Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    V't *
V s 11
fM . * . " .t w 4 5 "L ,
Established JS71. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
. * ( ]
r S.
, * " . . ft
The Close of Congress Con
spicuous. for its Turbulence -
bulence and
Desperate iid Unsuccqssful Eai <
o thlEaviiigMoneyacsoii
tlis Treasury.
TheiBoozyBourbons ; Bellow
Loud and Long for Their
VJf /
esaf Fatal 'Barrier' \
jsrg . 'V. T x
the Hope . , >
The Bulks Senatorial Eing Ee-
lfuEe'tcEead ? the -Presi
dent's Veto , - . -
' 'Their
"Mutton * .Chops" Until
the * Dying ; Hpyr.
* . * * ? , <
Tha Deserted" Halls Re-echo
the Solemn Death Knell -
f S ipf bemocracy , t
And the Marbleized "Immor
s 'tal" Mutely Acquiesce.
. .
T ; ' f I.T ;
Epcdal.dlipateh to JhS Bee.
WASHINGTON , June 16 4.p. . m.
secretary 61 * the uavy to 'tike th
necessaryf elapj , to .secure adequate
naTafttstloh ? and harbors for the use
of the naval forces of the Unitec
States at'the'.proper points on'ttb
Atlantic and MaciGc coaf , Central
America and American isthntus" He
osked presout consideration/ h * - "
Cockrell objtctod to the measure
declaring that the policy of this gov
ernmentoh.tho international question
should noFt > 5' brought la durrog the
last two and a half houra of tht SBJ"
sion , and the resolution' was plaosd.on
the calendar.
employes jifteea , days' esito pay after
the adjournment of coagreis was-ob
jested'to and woot over-
The bill allowing Dodd , Brown &
Oo. § 58,000 on certain Indian con
tracts , apj-rjovwl by the commissronei
of Indian trtaiis. was passed.
Special Dispatch to The Be . '
OinCAOo , June 1C , 4 p. m. The
Journal's Washington special says :
The scenes in the house were very tur
bulent. JfcLane , of Maryland"wl
for two or three days , held the jobbers
at bay with his sugar bill , gave way this
morning to a motion of Hurd , of Ohio ,
to pws h bill appropriating $75,000 for
ft public building at Toledo. Then all
other members whorhad bills of a simi
lar natura rose immediately on their
feet , gesticulating and shouting them
eolves hoaree. The speaker helplessly
pound7ed4away.wilh ; bis gaverand'as-
soied 'the gentlemen that if , they
wpuld'teep quiet they would all bo
accommodated. Finally a motion
was made to go to. the speaker's table ,
and the-roll call .began. Then , and
not till then , was there a cessation oi
Another attempt was made in the
senate to consider a resolution in rela
tion to the eight Jhourylaw , but the
democrats objectodj and"atethus ; re-
eponsible for'its failure.
There has perhaps never been eo
tame a closing of congress aa the pres
ent one.
The eenato reassembled at nine
o'clock and after passing sonic pri
vate bills immediately went in
to ( executive session. Upon coming , '
into open session Senator AntKbny < in *
aisled that the democrata ought -not to
pnt such iudignity upon the president
as to decline tp re&d the veto message ,
and he insiatedupon recording .a vote
upon that jjueetion. The democrats ;
by this votd decliucd to read the mes-
BSglE gjfi'f
wfi confirmed adjutant general of the
United States finny by the senate.
The commissioner to , .ratify the Dte"
agreement was also confirmed.
In the closing half hour of the
senate the attempt to pass the malt
bill with the general tariff bill attached
fajledj- gad theBubjec was postponed
until the secojid day of the next .ses
sion. The brewers made a strong :
pro&st against'theb'illT claiming that'
it would increase the duty on malt
33 per cent *
Oarmle made a .report , from fhe
Springer anonymous letter committee ,
which was ordered printed. The re
port finds Finley to. ba the author of *
the letter. Manning and Keifer submitted -
mitted their roporL. )
The majority report , elgneS by five
members of. the committee , declares
that 'Donnelly Ii entided to the , seat ,
while the minority report" is in favor
of Washburn. * Both ware ordered
printed and recommitted.
< TgS-I , t BTa :
} n the
. ' - , - , } > - , . :
lent , and almost every member was on
his feet , wildly waving a bill , endeav
oring to catch the speaker's eye.
Noori , however , arrived . and the
speaker declared the house adjourned.
Both houses adjourned at noon.
All the regular appropriation bills
were tigncd by the president and be
came law. '
, Hartranft's nomination failed to
receive action , and expired at. the close
of Ihe seiaion. , .
f ? A. letter has been produced hero
from Jero Black , . dated in 1873 , in
which he colnpletelTindicaW Gar8-
field , from any wrong in connection
with the Credit Mobiler matter.
n - . " > CONNHJIATIO5S.
Special JJiutch to tbeB e. ,
terfay confirmej.a large 'number of
army prpmotions. Abe the follow
ing : J. B. BoVman , of-Kentuckyf ;
Alfred B. Meacham , of District of
Columbia ; George W. Mouoypenny ,
of Xhio ) , and J. J. Ruisell , . .of Iowa ,
commissioners tp ratify the agreemeBt
" wtth the Utes ; O. * R. J. Clarlrrof
, BhodeIsland , to bo deputy commis
sioner of pensions.
The number of bills introduced in
the house during thoi session just
closed was C493. In the , senate there
were introduced nearly 2000 bills. and
joint resolutions. The , number' of
bills which. , have passed and b'fccome
laws is 330.J A great' many of 'those
were -for private claims. No finance
or- tariff legislation hasj. gone
through , nor was there anyigeneral
railroad legislation. No general bills
relating to bounties and pensions were
passed , except a bill for the relief of
disabled soldiers of the -late , war. * Do-i
duct the general apprcpronriation bills
aud .
* - IMPORTANCE s\ \ ' *
'has been passed. arly in th'e session ;
the banking and currency committee
determined to let' matters stand as
they were. . The committee on wajs
and means also decided upon 'nonj
"action. After considering different
larifl measures for some tirno two or
three bills were reported , butso late
in the se. sion that ac'lion was'impo'ssi-
Fernando Yood made a desperate
effort once to have his funding bill
considered , but the house waa not
'disposed in that direction , and"after a
day or two of' debate it was permitted
to drop out of eight. , Tho" house de
voted two moiitha to the consideration
of the new rules which have turned
out to be an obstruction instead of an (
aid to legislation. * .
