Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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    'f . . , .
J..VT. . . _ .
Monday Morning , June 14.
Served to subscribers by carrier to any \xat o
the city , every day , Sundays executed at fifteen
centa per week.
Any complaints about irregularities , or 1ml
proper delivery ot the paper , if addressed to
this office vrill receive prompt attention.
TB OKAJJ A DART Ilex will be mailed to eub-
Bribers at the following ratg , payable Invar-
i blv in adrancs ; 38.00 per innum ; $4.00 sir
months. TUB Oiun = WIKKLT Bis tJ.00 rr
TniOMAliADAiLTEKiriasby ar the largest
circulation both In Omaha and abroad , and Is
therefore the test and cheapest advertising
t-try and Commmutl Rtparti , Railroad anu
2'ostolce Time-Tablft. see third vag
Pateraon sells coal.
See Polack'n advertisement.
Try Saxe's Royal Crown Cigar.
Carriage Umbrellas at Wood worth's.
Soda at Saxe's jmn fruit st/ntjw. /
The west-bound train took out tea
cars Saturday morning.
Try Saxe's little Key West Ci-
galOc. .
Colo's circus train occupied sev
eral side-tracks at the depot Saturday.
Elegant perfumes at Kuhn'a drug
Btore. * "
The Rock Island train was an hour
and a half late Saturday morning.
The B. & JI.'a and Mutuals play
ou the grounds in Laic's addition
Saturday afternoon.
For Lands , Lots , Houses and
Farms , look overBemis1 new column
on 1st page. Bargaina.
Lots , Farms , Homes and Land ? .
Look over Bemia' new column of bar-
gi ins on firstpi ge.
The case of Ratcliff is. Biggins ,
in the county court , lias been dismiss
ed at plaintiffs cost.
Mr. J. H. Creightou has entered
si i-eral of hishorses for races invarioua
1 < vra towns during the coming month.
Mr * . Latey's pupils gave their
IcstjsoireefortheseasonFriday evening.
It was well attended and was an ex
cellent entertainment.
Work will be commenced on to-
dny on Steclo & Johnson's new build
ing , corner of Thirteenth and Barney ,
and it is expected that the brick work
TI ill be finished in about three months.
Losr. From a buggy on ICth street
r i'road ' imck or on 13th street , a
Lidy's back ! and red shawl. A liberal
f ri ward w ill be paid the finder if left
with R , Trossin , No. 1111 Douglas
st eot , tin and stove store.
'Tap" Paddock , the lone fisher- , bas met with another serious
lots. This time it is his lait and only
b < at which was stolen from its moor
ings Friday night.
Taylor Richardson and R. Tizard
Indulged in a'war of wodrs Friday
concerning adebt-of thirly contr.
Richardson was fined $3 Siturday
for threatening to near a hole in the
eidewalk with the petson of Mr.
Friday afternoon Marshal
Westerdahl started to fcarch for
Sullivan's pals , information having
been given that they w era hid in the
woods below the city. When ho ar-
rhed there , however , he found that
Iho birds had flown.
The public arc invited to call and
inspect the Palace Meat Market , just
opened by Bescn & Hagadorn , at No.
314 Fifteenth street , between Farn-
Lam and Harney , where n choice se
lection of meals will always be found.
Finest market in the city. Gt
Mrs. Scott , sister of General Su
perintendent J. T. Clark , of the Union
Pacific , died at Galcsburg , Illinois , on
Tuesday. Mrs. Clark has gene to
Galcabun ; to attend tlie funeral , which
toi k plice Saturday. Mr. Clark , who
Is absent in Utahwill not be able to at
The committee foroxamlnationof
candidates for admission to the Doug
las county bar will hold a session on
last evening at 8 o'clock , at' the
oflice of Col. E. F. Smythe. The com
mittee are : Mcssra. E. F. Smythe , R.
S. Hall , George J. Hunt , George I.
Gilbert and Lewis A. Groff. Five can
didates will bo examined.
W. Uartlelt has been elected
auporintcndent of the Sunday school
of the Christian church , and Joseph
llogcra assistant. Theec gentlemen
ore expected io take charge of the
echool next Sunday morning. As they
are men of energy , the school must
prosper in thenbands. . The school
opens promptly at 9:30 : a. m.
By referring to our advertising col
umns it will bo seen that the well-
L-nown and reputable firm of Whipplo
Co. , jewelers , who have been doing
Lueiuess for ( he last ten years near
the corner of 15th and Douglas sts. ,
are compelled to close out their stock
to meet pressing demands. It is to
be hoped that our public will treat
this sale with sufficient liberality that
it n ill not be necessary to dispose of
the entire stodcto meet such demands.
The quality of every article will bo
warranted by Whipplo & Co. This Is
an opportunity no one should neglect.
ATKINSON'S great clearing sale to-day.
I will bo present at my office in
Creighton block on the first Saturday
of each month to examine such ap
plicants as may desire to teach in the
public schools' Douglas county.
Quarterly examination first Satur
day in February , May , August and
November. J. J. POINTS ,
Co. Snpt Pub. Inst.
- - - -
Headquarters' ior Joe Schlitz'a
Milwaukee beer at MEBCIIASTS' Er-
N.JS. Cor. ICth and Dodge.
