Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 2

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Orr. COCKTBT FRtrsps vre will always be pleated
to heir from , on all matter * connected with
troff , ccunlry poMtics , ana on" any tubject
whatever.'cf general interests to tke people of
our SI ate Any Information connected with
-Ueclectlons _ , ard relating to floods. acc.deot .
wUfbe gladl ) recthed. All Bach communtci-
tRos however , must ke a * brJef AS possible ;
ar rtb ymri rirnnr3 e bewritten on on
RmdetJUe aheet enly ,
TOT KAMI \VMir > m fun , must In each and
| every * e acconipacy any communication cf
" Tlat ratnreBoeviT.-tHs U not intended for
publictti nbnjforcer tnrnJwtnsfattJon and
as proof cf good-faith.
A OC > .cniErr8 < ! f cardMaies for Office hetl.-
er made lyetlf or fr'ends , and whether no
tices or communications to the Editor , are
until nomlnatta are made [ simply -pewoLal ,
and will be charged for M adrertiaoreuti.
WI DO oid src contribution * of a literary01'
poetical character ; " "Iw111 Dot undertake
ti p'etcneer rcseive tbeume in i > ny case
whateTtr. Our staff is rafflcienty largt to
more than supply our limittsd tptce.
AC communications should be addressed to
E. EOSEWA1ER. Editor.
of Ohio.
of NewYorl\
And now comes the Union Pacific
railroad company through its attor
neys and employes on the iloor of the
city council with the modest request
that the city of Oinalia pay over five
thousand dollar and interest fruin the
spring of 1878 to innko good a i repo
sition or promise made by the cily
ouncii tvwryears ago , namely , that
if the U. P. company and the smelt
ing works company speed ? 5000 each
in rip-rapping the river , the cily
would exp'end an equal amount. This
very modest request cornea with very
good grace now when the taxpayers of
Omaha have just made the discovery
that by an infamous piece of
vgordemain in the last legislature the
Uuion Pacific is henceforth exempt
from paying a dollar of taxes on its
bridge valued at over $1,000,000 by
their own estimate , on its machine
shops and machinery worth at the
lowest estimate § 300,000 and its
, depot and headquarters buildings
toward which the city'alone went iulo
debta quarter of a million.
The Union Pacific corporation es
capes entirely and doesn't pay a dollar
lar of local taxes on all the vast amount
of property it owns in this cily and
county except alone its track.
Every laborer , mechanic and clerk
in the U. P. employ in now assessed
and taxed for his baditead , his ccok
stove , his sewing machine and every
other article of household furniture.
We most say we admire the coolness
of the proposition. Five thousand
dollars and interest they must have
principal and interest , not a farthing
less. And what is this S5000 claim
for ? Why do they come at this late
day to collect it when they could have
presented the claim just as ready two
years ago , when the circumstances of
of the rip-rap job were still fresh in
the public mind.
In the first place , it is the climax of
sublime impudence for the Union Pa
cific cormorants to ask the city of
Omaha a city they have naver kept
fmjth vrith to i ooniril'Uto a-dollar to
ward protecting their bridge. That
bridge we all know has been a robber's
tollgate these ninYyears , and in that
time Omaha alone has paid not less
than a million and a halt in tolls.
That bridge should have been a wagon
bridge with fare for passengers aud
teams at rates fixed by the mayor and
councilof Omahain accordance with the
nnrepealed law passed by the Nebraska
legislature in < 1871 at the instance nf
theU. P. m nfcgen.jLnd. while"the city
Is interested in protecting the smelt
ing works from the flood , It must bo
borne in mind that the grounds upon
which these works'stand was generous
ly donated to the Union Pacific rail
road and is still owned by them. The
city council of 1878 could legally
agree to expend $5,000 for improving
our river front , but it could not le
gally delegate its authority to the
Union Pacific railroad or any other
corporation. That was the decision
c f the city attorney then , and that was
the reason why the city placed
its entire street force , including
men and teams , at the
disposal of the Union Pacific
to assist in the work. That offer was
disdainfully rejected by Mr. Clark ,
and Mr. Poppleton , in behalf of the
road , publicly announced that they
declined to accept any aid from Oma-
hi. And now , two 'oirs after that
public declaration , these cormorants
have the sublime cheek to present a
bill for § 5,000 and Interest.
Will Omaha taxpayers submit to
such a highway robbery ? If they do
they must forever hereafter hold their
peace about any imposition , the Union
Pacific may see fit to sub ect them.
ALL this talk about the city record *
having been tampered with to .do
fraud the Union Pacific cormorant out
of five thousand dollars which had
been appropriated by the last council ,
it buncombe. The last council never
voted such an appropriation. If it
had so voted , it would have been
illegal and void. It would have been
an overdraft forbidden by the charter ,
and it would have been an unlawful
appropriation under both the charter
und the state constitution , which for
bids such appropriations.
The only thing the last council did
was to pass a resolution that the Union
Pacific was entitled to a claim
' /for 5,000 for rip-rapping the
river. That resolution was within - .
' in itself an outrage on the tax
payers. It did not constitute ? n ap
propriation , * bufr it laid the foundation
for a suit in which the resolution
would be used by the Union Pacific as
a confession of judgment , which
finally would enabll the cormorants
to whip the devil around the stump.
OoHDcUmen who rere personally lia E
ble for voting an overdraft could vote b
a resolution declaring the cliim valid , a
and if judgment was rendered , the U. Cl
P. could g t th'eir money out cf the Clii
iakiag fund appropriation . of ;
is just now in a whirl of ex
citement over the indignity which she
has suffered at the hands of Kansas
City at the Grant reception Saturday.
The governor of Kansas was invited
to Kansae city on the 3d inst , and
was tendered the freedom of the city.
