Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    Price Hve Ce Is
Now Ye MortalParty Go
Look On and Breathe
Not ,
The Delegates 'of Democca
Gather for Solemn Fune
real Work.
THden's Elot , ThiokenB-
But "tlie * Plan'Leaks
* 6ut ,
A Friend Revealsthe S ci
that Sammy A hesfor
fv r ' 'VindicatuJnV7 * *
And. Fuyttibt' " " Cfw wars Th
Hendricks is Willing to Gk
"Op as the Tail.
feut Tom's Friends Stradc
AH the Enthusiasm of
Other Hankerers.
McDonald Struts Into the De
and Tries to Mimic
" . . Garfield.
A Remnant of Southern Chi
airy Greeted "With Joyful
Acclamations ,
"Payne's Candidacy Only
Blind to Hold Tilden'a
Strength ,
Thurman is Greatly Dlstires
ed by Payne's Ohior
, Y Support ,
Bayard Continues to Boo
LM and Gather in Big Dele
Cincinnati at Last Wakes U
a Proper Amount of
t Enthusiasm ,
One Woman Not Ashamed 1
Be Been in Such Company
Aska for a Seat.
' *
* ' , /
i Tammany Hall Indignant
\ Repulsed , but Will Fight
in the Convention.
Anti-Tilden Delegations D
cided Against Every
Epedal Dispatch to'The Bee.
CHICAGO , June 22 , 4 p. m. TI
Jonnitl'a Cincinnati special uaj
Chaos and confusion continue. TI
democracy is teeking an available ca
dldate with a bar'l. Fayne'a boo
te mB to be at an end , as Tilden'a ma :
agers foiled to deliver. Batidall ,
eelf-defnse , haa been stabbii
Payne. This m\l \ kill Randall ,
Tilden and Payne will take the
revenge on him. Jewett has diss
peaked from the contest. Field
failing even InN the Pacific stitea , <
which he relied. Thurman is beaie :
New Yorkers are talking of Oalv
Pratt , of Brooklyn , Boss McLang
ling's man , and its said Kelly wou
accept him. Encash , of Oonnecticu
is also much talked about. Bayai
mil in all probability receive tl
largest vote on the first ballot.
The Journal's Washington diepate
received here this morning from Oi :
clnaati , Bijra'llonlgomery Blair , Ti
den's right hand man , still predic
the latter's nomination.
Spedal DUrpakh to The Bee.
CiNdNKATi , Juno 22 4 p. m.-
Music Hall , Cincinnati's pride , j
which tno convent-qn meets , ia limp !
decorated witli fl'gi , a portrait i
Jackson being the only other attemj
in thia dicootton. The platform an
visitors seats were filled early , an
tthe grtat organ pealed forth patriot !
airs as the nudities and delegate
I streamed in.
McDonald , of Indiana , was amen
ihe brat delegates to arrive. He wz
greeted with slight applause , and wi
immediately surrounded with deli
gates who regard him &s the comic
man. Wade Hampton , as he came i
on bis crutches , was loudly cheered.
Among distinguished persoi
ages on the platform are Senatoi
Lamar/Pendleton , Jones , of Florid
and Jonesfof Louisiana ; Gordon , Be
Hill , Lyman Trurabull and Augua
It was a quarter to 1 o'clock who ;
Senator Barnum's givel fell on th
speaker's detk and the democratic na
tional convention wan called to order
After prayer Earnum said he was re
quested by the national democrat !
committee to nominate Geo. Hoadlej
of Ohio , temporary chairman. Mi
Hoadley WZB then escorted to the plal
form amid cheer * .
After quiet had been restored , Judg
Hoadlgy jnadaa epeeeb'ln which h
the deletes he Tpuld BC | fcirj
bv all .of } hern. He Had"the delegi
did not represent congressional
t'iots but states. . This was loudly
phuded. His next announcem
that the democratic party was oppc
to communism did not call out m
enthusiasm. He said Tilden
Hendricks were the two foremost t
of the country and that DO cunt
deviie of dishootat arbitration wo
ever rob them of their offices.
Great enthusiasm followed Urn , i
egates and spectators cheering Ins
and-waving hats and handkerchiefs
A resolution was adopted that
rales of the former democratic
tional convention be the rules of t
convention until otherwise ordered
When the roll of.states-for comn
tea was called and New York i
SWiBSa1 , Joha Kelly ragedto
feet aiJd attempted to ma& ' ' * ia0
Se wetfVreeted with a storm of hua
_ - * * - r" H
mingled with faint applause , and I
chairman refused-to recognize him/
Hoskin , snutherjtammauy delega
4 o delivered a harrangue. Tlie na
tvas so great that he could not
beard. Committees were requested
repair immediately to the commit !
rooms , and on motion of Weed ,
NewJTork , the convention adjourn
till 10 o'clock to-morrow.
Special diBjiatch to TUB BEK.
CHICAGO , June 22 , 4 p. nu T
roumtVa correspondent , referring
Eloadley'a epeech , eays it wasunwort
if a great occasion , and delivered it
nanner like a Stuart Robinson ,
ts conclusion the" secretaries w <
tamed andthe usual committees w <
mnounccd by states.
IpecUl DUptch to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , June 23 1 a. m.
Connecticut is fnvorablo to Tilden , ! :
rith him out of the way will vc
irst for English , of Conncctici
henprobably go to Pa ) no. .
Florida will vote solidly for Bayaj
vith P yne as second choice.
Georgia will cast 14 votes for Fie
, od 8 for Bayard.
South Carolina will vote 16 sul
or Bayard.
West Virginia will east her fii
ote for Thurman.
Texas will vote Hancock 11 , Ba
Delaware will oaqt her votes f
Illinois will cast her 42 yotea f
loriiion ,
Indiana Solid for Hendrisks , -
ote ; .
Maryland casts her vote solid f
Ohio will cast her first vote f
'hurman , and after the first ballot w
ivide batween Payne and Jewett.
Pennsylvania will cait cast '
oto for Bayard , and the remaind
'ill ba divided between Hancock at
Landfill. ,
Tenne > so will cast a majority of i
otes forUayard , but on the eecoi
r third ballot it i thought these w :
0 captured by Field , who ia wt
iougiit of by the delegation. Ha :
ack bai two votes in this dolegatioi
Senator Ben Hill , of Georgia , :
ravenalion with a reporter yosterdi
xid : "Were I delegate to the coi
ention I would vote for Tilden firs
at and all the.ttme , even again&t n
wn brother. Tilden having "bet
seated out of his election it ptosen
) the country such an issue as nevi
resented before. The letter of Ti
en is
nanatins ; from any man in the hi
> ry of the government. The ox
anoy for sucb. a letter never befoi
zcurred , not even during the time <
/ashington , and it is therefore a
bier document than Washington evi
rote. " Ben Hill will not cxprei
is choice now with Tilden withdraw !
ut it is thought he is u Bayard mai
Senator Garland , of Arkansas , wi
at the full vote of the Arkansas del
ition on the first ballot. If Ga
.nd gets no support from other stati
Is votes will go to Bayard on tl
ait ballot.
