y * \ f \g \ C V W * ENUiNE PLANE'S mended as a remedy " foi ph is ljeir to. " but in driver , an3 In all Bilioiu - { Dyspepsia , and Sick Head. ases of that character , thej , it a > riral. AND FEVER. * r cathartic can bo used prci /o.'or after taking quinine. A * purgative they are unequaled. dEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine arc never sugar-coated. Each box lias a red-wcx seal on the lid , with the inipresbion.McL ANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signatures - tures of 0. McLAKE'and ' FLEMISO Uisos. XST- Insist upon having the genuine DB. C ; .McLAXA'S LIVER PILLS , pre pared by FLEMING * BROS. , Pittsburgh , Pa. , the market being full of imitations of the name Jlclsine , tilled differently. but same pronunciation. _ couons , BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION. that * n ell-Known DrnpgUt says about f . . AIlcn'fLnnj Balsain , MOTUEnS , RBADI IMKHITD STATICS , A > . OKSTLIKE.N : The dem.nU for.Allen'e Long Balaam la' locmrinr constantly. Tbe Ivllci think there la no medicine equal tt It tor Crcrap Toll-Gate No. 2.-R geniuu * . 7 objuutofinO. Send stamp forpack" age. DE. E. C. ADK Y Unflal N. Y. O < 70 es - ? 1 J a day at huino wvfily miuie.Cof Mr ID l/K ntHHf n. A-.Mr = aTr.Co PnrtUnrt. M > ATTORNEYS-AT-IAW. " : ' . WM. SIMEBAL , ' A TTORNEY AT LA Cimpbeil's Block , ISthElrect.'ftwecnFaniliampncl Douglas. OMAJIA , NEB. ' * D. U THOMAS , f A TFORKKY A C I.AVT loans morey. kny jtL and sclla reil ttUte. Hconi 8 , Crtiffhton Bl'tk. t A. C. TROUPf - * - - A TTORMEV AT LAWOtflte In Hacocom'f XX Block , cilh OcorRt B. rrttehelt. 1608 Karphani > t. OMAU A , KEB. * * , ' DEXFER L THOMAS , A ITORHEY AT LAWCrulcktn nkf Bolld A1 * In ? . _ > r/fitt ' - , , A. CHADWICK , ATTORNEY 'AT LAWf-OlEce 1TW Famham Sir et. _ A. SWARTZLANDE A TTORNEY AT LAW Cor. ISthand Famham JCX rtrort. _ mayBU WILLIAM A. FONDA. A TTORNKY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. _ X Room No. 0 , Trrtizcr Block , opposite Poet Office. _ OMAHA , NED. * * ? " WM. L. PEABODY , OSco In Creightoa Block , next to LAWYER , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. p * fate < ili JProcure&t * KOTAKY rUBIJR. COLLECTIONS MA-DB E. D. MCLAUGHLIN. 4 TTORNEY AT LAW AND JUSTICE OF A TuE FEACK Southeast corner Fllloenlh anclDjnplaB.it. XarCollcctlmiB Promptly Attended to.Ta O'BRIEN & 6ARTLETT , A 1 1 o r n e y s - a t - L a w OFFlCE-Unlon BloUt.Fifteenth an A. L R8BISON. A TTOnrTCT AT LAW.-Room Crelchloa JBlocli. . OMAHA Kb. . tun4-tf ATTORNEY AT LAW. KARBACH BLOCK. COR. DOU3ISTH STS. OMAHA. NEB. W. J. Connell , * Attomey-at-Law , OOce : Front roouis , up stairs , In H&nscom's new brick bnlldlng , K. W. corner Fifteenth and Timham Streets. Jens I. BUMCE. CSAS K. BIDICK. UEDICK & REDICK , Attorney s-at-Law. BpedU attention will be given to all suits against corporations ot every description ; will practice la al .the Courts o ! the State and the United States. OSBce. Famham St. , opposite Court House. ' ADAMS & SIMERAL , A TTORNmS AT LAW Boom 0 CrelgUo ± \ _ Block , 15th roxi UouElas streets. no9dh C. F. MANDERSON , TTORNSTiAT LAW S Farnham Street . Omaha Nebraska. * * - PARKE CODWIM , A TTORNEY AT LAW Uth and DonflM i. Stnets , with G. Vf , Doan * . w. T. RICUAKDS. O. J. Ho HI RICHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-Law. Orncn 216 Soulfi"F6urtcenth Street. Only Direct Line to Finance. -'CENERALTRANSATLANTIC COMPAM 7r > ETWEEN New York nd Hanre.Pler < 2N.B * f > foot of Morton St. , pier of company. TraTelersby this line aiold both transit by En < ish rallwayand Uie discomfort of croesinc the banno lin a small buat ANADA , FRAKann"Wednesoay Janoarr SI f Inoon. AMERIQUE , B. JOUCLO , Wednesday February 11 a. m. FRANCE , TKUDILW , Wednesday , Febrnary ,11 a. m. ' P&ICE OF PASSAGE Gncludlng wine ) : TO HAVRE First Cabin , J100 andfSO : Second Cabin$55 ; Steerage , J28lncludlngwtaebeddlBJt and utlnsil& . LOUIS DE BEBIANAgent , 6 Broadway.N. T. FBANK E. UOOKES , No. 214 , West Side lith Street. Bet. Famham "and Doaglai , Neit Deere o U. 8. Express Office ( Sign of Pala J taamjhlp. ) OMAUi. NBB. E-AST INDIA BITTERS ! ILER & CO. , . SOLE MANUPAOTUBBRB , , v . OMAHA. Nefc. { QR&Y'S SPECIFIC MEDIOINh : i nADE * MARK.The Great J.ADE MARK. An unfailing euro for Sem inal Weak- nessSperma * D r m i ; potency , and racwjj-v JDeiorQTaMDgiii Diseases After Taking , that follow as sequence of Self-Abas * ; ION f Memory , Universal Lassltadt Fain In th Back , Dimness of Vision , Prematnn Old Age and ffiinjr other Disease * that lead to Insanity or Consumption tml Premature OraTe. partlculan In our phamphlet , which we desire to vend tree bjr mail to ercry one. STheSpeclflc Medicine ii Bold by all draggisti at tl per rnckage , or six packages for $5 , or wll be sent free by mall on receipt of the money by addrejsluz Tne Qrar Medicine Co. . - r No. 10 Uechaalo1 Block , Diraorr , MICB SOLD IN OUAOABY J. K. 1311. AND BT AL , - DROOOIST3 EVERYWHSBK. SHOWJASES o. WXI.D ; THE DAILY BEE ; OMAHA PUBLISHING . . . PMPRIETWS. . PartJiam , bet. 9tk and 10th Streets TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION 1 yew.ln advance'postpaid ( ) $3.00 6 months " ' i.M months " " 2JH ) TIME TABUS. HIE MAILS. a 1C. W. B. R. , dO - m. , I p. ra. 0 H 4 Q. , too B. m. , I p. m. a R. L A P. B. K. , 4JO a. m. , I p. a. aft Bt.Joe30 .m. , 8p.m. S. City & P. 130 s.m. U.P. 0. R..liaOa.m. B.&M.R K,8lSk.m. O & M. W. , ISO a. m _ . O 4 X. W. R. R11 a. m. il p. n\- - B A. Q. . 11 a. m. 90 p m. 0 B. L * P.t U a. m , 11 p in. r- a B. k BU Joe , 11 s. m. , U p. m 5.0ity P.U m U P. . 1p.m. B. & 1C In Neb. , ip uookl miBi ( or States low * leave ni o i v.vU : 440 a. m. Office open from IX to p. m Sondayg. THOMAS r. BALL. PostmaBtci. Arrival andDepartare eiTralns UNION PACIFIC. iKiTa Aurra. DiUr Express..12:11 p.m. 820 p.m. do Mxed 0:10 p. m. 435 p m. do Freight.630 .s. m. lto p. m. do do . . . . 