Finest line of straw hats In Omaha ,
cheaper than ever.
0. B. DEGEOAT & Co.
Laundry work will be collected and
delivered by the Omaha Shirt Factory.
Leve jour sddre9 , ei
A Brace of Bloods From the
Queen's Dominion
Operate Upon the Confidence
of Our Citizens , and
Make a Hasty
It was in the mild September when
two young men hailing from Canada
their first appearance in Omaha , giv
ing the rispectivo names of T. D.
Lindsey and Nathaniel A. Merritt.
During the ensuing winter months
hese two keeners lived in luxury and
style upon money borrowed on the
strength of well told stories of their
Canadian possessions. Some two
months ago Lindsey decamped with
about two hundred dollars thus ob
tained from a party whose confidence
ho had gained by the manipulations
of his oily tongue. Our article , how
ever , deals more particularly with the
adventures of Merritt , a mere lad in
years but old in tricks that are vain.
During the eeven months of his so
journ in this place Merritt never ful
lowed any legitimate employment , but
id ways managed to live on the cieam
of the land. Like others of his clats
he had his mistress , who no doubt
shared with him her ill-gotten wealth.
Ho represented owning large tracts
of land in the dominion of Canada
and claimed to bo highly connected in
Chatham. He succeeded in borrow'
ing several sums cf money by repre
senting himself as being connected
with the firm of Ghddish & Co. ,
druggists , doing business on the cor
ner of Dodjjo and Twelfth ttreet.
The firm , however , disclaim having
ever had any dealings with the fellow.
Merritt is among the tlings that are
missing. On Thursdayho crossed the
stormy Missouri in a ror boat in order
to avoid a possible ecene with friends
who might be at the depot to bid him
a tearful farewell. He wss always of
a retiring nature. Aleut the same
time his paramour tool her departure
by rail , and the twain no doubt made
connection in our aisle ? state , and left
for parts unknown. ,
Merritt is described as being such
a "nico" young fellov that people
would go and borrow .money to lend
him or weep if they coild not accom
modate. Those who kiew him to the
tune of dollars and certs , and partic
ularly a well known Intel proprietor
whom Merritt forgot to settle with for
several months' board , will mourn his
loss , and will express tieir feelings by
having hit picture andjiis virtues pub
lished In an early aumber of the
' Police News. "
How It is Progressing Pay o
ABuK reporter called on Supervise
Tzschuck to ascertain what facts h
could learn that wculd bo of iiitere *
to its readers.
Mr. Tzschuck informed him that th
work was progressing as rapidly a
could be expected , but that the statis
tics obtained could not bo made nub
lie before the middle of next mouth
The statistical schedules of manu
facturing and other industries for th
city of Omaha have K-en returned , aud
will bo completed by a special agen
to be appointed for that purpose.
The pay recoivcd hy the cuumera
tora varies according to the density o ;
population. Enumerators in thi
counties of Wayne , Pierce , Knox , An
telope , Grooley , Wheeler , Holt , Sher
man , Valley and Custtr receive § 4 pe :
day. In the counties of Lincoln
Keith , Cheyenne , Serrard , and the un
organized territory , the pay is ? 5 to § G
per day. Enumerators receive 4i cents
per head and 20 cenis per family foi
each enumeration in the counties ol
Stanton , Cedar , JIadison , Nance
Boonc , . Howard and Dawson. It
Dodge , Cuming , Dakota , Dixon , Col
fax , Platte , Merrick , Hall , Buffalo.
Sarpy , Washington. Burt aud Doug
las , they receive 2i cents per head o
12J cents per family.
Enumerators in the cities of Omaha ,
Columbus , Fremont ind Grand Island
receive 2 cents per lisad.
For each death reported in the year
the enumerator reeeives 5 cents ; J
cents for each
physically disabled per
son ; 15 cents for e ch establishment
of productive industry ; 25 cents for
each manufacturing Institution.
For each 100 names reported ac
cording to schedule 10 cents is allowed
and § 2.50 per day for two days to be
spent ot the court house for the pur
pose of making revisions and correc
; ions.
Thus the pay is made proportionate
to the amount of work done.
Uambortson Uundry.
The following account of the Lam-
bertson-Gundry wedding is taken from
the Chicago Times of Friday :
MINEUAL POINT , Wis. , Juno 10.
At 10:30 a. m. , today , was solemnized
at the residence of Joseph Gundry , in
this city , the marriage of his eldest
daughter , Miss Jennie , to Mr. G. M.
Lambertson , United States district at
torney for the state of Nebraska. The
affair was very quiet , only a few
friends and relatives being preient.
The costumes were elegant , and the
presents numerous and costly. The
grocm was attended by Mr. Ellis Bier-
bower , of Omaha , the bride by Misses
JSettie and Cora Henry , and Misses
Mary and Margie Gundry. Among
the persons present were Miss Burton
.abul ( ° e ; Mr. D. D. Muir , and
w . H. Berkhead , of Lincoln , of Neb. ;
Mr. James Hutchison and Mr I L
Parmiee , of thia city ; Mr. Richard
Uundry and John Gundry , of Chicago -
cage , and Mr.Will Snyder , of Galena.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. Dr. Benson , pastor of the First
Methodist Episcopal church , of Madi
son. The happy couple left on the
2:15 : train for an extensive trip
through the east , after which they
will take up their residence in Lin
coln , the home of the groom.
