Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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VOL. IX. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , FEIDAY , JUKE 11 , 1880. NO. 305
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION , Price Five Cents
. .
> r. * t a <
Keverberating 'Rahs ' ii
New York , Mingled
With OroaMngs ,
True T Eepublicans Organizing
Drilling and Arming
For the Campaign ,
Illinois Democrats Seymoui
iri'fThV Sage of Deer-
field" Than Morrison ,
Lyman Trumbull Nominated
* " *
.For Governor.
The Bars Let Down and Brick
Pomeroy's Crowd
f s Comes In.
An Ancient , Angular .Maiden
Inspires Them to Great
A .Platform Adopted That
Ureats 'of Everything
in Detail.
Illinois Democrats ,
pedal Dispatch to Tni Bn.
BPUINOFIBLD , IU.JonolO , 4p.m.
democr-itio state convention
wet Ihis morning. Lyman Trumbull
made an earnest speech , in which he
urged the " "democrats to put forward
the best men in the party. He
believed thai the party had a hard
campaign before it. He laid demo-
crati had to defeat the republican
pitty and not ita nominees , for no
matter what objections can be raised
rgainst them , they trill command the
vote of the republican pany. The
usual committees were then appointed.
4Illinois for Seymour.
Bpedal Dispatch to The Bee.
SPKIXQFIBLD , ILLS , Juno 11,1 a. m.
At the afternoon session McGoudy , of
Chicago , fftVreJ the following resolu
tion , which had been previously
adopted by delegates of the 1st , 7th ,
9th , 10th , 13th and 14th districts :
Setolrxd , Thtt the democrats of
Illinois fav r the nomination ot
Horitio Seymour f jr president of the
United States , and the delegates and
alternates to the national convention
be and are hereby requested to use
their best efforts to secure the nomi
nation of Horatio Seymour. - , -
A scene of the wildest _ enthusiasm
followed , the delegates rising up in a
body cheering and waving hats.
When the applause had partially sub-
V tided Mr. Bowman , of St. Clair coun-
V ty , moved that it be referred to the
committee on resolution , a In the
midst of a great deal of confusion the
friends of the other candidates , Davis ,
Palmer , and Morrison , made speeches
in favor of the motion to refer.
"Whenever the name of Seymour was
mentioned the convention burst out
In wild applause. Davis' name waa
recived with fainLchcers and cries of
"no , no. " The delegates of twelve
districts are for Seymour , six for Mor-
° risen and one for Palmer.
Hon.Lyman Trumbull was nomi
nated foe governor and Gen. Lew
Parsons for lieutenant governor.
Convention Echoes.
Bpodal diipatch to The Beo.
NEW YORK , Juno 11 : 1 a. m.
Echoes of the great struggle at Chicago
cage still continue to reverberate , and
A they gather new strength , as the ex
ulting anti-Grant delegates return to
the city whence they started out a
fortnight ago on what waa generally
considered a hopeless enterprise. The
choice of a standard-bearer having
been made the next thing thing in
order U to organize , drill and arm for
the coming campaign , and a corps of
Gufield claba may bo looked for in a
few days.
The views of representative people
on the republican nomination will
scarcely give place to any fixed politi
cal interest until the Cincinnati con
vention shall have completed its labors.
The defeat of the third-term faction
seem * to give general satisfaction in
some business circles where it waa
thought the nomination of Grant
would have a disastrous effect on the
interests of trade , as the policy of
Secretary Sherman would , in such an
event , have received a rude shock.
Some of the republican rank and
file cannot yet ba brought to regard
the presidential team as.likcly to pull
well together in harness. In then :
opinion it is absurd to maintain that a
proud , overbearing man like Conkling
should receive such a terrible blow
with equanimity and in a forgiving
spirit , and that such a potty crumb of
comfort as giving his chief henchman
a second place ca the ticket would
suffice io console him. They even go
so far as to assert that the baffled syn
dicate of Coqkling , Cameron and Lo
gan , would rather ceo the democratic
candidate elected than to ba obliged
to follow in the conqueror's train to the
capital , and to witness the triumph of
the present administration with which
Garfield ii so entirely in accord. A
number of delegatea to Chicago ar
rived yesterday afternoon , and a train
containing General Arthur and a large
contingent arrived in the evening.
Greenbackors In Council.
Special Dispatch to The Bee ,
CHICAGO , Juno 11 , 1 a. m. The
* sesiion of the greenback convention
yesterday afternoon was devoted to
the accomplishment of two things , to-
wit : The adoption of the majority re
port of the committee on credentials ,
and the admission of socialistic , labor
and union-creenback delegate a It
was 7 o'clock before this was accom
plished , and the delegates from the
bolting convention entered the hall.
Their entrance was the signal for a
scene of wild excitement , which ,
rivalling in criginility of the demon-
B'ntion of it , did not via in amount
of noise with the tumult which the re
publican convention indulged in. The
day had bcen.v ry warm , and the air
of the convention hall wai almost in
tolerable. Half the delegates were in
their shirt-sleeves , aqd yet the heat
seemed to have no depressing eSec
upon the enthusiasm of delegates.
There was cheering , shouting an
yelling until tongues were tired an
voices lost. Men mounted on men
shoulders in their efforts to raise th
banners of their states higher tin
f their neighbors' , and ,
Miss Spencer , of Washington , a tal
thin , angular woman , and a leader i
the delegation of woman suffragist ;
here mounted a reporters' table , an
supported on either side by men
snatched her bonnet from her heai
and placed it on top of a pole ani
waved it frantically , round and round
high above the heads of the audience
The effort was electrical ; the crowi
shouted and howled again like mail
A delegate from Wyoming , when
women have been granted , "suffragi
rushed forward with the banner o
that territory in a twinkling was be
side Miss Spencer waving it as a com
panion to the ladles' bonnet. Thi
din continued for nearly half an hour
and it wai not nntil pbySical cndur
ance was exhausted that the conven
tion could bo induced to tike a recesi
nntil 8 o'clock for supper.
The committee on resolutions Is un
derstood to be ready to report imme
diately after recess , and an effort will
be made to make the nomination to
At the evening session the following
platform was adopted , omitting the
lengthy preamble :
1. That the right to make and issue
money is a sovereign power , to be
maintained by the people for their
common benefit. The delegation of
this rignt to corporations is a surren
der of the central attribute of sovereignty
eignty , void of constitutional sanction ,
conferring upon a subordinate , irre
sponsible power absolute djniinton
over industry and commerce. All
money , whether metallic or paper ,
should be issued and its volume con
trolled by the government , and not
by or through banning corporations ,
and when so iisued should be a full
legal tender for all debt * , public , and
2. That the bonds of the United
States be nut refunded , but paid as
rapidly as practicable , according to
contract. To enable the government
to meet thesa obligations , legal tender
currency should be substituted for the
notes of tha national banks , the na
tional banking system abolished , and
the unlimited coinage of silver as well
as goli established by law.
