i * _ ll war It \ VOL. IX. OMAHA , NEBBASKA , THURSDAY JUNE ID , 1880. NO. 304 Established I87I ; MORNING5 EDITION. Price Five Cen FOLltiCAL EVENT Garfield's Nomination Sig fies a Downfall of 1 * Bosses. * , * ' , The Democratic Organs augurate a Campaign of Slander. The Hoosier Delegates Instraol to * Fight for Hendrioks. * V The Capitol Organ . Recoi .mends * Seymour and Thurman as Bourbon * Banner Bearers. Belief that Samn Tilden Must Step Down. Illinois 4for Payne , Georg ' for Field. A Bourbon Ticket. Special Dispatch to ibo I1 x CHICAGO , Juno 9 4 p. m. T Journal's , Wuauingtou Bpec'wl saj The 'Washington Ponf , a Bomb organ , recommends as the tick neceisary to beat Garfield and Arlh the following : For president , Hot tie Seymour ; for vice-pre ident , All G. Thurman , " SLANDERS. * ' " It is very evident that the dem cratiintendio. m ke .this , if pojsibl & carnpAffmiof 's'auder ' , They ha * "t * % ii * t j i * ' taken the inilulive in the Ic'cil pre hero , the Wufniugton Post loading ( } q & severe personal attack upon Ga ? n .field. Democ-atlo Hopelera. flpecUl dUpatcb to TB Ull , INDIAKAPOMS , June 10 4 , p. m.- The democratic state convention mi and. organized. Thos. A. Bendricl | g permanent chairman Thereto'ii'ioin ' 'in truct delegate to vote a a unit * t Cincinnati and t present the nam of Bendricki fo pr < jildenk . * Frpnklin Linden vrai nominate for governor. HenOt ictaj' , Boom. " Special Dltjrfa toTr.e"H s. iNDunrwtttiiij , June 10 , 1 a. m - In the democratic convention whei HeddrfckV luraa "was mentioned a GarfitlFMjpponent it nroutedjthe at most "enthusiasm , delegates riling ti tnelr leer , , clearing'nml yelling throwing up their hats and wavinj bardkerchiefs aud other articles. Thi repoit'of the committee on permanen organization was presented , and Mr Hendricls was made chairman. Hi \ Tvas called fur , and approached fron the committee room. As he came t < the front the vast assemblage arosi olrnoit en masse and gave him a rous ing ovation. Hj addressed , the con vention , thunkiug.t'iein ' for the honor He said : "I know victory will sit upoi our banner. They nominated a can didale at Chicago Tuesday I shouh say a ticket , for it wouldn't be righ ' to omit the last cif the ticko't. Now when wo meet in Cincinnati to rospom to Chicago , wo moot with the a sur ance on our ride that we' have thi strength , this power , thii ccntimento the American peoplu upon our side- that , at the last election , when Tildei and H. were elected , there was a ma jority on the democratic side of thi whole vote of the United States o 1,000,000. " John T. Scott was nominated fo : supreme judge of the Third district James Mitchell for supreme judge o the Fifth district ; Shanklin secretary of state ; M. B. Winsen state auditor and JVm.'Fleming for treasurer. From the Bosses. S pedal Dispatch to The Dee. NEW YORK , June 10 , 1 a. m. Wayne McVeigh , of Pennsylvania , whov opposed the renominatiou ol Grant , * laid in reply as to what he thought oFXjarfield's nomination : " 1 regard the nomination as an excellent one. The republican pirty has beer saved. The action of the convention enfranchises every member of the party and gives the death-blow to po litical dictatorship in states. Repub lican statesmen hereafter will bo sim ply leaders , not.lfoasca. Merit alone determines position in the party. The battle was fought not only upon the third term iauuo , but upon the abroga tion o | the unit rule , and the relief of < the states from the dictation of polit ical bosses. Gen. Garfield can carry Pennsylvania against any democrat who may be nominated. ' % ' Illinois For Payne. Special Dispatch to TUB Bin. SrBiNGFiKLD , 111. , Juno 10 , 1 a. m. rThe democratic state convention meets to-day. There is some talk of supporting ppnry B. Payne , of Ohio , and Clarktoh N. Potter , of- Now Yorlr , to offset Garfield and Arthur. The Davis men are talking of Seymour , probably as a blind. < Perry H. Smith stick * to TUdcn , , Neither Bayard nor Hanocpk have ? friends here , and Hen- drickflis seldom mentioned. Morri son will get few delegates. The state contest is exciting. There are a dozen or" more candidates , for " governor , among lliem Gefk-Black , Gen. Tarns- worth.JL'Zt Loiter , Perrfjff. Smith , Carter H. Harrison , Lyman Trum- bullj.ptc. The convontion.proceedinRs will be interesting. * * ' . ' Tammany'e Hurran. Special dispatch to The Ben NKW YORK , Juno 10 , 1 a. m. Prep- aations for the Cincinnati convention are almost completed. Tammany ball lav will journey thither with a' grand hur rah. -train of sixteen palace cars , drawn by three engines , is to leave the Grand Central depot on the morning of the 13th. , The cars -will ba draped mUK\bunting \ and ornamented with in scriptions setting forth the glories of Twuniny hall. * TKe regular delegates will begin leaving on the 17th , and they contem- phto making no display. TILDEN TO WITHDRAW. Burner * of all sorts are rife that Tilden will socn announce his with- drJfral from the field , now that Grant hu been shelved. The feeling against Tilden seems in- { ho defo of Gra.nt at I Chicago. Prior to tint event m democrats looked upon him"as the r man to ran against the general ; now there is , It is said , even am nme of those most earn eat in his half , that he should resign and 1 the field to some man upon whom pirty can heartily unite. Georgia for Field. Special Dispatch to The Bee. ATLANTA , GA. , June 10. 