Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
$ % > e
Which Hurried Inttf Un
marked Graves One
EundredPer3oris : - ?
And the Mournful Sound Beats
a Sad E auiem OvelrTihe > '
* * ifl f
Two Steamers of the Stonington
Line Collide at-anight.
The Passengers "and Crew of
the Wrecked Boat Leap
for Life Into the 8ea7 , .
Where Many of Them Disap
pear SeneaJ the .Waves. ,
to Rise N < 5 Mo're.
Tire Consumes "rthe' Shattered
Timbers of the Doomed
* I
The Lurid Flames Light Tip
th Weird Scene , and
Aid the .Rescuing
Details of the Wreck and
Statements of the Sur
Steamboat Collision.
Special Dlipatch to Tbe Bee.
NEW YOKE , Juno 12 , 4 p. m.
Two steamboatsvof Jthe Stonington
line came into collision , last night in
Long Island sound.It is reported
here that ono of the steamers sunk
and many lives were lost. Inquiry
at the office develops nothing beyond
the fact that there was a collision.
The Survivors.
Bpadal Dlipalch to The BIB.
STONINGTON , June 12 , 4 p. m. The
survivors describe the scene which oc
curred on the sinking of the boat immediately -
. mediately after the collision as horri
ble. Passengers rushed frantically
in every direction , shrieking
and crying Many of them plunged
into the water. There was consider
able delay in lowering boats. Many
of the rescued passengers were badly
scalded. A dense fog prevailed at the
time of the accident.
V From the statement of several pss
) eengers it is estimated that about 60
were lost. One young man
deliberately ehot Vhimself when
the cry of * fire was raited.
The boat sank BO quickly
that many must have been unable to
get out of their state rooms. One
H passenger's statement reflects severely
on the conduct of tha officers and
crew of the Narragansott The captain
was ono of the first to outer a life boat.
Most of the children saved were en
tirely naked and other passengers in
under clothes. Ono < f the crew in a
life boat pushed off a lady who was
hanging on to the edge by her fingers ,
although she begged piteously to be
saved. She was drowned.
now IT occtnutED.
The collision occurred about 12
o'clock last he "
night "Narragan-
eett1' and "Stonington" were the
i names of the two steamers. The shock
* "burnt the former's gas tank , and in fif
teen minutes she was on firq , and
aank. There were 300 passengers on
the Narragansott , of whom a large
number are believed lost. Two other
steamers came to their assistance.
The "Stoningtoc. " , Jia * arrived here
\rith 50 surviyon. ' ( Most all the pas
sengers were in night clothes and the
inhabitants have supplied them with
clothes. One woman died from the
Special Dispatch to TUB Bn. J '
NEW YOKE , Juno 13. 1 a. m.
From all accounts received itj appears
f-r certain that nearly 100 lives were lost
from the ill-fated steamer Narragan-
eett. Kieruan , the clerk , says there
were about 300 passengers aboard ,
about 200 of whom bavq been saved
about 150 by the steamer City of ISTow
York , and 50 by the steamer Stoning
moii 75 TO 100 APE HISSING.
President Bubcock says ho is mak
ing every effort to got a list of the
passenger/ , and if he succeeds , will
give it to the press. The list has
-.probably gone down with the boat
One of the most f f
of the disaster s'given by Charles
Oarleton Coffin , journalist , of Bos
ton , who was a passenger on the Ston
ington. He says the collision occur
red eta quarterio 12 p. m. Pasaep-
w gers on tbe Stonington rushed for life
1 preservers. The light on the Narra-
cansett went out. and the vessels
drifted apart. At five minutes past'12 '
o'clock shouts offire , " ' "boats , " ' Hci
"help" came from tbe Narragansott.
By 12:30 the sky was red with the tjhi
The Stonington'a four boats were Itta
lowered in a few 'minutes. .Numbers taN
of the passengers brought ab'oard the tb
Stonington were almost exhausted and
insensiole , and crcat efforts were made
to bring them back to consciousness. er
All the rescued were nearly chilled to fie
death and Buffering from swallowing .
xealt water. All survived except a ladj fore
tnd centleman , who died within two
j/minates after botnj ; taken aboard.
There were twelve boats assisting in
the search , which was kept up till 3
o'clock. There were also two life re
rafts. The pilot of the City of New ta
York says , when signalled about tbe cL
disaster to the Narwgansett the bore
down on her. ffnYwaterJirai thickly
strewn with fb
' fbdi
seen in the rear of the burning be
, Nsteimer. Many appeared to be th
i-omen. All had mo-preservers or that
rafts. Others got on board were es at
caping in boats. One boat capsized atI
and some persons were _ drowned. en
They spent five hours in the search
for persons in the water and then pro *
peeled , By fbfe time " " - ' " t !
and state rooms were filled with refu
gees , .usually covered with blankets
provided by those on the rescuing ves
sel , ' ; Mrs. Frederick Stilson , of At
lanta , Ga. , was on the ill-fated steam
er. She ran to her brother's state
room and called him. When they re
turned to the saloon where her chil
dren slept the s'moke was so stifling
that they could not get in. A mo
ment later'the flames broke out and
Mn. Stilaon lest sight of Carpenter.
la tbe struggle- for life she seized a
life-preserver and jumped into the
water , and was picked up. Carpenter
was also ssved. It is stated that' two
gentlemen , cabin pissengers , when it
app red that the vessel could not be
saved , placed pistols to their heads and
deliberately blowed their brains out.
An old lady , Margaret Muir , nf Brook
lyn , was'picked up in the water. She
was holding high above her head her
infant grandchild , fifteen months old.
Henry L. Higgtns , or West Eden , ' '
Maine , was a passenger on the Narra-
gansett. He-had no _ state-rooro , nd *
| at thq time of the collision was tlyitg
on a bench with all his clotfifag on.
