Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    _ i S-
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ii VO OMAHA , NEBRASKA , FBIDAY. JULY 2 , 1880. NO. 11.
Established 1871 M MORNING EDITION Price Five Cents
! HM ? Way to Eun a ( jovern-
fmentoiitlie Square.
V < 7 * .
j. ' _
A Raum Commissioner "Who
" " . "Has Not Lost a Nickle
Vh : -
Of Neatly $500,000,000 , of
- ; > Uhdle Sam's Ducats.
Public Debt Reduced $10,214-
124'dast Month ; -
9 , v
Coinage Last Year Exceeded
, all Other Years.
The Coinage or Mints.
* r5"tp < cW Dtapitcb toTbe Bee.
WASHINGTON' , July 2 1 a. m. Jhe
coinage executed at the U. S. mints
during the fiscal year endin ? June 30 ,
1880 araouttd to , gold pieces 856,167-
735 ; standard silver dolhrs $27,933-
750 ; other silver pieces , including one
cent pieces , S278.C59 , making a total
Coinage of § 84,370,144 , tne largest
coinage executed at the U. S. mints
one year.
The $19,008 dua the government
from the estate of the hte collector ,
Freeland , of Brooklyn , and which was
tplea by his deputy has been paid up
ilL.foll. Somttime ago Collector
Miller , of Tennessee , went out of
oJEce. owing tlie government $6100 ,
and Collector Wbetlsr. of Arkansas ,
also went. cut short $11,400 ; both of
these accounts have jagt been
good by the payment into the treasury
of the full amounts. These three all there has been
lost in the collection of internal
revenue under the present chief of
revenue during the four years of his
admlnstralion. Coramisrioner Ilium
hai collected $406,722,220 from in
ternal revenue and not a dollar from
ha * been lost the government. A re
cord which is not shown by any of his
It idecessor < 5.
The treasury department is adviied
of the arrest at Grieg , Pa , of John
Monk for passing counterfeit coin.
Monk is one of the gang of counter
feiters or/ested Wednesday at Frank
* " " * > rUBUO DEBT.
The following ii a summary of the
dcbt > tatement for June , i'6st if sued :
The ' .reduction of the debt for the
pjbath is 810,214,424.51 , which in-
tludes $8,375,934 fractional currency ,
estimated to bo lest c r destroyed and
applied to the payment of arrears of
pension ; , a per act of June 21 , 1879 ;
cash in tha treasuiy , $201,088 622.88 ;
legal tenders oiuetaudinsr , $3,466-
810.16 ; ceitificates of cfepoiit out
standing , $14,465,000 ; co'd certificates
outstanding , 90,030,610 ; silver cer
tificates outstanding , $1,367,000 ;
fractional currency outstanding , $7-
214,954.37. The payment made from
the treasury of warrants during the
month of Juno was as follows : Ac
count of civil and miscellaneous ,
512,263.312 ; war , $21,707,356 : navy ,
$82,431,622 ; interior Indians , $878-
S80605 ; ; total , $1,784,195,394. The '
above doss not include payment *
made o'n account of interest or prin
cipal of the public debts of the United.
_ „ --COST
Tbc following is M official state-
ftVof receipt ! and expenditures for
fi al year , r adbg 0 one 30 : Be-
wltfw ctwtoaa. , $188,354,695.93 ;
Internal revenue , 8123,758,542.96 ;
iicellancou , $23,112,059.88 ; total ,
9333,785 296.77 ; expenditures ordin
ary , $169.1:70.383 : 48. _
The Great American Bos-
well , Foster , Talking
as Usual.
Both Wings of the Bay State
Bourbons Flutter
"Prints" Charlie Interviewed.
Special Ditpatch to Tni UKB.
NEW ; YORK , July 2 1 a. m. "I
propped in to see Gon. Garfield at his
home at Mentou the other day , " said
Governor Foster , of Ohio , to your re
porter yesterday , "and I found fifteen
visitors at dinner fifteen guests , rep
resenting almost as many states. Gen.
Garfield is hospitable , his house al
ways opan to friends and relative * .
Besides the hoar * taken no in enter
taining , ho has to attend to his cor
respondence. Every mail brings hun
dreds of letters , each of which ho in
variably answers. Ho was behind
only two thousand when I got there.
His letter of acceptance will be ready
in good time. It will be a model doc
ument , and will give general satisfac
tion. "
Reporter Whit do you think of
rcn. Hancock's nomination ? '
Foster It is a weak one. In my" -
opinion Tildouwouffl have been 'a
stronger man. I don't disparage Gen.
Hancock's record as a soldier. We
all know thafbe ia a brave man. but
he is not fit for the office of president
his qualifications are not sufficient.
i\ The country needs' statesman.
7T -R Then you have no doubt aa to
.th'e success of the republican ticket ?
r I Nbno at all ; the proipect grows
Brighter daily.
i RYon are not of the number who
underestimate Tilden's strength ?
! F Witfiiut exception Tilden is the
-ablest political organizer in tbe union.
jHad ho received the nomination there
'b not a school district frofh'Maine to
'Oregon that would not have been can-
Yfttsed. . _
" R Does Mr. English's nomination ,
jeopardize Indiana
F ludtana is a republican state ,
nd Engliih's nomfiialion will not af
fect the result in October or Novem
H Will Garfield make -a personal
canvass , as has been reported ]
F No ; it Js against all precedent
for a presidents ! candidate to take the
atump in person. .His friends will
look out for him. * r
Democrats Back to the Fold.-- '
Vpedal Die patch to The Bee. . . . . . . . _ r
BOSTON , July 2 , 1 a. m. FanenU
hall wai/'filled to overflowing last
night to-igUfy tbe notations o
. &
Cincinnati convention. Ex-Governor
William Gaston presided , and a long
list of vice-presidents was choseP , in
cluding both wings of the democracy
of Massachusetts. Hon. Edward Ay-
ery moved a ( erica of resolutions in
eulogy of Hancock and English and
expressing the utmost confidence in
their election and pledging , "by the
eternal , " that if elected they shall be
inaugurated. Judge Abbott , , of the
Cincinnati delegation and the regular
democrats , Jonas b. French , of tbe
Butler democrats , P. Collins , C. L.
