Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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U Z y i ! * "VOL. ix. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , WEDNESDAY , JUNE 9 } 1880. NO. 303
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
The "Next President Nam
- ed by the Republican
National Con 1
vention ; .
= 399 Jotes Cast for Him o
9pjt > *
- . - "the 36tttBallot ,
The Dark Horse in the Rac
Again Comes Out
And Ohio Ifrngs tc its Grip..o
" " . the Public Parse and
" " "
* ' ' Power.
llAgjpnizing Death Struggles c
'the Various Aspirants.
The Grant Men Alone Maintai :
the Even Tenor of
Their Way.
Their Solid Strength Shatter
the Battlements of
the Opposit'ron.
Followed by a General Stam
pede for the Man
' From Ohio.
, MT , .
A Western Admirer Tickle :
' Phil Sheridan With
a Vote.
Scenes and Incidents.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
' CHICAGO/ June 8 10 a. m. Moe
all the delejntei are already in ill1
hall , -where endless conferences an
bing held. Bub. IngersoU is thi
centre [ ol an admiring group , fron
which poah of laughter are cjnlinual
ly heard. Ingersoll in ctill true tc
Elaine , and predicts everything for hi
deal. GarOeld has just been enthu
aiaatically applauded as he entered ,
'Sit plain , outspoken and just conrac
during the ent'ro convention , hai
made .him an univeraal favorite ,
Conkling , always the last , gets moel
of the applsiue.
CHICAGO , June 8. 4 p. m It was
about 10:30 : a. m. when Senator H-.u
Icilled the convention to order.
29th ballot Grant 305 , Elaine 278
Sherman 115 , "Washlmrno 35 , Edmonds
mends 12 , Windom 7 , Garficld 2 ,
MassichsotU turned 19 votes from
Edmunds to Sherman. Grant lostS
votes ; , Blaine lost 1 ; Sherman gained
25'Edmonds ; lost 21.
30th Ballot Grant 306 , Blaine 279 ,
Sherman 120 , Washburne 33 , Ed.
-muuds 11 , IWmdom 4 , Garfield 2 , E ,
H. Judd 1 , Sheridan 1.
On the thirtieth ballot one of the
delegates from Wyoming cast bis vote
for Gen. Sheridan , amid great ap
plause. At the conclusion of the roll
ciil Hoar went over to congratuli
Sheridan , who occupied a position or
'the'stage. . At this the applause be'
came most enthusiastic , and at last thi
. gallant soldier , blushing like a boy ,
/stopped to the front of the platform ,
After the cheers and applause had sub'
eided Gen. Sheridan returned hie
thanki , and mid the only condition
upon which ha could accept the nom
ination , were it given him , would be
that he could turn it over to his best
friend , meaning , cf course , Grant.
31st ballot Grant 308 , BUino 276 ,
Sherman 118 , Washburne 37 , Ed-
, munds 11 , Windom , 3 Garfield 1 ,
'Conkling 1.
32d ballot Grant 308 , Blaine 269
Sherman 117 , Edmunds 11 , Wash
burne 44 , Windom 3 , Garfield 1.
33rd ballot Grant 309 , Blaine 276 ,
Shermin 113 , Edmunds 11 , Wash
burne 44 , Windom 8 , Garfield 1.
34'h.Billot Grant 312 , Blaine 275 ,
Sherman 107 , Edmunds 11 , Wash
burne 38 , Windom 4 , Garfield 17.
35th ballot Grant 313 , Blaine 257 ,
S Sherman 99 , Edmuuds 11 , Washbarne
3 23 , Windom 8 , Garfield 50.
36th Ballot Garfield 399 , Grant
306 , Blaine 42 , Sherman\3 , Wash
burne 5.
Mr. Hale , of Maine , has just stated
to your correspondent that if they
ficbuld not elect their candidate Garfield -
field was their choice. Mr. Blaine
knew of the propoaed.bolt , and thor
oughly endorsing Garfield , left the
matter entirely in Halo and Frye'a
Intense enthusiasm , and excitement
.prevailed in the convention , daring
the 36th ballot Garfield's name was
cheered again and again.
When the poll was called for in
Minnesota the vote stood , Grant 2 ,
Garfield 8. Nevada \ra polled , but
the vote was largely for G rfield.
New Hampshire and New Jersey voted
ed solid without much attention , but
when Major Butterworth cast 43 votes
foi Gsrfield the wildest excitement
and enthusiasm was manifested again.
When Tennesaee'voted a poll of the
state waa demanded and it resulted :
'Grant , ID ; Garfiold/3. "When Wett
reached A , 7. 0 rop-
bell said : "Mr. Chairman , W
Virginia remembers her frien
and casts her nine vol
for Garficld. " [ Applause. ] Th
Wisconsin gave the votes necessary
make the nomination , but before i' .
Tote was read the audience rose <
masse and broke out in
the wildest cheers. On previous c
casions the cheers have bei
confined to a part of the audien
and delegates , but this time the
seemed to bo no exceptions. Tl
delegates seized the shields , wavi
them aloft , the band struck up "Hi
Columbia" and -word having been a
nounced to the vast crov
outside of the building chce
inside wore drowned 1
the shouts without. This enlhuaia
WM responded to by cannon on tl
lake front. The scene presented I
the galleries was certainly ono of tl
most extraordinary ever presented c
a simihr occaa'on , there being enoug
ladies present to add beauty and an
mation. An the band struck t
"Rally round the flag" tl
audience sang the music wit
remarkable accuracy , and this w :
followed by three cheers and a t'ge
Over half on hour was consume
in this way before the roll coul
ba proceeded with. The resu
of the ballot waa finally announced i
follows : Garfield 399 , Grant 301
Blaine 42 , Sherman 3 , WashSurne i
Trememdous cheers. The bind struc
up , "Hail Columbia. "
The convention adjourned until
p. ra. No ballot for vice-pre ider
was taken.
Special Dlfpatch ta The Bee.
CHICAGO , June 9,1 a. m. Burin
tbo morning seuion of the conventio
eight ballots were taken. There w ;
little change in the first six ballol
this morning , but when the 35th ba
lot opened it was evident that an ui
derstanding had been arrived at bi
tween the leaders of the boom. Ho *
ever , it was not apparent until the no3
ballot. Connecticut's 12 votes fc
Washburne and Blaine went to Gai
field. Thin was the first break , an
Connecticut coming fifth in the call c
states , the announcement was receive
with cheers , which the galleries con
tinued for a Ion ; ; period , and whe :
juict was restored , the call was con
tinued. Tbo most significant brea
was from Indiana , which gave 29 vote
bo Garfield and 1 to Grant ; this set
Lied it. Iowa came next and voted 2 !
lolid for Garfield. This announce
inent was rcceirod with cheers , whic !
rroro continued for fifteen minutes
A.n evident aitempt wasmadp to breal
the Grant column , but failed , am
luring all the tumult the Grant lead
) rs in the New York delegation sa
itolidly in their seats. The Blaini
md Sherman vote went to Garfield
aneai giving him 6 votes , Kentucky
J , Louisiana 8 , Mai no 14 , Marylam
LO , Massachusetts 22 , Michipat
51 , Minnesota 8 , Miesimppi 9
Missouri 1 , Nebraska 6 , Nevada 3
Sew Hampshire 10 , Now Jersey 18
New York 20 , North Carolina 10
Dhio 3 , Oregon 6 , Pennsylvania 21
Rhode Island 8 , South Carolina 6
Tennessee 8. Texas 3 , Vermont 10
Virginia 3 , West Virginia 9 , and cc1
> f the nine territories two each. Thi
lomination was assured long befon
lie requsite number of ballots
rained , and the convention had by tha
lime resolved Itrelf into a very cheer
ng delegation. Tun thousand person
ircre shouting for Garfield , and th
iceno was ono of the most oxcitin ]
laturally of the entire week.
