45 Years before thePitb THE CENUIN1 DR.C.McLANI r V LIVER Pllt are not recommended as a remedy all the ills that flesh is heir to1 > i affections of the Liver , and iniallfci Complaints , Dyspepsia , and'Sick atue. or uiseases of that character : ntand without a rival. * " AGUE AND EYER o better cathartic can , he used paratory to , or after toking quinine ' a simple purgative the'yare unequa IEWARE OF lAllT&TIONS. The genuine are never.'sugar-coat Each box has a red-wii seal on th with the imprcssion , IcLA"KE'S LI WLL. Eacli wrapper "bears the s tares of C. McLAKEjacnd.'I'i. MiKe ] -Insist upon i&vink the per DB.C.McLANE'Sf LIVER PILLS , pared by - FLEMING ! BIUS.jPiltslurgliJ ) rhe market bein full .of imitatioi the Bamep/clxine/spell "differe but same'jp'rQnuiiciatioa. ' COUGHS , BRONCHITIS ANDCONI What a WeltKnownPruggigt sayi abc , t lOAKJ. KB8lATIOIt , anTtxi EaThe demand'tor AUen'i Balsam is IncrcasIcR "constantly. The think there U no medicine equal to U tor < aud Whooping Coujth. C. S. MAKTIN.Dn ; Soid by nil Medldm Men. Trilldotn Mn 'O Beantiral & J.011rUraL01MO.VS. Tfcture. Ve BCBIOUS. -objurutoflnd. . Bend stamp for ge. DR. E. C. ABB Y BnBalo N. Y. ( T < (7 ( ) west. | 12 a day at borne easily made.1 Lt > linatflltrr * . Arl.lroa. Tm * Co. Pnrtl.n ATTORKEYS-AT-LAW. WM. SIMERAL , A TTORNET AT LAW-Campbell's I _ X ISthSlreet.Htwetni'arnhaniendDoi OMAHA , Nl . "D. L. THOMAS , A WORNKY AT LAW Loans motey , jtx and sells real tsUte. Room 8 , Creii Bl-ck. i i ; A. C. TROUP , A TTORNET AT LAW Office In Hans A Block , with George E. Prtttbett , rarphapi St. OMAHA , Nl DEXFER L THOMAS , A TTOHNEY AT LA W Crnlcksaank i . A icg.r' ' % . , - r8i , l A. M. CHADWICK , " 'AT LAW Office 1604 Fan Etr et. et.A. A. 8WARTZLANDE A TTORNEY AT LAW-Coi. ISlhand Far ! Jjrtrert. . f may ! WILLIAM A. FONDA. A TTOBNEY AND COUNEELOB AT 1 J\ Room No. 6 , Frenzer Block , opposite Office. OMAHA. Nl WM. L. PEABODY , n Block ni Jj Pc-Offlcsr.OUAHA , NKBRASKA. KOTABT I-UBUO. UOIXrOTIOKB MJ E. D. MCLAUGHLIN. A TTOBNEY AT LAW AND JUSTICE .A. THE PEACE Southeast corner FUU and Douglas St. rOollectlnn Prompllf > At tended to.T TO'BRIEN & BARTLFTT , * - ? Attrorneys-a't-La OFFIOE-Unlon BlockFl/tecnth mf Farnl " A. L. ROBISON. A TTORNEVT LAW. Room Crebj ] i. Block. OUAHA Neb. | an ATTORNEY AT LAW KARBACH BLOCK , COR. DOUGI6TH t OMAHA. NEB. W J Connell , , , Y- - Attorney-at-Lai Office : Frout rooms , up etilrs.'ln Hanscc cow brick buildingN.- ! W.'comer/Fifteenth ' rarchaia Btrcete. ' \ t JOSH I. RXDIOE. Vatt R. KBDI UEDICK & REDICK , Attorneys-at-La Sped l ttonllcn will > be gUento all f against corporations of every dtacrlptloo ; ' practice .la al Hhe Courts ot the State and United States. Office. Farnham St. , oppoi Court House. , t ADAMS & SIMERAL , AT LAW Room 6 Crelgl ATTORNEYS fjid Douglas streets. no c C. F. MANDERSON , TTORiraT AT.LAW212 . Farnham Hti " " ' Omaha PARKE GODWIN , A TTORSBT 'AT LAW llth and Don . T. RicuARDs O. J. Hi RICHARDS & HUNT , Att oTjiiey s-a t - L a T ? Orncs 216 South Fourteenth Street. t Only Diroot Line to F/an CENERALTRANSATLANTIjB COMPA New York and nanre.fier 4J.N BETWEEN Morton St. , pier of company. Travelers by thia line a old both transit by Ish railway and the discomfort of crosslug. . hanue lin a m JUH t , ANADA , F&lKaitO , Wednesday 'Januair jnoon. * AMERIQUE , B. Joucu ) , Wednesday Febrt 11a.m. FRANCE. TatJDBLLB , Wednesday , Febrc PRICE OF PASSAGE Cncludlng wine ) : TO HAVRE First Cabin , 100 andlSO : Bee Cabm,855 ; Steerage. J26lncludlng 1nebedd. aod atinsilt. LOUIS DE BEBIAN.Apent , 6 BrolwmyN FRANK E. MOOREa , No. 214 , Wcat Side 1 Street , BeU > Farnham and Douglas , Next TJ o U. S. Express Office ( Sign of Pals teauuhlp. ) OUAHA. NEB. EAST INDI- tri BITTERS ! 1LER & CO. , BOLE MANUFACTURER OXAHA.tNeb , 1 RADE MARK. The Great Bf that follow as sequence of Self- Abuse ; 1 ' Memory , Universal Lassitude , Fain la t Back. Dimness of VMnn , prematnn Old A and many other Dlseane * that lead tolnianlty Consumption tnd a Premature OraTe. gfFaM particulars In OUT phanrphlet , wn we drain to send free rnr mall to erery o at tl pr p ckator ; U pickitoi for | 5 , or ' b sent freo.br roUl on receipt ot th * The Orov MoOldne Co. , No. 10 M'cn nlar mock , Uvraorf , Mitt BOLD IK OMAUAIIY J. ft. ISH , AND BT I DKUCQIflTS UVKKTWUEUR. SHOW CASES .IT o. VT' x x. r > 1J1TOAS3'8T. , O AHA , NKi , THE "DAILY Bl OMAHA PUBLISHING . , PROPRIETO Farnham , bet. Stk and 10th S TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION I year.ln advance ( postpaid ) ' ' ' 0 months' V " " months TIME TABLES. TllEJHAlJLS. oiosnra. XI fi. 'W. Ei K43 a. m. , 8 p. m. , 0 K 4 q. , 4JO a. m. , 8 p. m. , C. R. L ft P. R. R. , 4:80 a. m. , J p. m. C. ABt.Joe4SO .m Ip."m. _ , ' 5. City ft P. 4:30 a. m. ' B-'i'lL R-k,8tSa.m. . " OAK. W. , 740 a. ra O A N. W. B B. , Ua.ra.Up.VL B A. Q. , 11a , m. 9:80 p ra. C R. I.P..ll .mUp m. a B. & 8U Joe , 11 . m.,11 p. m. S. City A. P. , 11 m fi. & U. In Neb. , 4 p oocal malls for States Iowa leave nt c y.vlx : 420 a. m. Office open from U to p. tn Bundayi. THOMAS F. HALL. Portcm 4rriy landDepartureeiTri UNION PACIFIC. / ' UUVB. JLkBJTB. Dally Express..12:16 p. m. - 8:20p. i do Mixed 6:10 p. m. 436 p. r do Freight. . . . 