Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 2

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Cc * COCKTM FRITSDS we will always be picas
to hear from , on an matters connected wi
crape , country pollticf , and on any subjt
whatever , of general Interest to the people
oar State. Am Information connoted wt
the elections , and relating to floods , accident
wfll be gladly received. ATI such commnnic
tloes however , must be M brief u possibl
acd they mosjt In all cues be written on ci
Bide of U * eet only.
Ira HAM Of WEBW , fa full , must In cach"ai
every case accompany any oommunicaUcn
what nature soever. This is net Intended f
publication , but for our own satisfaction ai
ms proof o * good tilth.
ABBOUircnrans 01 candidates for Office whet !
er made by self or friends , and whether as n
tices or communications to the Editor , a
nutn nominations are made ) simply person :
tmd will be charged for a * advertisements ,
nor desire contributions of K lltorary <
paetlcal character ; and re win not underta ]
lopnsene'or reserve the same in any ca
whatever. Our etafl Is suffidently Irrje '
more than supply our limited space.
All communications should be aodrcssed to
E. B3SEWATER , Edito
of Ohio.
of NcwYork ,
TUG national debt has been di
crp&ged § 75,000,000 during the las
eleven months.
"WE'VE got fcm , " rcmarlstho Ifci
aid hysterically. We should judg
BO , "got 'cm bad. "
THE unbroken front of the Gran
forces through the long and vroamom
fight was a magnificent spectacle ii
the third-terra Waterloo.
THE mud sliugers of the" democrat ;
have already opened their elimo bat
ieries on the republican nominees
Go ahead , gentlemen , the mud won'
THE poople'of Ireland have over ]
reason to expect bounteous crops thii
eeason , which will prevent a recur
rence next year of the distress whicl
is now prevailing in that destractec
country. In the meantime the land
question will be one cf the most difli'
cult subjects with which parliamenl
will have to deal , and the various di
visions of both the liberal and tor ;
parties are fighting shy of its introduc
tion. .
THE efforts of democratic organs to
make the nomination of General
Garfield a personal defeat for General
Grant will fall flat. It was
Grant , the patriotic soldier and the
honored ox-procident , who was de
feated KS the nominee of the republi
can party. It was rather General
Grant , a private citizen , embodying
su idea which was discordant with
the precedents of the republic and dis
tasteful to the.eople. .
GEKERAL ARTHUR will make a strong
candidate for vice-president. He has
bccnMdonti6ed with New York City
ia a number of prominent official po-
Bitionsall of which ho has filled honor
ably and well. He was for a number
of years collector of the port of New
York , but retired upon the appoint
ment of Mr. Merritt as his cucceasor.
The change was made became Mr.
Arthur's and President Hayes * views
of policy it ere not the same , but no
one ever insinuated a whisper against
the ex collector's integrity or upright
ness. Personally Mr. Arthur is genial
and affable. Ho has the faculty of
making friends and retaining them.
TIIE nominations of General Gar-
fiald and Chester A. Arthur are a
death blow to the third term idea.
No man BO strong as General Grant
in the. affections of the people and
with such claims on their gratitude
will bo likely to present himself for
their suffrages after serving two terms
in the White House. No soldier herewith
with the sune personal and political
strength can again force this difficult
and perplexing question upon the
country. The convention of 1880
after a lone and severe
struggle in which mere personal ambi
tion had little parthare disposed of ono
o ! the most momentous questions with
which the republican pirty has over
grappled. The contest was one of
principle. Both sides firmly believed
in the position which they maintained.
Both sides fought the battle for what
they considered a principle with a vig
or and perilstency which showed how
firmly they wore persuaded of the
righteousnessofthecause. Thequesticn
whether or not a third term is in
accordance with the theory of
our national constitution has been an
swered in the negative , and the debate
ii not likely again to cause a ripple in
American politics ,
The opposition of the BEE to Gen.
Grant's candidacy was early and out
spoken. Months ago its editor placed
himself firmly ana squarely against
the presentation of General Grant's
name at the Chicago convention , on
no pereonJ grounds , but aimply because -
cause he considered the possibility of
his nomination as a violation of his
toric precedents , and , as such , imperil-
ling the sncceu and risking the
We o the party , of which General
Grant had twice been the leader ( o
presidential victory. Honoring and
admiring him as a patriotic soldier ,
crowned with the laurels of war and
"tats , it yet felt that his third candi-
dacywa * as unjust to him as to the
nation and the republican
.Tketblrd-term question is settled ,
let tishopo settled forever.
. The re tl
publican party In convention
bled have met the „
squarely and
firmly and decided
against it. The
party outside the convention will
ratify the decision made by its leaders
and the people trill breathe freer and
cuwr no * that a question which for
rit years hu dutarbed the body po.
The republic has witnessed i
grander spectacle in its political hi
tory than that exhibited in the hall .
the national republican conventic
when , upon the thirty-sixth ballo
James" A. Garfieldvwas declared tl
candidate of the republican party fi
the presidency of the United State
Tbo enthusiastic shouts of the coi
vcntion and joyous acclaim of tt
thousands upon thousands of sped
tors ahoived appreciation of the fa
that no better nomination could bai
been made. The glad shoutings wci
uot the product of surprise. Lot
bcfuro the assembling of the convei
tioii the people , alive to the claims i
services that make the found :
( ion for true leadership , hi
looked toward the distinguishes
eloquent , able leader of tl
house of representatives , the new !