Garfield began to receive congratn
atory dispatches some time before th
requisite number of votes were roach
id , and hundreds of friends crowdei
ibout him extending their congratula
ions. He remained in his seat at th
lead of the Ohio delegation , ani
inally was compelled to limit his re
iponso to a formal "thank you. "
During the roll call when Maine wa
reached and cast her 14 votes solid fo
aarfield there was an uproar which a
) no time threatened to raise the roof
Tbo Ohio delegation , each ant
ivory member of it , were in the secro
) the compromise , and they mountei
.ho backs of the seats and kept up thi
; rv of Garfield.
The vote resulted : Grant , 306
[ JIaino , 42. Sherman's throe votei
: ame from Georgia , and Washburm
lad five from Illinois.
The ratification scene continued foi
ibout twenty minutes , with the nsua
cenes. The band played , ' 'Ilallj
lound the Flag , Boys , " .tho audience
oining in the chorus.
Conklinp moved that the nomina
ion be made unanimous. His speed
raa brief , and he dwelt more particu
arly upon the fact that good nature
lad been preserved throughout the
: ontcst. He congratulated the parlj
ipon the nomination , and predicted
he success of the ticket.
Gen. Logan , Fryo of Maine , Pleas
, nts of Virginia , Campbell of Wesl
Virginia , Flannlgan of Florida , Mor
on of Texas , Gov. Foster of Ohio ,
, nd others , made congratulatorj
Gov. Foster read a dispatch fron :
Secretary Sherman , received early ir
he day , asking that his friends ,
hould the crisis occur , and Ohio' !
ote be requisite to the success oi
larfield , to cut the vote of the stats
or him ; alto , urging the request thai
ither states do the same.
On motion of Ben. Harrison , a re-
ess was taken till 5 o'clock p. m.
The evening session lasted aboul
wo boors , the only actual business tc
ransact was to nominate a candidate
or vice president. Chester A. Ar-
hur , of New York , E. B. Washburno ,
f Illinois , Marshal Jewell , of Con-
ecticut , Horace Maynard , of Ten-
essee , Jos. Settle , of Florida , and
x-Gor. Davis , of Texas , were nomi-
sted. On the ballot in addition to
lese candidates votes were given to
t. N. Brace , of Mississippi , the col-
red renator , Stewart L. Woodford , oi
few York , and JameTL. Alcorn , of
PLsley , of California , nominated
Tashburne , and the nomination waa
Bonded by one of the New York
laino bolter * . Robinson , of Con-
ecticut , nominated Jewll ; Hicks of
lorida , nominated Settle ; Houckof
enneuee.nominated Maynard ; Wood-
> rd , of New York , nominated Ches-
ir A , Arthur , Amur's nomination
was seconded by ex Gov. Deuniso
of Ohio ; Gen. Kilp trick , of Nc
Jersey , and others. After the non
nation of Arthur it became evidei
that he was to be the nominee , at
the names of thu other candidat
were withdrawn with the excceptic
of Washburno and Maynar
Bucklov , of Missouri , proposed th :
Arthur's nomination bo made 1
acclamation , but tne motion was d
feated and the roll call was takei
New York gave Arthur 69 and Wasl
burne 1 , and Ohio gave htm 42 ai
Washburno 2. Almost without e
cjption the Blaine and anti-Grant vo
went over to Arthur , the exceptioi
being California , Iowa , Maine , Tei
nesjeo , Near Jersey , Michigan at
Wisconsin. The vote resulted as fo
lows : Arthur 463 , Washburne 19 ;
Jewell 44 , Maynard 30 , Bruce 8 , A
corn 4 , Davis 2 , Settle 3. , Woodfoi
1. Ultimately the vote was mac
The usual resolutions of thanks wei
passed. Thg chair waa authorized I
appoint a committee to inform Ga
field and Arthur of their nominatioi
ar.d at 7:40 : the convention adjourne
sine die.
SpccUl Dispatch to Tns Bn.
CHICAGO , Juno 9,1 a. m. A hi
oral display of fire-worka was mail
laat night in celebration of Garfiel
and Arthur' nomination. The Ne
York and other delegations burne
fire-works at thu Palmer. The Trih
une buildiug was illuminated. Asid
from these demonstrations and th
moderate excitement caused by th
influx of grcenbackers , the hotfh he
a deserted appearance , owing to th
fact the republican delegates left in
mediately for homo. All trains goin
out last night were crowded , nil wh
could get away doing so , as excursio
tickets are good for twenty-four houi
after adjournment. A majority o
the New York and Pennsylvania dele
gations left last night. The street
were till late filled with knuti of me
discutsing the results The republ
can committee rooms were thronge
immediately after the adjournment c
the convention , but were deserte
after a time. Sherman's parlors ar
deserted. The state delegations generally
orally have closed their rooms , an
most of the delegates have left fo
homo. Maine's headquarter. } .ar
closed and the banners taken down
The New York parlora wuro a notabl
exception , over 3000 persons visitin
the parlors , in the evening Oen
Arthur receiving congratulations free
The now national committee met i
short time after adjournment , and re
maincd in session till about 10:30. : N
organization was effected , and , nfte
the discussion of several minor mat
tcrs , adjourned to moat in Now Yorl
the 1st of July.