630 a m. 1:40 p.n dox do . . . - SUfi a. ra. 1230 a. r ritf CARD OF THE BURLINGTON BC Muvieiuiu. Erpreea 10-00 Hail 6:00 : ajtt Hall .10:00 Sundays Excepted. Sundays Excep' ' CHICAGO , ROCK. ISLAND 4 PACHFK Hill 6:00 a.m , I 10:00 8:40p.m. | 10:00 press Sundays ExMpted. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN. . . I 7 0 Uall -6 0 .m. Exprew 8Wp.m. : | lO'OO Bundayi ezcepted. iA.ISAfi CITY , ST. JOE & COUNCIL BLl LIIVB. MJUTi. Hi - 8 00 > BI. I Expreiv6 6 SxpreaM tp. a. I MaU. 7to ; The only lln running Pullman Sleeping mt'of Omaha ta Union Depot. NORTHWESTERN AND SIOUX ) MAHA & J S PACIFIC RAILROADS. 8:00 .m , | 2251 express Daily Except Sundays. a ft X. B. R. In NEBRASKA. IWMtl maha lv ) . . . . 9:00am : JUttsmouthirlO:2 : i am * * Bed Cloud OT.6d learney Jncar)76 ) pm led Cloud ( arr)7W pu Plattsmoutharid Omaha ( arr ) . < ; .4i REPUBLICAN VALLEY RAILWAY. laitlnn ( Iv ) 8 35 a-m. i Bloomlngton ( arld noomfnirton 138 p m Hartuum ( ) P 3rle us OO 7:33 a. m. I In-litnola ( arl:00 ) 8IOUrClTY4ST. PAULR.B , , i U fl:10 , m. I Exprew 100 8:40p. : tn. | Mall 7.-20 BRIDGE DIYIBION U. P. R. R. Le e Omaha , dally : -8 .m. . 9 , m. , . S . . 8. . m. , 6 p. 11 1m. . , 1 p. m. , p. m. , p. 5 T Coundl Bluffs : 8:25 : a. m.B26 s 0Z6 a. m. , USA a. m. , 1S6 p. m.S5 , P 25 p. ra. , 636 p. m. , 6d5 p. m Bonday leaTlne Omana at B ITour trips on , a. m. , 1 and 6 p. m. ; CouacU Blufls at. a. m. , and 1:26 and 63i p. m. Leay * OmahV' a. rn-.r * . m. , p. m.1 0 p. m. . 734 p. m. Leave Council Blufls7:15 a. m , . 8:10 a a. m. , 63S p. m , 70 p. a. , 7:60 : p. p. m. Dally except Sunday. OlIAriA A REPUBLICAN VALLEY B. I UUTB. AUUTB. l U . 10 : .m. - , ii5p. ' rc Dallr exoeot EuudaT. ' COMMGK 1AL. 'Omaha Wholesale Markets OMAHA , June 11 , 1880 BUTTEE AND KGU8. hriceUble . . . 17 ( § ckenlota. : . reuheggs , per.doz . . . . ; - - ' .craey. . . . . . . - . i. POULTRY. rvlckeru , per doz . 2 00@2 " GKOCEEIES. > - SUGARS. ; jtsv itLoai . . . . . . . . . . . A ' ' Dwdered . : J A . * fia * * * ttra MC * SYRUPS. itra choice and very bright . . . 48a right Table Drfpr. . ; . ; . ' - 5a ew Orleans MoUaesea . . . 4ea lo , prime to choice. . . . . 17 io good to prime . i [ ocha. . Q. Java ia RICE. hoice o-xHoprimc ? Uli/EDtRUrrs. 9 ewPrunea IdPrunes 8i urrantecholce new * , " * lackBerriea - : aspberries i itted cherries [ ichigan grtd Apples < . Y. Sliced vaporoted " - iate Peaches at Lake Peaches idif ornta Peaches CANNED GOODS. 3"0yntere , 2 Ib cans , tf case. . 3 do do llbcan.percase. . 2 ightWeight Oysters 2 Ib V case 2 lIb dozen . . -I Jmon , , , V do 2 Ir > J.P dozen " 2 tandard Tomatoes,2 Ib , case 2 " 3lb , caia 3 tandardTeachea , 3 ft , case. 4 " 2 Ib , t ? case. 3 aspberries , 2 Ib , tfcase. 3 lackberries , 2 B > , case 2 3 , . . pples , Gal , doz. . . . . . . 3 arrow Fat Peas,2 Ib , 0 case. . . 3 tring Beans. 2 Ib. per case. . . . 2 SUNDRIES. utmegs. . jpper. . . loves' ' lcBj 16 oz . . . reenwichLye.per case . 3 eanaper btiahel . icese kfull cream . . - . . - t , * * UJiASB. H 60 cent dia- - Indow Glass , per v count ofl list. HARDWARE. IRON. immon bar. . . . " . . . . . . orso-shod bar. . . . . . . . . . , orway nail rod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " STEEL. ist plow. . . . . . . . . . . . . * DO. cast , tool . . , . . . -15@ a'p's.EnB. do. . . . . . . . . . 25 ® AILS. - . ins , upwards. . . " 3 rd'd'a shoa 'g . . . .i. . . . > * * * ' " xonls. . * . . . . . . . . . . . . naha nafla tens , upwards. . . 3 jtnamnaila . .23 ® J DRY GOODS. > BROWK COTTONS. * - j I'D * * QQ f * * jpparell " 0" . 33- do "R" . 'S6-- do "E" . TerCreek , "AA" j < iirtl > J jo " ( xr . UUCKS , ymonth "AAA" . w Bedford , 10 oz . . . . . O . s-v BLEACHED COTTONtt. , bet . . * ' * * ; uitof the Looai. . . ' " * : Mills. . . . . . . . unrotU ell. j , Jli 0 " " " ' , ' lo "AA" Albany . . . . * . f'v * " ' . * ' American. Alleu'aPinkB.i . . . > . - Ancona Fancy : . - . Manchester . .W . vv ilerrimack . MerriirmckShirtings . Richmunds . ' Richmonda , E . Sprague'a . ' . ' . Simpson's Mourning . Simpson's Black . . . . . . ' < STRIPES. American . Amoakeag . U Awning etripeu . T < ewiston , A . Hamilton. . . . . mega . 16 . ittaficld . ' LUMBER , Framing , 18 ft. and under . f Each add. ft. over 18 , per M. . . . Fencing , No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft . " , No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft . ! Sheeting , Dressed , No. 1 . : " " No. 2 . Common Boards , Dressed . ' 'STOCK BOARDS. AStock . B " . i O " . ' Common Stock . /LOOKING. No.JFloormg . ; . " . J No.2 No.3 " . . . . ' Yellow Puie Flooring , No. 1. . . 4 SIDING. No. 1 Sididg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' - * PICKETS. No. 1 Pickets , per M F1NI8HIKQ. No. 1 Finbh , 1 } . 1J , and 2 in. . . f ' No. 1 ' 1 in . No. 2 " IJ.li , and 2 in. . . 4 No. 2 " lin. . . . . 4 No. 3 Finish , in . * SHIP LAP. PlainShipLap . S 3. G. " No.l . S " " No.2 . 2 " " No.3 . CEILING. ( ' Beaded , 6 in. , No. 1 . 2 , V " No.2 . 2 [ Beaded , 4 and 6 in. , No. 1 - 4 " " No.2. . . . S Dorragatcd Ceiling , No ; 1 . 5 SHINGLES. V Star ( bent ) Shingles. . o. 3 Lime , bbl ' bnlk.perbush Joment , bbl iowa Plaster , bbl HichJgan Plaster , bbl lair'per bush [ "aired Felt , 100 Ibs' .I" . . , . . * . . . . Itraw Board , " . . . . .V. . . . . ) . G. Batten * , per 100 ft , lin. . . Veil Curbing lo ugh * , and 2 in. , in Batts.per 100 ft lin , _ -.1'OSlb. . . Jedar Halrea , , .7 In ; f. ' ( arter78 In ! ' . ' . ' , " ' . ! ! ! ! ' * . ! > ak , 4x4 , . . . - , . . . I. G. Casing. 