ft A -VOL. IX. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , TUESDAY. JUNE 15 , 1880. NO. 308 Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents WASHINGTON. Republicans Very Effect ively Fillibuster in the'House , And the Electoral Bill is Shelved O ' Till December. | O _ _ Rumors-That the President .jWill Veto the Army Bill. Sherman Does Not , , ! JltatiSither ? Garfleld/6r Foster Sold Him Out. Suit to be Brought Against a Millionaire Astor By a Census Man , Because He Isn'b Base Enough to Reveal the Ages of Fem-UeAstors. A NO JJOUE FILLIBUSTEUING Bpodal Dixpjtch lit Ihe IJce. WASUINGTOX , Jun 15 1 a. m.-- Ytsterdiy hfiurnuou Mr. Bickuoll , in charge of the elcc'ora1. count bil' ' , said tint inasmuch EB it was evident that the republic.ns would not allow a vote to ba taken , and as any further at tempt on the democratic side to force a rote would result in a ruinous loss of time , ho would move to postpone the bill until the first Monday in De cember. The motion was sgrced Jo by a vote of 83 to " ? 5. So filibuster- iug hai ended , and there rennnis noth ing new except to finish tha work of the session. ANOTUEE VKTO ? There ii homo excitement among coDgresemoii t the report tb.it the president cmtiiup'a'ei refuting to ein the river ai-d harbor bi'l , but the panic is probably unfounded. S1IEKMIN AND OAlirlELD. Friends of Secretary Sherman elite emphatically that he docs not credit the report that Uov. Foster was falae to him ut Clucng , and wcrked in'tbe interest of Garfield ; that , on the con trary , Sherman in confident that both wera loyal , and tw.at G rfield will have a no mure a-de'it ' supper or during the canvasi th-n tha Bosretary of tlo- ; treasury. TUK1U AOKS. Tha cansiis bu a m lus informntion that one of the Actors < f NCJT York- has declined to a'tsvrer questions put by the census supervisors ru to.thj ngoa of the ftin ila msmbtjra of hfs family , and that the contu ? supervisor has ordered the bringing of a suit for the penalty pr s-ribcJ by the act. GETTING KEADY FOIl AUJOUKNMENT. ' The conference committee on the civil surdry bill agreed upon a report last night and expect to finally settle X all ditlerenccs to-day. It is thought now by the commit to that the bill can pass through botn houses in time to bo enrolled by 12 o'clock Wednes day , the lime iixid for adjournment. TJio cotnui tH-o on Ilia deficiency bill camu to un ngroiiiuent alto yestf r- day and will report to both houses early to-day. CONGRESSIONAL SBNATK. Special Dispatch to Tim HUE. WASHINGTON , Juno 14 4 p. in. The conference committee on the sen ate amendments to the sundry civil bill wa unable to ttgrco and a further conference was ordered. A bill to aid in the construction of : a military , commercial and postal rail way from San Antonio to the Rio Grande , with an amendment in the nature of a substitute wai reported and placed on the calendar. Also a bill was reported for the relief the Kansas City , Fort Scott and Gulf railroad. The aanato concurred in the house amendments to the bill regulating the pay and appointment of deputy mar shals. shals.On On motion of Senator Garland the senate concurred in the house amendments n ments to the bill regulating the pay and appointment of deputy marshals. The bill now goes to the president. On motion of Senator Beck , in view A of the late slago uf tha session , only B the house bills lavorably reported by ISC the senate committee were considered , ISCi the object being to secure their pats- Ci age at this session , rathtr than to pass ClC CiCl bills which cou'd net be acted on in C : the house. DD r A number of pension bills pissed. DEl The housa bill fixing the rate cf El duty on bailey and malt at 25 cents ElFi FiFi per bushel , in lieu of 10 per cent ad Fi valorem , was taken up. Mr. Beck of II.H . fered an amendment that after July H II 1,1880 ; no duty shall be levied in m IL ; excess of 50 per cent ad valorem on a ILHi large number of articles specified , JoKi which ho offered as a substitute for KiK ' ' K ( Beck's amendment to Carlisle's sugar K , bill The morning hour expiring , the LaM < Mexican pension bill was informally MiMi laid aside to allow Senator Windom MiM to speak upon the minority report of Mi M ! the exodus committee. MiDs Ds Scnotor Lamar replied to him and DsNi at the conclusion of his speech and NiNe pending action of'the Mexican bill Po the senate went into executive session Pli and then adjourned. PaRe UODSE. Soi The conference report on the house Sw bill relating to public lands -was SeTn Tn . agreed to. Ta The early session of the house this Th morning did not help the democrats ThWi WiW to pass the electoral count.resolution. W There was no quorum , and finally an adjournment was made necessary until Du til eleven o'clock. When to-day's regular session began the same old filibustering efforts were fenewed. Bit Tabor College Commencement. Bai Brt Cormpondence of Tbe Bee. Cat TABOE COLLEGE , Juno 14. This Doi year the ctowd gathered , as usual , to Fra Eaj attend the commeLcement exercises Got of thw the oldest Hal in college this sec Hoi tion of country. Although there were Hoi fewer editors and professional men Noi Kis than at other tlmesowing , perhaps , to Nel the political gatherings of national in Rot terest in Chicago , there was an appreciative She The ciative audience which filled the large Wa cljnrcli at every session. The exercises were of a high