5Years "before thePiibUe THE GENUINE DR.C.McLANE'S LIYEEPILLS are not recommended asaremedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , they stand -without a rival. AGUE AND F VER. No better cathartic can be used pre. paratory to , or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , The genuine are uever sugar-coated. Each bos has a red-wai Beal on the lid , xvith the impression.McL ANE'S LIVER PILL. Each -wrapper bears the signa tures cf C. 3JcLAK and FLEMJJ < O BKOS. SS Insist upon having the genuine DB. C. McLANE'S JLIVEU PILLS , pre pared by FLEMING BEOS. , Pittsburgh , Pa. , the market being fuH'of imitations of the name JTcJxriie , spelled diflerently , but same pronunciation. OPGHS , BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION. What a Well-Known Drurcist says about ' Allen's Lung Hal Kim. ilOTUEnSjREAD ! OAKLAND STXTTOS , fy. OXSTLXJUDI : The demand ( or Allen's Lung Balsam Is Increasing constantly. The ladies think thereto no medidns equal to it tor Croup and Whooping Cough. C. 8. MAKTIN , Druggist. Sold by all Hedldne Men. Joll-Gate No. 2 geslous. 7 objects to find. Bend clamp forpaek g . DR. E. C. ABB Y Bn8 > lo N. Y. AnORHEYS-AT-lAW. WM. S1MEBAL , * TTORNEY AT LATTCampbcU'Block , OMAUA , NEB. D. U THOMAS , ' A TTORNEY AC fiAW loans laoney , buys Ja . = d sells real tEUts. Ecom 8 , Creighton Blcck. A. C. TROUP , AT LAV-Offlce In Hanecom'a Block , with George E. Prikhett , 1606 ' i Bt. OMAHA , NEB. DEXFERL THOMAS , TTORNEY AT LA\7 Crulcksnank B Build ln . A. M. CHADWICK , A ITORNEY AT LAW Office 1601 Farnham A Str et. . et.A. _ -A. 8WARTZLAHDE A TTOEiraY AT LAW-Cor. 18th and Famhtni ftmL raayfflU ' WILLIAM A. FONDA , A TTORKEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. .CX Boom No. 0 , Frenicr Blcck , opposite Post Office. OMAHA , NEB. WM. L. PEABQQY , Office In Crelgbton Block , next to LAWTER Port Office , OUAHA , NEBRABKA. & Patf.nlt Procured.a ; STOTABT KTBLIC. OOLLEOTIONS MADS E. D. MCLAUGHLIN. A TTORNKT AT LAW AND JUSTICE OF J\ _ THE PEACS Spntheast ccmer Fifteenth andDjnglasbt. fft3oll3Ctlorj Promptly Attended O'BfUEri & BARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law , OFriCE-Unloa Elock.Ftfteenth aui ? Famhaml A. L. nOBISOH. A TrORliEY AT LAW. Room Crefchton k. OMAHA Nab. luni-tf ATTORNEY AT LAW. KARBACH ELCCK. OCR. COUCI5TH ETS. GsUHA. KEB. W. Oonneli . U. , Attornoy-at-La w , Office Frost rooius , up uliir ; , ia Huucom's new Irlck baiJr. ! ; , K. W. ornor Fifteenth tnd Farnham Streets JOHN L Ksricz. CCAS B RSDCK. KEDICK & HEDICK , A 1 1 o r n o y ffatL a w , Bpedil attention will be given to all ecits tgahut corporation * of ersry destriptloa ; will practice In al 'the ' CourtR of the State and the United States. Offlco , Farnham St. , oppoilte Court House , ADAMS &SIMERAL , x A TTOHNKYS AT' I-AW Room 8 CreU ! J3L Clock , lEihr id Douglas ctrev'U. no9dh C. F. MANDERSON , A TIOEirzy AT LAW SIS Famhaia Btroet J"Omaha Kahraein. PARKE GODWIN , AT LAW Mth and ArfORNKT with G. TT. Doan . TV RICHARDS. G. J. HUNT RICHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-Law. . ' " -OJTICE 215 South Fourteenth Street. Only Direct Line to Prance. .GENERALTRAHSATLANTIC COM PAH 1 TDETWEEN.NCW York and II rvePier 42.N.R J3 foot of Morton et. , pier of company. Traveler * by Ihto line at old both transit by En leh railway and the discomfort of crossing the tonne lin a small boat ANADA , FJOAGEUL , Weinesday January 21 IJ ! n < 5on. AUERIQUE , B. Joccifl , Wednesdsy February I k\ _ . 11 a. m. FRANCE , TauBBLLB , Wednesday , February 4.1 Bm. . PRICE OF PASSAGE ( including wine ) : TO HAVRE First Cabhi , $100 andtSO : Second Cabin.tiB ; Ste rage , $261ncludlnjwinebeddlng ! and ntlnells , LOIJ1S DE BEGIAN.Ajrent , B BroadwayN. Y. FRANK E. M ORES , No. 211 , West Bide 14th Btreet , Bet. Farnham and Douglas , Next Deere o 17. S. Exprcra Office ( SIgu of Palo tcipshlp. ) OMAUA. NEB. EAST INDIA ' ILER & CO. , SOLE . MANUFAOTURHRS. OMAHA. Xeb. ( p HOa week , f 12 s day &t boice easily m daCe tlj U ) /6ontfitfrM. / AiMrM Trn * Co. Portbmd.Mt QKAY'S SPECIFIC MBDIOINU : i RADE MAs > r.Tlio Great ADE [ ' Before tg AftTakbg. that follow u sequence of Self-Abnss ; IoM Uemory , Uuivcrml Lusitnde , Fain In th * Dick , Dimness cf Vision , 1'remitnra Old Af9 IA and tciny other Disease * that lead to Insanity or IAOi ConBumpUtn uid * Prcmatura Grave. Oi CSTull particulars la our phaophlot , which vednire to Bend free by mall to every one. OiH at $1 per pookaje. or six packages for 5 , or wll H [ be cent Jr by mail on receipt ct the money * > VP. P. . e Grav Hedldne Co. . Ko. 19 Utctiilcs1 Elect , DsiMti , Mra BOLD IN OJIASABY S. E. ish. AND BY/ SHOW GASES H ii . O. "W THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING . . PROPRIETORS. . bet. Sth and 10A Strati. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION 1 yetr.ln adranoe ( postpaid ) . . . $3.00 " ' . ' -00 8 months - months TIME TABLES. THEttAILS. " cuanro. ' 0. K. W. B. R. , ISO a. m. , B p. n. 0 B. * Q. , 4SO a. m. , S p. m , \ 0. R. L & P. R. R40 a. m. , I p. m. 0. St. Joe 4:80 m. , 8p.m. _ * tin. , > V O fcH.'W. R.B. , 11a.m. lip. r\ . I B k. Q. , 11 a. m. 930 p m. C R.L4P. , 11 a.m'Up.m. a B. & St. Joe , U a. m. , U p. m. S.atyiP.,11 m C P. . 4p.m. B. & MVlnNeb. , 4p Local malls for States loirs leave at o TTX : 4-.SO a. m. Office open from U ta p. m Sunday * . THOMAS T. HALL. Portmagtet. Arrival andDepartoro eiTraJns UNION PACIFIC. LI1TV AIJUVI. Dally Kipreso..12:16 p.m. 1:20 p. m. do Mixed 6:10 p. m. 435 p. m. do Freight. . . . 6:30 , m. 1:40p.m. do do . . . . 