5 | and 6 In. ; per .100 ft. lin J lak Plank and Timber , per M. „ . ,4 ( ! lear Poplar N ( lack Walnut/ : . . . ? . . . . ' . 1W HIDES. Ireen lEdei , per Ib Ireen' Cured Hides > ry Hides 12 < g > ry Salted Hides 10 ( heen'PeltB..u , . 3 > ' > @ 1 'allow ' ; . . : . . . : 4jc LIQUORS , WINFB , ETC. Ugh Wines , tf gal 1 Jcohol , 180 cent , tf g&l. . . . 2 rench Spirits proof 1 [ arsball'B Bourbon Whisky. . . . 1 Ciller's Bourbon Whisky 1 randy , very fine , tf gal 4 OOaS do common to fine 1 50a3 in , 100 per cent 1 40a3 doHolland , , 90 per cent. . . . . . 1 ams , mixed Jamaica , gal. . . . 1 25a4 do New England 2 00a2 'ennedy Bitters $ gal 1 do do tfcase 7 do do do 100 case lota 6 hampagnes , pints in baskets. .20 OOaSO omestic Champagne 12a ! art Wine case 5 OOalO jerries 5 OOalO les , dinburg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 * * * .o/ * - _ - - . _ . * . 2 linnesa Dublin Stout.- 2 LKATHEK sst SlaughterSole 33i jat Oak. ' . 38 : rench Kips 1 lOal rench Calfleading brands. . . . 1 25a2 omestic Kips 65 al omestic Calfa 90al emlock upper , $ foot 20a k xtpper , $ foot rainupper , , # foot 20 ; inings , $ doz. . . . 7 OOalO ippings , doz : 9 Torocco , ( bootleg ) foot do oil dressed do Simon per skin 2 75a3 do Glovoikid 3 jot Webbing , tf bolt 40i UAKireSS LEATHER. o" 1 Pitteburg Oak 672Pitt8burgOak 611 Cincinnatti Oak o. 2 Cincinnati ! Oak o. IHernlpck o. 2 Hemlock . COAL , RETAIL nthrfcite 10 lossburg 12 8 ryoming ikaloosa 5 iwaNut 5 Tiite Breast 5 PROF. GCIUIETTE'S FKBNCII KIDSIT PAD Pi illmette's French Kidney Pad is a sure ct yit. PUZZLE. Weary mortals racked with pain , Ever seeking but in vain , Sweet relict from mortal ills : Try , I pray , Wet ? * Liver Pilltl - & as sure as morning's ligrht f Cometh alter shades of night , O'er thy life , health' ! sun divine Shall arise , in Joy to shine ; Light and health , and joy and mirth , In sun-beams gparklo round thy hearth ; , Vital energy shall start ; E'en to muscle , brain and heart ; Rid the Liver of its load , Purily the We , the blood , Intercept disease and death , Leaving fragrance on thy breath , - Lighten life of half its ills , Safeand'potent Liver Pills. Sold at wholesale by C. F. Goodma a Seunard and Forsvth. Omaha. rSJ&w 3REATEST REMEDY KNOW * Dr. Kinc's New Discovery for Cc imption ia certainly the greati edical remedy ever placed -within t ach of Buffering humanity. Thoi ids'ot ouco hopeless sufforera , n iidly proclaim their praise for tl Ouderful Discovery to which th re'their lives. Not only does it po tdy cute Consumption , hut C.ougl olds , Asthma , , .Bronchitis , H ever , Hoarseness and all affectic : the ThroatChest , and.Luncs yiol once to its wonderful curative po aa if hy magic. We do not ask y i buy a large bottle unless you km hat you are getting. Watherefc irncstly 'request ' you to call on'yc ruggiat , J. K : Ish , and get a tr ) ttlo free of cost which 'will convit ie most skeptical of its wonderl erits , and show you what a regu. 19 "dollar size bottle will do. f lebyj. Klsh. (4) ) BucKlen's Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE in the world fats ats- Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Si henmj Fever Sores , Tetter- Chap I Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and nda , of Skin Eruptions. This Sal 'guaranteed to give perfect satiafi xl in every caae or money re Sands rice 25 cents per box. For sale b ; dly " J. K. ISH , Omah * . I' > Aoi All Plavea Oat common complaint in hot weath ypa < eel BO , get a package of Kidn < 'ort and take it and you will at once fi i tonic power. It keeps up the healt tioa'ot the Kidneys , Bowels and Lir d thus restores the natural life a rength to the wenrv hodv. "Jrthave used sejeral bottles of Si jna1 Liver Kegnlator , and you may : rd the fact , that my feelings are so i anged that I can eat hearty , and i sis like a well nun than I haveheen i an poit. I have sug $ s } { ojff years a l loroifo ; , 1806 Market * Bt ( " - ha" - Making New Pe rajn Parliamt London World. " , In the-golden chamber sacra success all is in preparation for ft \ event. A hush 'of solemn awe bi over a scene of cold splendor , an empty throne and deaolato crii benches wait the coming , of the wi ily exalted. Speechless officials on tiptoe to their station ; 'Black ' keeps stern watch over half a , d trembling spectators without the the lord high chancellor venei ( picturesque ' 'In" his * dark robei flowing -Bitstifny.upon the v sack , deriving no perceptible sup from cushions , mace , or great i and three clerks , reverently range the table , seem In danger of slip under it in consequence of hum arising from excessive reverenc olsj from droTvsinecs induced hy of ociupation. They are , il5g "stirred up" by the arrival in haste of a duke or two ; a ch selection of pcen of lower rink , the Bishop of Manchester eager sweir without 'd ? ly. Having .air sever * ! of their lordships form a gi by the steps of the throne and 1 their eyei fixed noon the bottoi the houaa. Suddenly , at a > ij from that quarter , the lord cham tain balances a cocked hat on the