* The senata hos accomplished * much
jnare than the house , and thefr'caleii- '
d r is completely clear of all import-
the most impcrSm"OJPntJjrx.bJli | ?
The seDattTwAsted a great deal -time
over tho-Kclfogg and Fiiz John Porter
ter cases > without accomplishing any
The house calendar now , at the cloto
of the session , is a. voluminous docu
ment of 00 pages. There are on it
300 bills in the committed of the
whole oil the state of the union , and
150 bills which do not involve" . . 'ap
propriation. On thn house cal/ndiur
proper are nearly 1200" bills ; oh'ilia
private calendar , 18 house' bills .with'
senate amendments , aod90"biUsfr6m'
the senate , on their first and 'second
reading. These' bills will all -be in'.or ;
der next soEsion\but as theHime fi ?
limited to throe months the prospect
of their passing Is not very great. V ,
Special DIspttch to The B * * . & > /
CHICAGO , June 16 The Journal's
New York special says : ! s
that either the Queen or Anohofia got
into port after the collision at Sandy
Hook , pn the , 13th insfc .An' ' thef-
Queen lies at her dock Troatmen row
ing about her can paddle into her
hold with ease. Her stern Is' torn com
pletely off. * As for the Anchorla , ft
seems a stage coach couldbe driven-
through the awfufgip In her 8rde.j
Sons of Temperance.
p Cbl Dispatch to The lice.
CINCINNATI , June 17 } 1 a. m. The
national division of' the sons of tem
perance elected the foJlowing fficers
yesterday : M. W. P. , K. , J. Morrey ,
Cincinnati ; M. W. A. , George" Rose ,
Toronto ; M. W. S.f W. H S. Me.
Callum , St. Calbine * ; treasurer , W.
A. Duff , Philadelphia ; chaplain , Eov.
Dr. Cour , Careyc Pa/ ; corresponding
secretary , J. A. Allen , Manhattan ,
Kas. Saratogawas selected as the
place for holding the next meeting.
. '
f. " - O I
Brain bcatterer.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NASHVILLE , Tenn. , Juno 17 , 1 p.
m. Timothy Dawson and Fred K.
Birnett , who had quarrelled several .
imcs over a email debt , mot on , the
lighway near ThompsoniStation es- '
terday , when Dawson 'attempted J to
Iraw a pistol , but before he succeeded
3arnett fired a double-barrelled shot-
un at Dawson , which tore . jiit head to
" * * " *
w -
alocee. ' -
How We Grow.
pedal DiBpotch to TIIH BSE.
YORK , June 17 1 a. m.
festerday afternoon 2579 passengers
irere landed at Castle Garden. Most
jfvtbesa are supplied. with' tickets .and
irill Joav.e &t pnca for.different points
n th'e far west. '
f ' * MORStOH , EXODtJS.
Include in the above are 330 Mor
mons en route .to . Salt Lake City and :
Dther parts f Utah. They compriio
mmigranta from England , Wales and
Scotland , and about sixty from Switz *
rland , Schleswig-Holstein and the
aorthcrn part of Germany. Afflong
be number are leveral yery oldjHien
md 'women , whoie passages 'were paid
n whole or in part by their children
ir other relatives in the territory
3ne woman ii 89 years old.fully
jnethird : of the number are c'
iccompanled by their in
iroman gave birth to. a
oyoge , and it received the.B fflO6f
Francis Wisconsin JBeardsfil. rThe
roung women as a cl6srlpok.remark -
ly healthy , and the young Haen-ar * .
learty types of 'artisans ' s'uch ait ire :
o bo found in the' manufacturing cities
nd towns of Great Britain. .
Senator Married. ' ' [
pedal fllipitch to TnsBiK. -
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , June 17 , lV. m.
-Senator Z. B. Vanoe , of STorth
arolin , wag ! laft ?
lr a 7 " '
Scenes of Probable Disorder
r\n \ French Assembly ,
"When the Inquiry which. Roused
the British Parliament
. , is Eaised ,
Aii American Found Guilty of
i ! '
Murdering a Syrian
L in Egypt.
T '
Excitement Over the Case as a
One-Man Court Pas-zes
* * * - Judgment.
British Liberals Seek to Have
I ' All European' Armies
Cut Down ,
Trjsh Members Ask for Double
1 the Relief Granted by
'the" Government.
An Egyptian Turna Italian to
-Hold the Ex-Khedive's
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
jir P ARM-June 17 , 1 a. m. The left
entto have decided to oppose the'
amnesty of exiled communists ! . The
republican left arc divided , but a "ma
jority are in favor of it. The repub
lican union are unanimously in favor
' of amnesty , aud deairp the govern-
'ruont to take the initiative. It is
.rumored in radical circles that the
municipal council will refuse to con
tribute to or cflicially participate in
the national fqe J uly 4 , unless am
nesty is granted.
'Special Dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , Juno 17,1 a. m. The for-
Joign office has received very impor
tant correspondence respecting aflaira
in Turkey , including Sir. Goschon's
instructions. The bVjfcdiepatch from
Mr. Layard'saya he Imi exhausted all
diplomatic resources oBdeworing to
bring the Sultan to a sense of hia danger - ,
ger in delaying reforms guaranteed by
the treaty of Berlin. The Sultan is
well disposed , .but ho is controlled by
evil influences.
Bpedal Dispatch to Thc.Cte.
. PARIS , June 17,1 a. m. Paul de
Oassagnac has given notice of his in-
tcn lon'tb iriaKo a mpiion lu tiju <
sembly to-night asking Uio govcrn-
to London. . f f ho carries out his in
tention a violent aud exciting debate
will probably follow.
Speclil DItjiatcIi to Tim lice.
LONDON , Juno 17 , 1 a. m. The
houfo of lords last , evening adopted
two amendments lo the Buda's bi'l
in opposition to the government , by
majorities of 14 and 19 respectively.