orJer throughout , and without disparaging thoao who have done well on other similar occasions , it may be safely said that no commencement - moncemont has parsed off more pleas antly , or left a more favorable im pression upon stranger * . Of the class who entered college , eight had public exercises ; all did well , but it was generally crnccded that the palm was berne off by Mary Palmon , of Rtd Oak , whoso oration on "Our Inheritance" was well writ- tun , well spoken , and full of valuable thought. The exhibition of the conservatory of musc : showed thoroughness in in struction r.d ej c-ss in exocutitin , cnmuieudabij alifce to the faithfulness of teachers and pupils. The general character of the exor cises ot the literary society was con siderably above thosj of similar oxer- cues to which we have listened. Although the weather was of a threatening character , the church was filled on Wednesday morning to listen to the graduating class. There were three orations and one esaay. We heard all of them highly commended. { The valedictory given by Miss Georgia Barnum was original in style as well as thought , and was spoken of as baing just the right ttnng , and spoken cleuly. and con cisely. * * Wa did not attend the meeting of the a'uaini , but it is reported that they had a very enjoyable time. The commencement closed as usual with a grand concert/ given by the musical union and orchestra , between six and seven hundred attended the conceit. These concerts ore becom ing more and more popular , and have done much to cultivate a taste for a high order of music. Tha unani- tn. us expression of those who have attended the examinations and public exercises is that the past year has been an unusually successful ono in the thoroughness of the work done. Th9 Wisconsin Floods. Special Dispatch to Tux BKS. MILWAUKEE , June 15 , 1 a m. The Sentinel s AcontoVis. , . , special sajs : The danugia by the-late flood amount to § 150,000. The water is f .lling and no more danger is appre hended. The Sentinel's Chippewa Falls special says : From Friday night to Sunday the Chippewa river rose 24 feet , and the entire upper is cleared of logs. Both b'iJges at Chippewa Falla were swept away and als-j all on Dun can creek , except one. The guard locks of the datn wore swept away and fears are entertained that it will cirry off.tlie lower part of the city. Boiler Explosion. 3p-jcl l lisi > atch to 'full liRI MILWAUKEE , Juno 15 \ a. m. r.io bailer of the Waldick & Wirtz ris'illeryosploded , killing two men xnd causing a loss of § 20,030. ju . Milwaukee tromice Mar-net | , MILWAUKEE , Juno 14. It Wheat Weak ; opuied IJc higher 6' ' Hid closed strong ; hard , 1 10 ; No. tiii 6'ti L Milwaukee , $1 04 : No. 2 Milwaukee , ii JocJune ; , 93c ; July , 9Ccc ; August , iici iin ! ) c ; No. 3 Milwaukee , 801c ; No. 4 ci \lilwaukue \ , 8'Jc ; rejected , GOc. 0 ! Coin Strong and in fair demand at )5c.Oats ) Oats Firmer at 29jc. llyo lliphar and scarce ; 7'J@80c. Barley Quiet ; Ko. 2 fall , GOc. at. liouls Produce. ST. Louis , Juno 14. ni Wheat Higher ; No 2 red , § 1 OGJ ® . OGg for c sh ; 99j@i 00 for June ; liKa'JO c for July ; 88 @ 88c for Au- ; os * . Coru Higher ; 35c@35 for cash ; ! 4jic lor June. Cits Lower at29Jc for cash ; 29 J@ st :9c for June. 0 llyo Dull at 79c. ofdl Barley Dull ; choice Minnesota at. dl 5c. But'er- Steady ; dairy , 14@17c. Si- Eggi Quiet at 71@ c. Whisky § 108. Pork Quiet ; jobbing , § 10 75. niA Dry Silt Meats Quiet tt $4 05 ® til 40 , G 45@G G5. Lord Held firmly at $ G 55. ; LIST OF LETTEKS smaimng in the Omaha postoffice ) r the week ending June 12 : j s ? OENTLEMKN. " te ; bewi wi Sp , thye ye im an ani i ov lai ani thi ho 6pe < Sit tai ter bei epc of thi wil Bpei BpeiI dot Ri ( 10S ! Dhi Arl the imi sau coc I Say In ] Spec SpecI nea nou effei com the elec " THOS. F.HALL , Postnifister. atraJ f FOftEICN EVENTS. Eemarkable Scene in the English House of Commons , Tha Cry of Caesarism Hurled Bitterly at Gladstone By Indignant Irish Members , Provoked by the Pre mier's Action. In Severely Taking to Task a " Member for an Alleged Insult'to France. Tom Taylor , the Old Editor of "Punch" Dying. French Exiled Communist Not to ba Let Back , That the Republic May Live. 1XCIIINO SCENE IN PARLIAMENT. Srecial Dispatches to The Bee. LONDON , June 15 , 1 a. m. A re markable and exciting scone occurred in the bouse of commons la-t evening. F. H. O'Donnell , member for Dou- garvan , who had given notice of his intention to c-k the government if they were acquainted with the ante- cedontsof the ' newly-appoin'edFrench minister to the court of St. James , M. LaCour , was about to put this ques tion , when Gladstone , who wrs evi dently in a * tte of high excitement , sprang to hia feet and moved that O'Donnell should not be permitted to ask hi-i question because , by propos ing it ho had outrageously attacked the new French mbaesador. This proposition threw the houao hit ) a stite of excitement , end pn uncom monly lively debate followed which is still in progress. Ghdstone , it is be lieved , fears that embarrassment it likely to ensue from the question of l/Donnell which may aoriuus'y ' iuter- f rera with the commercial ntjgutivions I ie is conducing with Franca , and t lorhap * prevent him from carrying a hrough his proposed budget. b CONSERVATIVES AKE DELIGHTED Cl v.th the row" and are doing a'l ' in Cla heir power to lulp it a'oug. The ap- lointment