af his wig and becomes rigid , as tl Hies up to him , from a wicket gat the bar , a line of .dazzling forms , rayed in magnificent costumes and icoaching with steps slow and stat b'irst marches the gentleman ushe the black rod , at home in his < louse and happy in the thought i ) n thii occasion ho is required nake only straightforward progr tfext comes a perambulating but > f glistening grandeur , the garter li it-arms , encated in a glorified tab : ) lazing as with the brilliance of loonday sun. Then follow iii i lession four noble lords , < ; uisedin their robes of-state and > areled in tcarlet , ermine and bh vithcacked Hats' tucked under tl , rms and inconxrucui unmontional > f the latest fashion peeping out fi ttneath their gorgeous drapery. ( if them is recognized us the dep iarl marshal , and those others ate umed to be the introducers of a i leer ; so interest and expectancy c er in the penultimate figure , wb urns out to be merely Sir Lawrei > alk doing a tort of penance to e ile him to claim a title from Hale lill. Bearing hu blushing hon hick upon him , and muffled in irb they make him wear , he is neekly to the woolsack , and there tnded knee levels at Lord Selborn offensive heal an cuormoui sen haped like a blunderbuss. Vigih ttendanta'seize'it , and hind it tcrJ lingtby Bethel ) , who , finding on i mining the parchment at the ta ut it is the royal patent , re : loud the'contents ai though he wi itontng prayers , Baron Haldon a is train standing round and listen ! ith profound attention. This doi ir Willia n Rose swe rs inthe lo iffering new peer , who is taken an ist the crocs bencher , and after 1 ig compelled to bow to the disti ord Chancellor at critical janctur hen his unaccustomed skirts thre icd to trip him up , is guided b ; rcuitous coune to tha'back seats a : istalled upon the Barons bench. Ire ro noble friends place themselves ther side , after the manner of wi ? ra guarding a captive , and Bla od , Garter and deputy earl marsh ; tch armed with a wand or trunchec iard thorn closely. The trio put' ' leir cocked hats , and bow three se al timer to the' remote lord "chana r , wbs returns these obeisances 1 ntly waving his cocked hat in t t. Finally the victim of ceremoni paraded back to the woolsack , intt iced to the lord chancellor , and i fftjd to escape. He h it through very 'well ' i ed ; i but then he had the advanta _ fid & v fc- - - - IltO tllUO p&Ovlvww ) id Parrington.was transformed In ) rd Shute. The , noble Baron Shut , ving gone off first into the peerag present on this occasion to see he e novices get on , and lolls easi ion the barrier In front of tl rene , Mr. Baillie Cochrane stan g in the background to pick up hin r his own forthcoming debut. Lo alden has vanished , but still tl tie gathering of peers linger ne e throne. , Tne Duke of Sorners d Lord Winmarleigh secure fro its above the gangway ; a young ai auteous peeress enters the side gt ry ; three mysterious strangers a scried among the pinnacle ! on tl p of ) the throne ; and below a yoni iy steps out suddenly from oehii e throne into the apace resem r privy councilors. Decorous e ; ement prevails when another pr ision , gorgeous as the first , appea itk ing for the woolsack , and oacoi g Sir. Montagu Qorry to the poe e. In two minutes or 10 he will 1 iron Howton. His make-up U qui rfect. His robes hang about hi graceful folds ; they are so obvion new as to encourage a notion th e others whichhave been icon we ) roporties" borrowed for the da ie scarlet of Lord Rowton's robes ighterthan that of the others , tl mine more spotless' , the should lot more broader and more deep ack. Upon nraring the lord cha llor he skips lightly forward topi ; ut the letters-patent , and , turnii undin obedience to directions free e superintending Qarter , cornea in olent collision with Mr. Bethell , wl , s gone up to take'possession of tl [ important document. Happily , i .rmis done. If Mr. Bethell sc rs he is strong , and Lord Rowtc i03 not turn a hair. The scroll ha 5 been unfurled and read , a suppl antary paper is produced conveyii ' ' ' the seven . express .injunct'on'from ; n to Baron Eowtbn to "give 1 unsel" for the benefit of his con r and the noble lord forth wi kes the oath as though he meant iso. Through the remainder of tl remonial he passes with credit. Tl change of signals with Lord Sciboi ) m the baron's bench u rather tr , ; , and the new peer clutches h eked1 hat somewhat nervously , iy be that he shuts his eyes to 1 his though re a concentration of ion the process , but * at any rate. ] demeans himself as tq'win the war proval of Lord Shhte , whose co atulations are treely. offered as Lo ; jwton leaves the home. The Dnl Edinburgh , meeting the new pee akes hands with him heartily ; .ai us , smiled on by royalty . -admired 1 auty and , .ccmpUmentedpliyTl ers , Lord-RowtotfrV absorbed 'In e ranks of our'old nobility/ An Artaneas Romance. A very singular termination to. ' resffair , says "The Little Rock'G tte , ' * has just occured near this cit me time ago a young man , whom mid do no .doubt' be well to 'ct mes , fell in "love , or thought-he di th a young lady whom it would 1 ill to call:8uum : iPcactical/saiae th o f them. The fondness of Jam is returned. , James told Susan th loved her , and Susan'told