elected senator from Ohio the gre
Garfield as among the men best fi
ted to carry the "resplendent bai
nors" of rcpublicrnism to glorious vi
When upon his first entrance up :
the floor of the convention , all are :
with one accord to give him glad we
come , it was but the echo of the ci
"well done ! ' of all ropublicai
throughout all the length and bread )
of IK uution. Hia course during tl
stormy days of the convention increa
ed , if increase was needed , the cent
dcnca already his. Whether defen <
ing the right of the minority of tl
committee on rules , of which ho ws
chairman , to have presented the n
ports of both majority and minoril
at the tnia agreed upon by the con
mittco and by which every mombt
was bound in honor , or urging in tb
cise of the West Virginia delegatio
the equality of every delegate to vet
as he pleased without ccnsurn froi
his follow-membors , on presenting i
matchlcis language and words fit !
spoken the claims of his favorite can
didate , the great financier of Ohio-
he impressed all hearera , as ho ha
impressed all reader * , with his opei
Fairness , earnest zeal , and honest put
pose. Every hour of the proceeding
of that grand convention "seasonet
ind streugthcned" Garfield and gavi
leeper root to the conviction that hi
irould bo more acceptable than an ;
ither as the republican leader fo :
Momentous 1880. Neither the statel :
lisutences and superb periods o
.ho "magnificent Conkling , urging thi
lero Eoldier as the man "who coulc
: arry doubtful s'ates , " or the impotu
IUB zeal and impassioned eloquence o
he fiery Frye , pointing to the plumec
: nighl as ilio siftost pilot at the helm
ould changn the fixed dolerminatior
> f the s majority of the convcntior
liat Garfield bravo soldier , greal
tatoeman and true man should lose
ho republican hosts to victory.
The country approves the choice
nd will put the ecal of "well done ,
ucd and faithful servants" upon the
ction of the convention in the "quietj
lelancholy November , " when oxer-
isiug their choice in the "alienee ol
oliberato judgment. " Garfield said
t Chicago "tho coining fight is our
So be it ! Let the democratic Per-
aua under their chosen Xerxes come
nl With Garfield as our Loonidaa we
in hold "tho narrow isthmus ' and he
ill bear us as we will baar him to
lorious , exultant victory.
A detailed account of the life of our
ext president will appear in our
ilumns very shortly. Let its now
vo simply the landmarks of his
ninent career.
Bom at Orange , Cuyahoga county ,
Mo , on the 19th of November , 1831.
is parents of New England extrac-
m. His father died in 1833. His
other a poor widow , but a Christian
jmaii raising her son "to fear God
id keep his commandments. " At
venteon years of ago a driver and
iatroan upon the Ohio canal
ruggling to acquire . an
ucation. Preparing for college on
e proceeds of hard labor as carpen-
rand as school teacher , in 1854 , he
tered the venerable .doors of Wil-
.ms . college to boar away t\vo years
ereaftcr the metaphysical honor of
i cl s. From the time ho graduated
Williams to 1859 ho was teacher of
ktin and Greek and president of
itam Eclectic instituto-at Hiram ,
irtago county , Ohio. In 1859 he
.s elected by the anti-slavery people
Portage and Summit counties to
3 Ohio senate , and at once too'
ice as a leader in the fierce , conflict
that body. In August , 1861 , he
s made lieutenant-colonel of tb
rty-second Ohio , and upon the regi
nt being organized for the field be
no its colonel. Soon assigned to
runaiid the 17th brigade , ho me
i rebel Humphrey Marshall a
jstonburp , Kentucky , and gave hlm-
jovere a blow that the Falstaff o
War of Rebellion was glad to flee
ho mountains for safety for Colonel
: field had made the Big Sandy
ilcy too hot to hold him. Huch
er Rallaut service made him briga
c-genoral and major-general of
untoers. Doing. . duty n' '
jf of staff to Genera
secrans ho was nominated to repre-
t the old Giddings district in con-
ss. Ho hesitated long as to his
y , but upon the urging of many
iis brother officers , accepted the
liuation , resigning his military
mission in December , 18G3.
Co has filled the position of con-
isman from Ohio for the past sev-
sen years , and hia glorious career
e is fresh in the minds of all
iblicans. No man has ever re
ed a more complimentary or
eveda better won honor than that
rded to him by the legislature of
) in choosing him by the vote of
y republican legislator as United
os senator from that great state
now mother of presidents.
ie people cf Detroit are scratching
fid for § 30,000 , the sum needed to
plete the subscription necessary to
re the commencement of work on
projected railroad from that city
utler , Ind. The project is in a
arious shape , and it is extremely
> tful whether the 30,000 , ui bed
d ,
Prince Leopold carries his cool
his silver , his. wine , and bis flunkii
around with him.
Mr. Talmsge begins to feel a litt
uneasy about his mouth. Miss. Erai !
Solpane is coming.
A trusting woman bilievei thi
Bob Ingersoll is yet to be converts
and b'ecome a second St. Paul.
David Davis will not remain on U
fence very long , unless it is five bai
high and the oth'er candidates are te
miles away.
Edson should try hi * hind .it 'i
lumintiog Bob IngersolL. That gro ;
orator needs light. [ New York Con
In various ways domenachievefanv
Mr. Samuel Spohn , of Berks count ;
Penn. , has worn the sime pair of ca
boots to church for 30 years , an
he has becn < a frequent attendant
Roscoe Conkling was original !
named Samuel , after an uncle of his
but at the age of ten he took the nam
of Roscoe from a novel and has sine
been called by it.
Says The Baltimore Every Satui
day : "Edith O'Gorman , it is said , i
suffering from brain fever. We can
credit unless she stole the wherewitl
It must bo jawacho.
