Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Tuesday Morning ; June 1.
Paterson Bells coal.
-Additional local on first page.
Try Sale's Royal Crown Cigar.
Carriage Umbrellas at Woodworth'0.
Lady Lightfoot has a trotting rec
ord of 2:37.
The cheapest and largest stock of
Straw Hats , at Frederick's , Hatter.
Soda at Sale's pure fruit syrvfs.
Root Beer and Ginger Ale at
Work on the new Trinity cathe
dral was resumed yesterday mtrning.
The west bound train yesterday
tooruing carried a very light load.
Try Saxe's little Key West Ci
gar , lOc.
Lady Lightfoot will speed againtt
lime , 10 mile race , on Thursday.
Rev. J. W. Read occupied the
pulpit of the First Baptist church Sun
The High School Literary society
will give their closing exorcises on
iday evening of this week.
The census enumerators v ill com
mence their work to-day , and not ycs-
ttulay , aa incorrectly stated by The
Jlerald , *
There will be a matineeaUhe Fair
Grounds Thursday afternoon.
Mr. Fosdike , who lost a variable
j > ony last week , recovered him Sun
day. He was found in the west part
of town by some boys.
Liberty hall , on Gaming street ,
was dedicated with appropriate cere
monies by the Free Thinkers of this
city Sunday afternoon.
The great Cole show , which is to
be herevon June 12th , uses the
wonderful elec'ric light to illuminate
its canvas , and it is said to produce an
cflect as , sparkling and shiuiog as a
cummer's van.
Lady Lightfoot will speed at the
IFair Grounds Thursday afternoon be
tween 3 and 5 o'clock.
The Nebraska Stale Medical BC
ciety will meet at Kearney to-day.
Arrangements have been made wit
the railroad corapaniej fir reducei
fates fcrrdelogates who desire to at
lend. A number of physicians will g
from Omaha ,
Rev. Irtfayctte Burling , of Ripen
"Wis. , officiated at Trinity cathcdn
Sunday , in the absence of the dear
who has gone to Faiibault , Mien , t
I > o present at the marriage of his sis
to Peter Dyke , wife and four chi
' dren havn been booked at Fran
3\IooreB \ steamship agency fur Rotter
tla-n. They will sail on Saturday , th
19lhof Juno , from Now York , in th
Btcamcr "Amsterdam. "
Sunday afternoon a game o
Tiase bill was played on north Eigh
tccnth street , between the "Littl
Jlocks" and the "Blues , " in whicl
the former were victorious to the tun
of 4 to'2 , in a game of seven innings
At the request of the supervisor ,
iva hereby inform enumerators in cit
ies tint they must not forget to tak
an account of all horses , mules , cow
: md ether stock , in thuir respcctiv
districts , and carry the same forwar
on the proper schedule , No. 2.
Merritt 3ushey was arrested yet
torday for having a dangerous dojr ,
It seems that the dog bit a little gir
on Fifteenth and Douglas street * thi
raorsing , and complaint being mad
n ainst its owner , both dog and en ne
ver.2 arrested. Bushoy was fined
and costs , and upon payment was dis
The Rav. Maxfield , who relurnei
frotn Cincinnati Saturday , where h
attended the M. .E. General Confer
cncepreachedasermonSundayevoniii :
on that body. He commenced with
glancing history of the church from it
organization in America in 177C to th
present day , which was very interest
inp. He will spaak a ain soon on th
D. G. Coffmana citizen of Omah
living on the corner of Capita !
i Avenua and Ninth streets , found
sealed letter oti Fifteenth street , i
front of the Union block this morn
ing. Upon opening it ho found thai
it contained a draft from A. W. Clark
of Papillion.for § 224.48 , and a check-
made payable to "tho bearer , " for § 15 ,
The letter was addressed to the Firs
Rational bank , Omaha , whoso offici
bay , no doubt , had lost it. Mr ,
Ciffmtn returned the draft and check
upon noticing the address on tha en
velnpj , which act we want to commend
and put it up as an example of honesty
which was surely deserving of some
Go to T. A. McShean's for gooc
Batter , 23d and Cutninga ets. m31t3
An entirely new feature will be in
troduced &t the Pahce theater this
Burnett's Flavoring Extracts , at
Pundt'o. 28-3t
Journalistic Sprouts.
The Nebraska Amateur Press asso
ciation held a convention in this city
Saturday afternoon , delegates from
various parts of the state being in at
tendance. A constitution was adopted ,
and delegates to the national conven
tion at Cincinnati , in July , appointed.
