Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    VOLX OMAHA , NEBRASKA , MONDAY. JULY 5 , 1880. NT ) : 13.
Established , 1871. " MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
LeSuc'sfEeview of the
Growing Wealth in the
Domain of Agriculture ,
The Harvest Hopes of the Tillers
Brighter and Better than .
\ $ ' - Last "Sear. *
Crops ia General Promise Higher
Averages than Ever Before ,
Drought and Rust Doing
Slight'Damage in Iso-
j lated Sections.
V&st Increase in the Acreage
v and Average of the
( * Cotton Crop.
Good Showing in all Quarters
Special Dispatch to The Tee.
WASHINGTON , July 5 , 1 a. m.
The report' 'tho commissioner of ag
riculture , * , now in the hands of the
printer , ' shows the following condition
of crop ] as per reports received up to
June 30 :
ehoffs an average condition of 94 ,
which is a decline of 4 per cent as
compared with Apiil reports , but is 4
per cent bolter than June , 1879. The
area of winter wheat is increased 13
per cent and promised yield is about
one-sixth larger than for the same
period list year. In the New Eng
land stalei the crop is 10 per cent be
low the average. In the middle states
the average id 99 , as against 86 list
year. The south Atlantic states are
about one-eighth below the average.
Rust and insects are reported as the
principal causa of this falling off in
the gulf states. The defect is 21
par cent against 17 per
cent last year. The injuries being
from ruat In the southern inland
states , the crop ia seventeen per cent
below the average , against twelve per
cent last yoar. The great winter
wheat rubious noith of the Ohio river
present a remarkably high condition ,
being 0119 hundred and three against
ninety-five last yeir. Weit of the
Mississippi river wheat h 15 per cent
below the average , which is , howerar ,
6 per cent bitter than last yoar. The
Pacific stifcvj report the condition above
the average The acreage in spring
wheat is about the same as last year ,
and the condition of the crop averages
about 45 , ranging from 51 in Kansas
116 In U-Aifornii. The condition of
tho. wheat crop , both winter and
spring , is somewhat better than last
year , and if the conditions of growth
do not change to any great extent , the
prospects ot the crop of 1880 is about
one-twelfth better than last year.
Re turn i received by the department
indicate a hrge increase in the area of
cotton planted , amounting in the ag
gregate to rather moro than seven per
c nt. The following table gives the
increase as compared to the last Tear :
North Carolina , 40,106 ; South Carolina
lina , 1907 ; Georgia , 75,108 ; Florida ,
13,103 ; Alabama , 32,108 ; Mississippi ,
39,103 ; Louisiana , 78,104 ; Texas , 73-
.112 ; Arkansas , 30,107 ; Tennessee ,
25,116. The condition of the plant
isniuch , higher than at-the same sea-
ion last year , and the average 99
against 96 last year. There is some
complaint of dry and cold weather in
North Carolina , , and the crop is some
two weeks behind. In South Caroli
na , Georgia , and Alabama the stand
is reported as very good and the sea
son propitious. In Louisiana , Texas ,
and Mississippi the stand is reported
as good. Returns have been abun
dant in all sections bordering on and
west of the Mississippi river.
The average sown in oata shows an
increase over that of 1879 of 2 per
cent. The New England states and
New England states and New York
have increased their acres aome 3.per
cent. Pennsylvania , New Jersey ,
Maryland and Virginia have each de
clined somewhat. 'In Maryland the
decline is very largo , being 16 per
cent. In all other Atlantic states
there is an increase. The gulf and
southern inland states show little erne
no change from last year. Five states
oorth of the Ohio river have increased
materially. Illinois , with the largest
area of any elite in oats , has increased
2 per cent , and Wisconsin and Indi
ana ' .remain about as last year. Mis
souri "and Minnesota , of the states
west of the Mississippi river ,
have increased- The others
have decreased. The condition of
the crop is much better than last year ,
and stands 93 pgainst 81 iti June , 1879.
The Now England states , together
with the statei north of the Ohio riv
er , except Illinois , report an average
of over 100 ; Now York reports an
average of 95 , while Pennsylvania is
only 87 ; middle and south Atlantic
states report R low acreage and about
the same as last year. Of all the gulf
states Texas is the only one that re
ports an average above 100. The
states weat of the Mississippi average
higher than last year , except Kansas ,
where the average is only 71. In the
middle and south Atlantic states , gen
eral complaint is drought , while the
gulf aud southern states complain of
too much rain and rust , and there is
drought in > Kansas and Nebraska.
For several years there has been a
gradual reduction of the acreage de
voted to this crop. Its' condition av
erages 95 against 91 last year. The
present promisa of the trop Is about
equal in the aggregate production lo
that of last year , notwithstanding the
reduced acreage. The states in which
the condition is up to the average , or
about , ara Maine , Mississippi , Rhode
Island , Pennsylvania , West Virginia ,
California and Oregon. The New
England and middle states average
over 95. The small crops of the south
are about 91 ; north of the Ohio riv r ,
95 ; west of the Mississippi , 75 , and
A the Pacific coast , 100. The same in
t . " > fluences which affect the wheat orop
In different sect ions
are also noted as
affecting the rye crop.
si B1ELET.
The average in barley has decreased
about 10 per cent , as compared with
l * t year. The fallicg off has been
especially aaxked io tfc
the Pacific coast. The New England
and Middle sta'es ' have reduced their
area/Jjout two per cent ; north of the
Ohio river about five per cent ; west of
the Mi lssippi and Pacific coast about
17 p&r cent. The southern crop is in
significant , the avenge condition is
about 91 against 91 last year and 102
in 1878 ; New England is two percent
above the average ; the Middle states
five .per cent below ; north of the Ohio
one per cent below ; west of trie Mis
sissippi 16 per cent below , and Pacific
coast 10 per cent above.