It is siid that Louise Swirlo an
Harry Hunter , of the Evpn-jelic
troupe , will marry each other. S
that's what the Lone Fisherman he
'been fishing for so long and so sUcul
One thing at least can bo said i
Whittaker's favor. He was not s
much of a needle that he did not kuo'
that the part of his body which need
ed trimming most was his oais.
We call Mr. Wheeler's attention t
this observation by The Philadelphi
Chronic'c : "If Mr. Christiancy1
charges are true , the od ! senator woul
imke an appropriate candidate fur vie
president. "
Edffin Booth and family are goin
to Europe and do not know when the ;
will retntn. Mr. Booth is evident !
situated financially so that ho neei
never ba wept over by the sympathiz
iug public again. [ Elmira Free Press
Mre. Dinah Mulocli Craik has beei
ending her visit in Rome rather un
pleasantly. She was a prisoner in he :
room for many daya with an attack o
measles. [ Free Press. Till finally
although her friends considered i :
rash , she broke out.
An amusing story is told of a thrifty
householder in Newburyport , Mass ,
who travel * on a season ticket to anc
from Boston , and having purchased
i bedstead in that city , crrried it hem <
piecemeal to save freight charges.
Ex-Gov. Pinchback , of Louisiana
iias a little white in his dark , straighi
bair and beard , and he is so light ol
3omplcxion that few who are attracted
toward him by his manner of dress
mil conversation would at first sight
Jiink that hu is a colored nan.
SccretaryEvarts gives his girls per
nission to play cards , dance , go tc
, he theater and rush for circuses , and
jycry few days } ou hear of an Evarts
; irl being married. Show this item
.o your paruiti , youn. ; I.idei. [ Bos-
ui Pojt.
Tlie Boston Herald telh the story
) f an enthusiastic veterau , wbo , upon
letting his pension ropers entitling
lini to § 1,600 arrears , remarked , as ho
efc the city hall , "By George , if I
nuld only meet the dastardly rebel
hit shot mo , I wouldjtreat him. "
"Chief Ouray's wife wears striped
lose. " Boston Post. More likely the
latural surface painted in imitation.
-Cincinnati Commerci-l No ; like
it her nu re civilized ladies , she thinks
hoeo lovely stripes should not bo nut
n to .Aide. Boat-on Pest.
Adelaide Ncilson made a great mis-
ako when she sold off hur stage jow-
Iry and costumes. She has been
idicuou'ly flattered , and it is said
sally believed that her cast-off pgar-
lents would command an immense
rice that young and foolish men
ould be glad to spend hundreds of
olhrs for some piece of clothing in
hich she had appeared. Jennie June
iys that Adelaide's head had been
jnied to this extent. She must have
eeu cruelly disappointed with the re-
urns from the sale. The old clothes-
calers. turned out in strong force ,
nd paid uo more for the clothes than
ley would have paid had they once
elonged to the homeliest and hum-
lest of womankind. Miss Neilson
uist bo careful not to take in too
mch "taffy. "
Free Passes ,
in Francisco Chronicle.
There is not better provision in the
institution of this state than the 19th
sction of the 12th article , which
lakes the acceptance of a free pass on
railroad by any other public official
lan a railroad commissioner work a
irfciture of his office. Journals that
alittlo this offense as somcthingmore-
' venial must have very curious ideas
'public duty. Nearly all state and
.unicipal . officers take a solemn oath
i support the constitution and laws of
to state , and of course all who take
ijs oath and afterwards ; being In
fice , accept free passes , are perjur
i , and perjury is something wors
tan merely a venial offense. Th
institutional penalty is self-executiu ;
against them , as soon as the accept
ice of a free pass shall be proved
needs no act of the legislature ti
iforca it. The authors of it prob
ily considered that , inasmuch as leg
ators themselves have been , mor
an any other public office , In thi
, bit of riding upon free passes , it wa ;
st not to trust to them for the en
rcemcn of the constitutional pen
For many years The Chronicle ha
an waging war against the free
ss species of bribery , for it is
thing but Bribery. In all those
ars its proprietors have always de-
ned such' questionable courtesies
r themselves "and their employes ;
d they would , now that the consti-
tion forbids the offense with so se
re a penalty , regard an apology for
aso who commit it as little better
in accessory to perjury after the
it. Railroads are private properties
a public use. The state has a right
say how they shall be tuod , and to
i that they are not abused in a way
oppress the people or corrupt the
blicmorals. As every man ofproperty
0 shirks his' own taxes incteazes
> taxes paid by honest men , so
> ry free pass to ride upon a railway
reases the rates of fare and freight
3ii all who us3 the road and pay
sir way. It is not extravagant to
imato the aggregate value of free
ses , prior to the adoption of the
aent cocstitutfonat § 50,000 a year ,
ey were issued to most members of
legislature , to all the state and
ay county and city officers , and to
tow and congressmen. It is idle
siy that the corporations issuing
m bore all tlrs less. They did not
r a dollar of it. What thay did
1 to tax the coast to the public who
d their reads and did not travel on
J passes. This was an outrage to
people , aggravated by the fact that
_ acceptors of the passes were
a ls elected by the people to look
r their interest ? .
t is not in average human nature to
spt such substantial favors without
) gnizinj ! the obligations of gratj-
B in substantial returns , The leg-
tor too of ten made his returns by
; s of subsidy in one way or an-
> r at the cspenjeof the state or Iha
the judicial
the medium of decisions colored i
strained by.a sense of gratitude at
the recreant newspaper by "ptlff " n :
merited. In every case there was
taint of bribery and a loss of ptibl
morals. The new hw pat art end
all this infamy ; arid that no otle hi ;
mistake its import , wo here again gi <
it as it is in section 19 , article 12 ,
the constitution :
"No railroad or other iransportatic
company shall grant free passes i
tickets at a discount , to any perse
holding any office of honor , trust <
profit in this state : and the acceptam
of any such pass or ticke't by a men
bar of the legislature , or any publ
officer other than Railroad Commi
sioner shaU work a forfeiture of h
office. "
The fact being proved , it is eel
executing against public officer pi
upon his trial for the offtme. To bi
little is to encourage courts and jurii
to violate their oaths , ani pub ic ofl
cere to hold in contempt the constiti
tion they are solemnly snorntosu ]
NOT York Herald.