Louisiana will vote solid for Hai
Kentucky Is divided. The first ba
> t will be Hendricka 7 , Bayard !
hurman 2 , Hancock 6. Payn
ield and Jewett will got no vote
he succeeding ballots will be of tl
ime nature , and no material .chan
probable till it ia sure that ion
.vorito . candidate has a lead tbi
romites wvll for his nominatiot
he opinion of t o delegation :
tat 8i-yraour and Hendricks will yt
) the ticket.
T"6 North Carolina del.'gation" :
1 the whole in favor of Bayird , br
i the first ballot it U surmised thi
ncock will have a majority of tl
lies , Bayard taking the others. Tt
cond ballot will be : Bayard 1'
ancock 3 ; after that Bayard wi
iv < j the whole vote
The thirteen Butler men of tl
.iBiachusotts delegation will piv
ancock on the first ballot 3 votei
andill 1 , Bayard 5 , Seymour 2 , an
ilden 2. Thia p-rtion of the dc'i '
, tio"n i ys that the other half wi
ite about the same way. On th
cond ballot their votes will got
yard principally , with Hancock a
cond choice. ,
At a me ting of the New York del
ation last night s vote was taken t
st the sense of the delegation o
esidential preferences. On the fire
Hot there were 38 votes for Payne
for Tilden , 11 for English , ( i fo
( yard acd 3 for Hancock and
mdall. The- Payne men ara ver
bilaut , for as the delegation is gov
aed by the unit rule , their candi
te will get the 70 votes on the fira
Hot. It is claimed by some of th
ti-Tilden men that the plan of Ti ]
n is to throw his strength for Payn
the first three or four ballots , ani
en when the proper time comes t
ike a grand break on the rank am
3 of all the other candidates am
minate Tilden
At s meeting of the Kansas delega
mlastnieht it wai decided to gtv
> n. Tom Ewing , of Ohio , a compli
sntary vote on the firat ballot , bu
is decision may be changed at i
jeting this morning.
Th Minnesota de4e tioa rtilf fc
r § Hancock , tytf jf tjtf 'Jetfjn ,
democratic atitea decide upon a <
didate they will change their vote
The Wisconsin delegation last n :
deoiied to vote for Seymour if
otherwise twill
name was presented ,
will cast 10 votes for Mcrrhon , 4
Bayard and the rest scattering.
The commutes on permnent
ganizition met immediately after
close of tbe convention in one of
rooms in the rear of tha s'ase , and
'cided to recommend ex-Gov. J.
Stevenaon , of Kentucky , aa chairn . . continue the other tstnpoi
officea .
They also adopted a resolution
mitting the delegates from the tei
torirs and the district of Columbi ?
seats , but not to vote ? .
The committee on resolutions rr
and , before they could organize ,
Woman's suffrage association ccmn
teeappearcdbeforo them , led by Sui
B. Antho'ny ; Without receiv
them , or giving them BU opportun
to prazcntjieir pleas -fDr a woma
mflraga plank , the committee ;
[ ourilt'd to the ctago of the hall.
David A. Wrlls , of Connectlc
: alled the committee to order , s
noved that Hon. Henry Waltersi
) f the Lousville Courier-Journal ,
nado temporary chairman , which t
: arried. Irish , of Iowa , was tr
icininated for temporary secreta
jut tko motion was not put. 1
ueeting th n adjourned to meet t
) . m , and the committee took anotl
idjoumoient till 9 o'clock.
The committee on credentials orgi
zed , with M. B. Young , of Goora
ihairman , and J. A. Nattner , of 0
; on , as secretary. Only ono impo
mt case remained to bo heard tl
) f New York.
-Massachusetts case has be
imicably settled. The delegates
> oth factions having got together eai
n the morning , agreed to heal th
liderences by umtitg themselves a
lividing the vote of the atato. Tl
lesiro for good feeling carried so i
hat or-Uongreratnan John K. Tarbc
m < s of the contesting delegates , n
ntde a member of the committee
redeutmls , before whom otherwi
ii "bwn case would have been heai
nd by the committee was made i
istaut secretary.
The committee mot at 8 o'clock ai
ook up
a Now York ! Boss Kelly made
ing speech. The prospects are th
he session will continue till late
he night. What the result mil be
i impossible to tell , but a member
he committee believes that an amK
ile-airangemont will bo reached.
The-proceeding were interrupt
y the application of Mrs. Lilly le
reaux Blake , of New York city , ai
Irace Saxon , of New Orleans , for pc
lisaion to appear before the comnii
ie and establish the claim of Mi
tlake to appear in the convention
be representative of a body of ma
oters , wh'o held , a masting on Fort ,
sventh street , Kww Yorlt , on thu 7
t May , and selected her as their re
tentative at this convention. ]
3ply to inquiries by the represent
ve of the district , Mrs. Blake stati
iat she wished it distinctly unde
: oed that she did not appoir as tl
jpresentative of the woman's suffrai
tovement. She had been , al
laimedf selected by a meeting con
Died almost exclusively of male cit
; ns who were anxious to see juatii
one to both sexes. Her applicatic
as wholly outside and independei
f any demand made by Susan B. Ai
Atter this interruption the Tan
any case was resumed.
Charles H. Pa e , chairman of tl
hodo Ishnd delegation , is confidei
tat the old ticket of Tilden and Hei
ricks will again be nominated.
id to an agent of the National aasi
ated press last night that last Situ
ly afternoon he had an intervie
ith Tilden at Grammercy park , i
to Idtter's request. Tilden said i
im ; "Mr. Page , if the Cincinna
mvontion sees fit to nominate me ,
m confident of carrying New York.
u as conscious of it as that I am si
ng here in this chair. Tbo people <
'ew York have got enough of Jot
[ elly , and they would support me ,
[ r. Page says Tildon went on to tc
im he had been wronged in 1876 ,
urtion of hi * remarks being about tl
ime as his letter. Tilden also aai
( Page : "If the Cincinnati convci
on does not nominate me , you vol
hichever way New York does
age does not consider Tilden's letti
ie of declination , but rather ono th ;
ill strengthen him in the conventioi
'J'ftRO aUo stated that a patticuli
lend of Hendricks told him th ;
id this is what causes him ( Page ) 1
nieve that the old ticket will be r
jininated. The interview that Ps ;
id with Tilden took place before Ti
: n'a letter was written , but the letti
ust have been written before the ii
rview , for only a few hours after ti
infab the document was' issued.