0. S. Elgutter , of this city , was
elected president , and The Lincoln
Boomer , o'fficial organ.
Mr. Green , from Poughkeepsie , N.
y. , will refurnish and open the old
Donovanhouso on Harney street June
1st. Mr. Green comes -well recom
Bain water baths at the northeast
corner oLFifteenth and Dodge streets.
Thirty-five centa for a single bath , as
good as can te gotten west of Chicago.
m31t2 T. EJBifEK. :
Lady Lightfoot has the fastest long
time record ia America.
jam" and the entire compapy in the
"Reward , "
A Heavy Cut Made in the Ta
riff Eates.
The Fight Opens Briskly.
An interview with manager E. I/ |
Armstrong , of the A. & P. , elicited a
a few additional facts in regard to the
telegraph war :
"Will the Atlantic & Pasific Cum.
pany follow the cut made to day in
telegraph rates by the American
Union ? " asked the BEE reporter.
"Jiey have already made a reduc
tion , " eaid Mr. Armstrong. "Tto
highest tariff now of the A. & P. com
pany to any pointeast is 75 ccntr. To
any point in Nebraskaeast of North
Platto.Lincoln included , the tariff Lis
reduced to 25cents. To Now York City ,
where the Ameaican Union rates are
75cenls , we will forward inetsagesfor
CO. To any point in Pennsylvania ,
outsidu of Philadelphia , we will trans
mit messages for 75 cents. To Phil
adelphia , CO cents. To my point in
Iowa , 35 cants , which is a very large
reduction. To any point in Illinois ,
includirg Chicago , 40 cents , a reduc
tion of CO cents in the state business. "
"What are your rates to western
points ? ' '
We make the following tariff : Any
point in Kansas , 40 cents ; Kentucky
and Michigan , GO cents ; Missouri ( ex-
capt St. Louis ) 25 cen's ' ; St. Louip ,
40 cents ; Ohio and West Virginia , CO
cents ; all points in Wisconsin , 50
Do you think there will be any fur
ther reductions ?
It is tbo intention of the Athntic &
Pacific campany to do butiness to all
points at'as ' low or a lower rate than
any other company. Our facilities
for doing such business are inferior to
none , and superior to some lines.
The patrons of our company will get
the full benefit o ! any redaction in
rates made in this fight , and we stand
ready to transmit all business with
promptness and ditpitch.
From all indications the fi ht wil
be both long and bitter , and the people
ple will reap the benefit during its
at McDonald & Harrison's. Dusters ,
from $1.00 up ; Circulars , luc up ;
Lawn Suits , frpm $2.50 up ; Walking
Jackets ( all wool ) , $2.75 up. Calico
Suits and wrappars in endless variety.
Call and examine their immense stock.
Ladies' Emporium ,
1408 Farnham street.
The next lecture of the Saturday
evening course will bo dcl'verod by
Isaac E. Congdon , Esq. Subject :
"Nobility iho Requisite to Success in
Life. "
May Festixal Concert to-morrow
( Tuesday ) ciotiing.
A Delegation From the Amer
ican Association Pay a
Visit to Omaha.
Sunday evening a special car con
taining thirty members of the Ameri
can society of Civil Engineers , who
have lately been in session in St.
Louis , c.imo over the bridge to our
city and remained during the night
at the depot , permitting the visitors to
make an examination of Omaha at
Yesterday afternoon Mr. C. G.
Force , one of the most distinguished
members of the association paid a visit
to THE BEE office. Mr. Force is a
resident of Cleveland , and for some
time past hai been eewage engineer
of that city. He is favorably and
widely known for his papers on the sub
ject of sewerage , and has recently
published the plans for a novel and
original egg shaped sewer which has
attracted much attention among mem
bers of his profession. Mr. Force
stated that the meeting of the associa
tion at St. Louis had been a moat
pleasant and profitable one , various
excursions having been taken to points
in Missouri adjacent to the city nota
bly to Pilot Knob & Iron mountains.
On Saturday , under invitation of Mr.
Geo. Morrison , engineer of thePlatts-
mouth bridge , thirty members of the
party embarked in a special car furn
ished by tha courtesy of the officers of
the St , Louts , Kansas City & North
ern , and spent Saturday morning and
afternoon in inspecting the struc
ture , an elegant lunch being
provided by their host.
Reaching Omaha Sunday evening part
of the party went to Chicago , the re
mainder stopping over night in our
Mr. Force , upon being interrogated
in regard to Omaha's sewerage capa-
bhties , said that with water works
complete sewerage was simply a ques
tion of a short time. He knew few
cities which possessed better natural
advantages , although the question of
permanent outlet on the river bank
would be a question of some impor
tance owing to the changing channel
and the rise and fall of the water.
