Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871 > n MORNING EDITION.
Price Five Cents
One , of indent Managers
- in Coherence With *
Gen. ArthurJo * be Serenaded
and Banquetted' by Delighted -
- lighted Republicans.
c2 - *
) % * i
Iowa's Greenback" Candidate
For Auditor Found a De
faulter in $18OuO.
The Greenback Socialists
Finally Agree on a
GrantOn Washburne's Al
leged Treachery.
The Greenback Ticket.
BpecUl dispatch toJThe Bee.fc *
CHICAGO , Jane llJ 4 p. m. The
convention after
greenbickjabor-party ,
ter a turbulen all-nighfc session , nom
inated James B. Weaver for president
and B. I. Chambers , of Tezas , vice-
"National Convention.
Special dispatch toTh'e B n
NEW YORK , June 121 a. m.
Col. Len Harrif , a democratic poli
tician of Cincinnati who has charge of
the arrangements for the democratic
national Cincinnati , was
in this city yestirday. Se salH that
the most eliboratf preparations'were
being made to render Music Hsll-in
which the convent oiwiH ,
fortable and a tractive to the de'e-
gates. In frcnt of tin gra"nd platform
accommodations for fully 150 mem
bers of 'the p ela would be provided" ,
and there would'be the
room on plat
form for 900 people , and a large space
would bo set apjrt for ladies. The
main ball would accommodate over A
3,000 spectator- , not iucluding the 800
dele ats , whose seats would be con
veniently arranged. The ha'l would
be handsomely but not too elaborately
decorated. No one. would , be admit
ted without a ticket. /
Col. Harris siid he was sor.y Grant
was not nominated , as be considered
him an * asy4nanvfor tha democracy to
defeat. * Hq thought the democrats
ahould'take up Thurman io defeat
Garfield. Ohio and West Virginia
were for him as well as other states ,
and ho did not think , TUden'wonld be
nominated-on the first ballot. * Indeed and
he did not think ho wouldvbe os strong bo
at Cincinnati as his friends , jrere jail
pleased to propecy. He thinks thfl
convention will be likdy tiTBtwn-tha
time-honored two-third rub , and if
Thurman did not secure the nomina
tion the Ohio delegation would be di
vided between Payne and Jewell.- ;
Mayor Prince , of Boston , was clos
eted with Comptroller Kelly for over
two hours yesterday. What the con
ference was about no ono .seemed to
know , but it gave rise to much specu on
lation. Mayor Prince is secretary of all
he national committee , and a great
riend of Tilden.
Rumor Tiaafct that Special Supervisor - , of
visor of elections , John F. Davenport ,
ie beginning to mike preparations for
the arreit again next fall of those who
attempted to vote en 1868 nalnializa- act
tlon papers. Coneiderabla mystery pie .
exists in the matter , but those who .11
claim to know , eay tbat Davepport ex deij
pects to carry his point " -against those
who have bsen contorting the legality
of his previous action , and that this
yei-r there will bo more vexation in
etore for holders of these 18G8 papers. The
Washburne'a Alleged Treachery. ban
Bpec'al UJpitca to In ) Eca. ofd
CHICAGO , June 12,1 a. m. A Mil port
waukee correspondent writes of Gen. Cro
Grant at the so'dit-rs' reunion as fol ten
lows : Gen. Grant wss a joyful spectator acts
tater of the races Thursday. 'Til She
bet you on any hone you please , " he his
laughingly , remarked to Gen. Sheri to
dan , as 'they entered the judges'
stand. Gen. Grant , eay personal Spec
friends who were with him , is not dis
turbed in the least by the failure of Lou
his friends to to jure the nomination tare
for him. The only matter which af Lou
fected him was tha claim of treachery LouT
of his old friend Washburne. WOE
While Urant did not have much testy the
sty regarding Washburne , the revela in
tions made of that Gentleman's course sect
had evidently a depressing effect on Ric
the general , whosa strongest feelings Ricv
were 1 iterated by the charges. 1:5
Itmavbe added tbat Grant , while MetPi
not BO poor as nnny friends have fear
ed , nor rolling in millions as repre Spec
sented by his enemies , derives a comfortable
fortablo income of about $9,003 a year
from his houses and stocks , and he All
returns to Guiana to-day , and in a day
abort time will carry out his contera- ing
plated'tour to the Rocky mountains. hou
HosorinR the Next Vice President. wit
Speoal dUpttch to The Bee. ofdue
NEW YOBK , June 12,1 a. m. Gen.
Chester A. Arthur arrived at the
Grand Central depot shortly after 7 posi
o'clock la.t evening from Chicago. A nent
large delegation of republican politi ian's stnt
cians were on band and tendered the
general their hearty congratulations down
vn his Rood fortune. Arthur will bo
eren&ded at bis residence this even day
ing , and early iext week -a banquet ho
will bo-given him at the Union League Ecnll
A Greenback Candidate's Bad. Aritn- oft
metlc. ' elite
Special Diijutch to the tee. ,
DBS MOINES , In. , June 12 , J. a. m. c vi
Tbejcity council , at a recent session whi
sion , appointed J. W. Moffly , a local ten
greenback speaker , as an expert to ex
amine the books of ex-City Treasurer
Walker , formerly chairman of the Spec
greenback state cotrunittee and now a C
candidate for state auditor on the The
greenback ticket Tha report of the Me
expert , just made public , shows a de ini
ficiency in cwh of the treaanry of f 17- but
792.83. " tive
Armv Orders. Special
Leave of absence for one month , SpecC
with permiision to apply for an ex Ma
tension of three months , is granted Col
Second Lieutenant Gco , T. T. Patter nings
son. R. Q. M. * , " Fourteenth infantry , Me
- - ' aV.T. , ) , - _ vu
Bar 3'officer Fort p , ' . & nings
Rnssell , W. T. will send private
Alexander Friel , a deserter from com-
piny D , Fifth infantry , underlstjitablo
goa-d , to St. Paul , Minn. , whore , up
on arrival , the prisoner will ba de
livered to the assistant adjutant-gene
ral , headquarters department of Da
Capt. Carlos Carvalla , assistant sur
geeD , U. 8. A. , Is relieved from duty
n a member of the general 'court-
martial convened at Fort Laramie ,
W. T.
1 "Vast Mountain of Icehuigs
Stretching Across the Pathv
of Ocean Steamships.
