qnartura of an hour had elapsed , and if he had taken any thin the discharge consequent upon the administering of an emetic would not show it ; no emetic wan therefore given. Dr. Gunn'and other physicians of the eclectic school say that tlie thing was a "put I up job , " nnd that Dr. Hammond was at the bottom of it. Dr. Bradley lays that ho has not seen Dr. Hammond t mend for several days. He said he was convinced that it was food that was handed Dr. Tanner , but could not state what It cjnsiated of , neither could he , or did ho say , that it was eaten. Men , ho said , wanted him to : remain | . silent about thn matter and let the fast go on. Ur. Tenner's excite iv ment was great , nnd at 1 o'clock he broke down aud then grew calmer. At noon , when his eleventh day ba- au , Dr. Miller WAS at the cot side mil felt his pulae , which was 30. His Last Hull. 3wcUl | dispatch to Tint linn Sr. Louis , July 9 1 a. m The i Funeral of Phelim Toole , the -de id Breman ( hero of the Southern hotel ire ) took place this afternoon , and R-as largely attended. Tlio remains Evere taken from engine house No. : to the cathedral on Walnut street on in Lhe Skinner hook and ladder truck , of which Toole was foreman The truck ippropriately draped in mourning -decorated with flowers , and the rew. acted as pall bearers. Getting Things Solid. ) Special Dispatch to The Bee. : SAN FRANCISCO , July 9 I a.m. legister Koplm was auspmuled yes terday to inaki ) room for Josh V. Fhorp , republican. The control ol } the election ia in the hands of the ominiasionera , who arj alleged io be afithe democratic or sand lot paitiea. Che governor , determined to exercise tits pierogativo and remove Koplin , ; lemocr.it , to appoint Thorp , ropubli- n , Koplin remains iu ollice as a vol- i inteerdrwing salary from the demo- t ratic committee. i Grant and Hancock. in 'peclil Dispatch to The Uec. inbi CHIC ioo , July 9 1 a , m. The Ad- bial raiice , of this city , published the fol aloi owing in its issue of yesterday as ro- oiai jards the reports of Grant's feelings aisi md relations toward Hancock. Grant site : lenied promptly the report in The tem Sew York Truth. The following , nd- it Iressed to the editor of The Advance , ' s-interesting as confirmatory of that P lenial , and as alike contradictoiy of fe .he'report that Grant cherished per- th that ional animosity and potty spite at igainst Hancock ever since the Mexi- athe n war : he "You have pr.ibably seen that I de- lied the canard started by The New e fork Truth the very day it wi OE tarted I have nothing to say aga.iuc OEbi lancock. I. have known him .or wl " o'rty "years. His personal , official wlwi nd1 military record is good. The wiwi iarty which has put him in norninv en Ion is bad. Yours truly , de U. S. GRANT. " fri cri Iowa's Deluge. sh pedal dUpatch to The Bee. DBS MOINKS , July 9 1 a. m. A Brritic rain > storm prevailed..in this action Wednesday night , and two liles weat of here took the form of a of rtttr spout. At Vanmeter the town in nftilnibmerged in three feet of water , th nd abont forty da of an embank- I ment of the Chicago , Book Island and | Pacifio road was washed away. The Pacific express , which left Chicago on Wednesday morning , is side-tracked here awaiting the repair of the road. At Winterset s part of the cupola of the court houae wcs blown away , and the Chicago and Rock Island railroad round house was demolished. Corn was crushed to tha earth and badly twisted , causing serious damage , it is feared , to the crop. The worst ef fects of the storm are westward. Base Ball. The following games of base bal were played yesterday : BUFFALO. Worcesters 2 , BufTilos 10. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati 5 , Bostons 19. CLEVELAND. OleveUnds 2Troys 5. Women and-tne CeneUB. 3.Mlal Dlnpatch to The B * CHICAGO , July 9 1 a. m. The ce-isus returns have been sent to Wellington. Tbe cost of taking the census of this city has been $12,000. Sumo of the enumerators were ladies , nnd the supowiror of the census says they did as well as the men. CRISPINS KTBIKR. The shoemakers for C. M. Bender son & Co. struck yesterday , demand ing an increase of from 27 to 41 cents per case. ROW IN THE SOUTHWESTERN POOL. Another row has broken out ia the southwestern pool , and there is talk of its dissolution. On the other hand parties assert that there is no danger of these southwestern roads "killing the goose that laya the golden egg. " RELIGION AND FASHION. WATER-PROOF TOILETS FOR TUB BAP TISMAL CEREMONY. New Yolk Letter. Once baptism by immersion was cherished as a