Garfield's intention was to leave thi
hall as little observed M possible , bu
a great part of the galleries were
watching him , and when he reachec
the street a crowd had gathered whc
gave him a reception. Great dial
culty was experienced in gaming i
carriage , but Gov. Foster's persua
sions to the mob finally prevailed ,
and Gen. Gnrfiuld was roleassc
for the time from hand shaking , and
the press of the crowd , when at luugtl
he got seated and at last the carriage
was forced through the mob and driv
en to the Grand Pacific. Garfielc
went Immediately to hissuito of room :
where he remained lulf an hour re
ceiving his most intimate friends. Thi
number of callers became so "rent tha
he was forced to seek other quartern
and was given a private roominanoth
er part of the hotel. Gen. Garfield
through all these demonstrations , re
talncd a calm demeanor , acknowlcd < ;
ing the cheering bya slight bow. Hi
didn't attend the evening session , bul
remained in his room , receiving messa
gas , &c. He had been under a heav ;
strain for ten days and the m&rning'i
work rather increased it. The littli
room , 108 , on the third floor , whicl
he has occupied since his arrival ir
Chicago , was exchanged for a large ]
one on the corner of the fourth floor
there being no room for visitors 01
the old floor. Unlike several gentle
men of less prominence here , he raadi
no effort to secure privacy , and th (
door was left wide open , and whoovei
chose came and went as freely as il
the room were their own. Thousand ;
took advantage of'the fact to maki
short congratulatory calls on the can
didate , and ho had little t-mo to reac
bis letters , let alone telegrams , o :
which between 900 and l.OCO wen
received at the rate 150 per hour. Thi
cnthusum ; wai a great surprise t <
In the evening be and General Ar
thur gave an informal reception in the
parlor of the Now York delegation
which had been handsomely ornament
ed with flowers. Afterward they were
closeted for an hour with Senatoi
CHICAGO , June 9,1 a. in. The dis
patches received by Garfield camofroir
Bverypartof the country , from S i
Francisco to Portland , Maine , and
from all clusc3 of people. Tney were
from old cchoolnntca , class mates ,
"rom his scholars , former pastors , pol
iticiana and personal friends. Tin
iffice holders kept out of sight.
Many of them he read among other
were two from Wm. Ackley and E. P.
None aifccted him so much as thi
Following which came unexpected ! ]
from his two boys who ara at school al
the Phillips Academy.
We have just heard the good new ;
and send our congratulations.
[ Si ned ] IRA and JAMIE BLAINE.
Two of the candidates of the con
rention congratulated him warmly ,
two others , Grant and Washburno ,
lent no word probably because thcj
iad not considered themselves candi-
lares. The following speaks for itself ;
SOD. J. A. Garfield :
I congratulate you with all my heart
ipon your nomination as proiident of
he United States. You have saved
he republican party and country from
L great peril and assured the success
if republican principles.
( Signed ) JOHN SHERMAN.
Hon. J. A. GarSeld :
The vota of Maine just cast for yon
i with toy hearty concurrenc3. I
ongratnlate you and the party on on
jsured auccew.
The following are among the me
interesting :
NEW YORK , June 8,1 a. m. I co
dole with you , but rejoice with all t
heart for the party and country.
PHILADELPHIA , June 8.-Teank G
for victory and pure government.
Thera wore two from Barret , t' '
tragedian , an old friend. r
MILWAUKEE , June 8. My heart
too full for utterance ; will write.
SAN FHANCLSCJ , June 8. My co
giutuhtions now. Before the elcctit
visit thh coast , whera you will h ve
wide house.
YONKERS , N. Y. , June 8. My si
core congratulations on your uotnin
tion to tbe'preaidency. "
( The 'authoress ) .
BOSTON , June 9. Sincere coi
gratulations from this part of Ohio.
( Editor "Atlantic Monthly. ' '
TROY , N. Y. , June 9. Accept n
moit eiucere congratulations.
( U. S. district attorney. )
The Tribune said to-dayeditoriall
"Garfield is the greatest man that hi
been up for president for many year
and it is a certainty that he will 1
elected. " It praises his record , ar
says ho owes his nomination to no ii
tngucj or combinations"
The Inter-Ocean says the ticket
not such , in all respects , as it woul
have named. The party has a hard )
finbt before it than it would have ha
with the great soldier at ita head , an
republicans must raise the standar
and fight till November.
The Daily News , which has advc
cated Grant , speaks bitterly of tl ;
ticker , and calls it a weak one. It ri
fera to Garfield's record in the D
Golyer affair , etc. , and adds : "Fo
lowing closely these devious and polil
ical methods the republican convei
tion lias dishonored the incorruptibl
Grant by means of the corrupt and coi
ruptitlo Garfield. It has whistled tb
colored men of the south down t
the windptho colored people who woi
[ , 'iven universal suffrage la order tin
witli it they might preserve the Unior
while Grant saved it. "
The Veterans Want to See Him.
Special Dispatch to Tn BBK.
MILWAUKEE , Wis. , June 8. T
Sen. Jas. A. Garfield DEAR Sn
The undersigned for themselves an
in behalf of yourvoteran comrade
lere assembled , unite in earnestly in
r'iting you to attend this the large :
gathering of the soldiers since the clos
) f the war. WM. E. Suiru ,
Commandor-in-Chief of. the Wiscon
.in . Veterans.
District Court Proceedings. *
Proceedings had on yesterdayHon
Fas. YT. Savage , presiding :
Henry Grebe , A. J. Potter and E
3. Spears were appointed bailiffs.
Messrs. Smythe , Graff , Hall , Hun
md Gilbert were appointed as a com
nittee to examine applicants for ad
nission to the bar.
The grand jury was empannellei
md sworn , and Charles J. Karbach
vas appointed foreman.
Chambers vs. Fennery , order ti
ibow cause by Saturday morning nex
vhy sale should not be confirmed.
First National baud vs. Green e
> 1. ; order to show cause by Saturda ;
norniug next why sale should not b
: onfirmed. i _ 4 ji
Patrick vs. Lacey et. al same ordel
Hills vs. Hogan , administrator , c
il. ; same order.
Clark ot al vs. Forbes , etal. , sam
> rder.
Flower , receiver , vs. Probesling e
il ; same order.
In the matter of the petition o
Fohn A. Creighton et al. ; parties ii
nterest to show causa by Saturda
norning next.
Burk VB.T Laughlin ; surety to justf
ritain five days and in defeat nei
iond to be given.
Hendrix vs. Rootet'al. ; leave t
mswer by Thursday morning next.
Preston vs. Woodwoitb ; leave t
mswer Monday next.
Dromall vs. Odd Fellows , etc. , leave
; o move , plead or demur by Satnrda ;
norning next.
Collins vs. German American Insui
mce Co. ; default set aside ; leave t
mswer by Saturday moral jg next.
Graham vs. Duff et al. ; leave to fil
imended petition instanter.
In the matter of the esUte of P. S
? rowell ; stricken from docket
Frisoni vs. Fawcett ; death of plain
iff suggested.
Lowman et aL vs. Sedgwick et al
sontinued for service.
Banks vs. Fridling : continued b ;
ionsent. '
Murry vs. Oinaha ; judgment b ;
: onsent for plaintiff for (100.
French vs. Horbach ; leave to fil
imended petition within five , days.
Parmelee TB. Oleson ; continued b ;
: onsent.
Stnben va. Wirth ; continued , in
unction to remain in force.
Harrington vs. Brown ; leave to fil
imended answer within ten days.
French vs. Paxton ; dismissed a
) lainti Ts cost.
Western Grain Co. vs. We > .nule
it al. ; motion to vacate judgmen
Woodworth vs. Preston ; leave ti
mswer by Monday next.
Court adjourned until nine o'clocl
his morning. *
Words From a Worklngman.