In tlia ' house of commons lost evening
Mr.-Henry Richards , liberal , called
attention to the growing cost and
b'utden of European armaments , de
scribing the recent condition of Eu
rope aa ono of armed truces. He
went at'length into the statistics of
different armies , and national debts
incurred in the past. Ho described
the progress made'in foreign countries
by"the disarmament movement , and
moved an address praying that her
majesty direct communications , to bo
made by the Foreign secretary , with
other powers , with a view to a mutual
a'nd simultaneous reduction of Euro
pean armaments.
Premier Gladstone said that while
sympathizing geuurally with Mr.
Richard's object , ho doubted whether
the medium be recommended would
lead to any.practical result.
L. H. Courtny , liberal , suggested
the adoption of a resolution in the
place of an address , moved by Mr !
Richard , tb'tfie effect that it ia the
duty of the government on all occa
sions when her circumstances will
permit , to recommend to foreign gov-
ernmouts a' reduction of European
armaments. '
- - * * ? _ . _ . .
The premier said ho was not favora
ble to offering propositions which
were not susceptible of immediate ap
plication , but if the house decided to
fcdopt such a resolution ho 'would , not
itaud in the way.
Mr : Richard'withdrew his motion ,
and Mr. Courtny'a resolution was car
ried with onetlissenling'vote. .
At a meeting of , the , Irish members
it was resolved fo1 ask'the government
to.double the grant for the relief of
Irish distress , and to charge the , uni
form of one par coiit interest , and
also that sixty thousand instead of
thirty 'thousand pounds , be voted , for
the construction of .fisheries. Panic ! !
will move that the bill for the relief
of distress bo referred . to a special (
committee of members under the
ihairmans'bip cf Wm. E. Forster ,
shief secretary for Ireland.
A dispatch from Alexandria says the t
trial of Mirzin before Minister
, Mayn- 1
krd , resulting in the conviction of the 1I I
prisoner and hia sentence to death , fur
the murder .of Daha Pasha" , occupied
several daye. The trial attracted
rowds' of people.
Daha Pasha was a Syrian , who occu
pied the position of legal advisor to the
Egyptian member , of finance. The
3x-khedlve consulate poaaesiing no
prison of its own , Mirzan , who is a
naturalized American citizeu , has been
xmfined in the army prison since the
murder , which took place in Cairo last ;
summer. The reason of the unusual
lelay in bringing the accused to jus
tice is difficult to explain. The fact
Da man's being tried by a single indi-
ridual on the charge -murder is
much criticised here. As it appeals
to be an American law in the east
there is nothing to be said agalnstlt
ilthongh since the prisoner has' } been
on < Hcted"more may possibly be heard
jf the subject from America.
pedal Dispatch to The Bee.
OAJBO , June 17 , la. m. Therei'Vit'
nvch excitement among the European [
Vrsb population bera i-n Chaihera
Mhs , formirTr-sv i "s-if 5.r
" " . ' * ' , *
, . - *
ss an Italian subject , without per
mission of. the Egyptian government
or'tbe Porto , thus placing under the
protection of the Italian government
his immense propsrty , which is gener
ally. supposed to have belonged to the
ex-Khedive. Chaihor Pasha , who was
recently under arrest for . having en
tered into an intrigue against the ex
isting order of things , loft Egypt yes
terday without having a passport from
the * government. The Knedivo is-
Buell a.dccrca ordering .h's degrada
tion , dismissing him froni his appoint
ment in tho' army , and forbidding his
return to Egypt.
A Throng ofOldComrades
Serenade Hifrtfin Wash--
Attornoy-General Devens Intro-
! duotipn , and Garfield's'
c * 'Manly Eesponse.
Logan and"Ofchers Address" the
Five Thousand Admirers.
Special Dispatch to Tun B _ l.
WASHINGTON , Juno 17i 1 . 'm. '
Gentral Garfield was .serenaded last
'niglit at the Riggs house by the na
tional Veterans' club and the republican - ;
can organizations of. the city. There
were"at least 4C001or 5000 people
present , and the street in front of the
hotel wns blocked up by a mass'of hu
man beinga. The windows of the
houses opposite and the windows of
the Rfgga house wore also well filled.
Fire-works were sent up from the
s'outh wing of the treasury depart
Gen. Burnslde. president of the
Veteran club , called the assemblage
to .order and at 8 o'clock introduced
Attorney-General Devens as chair
man.THE '
Devens , .in his opening remarks ,
"called attention to tho' fact that the
"election of president was .one , of the
most colemn duties a people could en
gage in. He wanted Jhe people vto
approach the'subject witli gravity'and
to leave to others the back.blting and
mud-throwing of the campaign. He
eulogized the republican party for the'
great work' ' it had done in the past.
The Chicago convention , he taid , had
met under qircumsiances which.roally
excited the' fears of the people , but
out of' danger they had plucked the
flower of safety in nominating Gen.
Garliold. [ Cheers. ] He referred to
the great president that had. been
cKosen by the republican"party. . Of
Piesiderit Hayes , he s id , he could
nqt speak , for" he was a part of his
administrationyt ho could say that
hlsSd'ry ' would record Preafdent Hayes
as cler.njinthis.-graat office as the first _
' " "
president. [ Cheers. ] He "then re-
3A C J ' L,1 4-
? c4 nt < , .
tiou of , the facl. that Uie humblest In
the laud could rise to the highest dig
nity. Referring to hii adversity in
early manhood , ho laid there was
nothing base ncr sordid , in Garflcld'a
early "thoughts of ambition. Perhaps
in his early years ho might have been
content to be president of the college
in which' 'he was a student , but his
country called htm and he laid aside
his academic gown and * buckled on.