The" average of clover shows no ma
terial change from last year , the'only
-difference being a noticeable increase
in the 'cotton-growing states and on
the Pacific dope. The condition of
this crop is low all over the country
except in the New England and gulf
states and Pacific coast. In the states
of New York , Wisconsin and Iowa
many complaints are made of winter
killing , but the general complaint is
protracted drought. New York ,
Pennsylvania , New Jersey , Maryland ,
together with Iowa , Kansas , and Ne
braska and the west have been the
greatest sufferers from this cause.
The season is very favorable. The
frost of April and May did some damage -
ago in the middle and south Atlantic
statei , but in the states north of the
Ohio and west of the Mississippi the
season has been propitious. In apples
the average is aboutlOO in all the New
England states and 99 in New York.
It is above 100 in the states north of
the Ohio and Indiana , where the av
erage is 98. In all other sections the
crop is reported as fair , and nowhere
a failure.
The peach crop Is much damaged
by the late frosts in April and May in
all the Atlantic states south of New-
York , but still there is a promise of a
crop sufficient for use. In the western
etates the crop is above the average
and promises on enormous yield.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
BISMARCK , July 5 1 a. m. Crops
are looking fine. Wheat is heading
out , averaging three feet without
a head. A prediction of forty bush
els to the acre is made if there is
plenty of rain , and no setback what
ever. This is the fint year of ; wheat
in Burleigh county , and at least 10-
000 acres were sown.
The Greenback Banner Carrier.
Special Dispatch to TUB Eli.
WASHINGTON , July 5,1 a. mr Gen.
James B. Weaver , greenback candi
date for president , was in the city
yesterday on his way to Alabama to
participate in the campaign there.
The election for governor takes pl-ce
on Auguet 3d , and the greenbakera
intend to make their first contest in
that state. In accordance with the
tu.-gestion of the national greenback
convention Mr. Weaver will take an
active part in all the campaign this
year. He expresses hinuelf full of
hope , and says there is more than a
chance for the greenback party to car
ry Texas , West Virginia , Mississippi ,
Alabama and Maine. He siya both
parties will find that it will not do to
belittle the greenback movement
Whether they carry all the above
named states or not , ho believes they
will carry enough to throw the elec
tion for president into the house of
representatives , where the greenback-
ers will stand as good a chance ai any
body else. If they cannot succeed in
electing a president they can , at least ,
'in theabove contingency dictate such
terms as will give them mere promi
nence in the government
? T -
Hancock Tales.
Special Dispatch to THK Bis. " " '
NEW YORK , July 5 1 a. m.
General Hancock came to this city
about noon Saturday 'from Governor's
island , and remaiued with friends un
til late in the afternoon. He dined
previously with his family , and spent
a social evening with officers of hia
post. He is in receipt of a large num
ber of letters from all parts of the
country congratulating him , and
promising him support.
Attempt to GetiUp a War.
Special digpatch to The Beo.
WASHINGTON , July 5 1 a. m.
The investigation set on foot by the
department of state to ascertain the
particulars of the firing upon of two
American vessels by the Spanish gun
boat "Nuncio" has brought such mea
gre results as to justify the belief that
the reports , if not wtiblly untrue ,
have been greatly exaggerated , but in
order t < ± satisfy all concerned the sec
retary of State requested the secretary
of the navy to send a vessel of war to
the Weat Indians to 'institute further
inquiries , and to report the result as
speedily as possible.
The secretary of the navy , as pre
viously stated in these dispatches , has
directed the "Tennessee" flagship of
the north Atlantic cquadron , to per
form this service. When the outrages
were first reported here the secretary
of state communicated them to the
Spanish mluiajgr and the latter
promptly' ' questioned the captain-gen
eral of Cuba on the subject and the
latter reported that there was no
such gunboat in the Spanish service
AS the "Nuncio. " A suggestion was
made at the tame time that if the re
ports were correct as to the firing on
American vessels by an armed vessel
whose the "Nun-
name was given as -
clc" < aid vessel was probably in the
employ of the Cuban insurgent gov
ernment , And her acts were intended
to make trouble between the govern
ments of Spain and the United States.
It is believed that the visit of the
"Tennessee" to Cuban waters will
speedily solve all doubts on the ub-
ject. It is the intention of the gov
ernment to act promply ) in caee the
reports prove to be correct.
It is stated at the internal revenue
bureau that the defalcation in the ac
count * of the late collector of 'the
First district of New York\iaa cansid"
by Deputy Collector Boone furnishing
the Invoice officer false returns of
stamps in transit. He would make
up a .schedule to show the revenue
geat ; this schedule he would copy
in his "copy book and when the rev
enue atjent left the office book , ho
would send a different statement to
Washington ! but the amount would
agree with that he showed the egent
In order lo remedy this , and prevent
further trouble of this , chsracter , the
commissioner of internal revenue has
issued an order directing collectors to
famish revenue agents with a sched
ule of all stamps in transit , and that
the schedule be seat to Washington
with the agtnt'i report io be.verified
The ageot will also eVnd with his re
port tie Mop number and letter of
* S . I it i.t\t
each book and the number of stamps
contained in each. This order , it is
believed , will cover the list break in
the service , and hereafter revenue of *
ficials who rob the government will
have to take the money outright and
mike off.
The headquarters of the national
committee , of the greenback-labor
party bavT been located at 903 Penn
sylvania avenue.
Fatal Street Row ,
Special Dispatch to CUB BBK.
CINCINNATI , July -6 1 a. m Jack
Mullen , private watchman at the
Vine street opera house , was killed in
a street fight at California yesterday ,
where he had stopped while returning
from a picnic excursion.
A man named Jones shot the entire
top of his head off with a shut gnu al
the residence of his wife , who had re
cently left him.
New Tort : Money and Stock.
MEW YORK , July 3.
MONEY Market at " (31 per cent.