'o the editor of The Dec :
Knowing your columns to be eve :
ipen to the expression of lab'or senti
cent , I take the liberty of expressing
, few of my own individual opinions
rhich were somewhat questioned dur
og the recant labor troubles in tlii :
ity. It will , no doubt , be a Ion ;
imo before politicians , banker *
teachers and edit > rs of newspaper
nderatind the real import of thi
rords of Thomas Jefieraon when ii
be declaration of independence hi
aid'that "all men have the right t <
fe , liberty and the pursuit of happi
ess. "
Labor is a blessing. Honest laboi
ilequstely rewarded and remunerated
leans contentment ; contentment i :
appiness , the pursuit of labor is tc
lethe punuit-tpf happiness , and i
itizen's right , .
Labor ii potion , In nature " * eyery
* * *
thing moves , sun , moon and star
earth , air and ocean , rill and rive
cataract and waterfall all live by the
ceaseless mot'on. Then I say th ;
contented , well-paid labor is to tl
man what motion is to pure water ,
tlujgish stream becomes muddy ; ii
action and indolence to the huma
system means disease.
All questions relating to labor an
good government are of the greate ;
importance to this nation , and shoul
meet with intelligent and unbiased ai
tion at the hands of our legislature
both national , atite and municipal.
Equality , the only solid and endui
ing foundation of morality , cna enl
be e leettd by informing all classes c
the real relations of moo and thingi
by inducing them to make a propt
use of their senses , and to trust to n
imaginary phantoms out of their react
The question of social economy h :
ofteu Jtiaen by nicn whoso ii
'tellocts had btm waiped by the ill
tering images of their fancy.
Error is eUeemed a virtue under th
names of constancy and firmness , an
all attempts at- change will probabl
be opposed by vanity or self-concei
and will rebound on the impudent r <
formers with diadaiu aud h vtred.
I believe that the only hope of tb
race lies in the proper education t
the rising generation , and instillin
into their nunds a just compnihonsio
os the rights of all men at taught b
the precept of the mm who laid th
foundation of this grand republic
upon which I regret to siya stiuctur
has baen built which ill compares wit
the solidity and compactness of th
foundation. Wo of this passing gen
eraticin will confer a boon upon ou
offspring if we will but teach them th
original plans of the foundeis of ou
social system.
In conclusion I will say that th
Billingsgate slang indulged in by th
Herald towards the working classu
of Omaha , I regard and look upon a
I do upon some cf the resolution
passed at one of our late meeting ? ,
consider them bath uncilled-for. Tb
idea that an inscrutable providcnc
should permit such a piper to bo pub
Hilled in this ci y , is beyond my com
prehension. The resolution that w
should withdraw our patronage ati
fight the devil with lire , i
in my estimation another foolish mov
on our pait , I suppose that it was vh
"Big Sunflower" that was alluded tc
but I have always been taught to lee ]
upon h's Satanic maj sty as one capa
bio of coping with the Supreme bein
himself , whereas I regard Doc Mille
as an imbecile anel monomaniac , am
the paper ho trios to edit a venal , sot
vile and subsidized sheet , and th
more respectable of the workingmai
and the sensible democrats of Omali
pay very little attention to its vapor
Postoffico Quangos
In Nebraska during the week ondinj
Juno 5 , 1880 , furnished by Wm. Vai
Vleclc , of the postoilice department
Discontinued Sartoria , ' Bnffali
> " N f
Name Changed Orlando , Lancas
ter county , to Raymond.
Postmasters Appointed Fitzalon
Sherman county , William Wiilelis
Lena , Ouster county. Ross Gamble
Ord , Valley county , Hiba F. Ferguson
Ratifying the Nomination ,
'peclal Dispatch to The Bee.
SDTTON , Juno 9,1 a. m. The re
publicans had a torchlight procosior
list night , headed by the cornet band
ind afterwards a grand ratificatior
meeting was held. Great cnthueiaan
was manifested. The Garfield guard : organized , forty-eight strong , J.
B. Dinsmore , captain.
Special Dispatch to Tux IKI.
WASHINGTON , Juno 9 1 a. m.
For the upper Mississiopi and lowei
Missouri valleys : Falung followec
by stationary or rising barometer
southerly winds.partly cloudy weathei
find rain , higher followed in thi
lower Missouri valley by lower tern
Suppression of Jesuits in France.
Special Dtopatch to Tns Big.
PARIS , June 8. The French gov
eminent has issued a decree for the
closing of Jesuit establishments Ir
France at the end of the presenl
month. It is understood that the su
perior of each of these establishment )
will appeal to the courts against tin
anfprcemont of this dectee , basnj.
their appeal upon what they claim h
the evident illegality of the pro
posed enforcement of an obsolete
itatute. The Jesuits claim that thej
have acquired the vested edifices and
oitabl'sluneuts which have been erect'
3d and carried on in the full light ol
Jay for several years ; that they have
t > een visited , insp.cted , approved and
patronized by successive rulers ol
France , and that the law under whict
It is now sought to suppress
them has been a dead letter , and thai
it was bad tint none thought it uo-
cessary to ask for its repeal. If the
Jesuits carry their case into the courts ,
is it is believed they will , man ]
months must pass before a decision
: an bo obtaided. In other quarters ,
however ; it is caid that the general
af the order has directed
the heads of houses in France to make
10 respouce to the decrees of the
jovernmen- * , but to justly submit
to China ; to close their educational
ionors when ordered to do so and re
pair to localities assigned then to ic
Austria , some to Belgian ) , some tc
England , tome to South Amcri.
others to the United States.
American Minister to Bussia.
ipecitl Diapatch to The Bee.
ST. PETERSBURG , June 8. Mr ,
Foster , American minister , hcs ar-
riv d here , and will tike a twc
nontbs * leave after presenting his ere-
Much satisfaction is expressed hert
it the appoiij ment of Mr. Schuylei
is consul-general of the United State ;
it Bucharest.
Homo comtorts , moderate rates ,
istor House , NewJTork. inlC-lm
Do your shopping at Kurtz's.
JabeshSnow , Gunning Cove , N. S. ,
rates : "I was completely prostrated
vith the Asthma , but hearing of Dr.
Thomas' JSclectric Oil , I procured a
> ottle and it did me so much good ,
hat I got another , and before ic was
ised I was well. My son was cured
if a bad cold by the nse of half a bot-
le , It goes like wildfire , and makes
Tires wherever it is used. , "
New Yore Money and StocK.
MLW YORK , June S.
HONEY Market at 3 < 35 per cent.
RAILROAD BONDS Stcouj and genera'
D. a. U , ifsai . . 1C
U. S. 68 , Now . _ 10
N wi } . _ 0
0. 3. per cent . _ . 1C
Rock blind . _ . °
Itllno R Central . _ _ .1C
a B. &Q . _ „ . n
C. i A . 10
" preferred . 1
New Tor * Central- . 1
Like Shore . 10
tno . _ . . . 3
Erie preferred. . . . .
