Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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JUNE 19 , 1880.
Price Five Cents
; - * J
Si Ifl { I & * ' < * % ' s !
anjaSR.5Btfi (
can Argumentsl\V
, 'J v Ki .i _ , . 7) ) , *
. Democratic Gandi
! ' * * ' '
i 41ri'
t -
U t be One Who
Supported .
. y * r *
The Gener.aLWho" Has'En
But it is'IWritten Bxpreeslj
For His Political
Temrfien'driGks Riding on th (
-'Crest of a Wa e'of
* *
Favor ,
Saucily Smaslaes
Great Plea tijt a Judicial
cial Decision. *
Tifden egksNo 'Vindicati Jn,1
* * i . . . . - j.
But Leaves the Field f %
-r f > r tr
, to Payne. ,1 .
'Paris .Filled
Hdosiers Must Vote in Octo-
Not in
Spctiil > DJsp tcTii abe Bee. L ' i
CHICAGO , , Jw > e 18 , 4 p. m. The
Journal's WtiliiDgtoa epecial siys :
SenatorTIiuruian left for Ohio Lut
night and expressed to bi friends the
greateefcenfldenca in hii chances at
Cincinnati. He thiuks that liis dele-
ga ioa/Trill'Bbif tro the unit rale and
not abandon htm ns Iocs as there ii
any hope. Thurmaa will not 50 to
Cincinnati , but hns had his home ccn-
fieclcd ty virdt'jnth , tha.headquaTters
of his * false
also a left yesterday
the campaign. It is said that there is
money without limit that can be need
in Field's interests if it should be
The citizens cf Washington irho
had subscribed a considerable sum to
.fire a' salute over Grant's nomination ,
decline to hare it uaed for a salute af
ter Grant ws defeated.
goes.totOalifornia to stump for Garfield -
field , uotwitbstandiae many said that
he'miuld skulk in bis tent.
The Journals' . Netr York cpecial
sayi : 'Horatio Seymourtrarelled
to"Olean. . yesterday , on
hearing" the JTeTr Jersey
n , a cquad of Tammany , and
many other delegates to Cin
cinnati. Jn conversation , Seymour
slid , ' 1 really doubt the expediency
f'nominating'any New York man.
It will imperil success. There is too
much feeling between the hostile fac
lions. I have taken no part in the
quarrels , and yet I should , if a can-
didete , have been unacceptable * to
some democrats. I do not doubt that
the true policy of the party is to take
s younger and new man , who Is hot in
any way mixed up with the Now York
of the long talk of his brother Samuel
and ex-Senator Gwynn , to say that
it-lasted about five minutes and that
no allusion whatever was made to
Jbd e Field or to either of his broth-
en , by Tilden , or to any matter bear *
ing whatever npon Field's nomination.
The New Yotk Post editorially
saye : Tilden's letter declining to-run
for the presidency , has again been
placed in- his friends' hands in Cincin
nati , , with the design that they shall
wp it ssa * basis for negotiation looking
to : tk'o unanimous nomination of Til
das. ' As § ocn us this result has been
secured the letter wiU be publicly
Special dispatch to The Bee.
CIKCINXATI , JunelO , 10 p. m. The
moat interesting news in Cincinnati
last night was _ the announcement that
the suproHae" court of Indiana hat de
cided ihat- the amendment to the con
stitution providing that the state elec
tion jhould occuc in November hag
beeiTdecided unconstitutional , on the
ground that a majority of all the votes
cut jrere not in its favor. This result
ratViBg Indisna an October state , nul-
) i w th claim of the Ohio delegates
tlMVThuman should have the nom-
Jaation , in. order to keep the natural
repablicaa jnijority in the only close
Oetobcr state down to the lowest pos-
bk llmita.
JThe decision Jias served to concea-
trete the Hendncks boom. Hon.
Oicar B/Hood , of Indianapolis , who
if hk chief manager , has tiken freah
coiaige. His headquarters a't the
Burfett home were lask night the
mostboayin town. Their daim for
t&e 9aaination is that no matter what
otlwr t te are carried by the demo-
, -na 'pregldent wtjg
e -opouly "by W. H
S ) tfrr4fceiailirayiBiBgnte , al Krw
- -
* fiy onr ) .cwi , ikit Samuel iT. l
will not Jbe made T oudiJaterofon
the convention. ' Thk Btjtiment wa
in the pressnca oi several genilesnep
and without any injunction of secrecy
During the SUM conversatioa tae&w
vpenoaalfriead ; o
Speaker Rind- ] declared * pecitirelj
that > , , J > Ate \ " * *
to convention for ballots , 'and thai
he was sot in any sense a candidate.
Added to this u the fact -that Mr.
Spear , an editor of the Enquire
hitherto a strong supporter of Spy ;
mour , declared last evening that lie
had received such information during
the day as to warrant hitnin asserting
that Seymour will not , under any cir
cumstances , accept the nomination ,
even if tendered him , and that there
will be an authoritative announcement
of his declaration in tbe convention ,
if necessary , to prevent delegates from
voting for him.
The friends of Gen. Hancock are
taking advantage of all these reports
to create an Influence in favor of their
man among the f.ieadsof the other
gentlemen named. They have estab
lished headquartois at the new Cen
tral hotel -on Elm street , under the
management of Gen. Franklin , of
Connecticut ; Gen. Baldy Smith , of
New York ; Mr. Hiram Atkins , of
Montpelicr , Vt. , and Judgq Jero
Black. The bisis of thor campaign
is this , thatfas Gen. Tom Eing said
o a democratic ediUr a month ago ,
the candidate of tbe democratic party
this year must be one was opanly , un ?
mistakably and uncompromisingly a
supporter of the government during
the war. That Gen. Hancock , more-
than any other man , embodies thht
Idea ; that there is no doubt but that
Garfield will poll the full vote of the
republican party , but that there ii a
vast number of voters who do not be
long to any paity , who care nothing
for party or any organization , who
will vote for the best man. That this
is the party including moet of the sol
dier element all over the north , and
that the record of Gen. Hancock-
completely overshadows that of Garfield -
field that it will attract the majority.