/ATKDfSON's reaf clearing sale to-day.
Home comforts , moderate rates ,
Aator House , New York. mlG-lm
Murphy & Lovottlns. .agency ; old
eat established agency io ( his state ,
Statement of Mr. D. W. Griffey
'Concerning His Recent.
Domestic Troubles.
To the Editor of TUB BJLE.
In a recent issue of The Omaha
Herald there appeared what purported
to be. the statement of my wife in re
gard to recent troubbs that have arisen
between us , and as the "statement" is
so altogether one-sided both in The
Herald and Republican of the same
date I deem it but justice to myself
as well an to my friends in Omaha and
elsewhere that I be allowed a hearing
n my own behalf , with the hope ,
therefore , that this may be given room
in your columns. I here make the
following truthful record of the whole
wretched affair , that has been so wide
ly circulated :
I was married to Mra. Griffey in
Council Bluffs about five years ago ,
and up to within a few weeks prior to
our recent separation our donlestic
life was peculiarly peaceful and happy.
We settled in Council Bluffs and
made and dwe't in a happy home ,
one singing aud teaching music ,
while I had a position in the U. P. R.
R. offices. We rendcd in Council
Blutfe for three years , when wp re
moved to Omaha , Here her ability as
a vocalist soon became known and for
the past two years her career has been
very successful in this regard. All this
time I retained my position with the
U. P. and until one month ago cure
was the happiest of homee , and right
hera I may say that the statement in
The Republican to the effect that
since resigning my place'with the rail
road , I have taken to drink , is as
false as hdl , are an also nearly all the
other reports in tbat paper with regard
to myself. For ten years I have
avoided intoxicating driokr , and unt'l
within afewdayssince had not touched
them for that length of time.
But to come directly to the cause
of this whole sad affair : some time ago
there came to Omaha a Mr. DeLe , a
musician from the south , and he was
some weeks since joined by his wife ,
also quite an artist. This very worthy
couple at once made their headquar
ters at my home , where the longest
two-thirds of their time was passed ,
much to the satisfaction of myself and
wife , however.
Things went on thus for some time ,
and had they continued so all would
have been well. But about two
months ago there came to Omaha a
"slick-tongued" fellow named Jacobi
and a good musician withal. This fel
low , being on old-time friend of the
DeLes , became acquainted with my
wife , and in a few days I was only a
third-class boarder in my own home.
Go homo when I might , there in
the front room was a party of four :
consisting of Mr. and Mrs. De Lo ,
my wife , aud Jacobi , all playing cardi
in the jolliest kind of a way. Hac
this been only an occasional affair al
would have been lovely , but it wouk
continue from 9 o'clock in the morn
ing until 1 and 2 o'clock at night foi
weeks at a time. And right here , "
will slate , is where my despondent
streaks came in that my wife speaks
of in The Republican's account of the
affair. I would sot for hours at a time
trying to come to some conclusion
what to do , and I will leave it to an ;
man of sense if such work isn't ven
liable to grow monotonous.
This was not all. Mr. and Mrs DeLe
Lo made a couple , my wife and Jacob
made a couple , and of course , when i
was proposed to have ice cream , the
husband ( myself ) was left to take care
of the children.
For several weeks this sort of thinj
continued , until at last I remonstrate !
with my wife. Kindly at first , am
sternly when it became evident tha
stern work was necessary. She prom
ised a reform in the card-playing bus
incss and promised to keep more ou
of the company of the man Jacobi ,
whofo wifa and family reside in ai
eastern state. So far , all was satis
factory , but after a trial I found that
the promise of reform was made only
to be broken. She left our home at 9
o'clock a. in. and went'to Mr. DeLo'i
room where Jacobi always stoppet
remaining there all day. Had to eenc
the girl after her to come to dinner.
After dinner she went back a ain ant
remained there until supper. Thurs
day she did precisely the srmo thing
Friday she did the same with a sligh
variation. When she came home Fri
day to dinner she remained al home
after dinner long enough to make Mr.
Jacobi a necktie on the sewing ma
chine that I presented , to her for a
Christmas present.
Saturday morning' , juit as she was
starting for DeLo's , I called her in the
bed room and told her as coolly as ]
conld talk , what she must expect if ]
caught or heard of her being at De
Lo's any more or in company with Ja
cobi. She flew In a passion and toll
mo in very plain English that she
liked their company and would go anc
have them como to our house when
ever she pleased , and defied me and
told mo 1 could not help myself. As
any other man would do und > r like
circumstances I resolved to end the
matter. On the evening of the
"church scene , " as reported in The
Herald anjl also in The Republican , ]
returned homo from down town at an
early hour ) and as a matter of fad
will state that I was somewhat under
the affluence of liquor at the time ,
was growing desperate , and may the
curse of God light on the small soul ol
him who -p-ill deny _ that it was my
right to bo excited and angry. Upon
entering my own house I found the
front room occupied by Mr. DeLe and
wife and upon inquiry learned that my
wife had gone to rehearsal in the ccm-
pany of Jacobi. She had attended
rehearsals alone often and of ten before
and the thought that she should so
soon forget every promise , made me
feel strangely like cutting the throat
of some man and Jacobi in particu
lar. I went to the church and Jacobi
went in under ono of the pew seats ,
hence the ' 'scene" referred to. That I
waj slightly jealous I will allow and
leave it to any man of pride and spirit
to say whether or no I bad cause to be.