of LiCour is understood ti o have been dictated by BI. Gam- tiai tiw letta and reluctantly consented to by ai he French cabinat. With Gambttta 0 ] ) 'Donnel ! h s an old quairol , tnd Tti his probably hag something to do tiai nth the askiug of the question. aiC ' ' aici LIBERAL'S EXUUE'MENT. ci Glads'one'a motion caused a scone ciP1 P1 nexampled In the histo-y of the i& .ouso of commons. Lord Harting- i&ti on severely rebuked 0 D nnell's iuao- tira jnca and the conscivativea npparuit rahi j-mpithy therewith. Mr. Forater in- hih iiisuly excited tbo house bydiscnb- fr ig O'Doniiel''s attack on t ! o French frof litmtor na an outrage on the decon- ofI ies of society. O'Loinoll ) : protcv < tad of I ; iinat Mr. Forter'a remarks. ofCl Ultimstely the speaker ruled the ca xpressions out of order , and Mr. th 'outer ' withdrew them. la Lord Hartlngton and Forater's lawi pecches family defended the pre- jior'a right < -f interference in dabatj , EC hich sentiment the Irish members ro let repeatedly with tv CRIES OF "CAE3AUISMT' That is despotism ! " etc. A motion ro y an Irish member to adjourn debate an as defeated , although many of the m : tries voted with the minority. thK O'Donnel having accepted Gl d- K oucs's suggestion , made early in the ot : rening , to simply ak for the author cai the informu'.ion , Gladstone with- toiMi aw his motion. Mi MORE BEVOLUTIONIZINQ. Ar eclat Diauatdi to The lice. LONDON , Juno 15 1 a. rn. Uu- It era of n revolution in Buenos abi yrcs have caused a decline iu Argen- 151 10 bonds at the stock exchange. ne DRAMA'S LOSS. bu octal Dispatch to The lice. bo LONDON , June 15 1 a. m. Tom mi lylor , the dramatist , is seriously ill. gel J on TEA TRADE DEl'REbSEI ) . edil Diepatch to The Bee. ' Wil CALCUTTA , June 15 1 a. m. The tel a trade is much depressed , and it is erd liovod thttt a crisis is at hand which tilt 11 result disistrously for planters. uai SIIOOTINO MATCH. Uk Dcial dispatch to The Bee. pin EUINBUEG , June 15 1 a. m. At anc e international rifle shooting match sterday England wcs victorious , iking a total rf , 1733 , Scotland 1700 d Ireland 1591. The Scotch team marked ono point er England at 2C3 yards , but Eng- id gained 1C points at 500 yards , d at COO yards further incr > .r.3ed 31 r lead 14 points. Ireland was pelcrsly in the rear throughout. OUR CRACK SHOTS. cl\l DUpatcb to The Bee. [ JDEENSTOWX , Juno 15 1 a. m. John Arngtt magnificently enter- ned the American rifli team yes- day , a very distinguished company ng present Consul Brooks re- inded to the toft , "The president the Tjiitoi States , " and was en- isia'tically received. The team 1 leave for Dublin to-day. biei Jal DUpatch to Toi Bn. and LONDON , June 15 1 a. m. The int ails have been received by way of to ! > Janeiro concerning the latest his jes of the war between Pern and pris ili , confirming .the capture -of hou lea by the Chilians and add that gate garrison were all made prisoners rett nediately after tha successful as- it B ! It. The Peruvian corvette "Man- had apac" wai sunk in the recent en- the crcent. He LET US HAVE PEACE. gaze 'ARIS , Juno 15. 1 a. m. M. Lson glat presided in. the senate yesterday , lion bis inaugural speech M. Say urged thrc importance of unity. agoi FRANCE'S REPUBLICANISM. victi lal Dlp&lch to Tbe Bee. litei 'ARIS , June 15,1 a. m. The am- ty which was semi officially an- Sped need some days ago , was to be SpedTl ited to exiled cummuirsts to tike won : t on the Lfth uf July , is now lidered less probable on account of defeat of 3L Blanqui ia.the Lyons ters tersFJ tion. This election has demon * FJ ted that even in a hqt-bed of rad- ' * ' l K . ' t " * ' icalism like that , the ccnsnrvative in- 8'ini.t ] of pe'iple are stronger than wxo supposed. The wiser lra < lers of thrf republican paity ro very unwilling to du anything which could loud to check or chill the growing belief that life and property arc us safe under the republic as they were under the em- p'ro. WONDERFUL. LAKES. POOLS OF SILOAM IN WASHINGTON TERRITORY , WHOSE WATERS "LNPAt- LII5LY CURE RHEUMATISM. Portland Oicgoniai. About two miles west of Silver Lake an I sixteen miles southwest of Spnkan Fdlh , are two lakes , the heal ing powers of whoso waters will be hailed with joy by certain classes of invalids , and which will materially cut down tin fees of physicians 111 that neighborhood. They are known as the medical lakes. ' They are sur rounded by decomposed granite , the feldspar and mica remaining intact , and the hornblende * and silas being dissolved. The waters are a sure cure for rheumatiim and kindred diseases. This statement sounds very much like the opening sentence of a patent medic'ne advertisement , but facts jus tify the statement , and experience , so far , has proved that It it is true. The cure of Mr. Andrew Lafe re , who was the first to discover the wafer's merits , Is almost miraculous. He bad had inflammatory rheumatism in his right arm for years. It was bent at right angles and had become stiff The elbow joint was swollen to three tinvB its normal siz. . Consequent imperfect circulation had caused pir- tial paralysis , the fingers had become stiff , the arm had wasted away and was worse thn useless. He had not iieard of thn now famous qualities of ; he water. He ownoi a ranch near , he lake , and , parsing by the shores ) no evening , bathed the arm to noiaten the skin , which was dry and ihrivelled. The next