8:15 a in. 1220a , m. fix CARD or THE BUBLTUaTOH ROUTE. L1A7 * AHA OMAHA. Exnrees I'M p.m. Express 10-00a.m. Uiil 8:00 : a.m. Mill 10:00 p.m. Bondayi Bzceptod. Eondayi Excepted , CmCAOO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Uail 6:00 a.m m. . . . . - . . : * p.m. a. m. Sundays ixcepted. OniOAOO & NORTHWESTERN. Mall ttOO .m. I 750p.m. Expreit J:10p.m. | 10-OOn.m. Sundays excepted. hAKBAS CITY , ST. JOE & COUNCIL BLUIT8. [ * ] ! _ , . _ 8-00 * m.Expr | . .845a.m. Injfws CCp.m. lKall.- . 7:40jxTn. The only line rnnnlns Pullman Sleeping Can out of Omaha te Union Depot. OMAHA * NORTHWESTERN AND SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROADS. Kxprees 8K sm. | SS5p.m. Dally Except Sundays. U. A K. R. K. In N ajRAHKA. Omaha GT ) . . . . 9-00 am Kearney J'noflvX > SO m iatt8inoutWarlOJi am Bloomlngtoiff ) & :10 a m Bed Cloud ( m..e:85 am Red Cloud ( arr)7K pm Flattamouthar)4:20p ( m Bloomlngtoutr)93 ( ) pm Oroahaarr.4:56pm ) : REPUBLICAN VAI.U5T RAILWAY. EasUnirs ( Ir ) 8.-06 .m. i Bloomlngton ( arlSOp.m ) Bloomlwrton 13B p m I Hastlnr . ( ar ) 5 Pm Orleans OT ) 7dO a. m. I IndlinoU ( ar ) 1:00 p. m Orleans ( ar ) 7.-00 p. m. ] Indianola ( ! T ) 2 0 p. m sioux cent * err. PAUL B. & Mall eao . m. I Expreas "SJ-,111 Express :40p. m. I M U 7 0 p. m BRIDGE DIVISION D. P. R. R. OCMKT nURS , Leave Omaha , d Uy : 8 a. m. , B a. m. , 10 a 11 a. m. , 1 p. m. , S P. m. , S. p. m , , 6 p. m. , I Leave Conndl Bluffs : 8SS s. m.,9:25 : a. m. 10S6 , m. , 1136 . m. , 135 p. m. , 1-28 ix-in. b p. m. , 6.-S5 p. m. , fciS p. m Kour Uipa on Sunday , leaving Omaua at B and a. m. . 2 and 6 p. m. ; Couadl Bluffs at B25 a. m. , and 2:26 and 6S5 p. m. rASSSBSBft TKAQtS. Leave Omaha : a.m.,7 a. m. , 8 0 a. m , p. m. , 4tO p. m. , 7 5 p. m. Leave Conndl Bluffs : 7:15 a. m. , 9:40 a. m. , a. m. , 6A5 p. m. , 7 0 p. m. , 7 0 p. m. , p. ro. Dally except Bun-lay. OMAHA * REPUBLICAN VALLEY B. R. IKAVB. AUUTB. jjalj 10.15 .m. 435p.m. Dallr exc Dt Hund T. COMMERCIAL. Omaha Wholesale Markets , OMAHA , June 8 , 1880. BUTTER AND KUUS. ChoiceUble . 1720o Packemlots . 10@18 Fresh egg * , pe' dox . 8J Honey . 16@18 ' POULTRY. nlckens , per dor . 2 00@2 25 Ducks . 7@8 GBOCEMES. 8DQARH. CutLosJ . Powdered . Sranulated . r. . Extra choice and very bright. . . 48a52 Bright Table Drips . 45a48 New Orleans Mollasses . 48a50 Market advancing. Rio , prime to choice . 17al8 Rio good to prime . ,1 ? * ? ! Rio fair to good . 15jal6 Mocha . v f 28 Choice ' § a8j Boodtoprim * NewPrunes . DldPrones . Currants.choice new. . . . i i BlackBerries . 12. . Raspberries . 3- Pitted cherriea . .4 22 Michigan grid Apples . W 9 ff. r. Sliced ' * 9i Evaporated 15 State Peaches . 9 Salt Lake Peaches . f 14 California Peaches . 1 CANNED GOODS. 'S"0ysters , 2 lb cans , casa. . 3 75 do do llbcanpercase. . 225 [ dght\7eight Oystew S lb case * 2 90 Salmon , 1 lb , V dozen . -E170 do aib. ' doien . > 2 76 Jtamlard Tomatoes,2 Io , case * 2 50 " " 3 lb , V case 3 35 Standard Peaches , 3.ft . , tf case. 4 50 " 2 lb , tf ease. 3 60 Raspberries. 2 lb , I ? case. . 300 llackberries , 2 Ib , < ? case . 2 70 ! torn , 2 lb.0 case . 2 60a4 00 Vpples , Gal , tf doe . . . 385 farrow Fat Peas,2 ft , tf case. 3 90 > tring Beans. 2 lb. per case. . . . 240 SUNDRIES. Nutmegs. . " . . . . 10 Pepper . 15 Vllsptce . 17 Cloves ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T& > ossia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. * . ' . 13 Jandlea.l6oz .j , a JrecnwuchLye.percase. . . 3 90 Jeansper bushel 80 Jheese fullcream . _ 14 UljASS. Window Qlasa. 60 per cent. di V count off list. HAEDWABK. IRON. lommon b&r. . . . . . , „ 3 " [ oree-shoe bar * - 4 forway nail rod ,10 \ Bl-EKL. laatplow 8 on. ca t , tool 16@17 es'pfB , Kng : do , .25@30 AAIL8. 'ens , upwards. 3 50 I'rd'd's ahoc 'g xnnle" ( m hanails tens , apwards. . . 3 50 rw'str'shn 23@S3 utnam nails 2333 DRY GOODS. BBOWK COTTONS. Ltlantio "H" 8' do "Ff 7 "O" 33-i "R" 36-7 do "E" . . . . ndianHead . , a * - arer Creek , "AA" . 1 do "BB" . . , . 1 | [ ymakers . „ ,10 'aliner ' . . . . . . * 10 tis "A5LA. " . . . . . . . . > 15 io "BB" . - 14 io "CCT . * 13 forren "AXA" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 do "BB" . 14 do "CO" . „ 13 DOCKS. * ' ' lymonth "AAA" . 15 ew Bedford , 10 o * . 16 ostonS. O . 12 BLKACHKD COITOKB. omdale . 10J do Cambric . . . . . < - 13 ftbot . ' * 9 mil of the Loom . 11 ewYotk Mills . IS ills' Muslia . 104 r6"11 : : : : : - do . . 9-4 27 do . U-4-SO SICUKM. . . H 21 . , . 90 do "AA. " . . it IIJ.M. U do PB1NTS. Albloa. , ,7j American 7 Allen's 7 AUen'sPinks 7 Ancooa Faucy. . . . 7 Manchester ; . . . . . - 7 Merrimack. . ' . - 7 MerrimackShirtings 7 Richmond * 7 RichmondsE. . . : 7 Snrague'B ( H Simpson's Mourning 7 Simpson's Blackl 7 STRIPES. American. . . . . . . . . . . 10 Amoskeac . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1112 Awning rtripea 19 Lewiston , A 16 Hamilton , . . . . 12J ' " 'mega. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16@17 .ittafiold 7 LUMBER. Framing , 18 ft. and under $20 00 Each add ; ft. over 18 , per M. . . . 50 Fencing , No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft 22 00 No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft 2000 Sheeting , Dressed , No. 1 20 00 .rot . jfo.2 1900 Common Boards , Dressed 22 00 STOCK BOARDS. AS k " : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ; M C 3000 ' Common'Stock 25 C I /LOOKING. No. 1 Flooring 49 30 No.2 " 3 ° 0 ° 5 > - 2500 Yeilow Pine FlporingTNo. 1. . . 45 00 SIDING. No.lSididg 2500 * * * * . 22 50 o * Nois ' 00 PICKETS. No. 1 rickets. i > crM 32 50 No.2 " ' " 2500 FINISHING. No. l.FinMi , 1 } , 1J , and 2 in. . . 55 00 No. 1 " 1 in 5000 No. 2 " li , li , and 2 in. . . 45 00 No.2 " lin 4000 No. 3 Finish , in So 00 'siHP LAP. Plain Ship Lai. . 23 00 O. G. " No.l 3000 "i N.j.2 25 00 " " No.3 * CEIL1KQ. * ! . . . . . . IM * * gg § ! : : : : 'Z Beaded , 4 and 6 in. , No. 1 40 00 " " " No.2. . . . 3500 Corrugated Ceiling , No. 1 50 00 8U1NQLES. A Star ( best ) Shingles. 