That of aH the soldiers ho 'moat .fitly
rspre-eats'tho idea of the * supremacy
of , th ivfl authority , 'and of all the
damon-itic candidates he most- fitly
reprezenti the sentiment that the re-
! ultaxf _ the war arefixad and unalter-
li casdrdBcrwiU. make
aaabtfal , Hot-only < be-
zen afitP
but be
: ause of the disaffection of the re
publican leaders. That Connecticut
would be carried by him and Illinois
irould be rendered close if not demo-
: ratic , because of the disaffection of
ihe republicans and the influence of
the state ticket withLyman Trumbull
it the head.
The strength oi the Hancock vote
is now reckoned by them at between
70 and 80 vote * .
Ex-Senator Taylor , of New York ,
jays he hai a long talk with Seymour ,
md knows that if tbe convention
should nominate t him and adjourn he
would not accept.
The other important boom , based
an the withdrawal of Tilden is that of
Beury B. Payne , of phio. The
Payne men consider their candidate
the natural legatee of Tilden , and
urge in bis behalf that he is .the
strongest man that could ba present ;
3d. They say he will unite the vari
ous factions of the party in New
fork , will poll 40GO more votes than
jarfield in the Ohio Western Reserve ,
a a statesman of reputation and eml-
lent ability , and will be able to carry
nore doubtful states than any man
ret named.
The national committee have decid-
sd to dispose of the seats on the plat *
brm themselves. Each member of
he committee will have his portion
md will invite his friends and distin-
; uished members of the party to oc-
; upy them. The remainder of the
moccnpled teals will be divided
tmong individual delegates , who can
lispose of them as they see fit.
A large number of delegates and
loliticians from all parts of the coun-
ry ara now in the city , and many are
Driving on each train. Crowds of
> eoplo were at the hotels and head-
[ uarters of clubs and delegations last
ivening , and the situation was dis-
inssed in an earnest manner. . John
ielly has arrived with 100 Tammany
oen , and soon after his arrival re
vived a telegram from New York
fating that a letter of declination had
ieen written by Tilden and addressed
0 RpbinsoD , who would carry it to
pedal Dispatch U The Beo.
NEW YOBK , June 19 , 1 s. m. The
ast delegates from San Francisco ,
Nevada and Oregon arrived in this
ity Thursday , and took the cars' at
! Tew York for Cincinnati. Several of
he California delegates waited on
Dilden for the purpose of getting a
lecided answer as to whether he was
> r was not a candidate for the presl-
lency. During this interview Tilden
nformed the delegates that he was
itill & candidate , and had no Idea of
rithdrawing , being aesured. that
ie should receive the necessary sup
port in the convention. He refused to
Commit himself as to whom he would
ransfer his interest should hlSwith-
ipedal Dispatch to the Bee.
COLUMBUS , O. , June 19 , 1 s. m.
Senator Thnrman held a conference at
he Nett house , with closed doors ,
rith twenty-seven of the Ohio dele-
ites. He says tie only desired to
onsult as to a plan of action , and that
he greatest unanimity-prevailed , and
1 very thing was sathfactjry to hjm ,
L delegate says that the only object
ras to .feel the delegates and discover
heir sticking qualities. All declared
heir determination to adhere to-
lurmM. There were present fieoa-
pr PsooletoB , CUoeral
e ucT.t'eorueT3au1. . . DnJflafini
r WflE jW Pt 'W
SptcUl diipUcli to Tas B R. ,
iroiATrlBbus , June. 10 , 1 a. m ,
The/jiupro cStirfc4 tKi < morning 3e
Isiled againet" , the { constitutiona
Jmendmeiit adopTed at the late special
el&tio ! & JThe-etftict of this-ia to con
| inutr Indiana an October state as re
gwd tft\a aiter of abto 'elections.
Spedal DUpa'.ch to Iho eo
. ' Juno 19 , 1 a , m. The
matB bqdy of the regular democracy ,
numbering about 500 , left. tbe-'GTajid
"Cincinnati. A majority of the dele-
Cation asicmbled at the depot shortly
after 7"o'clock , and.3urlng the discus
sion which took place among dele
gates and frienasjjt was openly tt tcd
that no part of the Tammany parly
would be admitted as delegates o the
convention. There was considerable
enthusiasm among the delegates , who
are mostly Tilden men , and loud
cheer * went up as the tr < ( in moved out
of the depot.
Mayor Cooper , accompanied by ex-
Police Commissioner McLean and a
select party , left at G o'clock last night
for Cincinnati by the Pennsylvania
Tammany braves will assemble at
their wigwam on Fourteenth street
this morning , and march to the Grand
Central depot , from where they will
start ia a special train for Cincinnati.
Spedal disjijlch to .The Bee.
BOSTON , June 19 ] 1 a. in. A Cin
cinnati special to the Globe says thaf
a western member of the nationa'
democratic committee makes the state
ment that within the last few days he
had talked with Tilden , and has it
from Tilden that he will not bo t can
didate for nomination ; that he has
prepared a letter t be read In the
convention ) as his jame has been pre
sented , withdrawing from the contest
and urging that the full support of the
party bo qiven to the nominee of the
convention. The gentleman says the
lettarJias.a'ready boon prepared , and
is a manly and patriotic production ,
and will electrify the party. It names
no man as a preference , but is devoted
to a broad and patriotic consideration
of the needs of the par'y and country
at this time.