He jays : I .heard t „ H >
* nd was knocked to the flooJ. On
getting to my feet I found all the
lights extinguished ; men , women and
children were screaming and running
in all directions. I followed a number
of men and jumped into the water ,
andjbelieviug the vessel about to sink ,
started to swim to the steamer that ,
had collided with us. A young naval
cadet accompanied me. I think we i
swam about a mile when picked up.
F. M. Forward , an other passenger ,
( aid : I had returned to my state
room about an hour when I heard a
terrible crashing sound and my state
room door wai burst open. I rushed
on deck , and with several others
jumped overboard , all having life-pre
servers. Before going I aroused sev
eral , and also saw a young man
I with some others was picked up by
a boat of the City of New York ,
which had oime to our rescue.
Michael Ingalls , a , deckhand , eaid :
After the Stonington was struck I
jumped overboard and clung to a
floating spar , and whila there sav-a
boat being lowered from the Narra
gansott upset and the occupants were
probably all drowned. I was in the
water about two hours and was picked
up by.aboat of the City of New York.
T. W. Sanburn , of Boston , said :
About 10 o'clock last night I was
knocked ont of my berth by aomo
terrible force. ' Without stopping to
Iressl secured a life preserved and
lumped into the water , and after float-
.ng around for some time was picked
up. About fifteen minutes after the
collisii n the boat was a sheet of flames
ind burned to the water's edge. Bc-
bro leaving the boat I saw one man
sh < ot himself in despair , and also
10 ml the report of another pistol ,
[ 'here ' were , I believe , " 330 passengers
on board , and with officers and crew ,
over 400 souls , and I think I am esti
mating too low when I say
One great mistake was inado , I
think , by the officers In not letting the
people kno * the true condition of af
fairs , asmauy women wore induced by
them to return to their staterooms ,
thereby losing time , and very likely
; heir lives. -
On the dock at Canal street among
.ho saved passengers was
n the shapa of a tall , well built ,
itrong young man. "I had secured
wo life-preservers , " Slid he , "and
ms floating comfortably in the water
vith them , when a lady came drifting
iy. She begged me to aid her , or lot
ler have one of my life-preservers.
No'said I ; 'go and find your own. ' j
She drifted out of sight , and I supI I <
) ese was drowned. " (
President-Babcock rays the NarraE
; ansott was built in J.SC8 at a cost of
5200,000. The vessel was repaired
ast autumn at an expense of $30,000 ,
.nd'wasiu excellent condition. She
ras 2800 tons burthen ; length , 270
eet ; extreme breadth over guards , 70
eot , and depth of hold , 1C feet. She
arried a largo quantity of freight , ' 1
ras insured aga'nst fira for $10,000
nd tliero was a marine insurance up-
n her of $30,000. These risks were
istributed among a number of com-
PROVIDENCE , R. L , June 13,1 a. m.
following is a list nf eistorn people
ived so far as caif bj ascartainod. |
'ho list embraces most of the names ' _
f those who have been reported here | „
r passed this point on the way east : '
' . O. Pierce , CHas. H. Oakes and eon ,
'rovidonce ' ; Eliza C. Bounds , Taun-
jn , Mass" . ; Henry F. Richards , Prov-
lence ; Geo. F. Sampson , Boston ;
Seydell , J. M. Fuller , S. B. West-
ill and wife , Providence ; Mrs. Clar-
uoe H. Remington , Burrellville , R.
1' Miss Jennie Remington , Geo. S.
lullock , Scituate , R. I. ; Jas. Spoore ,
awtucket , 0. L ; 0. H. Chase , Prov-
lence ; Geo. Westhope and wife ,
Few York ; J. H. Wilcor , Chicago ;
[ rs , Phillips , Hew York ; Jas. Hall ,
rovidence ; Mrs. Tiidsle , Pawtucket ;
liss J. L. Clark , Clark , Somerville ,
: y.AF. ; Doughss , O. B. Cottreil ,
id son , Chas. Williams , Howard
ybinson , Miss Anna Lewis , Wester-
rtR. L ; Cant. A. CoonCapt. Green-
tan , Capt. T. P. Garber and Allen
hompaon , of Westerly.
A passenger who was on board the
arragansett , and who is now in the
ty , stated that he had great difScul-
in finding life-preservers , and when
3 did find one it had no fastenings. believed here that several cot-
gen en route from New York for
ewport were on board , and naturally
10 event created terrible excitement.
All day Saturday and Sunday sev-
al of tne Long Island men who had
thing , steamers were cruising about
eng Island sound on the look out
r bodies of victims of the Narragan-
tt disaster and the fishing up of
eight of the ill-fated vessel.
The captains of steamers were re-
leated to take good care of all bodies ,
covered , and have them promptly
ken ashore and kept on ice until1
A metallic life-boat was picked up r <
e miles south of the scene of the y
saster. The supposition is that this w
at , being overcrowded , upset , and ai
at the occupants were drowned. 01
Mnch of the Narrastansett's freight 8 :
id pieces of the wreck fere washed ai
> on the Long Island shore at differh
it points. „ 0 :
A puaenger on the NarragameU ai
Wfi fa five minutes Rf far the hi
ore broke * ouU the saloon was filled
with five feet of water , and in ten
minutes the steamer burned to the
watar'a edge. He says the collision ,
burning afa'd jinking of the Narragan-
sett occurred within such a short time
that many who were in their rooms
asleep must have been losK He de-
Bcribeiltho shrieks and crioi of the
men , as well as of the women , as tor-
'Many women were i picked up nearly
jake"d and drifting on rafts. They
have arrived here nud are being
dressed by the ladies of Stonington.
A Unifed States revenue steadier
picked up ten bodies which floated out
from the wreck c.f the Narragansett
andput them aboard a tug-boat , which
has gone to Now London.
Considerable wreckage and some
dead bodies are coming to the surface
as the ttae washes through the wreck.