morning he was ibla to move his finger-joints slightly. ie comraenc d bathing twice a day , uch time observing an improvement , nd at the end of three weeks was en- irely curci. That was about two ear * ago. Circulation was restored , ho arm recovered its strength and ize , &ni Mr. Lefovre now does a > lay's chopping and ploughing without he Irait pain or inconvenience. This story was t ild me by Mr. Le- aviv , and is true in every particular , la'f ' a hundred other cures within wo years , none , hiwever , so remark- bid asihe one just msutioned , only ecauso the cases were not so bad , jnfirm the claim that the waters are aure remedy for rheumatism. One lake Is a mile and tbrte quar- irs long and three-quarters of a mile ide , the other a trifle smaller. They : o situate about a m < le apart. For h rdiuary bathing they are delightful , 7 : ho water invigorates and refreshes fcfc ie whole system , and leaves the ekm fcA i sof and oily as the finest kid. fcG hsppod skin and slight abrasions are G ; ired with one ablution. For shain- ) oing , the water makes the fineit a ' ther , and cleanses the scalp so artu- 3' that barber's bottled - 3 : sully a propa- tion would ba put to shame to be- 3 : ) ld the operation. And it leaves the J.A . dr instead of "like the quills of the A etful , " etc. , as though tne loist bit finest nut oil had been thoroughly sh plied. The lakei will ruin the sale ca , soap in the entire neighborhood. clt and tar-soaked fo jthes , grawe-stained - u be cleaned with slight rubbing in o water. A laundry , with a Port- iid bill of price ? , ai.d no opposition , niU be bolter thau a gold mine. SIJt A town called AleJical Lake , about Jt rci : miles from the line of the rai- ! ad , has buon started , and already tuty houses have baen built this A ) ring. A hotel containing thirty ems is receiving finishing touches , d will bo opened soon by a gentle- in from Michigan. A bath-house at Bt ( a edge of the lake about 300 yards 92 mi the hotel has been built , and @ sura will be erected as soon as the foii puntora busy on new houses in the i itn can find time. I predict that 30 ; dical Lake will ba to the Pacific f , irthwest what the Hot Springs of' ' fet kausia are to the Mississippi valley. Betwoan the two medical Jakes is a [ go of magnificent pura granite , 1 Dut forty acres in all , and probably for ) feet deep. It can easily bo quar- ] Ju d and will make the finest kind of ilding atone. In the same neigh- rhood there are numerous ledges of ca tchiat , or gneiss , which can bo ; ten out in thickness varying from 2-half an inch to twelve inches. 0 stone is not affected by heat , and 1 make handsome and durable man- me 3 and hearths. There are also sev- va ! 1 ledgci of sand slate , excellent for IB. It looks very much like ordi- y elate , but is full of grit. The ta are surrounded by magnificent me o forests , clear of undergrowth , chc con I most delightful places for picnics. _ . - 1 * A Horrible Story , S3 ilon Cor. N. Y.Uerald. 39 jondou , after a long rest from hors - ers s , is startled by another horror .ilsr to the Eusiou Square mya- fini f. The body of a woman has been S3 nd in a cellar in Uarley street and 45i police are not yet in po esaion of 1 clue. The horrid atory of the Lot ik , however , comes from Madge- and g. A little girl wandered into a ICC ying ground , which is under the rge of the chief sexton , and eked a flower from one of the res , unconscious of any offence , i sexton caught her in the act and 459 srmined to inflict a punishment SI 3 ch would effectually deter her 2dc n despoiling any more of his mix 768. So ho dragged the terror- C cken child away to the dead-house , bus : rhlch four corpses were lying on 49 < § f , thrust her in , locked the door 0 > went away. It was already late CF ; he day , and the sexton , according wet : is ! own account , having finished EP work , forgot all about the tiny P oner incarcerated in the charncl © 11 se , and made fast the cemetery 11C is for the night. Next morning , C irning to work at the usual hour , long iddenly occurred to him that he L omitted to let the child out of old , dead-house before going. home. b bci hastened to unclose the door , ci n a shocking spectacle met his i. Crouched in a corner , with sy eyes fixed in a death-stare of ur , and blood-stained lips , bitten iugh and through in convulsive H ly , was a fifth corpse , that of his im. The hapless child has been mor < 4 o ; ally frightened to death. Base Ball. G al Dispatch to The Bee. Boot ie following games of base ball i played June 14th : to p OSTON Bostons 5 , Bufialos 0. 4 0 ORCESTEROlevelands 7 Worces- ORCESTER- , - gras 1. 220 ( 1-Proyi- SI choi DOMESTIC DOINGS , Senator Kernan Starts on a Mis sion of Peace and Good Will to Horatio. A General Demand for Sey mour to Lead the Bourbons bens Over the Stix. Seymour. Special Dispatch to tl'O lice. WASIIINOTOIT , Juno 14 , 4 p. ni. Senator Kernaii ha ? gonu to Now York lo consult with ex-Governor Seymour in relation to the nomination tbe made ai ; Cincinnati , and will re turn with his report Tueaday. Since the Chicago nomination the democrats aeo the necoasity of nominating their best man and an almost universal de mand has sorting up among democrats here for Seymour. Contradictory statements touching Seymour's feel ings in the matter have caused the democrats mocrats in congress considerable an noyanca , audKernau has just gone to New York with a view of getting from Seymour an authoritative state" msnt.aa to whether he would accept the democratic nomination. If lie de cides in the affirmative tbe indications are he- will be nominated without serious opposition. Thirty Tlctlms. Special Dispatch to Tbe Bee NEW YORK , June 14 , 4 p. m. The fribune prints a list of about thirty ' pereons lost on the Narragansett , all > f whom" belonged in the east or mid- lie states. NO RECORD OF THE DEAD , ipedal Dispatch to The Bee. NEW YORK , Juno 15. 