Spedal dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , June 19 , 9 a. m. At
tbecabinet mce'ing ' Yesterday the
tenure of office act , and its bearing in
the nominations recently rejected , was
discussed , the ( resident's course in
appointing certain parties since re
jected ontthat ground , being ap
- Orders have been issued directing
ihe violation of the neutrality laws on
ihe Mexican border. This order was
sjued iu consequence of information
furnished the government of en oxpe-
iition forming in southern Arizona to
: roB3 to Mex'c ? and seize the govern-
nont of the Mexican state of Sonora.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
' WASHINGTON , June 19 4 p. m.
For lower Missouri valley , warmer ,
dear or partly cloudy weather , south
east winds and falling barometer.
Bier IConooll elation.
Spedal dispatch to The Beo.
LOUISVILLE , June 19 , 1 a. m.
The Muhlenburgh coal company , of
Mublenburch county , Ky. , operating
the most extensive mines in the state ,
ind the Green River coal and iron
M > mpany , "of this city , consolidated
yesterday , and will bo hereafter known
is the Central coal and Iron company.
A Crooked Congressman.
Special Dispatch to Tha Bo.
HACKENSACK , N. J. , June 19 , 1 a.
in. Chas. H. Voorhis , of Hacken-
lack , and the republican congressman
for the fifth congressional district of
New Jersey , was arrested this mornIng -
Ing ; on an indictment for exbezzling
5,000 of the defunct national bank of
Backensack , of which he was presi-
3ent. He is in the custody of the
iheriff. The prisoner was in congress
luring the past session , and evaded
processes of New Jersey courts.
Base Ball.
Ipedal Dlipatch to The lice.
HEW HAVEN , June 19. Yales , 1 ;
jhicagos 12.
ALBANY , June 19. Albany , 7 ;
Cleveland 10.
WASHINGTON , June 19. Nationals ,
! ; Baltimore , 1. _ _
Reduction m Cable Bates.
: pedal Dispatch to Tni Bn.
NEW YORK , Juno 19 , 1 a. m. The
lirect United States cable company
rill to-day make a further reduction
rom 50 cents per word to 37 $ cents
o all- parts In Great Britian , Ireland
ind France. The increase in the bus-
ness of the line makes the _ returns
> uch that a reduction is considered
ustifiable by the officers of the corn-
Fatal Family Jar.
Ipedal Dispatch to The Bee.
MtiNCiE , Ind. , June 19 , 1 a. m.
During a quarrel yesterday over some
amUy trouble , James Vpgus shot his
asher , Jacob Yogus , mortally jgound-
nghim. _ _
A New Short Line to tbe Bast.
Special Di'patch to The Globe-Democrat.
QUTNOY , 111. , June 15. Henry
Root , president , and other officers of
.he Quincy , Missouri and Pacific rail
road , are in New York city , and it is
inderstood that the formal transfer of
their road to the Wabash management
; ook place yesterday. The road b
jompleted to Milan , Mo. , and adds
) ver 100 miles tc the "Wabash road.
Hie latter corporation are taking ac-
ive measures for the extension of the
road westward to the Missouri river.
[ t U stated that no immediate changes
sill be made in the princ'pal officers
> f theQ.M.&T.
The acquisition of this road by the
SVabaih system means great things for
5maha. When it is completed to a
iounection with the Omaha line of
he Wabash the distance to eastern
> oints from Omaha by the Wabash'
ines will be reduced at least one hun-
Ired mfles , and will make a shorter
inoto thescah-- i'sn - ,
. . ,
f . - . s . „ > ? - * - *
1-v. f .
' - - " * -
Parliament to Mind His
Frenchmen ajid Greasers tc
" "
Greece-Spluttering in the Fire
VWarmed Over-'From
* * * " * " " '
_ - _ . *
And the Greeks are Preparing
for War With the -
Three Thousand Starving People
ple Raid a Government
Depot for Pood.
Special Dispatch to The Bee. * * *
.BERLIN , June 19 la. m. In th
supplementary conference of diplo
matists to day , during the discussion
of the question of boundary lines be
twean Bulgaria and Roumania , whlcl
is one of the unsettled isiues connect
ed with the traty of Berlin , Austria
suggested that Raisoya- shell belong
to Roumania , Bulgaria only receiving
sufficient land for the orecti-m of
bridge over the bridge at Silistria ,
which is situated on tbe right bank c :
the Danube , ab-ut fifty-even miles
northeast of Shurolo. The prospccl
} f an amicable understanding between
Central and Northern Albania is said
: o be increasing.
Special Dispatch to Tint Bw. '
LONDOJT , June 19 L a. m. At
.ho great international regatta at
Senloy the grand challenge cup was
ron by tbe Leander crew by one
ength , tbe London roving club com
ng in close second. The race was an
idmirablo ono and excited 'great inter-
'pedal Dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , June 19 , 1 a. m. In
ha bouse of commons yesterday Mr.
ishmead Bartlett , consarvative mem-
> er for Eye , pursuant to notice given
> y him asked the government for
nformation upon" England's posi
ion on the questions now under dis-
IUSMOU at the supplementary diplo-
mtic conference at Barlin ; what in-
( ructions , if any , had been gives by
ho government to its representative
Se c. - Barttettjwd tha * jta .of
no ; that misunderstanding existed
mong the powers which appeared
tkely to lead to serious complications ,
f not to war ; and that the house
hould therefore be informed if Eng-
ind is liable to bo compromised m
, ny way by the attitude assumed at
he conference by her representative.