Nortuweatem . .
North western pretet red . _ 1
Bt. Rmi . , . 7
Bt. Paul preferred . _ 1G
Witntui , St. Louis and Pacific. . . ' . . 3
preferred . U
H n. ASt. Jo . 2
Ilnn. A St. Jo , pfd . 7
g niu ) 4Texas . n > . 8
Union Padnc . . . C
Northern Pacific . , . S
do preferred . , . 4
Wiwvern Ou-ou Telf.-mph . O1
Panama .
Pacific Mail .
U.I * . Kind grafts .
Cnlcago Produce.
CHICAGO , Juno 8.
Wheat No. 2 red winter , SI 1 <
No. 2 Chicago , spring , $1 00j@l 00
for cash : 97 ® 9Se for July ; 8'Jjc fc
August ; No/3 Chicago spring , IKJc.
Coin 34ic bid tor cash ; 331c bi
for July ; 37c for August ; rejectee
Oats 32 < r for cash ; 32Jc for Jum
28 c(520c for July ; 24Jc for August.
Itye Stea-Jy at 75c.
Barley Nominal at 70c.
Tork Active , firm and highei
$1035 for cash ; $10 37A@10 40 fe
July ; § 10 37@10 50 for A u nst.
Lard | In good demand and a sliad
higher ; § ( > 57i < sG GO for ca h ; § G GC (
G G2J for July ; § G Go for August.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , S2t
shoit rib ? , G50 ; short clear , § G UO.
Whisky Stcidy atgl 08.
Wheat Active and lower ; June
1 COJ@1 00r July , 97jj03c ; Anus
8'J(589ic ( ; 85c for the year ; clotin-
inside prices.
Corn oG c for June ; 3Gg © 37c fo
July ; and 37i@37.j for August.
Fdts 32 (532ic ( for Tuue ; 2837
ror Suly.
Pork SlQ 37.\10 42it for Julj
§ 10 47i10 50 for August.
Lard Firm ; § G G7i for July ? G G7
< 3G 70 for fur August ; § G 55@G 57
for the year.
Bulk meats Short ribs , G 30G2
for July ; § G 37J@G 40 for August.
Froauce PJurnet
Wheat Firm ; opened and close
qviet ; hard nominal ; No. 1 Mihvav.
kee , nominal : No. 2 Blilwankee , 98 e
June , 98c ; July , 99 C ; August 92Je
No. 3 Milwaukeo- ; } > 1No. 4 , 01
rejected nomiiul.
Corn Firm and higher at 37.
Oats Higher and steady ; at 32j
Rye Firmer and in good denian
at 7'Jjc.
Barley Strong ; No. 2 , fall , 70c.
at. tiouis Produce.
ST. Louis , June 8.
Wheat Higher and unsettled ; Nc
2 red , § 1 11H@1 12 ] for cash ; § 1 04 (
lliij for Juno ; 93 ? < 2983 forJulj
91ic for August ; No. 3 do , 97ic bid.
Corn Higher ; CGQgG for cash ; 3
© Sujc for June ; 343@35.Jc for July.
O.its Quiet at 34 bid for cash ; 31
bid for June.
Rye Dull at 83c.
Egga Unchanged.
Barley Unchanged.
Whisky Steady § 1 08.
Pork Dull ; § 10 55 bid for casl
wid Juno ; § 10 85 bid for July.
DryJSalted Meitj Shoulders , § 041
3 ( > 70.
Lard Quiet at § G 45.
St. liouis Live Stock.
ST. Louis , June 8.
Cattle Firm , active and unchanged
prime to choice heavy fat shlppiaj
3teew4 50@4 70 ; fair to good
4 20@4 40 ; light , § 3 75@420 ; butch
era' stuff , § 2 75@3 50 ; grass Texan ?
2 75(23 ( 25 ; receipts 1400 ; shipments
UOO.Sheep Slow and unchanged ; fafi
to choice , § 3 003 75 ; receipts , 17CO
shipments , 150.
Hogs Active ; Yorkers and Balti
mores , § 4 10@4 20 ; packing , § 4 00 < i
1 20 ; heavy shipping , § 4 204 30
rough heavy , § 3 G0@4 00. Receipt !
15,000 head ; shipments , 2,600.
Stocii Mareet
llogs Receipts , 28,000 head ; ship
menta , 5000 ; good to choice , etaaelj
md firm ; common to fair , slow and Li
otT ; mixed p 7kinq ; , § 4 1004 25choin ;
heavy , § 4 35@4 50 ; light , § 4 200435
seine rough mixed left.
Cattle Receipts , 4900 head ; ship
meats , 41CD ; trade moderately activi
bui generally unchanged ; shippinj
iteers , common to choice , § 4 20j (
J80 ; corn fed wet terns , § 4 00@4 30
yczza Texans , § 3 G0@3 75 ; commoi
lots , § 300 ; batchers' stock , § 3 405
375.Sheep Receipts , 4 head ; m
ihipmcnts ; trade linn ; common ti
Fair , § 3 5Ci4 00 ; good to choice , § 12 ;
34 50 ; lamls , psrhead , § 2 50.
Mencan Revolutionists.
SAN FRANCISCO , Juno 9. A dig
prtch from Tusc.n , Arizona , says thi
laic .t news frem Sonora is that thi
revolution is over. Marquez out
llenked the forces which opposed hire
at All.r , 00 to his 150 , from tht
Arizona line about- thirty leagues
northwest of Altar. He marched lii ;
forces ground to within eight league ;
to the cast of the place calLt
itil. For four days he maintain. J
liimself there without being discover
ed by the government forces. He sei i
the latter word that ho would awail
there three dry * later if they dtair J
to attack him. The government
Forces under Yice-Preident Don Tl
burcio Otero were composed * f aboul
ICO slate troops , bidly armed and di '
:5p'ineJ , and a few federal coni'
panics. A battalion moro of the
litter , under . Colonel Garcia ,
ivero expected in order to make an at
tack. Marquez did not wait to take
; hcso odd ? . He continued his march
; o Ma dalena. Tiio regular cavalrj
ind about a hundred and fifty volun
teers from Altar under Teadoro Mon-
.real were pressing him. At a rncli
: allcd Potreno , five leagues from Mag-
lalena he wheeled about and
outcd it completely , losing three
tilled and several wounded , among
he number being an officer. The
irmy of reform , as Marquez calls hia
> and , on the 31 t ult. , occupied
Hagdalina. He proclaimed a pro-
nunciamento. He told the people
Poriuio Diaz had
sold Sonora to the Amei
icans , that bis ( Marquez ) mission wa
to save it. He levied n forced loan c
one thousand , on the evening of th
same day ho left , marching toward
Arispo. The federal forces , under th
command of Col. Garcia , who entere
the morning following , are in pursuit
His objective point is Sinoloa.
Corrcsiwndenco of The Bee.