his sword. jBe .porvcdtaj a .soldier
' tilPM-'was surd- '
boldly and'faitbfully - -
monc'd to the congress of the United
States. For eighteen years ho has
been there ; hia thoughts and actions
were known to all men and.his record
was clean and creditable. The prin
ciples and platform of the great party
.was before the people , -and it was bis
pleasure to say that ttie selected leader
of the party was present. He referred
to Gen. Garfield as. a s'tatesmafa'sol"
dier and scholar snd then introduced
him to the audience. * The band then
and as General Garfield stepped for
ward ho was -greeted with greit applause -
plauso and-cheers , if r- - t . ,
After''the applause' had subsided
' ' " " a
Garfield'said : ,
"Fellow citizens , while I have look
ed npon this great array I believe I
tbave gotten a new idea of the majesty
of the American .people. When
I'reflect that wherever you find the
sovereign power , every .reverent heart , ,
on this earth bows.down , before
its i sovereignty , and when 1 remember
that 1 here for 100 years we , have denied
nied i the sovereignty'to'any ' man , and
in i place of It havotunerted the sovereignty
eignty of all instead of one , 1. see so
vast a concourse that it is easy for mete
to i imagine that all the1 American , poo-
pie 1 are gathered hero to-night"-but ; if
1I they I wore all here , they , would 'stand
uncovered.and in sandalled/eetin-thp
presence of'th'olpnly'soyerelgn''poWr
in this Kovernmeritrfunder Almighty
God. [ Choors. ] And' , therefore , to
this great audience I ; pay the
respectful homage that in part belongs
to the sovereignty of too republic.
I thank you for ibis great and gener-
erous demonstration. I am .not for
ono moment' misled to believe * that
it has reference to ono i of , our mem
bers. I know it means reverence for
the government , for our laws , for our
institutions , and is a complimeuj. to
one who is'placed for a moment in re
lations to yon jof a 'peculiar kind.
ContinuingGen. / . Garfield said he
would not utter a word on the subject
of general politics. ' A laige'portion of
thls.audfence were his comrades in the _
late armyof-ttheJJnion , and as.such
he grcetedHhem arid thanked"korn
with allhisjheatt fprtho"honor * cpftlt ;
; ; . _ „ _ r .f-i * ' . " " < * " Jif
UponHhe.conclusion of m& speech'/
Garfield w s.raundry cheered ; ' H
Short spee'chesVere. :
Inson of New Jersey , WilliamY "of
Missouri , Geo. A. Sheridan , of the
District .of Colombia , Harrison of
Dlinojs , McCoofc of New Yqrk , Hag-
kill of Kansas , Shellaberger of Penn
sylvania , Senator Logan and other * . (
We offer a first-class white laon- dt
dried -shirt , with an improved' reinforced - dE
forced front , , made of Wamsutta mus t
lin , 3-ply bosem and cuflBi , , of & 200 A
linen , at the reduced prlco of $1.60. .
The workmanship , fit and style of our S
Bhlrta ate placed in competition with t
iu * d silrt sold ia Oeftaka. . Wr gvana * E
tee entire smtlsfucttonj br will ; reftd C
the moHqr ( ; " W klce'to ordw erery 13
grade of ihizta and onderwear , give 13II IIi
belter goods for Im money tkaa ea IId i
begot dtowhere. d
shirting * .an'of the eboUtrt pmtterns , D
n'underwewr we cannot be under- C
iold.Omaha a
Omaha SHrtTftotory-252Farnhaaj , I
. ir - : :
Vanguard of Democrats Ar
rive in .Cincinnati and
Begin Skirmishing.
A Triend of Sammy Tilden's
/Says / He Did Intend
Keliring. .
f _ _
Too Much Taffy "Turned1 the
> t - . < . .
Paralytic's i Head -
Seymour's Supporters Still Fight
Mit Seymour and
Hendeicks ,
. , i
A ( Hopsier Fighting Editor's
Knock-Down Blow From
a Country Delegate.
' . _
Special Dispatches to The Bee.
'NEW YORK , June 16 , 4 p. , ra. The
Herald publishes the following :
, - UTIOA , June 15.
nj J. Thbuus Sprijg :
- DEAR SIB : My name has been
f * "
spoken of in connection with the nom
ination , to be ma do at Cincinnati next
week , and as you area delegate from
the' district in' which I live , I
ask' you in my behalf to' state
that I am not a candidate for
any nomination to , ba made by that
b&dy , nor could I accept auch nomina
tion if the conrention should see fit to
'present my name to the public. I do
not suppose that there ia the least
probability of such action , or that my
name , will bo presented , but I deem it
proper to send you this letter , to bo
used "if any question should come up
abduimy position or purpose ? .
I am truiy yours , etc. ,
- 'j. Indiana Republicans.
Special Dispatch to the Bee.
INDIANAPOLIS , June 17 , 1 a. m.
Considerable .interest is manifested in
the result of the republican convention
to be held hero to-day. Streight's
friends are doing everything in their
power to facilitate matters in his
favor for governor. Mais meetings of
delegates were hold all over the city
last night.
Major J. D. Simpson , of the Madi
son Star , who has considerable of a
record as a shootist , met with a rebuff
at the Grand hotel here yesterday , a
country dolcgate" slapping his fsco and
pounding him up r-retty eevorely fcr
Klvinjj. the lie as to ooi. a. , u > .
cowardice during the war.
Democratic Vanguard.
CINCINNATI , June 17 , 1 a. in.
The vanguard of the democratic na
tional convention has begun to arrive.
Two or three 'members of the dcino-
craticnationat : convention are in toiru ,
an'd a few outside newspaper men.
The most important arrival yesterday
was Mayor F. O. Prince , of Boston ,
Eccretary of the democratic national
committee. Ho arrived last evening ,
arid put up at .the Grand hotel , where
the national commiteo has its head
quarters , and after undergoing a few
interviews went off to the Queen City
club , where he was entertained lest
"VTho most Interesting topics of spec
ulation among the few politicians nowhere
hero are of the intentions of Tilden
and Seymour. For some reason , a
rumor became widely circulated , and
has gained great credence , that Tilden
has positively decided not to bo a
candidate and his name will not be be
fore the convention. Careful in
quiry , hpwover , failed to find any
authentic basis for this rumor , and
the Intentions of Tilden appear to bo
as' much a mystery as 'heretofore.
fThe most reliable information which
has been obtained concerning Tilden's
intentions was'obtained to-night from
Secretary Prince , who has had several
interviews with Tilden and has been
one of jthe'moat active workmen in
the movement of Tildou's friends to
indues Tilden.'a. withdrawal in the
< Mr. Prince said he had no word
from Tilden , and'could "only surmise
what he would- . He felt assured
for the best" possible reasons , a few
days-ago , that his "name would not bo
presented to the convention , and his
candidacy would in some way be
withdrawn on authority before a bal
lot was taken.