In reply , Gladstone said with con-
idewble emphasis , and in a- few
cords , that he thought he "had reason
o complain both of the impudent
nanner and spirit in which the hon-
irable member's questions were asked ,
nd of the questions themselves. He
rould only"add that' the government
rould adhere both to the letter , and
pirit of the Berlin treaty , and these
rero its instructions to'ita represanta-
pedal Dispatch to THE BH. _
PARIS , June 19 , 1 a. m. M. Do
ireycinet yesterday informed the
ihamber of deputies that negotiations
or resumption of diplomatic relations
lefween France and Italy were pro-
eeding , and he "hoped that they
rould prove successful.
pedal Dispatch to THB Bit
LONDON , June 19 1 a. m. The
louse of commons last evening adopt-
d Mr. Lawaon's local option resolu-
A dispatch from Buenos Ay res cays
ho provincial government of the Ar-
entine republic have abolished the
nport duties , because 'the federal'
overnment closed the port of Buenos
pedal Dlipatch to The Bee.
CONSTANTINOPLE , June 4.9 1 a. m.
-Three thousand starving people
lundered the government grain depot
t Drarbecur.
pedal Dlsp tch to The Bee /
DUBLIN , Juno 19 , 1 a. m. The
imerican rifle team continued practice
t Dallymont yesterday. The shoot-
ig was not as good as Thursday's , al-
dough Farron was again best , he
laking 209 out of a possible 225 , ,
pedal Dispatch to the Bea
PARIS , June 19 , 1 a. m. A tele-
ram received here from Rio Janeiro
tates that Peru has concluded an of-
ansive and defensive treaty with
trazil , arranging for the transporta-
ion of war material across the Isthmus
fDarien. England and Italy have
rptested against the destruction of
rivato property by the Chilians. *
pedal Dispatch to Ihe Bea.
LONDON , June 19 , 1 a. m. A dis-
atch from Athens says it is believed
fiat war with Turkey is inevitable.
Tic government has stopped all fur-
mghs in the Greek army , and naval
reparations , including the purchase
> rpedoes , etc , are proceeding.
The unsnrpaaaed plearara rworta
f Minnesota became fajnoua long ago ,
ad amid her unrivalled scenery and
n the superb freih' water lakei there
leet every year people from ill parts
t the country , and especially from the
strains south and all aloag the btnks
tha MlHinIppi and Htaouri riven.
moro popukr 1 :
and inmber which ha
already become verf large make it
custom to pass 9 petiion of the summe
at the Minnesota l kw.
The first Minnflfota excursion o
the present aeMo"awill leave Omahi
on June 30 , at 3:4iFj : > . m. , going eve :
the Sioux City &JPaci6c and Siou :
City & SL Paul w'oa. The fare foi
the round trip to fit. Paul and retun
hu been fixed at | 18.35 ; tickets gooc
for sixty days. FttEparticulara ot th <
excursion , with pamphlets descriptive
of Minnesota scesiry. and giving fol
directions for reaching the resorts , al !
of which are but aT short.tide from St ,
Paul , obtained by addressing
Maic 'J. S. O'BrjNro , general south"-
western agent at O.i % 41 " plufis. d-tl
_ , .FAST TIME ,
The Time Tabje of Our West
ern Roads Made to
Agree With' the
The Manager's Meeting.
The managers and general passen
ger agents of the western railroads
terminal in Chicago held a meeting in
that city on Tuesday. The proposi
tion to change the arriving time of
irestern trains and the question of th
naintenance of passenger rates be
ween Chicago and points in the south
rest were matters for the considera
ion of which the meeting had been
ispeclally called.
The proposition to change the time
if the arrival in Chicago of trains
rom the west , was agreed upon with-
> ut much discussion. The change
greed upon applies only to tbe
hrough trains from Kansas City and
) maha , which arrive in Chicago in
he afternoon. The arriving tcheiulo
or the different trains will-probably
o as * follows : Chjcago and North
restem , 2:15 : p. m. ; Chicago , Bur-
ington and Quincy , 2:15 ; Chicago ,
lock Island and Pacific , 2:30 : ; Chlca-
o and Alton , 2:30 : ; Illinois Central ,
:45. Each line reserves the right ,
owever , to lengthen the time , if nee
wary , but the arriving hour cannot ,
nder the present understanding , be
irlier than 2 o'clock , and the sched
Ie via all road * will bo such as will
aable through passengers to take the
Mt-bonnd fast express train hero at
:30. : The Chicago , Milwaukee and
t. Paul will not change its arriving
ihedula would work an jn'cunvenieoco
) the Milwaukee travel , and , as tbo
:15 : trains will be continued as here-
> fore on all the eastern routes , pas-
ingors arriving too late for the fast
spress will * suffer only a briaf deten-
Tire of the 'western roads the
hicago and Northwestern and the
hicago and Alton announced to the
teeting their intention to change time
a next Sunday. The Rock Island
ad the Burlington will probably have
leir new schedules in readiness by
lat date , but they could not make
osiflvo announcement to that effect.
Trains leaving Council Bluffs and
lansas City at 5 p. ro. will arrive in
few York the second evening at 10
'clock. '
The Chicago Times , in speaking of
lis mooting , says :
"With the time-changes disposed of
ie managers next undertook to arrest
ie demoralization in passenger rates
i southwestern points , and to
lengthen the covenant which was
itered into by all the lines in Febru-
y last. In this undertaking , how-
rer , they were not successful. The
imper displayed during the session
as anything but amiable. The Bnr-
ngton people were accused of having
: omised free transportation to a large
irty of California knights templars
om Omaha to Chicago , and also with
wing agreed to ticket a delegation
: Colorado , knights templars from
Kansas City to Chicago at rates con-
dcrably under tariff. It was speci-
3d in connection with this charge
iat the transportation had been ar-
> nged for by Mr. Hitchcock , who Is
3W in California , and who , it was
irther alleged , is acting under orders
ven direct by Vice President Per-
1ns. , Messrs. Potter and Wood ,
presenting the Burlington company
' the state-
L the'meeting , pronounced
ent'false. Something of a sensation
aaj&iW pJ.Mr. . Hughitt , of the
lould be verified , his company would
( gard as void the agreements recent-
' made with the other two Omaha
aes , though the nature of the agree-
ents referred to did not transpire ,
[ e also stated that luV company , as a
ember of the Iowa pool , would exact
s fall proportion of the full local
ties from Omaha to Chicago , and
onld insist npon that at the peril of
ie pool itself. "
Drf UnffwentwestThursday after-
) on.