375 No.2 " 3 ° 0 No.3 " 250 LATH 400 lame , bbl . " bulk.perbush 40 Ceuieutbbl 2 Vr Iowa Plaster , bbl 260 Michfean Plaster , bbl 2 75 Hair , per bush 2. Tarred Felt , 100 Iba 3 00 StrawJJoard , " 400 O. G. Battens , per 100 ft lin. . . 1 25 Well Curbing 3000 Ro ngb i , and 2 in. , in Batts.per lOOftlin W FOblb. Cedar Halves , 7 in 18 " 6in 16 " Ouarter.Sin 10 O k,4x4 30 " 4x6 40 0. G. Casing. 5J mid 6 In. , per 100'ft , liu 300 Oak Plank and Timber ! per M. 40 00 Clear Poplar . ' 5000 Black WalnutT 10000 " HIDES. Qrecn Hides , per lb 7 > Rreen Cnrod Ilideo 8 , Dry Hides 12@15 Dry Salted Hides , 10@12 3heep Pelts. . ; 30@1 00 Fallow. . . * . 4J@5 LIQU01U5. WINFS , ETC. High Winon , V gal 110 Mcohol , 180 t cent. $ T gal. . . . 215 French Spirits proof 1 20 Marshall's Bourbon Whisky. . . . 1 25 Miller's Bourbon Whisky 1 50 Brandy , very fine , $ gal. 4 00a8 00 do common to fine 1 50a3 75 ; in,100ter cent 1 40a3 00 doHolLmd , 90 perc'nt 1 25 urns , mixedJamaica.tfgal. . . . 1 25a4 00 do New England 2 00a2 50 vennedy Bitters # gal 1 50 do do tfcase 700 do do do 100 case lots 6 50 Champagnes , pints in baskets. .20 OOaSO 00 ) omestic Champagne 12a20 ort Wine ? ? case 5 OOalO 00 Iherriea 5 OOalO 60 Lies , Edinbnrg 275 do Basi&Co'B 275 ininneas Dublin Stout 275 liKATHEK. teat SlaughterSole S3&35 test Oak 38a41 'renchKips 1 lOal 45 Vench Calf.leading brands. . . . 1 25a2 10 ) omestic Kips 65 al 00 ) omestic Calfs r. 90al 10 lemlock upper , V foot 20a 22 lak upper , foot 24 irain , upper , I' foot 20a22 iiinga , $ doa 7 OOalO 00 'oppings , I ? doz 900 lorocco , ( bootleg ) tf foot 35 do oil dressed 35 do Simon per skin 2 7oa3 00 do Glove kid 325 toot Webbing , tf bolt 40a50 HARNESS LEATHER. To. 1 Pittsburg Oak < l fo. 2 Pittsburg Oak 33 To. 1 Cincinnati ! Oak 3G To. 2 Cincinnati ! Oak 33 ro.lHemlock 35 To. 2HemTock 3" COAL , RETAIL oithricite 1050 llossburg 1200 Wyoming 8 50 tekalooBa 550 swaNut 500 Phite Breast 550 PUZZLE. Weary mortals racked nltb pain , Ever seeking but in rain. Sweet relief from mortal ills : Try , I pray , Weift Liver PiUtl & as euro as morning's light Cometh after shades of night , O'er thy life , health's sun divmo Shall arise , in joy to sliine ; Light and health , and joy and mirth , In sun-beams sparkle round thy hearth ; Vital energy shall start , E'en to muscle , brain and heart ; Rid the Lirer of its load , Purify the life , tlio blood , Intercept disease and death , Leaving fragrance on tny breath. Lighten lifo of half its ills , Safe and potent Liver Pills. Sold at wholesale by C. F. Goodtna id Kennardand Forsvlh. Omaha. r5d&w Stop that Cough. If you are suffering with a Cough old , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Paver , onsumption , loss of voice , tickling of 10 throat , or any affection of the hroat or Lungs , use Dr. King's New 'iscovery ' for Consumption. This is 10 great remedy that is causing so mch excitement ; by its wonderful ires , curing thousands of hopeless ISPS. Over a million bottles of Dr. [ ing's Now Discovery have been used ithin the last year , and have given srfect satisfaction in every instance. re can unhesitatingly say that this is tally the only sure cure for throat id lung affections , and call cheerful- recommend it tcj , all. Call and get trial bottle free of cost , or a regular ze for § 1.00. J. K. Ish.Omaha. (3) ( ) Bucslen's Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE in the world for atsr { Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt heum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp- 1 Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all nds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve guaranteed to give perfect satiafac- od in every case or money re kmded. rice 25 cents per box. For sale by idly J. K. ISH , Omaha. (3)n , E [ JRES COLIC IN MAN OR BEAST. JRES COLIC IN MAN OR BEAST. JRES ASTHMA , CUKES ASTHMA. IRKS CATARKIT , CORKS CATARRH. IRES LAMENESS , CURES LAMENESS. CJm IRES NEURALGIA , CURES NEURALGIA.S S < JRES PILES , CURES PILES. ( OLD m OMAHA BY ALIr DBDGGISflS VGo to Tear Drojglst f or Mia Preeman'i * National Dyef. Fcr briehtatM and dontu of color they tr o&equkiud. Color 8 to t > v < ' A MIDNIGHT ADVENTURE. , > X Jf TAKING ONB CONSID1RATIONWTTH AW . OTHER , THE TOLICKMAN's LOT IS NO : A HAPPY ONB. Cleveland Leader. At a precint ititiotn daring th < short lulls following successive out' breaks in the demoniac howling of i poor wretch with the delirium tiemen confined in a near jiell , a communica < tive policeman , to the psraistent en treaties of a reporter for an "eiperi' ence , " apua the following yarn : ' "This night Js the tenth annlverj sary of an atfalr Tfh'icH7f ° r sheer7 horribleness - ribleness , eurpauo anything'I ovei passed through. Why , my joung friend , ninety-nine out of a hundred men in the same situation would , have turned gray before morning. All that saved me from such a fate was the fact that my hair was providentially taken off bysickneta in iny youth , aud ever stni.o I have worn a wig. _ Well , to proceed : I wai n night beaten on one cf the densely populated streets of a large metropolis of this country. Nothing had yit happened to disturb my unusually quiet even ing's walk , when suddenly , as I passed before a large residence , I heard issu ing from its interior walls exclama tion * of pain , mingled iiith curses , wht-n silence ensued. Of coarse , 'foul p.ny" ! was the firsHhooght that flashed through my mind. I looked at the building ; It was a large , square house , the property of a miserly old 'capitalist , who had ten years before vacated it for a mcra elegant mansion. He had placed the rent at such exor bitant Ggurei , and hid so continually refused to reduc * it , that no teiianls had ever entered. Time was fa t making way" with it. ItVextsdor coits of paiut bad long since vanished , , pigeons roojte du derits cornices , the windows were lociely boarded , and tha ate nailed fast , it was evident something must be done at once. I spia-5g over the ahaky fence , made up to