And this is all thpro utoit.I felt
that my rights were being interfered
with by a characterless scamp , and
when my wife failed to see matters in
that light , we stopped.
. -Respectfully ,
"Widow Bodott.
Neil Burgets in Nasby's "Widow
Bcdott" drew a good house at the
Academy Friday evening. All the mer-
ta of the play center in the widow ,
n which character Mr. Burgezs has
made a happy hit. From the first ap
pearance df the irresistablo widow to
the finale , the house was in an up
ASKIKSON'sgreat clearing sale to day.
Now Is the time to buy straw hats
cheap. Way down at
0. B. DEGEOAT & Cos' .
Edholm &Ericl'ssn keep the largest
stock of watches , clocks , jewelry nd
silverware in tKecity/andthqir prices
are the lowest. Give them a call.
j/LTSEfBCW's / grtQt clearing sals to-day.
C. E. Yost has returned from Lin
Major Chambers has returned from
he west.
Elder Ingram came in from Clear
Jreek Saturday noon.
Hon. J. M. Thurston hai returned
from North Platfe.
Hon. J. M. Thomburgh , of Knox-
villc , Tenn. , is in the city.
Hon. J. W. Pollock , of West Point ,
went east to the democratic conven-
; ion Saturday afternoon.
Henry Vil'ard ' , of the Oregon Steam
and Navigation company , went east
Friday afternoon accompanied by
l. Tappan.
W. Endicott , Jr. , and Geo. T. Garrison
risen , of Boston , Lewis Roberts , of
New York , and Col. S. F. Tappan , of
Oakland , passed east Friday in a
special car.
H.N.McGrew"I X.Peck , " former
ly traveling correspondent of The
Council Blufft Nonpareil , was in town
Saturday and favored TIIE BEE office
with a call.
Dr. 0. S. Wood left yesterday
for Milwaukee to attend the conven
tion of the American Institute of
Homaipathy , which takes place there
next week. Ho goes as a delegate
from the Nebraska Hamcupathic asso
ciation andtho Northwestern Academy
of Medicine. During his absence his
practice will be attended to by Dr. 0 ,
Hirt , with whom ho will form a
pirtncrahip on his return ,
In all our Fifteen different depart
ments to closa out balance of Summer
Stock :
No such value ever before offered in
LINEN , for suitings at 15c ;
former price 25c.
former price 8ic.
EST STOCK in the city.
5000 yds. was sold last week.
1000 yds. Sash Ribbon at 12Jc.
Call early our advertisements are
200 yds. G inch all silk ribbon at 25c.
Sold elsewhere at 75c.
CHIEFS at 25 ; ,
Sold in the city at 50 : .
25 DOZ POCKET FANS at loc ,
Cheap at 25c
at 50c , no such value in the city.
at wholesale prices.
Another shipment of the "Boss1
shirt in a1 ! sizes with cuffs or bands.
This is the best value-in the city.
15 doz. Ladici and Misses Sun
Hats at 25 cents.
Similar Reductions In Every Depart
Police Court.
A man and woman in a very dilapi
dated condition were arrested Friday
night for being drunk and disorderly.
They were advised to leave the city
and discharged.
Joseph Hutchinson ( Chicken Jim )
the colored man who was arrested the
morning after the robbery of Gold
smith's clothing establishment while
endeavoring to dispose of some of the
stolen goods , was before the gram
jury Friday. Ho was released by
that body , but Saturday was sen
to jail for thirty days by the police
judge for being unable to give a eatis
factory account as to the manner in
which he obtained the goods.
Solid gold bracelets in all the new
styles , at Edholm & Erickson's , oppo
site the postoffice.
ATKINSON'S great clearing sale to bay.
An External Remedy Inwardly Ap
A man Friday purchased a bottle
of liniment , containing various power
ful elements , at Saxo's drug store , for
rheumatism. The bottle was labelled
"poison , " and the directions as to its
external application were very explicit.
Through some ignorance , however , ho
took a teaspoonful of the mixture in
ternally , and soon afterwards , being
told of his mistake , he became featfu
for the safety of his life and dashec
up to Goodman's drug store. The
clerk , after ascertaining what ho had
tiken , gave him a dose of mustard ,
which bad the desired effect , and the
dangerous potion was removed from
his stomach. It is thought that no
serious consequence will result from
his mistake , which was committee
through ignorance.
AIKINSON'S great clearing sale to day.
Cheapest straw Hats in Omaha at
0. B. DEC COAT & Go's.
ATKINTON'T great clearing sale to-day.
Accident on the Dakota Southern.
An accident occurred on Thursday
at Vermillioii on the Dakota Southern
road. The Sioux City Journal says of
it : * *
The cab of the engine Is smashed ,
the smokestack detached , pilot broken
off and other smaller hurts inflicted.