He was also allowed to leave when he
got reidy , which privilege , Awoulc \
seem , he did not take advantage ol
any too soon , and not until he had
been severely snubbed and slighted in
more ways than one. Other stite of
ficers and distinguished citizens o :
Kansas , who were there b y"special in
vitation as the guests of Kansas City ,
as well as several fine military com
panies from different parts of 'the
state , and the Flambeau club of Topeka -
peka , it is said , were treated in like
TheKansss papers haveinauguratcc
a war on Kansas City , and especially
the Kacsis City Journal , whose pro
prietor Col. Van Horn is mainly
responsible fur the ill-treatment of the
Kan as dignitaries. The Topeka Cap
ital indulges in the following com
ment :
The treatment accorded to Kansas
at Kansas Cily during the Grant re
ception was an outrage upon decency
and propriety. The * Flambeau club ,
which added much to the occasion ,
and which is made up of our besl
young men , was permitted to take
care of itself sfter the. manner of a
visiting circus. The governor and
committees of arrangements and re
ception , and honored citizens of Kan
sas who were present by invitation ,
were ignored , snubbed and in
sulted by the incompetent ano
infUted nincompoops who 'Lad
charge of the affair. The 'Flam
beau Club visited the Journal office ,
and after the usual cheers on the part
of the club , were informed by a clerk
that "any feller that wanted some , ice
water could find some in the o'ffice. "
Our boys were so overcome by this
exhibition of generosity that a reso
lution of. thanks was at once passed.
The regiment of Kansas militia that
turned out to assist Kansas City in
this celebration would have returned
home without marching but for the
courtesy that was felt b } ' our boys to
bo duo to the Craig Rifle *
for their splendid hospitality.
The generous treatment the
Kansas militia received at the hands
of the Craig lilies is in fact the one redeeming
dooming feature of the occasion ; We
leave the settlement of the reaponsi
bility of the boorish treatment a'nc
miserably botched arrangements of the
whole aflair to the Kansas City people
plo through their papers. They can
-sattlo the family quarrel as it suit
them best. One thing is very certain
it will bo a long time before any vor
larpe number of Kansas citizens , th
Kansas militia or the Topeka Flam
beau club will take the risk of "helping ,
in another celebration at Kansas City
Of all the towns on the continen
where a Kansan would expect to be
treated with common courtesy , Kan
aas City should be first. The town
depends upon Kansas for its life
Take Kansas trade out of Kansa
City , and it would sink back to a town
of 10,000 people. The grain , the cat
tie andTpurk of Kansas help io mak <
the great young giant the wonder o
the continent. Missouri is no more
to the future of Kansas City than
Texss is and if the ill-bred treat
ment Kansas received at the Gran
reception reflected the sentiment o
the business men of Kansas City the
people of central and southern Kansas
would soon find other markets to pur
chase from , and to which to senc
their wealth of stock and produce.
Kansas asks no special favors , bu
demands fair and courteous treatincn
nit ! . . * > tlf * * Mt ooFebratfoif is got
ten up-whether Kansas is4nvited or
not , the people of Kansas City will
greatly aid their own cause by placing
citizens in charge who will not engage
in studied discourtesies as did those
who managed this Grant reception.
Inviting gueats to their own city
with the premeditated intention of in
sulting them is an exhibition of low
vulgarity and petty spitefulness that
n would be hard to believe sny civil
ized ton guilty of without the unan
imous testimony , of eveay Kansas
man who went to Kansas City to tee
Our Melghbors.
St Joseph Herald.
Lincoln , Neb. , has'13,595 people.
Atchison , Loavenworth , and Topeka ,
Kan. , are about two thousand ahead
of Lincoln. No one can toll which
city Trill lead in 1800 , but they will all
bo in a flourishing condition. We
think wo should place Atchison ahead
She is becoming a pork and grain csu
ter to a considerable extent. Lincoln
has a fine railroad system. Topeka ,
also a state capital , has been built up
by the Santa Fo road and its shops ,
aud now has a rolling mill. Her re
cent growth has been very rapid ,
and of her stability there is
no question. Leaven worth is engag
ing in manufacturers , and has a coal
mine that is a mine of gold. Her
darkest day has passed and it has been
dark enough dark enough for the
most beautitul town in the west and
the one that has cDntained the hioet
marked men. On the south of her is
the penitentiary , which is the state
manufacturing establishment. On
the north is the fort , the fincsC1 town
owned by Uncle Sam. These two
mints coin monoyfor ; Leavenvrorfh. f
All of these tow.iis will prosper and
will quarrel. Atchison is the "only
one with commercial prospects , and
she is only nineteen miles from the
acres of warehouses in St. Joseph.
Those of us who have lived on and
near the river for a 'quarter of a ceu-
tury have no conception of the west
that is right tinker our noses. Wo
huve not mentioned Omaha , Kansas
City and Council Bluffs. Each is full
vigors-success and growth , as is our
own tit , Joseph. Who imagines the
size of these towns , even to-day ? We
give it below , placing K. 0. whtra she
belongs and not whore a fraudulent
census has placed her ; it is a peculiar
ity of K. C. that she cannot vote ,
hold a primary moetinn ; or enumerate
her people , without committing the
same crimes that fill her papers with a
daily record of sin that is without a
Kansas City , 40,000. St. Joseph , 33,000.
Omaha , 31,000. Council Bluffs , 17-
Leavenworth , 16- 000.
00 > . Atchison , 15,0.0.
Topeka. 15,000. Lincoln , 14,000.
Total , 181,000.
No one would have conjectured
that these neighbors had nearly 200- ,
000 people. Ten years from now
they will have 500,000 , aud yet grow
no more rapidly thsn they have dur
ing the past decade.
Suppose wo irrigate the plains and
have barge lines to St. Louis and
those are the next two enterprises in
order then our west , now a vacan't
space , "will fill up and these wilt ba
great cities in fact.
Correspondence of The Be * .
RED CLOUD JULY .2. Every sum
mer several herds of ponies are
bought from Texas or from the west ,
and are disposed of-in this part of-the
country. Dealing in ponies is a lead
ing branch of business in these parts
the country , partly or wholly de- ,
vok-d to graziag. It furnkkes esa-
ployment to many men. In visiting
Jhese herds of ponies , and seeing the
wild ones JasBOoed , a person often sees
feats performed equal to those of any
The Williams brothers deal exten
sively in horses and cattle , and they
own three ranches. Their horse ranch
is on the Rock Creek , in Wyoming
abont forty miles west of ForiLaramie.