one cf the window ? , and with"a little exertion tore the boards loose , shivered the lower sash and crawlediu hiad first , intending to light a dark lantern which I had with me. Once inside I struck a * match. As it flamed up I shuddered involuntarily as I found myself bending over the body in death. of a man stiff-and clammy Ho was stretched out at full length. I but touched his icy face. A rope was tightly drawn around his neck. He had evidently been strangled to death. By whom ? A gust through the open window at that moment ex tinguished the match with which , in my consternation , I had neglected to light-the 1 intern. Before I could strike another an unseen and tremendous deus power forced me on my back. I atruegltd to gain an upright position , but in va > n. I rras turned over , my hands secured' behind me , my eyes bound shut and a gag forced in my * mouth. Not a footfall had I heard , not the scuad of a voice ; only felt the jtouch of several powerful hands as they secured mo. I expected every moment to feel the rope around myi nok , and with these thoughts my eye-- bills eosmed protruding from their , sockets. " "Sp'rits 1" gasped the newspaper man. man."Don't interrupt mo again , sir , for an unknown time. I felt or h ard nothing fun her and began to realize that I was alone. I aroused my ener gies , succeeded in getting my 'hands * t liberty and the bandages from my ayes and mouth , I lighted the dark lantern , illuminating with it the apart ment The corpse had disappeared nrith the ghostly visitant * . I was in a lusky , moldy old room. Seeing that ; he human fiends or straggling spirits ladn't killed me when they had a most ixcellent chanoe , I thought I was out ,1 danger , bat decided to glance about no before depirtinjj. A few spots of > lood trickled along the floor first at racted my attention. I scrutinized he walls , and near the hinge of an ipen door fresh marks of blood were pattered. Nothing further In the oem , I made exit at my way of in- ; rees , reached headquarters , and soon hree fellow-p lie were with me at he house. Wo ransacked it from tope o bottom , found an outer door open in the floor w had first vntered , and n a cloiet under a atairouo w found -horror of horrors 1 two iorpses. It ras a startling disclosure. The traces if some horrible crime were coming o light. We carried'the" bodies into n adjoining room. One was the re- nains cf the man I had seen previous- y in the other room , the other that f a girl. " 'Those criei you heardnever pro- eeded from these corpses , ' said one of bo men as after a minute's observa- ion he turned to me. 'There' * a prinkle of mold on this fillow's for- ead , and the body of the girl is in condition of rapid putrefaction , 'hey've been d a * savanl d ad iev- ral days. What tan we mrnk * of U ? " " 'Grave robbeis , ' spok out lomo ne. " "Exactly. " ' But what abomt fclotd ifeiu tn4 tie cries ? ' broke in tki reporter , ex- itodly. "Hold enl don't get In a kirry , oung man. Well , we Umitd to those isea by rebnrying them in two caved- , i , vacant graves in the temetory , lose by the residence wherein we Qund them. Two daya after that ight four men wore invited while eeing with the tomb's inmates from graveyard in another part of the ity. They were trie * , oomyicted and antenced. Bifiuiea't proof wu not licited io connett them whh the ight'i. ad venture , but a haad of one f the robbers VM magUi up in a urible state. I think y reasonings re correct who * I say that in the mantlest ho ae that light , by tome zcident hts hand werfcBt Be4 in the oor , cansing him to eirft criee which had heard. While in a hack room reasing the would , I bed entered , hey had , of covrae , beard MB. They imained silent , ad s mr match ent ou.t , with heavily Muffled feet , le floor deep covered with duit , they id entered and bound me as related. " Full Blood or Thoroughbred ? An "Inquirer' ' writes tons from' airy county asking to be. informed i to the 'difference , if there is any , 3tween the terms full bred and thor- ighbrod : A great many writers ive tried their skill on there1 terms , id have made put that there fa no fference whatever. We have never qnieiced in this ruling and we never ill , no matter what the authority or here it cornea from , simply became is not true. We may take either ( tie , hones , sheep or swine , or even lea , and there is a material difference , thorough animal la one that is de- ended from a certain tribe or type of stinct blood , which , owing to the. cord kept of it. k knows aa pure ooded and withoatany intermixture inferior breeding sines the time len the first families were ( elected i for improvement. For * Instance , 3 take the cattle known short-horns , Herefords or Devons examples. Each of these races are .lives to certain districts in Great ritain. Very nearly all the counties England north of the Humber * er are inhabitated by cattle known Barbaras or abort-horns. The unties at the base of the Welsh ountaina contain a distinct treed of tte known aa the Herefords. and len we get down further to the nth and west we find the breed town a ? the North Devons occupy , g the counties of Cornwall , Devon , .d those close by. These ihort- irn , Deroni and Hereford * were all , tlv ctttlt. A | ft * p i : - ' I * aV * C . - * -t- * * improvement by Breeding were de- J7rel6pe'd ! "certain 'aninwla were picled out aa typea of the best form possess ing particular qualities , and from their progeny bred together came an im proved type which perpetuated the improvement in form , in constitution , in QuickneM of grjwth , qualty ; of beef , ' and quantity of milk. Herds of them wera formed at considerable ex pense and the purity of blood main tained. This-stock of perfected and improved cattla finally were recorded so as to prove that they were bred true without intermixture with the common stoik of thu country , and were pronounced thoroughbred. Many of-them were used upon the well selected cows of the country