1 s. m. ? he treasurer of the Stonington hero * ys that unless the Narragansott's as3enger list is founJ there cculd ba 10 accurate list of the lost. NO FIRE DRILL HEARD OP. ' A deck band siys thatjtho crow rtra never drl'ei : in the use of Jife oat < , and he hid never hea'd of a fire rill since ho was on the Narragansett MA RKETSBIHL'K Cblcago Produce. CHICAGO , Juno 14. m Wheat Fairly active , unsettled and m ' No. 2 closed at 'gher ; , 93J@932c , ol 3jc for cash ; 93S94c , closed at 94c olst ir June ; 92g < s9-ic , closed at 93c bid stai ir Juiy ; 87@S7jc , cLsed Et 87 o for aiD ugust ; No. 3 , 85@8Gc ; rajected , D 5@70c ; No. 2 red winter , § 1 02. Jj Corn Moderately active , stronger Jjya id higher ; jSo. 2 and high mixed , ) S35c , closed at 35s85c ( for c.ish ; 5 < s35s , closed at 35e bid for June ; > 33ic ( , closed at oG@3G c bid for Hy ; 3G@3GJc , closed at SG c bid for ugust ; rejected , 33c. Sp. Oata Moderately active and a iido firmer ; No. 2 , 29@29c for lal sh ; 29l@29ic for June ; 23528Jc , im osed at 28c bid for July ; 23Ae23c be i r August. is Eye No. 2 , in store , 77c. isTi Barley -No. 2 , 72c. is Pork Quiet and a shade higher ; 0 40 f. r cish ; ? 10 37i@10 40 for ily ; S10 47i@10 50 fur August. dri Lird Quiet ; § G GO for cash ; 600 foi 1 62k for July ; § G G5SG G7i for lin , jguat ; SG 70 for September. lin Whieky § 1 08. Th . CLOSING PRICES. shi Wheat Moderotoly active cud ar jady ; No. 2 red , seller June , 93 ® tec j ; spring , 949Ggc ; do July , 93 tht I4c ; August , 87i@87 c ; 83j@83gc gra : the year. bol Corn Quiet ; Sojjcfor June ; 35 ® bo a for July ; 3G3gJc for August. shi Oats 2929 c for June ; 28J28 ] In July. sol Pork Firmer ; § 10 421 ® 10 45 for ly ; § 10 59@10 52i fur August ; opi 709 77 * for tbo year ; and S10 75 January. Lard § G G2J@G G5 for June ; do for AT ly.Bulk Bulk Meats Short ribs , SG 35 ® 7i for July ; SG 37JG 40 August. a Bai CnicaKO Live Stocn MarKet nov CUICAGO , Juno 14. the Hogs Receipts , 21,000 head ; shtp- nts , 5,300 ; trade fairly active and tof uen strong ; common to good mixed , ties 004 25 ; choice heavy , S4 20435 ; liric : lit , S440445. for Jattle Receiptp , G300 head ; ship- nts , 2700 ; trade alow and lOc lower ; amen to good shipping , S12u@4 GO ; lice , S4 805 00 ; distillery fed , 454 7o ; corn fed western cattle , IV 904 GO ; butchers etock2 GO ® 0 ; grass Texans , S300@3 55 ; stock- and feeder * , S3 203 80. Jheep Receipts , 500 head ; market JJ i and unchanged ; common to fair , JJTl 50@3 85 ; good to choice , S * 20 ® llaclCa 0. CaEr 0.he ? Drovers' Journal cable from mad Er * idon to-day reports cattle steady [ unchanged ; best American ateera ws J17c , dressed. s New York Produce. Pli NEW YORK , June 14. i Vhoit In fair demand ; receipts , ,000 bushels ; ungraded spring , ; No. 3 spring , 1 09@1 12 ; JSo. ) , § 1 10 ; No. 2 red , § 1 2G1 27J ; ed winter , SI 23. orn Weak ; receipts , 334,000 hols ; ungraded , 4952c ; No. 3 , FIi : Airy ats Weak ; receipts , 64,000 bush- attcn treat mix.ed western , 3G@40c ; white tern , 40@45c. g s lirm at 12@13Jc. a5-t : ork Stronger ; new mess'tSH 45 50. MFr eef Dull. ut Moats Quiet and nominal ; ; clear middles quoted at S7 00. Fr ard Demand active ; prime steam , on . ha . § 7 05 ; new , $7 007 50. on. utter Demand firm at ll21c. ! tierse Dull and weak at 'J(50c. ( rJiisky Nominal at SI 13@1 15. F St. .Louis Live Stock. ST. Louis , June 14. Tht large ogs Belter ; Yorkers and Balti atten 90@400 packing , S3 90 11-1 ; cs , S3 @ ; ® 5 ; heavy shipping , $ i 054 15 ; ; h , § 3 GU@3 90. ittle Supply fair and demand GDI 1 ; prices steady ; prime to choice ry shippingste'ers , § 4 504 70 ; fair 11 AS- ; oed , § 4 20@4 40 ; light , S3 70 ® 133 T 0 ; butchers' stuff , S2 753 50 ; s Texans , S2 50@3 25. Receipts , mtdii Off , ) head. specii leep Scarce and wanted ; fair to be ci ce S34. Receipts , 250. or parts tel ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Commissioners Proceedings. SATURDAY , June 12. Board met pursuant to adjourn * ment. "Present Commissioners Knight , Drexel and Corliss. The following communication was received : To the honorable boird of county commissioners of DougUg county , Nsl > . : The undersigned having placed mio ! posts on all the principal roads leading out of Ormiha for a dia'aneo of ten to twenty miles would respectfully present - sent aaid potts to Douglas county. \V. B. LOKING & Co. , S P. MOI-.SK & Co. The following was adopted : fiesuhcil , Thai the county commis sioners do hereby accept the mile posts doua'ed to Doughs county by W. B. Loring & Co. and S. P. Morse & Co. , and considering them a public benefit do hereby instruct all road su pervisors to proiect said posts from fire and report any wilful destruction of the same. The bill of H. Jccobson foraervices on arresting Thos. Dona van and Frank Brown was disallowed. A petition was presented signed by Frank J. Ramge , E. B. Chandler , AV. A. Paxton and others asking that the question of voting bonds for tbo pur pose of building a county court house bo submitted to the people of Douglas county at aa early date. The clerk was directed to publish a notice in THE OMAHA DAILV BEE , Re publican and Herald that the Equaliza tion board of county commissioners wouldaitasaboardofequalizationatthc affiio of the county clerk for ten _ euc- : es3ive days commencing Monday , lune 21,1880. The following accounts were allowed 'rom the general fund. Lewis Thomas , on account services as assessor S 50 00 ) scar Brown , on account grading. 