"Shepherd" Crowley Fails to
Get Out of Prison.
, -lfegfo'jB Suicide 'Under a
' ifieavy Truck On Broad
way , New York.
A Dark Horse in the Great
Providence Boat Race.
A Texan Shot by an Editor Be
cause He Didn't Like
an Editorial.
Special Dispatches to The Bee.
NEW YOBK , Juno 11 , 4 p. m. The
captain of a bark just in , who encoun
tered a great number of icabergs , says
ie believes that an arm of icebergs is
ctretching acrois the path of the ocean
steamships , directly off the Newfoundland - '
land banks : Fifty Icebergs' were
passed. The latitude is 45 , longitude
Broken Bank.
gpedal Dbpatch to The Bee. < i
NEWARK , N. J , Juno 11 , 4 p. m.
The First National bank has closed.
receiver has been "applied for.
w The Currie Trial.
Sped DIfpatch t The Bee.
NEW YOEK , June 11 , 4 p. m.
Maurice Barrymars hai started for
Texas to testify m the Currie'trial. '
Casualty and Crime.
Sped Uxpatch to ini Bsi
PADUCAH , Ky. , June 11 , 10 p. m
Mis. Lawson Lynch , of Galloway
county ! wno naB beeu f ° r aome l'mo
subject to fit- , fell into the fire and
was burned to death.
wasPi Wilson , who lives in the same
county , -went'homa hat Tuesday night to
siiot his wife. She i thought t& >
mortally wounded. He is now in
at Murray.
XNovel MoCe. not AUoffether a Fallf
Sped DUpatch to Tbe Bee.
N YORK , Juno 11 , 10 p. " m.
This afternoon a well-dretsed negro ,
about 30 years old , ran to the middle
the : street , at the corner of Wall
street and Broadway , as a heavily- to
loaded truck was coming along. Before -
fore any ono could divine his inten
tion he had laid himself down
the street , and in an instaut
that was left of his hoid was a ces
shred of tkull that hung from the
nape of his neck , the wheels having
passed over his head , flattening out
nisi skull and leaving a disgusting mass
hair , bones , brains and gore on the
cobblestones. The truck wai loaded
with more than five t jns of salt. The
was witnessed by hundreds of pee
. Tbe unfortunate was identified
Simuel Ford , a sailor from Phila
Snephertr * Crowley Goes Back to
Sped Dispatch to Tne Bee.
NEW YOBK , June 11 , 10 p. m.
general term of the supreme court
handed down this afternoon a number of
decisions. Among those most im
portant is that in the case of Rev. F. in
Crowley , who was convicted and sen
tenced to ono yean imprisonment for
practiced upon little waifs of the
Shepherd's iFold. The court , affirms
conviction i , and denies the motion
admit to bail.
St. Louis Running Races.
Special : Dispatch to Till Bn.
Sr. Louis , Juno 12 1 a. m.
Long Paw won the 1 mile dash yes Ind
terday , in 2:09J : ; Blue Lodge second ,
Long Time third. Four horses ran. ecu
The first of the 2-mile heats was
by Keene Richards , in 3:44 : ; °
in3:40fand,3:50f. : : Tidal Wave 'was
second in the first heat , and Keene m
Richards in the eecjnd and third.
Victim won the lmile dash in mQ
1:55J > Aurora's Baby second , Big Dai
" '
Medicine third. ler
Preparing for a Great Scull Race.
Special Dispatch to Tns BIB. beiiS
PKOVIDENCE , R. I. , June 12,1 a. m.
The world's regatta la progressing. he
the great oarsmen are out twica a mat
, pulling over the course and pull oth
up to the Pawtucket boat-club He
house at the head of the river , to chat rep
] the boys there. Boyd fights shy the
all of them , and acts like a wild latt
whenever Hanlan comes near sur
, getting out of the way quietly as , Hs
possible , as though afraid his oppo wei
would gain a point or tire in cha
studying his style and motion. Ban
' friends are already arriving in with
city , and forty more will come gut
in a body from Torcnto on Mon tion
. 80
day.Weiaberger is considered a dark just *
ho.eof prominence in the tingle
! race , and already has become a OWI
favorite with our citizens. The banks the
the river daily are visited by < 4he bin
of the city , and their carriages toi
; be seen at all times about the clu
several boat-houses and farm-houses ho
where Boyd and Hanlan are quar-
tered. Hill
COLUMBUS , 0. , June 12,1 a. m. wish
heat has been intolerable. Geo.
McKey , of Hirpsburg , was prostrated him trap.
front of the United States hotel ,
a prompt application of restora
. B saved him. ways
Mcrder Over an Editorial.
dbpa'cb to Tni B * * .
GALVKSTON , June 11 , 1 a , m. At do
Manhall yesterday morning W. S. was
Coleman was fatally shot by Bart Jen
, editor snd proprietor of Tha
Messenger. An offensive editorial The
the ctuse of the shooting ; Jgn
Jm been * -J
Garfield's ' Old Army Com
rades Preparing to Re
ceive Him.