Wcoibury and others addressed the
meeting , which was wildly enthusi
This is the first meeting of the But
ler * nd Abbott democrats , who drift
ed apart on the occasion of Ben , But
ler's capture of the democratic nomi
nation for governor in 1878. They
will heresfter fraternize as per the
covenant signed by the two delega
tions to Cincinnati. The utmost good
feeling prevailed among the formerly
dkunited. wings of the party.
'The " . "
Prodigal "Tanen In.
Ep M Dispatch to Tns Bis.
'NEW YOBK , July 2 1 a. m.
A large and enthusiastic meeting of
the Now York democrats ( anti-Tam
many ) , was held at Irving hall hut
night to ratify the Cincinnati nomina
tions and to take action on the sub
committee's report on the advisability
of ioining hands with Tammany hall
and holding a faint mass meeting.
A Spanish Sandwich that
Gothamites are to \ >
Bite at , 7.
Mayor Cooper , of New York ,
Finds Out that He is
* n * >
Not BO Lordly. > fl *
Trouble Expected Over'the
* " "
Irish Skjrmishing.
The Trustees in New York Re
fuse to Reeeive a Com
New York's Census EeturnslCut
Down by-01dSol. | r
Not so Biff a Mayor.
Special Dispatch to the Bee.
NEW YOEK , July 2 , 1 a. m.
The general term of the supreme
court yesterday afternoon affirmed the
decision of Judge Lawrence reinstat
ing Sidney P. Nichols police commis-
tioner , recently removed from office by
Mayor Cooper. Judge Daniels , in
the supreme court chambers , handed
down a decision also in the case of ex-
Police Commissioner Wm F. Smith ,
who was removed from office by the
mayor , the effect of which reinstates
Smith in office.
Blue grans Btocfe. " .
'Special Dl Ftch to The Bee. - .
CHICAGO , July 2. 1 a. m. At
the jockey club races yeitwd yAftet- ;
a prpgrrfime was'opeaed with
a Ala of thoroughbred colts from the
K ntacky live stock farm oi General
Bichard RowelL The c&lta were two
and three year , olds , all decendants of
the famous imported stallion'Intruder
and thoroughbred mares.
The races were run notwithstanding
the rain and heavy track. The first
race 1J miles dash , all ages , Maiden
first , Duke of Kent second ; time 2:14. :
Second race , 2 miles , all ages , Lillie
R. first , lrank Shoit second , J. H
Haverly third ; time 3:33 : * . Third
race , a selling race , 1 miles , with
selling allowances , M-itagorda firs * ' ,
Capt. Wragge sooind , Big Medecine
third ; time two minutes. Fourth race
dash , 5 furlongs , Knight Templar
first , Respond second , Chrlie Rosi
third ; time 1:03 $ . Thia was within
half a second of the boat time ever
made , the track being half an inch
deep in mud.
Bergh'e .Opportunity.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YOBK , July 2 1 a. m.
Fourteen Spanish bull fighters arrived
in this city yesterday from" Havre.
Bulls are to be brought' , from-Texas
by a Galveston week ,
and performances are to take place
Fatal Heat.
Special Dbpatch to Tsi Bn. - ; * j
Nzw YORK July 2 1 a , in. tif the
187 deaths which occurred in this city
for the 24 hours ending at noon yes
terday 79 were directly caused by the
excessive heat.
Irish Skirmishing Fund.
8pdal Dispatch to The Sea
NEW YORK , July 2 1 a. t . The
committee appointed by the united
Irishmen natjpnal-Cbnventtbn now in
session. a.t Philadelphia , have arrived
'here to confer with the trustees of-the
-skirmishing fund of this city ] iiTre-
ference to the disposition of money
collected by them for revolutionary
purposes , but they are not likely to
get a very cordial reception. The
committee propose to retain control of
the money collected , and It.jajioabt-
ful whether they-will recognise-the
convention - - "
commlttee-except-TH" _ . . _ . _ . . in
divid al , * * - * * * - t *
their funds- Several secret meetings
of the local committee have been'-ield
m the past few days.
Hand-Car Accident
Spedal Dfopatch to THB
DELAWARE , O. , July 2 1 a. ml
The bursting of a hand-car wheel a
few miles west of here while aider
fuU motion yesterday , resulted iatbe
fatal Injury of two if the section Jwnds
who were "riding apon the car.
" T Tha"Sea'a Tomb. Si
Spedal Dtfpatci toTlte Bee. t *
ITsw TORE , "Jury 2 , 1 a. fa
The body of an unknown man , about
40 years old , was found yesterday
afternoon in "Hatlem river uear
Wards Island. The man WM * pro-
btbly a passenger on the ill-iated
steamer S.eawanaka " , but so far has not
been identified."Interest in the reirch
for miaaing.c.nes Is una jatedand
jDonntleM crafts hove- about the acano
'of disaster , and d v * nre sear&ing
HBdnr the bodies
wer discovered yeHarday
bat can uot bft. , ' ' '
Gladstone Will Not be
Obliged to Eesign ,
Because He Won a Victory in
Admitting Bradlaugh to
An Irish Member Hits on a Hap
py Prologue to the Fight ,
Asking Gladstone If Fenian
Exiles Can't Come
Back ,
France Expelled 475 Jesuits
and Closed 39 Estab
Poor Peru is Frozen Out but Will
Warm up at Home.
Spedal dtopatch to THK Bn.
PAEIS , July 1 , 10 p. m. It is ox-
pacted that the Jesuits will apply to
the judgei , complaining of a violation
of _ their rights and asking an order of
reinstatement pending trial.
' '
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
June 22 Arica was at
tacked "by the Chilian force , 6000
strong , about the 4th instant. It is
reportoditLIma that Arica have fallen.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , July 2 1 a. m. The gov
ernment announced iu the house of
commons yesterday that it did.not in
tend to abandon the bill for the pres
ervation of hares and rabbits.
Tetick , the victim of the agrarian
outrage in county Mayo , Ireland , now
lies in a precarious condition at the
Ballineree hospital. The assailants ,
whilst Ferick was down , wounded birr
five time ] , three balls being taken
from bis head and three from his body.
Six persons have been arrested fur
participation in the assault.
