Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Thursday Morning , June 10.
.Slaved to tnbeaibera by carrier to nr l rt o
tto < ity. rery d r , fcundajn cxccptod t filtccu
\ tsenta per week.
Any compUlnU about lrreBcl riUe , or ln. |
proper delivery ol the paperu addrcaecd 'o
this office will receive prompt attention. _ ,
TUB OmnA DAIIT HEB will be mailed to sub-
cnben at the fotkiwm ? reUn , paj-ablfl Invar-
ably In adtanee : $8.00 per innum ; W.OO eli
months. Tn OMAIU WBKLT DE J2.00 per
rear.THI OMAHA DAIJ.T BM ha lir ar the largest
circulation both in Omaha > nd abroad , and : g
therefore the h t and chrapot advertising
tS-Fo fntirattngHiKellanyjMttitM
tary and Commtrctal Iltpartt , Railroad 7
PeitfiZce Tune-Talila. we third caa
I'atenon sells coal.
Try Saxe'a Royal Crown
Carriage Umbrella * at WocdvorlhV.
Soda at Saxe's pure fruit syrups.
The June riee is evidently at an
Scarcer than hen's teeth Grant
Songs of Siven at the Baptist
church this ovenirg.
Root Beer and Ginger Ale at
The west bound expressyetkrJay
morning curied fourticn coaches.
Shelby Creamery butter , very choice
only 20 ccula rftr pound at J. B.
French & Oo'a. junt2-lw
The river was 10 fcot 5 inches
above low walftr rork at noon yebtoa-
LoU , Farme , Houses and L-ud .
Look over Berais' new column of bar-
gainj on firt pige.
The cflirhlB of the Chicago , 5t ,
Paul & Omaha railrrad arrived in the
city yeeteiday ruoruing and left in the
-Try SSXO'B litilo Key West Ci
ar , ICc.
The funeral of Dr. Heniy will
take place at 2,30 p. m. on Thui-sdny.
The iron woik for Max Mvytr &
CO.'B new building is being put in
Don't forget that Tony Denicr'a
piutcunne iroupo will bj st the Aca
demy on the evening of the IGth
Mrs. Latty will gi\o aurtlur
muetcol iriireo , i > nd ( ho la t of Uu
zcaion , at the Picibyter'au Churchou
Friday evening.
The rewou fir thee
o , > he wd'cr ' works ordiaauco at the
council meeting Tuesday evouing , wt > i
the * unavoidable pbienco of Prceidcu
" -The carJa are out for the wedding
of Will-am J. Webber and ! { Jlt-l
lie Furnai , daughter of Mr , and MM
Robert Fur 'i nt Brownvillo , Juni
IGth ,
Marr'ogo licenses were Issuei
Tuesday by JudgeBarthi Icmow to Mr
Robert AVanvich and Miss Btssi
McNiel ; A'BQ < o Mr. Frank Binning
ham and Mies Morj Barry , U of thi
city ,
The lecluro which w s to havi
been given by Mr. I. E. Congdon , u
tha Baptist church last Saturda ;
evening , but which wai paslponud on
account of the inclemency of tn
weather , will bo gi\en on Frldn ;
evening of this week.
Duringktho courcil mooting Tnea
d y evening , Mr. Stephen on forgot thai
he wca in the chair aud coinincncei
vigorously dibatin a resolution , bill
waj eoon called to r.ler byCiuncil
man Keunard.
White Swan and his interpreter
viaited the convtcition of the cit >
fathers/Tuasday ni ht and npi'earec
highly edified by listening to tha
digniGed b idy.
A party of Bohemian emigrant B
went west yesterday. Fifty of the
party were destined for Walwo , eleven
for Fremont , given for North Beud
and seven'y ' for Schuylor.
The party of personal friends o
the managers of the Pullman com
pany arrived in this city yesterday after
noon. " They occupy the elegant pri
vate Pullnnn car , and will continue
eastward over the popular C. , 13. it Q.
r OA 1.
The proprietor of ono of cur
hotels was before his honor chnrg
with uting'undue force in ejecting the
complainant frcm his house. The
complaiuiut was present and bore
evidence rf having been roughly
hand lod. Tbo case was postponed.
The comnritstoneis of insanity
h ivo yet made no decision in the case
of John Smith alias "Cranky Bill. "
The man still lingers in the foulaome
den under the court house known es
the city jail.
fiel Burgcsi will appear in the
"WMow Bedott" at the Academy of
Music On Friday evening. Mr. Geo.
W. Stoddart will appear in the char-
aitcr of the Rsv. Shadrach Snifllcs.
The play is one of the most humorous
over presented in Omaha.
St. Barnabas Day ( Friday ) will :
bo observed by &tBarnabas church
by religious services &t 7 and 10 a. in. ,
and by a pic-nic In the afternoon at
Hanscora Park. The Rev. Mr. Betts
is in town for the purpose of joining
in the celebration. Ho will make an
nddreu to his old parishioners on
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
The gentleman who presides over
the local department of The Herald ,
of this city , Woodbridgo , we believe
is the name , will be careful where he
cits down hereafter. At the depot a
day or two ago , some of the fiends
who lurk about the place proffered
him a most comfortable'looking chair ,
in the cushion of which wore carefully
concealed a number of instrument * of
torture. Ye local eat him down , but
gt up again without being told. :
A man suffering from what Is sup
posed to be a temporary aberration
of the mind , and -whoso name -we con
ceal on account of hb connection
with a Wghlyreapected family in this
city , was lodged , at the request of his
ri&nrUfmthecity jail , Tueiday. He
a superhthnan effort broke the lock
from the door and gained he hall.
Ho was transferred yeserday morning
to more secure quarters in tlif county
Another Thief Captured.