3. That labor should be so pro
tected by national and state authority
as to equalize its burdens and insure
i just distribution of ita .results. The
sight-hour law of-congress should bo1
mforced ; the sanitary condition of
industrial establishments placed under
rigid control ; the competition of conTact -
Tact convict labor abolished. A bu-
eau of labor statistics should be es-
abliahed ; factories , mines and work-
hops should be inspected. The em-
iloyment of children under 14 years
if age should be forbidden , and wages
> aid in cash. * , , .
4. Slavery being simply cheap labor ,
Jid cheap labor being simply slavery ,
he importation and presence of Chi-
lesa serf * necessarily tends to brutal-
ze and degrade American IVbor.
Fhereford , immediate steps should be
aken to abrogate the Burlingame
5. Railroad land grants forfeited by
eason of non-fulfillment should bo
mtnediateiy reclaimed by the govern-
nent , and henceforth the public do-
nainbe reserved exclusively as homos
'or actnalsettlers.
6 * All lines of communication and
ransportation should ba brought un-
lersuch legislative control as ah ill se-
sure moderate , fair and uoiform rates
'or patsongerand freight traffic. It ii
bo duty of congress to regulate intor-
itate commerce.
7. We'denounce as destructive to
jrosperity and dangerous to liberty ,
he action of the old parties in foster-
ngand sustaining gigantic land , fail-
oad and money corporations and
nonopolies invested with and exercis-
ng power belonging to the govoru-
nent and yet not responsible to it for
he manner of this exercise.
8. That the constitution , in giving
ongress the power to borrow money ,
o declare war , to raise and support ar-
lies , to provide and maintain a navy
.over intended that the men who
aaned their money for an interest
onsideration should be preferred to
he soldiery and soldiers who periled
heir lives and shed blood oh land aud
ca in defense of their country , and
re condemn the cruel c'asa legislation
f the republican party , which , while
rofessing great gratitude to the aol-
ier , isf most unjustly discriminating
gainst him and in favor of the bond-
9. All property shall bear its just
roportion of taxation , and ivo-de-
isnd a graduated income tax.
10. Wo denouncoas most dangerous
he _ efforts every whore manifest to ro-
trict the right of suffrage.
11. We are opposed to an increase
f the standing army in times of peace
nd the insidious scheme to establish
n enormous military power under the
uiae of militia laws.
12. Wo demand absolute democrat-
: rules for the government of con-
ress , placing all representatives of
be people upon an equal footing and
iking away from the committees a
eto power greater than that of the
13. Wo demand a government of
tie people by the people and for the
eople , instead of a government of the
ondholdcr and for the bondholder ,
nd we denounce the attempt to stir
p sectional strife as an effort to con-
sal monstrous crimes against the
14. In the furtherance of these
nds we ask the co-operation of all fair .j
linded people. Wo have no quarrel
'ith individuals , wage no war upon
lasses , but are against vicious insti-
utions. We are not content to en-
uro further discipline from our pros-
nt actual rulers , who , having domin-
mover money , over transportation ,
ver land and labor and largely .over
he press and the machinery of the
overnment , wield unwarrantable
oworover our institutions and our
ves and property.
The convention consumed the re-
tainder of the evening until midnight
iscussing the woman's suffrage rosolu-
ons. It was referred to the several
: ates for their favorable action.
The socialist ! lett the hall because
icir declaration that land , air and
ater are free to all , was not acted
pen and incorporated in their plat-
> rm.
The convention is now proceeding
Jthe nomination of president but
ill probably adjourn soonj *
A Desperate Scramble for Persoi
al Gain Commenced by
All Necessary Campaign Lil
erature to be Manufact
ured Before Adjourn
The House Already Wrestlin
W'ith Political Bills.
The .River and Harbor Appro
priation Harmoniously
Patched and
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , Juno 10 4 p. m. Th
Journal's Washington special says
Congress having fixed the IGth as th
date of adjournment , there can bo m
reconsideration , and a moat desperati
scramble to pass bilh affecting individ
ual intsresh and to make political cap
ital will now bo witnessed ii
both houses. In the house particu
larly the Democrats are resolved tc
make all the political speeches possi
ble , and several have indicated then
purpose to reprint in the nature of i
speech some voluminous reports o !
former congre'se ? , which they thinl
in ay in some way affect the republicai
The domoc-ata in the housa com
menced their efforts t ) paes political
bills. After a long wrangle it wai
agreed that the marshals bill should
bo postponed until to morrow , when
three hours' Jobate should be allowed
upon it. There will ba a determined
effort on the part of the republicans
to defeat this.
The senate pasad a bill which
looks like the beginning of a move
ment for free salt.
WASHINGTON , Juno 10. 4 p. m.
In the House Reigan submitted a re-
pott announcing that the conference
committee on the river acd harbor ap
propriation bill had como to an agree
ment thereon agreed to.
The senate adopted the report of the
report of the conference committee on
the river , and harbor , appropriation
bill *
The president hes nominated John
F. Hartranft for collector of customs
for the district of Philadelphia.
WASHINGTON , June 11 1 a. m.
The joint rule for counting the votes
of electors for president and vicp pres
ident was taken up , ind Mr. Bicknell
addressed the house In favor of the
adoption of the rule , showing the ne
cessity for aomo action on the subject.
The basis upon which the joint rule
rests is , first , the theory that the risbt ;
to count involves the right to say what
are lawful votes ; that the right to de
termine the validity of the certificates
belongs of a necessity to the two
houses of congrosn , and can not be
safely abandoned ; that it will put an
end-to many of the uncertainties and
embarrassments of presidential elec
tion * .
Mr. Robsson In the absence of
any report upon this subject , I deny
the power of congress to mike laws or
do acts to affect the government of the
country for all future time. It is in
disputable tint if the two houses of
congress assemble in obedience to the
constitution , and have power to re
ceive the electoral vote , it then fol
lows that the two houses may by pre
vious action presribo rules to govern
them in that proceeding. lie argued
that if the two houses can not receive
ind declare the result in such a man
ner ai to bind the whole country , then
the two houses cm not by any previ
ous rule prescribe a molhod for ascer
taining the result ; but if the two
louses can receive votes and declare
.he rcrult , they can in advance of that
irocoeding declare the mode and
nethod of proceedings.