8:15 : a. m. 1250a.m. TIM CARP OF THE BURLIKQTOH BOUTE. LBATieiUBA OMAHA. Express..8:40 p-m. Express 10.OCa.rn. Mall ,6.00 , & .m. MaD 10:00 : p. ta. MallBundayi Exceptod. Sundays Excepted , CHICAGO , BOCK ISLAND ft PACIFIC. Mall 6.-OOa.m. | 100 p.m. press. . . . 8:40p.m. I 10.-00a.rn. Sundays Excepted. s OH10AQO ft NOBTHWESTKBN. v MaU 6.00a.m. I 1.20p.m. Express S : 0p.m , | W00 .m. Sundays exceptod. KASBAS CITT , ST. JOE & COUNCIL BLUFFS. LIIVB. AMvm. Mal- _ . 800 * m. I Express. . . . . . 6.45a.m. Express C4 | p. m. | MaU. 7.40Jp. m. The only line running Pullman Sleeping Cars out ol Omaha ta Union Depot. OMAHA & NOBTHWESTEBNANDSIOUXCITY & PACIFIC BAILBOAD3. Express 8K m. | 2:35 p. m. Dally Except BundajB. B. A H. B. B. In IPSBRAflKA. [ wwi ) Oniihalv ) . . . . 0.00am Pl&ttemouthf arlO:2i am KeamflyJ'ncarJ7:5B pm Ued Cloud ( arr)7 ) Spm PIatUmouthar)4 Op m BloomlBgtonir)9Mpm ( ) Omaha ( arr.4:55p m BEPUBLIOAH TAI/LET RAILWAY. Haellnn ( It ) 8 5 ajn. i Bloomlngtoa ( arjld . Bloomuarton 1:35 p m I Ha tlnr ( ( tr ) ft5S.p m Orleans flv )7:30 ) a. m. I In'Jl.nola ( ar ) 1:00 : p. m Orleans ( ar ) 7.00 p.m. ] Indlanola ( \ \ Z20 p. m. aioui omr & ST. PAUL a. B. Mall 6iOa. m. I Exprosa 10.00 a. m ExpreH S:40p. m , | Mall. : 7:20 p. m BRIDQE DIVISION U. P. R. B. . Leare Omaha , dafly : 8 a. m. , 9a.m. , 10 a. 11 a. m. , 1 p. m. , 2 p. m. , S. p. m. , 6 p. m. , 6 Leave Council BlotU i SM a. m. , 936 a. m. , 10:25 a. m. , 11:26 .m. , 1 6 p. m.25 ! p m. , 23 p. m. , 638 p. m. , 626 p. m Four trips on Sunday , learing Omana at 9 and a. m. , 2 and 6 p. m. ; OouncU Bluffs at 92B , 'K. TO. , and 2:2S and 6S5 p. m. PABBBSOJR TEAUB. Leave Omaha : 4 a.m.,7 a. m. , 8 0 a. m , , p. m. , 4 0 p. m. , 7S6 p. m. Leave Council Blufls : 7:16 n. m. , ' * 0 a. m. , a. m. , 6:26 p. m.,70p. m. , 7 0 p. m. , p. m. Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY B , R. LHAVI. AIUUTB. Hall 10.15 ft. m. 4.S6 p. m. Pallv exceot itand T. COMMERCIAL. , Omaha Wholesale Markets. " OMAHA , June 21 , 1880. BUTTEB AND EUUS. Choketeble 10Ho Fackerslote 7@iO Freeh eggs , per dox ° ney " " " POtlLTBY" -/nickens , per doz 226 Docks 8(29 ( ( ] GROCERIES. SUGARH. " CutLoaf - JO 1 ° Powdered 8 Granulated 10J ( Standard "A" 10f OffA 10. Extra "C" . II STB UPS. IE Extra choice and very bright. . . 50 E Bright Table Drips . 45 1 New Orleans .MoLnsses . 50 1I 1I Market advancing. I COFKEE. I Rio , prime to choice . 17i C Rio good to prime . 16 J Rio fair to good . I Mocha 1 RICE. Choice _ . 8 $ Good to pmn . I NewPrunes . 81 OldPrunes . 6f Durrnntschoice new . 7 * BlackBerriea . 124 Raspberries . 33& ! Pitted cherries . 20 : higangrtd Apples 8 A . . Y. Sliced ? Evaporated " 5 State Peaches ; 3alt Lake Peaches -15 California Peaches 15 CANNED GOODS. 'S"Oj-8ters , 2 tt cans , ] ? case. . 3 70 ! do do lib canper case. . 2 40 UchtWeight Oysters 2 Ib tf caso" 2 90 Salmon , 1 tt ) , # dozen . " . . .175 do 2Kv.tfaozen 265 Standard Tomatoes,2 Ib , $ case " 2 30 : Slb.tfcaw 300 Standard Peaches , 3 ft , & case. * 4 40 " 2 , tf case. j340 Baspbemee , 2 Ib , case. -.300 Blackberriefl , 2 Ib , tf case 2 " 80 Corn , 2 Ib.tf case 380 ; Apples , Gal , V doz 375 Harrow Fat Peas,2 tt , case. . 4 00 StringUeans. 2Ib.per case. . . . 240 BUNDBIE8. Nutmegs. 10 Pepper. . : . v 17 ; \lkpice- 17 Moves' -45 - - 25 Elope ,94 n : andleB,16oz 13 ireemnchLye.perlcase 3 85 Beans.per bushel. " . " . . ' 1 80 Cheese full cream. . . . . . , . , " 114 B iViadow Glass , 60 per cent. dig. count off list " > > ? HARDWARE. IBON. Common bar . ' . . . ; . . . ---3 . lorse-ehoe bar . , . 4 forway nail rod . , 9 HTEfiL. , Jastplow . : . > 9 Lm. cast , tool . ' . " 18 res'p's.Eng. do . . " . . 25 AAILS. - , rens , upwards. . * 5 J'rd'd's shoe 'g . t . . ' 5 " mule" . 650 hnoha nails tens , upwards. . . 3 50 fw'atr'fhn . 2S@80 'ubrun nails . : . ,2S@fO DRY GOODS ; BROWN COTTONS. Ltl&ntlc "H" . 7J do "P" . 7 epperell " 0" . * 7 do "R" N. do "E"- ndianHead 8 N.i rebnwka , Standard''AA"JI ! ! ! i UKNIMD. imoskeag 16 : teaver Creek , "AA" 14 i do "BB" iV aymakers V 'aimer 8 Itis "AXA" ' . ; . . . . 15 C1 " " C1CI do "BB" „ 14 CI do "CO" 13 CIc iTarren "AXA , " 15 c do "BB" 14 do "CO" 13 c ! BLEACHED COTTONS. ci 91 cici do Cambric . 12 ci labot . * ( ciCI ruit ef the Loom . 10 CI cwYork Mills . 12 * ills'Mnslin . - . . u ifcmsutta. . . . . . - 12) epperell . 18J(537J ( ; fcll HCKINas. 1 jnoskeac . 18 allsO. B.O . . . . . . . ' . . . . 20 do A A do "AAA" . 16 B Im anBe Be CM Vll t MM ttf ! ft fire IOI III I'Itlttlltttf ' B , , , , , . . , , , , , . , 0 -Ancona/ancy . 7 1-2 Manchester . " . -.1 * 8 Menimac 71-2 Merrimac * shirting.- i. 61-2 Bich'monds j.r.- - 61-2 Richmond , E " . . . 71-2 Sprague's C 1-2 Simpson's mourning 7 1-2 Simpson's black 7 1-2 - \ , ji STMP S. . AmericaniT 10@11 Amoskeag. . < ? . . ; . . . . . . . " 12 Leivhton , A 17 1-2 Hamilton. . . . . ' . " . 111-2 Omega lla2 Pittsfield , . . . , li ) LUMBER. Framing , 18 ft. and under ' § 20 00 Each add. ft. oer8per M. . * .50 Fencing , No. 1,12 to 20 ft. . . . 22 00 " No. 2,12 to 0 ft. . . . 2000 Sheeting , dressed , No. 1 20 00 " " No.2 1000 Common boards , dressed 22 00 STOCK BOARDS. Astock 4000 " B " . . : 3500 C " * . - . . . SO 00 Common stock 2500 FLOORING. ' No. Iflooring . 4000 No.2 " 3500 No.3 " 2500 Yellow pine flooring , No. 1. . . . 45 00 SIDING. No. Isiding.- 2500 No.2 " 22 SO No.3 " 2000 PICKETS. No. 1 pickets , per M 32 50 No.2 , " " 2500 HXIBHING. No. 1 finish , lj , H , and 2 in. . . 55 00 No. 1 " 1m. . . * 5000 No. 2 " 1J , li , and 2 in. . 45 00 No.2 " lin 40 00 ! No.3 " in 3500 SHIP LAP. Plain ship laD 23 00 ' OG " 'No. 1 3000 " " No.2 25 00 " No.3 CEILIJiG. | beaded , 6 in. , No. 1 25 00 No.2 2300 I " 4 and Gin. , No. 1. . . 