As a pleasing prologue to the great
performance of last night , Mr. P.
Callan , member for South county ,
asked the government if tiey would ,
at this time , take into consideration
the , propriety of permitting the re
turn of O'Donovan Rossa and other
Fenian exile * to Ireland. Mr. Glad
stone replied that the government
does not believe that this was a fitting
period to consider this proposition ,
and that for the present any other d
answer than this would not ba given. L
Gladstone appeared to be in an un
usually irritable and captious frame of
Sir Charles Dilke , under secretary
of foreign affaire , then announced
that tbe Berlin congress had arrived
at tbe nnaaimsus conclusion regard
ing the Greek frontier , but the con-
.grass had not .yet 'determined upon
tha best HHnJS riB.wh'pH.- oommu-
w aSe-to-the " orte 'the decision at
iwhi h-it had unfed. Serious riots
h4eec rredatlfeury ; shots were ex-
'maged , bntBO-one'was killed.
The newly-appointed bishop of Liv
erpool was installed yesterday with tl ;
the solemn and impressive ceremonies tlV
of the church of England at St. Pe V
ters Protestant cathedral. Although
Liverpool is a city of the greatest im
portance in the kingdom , it never up fi
to the present time has been erected
into a distinct and separate see. The
fact that it should be has been felt
for a considerable time by the govern
ment , and by the ecclesiastical au
thorities it was recently resolved to
take this step without further delay ,
ospeciaUy as it waa believed that
Christ's church in the midst of the
host of , population of that great sea
port would be thus decidedly promot
ed. The last creation of a see pre
vious to Liverpool was St. Albans in
1877- Exclusive of the new see the
list Includes Canterbury , York
London , Durham , Winchester , Ban
ger , Bath , Wells , Carlisle , Chichester ,
Exeto- . Gloucester , Bristol , Hereford ,
Hetchford , Lincoln , Standoff , Man
chester , Oxford , Petorboro , Ripen ,
Rochester , St. Albans , St. Aeaph , St.
Davidi , Salisbury , Worcester , Sader
and Mom. The ceremonies of the
day took place in the Protestant ca
thedral , a structure built to serve the
temporary purpose of a permanent
cathedral. Bishops and the clergy
were largely represented and took
part in the services , dressed in full
canonicales. The display was witness -
ed by a brilliant and crowded congre
gation. The new candidate for this
high ecclesiastical honor had been
ly seated on the throne , which was
placed conspicuously in the building.
The queen's representative read the
writ commanding this installation to
be made , and tbe candidate was offic
ially invested with the robes and dig
nities of his office. The new sea is
composed of the city alone , Liver
pool having hitherto been a part of the
see of Manchester.
The house of commons last evenin
by a vote of 303 against 299 adppte _
Mr. Gladstone's resolution permitting
Bradlaugh to affirm.
The house then divided on Mr.
Sullivan's amendment personally ex
cepting Bradlau h from the right to
affirm , which was rejected.
Special dispatch to Tha Bee
DALLYMOUNT , July 2,1 a. m. Dur
ing the competition for the Abercorn
cup yesterday the weather was fine
and clear , tha wind blowing down the
range. Joynt , of the Irish team ,
made the almost unparalleled score oi
239 ont of a possible 250 at 800 , 90C
and 1000 yards. The following are
the scores of the Americana :
Jackson 237 , Scott 237 , Farrow 232
Laird 220 , Warren 229.
The score of the Irish team was a
follows :
Joynt 239 , Fenton 234 , Johnson
231 , John R-gby 228 , William Rigby
228 , Maj. Young 228.
Competition will conclude to-day.
BpedaJJl5patch ) to The Be , .
'tme 22 , . vV. Uvr :
a rt ' '
KltejJ lost L evrpj f aj th ; : oalli
C *
brings news of the flight of General
Montera after his defeat at lacuna
and Arica. It U said thit after the
latter engagement Montera , seeing
that his army was entirely defeated ,
and not having more than 2000 men ,
took flight , and the army ii lupppjed
to have been scattered in all direc
tions. Csmnero , with the remnant *
of his army , it ii reported , la on his
way to Tapose , the capital of Braz'l.
From private and dMntareeted
sources it is thought that ai soon as
soon aa the defeated and scattered
remnants of the Peruvian army arrive
in Lima , there will be a great revolu
tion , when probably more will be
killed in that engagement than in the
several encounters with the Ohilliani.
It ia said that the causa of Peru ia en
tirely lost , and that Chili will retain
possession of the several places which
she .has captured until the time of
peace , when she wim ietate to Pern
how a sattlemcnt can be arranged.
Nothing has be ° n heard of the bombardment -
bardment of Callao.
The Deansemata Central 'railroad
was opened on the fint of June. The
first train reached the terminal star
tion contracted for at Escuentla. The
official opening of the rotd to com
merce and travel will probably take
place on the 25th iust.
Bpedal Dispatch to Th * Bee.
BEBUN , July 2 1 a. m. At the
final meeting of the supplementary
conference , which was held yesterday
afternoon , it was decided to present
their daoiaion to Turkey and Greece
in a collective note.
pedal dbpatch to Tbe BM.
PABES , July 2 , 1 a. m. The total
nnmber of Jesuit establishments
closed are 39 with 475 members.
A dispatch from St. Petersburg
rays : Russia has arranged for sup
plies of coa i and other stores from
Japan for her Pacific fleet.
Changing Base.
Special dbpatch to The Bee.
ST. Louis , July 2 1 a. m. Com
panies A , D , H , and I , Thirteenth
United States icfintry , with band and
regimental headquarters , arrived here
yesterday from New Orleans , enronte
for Fort Leaven worth , , whence they
will bo sent to different points in Col
orado and New Mexico.
Gavin ? of a Pier
Special dispatch to The Bee.
PROVIDENCE , B. L , July 2 1 a. m.
The Wilkesbarre coal pier atEwt
Providence caved in yesterday morn-
Insr , carrying down a portion
of the railroad track and several coal
ctra. Loss about $70,000.
Lone Fisherman's Murder.
Pped&l Dispatch to The Bee.
COLUMBUS , Ga. , July 2 1 a. m.