wholesome washing away of the sns : , but it was required that the entire body , the very top of thu head and the very tip of the nose , chould be subjected to the purifying influei ce. Now all this is changed. Appearance is almost everything in this ago even in baptism , but it is not generally known that this religious riie.Is often as much n shorn as those phced f r show over the pillows in .a stylish bedroom or the underakirfof a fashionable ostume. The secret of the simulated baptism , nlthough.a re ligious one , is not confined to the church , for the necessary , en-operation of the manufacturer of ladies' wearing apparel makes it apart aud parcel of the world of fashion. It is simply a matter of dresi. "Is my wife's baptismal suit recly ? " questioned a red-facrd gentle man"w'tn ; a deaconish necktie , in one [ of our principal palaces of fashion. The police head of the manufacturing department bowed. ' Sure the garments are waterproof ! " asked the gentleman. "Certainly ! that was the agree ment. " The case was growing interesting , and my face showed deaire for inform ation. "Can I take the box home with me in my carnage ? " The manufacturer saw a pleading look in a listener's eye and respected it , an he nodded consolingly and called to the head Indy : "Is Mrs. J.'s im mersion robe reaJyl" "Not quite , sir , " was the cheerful response. "The bullet * ain't , in yet and the cap hasn't come. " "Bullets and cap ! Good gracious , ' is slio going to be shot as well as drowneil" whispered an Irreligious friend. When the gentleman left contented with the promise that the articles should be sent that ovoning.tho manu- > ctuter explained tint the bullols ) were placed in the hem of the dress to huld down the skirt and the cap waste to protect the crimps. i 3 A few mumen's later womanly J 3j urioiity was satitfie' ' , for before me 3i was placed one of the moat dainty A irdrobos one can well imagine. The imd-T.-armonts , Turkish drawers , French chemise , under waist and akirts 2 were of a silken fabric , something 1 ke J pongee , a kind of Japanese t > r Chi 25b. ! nese , in creim color , exquisitely b. rimmed with fine torchion lace and kiifti of ribbon The drees , of a heavier fabric in the amo shade , was full , indescribable a r.ingemeiit that © fell about the figure in graceful folds f drapery , held in place at the waist line by a wide cash of wide ribbon , floriated in passion-flower pattern , in , at ream color , to be tied in a large bow b the back. The cap was a little jem-of some illuminated ffbrio decor- itod with the golden gleam lace , that made the face appear as if surrounded Ijy a halo. "Aud now , " said the suave proprie op tor , "you have admired the beauties opgt gtfd [ f the wardrobe ; .let us test its pe- fd ullatity. " To an attendant : "Bring clA me a pitcher of water and K bowl. " A The order being obeyed , ho placed tbe lash and cap into the bowl , half full f water , aud resumed his conversa fo tion. Some ten minutes later he took them out , unfolded them ; the inaidoa fo iroro perfectly dry ; he gave them n ! ihake , and the water rolled off and hey were as fresh SB before being @ placed in the water. Then be dt'hed Sc goblet of water over the dress , shook @ , and no dampness nor atain was the result ; even tbe lace held up like i cream lily after a rain. Everything the outfit was waterproof the Deautiful , silken-embroidered hoie.the L ihoes , and the gloves. About the tops ' f the stockings , bottom of the drawers ah md inside the neck of the dress and the ahm leeves were inside pieces , which fit- an ed closely , held in place by rubber , so ni water could get above or below. $4 'And see , " continued the exponent , at 'this cap is worthy consideration and atmi naise , it is indeed the crowning per- miCs ectlon of the Csmi toilet-hear - its virtue ; mi he modern attendant to the ministi ? th nd assistant in raising the convert all oust be1 educated to , jnst before the lead goes under the water , quietly iuah the crimps under the rubber that CO ecures the laca-edged cap , hence , not COva ; no particle of the ltdy will be touched va the water except her face , and' ' ' rhen she -gets on shorefhaa her face aped , shakes herself , and the-water ante ril ! fall-off like from a-duck's feath- to , and haa her hair taken from un- . er her crimp cap , she is M dry and reah a water nympH , with her rimps aa wavy end artistic aswhen he left home. " fai ro Two Giants ana a Dwarf. " * " ondon TimeL. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Three of 'the-most remarkable men 81 the century ant now on xhibition London at tha Royal qariuin- ie. glut Chang , a t * .geiehjpt at f * rtMUd , > - ITorWfgian , j i and Che-man , described as "the Chi _ nese dwarf , the smallest man in the world. " Chang is the largeit giant in existence , stands 8 feet 2 inches , and ia highly educated , speaking five differ ent languages , including English , which he speaks very well , but with the well known ainp-song of the Chi naman. He ia 8 feet high without his boots ; he measures 60 inches around his chest , weighs twenty- six stone , has a span of 8 feet with his outstretched nrnis , and signi his name without an effort upon a sign pjst 10 feet 6 inches high. Chang is 32 years of nge , and it ia about fifteen yi-arscincu ho was in Eng land. Af tar fire years residence in the celeithl empire , he returned to Eu rope for the Paris exhibition , and has since visited Vieni'.a ( where the emperor - peror gave him a ring ho proudly ex dibits , marked vlth the imperial ea gles and initials of Francis Joieph ) , Borliu and Hamburg. Sin r-hia last re-i < ) once in Ibis coaotry Chang ha grown six inches. Ho has a benevo lent Mongolian facea courtly man ner , and iveftw a rfohly embroidered drees worked for him by his sisU-r , who is , like the rest of his family , of only ordinary stature. Next to Chang , and next at no long interval , a'-.nda Urustad , about 7 feet 0 incliei higli , very mmculir , very broad backed , driving as gre t a girth of chest KB Chaug , and a widrr span in proportion to Hla height. He hai a low forehead , but speaks En glish fairly well. Brustid has aha a ring which he greatly delights in ex hibiting. He presente 1 it to himself out of the profits , it is supposed , gain ed by being shown. It is 4J ounces in weight , and a penny goFB easily through it. To grasp h's ' mighty hand in greeting is like shaking bunds with an oak tree. His weight is 23 stone , greater than Chang's , for hia bones are more nmuve. His age ia 35. Che-man , the dwarf , gives his ago aa 42 , Mugs aCi-inro dtgy , describes hiuif elf with much fluency and varie'-y , und as his height ia only 25 inches , appears to be what ho is dscrib d , tt'o smallest map in the world. It is common for exhibited dwarfs to be over three feet high. Sir Geoffrey Hudson , tlie dwarf whom readers of Sir Walter Scolt will best remember , measured three feet three inch > s when ho bad attained his full stature. MARKETS BtTJKLEGRAPH. New York Monev andStootc. HhW TORK , July 8. MON BY Market at 3 4 per cent. GOVERNMENTS. D.B.6 , iB8I lOJf U. 8. fs , N w _ 1032 New 15 * - IMj U. 3. fa new _ IPgJ STOCKS. Rooklslaid 1031 lUnoi Oentnl. . . . . 105 * C. B. &Q J20 0. & A IH'i " preferred 325 N w Tork Central- 128 IkoShore Erie prrfeTTPd 65 * NorthwwWrti 88. . Noithwe t rn prdeirod. . -107 St. P nl ; . . . 74 , II. Panl p/i4 mJ , - - * , . . , . _ 1ft Wabwii , UL Louianml Pacific 3& preferred 83 , Itvi. ASt Jo 31. Han. 4 SL Jo , pfd 70 ; Karwrui & Texan Union ral < lc , 8' trorttern Pacific 25 do prefcrrcil 46i If c Horn Union Tolesrjpb. . 103J Central Pacific 3 Pacific Veil 38j U. P landgraats fc. * P 40J Chicago Produce. ' CmcAoo-July. 8. t Very imaettled with fair price firmer and higherj No.-2 , 94 ® 94Jc for cash , in car lots , and for July ; 87J@89Jc , closed at 87c for August ; 85J87c ( , closed at 87c for September ; No. 3 , in store , 79iS80c ; rejected , 61c ; No. 2 red winter , 95 ® )6c. fCorn Fairly active , firmer and Higher ; No. 2 and high mixed , 35g ® 35Jc7 < closed at 36j@35c | for cash ; Bl 35ffe"35l9 , closed at 35c for July ; Jo36tclosed at 3Bg@35go for August ; 3536iclosed at 36 | ® J6 c Si-plembor. jOnts More active and higher ; No. , , 25J@26c , cl seJ at 25jc f < T cash or luly ; 22c , closed al 22jc August ; 2i225 Y closed at 2 _ c for Soplem * er. . Rye No. 2 , 70c. Birley No. 2 , nomin-lly 80s. [ Pork Active aud unsettled ; § 13 86 313 90 cash ; ? 13 93@14 00 for July ; 5i : 97i@14CO for August ; ? 13 87 $ C yl'3 9U for September. Lard $6 87 < § 6 90 for cash , July md August ; ? ( i 92j < 5f > 95 for Seiitem- er. Whisky SI 09. Bulk Meats Shoulders , $4 80 ; ihort ribs , $8 05 ; short clear , $7 30. K CLOSING FRICEB. Wheat Active and hlcher ; No. 2 ipring , July , 94jc ; 90J < 390fc for Au- ust ; 88&89Jo for September ; 90c or October ; 87J@87 c for the year , loring at 94o July90g@90 ; c for uguat.89@89o for September ; 87J i87Js for the year. ; Corn 36j@35c for August ; 36c or Seplembor. Oats 25c bid for July ; 23 < a23jc brAugu' ; 22g < a22c for September ; 2ic for the year. ' * Mcss-Pork ? 