1 a. ra The democratic state convention c vencd yesterday with a fuH reprcs titi-m froni a'l paits of the ntf Each district had appointed its o delegates to Cincinnati. The cony tion appo'ntei four delegates at U and confiimed the appointment of districtr. No icatructions were gu but the delegation is known to fa' Judije Field with Bayard as * eco chhfco , . , BprinKef Nominated. Special Dipatoh to The Bee. Bpni aFiEi.D , HI. , June 9 , 4 p. Wm. Sprinser was nominated ; congress by the twelfth d.emocra : ongresiional convention , - Democratic Conceit , ipecUl DUpatch to The Bee. BALTIMOEE , June 10 1 a. m. T lemocratic state convention , to sell lelegates to the national conventic net here , yesterday , and adopted ri Nations and adopted , resolutions ' i mowleding. adherence to de'mocra > rinciples ; denouncing the republic > arty for fraudulently seating Bay * or fostering monopolies ; by u ust tariffs fur the benefit of c rU nanufacturers at the expensj of tl iroduciog states ; for adopting a BJ em of laws by vhich the president h teen invested with the privilege aterfering with the freedom of ele ions by multiplying offices uottl thi LOW have in every state i nmense corp , all of whom a ised to promote its des'g hey have used army alto en uvej iccasion to increase their power ; thi lore ( than nice have brought tl Duntry to the verge of bankr'upti ad atsort the returning prosperity i le people to be the blessing of Gc d the democratic party. Besoluttoi ecluia to instroct , but exprer"conl enco in the distinguished ability < ayard. ayard.LONDON LONDON EOEOES , eading Journals Qongratu late Republicans on Garfield's Selection , * eneral Grant's Candida Severely Oritioizel , - - & scUl Dispatch to Tb Bee. LONDON , June 10. 1 a. m. In u tide yesterday morniuz upon thi lioago convention the Pall Mai ' izotte said : "It has Tjeen 'plaii ice the first day of the conventioi ktdan. Grant * tood-no tnn e e nomination. " After discussing a me length the situation in th ( lited States as affected by the re Its of the action finally taken a licago , The Gazette concludes bi ving that upon the whole the pc-liti I outlook in America has not beei favorable since the day when Gran L out "upon his electioneering toin aund the world in an ill-advised bit r a third term which found its fittiiij tastrophe at Chicago. LECTCRINQ AMERICANS. In a leading article upon the Chtcagi initiations the St. James Gazette r. Greenwood's ( late editor of thi ill Mall Gazette ) new paper , eays i ly now be regarded as certain tha ) U. Garfield will bo Hayes * su/ces r. Still Tim Gazette thinks a con tuticn which leads to such a result modes so peculiar , has a very ode pearanco as viewed by eyes not ac stomed to it. The Americans , it i : id , are apparently content to hi led by any person who gives satis ition to the wire pullers and marifp ilora of the parly which nominate ! d elects him , and they can Inrdlj surprised if this sCraugo anf ' anom jus system leads , in eo'mo grea si ( , to very unpleasant cense encos. The Gazette further says twitbstanding the belief to the con try , which it understands to bo mori loss prevalent even among tha mori .elligoot classes in the United States iglisnmon have no prejudices in ra : d to American politic ) , "and en' ivor to form their opinion of then m the facts and accepted principle : the policy of government. GRANT REBUKED. In alluding to Gen. Grant's defeal the convention , it adds that lt.ii fectly natural that the proposal tc ifer upon him a third .term ! should generally resented by the Americar > ple for reasons as plain abroad a : home. " " ORANT.ArKD ROYALTY ABROAD. < w Perhaps , says The Gazette.Granl y bo without ambition , 1 1 many ol friends believe and claimybut this s not the impression ho produced the Old World during his recenl ir. On the contrary he seemed tc m associating with the common > ple and invariably sought to rank nself with princes ; andt it ? had Qotimes happened that accrbBitod bassadors at courts , which Gran ) ited , had been obliged to give way bis claims , for precedent Sensible lericans had noted these actf , an < 3 ras not a matter of surprise that i influence of his attitude on his \ tour had , as appeared to have in the cue , reduced the number of friends to a ; hopeless mihority in i convention which-yesterday do ? ed against bis assertions' for re- : tion to a third term , o NO MAH FOR A THIRD TERM. ? he morning papers on the Chicago ivention congratulata the repnbli- i party for rejecting Grant , whose iliGcations they ssy wore never of a y high order , and who would have n about the wont man for the ex- iment of a third term , lecause he 1 already shown si ni of ' adopting a sonal line of action 'inconsistent h the presidential office. Base Ball. itl Dispttcti to The Be . 'ho following games of bate ball played June -9th : losrox , Juno 10 , 1 a. m. Cleve- I , 3 ; Bostons , 4 ( , „ . 70RCESTER Buffalos , 6j Worce - i , 8. iBAHT Albany , 14 ; Treys , 3. ROCHESTER Boohester ? . 