THE DAILY BEE. B. EOSBWATEB. ED1TOE TO CORRESPONDENTS. will be pleared On COCSTM Fwwia we always to bear from , on all nutters connected with crops , country politic * , and on any subject whaterer , of pencnl interest to the people of oar State. Ant Information connted with the elections , aod relating to floods , accidents , wfll be gladly received. All inch communlca- ilona bowerer , murt be as brief as possible ; ? and they must In ill esses be written on one - * * B aMk eee on ) , IEJ HAM or WEim , in full , most la each and ertrycaie accompany any comnunlcaUcn cl irbat nature BoeTerf This is ntf intended tor publication , bat for our own satisfaction and H proof o good faith , rounciL. AxKOCircnuotn ol candidates for Office Kheth. er made by Bell or friends , and whether aa no- tlces or communications to the Editor , an tmtll nominations are made ) simply personal , Mid will be charged for as advertisements. V ) ROT deeira contributions of a htorary or poetical character ; and e will not undertake topresene or reserve the same in any case whatever. Our staff Is sufficiently large to more than supply oar limited space. All communications should be aodresaed to E. KOSEWATER , Editor. NATIONAL RtPUBUCAN TICKET. TOE PRESIDENT : JAMES A. GAUFIELD , of Ohio. FOB VICE-PEESIDENT , CHESTER A. JURTHUK , of New York , ILHNOIS has pronounced for Sey mour. Another nail in Sammy's coffin.f < - * . Now. that Pat Hawea hai become United States nursbal dc facto ho will entertain bidtfortho police judgeahip. CHICAGO hotel-keepers are DOW counting up their gains , and pro nounce a national republican conven tion somewhat better than a centen nial. AND when asked where ho hails from the famous specialist Dr. Aid rich , who is now perambulating Pennsyl vania , answers ho bails from Omaha where he established a hospital , on the spot now marked by a marble slab. THE democracy are just now divid ed between the claims of Tilden and the expediency of Seymour as presi dential candidates. They're both equally available one is a moral and the other is & physical wreck. TOM HEKDBICKB presided over the Bourbon convention of Indiana and succeeded in getting a solid delegation for bimtelf. That won't , however , nominate him for the presidency. In diana isn't as important to the democ racy now as New York and Ohio. CONGRESS will adjourn on the IGth imt. , finishing one of the most un profitable cessions on record. Scarce ly < o meaanre of national importance has sufficiently engaged the attention of that body to pass both houses , and from the present time until adjourn ment the time trill be spent in manu facturing political capital for the com ing campaign. THE Indianapolis Journal and other a papers labor under a mistake when they pronounce Conkling's nominat ing speech a splendid piece of extem poraneous oratory. The fact is , the greater 'part of that speech had been carefully prepared and committed to memory By Conkling before he started from Washington , and strange la-it may seem the moat strik ing passage of that speech were recited to the editor of this paper by Senator Jones , of Nevada , an ardent friend of J Conkliog , two days before Coukling I delivered it at the convention. ALL this talk about the Pacific coas states , and especially California , going against Garfield and for the democra tic candidate for the presidency is bosh. Oregon has just voted and he choice of a republican congressman and republican supreme judges Is an assurance of republican electors this the fall. California hai never gone democratic in a na tional campaign since 1800 , and she iin't likely to go back on the na republican party this year , with a re publican state admsnistration in active ivo sympathy with the national ticket. Nevada h close , buf Nevada , like Cal ifornia , has always given her clestora' vote to the republican candidate. The Eut even if the twelve electoral votes of the Pacific coast elates were added to the 138 electoral votes of the solid couth , and the democracy were assured of the thirty electoral votes into of Indiana , Connecticut and New Jersey , they would still bo five votes short of a .majority in the elect oral college. The only possi and go ble show the democracy has in lant the campaign of 1880 is to carry Ohio and Indiana , or New York and Indi ana , or New York and the three Pa cific coast states. With Garfield and Arthur theio isn't much danger of their carrying any northern state. Indi THE Herald sometimes gets slightly IndiI mixed. This is not to bo wondered at have when we consider the wide scope -of can subjects so profoundly treated in its pas editorials columns , but it , is a fact mei notwithstanding : Commenting on gre the speeches In the republican ratifica spe tion meeting of Wednesday night it Both very remarkably confounds the names but of Garfield and Thurman. According fieli jud to the editor of the Herald , Judge splc Redlck intimated Jhat "Thurman was oral educated at' the hands of his wife and It after marriage , " and "General ful Manderson corrected Judge Eedlck'a suited mistake ! showing Thurman to have can been a self-made man , but threw just in enough light on his military record to higl hen show thsE.h.e..hadbeen of very small of s importance.d , _ . . alia Just whatTiurman's military rec- ments the crd was the Herald neglects to state. There At another point it gravely informs its or i , f ? h ! ' Ix"/ - ' * . " t i readers that both the followers aof the Grant and ! Ualaewerechagrined at piano least Thunnan'al-vcnlinaliea , jtbus'antici * phere. piling by two weeks the possible re * sngc suits of'litaiv in'clriiuifl.