13 90 for July ; $13 87 J13 : 90'for August ; $13 80@13 82J for iepfomber ; $1315 for Oct-jber$12 ; 15 ) 13 : 22 $ for the year. Lard $6 87J@6 90 for July ; $6 90 ® ; 92J for August ; $6 75 for January. Chicago Live Stock Market. i- CHICAGO , JULY 8. 'Hog- Receipts , 19,500 head ; D hipmenfs. 5,400 ; sharp active move- ient8 with a sharp upturn in prices , Dl nd values 5o higher on all classes ; jixed : pAcking , $430@455 ; light , 36450 ; heavy , $460@480 ; bulk $4 65@4 75 ; strength due to a' 'bull" Ul lovement in provisions , lattle Receipts , 7COO heap , ship- icnts , 2,700 head ; fully one-third of he supply Texans ; shipping grades teady7af$4 80@4 90 ; bnl k of fair to b oodlSOOto 1400 Ib cattle , $435 ® 75 ; butchers' cows , $200@400 c- til orJing to weight ; grassTexins , $2 70 tildi di 320 ; good demand for the latter and aloes firm. te 'Sheep Receipt ? , 800 head ; shfp- ients"none ; trade active , shippers nd butchers buying but values good ai choice , $4 004 40. . New Tork Produc * . NEW YOBK , July 9. CO Wheat Urjs-jttled ; feverish and lirly active ; receipts , 197,000 bushels ; 3.sprin , i$105@106 ; No. 2 do , vc 1-lOJial 12 ; ungraded red , $103 ® No. I do , § 1 15 ; No. 2 do , ; e QI-22. m Corn.T-HeaTy.and lower ; receipts , " baabes ! ; augraded , . Oati TJ He vy ; repeij | | j-30,000 - . , . - . bushels ; western mixed , 3537ic ; white western , 3542Jc. Eggs Firmer at 12 i13ic. Pork Heavy ; new mess at 13 25 ® 1362J Beef Quiet and unchanged. Out Meats Firm ; Jong clear mid dles , 7jjc : short clear.midJles , 7Jc. Lard Weak ; prime steam , ? 7 25 ® 730. 730.Butter Butter Domnnd fair and market firm at 12@22e. Whisky Dull and nominal. Hronuce liJarKet UKKB. July 8. Wheat Herd , SI 10 ; No. 1 Mil waukee. ifl 03 ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 95Jc ; July , 93c ; August , 93Jc ; &Vp- tember , ! )3c ) ; No. 3 Mllwnukoo , 81c. Corn 35gc. Oata 24 go. Rye Firm at 71c. Bailey Stronger/and higherat 71 c. ST. Louis , .July 8 ; jCattle Good to choice , $4 35S4 60 ; light to fair steers , $3 854 25 ; cows and heifers , $2 R0@350 ; gra8'Tuxaiis $225 < & 3 CO. ShipmrnU , 1600. Sheep Fair to ch ice mutton ? , 53 2o4 00 Receipt8 , 5UO he-id ; shipmeiilB , 5C X Hugs Steady ; Yorkers nnd Balti more" , $4 30 ; picking , $4 25&4 50 ; butchers' to Holed , , $1 00 ® 1 60. at. LiOUlB Produce. ST. Louis , July 9. Wheat Higher ; No. 2 rod , 98 ] ® 98jc cash ; 93jif94c July ; tO90gc for August ; 89Jc for September ; 88 | @ 89o for yra"No. " ; . . " 8 do , 91@91 c ; No. 4 do. 83j84c. ' Corn 34gc for cth ; 34gs'34 ( c for July ; 34c for August. Oats Lower ; 23Ac cr h ; 33 e bid for July ; 33o for August. Rye Dull at 63c bid. lJarl y Nothing doing. ' . J- ' " ' " " Butter Firm ; dairy , 17@20c. Lard -Qitiet nt 4 c. Eggs Dull at 7@8c. Wnisky Steady at $108. . * , ( Pork Higher ; ? 13 7013 75 for cash ; $13 8514 00 for August. Dry Salted Meats Higher ; § 7 50 asked for the summer. ADDITIONAL LOCAL National Irish-American Republican Convention. All Irish Amnricin republican * * of Nebraska who drsire to attend the National Irish-American Republican convention , to bo held at Indianapolis , Indiana , on the 14th of July , A. D. , 1880 , will bo futn'ihed with proper credentials to entitle them to admis sion to the convention and nho to enable thorn to avnil themselves of the benefit of the reduction in railroad fare to aud fiom said convection by applying tor the undersigned , at my office.in JRoom 6 , Union block , corner of Fifteenth nnd Fnrtiliam slreels , Omahd , Nebrasla , ou or before the I'Jth inr tan t. By order cf the Nntional Irinh- American Ilupublican Cunnuittfe. GEO. M. 0'BniKN , Member of cnminitico fr Nebraska. Meeting of tbe Garfleld Club. OMAHA , July 8,1880. A meeting of the G.trfiold and Ar thur Club is hureby called to meet in Unfon Block , corner Fifteenth aud Farnhdin streets , this city , ou Satur day , the 10th day of July , at 8 p. in. At that time buoka will bo open for membership , aud it is especially ue- sired that : \a many will attend us pos sible , so that-tho orgauiz-ision may bo perfected. s By order of thu President qf thu n ' ' Garfield and ArthurCIub. " n N. J. BUKNHAM , Sec'y.h A. F. & A. M , There will bo a special coinmiiuica lion of St. John's Lodge , No. 25 , thi.i Friday ) evening , fur work in the E. A. degree. Visiting brethren arc w ordi. ( > lly invit d. JAMES B. BKUNEK , Master. Over eighty millions of dollars of A. Insurance capital of the oldest and a best home and foreign companies repa resented In the agency of Taylor & tlowol ) . dlGlf S Supreme Court Decision Tlie