Yestsrd&y morning amanappearcdin
Roseostein's o'otliina ' store and offered
fcr rale a suit of clothrs which he
claimed was made to ordir , but .11 Ihe
man wai small , aud the clothes weio
evidently manufactured for a pirly o !
largo avorduroii , Mr. Rosenstein rei-t
for Officer Donahue , who took the
man in custody on iuipicon. Ho
lold several conflicting s'ories , one
that he came from lowayeaterday ant
MI > ther thf t he had been here a week.
Desaid the cloilr.u were ira'lu to order
for himat-lfwhich was ariJently Mae.
The i uit was a fine ono , of gray
Diarrond Itings.
Wo have just finished st-it'iij a fine
lot of diamonds in solitaire r'mjs , a
the low price of fr. m § 10 lo § 15 each
Wo guarantee thorn first-class for the
nuniey. We will not bo undersold
Call aud see our ttock before you buy
The Jewelers , coiner 15th and Dodg <
ttrocts , opi'iHilc poslollioe.
arc uvcretcchcd in all department *
and in crJer lo rcduco stock we nil
offer some big bargatta for the. uexi
thirty da\s :
Punsok from 15c up
Ladies Hose " 8jc "
Dreis Button' t7 Co"
Dross Coeds ' . . " Cc "
Gen's'lltso " Gc
Ihtae are only a few prices. GJHV
an-1 sjo UF , and we will show you
goods and giv you pr'cca that yf
ineiiro a sale ,
ATKINSON'S great clearing sale to
Jcam Inge lows "Song of Seven. "
Musical and littraiy euterlainmeni
at the Bip'ist church , Thursday cvn
ing , Juno 10 :
Quartette "Ln , the "Bright Crimson1
( Palmer ) , Mrs. .Latey , ML-s Spoor , ilebsrs
r. S. and J. L. Smith.
Jean Ingelow'H Songs of Seven Sevei
Times One , "Exultation , " Miss Gundy
Seven Times Two "Romance , " Mi s
Nellie Beunett ,
I'loral March "We Como from tli
VuHevk , " sixteen yonns ; Misseii.
Sex en Times Three-"Lme , " Mrs ) .
S. Smith.
Sonff-'Tha Anchor's Weighed" ( Bra
ham ) , Mr. F. S. Smith.
Seen Times Four "Maternity1 Miei
Lizzie Morris ,
I'jallnd"Darby w $ Joan" ( Molloy )
Mr .
Reven Time * FIve "Widowhood , " Mi *
M. I'anuie Morri .
' Seven Times Sis "Giving in Marriage,1
Mrs. S. V , Ilickman.
Wedding March ( Mendelsohn ) , Prof
G. F. Mnyer ,
* Tableaux Bridal scene.
Soug-"No More" ( Perkins ) , Mr. J , L
Seven Times Se en "Longing for
Home , " Misi Millie Dort.
Chant "Thoughts of Home ( Gould )
Mrs. Latey , Miss Spoor , Messrs , F , S
und.T. L. Smith.
Finale Tableaux ,
Admission , 25 rent * ; children , 15
For Sale , Very CJioip A now cab
inet organ two sets reeds aud five
octtve. Addnss "Orga'i , " care Bee
tera lor Joe Schlitz'i
Milwaukee beer at MKKCUANTS * Ex
CHANOK , N. E. Cor. 10th and Dodge.
ATKINSON'S gi cat clearing sale to
( Jouiitv Court Juno Term.
Proceedings had on Tuesday , Judge
W. 0. Bartholomew presiding :
Omthn , Driving pirk vs. Chri ? . Nev
ina ; judgment riuidcr.-d fcr plaintiff.
Soloman M Edwards vs. Henry J ,
Miller ; judgment for plaintiff.
Elijah Stoddiird vs. Henry J. Mill
er ; jmlgnunt for plain till' .
James II. Quinn vs. J. S. Mcln-
lyre ; jiidgmont for defendant
C. Ugilcr ot al vs Fritz Ricpou
judgmoiit for [ iltintilFin default.
Daniel A. Griffin vs. Win. F. Pag
ett. Dismissed.
Hodman B. Ellison ct al vs. Juliu
H. Stem ; judgment for plaintiff in
John T. Paulson vo.Geo. M. O'Bii
en ; judgment ror plaintiff.
Juit received to-day ! A job lot o
silver stem-winding watches , whicl
wo will sell at , $10.00 tnch aud guarantee
anteo to bo good time-koppera Onlj
a limited number on baud. Call and
compare thorn with any § 15.09 watch.
TlteJeivclos , opposite postollice , 15tl
and Dod'ji * .
P. S. Kailroad watches of boat
manufacture a large stock 011 hrn'd '
in gold or tilxer cases.
ATKINSON'S great clotnwj talc to
Rent Estate Transfers.
Chas. W. Hamilton ( trusteed to
Sarah G. Blair , w. d. , lot 2 , block 7 ,
Sliirin's add § 502.50.
Hui'h Murphy to T. J. Lowry , w.
J. , lot 7 , Kounlz's 2d add. ? 300.
ATKINSON'S great clcari y sale to-
If j-ou want a nica black walnut
lcck , and ono that you can depend
jpon to keep good time , go tn
The Jeuxlcrs , opposite the postoffico
Fifteenth and Dodg .
P. S. Largest stock to choose from
n the cityand lowest prices all now
joods and of American manufacture.
iYb Imported trade on hand.
ATKINSON'S great charing sih to
Over eighty millions of dollars of
Insurance capital of the oldest and
joat homo and foreign companies rop-
resouted In the agency of Taylor &
Howall. dlGif
He kissed the of his fingcra at a girl
icross the street , and the boot of her
pig brother , raised him clean from his
eet ; he picked himself up and went
straight home , though hisbones ached
with pain. Ha rubbed Eclectfic Oil-
well in , hes ] well , but won't kiss his
ingera again. _
Hamburg Figs 25o a box.