2 ; JiV 'M ' 7 , If * . I ADJOURNMENT. Scvclal Dispatches to The Bco. WASHINGTON , June 9 4 p m. house concuniont resolution we : ported back providing for adjo Inent of congrcis Juno 10th at n with an amendment substituting < . IGtb. The amendment was agree and the resolution wai then uii iifouely carried. Conference report on the pesto appropriation bill was concurred ii the senate. The aunato concurro various ainuniliiiciita of the hotut the Ute agreement bill aud disagi to othera , and appointed a commi of conferecco. „ | , THE INDIAN VOLIOV.-y The report of the senate select c mittee to investigate the remova the northern Cheyenne Indians fi the Sioux reservation to , the Ine territory affirms that govornmenl Dot living up to its obligations v the Cheyennes , and that the po ! ihould be rdopted svliioh will si these Indians that we will d"o th full justice. NEDUASKA'S MARSHAL. The senate confirmed Otis Bal Dinted States marshal for the d'st ; jf Nebraska. _ i CONGRESSIONAL. SENATE. Ipoclal Dispatch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , June 10 1 a. m The sundry civil bill was taken i he pending motion being an ainti nent appropriating $10,000 tD ona he superintendeiit of the census ibtaiiTstatistiai as to the number utizeits af the United States 21 TCI if ago whoso right of suffrage .bridged . by any provision of the stj institution or the laws of any sta .nd . aho the number of foreign be rho are disqualified from voting ny djscriminating laws , Senator Al'ison ' moved to lay it he table and it was carried by a tiai oto , notapaity vote. Senator Morpan offered an amet lent increaiins ; the appropriation i ivestigating the ravages f tha loci nd cotton worm aud grasahopr. rom f4,000 to § 25,000. AdopUd. Several other amendments werd c : red , and pending consideration 10 amendment ofiered by _ Senat iornan , making an appropriation f nprovements in iron and steel , tl mate went into executive session ai ten adjourned. HOUSE. Mr. BoJgan submitted the confe ice report on the-river and harbi ipropriation bills , aud it was agree . The whole amount appropriate $8,900,000 , an increase of § 400,0 ( er the bill as it wont from the hous ibsCqnemlT'a clerlcal-crrorwa dr vtrcd in the bill , and the report w : considered and non-concurred in fc o purpose of correcting the error. Disagreement on the agricultur ; ipropriation bill wa < reported , and iw conference wai ordered. The senate amendment that an ai uriiment be taken Juno 1C was coi : rred in by a vote of 100 to 72. An effort was made by Mr Tucki get up the tarifl bill , but the opp nits of tar ill" legislation wcro u rang for him , and succeeded in c.i ing a motion to adjourn. THE BONES OF A SAINT. * ) W THEY CAME TO THE SEIZOKE-ROC OF THE CUSTOM-HOUSE. : w York Star. In the Feizure room of the cuito iliac is a largo packing case , whic rived on the steamship Cdlodou nm Gibraltar a few daya ago. Ye rday it was opened by tho.oflicial e : iiinurs , and was found to contain .ndaomo box of stained wood , ci Dunly wrought , and with gilded clap r supports. A lid securely lockc closed the front. When this w ; t down it was sean that the box w : reliquary , or ahrinu , containing tl ligy of SaintDiscoliua , martyr. Tl ; nii'3 of the saint wore discovered i 102i They have been articulate id covered with wax , so ai to rcpn ice the form of the origina bo appeara to havob enavoryyouii in , with long , fair hiir and almoi minine features. The imitated fics semi-transparent , showing the on tea of the boncj beneath. On th rchcad is a cut or scar , designed t ow the manner of elbath. The figui is partly on the back , the facts bein If turned towaidthc ( > lass panel dii > sed by opening the lid. The hen its on two cushions of crimson sill , ihly embroidered. It h encircle a-crowM of flowers and A golde lo. v Tha body is richly clothed i k ofvarious colors , magnifi otly embroidered with golt 10 arm lies across the chcsi e hand grasping a branch of pain : 10 other is stretched by the aid ) ng the giass panel. One leg is ei jded at full length and the other i ghty drawn up. Portions of th ; s and arms are l/Tro. Near th ad is a glasi b'ttle set in brass an pposed to contain some of the bloo the martyr. The contents give i aurplish appearance. The interic the shrine is beautifully urn : inted. As an adjunct to the crpyl ere is a slab of white marble frame d sealed , on which h rudely scratch the representation of a hand an at of a bird , with the words "Disco B , in pace. " This is supposed t ve inclosed the tomb of the martyi 10 case wcs shipped from Rome , an consigned to a nunneiy at Cincic ti * It wai scut to the seizure-root : special examination by request d it was well that this wn done : the intelligent examiners , unabl lerwise to find any dutiable value re actually about to break open th tine in order to ascertain the quac y of wax in the figure , when Got > blc , the Superintendent of th zure-room , interposed , and sen Collector Merritt , who ordore jm to let it alone. r. M. c. A. cUl Dispatch to The Bee. SHICAOO , June 10 , 1 a. m. Th ith annual convention of the gencrt aions of the young men's christia iociation of the United States an itish provinces convened here lai ming ; about 400 secretaries of a sc tions being in attendance. Mysterious Death , ldspccul. _ SORTH PiiTiE , Neb.j.Juno 9. El r Growell , a news agenda tie coi ploy of Barkalow Bros. , died this morning in a mysterious man it is supposed from the effects of po administered by an em'grnt on 1 some Jays ago. An inquest w ? * b but no verdict arrived at. An in ti aiion i' to bo made. 9IAKKETS BY TELEGKAP New Yore Monev and Stocb. BW YORK , Juno MON EY V rkst at S@1 per cent. " * * V KAII.ROAD BONDS Stcon ; aud gene : liightr. GOVERNMENTS. GOVEiNiIiU : > TS-t.rm. O. S. OB , ilMl , D. S. 60 , Ki - Notriia - D. a percent _ STOCKS. Rock bland _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < HIlnoB Central _ _ < c. B.