0. B. ( KiSSl . . . . . . 123
O. 8. Cs , NOT . _ 103 !
New 4 . _ JOi'j
U. 8. 4'a'new . „ . 108
Rock Maid . „ . 105
lUlnos C utr l . _ . lO.i
C. B. &LJ . 12. "
C. & A . „ . Hi ) ;
" preferred . 12
Naw Tort Central- . 127-
Like Shore .
Erie preferred . G7 <
Northwestern . . . Pij
NorthwcKorn pteloirod . _ 10r.
Bt r al . 7e ;
ft. 1'iuil preturred . , . . .104
WaWb. St. Ix > uls and Pacific . 31 j
preferred . 6. :
Ilam&St. Jo . 33) )
Han. 4 St. Jo , pf'd . 2J
Kaneas & Texas . „
Union Padflc .
Northern Paciflc . . . 2Ci
do preferred . 43 ]
Western Union Te ! 9ra } > b . 1MJ
Central Pacific . .3
Pacific Vail .
U. P. land grants
A. &P . 41
St. liouls Live Stock.
ST. Louis , July 3.
Cattle Supply very 1'ght ; only
small local trade ; unchanged prices
Receipts , 200 ; shipments , 150.
Sheep Vciy scarce , and little do
ing , Receipts , 200 ; shipments , nono.
stoctc Maruet ,
CHICAGO , July 3.
Hogs Receipts , 9,000 head ; ship
ments , 3,107 ; mrrkct fairly active ;
good to choice , $4 35@4 60 ; mixed
peeking steady at ? 41C4-25 ; light
? 4 204 30.
Cattle Receipts , 300 head ; ship
ments , 4,397 ; market moderately ac
tive and former values fully mdxtain-
ed ; common to good shipping grades ,
51 204 50 ; choice1 , 504 75 ;
butchers' stuff quiet and steady at
52 3CS2 50 , mainly with cows all the
way from ? 2 70(33 ( 25 ; bull$2.25@
3 00 ; do'mmon to fair , $2 25@j ; 60 ;
good to choice , $2 85 < § 3 05.
Sheep Receipts , 200 head ; ship
ments none ; trade firm and values un
8t. Louis Produce.
ST. Loois , July 3.
Wheat No. 2 red , 95f@97c , cash ;
89J < a91@89cfor , July ; 87j@87c for
August ; 87i@87Jc for September ;
No. 3 do , 89S90o ; No. 4 do , 82i82c.
Corn 34j@35.Jc for cash ; 3sc bid
for July ; 33c bid for August.
Oats 24ic bid for cash ; 23c bid
bid for July.
Rye Offered at 62c.
Politics in a Theatre.
Dublin Freeman.
On Saturday night , in the Grafton
Theatre , shortly after the performance
commenced , a male singer came out
and sang a song , the concluding stan
zas of which praised Gladstone and
censured Beaconsfield. When the
song ended , a perfect storm of cheers
and hisses arose from all parts of the
house , and the uproar was indiscriba-
ble. The hisses and cheers seemed to
be about equal in the gallery , but in
the pit all cheered again and again ex
cept one man , a well-dressed , power
fully. . tuJt y ° ung follow , with black
wHisKere 'and mustaches , who hissed
vehemently. A cry was raised to
throw out the "Tory , " and two men
rushed forwaid to do so ; but they
miscalculated the sort of a customer
they had to deal with , for the young
man struck out and sent them both
rolling over , seeing which the rest
hung back , and the performance pro
ceeded ; but not for long , for Lord
Beaconsfield's admirer , emboldened by
vector ? , interruptcd the singer again
and again , and finally wound up by
offering to fight the three best liberals
in the house. His taunts at length
became so gelling that the Gladaton-
ians again rushed at him , headed by a
young man eaid to be a clerk in a gov
ernment office. The "tory , " seeing
the odds against him , retreated to a
corner , where he stood at bay , and , as
his opponents came up , with a single
blow of his 6st he knocked down the
reputed government clerk , and catch
ing the unfortunate man by the collar
and waistband , hurled him at hia
friends , three or four of whom were
knocked down by the novel missile.
The excitcment iu the house was now
intense. Several in the gallery tried
to get down into the pit to join in the
row , while the whole audience stood
on the benches to catch a glimpse of
the desperate struggle that was going
on. The combat was too unequal ,
however , to last lone ; , and in a few
minutes Lord Beaconsfield's unlucky
friendwr.a knocked senseless to the
ground , and was carried out by a few
of his friends who had , however , pru
dently refrained from helping him be
fore. The performance then proceed *
ed , but It was a long while ere the ex
citement cauc.ed by this episode sub
Gotham Gore.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , July 6 , 1 a. m. An
order was issued by the snperintend-
ant of police thai-no fireworks would
be allowed to be eet off in the public
streets yesterday. There was the. us
ual number of accident ! and fires.
Several persons were seriously Injured
by being shot , and at least three are
supposed to be fatally injured.
A letious collision occurred on the
corner of Fulton and .New Church
streets yesterday morning between an
engine company and a hosk and lad
der company. Both machines were
bidly wracked , ar > d three firemen so
badly injured that they had to be ta
ken to the hospital.
is talking riotf St.
' OR.
Hundreds of Thousands of Acres
of Land in Illinois De
vastated by Floods.
The Harvested and Growing
Crops Swept Away-
Several Lives
The Democratic Wing 'of the
Workingmen Depose
Boss Kearney.
The Republican Headquarters
The Pittsburg Biota
Devastating Floods.
Special Dispatch to The Be * .
CHICAGO , July 3 , 4 p. m. Two ad
ditional breaks were reported in the
Sny Catte levee yesterday , and there
are fears that other and more serious
ones can not long be averted. Water
continues to risr , the Sny Cute being
now even with its banks. Heavy
rains have prevented farmers whose
lands are not yet submerged from
removing whent to places of safety.
Two hundred thousand acres have
been flooded aud the crops thereon
entirely destroyed ; Late last night il
was thought that Sny island , a fertile
tract , over fifty miles long , would be
under wa'er before daylight , and hun
dreds of people were leaving their
homes precipitately. Three or four
cases of drowning are reported.