Conkling Predicts a Grand Vic
tory-lor the Ticket in
New York.
The'Sundry ( Civil Bill Loaded
With Countless Jobs.
First Gun of the Campaign
Fired in the House.
Sunset Cox Persists in HaAing
Speeches of Gatfleld Bead
v"For Examples
Tc Show That if Republicans
Vote Against the Marshal
Bill They Are His
Ben Hill Says He Was Always
a Union Man.
Special Dispatch to The liec.
CmcAGo'June 11 4 p. m. The
Journal's Washington specidl sajs :
Garfield'a old > anny comrades are mak
ing .arrangements for a reception
should G irfield conclude to come to
Washington next week.
Senator Conkling , since hs rt > lurn
here , is reported to have ea'd ' that he
considered Garfield , next to Grant , < he
best possible candidate that could
have bdtn selected , and he predicts a
republican majority in New York in
November of fifty thousand over the
united democracy , but he doubted
whether the democracy would be
passed by the eenato ycsterdayreached
the housa this morning. There are
about 4.00 amendments , which increase
the'amount appropriated by the house
by about § 2,000,000. Many members
thin the bill a disgrace and calculated
hurt the democratic party. The
amendments were non-concurred in ,
and the bill and amendments were reFerred -
Ferred ' tcTa confereD'ce committee.
Immediately after } he reading of the
journal/tho house proceeded to debate
the marshal's bi'l ' , two hours being al
lowed to the republican and one hour
the democratic side. It is under the
stood that n hen the debate shall have
been exhausted a vote will ba taken , the
the republicans having given assuran
, with two or throa individual er-
ceplionr , that they will not filibuster. _ _
Special Dispatch to Till Cll.
WASHINGTON , June 12 , la. m. The
senators who attended the Chicago
convention were in their seati yester
day. Senator Conkling looked as
though he had recovered from the
fatigue of his labors at Chicago. He
was introduced to the new senator
from Georgia , Mr. Brown , and re inf
ceived him with bis usual grace. Sen
ator Hoar was smiling , as if pleased
with the result of the convention. offe
Senator Haiilin rpent a good portion reje
the morning hour in conversation Car
with Senator Blaine. Logan remained the
his committee room. Plumb and Stal
Kellogr moved about and related their COUI
experiences at the convention , and app
told what they thought of the tcket. :
Bpeclil Diap&tSTto The Bee. its
WASHINGTON , June 12 1 a. m. A
to authorize the states of Ohio ,
Indiana , etc. , to commence and pros
ecute suits against the United States
the supreme coutt for claims on ac
count of the sales of public lands , wai
The chair announced the following
members ftom the senate of the joint
commission provided by the Yorktown
monument ] bill : Johnston , Rollins ,
Dawes , Anthony , Kernanj Randolph , go
Eiton'Wallace ! , White , Ransom , But
, and Hill , of Georgia. day
The regular order was , taken up , two
being the Kellogj-Spoffjrd resolution. were
Senator Hill , of Georgh , said that
proposed ; to reply to the remarks were
made by Hampton and Butler and m
other senators on the democratic side. at
was not surprise J , he aiid , at the
republicans' advocacy of Kellogg , for noon
they believed that the Packard legia . ken
laturo was the trueom , but ho was
surprised at the position taken by was
Hanjpton and Butler. Hill then on
went on to speak of the spurious
character of the Packard legislature. bly
Senator Butler interrupted him
the remark that the senator's ar
gument overlooked the previous ac
of the senate and would have been caies
Bound three years ago , but now it was
Ut three years old.
Senator Hill said that all duties he Special
owed , the people of Georgia had , of
their own accord , taxed upon For
, and tbat it did not require war
make him a Union man. In con
cluding Hill said he had hopes that and
had now done .with this case.
Senator Butler said that if Senator
had been influenced in voting to
admit him to his seat by personal Special
feeling , he absolved him then and Specrr
therefor all such claim. He did not
to hold his seat by any such clap were i
. The senator ha s commiserated _
as being in a dilemma , but this is 1
unnecessary , u his position had al
been known , but it is likely that
senator next month will be on the none.
opposite side of this question. It is
always pleasant to hear , as we almost ters
when the senator cpeaks , that , he
always a Union m n , but for Special
about four years in the history of the
country we didn't hear so much of it-
senator thought it prudent to der
suppress It for a time. gan
Senator Hampton ako jvmlfed and There
ridiculed Hill's asumption that he had
been a Union man.
Tha deficiency bill was reported and
after a brief discussion of the Mexi
can penshn bill , the senata adjourned.
The senate , in executive session
yesterday , confirmed the following
nonvimtons : Eugene Schuyler , new
consul general at Home , to be consul
general and diplomatic agent of the
Uuited States at Bucharest ; M.-M.-
Jackaon , now consul at Halifax , to be
United States consul general at that
Debate on the marshal bill WAS con
tinued at some length.
Mr. Hawley arraigned the demo
cratic party as having done nothing
during the present session , and as
hiving promised.'io revise the tariff
and pass the fundEg bill , and ai not
doing either. Thejaountxy , he said ,
would hold thertcrttponsibja for this ,
Mr. Hmi cfeTgW r mud that
the republican party , In opposing the
bill , were going back on the recerd of
their standard-bearer Gen. Garfield.