&q C. i , A. - ' preferred Nnr York Oen.nl _ . . . . „ . . . , LakoSboro . . . rno - M. . . , Xrta preferred. Northwestern Northwestern preferred _ 8t Paul St. Panl preferred Wabun , U Loula and facittc preferred H n. ABU Jo Han. * St.Jo , pfd Kancu & Texas. . . > . . . _ Union Padflc Northern Fadflo. . . . . . . . . . . . do preferred. . W < wtern Onion Ccntnl Pacific Pacific Hail U. P. land era'.U Cnlcago Produce. CHICAGO. June 9 , Wheat Activeunsettled and low No 2 , 94j94c , closed at 94Jo i cfsh : 99.-SS1 COJ , closed at 99J@9 for June ; 973 < 598jjc for , closed at 95 for July ; 8990c , closed at fi @ 89c for August ; No. 3 , 91c ; i jected , 92c ; No. 2 red winter , store , § 110. Corn Fairly active , but lower ; K 2 and high mixed , 563G c , clot it 3CJc bid for cash ; 36S@36c , clos it 30Jc bid for June ; 30A375c , clus it SO c bid for July ; 3G37ic , clos it 3Gc bid for August ; rejected , 3i 35ic. 35ic.Oati Weak but easier ; No. : loaedat 3131o frr caah ; 3I < )2c ) , cloeei at 31o for Jure ; 28 @ 2& slosed at 28Jc birifor July. Rye No. 2 , ? 5Jo. Barley Nominal. Pork Moderately satire but easle 110 3E@10 370 fur cjsh ; $10 37 | .0 40 for June ; ? 10 35@10 37 f Fuly ; § 10 45@10 47i for-August , Lard Fairly at ye but eaaie 0 GCsO 63i for ra < h ; fO 60@6 6' or July ; § 0 05 for August. Bulk MeaM Shouldew , S4 2i hort ribs , § 0 52J ; short clear , fO 1 Whisky Steady atl 08 , CLOSING PRICES. Wheat No. 3 spaing , weik , ac'h nd firmer ; June sold at 99Jo ; Julj 798c ; August , 89J g89Jc. Corn SCJ@36Jc for June ; 30J < 6o for July ; SG5 < j37s fet Aogusi Oats 31ia for June ; 28 0 for Jolj Pork ? 10 32J@10 35 for Julj 10 40@10 42i for August. Lard Firm ; 8G G2 | for July ? $6 67 G 70 for Anaust ; 6 550 67i fo le year. Bulk meats Short ribs , $6 30QG 3 > r July ; $ G 37i@G 40 for August. unlcaKO Live StocK Marsec CHICAGO , June 9. Hogs Receipts , 30,000 head ; shlj i out s , 5100 ; market active during th lorning with steady and ready rate lainly at $4 rO4 25 for mixed pack igS4CO@4 25 for light ; § 4 3004 4 > r choice heavy ; traae weakened to ard the end , and prices were 5@10 iwcr. Cattle Receipts , 3000 head ; shi { ient < , 2000 ; market active and 10 igher ; common to fair shipping 1104 35 ; good to choice , 54 50 ( 90 ; Coloradoa , § 4 25 ; grass Texan ; ! 3 35@3 GO ; native butchers' stoc nn at S3 50@4 00 ; stockers , 3 00 ( OJ. Sheep Receipts , 500 head ; ship icnts , 1050 ; market fiim and strong r ; common to fair , $3 504 00 ; goo > choice. S4 20@4 40. , . , at. ixDula Produce. ST. Louis' , June ' 9. Wheat Active , but lower ; Nc red , SI 11@1 12 * for cash ; 51 04 | ! U3g for June ; 93J@92 | .for Jnlj L90)ic ) for August ; 90c for Septcm srNo73do ; , 956 bid. Corn Active , but lower ; ir cash ; 3535 c for June ; 35 ir August. Oats Firmer at 31o fet .cab. j ] { yo Lower ; 81c asked. r Butter Dull ; dairy nt 14@17c. Ejgs Lower at 7S8c. Pork Dull ; $10 55 bid for cas id Juno ; 810 85 bid for July. DryTSalted Meats Shoulders- G 50@G 70. u tf r 1 Lard Quiet at 86 45/ * " New Yorfc Produce. NEW YORK , June 9. Wheat Ungraded spring , $1 11 o. 3 Chicago choice In store , $12. . \ ixed spring , § 110@1 2i J ; ungre d , ? 1 25@1 27 ; Not 3 do , SI 2G ; N do , SI 31@1 3lJmixect IKV& : 271 29 ; No. 2 red and Juuc . 295 © ! 30J. ; July , $ l < 18@r20v- Corn Weak ; ungraded52@5oc o. 3 , 51@52c ; No. 2 , 62i@531c. ' ' I ; Oats- Mixed weatein , 38c. ' Eggs Quiet and fiim at ll@lljc. Pork Strorger ; old mess , , $10 80 > w ine-s , § 11 25. " ' " > LarJ Prima steam , 7@7 50. Bulter Steady at 829. v Wh'sL5113@115. ' T Milwaukee Produce MarKeit- Wheat Firm ; . opened'and ' cloie ( iot ; hard nominal ; No. LMilwiu > o , nominal ; No. SLMilwaukee , 98Jc me , 98ic ; July , 99c ; Angast 2c o. 3 Milwaukee , 91ic " ; No. 4,93 $ jected nominal. " " ' " Corn Lower at'36Jc. Oa s Higher afSZJc.-'i' Bye Higher at 78c. & < " , Barlej-Qulet ti 79c. ? x St. Louis Live Stoci. ST. Lotna'June 9. Cattle Supply good , demand sc i'o audprces strong ; prime to choici itpciDg steers , $4 50@4 70 ; fair ti iod , g4 1034 40 ; light , $3 75 ® < 00 itchers' stuff , § 2 75@3'50 ; grea 3xans2 , 50@3 25 ; receipts 2COO , ipmenls , 400. * i e Sheep Slow and unchanged ; fail choice , 82 753 80 ; receipts , 1000 ipments , 400. Hogs Lower Yorkers and Baltl ores , $4 00@410 ; packing , $4 00 10 ; heavy shipping , ? 