Special disiutck to TUB BEE. .
STOSINGTOSV Juno 14 , 1 a. m. A
more mournful Sabbath in the town
of Stunington has never been known ,
and the good people'are'bowed down
with grief. Scenes at the depot and
near the wharves and morgue' have
been heartrending , and he would be a
very Kardened"pers'jn who would not
ba torched by them.
It is impossible to estimate the num
ber of peopla'lost , notwithstanding
nearly forty-eight hours have elapsed
since the accident. It is stated that
, here were in the vicinity of 300 pas
sengers on board. Of this number
about,125 , have been landed at New
[ York and a like number here , though
the latter are conjectured , from the
fact that when the Stonington arrived
here Saturday a large number of pas-
senjren were buried on the trail ? with
out being ; counted or their names
taken. During the day yesterday
there V re numerous applications for
descriptions of bodies. It is satisfac
tory to be able to state that all bodies
nowhere have been identified by per
sonal recognition or description. The
number brought in here has been six ,
and their names are as follows : Rov.
Mr. Leonard , of Fifty-eighth street ,
New York ; Rev. A. E. Ptarl , of Phil
adelphia , who came up tp preach at
Westerly ; Mrs. R. B.aheckly , , Brooklyn -
lyn , who was supposed to have lost
her child and died of fright ; Chas C.
Clarke , 57 Bright slroet , Jersey City.
The fifth one was William Noyes ,
a drummer , of New York , recognized
personally by Alex. Carmichaul , of
Westerly , who states that Noyes wet
coming to sec him.
The sixth one was a child , hand
somely drc'sed , about five years of
age. A full description having been
sent out , "tho following dispatch was
received last night from Boston :
ujhe ? tfody of number six is my
boy. Will call to-morrdw. "
It was signed by William Slovens *
It is not known who was in charge of
the child , but the recognition i ? com
Yesterday afternoon A. P. Dix , of
Brooklyn , a gentleman doing busi
ness at27 Wall street , arrived hero
in search of his thrco children. Ho
was accompanied by his brother. It
would appear thatMrs. Dix. and her
thruo chhdron , aged 11 and U years ,
and one three months old , and their
nurse , left New York oa the steamer
Narrag insett. The mother has boon
saved , but there is not the slightest
trace of the three children or the
nurse. ' Mr. Dix was taken to the
morgue , but did not recognize any One
there. His condition of mind can bo
better imagined than described. Mr.
Dix also went to the wreck , but was
unable to di-cover anything regarding
the whereabouts of Jits family.
The cutter Dexter arrived here last
tiight and brings word from Captain
Scott that he has examined the after
part of the vessel and finds the falcon
leek burned through in several places.
Captain Scott says the wreckers can
leo into the state rooms on the main r
leek. No bodies w re found there or
ilsewhere. The freight is being taken
> ut rapidly and several pieces of bag-
jage have been removed. No one has
) oen in the lower cabin. The hull is
inly cut through to t e first room. It
s thought that there are not any more
> odies on board. The tide was rim-
ling very strong and has probably car-
'led them * aWay. Nothing canbeob-
ained of 'a' satisfactory cLaracter.
[ "hey positively icfuso to answer any
[ uestions.
NEW YORK , June 14. 1 a. m.
? he list/of "the lest and missing by the
lisaster in the sound remains iucom-
ilete , and no estimates can be made
s yet of the exact number. From
arious sources " , a list of forty-eight I
arsons missing had been gathered ,
ut some names are unknown , several
f them being children aud seven
dults. Same of the names unknown
uy have been'duplicated ' as informa-
ion was gathered from different peo-
Ie. ai
pedal Dispatch to Tni CM. d :
NEW YORK , June 14,1 a. m. The di
; oamer Stonington arrived hero Sun- diac
morning without either - ac
ay , passen-
ers or cargo. She proceeded to the acG
ry dock at the foot'of Clinton street G
> r repairs. The upper portion of the
ow and parts of her bulwarks and
ides adjoining are crushed in for sev-
ial feet ( Thq break , however , did
ot go below the water lino. The offi-
ers refuse to give any statement as to
10 ciuso ofthe disaster.
A query-as to the number of people
ho were on board was answered that
lere were about 1GO Boston pas'sen-
Bra , ' 100 Providence , 40 lacal , and 20
liildren injxrma. About 190 of the w
irvivors arrived yesterday morning Silo
ythe City of New York , and some Siw
1) went to Stonington. . This only ac- w
Dunts for about 250 passengers , and
taves about70 runaccouuted for , not
tcepting the crew of seventy , all of
horn arc said to have been saved , lo
no hundred passengers are reported tisi
> have been landed at Stonington , si
ut the second officer flatly contradicts
lis , and says there were not over GO , 81
t the outside. in
* ri > < fath of Bayard's Fatnir. si
weUl Dlipatch to The Be la
WILMINGTON , DEL. , June 14 , 1 a m. cc
ix-Senator Jas. A. Bayard died at his ccdi
jaldence in this city at about 1 o'clock dicl clai
esterday morning. For several ai
eeks ho has been gradually weaker , aiy
nd his disease was a general wearing y <
at of-the system. Mr. Bayard vras
L yean . the 'imo of his deith , ca
ad his passing away K-JS painlesi , aud caR
e was conscious until a few minutes R
afore the end , and said thi lie was tl
illing to go. Hiq soft , SenatorVBay- tlfs
: d , and his daughter were present at -fs
IB bed sldg and Ijjfcg jil | last'ds. . fsol
The Ute Agreement Bill Per
fected by Congress.
The Savage Horde to be Re
moved to Utah and New
Filibustering Commenced in
the Senate.
Very Little Business Done by
Congress Saturday.
The Coming Veto Conflnne-
pedal Dlip&ch'to Tba Bee.