One of the seven cars ditched was got
"back on the track. The other six are
bidly demoralized. This is the first
accident more extensive than ditching
a single car which has occurred since
the road was built. The only satis
faction to be got out of the matter is
that the mule was mangled beyond
recognition by its mother.
ATKINSON'S greatclearingsaleto-day.
Miss Hendricks , herself , will play
the leading part in "Ticket of Leave
Man , " the 15th hist. Go and see her.
She is simply great.
ATKINSON'S great clearing saleto day.
Rogers Bro's. silverware , in all the
atest designs , at Edholm and Erick-
son's , the jewelers , opposite postoffice.
§ 20,000
worth of fine MILLINERY to be sold
within the next 30 days at
ATKINSON'S , ttuacknoicledgedlead-
ng cstaUifhmtnt , corner of Doogli *
R d Thirteenth itrntit
He Will be in Omaha To-Day.
Arrangements have been perfected
'or Dennis Kearney's appearance in
Omaha. He will arrive to dsy
at 10:30 : and will be escorted
to the Creighton house , where he will
je quartered during his stay here. He
will speak to the public at the corner
of Fourteenth and Farnham streets ,
at 7:30 : p. m. The Bohemian band
las been engaged to furnish music for
the occasion. J. P. McDonald , the New
Jersey agitator , has also been invited
to be present , but it is not yet known
whether he will accept the invitation.
Yesterday's Fire.
Yesterday afternoon , about 1:30 : ,
an alarm from box 12 brought out
the department. The fire proved to
ba iu the editorial rooms of The Re
publican office , and was extinguished
without the aid of the department.
The carpet was badly burned , as was
also the editorial desk and A portion
of the floor. The damage will proba
bly aggregate § 100.
The Circus.
The exhibition given V Cole's cir
cus Saturday afternoon and evening
was first-class in every respect. Many
of the ring performances were new
and novel , notably the aerial Tricycle
and trapeze act. The six performing
stallions went noble specimens of
horse-flesh , trained to the highest degree -
greo of perfection. The electric light
was another excellent feature , and
worked splendidly , giving a light that
made the entire interior of the pavil
ion as bright as noonday. Notwith
standing the rains , the tents were
crowded at both the afternoon and
evening performances.
The menagerie , too , was one of the
most complete that has ever exhibited
in the city , and the giants were "im
mense. "
Public opinion generally votes it
the best circus that has exhibited in
Omaha for several seasons ,
ATKINSON'S great clearing sale to-day.
SHiiiTS We are selling white UNLAUNDRIED
SUIKTS at 50c worth 65c UNLAUNDRIED
bimiTS at75c " 90c UNLAUNDRIED
SHIRTS at 900 " § 1.00 UNLAUNDBIED
SHIRTS very cheap ; are UNLAUNDRIED
SHIRTS worth much more UNLAUNDRIED
SHIRTS bsttermade than UNLAUNDRIED
SHIRTS sold in dry goods UNLAUNDRIED
sox Wehaveagood MORSE'S
sox assortment of solMORSL'S
box id , wearing seamMORSE'S
sox less Sox at25 ct ? , MORSE'S
BOX unbleachedorcolMORSE'S
BOX ored , worth 35 MORSE'S
sox cents. MORSE'S
BUNTINGS We opeu to-day an 25c
BUNTINGS elegant line of all 25o
BUNTINGS wool Buntings , new 25c
BUNTINGS French Buntings 25c
BUNTINGS plain and Lace at re25c
BUNTINGS duccd prices. 25c
GRENADINES just received. MORSE'S
MORst's are making lOrii & JACKSON
MORSE'S reductions lOrn & JACKSON
MORSL'S in all delOru & JACKSON
MORSE'S partmcnts ; 10TII& JACKSON
MORSE'S one price lOrn & JACKSON
MORSE'S marked in lOrn & JACKSON
"Nobility the Eequislte of Success. '
The lecture of Israel E. Congdon ,
Eq , on the above subject , at the
Baptist church Friday eveningwas de
livered to a very small audience , bui
all those who heard him were unani
mously of the opinion that it was a
masterpiece of thought.
Ho began his lecture with a picture
of infancy , led his hearers on to
childhood , youth wiih its hopes and
manhood with its realizations the
complement of human life. He held
that every man was born for a pur
pose , and that true success came only
where it was deserved. Man , he said ,
could best fulfill his mission by culti
vating in his breast jho preat element
of nobility. "And , " said the speak
er , in conclusion , "when he leaves
behind him a world made larger by
his struggles ; a humanity blessed by
his never-dying influence , he docs not
fail. No ; he enters through the gates ,
and iii at home. "
ATKiNSONsffrcat clearing sale to-day.
ATKINSON'S great clearing safe to-day
Rough on Ottman.
Some time previous to the advent
of Van Amburg'a circus in this town ,
Maurice Ottman deposited twenty dollars
lars with the city clerk for a permit
to sell beer on the circus grounds for
three months , and as customary ,
pending the decision of the' mayor ,
sold beer duricg the three daya * so
journ of the circus. Saturday morning ,
however , Mayor Chase rendered an
adverse decision in the matter. Con
sequently Mr. Ottman Is liable to
prosecution for selling liquor without
a license , and the probability is that
his twenty dollars already deposited
and five dollars more will be forfeited
before he stands square with the city.
ATKINSON'S great clearing sale to day.