For Land , Loti , Houiea anof
forms , look overBemia' now column
Police Court
Notwithstanding the action of the
republican national convention , his
honor , Pat. 0. Hawes , yesterday
promp'ly assumed the sett of justice
and trailed like a kind parent upon
the galaxy before him.
"The tramp question , " said ho to a
reporter , "is a difficult one for a per
son in my position to deal w'tb , Ev
ery night hUf a d .zsn or more men
.are arrested for trespassing at un
seemly hours upon the properly of cit
izins and without via'.ble means of
suppoii. Some of hete are profess
ional va nnts , whilj others are
men who out of employment
and without me ins , Cek ( lie seclusion
of empty b x cars and lumber y.irdp ,
whore they frill in null fie bauds of
prufis < i < inal tranijs and are hail fel
lows well met" uutil arrested and
brought lefore thUcouit , ihm they
siirn the idea of l ing clwsjd with
tho'mm in whim conipmy they
hive uufortunate'y been fuund.
In most ca oi , however , it bjcomes my
unpleasant duty to admit of no dis
tinction , as I c.vnift co'JEciouliously
commit a m < m to tl.e city jail and
alljw another , guilty of the same
offence , to go , bectue l.e may happen
to be the potsessor of a butter ward
robe and ires nta < i lultor
Yesterday tho'o woo five men
comraittid lvfive days to Ihe city
jiil fur the crime of trampisui.
A drunk was glad to pay § 3 and
costs and departed in peatQ.
Summer hai come again and the
usual trouble about chi'dron ' aud
chickens has c < mmenced tn Bohemi-tu
town. This time it was cna n ° ixhbir
compldining ajainst another for ab'Js-
ing a goose. 'Ihe case \v \ is postponed
U itil to-day.
A young man in tbo employ of a firm
of th-a city , hired i f ono i f our hvoiy
rrfen , Tuesday , the bust team and
C image that the catablisl.m nt could
turn out. Afier enjoying the simo
several hours he returned it to the
etible damaged to the amount of some
thirty dollai'a. The young blood had
hire ! the "rig" in the nime cf his
emil yeis , subscqueut'y ' the pro
prietors of the s'ablc aecerbitic 1 that
the firm's name had Vuen used with
out any kno ledgd on thcic part. The
man was , on his n f uaal to make got 4
the damage d 'HPTrettcd. . Tlio case
was postpone' ! .
The saddest cato biforo the tribunal
of jus'ico yesterday was ( .hut of a
boy fourteen VQIM of tigs , who h > d
b.eon arrested in a helpl-ssiy dmnkr n
ginditttn Tuesday afternoon. Ba
stated that while lo'ttrning from
* phool ho was decoyed into a lumber
yard ry aonio tranipi nid given beer
to drink , which he accepto 1 , and kne\y \
nothing more until ho awoke n tlo )
city ja'l ' -terJay mornijjg. He
ATKINSON'S great ckari-tg sak in
mill'nory ' will c'uimuue tj-day , and
continue throughout the season. Louie
out for b r aini , and call early to
avoid the arternoon rush.
Some s nail boys have been amusing
themjolvei lately by throwing atones
at the windowa of the Baptist Church
with slung shotj. As r. result they
liavo succeeded in I'roaking ' thro >
lights of oxouaivi3 [ glaca in the win.
dews of the auditorium. A member
of the church ( ays that ho will give
55 reward ( o anyone who w ill ivo him
information that will lo.ul t > the con
viction of the guilty p ; r'ies.
Appropoi of thti subjec % it is
pertinent to nay that much dinnge
has been donu by this sjrt of amiue-
mont , and a citj * ordiiunco ahould bo
made , nuking it ui'anful ' for tlieso
dangerous articles to be cirried.
Olhur ciliuj in the west have orcli
nances of this sort , and uiu ia badly
needed in Oman ? .
Why doms yourso vcs with nnusual
Ina modicinoa" , when a purely fruil
cathartic will euro you at once Ham
burg Figs. Try them.
If you have a watch that stops or
does not run satisfactorily , take it to
Edhohn & Ericlsou and have it re
paired whore it will bo warranted to
run as gooJ as new. Wo will guaran-
tcu satisfaction or refund the inoiipy.
The Jetvelers , Fifteenth and Dodge
streols , opposite the I'ostoffiro.
P. S. Beautiful and new silver
ware unpacke I to-day and at New York
ATKINSON'S great clearing sale to
Yosterdy City Jailor Wester-
clahl , in the hopes uf ridding the city
j il of some of the vermin which in
fest the place , purchased a rat-trp.
In lets than an hour it was full of
largo squirming , squealing rat ? . No
loss than eleven were counted.
They furnished rare sport for the
ttect dog who soon dispatched them.
The prisoners complain bitterly ; they
say that they are obliged to stay awake
all night fighting the swarms of vicious
rodent' . Even this is horrible enough ,
but our reporter was farther informed
that on Tuesday a man reeking with
a foul dueaso too loathsome to men
tion was incarcerated with the rest of
the prisoners , and they obliged to use
the simo drinking cup and dishes at
the risk of contracting a disease which
vvi uld ruin them for life.
Bargains at Ringer's in Millinery
aud Fancy Gojds. Ladirs * and Chil
dren's Sun Hats , 15 to 25c. Elegant
Trimmed Hats for 59c , § 1.00 , § 1.50 ,
§ 2.00 , S3.00 , 84.00 , § 5.00 and $0.00.
Don't fail to see them Hosiery , EmBroideries -
Broideries , Parasols , GlovesHandker
chiefs , Jewelry , Corsets , Fan , &c. ,
very choip. C. A. RINGER ,
w 115 loth St. , Jacobs' Block.
I will bo present at my office in
Creightcn block on the first Saturday
of each month to examine such ap- ,
ilicants as mar desire to teaoh in the
public schools of Douglas county.