Coming : Amusements.
Manager Pagett has the following
amusements booked for June :
2d , 3d , 2th and 5th , "Reward ; Char
lie Collins and Co. G.
llth , Neil Burgess aa "Tho Widow
Bedott. "
IGth , Tony Denier'a "Humpty
Dumpty" party.
21st benefit of the
, management , on
which occasion ' '
D'Oily Carter's opera
company will produce the "Pirates of
Penzance. "
No one should die before seeing
Charlie Collins in "Reward. "
Muslin Underwear , Summer Under-
irear. Bargains in Dress
Goods , at
rom Gjc upwards.
Hosiery , Gloves ,
Cies , Collar ? , Cuffs , Huchingn , Hand-
cerchiefr , Ribbons , Napkins , New
Lace Mitts and many other new attrac-
ion too numerous to mention. Ask
o see the new Pleatera at Bushman' * .
25c a borf
* f j
Gen. Crook returned , home jiiter-
Marshal DaUey left yesterJay after
noon for Chicago.
Cspt. Chas. Bendire , U. S. A.went
to Walli Walla yesterday.
Hon. R. H. Wilbur went west to
North Platte yesterday morning.
Win. Tweed , Jr. , was among.the
west-bound passengers yesterday.
J. L. Harbour , and wife , of The
Leadville Democrat , went west yester
Hon. Elinor S. Dandy left yester
day cftiTDOui to attend the Chicago
Coli Doniphan , an eminent lawyer
of Atchison , is in this city on legal
Mr. Alex. Swan , of Cheyenne ,
passed through the city yesterday , en
route home.
Lieut. E. S. Farrow and wife were
among the patseugers west bound for
San Fnincisco yesterday.
Mr. 0. Brooks , of Now York , pass
ed through Omaha , bound for San
Francisco , yesterday morning.
Geo. Stcbbms went east to Phila
delphia yesterday morning. Rumor
hasitthit he intends to take unto him
self a wife.
Mrs. S. L. Sirecter , vho has been
visiting htr daughter , Mrs. Arthur
Blakely in this city , left for bur licino
In Lancaster , Saturday.
\V. A. Paxten , Gen. Manderson , L.
II. Bennett , W. F. Sweesy and Matt.
Patrick left yesterday afternoon for
Chicago to attend the meeting of
the Republican nationnl convention.
Miss Kate M. Millspaugh , of the
Onawa ( Iowa ) high school is in the
city , and is the guest of Mrs. R. E.
Among the arrivals at the Metro
politan hotel to-day are the following :
S. W. Carpenter , Chicigo ; George
Wagner , Rock Island ; 0. F. Parsons ,
Corningla. ; W. F. Brown , Chicago ;
Frank M. Borden , St. Joe ; E. Bar
ney and wife , Camden , N. H. : W. B.
Putnam , B. & M. R. R. ; H. J. Crandall -
dall , Chicago ; S. W. Gillins , New
York ; J. H. Steven ? , Chs. Thomp
son , Cbicaso ; G. B. Hubh-.rd N. Y. ;
Henry JVlorxon , Washingtan , D. C. ;
James Humell , Chicago ; Rev. B. A.
Walsh , Brooklyn , N. Y. ; R. T. Berth ,
C. R. Kehey , J. A. Wakefield , City ;
H. F. Kinplaird , New-.York ; L P.
Byerley , i'reepoitIll , ; R. C. Button ,
New York ; C. W. Gould , Hamburg ,
IOWA ; S. A. Spra ue , Brooklyn , N.
Y. ; Jam's Williamson , Deiroit , Mich.
To-morrow evening anotl'cr of the
dcl'ghtf ul May festival Concerts will
bo given at the Bsptitt church.
But for gentlemen , good Snmmer
UndcrEhirtcr for 30c worth 60c ; for
50c worth 7oo ; for 75c worth § 1.00 ; for
$1.00-norlhl.GO. Aho a small lot
of J. S. Gibson's stock in small and
extra large sizes , which wo are clos-ng
out at half price.t Linen and Celluloid
collars and CuffHoaiiry , Gloves ,
Suspenders , Haudkerchiofs/Laundried
and Unlaundried' Shirte , all at the
lowts possible cash price' , and but
ouc price asked at BUSHMAN'S.
The Songs of Seven next weekTues-
day evening , at the Baptist church.
Ai Old CoBe Decided.