Mr. Updegraff , of Iowa , opposed
be rule , arguing that it was unconsti-
lUtional , because it took away from
ho president of the senate power
: 'tven by the constitution to count the
ilectoral vote. Ho opposed it also
jecause ho denied the right of con-
press to determine who * cro electors.
Chat was a question for states them-
elves to determined and congress
ionld not sot aaida the verdict of
Mr. Hutching said , under the law ,
Teffersou Davis was ineligibla to the
iffice of president. Suppose a majority
if elections should cist their voles
or him. Must congrocs accept that
rote bocausa it cornea from states.
Mr. Updegraff said that congress
lad nothing to do with it , the presi-
lent of the senate was the person to
Mr Keifer.said if the votes were
'or Jefferson DAYH they must bo
ttunted , but by the proper authority ;
nit still Davis would bo ineligible un-
ler the law.
Mr. Bright said that under the pro-
isions of the constitution tha houtc
naj proceed to the election of presi-
lent under a contingency. Now , he
vanted to know , who was to detor-
nine whether thcro had been an elcc-
ion or not aud how it was to bo de
Mr. Updegraff said it would be de-
ermined primarily by the president
if the senate , and if further procegd-
ng was necessary , by the courts.
Mr. Lounsbury regarded some ac-
ion as absoluteiy necessary in the
riew of the occurrence at the last
iresidential election. If he under-
toed Sir. Robeson right that gentle-
nan did" not balieve there wa3 any
K > wer of congress to act upon the sub-
ect , but it was all admitted to be da-
ermined by force.
Mr. Robeson. said he had been mia-
mderatood then. TJja hraaehadno '
ewer to mate a thesiib-
joct of the constitution. He said cor
grcts could make laws to carry out it
provisions , but a joint -rulojvai-not
Mr. Lounsbury siid if the gentle
man held that it was a law to regulat
thi * , then it follows thatit is a matte
to be construed entirely as a questioi
of power , and misht rciult in blood
shed. He then proceeded to argu
that it was a proper role , and shonli
be adopted , and , argued that the sen
ate and house'wera ' not present a
mere spectators , but they were thi
factors by which tha result must hi
Pending further discussion of thi
joint rule the home adjourned.
A bill to cxornrjt , claa'ical antiqui
ties from payment of import duties ,
An amendment was adopted to ex
erupt all salt utod in curing meats. .
The hill passed as amended.
The housa bill for thn relief of cer
tain iuipart3rs of hoop iron wa
Consideration of the sundry civil
bill wes resumed.
An amendment appropriating f 20-
000 to continue the tests of iron and
steal was adopted. Adjourned. " * "
Premier Gladstone Presents
the Budget to Par
The Plucky Peruvians Lose
Their Most Important
More Ghosts Seen in Ireland.
Belgian Legation TurnedFrom
the Vatican.
Turkey's Time to BeOecupied
With an Arabian Revolt.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , June 11 , 1 a. m. Ad
vices from Arica state that the Chil
ians have captured that place and that
the Peruvians have lost heavy in the
engagement. Arica is a maritime town
of Peru , the capital of a district of the
same name and about three hundred
miles southeast of Arquipa. It vat
formerly a much mora important place
than now , being a port from which
the produce of the silver mines were
shipped. At present Arica is the prin
cipal pori through which ijern's for
eign business is carried oh with Boliv
ia. Its population is About four thou
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
BERLIN , June 11 , 1 a. m. The
land league committee , by a vote of 13
to 8 , have repealed the May laws
amendment to the bill altogether.
The majority is composed of clericals
national liberals and progressists.
Twenty-one bodies have be n recoV'
ered from the Dartmuad mine discs-
ter. Many pcraons were also injured ,
Special Dispatch to Tin Bli.
DUBLIN , June 10,1 a. m. Appari
tions arc reported as having been seen
at the Franciscan church in Galway.
Special Dipitch to The Bo. " *
LONDON , Juno 10 , 1 a. , m. The
house of commons was crowded last
evening when Mr. Gladstone intro
duced the supplementary budget. He
eaid that the supplementary estimates ,
including 30C. 3 for the Iruh'har-
borc , would amount-to 200OO con
sequently , swallowing up Sir Stafford
Northcote's surplus of 184,000. Mr.
Gladaton j therefore proposed to re
duce the duty on light foreign wine's
up to forty degrees , from one shilling
bo six pence ; and imposing a sliding
scale on higher qualities. He esti
mated that this would reduce the rev
enue 233,000. Ho also proposed to
entirely abolish the malt tax , substi
tuting therefor a beer duty of six shil
lings par barrel , a contcquent loss of
1,100,000. Mr. Ghdstcne said that
10 proposed to i > sk in * compensation
.he addition of one pence to the in-
: ome tax , which , he estimated , would
Droduco 1,425,000. Mr. Gladstone's
ipecch lasted two hours and was warm-
y received.
pcclM Dispatch to the Bee.
BRUSSELS , June 11 , 1 a. m. The
Belgian legation at the Vatican has
loen suspended.
pedal dispatch to T0n BIB.
PARIS , June 11,1 a. ra. A com-
nittee of the chamber cf deputies is
nvestigating the alleged torturing of
onvicls at New Caladonia.
pedal Dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , June 11 , 1 a. m. A dis-
tatch from Constantinople says that
he Arab revolt against Turkey is
prcading. „ t
pocial dbpatch to TUB BEE. ;
" "
LONDON , June "ll , 1 a. m. The
Darl of Kimberly , colonial , secretary ,
iaa sent instructions to Sir. .1'omeroy
/alloy , high commissioner of South
Africa , to avoid extending British jur-
sdiction in South Africa on the plea
f complications between the colonists
nd the native tribes , and to restrain
rom interference with independent
ipecial Dispatch to Tn Cn.
WASHINGTON , June 11 1 a. m.
i'or the upper Mississippi and lower
ilitsouri valleys : Stationai/ rising
tarometer and temperate south-winds
n former , and variable in the' latter
listrict , followed by partly ! cloudy
Bisr. Hallway Consolidation ,
peclal Dispatch to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , June 11. 1 a. m. All
treet car lines except the Main and
Sden park lines werp consolidated
esterday on the basis of last year's
timings. Capital five million.-
St. Louis Eunntaff Races.
pedal Dispatch to TOT Bn.
Sr. Louis , June 1L 1 a. m.
Talturn won the 2& mile heat in 5.01 | .