Since then , however , some 'ill-ad-
vlsed-frioiyls-liad got Mr. Tilden's ear ,
and evidently ' " "made him believe he
was the greatest man , in the country ,
and the onlyjone fit io be , the candi
date - of sJfcbV democratic party ; and
Tildoaliad becorae'impressed with an
idea ofhis importance , and that now
there 'was ' little.doubt that he would 1
preia for the..nomination. . . "But , "
added Mr. Prince , "you may be sure
we shall sttckio the two-thirds rule ,
and as I can find but nine states for
him In the careful canvass I have
made , I don't ice how he can be nom- ,
lnated'v ; .
I The ( executive committee of. the na
tional coEjralttee meets to-day , to.per-
feet preliminary arrangements for the
convention u '
The attitude of Horatio Ssymcur
ittracU'dnly less attention than that i
of Tilden. It'is certain that a- move
ment had been started to nominate
Seymour and Hendricks , and there
TereTfTdlcationa that the movement
might meet with success , until yejter-
day afternoon' , when a wet blanket was
thrown > over the movement by the
publication hero of a letter from Hora
tie "Seymour , 'to Mr. Sprigg , a delegate J
to the Cincinnati convention frqnvtho.
OneidA-dU'tmot-NewYork" which
Seymour says Over his own signature *
thatie is nota , candidate , and ought
sot to accept such a nomination if the
convention should see fit to present
Ilk j -y. . ,
Lous for Soymoufi nomination call at-
.entlqn tojha f his letter he
ioarnotjiiy positively that ho would
nof accept 'if nominated , and that , the
convention 'ought to nominate him ,
met Baythey propose continuing their.
labors to.acoomplUh that end.
Se retary rinoa ayj that Tilden ii c
opposejl to Seymours nominatoiau ! <
Lhe opinions of olliers , who are wol
posted , coincide with his.
On this point attention has been
called to Senator Thurman's inten
lions. The announcement that he ha
called a meeting' of the Ohio dele
gates to the Cincinnati convention
and prominent democrats at Colum
bus Friday night has sot all sorts o
rumors afloat as to the meaning o
this conference. iThetuost prevalon
rumor is that Thurman contemplate !
withdrawing his name aa a candidate
but "this rumor , like others , can bo
traced to no reliable authority.
FricnJa of Justice Field , , of Cali
foroi : ) , are already on the grouin
and have opened headquarters.
The national democratic comiuilto
will hold a meeting-Faiday to arrang
foa the organization- the conven
tioii. -
Hew York Money ftad stock.
'flETt"TORK-Juno 10.
MONET Market at 2j < a3J per cent. "
0.8.84,1881. , 1C6
TJ. 8. 6s , N w _ 103
Noirijfl _ 1W
D. S. ner cent.- _ 10&
Bock b land 101
llllno JOentral . . . . . . . . . - - . :
0. B. & Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . 1 ]
C. & A.
" preferred . " .
N w York C ntral _ . .125
Lake Shore 103
Erie _ . - , 36
Erie preferred , - . 68
Northwestern. . . . . . . . " . . . . ; , . 9
Northvrcetera pictured. . . , . . . . . . . _ 103
Bt 1'itil. . . ' . , 74
Bt. Paul preferred" . ' _ 10
Wabasn , St. Louis and Pacific ,31 ,
preferred C2
Haii. & St. Jo. . ' 6
HMI. A St. Jo. , pfd . 72
Kansas &Tcxu. . . . . „ „ . 33
Union I'acinc g
Northern Ricifle..v. . . , < , 5 ,
do preferred , . . . . . . . . , . , 4
Woetorn Union Telfirsrh 104
Central Pacillc k ; . . . . . . . 69
Pacific Mail
U.I' , landgrantg. . . . ,
CHICA'QO , Juno 10.
Wheat Active"unsettled and lower
No. 2 gilt odpey " 92U22c , closed at
92 c for cash ; 91@03c , closed at 91c
for Juno ; 8091jjc , closed at 90c bid
for Juiy ; 85 ] < 38GJc , closed Et SG.Jc for
August ; No. 3 , 8Ge. "
Co'rn Fairly active but weaker
No. 2 and high mixed , 34S3Jjc , for
34J@34jc , closed sellers at 34f c for
June35J@36c ; , closed at 35j > c bid for
August ; rejected , 32c.
- Oats Weak but easier ; No. 2 , 27gc
for cash ; 27j@28Jc , closed at 27c for
June ; ' 2GJ@27i'o , closed 20 c bid
for July ; 22f < g23c , closed at 22 c for
Rye No. 2 , 7GJc for cash.
Barley No. 2 , 72&75c.
Pork Fairly active and a shade
higher ; ? 10 50 for cashj § 1047A@10 50
for , "July ; $10 57i@10 * GO foe August
§ 10 G7AQ10 70 fo'r September.
Lard Qufet ; S6 GO for cash ; C G9
< § 6 G2i for June ; § G G2 @G Go for -Alt' *
gust ; G G7JG 70 for'fceptembar.
_ -
rib ? , ? G G2l ; short clear , § G 80.
Whisky § 1 08.
" \Yhoat Active and higher ; No. 2
red winter , 92afor July ; No. 2 spring
92c for June ; 90 @ 91Jc for July ; 8Gi !
86c for "August. ,
Corn 34 c bid for Juno ; 3535V
for July.
Oats 2G27c for July ; 22g@23c
for August.
Pork 810 5C@10 50i for July.
Lard SG GOSG G2i JLOT June.
at. LouJs Produce.
ST. Louis , June 1C.
Wheat Lower and unsettled ; No.
2 rod 1 OGi " for cash ; 81 OD1 0
for June ; 8"9(389(3'89 ( ( c for July.
Corn Lower ; 3535jc for cash ;
34gc for Juno ; 34c tor July.
Oata Lower at 2929J for cash ;
24c for July.
Kye Dull at 80c asked.
Barley Nominal.
IButter Better at 1517c.
Eggs Quiet at 7S8c. (
'Whisky Quiet.