CHICAGO , Juno 12 , 4 p. m. Thi
Journal's Washington special says
The conference report on the Uti
igreement bill has been agreed to. Ii
leaves the question of settlement o ;
Indians in Colorado , or in Utah anc
New Mexico unsettled , and gives
the secretary of the interior discre
tion to locate them outside
the state if there IB not sufficient land
within it to accommodate them. This
practically amounts to the removal rf
all the Utes except Uuray's band ( o
Utah and New Mexico.
The two houses of congress ere
rapidly thinning out and adjournment
Wednesday seems certain. The dem
ocrats unsuccessfully tried to struggle
the deputy marshal bill through the
senate. The republicans have com
menced dilatory proceedings against
the passage of the new electoral count
Special DUpatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , June 14 1 a. m.
The senate , in executive session Sat
urday , confirmed the following : Y.
D. Stockbridge , assistant commission
er of patents ; Robert G. Dyinfurb , of
Illinois , to be examiner in chief in the
patent office.
The attorney general expressed
himsalf asdecidedly opposed to the
marshal bill before passing the house ,
with the slight amendment of the
senate. This is considered to bo a
very good indication that the bill will
be vetoed. People at the-white house ,
who are generally well posted in such
matters , say it will be vetoed. Repre
sentative Kiefer , of Ohio , republican ,
expresses the opinion that the bill will
not receive the president's veto. The
general impression among well-tn-
Formed psrtioi isthat , there will be an-
ilher veto. The bill will reach the
president Monday.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , Juno 13. 4 p. m.
The house adopted the report of
the committee of conference on the
egislativo appropriation bill , and then
levoted several hours to discussing
.ho proposed joint rule to regulate
ho counting of the electoral voto.
Che house wai divided on this on
itrict party lines , the democrats adyo-
sating and the republicans opposing
t. An effort was made to induce the
atter to fix a time when a vote should
10 taken , but they refused to do so.
Bickncll , who has charge of the bill ,
lemandoi the previous question at 4
i. m. , Whereupon the republicans ,
inder the lead of Conger and Kiefer ,
ommencod to filibuster. As it wn
vident that no vote could be reached ,
be houee at 5 p. m. adjourned until
:30 : a. m. Monday.
After the transaction of miscellane-
us business , the conference report on
bo legislative bill was agreed to. The riF
eficiency bill was the a taken up. riJ
'he ' senate appropriation committee J
ad increased the bill $433,312 above tl
hat it was when it left the house , Ie
'he ' bill was passed as amended. ni
The bill to pension surviving sol- nica cahi
iers of the Mexican and other wars hi
as then taken up. Ingalls moved an J
inendment so as to place all soldiers
ho participated on tbe federal side in Spw
ie late war on the same footing as w
ie bill proposed to place the Mexican
It was charged by Yoorhees that rate
ie purpose of the amendment wai to
ad to the ultimate defeat of the bill.
Ingalls said , however , that the te
nendment was offered in good faith , tedc
i order that equal justice might be dc
me to all soldiers. He ended the
scutslon , and the senate went into to
tecutive session and soon afterward
Ijourned. '
' wi
he Spontaneous Boom/That
Elevated Brother Abram.sp
A Short Talk ith the Gren- joye
. so
ucago Special to New Tork Ierald , June 9.
After the reception , Gen. Garfield w
ant to Gen. Arthur's rooms , where
88' '
: nator Jones , Mr. Morton , Tom
[ urphy , Horace Porter and others foi
ere in waiting. foiLt
For obvious reasons he declined to ,
3 interviewed , but in the coarse of'a' foi
ng and most interesting conversa- ' by
on he said among other things hi an-
rer to The Herald correspondent :
"My nomination was a complete onM
irprise to me. When I left the hotel M
i tbe morning I had no idea of such Ti
possibility. I was in a peculiar po
tion in the convention , and at the
in ,
st wink of assent to any scheme or
imbination in my own bahalf a hun- ovPC
: id men would have been quick to
targe me with treason to my friends <
id my state. "
"How , 'then , do you account for
) ur nomination ? "
"Well , it was the result of what is
illed horae sense , I suppose. I re- M
ember at the battle of Mountain fo
idge the enemy had sixty cannon on etM
ie ridge commanding the slopewhich M
as wooded. Onr forces lay at the te
irt some two m31esvaw4y osjt of reach teP
: the gun * ' . Tie order WM to ad.-
vance and drive the rebels from the
rifle pits at the foot of the ridge and
nothing else. When our boys ad
vanced the rebels ran , and then , with
out an order from Grant or any other
general the men , who couH see what
they in the rear could not , suddenly
took it in their heads to rush up the
mountain and capture those guns.
They did so , and immediately
10,000 men were on their way up ,
runniug , shouting- and cheering as
best they could until they reached the
ere strand captured sixty guns and
7000 prisoners. Now that's applica
ble hero to this extent only. The
delegates had come here from differ
ent sections of the country , with prej
udices for and against candidates. Af
ter the differences on matters of prin-
: iple had been pleasantly adjusted
they found themselves in a dead-lock
which bade fair to last long , doing
harm to the party and bringing ridi
cule upon them. Out of this sudden
ly they thought they saw Jivay , and
quick as a flash , unguided and unor
dered they took the path , and that's
all there is of it. "
"Do you feel sanguine of success at
the polls ? "
"Well , I hardly care to discuss that
npvr , although I do believe we will be
victorious. You see there are some
peculiar points about this nomination.