Quarterly examination first Satur-
lay in "Febrnary , May , August end
"f *
J. J. POINTS. * , *
Co , Supt , Pub , Inif ,
Rev. Hugh Dtinc n , of Montana , is
ia the city.
Hon Lewis Ley , of Sbnton is vis-
iliug the mctropo'ia.
Gen. E. C , David , surveyor-general
of Wyominp , went eagt Tuesday.
Rtv. H. C. Shaw , of Silver Creek ,
lift for hs home yesterday morning. &
Assistant Surgein H. D. B.-mty , efFort
Fort Onuhs , went west to Fort
JIcKinney yeaterdy.
Mr. Lulo Voorhees , of Iho Ulack
Hilh ttijc ; company , went west lo
Chi-yeuuc ycsUrday moruiujj.
Secretary Howser ot the Y. M. C.
A. , has guue t > Clrcigo to at' end a
Y. AT. 0. A. confi rdi'CvJ ' in that city.
Mr. Dduiil Glciaou , in Ihe employ
of the Jo\va D.viaion of the C. B. &
Q. U. R. , ia iu town , the gurst of Gen-
Freght AgoutV. . J. D-iveuport.
oDR the pjwtengers in iha wett
bound train yrstarday wai Mr. J ie.
B. Ati el * , of Ann Arbor , Michigan ,
tlienc.vly appointed luinisiortj China ,
wh ) ii ui > route to his poat.
Mr. Frank X. Cicott , nn olternato
to the Chiwgo contention , from Cali-
forni < > , pftsod' liroHghthrci'yesterd y
muniiiig hf mewarJ biund Mr. Cicolt
1 ft , Iho couveiiti'iu ouo hour balonnts
tlosi' . He expretses himstlf as well
fn'isiK'd with the nominations made ,
aud feels o.'iifidout of a sweeping
victory for tha ticket in November.
Among the arrivals at the Metro
politan hottl are the followit g ;
Ira Van Camp , M. D. , City ; R. S.
Gimci , M. D. , Lincoln ; T , H. Bom-
nan , M D , Elkhorn ; W. S. Litta ,
M. D. , Lincoln ; E. L. Legging , M.
D. | Columbus ; Geo. H. Simpson ,
Chuao ; S. Waltz , Akron , Ohio ;
W. E. Walton , Ge o , Nelrifk ;
R. B. Mort-n , Wahoo , Keb. : H. E.
Crandcll Chicago ; C. R. Cornell ,
Columbus , Nob. ; T. Smith , Gin , 0. ;
J.V. . Peoiy , Bioomington , Neb. ; W.
F. G t s , Davis City ; Daniel Sager ,
Omaha ; "W. G. Cummings ,
do , ; T. E. Wilbur , Boston ;
0. P. Brfkyr , Mnnjor , D. 0. ; G. L ,
Nichols , M. D. , and ron , Pawnee
C.ty , Neb. ; John Halligle , F. W ,
11-ilHgl ? , Madi on , Wi3 ; W. J. White
and wife , New Yirk ; H. W11 } , Dnid
City ; G. E. Simmoua , PhiUdeluliin ;
00. . Sperry , Yank | ; ' > D.
§ 20,000 wor.h ot fine nvllinery to
ba SJ.'d ' withiuho rest 30 dayi at
ATKINSON'S the AcjcnowledgedLead ,
ing Millinery Establishment , corner of
Douglas and Thirteenth streets.
The nnjurpased plounre reuTtp $ )
of Minnesota became famous long ago ,
and amicl her unnvaljsd ec nery and
on the n erb freih w4or lakei there
meet every year people from all parts
of the country , and especially from the
extreme couth and all along the banks
of the MitBUitppi snd Mutourl rivers.
The Minnesota rcsorla are _ bpcoanng
every year more and more popular in
Nebraska , and a number which has
already become very tar o make ita
custom to pass a portion of the tummer
at the Minnesota
The first Miuties ita excursion o
the present season will leave Omah > i
on June 30 , at 3:45 : p m , g < > 5n over
the Sioux City & Pacific aud Sioux
City & St. Paul lines. The faro for
the round ttip to St. Paul and retun
h is bean fixe I at ? 18 35 ; tickets gou
for sixty days Full partisuhn "t the
ixcimii-n , with pamphlets dt script ivo
of Mimiusuta scenery and giving ful
directions fi r rcaohitig the resorts , al
of wl'ich ' arc but a short tide from
P.m1 , can bocbtiincl by addressing
M j. J. II. O' Bryan , general south
vj stern ajtcutnt Council BlufTs. d <
Liundry work will bo collected ant
delivered by the Omaha Shirt Factory
Leave your address. First-class work
Children's hats , in enJless variety
at ATKINSON'S , and they are goinj ,
for a song.
liumo comtorts , moderate rates
Astor Douse , Now York. mlG-lin
District Court June Term.
The following proceedings were hat
Tuesday :
In the matter of tbegmrdianshipol
Fanny E. Cobtnn et al. ; licence to eel
icil estate.
Sireitz vs. Orchard ct al. ; decree o ;
McCreary vs. Pratt ot al. ; order to
show causa by Saturday morning
uc t whysalo should not be confirmed.
Mil'cr\s. Uorbach ; trL-1 to juty ,
verdict for plaintiff for $29.19.
Edwards vs. Atchem et al. ; contin
ued by consent.
Cruightonadministrator , vs. Creigh-
ton ct al ; leave to withdraw answer
and file demurer.
Souvillevs.Iiangojdefendant against
B , rney vs. Hobeboom ; jugoraeni
agaitut defendant.
Jourt adjourned uctiruine o'clock
this morning.
Commigalonera Proceedings.
" TUESDAY , June 8.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
Present Commissioners Knight ,
Drexel and Gorliis.