4000 " " " No.2 . . 35 00 f Corrugated ceiling , No. 1 50 00 SHINGLES. - - A star ( beft ) sh B'gles . * . 3 75 ' ' No , 2 * " . . . . . * . . . . * 300 No.3 " 250 Lath 4 00 Lime ; bbl..1 135 " bulk , per bu 40 B Cementbbl 250 Iowa plaster , bbl 2 50 - . Michigan plaster , bbl 2 75 l Hair , per mi . . . 25 Tarred felt , 100Ibs. . : 3 00 o Straw board , " 4 00 s O G battens , per 100ft. lin. . . 1 25 Well curbing 30 OD \ Rough i , aud 2 in. , in batts , per 100 ft. lin 50 : POSTS , , Cedar haUes , 7 in " 18 fi " " Gin 10 " QuarterSiu 1C p Oak , 4x4 30 ] " 4x6 40 O G casing , 5J. and 6 in. , per 100ft.lin 3 00 P Oak plank and timber , perM. 40 00 Oleafpoplar 5000 Black Walnut ' 10000 HIDES , a Green hides , perlb _ Cj Green cured hides 7J : Dryhides 15al7 Dry salted Jiides. , 10al2 ; Sheep Pelts = - . . 25al 60 Tallow 4i LIQUORS , WINES , ETC. High vines , per gal 1 03 , Alcohol , 180 per cent , per gal. 2 10 Freu h spirits , proof 1 18 "Marshall's bourbon whisky 1 23 h Miller's bourbon whisky 125 ] y Brandy , very fine , per gal 2 00a8 00 " common to fine , 150 Gin , 100 per cent 150 " Holland , 90 per cent 125 ol Rums , mbcd Jamaica , per gal. 1 50a3 00 sc New England 200 ' Kennedy Bitters per gal 1 50 " per case 750 " " per 100 cases 7 03 Champagnes , pints in baskets. 25 00 Domestic champaigns 22 00 la Port wine , per ca'je 1 60a3 00 ' Sherries 1 50a3 00 - , / Ales , Edinburg 275 u " Bass&Co.'a 225 Kuicness Dublin stout 2 25 * EEATHER. Beat slaughter sole S2 Best oak 41 ta French kips 1 lOal 40 th French caff , leading brands. . . 1 50a2 10 H Domestic kips 75al 10 Domestic calfs 1 lOal 30 Hemlock upper , perfoot 25a2G Pa Dak upper , per foot ! 5a6 t o 3rain , upper per foot 25 re Linings , per doz 8 00a9 50 roppings , per do/ 11 00 A Morrow * ( bootleg ) per foot. . . 35a'8 " oildreseed 35 re " Simon per skin 3 00a3 25 ta " glove kid 30 gi Boot webbing , per foot 15 " . t HARNEbS LEATHER. w S"o. 1 Pittsbnrg oak 44 hi STo. 1 Pittaburg oak 42 Co. 1 Cincinnati oak 41 ' Jfo. 2 Cincinnati oak . 39 c o.lhemlock 39 fie tfo. 2 Hemlock 37 th * COAL RETAIL. at t ' Anthracite 1050 Slossbutg 1200 th iVyoming 8 50 en ) skaloosa 5 50 Hi owa nut 5 00 iVhile Breast 5 50 j , A SOUR STOMACH nuecs dyspeps'a ' , aud poor teeth pro lace sour stomach because the food B not prcpsrly nusticated. Keep the01 eeth healthy , and the body at large rill be in trim. Fee SOZODONT re- h ularly , for it is pleasant and health- ul. Once in the house It slays thtre. a wi Once ameared between pieces of it vood , SPALDISO'S GLUE never lets t o. It is a fixture. 5G ' Bucsien'a Arnica Salvo The BEST SALVE In the world f or 91 7uts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt an Iheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp- 18 id Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all 18 dnds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve indv guaranteed to give perfect satiafao- dv iod In every case or money re kmdod. in rice 25 cents per box. For sale by inha 8dly J. K. TSH. Omaha. haEl Acrostic Wonld'st tbou my Inend good health enjoy Each day and hour your tune employ ; CO Secure repose from sickness , ills , This tbou can'st do take Liver Pillt ; & dost thou suffer from disease , Caused by exposure , diet ? these , pr Or other uls , what'cr their name , f _ Submit at once , and leat o the frame , ° Like shadows darting o'er the hiln ! , po In terror flee from'iiter Pills. co Vice-like although they've clung fer years , co.t Encouraged be , nor yield to ( can. i ? Repose in quiet , health's bright rills Ul Pursue the pathway of these Pills. In childhood , \ outh and in old age , Let cheerful thoughts my mind engage , ) Let others suffer. fevers , chills. Sure ttiou art free icith Llrer Pills. Sold at wholesale by 0. F. Goodman , ? . K. Ish d Eennard & Forivth. Omaha * aprgd& wly Sac l at die 22 ! 22Br Br pr , wt IUEES COLIC EN' MAN OR BEAST. Sii IUKES COLIC IN MAN OR BEAST. ina sei JDEES ASTHMA , CUKES ASTHMA. pn URES CATARRH , CURES CATARRH. Sii UKES LAMENESS , CURES LAMENESS. cai URES NEURALGIA , CURES NEURALGIA. thi HIRES PILES , CUKES PILES. rel era SOLD IN OIIAHA BV ALL DRUGGISTS. am CTGo to Your Druygist for Miss Freeman'f ew National Dyes. For brightness and dura- lov JHy ol color they are unequalled. Color 2 to to Us. , price 15 cents. toTh IERVOUS DEBILITY the vit l Weaknets and Prog. iadei tratlon from overwork or dei ofbe be < SSB&1S2 Speoiflo 28. Is : Jnl * eiBdy V-w P r < rCi pw als and larjo v" .f wj _ f ri' . ' s-a-e rjf ? on reed- 1 . ' ; _ - t' ir. ' " f 0 ' < ! . ' . u 'or y. . & 3. 5 A COLORADO COU6IN. . . * . - , . _ A RELATIVE OF GEN. GARFIZLD IN EL - PASO COON1Y. " Colorado Sprmgs Gazette. T Mrs. William Copeland , of Colorado City , is a cpusin of James A. Garfield , the next president or the United States. Learning thia fact and-know- ing that the public interest ia JIOTT turned towards the liistory of the man who is to lead the republican party to victory this fall , we called upon Mr * . Copeland yesterday to obtain , if po-sible , some reminitcenses of Gar- field's youth. " Mr. 