Pork Higher ; $11 00 for cash ;
§ 10 ! )0 ) for July. .
Dry Salt Meats SJiouldera , 84 20 ®
4 25 , ? G 5CSG 55 , ? G"70SG 76. '
Lird Higher at 87 55.
tf Yorfiffro'duco.
NEW YOKE , June 16.
"Wheat Lower ; , receipts , 365,000
bushels ; ungraded prinp , § 115@113 ;
No. 2 Milwaukee , § 117"graded ; red ,
§ 1 20@121 ; No. 2'red , ? 1 25J12G ;
mixed wiuterj § 1 22 ; No. ' 2 red , June ,
§ 1 25 j.
Corn Strong ; receipts , -104,000
bushels , ungraded , 4S (353i ( ; No 2 ,
51J@52c ; low mixed , D4c ;
Oats Quiet and steady ; receipts ,
71COObushels ; mixed western,37@b9c ;
white western , 39@45c.
Eggs Quiet at 1213ic.
Pork Higher ; now mess , § 11 55 ®
11 GO. - , T f
Beef Dull and nonttBalf
Cat Meats Firmer ; long clear mid
dles quoted at § 7 00 ; shorfclear , § 7 45.
Lard Stronger ; prime steam , § 717J
® 720.
Butter Quiet.
Whisky § 1 13@1 15. .
Mllwnuireo Produce Maraot
MILVACKEK , Juno 16.
Wheat Weak ; opened-lc higher
and. closed weak ; hfttd > - 1 08 ; No.
Milwatikeo , L 00 : No. 2 Milwaukee ,
D25c ; Juno , 92c ; July , 92c ; August ,
3Gcr No. 3 Milwaukee , 83c ; No. 4
do. , 80c ; rejected , noimnal.
Corn Quiet and lower ; No. ' 2,34Jc.
Oata Dull and lower ; No. 2,27c.
.Rye Dull at 78c.
Barley Quiet at 70c.
CbicaKo Live Stoc2 Marset.
CHICAGO , Juno 15.
Hoga Receipts.24,000 ; shipments ,
3800 market fairly active at yester-
iay's figures ; mixed'packing ' , 410 ® @
25 ; choice heavy , § 4 30@4 45 ; light ,
54 00430 ; mninly at 54 45 ; market
losed firm and all EokL @
Cattle Receipts , 5800 head ; ship-
raentsi 2000 ; market very alow and
dragging , though at 4 154 80 , with
bulk at § 4 50@4 70 ; prices generally
lOc off ; butcher * ' weak and lower
grades dull ; common to choice , 82 25 ®
50 ; graes Texans , S2 65310 ; fully
30c off from last1 week ; stockers and
feeders , § 2 903 80. " " * *
Sheep Receipts , 800 head ; market
irade active at § 3 50@43Pfor ; common
o fair ; § 4 30@4 50 for exporting. h
Greeley County-Bobbed ,
ierald epecial.
GEAND ISLASD , Neb. , June 16. 5
Fhe county safe of Greeley county was
unlocked on Sunday night last and
2,000 taken out and tEe safe relock-
lA. No marks of burghiry are on the
safe. Suspicion rest ? PP a prominent
jounty official ,
Whose Blasts Worked Dire
Ruin in Indianq , Ohio
and Kentucky.
Several People Killed , Others
Miraculously Escape.
Grain Eeady to be Harvestec
Destroyed ,
Spedal Dbpatch to The Bo.
RusnviLLE , Ind. , Juno 17 , 1 a. m.
The .new houia of Mr. Rufus March
man was blown down Monday night
and his wife and child caught in the
rubbish. She could reach the child
> and placing soma boards orer it , pro
' vented it from being drowned. She
was hold by the lumber till her bus
band , who was absent from home a
the time of the storm , arrived and relieved
lioved her from her perilous position
The damage to property in this count ;
is incalculable.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
BROOKVILLE , Ind. , June 17,1 a. m
A terrible wind and rain storm
passed over the northern part of _ tbi
( Franklin ) county on Monday night ,
blowing down houses and trees , am
killing Wm. Graham's wife and infan
child , and also Jack Wilson's wife.
At New Salem the entire family o :
aruan ( named Stevens were seriouslj
injured. This occurred by their
hnuao being blown down.
Special Dispatch to Tns fin.
CINCINNATI , June 17,1 a. m. The
more minute particulars show the
storm of Sunday and Monday to have
been the mo t disastrous that has vis
ited this section in many years.
Throught southern Indiana , cen
tral and southern Ohio and northern
Kentucky the damage to fences ,
bridges , houses and crops is incalcula
ble. In many parts of Indiana , as
far north ss LaFayette , the wheat
crop , ready for harvesting , is com
pletely destroyed.
In Clinton county , Ind. , five barns
and as many residences near Frank
fort wore destroyed. In many places
whole orchards were destroyed , not a
single tree bciii" left.
Near Cicero , Milton county , Ind. ,
for a distance of ten miles , the hurri
cane cleared a path half a mile wide.
Twenty dwelling houses and vsmanv
barns were destroyed. Twenty-two
persons are thought to have received
fatal injuries.
In Shelby county , Ind. , the effects
of the storm are almost as serious ,
many persons being seriously injured
by the blowing down of dwellings.
Trampg Attempt to Stop a Tra'n.
READING , PA. , June 17,1 a. m.
Young tramps attempted to stop
train on the Labanon railroad yester
day , and a number of special police
who were secreted on the train ar
rested two of them. The whole ga
has been in camp in the mountains
and are supposed to be train thieve !
operating in this section of territory.
Oii9 of the prisoners made a break
from th& oflicera , but was shot down
and recaptured and brought to jail ,
whvro a ball was extracted from his
bead. A complaint has been made
against the officer by the companions
of tbo wounded tramp in jail.
Healthy Louisville.
Spedal dispatch to The Bee.
LOUISVILLE , June 17 , 1 a. m.
The board of health reorganized yes
orday by electing officers. The sani
tary condition of this city is excellent ,
and no fears whatever are entertained
of an epidemic here , even should the
south be attacked , which is not now
National Nurserymen Association.
Special Dispatch to Tns BBS.
CHICAGO , 111. , June 17 , 1 a. m.