At 3 o'clock proposals for the con
atruction of a brick sewer , 100 feet
long and four feet in the clear on
Farnham street , north of Redick's
grove , wew opened , and after dua ex-
tmination , contract was awarded to
C. A. Jansen , as follows :
Excavating : 10 cents' per cubic vwd.
Furnishing material and building
sewer , $465.
The following accounts were allowed
from the general fund :
Henry Logermann. assessor f or Jef-7
ferson precinct for I860 , on ac-
connt 30 00
N. Kiecken , assessor for Chicago
precinct for 18SO , on account 30 00
Jean Schons , assessor for Omahi
jirecinct I\"o. 2 for 18SO , on ac
count S105 00
Adjourned to the 12th inst.
County Clerk.
MISSIKG. A case o constipation by
using Hamburg Figs.
Another large invoice of millinery
just received at ATKINSON'S" , the
Acknowledged Leading Millinery Et-
tallithmtnt , corney Dou laq an
Ratifying the Republican Nom
inations-Eloquent Speeoh-
. es and an Enthusiastic
The Academy of Music wss crowded
last evening in response to the call
published in the dally p pero for a
meeting of republicans to ratify the
Domirat'on of Girfield and Arthur as
tlio standard boirara of the party dur.
ins ; the coming presidential campaign.
Tnu Ninth lufantry band vraa present
and filled up the intarvali b.te.n
tlu sp eedfoi with natii-nsl nirf.
The mealing was CilU'd to order by
II. n. J. I. Rediek , who moved the
nomination of ex-Senator Hitchcock
as chairman. Mr. Hitchcock , upon
taking tKo chair , spoke as follows :
CITIZK.NS : I thank you for the honor
of being called upon to ptvsUeat this
in wh.t I believe
thb fir&t me ting held -
liovo will be one of the grandest cam
paign this country hrs ever seen. I
ci.ngrutulaleyuuup.m the auipictoui
c rcumstanccj which surround u .
After a contest for its duration , for i
excitement , fi r its intensity and iti
g'nnt BJiiuus.ties unpara'leled ' in the
h strry of this country , the republican
party h s at latt selected ita stand
ard-bearers for the comiug campaign.
I lougratnUto. you that -they have
seecud ! a man big enough , broad
enough and , grand enough to unite
eveiy digcirdant element , to hu'h
every clbshiog amhi'ion and. 'personal
jealousy and to unite the republican
Boy and men I h * e known James
A. G-irfield fi r twcmy-fivu years , and
am iroud here and now to he njt-
niss'ohis cl.'ar head , steady hand.
I urejheait and great gonl , Some _ of
us there are who expected and dpaired
another nominee. Some cf us de-
ijred that grand old herd who fir four
jvais fi usjht in defense of our liberty ,
and w ! o fr eight years thereafter so
ably failed the presidential chair , and
who more recently has batn the rec p-
itnt of boDOia from princes , poton-
tites , aud powers whi.h no American
cuixu hss ever received before.
Otters no less sincerely deeired the
nomination of anothertht great
parliamentary 1 ( nder iroro the rocky
shores of Maine , who by big p-rsonal
maanttism ; has tecurecl a greater pert
houal ftllowir.g than any other cit an
since the time of Henry Cl y. But
a'l ' , whatever ihejr former preferences ,
must now unite to support , the goriuu |
n-nniuation which has just been
made. 1am not here to detain you
but c ll for nominations for secretsay.
-County CJork Joha R , Manchester
was numifl ited secretary and a long
lUt of pronriitnt citizens vice presi
Hon. J. I. Redjck being loudly
called for salJ :
I did not come hero to apeak , but
s'mply to see how this rat-tying is
( Imo. It is well known how I it eden
on tlje presidential question. I was
not a Garfield man at first but a Grant
man , But from the time when I
heard his eloquent speech tn the right
i f the Weifc Virginia delegates to csit
the r votes in accordance with their
convictic ns , when I listened to his
manly eloquence and his splendid de
fense of individual liberty , I became
an admirer of Jas. A. GarBeld. Gar-
bald's course throuxhout the whole
convention was mauly and straight
forward. , When bo went there he said
he was not a candidate , and I believe
ho was not , for duriug the course ol
the whole convention Lo did nothing
tti put himself forward. I came back
hero from Ch'cigo after having lost
51,000,000 on Grant , prepared to re-
unbone myself on the election of Jas.
A. GarfiiH in November , for I am
confident that in November we can
elect G it field by as big ft majority as
wo did Uljs-ea S. Glaut in IfcOS. [ Ap-
plaust' . ]
After music by the Ninth Infantry
band , loud calli were made for Gener-
a1 Cowiu , fi llowed by culls for Gener
al Manderson. General Manderson
stepjcd fonvaid and spoke substan
tially as. follows :
I regret exceedingly tbntCapt. John
G. Co win is not prfmut , when t think
of tbo fact that no man's voice will be
heard fir James A. Garfield with
more carnestnors than Capt. J. 0.
Cowin , hi * eld pup 1. I remember ,
Mr Chairman , that about four year ;
a o in this city there wrt a meetin J |
republicans which ratified the action
of the republican party in the matter
i f the nominations at Cincinnati
There * had been then great leaders
of the patty battling through their
friends fi-r the Nomination , with as
much force and earne'atnesa as a few
days since at Chicago , but Rutherford
H. Hayes , of whom ftw had talked
prior to the convention , was selected.