'and Mrs. Copeland are both past middle age , and are living in moderate circumstances in the former capital of Colorado. Mrs. Copeland is an energetic lady , and was busily engaged in the mysteries of the cook room when we called. After apolo gising ' for the intrusion and explaining the object of our call , we said , "You doubtless i remember Gen. Garfield as a youth ? " "Oh , yes , " replied the lady with great vivacity , taking a chair and smiling l as she spoke. "It ii only as a ! boy that I knew him. I have not seen ( him since he was about 14 years old. ( " . "You are a relative of General * Garfield'a ( ] " "Tee , I am a cousin. His parents and mine lived on neighboring farms in Orange township , Cayahoga county , Ohio. ( We called it about twelve miles east of Cleveland. " "Your acquaintance with your coufin , who has inc ? become so noted , must have begun quite early under such circumstances ? ' "Rather early , " replied Mrs. Cop land with - . "I , a pleasant-laugh. saw him about an hour after he was born. " "Indeed1 ! "Yes , we hoard of the now hair which had arrived at the Garfield 1 homestead and of course we all went over to see the baby. "I remornbsr that Jlttlo Mary Gar- Beld , the youngest sister of the new arrival , ran up to the baby with a string of beads in her band , saying : 'Oh , now I know what to do with my pretty blue beada. I'll put them around the baby's neck. ' " " 'No , you musn't do that Mary , ' said Mohitablc , an older sister , 'for if you do ho'll never bo president of the United btates. ' " "Well then , I won't put the beads Dn his ueck , " replied little Mary , as iho ran away and deposited her re jected gift in a s fe pla e. "I've often thought of that remark of Mary's , " ontinued Mis. Copland , "since I beard of the nomination of Gen. Gar- leld for president. " "Wai it a common superstition that placing beads on a boy's neck ruined iiis , prospects for the presidency ! " "Yes , it was * a saying among the people ; I don't suppose it really made iny difference , though. " At this point in tha conversation Mr. Copeland , a wbito-headed , hospit- iblo gentleman , came in- and asked Mrs. Copeland for some instructions oncotiilng an intrioale problem in ardt > niog. The Story of a FureVa ( Nev. ) Leader , June 11. The first ilag raised in Eureka in loner of the nomination of James A. 3 ar field was hoisted over the Eureka louaa by Messrs. Ammond and Long. Jauy observed the threadbare old tinner flapping its ragged stripes in he breeze , but few perhaps are aware f the interesting history of this battle- carred and tattered relic of Old Glory. 'o Major \V. S. Long we are indebted or its record. It was first unfurled y Sergeant John Sterna of the Fourth : iastachusetts Artillery , a brother-in- iw of Major Long , over the General 'loafing Hospital Boat at Island No , 0 in the Mississippi. It then fol i ded him to Point Lookout , } Id. , ivbero it floated over the ienoral Hospital. " Here Jt fell into 10 hands of Major Long , and was iken by him to the Department of , be Gulf ? through the siege of Port [ udson , from there to the Texas coast , bence through the Bed river cam- ; aign , and from there to the siege ba ne Mobile , where it replaced the jbel flag which was hauled down at llakely in the last fight of the war. kt Blakely t was carried over the bel works by the Blakely second bat- > lion of United States volunteer en- ' ineers , and it was in this decitivebat- .0 that for twenty minutes Maj. Long as a brigadier general , he being the , ighest ranking officer who survived IB fight at the time of the capture , \ 'he old flag floated over the battle elds of Bayou La Fourche , was at je siege and capture of Fort Gaines , [ the siege of Fort Morgan and at 'ish j'iver and Spanish Fort. ' Al- lough badly patched and somewhat urtailed in length , it has not yet ved out its usefulness , and probably 111 live to do honor to the election of ames A. Garfield in November next. Tno Consumption of Coffee. The New York Daily Commercial bulletin publishes some figures which liow that the consumption of coffee as incfoasod by nearly 50 per cent , uring the last quarter of a century , 1855 the total production of coffee as about 330,165'tonswhile in 1878 had risen to 490,840 tons. Brazil , ith 103,400 tons la 1855 , and 225- 30 tons in 1878 , is the country which [ rows the most ; the Dutch Indies ccm- ig next , with 71,300 tons in 855 , and I,400tonsinl878 ; followed by Ceylon ad British India , with 53,400 tons in 378 , as against only 28,800 tons in " 355. Thus it will be seen that , while the Dutchlndies the Increase of pro- * uction has been only 25 per cent.- and Brazil 35 per cent , the production ' as nlmost doubled itself in the Indian S mpire. The greatest advance , how- rer , has taken place in Central merica ; for , while only 3500 tons of jffeo were grown there in 1855 , the reduction in 1878 is estimated at 32- , X ) tons. The consumption of coffee , roportionately to the population , ia eatest , the Dutch using nearly 18 I iunds per head per annum , Belgium iming next with 9 pounds per head , ten Norway with 8 pounds , and the nited States with 8 pounds , -while ranee , which consumed only 1& unda per head in 1856 , now con- imes 4 pounds , Germany 3 pounds , id Great Britain only 1 pound per nd. Sad Ending of a Romance. crimento Bee. On a pallet of straw in a Chinese hut CouttUnd , in this county , there ed yesterday a young woman aged ol years .whoso maiden name was raun , and who was the daughter of a osparous merchant of Chicago , but c : iiose married name wai Mra. Jo np , she being-the wife of a China- an. Some four years ago she was ized with the romantic idea that the oper thing to do'wai to wed Mr. Jo is ng , a moon-eyed eon of the Orient , lie had become a naturalized Ameri- n citizen. In defiance of paternal reatsfand despite the pleadings of latives and friends , this romance azed girl left her comfortable home al id became the wife of her Chinese st ver. A few months ago they came this state and located at Courtland. 10 young wife , it appears , had dur- g her bnef career as such , contracted e vice of morphine-taking , and It T. ' supposed that her death was acci- T.A ntal from over-indulging in the use the "drug , although it may have en taken with suicidal Intent. 