Republican Headquarters.
Special Dispatch to the Bus.
NEW YORK , July 3 4 p. m. The
headquarters of the republican national
committee has been established in the
Fifth Avenue Hotel.
California Democrats.
Special lljpatcliea to The Bee.
SAN FEANCISCO , July 3 4 p. m.
The state convention of the democrat
ic wing of the workingmen'a party de
posed Kearney as president of the
party , endorsed Hancock and English ,
and nominated democratic presiden
tial electors. .
FlttabUrg Riots Case.
Fpoclal Dispatch to The Bet.
PITTSBURG , July 3 , 4 p. ; m. la the
court < f common pkas this moraingj
judge decidod-UiatdUlegnj&y"
was not liable for the interest on the
claims for losses incurred in the riot
of 1877. The case will be taken to the
supreme court.
A "Wrathful Breeze.
Special Clgpateh to TUB Eu.
CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. , July's ' 1 a.
m. A very destructive cyclone passed
over this section Saturday night , the
wind at times attaining a velocity of
60 miles an hour. This city , protect
ed by the mountains , was not much
injured , but great damage was done
in the adjoining counties' . . Hpuaes
were unroofed , crops injured , nd two-
farmers killed by theblowing'downof
a free.
Healthy Exodus.
Special Dispatch to The B e.
NEW YORK , July 5 , 1 . m.
Thousands of persons left the city for
the sea side resorts. Coney Island ,
Long Branch , Rockaway and other
places were black with people.
His Last Act.
Sp clal Dispatch to the FEB.
NEW YOKE , July 5 1 a. m.
Thomas Lester Donnelly , a well
known comedian and manager of the
Grand Opera house in this city , died
at his residence Saturday evening in
the forty-eighth year of his age.
Special Dispatch toThe _ Bee.
WASHINGTON , July 6 1 a. m.
For lower Missouri valley , clear or
partly cloudy weather , variable
winds and stationary or higher tem
perature and barometer.
Choking off the Fourth.
Special Dippatch to The Bee
CHICAGO , July 5 , 1 a. m. The 4th
of July was observed Saturday night
by a generous display of fireworks
throughout the city. Yesterday the
foreign element picnicked in the parks. '
A heavy rain set in last-night and will
probably stop any further celebrations
to-day which is a holiday in Chicago.
Base Ball.
Special DIf latch to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , July 6 1 a. m. The
outrageous errors by Leonard , in the
third and fourth innings Saturday lust
the Cincinnati's a game. , Tne betting
was hard on both sides , and the game
exciting. About 500 people were
present. The score was Cincinnati ,
4 ; Providence , 6.
BUFFALO Buffilos , 7 ; Troyi , 8.
ALBANY Albany , 9 ; National * , 9.
Tie game , called end ninth inning.
CLEVELAND Clevelands , 4 ; Wor-
ceiters , 4. Game called at the end of
eleventh innings account of darkness.
Mysterious Murder.
Special Dispatch U The Be * .
CHICAGO , July 5 1 . m. At
daylightyesterday morning the dead
ind stark naked body of a man was
found on Western , avenue , near Chicago
cage avenue , with his throat cut and
skull crushed. A nun's clothas were
found in a heap near the body , sup
posed to belong to the deceased. The
iodywas taken to the morgue , but
las not yet been identified. It isnot
known whether it is a case of suicide
or murder.
Bow He-Celebrated.
Ipedal dispatch to Tffi Bra.
INDIANAPOLIS , July 5 1 a. m.
Saturday night a boy named New-
comb , aged eight yea-a , shot hinuelf
n the face with a cartridge piatolon *
.akin ? effect just above the eye and
two just under the eye.
Sitting Bun TaUca Peace.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
Sioux CITY , July5 , la. nL Lieut.
Thompson , of the Canadian mounted
police , is in the city , direct from-Fort
Walsh. He zayi he lately visited Sit
ting Bull's camp , who s yi he u grow
ing old and does not want to leave hia
present location , flk followata ware
abort of feed tb wri fc d Kvenl
retf of tfeir pomiH-ttf die * ,
w *
the buffaloes have gone north now ,
and they are all right. Lieut. Thomp
son says the Sioux who came from
Sitting Bull's camp across the line
talk peace , but came to kill buffaloes.
There was some trouble between these
Sioux and the Blackfeot about killing
ponies , and eight Sioux were killed.
Shipping : News.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , July 5 1 a. m.
Arrived Brittannic and Denmark
from Liverpool , Canadafrom London ,
Faderland frc3i Antwerp.
Sailed Egj Uan and Arctic fvr
Liverpool , Aujtttt'ia ' for London ,
Drornio fur Glasgow , AToiel for Bre
men , Niderland for Antwerp.
LIVERPOOL Arrived Abyssinia
and Baltic. '
NEW YORK Sailed Quignon , Bos
Conundrum for Doctors.
Special Dlipatcb to The Dee.
CHICAGO , July 5 1 a. m.
Physicians are puzzled over the case
of a woman from whose thigh they
have just removed a large tumor
which , on being cut opsn , was found
to contain a skull with jaws perfectly
formed and containing about sixty
teeth , some rudimentary and some
matured , while not a few were par
tially decayed. _ On the top of the
skull was a growth of hiir over an
inch long.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
Chester Park ( Cincinnati ) taces be
gin to-day and continue for five day ? .
There are 78 entrees for the ten races
and purses amounting to $10,100. Un
usually fine horses are present , and
and among them Maude , who is en
tered for the 'J:34 : class. This race
comes off Tuesday , and will bo the
first that ever Maud 8. trotted in com
The president has recognized Adolph
Jesaen as vice consul of Sweden and
Norway at Salt Like City Utah.
The exodus headquarters in St.
Louis arc crowded , and the steamers
KehU/r and James Howard
/ are com
ing loaded with refugees.