He seat up and b'd read an amend
ment offered by Garfield to the army
bill in March Irst , which wai identical
with the pending bill , and also had
read a speech made "by G irfield on the
occasion , in which Re said he would
support the measure if it was put in
ei an i indepandent measure and not ei
a rider to the appropriation bill. This
bill , Mr. Harris argued , really made
nomil change in the dut'ei of deputies
Mr. J ) Cox also exprested surprise that
jirfield'ssupportars should oppose the
hill . Any man who would vote
against the bill would vote against
Garfield. He a'aa ' had read another
speech from Garfield , in which he took
grounds in favor of the pending bill.
Ini the course of his remarks he also
accused Garfield of opposing the tariff.
He said by his opposition to free pulp
he had dirked the tariff under the fifth ,
In response to some Inquiries from
Cox , Mr. Kelly said ba had at one
time snpposad that Garfield was not
in favor of the tariff , but he had
learned be'tcr , ani not a man who
would read"his' lae reports on the "
tariff bill would doubt his sympathy c"
will protective tariff. Pr
At thii point Mr. Carlisle sent up
and had read an extract from a speech
mad by Kelly iu 1871 , in which he
spot in favor of free trade.
The reading of this was greeted
with loud app'ause ' by the democrat ) ,
but the republican were not behindhand
ham with their applause when Cox
proposed to have read a speech he had
Mr. Robeson said the speech had
already been rea3 >
Mr. Cox replied that this was an
other speech.
Mr. Kobeson desired to thank the
gentlemen for having the ipeechoi
read He knew that while wrtn
fade away , truth cont'nuos forevr . J.B
But the gentleman must .remember 0.
that when in the future we come to
read this debate theTemarks of the ' -
gent Rock
forgotten < , while those of Garfield , Jw [ ,
quoted here , will stand like an antique C.
column amidst the rubbish that sur
rounds it. [ Applause. ] bike JiW
routW . Cox The gentleman refers to en
column , standing in th * midst of North Iri
rubbish. But reg irdless of my honora Horth
fiiend's : services as secretary of jt . ,
navy , everybody knows that the
rubbish is not on this side of the
house. [ Renewed laughter. ] Han. Ran.
Mr. Cox wai interrupted by Messw.
Kicfer , Conger and-others , but he Union
persisted in having Garfield's speeches Kortl
read , and maintained that those who
voted against tbo bill were his ene
mies.This U.P.
This being the opening gun of the
campaign in the house , the debate
excited a good deal of attention and
interest. * *
Mr. Hutchins , of New York , argued lowe
favor of free elections , and was for
therefore in favor of the pending bill for
A number of amendment ! wera bid
offered : to the bill , all of which were @
rejected except one offered by Mr.
Carlhle , which provides that judges of No.
several circuit courts of the United clos
Statei shall open their respective clew
courts at any tune for the purposs of closi
appointing deputies at least ten days closi
prior to registration , and If the cir rejei
court cannot be convened the district rejeiq
trie judges are to act. for
The bill was then passed as amend for
. The amendment will necessitate July
return to the senate. Aug
er ;
Chicago ] Suffering Hottest of $10L
Weather Four Cases of $66
Sunstroke. for
Special DIfpatch to Till Ell.
CHICAGO , Sune 12,1 a. m. Ohicv
hasn't experienced such warm large
weather TS that of Thursday and Fri
since the memorable hot spell 83gc
years ago , when so many people
prostrated in all prrfcs of the 8Gg
countiy. Four esses of sunstroke
reported yesterday. A brick- 35fc
ker named August Hsnguit Sabel ,
work in a yard on Thirty-Ninth forPi
street , was stricken down in the fora-
and died before he could be ta July
home. 197Li
Clemens Grafe , from "Milwaukee T ,
tunstruck while in search of work ® 6 \
the south side and taken to the
county hospital. His case will proba G
prove fatal. Ang
Two men , names unknown , one a
Swede , were picked up on the street ,
suffering from sunstroke , and their B
are senous.
Indications. but
Dispatch to TBa Ka. and
WASHINGTON , June 12 1 a , m. choice
the upper Mississippi 'and lower @ 4
Missouri valleys : Stationary or rising a
barometer , southerly winds in former , men
south to west winds in the latter light
district , with slightly cooler and partly $42
cloudy weather and occasional rains. bntc
Base Ball. $30
Dispatch to The Bee. 8
The following games of bate ball active
„ played June lltb : good
EXJCHESTEB Hop Bitters , 1 ; Na $4
tionals , 4. 35C
TROT Chicagos , 10 ; Treys , 6.
ALBANY Albanys , 11 ; Baltimore * ,
NEW Hi VEN Tales , 3 ; Worees-
, 2.
Square Walking.
Dtopatch to The Bee. ? 1
June 12 , 1 a. m. A mixed
walking match , fair heel-and-toe , an * ' ed
the direction of Dan O'Leary , be tl
at the Highland OO'BM yesterday , II
are sktwin
Parnell to Speak on Irish Re
lief in House of Com
mons. * ,
Marauding Band of Pirates Un-
derminaand Blow Up an
Albanian Village.
Constitutional Government
For Egypt.
American Eiflemen to be Hon
ored in Ireland.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , Juoe 12 , 1 a. m. The
iouse of commons last night debated
the Irish distress relief bill , and wore
adjourned till * Monday , when Mr.
Parnell will spe'k.
Special Dipatcb to The Bee.
PARIS , June 12,1 a. m. The sale
of the book "Police 1 Comedy of
Europe" has been prohibited at the
French railroad sr tionsat the request
of the German government.
ALEXANDRIA , Juno 12. 1 a. m.
The khedive in addretsing the council
of ministers yesterday expressed his
willingness to grant Egypt a constitu
tion and a parliament , but thought
that the majority of tin people were
net yet sufficiently educated for if.