? urin second. Bancroft won the If
oile heat In 2:38 | , KImball second
r * ' #
and Marietta third. Beatitude wo
the two first heats in the third rare i
1:43J and 1:45 ; Krupp Gun second i
first heat ; Bocc'la second in aecon
heat , add Gen. Phillips third in bet
heats ; eleven horsis started. Li'liol '
won the jj mile heat in loJ : , Apotl
e < -it/ second aud MatagortU third
Five horses iaa.
Wholesale Shootingr.
Special Diapatch to Tns D K
-XENIA , O. , June 11. 1 a. m.-
"Dur'ing a row in a .saloon yetterds ;
afternoon Charles McConnell was she
twice in the body which will probabl ;
prove fatal. Charles' Smith was she
in the breast and Patrick Golden ii
the muti'h. ' Daniel Honnesey , o
Dayton , O. , was arreated on a charg
of doing the shooting.
v Now Yor& Money ana 3toon.
JlEW TORK , June 10.
MONEY Market at 3@3 per cent' .
RAILROAD BONDS Stion ; and general ) ;
U. 8.6M8S1 _ 1C (
D. 8. 58 , N w _ 103
HeirtH _ 100
U.S. percent _ 108
Book Wand _ SO
Itlinoi Central _ _ . 10
a B.&Q n
C. & A. 107
" preferred 12
New York Central. 1 !
Lake Shore ltt
ean.1. _ se
Irl preferred. . . . . 6
Northwestern 94
Northwestern preferred _ 1C
8t Paul 77
fit. Paul preferred _ lo
Wabau , St. Louia and Pacific 34
preferred 02
Han. & St. Jo Si
Han. A St. Jo- , pfd 71
Kuuu&TexM . 8
Union Pacific gy
Northern Pacific , Se
do preferred , C7. .
Wetern Lnioa Telegraph IOC ;
Central Pacific K
Pacific Va'l ' 3 :
U.P. landgra-ta ,
Chicago Produce.
CHICAGO , Juno 10.
Wheat Activeunsettledandlower :
No. 2 , 9799Jc , closed at 97c foi
cash : 97@99Jc , closed at 97c foi
June ; 9597o , closed at 96c foi
July ; 88@89fc , closed at 83o foi
August ; No. 3 , 90c ; rejected , G8cj
No. : 2 red winter , in store , 95c.
Corn Fairly active , but lower ; No.
2 and high mixed , 35 @ 3Gc , closed
at 35ic bid for cash ; 35J@36c , closed
at 35 } ' c bid for June3536Jc ; § , closed
at 35 ] o bid for July36 ; 36c , closed
at 36 ' c bid for August ; rejected , 34 ®
Oats Dull , weak and lower ; No. 2 ,
30Jc cash ; 30g@31jjo , closed at 30 § ©
30c for June ; 24@28e , closed at28Jc
bid for July ; 24@24c , closed at 24.3
rtr August.
Eye Firmer ; No. 2 , 76o.
Barley No. 2 , 76c.
Pork Moderately active and lower ;
810 25@10 30c for cash ; $10 27i@
10 30 for July ; § 10 37& for August.
Lard In fair demand and lower ;
6665s657icash8G52J@6 ( ; 65 July ;
JG 676 60 for August.
Whisky ? ! 08.
Wheat Spring active-at 97@97o
For June9595ic ; for July ; 87jj@87 $
for August ; 84c for the year , closing
it 97c for June ; 9G@96Jc"for July.
Corn S5J@33gc for Juns ; 35f@
J6c for July ; 3Gj < 33Gfc ! for August.
Oats 30i@30 c for June ; 28j@28 }
[ or July ; 53 A@24c ' for August.
Perk Me'ss , § 10 27J10 30 for
luly ; § 10 3710 40 for August.
Lard § 6 55ffiG 57 * * for July ; $6 60
36 62 * for August.
Bulk meats Short ribs , § 6 27A " for
July ; gG 30C 32j for Augutt.
New YorJc Produce.
NEW YOEK , Juno 10.
Wheat Lower ; receipts , 308,000 ;
ingraded spring , § 116@117 ; No. 3
lo. , § 110@112 ; No. 2dol 19@1 20 ,
So. 1 do , ? 129@130 ; mixed winter ,
Jl 25 ; No. 2 amber , § 1 27 ; ungraded
diite , § 1 22J@1 24 ; No. 2 do. , § 1 24
31 25 ; No. 2 red and Juno , $1 27 @
L 28g ; July , § 1 1G1 17 ; August ,
Corn Lower ; receipts , 75,000 ;
ingraded , 50@52Jc ; No. 3 , 50@50k ;
teamer , 50@50c ; No. 2 , 61J < g52c ;
tfo , 2 , June , 51Jc ; July , 50@50jc.
.Oats- Heavy ; mixed western , 37 ®
Eggs Demand fair at 1213c.
Pork Dull and weak ; now mess ,
10 45@11 50.
Beef Dull and unchanged.
Cut Meats Demand fair and mar-
: ot'firm ; long clear middles , $7.00.
Lard Steady ; prime steam , § 7 10.
Butter Fmuerat 8@20.
Oheeie Dull and 9J@10tc.
Whisky Nominal at ? 1 131 15.
at. liouls Produce
ST. Louis , June 10.
Wheat Options lower ; No. 2
ed , § 1 14J1 11 for cash ; § 1 037 ®
04 | for" June ; 91J91g for July ;
OJ < s90c for August ; 88i@8Gc for the
Io. 3 do , 9GJc bid.
Corn Active , but lower ; 3G@357c
? r cash ; 34g@34Jc for June ; 34i34 " c
ar' July ; 34J@34lc for August.
Oats Lower ar31t@31c for cash ;
o optians.
Rye Lower ; 80c.
Pork Firm at § 10 G510 75 cash
nd June.
Dry Salt Meats Easier at § 4 05 ®
40 , G 45@G 65.
Lard Quiet at § G 45.
Wbhky § 108.
St. jLouis Live Stock.
ST. Louis , Juno 10.
Cattle Off , firm , supply rather
ght , all said early and soma sales
igher ; choice heavy shipping steers ,
4 G0@4 75 ; good to prime , § 4 30 ®
50 ; light to fair heavy , § 3 80@4 20 ;
utchers * grades range , § 2 75@3 35 ; '
rassTexan , § 2 503 25. Receipts
300 ; shipments , 500.
Sheep Demand actide ; fair to
hoice , § 3 004 00. Receipts , 3GOO.
Hogs Lower ; Yorkers and Balti-
lores , S3 954 00 ; packing , § 3 90 ®
10 ; heavy shipping , § 4 10@4 20 ;
sogh , § 3 703 90. Receipt * , 12-
00 head. '
stocs Mai-set -
CHICAGO , June 10.