The committee on credential ? , aft <
sing in session for four hours , di
ded against the claims of Tarn man
ill to representation in the convei
an by a vote of 34 to 4.
By their action the committee o
edentials practically barred out a
ttt-Tilden contesting delegations.
The Tammany men propose to hav
further hearing on the merits <
eir claims to represent the New Yor
imocracy , and will carry their cas
fore the convention , where the
11 make a hot fight. Senator Wad
ampton will champion their clait
fore the convention.
As a part of the compromise bolwce
o two rival Massachusetts deleg :
> ns an address was prepared addresi
. J'to the democrats of Massachv
tt , " in which the chairman of eac
legation gives notice that the breac
the party has been healed , and re <
amends that the two state convei
ms shall consolidate and be held i
mmon to support the national non
ee. This unites the two wlmjs , :
e party known as the Butler der/
its and Abbott or Fanenfl hall doz
rats , which separated on account c
e first candidacy of Ben Butler o
e democratic ticket in 1878.
, _ , 'WILL PAYNE BK r ' . ( " : : T }
p f L e M--I. f ti
Mon of t X.v * o s e otv io
a i ' t . ' ; -l RV s jin j y r
* - - v
it became generally known ihat it
make a big break for Tilden a
testing the sense of the conventi
This is especially canvassed am
the southern delegation , whore int
tions it is to vote foi whoever
New York delegation thinks can ca
the doubtful states. The effect c
move of this kind on the part of
New York delegation would be tb
The New York vote solid for Pa ;
on the first billet and on the seco
All the southern states called be/ /
New York would casts their ballots
Payne under the impression that S
York desired Payne's nominati
Now the rumor that it it ihe int
tion of the New Ycrk delegation
split on the second ballot has put
auutheru delegation in doubt as
whether they ehsll cast their vc
for Payne on the second ballot ,
stand by their first choice.
Thurman'a friends are getting c
justed at the Ohio movement in fa
} f Payne , and pronounce it an alter
it a Tilden boom. The prime mov
in the interest of Payne are all
Friends and warm supporters of 1
len , and it is strongly * surmised tl
t big effort is on foot to
a whine of enthusiasm , and tl
Dhio is in the movement. As an
; ument that something of the kinc
> n hand it ii suggested that Juc
Eioadlys speech tits Tilden'a lett
tnd reads as if it meant to help lei
i Tilden movement. Thene rum
iomo mainly from the anti-Tile
non , but fie Tilden talk.laat nif
vas to emphatic and strength is i
, -eloped in so many quarter * , that I
itory looks more than probable.
For the first time since the openi
if the campaign here there u
The streets have been filled w
nradca. Open air mws meetit
tavo been held in front of all the 1
totals , fire-works and rausjc is the i
ler , and crowds of shouting , yulli
aen are mot everywhere. Tbe croyi
re much larger than at any til
The Hendricka men are putting
otne of the hardest work of the we
nd are making more show than a :
f the others. An enthusiastic met
Qg was held at the Gibson houteai
p ° oches were 'made by Judge Goo
ng of Indiana , Messrs. Ogden ai
jittla of New York , Dr. Sherrard
nd'ana ' , Gen. Munson of Indian
nd Hon. John F. Follett of Oinci
att , and other * . Over three the
and p-sople were congregated in t
treets below , and the enthuiiasm ai
isplay was kept up for more th
Dur hours. A few doors below ,
lelodeon Hall , a big Thurman met
ig was held , but adjourned thr
ours before the Hendricks meetii
jrminated. Another large and equi
r enthusiastic Hendricks meeting w
eld in front of the Indiana hea
uarters , where speeches were ma
y distinguished Hendricks men
ndiina , State Senator Merritt ,
linois , and others.
At the Thurman ratification mee
ig , which was addressed by we ]
nown Buckeyes , the following re
[ ution was adopted :
Resolved , That the candidacy i
ly other citizen of Ohio other tht
Iten G. Thnrman , for the nomin
on of the convention in advance i
ie presentation of his name , is rep
uted by the democrats of- Ohio ac
3Qouncad ai untrue to the expresat
ill of the democracy , as Ohio hi
torn'sad it in state convention ai
The Michigan delegation had a
irnest meeting last night , and
idly split up Payne 5 , Bayard
ilden 3 , English 1 , and others n <
Iowa will give on the first ballot-
uncock 12 , scattering 10.
Maine Payne 12 , Hancock 2.
South Carolina Solid for B yan
New Hampshira For the best mai
id preftra r. western man.
Virginia Bayard 10 , Field 8 , Hai
Vermont Hancock 10.
Missouri Hendricks 10 , Bayard <
hurman 1 , P yne 1 , Hancock I
iorrison 7.
Alabama Bayard 14 and Field
i first ballot , but when the abaolui
rength of the delegation ia tested
ill be found solid for Bayard.
California Field 7 , Tnunnan I
> yard 1 and Hendricks 1 , ontl
rst ballot.
Oregon Field 2 and TUden 2 , o
ie first ballot. If Tilden is out i
10 race Field will get the entire del
ition. ' .
Mississippi Will give on the fir
illot , Bayard 8 , Hancock.4 , Field <
ilden 1. The second ballot wi
tango slightly in favor of Field.
New Jersey The delegation wi
> te at random on the first -ballo
anding about as follows : Bayard I
andall 3 , Bandolph 4 , Jewett ' .
ilden 1. The delegation is solid f <
arker , but they think it unwise 1
iring Parker upon tbe convention tc
Nevada Solid for Field , six vet
Rhode Island Bayard 3. Payne ]
ancock 1 , Randall -Tilden an
cClellan , 1.
Kentucky The delegation hasn <
it decided whom they will auppoi
i the first ballot , but Bayard an
ield will get the greater part of th
ite. , t
At their meeting last night the ' -on
ittee on resolutions listened to th
presentatives of woman f' ffrsg <
> eechea were made by M' l Lilli
avereaux Blake , Susan B. Anthon
id Mrs. Phelps , of Chicago. Georg
Watterman , of Vermont , offered
solution in favor of woman suffrage
iveral rejolutlons were 'offered di
luncing the fraud of 1876 , and ;
is finally resolved that the resoh
) ESkof 1876 shall be adoptad as
.sis of the platform of 1880. > ' & sul
mmittee of nine was appointed'i
port a series of resolutions at a meei
g to be held this morning. Henr
attersnn , of Kentucky , was mad
? irman of the committee , and th
her members are : Major E. Barki
le , of Missiuippi ; John P. Irish , (
wa ; M. W. Fullerton , o ! JUieoii
an. S. P. Howell , of Georgia ; D. (
ells , ef Connecticut , 'aid. Jndg
eagan , of Texas. Mr. Warner , <
bio , made a long trgmnent befoj
e committee in favor of the pasMjj
a law providing for goremmentit
irvlsion audreetrictions Jntbe ma
r of interstate transportation on ral
At 1 o'clockUik-CMMiitUr was , ]
eston.and te Uk % -I ir '
bors for some honhr.