Spsdal dispatch to'l-K BEK.
. LONDON , June 12 , 1 a. m. On
the arrival at Quserstown of the
American , rifle team , which sa'l d from
New York on the 3d inst , they will a
ban by a recjptlon committee from $
Detente . On Monday they wjll be ( §
entertained by Sir John Arnett , Com
modore * v of the Royal Western yacht
club of Ireland , and Tuesday will
proceed to Dublin.
pedal Dispatch to The Uee.
VIENNA : , June 12. 1 a. m. The
pirate } are ravaging the central villages 4
lage : in Asia Minor. Colymnosdayh's
agency at Bologna , in * Albania , was ' '
undermined < and blown up , and stv-
oral officials wounded.
New YorK Uonov ana StocK.
HEW YORK , Juno 11.
MONEY Market at 3QT fer cent.
KA1LROAD BONDS St on { and genera'ljr
O.B.i M.18 ? ! J03J
P. * percent _ 10S *
Inland _ 100
Illnoi Central _ .lKJj
B. 40 - " 81
A. A W7i
" preferred 121
Tork Central- JJJO
Shore l ° 2i
* . . - 3 ° i
* preferred tras
SorthwefUrn preferred -108 }
Paul 738
H.PaoI preferred - 102
Wabai , St. Louis and Pacific 31 Dod
preferred u <
. ASt. Jo . 29 ; Kau
. A St. Jo- , pfd . 7 r Mr.
. . . . Mr.Oi
UutonPadflo . S3
Northern Faciflc . > . . 2 J
do preferred . . . . . . . . . * 7 ingc
Weftera Union Telegraph . 10U ingcTt
Central Pacific . H
Pacific Vail . 37 }
P. land gra-.ts . „ . repo
Chicago Produce.
CHICAGO , Juno 11.
Wheat > Moderately active and
lowerNe. ; 2 , 9596c , closed at 95o proc
cash ' ; 9506c , closed at 95@93Jc
June ; 94j@95Jc , closed at 94gc
for ! July ; oC @ 86f c ; closed at 8G § strut
87C < for August ; No. 3 , 87@88. port
Corn Fairly active , easyand lower ;
. 2 and high mixed , 35j@3ojjc , port
closed < at Sole bid for cash ; 3535c , prop
closed at Sojcbid for June ; 35@S5c , ever
closed at 35jjc bid for July ; 3536c ,
closed at 36@3G o bid for August ; turn
rejected , 33 | . strui
Oats Weak and lower ; No. 2 , 30c
cash29J ; < g30Jc , closed at 30c bid
June ; 2728c , closed at 28c for
; 2323c , closed at 23gc for
Bye Firmer ; No. 2 , 7Gs.
Barley No. 2 , 79c. and
Pork Moderately active and high andOi
$10 } 40@110 42J for cash or July
50@10 62 for August.
Lard In fair demand end higher : itstl
60@G 62i for cash 6 65
@ or July ; § were
° ° "
WhUky-l 08.
WLeat Active and lower ; offering ! shou
; 94j@94fo for June ; 93i@94ic and
July ; .86i@8Gf for August ; 83 | @ ifical
for the year , cloainat 94j@94 c
June ; 9393gc for July ; 861 ® to
( for August. '
Corn 3535Jc for Jane ; 35J ®
CiO for July ; 35j33Gc for August. of
OaU 3D30c for Jane28g@28
July23c ; for August.
Pork Me , $10 4D@10 42J for guage
; $10 5C310 52 | for August. cona
77 @ 9 80 for the year.
Lard $6 62 (30 ( 65 for July ; $ G 67i that
70 for August. of OTJ
Balk meats Short riba , $635 ® TJ
3i for July ; $ G 3Gi@G 40 for Usp
CDlcaKO Live StocE MerKei A
CHICAGO , June 11. vote
Hogs Receipts , 27.COO head ; ghlp- voteAi
' , 4,600 ; market opened weak ,
brightened up and ruled active proj
firm ; mixed packing : $390@410 ; port
heavy , $4 2004 30 ; light , $390 toO
20 ! ; bulk , $4 15.
Cattle 3500 head read
Receipts , ; ship
, 39CD ; very active movements ; judiTI
and medium shipping lOc higher , TI
20(34 ( G5 ; export firm , § 4 80@4 85 ; TIIE
butchera1 itook steady and strong , IE
60@3 85 ; stackers and feeders ,
00@3 85. council
Sheep Receipts , 400 head ; trade that
and values firm ; common to minute
< , $3 504 00 ; good to choice ,
204 ! 60 ; lambs , per head , $3 20 ®
. sign
New YorJc Produce
NEW YOBK , June 11. with
Wheat In fair demand ; receipts , A
309,000 buaEels ; ungraded apnng ,
; No. 3 do. , $118@118J ; un
graded red , $124@1 27 $ ; No. 2 do ,
2801 28J ; No. 2 amber , $1 27 ; the
winter , $1 241251 ; ungrad
swhite , 31 22@1 26 ; No. 2 do. , this
23@1 23i ; No. 2 red and Jpne , ricane
26j@l 27 | ; July , ? 1 15J@1 * 16J ;
Aujfust , ' At
Corn Steady ; receipts , 289,000
ungraded , 50@53c ; No. 2 , 51A@51c
. low mixed , 52ic ; No. 2 , June ,
51jc ; July , 49@50c.
Oats Quiat ; receipts , 7Gf 0 bush
els ; mixed western , 30@40c ; white
western , 39@45c.
Eggs Demand quiet and nwrke
firm ; 12@13c.