Its the first time a candidate was ever
taken from congress and the first time
a candidate was taken from the dele
gates. Horatio Seymour was nominated
by a convention over which he wes
presiding. Here both candidates are
delegates. They are selected by their
own associates , their comiades in fact ,
and I believe that spirit of comradeship
Will be carried by them out to the
country and that good results will
follow. "
"General , it is said that dispatches
received here this evening foreshadow
the nomination of Mr. Payne by the
democrats. Have you heard so ? "
"I have. "
"Do you know Mr. Payne ? "
"I do. He and I are directors in a
Cleveland savings bank , and are warm
friends socially as well. "
"Is l.o a hard money man ? "
"He was at first and all his interests
are that way , but he yielded after a
little and joined the silver craze. We
bad quite a discussion on the subject
in congress. "
"How would Tilden like the idoi ? "
"Mr. Payne's daughter is married
; o your corporation counsel , Mr.
Whitney , who is quite a favorite with
Mr. Tilden , and I infer that Mr.
Payne would acceptable there , but of
this I do not know anything and do
iot care to speak. "
"New Yorku indebted to you very
argely for General Arthur's nomina-
"Well , yes ; when my nomination
yas made our delegation gathered
iround me , and I said , 'Now , don't
i peak to me , but put your minds on
he subject of vice { .resident for my
lake and the party's sake. ' You can
eadily understand that the proper
hing to do was what New York wish-
id , and I regard it particularly fortu-
iate that General Arthur was select-
id. "
An expert graenbacker , who has
icon investigating the accouuts of the
) es Moines city treasurer for the past
ix years , finds by the books of the
uditor that the treasurer owes the
ity over § 35,003 , while the treaau-
er's books show only a balance of
17,000 duo the city The treasurer
i the greenback candidate for state
Newa of the killing of Judsjo E. A.
lorrls by a saloon keeper , in Say-
lour , Texas , produced a profound
jnsation in Quincy , III. Morris was
lie eldest son of the late Hon. J. N.
[ orris , of Quincyand lived there un-
1 two years ago , when ho moved with
is wife and two young sons to Texas.
[ is mother and relatives , as well as
lose of his wife , hvo in Quincy.
Eli Hood , of Pike county , Georgia ,
; ed 78 , suicided by hanging , Situr-
Henry Gairett , living in Lee coun-
' , Ala. , has been arrested for chop-
ing to death a stepson , aged five
Rosabella , aged 1C , went skiff-
ding on the Ohio , near Cincinnati ,
riday night , with a man named Will
snes. He took her to tto bank of
10 river and outraged her person and
ft her for dead. Jones fled and has C
it been captured. The girl was
ired for by a farmer and brought
3me Saturday
Base Ball.
iedal Dlipatch to The Uca
The following games of base ball
ere played Juno 12th :
BOSTON Bostons 0 , Bufialos 5 ;
ime called at the end of sixth inning ;
ALBANY Chfcigos 8 , Albanys 7.
WORCESTER Clevelanda 0 , Worcss-
ra 1.
PROVIDENCE Cincinnati 4 , Provi-
mce 11.
WATERBURT Baltimore ! 8 , Moni-
rs 8.
BOSTON The gatno between the
arvard and Yale freshmen Saturday m
is interrupted by rain in the seventh md
ning , Each nine then had five d (
ins. m
Jockey Club Races aat
ecial DlsDfttch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , June 13 , 10 p. m. tltil
30 spring meeting of the American su
ckey club at Jerome park closed suat
isterday , after a most successful sea-
n. The races were run with a good
Id of horses.
First rice , purse of § 400 , for all
es , three quarters of a mile , " was
m by Gossip , with Annie August cf
cond. Time , 1:16J. : cfLi
Second race7 handicap sweepstakes , Li
r all ages , dash 1 J miles , was won by thL
ike Blackburn , Buster second. thN <
me , 2:13. : N
Third race ; for the LoriUard stake A ;
r three-year-olds , If miles , was won
Grenadier , Duke of Montroao sec- N
d. Notimetiken.
Fourth race , sweepstakes for all
es , brush of 2 miles was won by Sp
amie Fields , with Livermore second. SpN
me , 3:42. :
closing event of the day's meet- lirW
g was the steeple chase for all ages , W !
er the usuil course was won _ by da
> meroy , with Derby second. Time dam
it taken. m
Indications , he
xlalDispatch to Tax 12u. heui
WASHINGTON , June 14 1 a. m.
> r the upper Mississippi and lower
issouri valleys : Stationary or falling Sp
llowed in the latter by rising barom- SpT
er , easterly winds. In the upper T
issisaippi valley , stationary or higher acB
mperature , followed by lower tern- acW
irature , prtly cloudy or cloudy W
Bather , with rain , at
The United States .Likely to
Fall Out With Spain ,
Because Man-of-War
a Spanish - -
Fires on an American
French and English Trade in
India Supplanted by
Irish Landlords in County
Mayo Demand Eent for
Farms that Have
Yielded Nothing.
Many Collisions Between Po
lice and People Have
Taken Place.
Tenant Blots In Ireland.
Special dispatch to the Bee.
DUBLIN , June 14 , la. m. Numer
ous collisions have occurred between
the police and the people in county
Mayo , and the state of affairs is be
coming really serious. Exactions of
landlords for rent of farms which
yielded nothing for the past year , and
the tenants of which are in much dis
tress , have aroused much popular in
Special Dispatch to Tns BKK.
MADRID , June 14 , 1 a. m. Some
very stormy deb lies have taken placa
in the Spanish senate. The minis
terial and opposition parlies come into"
frequent collision with each other on
the subject of Cuban affairs , and have
quarreled on questions of homo policy.
Spec'al Dipatch to The Bee.
PARIS , June 14 , 1 a. m. The Par !
journals consider that serious compli
cations may grow out of the action o
the Spanish man-of-war Nuncio in
Bring into the American schooner
Ethel A. Merritt , on the 30th ultimo
Ihe action of the Spanish commander
it is said , was wholly unjustifiable , an <
in apology aud reparation for damage
trill have to be offered by Spain.
Special Dispatch to The Beo.