Famine Fever Breaks Out
County Mayo , Ireland.
Remarkable Scene of Exci
znent in the British Houai
of Commons.
"Swear Not at All. "
Que n Victoria to Pay a Vi
to Ireland , the First in
Thirty Years.
The Great St. Gothard Ti
nel in Danger of Col
lapsing. -
Staffordshire , England , N
Workers , Und aSuccees-
ful Strike.
IpecUl Dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , Juno 23 , 1 a. m.-
itartling and most pleasing announ
nent has been made. It' is that I
tueen , instead of going for the su
ner to Balmoral and Odborn , as usv
nrill visit Ireland and remain tbere
lometime. Lord Kenamore has
: eived a gracious command to prep
, o receive her as hii guest , and he
low refitting and arranging his m ;
ion at Kilberg for her reception. 1
ineen is expected to make her eni
nto Ireland about the middle of 1
; ust. She will land at Kingston a
iroceed to Dublin and spend a f
lays there , having her apartments
he castle , and then go on to Kilbe
7bo queen has not visited Ireland i
acre than thirty years.
The iron market haa slightly i
The nail makers in Staffordshii
rho have been on a strike , have i
eptcd the terms offered by the mi
; r , and the strike has been abandc
d. 'The new arrangement gives
lie men'a alight advance in wagei
pecbl dispatch to Tno Bee.
LONDON , June 23 1 . m. T
ebate on Bradlaugh's case was r
amed in the house of commons h
ight. Mr. Gladstone , in a modera
peech , supported Mr. Laboucher
lotion , and argued that Bradlau
as legally entitled to take the oat
Sir-Stafford Northcote , in a she
pech , scouted the idea that B.-a
mgh should affirm.
Several of the Irish member indl
antly repudiated Bradlaugh's att
im. Ultimately the house dividi
> rMr. Labouchere'a motion permi
ng Bndlaugh to affirm , which i
sited in a vote of 230 against 27
he result was received with treme
ous cheering and the waving of hal
tc. The demonstration was unpir ;
led and the cheering was distinct
iard in th * palace ysrds. - t ]
ladstone and the other members
ie government voted in the minorit
Immediately on Mr. Lftboacherc
: otion being negatived the hou
lopted Sir Harding Gifford's reaol
on , retusing to allow Bradlaugh
firm or to take the oath.
Bradlaugh intends to present hii
If at the table of the house and c
r to take the oath , and if he is i
ised he will bring an action again
ie clerk of the house.
A dispatch from Geneva says it
imored that the St. Gothard tunn
tows signs of collapsing.
d ldl8p tchtoTtcBce. - _
DUBLIN , June 28yl a.-m. Thelar
.e fever has appeared ac Charleston
aunty Mayo , ad twenty cases a
; iug treated at the public infirma
, Swineford , near Oharlestown.
cUl Dispatch to The Bu.
DUBLIN , June 23 , 1 a. m. Tl
ish rifle team practiced at Dall
ont yeftterday. Mr. Bigby made
ore of 218 out of a possible 225 , b
g'the highest score made during tl
resent , pract'.ce. The mor
irs of the American tea
ere present , and only fired
ie range except Mr. Laird who mat
i , highest possible at the 800 yan
ace and 71 AC tbe 900 yards rang
The date of the International riJ
atchhas been'fixed for June 29tb.
iccUl Dtopatch to The Bee.
PABIS , June 23 ; 1 a. m. Tl
lolling mania has not yet ended. I
'antrive , a member of the Paris clu
id two affairs of honor to settle wit
i as many days. In both duels 1
Dunded his adversaries , and himEC
csped unhurt. He ia to fight a thi :
lei to-day.
Destructive Storm ,
edal Dispatch to the ttee.
NAPANEE , Ont. , June 22 4 p. i
A storm did great damage to tl
ops and properly immediately we
thia place yesterday.
Bun Over ana Killed ,
edal dispatch to The Bee.
EAKKAKEE , HI. , June 22 4 p. r
Mrs. Holseman and an eightei
onths' old child was run over by
ilway train at Grant Park statu
isterday. Mrs. Holseman was f
lly injured and her baby instant
Chicago Races ,
octal dispatch to The Ben.
CHICAGO , Juno 22 , 4 p. m. Tl
st race , "The Illinois oaks , " f
ree-year old fillies ; $60 entranc
15 forfeit , with ? 800 added , § 200
iloh goes to the second and § 100
e third ; distance one and one ha
and-Bye , Go
lies , was won by Bye
ag second , Lavacsa third. Tim
37 | .
Dead Alive.
d l Dispatch to The Bas.
NEW YORK , June 23 1 a. m. C
'onday the body of an apparent
iad baby was brought to thajaorgj
id placed on cold marble Cab. Tl
to 1
muty coroner who h ppened
to eiamuie the chj
eeent , began
ta g i t h n hfl
he detected polaations of the he
He commenced artificial respirati
and succeeded in restoring it to 1
Base Ball.
Special Diipatch to TUB Bra.
CHICAGO , June 23 1 a. m. Tr
2 , Ch cages 5.
CLEVELAND , June 23. Provide
10 , Cleveland 5.
BUFFALO , June 23. Buffalos
Bostons 4. Game called to a close
.ho eighth inning on account of da
BALTIMORE , Juna 23. Baltimo
0 , Nationals 16.
Revenue Steal.
Special Dkratch to TBS CM.
WASHINGTON , June 23 , 1 a. m
A defalcation of upwards of § 19.1
has been discovered in the account ;
the Lite Collector Freeland , of
first New York ( Brooklyn ) distri '
and the commissioner of revenue
telegraphed to have Silas A. Bo
deputy collector , arreated.
County Commissioners.
* MONDAY , . June 21,1880
The commissioners mot as a bo :
of equalization according | .o law t
pursuant to published notice.
Present Commissioners Corli
Knight and Drexel.
The following changes were made
the assessed valuation of property
returned for the year 1880 :
SW. i , Sec. 23. Tp. 15 , E. 11 ,
lucod from § 1200 to S10CO.