Pork Stronger ; new mess , § 11 45
@ 11 50.
Lard Steady ; prime ateam , § 710.
Beef Dull and unchanged.
Cut Meats Demand fair and mar
ket firm ; long clear middles , § 7.00.
Butter Firmerat 8@20.
Cheese Dull and 910Jc.
Whisky Nominal at ? 1 13@1 15.
tit. Ixjula Produce.
ST. Louis , Juno 11.
Wheat Lower ; No 2 red , gTOG ®
1 OGJ for cash ; $1 OOJ@1 101 for
June ; 91f91 : for July89J@89jc ; for
August ; ; No. 3 do , 83@84c ; No4 do ,
90cbd. :
Corn Lower ; 3oc for cash ; 34A ®
34gt for Tuly and August.
Oats Lower at 31Jc for cash ; 24jc {
for July.
Bye Quiet ; 80c.
Barley Dull ; choice Minnesota at
Whisky § 108.
Pork Firm at § 10 75 for rsh.
Dry Silt Meats Easier at § 405 ®
C 40 ' , 0 45@ 65.
Lard Quiet at § 0 50.
Mliwauueo Froauce Market
MILWAUKEE , Juno 11.
Wheat Finn ; opened 2 c loner
and closed steady ; hard , § 1 09 ; No.
1 Milwaukee , l 03 : No. 2 Milwaukee ,
95cJune ; , 95 c ; July , 99c ; August ,
89jc ; No. 3 Milwaukee , 88c ; No. 4 ,
88c ; rejected , G3c.
Corn Lower at 35c.
Oats Lower at 30c.
Barley Weak ; rejected , C9g70c. >
St. liouls Live Stctck.
ST. Louis , June 11.
Cattle Demand exceeds supply ; T
prices firm ; choice heavy shipping
steers , § 4 50@4 70 ; good to prim * ,
4 25@4 45 ; fair to fleshy steeJs , § 3 70
415 ; cows and heifera , § 2 503 50 ; d -
grass Texan2 50@3 50. Kecoict ? ,
7CO. Sheep Demand active ; fair to [
choice ' , § 3 00@4 00. lleceipts , 200
heid .
heidH Lower ; Yorkers and Balti-
more , § 3 85 < 3 95 ; packing , S3 8CQ
00 ; hea\y shipping , § 4 00@4 10 ;
rough heavy , § 3 5C3 75. Receipt' ,
G20U head.
The Waterworks Ordinance
Passed by the City
/o . * ' > *
Andthe Mayor's Signature Af \
fixed Thereto.
Other Business , Transacted Sioux
Ey the Council.
A special meeting of the city council ragin
was' held at the council chamber last
Present : Councilman Elackmore , room
Dodge , Honibergor , Kennard , Daily , burst
KaufFojano : , Roddis , Thicnnn and
. President.
Oi motion of Mr. Dodge , the read
of the journal was dispensed with.
The water works committee then ) ut
oed ;
reported : as follows : scvei
. President :
Your ' special committee on water that ;
works and sewerage to whom wai referred will
ferre "an ordinance to authorize and willFr
procure the construction and main-
tainanco of waterworks in tne city of dam
Omaha , State of Nebraska , " with in vicin
structions to have it engrossed anrl re vicinL
ported back at.tho next session for its now
thin reading , would respectfully re nowNJ
that the engrossing hai been havii
properly and correctly performed in suffe
every particular , and the said ordinance blinc
nanc so engrossed is herewith re east
turned in accordance with our in and
structions. JAMES E BOYD , side
L. J. KENNAKD , thing
Special committee on water works walk
. aV
OiTI motion the rcpott waa adopted. feret
The ordinance was then placed on dews
third reading , after which remarks throi
made upon the ordinance by the .
"J it
Mr. Kauffinann thought the bond brok
should be $30,000 inetuad of § 25,003 , storr
made some objections to the spec- .
ifications of the ordinance with regard
the residence of bondsmen. hold
tlM . Kennard explained the matter.
Mr. Kauffinann c ked the opinion Herald
the mayor on the subject.
tlTl Mrs.
The mayor replied that the lan Nettie
of the ordinance could not bo even
construed to mean anything else than up ,
the bondsmen should be residents light
Omaha. badly
The ordinance was then placed upon her
passage and passed by a unanimous The
motion to adjourn was lost by a
of 4 to 3.
An ordinance io make a apccial ap M
propriation for the grading of Daven great
atreet , from 20th to 23d street ,
: amp
Ole Nelson and J. P. Laraon , was
and referred to the committee on sided
judiciary. Thoi
The council then adjourned. the
Immediately after the close of the poem
meeting , the way or stated of
if the members would wait a were
they would see this ordinance , Gen
has been fought over so long , for
by him. Thereupon he took Sunday
the pen and inscribed his signature
a flourish.
And thus the long contest is ended. Liver
Storm Ravages. directions
ST. PAUL , Minn. , June 11. One of tion. purely
moat violent storms ever known , Pills ,
occurred in southeastern Minnesota ware
morning. The wind blew a hur "The
and water fell in sheets. Paul Chicago.
Kadroski was killed by lightning paicV cold
Wlnonp , Howei ? rew cdl
roofed and other damage done. Trauu
are auapended or delayed by a bad
wash-out between Homer and Lamor-
ville , and also at Minnesota City and *
Weaver. The storm was very severe
between Rochester and Winona , and
caused the total suspension of trains.
The village of Stockton is inundated.