and got "partially improved stock , and theia half-bred stock were again bred to thoroughbred bulli and got three- quarters bred and so on , but the blood WKS all Short-horn , Devon , or Hare- li rd , as the caio miqht happ > n to be. It was found they wera much im- proved.and these we call "full bred' and ara admitt.d into the herd books , but it will readily be seen that they are not thorouehbKds. In the United Statesvit was different. Here our mixed natives had no particular type. A good cow having straight lines , good size , a fair milker , and possessing no other "characteristics4 aa belonging to any rf thj above namel breeds , was crossed with imported bulls and hsr progeny after for several generations , and finally was admitted to the herd bifrks , and this quality of animal was also called a full blood , but it will bo soon could not bo classed under any reasonable pretext : u a thoroughbred. [ Michigan JTarme'ri How to Feed Coarse Fodder. Every farmer has more or KSJ of coat so fodder , such as straw , com stalks , , meadow hay , and tie : like , which ho is sometimes puzzlul to know how to dispose of to advantage. If fed to dowa they soon shrink in milk , and full cut ot condition , and it seema hardly profitable to dispose of it hi that way. In fact , if fed to any kind of f < iriii s'oelf , there arc dcc'ded disadvantages attending the practice , and the queation how t j beit dhporc cf the coarao fodder on the farm is quite frequently an ever-resurring perplexity to the fanner. Thtro are ways , however , we think , in which the coarse fodder of the fam may be economically and judiciously disposed of. The chemical ansiljs's of straw , corn fodder , meadow hay and such ar ticles , showi ) tbnt to a certain extort they are incomplete foods , or in other words do not contain a * aufiicient amount or in the right proportion , all the elements of foodkrequired for the proper nourishment of animals. The straw ? nd the corn fodder have had the grain removed , and ara left in an incomplete condition for food , and when fed should have the deficiency supplkd. Tim'can be done to the bi-st advantage by adding cotton-seed meal to the straw aud stalks , thus supplying the 'deficiency in nitro gen- ous and fatty elements. The cotton seed meal is very rich in nitrogenous and'fatty elements , and offers the most ecbnomical means of making the straw , corn-stalk and meadow hay. If only half a pint of the meal , h fed daily to young stock , a decided improvement will be noticeable. At first it would prob'aby have to be mixed with bran or cnrnmeal to induce the animals to eat it , but they will aoon relish it. Some farmers may think they can not afford to buy cotton seed meal to feed with their coarce fodder , but if Jhey will try it ono season ihey will be likely to conclude that they cannot afford to get along without it. The gan : on the stock will amply piy the coat , and the increased value of the * dressing will repay it ngiin. Tbo feitilizing elements of cotton seed meal are worth the full market price of the meal , which affords the cheapest fartilizoriu the market. So that real ly the man who buys it has its full value in the dressing raaile.and ges ! the increase on the stock as clear gain. The Bronze Turkey. All things considered , we place the bronze turkey at the head of all the breeds of this domesticated bird , says writer in an exchange. The white , buff , black , slito and other varieties all come from the wild turkey of our woods and praiiies , which still exists in considerable numbers in the newer states and territories. Occasional specimens of thewild.birds , generally jld gobblers , are captured , which jqual the heaviest weights of the Farm yard ; but the average of the wild birds is much lighter than the iverage of a well bred farm flock. The bronze breed is the smallest departure from the wild bird in point of color , ind a decided improvement upon it , both in color and size. Nothing can exceed the brilliant plumage of a bronze turkey cock in its second or third year , and the temaka are hardly loss at tractive. The dirty snuff color which marks the wild birds is entirely bred 3nt of them. The lustre of the plumage , assimilating to that of burnished gold in the sunlight , has uade the -bronze variety a great ravorite with all admirers of fine poultry. About everything known as the arts of the breeder has been done for the bronze turkey to bring the itock to the highest nerfection. They we the shorthorns of the poultry yard. Ehey have been bred especially for lize a long time , and when wo sekct itock from a flock of thorougbred birds , we have certain qualities fixed in them , which are reproduced in their jfiapring. They are beautiful in plumage , and heavier than birds raised from common stock. The increased cost of breeding itock is paid for in the average weight ) f the turkeys slaughtered for the narket at Thanksgiving and Christ- nta. The standard weighta for the idult birds , of the bronze variety , ixed by the American Poultry associ- ttibn , are , for females , six pounds ; for nalea , twenty-five pounds , but these weights , in well-bred flocks , ara often cached in the first yeartand ; adult lain of forty-five to fifty pounds are lot uncommon , and sixty to seventy- ive pounds are sometimes , though arely , reacheJ. It pays to breed in- ariably from the best stock. BABY PHIZES , § 600. An eminent banker's wfe of N. T. , u induce I the proprietors of tb t great medi * me , Hop Bitters , to offer SGOO In prizes to the oungest child that says Hop Bittera plainly in ay bmraage , between May l , ISfiO , and July 4. SSI. This if a liberal and Interesting offer , and verjbjdy and his wife thould send two cent np it the Hop Bitters Mfg. Co. , Eoches'er , ' .7.U.S. A. , for circular , trivia ; fall partl- alars , and b jm at once Io teach the children > ray Hop Bitten and secure the prize. I Ain All Plaved Out > a common complaint in hot weather , t you eel so , pet