PARIS , June 14 , 1 a. m. In the
chamber of deputies , Saturday , Pau
la Casaagnac ollered a resolution cen
mrlng the prefect of Gers for election
3erhi2 tricks. The motion was do
A duel took place Saturday , between
M. Lanarve , a Bonapsrtist member o"
; ho chamber of deputies , and M. Si
non , a republican member. Laiiarvi
iras wounded.
Prince Jerome Napoleon , who has
} con ill for some days , is worse.
Ipeebl Dispatch to TUB Bu. {
JiONUOx , Juno 14 1 p. m. The
? ishuiongers's company entertainet
ho secretary of state for foreign af-
airs Saturday evening. During his
peech , referring to the Turkish ques-
lon , Earl Granville slid : "I speak
n the presence of ono court minister ,
rho , I think , will not contradict me
rhun I say that the symptoms oi
European Concert are extremely fa-
orablo at the present time. " There
iras a brilliant company present , in-
luding American Minister Lowell
ad Hon. John Bright.
pccial Dispatches to The Bte.
LONDON , Juno 14,1 a. m. A Cal-
utfa dispatch says many lottera from
ibdul llahman , the Afghan chief to
iflorent chiefs , have been intercept-
d and create a very unfavorable im-
Returns of the trade of Calcutta
bow a steady decrease in the imports
f French and English goods , and an
icroaso in American and Chinese
oods as well as vessels engaged
The rejoicing in Eurmah has appar-
ntly collapsed.
The entry of the Chinese into llus-
a has been confirmed , ancl several
utpost skirmishes have occurred.
icctal dispatch to Tbc Ucc.
QUEENSTOWN , Juno 13,10 p. m.
be steamship City of Brussels , of the [
irnan line , having on board the
merican rifle team , arrived at Cork nm
jsterday morning. A deputation m .
om Dublin , headed by Major Leech ,
iptain of the Irish rifle team , we-
imed the Americans on their arrival.
Big Flood ,
ledal Dispatch to 'lux Bit *
BRADFORD , Pa , June 13 10 p.
i. Yesterday afternoon the town of
uke Center was inundated by a snd-
3n flood in Knapp's creek. Half a
tie of the plank road was swept
ray and railroad communication dc-
royed by undermining of the tres-
o over the crees. The damage is cs-
mated at § 50,000. The flood is now
ibsiding. Three houses were floated
ray from their foundations. F
ecial dUpatcbes to The Bee.
The following were the movements
vessels on Saturday , June 13 :
New York Arrived , Alsatia , from
sndon ; sriled , City of Berlin and
a Spain for Liverpool , Victoria for
radon , Adchoria for Glasgow ,
eckar for Bremen , Beljenland for
Liverpool Arrived , Wyoming , frwm
ow York.
Mysterious Murder , a
ecial Dispatch to The ISeo.
CINCINNATI , Juno 15 1 a. m. c
ear Grangcville. Ohio , David Wil
ling , while visiting his uncle , took a
ilk with Kate Turner , his uucle's
LUghter , and while seated by a spring
illiams was shot dead. Kate says a
an fifty yards away , wearing a
uo blouse , fired the shot. She is
sld on suspicion ? Williams and his thd ,
iclo were not on good terms. d :
Cuss Carrie's Case. Cl
ecial Dispatch to Tbe Bee. ad
MARSHALL , TEX. , June 14,1. a. m. na
bo case of Currie for shooting the th
itor Porter will progress to-day , thw
ut seven jurors have been obtained , w ;
[ aurice Barrymore , Porter'o associ- P'
; e , is here to testify. in
We Will Offer at
The Stock of
At Their Store , Cor. 15th and Douglas Sts.
Which will be offered in Lots to Suit Purchasers , and Sold without LIMIT orEESI RYE , to
the Highest Bidder until sufficient money is raised to meet pressing emergencies. The Sale will com
mence TUESDAY EVENING and Continue from Day to Day jmtil further noico ; Ladit s especially
Invited , The Quality of Every Article will be Warranted WWhiuple & Op. as represented by the
J. II. FRENCH. Salesman. BOXXfilt , Auctioneer.
The Sowing Hutchins
Thirsting for Political
He Sees the Hopelessness of the
Bourbon Cause in New York
and Indiana.
Quarter Sections of the Dem
ocratic Party Moving
Slowly on Cin
Fast Train From Chicago to
York Started.
ft. Pennsylvania-Woman Goes to
Leadville for Her
Searches in Mail Attire , and
Then Tramprfit Back to
311 Tanks , With 44,000 Barrels ,
On Fire in Titusville ,
Che Blue and Gray to Becon
cile New Orleans Sends
Boston a Flag.
On to Cincinnati !
pccial Dispatches to The Bee.
CHICAGO , June 12 4 j ) . m. A
jw delegates to the Cincinnati con
dition from the Pacific coast , accom-
aniod by several prominent demo-
rats , passed through the city yeater-
ay. The gentlemen from California
jy that they are for Field first , wiih
oyraour or Heiulricks as second
aoice. A delegate fro m Nevada thinks
Mden will receive four to six votes
om that state. All arc agreed that
lie Chicago ticket will not command
luch strength in the far west , and
tat the chances of democratic sweep
iero are excellent.
racial dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , June 12 4 p. m. The
uurnal's Washington special says :
he Washington Post , democratic erin -
in , this morning has a somewhat
jsperato editorial , in which it says
lat it is essential to democratic suc-
iss that the democracy should carry
idiana and New York. It intimates
3ymoiir , whoso position and final
jcltnation is again telegraphed this
orning , is -candidate who can
ake New York surest for the de-
A Woman's btrange Search ,
leclal Dispatch to The Bee.