I remember that four yoirs ago there
were thuso who predicted that he
would ca-ry the standard of republi
canism through the campaign to vic
tory , aud who prophesied that he
would make as good a president as any
aimed before the convention. Ho
did BO , and to-day no man Can poinl
to his record aim give one word ol
consuro. 1 came but yesterday from
that splendid scene in Chicago wit
nessed by a body of ten thou
sand republicans , watching the
del.borations. When that convention
convention opened there modestly ap
peared a man at whoso presence the
body arose and applauded to the echo >
A man who at the call of his country
forgot stlf , f. rgot modoity , and prof
fered his tcrvicei in behalf of bis
country. His course throughout the
exciting scenes of the convention at
tracted renewed admiration. His ac
tion as chairman of the Committee on
rules declining to report until , in ac-
c.irdanca with his committee's pledge ,
the commit tee on credentials had re
potted was characteristic of the man's
honor. His next appearance when be
insisted on the right of the West Vir
ginia delegates to vote on any ques
tion according to their own free will
was in accord with his love of freedom
of thought , tpeech and action. I
know from personal observation that
hw tried to put the great honor behind
him , for ho was honestly acting in the
interest of that great hnancier , John
Sherman [ Applause. ] Mr. Chair
man , if I ui.-tlt.mand a rrtification
njeeting aright , it is n t a rictly a po
litical meetn.j. It should take the
character of an experience meeting. It
was my good fortunco to aee Gen. Garfield -
field in 1850 , when ho was a candidate
of the anti-slavery party for
the Ohio senate for the Western Re-
sjrvc. He was then pre-ident of the
Hiram iti ttutr , and in conversation
with him the day after bearing one of
his e'oquent speeches , I learned the
hi'toryof this remarkable man. When
17 years of age ho had eomo knowl
edge of the threa JVs "readin' , "
"iii ' " and ' " . "
, "rithpetic. He
worked a litilo at the carpenlers'
; rade , and was then forced by dire
necessity to drive horses as a boatman
on the Uhio canal. Acquiring a Jitlle
money by this meam he went to
school , and "by fir t working at odd.
movmtn's a.t cirpcnttrin ? , and after
wards teaching , he saved enough to
end hinueli to college. Afterwards ,
Jreiident o ! the Hiram institute , at
ho call c ? hi ( oour try , hi bpskW Ofi
his sword , sni went to the war ai
first lieut * nint of an Ohio regiment.
Many stories are told of his courage
and bh power to command. These
will soon become household stories.
It was a fortunate moment when Jas.
A. Garfield accepted the nomination
of representative to congress , and left
the army at the call of the people ,
there to combat the traitors whom he
had faced in the fluid. There on that
floor he has been a worthy successor to
the plumed knightT No heavier blows
have been dealt to Irvaion atd disloy
alty than those given by the heavy
fund of James A. GarnVKt. The people
ple of his state have called him to oc
cupy a seat in. the s nate a seat ho
will n t rciupy , fur t 'o nation hw
called htm to * hi ln r | HCOL t a seat
where ho will Rtcurely sit rs the
worthy representative i f Abraham
Lincoln and Uly's s 8. Grant. I as-
surd you , there is notV'n : thit Jamoi
A. Garfii Id more desires Jnan a search
ing inte'tigation of h's ' pub'ic , mili
tary and private record , and when ,
my democratic friend * , you crrae-trck
from the re rch , I am sure the scales
will fa'l ' fr > m yo'ir e/o * BS did thosw
fr.m the eye * of Saul at command
of Samuel. JApplause. ]
Speeches were made by Gen. Cowin ,
Hon. J. L. Webster and others , nftir
which the meeting adjourned.
Owing to other buaiursi that needs
my attentirn I will sell my ucdtvidod
half interest in the European Hotel
and Bakoiy and give p sieasion im
mediately. Call on or addrors me
at the European Hotql.
June 7th tf E , T.
Murphy Sf Lovettjlns , Agency ; ojd
est eitibjishedagoncv in this state ,
NOTJC5 Adv rtUemfuiU To Let For Hale.
Lo t , rcuwl , vVuiU , 1'otrdicg ' 4c. , will b In-
nrtml In theno c lu rj once tar TEN CENTS
p r Uiio ; each uhie < juentlnMrtlonFIVE CENTS
per lino. The flrst lnertloa never IBM than
QlrtA AH A TO LOAN In rtims of $300
? 1UV/UUU to 160.0 or 816,000 , atS to 10
per cent Intereit , r > n first ctiis imprOTrd real
esta'c in the city of Omaha. QEO. H. BEMIb'
Real Estate and Loan /gooey , 15th and Douglaa
rOHET TO LOAH-Oail at Uw Offlc *
'J. D. L. THOU AS. Koutn 8. CreJ hton Block
rONKY TO LOAN 1109 Farnhun atreot.
L , Dr. Edwdfl Loan Agency. - nor-22-U
W ANEr 2 gltjs t EUMEiT HOUSE.
Good girl forg.nonl housework ,
WAXTrD cor. lOtb and Dodge Ms. 32.0
TTTANTED A good rlrl for general liousc-
YV W'rk , 8 tl.51) per week. Apply at
4JI N , ! 0th St. , near Cap. ? 8-9
WAULEDeood roov , w man prifemd ,
WANTED Situation M coachman or for gCH-
e | > 1 Work abou R bouir , good rcferenio
glvtn. Ad lie i P. H. 0 , Bee Office. SO-U
\ YOU O man -leslrci u rltuttlon In roma
fperminent hutlncw , will fnrnl < h irood re
ference. Inquire at the PACIFIC HOUE 33-12
WANTED One or tire good barbeN. at 118
18h ( St. , bpt Ftrohgtn. and Doiglii ,
tom-M , JKO.L.lfcCAGL1 , , Agent. J7-6t
JL 3-1 f
iVl 667-tf
fNTKLLIOENCE OFFICE , comer 16th and
I Daventmr * . 410-tM
OOM3 TO RBKT With or .without b' rd
K at No. 1710 Davenport St. 25.12
\J ED FOK I < ENT At touth cast corner of
Hth and Chicsgn strccti * , conven'cnt to the busl-
neag part ot the city. 653 tt
pOR RENT Furnished roomscfaeap ; by week
Jj or month. Apply at AMERICAN HOUSE.