fallowing decision was Wednes l > day rendered by the supreme court of I Nebraska : Omaha Book Company v < " . Mindorland. Errcr from Colfax ounty. Phelpa for pi intilF ; Zent- nyor for defendant. Reversed. Opinion by Cobb , J. A bill rf sile , ibsuluto on iff * fire but a companitd rerbnl difors-mcc is not only ; iy a - , a hittlel morli ago aa littwpen the par : ies to ir , but also to third parlies who lave actual notice , or such knowledge f the facts as charges them with 110- ice. And a sale of the chattels by he mortgagor * o uch third parlies in ayment of adebtduj from him to hem , conveys no title. in Why dose .ourselves with naoseat- | > medicines , when n purely frnit iathartic will core you at nncu Ham- jnrg Figs. Try them. MI.SSINO. A case o constipation by ulng Hamburg Figs. District Court. Proceedings Wednesday : Williams , appellant , vs. Cole Bros. \ Hart , appellees ; verdict for plain- iff of $261.19. Hanscom vs. Omaha ; motion with- if Irawn and leave to file answer instan- Sc er. er.C rey et al. vs. Crelghton ; first rial in ejectment ; new trial granted ind cause continued. Carey et al. vs. Creighton ; same. Carey et al. vs. McShane ; same. Sinclair vs. Nicholas ; judgment for ilaln tiff for $751 72 with interest and oats. Sexaner va. Griffin et al. ; continued. Roberts vs. Roberts ; decree of di- rorce. Baldwin vs. Jensen ; jury to return ealed verdict at 9 o'clock yesterday aorning , to which time court ad- ourned. e Mosi'popuUr yeir York hotel. , the * * ' " 'l Dl THE LATEST NEWS. The Very Latest Tele grams , up to 4 p. m. Cheering Keports of the Condi tion of the Wheat Crop in the Northwest. Quality and Quantity Su perior to Any Former Yield. CarJinnI McOloskr-y Proclaims Fthe Fact That He Never . .Congratulated Han cock. - - - - The Crops o Tlin B f. , " CHICAGO , July 8 4 p , m. Die- patuhfu fnim variot'B points in the northwest shmv the wheat crop pro- nihen lo be an avenge in quantity and quality , In some localities there nre co.mplainta of met and chinch bu a aa ia usually the cascr , but the gi-noral t ut'ook ' is fnvorable. The rep'irU fn-m Minnesota , Dikota aud Nebru ka agree that the yield will be thu best in m ny years. Damaged by Fire. pp < yinlDi i'atch to TUB Kan. EAST DOUOLASS , Miss. , July 8 , 4 p. ' in. Dee & RIudlck'snittt1 pas' dam- a i d to the ex tan Vrf ' $130,000 by fire ; A Forgery. Special Dispatch to The Dec. .New YORK , July 8 4 p. m. Car dinal McCloakcy publisher a cardst.it- g-that the widely cipctdbted dispatch. of congratulation to Hancock over his name is a forgery. Real Estate Transfers. AnnaM. G. and Josiah S. McOor- niick lo Wm. J. Broatch : w. d. wj lot 2 , block 150 , Omaha. 82,000. Samuel E. Rogers and wife to Fred erick K. Metz : w. d. wj lot 2 , block 4 , S. E. Rogers addition to Omaha. § 400. 400.Win. Win. AT. Foster and wife to Freder ick Krug : lot 2 , block 176 , city of Omaha. $2.500. TWO FIRES. About 4.30 p. m. yesterday the rear portion of the houte of Oeo. C. Hobbie , on 18th and Izard , wa dis covered on fire , citching it iaaupposed from a child plajing with matches. Mrs , Hobbie and her son were up stairs and the fire being in tha ceiling their retreat by tbe stahwsy i was cut cfl. The alarm ww not turned in for romelittle time , but the neighbors arsombled , rescued the furniture and the folks frum their perilous position , and the engines ar riving at length the fire was soon extinguished. The honso was con siderably damaged by water and a good dual of clothing was lost by the lire , the hies in nil amounting to sever.il hundred dollars. Between 6 and 7 o'clock an alarm nai turned in from box 7 , and was re- tponJed to by the department and a crowd of people. The ilnmr-s were quenched before the depirtment ar- rircd at the ucene , which was the g hoii3 < 3 of Mrx. Caimichaolon Howard { beUteaii Twelfth and Thirteenth street. " , formerly owned oy the Wo man's Aid Society. It seems that a nitii : w.-s about lo tar the roof of the house , and pave Mrs. C. a kettle of thu stuff to put on the Btove. It soon bewail to boil over , and a few drJps fell on the stove nnd' took fire. After trying to put it out with a broom , the man s.iid to [ throw water on it , and that raising a steam atrougly impregnated with gas H [ the whole room was filled with flames. : ln ! . few buckets of water put them out , 3nd ] the only damage was a blackened at itove ( , floor nnd coiling. TJ-wla at Joliet. Special | DNpitrh to tha lloo. CHICAOO , 9 la. m. The infamous ig.uiii t , Davis was taken to the enitontiary yesterday morning. The fact must fasten itself upon the . minds of our citi/ens , that n better Shirt can be had at leas I'rico , nt the Omaha Shirt Factory than at any oth- r house in tbe West Our new nnd onmi dious store is zniple proof of the progrtos of our business , and the Fnctilnt our goods are better ft-r lees 1 money , must bo the cause of our pro gress. In connection with our factory ivo have a fjrat-clais Liundry , whcro ITO are prepared to do Lau- dry W < rk grand style for liitle money. This IJ ilao unable : ) ui to ofi'or a Laundrird Shirt for ? 