CUICAQO , June 14. 1 a. m. A
3ung woman in male attire giving
10 name of Mrs. Maggie Kuhns ,
om Connellsvllle , Pa. , gave herself
a to the police last night , asking pro-
clion and something to eat. Her
ory is that her husband left her sav
al weeks ago and she was lead to be-
jve he had gone to Leadville. Sell-
g off all their effects she secured a
ut of boy's clothes and went to
eadvillc but could not find her hus-
md. After searching eight days and
lending all her money , she was
) liged to retrace her stops. She
alked , stole rides on trains and
ittly worked her way thus far , andre
: ro expects assistance in reaching her
> me.
Fast Trains to Now Zork.
ecial Dbpatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , Juno 14. 1 a. m. All
stern trunk lines started their first
ains at 3:30 : o'clock p. m. yesterday ,
iese trains will reach New York at 1
slock to-night , and wili run dally ,
ley are expected to becoma very pop-
ar , and gain a great portion of the
stern passenger traffic. The lines
itween Chicago and Missouri river
> ints are expected to shorten their
no so as to reach here at 2:30 , con-
icting with these fast trains.
Ratification In New York ,
ocial dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , Juno 14. 1 a. m.
mass meeting under the auspices of
o republican club , was held Satur-
ty evening to ratify the nomination
Garfield and Arthur. Jos. H.
fioato presided. Resolutions were
lopted endorsing the Chicago nomi-
ition , and pledging the candidates
ie full support of the club. Daring
10 meeting the following telegram
assent Garfield : "The young re-
iblicans of New York in maai meet-
g assembled in Cooper Institute ,
I fire the first gun of the campaign in
New York , and send their greetbg. "
[ Signed ] JAS.H.
Arthur was serenaded at the lifth
Avenue hotel Saturday night by a
large number of his rerublicau frieids ,
who _ were joined by several disjrict
associations. The general a.opjed
out on the balcony and in a few i ell-
chosen remarks thanked the asiim-
A Flood of Burning Oil.
Spedal Dispatch to Tni Bu.
BRADFORD , PA. , June 13 , 10 pi m.
A dispatch from Titnsville , Pa. , antes
that at 4 o'clock this afternoon two
wooden tanks containing 10,000 oar-
rels of petroleum each , belonging to
the pipe company , exploded ant ig
nited two others of 12,000 barrels
each. The parrot guns of the Titus-
ville battery were then brought out
| and several rounds of shot were fired
through the bottom of the burning
tanks.letting the oil run into the creek.
All danger is now over , the fire is
within defined limits. The total less
will reach § 130,000. A later dispatch
says that at 11 p. m. the fire hsd
broken out afresh , and Titusvillu > is
Blue and Gray Entwined. !
Special dispatch to TUB Bi * . '
NEW ORLEANS , June 14. la. m.
The Continental guards loft Saturdaj
afternoon for Boston bearing the flag
intended to be presented to the city
of Boston by the city of New Or
leans. Captain Pierce , commanding ,
lost a leg in the confederate army , acd
Secretrry of State Strong is color-
bearer. Two negro servants accom
pany the guards , each of whom
lost a leg whiln accompanying their
masters in battle in the confederate
Bobbery at Council Blufta.
The jewelry store of A. P. Tenny ,
on middle Broadway , Council Bluffs.
was entered sometime Friday night or
early Saturday morning by burglars.
Entrance was effected by climbing
through the transom over tb.3 fron
door. The robbery was a bold one a !
the store is directly opposite the po
lice headquarters. All articles are kept
[ n the show-cases , and the thieves took
whatever they could carry off which ,
comprised fifteen watches , 1C8 goll
rings , five or six gold toothpicks and
several other articles , having been
taken. In the lot of watches there
was one gold one , and the balance ,
Ul but four , wore silver. The
gold ono was sold for 63 a few
days ago , but the purchaser had not
laid all _ on it and consequently had
Dot taken it. The silver watches
were valued at from $15 to $35 , and
he four white metil ones at § 12 to § 15
Bach. The 168 rings taken wore worth
rom § 2 to § 10 each , and the tooth
picks § 1 to § 3 each.
The supposed sharps are Charlej
Jaguire , a young harbor , and a more
> oy who is supposed to bo a brother.
3e went to the Bluffs from this city a
ow weeks sgo and has since been
working at his trade. IIo was held
Da the charge of stealing three dollars
rom a school teacher , his room nuto ,
it the Farmers' hotel a few days ago ,
and it is expected proof of the robbery
irill bo fastened on him.
New Yore Money and Stock.
WKW YORK , June 12.
HONEY Market at 3J per cent.
' . a. e * , issi . _ _ . 1033
7. 8. El , H w . _ 1031
* . _ 109
f. 8. per cent . _ . 103
ock bland. . . . . . . . . . joe
line i { Central . . . . ; . . . _ .103
* Q . - . m
. & A. . 107
11 preferred . 127
'aw York Central. . . . . 127
.oka Shore . 103 ]
rib. . . . . . * . * . . . . . . . . . 37
rl preferred. . . . . . . . . . , . . 53
orthwostorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 ]
orthweftem pref eirad . . . 1091
t Paul . 75
t.Paal preferred . _ 102
Ifabam , St. Louis and Pacific . . . 311
preferred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
[ an. ASt. Jo . . 23
[ an. A St. Jo- , pfd . 70
- .
nionPadflc . g ?
Northern Pacific . . . . . jsj
do preferred . . . 47 !
ITa t rn Union TeUk-r ph . 1031
entral Paoflc . 69
'adficlfall . ; ; . 3gj
J.P. landgrante . _ . *
stocE Market
CHIOAOO , Juno 12.
Hogs Receipts , 12,500 head ; shlp-
nents , 4,200 ; trade very active andoc
ligher ; mixed packing , § 4 00@4 15 ;
hoico heavy , § 4 1604 30 ; good clear-
nca made.