At the military tournament at Gal
lon , Ohio , the .governor's guard and
cadets of Columbus and the Toledo
cadets competed for prizes in drilling.
The governor's guard won the first
prize of $150 and a silk banner. The
Toledo cadets won the second prize of
$75. The governor's guard announce
that the banner is open to competi
tion. The tournament was a success.
The President and Mrs. Hayes
spent Saturday at Brighton beach in
company with Postmaster James and
wife and daughter , Mrs. Pierson , wife
of the assistant postmaster. In the
afternoon ha inspected the New-York
postoffice and returne'd to Washington
on the 4 o'clock train.
Frank Parker , engineer on the Illi
nois Central rq rcad was drowned
"while" bathing in .the Calumet river
with the conductor of his trwin Satur
day. The bodjwa Jiot recovered.
Terence , Monahan , junk man , was
fatally shot Saturday evening in his
store , 43 Sullivan street , New York ,
by Teresa Jackson , colored , with
whom he cohabited. In a playful
mood she pointed a pistol at him , and
was accidentally discharged.
The fourth of July opened in Jer
sey City Saturday evening -by John
MeCann toying \vit'r& .platbl aud fa
tally shooting Mary "Root , aged 12
During a sham battle at the state
fair grounds at Des Moines , Saturday ,
Wm. Ltngan had an arm blown offby
a p-ematuro discharge of the cannon.
Ho'will probably live.
Saturday the two hundredth anni
versary of the discovery of St. An
thony fallu by Father Hencphin , was
celebrated in Minneapolis on the
campus of the state university. Thir
teen thousand people were on the
campus grounds during the exercises.
Among these were Gen. Sherman ,
Secretary Rimsay , Hon. E. B. Wash-
burne , ex-Governors Davis , and M -
shall and General Sibley.
Gen. Singleton was renominated
by the democrats for congress from
the Eleventh Illinois district Satur
The bodies of two more victims ot
the Seawanhaka disaster were picked
up Saturday , making 40 bodies recov
ered. Twelve persons are missing.
James A. Hedden , cashier of the
First National bank in Newark , N. J. ,
now In the hands of a receiver , was
arrested Saturday on baard the steam
ship OJermnnia as the vessel was enter
ing New York harbor from Liverpool.
Hedden says he knew when ne left
Newark the bank was a little weak ,
but everything seemed to be going on
nicely , aud he only went to Europe at
the urgent request of hia
physician. When he received
telegram in Liverpool that
the bank had closed ho was thun
derstruck and decided to return on
the 17th , ten days after his arrivai ,
but he was taken sick before leaving
Liverpool. He saw in American pa
pers thst he was charged with embez
zling $225,000 , and the accusation
nearly drove him crazy. Hedden fur
ther said he had several thousand
dollars' worth of real estate and per
sonal property in hia possession , which
be would return to the receiver.
J. W. Boyle , of Tugaloa station ,
sear Jackson , Miss. , while sitting with
bis wife and child at his home Friday
nightW8B _ fired upon by an assassin ,
who discharged both barrels of a gua
at a short distance into Boyle's body
and neck from which he died. The
murderer is unknown.
Howard Horgan , of Crawfordsvilloi
[ nd. , who had mada. a previous at *
lempt on his own life , suicided suc
cessfully with laudanum Friday.
Census returns made up for New
Orleans show a total of 215,239
against 197,911 in 1870.
Hamburg Figs 25c a box.
The fact must fasten itself upon the
minds of our citizens , that a better
Shirt can bo .had at less price , .at the
Omaha Shirt Factory than at any oth
er house in the West Our new § nd
sommbdiouB store is ample proof of
the progress of our business , and the
Fact that our goods are better for le 8
money , mutt be the cause of our pro *
great. In connection with our factory
\re have a first-das * Laundry , where
we are prepared to do Laundry Work
in grand style for little money. This
also enables ute offer a Laundried
Shirt jfor $1.50 made ofWamsntta
Mutlin , 2200 Linen , and reinforced
front * . Ton is our great bargain. Call
asd convince yourselves of the above
mentioned facU.
i 1207Farnham St. . 'near 12th ,
The Rivalry of Riflemen for
the Irish Trophies.
The Americans Lose Their Grip
at the Long Kange Two
Eig Prizes Lost.
Social Incendiaries Banished
from Paris The Am
nesty Bill.
Important Cattle Regulations
for Liverpool.
The "Oath" of Bradlaugh a Bit
ter Pill to the Orthodox.
Spochl dUpatch to The lice.
LONDON , July 3 , 4 p. m. The gov
ernment supporters are greatly pleased
with the action of the commons on
Gladstone resolution permitting Brad-
laugh to aflirm.
To bring the conduct of Bradlaugh
in parliament before the queen's bench
witnesses wore in the house of coin-
moni yesterday noting that Bradlaugh
was &J4 ui < ; and voting. His prosecu
tion will bo commenced forthwith.
Special dispatch to The Bie.
ROME , July 3 4 p. m. Engineer
Chiariu , who funned part of the ex
pedition into central Africa , ia deaJ.
The brigand chief , Girardimo , w
for some time was the terror of Italy ,
has returned from Americi and h al
the head of a baud of brigand ? .
Special Dispatch to 'IUK BXB
PABIS July 3 4 p. m. Thecham-
b3r of deputies adopted a bill reducing
the duty on sugar thirty franca after
Special Dtopatch to The Bco.
DUBLIN , July 3 , 4 p. m. The
shooting for the au Ereland challenge
shield began to-day. The American
team is Brown , Jackson , Scott and
Laird. Of the two Irish team * , one
consists of Fenton , Ri by , War
ren and Milner , and the other of
Jcynt , Coghlan , Johnson and Mur
phy. Six Americans will act with
Frank Hyde at Wimbledon Brown ,
Clark , Dudley , Farrow , Geish and
Ton rounds at 1000 yards resulted :
Americans Jackson scored 43 ,
Scott 42 , Brown 45 , Laird 37.