Capt. Munson , of Fort Hartsuff , is
i town.
Major John Heath , of Lincoln , is
i the city. ,
Judge Dundy andjamily left for
> me yesterday.
Hon. J. H. Millard has returned
om the east ;
Mr. Frank B. Knight has returned
om California.
George Berry , of Berry , of Berry
ros. , Neligh , Neb. , is In the city.
Mrs. T. C , Mackey and daughter
ive returned from Ft. Scott , Kansas.
John Van Horn , chairman of the
Mtd of county conhmssioaers , is In
Jlr , 8. Ti Wajkej1 , .
of the nail work ? , has gone to Sai
J. M. Bowman , superintendent o !
schools of Warren county , In'd.isit
the city on a visit.
Thomas Morton , of The Nebraska
City News , was in the city Thursdij
attending the exercises at Brovrnell
Several delegates from California to
the national democratic convention
pused through the city yesterday af
ternoon. " " < "
Mr. Floyd Trevis , president oi
Wells , Fargo & Co.'a express compa
ny , and one of the wealthiest men oi
the Golden state , passed through the
city Thursday on his way east.
George F. King , who for some time
pael has beenk member of the W. U.
corps of , operatora.left Thursday for
For ) ; Kinney , Wyoming , Territory.
He goes to fill the position of post
operator at that place.
Several of the young ladies of
Brownell hall want west to their
homesyosterday Misses Alice Thrall ,
Lulu Clark , and Minnie Hall , to
Schuyler , and Miss Clara Brown and
Rose North to Columbus. Miss Mar
garet Maxwell goes to Fremont , and
Miss Katfe Trabing to Medicine Bow
this noon.
Mr. F. R. Meyers , the Pacific coas
agent of the Erie and Chicago line ,
went west yesterday.
Dr. Todd , Ed. Marks , Abe Taylo ;
md Bob Heiii , four business men o :
itchison , Kas. , stopped in the city a
rew hours yesterday , to visit " thi
) oys. " They are en route to St. Paul
DECKEK On Friday morning , June
.8 , 1880 , infant daughter of Mr. and
Ura. 0. G. Decker.
Funeral services at the South Oma-
la M. E. church Sunday morning , at
.0:30 : o'clock. Friends of the family
re invited to attend.
SIDNEK On Thursday , June 17 , at
1 o'clock p. m. , Sadie Blanche , aged
l years , 2 montlis and 17 days , daugh-
erof H. and Mary Sidner.
Funeral services from the residence ,
Venty-third and Nicholas streets , on
laturday at 10 o'clock a. m.
District Court-Juno Term.
The following proceedings were had
n Thursday- Hon. James W.
'avaee ' presiding :
Rogers vs. Bartlett et al. ; order of
efercnce to B. E. B. Kennedy , Esq ,
Lowoet al. vs. Loire et si ; leave to
le amendment to answer.
Johnson vs. Mercer , jury trial'iury
acaigr.Eyvladii vt rrivit. at .ft. . . nVforV
km mornius , to which time court ad-
Durned. _ _
Real Estate Transfers.
Frederick Laraen and wife to Win.
'etereou ' n. J s. 4 lots 1 and 2 , block
( Reed's first addition $175 , w. d.
Samuel E. Rogers and wife to Chas.
f. Pulling part of lot 10 , block G ,
; ogors' addition $150 , w. d.
Henry B. Curtis to Jacob Wille-
orrse lot 2 , block 24 , Omaha
1200 , w. d.
A. E. Touzalin to Alice B. Har-
reaves lot 1 , Terrace addition § 25 ,
. d.
d.A. E. Touzalin to Edward Clarke-
it 2 , TerracB addition $265 , w. d.
A. E. Touzalin to Wm. Randall-
it 3 , Terrace addition § 265 , w. d.
A. E. Touzalin to Jas. Petterson
it 4 , Terrace addition § 265 , w. d.
Isaac E. Lillibridge to Claua Oft
. e. qr. s. 15 , t. 26 , r. 11 § 1600 ,
. d.
Glaus Oft to Eggert Oft wi n. e.
r. a. 15 , t. 1C , r. 11 § 800 w. d.
J. A. CoombS.
Yesterday morning .an emissary of
IIE BEE happened to be in Dillon-
lie. He stood on the depot platform
atching the passengers alight from
ie Chicago trains. Among them ho
jscried the familiar mug of J. A.
oombs , the eminent barrister , and
a heart went out at once to the man
horn the emissary had called on so
any times , during his business career
Omaha. He called about the 1st of
-cry month.
Coombs went to Denver from hero ,
it soon after moved to Chicago ,
here ho has been doigg a rushing
isiness , to hear him tell it. Ho says
s has struck a big bonanza in
olorado mines , being Mer
ited in some of the largest
les in the state. This news will be
all received by his dear friends In
. Omaha , who felt so sorely grieved
, his sudden departure from our city ,
i the course of his conversation with
ns BEE man he said that while in
hicago ho had bought a mortgage on
maha real estate , from which ho an-
cipated rich returns. He added
Lat it was upon a quarter section ly-
ig between Sixteenth and Nineteenth
reets , on California. "There's mil-
oni in it. "
County Court Proceedings.