Siour CITY , la. , June 11. A heavy
hail storm yesterday broke a vast
amount of glass. Subsequently stores
and residences were flooded by raid ,
cauaingdamages to the amount of $10-
000. .Hail stones eleven inches in
circumference were picked up , and in
several places lay in drifts till after
MILWAUKEE , June 11. One man is
reported killed by yesterday's storm
at Lainorville and one at Brownadale.
The round house of the C. & N. W.
at Sparta was blown down. The Mis
sissippi river at JJCrosse has risen
aino inches in the peat twenty-four
iours , and Is now eleven feet above
owVater mark.
Lincoln and the Presidency.
Correspondence of Tni Bit
LINCOLN , June 10. Thos. J. Pick-
etr , the veteran journalist , late of the
Jftbraaka City Sun , will begin the
) ub1ication : on Monday next of his
new daily , the Nebraska Capital. Mr.
Pickett was publisher of the Champi
on , the first daily ever issued at Peoria -
oria , Illinois , and wai a delegate elect-
d by Owen Lovejoy'a district to the
national republican convention of
As a souvenir of the early daya of
republicanism , Col. Pickatt has in his
> os3esion an autograph letter from
Abraham Lincoln , a literal copy of
which is as follows :
SPRINGFIELD , April 16,1869.
J. Pickett , Esq. :
MY DEAR SIR : Yours of the 13Hi
nst received. My engagements are
such that I cannot , at any very early
J-ty , visit Rock Island to deliver a lec
ture , or for any other object. As to
thec other matter you kindly mention ,
must In candor say I do not taink
myself fit for the presidency. I cer-
tiinly am flattered and gratified tbat
tome party friends think of me in
that connection ; but I really think it
beit for our cause that no concerted
efforl , such as you suggest , should bo
madf Let this be considered confi-
lential. Yours very truly.
3ouix City Seriously Dam
aged by Storm.
Vas Quantities of Glass Brok
en and Hoofs Riddled.
City Journal , June 10.
As we write , at 2:30 this morning ,
most terrible rain and hail storm
experienced in this locality is
aging. The hail stones are as large
even larger than hen's eggs.
Every window light is broken out of
west end of The Journal news
, and some of the hail stones
Durated through the tin rocf of the
, and in spots utterly demoraliz-
things and creating more entbusi-
among i the compositors than Gar-
ield's nomination.
The damage will be immense , with-
doubt , and everything not under
( shelter must have suffered
icverely. Without being able to take cm
mucl note at present we should say CUR
the damage to office material hero
be considerable. COR1
From all indications the storm was CUR
jrideppread , and we fear that great cui
lamcgo has resulted , not only in this
'iciaity , bat in neighboring counties.
LATER 3 a. m. The storm has
abatedbut a steady rain is falling. ty
Nearly all the windows in the city " * r.
having a western exposure must have
suffered severely if not protected by
blinds. Nearly all the glass on the
side of Pearl street was broken ,
a j good many fronts on the south
of Fourth street were shattered.
Tree suffered severely , and whst lit
fruit i there was in the country is a
; of the past. An immense vol
of water fell with the hail and
streets were flooded , while the
and gutters were glutted with
leaves < beaten from the trees. The hail
stem , eight and ten inches in circum
ference and hard ta rocks struck win
with a force which sent them SHd
through the glass like bullets , and the
bombardment was so furious as to be ble
ilmost deafening. For about an hour
seemed as though pandemonium had bleF
broken loose , and the fury of the
earned terror to the bravet.
Daylight will make the damages sus
more apparent , and the sight
doubtless ba a sorry one to be large atten
Bailed by Lightnlnsr.
Special. 1
SILVER CREEK , Neb. , June 11.
. Hamlet Fester , with her sister ,
Cole , started from town last ith
evening , jast as a storm waa coming
and about one mile from town e
lightning struck them , killing Miss itl
and one Iioise. Mrs. Foster was >
; shocked , but the rain revived
so she was able to go for help. a.
chimney on Horat's hardware
was struck and Mra. Herat
MILWAUKEE : , Wis. , June 11. The
reunion virtually closed to-day Sta
the memorial ceremonies in the COUD
; in honor of the dead Union ind
. The ceremonies were pre- In i
over by Commander in-Chief P ige
rhomas , of tbo Grand Army of JT.L On
. Republic , department of Wis her
. The oration was delivered d-cci
Bishcp Fallows , of Chicago. A o'cloi
was read by Miss Addie Ballon , tlon
San Francisco. The ceremonies fore may
largely attended , and the closest ot '
attention was paid by the audience. notfc hear
Grant left on the 12 o'clock train edin I
Green Bay , where he will spend ordei
with Senator Howo. print week
$500 Reward. nn
win pay the * bore reward for any CMO ot
Complaint. DytpepsU , Sick Headache , In * Nl
, Constipation or Costlyeneai we cannot
with West's Vegetable Lirer Pill * , when the
are strictly complied with. They ve
' vegetable , and never ( ail to give tattle.
Sugar coated. Large bozec , containing SO
25 cents. For gale by all draggisti. Be
ot counterfeit * and trnUiUnrn , The reno *
manufactuted only by JOHN C. WEST i CO :
Pill Kaken , " 131183 W. IbdUon tit. , ceatl
. Tree trial packace tent by mail pre- Ttali
on receipt of a 3 cent rtamp. ires
at wholesale by 0. r. Goodman , J.K. li I HOI
Kennord & Fonrt ! ? * . Om i . (4 ( p5dw
Wholesale and Retail
Goods sent to of the
any part United States on
solicitation. Largest assortment of
And everything Ifound generally in a first-
class Jewelry Store.
Jewelry manufactured on short notice. Orders frem
the Country solicited. IVlienlu
Oiiuiltalcuii jiurt cc us. Ko
trouble to show Good ? .