4 154 25 ugh heavy , § 3 60@3 90. Beceipts 1,200 hyad ; ihippnts , 400Q. ' FIAT FLUTTERINI Greenback - Labor Delega "Gather in Chicago , And Battle Around in i4 * Place Lately Occupied , , , . by Republicans. Dennis Kearney to the Fro The Greenbackerd. Special Dispatch to The Uoo. CHICAGO , June 9 4 p. u The national greenback and labor c vention is in session iere to-day. ! lanntyr Is temporary chairman. Greenbackers in Council. Special Dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , June 10,1 a. m. Nea seven hundred delegates to the gre back convention were here yesttrd In addition to these were about < thousand repreien atives of the v : ous labor organizations , who hi asked for seats. The convention mi the basis of representation the sa u in the republican convention. 1 the indication ) are that the basis representation specified in the c irill not be adhered to , and that t labor representatives will be adinitti Fhere will be a good many cnnte aefcre the commuted on credeutia ind it is eipactaa that the commit ) Kill be in so-aioa all day aud nig ] I'hera is a report that the Pomcr ing of the greenback party , which li irrangtd for a bolting convention Harwell hall , doiires to fuse with t egulara and be admitted to seat ) he regular convention. The gre tall of the exposition building pi anted a d ffVrent appeal tnco yestt : liy morning from that which it h rorn for a week pa-it. The iillutti pace 13 delegates was very near lied , but the floor back o ! the del Ales' lea's was empty , and tha galle it , except two sections on either sit f the stage , wo-o long stretches arren boards , There were apparon 7 a thousand delegates in their sea nd about as many spectators in tl allerifs , Shortly before 1 o'olo < tie convention was called to order t ' . P. Dawo' , of Pennsylvauia , ohai lan of the executive committee i 10 national greenback labor parti nd opened witb prayer by Rev. 11 : agalls , of Des Moincs , Iowa. Th rayer produced rather a novel inc ant. The preacher called attontio t the.fact that the m'nisters ' of th nd had agreed to join on a certai y In prayer for the tyo great cor mtions to meet at Chicago and Cir nnati , but had refused ) o pray fc ih convention. "Wherefore , t ird , " said the preacher , "we ask the ty blessing to u * greenbackera. " A is a-'ly the audience , which evident had a surplus of enthusiasm , brok to a cheer. Mr. Dewes made a vig ous opening speech , in which h " goronoly donounced"t > 3tirpartlos an e money power. Ho was frequent ! iplauded. At the clo e ho nominal i Hon. DeLaMatyr for temporar lairman. At the appearance of D iMatyr the convention rose to it et and gave him enthusiastic cheers t the conclusion of his speech a mal mrtetto sang "America. " The secretary rad a resolution o o national executive committee rob ire to the choice of the members c e usual committees and the dutie said committees. The resolutio is adopted and the roll of states wa lied for a list of the members of th reral committee. While the cal 18 progressing a New York dulegat oated a sensation byrialng and mov g that the portrait of the la'o Zac : landler , which hung ovur the speak 's desk , be taken down. The chai iled It out of order. Pending the call of states it wa tied that the proposition to admi ty delegates each from the union eenback and social-hbor parties an < 'give ' them representation on th veral committees be referred to th immitteo on credentials. Another excited debate broke ou or the pictures which the republica nvontion had left hanging about th ill. ill.It was voted t-J hear a memorif esented by the woman's suffrngo as ciation , advocating the right c omen to suffrage , and asking th nvention to put a woman's sulTrag ank in the platform. Speeches wcro made by Josyln Sag id Susan B. Anthony. Adjournc 17:30 : o'clock. EVENIKO MtoSIOSl. The convention reassembled prompt at 7:30 : o'clock. The committee o irmanent organization was not road ; report and an hour was spent ii itening to speeches from greenback s. The first debgate called on for eech was Dennis Kearney. Speech were made by Mr. Wa"ace , a mem r of the Canadian parliament , am r.-13. W. Wright , who are hero a presentativcs of the currency reforr iguo of Canada. The latter wrough e convention to a high pitch of ex .ement. KEARNEY SPEAKS. While the Canadians were talkiiij sacney came in , and after they hat wed the convention insistel upoi arirg him. He mounted the plat rm aud addressed the convention fo er an hour. TItsspaech wcs pltiui lly Iqadf d with his peculiar opiihut d slang , ' but it was lesadenunciat . ; an most of his efforts , and w.j _ o le in some particulars. After i.- " _ % his respects to Conklfng for "c j icr's sneering alluiions to him .1 o republican conventiou , he devo. i mself to the discussion of the Chi se question. He explakted the sya lii ofUve labor inaugurated am iintained by Vhat are known .is th linese Six Companies , and insistei at the people of Califotaia wouli t tolerate a continuance of that sys n. He declared that he knew posi rely that Garfield could not get one ird of the votes of California , Ore n and Nevada on account of his po ion on the Chinese question. After Kearney's speech the conven in adjourned until this morntnj thoutr having effected a permanen ; anization. Too Much "Water. Ial Dispatch to The Eea SEDALIA , June 10. 