Cole's great circus arrived in the
city Saturday , and pitched its tents
at the head of Farnham street. The
procession was a little late in starting ,
but when it did appear it proved to ba
a fine display. The cage of lions ac
companied by their keeper , the snake-
charmer toying with his dangerous
pets , the steam caliope , and the ele
phants , were the chief features of the
ATKINSON'S yreit clearing sale to-day.
Owing to other business that needs
my attention I will sell my undivided
lalf interest in the European Hotel
and Bakery and give possession im
mediately. Call on or address me
at the European Hotel.
June 7th tf E. T. WEUHT.
. . . .i -
MISSING , 4. case o constipation by
How the Police Were Kept
Busy Yesterday.
The circus brought with it the usual
number of robberies , etc. , and will
make an unusually lively levee for
Judge Htwes this morning.
John Maxwell , an ex-penitentiary
bird , was arrested yesterday morning
on charge of robbing a man of $43 at
the circus , Saturday evening. Louis
Grebe and J. B. Butler claim to have
seen him put his band in the man's
pocket while he was in the crowd
around the ticket wagon , and imme
diately afterward the pocket-book was
Jim Hill was brought in Saturday
night with a new pair of pacts in his
possession. As he was let out of jail
penniless in the morning the officer
considered the case sufficiently strong
to warrant his detention-
A farm hand from Sarpy county
was taken np in a hopeless state of
intoxication. He claim * to have .lost
$40 $ at the circus. He was bailed out
Two circus men wore arrested Sat
urday evening , ono for fighting and
one for obtaining drinks under false
A young man , who works at Joe &
Sam's , had a parly giving the name of
H. G. vJlark arrested for stealing a
suit of clothes from his room. The
same man stole the suit two or three
weeks ago and pawned it , since which
the owner has recovered it , and Friday -
day night ho stole it again. ,
Several inebriated individuals ware
also partakers of the hospitalities of
the institution.
The Improvements "Which the
. Telephone Exchange Co.
are Making.
The first of the new telephone In-
itrnmenta , which are as quickly as
possible to be substituted for the old
ones throughout the city , was put up
in Seachrest's ticket office Friday.
The new instruments are of the very
latest pattern , and are a vast improve
ment on the oues formerly in use.
They do away with the nects
alty of a battery for each circuit at
the central office , the battery for each
instrument being incorporated in the
instrument itself , the elco'ricity be
ing generated by the action of the
signal bell.
All that is required to signal the
central office , is to press a button and
turn a crank. This causes a drop to
fall at the central office , and the de
sired connection is immediately mde'
The new instruments admit of each
subscriber being placed on a separate
circuit at a slight extra cost , thus
obviating the necessity for seperato
signals for each station. When a
signal is made , the subscriber will
know that he is the only ono on the
circuit , consequently the one signalled.
The instrument are made by the
Bell Telephone company , and are
elegant in appearance as well as con
To make this change , the company
will be forced to double their force.
Twelve new switch boards will be
put in at the central office , and sixty
foot poles substituted for those 'now
in use.
The same changes irill bo made in
Council Bluffs.
Notwithstanding the expense at
tendant upon those changes the rates
will remain the same , except to those
who desire a private circuit.
Manager Franco says that the
Omaha telephone exchange will , when
these changes are made , be the most
complete and the best exchange in the
Eighteenth-street M. E. parsonage , by
the pastor , Rev. W. K. Bean , Friday ,
Juno 11,1380'Mr. ' F. J. Bricker , of
Aurora , Neb. , and Alias Mary Shaufel-
berger , of Foscoria , Ohio.
ATKINSON'S great clearing sale to-day.
Brown ell Hall.
The public examination of the pu
pils in this establishment will take
place to day , Tuesday and
Wednesday , the 14th , 15th and IGth
of June. The commencement exer
cises and the delivery of the diplomas
to the graduates , and the various pri
zes to the successful competitors , will
take place on Thursday , the 17th. To
those examinations and exercises , the
parents , guardians and friends of. the
pupils , and the public generally , will
bo cordially welcomed.
ATKINSON'S great clearing sale to-day.
Real Estate Transfers.
Anna -A. Craig to Samuel Jacobs :
q. c. d. parcel of land in nwl of sw }
Sec. 22 , tl5r3e. 850.
Nannette Banmer to Ferdinand
Streetz : q. o d. lot 32 , in Hartmann'a
add. $50.
William F. Clark to Carroll S.
Montgomery : w. d. portion of lot No.
7 in Capitol add. $1,500.
ATKINSON'S great clearing sale to day.
We undersell everybody on straw
hats. Call and examine ,
smwf &s 0. B. DEGEOAT & Co.
ATKINSON'S great clearing sale to-day.
Edholm & Erlckson have just re
ceived large additions to their stock ef
jewelry. Give them a call
ATKINSON'S great clearing sale to-day.
A Correction.
OMAHA , June 12,1880.
To the editor of The Bee :
SIB : The piece in your paper of
the 10th , concerning my daughter ,
Miss Miller , was false in regard to
some of its statements. I know noth
ing whatever ' of my ' daughter's ao-
called'engagement to Mr. Elliott , and ,
furthermore , I did nolaend my daugh
ter away. She went of her own ac
cord to Denver and went to Leadville
from there , She had 'no relatives
there. Most Respectfully. .