1 50 made of W insult * by Wiialin , 2200 Linoo. and reinforod Fronts , Tnis is our great bargain. Gill md convince yourselves of the above mentioned facts. 5 OMAHA SHIRT FACTORY , 1207 Farnbam St. , near 12ih , lear Cald well.Hamilton & Co.'s Bank. . VINEGAR WORKS ! Jones , lift. Oth and 10th SU , OMAHA. Pint quality distilled Wine and Cider Yln ; ar an ; ttrenjcth helov eaatern ptlcq , and war- anted Just ag good at wholesale ind * retail. 5n end for price list. ERNST KRKBS , 19 Ieb93n > Ma-auer. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE TCD can find a coed uaortmont el BOOTS AND SHOES At s LOWER FIGURE than at any other ihoe hontt in the citr. E P. LANG'S , " 236 FARNHAM ST. INDIES' & GENTS SHOES MADE TO ORDER d a perfect fit gwtntcnl. ? ri ' ' ' " 'v' " BARGAINS REAL ESTATE IB : m IM : is' AGENCY , 15th and Douglas Street. Orw 8.0CO rtridenc * lotn forfa'ekjr ' tht g * CJtpT..M looted In > eryr rt f iherlto. mml In etet direction fiom the Podofficf. n' > itb. t , will or w t. ami varjlntr nt distance from on bl-xk to one -r tto unlej Ifiu rime Cult ni Oi online nur liMg JTc' l cholr fair \n \ firilUn & J n cs * il-ll tlon. wr t f ri nvrnt , Ix-tttrrn S' . Jt ry' rcn ue anI Hurtiey ftrttt00 t iW . Efl xcrcn Jll't rant df t > n-nc l > n vi > fiivnili-rii St ( hi : 18 chcice 'si l nnd trill > ir n-lt very cl'r.i forc ! ih In 6. 10 r 20 acre to s , ntwfg jour ti i to secure lo'jaln. Ch. ireli > t t eml of street cir tiaiLaou Saun i'era treet for J7f- . Choice li.t. KKrnham ml 21'h ' it ret Is , Wxl3 tcet for 31.WO-.Mll ditiilo 't. Cheap lulu In Crrtlit > Vn \ r ailrlltlun eolith c U. P. depot 3HO to tbOO TERRACE ADDITION. Fortj lutg on Turk Arenur nml l-'cmxi * > trrel 'o' mad to rnrk , ami near lniul < [ SU M ry' a\enur. at frin 3125 to $ SW ) Mch Feicn yen' lime t eiclit | < T rent intrrrft to tliove ho wll put up ci'ixl MiUlantlal bulMii.K' . K r furthe partioubrs njMilv to. O. P. BEMIS , Agent , FKtrentb anil Ioutl 3 Streo'9. A nice lot on Harnry and TwtiiU-Orst atrect- forJCJS. Tire i liolre Iota on 10th. uear St. Jl.irj'a nren ue , tOxlM fret each , for $ nf.O anil fSOO. Two choice lots near 23-1 aiiil-Clirk trtt . In K V. Smith's atlilillon JOOand fO. Fifty lots In Sh ni.VaMicimJ anil third ad dltions forSt. 0 to J60U ea . Lot near 15th nd Pirrc1150. . 2IuUon Harptrnear 51 1. St. . $600 c.vh. 1 lot on Xithn ar II'vnrd'l if7t > 0. 40 Iota In G > a * ! Vew addition , s-ntli of U. P bridge and depo * trjm $15 to 3 00 e-di * Ono acre , 117xS70 fet. on ISih street , south of Poppleton's now idence. for $2,000 , or wll dlvid" Into city she i Iota as ( mm $300 to f SCO each. each.BIVBBVIBW BIVBBVIBW ADDITION. Largo number or beantllul resMence Jot , located - catod In this new addition on Capitol Hill , be tween 21th street on the cast , 2tfth on the west Dode street on the north and Kirn ham street onthesouth. formerly owned by C. II Downs and more recently known is tha Perkins 15 acre * . Only 22 lolg hare thus hi been platted It on r-rnham and 8 on Douglas street. Trrfe lots ara SO to 56 feet In widfi and ISOIndoptr. . $1,000 tor the choice. S ye n lime , a.t 8 per cent in terest to those who will build ftcod substanlia louses there.o. Call ar.d examine plat and get Full information at BEMIS'BEAL ESTATE AGENCY , 15th and Doujrlas Stre-W. O or 200 houses and lots are offered for sale by this office They areccatte-ed all over the city. Any location you de-Ire. Prices varying ; from 3500 to $15,000 each. 2 food lots and _ cheap houses near Jackson and 12th streets at a ( treat facilflce. Hera is a great biriraln for some one. The property must bo sold lumrdiaUly. Cuven jut a quarter of a bloct Call and examine this hont any deity- OKO.P. BKMI-iA nt , 15th and P > a flit Si * . Adedr-ble lot new Cumirur a-ul Sanndert Street * , fl.100. fl.100.PARK PARK PIiAOB. The cheapest acre lot * In tb cityot Omaha , art those offend forsalo by thin agency In Paik Placa and Lowe's Kcorid cxltll.lon , on Cnmln - Bnrt and California rtre t < ; you can mate no mistake In pi > king-up thrsobarjntina while you hare th chance. These lota arc more than equal In die to 4 full sized city lots i r a half block and It will be but K very short time before ne- flfth psrt of one of these acre 1'itfl nlll sell for aa much aa we offer a fn'I acre to day. They are located a Teryfhoitdis'ani'o wrsti'f Cr Ijl.ton Uollrge. 