Mrs. Marsh , an intelligent , respei
table matron , called on Superintendot
Walling yesterday to make inquirii
relative to her long lost brother. Sh
had not seen him in ten years , an
had learned nothing of his when
abouts in almost as long a , period c
timo. She was profoundly ignorar
whether he was hying or dead , and
was to settle that question if possib ]
that she bad called at Police Hea > :
quarters , knowing no other place t
go. The question was propounded t
Mrs. Marsn why she had become s
anxious about the welfare of he
missing brother after the laps
of so many years. Thi
inquiry produced a novel rt
joinder. Sbo said that it was on ae
count of a dream she had had. "j
dream ! " was the incredulous exclama
tion that arose to the lips of the offic
ials. Poor Mrs. Marsh confoasei
that she had left herself open t
the shafts of ridicule , but for a ]
that she was not superstitious in th
least , and now that she had begun he
investigations she would not cease un
til she. had tried every possible mean
to find her brother , living or dead
She was instructed to cill at the cor
oner's office.whercshe would be likel <
; o get more definite information 01
; he subject. With increasing timidit
the explained the nature of her mis
> ion. Clerk Teal hunted up the rec
> rds , going back to the year 1870
\.ftcr considerable labor he happenec
ipon the following entry :
Edward Doherly , aged thirty yeara
So. G8 Crosby street cime to hi
Icath by injuries from an accident *
'all on the 15th day of July , 1872.
Poor Mrs Marsh was almost over
lowered by her feelings. She was al
nest speechless with anxiety and grie
Thile Mr. Teal explained to her tin
> articulars of the demise of Edwarc
Joherty , whom shodid not doubt wai
ho identical brother she was ir
c ch of.
In answer to some questions as tc
irhy she caused a search to ba made ir
ho Coroners' oflico she said : "Mj
irother Patrick resides'in Donegal ,
relaiid , with his parents. I received
i letter from him recently , in wcich
is implored me to find Edward. He
aid that ho had a dream in which he
aw Edward , pale and emaciated , rid-
nga white horse. Patrick fnrther-
lore stiicd that he was impressed
rith the belief that his brother had
ied a violent death. Now , the
traugo part of the story is that ju t
eforu I received th'n latter I had a
roam myso'f wherein my brother Ed-
urd appeared fo me. .Blood wnu
ouring over his face from a deep
-tsh - in his forhoad. A fuw nights
tterward my brother appeared to me
lain in a dream , bleeding and wound-
i in the same mauner. To tell the
utli I did not attach much import-
nco to these dreams of mine until , a
eek or so subsequently , I received
ly brother Patrick's letter from Ire-
ind , "which contaiued an account of
is strange dream. Then I , too , be-
irno impressed with the belief that
Id ward was dca-J , and that his demise
as not due to natural causes. This
olief took such a firm root in my
nnd that I could not rest content un-
11 had made an effort to accrtain
10 cause of his prolonged and rnys-
: rious absence. "
Not satisfied with the official in-
irmation she had received as final
[ rs. Marsh started out to personally
iterview the parties who had testified
s to the cause of death at the inquest
aJd on the body of Edward Doherty.
ho saloon keeper , Schaffer , in whose
Duse Doherty had received the in-
tries , which caused his death , had
jparted this life , but his son Louis
us found. He had been a friend and
impanion of Doherty. He described
10 dead man so accurately that Mrs.
arshfelt convinced that the deceased
iward Doherty was the brother she
is in search of.
Leaving" Mr. Schaffer she next call-
I on Mrs. Bolen , a German maton ,
ho keeps a boarding house at No.
> Crosby street , where she reseived
Iditional proofs. From these and
her parties she also got a clew to the
ystory as to why he had withdrawn
mself from the society of his rela-
res. From bring a very correct man
his habits and morals he had fallen
to bad company and evil ways. He
, d become
associated with a woman
disagreeable antecedants , who
rved to lead him still further astray ,
o had been employed in a hat factory
lore ho received liberal wages ,
uch he spent prodigally among his
sociates , to whom , however , henev-
spoke about his family connections ,
r. Louis Sehaffer and the other wit-
sses saw at a glance in Mrs. Marsh
likeness to the dead man , Edward
> herty. Mrs. Marsh returned to
r home fully convinced that she had
vcd the cause of the mysterijus
iappearanca of her brother.