, MRS.
mP\ \ - . -
ATKINSON'S $ rmi * rfeaHW
Why dose youree ves with nsaant *
Ing medicines , when a purely fruit
cathartic will cure you at once Ham
burg Fies. Try them.
NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Sale ,
Lost , Found , Wants , Bonding Ac. , will be In-
serteJ In these columns once ( or TEN CENTS
portlne ; each. subsequentlnsertion.FlVE CENTS
per line. The first insertion never less thin
C-1 AA AAATO LOAN In sums o ( 9500
cMUU.UUU to J50CO or 810,000 , at8 to 10
per cent interest on first class improved real
estate in the city of Omaha. QEO. P. BEMIS'
Real Estate and Loan Agency , 15th and Douglas
Sts 054-eodtf
\JfOJSSSr TO LOAN Call at Law Offlc *
! ± D. L. THOMAS. Koom 8 , Crelijhton Block
M1 ONKY TO LOAN 1109 Farnham street.
Er. Edwardd Loan Agency , nov-22-U
WANTED Good girl for general hou-onork ,
southeast comr Suth and Cumin ? Sti.
Qirl at the WESTERN UOUSK.
WANTED An Me awake partner with $500
or $100 at the Philadelphia Coffee
remove into a largo place. Single man preferred.
E. CAREY , ccr. 10th and Hartley Sts. 45-12
WANTED Situation ai clerk in a dry goods
or grocery etore , Grocery preferred , by a
jouni man of several jears cxiieriencc. Addrtsi
CLERK , Ece Offlca. 16-18
A traveling agent , who'can com-
fmancl * , flrat-clasa busmen In Teas , Cof
fees , Spices , &c. in Nebraska or Kansas. Address -
dress with reference ! ! . SH iKMANBKOS. & CO ,
22 and 21 So Water St.Ch ! < n0'0. 43-17
WANTED A few gentlemen , can be accom-
mod.tad with board "ndlogdlng at the
8. E. cor. 16th and Davenport Sts. 41-17
"ANTED Situation as coachman or for gen-
f cnl work about a tiou-e. good reference
given. Addrc a P. II. C , Bee Office. 3615
' man 'tesires u dilution in some
permanent business , w.H fnrnish good re
ference. Inquire at the PACIHC HOUSE. 33-12
't ' tomera. JNO. L.McCAQPE , Agent. J7-gt
TNTELLIGENCE OFFICE , corner 16th and
J. Davenport. 410-tfl
over BEMIS' new column of bargains on lit
I ? ED FOR BENT At aouth east corner lot
14th and Chicago streets , convenient to the busi
ness part of the city. 6S9-tt
TO RENT With or .without board
at No. 1710 Da\enport St. 25-12
riOR RENT Furnished roomscheap ; by week
JC or month. Apply at AMERICAN HOUSE.
498. U
REST A splendid Photograph Gil err.
T7IORSALE CHEAP Good family horse and
C buggy. Enquire at Stephenson's stable.
Capitol a\enue. 47-11
I AM prepared to deliver soft water toanv part
of the city for low prices. Notify by postal
or leave orders at my house , TIIOS. SWIFT.635tf
"T710R SALE A house with 5 rooms and lot In
_ } Nelson's addition. Inquire of Fred. Henl-
reckson'a meat market , cor. of 16th and Califor
nia Sts. 624-tf
look over BEMIS1 new'column on 1st page ,
M ILK ] Twenty to twenty-four quarts or one
dollar by John T. Paulson.
"P 0R 8ALE Small soda fountain in good con
J } dition. D. W. SAX 5 , cornsr 13th and
Faroham. 677-tf
Coarse bank gand , gravel for gardens and
moulding gand will be delivered at short notice.
Leave onlcra tt U. SIcrks 1414 Farnham , and
Charles BranJes , 9-JIJ Farnham Sts. HANS
BOCK , Successor to Charles DanlcL 652-tf
T71OU SALE Cottonwood lumber of all sizesat
JJ REDMOND'S , Slxteenth-st. 616-tf
SALE A s-nall duelling house , next to
O. H. Collins rcsidenc' , corner 19lh and
Capitol Aonue. . , ' or information call at O. H.
t J. S. COLLINS. JS1 Faruham Street. 605-U
TIOKSALE AOriEtMill. Appiyat
_ L > 472-tf L. B WILLIAMS & SON.
fJlOR SALE A New American Sewing Ma-
1 ; ihine In good condition , with 1I attach
ments. Must I c eold before the 15th of May.
For Information apply at ATKINSON'SMUllnery
Store , corner Douglas and 13 th Streets. 474-tf
BEMIS in Houses , Lots , Farms and
Lands , in his new column on 1st page.
SALE Largo beer casks , good for cistern
tern purposes , at KRUO'S Brewery.
TJIOR SALE Two of the celebrated J. II.
J3 Brunswick & Ealke CO.'B Nonpareil Bil
liard Tables. Nearly new. For sale cheap.