Lotl , block 4Bowery Hill , reduc
"rom § 300 to § 250.
Lot 2 , block 4 , Bowery Hillreduc ,
'mm § 100 to § 50.
S. * of W. of lot 1 , block i ;
3malia , reduced from § 2000 to § 18 (
Lot 28 , Sec 22 , Tp. 15 , B. 13 , :
luced from § 5500 to § 4700.
Block 143 , Omaha , reduced fr <
53500 to § 2800.
Lot 1 , bl < ck 253 , Omaha , reduc
rom § 450 to § 350.
Lot 4 , block 174 , Omaha , reduc
rom § 3500 to § 3000.
Lot 2 , block 81 , Omaha , raised frc
5500 to § 1000.
Lot 9 , Sec. 22 , Tp. 15 , B. 13 raiEi
rom § 5000 to § 5500.
Adjourned to the 22d inst.
County Clerk.
Postofflce Changes ,
luring the week ending the week on
ag June 19 , 1880 , furnished Ti
JEE by Wm. Vleck , of the postoffi
epartment :
Established Cornell , Hitchco
Io.L. D. Crnrence , postmaster ; Ha
jy , Siour Co. , T. S. Northorp , POE
Discontinued White Cliff , Sioi
! o.
Names Changed Spring Valle
Tockols county to Hardy ; TJnio
Iills county , to Factory ville' .
Postmasters appointed Bit
prings , Gage county , Walton <
Litter ; Clarksville , Merrick count
! . A. Bichardaon ; Factoryville , Ot
ounty , John Murfin ; Homestea
turt'county , S. R. Deaver ; KedBir
[ olt county , Barrett Seett ; Sprio
ale , Valley county , Waldo Ludde
Teed Kivert Hall county , Nathan' '
New York Monev and Stocar.
NEW YORK , Juno 21 ,
MONEY Market at 23J rer cent.
. 1881 . . 1 (
; B. 63 , -
, 3. 18 , New. . . . 1C
. . \l \
nrijt . S. I > cr cent v . . . . . . . . K
. . K
x&Itland -
. --.K
B.i < J . - . 1 !
&A .
" .
jw York preferred Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
ike le. . Shore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . ; *
ie preferred. . . . . . . . . t
irthwestem . . . . .
nthwostern pref eired . . . . . . 1 ]
. Paul . . . . . . . . . '
. Paul preferred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
abun , St. Louia and Pacific .
. . . . ' . . }
ui. preferred & St. Jo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < '
in. A St. Jo , pt'd . . . 'i
Qlon Pacific. Pacific . . . . . . .
do preferred . > . . . . . . . '
wternUni-m Tele-f pb. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1C
: ntr l Pacific . I
icific Vail . '
.P. land cnnta .
Cnlcsgo Produce.
CHICAGO , June 22.
Wheat Fairly active and low *
'o. 2 red winter , 90@94c for cas
lj@92c , closed at 90gc for Jun
3f@89c , closed at 89c for July ; I
84jc , closed at 83c bid for Angus
o. 3 , 83c.
Corn Lower and inactive ; No.
id high mixed , 3435c , closed
igc for cash ; 34c for June ; 3435
[ used at 35Jc for July : 35j@35j |
.osed at 35c bid for August.
Oats Fairly active ana lower ; N
, 25l@26.Jc , closed at 26lc for cas
| @ 26ic , closed at 2eig26c ( } fun
un24j ; < 325gc , closed at 25j@25
for August.
> r July ; 21Jc
Rye Quiet ; No. 2 , 75c.
Barley Nominal.
Pork -Active , irregular and highe
U 80@11 85 for cash ; § 11 80@ll 8 :
rJulyil 90011021 for Augus
Lard Fairly active and highe
5 90 for cash or July ; § 6 92i@G !
> r August.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , § 4 C
lort ribs. § 6 95 ; short clear , § 7 20.
Whisky Steady atl 09.
Butter Steady.
Eggs Unchanged.
Wheat Active and lower ; No.
jrin" , seller June , 90i@90c ; Jul
33 ® < s89Jo ; August , 83i@83gc ; Se
smber , 82 ; 81 | < 381jcfor the yea
osiogat iiuide prices ; No. 2 red wi :
ir , 90 > c. , , _
Corn-Steady ; 34334gcfor Jun
5@35o f r July ; 35i@3c for A
uet. , _ _
Oals 2G@2Gic for June ; 2oJSoo. (
for August.
> r July ; 21Jc
Pork § 11 80@11 82J for Jul
11 92J@12 for August ; § 11 973
2 02J for September ; gll 90 for U
> ber ; closing at outside prhes.
Lard § 6 90 for July ; § 6 92 6 !
> r August ; § 6 95 for September6 ; I
ir the year ; § 7 OC for January.
New Tort Produce.
NEW YORK , June 22.
Flour Doll and weak.
Wheat Heavy and lower ; roceipl
31,000 bushels ; ungraded spnn
I 09 ; JTo. 3 soring. § 105 ; ungiadi
3d , 8110@l 18J ; No. 2 do. , ? 1
)1 ) SlJjN/o. 9 red , Kansas , SI 10 ; N
-fe-- " '
2 amber , § 1 191 20 ; No. 2 red , Ju
§ 1 211 21i ; July , § 1 lli@l 1
AugUJt , § 107J@108J.
Corn Demand active ; recoil
397,000 bushels ; ungraded , 47(3E (
No. 2 , 50J < § 51ic.
Oats Heavy and lower ; receij
27,000 bushels ; mixed weatern , 3
39c ; white western , 37i@44c.
Eggs Dull at ll@12Jc.
Pork Firm ; new mess , § 12
© 12 70.
Cut Bloats Firm ; long clear n
dies , § 725shott ; cle7 50.
Lard Heavy and business fair
§ 7 407 45
' Buter Dull and heavy at 12@20
Whiaky Nominal at § 1 12@1 13
St. liouis Live Stock-
Si. Louis , June 22
Hogs Higher and active ; York
and Baltimores , § 4 20@4 25 ; pack
and butchers , § 4J20@430 ; light bac
§ 4 10@4 10. Receipts , 2700 he ;
Cattle In good aupply and fai
active for natives at yeaterda
prices ; Tcxans prices a shade oaai
but not lower. Receipts , 2500.
Sheep-Scarce ; fair , § 3
ST. Louis , June 22
Wheat Unsettled and lower ; 1
2 red , 98c for cash ; 97@98c
June ; 8G@86.Jc for July ; 848-
for August ; No. 3 do , 90cNo. 4 , 9
Corn Easier ; 34 @ 34c for ca
34j34icfor | June ; 34@37c for Ju
34@34ic for Auguf t.