Palmer vi. Overall etal. ; judgment
ir § 340.88.
Julius Treitschke vs. Fritz Reipen
; al. ; judgment for § 142.10.
Why dose yourselves with nauseat-
ij > medicines , when a purely fruit
ithartic will cure you at once Ham-
argFigs. Try them.
Over eighty millions of dollars of
isuranca capital of the oldest and
eat home and foreign companies rep-
wented in the agency of Taylor &
dl6lf -
Murphy & Lovettlns. Agency ; old
it established agency In this state.
apl8-ly x
Headquarters for Joe Schlitz's
beer at MSECHASTS' Ex *
aji , & E , Cor , 16th od Podge ,
- *
I-i-4 , "
Gen- Hatch Asfa Permission tc
Follow Victoria Across
the Border.
Indiana's Constitutional Amend
ments Declared Void by
the Courts.
Countless Numbers oi Negroes
Starting for Northern
Victoria's Indlaa * .
Spedal Dispatch to tiw Bea.
WASHIHGTOHJuselS , 4-p. m.
At'the cabinet meeting to-day a tele
gram from Gen. Hatch requesting per
mission to follow Victoria's Indians
across the American border was re
ferred to the state department , with a
view of obtaining the consent of the
Mexican government.
The departure of an expedition
from southern Arizona to take posses
sion of the state of Sonora , Mexico ,
hza been postponed.
An Empty Treasury.
Spedal Dispatches to The Bee.
SIDNEY , Australia , June 3. Tha
supplementary financial statement
shows a deficit of 290,000. It Is
proposed to cover this by an export
duty of a farthing on greasy wool , half
penny on weshed and scoured , six
pence on horses and cattle , increased
royalty on coal , and re-imposition of
itamp duties.
Indiana's Constitution.
Ipc&'al Dispatch to The Bee.
INDIANAPOLIS , June 18 4 p. m.
fho supreme court , in a test case , do
lided to-day that the amendments to
he constitution of the state , approve *
> y the popular vota last fall , are no
alid , not having been submitted to
he people or adopted in a lega
orm. This overthrows all the work
> f that election , and leaves the consti-
utlon in every respect as it stood be-
ore the amen dments were proposed.
Lmong other effects this continues In-
iana as an "October state" in the
latter of state elections.
Tbe African Exodus.
pocial dispatches to The Bet.
ST. Loois , Juno 18 4 p. m.
Miring Tuesday , Wednesday and
'hursday of this week the arrival here
t colored refugees hai beea very
irge , end to-day every foot of avail-
ble space in and about tlra . :
ief Keadojiarteza * etovdtwL inHf
nd sizes. Iftho-atatemenbi ofmw
omera are to be believed , the exodus
as only setHn.SFegroe *
ippi and Louisiana , especially the
ittor state , fear a revival of ttbe
lu-Klux and bulldozing rule ,
ad they are all preparing
> leave , in many .instances sacrificing
hat little they possess for a sufficient
im to transport them to St. Louis.
'umbers are now encamped on the
ver bank at various landings await-
ig arrival of boats to convey them to
iis city.
Colorado Greenbac&ers.
xx&l dispatch to TBS BIB.
DENVER , June 18 , 2 g. m. Tha
ate greenbackers yesterday nomina-
id Bev. A. J. Chittenden for gover-
or , and adopted resolutions endorsing
[ earney. <
The leader of the Leadvlllo strike
as arrested here.
Chicago's Population.
teclal Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , June 17 , 4 p. m. The
msus returns from this city are not
et quite complete , but- near enough
i to indicate that our total population
about 475,000.
' New York Mono ? and Stock.
HKW TOBK , June 18.
UONEY-Market at 2JQ3J per cent.
B.C ,1881 . - . 106 }
8. 6S , NfliT . . . . . - . IOH
.w . . . . . - 1071
8. per cent . _ . 1081
< kljUid . - . 10U
Inoa Central . - .102V
B. &Q . - . ' 118F
& A . . . . . 108
" preferred . 12i
'W ' Tore Central- . 127 }
keShoro . - -
le prefer -ed . , . CO
irthwastara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W
irthweitera ptettird . 109
.Paul . . - . . . W
, Paul preferred . -103
ibain , St. Louis and Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . 31
preferred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SS
in , 4 St. Jo . 33i
in. 4 St. Jo , pfd . 7 <
mass &Tezat . _ . . . . . . . . .
UonFadfle . ' . . Kty
irthera Fadfle . . . zfil
Jo preferred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < < t
eitera Union Tel < craph..u. . . . 104 }
intral Paaflc . 69
icincIIaU . 37 |
. P. land grants . - .
Chicago Produce- .
CHICAGO , June 18.
Wheat Active and unsettled ; No ,
lj@95lc , closed at 95o cash , 94i ®
} | c , closed at 94c bid for June ; 91 |
931c , closed at 92p for July ; 86 ®
5@86Jc , closed at 85c for August ;
b. 3 , 85 < 386c ; No. 2 red winter , In
: ore , § 1 03.
Corn In good demand , active and
Igher ; No. 2 red and high mixed ,
536J , closed at 36@36fc for cash ;
536tc , closed at 36o for June ;
5@3Ggc , closed at 36c for July ; 36
SOk , closed at 35Jc bid for August ;
ijected , 34@34c.
Oats Market quiet and firm ; No.
28@28c for cash ; 2&28 c , closed
r 28Jc for June ; 26j@26fc , clojed
127ic for July ; 23J23ic for Augnrt.