-coQFentioD. sweep The JSTero&alfinild revise ils political .nil 'on scrap book or regenerate its political deci ecjifcr , i , wo , JOHN BROUGHAM. The death of John BroughamSfthe HrmK Y"I jtT Ai' " * actor , rams , whole-hearted gentleman , ' TIBS created a profound .aengati&n wherever his sterling qualities of mind and soul were known and appreciated. He was born in Dublin May 9 , 1814. Ho graduated from Trinity College , Dub lin , and entered upon the study of sur gery in that city , but after six months walkingin the wards of an Irish hoa- pital , h Tbrewasule his scjilpel and dis-etfting-knife . and abandoned the * T * * * c prof ession.Af ter appearingon Ihestage Brougham's success was remarkably , . rapid until ho became manager of the Lyceum theatre in London. Cnssing the Atlantic in 1850 he domesticated himself in New York CitF where ho became manager of Wallack's theatre. Since that time be has been one c f the must brilliant successes of the New York stage. No man of the present generation his filled so well as he'the three positions of actor , author and humorist. The chief charm of Broug ham's acting was its per- fet ease and s'rict accordance with nature. He ahvajs chose sunny parts in which his genial trails of mind held up the mirror to nature. His dramatic productions were full of keen and eparkling wit , fertile in inci dent and with wtll drawn character * . Besides these ha contributed many ar ticles to American journals which were altsrwards published in a couple of volumes entitled "A Basket of Chips" ' and "Bunsby Papers. " No member of the dramatic profes sion was more universally beloved than Brougham. "No one , " siys an eastern contemporary , ever accused him of doing a mean , ungenerous act/ ' Selfishness , hypocrisy , treachery and avarice were qualllies which found no place in his composition. In 1872 he lost all the earnings of his long years of labor through the failure of Dun can , Sherman & Co.'a bank , and was compelled to again faca the world without a dollar to his name. His I last years were shadowed by the con- atant fear of poverty. Thousands on both sides of the Atlantic will mourn his death. ONE of tho'most difficult and per plexing questions with which the Gladstone ministry found themsplves confronted was that rf the disordered state of the finances. The terrible diatn upon the treasury caused by the war policy of Lord Beaconsfield had reduced a large annual surplus to an equally large deficit. It was largely on account of the date of the ex chequer tliat Gladstone was considered indispeneiblo to the liberal min istry. As a financier he stands without a peer in the imperial councils of Europe. His speeches upon the budget have been universal ly admired for their far-sightedness , their comprehensive tcopo and their wonderful clearness of statement. Thursday evening the house of com mons was crowded to listen to the pre mier's speech en the Introduction of the supplementary budget. He found deficit of some 20,000 in the amount available to meet the supple mentary eatimatea and a number of demands for further reductions in spe cial taxes. In order to meet the issue Mr. Gladstone proposes to reduce the taxes on light foreign wines , entirely abolish the duty on malr , substitut beer duly of six shillings a bar rel , aud make up the deficiency by an | addition of ono pence to the income tax , which will produce 1,425,000. The speech is reported to liavo beeu warmly received and to have attracted ° favorable comment. t KETUKNS from the interior depart ment announce that during the years 870 and 1880 up to February 10 , over 9,000,000 acres of the public lands hare been sold under the home stead laws. Of this amount Nebraska stands third in the list with 1,368,455 acres , while Kansas and Dakota load , former with 2,077,623 acres sold and the later with 1,699,000. Every territory with the exception of Arizo and Utah show largo gains. The prospects for the coming year in dicate that a larger number of acres will bo sold in 1880 and 1881 than ever before Nebraska and Dakota will show the largest growth of any of the neighboring states and territories.- steamship companies are now unable to meet the demands of emi grants seeking transportation to this ( country , and every week witnesses throngs of would-bo settlers swarming a the west. TAMMANY HaH's'ropresentatives will to Cincinnati with great hurrah , they will come back equally jubi of having defeated Tilden and his plans. NEBRASKA'S vote was recorded for of power , prestige and Garfield. In ics Garfield the More Eloquent. Indianapolis Journal. " Hundreds of thousands of persons \ read the speeches placing the candidates in nomination , and have passed judgment on their relative merits. Only two were in any de wa m remarkable , and there were the this thiI speeches of Conkling and Garfield. of these were very tine indeed , , the we think a majority of intelligent is judges will award the palm to Gar- sir ' field's. Conkling'a speech was a bol splendid piece of extemporaneous bolf oratory. Every sentence was perfect tei every expression carefully chosen. Bema waa strong and ornate , power ma and elegant and , admirably rde to the occasion. But all this rdeS be said of Garfield's , and addition we think he struck a the higher key-note. There was less of in worship in his speech , and more ment statesmanship. It there waa more an ex altation of principles and. achieve fen than of an individual , thopgh rj ] latter element was not'lacking. mei was no suggestion of arrogance Pike's intolerance in It , aa there waa in and other speech. It roaa to a higher told , and lifted the hearers , or at and ' the reader } into a better atmos sea . ' - * There were more patriotic 1 suggestions in it , It had a wider Jud and scope.In > short , while act Conkling'a speech was a rdasterpiece nun its way , we think Garueld's waa clai lecidedly the more eloquent of the where ( vioi JOTTINGS.K K , Xji 11 SSCalifornia. % * i TherefisfaTa jo be 100,000 acres of grain in FretiuTthh year. .Grasshoppers are batching out'"on ' the TruckeeCln'tejdowF , and are caus ing much "anxiety to the rancher * there. Mexicans have eight arostras in reg ular operalion in Beveridge district , Inyo county. The ore worked yields § 25 gold per "carg "of three hundred pounds couuty were