They own 1,700 ponies. G. W. Williams -
liams is now in Red Cloud with a herd
of 300 fine northern Texas horses some
of them half breeds. He has just
brought them from near Dodge City.
He has some American stallions , and
is raising a breed of horses a cross be
tween the American and Texas horse.
The colts are , nlce , large and strong ,
and. Otgroat Improvement on the orig-
The. ponies he is telling at prices
ranging from $8 to $40. During this
month be will visit Hastings , Grand
Island and the towns alone "the U. P.
to Columbus Then be will cross the
country to Wisner and proceed with
his ponies up the Elkhorn to Neligh.
Governor St. John , of Kansas ,
wants to be renominated.
- * * * *
The national greenback labor party
has opened headquarters at Washing
Senator Windom expects to make
twenty speeches in Ohio during the
Senator Wallace says that Pennsyl
vania will give the Democratic party
10,000 majority.
The Nashville-Tribune says that
Bob Toombs his come back into the
Union and will yoto for Hancock.
Governor Bishop wanfs Io go teA
Co ijres8. ; Governor Bishop's "wants"
politically would fill a "quintuple
sheet. "
Each one of the four Presidential
candidates is over six feet high , and
"weigtTover 180 pounds , and each one
is in the best of health.
"Gen. Hancock , " said Senator
Hoar in Faneuil Hall on Wednesday
night , "is1 not he representative , he
is the mask of the Democratic party. "
The New-London ( Oonn. ) Telegram
predicts that Gen. Weaver's Green
back vote for President in that State
will look very respectable under the
head of scattering.
Gen. Singleton , who was renomi
nated for congressman in the Eleventh
Illinois district last week , received an
enthusiastic reception on his return to
his homo At Quincy.
The name of Judge Agnew is
brought forward in western Pennsyl
vania in connection with -the seat in
congress which is to be vacated by
Senator Wallace in 1881.
Fifteen of the newly-elected mem
bers of the senate of Oregon will hold
over and take patt in the election of a
United States Senator in 1882. Of
these , ten are republicans , giving the
party-a good start.
The Hon. Godlove S. Orth will
again be a candidate for Congress in
Indiana if the republican district con
vention , which moots on the 14'h
inst. , complies with his wishes and
gives him a renomination.
The greenbackers of Ohio are to
hold a State convention in Columbus
on Wednesday , 28th inet , to nomi
nate candidates for presidential elrc
tora and for the state offices to ba
filled at the election in October.
G > n. Slocum declares that Hancock
"will sweep the country Hko a hurri
cane. " Gently , general ; not so mnch
devastating wind. It's early in the
canvass , and that sort of thing is too
violent. [ Chicago Tunes.
The registration of voters in Boston
has already begun. Last year the
numbf r of voters registered waa 53XK (
2,000 less than the presidentia
election of 1876. It is thought the
registration this year will not fall far
mhort of OOfOOO.
There Tre now three Hebrews in
Congress Messrs. Jonas , Morse and
Einstein. In the house there are six
German R present tive3ainong whom
are Heilman. of Indiana , Poehler , of
Minnesota , MuUer. of New York , and
Deuster , of Wisconsin.
Gov. Hoyt , of Pennsylvania , expresses -
presses the opinion that the demo
cratic party weakens Hancock to a
greater extent than he strengthens it
and that the combination can't win
because the people will discover that
the mixture of candidate and princi
ple is incongruous.
Thek Pittsburg ( Penn. ) Telegraph
says that Hioster Clymer has with
drawn from the congressional race in
Berks county , and that this will in
sure the nomination of State Senator
Daniel Ennpntrout , who is a man ol
marked ability and the democratic
leader of the state senate.
A Nasby Letter Tdlrteen Years Old ,
Now Bepublished
.Noo PIUEANS , Dec. 1C , 18C7 .
To IIu Epglericy A. Johnson , president uv the
Yoomted Statfi ;
I found Nee Orleans in a tremor of
joy. The principal bizniz citizens is
again about the streets clappin their
hands and hollerin"Hallelujier. " The
order of the grate and good Hancock
hez restored confidens in the bussms
uv our friends and consternation in
the breasts uv our enemies. Juries ,
thank God , are no more polluted with
niggers onto 'env They are now
drawd from the old citizens , many of
which B3rved under Boregard in tha
late unpleasantness. Bizuesa' there
fore goes on without delay. Ez a
sample of how much biziness is facili
tated ; I may meushun that in one
coutt there wuz 44 cases in which pig-
gcrs wua plaintiffs and 45 in which
niggers wuz defendants. The tryin
uv all tfiose cases okepied 3 hours and
19 minutes. The vordics in the 44
cases being invariably fur the defend-
unts aud in the 45 other cases fur the
plaintiffs. Uv the time specified , 2
hnur and 23 minutes wuz consumed
by the niggers in payin' the costs. It
is a singular thing how wrong the nig .
gers allus iz. _ JU . " l r
- In tiddishtm to this boon , the citizens -
zons uv Loosiana bed , I am happy to
elate , got back to their habta copuces.