Hogs Receipts , 31,000 head ; ship-
lents , 2800 ; about 45,000on _ sale ;
larket 10@15j lower than aver/nee
esterday ; mhced pa eking : § 4 05@4 10 ;
deice heavy , § 4 20(34 ( 40 ; light hogr ,
4 004 < 20 ; 1000 left.
Cattle Receipt ? , 4500 head ; ship-
lents , 500 ; bulk of supply is good to
tioice heavy ; mercury 90 in the shade
nd heavy cattle suffer considerably ;
larket active and lOc higher ; ship-
ing , i$4 20@4 25 ; lot of fine 1340
onnds cattle , § 4 95 ; western , § 4 20 ©
CO ; grass Texans , § 3 5C@450 ; butch-
ti' stock , § 2 25365.
Sheep Receipts , 1500 head ; ship-
unts , none ; trade active and values
rm ; common to good , § 3 504 20 ;
iioice , ? 430@460.J
A Few Fair University
Sprouts Born to Bloom
Before the Footlights ,
And Hurl Fiery-Tonguec
Thunderbolts at the Dog
mas of the Day.
The Beardless Beauties Hire i
Hall to Celebrate the Begin
ning of the End of
the Term ,
And Air Their Aspiratioi
Through the Medium of an
How the Thing Was Done.
Correspondence of The Bee.
LINCOLN , June 9. The State Uni
versily has not only become the mosl
conspicuous and important among the
public institutions of the state , bul
"commencement week" is the crown <
iig event in the li'e-aryand social Jiff
cf Lincoln.
On Sunday evening the spacious and
elegant opera house was filled to the
last foot of avail iblo ipace ? , by citi
zens cf the place and visitors from
abroad , to listen to the Bacolau-
reate sermom by Chancellor
FairSeld. Whatever tha justice acd
propriety of the numerous criticisms
launched against the chancellor by
newspapers and the public during the
pait year , this remarkable addreis
went far to establish moro firmly than
ever before Chancellor Fairfield's po
sition in the confidence of the pe > pl < )
of the state. Bis subject , "Physical ,
Moral and Spiritual Dynamics/ ' was
handled in a manner that commanded
the closest attention of every individ
ual in the vast audience.
to graduates br Chancellor Hammond
of the Iowa university , notwithstand
ing a threatening thunder atoim , was
well attended on Tuesday evening.
To say that this address utterly failed
to meet the expectations of the audi
ence , is putting a very cautious esti
mate uponit. It was a closely connect *
ed but not a brilliant argument in fa
vor of higher educ .tion at the expense
of the state. Nebraska and Iowa not
only need , but have in largo numbers
better champions cf that great princi
proper were held at the opera house
yesterday morning. There waa a full
attendance of the boird of regents
with the exception of Hon. N. R
Persinger , of Central City. A pro
cession waa formed , headed by the
college band and cadets under com
mand of Lieut. Isaac T. Webater , of
the regular army , who has had charge
of military tictics and civil engineer
ing since 1870. The hall waa well
filled , and each speaker proved com
petent in ability and training to com
pletely master and hold the a'tcntion '
of the audience.
After invocation and music , by a
talented and thoroughly trained
quartette ,
was pronounced by Howard W. Cald
well of Lincoln. The positions of the
members of Iho class were assigned
alphabetically , hence both salutatory
and valedictory contained nothing
more than the regular staple substance
of the graduating orations. Mr. Cald-
well's oration waa entitled "The
Scholar's Mission. " It was a well
considered production , and was a
model in style of delivery. It
portrayed the work of the true scholar
in guiding the wayward tendencies of
the masses of the p ipulaco.
HI the list , by S. D. Coxwas entitled ,
'Tho Extreme Tendencies of the
4ge. " He corabatttd the theory that
; xtromc thought had passed its day ,
md discussed the revolutions which
iavo nt tiinca changed the relations of
and the "some-
: apital production , -
vhat premature enfranchisement of
, ho colored raco" and the unseemly
rangla of woman to change her po-
lition in the social economy. The
ipeaker said that the prevailing tend-
: ncy to communism of the present
imo grew out of the too exclusive do-
-otion ot the scholar to the study of
he physical sciences. Mr. Cox proved
limsolf an original thinker , who has
urly become biased by the atmos-
) hero of the old-time college.
Warren Loree , of Lincoln , next dis-
: uased
The speaker detailed in an ingeni-
tus manner the value of the silent
flics of past eras , as found in gcologi-
: al research and in the dim , and in
his day , apparently absurd vagaries
if ancient mythology/ . Loree is a
houghtful , sincere and earncat orator
, nd occupied an honored place in the
ras the subject of the oration of Mr.
3avid H. Mercer , of TJrownville.
fhis speaker appealed manfully io the
American public to provide "cduca
ion for woman as well as for man ,
: nd education for all classes and not
or caste only. " Whilejfully realizing
ho value of ancient clisaic' , he dcem-
: d life tco short to consume such
ime as of old , in the mastery of these
lassies , whils Shakspearo and
tlilton should be held co-ordinate in
ank. The ftnfea of politicians to
irecipitate conflicts of races , the ob-
iteration of the supreme law of sup-
ily and demand by a mania for med-
llesome legislation were each de-
tounced. He would nurture liberal-
sm , but never mistake liberalism for
ensationalism , as is done by so many
lergymen of the present time who
laim high salaries and applause al
very turn. Mr. Mercer has in him
he material for a commanding orator
nd an honest , useful reformer.
if Lincoln , the only lidy member of
he class , pronounced an oration en-
Itled "The Tendency of Modern
icience. " She believes that the
lavery to science of the present day
i as "placed reason in a state of in-
urrection against'the heart , " and that
cience with all her knowing reaches
10 farther than the old philosophy
hat looks within to know man's
rigin and destiny. Miaa Parks ia a
clear-minded self-possessed oratox
with not a trace of the can't prevalen
among the strong-minded women o
the malcontent conventions. Sb
shows clearly what a scholarl ;
woman and honored college gradual'
can be , and yet be characteristicall ;
of Ashland , chose as his subject "Thi
individuality of the citizen. " Th
keynote of the address was that "will
individuality gone , all progress ii
society ceases. " Tha speaker in i
positive manner denounced thi
tendency of the college curricnlun
that seeks to mould all characters in
to a uniform mass.
of Lincoln , spoke on "Philosophy ant
Christiarity. ' ' He enunciated thi
thought very clearly , that no Chris
tianity was ever inculcated success
fully unless preceded by civilized in
flueuces. He called attention to thi
evident fact that the culture of an
cient Greece and Rome were the fi
and necessary precursors of the rise o
the Christian religion. He offeree
the suggestion that the chasm bettreei
atheism and theism was much wide :
than the chasm between Greek phi
losophy and Christianity.