Oats" Firmer ; 29o for cash ; 2 !
tor June.
Rye Lower and offered at 76c.
Lard Nominally higher at § 6 !
Butter Firm ; dairy , 16@1
jrcamery , 18g22c. (
Eggs Quiet at 7i@8c.
Whiaky Lower at § 1 08.
Pork Higher and jobbing
512 20.
Dry Salted Meats Stronger ; $4
§ 680 , § G 75S7 00@7 05.
Milwaukee froauce Market
MILVAUKKK , June 22.
Wheat-Declined lj@2chardl (
STo. 1 Milwaukee , Ol o ; No. 2 M
Taukee , Jane , 91 c ; July,85c ; A
; ust , 82jc ; No. 3 Milwaukee , 74@7 <
ejected , GOc.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , 35e.
Oats Quit ; No. 2 , 2Cc.
Rye Quiet at 75 c.
Barley Dull ; N < . 2 'all , 70o.
Cblcafro Ldve SCOCK Market
CHICAGO , June 22.
Hogs Receipts , 21,000 head ; shi
oentsj 3900 ; market good and acti
or a'l. ' hinds , but heavy grades n
lest ; prices folly lOc higher ; mix
lacking , § 4 15@4 20 ; choice he *
tacking , § 4 40@4 60 ; light packin
> 4 20@4 40 ; some Texans at $4 45.
Cattle Receipts 3800 head ; ah !
cientp , 1800 ; heavy animals stead
ightcr descriptions strong with acti
aovementstirmer ; prices for sbippin
i4 20@4cO for averages 1100 and 16
lounda ; the bulk sold at § 4 30@4 6
; ra s Texans , § 2 50@3 45bulla3C ;
tockera. § 2 80@3 30 ; native COTI
i2 70@330 ; cattle , § 5 0005 50.
' Sheep- Receipt * , 600 head ; abi
aents none ; trada weak ; common
air , § 3-4503 50 ; good to choice , ? 3 1
? 4 00 ; no sbippinfj demand.
Fraternal Masons.
The Grand lodge of Masons of t !
tate of Nebraska met in this city ai
'clock yesterday afternoon. In t !
vening Court lodge No 11 , Capii
odga No. 3 , St. John's lodge No. 2
nd the ladies of the Eastern Stir te
iered the delegates a receptiod
lasonic hall. The reception was wi
ttended , and was a grand snccet
! ce cream , cake , lemonade , slrawbe
ies and other refreshments we
erved in ample sufficiency , and t ]
'Ccasion ' was ono that will be pleasar
y remembered by those who attende
Wo offer a nrst-ciass white Ian
Iried ahirt , with an improved * rel
orcod front , made of Wamautta mn
in , 3-ply bosem and cuffis , of 221
incn , at the reduced price of $1.5
Pho workmanship , fit and style of 01
hirts aio placed in competition wl
r d shirt sold in Omaha. We guara
oe entire satisfaction , or will refui
he money. We make to order eve :
; rade of shirts and underwear , gi
tetter goods for less money , than ci
ie got elsewhere. Our fancy imporn
hirtings are of the choicest patterr.
n underwear we cannot be nude
Omaha Shirt Factory , 252Famhai
Mid Onntral FJotnl.
ipt > n itf > Or
Safe , Certain , Sure and Speed ;
he only artlcleknownlhatWil
esadtoafcVnls disease
xje/V7 cr/7eV7/Adromthc system *
General Agents ,
15th ami Douglas Strei
OTCT 3,000 residence loltl forralo bjMa *
: y at prlccjrtnjlrg ( nm J2S to $2,500 tub ,
ocat d'n e-ery p rt cf 'hecito. and ia '
direction from the PostofBce , noith cut , sc
> r vest , and varjlnfr in dltUuce from
htockto cue or two mile } from tame. Call
namlne oar l'gt
Several choIceMot * in CriCln & Ituca *
lion , west of com cut , between St. Mary's a
le and Ilaruey rtrett-J'OO to SbOO.
80 acres Just cast of bat racks on Sir mlers
ibis Is choice ord and will be sol I very cl
for cash in 5,10 < r ii ncio lo's ; now Is } our t
; o secure a bargain.
Choice lot at end of street cir trails on S >
leri street for fc > 75.
Choice lot , P-irnhkni and 21th s''ests , 90 :
eet for * 1WO will divide It.
Cheap lota In Credit Fomhr a JJilIuu. soul
J. P. depot 3100 to fSOO.
Forty Iota on Park Avenue and Georgia tr
> n road to park , and near bead cf St. MA
ivenne , at fr. m $125 to { 300 each Seven vi
Irae at elirht par cent intrrest to tboce who
> ut up good subtUutUI buUdlLK * . F r fart
> artloal rs apply to.
O. P. BEMIS , Agent ,
Fifteenth and Douglas Street
A nice lot on Barney and Twenty-first gtre
or 8355.
Two choice loti on JOth. uoir St. Mary's ai
le , t Oil 65 feet each , for $350 and 900.
Two choice lota near 23d and Clark streets
! V. Smith's addition $300 and * 3K > .
Fifty Iota in Sh.nn'a first , second > nd third
Itlons foriU 0 to $600 each.
Lot ceir 15th and Fierce , $150.
2 lots on Harnev near 21th 8t , $6UO each.
) t on Kith n ar Howard 'treat , } 7uO.
40 Iota In Orand Viewadtlltlon , south of U.
ridge and depot , frura * 15 to 9 00 each *
One acre , 117x370 feet , on ISth street , (01
t Poppleton's new residence , for $2,000 , or i
Ivida into city sired lots a : from $350 to ?
"Lars * number of beantlful retijauca lutt ,
Lted In this new addition on Capitol Hill ,
reeu24thst.eeton the east , 23th on the we
odea street on the north and Farnbam str
a the south formerly owned by C. B Da
id mure recently known kg the Perkins IS act
nly 22 lots have thus fir been platted 11
irnhaza and 8 on Douglas street. TiJtte li
ce 0 to 56 feel In widt and ISO in depth. $ ! , (
ir the choice. 6 jejre time , at 8 per cent i
irtstt thwc who will tullu gocd substant
ousei tberetn. Call and examine plat and g
ill informAtton at
15th and Douglas Streets.
Over 200 house * and lots are offered for u
fthlaofflca They are sent eied all orer t
ty. Any location you de Ire. Prices Yarjl
om 9300 to $15,000 each.