Dho American association of nursery
men convened here yesterday morn-
ng , President Hubbard , of New
fork , in the chair. Eugene Saun
ters , 'of Chicago , delivered an address
of welcome.
s in sceaion at Hershea music hall ,
'resident Milbrey Green delivered aa
Baeo Ball.
pecialJDigpatch to The Bee.
The following games of base ball
were played June 16th :
TKOY , N.Y. Olevelands 9 , Treys 5.
BOSTON Bostons 11 , Cinclnnatis 2.
WORCESTEB Worcesters 6 , Chlca-
goa 7.
PKOVIDENCE Buffalos 2 , Provi-
! enco 6.
WASHINGTON Nationals 12 , Ath-
otic * 2. '
NEW HAVEN Yale Albany game
icstponed until to-day.
Our Crack Shots ,
poclal dispatch to THB Bsi.
DUBLIN , June 17 , 1 a. m. The
Americam rifle team practised at Itally
Jount yesterday afternoon. Capt.
fodine instructing them because
mowing-tho range. At 900 yards
imaged the first five ( hots , subsequent-
y doing well. Other members did
.St. Louis Llve'Stock.
ST. Louis , June 1C.
Hogs Active and higher ; Yorkers
nd Baltimores , $4154 20 ; packing
nd butchers , $4 10@4 30 ; coarse
eavy , § 3 85@3 90 ; light bacon , 83 90
410. Receipts , 4500.
Cattle Fairly active 'and higher ;
bolce to fancy shipping steers , $4 65
4 60 ; good to prime , $4 40@4 60 ;
medium to fair , 84 00@4 25 ; cowi and
leifera , § 2 903 60. Receipts , 2000
Sheep Steady ; fafr to fanny , § 3 00
34-00. Receipts , 500 head.
After Vctoria-
pecial Dispatch to Tm Bn.
NEW. OBUEANS. June 16. 1 a. m.
'he1 ' thirteenth infantry , OoL Brady ,
has been ordered from Jackson bar
racks to New Mexico to join Gen.
Cl fifi fift A TO LOAN In rums of | SOO
> IUUUUU to ISOCO or819,000 , at8 to 10
per cent interest on first class improved real
Mtate in the city cf Omaha. GEO. P. BEJOS'
Real EsUto and Loan Agency. 15th tad Doojlas
Sts 654-eodtf
JJ OTerBESliyneif column of trg Jni on Irt
Wholesale and Retail
Goods Bent to any part of the United States on
solicitation. Largest assortment of
And everything found generally in a flrst-
cloes Jbwelry Store.
Jewelry manufactured on short notice. Orders from
the Country solicited. lYLculii Oiiali lcnll and see vs. Jfo
trouble to snow Goods.
The Jewelers , Opposite tud'ostttlUve , Mill & Podge.
A WORD TO THOSE WHO USE POROUS PLASTERS. It Is a uiuveitnlly ackowledfeJ fart th {
The great demand for them has caused a number of unscrupu
lous parties to make and eell worth , ess imitations under similar
sounding names. Aa the market is flooded with inferior plas
ters selling at any price it is important for the consumer to
know Which is the best. It is well known that some of the
cheap plasters hnve been examined and found to contain _ injurious -
jurious ingredients which make them dangerous to use , causing
paralysis and other diseases.
SEABURY & JO1IXSOX Pharmaceutical Chemist , New Turk ,
PJSIt'E ? i5 tTS.
CAUTION Sec ttat the word CAPCINE on each p'aiter h corr
Why dose yourselves with nauseat
ing medicines , when a purely fruit
cathartic will cure you at once Ham
burg Fig . Try them.
I Am All Played Out
Is a common complaint in hot weather. If
you feel so , get a packatje of Kidney "Wort
and take it , an 1 you will at once feel its
tonic power. It keeps up the healthy ac
tion of the Kidneys , Bowel * , and Liver ,
and thus restores the natural life and
strength to the body.
Wednesday , June 16.
PantomlnoTroupe Mid Standard Company , With
the Oieat Origin * ! Clown ,
Aid a , Grand Combination of
30 Pantomime & Specialty Stars.
AdmiS'ion,75c and 60e ; Hescn n' goats , $1 , on
EaleatHubennann'g. f-3-t-w
Sealed proposals v.11 fca received ly the 1111-
dcrsigied until 12 o'clock PO-MI , June 22 , IfSO ,
for the furnishing ot ill nutorlal and the erec
tion and corap'etion of a two-3tory brlrk tcho-jl
building for the Fifth ward , In the city of Onnba.
to ba located on Ca ! ctreet , between Foirte nth
and Fifteenth street ! . Separate bids-will be re
ceived as fuilons : For all trick work and the
furnishing of the required mitcrin3s and Uj'inj :
the simc , and mduUiDjf the ecttiug cf nil stones ,
for all plastering- , and furnishing the reqnirtd
material for the lame , for all cut stone dciirer-
ed on the ground , for al ! cai | > cntcr and Joiners'
work includiii ? the furnishing of all requited ma-
teriala for the same ; for all painting and clazing- ,
including all required mateilala for the mm ? ,
for all exciratin ? and also all complete building- .
Plans snd specifications can be seen at the office
of C. F-Driscoll , architect. Tbo partoDorper-
sons irccirlng the award will be required to ex
ecute a bond with good and sufficient security
fortbofitbfulperfomanco ! thereof. Proposals
Should endorsed prcposils for builjlnir.
The right ia reserved to reject anor all MJs.
X. J frT LKT ,
Becrctary ot Board of Education ,
JeOccd 2w Oimba seb.
HA KINO offcntlvo nrncons , PAINS over the
eyes , CRACKLING In the head , SICKENING
breath , DEAFNESS and tickling In the throat ,
1ECRETION8 thrown upon the BRONCHIAL
rtJBES while uleep , follow themncona mom >
tuflerers know how OBSTINATE the disease U.
Tha ac'Jon of Cat&rrhal TInu , llkn that of gmall-
wx has been FINALLY DISCOVERED. Catarrh
s now cured.