of Wahoo , pronounced the closing ad
dress , entitled , "Freedom the Basis o
History. " The speaker maintains
that though freedom can choose mis
rule and demoralization it can alii
choose order , elevation and progress
This young man handled a novel lini
cf thought in a most ingenions manner
nor , and is evidently a student of ran
ability. No formal valedictory wai
by the chance'lor was accompanied bj
a brief , formal address to each , closing
with a brief-general address to the
whole class who had taken places below
among the audience. He said thai
the student was apt to imagine when
entering upon a college course that he
and the faculty had little in
common as a bond of sympathy. This ,
ha hoped , had been thoroughly dis
pelled in the case of the class before
him. He jnado a happy refeience to
the class motto "Palma , non sine
pulvere" which may perhaps be expressed -
pressed thus : There is no wreath of
victory without the clashing of oppos
ing forces. He also , in apt allusion
to Mr. Stratton's oration , hoped that
no pulverizing process had destroyed
or curtailed the individuality and the
freedom and positiveness of character
of any student comprising the class
before him.
The Union and Palladian literary
societies have each held meritorious
exhibitions during the week , and give
unmistakable indications of abundant
materials among the under graduates
to insure future graduating classes of
high standing ; . A common "sence ,
independent , thinking elements seems
to exist among all the students who
have become prominent during the
anniversary exercises. A. 0.
The Klllmtr of Curley.
Deadvrtxxl Times , June C.
Detective Llewellyn , who is at pre
sent in this city to answer to the
charge of illegally ridding our coun
try of a road agent , is of the opinion
that the grand jury now in session
hero will not tackle his case. It is be
lieved tint the territorial district
court has no jurisdiction in tha matter.
The officnr , at the time of killing
"Curly , " was acting by the authority
of a United States warrant ,
xnd besides , the killing was done on
i military reservation If the
present grand jiuy take no action in
the premises , Detective Llewellyn will
return to Dondwood in August and
nike a statement of the affair to' the
United States jurors who will be in
leasion at that time. Ho has no ap-
3rehcnsioii3 of the outcome of the
tilling , as ho is satisfied the jury will
ipprociate the merits of the case ; but
n the event they shouldn't , we don't
> eliovo that there "twelve good men
ind true'1 in this country who would
londenm Mm and Boone May for rid-
lin" tlrs region of bandits.
Horrible Tragedy.
pechl Dispatches to The Bee.
NEW YORK , June 10 , 4 p. m. A
lorriblo tragedy occured in Delancy
trect this morning. John Gcmpel
teat his wife until she was insensible
nd then threwher down stairs.He then
etlire lo the house and cut his throat
rom car to ear. The firemen dragged
iitn out but ho scon died. His wife
fill die. Ceinpel was actuated by
Tornado in Iowa.
pccul DUpatcb to The Boo.
COUNCIL BLUFFS , Juno 11 G a. m.
-Last evening a terrible tornado
wept through the southeastern part
f Pottawattamio county. A hugh
onical-shapcd cloud struck Wheeler's
Jrovc , demolishing houses , barns and
luilding , carrying them through the
ir and dashing them to pieces ,
'he number of killed is estimated
t from 15 to 20. A large number
rero carried away and cannot bo
ound. The track of the tornado was
alf a mile wide and not a house la
3ft standing on it. Those known to
o killed wtro Jetse Osier , wife and
wo children , Win. Pace , wife and
lirea children , and another fataly in
ured. Full reports are lacking.
This Morning's Fire
The alarm turned in from box two
t an early hour this morning was oc-
isioned by the discovery of fire in a
ivo-story housa belonging to Mrs.
.rlcson , corner of Charles and Saun-
ers streets , at the time unoccupied.
t is believed to ba the work of an in-
jtdiary. The housa waa uninsured ,
ad the loss will fall heavily upon the
wner. The house was totally de-
The Milwaukee Reunion.
MILWAUKEE , June 11. Yesterday
as the great ( ley of the soldiers' re-
nion. There are one hundred and
fty thousand strangers in the city
rom all parts of the country. Yes-
> rday morning there waa a grand
arade , in which 2,000 militia , 20,000
eterans and 700 inmates of the
ational soldiers home were in line ,
nd the veterans of the Mexican war
rere reviewed by Gens. Grant and
heridan. To-night the city and camp
rill be illuchinated and there will be
peeches , fire-works- . This after-
eon Grant and Sheridan were enter *
lined by the Loyal Legions. To-day
i a legel holiday In the state ,
15th and Douglas Street
Over 3,000 residence lotai fortala by this agei
cy at ptlceir angini ? frcm | 2& to 12,600 cacb , an <
located In every part rf the cite , and in ever ;
direction from the I'outofflcc , north. est , soul
or west , and vmrjinc m distance from < m
block to one or two mile ) Irom same. Call an
examine our lists
taTeial choice lot * in Griffin & loacs * adJ ]
tlon. west of content , between St. Mary's a > cr
ue and Uarney street IPOO to teOO.
80 acres lust eaat of barracks on Saumlcrs St.
this Is choice land and will be soil very chea
for cash in 6.10 cr 20 acre ! o' ; now ia 3 our tim
to secure a bargain.
Choice lot at end of street car tracks mi Haun
dera street for J175.
Choice lot. Farnh m and SUh itrot.1 , 00x13
feet for il.SCO-wiIt divide It.
Cheap lota in Credit Fnn Ur addltluii. south c
TJ. P. depot-4100 to ( SCO.
Forty loti on Park Arenue and Georgia ttrcet
on road to park , and nrar bead of St. M > ry'
avenue , at frum $125 to 8300 each. Seven ye"
tijno at eight par cent interest to those who wi ]
put up guod substantial buUdli. r. F r furlhe
particulars apply to.
O. P. BEMI8 , Atrent ,
Fifteenth and Pouglu Stieats.
A nlco lot on IJarney and Twentj-B t street- ,
for es.
Two iholce loll on 0th. near St. Mao's avenue
ue , COxlSS feet each er | S50 and $900. . .
Two choic * Iota near 23d and CI rkitrc U , in
E. V. Smith's addittun-fJOO and KM ,
Fifty lots In ShUin'a first , tecupd slid third ad
ditions forSUO to 1600 each ,
Lot near 13th and Pierce , * m
S lots on Ilanmr near 24th St. , ( 00 earb. 1
lot on Xith ntar Howard Itnet , * 7cO.