2 good lota and 2 cheap houses near Jacks
id 12th strata at a great taolflce. Heral
tat bf rroln for some ono. The property BIT
9 suld lam. dUtely. Covers Jus t a quarter o
lock. Call and examine this * It boat any del'
GEO. P. BEMIS , Agent ,
15th and Dnuglas Stg
A desirable lot near Cumlng and Saundi
.reels , fl.COO.
The cheapest acre loU In tbo city of Oma ]
re those ottered for sale by this agency In Pi
Uee and Lowe's second add ! ion. on Cumi
art and Calif nrnla street' ; you can make
itstake ia plddofr np these bargains whila j
Ta the chance. These loU are more than cq
1 size to 4 full-sized city lots rr a half blocl
id It will be but a very short time before 01
Itb put of one of these acre lots will sell for
iuch as wa offer aful aero to day. They i
cated a vary short dia'ance west of Cr igbt
ollrge. Fncea ranging from 8160 to $300 ]
: relot. Call immediately , and don't lose yo
lance , and get plat and full particulars of
OEO. P BEMIS , Aeent.
15th and Douglas Street *
Nice lot on Sherman Avenue north of Nlcho
reet , $1,400.
Half lot on Owtetween 13th and llth stre :
2 nioo lots In Hartman's addition , $400 to $6 <
Large number of acre lots in Glsa addition
orth Omana , 8125 to $300 each.
Choice corner lot near 22nd and Califon
nets , 81.ECO.
Several good Iota in Nelson's addition , $150
ISO each.
Choice lot in Thornell'g addition , $750.
Several large lota in Bartlett's addition ,
ids and 2 } acres each. Prices $700 to ! , <
, ch.
Several choica lots in Reed's flrjt additic
75 to $350 each.
Acre lot on Sherman avenue , (16th strct
th of Poppleton's new residence , for $1,1' '
2 large Ints-neir 18th and ClArk streets. 6
to feet Corner , * I00 ; inside , $1,000.
3 large lots on She-m n avenue , (16th ( atre <
ar Clark Street , $900 each.
22 nice and cheap lotg , very near to the bi
, eas part of the city , located a very few st <
iuth of the Convent and St. lliry'i ! avcn jet
ist voutnf and adjoining the ground of Jaa
; Woolworth and WJ. . Council these s
leap and very desirable , being BO handy to b
ess part of city , to new government depot , D
orks , white lead works , U. P. depot , sto
LId , packinghouses , etc Call and ? et p
id tuft particulars. Price $275 to $3SO and ei
: rms to those who build
GEO. P. BEMIS , Agent ,
15th and Douglas Sts
3 choice residence lota en 21th street. betr (
ouglas and Dodge streelg$1.100 ; to 1.2tO c :
id long time to triofc who will build.
2chnfic comer lo's near 2lth and Fatnb ;
roots , 65x124 feet. $1,150 and $1,200. and Ti
isy termf to purchaser * who wi 1 Improve.
Also 4 lota on 24th , between Farnham i
ouglas 8 reels , $950 to $ l , < iOO each and Ic
mo.3T250 of tbo best business lota in the city
maha for sale , located on every bU2lae a stre
J03o $6,000 each.
iSTAlso very \aluable sto'eproperties in
test every btuinesa block (5,000 to $15 , '
10 choice residence lots in anore addition , 1
leJiately north of and adding Poppleto
eauUful residence and grounds , and located
3th i9th and 20th street * . $300 to $550 each t
ery easy terms to those whowill build. Cell a
lamine plat and get full partlcuUn.
Beau iful building site on Sherman aven
16th streetbetween ) Poppleton and the Dndl
Isms pro e ty ; 63 feet cost frontage on '
renue. by 3S9 fret in depth.Yi'I dif ide It.m
ig 132 feet by 339. Call an J get foil particul :
An acre n l th street. ICifect east front
y 378 feet deep. This is just south ef the K > l
etb ( Poppleton place. This Is gilt-edie , call i
et price and terms of BEV IS , Azenl
IS good lots , joat north of and adjoining K
mith's addition , and located between 20th i
Modern streets , at reasonab'e prices ted Ii
me to buyer who Improve. BKMlS , Agent
53 lots ia Horbach's first and second addltli
n lath , 18tb , 19th and 20th strecW , betwi
'icbolk' , Paul , h'he-Dian and Clark at eeta , T
andy to U. P Shops , smelting works , e
wgiDg In pncea from from $20" to $1:100 ca
tqulrlcij obly small payment down arid li
mat 7 Ptr cent Interest to those who will :
rove. CKO. P. BEMIS.
15th and Douglas Street
33 nice lot * In Parker's addition , betwi
annders an < l Pierce. King and Campbell's.S
nBlon'.ostre't ; 19 lota with south fr > nta i
) with north frontaire , only 6 blocks mrth
10 turn-table ( nd strc t-tar track ) on Stand
leet. Veryl w prices ; $175 cash , or $100
r'g time nd li per cent interest to those v
ill build.
UT150 rood farms for sale In Douglas , Bar
Tashlngton Bart , Dodge , gauntlers and East
tr of counties.
CT3 0 OW ) acres best selected lands In '
te f 01 sale by this act ncy. Call and get ma
Ire-Man and full particul * n
tZTKtm fc' new map of Omaha , 60c and $1
/STBemli ! new pamphlet ( and map of
taU ) entitled "the outlook cf Ntbratka"
te distribution.
Geo. P. Bern is' ,
15th & Douglas St. ,
Bring on Your One , Two and
Three Gtnt Pieces. You Can
Use Them at the
Cor. of Dodge & Fifteenth Sts
Opposite Postofflce ;
Look at this List- :
EOjdtPriitk . 99 '
10 LoosdaJe Mu > lm . n
LO Fitiil of Lcoin . 99
18 " Fine 4-1 Unblca.ntd 93
12 " lie > " JlOO
16 Cra h IvO
16J3 " Cotton Dies * Ccn-Jf . 1 00
Panting * . . . %
, V.l Wool Euntinj ?