attacked bjffcur grizzlies a § hori time since. Almost 100 calves wefoTalled "or'wBuliaerF'beforo the bears'wera ' dispatched by the herders. Srong winds have done great injury - . ry to the wheat crops in Saa Joaquin county7. The damage is variously es timated at from one-fourth to one- third of the entire yield of the county. The quartz excitement about Au burn , Placer county , still continue ? , and new ledges are being prospected every week. FrOm one of them the fortunate owner exhibits a handful of specimens containing over $300. A good deal of mining is being car' ried on along the flats and .gulchei west of Yreka , Siskiyou county , while there is an abundance of water , and more gold jivill bo taken out around Yreka this" season than has boon fo many years past General Rangel proposes to estab lish a city near the line , on the Tia juana , about twenty miles from San Dirge , aud to build a custom hous and barracks and other governmen buildings as soon as the Mexican gov ernment furnishes the means. A meteorite wa fpicked up last week in Santa Barbara. The substance is composed cf lead and "silver , and weighs six pounds , and when found was partially imbedded injtho ground which was very hard. An assay of th metal reveals $1200 of silver to the i ton. I Reports from the Sacramento rive ; say the run .of salmon is very light and the probabilities are that the bes of fiahing for the season is over. Th largo cannery at Collinsvillo has shu down , not being able to get fish enough to justify its continuance. The people of San Pedro and Wil mington , Los .Angeles county , wer surprised recently by the appearance , in immense numbers , of a blick wing ed insect , in shapa like a weevil , bu no | larger than a small ant. They tel on the ground until they could scraped up by the handful. Arizona The whitoa around the San Pedn mining district , are fleeing .from th Indians. The difficulty of obtaining water i summer at the Bradshaw mines , has been solved by building a large reser volr. volr.Jn Jn Marlc-ipa district the Centra Arizona Mining company have com' pleted laying 14 miles of pipe to with in one mile of the head , where thej purpose taking water from the Has sayampa river to supply their nov eighty-stamp mill at the old Vultun mine. The machinery for this mil ia being constructed by the Golden Stoto and Miners' Iron Works , of San Francieco , a portion of 'which ha : already arrived. The company ex poet to comoloto and start the mil about the 1st of August. It will b Ihe largest quarlz mill in the territory. The number of paying mines in Arizona is smaller than is popularly supposed. In the Glob'e distric there are not'more than three or fou mines that pay large profits. In th Tombstone- district there are , perhaps , five or fix mines that are doing well In the Pioneer there are two or three in Castle Dome are several good lead mines ; in the Final district nothing of any consequence has yet been found ; in the Tiger district one good mine has been discovered ; in thi Peck district there was a good mine , but it 1m not been paying lately ; the Patjgonia district has been widely puffed , but has thowii litt'o develop ment of consequence. Only large mines are hero spoken -capitalized for large amount ? , and owned by nu-1 merous stockholders. There are a | great many small properties owned b. private persons that are paying fairly. Their owners are the substantial men of Arizona , who are building up the , country ' , while mining sharps are pull-'l . iDj it down. | Nevada. I The frosts lately have killed abou all the fruit in Hvmboldt county. During the week ending Juno 2 , thi south header of ihe-Sutro tunnel Virginia Cily , made 148 feet , the bcs wort ever made for the size of thi tunnel 8x10 feet. The north header OroKon. The fruit and rjrain crops are re ported to ba in fine condition. The wool clip of eastern Oregon wil far surpass that of any previous year , The" " final surveys for the proposed branch line of railroad between Al bany and Lebanon , by the Oregon and California railroad company , have been completed , and thewcrkof grad ing will soon commence. Already ] enough iron has been conveyed to Albany - bany to complete ten miles of road. mj The Oregonian Railway company limited ) has at length completed its road to Dallas , in Polk county , and the cars will bo running into town in few days. An enthusiastic meeting was held by the citizens of Dallas and euirounding country on the comple far tion of the road to that point. During the past few weeks the mn of salmon in the Columbia has been exceedingly light , and the to „ - ' " average ca * o / " " c > * * * * * tboboat lias been less than during the same montn of any formeryear. Com plaint is very general. A proprietor San ono of the Columbia fisheries states that unlets some action is taken with the a few years , one-half of the canner ali will be compelled tb close. coi ap Montana. I pn Thera is one iiolatnd farm in the soc Flat Willow valley , one of the finest the agricultural regions in all Monlana. cie It is predicted that the boats in the me ofi river will havothe advantage of high water until an unusually late period bo upi season. dip The I mine recently discovered near is road between Boulder and Helena thr said to ba improving with every zer stroke of the pick. The ore carriei exs both silver and gold. ciety f The government is rebuilding the It telegraph line between Helena and of Bczeman. Gen. Alexander , com Cui manding .Fort Ellis , has received or- ber rdera to have ( ho work done at once. toe Samples S of era sent to Butta from ity Boulder country for assay run high ion silver i and Rold , and the develop board : of sorae very valuable mines seal is considered certain within a .ice . months. guilty -The mining season lias fairly com : onI menced ' in surrounding ramps. At 3ris Peak , Pioneer , _ French Gulch ilic Blackf oot and other places we are to ,08 ' u- : lhat work is being prosecuted , iup every ; indication is for a Rood before season. : - I Ii.ef I it w The question tf locating lands of | piss Judith valley under the desert land . rrr will be folly tested this year , ai a stat number of pre-emption and homestead ' and claimants have settled upon hinds 1 was desert land claims have pre-j'the Tiously been filled , and the settlen day " * fOt v will attempt raiting crops this year ' without irrigation , * and should they' succeed it will virtually settle -'the question in theirjavor. It has been thought that'the Utah & Northern railroad would cross-the range in Railroad pass. It ia lower and [ thought to be more practicable than any of the others , and wa ? sur veyed some years since by the North ern Pacific railroad. In order to cross the range at this point it will be nee- earary to construct a tunnel from 3000 feet to a mile in length. This will ba st ] expentive operation , and miy de cide the matter in favor of Ihe Crow- Creek route , which , if selected , would make .Helena , the terminus of the . . " " - - - road. 1 Utad. A stige line has started from Saliaa , which will soon be running daily stages into Rico , Colorado. Ono beekeeper in Davis county has lost sxly-three bee-hives out of sixty- four , the leas to him being at least $750. $750.Recent Recent reports from Challis fctate that the road to Bonanza was still un opened and the former town is practi cally dead. The railroad will hardly roach Fris co before the 4th of July. Mean while Milford is fast becoming t he former's rival. Grasshoppers are out by the mil lions on the bottomssoutheast of Juab . station. Also at Fayelte , Warm Creek , ' in Sanpeto county. The citzem there held a mass meeting a few days ago and formed a "protectiveunion. " It has been decided to erect the new insane asylum in David county , and a committee was appointed to look into the advantages of the site in Davis | county at the mouth of Shepherd's canon , a short distance from Farming- ton , and if it proved desirable to ac cept it. , . The lots of cattle in the Nephi sec tion through the te verity of the winter , is much greater than at first supposed , and will amount to nearly an average of 80 per cent ; many small owners of stock losing all. Sheep hive not suffered to such an extent , but tYiel < sa on that portion of this stock industry has been immense. Colorado. Discouraged fortune seekers are turning back east again. The Gentlemen's driving park of Work has been commenced on the Colorado Springs & Manitou railroad. The Telephone company will erect a line between Colorado Springs and Manitou , very shortly. The Rio Grande track layers have reached Buena Vista , and formed con nection with tbe South Park railroad. The Msson town site company have filed articles of incorporation for the organization of a town in North Park It takes § 7000 worth of queensware and an entire car load f silverware to equip the Windsor , Denver's new ho tel. Denver police wi'l ' be obliged to make another raid on the opium dens , John and his victims are becoming bolder. Now that Mosquito pasi has at last been made fit for travel , there is ta'k of putting a good line of coaches from Bed Hill to Lsadvillo. All , or most , of the mines in Gilpin county pay from the surface , while at Leadville mineral is not expected un I der 100 to 400 feet deep. The new Methodist college in Den ver is having work pushed on it with considerable energy , the foundation for it now being under way. Work will soon be begun on Denver's new Congregational church. It will be 102xJO ( feet , and in the church proper will have seating accommoda tions for G50 persons. The estimated I cost is $25,000. Reports from San Juan indicate a decided and permanent mining boom during the present season. A _ large amountof , capital is heading that way and , and developments of an exten sive character must follow. The town of Pitkin wss incorpor ated only last fall and up until three months ago the city was composed of uf but a few log cabin * , while it now has between three and four hundred neat , substantial houses. Only a few log cabins , adorn the streets of Pitkiu and so they ale located on back streets. The census ] will show the city to have near ly 2,000 population. The Denver and South Park toll road will be completed from Alpine to Pitkin within the next few weeks , as els there are only twelve miles of the road to ba built. This0 toad will tap the Denver and Rio Grande and Den ver and South Park railroads at Buena Yiata. This will be by far the short est and best route to the Gunnison country. The Denver & Rio Grande railroad has had a surveying party through to Leadville the past week , and has sur veyed a line and set stakes for a branch of their road. They are try ing to contract for eighty acres of land just above the town on which to locate their depot buildings. It is said that the South Park road will send a surveying party to survey a , line through there also. ery Camp ( Clifford , two and one-half miles west from Nevada , in Gilpin county , is predicted to be a coming great camp. This now silver belt ia known to extend from the base of Clifford hill in a northeasterly direc tion through Gilpin county , for a dis tance of eight miles , and it has thus not been proven to ba two miles in a width. Fall river , a beautiful stream Its pure water , runs at the foot of will Clifford hill , affording „ ; ! : * : - . . # . _ : _ ; extraordinary u- _ The Anti-Quackery Act. Francisco Chronicle. Much interest has been created in community as to the constitution ality of the anti-quackery act , which mcd celli confers the right of examination of wroi applicants ; for medical certificates to atk fully practice in this state to three medical hag societies , viz. : The medical society of a state of California , the eclectic so and City ciety , and the homoeopathic elate andIT [ medical society. Between the passage A the act of 1876 conferring the right upon all medical societies to elect boards ; of examiners to grant medical M. diplomas , and the amendments of _ 1878 ; , limiting the prerogative of the Of three societies named , Dr. E. J. Fra- Iron box had been elected on the board of tiled examiners for the California state so \nd with of homoeopathic practitioners. that refused to recognize the board atome. 