< 0 lots In Grand View addition , south ot U. P.
bridge and depot , from 115 to 9 00 each *
One acre , 117x170 feet , on 18th strait , south
of Poppleton's new residence , for $ " 2,000 , or will
divide into city sited Iota a ; from3)0 to $500
Large number ot beautiful resldtnce lots , lo
cated in this new addition on Capitol Hill , be
tween SUh street on the east , 26th ontthe weit
Dodge street on the north and Farnbsm street
on the south , formerly owned byC. H Downs
and more recentlj known n the Perkins 15 acres.
Only 22 Idt * have thus far been platted Ii on
Farnham and S on Douglas street. Tl > w * lots
are 50 to 56 feet in wldti and 160 In depth. $1,000
for the choice. S years time , at 8 per ctnt in
terest V > those who will build ( rood substantial
houses thereeo. Call and examine plat aad get
full Information at
15th and Dongas Stre ts.
Over 00 house * and lots are offend for sale
by this office They are scattered all over the
city. Any location you de.-Ire. Prices varying
from (300 to 115,000 each.
2 good lots and 2 cheap houses near Jackson
and 12th sttceta at a gnat sacrifice. Here is a
great bimln for some one. The property must
be tuld Itumrdlately. Cover * just a quarter of s
block. Call and examine this w Uhout any deity.
GEO. P. BKMIS , Agent.
15th and Douglas SU.
A desirable lot near Cumlnjf and Saunders
Streets , Jl.COO.
The cheapest acre lots In the city of Omaha ,
are those offend for sale by this agency In Fatk
Place and Lowe's second addition , on Cumin ? ,
Hurt and California streeti ; you can make no
mistake In picliojr up these bargains while jou
have the chance. These lots are more than equal
in size to 4 full-sized city lots rr a half block
and it will be but a very short time before onc-
fllth part of one of these acre Iota will sell for aa
cinch as we offer a full acre to-day. They are
located a very shoit distance west of Cr.l hton
College. Prices ranging from 1160 to $300 per
acre lot. Call immediately , and don't lose your
chance , and get plat and full particulars of
OKO. P. BEH1S. Agent ,
16th and Douglas Streets.
Nice lot on Shgrman Avenue north of Nicholas
Street , f 1,400.
Ilalf lot on Casstetween 13th and 14th streets
2 nice lots in Hartman's addition , $100 to $ COO.
Large number of acre lots in GUeVa addition in
North Omaha , tlzS to 2300 each.
Choice corner lot near 22nd and California
streets , $1,500.
Several good Iota in Kelson's addition. (150 to
I860 each.
Choice lot In Thomell's rddltion , $750.
Several large lots in Bartlett's addition , Ij
rods and 2 } acres each. Prices * 700 to $2,000
Several choice lots in Reed's first addition ,
| 275 to $ S50 each.
Acre lot on Sherman ayenue , (16th ( street ) ,
couth ot Poppleton's new residence , for $1,100.
2 large 1ms near 18th and Clark streets , COx
S30 feet Comer , S1.200 ; Inside , $1,000.
31argeIotaonSheim-n avenue , ( IGth street ) ,
near Clark Street. 1900 each.
22 nice and cheap lots , very near to the bus
iness part of the city , located a very few steps
south of the Convent and St. Mary's aven Jrand
just south tf and adjoining the ground of Jamca
H. Woolworth and WJ. . Council Iheso are
cheap and tery desirable , being B > handy to bus
iness part of city , to new government depot , nail
works , white lead works , U. P. depot , stock
j aids , packinghouses , etc Call and get plat
and lull pariiculars. Price 8275 to $350 and easy
terms to those who build.
GEO. P. BEHIS , Agent.
15th and Douglas Sts.
Scholce reeldenco lots en 24th street , between
Douirlaa and Dodce streelstl.100 ; to f 1.2(0 eicn
and long time to thofc who will build.
2chnire corner lo's near 21th and Fainham
Btreots , 65x124 feet , 81.160 and $1,200. and very
eisy terms to purchasers who wH improve.
Also i loti on 24th , between Farnham and
Douglas ) a reels , $350 to $1,800 each and long
T250 ° f the best business loU In the city of
Omaha for sale , located on every business street ,
$500 to $0,000 each.
jt-JTAlso very valuable sto'e properties In al
most every bucinesj block J5.000 to $15,000
40 choice rcs'dcnco lots in above addttimi , im-
meJiately north of and adjoining ; 1'iiipletoii's
beautiful residence and grounds , and locatf d on
18th 19th and 20th streets$300 to 3550 each ind
very easy terms to those whowril build. CU11 and
examine pljt and get full partlcul ir .
OKO. P. BEMIS , Agent.
Beautiful building site en Sherman avtnur ,
; i6th strcetbetween Popplcton and the Dudley-
Ijams property ; 263 feet cast frontage on the
kvenae , by 389 fret in depth. Will divide it.mak
ing 132 feet by 339. Call and get full particulars.
An acre * n 18th street , 101 feet east frontage
by 378 feet deep. This is just south f the Kllza-
beth ( ? oppleton place. Th's Is pilt-edro , call and
; et price and terms of FEMIS , Agent.
IS good lot * , just north of and adjoining K. V.
Smlth'j addition , and located be'ween 20th and
! aundeH streets , at reasonab'e ' prices and long
.imc to barer wlo improv * . EKU19 , Agent.
53 lots In Horbach'3 first and second additions
m 16th , 18th , 19th and 29th street ? , between
S'IchoUs , Paul , Sherman and Clara ; stieets , very
landy to U. P. Shops , smelting wnrks , etc. ,
anginj ; In prices from from $200 to $1:100 each ,
equinng only tmall payment down and long
, ime at 7 rxr cent interest to those who will im-
irove. GBO. P.BEMIS , '
15th and Douglas Slrett.
33 nice Iot In Parker's addition , between
launders and Pierce. King and Campbell's Sts. ,
m Bloaco street ; 19 lota with south fronts and
,9 with north frontage , only C blocks north of
he turn-table ( end street-car track ) on Sannden
treet. Very lew prices ; $175 cash , or $200 on
o-jg time and S per cent interest to those who
fill build.
{ 3T150 good farms for sale Ia Douglas , Sarpy ,
Washington. Bart , Dodge , Sannders and Eastern
ier of counties.
X2TaXO,000 acre * best ( elected land * in the
late fat sale by this agency. Call and get maps ,
ircnlan and fall partlcalsn.
jQTBem's' ' new map of Omaha , 60c and SLfO.
< 3TBeml * new pamphlet ( and map of the
Itate ) entitled "the outlook of Nebraska" for
rce distribution.