'Rove" Mitchell , an old fisherman ,
while drank was murdered Wodnes-
lav ; night by unknown parties near
Eitnewood , and his body placed on the
railroad track where it was discovered
Before tha train arrived.
Hasty Hemp.
Special Dispatch to Tui Bsi.
HENDEESON , Ky. , July 2 1 a. m.
The rumored lynching oj a colored
nan , who murdered Christ Smith , in
Union county , is now fully confirmed.
Capt. Lovejoy , of Niobfara , ia in
he city.
Mr. D. H. McCann was in the city
Capt. H. . Payne , has returned
from the east.
W. T. Seaman came home from
Dbicago yesterday.
Clem Chase left for Gibbon year
ter ay noon , to visit friends.
Deputy Sherifl Grebe came up from
Lincoln at noon yesterday.
Fred. J. Fox , Esq. , of Niobrars , Is
in the city on legal business.
C. J. Green orates at Columbus.
He leaves on to-day's train.
Geo. Howser , general secretary Y.
M. C. A. , is , we regret to learn , quite
James Bristol left for New Haven ,
Oonn.yesterday afternoon to visit his
Paul Vandervoort has accepted an
invitation to speak
on July 3d.
Mrs. Chaj. Dewey and Mm A.J * .
SImpSonJpiWtJrtJiMrver on the noon
-tratn " sterday , .
Col. Chase will -go to Gibbon to *
day. He will deliver the fourth
of July oration there.
Missss Julia Puls and Emma
Banckes returned yesterday from a de
lightful visit to friends inPapillion.
Judga J. M. Bowman , of Indiana ,
leftjor home yesterday. He will
locate in Nebraska at'the close of his
official term.
Jndgo W. C. James and Col. John
H. Keating , of Council Bluffs , were
in the city Wednesday attending the
district court.
Mr. Geo. Y. Kent , of Lincoln , was
in the city Wednesday on hta way to
his old home , Peoria , where he takes
a place on the Evening Call.
Why dose . -ourselves with nanieat *
ing medicines , when a purely fruit
cathartic will cure you at once Ham
burg Figii.lrythem. ?
THROW away crutches. Use ST.
Most popular New York hotel , the
Astor House.
MISSING. A case o constipation by
> -lrs Hamburg Figs.
I have sold 46 bottles of your Dr.
Thomas' Electric Oil in six weeki , sod
every bottle gave satisfaction. Our
people are better pleased with it than
anything they have had. Please du
.plicate jay prjjer at
The Election of new Di
rectors for the Omaha
Public Library
The Public Printing and Its
'Medium Thoroughly
Tha Eesult Showing Pretty
Clearly Which Paper Has
* tie Circulation.
A Square Statement Would
"Cut Out" the Morning
Organs ,
An adjourned regular meeting of the
Omaha city council wajheld Wednesday
evening , at which there were present
Messrs. Blackmore , Dailey , Dodge ,
Hornberger , Konnard , Labagh ,
Roddis , Stephemon and Mr. Presi
President Boyd announced the first
business of the evening to be the
election of three members of the bean
of directors of the Omaha public
library , before proceeding to which he
asked the clerk'to read the resigns *
tion of Hon. J. H * Kellora , a mem
ber of the board , which was as fol
lows :
SAN MATED , CAL. , June 23,1880.
To the President of the Council of the City o
Omaha :
In consequence of my continued
Absence from Omaha and Nebraska , ]
beg leave to resign the office of direc
tor of the Omaha public library.
Respectfully ,
Mr. Boyd stated that Mr. Kellom
had purchased a plantation in South
ern California and expected to go there
to live. He stated that Judge Savage
would , if elected to fill the vacancy
occasioned by Mr. Kellom's resigna
tion , attend the meetings regularly
and advocated such an election , ai did
also Mr. Kennard.
Lewis S. Reed , \Vm. Wallace and
P. L. Pdrrine , were placed in nom
ination by Mr. Stephenson , for a
second term , and unanimously elected.
Judge James W. Savage was then
elected to fill the vacancy.
The committee 011 claims made a re
port recommending that the city at
torney be instructed to confess judg
ment in any sum not exceeding $200 ,
in settlement of the * claim , of Jan
Wesley , now pending in the district
court , in the sum of $1,000. It will
ct cc remembered , that the damage
claimed fs for an accident on the un
protected Thirteenth tt et embank-
mem , by TThlCtf the plaintifl lott a
team of horses. Report was adopted.
The protest against the grading of
Nineteenth street , south of St. Mary's
avenue , with accompanying papers ,
was referred to the delegation from
ho Second ward.
The communication of Timothy
Jelly was returned with the informa-
ion that the work would be done as
early as possible.
The committee on streets and grades
recommended that the communication
oi John Cane be placed on file. Car
The same committee recomjieuded
hat the claim of A. R. Heel , for grad-
ng on Douglas street , be allowed ,
rat condemned the manner in which
the contract had been made as a bad
Mr. Stephenson denounced the
rancaction as one of the most ras
cally pieces of business ever perpetra
ted by a city council. Being called to
order by Mr. Labagn , he proceeded In
a more moderate manner to show
wherein the contract was an irregular
one , although Mr. Hoel's work and
claim were both fair. The claim was
The city engineer was directed to
make the necessary surveys and esti
mates for bringing California street tea
a permanent gradebetween Thirteenth
and Twentieth , and-thTcity clerk was
tuthojjzacVto ad vertwe" * f or proposals
for gtading of the same.
- The committee on streets and grades
reported that the repairs desired by
residents on Eghteenth ; street were
already in progress.
The same committee reported in
favor of accepting the proposition of
James-Neville to deed certain land to
the city in exchange for city property ,
in order to straighten out Hamey
street , and the city engineer was in
structed to make all necessary surveys
in the matter.
The report of thocommitlee on streets
and grades in reference to the grading
of Sixteenth street , from Douglas to
Leavenworth was favorable , but was
recommitted to be brought in at the
first meeting in July.
The committee on police reported
in favor of abating the nuisance aris
ing from the existence of certain filthy
ponds in the First ward , and the city
marshal was instructed accordingly.