10 00 ) aniel Clifton , on account stone contract -15 00 L.nd. Dauble , on account work on road -I. . CO A. Jensen , on account gradin-f. 100 00 L H Pickard work . ail - ' , , on r. -20 20 ! eo. H. Guy , sheriff , taking in sane person to asylum -10 SO Irenewald & Schrjeder , goods for poor farm 2 00 . JI. Sanford , work on road 8 CO 'red. Drexel , cash expended 37/5 Cenry Pimdt , groceries for poor . 4 ? 5 eimlorff&Mnussbread " " . . 100 - BurmeLter , sprinkler 1 CO Adjourned to the 19th inst. Jonx MANCHESTER , County Clerk. At 3 o'clock p. m. proposals for uildinirtwo combination bridges , one ear Elkhorn station and the other sarMillard , and for about 4000 feet f grading at west end of Farnhim ClCl root were opened and contracts Clhi warded as follows : tli tlin Thw two bridges to Win. Von n < ti ohreres at § 590 and the grading to won L. Lamb at 7.J cents per cubic ird. Adjourned till the 19th insr. JOHN It. MANCHESTER , County Clerk. Loss t > y Sound Disaster. ecl&l Dicwtci ! t" thi.Boe Si Sien NEW YORK , Juno 14 , 1 a. m. The Im en Lest estimate of the dead and niiss- TV tjby the sound disaster , as far as can given with the infonnation'at hand an supoosed to ba : lost 33 , missing 17. fin on ' ie number known to have been saved csl 3GG. Wo offer a hrsr-claaa wtiito laun- icd shirt , with an improved rein- ced front , made of Wamsntta muo- . 3-ply bosom r.nd cud's , of 2200 OC icn , at the reduced price of § 1.50. .e workmanship , tit and style of our ha. . irts .arc pUced in competition with C1I CVI d shirt sold in Omaha. Wo guaran- poi i eutiro satisfaction , or will refund liii' Id j money. Wo make to order every ido of shirts and underwear , give : tor goods for less money than can got elsewhere. Our fancy imported rtings are of the choicest patterns , underwear wo cannot be nndor- d. d.3maha 3maha Shirt Factory , 252Farnham , Grand Central Hotel. TENTIOfl , BUILDERS AND COM , _ . . ! TRACTORS. "ho o\vner jf the celebrated Kaolin iks , near LOUISVILLE , NEB. , has r ready at the depot at Louisville , on B. & M. railroad , ill any _ order at reasonable prices. Par- etxd desiring a white front or ornamental lieu ; tinis i k will do well to gi ve us a call or send sample. disc : J. T. A. HOOVJBK , Prop. , hcall how tppc tell in'S lachine Works , RKQITli the ! Ku Bill ! F. Hammond , Prop. & Manager prts Bun ; BunTh Th ie mo > t thorough appointed and conplcto lilne Shops and Toundry in the state. not I stln 3 ol every description manufactured. any i s. Pumps and every claaa u macliincrj a t < > orticr. Special attention ijlven to cent ; sll AiinirsPalIcys { , Hangers , whlc haf tine : , Bridge Irons , Gecr conn I ttel uisfornew JIachlncry.MeacharJcal Draught- Tn Models , etc. , neatly executed. bitt Harnev St. . B t. 14 * anrt IfitU Back tism ; ate- JPTON HOUSE , done cd Mem to pear : Sclmylcr , Ncl > . tenn Sot thcd at class House , Good Vfcals , Good Beds larjci Room ? , and bind and accommodating of tin ment. Tw i good samp'e rooms. Spccia BUtTei ition ] > aid to commercial travelers. S. MLLLEE , Prop. , Heb. 1625 | Schnyler , . Philai "W EAT MARKET Throl know , world V. P. Block. 10th St , remei sh au 1 Sail MeaM o all kinds constant none lie ! I .nd , prices reasomblc. Vegetables In PCS cured : t'ooil deliveied to of the . i ny part city. Jlacoi WM AUST. US ( Wl N-rthlfttbSt RONTIER HOTEL , Price. Laramie , Wyoming. > miner's resort , good accommodation ! , sample room , charges reasonable , fcpedal tion given to traveling men. OV5 f U. C. HILLIUID , Proprietor. DR. A. S. PEXDERY , DBG ' NSULTING PHYSICIAN Wrl , b4w PE1UIANKNTLT LOCATED HIS MEDICAL - ICAL OFFICE , cnth Street , - OUAHA , SEBRASKA , ; ring hit services In all departments of : ino and eurgery , both in general and SUJ il practice , acute and chronic diseases Can onsulted night snd day , and will visit all PA1 ol the city and county on receipt of letters je9-tl ? > J UCTION ! 'AUCTION ' ! AUCTION ! We Wil ! Offer at TfTJBLIO The Stock of IPPLE&CO.J At Their Store , Cor. 15th and Douglas Sts. A THE STOCK CONSISTS OF DSAfvlONDS , GOLD i SILVER WATCHES , COLD AND PLATED JEWELRY , SOLID SILVER AMD SILVER-PLATEO WARE , ETG. Which will be offered in Lots to Suit Purchasers , and Sold without LIMIT or RESERVE , to the Highest Bidder until sufficient money is raised to meet pressing emergeuiss. . The ale will com mence TUESDAY EVENING and Continue from Day to Day until further no'ice Ladies especially Invited. The Quality of Every Article will be Warranted by Wlruple & Co. as represented by the Auctions 6i * ' J. It. FRENCH , Salesman. J. KttXXEE ! . AuctmnoiT. I REMARKABLE LETTER FROM A CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN. Bryan , Texas , June II , 1879 , J. C. Richardson , St. Ionia Dear Sir : ly boy , 3 years ol l , lia l fever every ther < my , or every third day , for about montlm. I ugfld n * much na'A grains f Quinine during Hie clny , but witli no ITcct ; triml Cinclionia ( alkaloid ) Sulpli. linchonidin , Salacincetc. . , etc. , but the oyjjotworso all thutimo. I reluctantly euc down to my < lrap store for your 'ebrifiigtsandl ivrke Juxttosaytltuthe over had ; i yiiiptoni of fever after com- lenoin Febrifugo. to date , beinKDovr vornmonth ngo. I feel flint louKht to lythfa much in behalf of your medicine , m n rcKuIar 1. ! > . , but retired from racMce 3 yearn nco and devotins my jno to ilruz bu Ine8. Very respectfully , J. W. HOWEIX. IT 18 THE BEST. Stociton , yio. , Aug. S5th , 1870. T. O. RtchardKon , St. r.onls Dear Sir : UITonTa Febrifuge Is the belt Uilnp for liilla nnd fever that TVO have ever xndlcd. There never hax been ft case tut was NOT curetl by it Mint TT/IH taken ; oordinK to directions In this part ol to country. Yours truly , 31IACB & FROM A PROMINENT DRUG FIRM. ChilUcotho , Mo. , JnJy 30.U870. I. O. KIchardjpnti . _ Ioulsj-My _ Dear suits. Your friend * , Boyco Ostrnndcr. rills Is to certify that I had the Fever td Ai ue this Bummer and the ii e of c-thirilof n bottle of ClUTord'a F brio - ? o promptly cured it. It la the speedl * : cure 1 have known of. of.GEO. GEO. SAILOR. HE STILL LIVES ! Ice of TT. S. Novelty Mfff. Co. , New York City , August S , 1878. Fy Dear Sir : For over two ycnrilhavo if Fever nnd AKIN' , nnd nfter trying > ry thing 1 took one-half bottle of ITord'H Febrifiiir" . nnd it cured mo mnnently. Ibellnvo my case would rn been fatal had I not found this os id. Yours truly , IT. w. poor. Manager "U.S. ST.alfgCo. " GENERAL AGENTS : 3HARDSOH &CO. , - 8t.LoufS. 'OR SALE EVERYWHERE. ; Ask the recov- d vs peptics , bil- : isuHcrcrs , vic- ot fever anil ! , the mercurial iscd patient , they recovered th , clieurful U and good lite ; they will you liy Uk- IMUOTO' LIVXR ULATOK. ie Cheapest , Purest and Beat Family M dl- In the World. rDYdPKrSIA. CONSTIPATION , Jaundice mis Attacks. SICK HEADACIIK , Colic. De lion of f-'pirits , SOUK STOMACII , Heart i , Ktc. . Etc. 'a ' unrivalled Southern Remedy Is warranted o contain a einglo particle of MXRCCRT , or Injurious mineral substance , but ia Purely Vegetable. lining those Southern Roots and Herbs , ! Ii an all-wise Providence has placed in tries where Liver Disease mout prevail. It It ; : ue all Diseases caiucd by Derangement of C Jver and liowols. CC < B Sf.MPTOllS of Wier Complaint arc a C < r or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the , Sidcs or Jointo'tcii mistaken forltheuma- Sour Stomach ; Lo > s of Appetite ; Bowtis nately coeti > e and lax ; Headache ; Legs of ory , with a painful sensation of having fail- do something which ou 'ht to have been Debility , Low Spirits , a thick jellow ap- mcc of the skin and Eyes , a dry Cough of- lietaken fur Consumption , netlmca many of thete symptoms attend iscase , at others very fewiut ; ! the Liver , the st organ in the body , i ) generally tbe seat : dis ia > ! C , and if not regcUted in timcgfeat in ' , wretchedness and death will ensue , in re-ommend as an etflcacious remedy for K ) of the Liver , Heartburn and Dyspepsia , ions' Liv-r Regulator. Lewis O.Vunder , Master Street , Astietant Post Master , ilclph'a. ' c have tested its virtues , tersonally , and that for Dyspepsia , Cilliousneas. and > bing Heailacbe , it is the best medicine the ever faw. We have tried forty other lies before Mmmons" Liver Regilator , bat of them eava tin more than temporary re but the Regulator not only relieved , bat us. " Editor TclJgnph and Messenger , j i , Co. MASCFACTTRXO OSLT BT J. H. ZEIUN & CO. . PHILADELPHIA , PA. 11.00 Sold by all DmggUte. seDt4oo < lawIy Ha ; rena na THE CELEBRATED nam il Steel Tooth Harrow Manufactured by 'ROOT t GKDD1SQS , Fan du Lac , Wit. F. D. COOPER , te for pzlcef , Agent , Omaha , Neb. BUSINESS tf ! 7J ( ITS for $20,00 2:00 5,00 jr. c. EDHOLWholesale Wholesale and Eetail MANUFACTURING ATO PRACTICAL WATGET-MASBBS. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Goods sent to any part of the United States on solicitatioo. largest assortment oi SILVERWARE , CLOCKS & SPECTACLES , And ever/thinpr fouud generally in a first- class Jewelry Store. BEST SELECTED ST8GK IN TKF CITY ! .Jewelry niMmracturiMl on short uulito. Orders from the , oumry so'JrKcil. 11 heuiii Onmlm ! * all ami tee us. Ko * trouble to s how Goods , EDHOLM & ERICKSON , The Jewelers , ttppositefhcl'dstoflicc , I5li ( & Dodge. e - - < < iy vvy cx sy y QV9 A WORD TO TFiOSE \ * Ho USE POROUS PLASTKhS. . It Ie .t tmire-ially arttwledged fact ' that BENSOH'S CAPGIHE POROU3 PLASTERS ARE SUPERIOR TO ALl OTHERS. The great demand for them has caused a number of lous parties to moke and eoll worthless imitations unscrupu unaer similar sounding names. Aa the market is flooded with inferior ters selling at any pries it is important for the plas ' know'ft'hich is the . consumer to best. It is well known that some of the 3heap plasters have been examined and found 10 contain in jurious ingredients which make them dangerous to paralysis and other diseases. use , causing SEA UKY & .1 Olta'SON. Flinrnincruticnl < : iicmist , Xew York , I KI E 5 TS. CATJTION Sec tbat tlie word CAPCINE on rach p..iitcr 'a corrrctly spelled. INTER - OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. FIrst-cl B , Fine l.irje Simple Koonu , one ilock from depot. Trains stop from 20 min'itcs o 2 hours fur dinner. Free Bus to and from Icpot. Kates $2.00. 