1'rlcen ranpipi : from $160 lo SMMJtr \ acre lot. Call immediately , and don't lose your chance , and get plat and full particular , of GKO. P BEHIS. Azent. 15th and Iioucl.x Street * . Nice lot on Sh'rroan Avenue notth f Klchoa.i ! itrcet.SI.lOO. Hilf lot on C-ratetween 1.1th and 14th streets 11,000. 2 nice lots In Hartman's aildit'on , 11001 , . J600. Large ir.nnlicr of acre lots in GUe's addition in North Oimha , $125 to $3UO taih. Choice roni'.r lot near 2 _ d and CI'f > ini street ( ? , Jl.EOO. Je < eral ioo < l Mn in > 'el < > n's ai'ditfoi ! , 1150 to 850 each. Choice lot In Ihornell's -iMitior. , j750 Scrernl larx lots in BirtltU'x aildition. 1) rods and 2J acres each. Pries 700 to 82,000 each. Several chuice lo's In Kee-l's Unit addition , 1.75 to 1850 each. Acre lot on Sherman avenue , ( ICth street ) , tenth of Poppleton'w new rtsi.leni-o , for Jl.lcO. 2 larze ! > ! near l lh ami Ca ! > k streets , 60z JSOfcet Corner , 11,200 , in Mr , Jl.OOO 31 rK lots on She-m n a > inue , ( IC'h ttrect ) , near Clark Street , * > X ) each. McCANDLISH PLACE. 22 nice ami chop lots , very roar let the bns- ne part of the d'y , locitctl a very few steps louth of the Convent and St Miry'x aveiurtaiii | tut south if and a Ijoining tii ! > Kniuml nf Jamri Woolworth aid WJ. . Council 'lit- a e heap and very de-irable , belne Bhinrly In liui- nei-g part of city , to new ( tovtrniiie-t de | ot , i nil irorsn , while lead works , U. P. depot , clock faids , nacklne Imugex , etc Call and iftt plit ind full p r'icu'are. P/lce $275 to $350 and e y terms to thoee who build OKI ) . P. nEillS.AKcnt. 16th am ! 3 choice rr iilrncr loti c.n 24 Hi stiret , DoujUs and Podce MrpclR$1.100 ; to | l,2i 0 eic'i ind long time to tiofe who nlll bull. I. 2chi-l-e corner lo's near 21th and F.Tiiliam itreaf , 05x121 fett , SI.1M and Jl.yoft. and viry Biny trim ? to pnrrlmvrj who wi I imT\c. | Als > > 1 lot * on 21th , Iftncnu Furnlmm a.d Doazlsf o'reetf.tOM to Jl.fOO eah nn-l l"ii < lime. lime.51 / -51 250 of the be t bnninefn l ti liithccUt < > f Dninlia for mle , l f t d onertry I u-I e-s street , S.WWio 3 < 1 , ( )0 tai h. giTMv \ > iralni Mi'slo'epriiiiri'n | hi I- moft every bu iiirsi bl < x.k - JS.O to SI 5,000 LAKE'S ADDITION. 40clioice rrsnlcnce lots in ali-irc aililiti , Ini- meJiately noith ( if and IJ"inir ] ; Pi > { i/eliiu'it Ircnutiful rr iiKnc and K" unt'x , and Ivcatxl o'l 811 1 19th and 20tli slreem , flfOtoS-V-Oeaeh nl rery caxy tcnrs In those whovlll build Call an J sxamine fl t and get full partkiihr * . OfO. P. OKJIIS , Afcnl. Bpau'ifnl building lito < n Shtrmiti avtnu- , Ifllli streetbct-jrecn Popplct u mid the Dudley- insproe | ty ; 63 feet eitt fronURO 01 the ivenne. by 35D fret In depth. Wl'l iliiiJc it.mck inj(112feethy33. CJ1 an I get ! ull particuUrg. An acre n lEth stzcet , 101 feet < as > ' . frontage 378 feet deep. This is just south > f the Kilza- beth ( I'opplctou place. Th's ' Is RitMie ! , call and jet price and terms of EEVIS , Acent. ! 18 pool lot ? , jjst north of and -JJjininj E V. 3rolth' < addi-.lon , and located between 20t.i and unrer * street * , at rcafonab'e price * rd Ion ? 4me to burer who Impruv * . BKJIiy , Agent. HOBBACH'S ADDITION. 53 lots la Horhaeh's first and second additions jnlilh , 13tb , 19th and 2-th streets heUejn Kich Us , PuI , She-rran and Clark st.ceU , very .andy lo U P. Shops , smelting work * , etc. , ranpng In prices from from $200 to 11:100 each , Xuirlr | ? only rm ll payment down aixl long timi at 7 p r cent interest to those who will im- pnn e. 0 EO. P. BEJ1 IS , 15Ji and DTOtc'as ' S re-t. 38 nice lot * In Parker's addition , between Siunilen anj Pierc ? . Kin ; and Campbell' . Stt > . , Blon'.oitre't ; 19 lots with south fronts and with north fronUre , only 6 blocks north of the turn-table ( * od etrwt-car track ) on Sancderi street. Very l'-w prices ; $176 each , or 8200 r n lone time nd 8 par cent interest to those who will build. tZTlW goo-l fartiu for sale in Doogln , Sarpr. Wjbhington. Eurt , Dodge , Eaatdersand Eastern tier of counties. O.OUO acres best selected lards in the state bxi sale by this azcncy. Call and if t map ) , circular ? and fun particnUri- tSTPtmW new map of Omaha , 60c and $1-50. 