Shaving on Sunday ,
any Law JuunuL
[ n a recent case it was held that
spmg open a barber's shop on Sun-
T is not indistably either as a nui-
ice or a misdemeanor. It was lield
; to bo a misdemeanor because a
salty for the violation of the Sun-
r laws is imposed. The question
n was whether it was a nuisance
I the court said : "It can not bo
i that a barber's shop is something
icti incommodes
or annoys , or
ich produces inconvenience or dam-
to others. On the contrary
business of barbering is so
snhal to the comfort and con-
lence of the inhabitants of a town
: : ty that it may ba regarded as a
essary occupation. To hold that
ecomea a nuisance when carried on
iday is a perversion of the term
usance. ' All that can be said of it
bat when prosecuted on Sunday
i a violation of the statute , and
ject to be proceeded against aspre-
bed by law , but not subject to be
icted as a nuisance. It may shock
moral senco of a portion of the
imunily to see the barber carrying
us business wuh open doors on
_ day , but it produces no incon-
ience or damage to others , and
afore cin not be regarded in legal
temptation a nuisance. "
JIB legality of keepng open a bar-
s.ahop on Sunday was considered
Pennsylvania case , where it waa
[ thatthe bunneii of a barbera !
morning is "worldly employment
not "a work of neseesity or charity
The court said : "It ia argued that i
the law does not forbid a person
wash dad shave himself on SUnda
and thus to prepare himself to attei
publid worship , or otherwise proper
tj enjoy the rest and recnperatfc
whichit _ was the purpose of the , di
to give , therefore another mi
do ' it for him without ii
curring the condemnation of lai
Th s view is not 'sustained by tl
authorities. " "It is further content
ed by the counsel for the defendai
that long continued usage and custon
of society prove that the business of
barber is by common consent consi <
ered a necessity within the meaning <
the law. And the forcible and e :
haustive arguments of Lowrio , 0. J
in Commonwealth against Neabit , ai
urged upon ourccns deration ai deci
ive of this case. In my judgment tk
points ruled in that case and those t
be decided here are in no way aliki
There it was held that a hired tt.
vant , without violation ot the act < .
1794 , might drive his employer's fan
ily to church on Sunday in the en
ployer's private carriage , whila h
the defendant claims that he mi
lawfully keep open aprivM
shop on Sunday , shaving an
dressing the hair of whoi
may come , whether his customers it
tend to go to church or not , or wbethc
he is entirely able to shave himself c
not , In that , without regard Jo tl
necessity of the particular acts dou (
he claims the right to exercise hi
'ordinary calling' on J3anday as o
other days. But it is a work t
necessity ) Many persons shave then
selves on that day , who are shaved b
a barber on other days of the weel
And not ono in tan who shave tha
dy employ the services of a barber.
The court also say that the defendant' '
custom of closing his shop at 10 o'cloc
on Sunday mornings made no difiei
ence , and conclude : "If the closfn
of theto shops on Sunday is an incon
venience to the public , the reined
res's ' with the legislature , and no
with the court. "
Ill a case in 16.37 , an apprentic to
barber in Scotland , bound by his in
dentures "not to absent himself fret
his master's business on holiday o
week day , late hours or early , withou
leave , " went away on Sundajswithon
shaving his master's customers. Held
by the lords , that he could not l wf nil ;
b j required to attend his master's she ]
on Sundays for the purpose of shavini
the customers ; that work , and al
pthcr eorts of handicraft being illegal
in England as well as Scotland , no
being works of necessity , mercy o
jha-ity. Lord Chancellor Gotten
iiain slid : "This is a case o
jreat importance , " , and that thi
work "is one of men
jonvenience. " Lord Wynford con
: urred , saying-"it was not necessarj
that people should bo shaved on Sun
lay in a public shop ; it was not ac
ict of mercy , it was clearly an act ol
landicraft. " Lord Brougham alsc
: oncurrod , saying : "The object oi
; he respondent was gain , and ho whotc
object was gain did not come within
he exception. Trie necessity contem
plated by the exception in tbo statute
Yaa the necessity of the person who
worked , and not of him who com
pelled the work. It was said in the
iourt below that unless working per-
ions , who do not themselves shave
bo'r beards , were allowed to resort to
ho barbers' shops on Sundays , many
lecently disposed men wouli be pro-
anted from frequenting places of
corship , and from associa'ing with
heir families and friends , from want
f personal cleanliness. But why
hould they not do the work on Sat-
irday as paop'o did in Glasgow , and
11 other towns whiro no sort of work
ras allowed to be done on Sunday ? It
night as well bo siid that because a
orauti could iio dcoantljr re.ort to
hurch , or Bsiociato with his family ,
nlees ho was decently clothed and
ad , therefore the butchers' and the
akers' shops should be kept open on
iunday morning for the convenience
i such persons. That was not the
ractice ; the parties took good care to
rovide themselves on the Saturdays
ilh food and clothing. "
A Modern Enoch Arden.
Paris , Illinoisjia just now enjoying a
leasurable bit of sensation in her circles over a genuine romance
i real lit\ > , a kind of Enoch Arden
flair , with variations. Twenty-one
ears ago Josiah Bouser left his young
ife , Jane and thier little boy , Willie ,
i charge of his wife's father , Mr-
[ ellis , and started on a journey to
10 far west , after bidding his wife
id little one a most affectionate fare-
ell , and promising to come again
hen he had made a fortune , and pro *
ide richly for their comfort Years
ent by , and this Jane , like Anna of
10 poet's tale , waited and watched
ir her husband's return. When
ope had died of long delay ibo mar-
ed again not Josiah'splaymate only
i this case , but his twin brotherUriah
'gether ' they lived happily , and she
) re him two sons. Two or three
sars ago she died. Her first-born' ,
'illie , grow to manhood , and entered
illege at Bloomingtoo , Illinois. Last
oek the village of Isabel , a < railroad
wn that has grown up where this
odern Enoch Arden was accustomed
other ytars to see n few widely ep-
ated farmhousesIwas startled by the
ipearanco of Jcsiah Bouser , who had
turned in search of hia wife and
tild. That ho wept over his lost
ved one's grave we need not say.