6ho ci represented as having been of very cire Bposseseing appearance , The young e'i transition from the very com- bomft , of ber fainlly , wharb . .friendsand all.the usual blessings of American home life , to the stifling hut of the Mongolian , with its mob of chaptering , yellow-skinned creatures , should , Jt would seem , have soon dis pelled her silly romance. Perhaps it did ; but the step which she had taken had placed her so far beyond the pile of recognition by her friends and rela tives that she could not retrace it , and all that was left for her t ? dc was to submit to the punishment which she had brought upon herself. Wool. Clsveland Leader , July IS. Sales of wool continue throughout Ohio on the general basis of 35c for fine , 38c for Cotswold , and 40c for medium clothing. Buyera at this point are now in the market and say they experience no trouble in obtain ing all they desire at the above prices. In many sections , however , growers have determined to hold and see what will bo the result. The question in volves doubt sufficient to puzzle the wisest , and advice is worthless. Every thing depends upon the conduct of manufacturers ; ' Should they enter the market at an earlier date than they have announced , and purchase with sufficient freedom to give some life to the markets , prices might improve , and buyers at producing points would feel justified in doing better , but should they remain out until late in July or August , as they say they will , and thus depress the spirit of the market by their ab sence , it is difficult to see how oven presant prices could bo sustained. It Is evident that two motives are af work ; ono is continuous aud the otlnr is "bearish. " Some m < inufactureni , are in a con litiou lo hold off , being well supplied with foreign aud Cali fornia .wools , and are ple.iaed to do so for the purpose of weakening holders , and getting advantage of low priced sales which are always made on a slow aiarket. Other consumers ae really alarmed for the future. They have suffered cancellation of large orders , are doubtful of fall trade , fear lower prices for clothes , and are honestly cautious about taking in wool beyond what their current or near-by necessi ties demand. What changes may bo developed in the minds of those im portant agents In the S3lo cf wood , cannot bo.predtced. ! The Fate of a Sparrow. Troy ( N. Y. ) Press : About ona hundred persons witnessed a curious spectacle at Lansingburp , N. Y. , re cently. It was nothing more or les than a bird extcution. An English sparrow hid by some means incurred the displeasure' a'pair cf red- breasted robins ; nested m a tree near Eawson hall. ATBght took pl.ice be tween the sparrow and robins on the rear of the poof of the Rawaon hall building. The sparrow fought pluckily until one of the robins flaw while the other kept fighting. The robin messenger soon returned with a piece of cord that was soon wound around the sparrow's neck and the end held in the bill of one of the executioner * . This done , the sparrows as forced off the edge of the roof , and briskly at tacked by the other robin. Thus situated the sparrow was comparatively helpless and in a short time hung by the nock dead. After holding their victim and picking him until assured he was'beyond resurrection , the victo rious robiiH flew to their nest in the tree , singing merrily as though glory ing over their vanquished fo ? . GUILTY OF WRONG. Some people ha\e a fashion of confmiiif ; ex- olknt remedies with the Iare miss ot "patent nedlcinei , " and in UiU they are guilty of a vronj. There are som > adicrtiscl remedies ully worth all that is asked for tacm. and one itlcutue Know of Hop Bittrs. The unter las had occasion to use tsc Bit'erj In jut such climate ta w e ha\ most of the 3 ear ia Uay .tv- , and has always found them to be rirst-clasi ind reliable , do Jig all Ibat is claimed for them. -Tribune. , It is well known that a relationship ex * ta between pUes , constipation , kidney lueascs and liver troubles. In Kidney iVort we have a remedy that acts on th jeneral system and restorer health by gen- ly aiding nature's jntornn1 process , iept26dfcw IMPORTANT TO SUFFERERS. The grcaUst benefactor ij one ho relie\es sia and cure chatrvjc. Dr Silbbcc lias accent- I'Ishod ' both by his miraclous ilieccnery of 'Anakcsis , " an absolute , e ey , rap'd and infalli- ile cure for PILLS in a'l ' etaqci of < ! crrlopmcnt. 10,000 suffers testify to its virtue. It is a cimple upposhoi } , , acting as an instrument , poultice nd roelcme The relief is inefnt , and cure ccr- ain. Price Sl.OO per box. S iuples tent free on ipplicatlon to 'Mnalc'H" Deprt , Bo30J6 , \ew York. For sale b ) all first-cits' ' * I Am All Played Out s a common complaint in hot weather. If rou feel so , get a packajje of Kidney Wort ind take it , an j you will at once feel its . nic power. It keeps up the healthy ac- ion of the Kidneys , Bowel' , and Liver , ind thus restores the natural life and trcngth to the body. JELTZEI " he Healthful Seltzer Watsr for a Hundred years or more. las been he'd of all Earth's fountains , the most potent , to restore ; Jut why across the ocesn t ils boon of Nature bring Vhen the sick mau in his chamber can extem porize the Spr.ng ! "he Bottled Seltzer Water so our hading chem ists say Larts with Lalf its hcallrglituc3 , and turns vapid on the WAJ ; VhnoTARiASTs HARK APERIKJI from a Powder changed to foam , an instantaneous Sallzer Spring In even suf ferer's home. " SOLD BT AtL DRUGGISTS. E \ by byB Iways Cnros and never disap- olnts. The world's great Pain- Leliever for Man and Boastc Ibeap , quick and roliaTjlo. PITCHEK'S CASTORIA not Narcotic. Cliildrcn row fat upon , Mothers like , nd Physicians recommend iASTOBIA. It regulates tlie towels , cures "Wind Colic , llays Fover.ishuess , and de- treys "Worms. WEI DE METER'S CA- 'ARRH Core , a Constitutional mtidote for this terrible malay - y , ty Alisorption. The most portaat Discovery sinceVac- , taation > Other remedies may elievo Catarrh , this cores at y'stage feeforo Consnmptioa AN OPEN SECRET AMONG THE LADIES The brilliant , fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial , and all who trill take the trouble may secure them. These roseate , bewitching hues follow the of ' use Hagau's Mag nolia Balm a delicate , harm less and always reliable article. Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm conceals every blemish , removes Sal- wwness , Tan , Kedness , Erup tions , all evidences of excite ment and every imperfection. Its effects are immediate and so natural that no human being can detect its application. ONLY EFFECTUAL KSDMEY AND Sl'KCIHC FOR scaae , L'nKtej , Nervous Deblhh , 1'ain in the Back , Louis rr i-ldc , Drofsy , Ur.Mf ) , Incontinoncc aud Kctcutloa cf Urincuid Female CoiupIaiuU. fcend for our treatise on theKidneja , entitled "Echoes You Sliould Heed , " a little pamphlet containing a great de.il of in'ormatijn frco. Excelsior Kidney Pad Co. , SOLE PROPRIETORS. USo'd bj P. W. SAXC A CO. . Omaha CHICAGO SHOT TOWEll CO. MiTofactureis o ! STANDARD v'v-'v * x -5 - . _ . - - - : s.f ---3 - < * . i 13J * - 1 = - * - - = - - - frKfi r- drf niiimnnnmmumTmmn TUEBE3TIK MARKET. B , W , BLATCHPORl > C'O . ilanuficturrrs of Lcid Pijic. heetsnd Bar Lead , Hlock Tin , P'po ' ma Solder , Linseed Oil and Oil CaLe. ORDCBS SOLICITED. NORTH CLINTON ST. , CHICAGO.t . FEVER AftD AGUE. .ppetite , rcfrcshinsr sleep , the acqui'ition of flesh nd color , are blessings attendant upon the rc- aratiTcprocC8S ° snhichthi3 priceless irni.'orant Dcedily initiates and carr ci to a successful con tusion. Digestion Is rcitoicJ and austcnincc af- jrJeJ to each li'e sustimmsorsan by the Bitters , hlch inoffensive e\cn to the feminine palate , esreUble in comi > ositlon , and thoroughly gate. For sale hy all DrugKJstaana Ucale'a generally. IRON TURBIN MANUFACTURED BY last , Fees & Co. , Springfield , 0. The Strongest an JII oat Durable E In the World. Hundred ! in use in Iowa and Nebraska EclJ Dealers In nearly cvrry county. Thla cut represents our Juckeye Force Pump , is particularly adapted to Wind Mill nse , as it works easily and throws a constant stream , and does net freeze up in the cold- eitweather. . Send for price list j W. H. KAYNER , Wtttem Ag't , Omiha , Neb. 5 i I ( A J p , not a Drink , ) ? CONTAf.'J iiors , nuciiu , IUANIMJAICK , DANDEMON , ISO TOElTHISTASB ECSTliEDICAI , QUiLTIES O I Emms. ill Diseases of the Stomach , Bowels , Eloctl , Liver. Sidneys , nnj Criaaiy Orjans , Kervocsiccs fcep - Essnes : e J especially reools Conplairts. 81000 IN GULP. J VDlte fai'l t cz& case tlicyrflcoict cortelp.cr or anytllrg impcro or lajcrictu Ccci. I In ticra. l AVr year dmsglst for Hep E-ttii : c d ty tt-r * \ ef ere yea sleep. Saic ro other. < lor Coven CC2EiiU3 sweetest , safert ad best y GO EAST -VIA THE Chicago & Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD I It 13 the SHORT , SURE and Safe Boute Between COUNCIL BLUFFS 1SD OHIOAGO , MILWAUKEE and all points EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC GREATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANY OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. It la the ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which Is run PULLMAN HOTEL OARS ! In addition to these and to please all classes of tnuelers.it frfves FIRST-CLASS MEALS at in EATING STATIONS at 60 centa each. JTSTRACKISSTEElRAils ! ITS COAUHES ARE THE FINEST ! ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST CLASS If you wish the Best Traveling Accommoda- ticnsyou toill buy jour ticket br this Iloute r AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. 1 Ticket Azentg can sell YOU Tfcrouih Tickets \ia this road and Check urail Caj- gagc 1 rea cf Charge. OMAHA TICKET OFFICES 1J4 Fanibam St. , Cor. lltb , and at Union Pacitic Depot. DENVER OFFICE 111 Colondo Central and " Union P ti1c Ticket Office. SAN KItANCISCO OF ICE-2 Waw Montgom- cry Street. For information , folders , maps , tic. , not ob tainable at IJome Ticket Cillicc , address any A eut cf the Company , or MARVIN HUCHITT , W- STENNITT , Gen'l HanaKer , Genl Pass. Agent , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , Oen'l Agt Omaha & Counc'l Bluff * . SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old RtliMe Sioux City Eoute ! 