Jam at she loved him. James asked S nto marry hlmjTaad Saianiaid lh e would. ' The young man had spei ' .epless nights in contemplating tl ize he was attempting to win , bi ten he found that the pole ofattra , ins had knocked the | persiBiuoi Susan's affections 'he ceaaad tossii a cover at night and slept' sound ! nally he mused : I don't.Iove th :1. : I wiab that I bad 'not acted' i ihly In eugaging t&yaelf 'to ker < ' iiild almost .break . her heart if I we tell her of my mistake. Shots' ; affectionate. What a-fool a ma .Susan did not pass all this time out musing : " Vomen are so it > ive , " she thought. "I am eni to that roan ; and 'I declare that not love him. I would break thi , but he might kill hln don't know what to do- " The tics continued to be affectional ward ech other , and the s itne p troubles affected alike the min each. Several nights ago the afft h'ato parties sat beside each othA "Susan , " remarked James , "di think- that a man should marry t msn when he doesn't love her , mite to preserve his honor ? " "No : do youl" "I don't think that he.should , the way , Sue , I think that it w be bettor for iis not to get mari I have been mistaken ; I-don't youI hope that you will forgive Have I wroncedyou ? " VGloriqus man , " said the "You hive 1-fted a heavy-weight i my Beart. I do not love you , ant feir of fatalreaults , has over kep From breaking our eugigenicnt. " "Is that so ] " asked James aa iahed. "IspeaktruthfuUy. " "Wellj I will be dog-goned thought that you cared for me. " "And I thought you cared for i "I'll ' be blistered if this affiir lu ; ot away with inc. 'Say , SHO. " "Yes. " "Now let's.look at this busine ittle closer. We are both veryfr , [ think that frauk people make jest husband * and wives. We un itand eich other first-rate. Tell lon't you that is , don't you n ain something of an affection for n "Y yes. Don't you for me ] " "Yes. Suppose as we underst iach other so well , that we get n led. " "All right , " and the ceremony lerformed in a country church iuuday. Fickle K the Old. Banjo , 'a'hlnjton Correspondence Chicago Tribut Pitying the banjo is now the n ristocratic musical enjoyment. Seer or Pendletou's daughter is the o irl in eociety who plays the harp , ! here are net over half a dozan v in play the piano with any skill , 1 be notes of the banjo are heard very hand. Sketching , painting til mbroidery and roller-skaiirg h een abandoned f < r banjo playing , oung fellow , who came here wit 3mpany of n 031:0 : minstrels , at i er week and his rai'road ' fare , is n "profesaor" 'of banjo playinp , t as all' the pupils he desires at § 5 lees'.n of one hour. Soma of amoiselles hava embroidered bags hich they keep their banjos , wh rnamentV aud ara very swell affni BABYfPRIZES , 600. An eminent banker's v.te of - N. is Indaco'i the proprietors of tb t great m ae , Hop Bitters , to oiler $600 In prizes to inojest child that says Hop Bitters plalnl , y liniruage , between May 1 , 1SSO , and Jul ; 3L This is a liberal and Intcrestjns offer , erybdy ard his wife thouM eend two c imp ti the Hop Dittcrs Mff. Co. , Kochis K..U.-S. A. , for circu'ar , giving full p lara , alid tcjln at once to tcich tue child say Hep Uitteis and gecnrc the prize. d& ' ntown. rermsandfSoi . A dreas GLHallettkCo. Portlind. Iwoys Cnros ti-a.il uovor disnji loints. The -world's great Pain leliovor for Man and Boas hcap , quick and reliable. DITCHER'S CASTOBL' ' s not Narcotic. Childrei ; row fat upon , Mothers like inrt Pliysicians recommcn < ) ASTOKIA. It regulates th 5owels , cures Wind Colit illays Fcverishuess , autl dc treys Worms. WEI DE MEYER'S CA CARRH Cnro , a Constitution ; ! Latidote for this terrible mala fy < T > y Absorption. The mos jnportant Discovery since Vac tination. Other remedies ma elieve Catarrh , thi cures a my stage Tbeforo Consumptio ets in. YER'S CATHARTIC PILL ! For all the purposes of a CUBING CottitenetffJiwndi Diispopsia , Indif lion , Dysentery , ft Stomach. andSrea ITeatlaeheKryiip < l Piles , Rheumatit Eruptions and & Disease * , Billioutnt Liver Complai 3and Salt Rhev ' VTonng , GoutNeui , 'at a Dinner Pill , anil Pur\fyiny the Bio the most congenial purgative yet perfect slreSeda abundantly shoir how much tl Kl all other Fills. TDcy are safe and pica : : Lake , but powerful tcure. . Ihe purge i i foul humors from the blood ; th ul i sluggish or disordered organs into ti < I they impart health and tone to the wl : ng. They ucre not only the every day a bits of everybody , but formidable and dan ; i diseases. Host skilful physicians , most i nt clergymen , and our best citizens , ecnd ( catesof cures performed , and of the gr lefits derived from these Pills. They are est and.belt physic for children , because n well aa effectual. Eeinj sugar coated , tl i eisy.to take ; and being purely vegetal : y > rs entirely harmless. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO. , LOWEEL , MASS actlcal and Analytical Ctiemls Id by all Druggists and Dealers Medicine. HOPBITTEES. ( A SIcdicinc , not n Drink , ) COSTAI S HOPS , ncciiu , aiAxnuAicu , IJAXDELIOX , sn > tniPuKESi AKD BorMmcju , OMUICS i U Diseases of tee Stomach , Bsvcls , EIooJ , UTS kmcTStOnd Urinary Organs , Nenronaacs..Sl . ssnes asl especially Female Camplilzts. ' S1000 IN GOLI1. Tflbe paid f era case they will not ct tcrhclp , IT anything tarparecrlcjaiionsfoai Un them Adcyoardrngsiit f or Hop Cittcrs aul try tht : f ore yea sleep. Toke no other. or Cocoa Ccmtitbe sweetest , safet and be , r'toallothen CiresbyaLrorpUoa-Aiiili-cssl ennras , use of opium , tobacco and narcotics : Send for circular. per day at ncoe. Sampleg worth IE : AddrtM SUD50D 6 Co , , Portlacd U AN OPEN AMONG THE LABI The brilliant , fascinal tints of Complexion for AY ! Hulics strive are chiefly a flcial , ami all who will take trouble may secure th These roseate , bewitching li follow the use of Hagaii's 31 iioliaBalm a delicate , ha less and always rcliabloarti Sold by all druggists. „ The Magnolia Balm conqi every blemish , removes ! lowness , Tan , Redness , Er tions , all evidences of exc nient and every imperfecti Its effects a ro immediate ) so natural that no human be can detect its application. ONLY EFFECTUAL KIDNEY RE MED AND SPECIFIC FOR Bright s Disease , Eiabetes , Nervous Debi Pain in the Knck , Lolas cr Side , Droi'Sj-i Gravel , Incontinence auJ Retention ofUrine.&nd Female Complaints. Send fur our treatise on tbeKidneys , ent. 'Kch-o You SliouU Hoed , " a little pamp lontaining a preat ileil of information free. Excelsior Kidney Pad C < SOLE PROPRIETORS. hy D. W. SAXE & CO. . Omaha.6 T'S FrFFBTrSCKXT ScLTZIR Arrr.Rlr > he Healthful S.Hz r Water for a Ilund years or more , [ as been held of all Earth's t'j''iitain8tlia m 1 > 0 tent t" restore ; utwhyacr B $ the ocean Ihi3 bojn of Nat bri "hen the sick man in hii chamber an ext < poriz > iheSpirc2 he bottled Sellz-jr Water aoiur leading ch < iats say- arts \vltli half its healing \irtiup , and tu vapid on the way ; 'liile TARKANT'S RARB Arnurj > T , froui a PO\M changed tu fnam. ! an instantaneous Seltzer Srr"n In every u fercr's home. SOLD 1SY ALL DKUGQI&TS. RON TURBIHE WIND ENGIN UANUFACTUIIED BY last , Fees & Co. , Springfield , ( Th < jStrougcst audUost Durable VIND ENGIN In the World. ilundreJi in use In Iowa ami Nebraska So Dealers in nearly ovrry county. This cut represents oar uckeye Force Pump vhloh is particularly . adapted to Wind Mill use , as It works easily and throws a constant stream , and does not freeze up In the cold- eat.weather. . Send for price list to W. H. RAYNER , Western Ag't , Omaha , Nob. aiOAGO SHOT TOWER C ( ITAN9ARD SHO isSSEKan n IR31 H fflSmi5 e \ - in I i M JJ uJfeoKsJcUCl tgfry-vVK ' ' ' ! ' -l = K Ill-innn ll'IOUTM f 'r'Sf ? - E ill' ' JJyjyMj uy r j ssr s . W. BL,1TCIIFORI & CC innfaeturers of Lead Pip-.Shco' and Bar Lc ' O.I 1 Solder , L'nsoed Block Tin , Pipe an and Oil Cake. ORDERS SOLICIIED. 70 KORTH CUNTO.H STREET , FEVER AND AGUE. J > * ' . acqu'sitioaof fl . . refreshing s'.eep.the ppeUte. the - attendant npoa idcotor , are Wess-nss iratlveprocesses which.this priceless invlKpr and carries to a successful c eedily initiates > i * m. . ] oa is restored and sustenance . . . - * * t inonensivu evcu i. > nlcu is S'etable In comoosit'oa , and thoroujhlyj afa For nle by all DtaK'iata id Dialers general GO EAS1 -VIA THK Chicago & Xorthwestci 2,380 MILES OF BOAE It la th SUOKT , SURE and Safe Route Betw COUNCIL BLUFFS AND CHICAGO , MILWAUKE and alt points EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVKLINO PUBt GREATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANY OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. Ills the ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and OEUOAG Upon which li ran PULLMAN HOTEL CAB5 In addition to them and to please all claw travelers. It irlve FIRST-CLASS MEALS at EATING STATlONa at 60 cents each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS I ITS COACHES ARE WE FINEST ! ITS EQUIPPMENT FMSt-OlAS ! II you wish the Bert Traveling Accommoi UOM you will buy your tlckeU by this Rot C7AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket * Agents can Mil Ton Throu ) Tickets via thli road and Check tuua. Baggage Free ot Charge. OMAHA TICKET OFFICES- ! * Farnham E Cor. Hth , and at Union Pacific Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorado Central a Union Pacific Ticket Office. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 2 New Montgo ery Street. For Information , folders , maps , etc. , not c finable at Home Ttcktt Cfflce , addieM ai igent of the Company , or WARVIN HUCHITT , W- STENNETT , Gent Manager , Oenl Pat. Acei CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , _ OenT Agt Omaha ft Coundl Bluffs. SIOUX CITY A PACIFK AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City Route ! 00 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE Prom COUNCIL BLUPPS to 3T. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DDLUTH , or BISMARCK , nd a < ! points In Northern Iowa. Minnesota an akota. Thl line is equipped with the In roved Weatinghouse Automatic Air Brake * an [ iller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Boom v > Icepini ; Cars.nwned and coat rolled by the coir my , run Through With .ut Change , betwee nlon Pacific Transfer Pepot , Council Blufff id St. Paul. Trains leave the Union Iclfl ransfer Pepot at Council Bluffs , at 6:15 A" m. aching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and Sf Pan , 11:05 a. m , making ar-TEN HOURS m ADVANCE 01 ANY OTHER ROUTE. Returning , leave St. Paul at 8:30 : p. m. , ar vlits at Sioux City at 4 : < 5 a. m. . and Unloi iciflo Trantfcr Depot , Council Bluffs , at 9:5 ! m. Be euro that your tickets read via " 3. C P. R. R. " F. C. BILLS , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , Iowa. E. hOBINSON , Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent. J. II. O'BRYAN , uthwcstorn Freight and Pasienfrer Agent. > -20-tf Council Bluffs SHORT LINE THE .C..ST.JOE&C.B.R.R. , la the only Direct Line to F. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. i change ot cara between Omaha and St. Loult md but one between Omaha and New York. X DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS astern & Western Cities th less charges and In advance ot other lines. Oils entire line Is equipped with Pullman' ! Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coach- e , Miller's Safety tZTl oe anU.St. Lools.'CEi Tickets tor sale at all coupon stations I the F"BARNARD ! , A. c. DAWES , Ocu'l Supt. , Oen'l Pass. & Ticket Ag't St. Joseph , JIo St. Joseph , Mo , W. C. SEACUREST , Ticket Aeon. , , ' Fifteenth Street , between Farnham and ) ot las , Union Block , Omaha. S. TEUON. A. B. BARNARD , Para. Aucnt , Omaha dekT A gent , Omaha , THROUGH Til CHICAGO 'ithout ' Change of Cars I URLINGTON & th Smooth and Perfect Track , Elegant Pas senger Coaches , and ILLMAN SLEEPWC& _ DIKING CARS * acknowledged Kv tne Pres" , "J"1 " who s bo the Best Appointed and ravel over it , to Best Managed Road in the Country. 4.SSENGERS GOINQ EAST Should bear in mind that this is the EST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , North and Northwest. Passengers by this Route have choice cl 3TJE DIFFEEENT KOIJTES , ind the Advantage of Six Daily Lines of Cars from Chicago to i * lace Sleeping BW York OityWithout Change. Express Trains on this line are equipped with he W.stinzbouso Patent Air brakes and Millet's Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , thj mo t Perfect Pro tection Against Acci dents in the world. LIMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND DINING CA S Routs. Are run on the Burlington uformation concerning Routes , Rates , Time nnections. etc. , will bo cheerfully given by plyin ? at the office of the Burlington Route , J Fourteenth Street , Omaha , KebriBiu. E. PERKINS , D. W. HITCHCOCK , . t. . Wesfn Pass. Ag Oen'l Mrna-'cr. Uen. . Mo. St. Joe. , 0. PIULLIP1 , Ucncral Agent , Omaha. II. P. UU4L , 5. < lly Ticket Agent , Omaha. CITY MEAT MARKET. lot C4 all kit largo Keep constantly on hand a rah and Salted Meats , See } . Yta lttonPork Game , /Owl. anr1 all kinds ol etablcs Constantly on nan ce. KTl resh Vey lln < lbe coatuicod 8HFHFY _ ONLY MEDJCINE That Acts at the SameJCime OH FHE LIVER , THE BOWELS , and the KIDNEYS , 5 5 . be pcrfec'tf'jf ' they become pegged j ilreadraliUaeaecsaresuretofollow'WlUi | 1ERRI8LE SUFFERING. Piles or KidS - iad , f Bice , Comtlpatlon S ney Complaints , Gravel , Diabetes , { Sediment In the Urine , Hilkyf 3 or Hopy Urine ; or Bhen-X i { roatlcPalns'andAelie , tare Wood Is POlsonW becauMjUai are Trim developed tie hrmors that should.navoJ > ea cxricllod naturally. - * v KBDNEY-WORT r trt'natlon and Piles ? - of d ! fearful because Why be so ordered urine ? . 1 * - Kiossr-TTOET will cure you. JTry a pad 'i aseatonccandl > csatafiod. ana S It Is a dry tegaablt compound * Oa9Packa5emaiei Ixo.uart ofJIedlel i 1 JaVor tcCZ get U Jo r.-ur Z > n E7irt . ya. . Intltlupon taring U. Price,9Un. 77ILL2 , BKSiSSMlt S CO. , Papists * Q11D C f1 i ID C For w KColds , Bronchitis O U n L U U n L Asthma , Consumption , And ALL DISEASES of the Throat and Lungs. Put Up in Quart Size Bottles for Family Use. f ! AIITIRU DONT BE DECEIVED by uuprineiplr.1 dralers who try to pJn off npon yoj U I lUlli Rock and Rve in p'ace of our TOLl' ROCK anl RYE , which U the only JtED 1C ATE D article made , the GENUI.VE navin ? a GOVERNMENT STAMP on each bottle. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue * TREASURY DiiPAllTMRNT. OFFICE OF INTERXAI. RKVEMjE , ) WASHIXIITOS , D. C , Januaiy 2) . 1S:0 T Messrs. LA.WRESCE& MARTIN. Ill Madison St.Chtac.Ills ; GI5TLXMI5 : I have received a "certified frmulV siting tha inRre-Iients and relative propor- tlons useJ In the manufacture of an article which > i > u advcrtue and 'l ' under the nvne of "TOLU ROCK and R7E. " 1 his componnd , accordi aloyour formiiH , In the opinion of this rfllcwoull have a sufficient quantity of the BALSAS ! OF TOLU U. sivoitall thoadvantazn a cri ( ) d tathij article In pectoral complaints , whiie the whisky an.l vrui > constitute an eroulnon renlerioc the compound anm-ree l IB remedy to ihe piitcnt. In the opinion of this offica. an irticla et > mp un''ctl according to this foiu-ilpi m y properly N > cUssed ai a medicinal preparation under tl-e l rjti-toiui of Scli.-clulo A , followinc Kctiun 337. V. S. Hevised frtatuteg , and when o samped m ? be told by I ru i t $ , AputLeiruiti , and Other Per wm without rendering them liable to p iy special tax as H < ] UT liralrrg Yours Respectfully , ( Sljned ) GREEN. B. KAUM. Commissioner. Lawrence * Martin. Chicago , Sole Agents for the United StVcs and Caii'rta. Sold by Droz ' tttts , Orocers and General Dealen every where Whotci e Ant f r Keb , STEELE , JOII.NSON CO. , will supply the trade at manufacturer } prices. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. S TIIE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE Its main line runs from Chicago tu Council Bluffi , passInK thrnuKh. Juliet , Ottawa. La Sjille. Oeneseo. Mollne. Hotk Island , Davenpjrt , West Liberty , Iowa City. Jlnrcniro. llrookl jn. ( Jrinnell. DCS Molnes ( the capital ot Iowa ) , Stuiirt , Atlan tic , and Avoca : rrlth branches , from Hureiu Junction to Peorla ; Wilton Junction toMu ca- tlLc , WsshlnRton , KalrOeld. Klilon. Uclknnp. ConUcvllle , I'rinceion. Trenton , ( iallatin. Camo- rnn. Leavenworth , AtchUum. anil Kansas City ; Washington to Ijlpiurney , Oskaloojo. niul Knox- Tllle : Keokuk to Faralnuton. lionapartc , licu- tonsoort. Independent. I'.ldon , Ottumn.v Kilily- TtllpOskalnoga. Fclla.Monruc. and DCS Muinus ; Nenton to Monroa ; Den Molnes to Indlanolaunit Wlnterset : Atluntlj tn Lewis and Audubon ; and A oca to Hnrlan. This Is positively tl > o only Kallroad. which owns , and operates through line from Chicago Into lee State of Kansas. Tbrouuh Express I'assenger Trains , with Pull- nan Valace Cars attached , are run each way Unity between CHICAGO and PeontA , KANSAS CITY. Council , BLUFFS. LEAVISWOKTU ana ATCHI- So.v. ThrouKh cars are also run between Mi'rnu- Jtee and Kansas Cttr. via the "Mllwaukeo and Bock Island SheLine. . " The "Oreat V.ock Island" Is mncnlSccntly equipped. Its road bed Is simply perfect , and Us track Is laid with steel rqlls. r _ - - beautiful prairies of llilnoteBnd Iowa. In one of onrrnagnJflccnt Dlnlnc Cars that accurapany nil Express Tralnn. Vou cct an < : ntiro Throusu meal , as Rood as Is served In liny nrst-class uutcl. lorseventy-Hveceuts. Appreclatlnif the fact that a majority of the people prefer separate apartment ! lor different purposes ( and the immense passunecr business . - pleased to announce line warrantlnc It ) . w : ir.- of this nounce that this Company runs J'ullmari j'.inre ( SlecDina Can lorslceplnR purposes , and Palate at nil hears of the day. Mamiltlcent Irun UridEci span the M , anil Missouri rivers at all polnu croMvd o ; t _ lltiu. and transfers aru avoided at CouncL B.uU > Kansas City. Lvavenwiirlh. and Atchivtfi our ; ' nertlons beincmndc In Union Depot * . THK IMllM'IfAI. It. It. CONNK.fTHh.Ne Hj THIS flUBAT THUUL'GII 1.1.NK AHK tf FOLLOWS. At CMICAUO. with all diverging lines ( Ut Of * Ea t nnd Siiuth. At K.VOLEWOOD. irlth tbo L. S. A M.S. JUDO f t Ft. W.AC lt.lt.ls. At WAf/II.NGTO.V IIEIOJIT3 , wltb 1 * . . U * S % At LA aAtLK. irlh III. Cent. R. R. Atl'MiBIA.wlth 1 . r. * J. ; I'.D.iB.- . It 4 W. : III. Jtltt : and T r. * W. lids. At ItocK IMLASD. with "Milwaukee i. tu-t Island Siiort Line. " * nd Kock Icl'd * Fee. Kt"-- . At OAVKVPOIIT. with the Davenport iwokva C.M.St-l'.W-K. AtWESTLiMERTT.wlththeIL.C.It.4 fcU tto Atttliisr'TltnCentralIownK.lt. . * ll-Xjx "tat.iKtthlt JLA K.D.K.H. J At orVWfWit&B.itMo.u.K.lt. lu Neo- > * St. 1 * * Pac , ti AI CTIOX.with B..IX It. i N. lUv At KEOKt'K.wlthTwtontral luwaU.ti Vs- Lours * Pac. . and St. L _ Keo. < u J. At CAMEUOX. withlLSUJ. It. R. IVMO- * At ATCIIISON" . nlth Atch Top ka&ba6i A tell. A Nvb. and Cen. llr. U. I * . It. Kds. At l.CATKNWOBTII. wUll KlUk I'ac . OOO Ll u. Cent. It. UJv At KANSAS Crrr. with all lines lor tbt andSuuthwest. COtT > X'II . . r lnrormnlon"nof "obiuim r > lo"at yotir 'homo ticket offlec. nildr - . Uen'ITkt. GHAS. SHiVERiCK. FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS J-ZNTDCTW" STT A XES- And everything pertaining to the Furnitnre and Upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THE W ± sJST 1208 and 1210 Faruham Street. - ap U mon th sat Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivatcr 1SSO. MANUFACTURED BY S. P. MAST & CO.SPR1NFF1ELD , 0 They also make Buckeye Improved Iron fleam Walking Cultivator , with -without Sj rin s. Drill , one or two Horse Style. Buckeye The New Force Feed them at the beat dealers. Inquire for F. H. PUSH , Gen. Agent , Omaha , Neb , A new and and hitherto unknown remedy fo all diseases of the Kidneys , Bladder.and Urinary Organs. Jt will positively cure Diabetes , Gravel , Drop. Brizht's Disease , inability to retain or ezoel ry the , Urine , Catarrh of the Blaeder , high co.orf.d and scanty urine , Painful Uriuatiutr , LAME BACK , General Weakness , and all Femaa ! Complaints. H avoidei internal medicines , ! a certain la it effects and cures when nothing else can. For ate by DruggWa or sent by man fre trpon receipt ot the price , $2.CO. DAY KIDNEY PAD CO. . PROP'RS , Toledo , O. tfS n& your addrer * for our little book , How s > Lifa was Saved. " JAMES KISF , AgWJt TESTIMONY. The Cashier ot the First Hational Bank , Troy Ohio , says ! - T OT , O. . December 30th , 1379. Ca , Piiraa , O. : DR. EcsAtsoM nicia with Khsurn- aE.iTLKSX.1 I was troublcl the acute Ijrm " 1trth in ti m last sprin ? ttw hand. Through I was unable to use my recommendation * of my Wends. I w * luauoxl Rheumatic Cure , wbkh tasawaUfc * ' to Uy your &s& i ss asuifttS . . tu diseic. I take great | .l ur. this valuaKe lemcjy W th l Yours resofttfully. JNCV U them i4 to bo „ _ . . . . . . ( . . your Urnaslit. by remlttta * u end you ( our bottlti ot U > : > AU lx ot tholtla Kem4y. > . * Give pUla OirecUoa ( or * Mj-V ' The Dr , Bosanko . c y.