498. U
FOR RENT A splendid Photograph Gal cry
7Tf L. R WILI.MM8 ft SOW
look oter SEMIS' new column on lit puge
Barg lua.
FOR SALE Che-ip. an excellent riding or
driving mite , joullf.-sotilld and gcitle.
Addrru "florscmin , Ca-e Bee. 31-11
JT AM prepared to dehier nott water to an1 part
JL of the city for lew prices , ff. tlfj- tty postal
or leave orders at toy house , TItOS. SWIFT.635tf
ftdR SALti A hou 6 vtlth fi rooms and lot in
JO Nelson's addition. Inquire of Fred. Heni-
reckaon's meat market , cor. uf 16th and Califor
nia Sts. 02-tf
THOR SALE Smill foda fountain In good conC -
C dltlon. D. W. SAX i , cormr 13th and
Farnham. , ei7-tt
rtlO BUlLfllft < } .f LAsfEttERS ANfeMASONS ,
_ L Coane bank iand , gravrl for gardens and
moulding sand will be delivered at short notice.
Leave ordrr * > t H. Slcrks 1414 Firnliam , and
Charlee Brando , ml Farnham fit * . HANS
BOCK , Sureamor Charles . Daniel. 652-tt
T7\ijR \ SALfc Cottonwood lumber of all slzesat
r RKDHOND-S , SIxleenth-st. 516-tt
SALE A STill dwelling hooso , next to
FOR O. U. Collins rcsidcnc , corner 19th and
Capitol Avenue , f or information call at 0. H.
f J. 8. COLLINS. 1J1 Farnham Street. 505-tt
TtOKSALK AOrislMllL Appiyal
Jt 472-lf L. R WILLIAMS & SON.
SALE A New American Reiving Mv
FOR In peed condition , with all attach
ments. Muitie soldbefor * the IPth nf Jlay.
For Information apply at ATKINSOVSMilllnery
Store. Corner Doughs alul 13 th Strectv 474-tt
T10R SALE Two o ! the celebrated J. M.
BrUHsWCk 4 Ballro Co.'s Nonpareil Bil
liard Tables. Nearly new. For sale cheap.
230-tf C. W. HAMILTON ,
HAKr Civil tocineer and sur
veyor with H Vosi , 23d and leavenworth
Btreetr , Omaha , Keb. 21-S
A FINE ntaiiJtnvE front , Dooraa
FOR . Mantle , Store fitting , veneered
work so to 1310 Dodge etfcet , A. F. RAFERTJ&
CO. . fitlllrtuM. * n9WVmt-thr
rpAKEN UP At my place , on the Bellevue
L road , 7 miles south ot Omaha , one white
and black f potttd cow. Owner cut have her by
paying chants. EDMUND F. JONES. jS-w3t
fTIAKEN UP At mjr place , on Sherm in avenue ,
JL oliposite Fair On und , 1 bay bor e with
saddenurkon one side , star In forehead * nd
shoes on front fe t. Owner can have him by
pa } Ing charges. 35-3
CjfBAYEb May 27th , from Omaha , 3 bay
JO ponies. 1 pacer , 2 ordinary trotter ? . Will
pay for information leading to their rrcoiery.
K. T1ZABD , 130t Farnham St. 21-tf
lre crlpIon Free. rorth p ed/Oat
Seminal Weakne . Lo n of Manhood , and all . _
irders broiich t on hj indiscretion or eicseu. Anj
nniitriith thelnFTPdient . Addreu
IIA VI ; f OY A CO . 78 Xtwom St. . K. Y.
Our National Holiday will be celebrated on
Hondty , July 5th. 1880 , by a pic nl' , to be held
at Sailing's Grove , la Barny" County , under the
auspices of the Catholic citizens of Faplllion. Ar-
nngcmcnta 1 a\e been mide with the U. P. R.
R. Conij Dy to ran an exiuraion tram from Oma
ha to the Grove. Seventy-five ccnti will be
charged for the ruunj trip ; children half fa-e.
The train irlll 4eave On-aha at nine o'clock i
m. . and rtturn at p. m. , and Papd'icn at
ten a. m , returning at six p. m.
Foot race * , sack racea , an * other amusements
and games will tike p ace , whl'e the bestcf or
der will be preserved throughout the day Par-
tes deiiring to rent standi will confer with the
conimittj * , J IVArcv and M. T , at Papl'licn. '
The coromitUes wi'l leave notbinp undone to
maXe i' p'earatu for thru attending : . Progrirome
of txirasn will be ruWghed hereafter.
M. Dcss ,
Lnris Lziscn ,
1C. LAK0005 ,
Kxecutive Committee.
< Tenth Btrett , . OJfAHA , SEBBiaKA ,
r rjar W ierTfaii la U ( Upartmentii of
dIdQ ud both SS S
furg rr , la
jp d IpTictlc , it ndcJironJcdiSea Sa
, n ! 'h } nd dy. ndwi'j visi
i : VSTiit\ : NEBRASKA ,
$2 TO $5 PER ACRE.
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long Time and
Low Interest ,
Large tracts suitable fcr
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State.
80,000 acres scattered
through Iowa. .
A large number of Improved
Farms iii Nebraska , many of
tliem near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre ,
An Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Resi
de noea iroui $3,000 to $20-
000. Many thousand vacant
lots in the additions to Omaha.
Hundreds of lots scattered
through the City. Houses and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and all kinds of Ci y
Real Estate.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , at
10 percent , interest to all who
oan ehow good titles.
Illaiis of ttouslns and Savvy
Couutlcs for sale ,
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Farn , St. , Omaha , Neb ,
For Rent.
Splendid cofage , 6 rconu , all In the bctt con
dition , f f uit and ibade treei , stable , hard and
cad water , aud 4 Acre * of Ground. $120 a > ear.
Weft Omaha , will sell toi $1,680 ,
For Sale ,
Hoiua and ( ull lot on Webster Street , belt loca
tion In the city , $1,500 ; easy terms.