100 BOLES SHORTEST ROUTE ! From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all points in Xo-thera Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota. Thil line is equipped with the Im- prirt cd Westmshouso Automatic Air Brakes and Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEEDSAFETY AND COMFORT 14 unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Room aoj Sleeping Cars.owned and controlled by the corn- pinjiun Through With-ut Change , between Union IVcific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , nnd St. Paul. Trains leave the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 6:15 p m. . reaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Paul it 11:93 a. in , making J2S-TEN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHER ROUTE. Returning , lea\o St. Paul at 3:30 : p m , ar- run at .Sioux City at 4:15 a. m. . and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , at 9.50 t. in. Do pure that v our tickets read via "S. C. & P. K. It. " F. C. HILLS , tiuperlntendont , Missouri Valley , Iowa. P. E. ROBINSON , Ass't Gen 1 Pus. Agent. J. U. O'BIiYAN , fcotitliwestcrn freight and PasHHiger Agent , mylOtf Council Bluffs LINE 1SSO. K.G..ST.JOE&G.B.R.R. , la the only Direct Line to ST. LOOS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. Ko change of cars between Omaha andBt. Louis and but one between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS BBACni\O ALIi Eastern & Western Cities With less charges and in advance of other llncg. Tills entire Una la equipped with Pullman' ! Palace Sleeping Care , Palace Day Coich- 01 , 11 tiler's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated \VcstInRhousa Air-Brake. < 2TSEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS' i3T Via Kansas City , St. Joseph ancl'Sl O CouncUBluffaK.R.\la SfSJ ISTJoeano St.Louia.'Ei Tlclicta for sale at all coupon stations In the West. J. F. BARNAKD. A. C. DAWES , Gen'l Supt. , Gcn'l Pass. & 1 icket A j't St. Joseph , Mo St. Joseph , Mo , W. C. SEACHBIST , Ticket Agen. , 2H rificcnth Street , between Farnham and Donzlax , Union Block , Onnha. JOS. TEUON , A. B. BARNARD , Pass. Agent , Omaha. Gen'rl Agent , Omaha. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars ! CHICAGO BURLINGTON & QUINGY With Smooth and Perfect Trick , Elegant Pas senger Coaches , and PULLMAN SLEEPING DINING CARS Itio acknowledged by the Press , and all who travrl u\cr it , 10 be the Beet Appointed and Best Mainged Foad in the Country. PASSENGER S GOING EAST Should bear in mind that this is the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , North and Northwest. Pasicn cra by this Route 1m e choice of FOUH DUTEEENT KOUTES , And the Advantage of Six Dally Lines of Palace Sleeping Cars from Chicigo to New York City Without Change , All Eipress Trains on this linearc equipped with the IVcstiujhoujO Patent Air Brakes and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect Fro- tcction Against Acci dents in the world. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND D'NINC CARS Arc run en the Burlington Boute. Information com.ernnf Routes , Rates , lime ConncitiuiH , etc . will be cheerfully given by applying it tbeotllceof the UurUogton Route , GU t ourtcentu Street , Omaha , Nebraska. C.E PERKIAS. D. W.HirCHCOCK. Ocn'I Manager. Gen. Wcst'n Pass. Ag't. J. O. PIIILLItPI , Ss.Joc. , Mo. General Agent , Omaha. H. P. DUEL , fcp5 Jlj Ticket Agent Omaha. COC fn < DOn P5r > lly at "ome. Samples worth I4 > 3 ID U > 6U S3 free. Address Stlnson k Co. , Portland , Maine. LJIVEgCOMPLAINTS , Constipation and Piles. an. K.H. ft , AKJ7 , South neroYt.scje , _ > ) "Ir.esics ofiaBSEY TROUBLES l.lua 1 lite a charm. . ' 'hr.ilcofenofrtLES , nnJ ho ? ncTcr felled to t K * KELSON KAIRCIIILI > , ofSt.All > iuuTt. , I i > ! 2je , "it Is of prfetleM Tclue. After sixteen l , ysara ct erect raCcr ! = s from Flies cd L tlrcDctn It completely cartel me. " U C. S. DOCAUO.V , efBcrkiUre , MJ "one I f , } ( Ittclr coring 3 icTCre LHcr od KMaey 3 Ccsnlclnt. " § T HAS winro * TQdDERFUt iW II ' 3 " * * * ' ii POWER. BECAUSE IT ACTS ON THE I jITEItjTnE DOWELS ANO BXD | NETS AT Tn : Occauso It cleanse the syctam Of J the poisonous humors that devetopo [ gl In Kidney and Urinary diseases , D11-J 2 lo'joness , Jaundicef Constipation , I g Plioa , or In Rheumatism , Neuralgia I jL3 and Female dlcorders. I & KIOXE-ST.-aroilTUadryTfcetallee J * potnJ end czn bi sent by Ban prepeli. t Jay U st tie DrncsUtfc Price , 91.00. ; 3 pai And ALL DISEASES of the Throat and Lungs. Put Up in Quart Size Bottles for Family Use. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue1 : TBEASl'RY DEr.AUTV.K > T. OFFICK OF INTEPXAL ntVENUH. ' " .nM-lvnov , U. , J nuarySC , 1SSC. f Keesrs. LAWRENCE i UAKTIN , 1111 JI l s..n St. , Chicago. J ! ? . . Or > TLia N I ha a rccci\cd a ccitifml foimu' & ' SIT ! 'I tbn inpinl.uitK and rtbtire ir p f- tlons used in the ininufictiirc ol ail artscla wliic i yu a lt ti-e n < l * , ll under th HAICC < > f "T 'J.t' . ROCK snd RYK. " Tliw coniK > Diid. accnrilirg I. r > u f < n > uN. in the ci luicn f tin * t iher , ! t ine atulllcitnt quantily of ttc IIAL&AJ ! O'c ICLU 'ogni * alltre abtjht c'n mjcill l to t < article in pectori" ! ct > n ) ( ! ant > > . ul Hall t hi l\ dsjitp ( . < 'islitctv jii > nuibn multnnK ' t > cumi > ound an a rnr.iWc nincdto Ihc patuul In the optninu cf this tffiic , on aitic'c n nipLii'et ! rcn.irir t > this f.-inii l > map cpc'Iy 'a cliMed tsanitdltlnjl ptcparat tnuicti the rius I &tl < ( i1ule.\.fn < lG iiic rtti > 3tS7. I > . Ketised Statutes , and wlitn toftrmjcil im > les. ilt\ l'iu..k.tiollrmr | : C" , an 1 Cthcr I'i- ! . t.i without icndcrinz them llible to ftnc ul t , ul qu i { ka' r . YourjRt-i'cctfuIIv , ( -igne ) GREEN B RAUM. Commlsslonrr. Lawrecce&lJartin. Clncaco , S < lB n-i.Uftrili' lit J tl j ( si .1 CaLtiLi Si > : d bDt f gis'a.Groicriv ' ] ami General DcjltiBCteoivhcr . Wt2 > - ' \ rnt Rrhtj CO. . uilHupplf the tia-'c at n amif-clmc.s pntis WHO IS UNACQUAINTED V/ITH THE SEE BY EXAMINING CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. IS THE GREAT COJttECTINJ LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THEM , Itn main line runs from Chicago ta Connrll l > ium < t Can forcatlnspurpov only. n - BluOJ. pd9lni ; thruusn Joliet , OlUirca , I.i.ille. ; . treat fritttro of LUT i'alaic Cars li u Sir Oenesoo. Mollnf. Koclc bland. Uivcnport.Vc t SALOON * norevou can enjoy your "ii * Liberty , lowat'itf.