3SBemU new pamphUt ( and map of tha State ) entitled "the outlook of Nebraska. ' fur free lilr.ribution. Geo. P. Bern is1 , REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 1 loth & Douglas St. , a ' OMAHA , HURRAH FOR THE1EADERS AHEAD OF THE TIMES I Bring on Your One , Two and Three Ctnt Pieces. You Can Use Them at the GASH DRY GOODS STORE or L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS , & Fifteenth Sts i-r eite Look at this List : 2 ) iNPii ts 89 ! " LoiwdMf Vvlut . 9 in Kiuit if lio'ii PO POW It ) " Hie t-l I'nh'e * lui ! W IS lie y it CO lij " Cia ti Tonlm.- 1 10 21 " CultiMi ti.esi C > H 1 on AH Wiiul ruttirus fv-lmi. re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 13 Ono Lot | ) iet Guvdswvith frrm 20 tu Ce. to l-o c'cxc.1 t . 10 Corsets HsxibleUip Jla.Um Fi.y ' . C i > ' frvm Zic.ti > . . . 3 CO A Few Notions F.bstlcCrrd , btat . . ' Pest Kuittlnj Cotton . . . . . . . S ( t Kugtish tins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - , t Spool TMU' . Spx > l fllk 10 Beat l'rr i L * M. Veins' . Beft Linen Collar ; _ . . 13 " " Ciff Black S rttjt 1I ' v hi e Tim per doz 19 Fine I'lill-Ii ' II" * " Extra line [ ltil h llu e . is K.n.yllise j * G o l lu ExtiaHne fancy Hoer And Kin rG' d < to 2 ro Gent 'Mile GIov a 10 And np to 7 Go-d ijuKpend'M 19 Ai'dupto . . . i to UnLiU d Ud b.ir : . - A Fine Uidaiiidti il .Silrt. . An Extta laundri dbhi't . . I 19 G "t ' Kid lot. . . I 00 And ui tn. . . . 1 63 Hue Uihin ; G'ov < - SCO SO Upto 2 50 And lot of othe goods -which we haven't spaca to mention. Send for price Jia1. Way bo'ow ever7body. L. 1 $ . WILLIAMS & SONS , Lci tiers In Dry deods. 1422 & 1424 Dodse St.Cor. 16th , Omaha Neb. - - - - . REDUCTION IN PRICES As Indicated Ilelow. Sample Teas. 2Tc , fool ratuc. and other Te-i JSc , ? c. 43 < T , be. auilup ' < li > p.rwiiLiI. iula j-r ntf Ten with earn poi.ml M > W. nil fjt mar.ai.l i to tul , orlhvuiontrwillterc unlid. T.T tlem. ColTi-cs. Gltund ' " < > ( Tfe. e. Uc 'I d7Pc ; PriwnSimptn C ff r. Ifi ; IS t.w U o Cuff- . a c. H.OWU Gilt- ilk-e O fl e , 6c. n our H Ft C I ION 1 < IA ? > D "i.fT'i ; put Lp in I.Nfi * Jarn. ll.i > t UK Coitnii. I iicz. n ou ! , &c > e thor Iru tfit. fr J I t Uo. d at red-Hid i r'ct * I nr 'c , 6c. kill I 1IX : ilrrmtiaci.U lut brtn r nd Come and See. triCE.S Tlie mtt cnniplvte aircitra'nt to > maha and at [ Ticts brlow all coinptltor Try in IIAKINO POWDER inc and upward FLAVUIIIXG EXrKAirrS At 8c | * r bott ) nd upward. K.S > \CI-S-At Be a bottle. i > llK liLACKI.NG at PC. STOVE PLUCKING , arce NX at be. CMTllKii-UNF. flora B to 15c ach. CI.OTllk3HKS,2doien forte. 8UOK HIU HbS.fcr , Kc ami upwards. Scrub Brtab- S.Lf. Horse Unishfi" , Ifc. Carpet Tatki , Jc. 'oiVt'oai" ! < at 30c n duzen ard cpwardr. Blno " ? , Sc. l'r | ' | er ilauce , and F neb Moatard. Ocrnch. Mop IImlla > , 15c. _ Ue ! GrtMe. nr I c. ComStanh , 8c r r poni'H. Lanndr taicli , cxtia quality , at Be Jr ponnd. Citron. ) rnn e and Lcmn ml. at 20c per pound. Vvr.low i > ml Woolen War * cheap. TTa h Doanln , 15 < . Rnmrr > i > , 2 fur 2Sc. Bird TooA IB lie pound pafkaKes with Cuttle Fbh Bone at Cc. Tobacco and Cigars. Blarktr-li & [ > > 'B Cnrham 'at Me [ > < r poand locdar'i I of KpeCutat 0e per poand ; 't t iraml of Hux lobicroat fv > e p-r p"nnd. Wo Mil n ll > cCi arfor { cdon't fall to try auxr iiooneio nudcrsellas. SIIIT/O | niwlitr of S > rni * t 70c per iDO IHT keic UM'NDRT SOAfS roM at bit- cm prices DIUKI' FBL'm * . extra qaruitjr it w prkew CKACKERS. best In market and a * heap a tri'h < arcpt Wo h al4oa4.1 il the ft > lloin ( jouU to oar luck , which we rropoeo to Mil cheap. T-imptior Gum , Whl-e Wai. ulphur , EG * . Jam. Dinner , Turax , Salt I'eler. Lindannm , Inm. Liquorice Drop * . Aipa Ammonia , Cu e 8 , r r ! WhH . perraacille. Whltlnr. 'iilolue ' Pllj ! , Cattle ruh Bone , SweetUII , a tor Oil. fechloe OtI. Cant war t > ee < J , InrUrd Peed , Calrdotoon Seed. 'Ut'l.tir Cunpbor , Tar Soar * . Glee. Gamble. And an Immense Variety of Other Goods too Nnmer- ods to mention , which we pledg9 ourselves to lejl cheaper than other Dealers. Don't Forget It , and give na a caQ. Eiara- Ine goods and compare prices. Spec ial rates to partiea buying to tell again. Orders from the country filled. Prices guaranteed and sent 0. O. D. KE3IEMKEK OUK XVMBEX , 113 North Fifteenth , adjoining L. B. Wniiams & Son , Dry Gocd * Store , Omaha , 2ieb. W. R. BENHETT & CO. MUSIC , GERMAN &FRENCH MADAil MSNDQN. W to Ca habgb > r- aai inx-d iUhe-J to cber of au ic. d rreath. iv'4rlcja ot ivov i a c'an Is titbit of 'thew traecte * . Sirul f f = focal shortly , but for b-w nat-p r'i 0.5 Sro. * ! aMhi-j at > r ,