a package of Kidney fart and take it and yon will at once feel atonio power. It keeps np the healthy : tion of the Kidneys , Bowels and Liver , id thus restores the natural life and length to the weary hodv. It u well known that a relationship ox- ts between piles , constipation , kidney iseaaes and liver troubles. In Kidney fort we have a remedy that acts on th ineral system and restores health by gen * y aiding nature's intorna' process. pt26dfcw THANKS tat there is no North , South. East or real for SOZODONT. Every one ith a month needs it. Its is good for umans everywhere , in the homes in i Texts , on the Plains , or the Pacific last , and way up in the once disputed rooatook region. Druggists keep it. General SPALDING with his GLUE imented. North and South , never to It nT6 ? weki , AN OPEN AMONG THE LADIES Tlio brilliant , fascinating tints of Complexion for \vhich ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial , and allirlioiTill take the trouble may secure them. These roseate , bewitching hues follow the use of Hagan's Mag nolia Balm a delicate , harm less and always reliable article. Sold by all dnjisists. The MagnoliaTBalm conceals every blemish , removes Sal- lowness , Tan , Redness , Erup tions , all evidences of excite ment and every imperfection. Its effects are immediate and sojiatural that no human being can detect its application. ONLY EFFECTUAL KIDNEY mm AND fePFCIFIC FOR Bright s Dl-eis < > , Tiabetes , Ncnous Debility , P-iin in the I aik , L m or bUe , Droiisy , U i < I , Incuntiiieiiic auj Retention of Urmeaiid , Female Complaints. Send for our treatise on the Kiilncvg , ent.tlcd " choes You Should HceJ , " a little pamphlet continuing a great deal ot information free. Excelsior Kidney Pud Co , , SOLE I'UOPKIE'IORS. t3"SoM In D W. SAXE ft CO. . Omaha.'El Th < u < nmlitit the Mineral Springs , here and abroad , and * pend thousands o dol'irsin search for heHlth.'whcn a f j doses f Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient xouM I'.cninplMi tin amc rc'-ulU , at tli d . ! of a few txn s Kach bottla cuiitilut fmni tli rty U > foity g'.ioC3 of b | arklingSct/Lr ! , whichinakea it postmUj the ilicapeit , mtll .ia tha in-sl mineral w.iur c\t IM' . .SOLD BY ALL l > Rl'CaiSTS : IRON TURBINE WIND ENGINE MANUFACTURED BY KTast , Fees & Co. , Springfield , 0 , The Strongest and Host Durable UViKD ENGINE In the World. Hundreds in use in Iowa and Nebraska Sold ly Dealers in nearly cvfry county. This cut represents our U JHIOAGO' ' SHOT TOWER CO. Manufacturers 3TANOAMSHOT 5 % BE SURE TO BUY IT. TUP B2Sritf MARKET. ; . W. BLATCIIFORD & CO. Manufacturer j of Leid Pip , Shee * and Btr Lead Bloclv Tin , Pipe an 1 Solder , L'nsad ' 0.1 and Oil Cake. ORDKRS SOLICITED. 70 NORTH CLiNTO.H STREET , GHICACO. sep23CxUI per day at home. Samples worth 15 free Address Stlnson & Co. . Portland Maine ; JERVOUS DEBILITY T- , - 'U-nn-rrn' Vital Weakness and Pros- imnpnreys ific No. 28 , essfal remedy knotrn. Price 81 per vial or i ills and lir e vial of powder for ? 5 , sent po * res on receipt of price. HUMPURHU [ OMEO. MED. CO. . 109 Fulton St. , New Tail .last , Catalogue ra .I aptSdawSt HOPBITSEES. ( A Medicine , not n Drink , ) COSTAISS HOPS , ItUCIlU , MANDRAKE , DANDELION , * TT. O1HU& BlTTEBS. i'g' OUJrt33 Ul Diseases of the Stomach , Bowels , Blood , Qdncjs , end Urinary Organs , Nervousness. Sleep- $1000 IX GOLD. Tin be paid for a case they wfll not crle or help , or or anything Impure or Injurious fooi lin then Askyoardrossl5t far Hop Bitten t&A try than eTore you deep. 7aUc no other. lop Cocan Cuzz b tbe nrecttst , safest and Ixst Aii Children. l.rtoaUotber * X L C.lsanabsohitoandlmststUiIceurefordnnilc emtss , use of opium , tobacco aqd narcoticxi i 6ead for circular , v QiHMI GO EAST -TIA THE- Chicago & Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! It U tbe SHORT , SURE and Safe Routa Between COUNCIL BLUFFS AXB CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE and all points EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING. PUBLIC GREATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANY OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. It In the ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which U run PULLMAN HOTEL OAES ! In addition to them and to pleajo all clareen ot travelers. It ( rfve * FIRST CLASS MEALS at Its EATING STATIONS t M cenU each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS 1 ITS COACHES ARE THE FINEST ! ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST-CLASS If } on wish the Boat Traveling Accommoda tlons you will buy your ticket * by thla Rout * * 3"AND WILL TAKE NONE OIHKR. All Tickets Agents can sell YOU Through Tickets via this road and Check niua. Baggage Free * of Charge. 01TAHA TICKET OFFICES ISH Faraham St.- Cor. 14th. and at Union Pacific Depot. UKNVER OFFICE In Colorado Central and Union Pacific Ticket Office RAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 2 New Montgom. cry Street. For Information , folders , maps , etc. , not ob tainable at Homo TickM Office , addree * any agent of the Company , or MARVIN HUCHITT , W- STENHETT , Oeu'l Manager , Qenl Pass. Atent , CHICAQO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , _ flcn'l Agt Omaha & Conndl Bluffs. SIOUX CITY ifc PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City A'tmic / 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE J Prom COUNCIL BLUPFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS. DULTJTH , or BISMARCK , Vnd all { lointiin Ko-lliern Iowa. Minnesota nnd Dakota. Thin linn is equipped nith the Im- iroved WcstinshoiHO Automatic Air Brake ! and Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And fur SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT a unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Room viil bleeping C.ir , owncd and controllrd by the com- anj.iun Through With ut Change , between 'ninii 1'jufic Transfer 1'cpot , Council Bluffs , ud SU Paul. Trains leave