1 a. m. Far : r John Conner , wife , sister ant ree children in attempting to cros iwollen stream were upset and thi ree children drowned. English Influence on Tnrkev. ) dal Dispatch to The Bee. June 10 , 1 a. m The fruits of llr. Goschen's ( British ambassador ) influence in councils of the Sub'ime Porte are ready apparent. Kadi Pasha was ] terday appointed prime minister ; Abbedin Pasha grand vizier and n ister of foreign a flairs. FOREIGN EVENTS. Fire Damp Explosion in German Mine. Nineteen Dead Bodies Alrea Recovered. French Communists to Amnestied. EMIGRATION. Special dispatch to Tug BEX. LONDON , June 9. Thirty thousa emigrants lett Liverpool during Mi . ASSISTANCE WANTED. The lord mayor of Dublin has te graphed every mayor in the Unit States for further assistance. BACK FROM EXILE. Special Dispatch to Tai Bn. PAKIS , Juie 10,1 a. m. It is nc : onsidered probable that the trover nent will declare plenary amnesty f ill exiled communists , to take effe Tuly 14 , the annivewa.y of the d traction of the hostile , a day usual : elebnifed in thh ci'y and elaewhe : n France by public dinners. The d * , lso happens to be the anniversary > n important speech delivered by Gan let'a , at Forte Sous Konirro , in 1871 HELPING THOSE TURNED OUT. pedal disiutch to The Bee. LONDON , Juno 10 , 1 a. m Th nsh laud lc ue relief committee pn use to set rsido ten thousand poum : om the relief fund towards speci ; jsistanco to evicted families. 1'iRE DAMP EXPLOSION. - > eclal Dleiotch to Tug Ess. EERUN , June 10,1 0. m. An 01 lesion of Gre damp occurred in th ijrtmund mine yesterday. Ninetee : ead bod'es have already been racov red. General Grant. racial Dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , June 9 , 4 p. m. Genera r.mt arrived this morning from Ga na with a sma'l prly of friends , am reakfaiting at the Palmer house pasa I on to Milwaukee to attend the sol erg' re-union in that city. 1IIE TYl'OS. The International Typographies nion met this morningand went iutc ; ecutive session , fromwhfch oil bu ombera of the union were excluded tie main subjects consideret are the secret brotherhood o ortK America , an alleged orpanlzn in within the union , and question ising out of issuing charters to oni two riv.'l organizations in St. Louis 10 executive session promises to con me through the day. We offer a tiHt-claas whlto laun led shirt , with nn improved ruin reed front , uiado of Wamsutta inns i , -ply buaem aud culfa , of 2'2CX ion , at the reduced price of ? 1.50 10 workmanship , tit and style of cm irta ro placed in competition wi ! id shirt sold in Omaha. Wo guarru o entire satisfaction , or will roL. t 0 money. We make to order eve : . ado of shirts and underwear , givi ittor goods for letm money than cai ) got elsewhere. Our fancy iniportci irtlugs are of the choicest patterns 1 underwear wo cannot bo under Id. Omaha Shirt Factory , 252Farnham > pOBlte Orand Oantrnl TTotnl. Ear Diseases Dr. O. B. Shoemaker , 10 well huona Aural Surgeon , of ycadiiijPa , 10 has bcrn in the mcdk-.U | ir ferei < m > cr2 ars , giicsALL his time KACLUtUVCLY , t c treatment of ilculncsa and diseases of th r and catarrh lie stnilj a aluablo little boul Gl pa cs on the treatment of these discs 2 1KB TO ALL. This book gn cs references rni stimutiala tliatwill satisfy tbo roust skt'ptical : is alsu an.hor uf a work of 375 ] ngv , o < tivv these diseases and their proper truulmcnt ics $2 , by mail. No family should lie n ilium : opj ot this jluahlc hook. It will site sul inir , low of hearing and doctor's fees. 1)1 ! lOKMAKER'S remedy for the euro of UUN NQ EAltS , is universally acknowledged b ; js'cians and the puhlc in tcrc.il , as the onl. lly relhble remedy for the cure of this loathe me ditcasc. It is Iia.nlc. , pcatnt ! and re hie , and will cure almcst any case , even o ty or fifty j cars standing. All lraclimall.ini p'casantnct ' < 8 uf the disease instant' . * removed d the hcannir iti n oil cases greatly tmprovci miancntly. Price j2. Ill JeK. . I li , whole e anil retail d' 'cr in dru , niedicinoi am rxical instrumcnta , 1321 Farnham Hnxt aaha. may23c ud-lmi . I. NICHOLS & CO. , Successors to E. FEARON. ) ash Price List. Iba Standard A Sugar $1 ' or : ms extraCibugar 1'CK Ibs C Sugar 1 ( X 1 IX > s granulated Sugar n > 9 Cut Loaf Siwar 1 OC Q > 3 Powdered bugar 1 0 ( > sgoodltio Coffee 1 OC ) s extra cho'ce Kio Coffee. . . . 1 OC Us Costa Rica Coffee 1 W jSterybestOO Jala 1 ( X baMoch 1 ng I' acbei 1 OC Iba Valencia Raisins 1 CJ Ibs choice Prunes 1 OC DsPittsJ CbcriieD 1 OC Ibs Michigan lined Apples 1 OC Ibs dried Currants 1 OC bars White Russian Soap 1 OC Iba Procter & Gambits Soap 1 OC Iba Dob'.ns tlectric Soip 1 K Ibs choice Soda Crackers. . . . _ 1 OC Iba choice Qjster Crackers 1 OC Ibs Ginger Snaps 1 OC Ibs Oat Mail Crackers 1 0 : lb Boston Crackers 1 OC bs JnmVes 1 OC Iba Beans 1 OC Ibs Hominy 1 (0 Iba Oat Meal 1 00 Ibs S lit Peas 1 OC Ibs Carolina Rice. 1 OC Tapioca 1 OC ) S bsSago 1 00 bsBarlcy 1 00 Ibs Jlixen Bird Seed 1 OC ' 1 OC 5-lb cans Standard Toma'oes tticanj Standard Tomatyca 1 OC 1 00 -n > cans Peaches -Ream Corn 1 OC Si cans Cherries 1 01 ! -5 > cans Yarmouth Com. . . . . . . . 