Gineral Hancock , with a , courage
which I can't-too highly commend ,
ashoored the people that so long as he
! iad power here they should never
agin ba deprived uv em. \
In Texas affairs are going on as wall
ezcood ba expected. ThejGinoral's !
order fur holdin'
olecshuns gives gen
eral satiifacshun to our friends. The '
elccshens are to be hold only at
county seats , wich , owin to the size uv
, ho connties will
, probably prevent a
; reat many uv the niggers from at-
endin1. Then wher a judge of eleo-
shun can't sit , the clvii authorities
, ppint another in his sted , insted of
he military commander , wich our
rieudi think will give us a majority
on the elecshun boards , and finally
hot which pertickerllerly binds Gen.
lanoock to us iz that pare uvhiz order
which prohibits the military from
bem at the polls. It is eggstremeiy
probable that the Etheopean uv
Amerikin dcsent will
be generally per-
waded not to vofe at all. The citi- his no
Tsns uv Texas hev a way -perswad- -
ing the niggers when they aint uncon-
titooshunally interfered with , that
will , I think , enshoor the triumph uv
oarrect principles inthat state. A 0
native Texan , a gentleman who is now 0B 0w
n New Orleans a purchasin cartridges 0k
ur 7-inch revolvers , to be used-in re- k
lonetructtn the state , gav.e me sich in- it
ormashun g $ preclooded th necessity itti
uv my going jeronally to Inspect. p
The land owners of Texa * , witk an
ardent desire to avoid distress in that
state next winter , both fur themselves
and the colored popnloshun , hev wise
ly determined tht the niggers shell
work whether or no , and in sich a way
as to make their work profitable.
They are going to form labor leagues ,
the object os which is to extract from
the nigger the labor that is layin dor
mant within him , at about $12 per
month. They hev mootooally pledged
themselves to pay no more than $12
per. mouth fur able-bodied nigsers
durfn the workin season , deductin the
board and so forth for their families ;
and , further , that no one will employ
a nicrger from another naburhood on
less he kin show permishun from his
laat employer. They hev other reels
for the proper regulashnn uv this per
verse people wich is hardly worth
memhunin , but probably it would be
as well.
One is that if the wagea uv a nigger
is more than is eat up by the family
expenses the nigger shell work it out
the next season , and that the supplies
upon which they live shell be furnish
ed by the employer upon such terms
&s a committee uv employers la each
deestrik shell agree.
To prevent mismanagement uv the
soil by these undeveloped inteleks ,
and to enshoor their acceptance of
the laws , It is also a part uv the
league that no land be leased or sold
to any one uv Afrikan blood , and that
ez much uv the wages eztbe employer
considers proper be retained in hiz
They accept the situashun and
acknowledge the bindin force uv
emansipashun , but they must regulate
labor themselves. It ia tho't that by
Hvin faithfully to these regulashuus
cheap cotton kin bo agin prodorsed
in Texas. Ef thislefltslaluriz ducted
ez wo hope it will be , this code will
be made a law , and thank the Lord
cmansipashun wont mean nothiti in
Texas copt a change uv ntme.
I wood suggest tint you , at wunst ,
take the last order uv Gen. Hancock
and make it the subject uv a messige
to congriss. Detale in full the gen
eral's talk here , and add to it ez only
yoo kin. Tell concjriss tbe general is
agoin to make the law the roul uv bis
conduck , and that he proposes to up
hold the corts and civil au
thorities , and will only yoos his
military to these ends agin the
niggers. Sling in here sutbin'
to the effeck that Amer
ican liberty ( which , in this country , is
a pekoolyer variety of the article ) is
Etill an inheritance uv the white people
ple , and shall all us be. 'Tell em that
when a soljer hez onlimitod power in
his hands , and refooses to yoos it for
the ptirpooa of satisfyin selfish anibi-
shun , ho presents a hefty sample uv
virtoo under diffikulties. It wood be
well at this pint to compare Hancock
with Washington , makin tbe differ
ence atween um merely nominal. Say
that there may be officers in the army
besides Hancock who imitates Wash
ington , but you havent sot eyes onto
em ea yit Assert that Hancock is
the first officer in command , sance the
close uv the late onpleasantness , wat
hez given utteruna to sich sentimence
in his orders , and demand that con-
gris shell vote him a gold medil.
I sejest that this be done to wunst ,
for reasons which are obvus. We de
sire Hancock to continue in well-doin ,
but ez that well-doin in our behalf
mite lead to his nomination for the
presidency , it iz well enough to kill
him off in that dtrecahun as soon as he
is committed Hence write. Don't
let Seward diloot it , or Randall poll-
fox it. Putin my nakedidees , clothed
in yoor teise and vigrus languidge ,
and yoo will hev done a good thinj ; .
.1 repeated them to the leadin
officers uv the "Lost Cos Club , " and
the idee wuz repcherously received.
One- member sejested it wazn't best ,
ez reely the thing wuz too absurd ,
but he voted ay on the proposishun
compromizin with himself by sayin
that ef it WUE receiven ez he 'pozed it
wood be it wuz eazy noff to swear tha
wrote it wich woodent hurt him with
his party at all.
Another who is trooly a friend uv
yoors objected on the score that such
eettin up would give Hancock the
nominashun , but he wuz laft to skurn.
"Wat , " said an old gray-heddod mem
ber , "hez A. Johnson ever comment !
ed that he haint killed ] "
It wuz yoonsnimously resolved that
you do it. In more heart th'an I bave
boon for months , I subscribe myself ,
( Wich is Postmaster. )
Hancock and Tilden.
St. Louis Gjojje Democrat.
The standing of Gen. Hancock with
the New York Democracy is admirab
ly illustrated by the fact that pre
vious to his nomination he was nol
acquainted with Tildon , Although a
resident of New York for years , the
hero of order No. 40 and the victim
of the Democratic Electoral Commis
sion were strangers to each other. Il
is remarkable that Mr. Tilden ahoulc
thus ignore a man of Presidential mag
nitude , and still moro remarkable
that such a statesman as Gen. Han
cock thould not have sought an in <
timacy with one whom he could not
but admire. It looks as if the two
men felt that there was some kind of
gap between them which neither
deemed it worth while to cross. As
there Is no known special ground
of dislike between them , the
lack of cordiality in their re
lations is doubtless due to Tildeu's
democratic , dislike of a soldier. He
knew Hancock only aa a major gen
eral , and instinctively avoided him for
the society of meaner men. Han
cock's only chum among the New
York politicians appears to bave been
Baldy Smith , a Tammany member of
the police board , and an old army ac
quaintance. Baldy was turned out of
office by Mayor Cooper , but the supe
rior court has just reinstated him ,
thus giving Tammany an important
victory over _ the regular democracy.