Geo. P. Bern is' ,
15th & Douglas St. ,
L. B. Williams it Son * wishing to
reduce their stock of boots and shoes
hare decided io make the following
loir pricer , on oiarutnations you will
find our prices lower than any shoo
house can possible sell at :
Present Former
No. Pairs. price. price
50 Men's brogans 95 $1 15
1CX ) Men'a Al U buckle -
shoo * Jl 15 1 40
25 Men's sewed army
brogaiia 160 185
40 Men's fine buckle
Alexia 1 75 225
50 Men's box-toe sewed
Alexis 2 25 3 00
50 Men's prime calf
Alexis 2 00 3 75
24 Youth's buckle Alexis ,
1013 1 15 1 40
2o Chile ) * ' j rain pegged
tippedpoli hcd,813. 05 1 00
50 Child * ' red hi-h ici > l-
lop loppolicl 60 1 00
:0 : fluids' priuio calf
l.utt.-r. , 7-18 1 20 1 50
24 Clulda'kid Cincinnati
polish , 7 10 1 15 2 00
30AI Uses'I. K. polkac ,
J12 70 I 00
24 MiiiL-a' Ualtituore kid
polish 1 20 1 60
40 Misses' India button
boots 1 20 1 50
30 Mitten * goat buttou
boots 1 35 3 20
15 Ladies'kid foxed but-
t.n 1 25 2 00
100 I&Hii-s'kidbut'bn. . . 1 25 1 76
125 Laditn * kid , side lace 1 25 1 7t
" 5 Laai'iVgraiusidelsco 1 25 1 75
80 Ladies' grain I n't" " 1 25 1 75
12 Ladies' * kid foied
polish 75 1 00
15 Ladies' kid f-xed
palish 1 00 1 CO
12 LidkV kid foxed
poluh . . . 1 25 200
200 Ladies' grain polish
( tewed ) 1 15 1 75
GO Child * ' grain poltrh
standard screwed. . . 'JO 1 10
30 Childs' goat top
polish 1 10 1 60
CO Mutes'goat polish. . 1 25 1 75
20 Misses' kid polish. . . 1 40 2 25
12 Mines' kid side lae 1 25 2 50
10 Misses'strnight grain
goat button 150 250
Itomomber betides our itock of
boots and shoes wo carry one of tha
largest lines of drees good.1 and DO *
tiona in Omaha.
"We will not be undersold. "
Leaders in Dry Goods.
1422 & 1424 Dodee St.Cor. 15th ,
Opposite Postoffice.
Successors to
Cash Price List.
10 B 9 Standard A Sugar . il 00
101 0 > s extra Cougar . . 1 00
11 tts C Su ar . I d )
9 Ibs granulated Sugtr . 1 00
BlftsCutLoaf Suear . 1 00
3j C * Powdered baR r . 1 M
B ttSBOod Rio CoHee . 1 00
S Ibs extra choice Rio Coffee . 1 09
! } Its Costa Rica Coffee . 1 00
Jtl.STcry bcstOO Java . 1 OO
JlbsMoLh . - . 1 00
I ) cans Paacbei . 1 09
10 Ibs Valencia Kalslns . 1 00
10 Ibs choice Prunes . . 1 00
I Ita Fitted Cherries . 1 00
10 Ibs Michigan IJricd Apples . 1 M
13 ll > s dried Currants . 1 00
20 bare White Russian Soap . 1 00
16 Ibs Procter & Gambits Soap . 1 00
1C Ibs Dobins Electric Soap . 1 00
17 Ibs choice SodaCracktrs. . . . _ . 1 00
17 Ibs choice Oyster Crackers . 1 00
II Ibs Clnjrcr Suips . 100
11 II * OatMeil Crackers . 1 00
11 ll < Scton Crackers . . . I 00
T Ibs Jumb'cs . 1 00
21 It * Beans . 1 00
35 Ibs Hominy . 1 (0
23 Ibs Oat Meal . 100
ISlbsS lit I'cas . 100
11 lb * Carolina Rice. . . 1 00
) lbsTapi ca . - . . . 1 > 0
lbsS ? o . 1 00
UlbsIUrlcy . 1 00
IZIlsMixen DlrdSctd . 1 03
r 3 H > cans Standard Toma ocs . . . . . . . 100
) 2 It. cam Standard Tomatjrea . 1 00
i3 tbcins reaches. . * . . 1 09
j2-tt > can > Corn . 1 00
r2-It > cansCherr'ei . 1 09
I 2-U. cans Yarmouth Corn . 1 M
r 1-lb cans Bornham t Merrill . 1 00
> } IbsHiklnel'owJe . 1 Oft
1'ure Maple Sjrrup p r gallon . 1 U
Imbrr White . 70
Beat New Orleans Syrup . 70
Qood New Orl.ans Mob-ses . U
Ear Diseases
Dr. C. E. Shoemaker ,
Die wed known Aural Survron , of Peadlrtf , Ps ,
who has been In the medical profession orer SO
rears , pivcs ALL his time EXCLUSIVELY , to
the treatment of dca'neai and diseases of the
: ar and catarrh. lie sends a rsJoabla little book
> f 61 po ea on the treatment of these disese * .
FREE TO ALL. This book gives references sod
testimonials that will satisfy the most skeptical.
[ Io Is also author of a woik of 375 psget , octiro.
> n these disease * and their prorer treatment.
Price 32 , by mall. No family should be without
i copy ot this valuable book. It wfll tare tat-
'erlnir. low of hearing and doctor's fees. DR
3HOE5IAKER'S remedy for the core of RUN-
KINO EARS , U nniTerully acknowledred by
hysidans and the public in general , as the only
.raly reliable remedy for the cure of this loathe *
lome disease. It Is harmleo , pleuant and ro
uble , and will rare almost any case , even of
'ortr or fifty years standing. All bad small and
inp'easantness of the disease instantlyremoTed ,
md the bearing In most cues greatly improred
xrmanently. Price J2. Ill Jas. K. Ish. whole-
lale and retail dealer In dragB. nwrfidnw and
lurrfcal instruments. Ua faraham street ,
) maha.
_ mayMecd-lmo
Jonet , Bet. 3th and 10th SU. , OXAKA.
Tint quality distilled Wine and Cider Yinefir
> f any strength below eastern prices , sod war.
anted Just as good at wholesale ind retail.
Send for price list. EBHSI KBCT8.
_ J b93m Manager.
3. A. FOTHK. Jim E. Scorr.
Design * for building * of any d
exUxlbitionatonroCce , Woh T lu < Jot
jrera iperienc tade liiilnr and "gnf. * * ;
[ n * public bulldinjr aad rtsioeacee. yuin ait }