Cattle Receipts , 2000 head ; ship-
nants , 3200 ; strong and lOc higher ;
ommon to fair shipping , $4 26Q4 40 ;
oed to choice , § 4 60@5 05 ; butchers' ,
trong , S2 60@3 75 ; grass Texan * ,
3 40@3 80 ; stockers and feeders nom-
heep Receipts , 400 head ; ship-
menfc , 200 ; markit wek and pric a
12jc elf ; common to fair , § 3 5003 CO ;
good to choice , $3 80@4 20.
bt. lx5uls Proauce.
ST. Louis , June 12. s
Wheat No 2 red , SI 05 } < 3l 00 for *
casb ; OS < a90c for June ; No. 3 do ,
Corn Lower ; 35Jc < 335 $ for cash ;
34i for June- | . . r July.
Oats Lower at 'Mo for c-ish ; 20 a >
for June.
Rye-Qui t ; 80c.
Barley Dml ; clu-ice MlnnetoUftt
Bufer- Steady ; dairy , 14@17c. ,
Egg' Quiet at 7l < 38c. '
Whiiky § 108.
Pork Quiet ; jobH- , $10 75. *
Dry Silt Meats Quiet t f4 06O " * -
G 40 , G 45G Go.
Lard Nominal at $ G 50. t
Chicago Produre-
CHICAGO , June 12.
Wheat No. 2. 91J$92c for cash ;
92ic for Juno ; J)2o ) for Jtny ; 86jo for
August ; No. o , 84(385No. ( ; . 2 red
winter , in store , § 1 01.
Corn .So. 2 and high mixed , 34$0
34 c for ciab ; 34f 3 bid for June ; 35o
bid for July ; 36 c bid for August ; re
jected , 32J@32c.
Oat : No. 2 , 28c for cash ; 29o for
June ; 27Jo bid for July ; 23J < 323o fcr
Rye Ifirm ; No. 2 , 77c.
Barley No. 2 , 72c.
Pork 810 35@10 40 for cash ; ? 10 35
O10 37 $ for July ; 910 4210 45 for
Lird ? G GO for cash ; fG 57iS6 60
for July ; § G GO@G 02 * for August.
Whisky 5108. * - * *
St. lK > ul3 Live Stock.
ST. Louis , June 12.
Hogs Bolter ; Yorkers and B Iti-
inores , S3 90@3 93 ; packing , 83 80@
4 00 ; heavy shipping , ? 4 05@4 15 ;
Receipts 2500 head.
Cattle Supply very light , and the
usual Saturday's inactivity prevailed
with not enough to make a market.
I'cceipts , 150 head.
Ullwau&ee Jfroauce Market
, AIiLWAUKBB. Jure 13.
Wheat Firm ; opened l@ljo lower
and closed steady ; hard , $1 00 ; No.
1 Milwaukee , ? ! 00 : No. 2 Milwaukee ,
93c ; June , 93jc ; July , 95o ; AH2 * t -
88c ; No. 3 Milwaukee , 8Ttx
Coru-34 c.
Oats Steady at 29e.
Rye Dull at 77c.
Barley No fall ; 70c.
New York Produce.
NEW Yoiuc , June 12.
Wheat No. 2 spring , $117@118J ;
ungraded red , § 1 251 25J ; No. 2 do ,
SI 2G@127 ; mixed winter , ? 1 23 ; No *
2 amber , $1 2G ; No. 2 red , Juno ,
SI 25 > @ 1 2GA.
Corn Ungraded , 4G@52c ; No. 2.
50@50\cNo. " ; 2 June , 50jc ; July , 49J
@ 50c.
Oats M > xett woatorn , 37j < 340c ;
white western , 40(3-15c. (
Pork New mess , § 11 50.
Lard Prime ateam , 87 05@7 12. .
Butter at 8 < 520c.
Cheese 9@9c.
Whisky 81 13@1 15.
Successors to
Cash Price List.
10 Us Standard A Sugar } j CO
lOJILa extra Clbajrar , . i oo
11 ILs C Soar i 00
9 B.s granulated Sajar i oo
SJtts Cut Loat Sugar i CO
3 } a Powdered bugzr j 00
6B > sgocdRlo Coffee j OQ *
S B < g extra choice Rio Coffee i no
4i fcs Costa Rica Coffee i on
3 as very best OQ Jaia i oo
SlbsHoch j jo
C cans I'eacfaes. . . . 1 00
10 Ibs Valencia Raisin * j on
10 Ibs choice Prunes " i oo
4IbsPitt3d Cherries " i no
10 Ibs Michigan Uried Apples 1 00
13 Ibs dried Cnrranta lm
20 bars White Bua&laa Soap _ " " i oo
18 Ibs Procter & Gambles Soap ! i CO
IGlbsDoblnalflectricSoap. . . . 100 , - ,
17 Ibs choice Sod Crackers. . . . _ 1,00
IT lb choice Oyster Crackers 100 X. l
11 Ibs Ginger Snaps l OO - " f
11 Ibs Oat Meal Cracker * 1 00 . I"
11 Ibs Boston Cracken 1 00 , ,
7 IDS Jumb'es 1 00 '
241b Beans 1 00 , ,
35 Ibs Hominy 1 (0
25 Ibs Oat Meal 1 00 "
18 Ibs 8- lit Peaa 1 00
11 Ibn Carolina Rice. l 00
9 Ibs Tapioca l 00
9IbsSio i 00
141bs Barley l 00
12 Its Mixen Bird Seed l 00
7 3 2) cans Standard Toma oes .100
)2-tbcans Standard Tomatyea I 00
5 3-Ib cans Peaches 1 03
32-BicaniCorn 1 Oo
7 2-3 > can * Cherries 1 OO
5 2-tt > can * Yarmouth Corp 1 00
r 1-tt cans Bornbam & Jlorrill 1 00
ij Ibs BJdn ? Powder I m
Pure Maple Syrup par gillon 1 15
Amber White t. * \70'
Beat KcwOrlean * Syrup , . . , , , , . / >
Good New Ortfaza Molaises. . . . , , , . , * 3
* * 'l"