SUPERIOR , June G. Superior Is 1 <
cated on the north side of the Repul
lican river in the south part of Nucl
oils county , and but one mile abov
the Kansas line. It is very appropr
ately named , forall visitors pronounc
it "the most beautiful townsite eve
seen. " The buVnesi part of the plat
is confined to ono street , extendin
north and south. The town embrace
400 acres , of which not more than om
half is yet built upon. The populr
tion is about GOO , most all of whoi
are engaged in mercantile and mochsr
ical pursuits , very few farmers livin
in town. It was originally the pro ]
erty of anOmahaman , a foreman i :
the U. P. shops , and was purchase' '
from him byJWm. Louden , who is atil
a resident hero.
Various additions have been at dll
fcrent times adtled , by the last namei
gentleman , and he is justly rcgardei
cs the father of the town.
Through the west border flows
tine stream from the north , and on i
is located one of the finest milli in th
state. The mill is owned and operated
atod by Guthrie Bros. , whoso flou
ranks among the first in the marts o
both Kansas and Nebraska.
The tcot of tbo iron horse ha :
breathed new life Into the place , am
the same ) old rattle-te-bang of hammei
anil saw that greets the car in all oni
western towns ia the music of thi
progressive march here also. Amonj
the n'ncst structures Hearing comple
tiun at the present time is tbo rcsi
dence of Win. Louden , which wil
cost when completed nearly § 3,000.
This is an old section of country
and haa been settled nearly ton yean
An abundance of cattle and hoijs an
ready for shipment. A. C. McCorkle
an oxtemive stock-dealer shippet
eighteen cars of stock yesterday t <
Chicigo over the B. & M. road.
The lunibjr trade is an iroportan
item of business in the place , a largi
auction of Kansas being tributary t
the piace in thit line.
G. L. Day , of the firm of Day !
French , superintends the Chicag
lumber yard , I rom wbich an immens
amount of lumber is bolnj aold ever ;
day.T. .
T. II. Matters , formerly in Cla
county , ia one of the rising attorney
of the place.
A. Hunter , ono of the leading me :
In the general merchandise trade , is a
old Ciimba man and a subscriber t
THE BEE from its origin.
W. W. Kendall , the leading drug
gist in the town , haa resided here
little more than ono year , and is we ]
pleased with the prospects of thi
The town is supplied with gooi
hotel accommodations. The Superio
house , kept by Sid. Zimmerman , en
joys the preference of the tnvelhij
The town is full of strangers all thi
time , and new-comers are settling al
around. The number of pupils attenc ]
ing the graded schools has so mucl
increased that an additional building
had to bo rented for their uio thi ;
spring. JAY.
Drunken Wolves.
UI tljo Year Round.
Uunry dc Criquolle , In a Frencl
ivork upon the natural history of Li
Morvan , ( a district of France , ) telli
is that "in the summer the wolves
iko the gypsies , have no fixed resi
lence. They may then be met will
n the standing barley or oats , the
rincyards and fields ; they tleep in the
> pen country , and seldom seek the
Tiendly shelter of the forest , except
luring the scorching hours of tne day ,
L'oward the end of August I have of
en mot them , says he , "in the vine <
i-ards , apparently half drunk , scarcelj
ible to work in short , quite unsteady
m their logs , almost plowing the
; round up with their nose * , and ttar
ng stupidly about them. I once came
[ ipon one partly hidden amid the tbicl
inder rowth and weeds on the edge
> f the piles ot stones collected
'rom among the vines. My presence
iroused his growl , when rising
azily among the bushca ho stumbled
md fell , being evidently incaoablo ol
jetting further. A salute from bott
sarrels with small zhot scarcely tickleel
lia skin , but it brought him once
nore on his legs , though only to fal
igain , when , having reloaded , I ad
ran cud on him , and administered r
loublo dose in his ear , which had the
Icsired effect. The fact was he wet
] uite drunk , although notdisorderly. '
L'his inclination in wolves for intem <
icrato indulgence in the juice of the
jrapa is vouched for by several au
horitiea. It would appear that the
, volvca during the ardent hects of Au-
just sutler greatly from thirst , and ir
he absence of water take to the vine-
, -ards , and there endeavor to assuage
t by eating large quantities of grape :
very cool , and , no djubt , very do-
ightful at the time , but the treacher-
) us liquid ferment * , bacchnalian fume :
; eon infect the brain , and for tov-
iral hours these four-legged topers arc
iterally "as drunk ai beasts , " and en-
irely deprived of their senses.
Comparatively recent reports give
he number of freight cars owned by
he leading railroads in thh country
3 follows : New York Central. 14,780 ;
Baltimore & Ohio , 11,318 ; Michigan
Central , 4259 ; Chicago , Burlington &
Juincy , G04G ; Chicjgo , Rock Iiland &
Jrsfif , 408G ; Chicago , Milwaukee &
5t. Paul , 3GOO ; Union Pacific , 2065.
Wo offer a nrst-class white Jaun-
Iried shirt , with an improved rein-
orced front , made of Wamsutta eras-
in , 3-ply bosem and cuds , of 2200
inen , at the reduced price of $1.50.
Pho workmanship , fit and style of our
hirts axe placed In competition with
nd shirt sold in Omaha. We gnaran-
ee entire satisfaction , or will refund
ho money. We make to order every
rade of shirts and underwear , give
letter goods for less money than can
> e got elsewhere. Our fancy imported
hirtings are of the choicest patterns ,
n underwear we cannot be under-
Omaha Shirt Factory , 252Farnham ,
pposlte Grand Central Hotel.
Hamburg Figi 25o a bpx.
15h ( anil Douglas Strce
Over 3,000 residence lots ! for fate hj- this K
cyat priccjranjfintrfrcm $25 to $ iM)0 each , a
located In etcry part < > f ihocito , snj in CT <
direction from the Postntnce , north , erft , toner
or west , and rarjlni : in distance from n
block to one or t onnlej from wmo. Call a
examine oar Hats
SeTeral choice tot ? In Griffin & I a cV ail
tion. west of convent , ItUccn St. Mary's a i
ue and Ilirney ftrcctJtOO to SS-00.
SO acres just cast of bai racki on SUundcn S
thil la choice land and will be Bull very die
for cash in S , 10 IT 20 acre to n. now U jour Hi
to secure a Uargaln.
Choke lot at cml of street car tracks on Sau
dcrs street for ti"5.
Choice lot , F > ni1ikm and llh str U , W\l
lect for Jl.WO-will divide It.
Cheap lots in Credit Fmuisr addition , south
U. P. dcpot-$100 to * 300.
Forty lots on Park Avenue and Oe nia trc <
on road to park , and near head of bt. il r }
avenue , at frcm 5125 to $300 eicn. Set en ven
time at eiyht per cent intcrrst to the < who w
put up m < od substantial buildiiiR * . F r furtli
partiouUra apply to.
O. P. HEMIS. Aeeut.
Fifteenth and UouRbn Streols.