The Jewelers , Opposite tbcPcslofllrr , ( .illi & Dodze.
ffQo to Tour Drntrglst for Hiss freeman's
iw National Dyes- For brightness and durabil-
ot color they ara unequalled. Color 2 to &
. price 16 cent * lrll-lv
can find a good uaortmert oJ
At a LOWER flQURK than at
any other shoe boose in the citr.
d a rerfect Bt fOirintred.
Laramie , Wyoming.
The miner's resort , good accommodation * ,
rge sample room , charect reasonable. Special
tentton given to traveling men.
11-U U. C. HILLIKI > . Pniprietor.
LLEN RUTHERFORD ( late Thint Anclitor
_ U. 8. TresTOry ) , Attorney anil Counsellor
Law , 28 Grant Place , Wajhincton , D. C.
avin ? been Third Auditor of the United SUitrs
eaiury for six years , I am thoroughly familiar
the coarse c. ( business be/ora the Uoveni-
ent DepartmenU. Special attention given to
settlement ot accounts of all Government
Seers , Postmasters , Marshal * , Mill Contractors
others. Will practice before the Surrcmc
ort of the U. S .Court of Claims , Patent Office ,
eneral Land Office , &c. , &c. Refers to Hon.
iml F. Phillips , Solicitor General U. S. ; Hon.
Gilfillan. Treasurer of the U. S ; lion. J. II
cGrew , blith Auditor U. S. Treasury
inGoldand Silver Chromo Cards , Mottoes or
Roses , TTlth Dame , 10 eta. NaMoa Card
, NiMua , W. Y. dtc3Q Cm
State ot Nebraska. Dew la ? County , f. At a
uoty Court held at tha Couaty Court room , Sn
fur said County , May 10th A. D. . ISsO.
resent , Wm. O BartbolomeTr , County Jud c.
the matter of the estate if Elizabeth W.
e , deceased
reading and filing the petition of Marion
Landrock pravin ? for the appointment of
tnelf M adinlnljtritrii ot the estate ot said
ccised :
Ordered , that June 3d , A. D. , 1830 , at 9
clock a.m. , be assigned for heirlug said petl-
, when aU penoni Interested In said matter
appear at a County Court to be held , in and
did Coonty , and chow catue why the ( prayer
petitioner should not b granted ; and that
tfce ot the pendency of nid petition and the
axing ! thereof , be girei to all pcnons Interest-
s Id matter , by ( publishing a copy of this
in Tni OUAHA WCEXLT Bis , a cewjpiper
rinted in said county , for three successive
, ptior to said day of hearinar
County Jndze.
No. 28.
fnl remedy known. Price $1 per Trial orS
laUandUrjteTiilof powder tor 15 , sent peen
on receipt ot price. BOMFHRKIf
IOMEO. ICED. CO. , 10 $ Fcltott Bt , SewTul I
Bryan , Tezaf , Jane lit 1879 ,
J.C. IMeJinnl.too , St. I-onls DenrSlrj
Bly boy. 3 years old , hnil fever cverr
other tiny , or c ry third flay , for about
Smontlu. Iu * < > < l an much Ml2 rrnln *
of Uulnine during Hie ilny , bat with no
effect : tried Cinchonia ( alkaloid ) 8ulph.
Clnchonhlln , gnlacine , etc. , etc. , but the
boy ' got worse nil the time. I reluctantly
gent < lo\TQ to my < lnip ( tore Cor your
IfebrifuRp.and I write just to toy that he
not r hud a nytnptoni ot fever oner com
mencing Febrifuge , to date , belnrnow
over a nionHi ago. I feel that I ought to
lay this much In behalf of your medicine.
Aul a regular 91. D. , but retired from
practice 3 yearn ngo and derating : my
time to drag bnslne * * .
Very respectfully ,
Stockton , Mo. , Anff. 35th , 1879. *
J. O. Rlchanlnon , St. IxiuU Dear Bin
Clifford's Febrifuge U the belt thin * ( or
Chill * and Fever that ire have rer
handled. There never haa been m case
that iriu NOT cared by It ttiat wan taken
according to directions tn tnU part at
the country. Yours truly ,
MACE & amCTTKTX , DrngJllU.
Cbllllcothc , Mo. , July 30.U879.
J. O. Richardson , St. IxraU-My Ueez
Sirs Here is something reliable ; U yon pleiuse do so. e
have sold hundreds of Dottle * with llko
results. Yourfrlendu ,
Boyce A Oitrander.
Thin M to certify that I had the Fever
nnd Ague this nummer and the nse of
one-third of n , bottle of. Clifford's Febri
fuge promptly cared It. It Is the speedi
est cure 1 have known or.
or.GEO. . 8AILOB.
Office ofTJ.S.XoveltyMfsr. Co. , _ _ _
New York City , AuRnst * , 1878.
My Dear Sin For over two years I have
had Fever and Ajrue , and nfter trylnr
every thlnjr I took one-halt bottle of
Clirrurd'e Febrlftice , and It cured me
permanently. I believe my cose would
hnvnbeenfatalhndl not found this as
I did. Yours truly ,
Manager " U/S. N. 2&c Co. " *
RICHARDSON & CO. , St-toulf.
Jonei , Bit. Stk and 10th SU. . OX An A.
First quality distilled Wine and Cider Vinegar
of any strength below eastern prices , and war
ranted just i good at wholesale nd retail
Send for price list. ERNST KREBS ,
( Tormerly of 0ah ! * Jacob * )
No. 1417 Farqhaa St. , Old Stand of Jiv-