e immediately sentjfor his son , who
latcncd home from college , not
towing what a happy surprise
raited him. He was overjoyed to
id bis father there to greet him.
ad now father and son are tpnndlni
ippy hours visiting among their rel
ives. Mr. Bouser found what ha
ught in the west , and is reported aa
ing immensely wealthy.
iTic most sen'lble remedy , and ths only sofa ,
e and permanent cure fjr all diseases of thi
er.b'ood and s'omach , inclaiing b Ullons fevers
erand azue , dumb ague , Jaundice , dyspepsia ,
.is Prof. Gullmette's French Liver Pads
ich cures by ahwtptlon. Ask your drujfist
this noted cure , and take no other , and
10 tag not got it or will not get itforyoo , send
50 to Trench Pad Co Toledo , O. , ind they
1 send you one post-paid by return mail.
n. P. Block , 16th St.
rMhauJSalt Meats o alt kinds constant
f10 ? ? "ST.06"- VegeUWas In ,
1 delivered tonv part of ths city.
arts , Jurors' and Court ex-
; * nf 'v-- " " . $20,000
or And Poor House and fuel for
for prison !
re.nQe . . . . 12,000
sceUaneons Mpense8Stationery
I13.1 City Tax and Gas . . 16,000
ilroadBond SinkinRFund. . . . 44000
a Bridce . 12000
inty Office , Office Eent , Elec-
ions and Assessors . 6000
Total . $128,000
! y Order of County Commissioners ,
County Clerk.
7 H. T. LEAVITT , Deputy.
J cal Cnlturi , and ifa complete ejcjclopwdia
Infovmlttott for Invalid * and those who suffer fr <
KMTOUO. Kxbanstiog and Painful Diseasu. F.ti
tnbjtct that beat npon he lth and bnman bippme
rtcelres attenlijn in its pas : and the rnnnj qu <
tiont ked bj Buffering Inralids , who h.ire despan
or a curt , ars anatrerrd , and valuable informal !
U Tolunlnred to all -who are In need of medical i
vic . The subject of Elec rlc Dellt Term Medicii
and the bundled and ont questions of * ital imfx
tance to suffering hamamtr , are dul ) Consider
and explained.
explained.YOUNG MEN
Acd others who suffer from Nervous and FbvsU
DcbiUtv , Lets of Manly Vigor , Premature Eibai
tion and the many gloomy consequences of eai
Indiscretion , etc. , are especially benefited by co
suiting Its contents.
Tbc ELECTRIC BEVtEW exposes the unmillgat
frauds practiced by quacks and medical imrw U
who profess to ' . ' practice medicine , " and points c
the only safe , simple , and efiectire ro d to Heall
Tiger , and Bodily Energy.
Send your address on postal card for a copy , a
Information worth thousands will t * sent you.
Address the publishers ,
Ask the recov
ered dvspeptla.bil-
Uous lufferera , vic
tims ot fever and
ague , the mercurial
diseased patient ,
how they recovered
health , cheerful
plriti and grmd
appetite ; they will
tell you by tak
ing Smicohs' Liviin
BiotJLirore. _ _
. .The n Rf" . Inrest and Best Family Mtc
the In the World.
Billion * Attacks. SICK HEADACHE , Colic , 1
prowlon ef Spirits. SOUR STOMACH , Hea
Burn , Etd. Etc.
Thl Unrivalled Southern Remedy Is warrant
not to contain a tingle particle of MIRCURT ,
any injurious mineral ub tanco , but Is
Porclr Vegetable.
contalnlnj' thoie Southern Root * and Hert
which an all-wise Providence baa placed
conntriM where Liver Disease most prevail.
will nue all DUeasea caused by Derangement
the Liver and Bowels.
Tni Sf-MPTOMS of Liver Complaint are
bittt r < r bad taate In the mouth ; Pain in tl
BaV , ! dc8 or JoinU.oftau mistaken forRheum
thm ; Sour Stomach ; Lo < s of Appetite ; Bo/r
K te nately costive and lax ; Headache ; Loss
Memory , with a painful sensation o ( having- ]
ed to do something which ought to have bet
done Debility , Low Spirits , a thick jellow a
pearsnce of the skin and Eyes , a dry Cough o
ten mistaken f r Consumption.
Sometimes many of Jhe e symptoms attes
the disease , at others very fewbut ; the Liver , tl
largest organ In the body , is generally the sei
of the disnse , and if not rcfrulated in timc.gre
suffering , wretchedness and death will ensue.
I can reommand as an efficacious remedy f <
disease of the Liver , Heartburn and Djspepsl ;
Simmons' .Llv-r Regulator. Lewis G. Wnnde :
1625 Hsster Street , Assistant Post Haste
"We have tested Its virtues , tersonally , an
know that for Dyspepsia , Bllllousness , an
Throbbing' Headache , tt is the best medicine tt
world ever saw. We have tried 'forty oth
remedies before Mmmons' Liver Regilator , bo
none of them cave us more than temporary n
lief : but the Regulator not only relieved , bt
cured us. " Editor Teligriph and Messengei
Uacon , Oa.MAmrrAOTDRiD
MAmrrAOTDRiD oitiv BT
J. H. ZEILJN & CO. ,
Price , $1.00 Sold by all Druggist * .