Twenty Thousand Dollars In small wall Mear-
ed mortgages ranging ( rum 200 to 11,000 , drawIng -
Ing 10 percent Interest , hare been lately ) laced
In our binds ( or sale , at small dltcount. Per
sons bavin ? a little money to spare can make t
sale and profitable loan in this way , without aajr
cxpoor * or commissions.
30003 and HILL.
For Sale/
Church Property and Parsonage In South Omaha ,
near Depot , at a viry reasonable price.
B0003 and HILL.
Cottage and Lot ,
New 1-story frame house , 4 rooms , 2 cloeeUl' 10
foot ceilings , double doors , etc. , SB barrel cis
tern , full lot , all In ho. 1 condition , 0 blocks
from Illgh School ; $850 , on monthly pajmenta ,
small cash payment required.
Real Estate Broken.
New Houses.
We are now prepared to build liouaej worth
from (400 to tsOO on our lota in ournew addition ,
2Stu and 20th ar.d FarHbatn.Douglas and Dodge ,
and eell on smill monthly payments.
$600 to $1OOO
Will buy jou a new house , with one of the finest
Iot3 in Omaha , on small monthly payments.
For Sale ,
House and Lot on street car-track : , Shlnn-a addi
tion , $1,000- _ BOOOSand HILL.
A New House
And ( ull lot , one-half block flam street can ,
Shinn's Addition , $1,370.
The Cheapest
Residence Property In Omaha must be sold in-
stantcr , W } Lot 4 , Block 47 , with a No. 1 house
of 7 rooms and all well Improved ; southeast
corner Zlst and Want best offer.
For Srtle ,
Fine ) oung horse , wi.Il broke aud suitable for a
lady todiive. _ BOGUS and E ILL.
Wen ant a contract to hara200 acres cf land
broke at onec. _ BOOGSand HILL.
Cheap LotSi
Look at the lot * tn our new addition b sl
lots for the money in Omaha , 29th and Farnham.
Residence Lots forSalc.
200 Lots in Kountze and
Ruth's Additiqn.near business.
good 8urroundingslots covered
with young trees , and are the
choicest , cheapest and nearest
business of any lota in the mar
ket. By all means look at lots
in Kountce and Ruth's addition
before purchasing elsewhere.
Will sell on monthly payments.
Prices $400 to $650.
100O Residence Lots
Fronting 8 , 9 , 10 and llth streets , 6 to 10 blocks
south of depot , many of these lots are very de
sirable and for men of small means are ( now the
cheapest ami most easily purchased lots In Oma
ha. Prices ? .2SO to § 300. Monthly payments.
BOQOa and
15 Choice Lots
On Park Wild Avenuo. only 3 to 4 blocks from
Depot , $503 to SCOO. Monthly payments.
GG of the Finest Lots
In Omaha , 10 to 12 blocks nest of Postoffice and
Court House , on Farnbam , Douiclas and Dodge
streets ; finest views In the city from these lots.
Prices $200 to § 300 , on payments of (5 to J10
per month.
9 Houses
And two-thirds of a lot , Chicaco street , between
12th and 13th ; rents ( or 8300 a year. Price
11,600. BOGUS and HILL.
Houses and Lots.
New 2 story residence corner lot , choice loca
tion , 4 blocks from Fee to Bice ; 3,5W.
2 Houses and south i lot 1 , block 12 , on west
side of 18tb street , between Calltomla and Web-
BOC05 > pd nm ,
3-Story Brick House
With full lot , 2 blocks from new Court Houst"
Lots 1 and 2 , block 230 . $2.759
Lot 5 , block 15 . 1,600
, Lot 2 , block 81 . WO
Lots 5 and 6 , block 252 . 1,100
South \ Lota laul 2 , block 261 . 1,000
East J Lot 2. block 121 . 2,600
West i Lot 2. block 121 . 2.5CO
. it 5 , block 227 . WO
fc 102 . 1,100
H& $ yw * wi $
" . " ' .V'
. . ' ;
I have secured the agency of the well-known COLUMBIA Steel Spokes and
Rubber Tires Bicycle from the Pope Manufacturing Co. ; Also the Otto Hand
Made. Samples can bo seen at my store , at Manufacturers Prices , rei jht
added. Send fcr trice list.
list.dsr. . i. D.
No. 1204 Farnham Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
sox. :
We are now prepared to take orders for the justly celebrated clothingo
this house , which for Durability , Style and Cheapness are unsurpassed. W
hare now on hand the best selected stock of Clothing , Shirts , Furnishing
Goods , etc. In the city.
Boston Clothing House ,
Cigars i'roni $15,00 per 1000 upwards ,
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards ,
Pipes from 35 cents per dozen upwards *
Send for Price List ,
m * ' MAX MEYER & CO , , Omaha , Neb. N
Fishing TackleBase * Balls and a full line of
-A.TsTID 1 .ITC'5r C3-OOIDS.
922 Douglas St. , Near 10th , Omaha , Neb.
| tt U | F i | ' XAVA' * f- ± * ft f m -
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery ,
A. L. STRAUS , 205 Farnbam Street Omaha. Neb *
- -
In Kegs and Bottles ,
Special Figureo to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable
Prices. Office , 239 Douglas Street , Omaha. _
We Manufacture to Order
. -
Iron and Wood Fences , Brackets and Mouldings ,
Improved Ice Boxea ftirniahed on short notice.
GUST , FRIES & CO. , Prop's. , 1231 Barney St. , Omaha. JNeb.
„ 1421 and 1423 Farnham , and 221 to 229 15th Sta.
/ j hJji'yE
The Attention of fash and Prompt Time _
and the Omaha Iron and Nail Oo.
1317 & 1319 DOUGLAS STIIEET ,
A TT A .
ety no Ooo < l8 Solii