Eye Dull ; No. 2.75cbld.
Barley No. 2 , 73ia74c.
Folk In active demand , considera-
! y excited and higher ; | 1100@U10
r cash ; $11 05@11 17i for July ;
1115@1117 * for August.
Lard Fairly active but Irregular ;
5 7CK36 72Jifor July ; 96 75@6 77jfor
Bulk Meats S&oaldaa , 94 50 ;
lort ribs , f6 85 ; short clear. 96 87.
Whisky-Si 08.
cioscrc rwejfc
tut foim } TSo , 9
Wholesale and Eetail
Goods sent to any part of the United States on
solicitation. Largest assortment of
And everything found generally in a first-
class Jewelry Store.
Jewelry Manufactured OB short notice. Orders
the Cemtry solicited. Whcnin Oumba cnl ] nnd sec us , Jft
trouble to show Goods.
TheJcwflcrg , Opposite r lie Poslofflcc , 15h ( & Dodge.
To protect the public against Imitations and Fraud we caution
all purchasers of
to see that the word CAPOINE on the label is correctly spelled.
Do not allow some other p'astor to be palmed off under a similar
Bounding name , with the assurance that it is the same thing eras
as good. * Bear in mind that the only object such vendor can
have is the fact that they can buy imitations at prices lees than
half that of the genuine , and they hope by this substitution to
[ jain a small additional profit.
SteABTJRY & JOHNSON , Pharmaceutical Cbemlots. New YorJc-
sprintr , 94i < g94jc for July ; 92J92 = c
for August ; 8585c for September ,
closing st inside prices bid.
Corn 3636c for June363Ggc ;
for July ; 36jc for August.
Oats 28@28c for June ; 27@27.Jc
for July ; 23jc for August ; 23Jo for
the year.
Pork $5 05@10 00 for July ;
810 00 for August ; $11 3211 35 for
Saptember ; $9 95@9 97 $ for the year ,
closing at $11 07 * for July and $11 25
® 1127 $ for August.
I rd-$6 72J for July ; SO 75@6 7i
For August.
New Yorlc Produce
NBW YOBK , Juno 18.
Wheat Limited business ' ; receipt ? ,
316,000 buaheld ; No. 2 Milwaukee ,
81 15&1 16 ; No. 2 red , $1 2521 26 ;
mixed winter , fct210i212 ; ungraded ;
white , 81 18@1 21.
Corn Daaaui , "active ; receipts ,
fsy ijs
57c ; round yellow , 68cNo. 2 June ,
5252Jo ; July , 50j < 2f3QJ < t.
Oats Firm ; receiotj , 405,000 bush-
da ; mixed western , 3740c ; white
restern , 38@40c.
, Eggs Dull at 12@13c.
Pork Firm now me s11 75 ®
Beef Steady.
Cut Meats Firmlong ; clear middies
7 25 ; short clear , § 750.
Lard Strong ; prime steam , old ,
.7 . 20 ; now , $7 25@7 30.
Butter Dull and heavy at 12@22c.
Cheese Nominally unchanged.
Whisky $112@113.
Milwaukee iToauce Uarfcet
ULV-AUKJUS. June 18.
Wheat Firm ; | c , lower'and closed
uiet ; hard , $1 00 ; No. 1 Milwaukee ,
102 ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 94jjc ; June ,
4c ; July , 05Jc ; August , 88Ac ; No. 3
Iilwankee , 85c ; rejected , nominal.
Corn Stronger but quiet ; No. 2 ,
Oats Steady at 28c.
Bye Declined | c , 75c.
Barby Quiet and steady ; No. 2
tit. Liouis Produce.
Sr. Louis , June 18.
Wheat Dull ; No. 2 red , § 1 07s
or cash ; 31 02J@1 02J for June ; 89 |
J89@89jfor July ; 87g@87 $ for Aug-
st ; No. 3 do. , $1 02 bid ; No. 4 do. ,
> 4c bid.
Corn Dull ; 35J@35gc for cash ; 35 |
or June ; 34134-go for July.
Oats Higher ; 2929gc for cash ;
Dip for June ; 21 c for August.
Bye Steady at 80c.
Barley Nothing doing.
Butter Firm ; dairy , lC@18c ;
reamery , 18 < g22c.
Whisky Steady at $108.
Pork Higher ; § 11 25@11 30 for
ash ; § 1130 for August.
Dry Salt Meats Stronger ; f6 25 ,
0 50 , $6 85.
Eggs Quiet at 78c.
Bacon Higher ; § 5 00 , § 7 25 , § 7 50.
Lard Firmer at ? 6 60.
cnicago Live Stocs Market
CUICAGO , Juno 18.
Hogs Receipts , 20,000 head ; ship-
dents , 6000 head ; strong demand for
at cattle and good inquiry for all
lesvy grades ; bacon hogs rather quiet
nd easy at 3 OC@4 00 ; mixed pack-
ig , $4 004 20choice heavy , 4 25 ©
Cattle Beceipts 5000 head ; ship-
lents , 4600 ; trade quiet and nnaltcr-
d from yesterday with demand large-
j for light medium weights ; common
o fair shipping cattle , $3 85@4. 30 ;
oed to'choice , | 432J < 34 75 ; butchers'
tock , generally at | 2 00@3 00 ; grass
'exans , $3 003 25.
Sheep Beceipts , 400 head ; ship-
lenta , none ; values weak but not
notably lower ; common to fair , $3 50
; 4 75 ; good to choice , $3 80@4 25.
St. tioula Live Stoclc-
ST. Louis , June 18.