For all the purposes ot a
Costicencst. Jaundi tt
Dyfpopsia , IndijKt
tioii. Dysentery , Fmt
Stomach and Breath
Headache , Krysipelai
Pllei , Rheumatism
Kruption * and Skit
Disease * . Billiousnai
Liter Complaint
Salt Rheum
Worm * , Cotif.AVural
rvo , at a Dinner Pill , and Purifying the Blood
TO the most congenial purgative yet perfected
rhelr effect * abundantly show bow much the ;
izcel all other Pills. Tney are safe and pieman
o take , but powerful tcure. . The purge ou
ho foul humors from the blood ; th ulati
ho sluggish or disordered organs into tion ;
ind they impart health and tone to the wholi
wing. They ucre not only the every day com
ilalnt * of everybody , but formidable and danger
na diseases. Hoet skilful physicians' , most em
nent clergymen , and our best citizens , send rcr
ificatcaof cures performed , and of the greal
leneflts derived from these Pills. They are thi
afest and belt pbjsic for children , because mild
well as effectual. Bcln ; sugar coated , they
, re easy to take ; and being purely vegetable ,
bey'an entirely harmless. i
DR. J. C. AYER & CO. ,
'ractlcal and Analytical Gbemlsts
told by all Druggists and Dealers in
The owner of the celebrated Kaolin
5ank , near XOUISVTLLE , NEB. , haa
ow ready at the depot at Louisville , on
be B. & M. railroad ,
\f - - gi 23XCXOXK
> fill any order at reasonable prices. Par
ies desiring a white front or ornamental
rick will do well to give us n call or send
> r sample.
J. T. A. 1IOOYEK , Prop. ,
Lot is villa. Neb
T iirmi j rj _ TT
Machine Works ,
. F. Hammond , Prop , & Manager
Themott thorough appointed and complete
achine Shops and Foundry in the state.
Castings of every description manufactured.
Engine * , Pumps and every class o machlnor )
ade to order.
Special attention given to
Fell AnKttr8PalIeys , Hangers ,
Shaft in * ? . Bridge Irons , Gccr
Catting , etc *
Plans for new Machinery .Mcachanlcal Draught.
g , Models , etc. , neatly executed.
56 Harnev St. . Bat. 14t and 16th
Schuyler , Neb.
Flist-clan House , Good Veals , Good Beds
Iry Room * , and kind and accommodating
eatment. Tin good sample rooms. Spccis
tentlonpald to commercial travelers.
.S. MTLLEE , Prop. ,
Schuyler , Neb.
_ J priceless invisorant
! edily initiates aad carries to a successful ron-
s'.on. Digestion Is restored and sustenanceit *
ded to each lit e-sustahiinj organ by the Bitters ,
Ich is Inoffensive even t ) the feminine palate ,
retable in composit on , and thoroughly * ate.
or tale byallDrureisUatd Dealers generally
eneral Insurance Agent ,
transacted same as that
an Incorporated Bank.
Accounts kept In Currency or trol
subject to slgnt checfc without notlo
CertluwUee of deposit Issued pa ]
able in three , elx and twelve month
668x13 ? Interest , or on demand wltl
out Interest.
Advauceo to cuutomere on a ]
proved securities at raa-Sot rotes <
Buy and se cold , bills of nxchana
Government , State. County and Oil
Draw Sight Draft * on England , In
land , Scotland , and al ] pans of Europi
Sell European Passage Tickets.
Cot. Farnbam and Thlrteantb Bta.
as .National Bank August M , 1M
Capital andProfits Over $300,00
Specially anthorixed by the Secretary of Tresjnj
to receive Subscriptions to the
Huuua Kommi , President.
Acacsrua KOUHTII , Tics Picslde&t.
n. W. YATB , CasMer.
a. J. Porruroii , Attorntj
JOH A. CBiraBtox.
r. H. DAte , Ass t Oothta
This bank recttves Jopodts without rf fd t
bfuee time certificates bearing ntsrest
Draws drafts on 8an Jrandcco and prtndp
dtiea of the United States , a > o London. DublL
Sdlnburzb and the principal dtlea ol th coal
nent of Eoropo.
Sells passage ticket * for emigrants In th * Ii
man line. mayldtf
Geo. P. Bern is1
15th tt Doiqlcu Sts.t Omaha , Neb.
This agency does STRICTLY a broktrage bus !
ness. Docs not speculate , and therefore any bar
gains on its books are insured to ltd pbtrons , In
stead ot being gobbltd up by the agent _
Hoggs and Hill ,
No. 50 Farnharfl Street
Of : North Bide , opp. Grand Central Hot
Nebraska Land Agency
1505 farnham tit. Omaha , Nebt.
4OO.OOO ACRES carefully selected land
Eastern Nebraska ( or sale.
Great Bargains In loiproved farms , and Ona
city property
Late Land Com'r U. P. U. R. 4p-febTt
tuns s. MSB
Byron Reed & Co. , -
Beep a complete abstract of title to all BetlK
'tie In Omaha and Dnuglaa Cnmrtv. mavltl
Got. Randolph St. & 6th Ave. ,
B2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY
Located In the business centreconvenlent
nacea rl amusement. Elegantly furnished , con
aining all modern Improvements , passenger ele
stor.Ac 3 n. CUMiUNOS , Proprietor.
ocietf OGDEN HOUSE ,
Conncil Bluffs , Iowa
> n line of Street Railway , Omnibuses to u
rom all trains. RATES Parlor floor , 93.00 p
ay ; second floor , JJ.60 per day ; third floor
ho best-furnished and most commodious boa
ithocitv. GEO T. PHELPS. Prop.
OiiAiti , NEB.
The Hetropolltan is centrally located , anu
rot-class In every rcwpoct , haviDZ recently bet
itlrely renovated. Tlie public will find I
> mfortable and homelike house. martt
16th and Cuming Sts.