A nice lot on lUruey and Twcntjfirst street
tor I6J5. '
Two choice lots on SOth. ne r St. Mary's arei
lie , Mx165 feet each , for $350 and 900.
Two choice lots near 23d and Clark streets , :
E. V. Smith's addition-$300 and SiO.
Kilty lots In Shinn'x first , second > ud third ai
litiuns forJUO to { 600 each.
Lot near 15th and Pierce.
2 U.ti . on Harnev near 24lh St. . (600 each.
ot on 24th ntar How aril itreet , | 7oO.
40 lots In Grand View addition , south of U. '
bridge and depot , from t5 to S 00 each *
One acre , 117x370 feet , on 18th street , soul
> f Poppleton's new residence , for 82,000 , or w
llvlda into city elzcd lots a. from * 3SO to J5
Larjre numtjcr of beaulllul residence lots , I
cated in this new addition on Capitol dill , 1
tween 24th street on the rast , 20th on.trra we <
Dodge street on the north and Kanihsm at re
on the south , formerly owned by ( X H Dowi
and more reccntlj known sthe PcrkinslSacrc
Only 22 lots bate thus fir liccn platted II i
Farnham and 3 on Douglas utrrct. Tl r.a Ii
ard 50 to 60 feet In widt i and 150 indcpt ) , . $1 ,0
for the choice. S years time , at S [ > cr rent I
terestt' those who w ill build good substanti
hotut s thereon. Call and examine plat and g
full information at
15th and Douglas Hire ts.
Oter200boUK8 and lotaaie offend for si
by this offlCT Thry arc ocattered all over t
city. Any locttion you do Iro. Prices varjl
fr jm $300 to J15.000 each.
Z good lota and 2 cheap houses near Jacks
and 12lh streets at a great ( acilftce. litre i
great bnzaJn for some one. Tha property mi
be sold iromi diately. Covers Junt a quarter c
block. Call and examine 'his wl.hont any del
OEO. P. BEillS , A cnt.
15th and D-'Uclis St
A dcslrabla lot near Cumln and S tundi
Streets , $1CO.
Tlie cheapest acre lots in tha city of Omal
are those offered for sale by thh agency In Pa
Pltcc and Lnc's cci-orid addi'Ion , oh Cumir
Burtand Califumla street. ; j nil can make
mistake in pi' klngr up th < se bargains while y
have the chance. These loti are more than etji :
In flze to 4 full-sized city lotarr a half block
and It will bo but a very short time before on
fifth part of one of these- acre lots will sell for
much as we offer a full aero to-day. They a
located a very short distance- west of Cr iehti
College. Prices ranging from $150 to $300 p
\crelot. Call Immediately , and don't lose > ui
chance , and get plat and full particulars of
OEO. P. BEM1S. Aeent ,
15th and Douglas Streets.
Nice lot on Sherman Avenue north of Nlchol.
itrcet. $1,400.
Half lot on CaM.tctwecn 13th and llth strec
2 nice lots in Hartman'n addition , $100 to ( CO
Large number of acre Iota in Gisc s addition I
( forth Omaha , 31x5 to 2300 ach.
Choice corner lot near 22nd and Califoin.
rtrects , $1,600.
Several peed lots in Kelson's addition , (150 I
[ 850 cacb.
Choice lot In Thomell's addition , 8750.
Se\cral large lots in Bartlett's addition , 1
ods and ! ) acres each. Prices $700 to 3'-,0 >
Several choice lo's In Heed's first additloi
[ 275 to $360 each.
Acre lot on Sherman ayenne , (16th street
louth ot Poppleton's new residence , for SI , 1C
2 lanre Ints near ISth and Clark streets , 6C
130 feet Corner , S1.200 ; inside , $1OUO.
3 Urze lotson Shcim-n avenue , (16lh ( street
lear Clark Street , f 900 each.
22 nice and cheap lots , very near to the bn
ness part of the city , located a very few ste ;
louth of the Convent and St. Mary's avcn Jean
ust louth < f and adjoining the ground of Jim
il. Woolworth and WJ. . Council Mieso a :
: heap and very deiirablc , bcin ; < i handy ti > bu
ness part of city , to new go > trnmcnt depot , ni
vorie , white lead works , U. P. depot , sto
i aids , packing houses , etc Call and cet pi :
md lull particulars. Price 9275 to $350 and tai
crnis to thote who build
GEO. P. BEMI8 , Agent ,
15th and Duu < ; las S13.
3 choice residence lots on 24th street , bctct
) ou < ; Iu and Dodge streets ; $1,100 to 1 1,2(0 cii
md long time to tbofo who will build. ,
2 choice comer lo's near 21th and Fa nha
trcots , 65x124 feet , $1,150 and $1,200. and vci
: wy terms to purchasers who wi 1 improve.
Also t 10.4 on 21th , between Firnbam ar
3ou jlaf s rcctt , $3jO to $1 , ( < 00 each anil lei
, ime.
< 2T250 of the best bcalncsa loti In the cltv
) maha forrale , located on e > cry biuiue-a stree
[ 503 to $8,000 each.
jtSTAIso very valuable store properties In
nest every bujincsj block 75,000 to $15,01
* 40 choice residence lots in above addition , Ir
neJIately north of and adjoining pnpptctini
> canJful reside ! , and grounds , and locaUd t
.8th 10th and 20 h stieets , $300 to $550 each ar
rery easy terms l < > tboce who wil' build , dll ar
: xamine vlit and get full rurtlculani.
GEO. P. BEMIS , Agent.
Beantlfnl building site on Sherman avcnu
16th strectbetween Poppleton and the Dudle
l nis property ; 2C3 feet ej t frontage on ti
. \cnnc , by 3S9 fret in depth. Will dlvfdc It.mal
ni:2fect y333. Call and get full particular
An acre n 18th street , 101 feet east frontag
ly 378 feet deep. This Is just south ! the KHz.
icth ( "opp'eton place. Th's Is pilt-ctlie , call ar
[ ct price and terms of BEMIS , Agent.
IS good lots , jnst north of and adjoining K.
Imith's addition , and located between 20th an
iaunden streets , at reasonable prices ind lor
imc to buyer who improvt. BEMIS , Agent.
53 lots in Horbach's first and second additloi
ID 10th , ISth , 19th acd 29th street * , betwec
iicholis , raul.Sberrnan and Clark stitets , vei
landto U. P. bbops , smelting works , etc
anting in prices from from $200 to $1:100 cad
equlrm ? only imall payment down and Ion
ima at 7 prr cent Interest to those who will in
irove. GEO. P. BEMIS ,
15th and Douglas Street.
33 nice loM Ia Parker's addition , betwte
annders and Pierce. King and Campbell's Sts
n Blom.o strert ; 19 Iota with south fronts an
9 with north fronUie , only 6 blocks north i
he turn-table ( end streetcar track ) on Sanndei
treet. VeryUw prices ; $175 cash , or $200 o
Til ? time * nd 8 per cent interest to those wb
ill build.