Under the circumstances , Hancock is
exceedingly unfortunate in his best
friend , for , next to John Kelly , the
.man whom , the regular doitt'ocfScy
mrst despises is Baldy Smith. Baldy
did not accompany Hancock as chap ,
eron on the occasion of the latter s
late vfrit to Tildon , for the reason ,
srobably , that his presence would not
lave been altogether acceptable to the
venerable sage. Tfie ceremony
of in troduclng the present democratic
c.-jndidate for the presidency to the
ast ono could not , it seems , be per-
ormed by any New York politician.
These statesmen of the same political
'aith , who have been neighbors for
manyyeais , formed each other's ac
quaintance under the auspices of Sen
ator Wallace and Henry Watterson ,
he former an original Hancock man
and the latter a devoted friend of Mr ,
Tilden. Hancock and Tilden being
now on visiting terms , the former is
fairly in training for his letter of ac
ceptance , which will be a document of.
considerable interest , inasmuch as its
treatment of the fraud issue will bo
dictated by Tilden. The acquaint
anceship thus begun ought to survive
the campaign , but there is no proba
bility that it will. Tilden will have
more USB for such as Hancock after
defeat than he had before his nom
Bucsuen'a Arnica Salve
The BMT SAIVI In the world for
Gate , Bruises , Sorei , Ulcan , Salt
Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp
Hand * , Chilblains , Corn. , and all
kinds of Slon EruptionsT This Salve
guaranteed to give perfect satlafac-
tlod in everj case ot money r Sanded.
Price 25 cents per box. For tale by
8dly J. E. ISH , Omaha.
An Honest Medicine if roe of Unargo
Of all medicines advertised tejeur *
any affection ot the Throatj Chit or
Lungs , we know of none we O B rec
ommend as highly as DE. KiWo's NEW
DISCOVERY for Consumption. Cough i
Colds" , Asthma Bronchitis , 'jSay Fever ; -
ver , Hoarseness , Tickling1 * in tb
Throat , leas of voice , etc. This med
icine does positively cure , and that
where everything else has failed. No
medicine can show one-half so many
positive and permanent cures as have
already been effected by this truly
wonderful remedy. For Asthma and
Bronchitis it is a perfect specific , cur
ing the very worst cases in the short
est time possible. We say by-al
means give it a trial. Trial bottles
free. Regular size 81.00. For sale by
glly ( ) J. K. ISU , Omaha.
The only pad puirantecd to cure dlabetee ,
jrrivel , dropsyfiruht' * disease , nervous debility ,
aud all di > euw ) of kidneys and tladder , Is Prof
Gui mette'a French Kidney Pad.
Ask tbe reoo\-
erul dv ppticsbil-
lions sufferers , vic
tims ot fever and ,
'true , the mercurial
diseased patient ,
how * hey recovered
health , cheerful
spirits and good
ippetite ; they will
tell you by Uk-
Tbo Cheapest , Purest and Beit Family Medl-
tbo in tbe World.
BiUioug Attacks , SICK HEADACHE. Colic , De
prcasion of Spirits , SOUR STOMACH , Hear
Burn , Jc. . , Etc.
Th'g unrivalled Southern Remedy Is warranted
not to contain a single partido of MERCDRT , or
any injurious mineral euMUnce , but Is
Purely Vegetable.
containing those Southern Boots and Herbs ,
which ui all-wise Providence uaa placed In
louutriea where Liver Disease most prevail. It
will emu all Diseases caused by Derangement of
the T.ivern < l Bowel * . ,
TIIK SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint arr a
bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain In the
liack.Sides or JoinU.o'ten mistaken forRheuma-
tlsrn ; Sour Stomach ; Lo-8 of Appetite ; Bowels
a'ternately costive and tax ; Headache ; Loss of
Memory , with a painful sensation of having fail
ed to do something which onsht to have been
done Debility , Low Spirits , a thick jello ap
pearance of the skin and E > es , a dry Cough of
ten mistaken ft r Consumption. "
Sometimes many of these symptom ! attend
the disease , at others very fewbut ; the Liver , the
lorfi'st organ in the body , la "generally tbe leat
of the disease , and if not regulated in timo.great
suffering- , wretchedness and death will ensue.
I can ro-oinmond as an efficacious remedy for
disease of the Liver , Heartburn and Dyspepsia ,
Simmons' Liv-r Regulator. Lewis G. W'under ,
1825 Mister Street , Assistant Peat MM ter ,
"We have tested Its virtues , personally , and
know that for Dyspepsia , Billiousucm. and
Throbbing Headache , it is the best medicine the
world c\er saw. We have tried forty othet
remedies before Simmons' Liver Rcgilator , but
none of thorn c Td us more than temporary re *
1 cf : but the hez-ulator not only relieved , but
cured us. " Editor Telegraph nd Messenger ,
Macon , Gn.
J. H. ZEILIN < 5 CO. ,
Prlco , ? l.uO Sold by all Druggist * .
Jones , Bet. Sth and 10th Stt ,
First quality distilled Wine and Cider Vinegar
ol any atren/th below eastern prices , and war.
ranted just as good at wholesale > nd retail
Send for price lut. ERNST KREBS ,
Iob93ra . " Manager.
B. A. FOWLKS. JAKU H. Scoir.
Designs for building ! of any description on
exhibition at our office. We have had over 20
years experience in deigning and superintend-
lug public building and residences. Flans and
estimates furnished on short notice.
nlw'ays Cnros and never disap
points. Tlio world's great Pain-
Reliever fur Man and Beastc
Cheap , quiclc and reliable.
is uot Narcotic. Children
grow fat upon , Mothers like ,
aud Physicians recommend
CASTOBIA. It regulates the
Bowels , cures Wind Colic ,
allays FeverishuebS , and de
stroys Worms.