. . . . . 93
? ' ! Li'.crtTowtls. . , . . . „ . . . , . 13
[ > uo Let Dm 8 Cwlj wotth from 20 to . PC ,
lotteVittiat. . . . . . . A . 10
MuiblelHp . PS
lladam F y . 1 W
Suite's fr m facto 3 CO
A Few Notions
Slasttc Cord , best t
2ctt Knitting Coiton ' g
" English Pins i.'lll 8
* " "
touching perjd I ' S
runey Ked llandkeicblcfi , small . . . . . 5
large 9
piol slllc 10
J IrPins *
3es' iJrtsi C.-oIil S-
Gems' lurnishiDg Goods
5wt Linen C-llarS IS
" " Cuffa. . . . . . JS
IbckStrng li 3..i- 19
'bUoTieJ , Jjrdoj 19SI
'inc hrittshllosa SI
Ixtrarine CdLsh lloje.i . S3
' &ncy lIoMi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
F od " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01
Sctta Fine Fancy Hose . M
nd ruwrCo-dstQ. . . . . . SCO
ent ' Uile Glot.e . 10
nd up to . 75
o dSufpenders. . . . . . 19
udupto . . . 2M- ,
'nlau.dild Shlru . . . . 72
Fine Unlau 'dried 8blrt . E9
n Exfa taundrid Shirt . . . . . 1 19
e U'KId'lovis . 100
ndut 10 . . . . 1 OS
Ina Umliig- Gloves . 3 Od
cuU'Qiuze etlrts . . . W
pto . 30
ind lot of other goods -which
70 haven't space to mention *
lend lor price iiat. "Wo-y be.o-w
Leaders in Dry Goods *
422 & 1424 Bodes St,0or. 15th.
Omaha , - - - - Neb.
Ear Diseases
Dr O. E. Bhoetoakbr ,
he well k ow Autal Surgeon , of txllnr , Pa.f
ho has "t'n In Ihf nydical miexloi. UT.I X9
.ars.giv.aALL his time tXCLD TFL . to
ho tr iifrn > o > deatees * aaU ulse * cs f the
iranj atarrh l.e adj a Tkloab * llttloh. k
F Cl > iu ( < u t..e treatmcn 01 thr dl-esr ,
REKTuA 1 > ' 1 bis book c vts refer n end
: stimo Ut > flat Till tatiiff nemo * s p leal.
e is alao author ot a wo-k of 376 p xe , " < * TO ,
andtbrtrpro t e-i'm-nt
i the-e ois-ti
rice $ , by n-a I No family shuL. . be wl'bout
copy ot th 9 v luib'e ' book. It w 1 - TO nf-
iluir , 'o- l h aring and d > dor s fees. DE
UOEJIAKEK'S i.medy for tie cure ot RUN
ISO rAv- , 1 uni rti-llr acknldi d by
ijrsicUi sad the i nblls in gt e al. a * the i-nly
uly rellitila rein d } f. r the cure of ti 1 * lomtrw-
imcdiea > e It Is nannies , tenant and ra-
Mf , ard will cure akncst any OM i-T n f
rty or flf ty years BUD din- . Ail bad m 11 and
ip'.eatanti ess of the distasa lo-taoi yrtmotert.
id the ieariur in Csl cases g.eaU ; inpio-cd
! rmanent > y Prire (2. Ill J . K Ish. wi oe-
loanit tetaip dcaer in drugs medicine * -nd Instrumente , lid. tarnna . tr * t.
y2 > o l-lmo
Healed proroeas wi ! be re. cited by th un-
irsiiT-ed ur.til 12 o'Joci to 11 , 22 , Ib30 ,
r he f-rn'shiDjf of > H rn < tC' ' tal and t > e ere -
on and conip etion of twii-sV ry bri k chol
lildi g for the ilthwirJ.ln tba uy.f-m.ha ,
> bf ! catil on Cas ctreet. b tween o rte nth
id F.ficemh stiectn. Eeparate bl a Kill be re-
ilvd as tolo : For all Iriik wurk nd Me
i nUbi'ir cf the required initerial * and 1-yinf
10 B irjne , and tncludlnrf the te'ting < f all ton .
ir il" pljsUring , and fumrahlni ; fhe rtfi'.lr-d
AteriaU for * be tame , for all ut stone dnirer-
1 on the around , { o til caiprnter nd ] ln > r >
ork In. lud tig tba furnlebin/uf a'lrtqul e ma >
riil'Trth ame f or all pain Ing and u ar ng ,
icludlne all required raatKiala for the ame ,
ir ail ezc rains ; nd also ( llcoorp etcbnlldl .
lans and cperiflcatloi can be seen at the fflca
1 0. FDri lt , architect. The p r op orper-
ms receiviiiff 1m a ard will to tortured ex-
rate a b nd with ooa and safflcle- s r nty
irtbe f .IthfiJ performance thereof Prtporels
lould be endorsed ornpostls tor building.
Ihe right is reserved to reject any or all bids.
T. JTt T ,
Secretary ot Board of Edacat on ,
_ Om h gab.
IIA K'NO offentlnj mncons. PAINS o er th
res , CRACKLING in the head. SI KEVINQ
reath. DEAFNESS tu-J tick , in ? in the throat ,
ECTLETIQV'3 thrown apoa the BRONCHIAL
U8ES while le p , follow the m conm mjin-
rano , an < l POISON
uOerers know hnw OBSTINATE the dteue I * .
he aciion of C tarrh l Virus , IlVe t hit of small *
ox ruu been ITNALLY DISCOVERED. CaUrrh
i now cuicd.
McKnwET , B.R'dPre . .33 BrodSt.X. T.
I. H. BROVTS. Uerchsnt , 333 C nal Et.H. T.
CATARRH 11 YEAE8. Clued by on pack-
. BeraDicr , Jr. , Jeweler , 637 Broadwir , V. T.
( bmll/ . ) Cured of CHRONIC CATAESH.
I. L. BROTH , 3 BroadwajT. . T. , CATARRH
10 YEARS. Could not tute or unell Cured.
I lost my voice by Catarrh , and ban beenoiT >
ed. " J. Uucsuov , 1C6 Kowuk. Are. , Jersey
? . D. WOODS , * 37 Broadway , K. r. , cured o
Chronic Catarrh.
i. A. SxwxA5. Merchant , 305 Fulton 8t.ErooV
lyn CHRONIC CATARRH. Given up by
pbysiclani. Cured.
u B. TnoiSH. larnranca 183 Xontaruo Bt ,
Brooklyn. Self and aoa cured of CATARRH
. D. JIcDoxiLD , Uerchant , 713 Broadway. K.
Y. ( Siitcr-ln-Uw. ) Bad CATABBH 0
YEARS. Cured.
Etc. . Etc. . Etc. . Etc. . Etc.
10 < t remarkable testlmotUla on record , fent
ree , by hu AjftnU , Messis-D. B. DEWEY &
Q.,16 Uey St. N. Y. ; or by Drunis'ii. The cere
i delivered at 3UW a package. Think ot a reai
ire for an otatlnate at this trifling
Lny one who lo cs srooJ , chol'eVeidinzcan hM
a r < > py of th
ontidnine 82 Urjo page * , toiled toth u , I
cs tikir naav > nd inn aiidnt * t
' ' 8JREIT & SMITH ,