230-tf C. W. HAMILTON ,
From a Buggy on Htti st. railroad
LOST or on 18th st , a lady's black an I red
sbanl. A liberal toward w.ll tc paid the finder
if left withR. TROSSIN , No. 1111 Douglas St. ,
Tmand Stotes'orc. 49-12
F OR A FINK KtaiuE-n E front , Doom
counter. Mantle , Store fitting , veneered
work go W 1310 Dodge street , A. F. RAFERTjA
CO. . Builder * .
Wednesday , June 16.
FantomlncTroupe and Standard Company , With
the Urcat Original Clown ,
And a Grand Combination of
30 Pantomime & Specialty Stars.
Admistion,75c and 50c ; Rcscncd scats , tl , on
sale at Ilubcrminn's. f-s-t-w
Proposals for Furnishing
the City of Omaha ,
braska , with Water , for
Fire Protection and
Public Use.
Sealed proposals in duplicate vrill be re *
eeived by the undersigned at his office in
the city of Omaha , Nebraska , until 12
o'clrck. noon , on the 12th day of July , A.
D. , 1880 , forfurnishing the city of Omaha ,
Nebraska , with water works for fire pro
tection and public use , for the term of
twenty-five years from the time of comple
tion of said works , through two hundred
and fifty fire hydrants , of the character
and of the locations mentioned in ordinance
No. 423 , passed by the city council of the
city of Omaha , Nebraska , and approved
by the mayor , on the 11 th day of June , A.
D. , 18SO , and the report of J. D. Cook ,
engineer , approved by the city council
June 8th , 1880 , copies of which will be
furnished bidders on application.
Such proposals or bids shall be accom
panied by a bond with at least three resi-
dance sureties in the sum of twenty-five
thousand dollars conditioned in the event
of the acceptance of such proposals or bids
and awarding of the contract for such pub
lic supply and fire protection to such bid
der or bidders ; for the faithful performance
of the terms and conditions of ordinance
No. 423 , and that the water to be furnished
through said hydrants , shall at all times
when required during said term ( a reason
able time being allowed for repairs in canes
of unavoidable accidentsjperform the tests
mentioned in ordinance No. 423 , and
give the fire protection therein mentioned.
Si'd pioposoU or bids shall specify the price
per hydrant per year for the sud two hundred
and fifty hydrants during said term ; also tha
price per hydrant per jear for intermediate
bjdrants placed upon the mains specified In the
report of J. P. Cook ( on file In the office tl the
city clerk of Omaha. Nebraska , copies of which
* ill be furnished bidders on application ) , inex-
CCBS of said two hun Ired and fifty , and also the
price p r hydrant per year in case the city at
any time during tald term elects to have more
hpdraut'8 upon new mal1 *
Sal ! nrnTv"1 * or 1 > i < Js B'lU ' I * accompanied by
a condiUoSj , ccc , : rleothord'D n.ce . J °
the event the contratt 1U. the ? ublic "PP1' nd
flreiprotection shall be swirdt * . ' ,
The contract for such public ropT L fl ?
protection will be awarded to the Wen .7 ? ° J
sible bidder or bidders , and the city council v ,
thpcity of Oma&a reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
Envelopes > ntainln r proposals should be mtrkt
ed 'TroposalsforfumUh.ntr the dty of Omahj
with water for fire protection and public usa ,
and address to the undersigned , _ _ _ _ _
City CI k- , the City o
Qfiuh * , Xebrttk * . Jan ? Z
i i
Immense Stock for
Fine Custom-Made
Men's Suits ,
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits.
For Men ,
Boys , and
Children. a *
Uuder-Wear , llats aud Caps ,
Trunks and Valises , at
Prices to Suit All ,
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
oESBflTPS apoifc
We are now prepared to take orders for the justly celebrated clothlngo .
thU house , which for Durability , Style and Cheapness are unsurpassed. We
have now on hand the best selected stock of Clothing , Shirts , Furnishing
Goods , etc. In the city.
Boston Clothing House ,
Uses a Straight Self-Setting Needle and
makes the Double-Thread
"Lock-Stitch. "
It is the Perfection of Mechanism for
Fringing , Ruffling , Gathering , HemStitching -
Stitching , Etc.
It is adapted to every variety of sewinc , from the
lightest muslins to the heaviest cloths , an'I no
greater range of work than any other machine.
It has the most complete attachments ever applied tea
a Sewing Machine , and among these we call attention
to our Adjustable Underbraider , which is superior to
all other braiders , and is not furnished with any other
machine. _
It is the Simpliest , Easiest-Running , best-made , nd
most elegantly ornamented machine in the world , and
combines in ono machine every requisite to produce a
perfect machine. . .
" . * m r
Ladies are especially invited to examine the .NEW
HOME , " and become conversant with its merits.
N. W. Cor. IBtTi & Webster. OMAHA. NEB. fT
Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell their
entire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
SilverWare ,
Pianos & Organ ,
At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We Mean Business , Conic and be Convinced.
Pianos and Organs Sold on Easy
Monthly Installments ,
A. HOSFE , Jr ,
1516 Uodge Street.
Steam Pomps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery
A. L. STEALS , 205 rarnham Street Omaha. Neb1
.1421 and 1423 Farnham , and 221 to 229 15th Sts.
pf Cash 5and Prompt Time Bnyera Solicited.
- * * ' * and t&e Qmh * Iron na Wftl. 0 i