TARRH Cnre , a Constitutional
Antidote for this terrible malady -
dy > fcy Absorption. The most
Important Discovery since Vac- '
oinntion. Other remedies may-
relieve Catarrh , this cure * at
any utogo before Consumption
sots in.
This compound o
the vegetable alter
atives , Sanaparilla1
Pock , StilliDffia nd
.Mandrake with th9
Iodides of Potashand
JXlron , makes a mos
.effectual cure of a
eries of complaints
which are very pre
valent and afflicting- ,
It purifies the blood.
_ purges out the lurkIng -
Ing humors in the system , thatundennine health
aud settle into troublesome disorders. Erap
lions of ' . 'no skin are the appearance on the sur
Tace nf humors , that shouldtw expelled fromthe
blood. Internal derangements arc the determin
ation of these same humors to some internal ,
organ , or organs , whoso action they dersnga ,
and whosc'substance they disease and destroy.
ATKK'S SAKSATARILLA expels these hnmorafrojn
the blood. When they are gone , the disorders
they produce disappear , such as ( Tlecrationt of
the Liter , Stomach , Kidruyi , Lungs , Kruptioni
and Eruptive Diseases of the SkinSt. .inthontft
Fire , Rote or Erysipdat , Pimplet , Puttulei ,
Elotehet.Moitt , TumonTetter and Salt Rhevn ,
Scald Ileait , Ring-vxmn , Ultert and Soret ,
Rheumatism , Keuralfia , Pain in the Sonet ,
Sidt and Ilead , female. WcaJmets , Sterility ,
Leucorrhfa aritiny from internal vlceration
and uterine dueatrt. Dropsy , Dyspepsia , Ema.-
ciation anil general Debility. With their de
purturo health returns.
DR. J. . AYER & CO. ,
Practical and Analytical .Chemis s
To > BnVn ROM , Jr. . A. S. P ddock , Belinda CUT-
ti-B , A. B. Moore , Moees. K Clarke.
Tak notice that the Sioux City & Nebraik *
railroad company has located ita tr cln nd tide
r cits through atd across the outhwe t quar-
er. ° iSK * ° 'section ten (10) ) , and northwest
i of Becllon te n (15) ( township No.
15. north of ranse No. thirteen (13) ( east of th
nriiicit il meridian , also through and aroM lot -
? ? f,0mahj'to-wit : J 01 one OT nd lot
ight ( S ) in bl ck No. 33i. All said premfc e U-
jjr In puui Ias County. Nebraska , and unle '
on apply to tbe County Jadjre of tb * County
Court of said County , on or befcre the lh day
of Auxnst , 1830 , to hare your damira jsaetsad
n mode prescribed by the laws of Kebnuka , the
aa'd company will procerd to bare-laid damage *
agietBed anby Uv- * J- *
Oaaha. Julyetfa. ] Sga. , - dlt-wgt
tT - O.
Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonic H JJ ,
K rTou V ibariitiDg" P mful
subject that upon health and human happ'Of '
rectiiM att ntl-m in "its page : anil th * many qne -
tionMtkwi by tferiog raraiidj. wbo hare dnpaueU ,
of a cur , are an w red , and nluible information
is Tolunteered to all wha ra in need of wellies ! aj-
Tice. The"inbicct of Elec'nc Belts MTSKI Meicine ,
and the hundred and one questions of " al nnpoi-
ttnce to uflfermg humanity , are dulj lonimered
and explained.
explained.YOUNG MEN.
Acd others who nflirfrom Karvort * end Ph } ical
Debility. L ( s of Manlj Vigor.rremature. Exham-
lion and the many gloomy eofldequencwof early
indi S6tton , etc. , are oipecially benefited 17 con-
lultm ; it ) contents. , r.\\ ' . , . - . ,
TheiLECTRIC REVIEW eipoMnthmnmiligatdl
frauds practiced by quacks and madical impostor *
who profsw to "practice ineiliciuel. > idpoiut out
the only f , simple , and etftctlre roaiUolleMtli
Visor , and Bodily Energy. Cf *
Send your address on postal cnrii Iw a copy , n1
information worth thousand * mil Laaeut you.
Address the pnblwhoM , .
Proposals for Fiirnisliing
the City of Oiiiiiliu , Ne
braska , with Water , for
Fire Protection and
Public Use'
Sealed proposals In duplicate will le received
by the undersigned at ti * offlce InMhe cHy ° '
Omaha , Nebraska , until 12 o'clock , noon , on the
12th day of July , A. D. , 1850 , for f urmshbu the
oity of Omaha , Nebraska , with water worts for
fire protection A d public use , for the teiw ol
twenty flre j ears from the time of compltion of
said works , through * two-tmndred and 'flfty ' flro
hyd antH , of the character and of the locations
mention' d in ordinance No 423 , passed hy t"he
city co'jucil of the city of Omaha , Nebraska , and
approved l > y Uio rca > or , on the llth day or Juue ,
A U , 18bO , and the reporfof J. D. CooV , en-
fi'irer , appro > oJ by iheclty council June 8th.
iSSi ) , copies of nliich ill be furnished bidders
on application.
Sucli proposals orbida shall be accompanied
oy a bond with lit If it three residence sureties
in the sum cf twenty-five thousan .dollars con-
ditionedin the ttent of the acceptance of such
proposals or bids and awarding of the contract
forsuch public supply and fire protection to such
bidder or bidders ; for the faithful neiiornmnce
of the terms and conditions of orainin-o No.
423 , and that the water to be furohhed tbrougn
said hydrants , ffjall a all times when required
during said term ( areisoiuble time being allow
ed for repairs incases of unavoidable accidents )
perform the Uws mentioned in crdlnance No.
423 , and give the fire protection .therein men
tioned. ,
baul proposals or bids shall specify the prlc
per hydrant per jear for the sud two hundred
and Wty bdrants during said term ; also the
price per hjdraut per jcar for intermediate
hjdrants placed upon the mains spec-.fied ! > the
report of J. J . Cook ( on nl < ) in the office i f the
cityclerkof Omaha , K rsska , copitpof which
viil be furnirhed b dOers on application ) ! In ex-
c s of said to huiiJred and fifty , and also the
price per hjdrantiier jear in case the city at
any timedurin ? said term.elects to ha\e more
hpdrauts upon new mail s. . . .