Irish Team No. 1 Fenton 37 , John
Rigby 42 , Warren 36 , Milner 44 ; No.
2 , Joynt 45 , Coghlan 33 , Johnson 38 ,
and Murphy 46.
Special Mspntch to the Be * .
DUBLIN , July 5 1 a. m. Tno for the all-Ireland challenge
took pkce Saturday at Dollymount.
The weather was bad for good shooting.
th wind blowing across the ran RBI ,
nviking correct calculations very diffi
cult. Three teams competed , the
Americans b.'ing represented by the
the Washington and Boston four
Jackson , Scott , Brown and Laird.
The Dublin Shooting club was repre
sented by John Rigby , Fenton , Mil-
and Warren , and the Minature
Sr by Joyut , Coghlan. Johnson and
Murphy. At the 1000-yards range
the score was JB follows :
Americans Jackson 84 , Liird 78 ,
Scott 87 , Brown 93. Total 312.
Minaturo Club Joynt 89 , Coghlan
76 , Johnson 78 , Murphy 91. Total
Dublin Shooting Club Featon 80 ,
J. R'gby 86 , Warren 79 , Milner 81.
Total 329.
At the 1100 yards range the score
was as follows :
Americans Jackson 73 , Laird 62 ,
Scott 82 , Brown 66 ; Total 283.
Minature club Joynt 79 , Coghlan
75. Johnson 70 , Murphy 68 ; total 292.
Dublin Shooting club Fenton 84 ,
J. Rigby 77 , Warren 73 , Milner 73 ;
total 307. Grand totals Americans
625 , Minaturo club , Dublin Shooting
club 636.
The next contest was for The
Wilkes Spirit of the Times ( New
York ) Globe Medal. The score was
aa follows : Joynt 22 , Fenton 19 ,
Scott 15. Scott retired after the
fourth shot , as it was then Impossible
for him to cie the first score , he having
made one clear mia ? .
The Americana led up to the tenth
round , when a series ot m'sfortunea
came. Laird made four misjoa , Brown
two and Scott one. The American
cup and chami ionship of Irel nd , pre
sented by the American team to the
Irishmen as a memorial of the lir t
international contest , was won l > y
Captain Fenton , who nid the high
est aggregate score in several c-jmpo-
titione. The gold jicdal , presented
by the New York Spirit cf the Times ,
valued at $400 , terms of the con'e.'t
giving each man five shots at 1100
yards , with any rifls , was won by
Joynt with a score of 22 , Fenton
next , counting 19.
Special Diipatak to Tni BIB.
LONDON , July 5 1 a. m. The
London Gaz ttp announces that ani
mals from British North America ar
riving at Liverpool may be tranship
ped to theM rsey to vessels specially
licensed by the privy council for con
veyance to a dock , quay qjr other fending -
ing place within the port of Liverpool.
SpecUI Dispatch to The Be .
BOMBAY , July 5 1 a. m. The ez-
viceroy of India , Lori Lytton , and
wife , sailed yesterday for Europe.
SpecUI diipatch to THE Ezx.
LONDON , July 5,1 a. m. Dispatches
from Paris say sever-tl Rutsian nihil
ists and German soci lUts have been
arrested and expelled.
A dispatch from Berlin taya the
diet bat been prorogued.
A dUpatcb 'from Tlenaa yi tjjf
* " * .
i - -
corn fair has been fixed for the 16th
and 17th of August.
Spechl dispatch to The B < * .
PARIS , July 5 , 1 a. m. The am
nesty bill was dismissed in the senate
Saturday , and after speeches by M.
Jules Simon and M. de Freycinet the
senate , by a vote of 145 against 133
rejected the Liboucho proposal , and
adopted by a vote of 143 to 138 M.
Bozoriau's amendment , granting , am
nesty to all commuoiiU ex
sins and incendiaries.
Special Dispatch to Tm Uu.
BERLIN , July 5 1 a. m. The up
per homo has edopted the eccles'ai-
tical Inws as passed by the -ndtag. .
Special dispatch toTlte Bee.
CONSTANTINOPLE , July 5 , 1 a. m.
Volunteers for Albania are publicly
enlisting at Stamboul , the jort9 : sup
plyiug the money to the Albanian
chiefs. It is reported that Mr.
Goscheu , theBiitish ambiss'dor , has
demanded Abiddin Pasha's dis'mism'
because ho is issuing secret circular
inciting the Albanians.
Religious fanatics are petitioning
the Sultan to proclaim a holy war.
Special Dbpatch to The Boo
GENEVA , July 5. 1 a. m. The pro
posed separation of church and state
has been vetoed.
Special dUpatch to The Bte.
EDINBURGH , July 5. 1 a. ro. The
ropoit of the commission appointed to
inquire into the cause of the Tay
bridge disaster , attributes the fall oi
the bridge lo defective structural de-
ei n , hnaty construction , inferior ma
terials and insufficient inspection.
Special Dilate' ) to The Be ? ,
PARIS , July 5 1 a. m. The repub
lican journal * pointedly attack M.
Jules Simon's speech against amnesty.
T.lo Ropubliquo Francaiso describes
it a < ) an odious and ferocious homily ,
and M. Juk-s himself a whimpering
Special Disfatch tj The Bet ,
LONDON , July 5 1 a. m. The
Duke i theatre at Holborn w s de
stroyed by fire Saturday night
Military Matters.
The latet special aimy orders
issued from headquarters of the De
partment of the PJixHe , Fort Omaha ,
dated July 2 , 1880 , are as follows :
A general court martial is appointed
to meet at Fort Wnshokie , W. T. , on
the 13th d y of July , 1880 , or as soon
thereafter as practicable , for the trial
of such prisoners as may be broug' ' 1
before it.