1878 ] , and issued a license to 0. S. _ Gumming * ; and Ur.Krazer , as a mem Sai of the examining board , consented suffe Box an arrest to test the constitutional BoxTh of the law , which says : "Any per . , , Th sure , or persons , presuming to act as a lirer of examiners , * * * - and fern a certificate for a to is , person prac 1' nhicl * * * - " - - , * thall ba deemed ? > T ] of a misdemeanor , and upon if he conviction , " etc. wills | LM Dr. Frazer was ordered to be im prisoned for violation of law. Ap plication for a writ of haba corpus secure his release was made to the supreme ; court. The cue was argued 09 ( three of the judges , but as was desired that a full bench should 01 upon the case , it was docketed a reargament. It remained in quo for nearly twelve months , , , 7)0 < was pissed from time to time. It 2.-00 , t one of the first cases heard by 6:00 > : i new court , which yester- decided that the act Is yalid , Tip' ' far court "comes to the conclusion that ' | by conferring the authority and imposing the duty of appointing boards of-'ei- amineis on the three societies named" iu the act , and prohibiting the issuing of certificates by others than the ap pointees of sach societies , the legisla ture did not exceed the limitation of its powera contained in the provision quoted ; and that it is unnecessaiy herein to express any opinion as to the other portions of the law , eince , even if it hi ) ass'imsd that such other portions tions are unconstitutional , Ihe remain ing pirls are slated independently , and of themselves contain a complete scbemo for the examination of diplo mas and applicant * , and for the pro hibition uf certificttes by others than3 those empowered by the act to issue tthc . " Free Passes to Public Officers. Kern County Califomlan , May 20. One of the chargea against Mayor Kalloch , of San Francieci , that will probably result m compelling him to vacate his office , is that"ho has a free pass from the railroad company. This is very properly regarded as conclusive evidence of fraud and corruption in office and should oust him at once. We judge , placing our figures well wi'hm ' bounds , that free passes to our county officials since 1875 , have cost the small taxpayers of the county § 150,000. The favors done the great monopoly "through this cheap bribery has been taken advantage of by other large property owners to extort similar . ones ; and what was done for one mo8p nepolist had to be done for all. In tbh way a large share of the burdens of taxation they should justly have borne were shitted on ihosa least able to bear them. The acceptance of a free pass by a public officer is conclu sive evidence that he intends to disre gard a'l ' the obligations of his official oath. Gloryl St..Paul Pioneer-Press. Glory bo lo Gcd ! The republican party is saved. It has paised safely through Ihe Scylla of a third term and the Charybdis of the Mulligan letters and all the syren voices that would have lured it to destruction and sails on triumphantly into the deep seas , its flag full high advanced and bearing the stainless name of James A. Garfield - field , of Ohio , as its candidate for the next president of the Uniled States. It has escaped all the perils with which it was menaced and manacled by the selfish ambition of Its leaders to crown with its spontaneous choice the one man above all others in the re public , who lies nearest to the heart and conscience of the people , the worthiest to beir its standard , and who combines in his character and record , more than any other , the ele- mtnts of popular strength which are needed to command the united and enthusiastic support of all sections of the party , and to lead it to certain and orerwhelming victory. His nomina tion was a grand inspiration , born of a great cris's. It was the triumph of the spontaneous popular instinct over the schemes of the politicians. Bob Ingersoil on Garfleld. Chicago Timer. I thi 3k Garfield's presentation of Sherman waa admirable in every re spect candid , fair , kind to all parties and upon an exceedingly high plane of thought. One sentence in his speech struck me as particularly fine : "His hand was in the workmanship of the statutes that brought back the unity and married calm of states. " think , too , the figure with which he opened extremely beautiful : "It is the calm level ofthe sea from which the heights and depths are measured. " When we take into con sideration what Mr. Garfield was talk ing about , and the subject that in spired hia remarkr , we must'admi that the effort was an immense suc- ce-3. I shall always believe as long as live that Garfield , while describing I Sherman , was thinking of Blaine or himself. If any outsider is taken I | hope it will bo Garfield. If Ohio wants a mm , let Ohio ask for her best. False Reasoning. Suppose a machine should fail to perform its work , aud the owner , in stead of trying to ascertain the cause failure and remedy it , should con clude to run right along , and argue that as the machine had heretofore come arollnd all right it would soon bo again. If a general and permanent breakdown ensued could 'anybody bo blamed but himself ? Now , precisely this way do people net and argue when ' the "human machine" is out of ortten When the liver is "torpid" and bow constipated every one knows that Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pel lets afford prompt and permanent re lief. Yet eorne guors the "machine" on will come around all right , and do nothing. Could any system of false reasoning bo more perniclousl Sup pose the blood bo out of order and there be pimples , ulcers or running sores with