We propose supplying the
leople of North Omaha with
rate prices. Give us a call.
J. 3E3. aSZIZ&G-XIZir.
aj0ash paid for Country Pro-
uce. Goods delivered free to any
art of the city. ap7-lm
Qreateat Discovery of the Age.
'onderful discoveries in the world have been made
mong other things where Santa Clans stayed ,
iildren oft ask if be makes foods or not ,
really he lives In a mountain of snow.
tst year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole
id suddenly droppcdinto what seemed like thole
here wonder of wonders they found anewland ,
hlle fairy-like beings appeared on each hand ,
lere were mountains like ours , with more
bsautllal preen ,
id far brighter skies than ever were seen ,
rds with the hues of a rainbow were found ,
bile flowers of exquiiite .fragrance were grow
log aronnd.
it long were they left to wonder in doubt ,
being soon came th / bad heard much about ,
was Santa Clans' self and this they all say ,
s lacked like the picture r esee every d y.
t drove up a team that looked very queer ,
was a team . ( grasshoppers instead of reindeer ,
3 rode in a shell instead of a sleigh ,
it he took them on boird and drove them
) showed them aU uvcr his wondtrful realm ,
id factories making roods for women and men ,
irrlers were working on hats great and small ,
i Bonce's they said they were sending them all.
is Kincle , the Glove Maker , told them at once ,
1 our Gloves we are sending to Bonce ,
.titi showed them suspenders and many thing *
yin ? I alse took these to fiicnd Bonce's store ,
nta CUna then whispered a secret he'd teD ,
i in Omaha every one knew Bonce well ,
j therefore should send his goods to his care ,
lowing bis friends will get their full share.
iw remember ye.dwellers in Omaha town ,
1 who want preienti to Bunco's go round ,
ir shirts , collars , or gloves great and small ,
nd your sitter or aunt one and all.
Dunce , Champion Hatter of the West , Douglas
reet , Omaha
Carpetings I Carpetingsl
Old Reliable Carpet House ,
Carpets , Oil-Cloths ,
Matting , Window-Shades , , . . ,
Lace Curtains , Etc.
I Make a Specialty of
And have a FuU Line of
Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet-
Lining Stair Pads , Crumb
Clothes , Cornices ,
Cornice Poles , Lambrequins , Cords and Tassels ;
In iact Everything kept in a First-Glass Oarpet House.
Orders from abroad solicited. Satisfaction Gnaraateed
Call * or Address
John B. Detwiler ,
Old Eeliable Carpet House , OMAHA.
A Positive and Permanent Cure
' , Guaranteed ,
In sll cases of Grave' , Oiabe'es , Dropsy. Bright' * Disease of th
Kidnets , Incontinent and Hetcnt'on of Urine , Inflamation s
the Kidneys. Catarrh of the Didder , Hl h Colored Urlae , Pain
in tic Back. s do or Llote , Nervoni Weaknrat , and In fact all
disorders of the BIsdder and Urinary Organ * , whether contract
ed by private diseases or otherwise. This great remedy baa fciea
is d with euccrw for ueorly ten yenni In rranw , with th mott
wonde'fulcnratiTe effects. It eureilu aoiorptionlno ranseota
internal medicines being required. We have hnndredj ot tMtl-
raonla's cf cures by this Fad when all else had fu'ed-
LADIE8 , if you are gofferinr f n m Female Weakness , Leucor-
rhieo , or disevsrs peculiar to f-ma'n. or In fact any dlaeiie , aak
your drarg'st for Prof. Guilmette's French Kidney Pad , and
take no other. If be hss not cot It. send 82.00 and you wOl
receive tte Pid by retorn mail. Address U. 8. Blanch ,
Toledo. Ohio.
nil positively core Fever and > < rne. Dumb Ague . , Arne Cake , Billions . fever. Jaundice.
00 all dlseaticl * or tno urer , fiomuu > na ut j. The p rfnr hr hwr ] > Uon. i b V
jk jour druggist for th's pad and take no other. If he docs not keeplt.sendfl 0 to tne FKKNCH
AD CO. , ( TJ. S. Branch ) , 1 olcdo , Cho. ! and receive it by return null. . KTJHN & CO. ,
_ _ _ AgenU. Omaha , Heh.
lie Only Lithographing Establishment in Nebraska
trails , Checks , Letter Bill and ffute Headings , Cards ,
Bonds , Certificates of Stock , Diplomas , Labels.
etc , , done in the best-manner , and at
Lowest Possible Prices.
T M _ . T. _ . . . . . - ,
Dealers in
House Furnishing Goods , Shelf Hardware.
Nails and Etc.
1221 Farnham Street , let Door East First National Bank.
IF. O.
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha.
can find a good Maortment of
any other shoe boose In the city ,
d a perfect fit guaranteed. J'rlcte vrvreason
bU decll-lT
. tlATISrT.OllAnA.
7:10 IUVBOX40A. o'clock . * . n. W.OO o'clock . A.M.
3SO : O'clock . T. v. eaoc/dock . EOt
g O o'clodi . ' " W X ) o'clock .
f I T I I 9
( Tormerly of Olsh * Jacob * )
No. HIT Farnham 8t , Old Btand of Jacob Gta
Contractors and BuilderB ,
1310Podga8t.Oaab .
Has lust received a lot ot Sprt g goods. Ton
re Invited to call and get price * , which h *
narante th lowest in the dty
Jjaranue , Wyoming ,
L * catntri rstort , rood tccotv
luz Huapli roeo , obintf rtMa
US o an ! v > tnTtUair B O.