The committee on streets and grades
recommended that an ordinance be in
troduced for the purpose of widening
Shencan avenue in a legal and proper
manner , in compliance with the peti
tion of property owners on that
_ was considerable opposition
to this measure and an extended dis
cussion took place resulting in the
report not being adopted.
The committee on police reported
in favor of accepting the resignation
of Policeman Jelen. Adopted.
A special committee reported as to
the value of certain lots on Cass street.
An.ordinance to establish tha grade
of Capitolavenue , from Twenty-second
street ' , in the city of Omaha , to the
w'eit line of Twenty-fifth street in
Byron Reed's addition , was introduced
and pawed under a suspension of the
role * .
An ordinance to compromise and
tile the suit of the Omaha National
btak against the city of Omaha , con
Qftraiag the validity of certain taxes ,
n * tarecTooed by Mr. ' JKehaard. and
of thand * .
tto no.
age of benzine , etc. , within fire limits
in quantities exceeding forty gallons ,
was introduced by Mr. Hcrnberger ,
read a first and secoi d time and re
ferred to tbe committee on firo.
Mr. Dailey offered a resolution pro
viding for the appointment of a com
mittee of five to confer with John A.
Horbach concerning the right of way
of the 0. & N. N. railway through
the city , and other minor matters.
The chair appointed Messrs. Dailey ,
Dodge , Stephenson ; Homberger and
Blackmore to act as such committee.
By Mr. Dodge To send the city
team to do Eomo reccsjaty grading in
Hansom p"ark , said work not to ex
ceed two day's time. Adopted.
Mr. Kennard offered the following
resolution : _
Kesohed , That the city clerk is here-
Jjy directed to-advertise for proposals
for printing for the fiscal year ending
July 1 , 1881. Proposals for adver
tising shall be accompanied by a sworn
statement cf the average daily circula
tion delivered by carrier within the
city limits of Omaha during the month
of June , 1880 ; advertising to be com
puted by the square of tan lines , non
pareil measurement. Proposals for
job work to bo based on the classifica
tion of the preceding year.
Mr. Dailey moved to amend by
striking out that portion regarding
the circulation.
Mr. Kennard opposed the amend
ment on the ground that if the city
advertised at all , she should advertise
in the paper that had the largest cir
culation and that this was a proper
method of ascertaining that relative
condition of the various papers. Wo
want our advertisements to reach the
people , and there was but one paper
through which that object could be
Mr. Boyd thought that the amend
ment was a good one. There was but
one paper in the city that would com
ply with such a requirement , TUG
fADA BEE , and the other papers
would be practically cut out.Ve
already know enough about the circu
lation and the proper time to give
that subject consideration will be
when the bids are in.
Mr. Dodge vratmly opposed the
amendment , and gave good reasons for
so doing. Ho wanted the advertising
to reach the greatest number possible.
This it would not do in The Republi
can or The Herald , which issue 400 or
500 copies daily. The official paper
of the city was not widely read , and
men had asked him about advertise
ments which had been published and
never seen. On the principle advo
cated by Mr. Diiley and others , ad
vertising might as well be done by
posting up two or three written no
Mr. Labagh didn't want the circu
lation clause inserted , and he would
Eight it to the bitter end.
Other membera of the 'council
spoke at length , the general tenor of
the advocates of the amendment be
ing an admission of the fact the BEE
circulation exceedcl that of all other
papers in the city combined , but that
it was not fair that that matter should
39 allowed to cut out the others.
Tbe resolution as amended was
A petition , from Howard B. Smith
and others in regard to the dangerous
embankment north of the bighsohncl
building , and taking * hat the matter
30 remedied , was referred to the com
mittee on streets and grades.
A communication from Thomas C.
ETally , the park keeper , was received
and placed on file.
A resolution by Mr. Dodge to re
pair the crossing on the west side of
Thirteenth and Capitol avenue was
A communication from the mayor ,
appointing L. E. Caaaidy driver of
ire engine No. 1 , was referred to the
commitee on fire.
A resolution ordering a sidewalk in
rent of lot 8 , block 38 , was adopted.
On motion of Mr. Kennard , coun-
; il adjourned.
The Broken Locks.
Spedal Dispatch to The Bee. "
MONTREAL , July l- p. m. By
he accident the Lachine canal is indirectly - t
directly damaged to the extent of a
million dollars.
Real Estate Transfers. a
Wm. W. Lowe and wife to Hugh aih
McCaffrey , w. d. , lot 4 , Hock 106 , h
city of Omaha , except north 70 feet si
of "west 22 feet eeOOO.
Samuel E. Rogers and wife to John
SJaher , w. d. , south 06 feet of lot"2 ,
jlock 19 , S. E. Roger's addition , "city h
of Omaha § 23.
John L Redick and wife to William ,
Ufergall , w. d. , part lot 9 , Capital ad
dition , city of Omaha 8650.
Geerge H. Guy , sheriff , to Caroline
J. Chambers , s. d. , lot 5 , block 336 ,
city of Omaha § 2100.
Joseph F. Lovely to A. R. Dufrone ,
w. d. , nj , lot 4 , block 195 , city of
Omaha 31325.
Ohas. W. Hamilton and wife to John
McCreary , spl. , w. d. , sj , sej , sej ,
sec. 4,1.16 , r. 13 e-5200.
The last will and testament of
Christopher Gwyer , decresed was filed
for record June 30th.
Republican National Committee.
Special Dispatch to Tmt BIE.
NEW YOBK , July 2 1 a. m. The
republican national committee assem
bled last evening in one of the carlors
of the Fifth avenue hotel. Tha corri-
dorajwere crowded by prominent re
publican politicians long before the
committee assembled , and considera
ble speculation was indulged in an to
who would be elected chairman. Hon.
Marshall Jewell , of Conn. , called the
meeting to order.
The fact must fasten itself upon the
minds of our citizens , that a better
Shirt can be had at less price , .at the
Omaha Shirt Factory than at any oth
er house in the West. Our new and
commodious store is ample proof of
the progress of our business , and the
fact that our goods are better for less
money , must bo the cause of our pro
gress. In connection with our factory
we have a first-class Laundry , where
we are prepared to do Laundry Wirk ;
in grand style for little money. This |
also enables us to offer a Liandried
Shirt for $1.50 , made ofWamsntta
Muslin , 2200 Linen , and reinforced
fronts. This is our great bargain. Call
and convince yourselves of the above
mentioned facts.