scrofulous tumors , swel lings and general debility , and those thus affected should refuse to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery , guessing that the blood would purify itself , could anybody bo blamed but themselves if a general and permanent breakdown of health ensued ? No remedy yet known equals the Discov in curing all scrofulous , throat , bronchial and lung disease } . Sold by druggist ? . II * WILL NOT STRAIGHTEN TEETH , but SOZODONT will vit alize and beautify them , and impart a delicious fragrance to the breath. This preparation in Use so long , has one enemy. It is perfect Cicsar of Wash. It came , saw , and conquered. sale is widening every year , and continue. When introduced on toilet , it remains. GiAjE is a Cresar and a Holder wherever it comes. GUILTY OF WRONG. Fomo iKxiple ha\c a fashion of confusing ex < cellcnt rcxedics with the large mass of "patent medicine' , " and In thli the/ are guilty bf a wrong. There are fotfls adterticid remedies ) vmrth all that ia asked for them , and one lc t we Know of Hop Bitters. The writer had occasion to use ttte Bitten In Jnst such climate ts we have most of the year ia Bay , and bag alwajs found them to be first-class reliable , doing all that is claimed for them. Tribune. CASE ( OP PILES OF30 YKARS' STANDING. block . BosTO ! ' ' M MA"8U't 6 , 18T7. to MKSSRS. P. KEI STAZDTKR * , . , New York. to Oent'emtn ' : Enclosed pl-ae find $1.00 for a Sf ? r > sll8beo'B , "Anateii * . " I have been troubled- with the piles since 1819. and hare almost eterj thing that I could find , but without success. I have Just been uiinr joura , have dermd more benefit from K than any I have ever tried. Pleasa forward me a box . Tours troly , L. LEDTARD , 77 Traverse street , Boston , PHI Samples of "Anakesis" are gent free to all dc ? on PrIie tion to P. Keustaidter * Co. , WE 394 6 , Itw ' THE OIK The7 ? ° 8t 8enslble remedy , and the only safe , KOI Iti permtnent cure for all diseases of the liver.bopdands'omach.IncludiDebllllousfevOT , FIR BK , dysptpsi' NEl . , 'ludmeMe's French Llve Pads AH fh-C UreS.b ab0'ItionAse JVUI druggist t = ? tcd P"6 * * nd take-no other , and S has not got it or .ill not get it for you , send inch l ° French Pad Co , Toledo , O. , ind they sead youoner.ost.paH br return mail. NEW TIME TABLE I Co OF THK OMAHA AND FORT OMAMA ! OMNIBUS LINE. . . c < * . A. M. 10.00 . . . . . . o clock . r. n. 4.00 o'clock " -dock . , . i SUNPAYS EVEEY TWO HOTJES. * * re . . , . , v ' * * * ' - ' " 71 ! > f'i * - < * . . f * JAHD OTHEES. BEEKTJTi * . HEALTH , STRENGTH and ENERGY , WITHOUT THE USE OF DRUGS , ARE RE QUESTED TO SEND FOR THE ELECTRIC REVIEW , AN ILLUSTRATED JOUR NAL , WHICH ? IS P.UBIIBHED FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. of IierYous. Exhausting and Painful Diseaso. Every subjecttnat bears upon health and buman happiness , receives attention in its pages : ami tbe manj ques tions asked by suffering invalids who haredespaired of a cnre-are aniweredt and.ialuable inConuatwu Is rolunteered to all who are in need of me < lical ad- rice. The ( abject of Elec'nc Belts mra Medicine , and thebandred andont questions of "ital irapoi- tance to suffering humanity , are dulj Considered and eiplaioed. eiplaioed.YOUNG MEN And others who suffer from HCTTOHS and Physical Debllltj. Lws of Manly Vigor ( Premature Exhans. tlon and tbe many gloomy consequences of early indiscretion , etc. , are especially benefited by con sulting its contents. The ELECTRIC REVIEW exposes tbe nnmingated frauds practiced by quacksand medical imroston who profess to "practice medicine , " anil points out the only safe , simple , and effective rcmd tollealib. Vigor , and Bodily Energy. Send your address on postal card for a copy , and Information worth thousand * mil ki sent you. Address tbe publishers' , PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO , , COR. EIGHTH and VINE STS , . CINCINNATI , 0- Ask the reoov-.2H5rj.t _ end dTipcptlcs.bll- lions sufferers , vic tims ol fever and ague , the mercurial diseased patient , how they recovered health , cheerful spirits and good ippetlte ; they will tell you by tak ing SlHKOhS1 LlVBR RMULlTOIt. * * The Cheapest , Purest and'Best family Midi- the In the World. ForDYSPKPSIA , CONSTIPATION. Jaundice Billious Attacks , SICK HEADACHE , Colic. De prcsslon of Spirits , SOUR STOHACII , Heart Bum , Etc. , Etc. This unrivalled Southern Remedy is warranted not to contain a tingle particle of JlsRCURY , or any injurious mineral substance , but Is Purely Yegetable. . containing those Southern Boots and Herbs , which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where Liver Disease most prevail. It will ewe all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver and Uowels. THE S filPTOMS of L'ver Complaint are a b tt r or bad taste In the mouth ; Pain la the Ha W.-idesor JolnU.o'teii mistaken forBheuma- tkm ; Sour Stomach : Lo'S of Appetite ; Bowila a te nately costive and lax ; Headache ; Loss of Memory ; with a painful sensation of bavin ) ; fail ed to do something which ought to hate been done Debility , Low Spirits , a thick yellow ap pearance of the skin and Eyes , a dry Cough of ten mistaken fer Consumption. Sometimes ! many of these symptom ] attend the disoaje , at others very fewjhut the Liver , the largest organ in the body , It generally the seat of the disiase , and if not regulated in time.great suffering , wretchedness and death will ensue. I can rc-ommend as an efficacious remedy for disease of the Llrer , Heartburn and Dyspepsia , Simmons' Llvr Regulator. Lewis O. Wonder , 1626 Master Street , Assistant Post Master , Philadelphia , "We have tested Its virtues , rcrsonally , and know that for Dyspepsia , Bniioosness. and Throbbing Headache , it Is the best medicine the world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons' Liver Regulator , but none of them cave u more than * temporary re lief : bat the Regulator not only relieved , but cured us. " Editor