Sal I proposals or Ill's shall be accompanied by
a conditional acceptance cf ordinance No.423 , in
the event the contract for the public supply and
fire protection shall be awtrded.
The contract for such puolic supply and fire
protection wl'l ' be awarded * to the lowest respoa.
sible bidder or bidders , and tbe city council of
the city of Omana reserves the right to reject any
and kll bids.
Envelopes containing proposib should be mirk-
ed "Proposals for furniBii ng the c.ty of Omaha
with water for fire protection * nd public use , "
and address to the undersigned , "
City Cleric of the City of Omaha.
Omaha , Nebraska , June 12th , ihSO.
"can find a good assortment of
At a LOWER flQURB than at
any other shoe house In the city ,
' '
. ,
a prfmt at cnaniBtcox niccB 'vrv reason
ble * decll-lr
Greatest Discovery of ttie Age.
WonuvrfuldiBCOve'rlefl in tht world hive been made
Among other things where Santa Claus stayed ,
Children oft ask if bo makes eoods or not ,
If really he lives In a mountain of snow.
Last year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole
And suddenly dropped into whatseemedllkebhole
Where wonder of wonders they found a now I and ,
While fairy-like beings appeared on each hand.
There , were mountains like ours , with more
beautiful green.
And far brighter skies than ever were seen ,
Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found ,
While flowers of .exquliite fragrance were grow
' ing-around.
Not long were they left to wonder In doubr ,
A being soon came they had heard mnch about ,
Twas Santa Claus'self and this they all say ,
He leoked like the picture f teee every day.
He drove up a team that looked very queer ,
Twas a team f grasshoppers instead of reindeer ,
He rode in a shell instead of a sleigh ,
But lie took them on boud and drove them
He showed them all over his wonderful realm ,
And factories making goods for women nd men.
Furriers were working on hats great and Email ,
To Bunco's they said they were sending them all.
Kri * Kingle , the Glove Maker , told them at once ,
All our Gloves we are sending to Bonce ,
Santa showed them suspenders and many things
more. *
Saying I also took these to ftlend Bunco's store.
Santa Clans then whispered a secret be'd tell ,
As in Omaha every olio knew Bunce well ,
He therefore should send his goods to his care ,
Knowing his friends will get their full share.
Now remember ye dwellers in Omaha town ,
All who want presents to Bunco's go round ,
For shirts , collars , or gloves great and small ,
Send your sister or1 aunt one and all.
Bnnce.'Champion Ilatter of the West , Douglas
Street , Omaha ,
Machine Works ,
OXkflLAJECjflL , AIJkllB-
J , F. Hammond , Prop. & Manager
The most thorough appointed and complete
Machine Shops and Foundry in the state.
Castings of every description manufactured.
"Engines , Pumps and every class o machlnerj
"o to order.
Bpedal attention [ jlTen to
Well AaKnrsPnlIeys , Hangers ,
. . Shaftinsr , Bridge Irons , Gecr
Cutting , etc.
Plans for new Machlnery.Usscbinlcal Draught-
jog , UodolJ , etc. , neatly executed.
360 Earnev St. . Bet. 14k and 16th
V. P. Block. 16th St.
Fresh aul Salt Ueatf o all kinds constant
on hand , pricee qnsooabl * . Vegetables Jn seal
on. ITood delivered to a nf part of the city.
- tt , Ml myth leth Bt
CA. new atyi hitherto unknown remedy for ill
dunue * of tba Kidneys , 'BUdderj and Urinary
It will positively core DUbeUs , Gravvl , prop-
sy , Brighfs Disease , inability to retain" ezpell
the Urine , Catarrh oHhe Bladder , high colored
and scanty urine , Painful Cnnsttne , LAME
BACK , Ueneril'Weaknees , indill Female Com
It avoids Internal medicines , la certain in it
effects and cures when nothinj else earn
For rale by all Druggist * or sent by mail fre
upon receipt of the price , | 2.oa
" lo : J Toledo , O.
yonr Vdd sf for littU book
, , oar ,
' - * * J- *
t v iKn&l ,
JAMBBK.TgH. A < r BtfarKehra km. '
Contractor ! tacT Builder * ,
_ ,
r Bntiness 'ransacted same as that of an laeof.
porated Bank. '
Accounts kept in Currency or gold subject to
sl-ht check without notice
Certificates of ilepos't Issued payaWe in tbre * .
( UaodtweUe months , bearing Interest , or on
demand without interest.
Adv/ncea made to customers on approved * ' '
curitiei at matket rates of interest.
Eiy and sell : rold. bills of excbaoge Gortrn-
loeiit. State , County anil City Bonds.
Draw Sight DrafU on England , Ireland , Scot
land , and all parts of Europe.
Still E iropeau Passage Tickets.
Cor. 13th ana FarnJufp Streets ,
Organized as a National Bank , August 20,1853.
Capital and Profits Over$300,000
Sjedillyiuthorized by the Sccretarj'or Treasury
to receive Subscription to the
K , PresMent.
AIOISTUS Kon.sTZK , Vice PresiJeat.
II. W. YAKS. . Cashier.
A. J. FopPtETOX , Attorney.
F. H. DAVIS , Ais't Cashier.
This bank receives deposit without regard to
Is ues time certificates bearing interest.
Draws drafts on S i F.ancisco and principal
cities of the United States , al J London , Dublin ,
EJiuburgh and the principal cities of the conti
nent of Kurope.
Sol's pissige tickets for Emlgtaita In tbe la-
man hue. maylJtt
Geo. P. Bemis'
IBlh d : Douglas Sis. , Omaha , Neb.