Detail for ( he Court : Major Juliu
W. Mason , 3d cavalry ; Captain
Henry W. Wesaells , jr. , 3d cav lry ;
Peter D. Vroom , 3d cavalry ; Second
Lieutenant Francis H. Hardie , 3d
cavalry ; Geo.V. . Baxttr , 3d cavalry ;
Silas A. Wolf , 4th infantry ; First Lt.
Wm. H. Corbuaier , assistant surgeon ,
U.S. A. , judge advocate No other
offioora than .those named can be as
sembled without manifest injury to
the service.
By authority from the adjutant's
general's office , dated June 23 , 1880 ,
a furlough of four month , with priv
ilege to go beyond the sea , ( to take
effect after his rc-enhatment ) is grant
ed Private E > lward Buird , .company
F , 4th infantry.
Why dose . -ourselves with nauseat
ing medicines , when a purely fruit
cathartic will cure yon at once Ham
burg Fiir ? . Try them.
Absolutely Pure.
Ua.le from Orapa Crei-n Tartir. Xo othe
irepitratiun makes guch li.-'lit , flaky hot l-re d %
or luxurious pvtr/ . Can be even by dypei tics
vithout fear cf the ill * resulting from hcvy In-
Slid only in cans , by all Croc rt.
WHO com to Omalia h Kh'y ' rvCirorocnded
w an accomplished te cher of mn Ic ,
Guiman Mid French , desirous 01 lecurinp
clasi in rithtr of t'We ! linnche' . Show ill oj en
a fchocl shortly , but for inj present parties can
addreet her at Max Meyer A Bra.'j nvric ( tore.
] e30-tt
J. O.
Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonic Hall ,
( Formerly of Glsh & Jacobs )
No. 1417 Farnham St. , Old Stand of Jacob Gl
Jonet , Bit. Stk and 10th Sti , OMAHA.
First quality distilled Wine and Cider Vinegar
ol any strength below eastern prices , and war
ranted just as good at wbolesnla tnd retail.
Ssnd for price list. ERNST KREBS ,
feb93tn Ma'acor.
The owner of the celebrated Kaolin
Banks , near LOUISVILLE , NEB. , h c
now ready at the depot at LouisvilJe.-on
the B. & il. railroad ,
x > fill any order at reasonable price * . Par *
ea deniriag a white front or ornamental
prick will do well to give us a call or > ead
icr zample.
3i T , A. HOOYEK , Prop. .
Lotirill ,
Three Cent Tieces. You Can
Use Them at the
Cor. of Dodge & Fifteenth Sts
Opposite Postofflce.
Look at this List :
JOyiUPri it 00
W " U.itsidile Uulln 89
10 " Fiuit of Loon W
16 " Fine 1-1 Unbea.h-d ! : 09
12 " lleivy It 00
16 " Cnwh Towlinr I CO
23 " Cotton Dre-H Goods 1 00
All Wool Euntlnjs
Cashmt-ro' 08
AH Lluen Towtls 13
One Lot Dr skwds wuith from 20 to tOc.
totecoaeU ! t 10
flexible Hip 93
Madam Fojr 1 00
ThsNrilit 43
Coraeti frm ? 5c to 3 00
A Few Notions
KUiticCord , best 3
Beat Knitting Cotton 8
" English Pins 8
" Xewlirs..1 7
Roucliinr , r --1 6
Turkey Hi d Xaa IkerchitfI , snull &
" " " Luxe 0
B pool Twist. . . . _ ; 3
Spool Mlk 10
11 liTitu
Besi UrenBiaKl
Gents' 1 urnisliing Goods
Best Linen Collar * 18
" " Cuff * S2
Black String Tirg 19
WhiteTiw. perdoz 10
Fine BritHh How 2J
ExtraFineBtit'eh Ho > e 23
F ncyHosfl 12
God " 6J
" " 10
Extra Fine Fancy Hose 48
And Finnr G < x , < ls to 2 CO
Gent. ' Lille GIov.B 10
And up to 75
Oo'd So9pendrs 1 !
And up to 250
Unbuadricd Shirts 72
A Fine Unlaacdriod Shirt 89
An Extra Lanndri il Sbl.t . . „ _ : 1 19
Grats" Kl.lolorrs 1 CO
And up to. 1 K
Fine UritingG'ovej 2 00
Oenta'Giuze Miirts BO
Up to 2 50
And lot of other goods which
we haven't space to mention.
Send for price list. "Way be'ow
Leaders In Dry Good.- * ,
1422 & 1424 Dodse St.,0or. 15tb ,
Omaha - - - - Neb.
As Indicated Relovr.
Sample Teas ,
2Ee , good value , and other Teas 28c , SSc , tc ,
S& . and upwards prrpnur.d , anda present given
with each pound sold , * nd all warranted to suit ,
or the money will be refunded. Tiy them.
Ground Coffee , c , lEc and lOc ; Brown Sample
Ceffee. 16c ; Brow Rio Coffee , ZOc ; Brown Gilt-
EdieCoffte,25c. n our PERFECTION BLEND
Coffee put up in Glass Jara.
Basting Cotton , 1 doz. f pool' , Sc
Fe.ther Dusters , 6c.
Jo * > Lot Goods at reduced rriceg. Onr 'r , 5c ,
5c nJ10c departments rme bean replenished
and enlarged.
Come and Bee.
8PICE8 The moat complete amortment In
3maha and at prices below all competitor !
Try ua.
BAKING POWDER 16c and upward.
FLAVORING EXTRACT. } At 8c per bottln
and upward.
ESSENCES At 6c a bottle.
arge box at Be. CLOTHES-LI ft E , from 8 to 15c
each. CLOTHES PINS , 2 do n for fc. SHOE
BRUSHES , 8c , ICc and upward * . Scrub Brush.
es , 6c. Horse Brushes , ISc. Carpet Tacks , Sc.