A. McKiHHXT , R , R'd Pres. , 33 Brosd St. , N. T.
derful. "
E. n. BROTH , Merchant , 339 Canal St. , H. T.
CATARRII U YEARS. Cured byonu pack-
S. BISBDICT , Jr. , Jeweler , 697 Broadway , K. Y.
( familr of. ) Cured of CHRONIO CATARRH.
Q. L. BIICSH , 443 Broadway , Y. Y. , CATARRH
10 YEARS. Could not taate or smell Cured.
'I lost my voice by Catirrh , and have been cur
ed. " J. IIssDssso.i , 155 Newark Ave. , Jersey
City *
W. D. WOODS , 437 Broad ny , N. Y. , cured o
Chronic Catarrh.
L. A. NIWMA.T , Merchant , 305 Fulton St. , Brook
lyn. CHRONIC CATARRII. Olveu up by
physicians. Cured.
A. B. Tnoxai , Insurance 1S3 Montaeue St. ,
Brooklyru Self and son cured of CATARRH
J. D. McDoMjun , Merchant. 713 Broadway , y.
Y. ( Strter-ln-Iaw. ) Had CATARRH 0
YEARS. Cured.
Etc. . Etc. , Etc. , Etc. . Etc.
most remarkable testimonials on record. Rent
ree , by his Agents , Mesas-D. B. DEWEY &
CO.,4 Dcy St. N. Y. ; or by DrugrisU. The cure
s delivered at SLSO a package. Tbink of a rcat
euro for an obstinate disease , at this trifling
A' LLEN RUTHERFORD ( Iat9 Third Auditor
XX U. B. Treaiury ) . Attorney and Couruellor
at Law , 23. Grant Place , Washington , D. C.
laving been Third Auditor of the United States
Treaiury for six yean , I am thoroughly familiar
with the course of business before the Govern
ment Departments. Special attention given to
be settlement ot accounts ot all Government
Officers , Postmasters , Marshall , Mail Contractors
and others. Will practice before the Supreme
tourt of the U. S.Court of ClaimsPatent Office ,
General Land Office. Ac. , 4c. Refers to Hon.
ami F. Phillips , Solicitor General U. S.Hon.
a * . Gilfillan , Treasurer of the TJ. 8. ; Hon.jJ. M
UcGrew , Blzth Auditor U. S. Treasury
Oval Steel Tooth Harrow
Mannfactured by
DS GROOT * QEDDLKQS , Fondu-Loe , Wit.
Write for prices , Agent , Omaha , K b.
Mwtf *
To K ty Ziikoveky , non-resident defendant :
Jou are hereby notiaed that Anton Ziikovsky.
vcnr hnsbard , on the 24th day of Ms7. A. D. .
880 , filed bis petition In the District Court for
Donjlas Conntr and State cf Nebraska , against
you : the object and prayer cf which petition is
to obtain a divorce from yon on the ground of
willful abandonment and for such other snd
orther relief u ' he 'may be entitled tc in the
Too we roonired , to asswortaUpetitloa oa or
Wore tba SHj day ot July. A. D. , ISSO.
87 A. C. TtOCT , Ul Attorney , ,
- ' i.
Bryan , T za > , June 11.1879 ,
J.C. Bifhanlioa , St. Ix > nII > ir flirt
My boy , a jetira old. bad IOTOP J TT
other day , or every third tiny , for nbou *
X miinttu. I n < Ml as murh 13 crmlM
of Quinine during Mio dny , bat with no
eRect ; tried Cinchonla ( alkaloid ) Sulph.
CincUouhlln , bnlucliie , etc. , etc. , but th
boycotwonsenll thetlme. Ireluctnntly
fent tlorrn to my drue store fop your
FebrUrtRfsmiill. irrke jus 11 o T thut be
never lind yniptom of f e er art > r COHI-
mencinic FrbrlfuRe , to date , belnenow
over a month ngo. I feel tJint loajtUt to
Buy thlsmoctoln benalf ofyoorinedlelne-
Airi . reKUlnr 21. 13. . but rt > tlr ji from
Very respectfully ,
Stockton , Mo. , An ; . I5tb , 18T9 *
.T. O. Rlchardnon. St. TxjoU Dear Bin
ClirTord'sFebrlfncels th b tt tbln ( for
Chills and Fever that ye nave ver
handled. There never hu b en * CM
tliat vras NOT oared by it tfaat wai takes
according to directions la tbU part oi
the country. Yours truly ,
CldUIcotbo , Mo. , July S0tl879.
J. C. Blchordjon. St. Tx > ol * My Deaf
Sir : Iteroli something reliable ; If TOO iJleni * do o. Wo
bavo sold hundred * of bottle * with Uk
results. Your friend * ,
Uoyco St O trander.
This la to certify that I had the Fever
and Ague this summer and the ns of
one-third of a bottln of Clifford's Febri
fuge promptly cured It. It Is the speedi
est care X nave known of.
My Dear Sln-For over two year * Ikare
haifFerer and AKUC , and aftrteylaK
every thing : I took one-halt bcttlo of
Clifford's FebrlfuKe , and It cured ino
permanently. I believe my ca e jronld
have been fatal hud I not found this M
I did. Tours truly ,
Manager "U.S.
The BeneHt of
Will be produced with all its splendor. A grind
concert icene Introducing lougs and dacces , ic. ,
as originally performed In London.
Admission 25c , Me , Tic. Reserved seats st
Our National Holiday will be celebrated on
Monday , July 5th. 1S80 , by a plc-nlc , to be held
at Sailing's Grove. Ll Sarny County , under the
auspices of the Catholic citizens of PaplDlon. Arrangements -
rangements tave been nude with the IT. P. B.
B. Company to rua an excursion train from Oma
ha , to the Grove. SeraUy-five cents will bo
charjed for the round trip ; children half fare.
The train will leave Omaha at ulna o'clock a.
m. , and return at seven p. m. , and Pap illun at
ten a. m , returning at six p. m.
Foot races , sack races , and other amtnemects
and games will take p ace , while the bett of or
der wllI'DO preserved throng boot the day. Par
ties deiirln ? to rent stands will confer with the
committee , J ITArcy sod M. TIT. at PapBHon.
The committees will leave nothing radons to
make ! ' pleasant for those attending. ProgTamsa
of eirrdses will be publisbfl beresfter.
Kxecutive Committee.
o ,