-Marcn o , llrooklyn. tirlnncll. a tell nonrtof tlio ilay. Jcs Jlolnes ( the capital of Iowa ) . L-luart. Atlan t Iron HrUtfes span the Si. r.--s tic , and Avocu : wtth brandies fruin Uur * n Ij'ourl rivcrant all points crushed v ; t It Junction to IVorlsllton Junction to > ! u-ca- line , and transfer-ore .ivouiert at Couuci. t * 8 , tiLO. Wn hlnxton. lairllcld. Kl.Ion. IJeltuiap. Kan s CUT. Lcavcnnorlh. and. Atcaei ! " * " * } ? Ccntrcvillo. I'rmcclon. Trenton , Gal latin , ' -ame- ncctlous bcijicniailo la L nlon Derx.tH. rin. Leaven wort li , Atchi n. and Kai ns tttT ; TUB PKIM H AI. It It. CONNfccTK- - * * Washington to blcnurney. Ostaloosa , nud Kno\- THIS ( .KUtT THKUlJOIl LLMJ A" ' Vfi Tlllo ; KtokuK to Karolnjzton. Ilonapartc , I'.CTi- tOLLOWS tonsoort. Independent. Lililou , Ottumwa. idy- At CHICA < ; C > . with nit UlTcrKlni ; llncc n > ' Tllle.Oskaloosa , 1'ella.Jtonroe. nnd DCS Jlolnoj ; Cast and Houtti. Newton to Monroet De'.Muines to Indiunolaunil At K.NG1vool > , with theL-S.&Al.S. anr / Wlnterset : Atlnntl- Lewis and Audulxm , ami Ft. W 4 C It. Itds. A"oca to Harlr.n. Thu Is posltivuly the only At \BIII.M.TOV UEIOnTS. With I * . O i 4b Kallroad. Thlch owns , and operate * a through L. K It. line from Chicago Into the htato of Kansas. At LA t-'Ai I.K with III. Cent. It. It. ThrouKh Express I'ateeniterTtnlns. with Pull Atl'KouiA.wlth 1 > . I'.AJ.s r. D.Aio A man Ifalaca Lara attached , are mu each way daily VT.5 111. ilia. , end T. I . .t W. IMS. tetween CHICAGO nnd PEOUIA. KAX'AH CITT , At HociC Ii-UAXD with "MIlnanieB 4 i-J COCJ.CIL Dmrrs. LEAVENWOKTU and ATCIII- Ltlaod Siiirt Line. " and Itock I'l'd * I'lK. bON. Through cars aroaisorunlietween > li' ' ' u- At IJAVEN POUT , with thu DaTtfCputt ! > ! ' ice end Kansas City. TII th "ililnautco and C.M.A.fct-1'.it.It. Rock Island frhcr * Line. " AtWESTLtnERTr.wlththeD C-lt.4 > The "Great V.ock Island" Is maznlQcenlly At iSntN VKI l , Ttth Tentrii ! IUWA H. > L equipped. Its road bed Is elmplv pcrlttt , and its tDEs Jioi..4i7itiii M.&K.II.R.H , track Is laid with steel rails. AtCorjNctt. liLovm.'wlUi Union Pacitl : I What wlU please you most will be the plensu tt AtOMAlIA. with IJ. A. Mo.lt-It.il. ol enjoylnir yonr meiK while uasems over the . . . bcaatlful prairies of Illinois and lown. In uneof At OTTCJUVJ. wltn Central lownK.i'I our macnlrtcent DlntneCars that accompany all gt. L. A. Pacu and ( \ K.AQ K. 1UM. Throusii Ejprc-s Trains. You net an cntiro At KCOKUK.with Tol. , Pet > . & War. : V at 4r meal , as Rood as Is sorred In uuy Unt-cUas hotel. Lours & Fac. . and fet. J * . Keo. & N.-W. H I < a < lorseTenty-ave cent * . AtCAMEilov. withll.Ht-J K.IU Appreciatlnt ; the fact th.it a majority of the At ATCHISOV. with Atch _ Tcpeka & bar J - WAtch people prefer separata apartments tor different Atch- eb. and Cen. Or. U.I * . 1L Uda. purposes ( and the immense pascncr ; business At I.EAVESWURTII , with Kan. I'ac , ttar - - , of this line wnrrantlnit lt . wu an-pleased to an Cent. It. Kda. nounce that this Company runs Pullman J'alace At KANSAS CITT. with all lines lor tin * Sleeping Can for Bleeping purpoc.i. and 1'alace and Southwest. PUIiUIAX PATiACE CAKS nrv run thrniiBh to I * ORIA , OES MO r ' COUACH. JJl.UFrs. K V S.VX CITY. ATCUISItX. nnd 1 > KAV X1VOUT1I Ticket * -vlit tbU I-Inc , Unoun i the * 'Grvat JCocl Juluail Koutc , " nre iv * all Ticket Accnts In the United Ntntc * anil Ciinatla. For Inronnatlon not obtainable it 3ourfaome tlclict oOlcr. nddreic. A. "KLMCBAJLtLi , E. S'J7. .TOETN" . Uen'l bapcrintendenu Uon'l Tkt. and rasa k-r An. FURNITURE , ATHERS , And everyrning pertaining to the Furniture and upholstery Trado. A COMPLETE ASSOHTMEHT OF NEW GOODS AT THE p li mou th git 1208 uiid 1210 Fariiiiam Stre i. Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator O IS ± SSO. MANUFACTURED BY P. P. MAST & CO. , SPRINGFIELD , Q- They alEe make Buckeye Improved Iron tleam Walking Cultivator , with or without Springs. The New Force Feed Buckeye Drill , one or two Hor&e Style. Enquire ior them at the beat dealers. F. H. PUGH. Gen. Aeent. tonal- " ' , A new sn < i hitherto unknown remedy for > II diseases of the Kidni-yj , Bladdtr , aud Urinary Orzana. It will positively cure Diabetts , Gravel , Drop- ry , Prizht's Disease , inability to retain or ctpell tte Urine , Catarrh of 'he Bladc'er , high colored and rcanty unne. Painful Urmitlnsr , LAJIC BACK , General Wnkness , * nd all female Ccm- plaints. It avoids internal medicines , is certain in it effects and cuits when nothing ece on. For iale ty all Diugguta cr sent ly rnnn fne upon receipt ol the pilce , $2.CO. DAY KIDNEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O , your sldreM { or CV JJ'49 jisci' ' ' ' K. mi , < cr HOME TESTIMONY. near what Ex Mayor Carrey an inflntuti * and prominent citizen of Piqua , nvs : PIO.M , O , D c-mber Z > , KT3 The DE. EOSISKO MUD me Co , Pi ua. O. : GEN1LZVI5 I fed under oanj cbli mtioni t > you { or the relief afforded me by the BSS of you Invaluable medicine , Dr. Botanko's RheuicaU i Cure. I bavobeen for many yea.-j a gnfferr- from Chronic Kheumatisn ) , suffering at tim' < most excrncatin ? pains , and < I pmiD j mo 11 many nights'eleeo. Attcrcontaltin ? anniabe- of physicians and obtaining no relief. 1 con : mcnced nsingr your Pneumatic Cure and alte- uaitig { our bottlen , and takio ? the Blood PariSf in conneetlon wit h it , I am absolutely cured rrj from any pain , Us to attend to nr ? buiiota.iii resting pere tly comtortabla at mzht. EespecUul'y ycur , S. B. OARVET FREE Dr. &atanlta't Treaty f timandJFKzsirti. /EH&Di ? , Bosaako JTedi5 0 ? , > iV/ fc.r : - i , oa.o i r G > ! > > nrt < * ' ! *