the Union Pacific Traii'fer Pcpot at Council Bluffs , at 6:15 p m. , caching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Paul 1 11:05 a. m , making jECKTEN HOURS is ADVANCE or ANY OTHER ROUTE. Returning , leaio St. Paul at 3.30 "p. m. , ar- miiic at Sioux City at 4:15 : x m. . and Union Pacillc Trau fcr Depot , Council Bluff > , at 9.50 a. m. Be sure that your tickets read via " 3. C. A , P. R. R. " F. C. HILLS , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , Iowa , P. E. KOBINSON , Ass't Gen 1 Para. Agent. J. II. O'BRYAN , Southwestern Freight and Paswnger Agent. niy ! > U-tt Council Blurts SHORT LINE 3L8SO. THE K.MT.JOE&C.B.R.R. , Is the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. No change of cars between Omaha and St. Louis and but one between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS RBACHIKO ALL Eastern & Western Cities With less charges and in advance of other lines. This entire line is equlpoed with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coach- ei , II flier's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated Westingbouse Air-Erake. t3T3VK THAT YOUR TICKET JC2T Via Kansas City. St Joseph TC < mncilBluffsR.R.vla SITES Tickets for sale at all coupon stations 1 the West. J. F. B VRNARD , A. C. DAWES , Ocn'l Supt. . Ocn'l Pass. & 1 irket Alf't St. Joseph , Mo St. Joseph , Mo , W. C. SEACHREST , Ticket Agen. , 214 Fifteenth Street , betwnen Faraham and Donzlas , Union Block , Omaha. JOS. TEUON , A. B. BARNARD , Pajs , Agent , Omaha Gek'Z A gent , Omaha. THROUGH TJ GHICACO Without Change of Cars I BURLINGTON & QUINCY iVith Smooth and Perfect Track , Elegant Pas senger Coaches , and PULLMANSLEEPJNG&DIKING CARS. t is acknowledged by the Press , and all who travel over it , to be the Hest Appointed and Best Managed Road in' the Country. PASSENGERS GOINQ BAST Should bear in mind that this Is the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points But , Vocth ind VorthwNt. Passengers by this Route- hare choice of FOUE DUTEKENT KOUTES , And the Advantage of Six Dally Lines of 1'rlaca Sleeping Cars from Chicago to ! Jew York City Without Change. Ul Express Trains on this line are equipped with the W.stmzhotuo Patent Air brakes and Millet's Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , th > mot Perfect Pro tection Against Acci dents In the world. 'UUM4N PALACE SLEEPING AND DINING CABS Are run on the Burlington Route. Information concerning Routes , Rates , Tims ; omiections. etc. , will be cheerfully iriten by , ppl.uti atthcoHloe of the Burlington Route , ilJ Fourteenth Street. Omaha , Nebraska. ; . E. PERKINS , li. W. HITCHCOCK , Ocn'l Mrnaer. Uen. Wcet'n Pass. Ag't. L O. PHILLIPl , St. Joe. , Mo. C'cncral ' Agent , Omaha. II. P. DU IL , d > 5 dlr Ticket Agent , Onu ha. CITY MEAT MARKET. Keep constantly on band a large lot n all klrd Frah U KSalttd Mtatt , Betf , Vtal UuttonPnrk Game , jfonl , and all kinds of san ao. t3"i rcab Vegetables Constantly on hand Zall and be convinced ) BHEEUV iKibNEtfDiSEASES , J-IVERJCOMPLAINTS , I Constipation and Piles. I * * vAsr. . _ > j "In eaci of KnWCT TJZOUBZXS Uhao j acted liken chirm. It baiewrcd Bear very' ' j bad COM * ofFIXES , Bad b * * aevcr foiled to XELSOX FAincniLD , fSt.ATbmai , Vt , iay , "It 1 * ofprleeleaa Talae. After fifteen J years of creat uC'crluc from nie * and C t > j tlreneult completely cured me. " C. S. noOABOIT , ofBcrkaUre , > ay , " me ? aci c h doiie iroaderc for mo la eav jlctcly cortac m MTtra Liver Bad Klda7 | Complaint. ' ' IT HAS WUV9 1 WONDERFUL If H I POWER. . BECAUSE XT ACTS ON THE | Z.ITERTm : DOWELS. AND KID- I NETS AT THE 8A3IF TCIE. BccauBo It cleanse , tie yctam Of I thepolsonoushumorstrmt dovelopo 1 In Kidney and Urinary diseases , Bll > j lousness , Jaundlce ( Con8tlpatlonf I Piles , or In Rheumatism , Neuralgia I and Female disorders. KDJNEY-WOBT U ad y TcetUole emI - I poaad cad can b ( eat by all prevail. BUT It at UM DnoW * . , 77XU3 , K iSSCITJ * CO. , 3 Q 1 1 P C P E I D C F or ( ' " "Scolds * Bronchitis O U R L U U H 1L Asdnnn , Coiisuiiiption , And ALL DISEASES of the Throat and Lungs. Put Up in Quart Size Bottles for Family Use. P A I ITI n U . . .DON' T BE DECEIVED by unprincipled d-alers who try to mlm off upon rol ynU I lUll. Rock and Kve in p'ace of our TOU' HOCK and RYE , which li the only Mfcl > 1CATED article made , th * OENUISE navine a GOVEKXJIKXT bTAMP on each bottle. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY DM'AKTMKNT. OFFICE OK INTERNAL RETEMjE , ) \ \ ' \ MiNOTu' . D.C. Jinuatr 2J. 1SSO f Menrs. LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Ill Madison St . Clilcazn. UK : QXVTLRIU.N : 1 ha\o rcceheda "ceitittal for"iuU"siviu tlia In cdients ami relatlre propor- tlons used In the nnnufacture of an af.ii.la whlih > uti ad > vrUe and sell under the mine ot "TOI.U ROCK and RYE. " 1 his compound , accordl's l < ur fonnuta. In the opinion of this cftlcw. woul I have a sufficient quantity of the BALSAM OF TULU to give it all the advantaze * ucrihol to .U art'cle in pecU.nl complaints whiio tlio wliuky and s > nip coiutituto an emulsion r n leilni ; the compound an > rccal > le remedy to the pa < itnt. In the opinion of this office , an ariiclo cumpotmJciI accimliiur t thi * formaln m y properly bo classed as a incdiiinal prcjuralbn under tl c I rovUions of S httlula A , foltuwlnt ; section J.137. 0. a. Revised Statutes , and wlcu so samixl ! | m\v lie m'd by I nur.-iat' , Apothecaries , and Other IVrwm without rcmlcrinff them hab'e to ] y > p cal ux t ls > iu r I | < ! TI > . Yours Respectfully , ( Signed ) GREEN. B. RATJM , Commissioner. Lawrence & Martin , Chlc s. > , Solo AsenU for the United btitrs and CanMia. ISold l > y Un1/ " Cists , Grocers and General Dcale everywhere \Vhocnle ! A < 'iitfir Neb. . STEtLE , JOHNM/X a CO. , will supply the tradaat manufacturtrj prices. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CPOCRAPHY O < " THIS COUNTRY. SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP , TriAT THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACiHC R. R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE W1S ? Iti main line runs from Chicago to Council I Blufft. paj.lna thniugh Juliet. Uttnwn. IM Sullc. Oeneseo , Molln . Hock Inland. Daren port , We t I JilbcrtT , lowaCitr.Slnrcnk-o. Brooklyn. Urionell , I DCS Moincs ( ttio capital of Iowa ) , Stuart. AUan- tic. and Areca ; with branches from llur" u Junction to IVorla : Wilton Junction tnMu ca- tlte , Wasblnirlon. Falrtleld. Elclon. Ilclknap. Ccntrcville , ITinccUin. Trenton. Uallatln. 'Jnme- rnn. Leavenworth. Atchlaon , and Kaa a City ; Washington t > > blK'nuraejUskaltrasa. . and Knox- Tllle ; KeoknK to KarrjinKton , llonapartc , I'.cn- tontDOrt , Independent. Kldon. Uttumwa. KUUy- TillP.Oskaloo n. 1'cUa.Monroc. and lies Moincs : Newton to Monroe ; De * Moincs to Indianola and Winlerset : AtlantU to Lewis and Audulwn ; and A-oca to Ilarl&n. This Is posltiTcly the only Katlroad. which owns , and operates a through line from Chlcaco Into the State of Kansas. ThrouKh Express 1'nssenser Trains , with Pull * man Palace Can attached , are mu each nay dally tctween CHICAGO and 1'iouiA. KA > SAS Crrr. Couhcir , llLnrrs. l.EAVENwoRTn and .Vrcni- SOK. Throngh cars are also run between Mil rau * lee nnd Kansas City , via the "Milwaukee and RooV Island BhoLine. . " The "UreatW > ck Inland" I' maEnlflcently equipped. Its road bed Is simply perfect , and its track Is laid with tteel rails. What will please you most will bo the pleasure of enjoying your meals , while passing over the beautiful prairies of Illinois and Iowa. In one of our magnificent Dining Cars that accompany all Through Express Trains. You Kct an entire meal , as Rood as Is served In nny Oral-class hotel , forseventy-Dve cents. Appreclatlne the fact that a majority of the oeoplo prefer separate apartments fonllffprcnL purposes ( and the Immense pas onKer business of this line warranting It ) , we on-pleased to an nounce that this Company runs i'u/fnmn J'akice Sleeping Kan for sleeplni ; purposes , and 1'alace FCI.I.VAJV PAI.ACE CAKS nr run thmimh to rEOKIA , DEM MOlKi . rXC'Ii. BL.17FFM. KA > SAH CITT. ATOIIl.SO.N , and I.EA VE.S 1VOKTII. Tickets via this I > lnr , Unnun ii the "Orvnt JInck . liluaU . Jtoute , " nre ioi uf all Ticket ABent In the United Ntntei nnd G'unmln. For Information not obtainable at your homo ticket office. ndilreM. BAT-.r , , E. ST. .TOHINT. Ocn'l Bopcilntendenu tien'l Tkt. and i'ass'cr Auv , GHAS. VERiGK. FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS wiENrDO"W" : : STT A ZDBS. And everyrfiing pertaining to the Furniture and Upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THE LOWEST JPIRIOIES- ap SI mon th sat 1208 and 1210 Faraham Street , Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator ± 880. MANUFACTURED BY S. P. MAST & CO.SPRINFF1ELD , 0 They also make Buckeye Improved Iron UQam Walking Cultivator , with or without Springs. The Jfcw Force Feed Buckeye Drill , one or two Horse Style , Inquire tor them at the beat dealers. F. H. PUSH , Gen. Agent , Omaha , Neb , PAD A new and and hitherto unknown remedy fo all diseases of the Kidneys , Bladder.and Unnary Organs. It wtfl pogltlYely cure Diabetes , GraTel , DropS - , Brfzhf s Disease , Inability to retain or ejccl S e Urine , Catarrh of the Blaedzr , high co.orfd and scanty urine , Painful Unnatlnir , LAME BACK , General Weakness , and all Female Complain ta. It aroldes Internal medidnes , It certain In It elects and core * when nothing else can. Ferula by DruggJsU or sent by mall be * upon receipt ot the price , 12.00. DAY KIDNEY PAD CO. . PROP'RS , Toledo , O. lfl a year addrsa far car llttto XtV Ltf * VU 8TKiu . . Curs tor eating purpoaraonlT. UneotiM L fraiaro of cur I'alaca Cars la a SM'J > < ! > 'i DUN where you can cnjov jour " 11 writs * ' at all boon of the day. Macnlncent Iron Bridges epan the M. iwrrs * nna Mi' ourl rivers at ail points crossed 6y U' f line , ajid transfers nro avoided at Cuiinci. Brjll % Kan aa City. Leavenworth. an < l Atcuu > v f nrctlnn * bclncmade In Union Depots. TIIK IMUNCirAL It. It. CONNKCTHVie > . t THIS OltKAT TllllUUUU ldM2 AKtt 4 ' "OLI.OWS : At CHICAGO , with all dlvenrlnR llnc& * oi p > * t nnd Ninth. AtKNOLEWOODultli the L. 3. A M.S. tfKJf , Ft. W.C.ll-Kds. At WASHINGTON llEtairrs. with r. U * It. It. 1U At I.A SAM R. with lit Cent.lt. R. Atl'vciiRIA.nlth 1 > . 1\ * J. ; 1'.U.tK. t. t- * W. : 111. JllO. : and T.I' . * W. lids. At UiHK ISLAXI > . with "Milwaukee & twJ bland Short Line. " and Hock Inl'd A Veo. lt - \ At DAVE.NPOIIT. with the Uavdnport . " ' " C.M.St-r.il-It. At\VESTl.IBKnTT.wtthtlieB C.lt.A rv At ( illlXXELI. Tlth Central Iowa K. It. A t OES Mui > t. < i.wlth D M. * K. V ItH. . AtCoD clI. Bi.crts.wlth Union I"acin5l _ , _ At OMAHA , with U. * Mo. It. It. KIn Nt- ' At Cul.0MHU9JUNCT10X.Wlth lUC.lLJcN.lt. ] At OTTUMWA. wltn Central Iowa It. U V1 St. L. < t I'ac. . and C. U. A Q. It. lld . At KEOKUK.wlth Tolt'eo. . A War. : Lours A. I'ac nnd bt. 1. . . Keo. A N.-W. 1 At CAMEnov. with II. Pt. J It. It. At ATCIIISON. with Atch Tnpeka i Bv , | Atcb. A. Neb. and Cen. Br. U. I' . K. ltds. At LKAVEMYURTU. with Kan. I'ac. Cent. Itlids. . At KANSAS CITT. with all lines for the W < v and bouthwcsU Dr. Bosaako'a Ehetunatic Garo AK ALKALI The add Blood is the primary cause and -JC tainlnz power of RHKCIUTUII. Where them an Alkali there can b no RnxtJMATH * . Ci "DK B03ANKO RHEUMATIC CURB b chemically prepared Alkaline , neutralizing ; th acidity and remorinz Chronlo Influcmatloa by absorption. Price 75 Cents. Dr. Bosanko's Pile Kemedr * A safe , sure and permanent core or this on ot the most painful , unpleasant , and distresstn. ? diseases to which the Hesh b heir. We ; nann > tee this remedy to -without an equal forth * cure of all kinds of PUft. friceSO CenU. C. T. A1HSTE050 , Druggist and Phrridan Corunna , MlchUan , says : Your fib Styudg has glren Cnt-dass satisfaction. The Dr. Bgaaniq Medium ? Oo. , '