1207 Farnbam St. , near 12th ,
near CaldwellHamilton & Co.'s Bank.
Over eighty millions of dollars of
Iruurance capital of the oldest and
beet home and foreign companies rep-
raseoted In the agency of Taylor &
" "
Republicans Soreheads Re
fuse to be Comforted.
Leduo Enthusiastic Over Tea
Culture in the South.
The Government to Inquire
into tte Insult to Our Flag
in Cuban Waters.
Progress of the International
Rifle Match at Dolly-
The Soreheads-
Special Dispatch to Tux Bn.
CHICAGO , July 1. The Time §
Washington special says : Most of the
wounds made at the Chicago convcn
tion are still open , and on a few of
them it is feared the party balm will
be used in vain. Some of the ancient
politicians at Washington who have
been examining tbe situation , report
that unless a radical change shall soon
come over the leaders of republican
ism , Garfield cannot hope for
election. Grant men , particularly the
Camerons , are sore over their defeat
and the manner in which they have
been treated by the element which
triumphed in the convention , and 110
disposition has been noticed on the
p any of them to give the ticket
cordial support. Don Cameron , who
is not at the White Sulphur springs ,
hai declined reelection as chairman b
of the national committee on the al n
leged ground of ill health. Sherman
and Blaine are also said to have lost
interest in the campaign.
Let's Shase.
Bpadal Dispatch to TOT Bi .
CHICAGO , July 1 4 p. m. The
Journal's Washington special says :
Gen. Chalmers , of Fort Pillow noto-
loriety , writes letters here proposing
to be at the meeting to be held at
Gettysburg , Pa. , about the middle of
September , of union and confederate
soldiers to shake hands at Cemetery
heights , where Hancock turned the
tide of battle against the confederate
The Post here continues its attacks
upon Gen. Garfield , and then takes oc
casion to sy that the democraticparty
is averse to campaign slander.
Tea Culture.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , July 1 , 4 p. m The
Journal's Washington special says :
Commissioner Ledue has just returned
from a trip south in the interest of tea frm
cultivation , and saye he expects In m
short time the cultivation of tea will it
constitute a prominent part in their sa
industries' . He eays in North and sahi
South Carolina the greatest interest la h
manifested in the matter , and he sees hi
cultivation of tea
no reason why the wi
should not become as profitableas raising th
ing cotton. m
Dr. Tanner's Fast. sc
Bpedal dbpa'ch to TUB Bn. in
CHICAGO , July 1 , 4 p. m. The inP
Journal's New York special says : ut
Since Dr. Tanner commenced to fast utwl
Monday noon he has lost four and a he
half pounds of flesh since Tuesday fo
night. At twenty minutes past eleven 01
he had taken five ounces of water. 01pa
His normal temperature shows no ma in
terial < change as yet. During the inpt
night he slept very comfortably for
seven or eight hours. His face has ca
ruddy color and his general appear caM
ance ia that of a man in excellent
health , under no extraordinary re- '
straints. The third day of JheJast
ended-at'npon to-'day. This forenoon
wheira reporter asked the doctor how mide
he felt , bo replied : "Fresh as a daisy ;
do not feel any particularly disagreea
ble effect thus far , but I expect to at
the end of ten days. "
The International Shoot.
Special Dispatch ta Tha Bee. o. (
DUBIJX , Jnly.l , 4 p. m. The Ab- 0.He
ercorn competition for the prize of the HeRe (
value of 85 for the selection of the Re
Irish eight to compete at Wimbledon , a in
opened to-day , and will continue two o.
days. Fifteen shots will be allowed HI
each day at 800 , 900 and 1000 yards HIB
. have entered including Kr
ranges. Thirty , KrH
ing a number of the Irish and American H
can teams. 81W
The result of the shooting at 800 W
yards was as follows : Jackson 75 , HiHi
Laird 74 , Joynt 74 , Scott 72 , Brown KiUi
72 , Fenton 72 , Farrow 71 , Milner 71 , UiKi
Wm. Rigby 70 , John Eigby 69 , W
Fisher 65 , Rockwell 63 , and Hyde 34.
Cotton and Produce "Patriots.
Spscial uispatch 'o tha * IE.
NEW YOBK , July 1. The cotton
and produce exchanges will be closed
Saturday and Monday and the stock n
exchange Saturday. 8'
That Insult. S
Spedal Dispatch to Tarn Bn. °
NEW YORK , July 1 4 p. m. The r
Herald's Washington ipecial says ; 2
Our government is to investigate the at
alleged insult to the American flag in
. at
Cuban waters.
E. B. Hayes , LL. D.
Spedal Dispatch to Tax Bn
NEW HAVEN , July 1 , 4 p. m. At
the Yale commencement the honorary
degree of doctor of laws wu conferred
on President Hayes.
Another Oleaster at Minnetonka.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , July L At
625 this morning the Lake Minne-
tonka pleasure steamer , Mary , owned
and run by Capt Halstead , while
lying at the St. Lonii hotel , exploded
her boiler with terrible effect , com
pletely wrecking the-boat , wkicft
sank immediately. Tt follow
ing ia ajist of tie kiiJ4
TTOTioded ?
the Mary , instantly killed ; J. B.
tenburg , of Canton , III. , a guest at
the St. Louis hotel , died in two
hours ; R. A. Gaincs , head waiter of
the St. Louis hotel , instantly "killed ;
John Stewardpitot of theMary.fatally
injured and is dying ; Edwin Sparks ,
fireman of the Mary , scalded about the
face and neck ; Frank Adams , chief
clerk of the Hotel St. Louis , tcalded
and hurt internally ; Colored Jim ,
porter at the Hotel St. Louis , scalded
and bruised ; Harry , a colored boy ,
very badly hurt , arm dislocated
and bcdy scalded ; English George ,
badly scalded and bruised. The boat
was on her way to WayzaU to take on
board 100 excursionists , and had
stopped at tbe St. Louis hotel en route.
The Maxy has for a long time been
considered as unsafe. Her boiler was
what { knotru aa tUo Allies bailer ,
and is the third of that make that has
exploded on the same lake in the last
three years , each time with fatal re
sults. It is claimed there waa but
sixty pounds of steam in the boiler at
the time o the explosion and plenty
of water.