1 OC B cans Barnham & Jlorrill 1 OC Ibs lUklnjf Powder 1 o : re Maple Syrap per gallou 1 15 iber White TC rt New Orleans Syrup 7C TO THE FRON' L. B. Williams & Sons wlshin ; reduce their stock of boots and si have decided lo make the folloi low prices , on examinations you Gnd our prices lower than any i house can possible sell at : Present Fo No. Pairs. price. 50 Hen's brogans 05 § J 100 Men's Alexis buckle shoes $1 15 1 25 Men's sewed army brogans ' 1 GO J 40 Men's fine buckle Alexis 1 75 50 Men's box-too sewed Alexis 2 25 3 50 Men's prime calf Alexis 2 00. 3 24 Youth's buckle Alexis , 10-13 1 15 1 2 ( ) Childs' grain pegged tipped polished , 8-12. G5 1 50 Childs' red high scol lop top polish 50 1 SO Childs' prime calf button , 7-12 1 20 1 24 Childs' kid Cincinnati polish , 7-10. 1 15 2 30 Misses' I. K. polkas , 11-2 70 1 24 Misses' Baltimore kid polish 1 20 1 10 Misses' India button boots 1 20 1 30 Missea' goat button boots 1 35 2 15 Ladies' kid foxed but ton 1 25 2 )0 ) Ladies'kid button. . . 1 25 1 ! 5 Ladit.s' kid , side lace 1 25 1 'u Ladiea'graingidolaco 1 25 1 10 Ladies' grain button 1 25 1 . 2 Ladies' kid foxed polish 75 1 5 Ladies' kid foxed polish 1 00 1 .2 Ladies' kid foxed polish 1 25 2 ' 0 Ladies' grain polish ( ewed ) 1 15 1 0 Childs grain polish ( standard screwed. . . 00 1 ! 0 ChilcU' goat tup polish 1 10 1 i 0 Misses' goat polish. . 1 25 1 ' 0 Misses' kid polish. . . 1 40 2 ' , 2 Misses' kid side lace 1 25 21 0 Misses' straight grain goat button 1 50 2 I Remember besides our stock ota and shoes we carry one of tl gest lines of dress goods and n ms in Omaha. "We will not be undersold. " , B. WILLIAMS cV SON ! Leaders in Dry < 3 < iorts , = 22 & 1424 Dodse St.Cor. 15i Opposite Postoffice. Iwnya Cnroa anil never ilisap oiutx. The world's great Fain1 Loliovor for Man and Boast rhoap , quick and reliable * IMTCIinB'S CASTOKO s not Xnrcotic. Children ro\v liil iiixiu , Blathers like nd Physicians recommend JASTOKIA. It regulates th < Jewels , cures AYiml Colic Ihtys FcverishucbS , and de > treys AVorms. \VEI DE MEYER'S CA- 'ARRH Cnre , a Constitution.- * Lntidoto for this terrible malay - y , by Absorption. The mor mportant Discovery since Vac- ination. Other remedies ma ] elievo Catarrh , this cares a ny stage before Consnxaptioi uts in. YER'S HAIR VIGOR FOK STORING GRAY HAIi 3 Its Natural Vitalit ; and Color. yea sickness , care , dl appointment , ai hereditary predl position all toj the hair gray.ai either of them 1 clirie it to shedpr toatarely. ATXR'H HJUB V OR , by lonj ac Jextenaire use , h J proven that it stoi Vhe bllkfr of ha i iir mediate/ ! U renem the growl alvraT * surely restores lt color , when fade ny. Itstlmnlatea the nutritive orpins t Ithy actirety , and preserresboth the hair ai > eauty. Thus brashy , weak or sickly hair b es glossy , pliable and sUengthened ; lo KKtovn with lively expression , foiling ha decked and stablished ; thin hair thicken faded or gray hair retrain * their original o Its operation h sure and harmless. Is en : Jruff , heals all humors , and keeps th * seal , clean and soft under which condltioi ages of the scalp are impossiole. 9 a. dressing for ladles' hair , the VIGOR sedforits grateful and agreeable perfum valued for the soft luitrcand richness of toi a parts. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Mass , ictical and Analytical Chemist J ) BY A1L DBUOOI3T3 AM ) DEALE INUBDJCpiB EDHOLM & ER1GKSON , Wholesale and Betail MANUFACTURING JEWELERS AND PEAOTIOAL WATOH-MAKEKS. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Goods sent to any part of the United States on solicitation. Largest assortment of SILVERWARE , CLOCKS & SPECTACLES , APd everything found generally in R nrst- claas Jewelry Store. BEST SELECTED STOCK IN THE CITY ! Jewelry mamifiictttrctl on sliort notice. Orders from the Country solicited. IVlicnin Oi iilm iH nntf cc us , No trouble to show EDHOLM & ERICKSON , The Jeweler ? , Opposite thcPostoflkc , ! 5lh & Dodge. ORCHARD & BEAN. DEWEY & STONE , J.B.FRENCH&CO OMAHA. OMAHA OMAHA. LATEST TELECKAMS Are Not Half as Interest ing to the General Read er as the Following Pric ( List : 10 Ibs of Astiirax for . . . 91 0 10J Ibs extra C sugar for . 1 Di 11 Iba Caiiar > C. Sugar for . 1 Oi 0 Ibg Granulated Su ar for . 1 0 8 } Ibs Cut Loaf Su < T rf r . 1 . 1 ( ( 6 Ibs good Kio Coffee for . 1 W 51babo8tUio Codec fur . 1 C ( libs choice JataCoffco for . 1 C ( 3J Ibs belt JJoclia Coffee for . 1 Oi Young llytou Tea | > cr Ib , 20 to. . . . . . . 4C Oolong Tea i > crl ! ) , 30 to . K Japan Tea per Ib , 50 to . tc Finest GuniiowOcrTcapcrlb . 7C Beat O K Flour per sack - . 3 U Snow Flake winter wheat Hour . 3 05 Havcntlbrateour . 4 ( C 20 \VhiteHu8sianSoap for . 1 OC 20 bare din-ax Soap for . 1 OC Si bars Laundiy Soap for.- . . 1 OC 18 bars Ltrcn Soap for . 1 00 Pure Uap'o Syrup per gallon . 1 U Golden byrup per gallon . dl Now Orleans S > rap par gallon . 70 New OjKanj llolaswri per gallon . 4 ! BuTar House Molasacs per gallon . 4C 1 * Ibs St. Louia boiU Crackers fur . 1 c : 17 Iba St. Louis Oyster Cracker * tut . 1 OC lllbg&nton Butter Crackcni for Ol for IK 13 Ibs New Currants for , 0. 811)3 New Blackberries for , 0 * . 