This agency does STRICTLY a brokermgs bnsl-
ncea. Does notspeculate , and therefore , any bar
gains on its bookgaisliuiured to 1U pitrons , In
stead of belnr gobbltil up by the agent
No. IjOSFarnham Strtd
Office North Side opp Grand Central Hottl.
Nebraska Land Agency.
1605 Farnham St. Omaha , Ntbr.
400,000 ACRES carefully selected land.In Eastern
Nebraska for salt * .
, Great Bargains in improved farms , and Omaha
city property.
Late land Com'r U. P. R. R. 4p-eb7tf
Byron Reed & Co. ,
Keep a complete abstfact of title to all Real
Estate in Omaha and Douglas County. mayltf
Cor. Randolph St. & 6th Ave. ,
$2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY
LocjUd in the business centre , convenient
to plic.-s of amusement. Elogan ly furnished ,
containing all modern improvements , passenger
eleva'.or , &c J. II. CUMMIN06 , iToprietor.
Council Bluffs , Iowa ;
i On line ot Street Railway , Omnibus 'o xnd from
f all trains. RATES Parlor floor , $3.00 per day ;
second floor. $2 DO ptr day ; third floor , 92.00.
The best fumubed aid moat comiiodlous honse
in the city. OEO.lT. PHELP8 , Prop.
The Metropolitan fa centrally located , and
first class inevciv respect , having recently been
entirely renovated The public will find it a
qomfortable and homelike house. marStf.
Sclmyler , Neb.
Fltat-class House , Good Meals , Good Beds
Airy Rooms , and kind and accommodating
treatment. ) Tw > good sample rooms. Bpecia
attention paid to commercial travelers.
S. MTT.T.Ett
. , Prop , ,
Schuyler , Neb.
laramie , Wyoming.
The miner's resort , good accommodation * ,
arge sam pi e room .charges reasonable. 8 pedal
attention given to traveling men.
11-tf H. 0. HILLIVRD. Proprietor.
Cheyenne , "Wyoming.
Rrst-clts , Fine large Simple Rooms , on *
block from depot. Trains stop from 20 minute *
to Z hour ? for dinner. Free Bos to and from
Dupot. Bates 22.00 , $160 and $3.00 , according
to room ; regie' meal 76 cents.
* A. U. BALCOM , Proprietor.
ASDBEW BOnDEN. Cnlef Clerk. mlt
Weekly Line of Steamships
LearinjrNtw T ork Every Thnwdy at 3 p. a.
England , France and Germany ,
For Pa sagre. app'y to
C. 5 ; RICHARD & CO. ,
v peneralPassengn .Ageotc ,
at groaaway. New Tortc
Wfealatale Dealer la Foreign * n4
ftnlt Butter , OTI. Ponltzy.
con. Lard. 7rwn ritlu o4 *
OTBTEB8 , ' "
" * '
e -
We have alLthe Latest Stylesof SpnpjgSuitings , an Elegant
Stock of Beafly-MaSe Clotting in Xateat'Styles. Gent's Furnisli-
ing Gooda Stock Complete. t .
In faot the Stock is complete in all Departments. I
Don't Fail to see our Custom Department in charge * t
Mr. Thomas Tallon. "
"J !
m31eodaw , 1301 A 1303 Fnvnliani Street.
-A Positive and Permanent Guri
In alt cues of Graft ! , DiabetM , Dropey. Bright' ! Dtaue of th
Kidnejs , Incontinence and Retention of Urine , Influnttlon o
the Kidneys , Catarrh of the I'laddcr , HUh Colored Crln * . Pita
in the Back , aMe or Liors , Nerrons WeaJcntw. od In fact tU
disorders of the HIjdder and Uiinary Organs , wbtther contract
ed by private dlscaieg or othrawlsa This great rantdr bas two
sed with success for nearly ten jeAra in francs , with tht moot
wondeiful cnratire. effects. It currt by attorption :
internal meilldnes being reqnlred. We hare hundreds of testimonials
menials of cures by this Fad when all eis < had fif ed-
LADIES , if you are suffering f run remain Weakneo , teucor-
rhfflo , or duecses peculiar W females , or In fact any disease , ask
yonr drutic'st for Prof. QuiimefU's French Kidney Pad , < m < f
take no ether. . If he . has not cot It. send and TOO win
n lv tt v.dby r.turu mailAddreM TJ. 3. Blanch.
Toledo , Ohio.
Will positively cure Fever and Ague , Dumb .Ague , Ague Cake , BUIious Fever , Jaundice. Dyspepsia ,
ane all diseases Cf the Liver , Stomach and Blood. The pad cures by absorption , and is pemao , t.
Ask jour druggist for this pad aud takouo other Jf hedoinolceepitg ndtl. 0h tne FRENCH
TAD CO. , ( U. S. Branch ) , Toledo , Ohio , and receive it Jiy return mail. . KTJHN & CO. .
Agsnts , Omaha , Me * .
The Only Lithographing Establishment in Nebraska
Drafts , Checks , Letter Bill and Note Headings , Gardi ,
Bonds , Certificates of Stock , Diplomas , .Labels ,
etc. , done in the best manner , and at . t
Lowest Possible Prices. 1
# *
IE1. O. * < *
a >
' A
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha.
- f
LANGE & FOITIGK tfl4 .1 43
. , .1n
/IMln-w. S J
Dealers in * n
House Famishing Goods , Shelf Hardwire , . 1 , . ,
Nails and Etc. .1
1221 Farnham Street , 1st Door East First National Bank.
Carpetingsl Carpetingsl
Old Reliable Carpet House ,
. '
Carpets , Oil-Cloths , esm
Matting , Window-Shades , i. f't
' Lace Curtains , Etc. i
: - .1 Make a' Specialty of ,
And have a Full Line of
Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet-
Lining Stair Pads , Crumb , U. ? < .
Clothes , Corn ices , O
Cornice Poles. Lambrequins , Cords and Tassels ; * f
In"fact" Everything kept in a "First-Class Carpet House.
abcroaii Melted , SaitIiIactIem.CBaramt *
Old Reliable Carpet House , OMASA ,