A Discharged Soldier Eun Down
by the Dummy Engine.
Severe and Probably Fatal In
juries Received.
About 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon
Dr. Mercer's hospital received into iU
keeping a man terribly injured , by an
unforeseen and unavoidable accident.
The ] man was August Grim , and
pa found on his person indicate
th he is a discharged soldier who
bad probably turned tramp from
necessity. : He is about 35 years of
The accident vhich resulted in his
finding a way to his present quarters ,
occurred between two and three
o'clock yesterday afternoon jnst west
oidi theswitch house at Spoon Liko.Tho
dummy was making its regular run at
the time and from the engineer , Mr.
tltt Deland , we learn the particulars of
the affair. Tha man was
first seen standing by
the track. As the train approached
him , be stepped upon the ttack and
began . walking towards the transfer
depot. The engine was at that time
within 75 yards of him and had just
been cut off from the ferry cars. It
was running at a high rate of speed
iib order to mike tha running switch ,
by ; which the "Metamora" is tentinto
its landing. A warning whittle waa
given and repeated , but the man paid
giC2 attention to it. The engineer
called for brakes , but brakes could
not be set , as the ferry was detached
from the coach , and had it beoru stopped - ,
ped a collision and perhaps loaa of life
matt have resulted. In less time than
takes to write tbh , every means cf
saving the unfortunate victim WM ex
hausted and the Iccomotivo struck
him ! in the back , knocking
him into the ditch. The train
irasstoppad 100 yards further on , and
the engineer ran back and found the
man doubled up and entirely uncon
scious. : He was taken up and placed
the shade beneath a car , until a
ipecisl engine arrived about 15 min
utes later , and brought him to Omaha ,
when he was conveyed at once to the
hospital. Here the injuries were
Found to be almost entirely internal ,
only a slight contusion in the lower
part of the left leg being visible. His
internal injuries are severe and may
prove fatal.
It seems evident , from all that we
unlearn , that the engineer did all in
Us power to prevent the accident.
Two Men Killed.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
men were killed by falling from a lad
ier at a fire.
New Tors : Monev and Stock.
HEW YORK , July 1.
MONET Xarlcet at 2@4per _ cent. -
(7.8.81,1881 . - ' *
. 8. ft , N w . - 103J
_ 109
. 8. i' > ew . _ . . 103
Rook bland . _ . 107 *
Ifflnos Contra ! . _ _ .104 }
S ft U 12u
* * * * *
& A. . 103
" preferred . 124
Hew York Central. . 127 }
Laka Shore . . . . . . .
* . - . . . 402
Krle preferred . . . . . . . . . . 6
Northweitani . Sli
Horthwwtam pref etred . . . _ 10S
. Paul . 79
. Paul preferred . . . _ 105
WabMB , St. Lonla and Pacific . , . 36
preferred . 65
Han. & St. Jo . 82
BJm.4St.Jo , pPd . 72
KantM JtTexM . , - . . ,
Union Padflc . | . 88
Northern Pacific . . . 2JJ
do preferred . * . 43 <
tem Union Telt raph . 103
Central Padflc . ' '
Pacific Mall . 391
U.P. UnJr a . „ .
A.P . 41
i Produce.
CHICAGO , July 1.
Wheat More active , unsettled and
higher ; No. 2 , 87 $ 88 c ] closed at
87o ' for cash ; 86 @ 88o , closed at
88c for July ; 84f@86Ja , closed at 860
bid : August ; No. 3 , 75@75Jc ; No. 2
red < winter , 92c.
Corn Firmer and higher ; No.
and high mixed , 33J@343 , closed
< 34 o bid July ; 34j@36Jc , closed at
34fc bid for August ; 35@35fc , closed
' 35f c bid for Septomberr rejected
ts In fair demand and higher
No. 2 , 2424c , closed at 24Jo for
cash ; 23f@24ic , closed at 24 @ 251c
for Julj ; 22f23c , closed 23c for
Eye Shade firmer ; No. 2 , 72c '
Barley Firm ; No. 2 753.
Pork In active demand and high
er ; $12 C0@12 25 for cash ; $12 17 * ®
12 20 for July ; $12 27@12 30 for Au
gust ; $12 30 for September.
Lard In good demand and 1 r ;
16 70 for cash and July ; ? 6 *
'Augu t ; ? 680 fr .
at 881 < 388o for July ; 86 | < s8Gia for
August , 8 lfQ84jc for September ;
31jc { for the year ; No. 2 red winter ,
July , 90jc.
Corn Quiet ; 34gc for July ; 34J ®
35c for August ; 35Jc for September.
Oats 24i@242c for July ; 23@23jjc
for August ; 22c for September ; 22c
for the year.
Mess Pork § 12 12 * bid for July ;
12 3512 40 for August ; $12 32J@
12 35 for September ; $9 85 < § 9 87 *
for the year ; 810 30 for January.
Lard SG 72 $ for July ; 56 75G 77J
August ; SG77JG 80 for September.
St. liOUleiProduce.
ST. Louis , Jnly 1.
Wheat Unsettled and higher ; No.
2 red , 92@03c for cash ; 86 § < § 8cUc for
Corn Better34c ; for ca h333@3c ;
for July ; 33jc for Auguet.
Oats Lower ; 24jc for ca-.h ; 22c
for July ; 28Jc for August.
Butter Higher ; dairy , 17020c ;
creamery , 20(22Jc. (
Ei-gs Qn-et t 7g8ic.
Whisky Steady Stgi 08.
Pork Better ; jobbing , 12300
12 40.
CHIO/IOP / , July 1.
Hrgs Rtce-'pta , SO.OOO head ; mar
ket opened ttesdr , and clo ed quiet
and weak vith prices but little differ
ent , mixed packing4 C0 < s4 25 ; light ,
S4 10S4 25 ; choice le vy , $4 30 ®
4 40.