JT-T150 good farms for sale In Douglas , Sarpj
faehlngton , Bart , Dodge , Saunders and Kasttr
ier of counties.
jETSCO.OCO acm best lelected tandi in th
tat foi sale by this agency. Call and get map ;
Ircnlan and full particulirt
jtarBtmis' new map ot Omaha , COc and ] $ L5 <
X2TBemis new pamphlet ( and map ot th
tate ) entitled "the outlook of Nebraska" fi
ce distribution.
Geo. P. Bern is' ,
loth & Doulas St.
L. B. Williams & Sons wishing to
reduce their stock of bools and theca
have decided lo make the following
low pricer , on examinations jou will
find cur prices lower than any ehoa
huuae can possible aell at :
Present Formir
No. Fairs. price. prtc *
50 Jldu'a brogamt 95 § 1 15
100 Men's Alexis buckle
shoes ? 1 15 1 40
25 Men's sewed arm/
brogans 160 185
40 Mec'a tine buckle
Alesis " 175 225
DO Men's box-too sewed
Alexis 2 25 3 00
CO Men's prime calf
Alexis 2 00 3 75
24 Youth's buiklo Alexis ,
1013 1 15 1 40
2 ( ) Childs * raiu prcgeti
. tippedpoluhed,812. Go 1 00
50 Clulils' red liigh rcul-
l.-p top i-uhsli r 0 1 CO
l ° 0 olulds * priiiiu c/tlf
butt-1 , 7-1- 120 150
24 Clnlds'kidUiuciiiuuli
polish , 7 10 1 15 2 00
oO Alifsea' I. K. polkar ,
112 70 1 00
21 lAiisaes' H.iltin.ore kid
polish 1 20 1 50
40 Misses' India button
boots 120 150
30 Missed goat button
boots 1 35 2 20
15 Ladies' kid foxed bul-
t.i 1 25 3 CO
100 Ladii * kill button. . . 1 25 1 75
125 Laditn' kid , side lace 1 25 1 7t >
75 Ladies'Main aide kc 1 25 1 75
80 Ladies' groin bu'toti 1 25 1 75
12 Ladifs' kid fmed
polis1' 75 1 00
15 Ladiis * Lid fused
palish 100 150
12 L die ' kul f..x d
poluh 1 25 2 00
200 Lndies' grain ptrliah
( .eweii ) 1 15 1 75
GO Chillis' i ; " " " pt'lifh
( .itaiidorj screwed. . . 90 1 10
30 Chillis' goat top . 1 10 1 50
GO Missta * i ; < Mt polish. . 1 25 1 75
20 MisW kid polish. . . 1 40 2 25
12 Misses' kid side ) .f > < 1 25 2 50
10 Misses' straight grnin
goat button 1 50 2 50
Remember besides our atock of
booU nnd bhoes wo carry one of tbo
largest lines of drees goods and no i
tions in Omaha.
"We will not Le undersold. "
Leaders in Dry Goods.
1522 & 1524 Dodee St.Cor. 15th ,
Opposite Postoffice-
Succ'essors to
Cash Price List.
10 tt.s SlaniUnl A Sujpir $1 00
10 } Its eitra C It-ujfir 1 OO
11 n O Sutar 1 OO
0 Its RranuUlrtl iujar 1 00
SH > 8Cutl af Siu-ar 1 00
3j tt s Powdered fURar 1 00
OttsRixHl Uio Coffee 1 00
5 D > s extra choice Kio Coffee 100
4 } S CosUKIcaCoffee 1 C"
3 103 ery bcstOQ Jara 1 00
SlbsVoch 1 00
G cans t'eacbcs 1 00
10 Ibs Valencia K'sini 1 CO
10 Ilia c'loiro 1'ruiirs 1 00
4ll I'itt l Chcrrloi 1 00
10 Ibs Michigan Urie.1 Applee 1 GO
13 lln dried UnrranU 1 00
M bars White I'.ustLtn Soa- > 1 00
1C Ibti Procter & Gambles Soap 1 CO
10IM Doblns hlcctric S mp 1 CO
17 Ibs choice Soda Crackers. . . . _ . . . . . . . . . 1 00
17 Ibs choice Oyster Crackers 1 00
lllhs Clnjjfr Snaps 1 00
11 HM OatMeil Crackers 1 Oj
U lln Uotton Crackers 1 CO
7 Ih4 Jumbcs 1 00
21 Ir * Itcans . ' . . . 1 00
35 Ibs Hominy 1 10
2511041 Meal 1 00
13 Ibs 3 lit I'caa 1 00
11 Ilw Carolina lUce. 1 (0
9lbsTapi < ict 1 00
ab Si < o i r
lllllUrley 1 00
1 Us llixcn Illril Htr.l 1 00
7 3-5 > cam KUntlanl Torca nes 100
9i means Htanilard Tomatjres , 1 00
63 Il > cans Teaches . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 09
S2-n > cant Corn 1 CO
7 2-H cans Cherr'CT 1 CHI
2-n. cans Yarmouth Corn 1 OO
7 1-B crns Bamham & , Merrill 1 00
Bllbanikinirl'owiler 1 0
I'uro ll p'e Syrupper ( allon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15
Amber White 70
Rest New Orleans Bjrnp. . . . . . . . 70
Cooil New Url.ans Mob'sea 13
Ear Diseases
Dr. O. E. Shoemaker ,
The well known Aural Coivenn. of FestUnff , Ft. ,
who has ben In thr mtd cal pTjfenl'm orer ZO
yean , gives ALL his time X.XCLUalVELT , to
the treatment of deafnen and diseases of tha
ear and cata.rh lie sends a rajoatila little book
of Cl pajcs on the treatment of these Mtr t
> 'RE3 TO ALL. This book g\tff rrftrtBco sad
testimonials that will satisfy tbe roost skeptical.
He H also author of a work of 375 pagt * . oetaro ,
on thije diseases and their proper Ueatment.
Fries $2 , by maU. No family should be without
a copy ot this valuable book. It will tare sof-
ferinr. Ion of hearing and doctor's fee * . DR.
SHOElfAKEP.'S remedy for the core of BUN
KING EARS , is nnlTerully acknowledged by
pjysldans and the public in ( roenL. M the only
tru'y reliable remcdV for the cure of this loathe-
some dbease. It Is harmless , pleaunt and re-
lUble , and wilt cure almost any case , evsn cf
fortr or flfty yean standintr. AU bad small and
unpleuantnew of the disease iiaUntlyremored.
and the hearinz ib rrojt cases greaUy Improred
perm jnently. Price (2. DI Ju. K. lib. whole
sale and retail dealer In dross , medicines ! sad
larzical instruments , 1321 i'lrnham itmt.
Jonet , Bit. Stk and 10th Sit. . OXAHA.
Tint quality distilled Wine.Tlnecar ) and cider
of any strength below eastern prices , and war *
ranted just ss good at wholesale sod ntaO.
Send for price list. E&OTT KRSBS.
febKm Karaicsr.
PANTS for-