Hogi Active and lower ; Yorkers
nd Baltimore * , | 410@425 ; packing
ad butchers , $4 104 25 ; coarse
e vy , t3 70@4 00 ; light btcon , | 3 90
)400. ) BecelpU , 4500.
Cattle Market active and lower ;
dotce to fancy shipping steers , $4 60
)4 ) 70 ; good to prune , $4 304 50 ;
ledium to fair , | 3 90@415 ; cows and ;
eifers , $2 80@3 50 ; grasa Tezans and
sdlans , | 2 80@3 40 , Beceipta , 1300
Skeep Quiet aad unchanged ; fair
faacy , | 3 00@4m Eeceipti , 500.
Proposals for Furnishing
the City of OmahR , Xe- !
braska , with Water , for
Fire Protection and
Public Use. .
Eraletl pmposalt In duplicate will re rtetlred
by the unUers'xn il at hU ultra in tbo dlr o ( .
bmaha , Nebraslr : , nntil 12 o'clo Ir. noon , on th
12th diy cl July , A. I ) . , 18 = 0 , for farnishlnfxb *
citr ot Omaha , Nebraska , with water work * lot
fire protection a-jd public n c , lor the teim of
twenty Are jeais fioru tbo time of compl tiwx of
raid woriu , throngh twa hundred and flftflra
bjd-aats , of tie coaractor and of the location
twrntknf d in ordinamo N. 4 3 , raued hytha *
oty council of tha dty of Omaha , Mebraska. and
apj.roTed bj the mayor , on tha llth d y of Jane.
A. D aSiO. aud theroportotJ. D.Coo > . en-
hrthc cny ccu-ol >
chiriil IB MiAfted
or bids
crUd'aful avardloir cf Ui contract
'ranch ' | nibl > ciii > plrn < i flre proteettop to meh ,
of the ternri and coti < Ui < n of onjjoaiicv No.
JSJ.inJ that the water to In futni.beJ Umm h
said bydtanta , HK 1I at all times when required
da lug taid term ( a reuonable time being aflow-
ed fur repa'rs in CSSM of uuaroiCable acud nta )
perform the tnts mentioned In ordinance No.
123 , and site tbe flre protection therein men
Sxd popsoU or bUa nball specify the pric *
per by > ract per year for the sud two bundled
and fifty hylrants darinz sali term ; alwtho
price per hydrant per jear for intetmed ao
bydrautapliceduron tbe mains spec fled i the
repcrtof J. p. Cook ( on tl lu the office ft tbo
dtycletkof Oraiba , Nebraska , topi.acf which
will be furnished b d Jcr > on applicatloH ) . in ex *
ctia of sa.'d t o hull 'red and fifty , and alao the
price per bjdrant par je r in caae the city at
any time durin < laid term elects to bars mor *
bpdranti npon now mal s.
Sol * propoeats cr biJS shall be accompanied by
a conditional tcceptance tf ordinance No.m , in
tbe event tha contract for the public supply and
flre protection ( ball ! awarded. -
Tbe contract ( or such puollc supply and fl'e
protection wU be > warded to the lowest respon
sible bidder or bidders , and tte city connc 1 of
tbe city of Omaha reserves the right to reject any
ai.d > I1 bltls-
EoTelopes containing pmpuit.b&hould be mtrk-
ed "Proposals for furnish ni ; the < rty of Omaha
with water for flra protection > ntl pabll ; use , "
and address to the. ucdcragned ,
City Clerk of the City of Om-ha.
Otrahs , NebrukB , Jane 12tb , IbSO.
Bealed proposa's wl'l ' bo received by the on *
dsrslgned until 12 o'clock EOOII , June K , 1880 ,
for the f arnishlne ot all material and tbe erec
tion and completion of a two-story brick icltool
bmldlos ( or the fifth ward , in the dty of Omaha ,
to he located on Cart street , between Fourteenth
and Fifteenth streets. Separate bids will be re-
ccivd as follows : For all brick work and the
furnishing of the required materials and laying
tbe sime , and including to setting o ( all stone * .
( or all plastering , and furnishing the rtqoirtd
materials for tbo tame , for ail cut ( ton * deliver
ed on tbe ground , for all carpenter and Joiner * '
work including the { araisblnjrof all required materials - .
terials ( or tha same , for all paintlzir and glazing ;
including all rtqulrtd mttetioU for the same ,
for all ezoivatinir and also aUcoapletebnll ! hiC
plans and specifications an be seen at tbe offic -
of C. Driscol ! . architect. Tbe persooorpet
sons receiving the award will be required to ex
ecuta a bond with good and soffldent secorUj
for tbe f ilthf ul pert oncance tk ereof . Proposals
should be endorsed proposals for boildiay. .
The right Is reserved to reject anor all bid * .
Secretary of Board of Education ,
JeTecdgir _ Omaha 5 b.
Cheyenne , Wyoming.
r , Fine Urge Sample Boomi , oo
Heck from depot. Trilns ( top from SO minutes
to 2 hours for dinner. Free Bui to and from .
Depot. Itatrs Si 00. f ° 50 and 13.00 , according
to room ; s ngle meal 75 centx.
A. I ) . CALCOM , Proprietor.
ANDREW BORDEN , Cnlef CItrV. mlO-t
The Benefit of
Until SATURDAY , JUNB'10 ,
WIU be produced with all IU splendor.
concert icene Introducing aonjs and danna , 4c
u originally pertormed in London.
Adahdon 25 ; , g c , 76c , Bcserred vsttat ,
The owner of the cdebraUd KaoUa
Banks , sear LOUISVILLE , NEB. , ha *
now ready at the depot at LookriUfl , o&
the B. & M. wJlroid ,
ties ( tearing a white front
brick wffl do wen to giT9n * caa
J. T. JU HOOTEK , Fr l ,