Cattle Receipts , 6,800head ; ship
ments , 2,000 ; slow trade at 5@10c de
cline ; export cattle plentiful and slow
at § i 754 80 ; common to fair ship
ping grades , 54 OC@4 06 ; morket for
Texans steady and unchanged at82 60
@ 3 25 , the bulk at 82 70 < § 2 80 ; butch
ers' COWP , 82 00@3 85 ; steers , $3 00@
400 ; buls ! , § 2 00@3 00 ; stockew ,
$2 70@3 CO.
Sheep Receipts , 600 head ; ship
ments none ; trade steady and value *
firm , at $3 25@3 45 for common to
fair / ; 53 504 25 for good to choice.
St. Liouls Live Stock.
Sr. Louis , July 1.
Hogs = 'cidy ; Yorkers and Balti-
mcres , ! tiv4 10 ; picking , $4.00
@ 4 15 ; butcher and select , 84 00 ®
4 20S4 25. Recvti. . 7,600 head.
CHttle- Active , Him ; import iteers ,
84 G54 75 ; good to chuice , 4 30@4 60 ;
li ht to fair , 53 80@4 25 ; cows
and heifers , 2 50@3 25 ; Rrws Tez-
ana and Icdbns , $2250300. Re
ceipts , 2,200 ; shipment ) , 2,600.
Sheep Scarce and wanted ; fair to
good muttons , S3 25g3 ( 75 ; $3 80 ®
4 00. Receipts , 500 head.
MUWOUKOO froauceMarJcet
3In.vAUMU ! , July 1.
Wheat Firm ; opened higher and
closed strong ; hard , 81 05 ; No. 1
Milwaukee. 97c ; No. 2 Hilwukee ,
89Jc ; Julyj 89Jc , Augusr , 87c ; Sep
tember , 84cNo. 3 Milwaukee , 76c ;
No. 4,79c ; rejected , nominal.
Corn Firmer at 34jc.
Oats Higher and scarce at
Rye Dull and lower at 70c.
Barley Stronger at 67c.
New York Produce.
.NJSW YORK , July 1.
Wheat In fair demand ; receipts ,
412,000 busheh ; No. 3 spring , 8100
@ 104 ; No. 2 spring , S107@108 ; un
graded red , 81 09@113J ; No. 2 red ,
8115J@117 * ; No. 2 white , $111 ®
1 Hi ; No. 1 do. , 8112113 * ; No.
2 red , July , $111113 ; August ,
81 071 O'J ; September , 5109 $ @
108 | .
Corn In fair demand ; receipts ,
143.000 bushels ; ungraded , 46 $ < g51c ;
steamer , 4848i ; No. 2 , 50@60ic ;
No. 2 July , 48J@48jc ; August , 43J.
Oats Quiet ; receipts , 29,000bush
el ; mixed western , 32J < 335 ; white
western , 36@40c.
Eggs Quiet and steady at ll@12c.
As Indicated Below *
Sample Teas *
25c , good value , and other Teas 28ct 3Sc , tc ,
SSc. and upwards par pound , and a present given
with each pound sold , and all warranted to Hilt ,
or tb 7noney will be refunded. Tiy them ,
. .Coffees.
Ground Coffee , e. lEc and OcBrovn ; Bunpl *
Coffee. ISc ; Erow BB o Coffee , SCc ; Brown Gilt-
Edge Coffe,25c. 2i our PEBFECTIOJT BLZH D
Coffee put up in V.UM Jars.
Baatfn ? Cotton , 1 doz. ( pee ! * , fie.
Feather Dusters , EC.
Job Lot Good * at reduced rriceft. Cur Sc , Be ,
8c and lOo departments have been replenished
and enlarged.
Come and See.
SPICES The most complete aoortment Ia
Omaha and at prices below all competitors
UAKIKO POWDER lie and upward.
and upward.
ESSENCES At EC a bottle.
large box at Sc. CLOTHKS-LINE , fromBto IJo
each. CLOTHES PINS , 2 dozen for EC. SHOE
BRUSHES , 8c , ICc and upwards. Bcrnb Brush
es , EC. Hone Brushes , ISc. Carpet Taclu. 3c.
Toilet Soaps at 30c a dozen and upward * . Has
lag , 5c. Pepper Sauce , and French MotUrd ,
10 c each. Mop Handlaa , lEc. Ajde Gmn. 2
for lEc. Corn Starch , 8s per pound. Laundry
Starch , extra quality , at 8c per pound. Citron ,
Orange and Lemon Ptel. at 80o per pound.
Willow and Wooden War * cheap. Walh
Board * , ISc. Brooms. 2 ( or Z5c. Bird food In
one pound package * with CutU * Fteh Bone at
Tobacco and Cigars.
Blaclcwell & Dij's Durham at EOc per pound
rood article ot Fine Cut at 6Ce per pound ; kb ft
brand of Plug Tobacco at 60e p > r pound.
We sell a lOc Cigar ( or EC , don't Oil to try
We allow no one tot nndersellMS.
Superior aualitv of BYTTTT * * * per auoa
1150 wk4Sw DRY SOAPS sold at hot-
. m prices. DRIED FRCITH , extra quality it
loir prices. CKACKEE3 , bert In market and aa
cheap as tba chtanect.
We have aUoadded tha following joodj to COT
ttoclc. which we propow to sell cheap.
Camphor Gmn , White Wax.
Sulphur , Esc. Jac. Gicger ,
Borax , Parasorla
SaltFeter , Laudanixxn.
Alum , LtqnoricaDropf.
Btrenjrtheninjf FluUr
Cubeb * . PartiWnlt * ,
SpermadlJe , WhlUnz ,
Oalnlna Pill * , CntUe TUh Eca ,
Sweet OU ,
Castor Oil. Marjoram.
UacblcaOU , Can war B d ,
IfiutardSeed , Calrdomon Seed ,
Sulphur Camphor , TarSoapf ,
Glue , Gamble.
And aa ImmenBe Variety of
Other Goods too Hiuner-
OQQ to mention ,
which * o pledge oonelyes to tell
cheaper than other Dealers. Don't
Forget It , and give as a call. Exam- '
'Ine goods and compare prices. Spec *
tal rates to parties buying to tell
s ain. Orders from the country
filled. Prices guaranteed and teat
0. 0. D.
' 'h Fifteenth adjoining IV .
.1 * Son , Dry Goda Sture , ' ' *