Telagriph and Messenger , Macon , Ga. MiHUMCTURID OILT BT - .t J. H. ZEILJN & CO. , PHILADELPHIA , PA. Price , $1.00 Sold by all Draggteta. sent4eodawlv ATTENTION , BUILDERS AND CON , TRACTORS. ' The owner uf the celebrated Kaolin ' Banks , near LOUISVILLE , NEB. , has now ready at the depot at Louisville , on the B. & M. railroad , LXU.MJ Z3ZCXOJEC to fill any order at reasonable prices. Par ties desiring a white front or ornamental brick will do well to give us a call or send for sample. " " J. T. A , HOOYEK , Prop. , Nab Machine Works , 7. F. Hammond , Prop. & Manager The moat thorough appointed and corrplete Machine Shops and Foundry in the state. Castings of every description'manufactured. Engines , Pumps and every clan o machlnerj made to order. Special attention jrlvcn to Well AngursU'ttlleys , Hangers , Shafting , Bridge Irons , Gecr . , Cutting , etc. Plans for new Machlncry.Mcachanlcal Draught ing , Models , etc. , neatly executed. 968 Harnev St. . Bet. 14t and ICttj UPTON HOUSE , Scliuyler , Neb , Flist-class House , Good Veals , Good Beds Airy Rooms , and kind and accommodating treatment. Twigood ( ample rooms. Ejiecia attention paid to commercial trnvster * . S , MTT.T.EB . , Prop , , " " . Sohuyler. Neb. MEAT MARKET , V. P. Block. IGth St. Fruh aul Salt Meats o all kinds constant band , prices reasonable. Vegetables in seas on. JKood delireied to ny part of the city. tM .ACST , ESTIMATE OF ANNUAL EXPENSES OF T DOUGLAS CO. , FOR THE YEAR I880V Court's , Jurors' and Court ex penses . S 20,000 Poor and Poor House and fuel for same . k . > .1 . 18,000 Jail and Jailors , board for prison ers ahdfuel. . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 Miscellaneous cxpenses.Stationery On special City Tax and Gas . 16,000 Railroad Bond Sinking Fund. . . . 44,000 County Road and Bridges . 12,000 iu County Office , Office Rent , Elec tions and Assessors , . . i i > ti 11 6,000 fetal . § 128,000 By Order of , County Commissioners. JOHN R. MANCHESIIB , County Clerk. By H. T. LEAVITT , Deputy" . ml2-4w BUSINESS ! SUITS for - - $20.00 PANTS for-- . 5,00 INTER -OCEM HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. First-cliia * . Fine large Sample Booms , one If from depot. Trains stop from SO minutes Last 2 hours for dinner. Free Bus to and from And Depot. Kates $2.00,12.60 and 13.00 , according room ; s'ngle meal 75 cents. A. D. BALCOM , Proprietor. ANDREW EORDEM. Cnief Cleric. mlO-t M.K. And Birds General Insurance Agent ) Not REPRESENTS : A PHENIXAB3DBANCE CO. , of Lon- don. CathAsseU . i . 15,107.127 He WESTCHKSTEK. N. T. , CapitaK . l.OCO.CO ) He MERCHANTS , of Newark , N. J. , 1,000,000 Twas O1RARU FIREPbiladelphiaCapltal. . 1,000,000 He JTORTHWESTE8N NATlJNALCap- ( But Ital . t . . SOO.COO FIREMEN'S FUND , California . SO.1,000 Ho BKIT1S3 ] AMERICA ASSURNCECo 1,300,000 And NEWARK FIRfflHS. CO , Acsets. . . . SflO.OOO AMERICAN ] CENTRAL , Assets. : . 300,000 To Kris Southeast Cor. of Fifteenth & Douglas St. , All mchS-dly _ 'OMAHA. N B. Santa A. F. RAFERT & GO. Contractors and Builders , Santa As He 1310 Dodge St. , Omaha. "Now All For MARTIN Street Send Tea faTlKd to ' U and get prfe8. vrlch - he Fro In the d con , ' OYj * . . . ' : UNKIM HOUSE * . " > THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING HOUSE. CALDWELL.HAMILTOHICO. . . Business transacted same as that of an Incorporated Bank. Accounta kept In Currency or Kold eublect to eight chock without notice. CertlHcuteo of deposit Issued pay able In three , ali and twelve months , bearing Interest , or on demand with out Interest. Advances umdo to cualomere on ap proved securities at ma-Jzet rates of Interest. Btiy and sa gold , bills of exchange government , State , County and Oltj Bonds. Draw Slgrht Drafts on England. Ire land , Scotland , * nd all parts ofEurope Sell Europoun Passage Tickets. COLLECTIGrJS PROMPTLY MADE. augldtf * U. S. DlfPOSITOBY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of OSfABA , Cor. Farnham and Thirteenth Bta. OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT N OMAHA. (3UCOSS30RS TO KOUHTIS BROS. , UTAausniD ra 1828. Organized ea a National Bank August 90,1886. Capital nndProfits Over $300,000 , Specially authorised by the Secretary of Tmrarr to recelrc Subscriptions to the U. 8. 4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAN. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS HSUUJI KODITZI , President. AOBUSICS Koram , Vice Freflde&l. H. W. TATB , Cashier. a. J. Pomitov , Attornaj Jens A. CKKOBTDIL F. H. Davis , Aart Occhter Toll bank reoelra JoposiU without regard to unonnto. Issues time certificate * bearing ntsreat. Draws drafts on Ban Francieco and prtndpa cities of the United States , also London. Dublin Edinburgh and the principal dtlea ot tin cent nent of Europe. Sells passage UckeU for emigrant ! In the In- man line. mayldtl REAL ESTATE BROKER Geo. P. Bern is' REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 15th d : Dowlas Sti.t Omaha , Neb. This agency does STRICTLY a broktrage bad ness. Does not speculate , and therefore any bar gains on its books are insured to its patrons , In stead of being gobbltd up by the agent Boggs and Hill. REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 550 Farnham Street OMAHA. - NEBRASKA. Or : North Side , opp. Grand Central Hote Nebraska Land Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , 1505 Farnham St. Omaha , Nebr , 4OO.OOO ACRES carefully selected land Eastern Nebraska ( or sale. Great Bargains In Improved farms , and Oma dty property 0. F. DAVIS , WEBSTKB SNTDKB , Late Land Com'r U. P. R. R. p-feb7t ITMH uu. IIYB i. BUD Byron Reed & Co. , OLD13T UTABUSHXO REAL ESTATE AGENC5 IN NEBRASKA. Keep a complete abstract of title to ate In Omaha and Donglaa County. matltl THE ORIGINAL BRIGGS HOUSE I Oor. Randolph St. & 6th Avo. , CHICAGO , ILL. PRICES REDUCED TO $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY Located In the business con tre , convenient paces rt amusement. Elegantly furnished , con talcing- modem Improvements , pasenger ele tor,4c. J H. CUMJUNQ8 , Proprietor. ocietf OGDEN HOUSE , Cor. MARKET ST. &BROADWA7 Council Blnffis , Iowa line of Street Railway. Omnibuses to MI from all trams. BATES Parlor floor. $3.00 p day ; second floor , (2.60 per day ; third floor The best-furnished and most commodious boa the dtr. QEO. T. PHELP3. Prop. METROPOLITAN OMAHA , JS'tfi. IRA WILSON , PROPRIETOR. The Metropolitan Ia centrally located , ana , first-daw In every respect , having recently bee | entirely renovated. The public will find t j cdnifdrtaUlS and bcmollko hotsa. marftl | NEW GROCERY I , . 