52.50 and $3.00 , according a room ; s'nglo meal 75 cents. A. 1 > . BALCOlf , Proprietor. ANDREW IORDKN , Cnief Clerk. mlO-t illlAXI ) CELEBRATION. Our National Holidiy wUI be celebrated on tonday , July Mil. IbSO , by a pic-nir , to ] > o held t Satllnff'H Grove. ! j Sarpy County , under tin ? uspii-cscl the Catho'ic ' citizens of lapilHoii. Ar- in fnicntH I ave been made with the U. P. It. . Company to mil an excursion train frumOma- ate the Orotc. Sefentj-flvu ctntt willie \ barbed for the round trip : children half f.i-e. Tlie tiaiunill Ica\o Oaaliaat nine o'clock a i. , and return at ssven ] > . at. , and I'ajiilaon at ii a. m , rutuinint , ' at six p. ni. Ko < t nice" , e.iik races , and other amusements id jfJincs will take p atu , wlii'o the heat cf err - : r will bo preserved throughout the day. l-ar- es ilcKirin to rent stand * will confer mtli the immlttee , J D'ArCy and M. Tex , at PaplUicn. lie committees will leave nothing unUoiii ; to akc i' p'easant for . thr.gv attPiidiii/ . Pro ramnie exercises will be published hereafter. 4. 11. DU.NV , F.KUM I.riBL'KR , U. I.AM11HJV. Kxcciithu Oniiliiitlec. STIMATE OF ANNUAL EXPENSES OF DQUCLAS CO..FOR THE YEAR 1880. ourt's , Jurors' anil Court ex penses , S L'O.OOO oor and I'oorJIiNiio anil fuel for jtame 16,000 lil and .Tailorx , boanl for prison- ennnilfncl l..OOO i ccllaneoiis e.xiensc"St-itionery ) Bj > ecial City Tax an < l Gas 10,000 ailroail Ucnil Sinking Funil -11,000 junty Uoad anil Uriilses K',000 junty Oflice , Office Kent , Elec tions and Assessor * C,000 Total Sl'iS.OOO Dy Order of County Commi ionem. JOHX II. ! S A C11E8TIR , County Clerk. [ 5y II. T. LEATITT , Deputy. ml2-4w . . l just received a lot of S ri g gooda. You invited to call and get prices , which he ran tees the lowest in the city If * _ 1220 FARNIfAU STREET. NEW TIME TABLE or TUB J5AIIA AND FORT OMAHA MNIBUS LINE. L AVM OM1HA. LIAVESIT.OXJUrA. i . ) o'clock A. K. 10:00 : o'clock A.M. ' I o'clock ' p. v. 4 )0 ) o'clock . r.M. I o'clock . r. u. 7OJ o'clock . r.M. SUNDAYS EVERY TWO HOUES. irq f i 2 > 25 Cent ? . LATEST TELEGRAMS Are Not Half as Interest ing to the General Kead- * er as the Following Price j List : I 10 Ibs u ! A sow for. fl 00 ' 10 } Ibs extra U sugar for. . 1 80 11 Ibs Canary O. Sugar for 1 00 j ! 9 lb Granulated Snxar for 1 09 8 } Ibs Cut Loaf Suearf. r 1 M > 6 Ibs goml Kio Coffee for , . . . . 1 00 6 llm heat Kio Coffee for 1 00 4 Ibs choice Java Coffee for. . . . 1 00 3J Ibs l ! t Jlocha Coffee for 1 M YOUDR IIjBon Tea per Ib , 30 to. . . . „ „ . . . . 40 Oolong Tea per Ib , 3to 49 Japan Tea perlb , 30 to. . . . . to Finest ( .unpovrilerTci perlb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Best O K Flour pcrsack. . . _ _ . . 3 25 hnow If FlaLe ! . . winter wheat flour. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 iidvun Mcaiuour . . _ . . , . 4 60 20 liarx Wliite ' . I I'.iwianSoJp for 1 00 ' { .Ohard Climax H p fur 100 'Jl Ijars Launilry Snap for 1 00 ' J IS bars Linen Soap for 1 00 Pure Maple J-j ruj > per | t Hon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 IS J i Golden ojrrnp per gallon 60 New Orleans Syrup per gallon 70 j New Ontjua Hulassea i per gallon 45 Su.-or Ilcnwo Jiolajses per gallon 40 , 1 * lin St. Lunw cotla Uracken for 1 00 17 Iba St. Loub Oyster Crackers for. 00 lllbs Hofton liuttcrCrackers for 00 11 IhiUinxur Sna | j for CO J l.t llm iVow CurranU for. . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 HllwXcw r.Uikberrles for 00 4 iln I'ittcU Cherries for 00 10 lin Dri'.il I'cachcx ( Tialves ) for. . . . 00 10 H Clioico lrictl Apples for 00 10 llw bent new Prunes for , 00 10 Ib ) , I > c8t Valencia Raisins 00 7 ll ) new Lijcr . l 00 Peaches. 2 In cans . . 19 Peaches , 3 Ib cans ( standard ) . . . . . 22 } Pic Pea hes , fl Ibcana . IS Pcathcs ( Cal)3 Ibcans . 30 UlacklKmc * . 2 Ib can . , . 15 Apples , ( York State ) xol can . U Blueberries 3 Ib ( an . It Cherries 2 Ib can . UJ IUm < m Plunm2lb cans . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Raspberries t Ib can . . . . . . . . IS Strawberries , 2 Ibcan . . . _ . 20 Siring li ans,21b cans. . , . . . . . . 12J Hiked Beans , 3 Ib can . 20 Lima Bejru , 2 Ib cans . 12 } Sugarcorn , 2 Ib can . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12V Yarmouth core , pet can. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 } Tomatven 3 Ib , can . IS Succotash , 2 Ibcan . 12 Pumpkins , 3 Ibcan . . 20 } 21 Ibs beans . 1 00 9 Ibvlried Lima beans . 1 00 ! 5 Ibs hominy . 1 00 11 Ibs Caroliiu'rico . 1 CO 25 Ibs cat meal . 1 00 Fat family mackerel , perkit . 60 Fat family white Ssh. per kit. . 90 Codflsh , whole , per Ib . 8 [ Vxlfisb , boneless , perlb. . . . . . 19 Uallibut , perlb . . . . W * Holland herring ( new ) per keg. . . . . * . . . . . . 1 25 Fobaeco ( Block well's Durham ) per Ib . . 60 Fobacco ( Silver Seal progperlb ) . 69 robaccoJOId Style ) perlb . J * robacco ( Jleerscfcaom ) perlb. . . . . . . . . " Hams , sugar-cured , perlb . . . . JJ E'gs , 11 doz for . 1 00 iiut r , fresh roll , perib. . Complete price liata furnished onappUt tl Country orders will receive prompt nd c r ittei.tlon. Positively no goods ula on credit. J ; B. FRENCH & CO. , Flic Original Sellable Grocers , No. 1119 Farnham Street , OMAEA , NEB. JNO. G. JACOBS , ( Formerly of OUh * Jcot ) UNDERTAKER . , OU frUnd of Jacob 01