4 11.8 Pitted Cherries for , ( XIH 10114 Dried t'cachc * ( liahca ) fur. IHIH I 10 lira Cho'co Dried Apple ? ) for. . IH 10 Ihs best new PruneV fur 1 W 10 Ibs. best Valencia Kaisins 1 ( X 7Ib8.new lajcr Kaiains 1 ( X I'caches,2Io cans 1C I'cachca , 3 Ib cans ( standard ) 22j Pie Peaches. 0 Ifocans 21 PeachesCa')3 Ibcana iC Blackberries , 2 In can J ! Apples , ( York S > atc ) ( ; ol can 3. ' Bluebt.rrici3 Ib an II Cherries 2 Ib cin U' ! Dinuoii 1'lurrs 2 Ib cans 1' . - . 1 ! Ila'plwrrics I Hi can Strawberries , 2 Ibcan . "i Sir HT Ban8,2 Ib CJID 1\ \ Baked Beang , 3 Ib can 2' ' Lima Beans , 2 Ib cans 121 Susrarcorn , 2Ibcan 121 Yarmouth corn , per can 17 ] Tomatoes , 3Ibcan Ii Succotash , 2 Ihcan 12J Pumpkin * , 3Ibcan ft 24 Ibs beans CCi 9 Ibsdricd Lima beans. i : 35 Ibs hominy 0 ( 11 Ibs Carolln.-Orice . . . . c 25 Ibs oat meal. 0 ( Fat family mackcix-l , per kit ( K Fat family liilcflsh , i r kit. W Codfish , whole , per Ib Codfish , bonclcis , iwrlb K Hallibut , per Ib li ! Holland herring ( new ) per ke ? 1 Ii Tobacco ( Blackwell's Durham ) per Ib & ( Tobaccoi ilrcrSealpluKr > crlb & Tobacco ( Old Style ) per Ib 3 ; Tobacco ( Meerschaum ) perlb 4 ( Hams , sasar-cured , perlb 1 ! EjotJ , 11 doz for 1 0 < Butler , fresh roll , per Ib 2 ( Complete price lists fnrnUbcd onappliutti Country order * will rective prompt ai U care attention. Positively no goods sold on credit. J. B. FRENCH & CO. , The Original Reliable Grocers , No. 1119 Farnham Street , OMAHA , NEB. VINEGAR WORKS ) Jonet , Bit. 9th and 10th Stt , OiUHA. Fint quality distilled Wine VInear and cidei of any strength below eastern prices , and war ranted jiut as good at wholesale nd retail. Send for piice list. ERNST KREB3. Jeb93m Manager. B. A. FOWLS * . JJLMM IL Scorr , FOWLER & SCOTT , ARCHITECTS. Designs for buildings of any description or eilhlbitlon at our office. We have had over 2 ( years expcrlenca In deiljning and snperintend ing public building and residences. Plans and estimates furnished on short notice. ROOM 8. UNION BLOCK. m'20-6m INTER-OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. FIrst-cIigs , Fine large Simple Rooms , cm block from depot. Trains stop from 20 minute to 2 hour * for dinner. Free Bus to and fron Depot. Kte 82.00,82.50 and $3.00 , accordln ; to room ; tingle meal 75 cents. k A. O. BALCOU , Proprietor. A3DREW BOBDpr , Cnijf ci ricr ralO- W. R. BENNETT & GO'S Remember that you can now buy Goods of us at Unheard of Low Prices as indicated below. A LAKGU VARIETY OF loiL-elioM and Job Lot Gowda [ sold at 3c. 5c , 8 ind ltc for each article. TEAS. COFFEES& SPICES. Jrr Crcat Specialty , anJ sold under s full fruar- intco to suit or the money refunded. In Teas vo nuo'c : 2f > c , SOc , 3Cc , lOc , Me , ( Oc and tip- Katilv , nil full Taluc , ard a present given with Mill one ( oundDuld. C'ofTccs. Blown at 15c , 20e , 22cand 25c , and Gill-Edge lava at 3Sv JUT pound ; Ground Coffee atlte. Me , ami our bu [ > eiiour Crushed Coffee atSSc per loiind. bl'ICE-S The must complete assortment to ) iraha and at pricts below all competitor ! . Tiy us. MAKING roWDER-IBc and upward. FLAVOKISO KATRACTS-At 8c per bcttl * vml upward. K&bKNCKS At Cc a bottle. MIOr : CIw\CKlNU at 5c. STOVKBLACKIKO , VKO box at Sc. CI.OT1IKS-LINK , from St. . ISo : ach. CLOTIlhS riNS,2dozcn foric. SHOE iKU IIESSc , * Cc and upwards. Scrub Brush- is , 6c. llorw Brr hcv , Uc. Carpet Tacks , 3c. Toilet S < > . | > 5 at ICc a dnzcn and upwardn. Klna- nTKT. . l'rpi < vr Suco , and French Mmtaid , Ouc-uli 11 ( . | > Ilamlku , ISc. Axle Grease , 2 or lr > c. Cum S' rch , 8i IK.T pound. Laundry < 4j > nli , e.ikraiualltjr | , att < cMir | pound. Citron. > iau-u and Lcm n Peel , at SOc per pound. Ar'f.Iow ami Wixidiin Warn clirap. Wuh luanl , l.r > c. UriH.niH , 2 for 25c. Bird Food la . Cuttlo rT h Bono at nu | H > UI.I | I'ocka eu with Oc. Tobacco and Cigars. rlnk il' A. I > aj's Durham at Wc per pound ; i/ < l ar'iclu nf Kino Cut at ( i > : per pound.bent ir-inil of I'ln loluscco a. COc p-r pound. Wostll a ICoCijarfor 6c , don't fad to try I'cm. 3CKT no one to undersell ns. Hni-ctior quality ot 8 > rups at 70c per frallon , ! i10 ! Itr kcj. LAUNDKY KOAPS KiM at bot- , ou prices. DKIKD FHU1T.4 , extra quality at ow priicri. UUACKKUS , beat In marHet and u. : beap aa the cheapest. We have also added the following cool * to OUT lock , lilch we prcpose to sell cheap. phor " White Wax , iu'pliur , Ens. Jam. Ulngvr , lorax , PanKoric Salt 1'eter , Laudumad. Muni , LiquoriceTor * . \ < | ja Ammonia , rcnzth < nlng PlMter , Paris White , ipermadllo , Whitlnj , JulDlne Tills , Cuttle t'ah Bone , iwcetOil. Sa e.Thyme , ; tor Oil , ifarjoram. ilachlne Oil , Caraway Seed , iltulard Seed , Calrdomon Seed , * lulphur Camphor and Tar Soaps. an Immense Variety of Other Goods too Numer ous to mention , rhlch we pledge ourselves to sell iheaper than other Dealers. Don't Forget It , and give us a call. Exam- ne goods and compare prices. Speo- al rates to parties buying to sell L > Mn. Orders from tha country L'led. ' Prices guaranteed and seut 3. 0. D. EE3IE3IBER OCR NUMBER , 113 North Fifteenth , ad joining L. B. Williams & Son , Dry Goods Store , Dmaha , Neb. W. B. BENNETT & CO. BUSINESS ! SUITS for $20.00 PANTS for