16thand OumingSts , I" We propose supplying the people of North Omaha with CHOICE GROCERIES at mod erate prices. Give us a call. : c paid for Country Pro duce. Goods delivered frco to any j part of the city. apl7-lm HANTA CLATJ3 FOUND. Greatest Discovery of the Age. Wonderful discoveries In thi world have been made Among other things where Santa Clans stayed , Children oft ask if he makes goods or not , really ha lives In a mountain of snow. year an excursion sailed clear to the Foil suddenly dropped in to what seemed like fahole Where wonder of wonders they found a new land , tVhile fair-like beings appeared on each hand. There were mountains like ours , with more beautiful green. far brighter skies than ever were seen. with the hues of a rainbow found , While flowers of exquiiite fragrance were grow ingaronnd. long were they left to wond.r In doubt , being soon came th./ had heard much about , Twas Santa Clans' self and this they all say , Icoked like the picture r csee every day. drove up a team that looked very queer , & team f grasshoppers instead of reindeer , rode In a shell instead of a sleigh , ha took them on board and drove them away. showed them all over his wonderful realm , factories making goods for women and men. Furriers were working on hats great and small. Bonce's tber said they were sending them all- Kinglc , the Olove Haker , told them at once , our Gloves we are sending to Bunce , showed them suspenders and many thlngl mere. Saying I alse took these to f i lend Bnnce's store. Clans then whispered a secret he'd tell , in Otraha every one knew Bunce well , therefore should send hia goods to his care , Knowing his friends will get their full share. remeroberjre dwellers In Omaha town , who want presents ta Bnnce's go round , shirts , collars , or gloves great and small , your sister or aunt ona and all. Bunce , Champion Hatter of the West , Doagia * , Omaha B. BEEMER , COMMISSION MERCHANT Will Dealer in Foreign aad Domett aae , gutter , ggs. Poultry , Gxme. Hams , Ba Aik , Lard , Snta JUb , and Ag t ( er BOOTH'S F49 OYflTEBS , " rjQT2-Cm " ' 3- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A COMPLETE STOCK FOB ' . SPRINGfSUMIVIER STTllSH AND GOOD , NOBBY AND CHEAP. r We have all the Latest Styles of Spring Suitings , an Elegant ' Stock of Eeadf-Made ClotLing ia Latest Styles. Gent's Furnish ing Goods Stock Complete. HATS , GAPS , TRUNKS AND VALISES , In fact the Stock is complete in all Departments. Don't Fail to sec onr Cnstom Department in charge ef Mr. Thomas Tallon. . M. HELLMAN & CO. , . * . * . I3M 4 | 303 pavnam | street. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The Only Lithographing Establishment in Nebraska Ll _ JEROME RAGHEK. OMAHA BEE LITHOGRAPHING COMPANY. Drafts , Checks , Letter Bill and tfute Headings , Cardi , Bonds , Certificates of Stock , Diplomas , Lai etc , , done in the host manner , and at Lowest Possihle Prices , PRACTKJAL UTHOQRAPHCT. OMAHA LANGE & FOITICK , TN * * Dealers ia House Furnishing Goods , Shelf Hardware , Nails and Etc. 1221 Farnham Street , lat Door East First National Bank. m8-ti - IE1. O. WHOLESALE GROCER ! 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha \ CARPETINGS. Carpetings I Carpetings 1 J. B. DETWILER , Old Reliable Carpet House , 1405 DOUGLAS STKEET , BET. 14TH AND 15TH CEST-AJBLISIECIEID I3ST 1868. ) Carpets , Oil-Cloths , Matting , Window-Shades , Lace Curtains , Etc. MY STOCK IS THE LARGEST IN THE WEST. I Hake a Specialty of WINDOW-SHADES AND LACE CURTAINS And have a Full Line of Mats , Rugs , -Stair Rods , Carpet- Lining Stair Pads , Crumb - Clothes , Cornices , Cornice < Poles , Lambrequins , Cords and Tassels ; In fact Everything kept in a Rrat-Olass Carpet Eonse . Orders from abroad solicited. Satisfaction Guarantee * Calif or Address ' ' - / John B. Detwiler , Old Bailable Carpet House , OMAHA. TO THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : FRENCH KIDNEY PAD I A Positive and Permanent Cure Guaranteed. In lt cues cl Grave' , DUbe'ea , Dropsy. Brigbt's Dlseas * of th , Kidneys Incontinent e and Betent'on of Viute , Jnflimtton o the Kidneys , Catanh of the FUdder , Ilinh Coloied Urine , Fain in tt-e Bock , s da or LIor.8 , Nerrot > § Wealrmw , and In fact an dlsoiden of tbe BUdder and Uiintry Organ * , whether contract ed by prirate diseases or otbeawige. This great lemedr bis been cud with facet ta for nearly . ten yean In I nnc * , with the most wondeifulcnntive effects. Jt euraby . attention : no Banseon * internal medicines tumj required. We have hundred ! of testi menials of cures by this Pad when all else hid fu'ed- , I ADIES if yon are aofferinsr frtm Female Weakness , Leucor- rhoro , or duecsts peculiar to f < males , or in fact any disease , aik . yoor drnrtfrt for Prof. Ouilmette's French Kidney Pad , and . tote no other. If be run not cot it. send $2.00 and wJl jon receive tt e Pad by retnrn mail. Addren TJ. 8. Blanch , FRENCH PAD CO , , Toledo , Ohio. PROF CUiLMETTE'S FRENCH LIVER PAD positirely CUT. Ferer and . Dumb , , Ague. Afrco JUue Caka Billious Ferer. , all diseases of tbe Llrer , Jaosdi e DyspepsU Ptoiaich and Blood Tbe pad cores by absorption , and u'pfliraanei.t. 3 go onr , , drnjgirt ( C. H , Branch for thlipid Toledo acd , Oho.un Uhe ! to < J other. re iyj If l ; he bj does return not ' null. keep , It. send $110 KUHS fc-tne 4 FHhSOH CO. ,