Toilet Soaps at 30c a dozen and upward * . Bine
ng , 5c. Pepper Sauce , and French llmtard ,
:0ceach. : Mop Handto , 16c. Ax'c Oreaee , 2
'or ' lEc. Corn Starch , 8 : per pound. Laundn
Starch , extra quality , at Pcpor pouiid. Citron ,
3ranga and Lem'/n Peel , at 30c per pound.
riiow ; and Wooden Ware cheap. Wath
Boards , 16c. Brooms , 2 for 25c. Bird Food In
one pound packages with Cuttlo Flau Bone at
Tobacco and Cigars.
Blackwell 4 Day's Durham at BOc per pound
coed article of Fine Cut at 60c per pound ; best
iraud of Plug Tobacco it OOc p r pound.
We Mil a ICc Cigar for 6c , don't fail to try
We allow no one to undersell us.
Superior quality of Sjrura at 70c pci U llon ,
12.50 per keg. LAUNDRY SOAfS ( told at hot-
cm prices. DRIED FRUITS , extra quality at
ow prices. CRACKERS , best In market and as
drop u the chcaoeet.
We hare alcoad.1 d the follonring goods to our
stock , which we propose to tell cheap.
Camphor Gum , Whl'o Wax.
Sulphur , Era. Jam. Ginger ,
Borax , Paragoric
Bait Peter , Laudanum ,
Alum , Liquorice Drops ,
Aqua Ammonia , Strenztbenine Plaster
Cubettt , Parti While ,
SpermadUe. Whiting ,
Quinine Fills , Cuttle FUh Bone ,
bweetOH , SageTbyme ,
Castor Oil , * Ifarfaram.
Machine Oil. Caraway Se d ,
duitard Bwl , Calrdomon Seed ,
InlphUT Cimpbor , Tar Soar * ,
Glne , Gumble.
And an Immense Variety oi
Other Goods too Nnmer-
oae to mention ,
which we pledge oonelrei to iell
cheaper than other Dealers. Don't
Forget II , and give as a call. Ezam-
Ine goods and compare prices. Spec
ial rates to * parties buying to sell
again. Orders from the country
filled. Prices guaranteed and sent
0. 0. D.
113 North Fifteenth , adjoining L.
B. Williams A Son. Dry Goods Store.
Omaha , Neb.
23 * . i
Dr , Carl Mtiller's
Cures toe most dangerooa cues ot
Mviv > |
Inflammation of the Throat. Hump * . Cancer
bores. Whooping Cough , and all acute and
chronic diseases of the Throat ,
MEASLES , RASH. POX m every form
and all eruptions of the skin.
It is an Unfailing Remedy and protection in
times when these diseases prevail.
It cures all ca es arising from TEETHING In
children , for Instance Worm Fever etc. neeorapan-
led by Cramps , Spasms , Vomiting , Coastpatloi ! :
and Irritation.
Will convince the most skeptical In a few hour *
alter giving It a trial of Its unfailing curative prw-
pertles : If taken Immediately after jou have takfi
cold , or after thinking Impure water or food It w > t
bo a sure preventatlve for all aliments that gn r-
allj follow.
Give it a trial and you will be convinced
that you have got the best !
Full directions given on each bottle
Price per Bottle $1.00.
Or * For sale br all druggists and bj the only
Dr. Carl Miiller ,
826 & . 8288. 16th Street.
Saved from
Dr. Carl MGIIer's
Cores the most dangerooa eases of
Summer Complaint ,
and all eases arising from Teething In children ;
Chblira Morbus ,
Diarrhea , Vomiting and Cramp * In adult * .
and all sicknesses caused bj It. for Instance Liver ,
Gall. Kldner , Milt and Stomach complaints etc.
. E = 03C In all Its different
forms. Impure blood , vomiting of gall or blood ,
chills and fever , etc.
t is an Unfailing Remedy and protection in
times when these diseases prevail.
3ive it a trial and you will be convinced
that you have got the best !
Full directions given on each bottle.
Price per Bottle $1.00. , -
B3 For sale bj all druggists and bj the only
Dr. Carl Miiller ,
826 & 8288. 1 6th Street ,
Our National Holiday will bo celebrated on
Monday , July 5th. 1580 , by a pic-nlc , to bo held
at Sailing's Crore , i.i Sarpy County , under the
ausplceiof the Catho'ic ' citizen ! of Papfllion. AT-
anrmenU have been made with the U. P , R.
I. Company to run an excursion tram from Oma-
' to the Urove. Feventy-flvo centi will b
charged for tlie round trip ; children half fare.
The train will leave On.aha at nine o'clock a.
m. , and return at given p. m. , and Papillion at
en a. m , returning at six p. m.
Foot nceo , sack race * , and other amusements
and games will take p'ace , while the best of or
der will be preserved throughout the day. r r-
'en deoiring to rent stands will confer with the
committee , J. IXArcy and H. Tex , at Papl'Ilcn.
The committees will leave nothing undone to
make I1 pleasant for tbc attendingProjramne
of extrcucs will be published hereafter.
M. Dcs.x ,
Liwts LEISCM ,
Kieen jive Commltte ? .
Picnic and Celebration
There is no chare for admission to the Otort. "
1 Natnnal Air Temperance lUrtt
2 Invocation The Harmonic Solely
3 ReaiKn ? of Dec'jra'ion. ChirlCT MsDotuM
4 Nation.1 Air 7emperncs Ir.u
5 Oration C.J. Orte , &q.
Patr otic Song The Harmonic iodrtj
7 National Air Teiaperance Bina
Game o' Ease Ball and runnlaj bie , fcoi
and ruch racss. Throwinj ase Kail and H/m-
iner and Dandn ? . f4tn ao
Dtai ns for bv9ifp& of anv dttcriptlea on
exlhibiticnatovrOtSca. We baTafeadcrrr 2) )
rears xcerenoa ia do-ttj Jnz ad uperictau -
UildiiHf lad resiaiicces. rbc * am !
nJitac en sl
BOOi } % UMCfc
or *
,2 -
r ,
jenl '