The will of Joseph Weistr , which
has been contested in the county court
for some time , was to-day allowed.
Mr. Pntchett appeared for the will ,
and Mr. Cowin for the contestant.
Twontyrfive-witncsses were examined
for the will and eleven for the con
testant. It. is probable that the con
testant will appeal the case. ,
At Council BlyffsJune 9thlQih Jsllth.
We are informed that arrangements
are completed for one of the greatest
sales of the season to bo held as above.
At this sale Mr. Leavitr , of Lincoln ,
Neb. , will offer his entire Riverside
Herd , about 30 bulls and 48 females.
The Hamiltons of Mt. Sterling , Ken
tucky , will offer a very choice lot of
animals of their own breeding and
Mr. M. L. Dovin , of Dea Moines ,
Ion a , will offer from his own and
Eorao of the best Iowa herds.
The established reputation of the
Hamiltons and their stock is a suffic
ient guaranlcB for the character of any
sale in which they take a part. Mr.
Deviu is reputed as a careful breeder ,
and his stock as excellent. Mr. Lea-
vitt's herd haa acquired a reputation
second to none in the west , and will
make a splendid show.
Col. Judy , the prince of cittle auc
tioneers , will conduct the sales , and
altogether it will be a notable occasion
for the Blnfij. Wo expect to see
there such stock and such a gathering
of stock men as never before. See
their advertisement in another col
umn. d&wlt
Police Court Paragraphs.
The Monday "morning's batch was
very small yesterday , consisting of
three plain drunks , two of which , an
old and lad of
man a seventsen were
discharged with a caution to bo more
careful in the future. The third party ,
an old timer , yclept Patrick Brennan ,
was escorted to the transfer and re-
questsd to emigrate to fresh fields and
pastures new.
The case of John Thompson , charg
ed with stealing a coat , valued at S3 ,
from Cooper's agricultural works , was
heard , and.the culprit cent up for ten
" Twenty young ladies in tableaux :
June 2 , 3 , 4 and 5.
Lady Lightfoot has a record of 46
minutes for 13 miles , drawing 470
Reserved seats at Hubermann's for
"Reward. " .
Why dose yonrse ves with natueat- ,
n"u medicihej , whe.q a purely frnit
sathartic will cars you at once.H . m
Try them , ' * * " "
' i
Miller's Mule-tears.
To the editor ; of The Bee :
You will confer a favor on "the
Murphye , " "the Qainna" and "the
O'Briens" and other citizens of Oma
ha who have been maligned and slan
dered by the editor of The Omaha
Herald in bis several articles upon the
recent labor strike in our city by pub
lishing the following extracts from
The Nebraska Watchman : .
The groans of the sandloltera pro
duced a serious attack of the billious- .
ness on the nalty "doctor" who sali-
vatss the big bugs with fulaome flat
tery , and disgorges tha vilest efithols
of the Billingfgite vocabulary on the
O'Brieiis , Murphys and Qaiuus. Now ,
the fact is , O'Urien was the first to
suggest arbitration ; and the Murphjs
and Quinns repressed the fervor of
those who would disarm those brought
here to shoot them at the bek of cor
poration toadies ,
What a silly boast it is for papers
which pander to griping corporations ,
public plunderers , stock gamblers , tix
shirkers , and njonopol'ei who o invert
the life , bloodperp'ea'ionandmuicle
of the working slave into gold to sub
sidise blatant and igaoraut , but self-
important editors , to groan about
"law and order , " when their Viry
supercilious bhtancy is sufficient to
crcata lawlessness and disorder. Con
sistency is a jewel the hireling mouth
pieces of soulless corporations know *
httlo of ; but the groaning idltor ia
consistent , since ho learned how to
treat * the working man on Herndon
hou e scrip in the teniaryperiod of his
* * * * * *
At one of the early meetings of the
workingmcn , Gen. O'Brien and our-
self counselled arbitration as the most
salutary way to setilo such difficulties ;
and the leaders of the workingmen
gave ut to understand that the bosses
wouldn't arbitrate worth a cent.
When Uncle Sam sends his soldiers
to protect voters , at the polls , it is
military usurpation ; but when Gov.
Nance sends his soldiers to coerce the
strikers , it is all hunkidori in the
eyes of our democratic editor. It
makes a great deal of difference whose
ox is impounded in the eyes of pay
roll dem ) cratic editors.
* * * *
' "Governor Nance's brave state troops ,
And Hayes" stalwart men ,
Marched down upon the battlefield ,
And then marched back again.
* * * * *
We do not wish to be considered in
the light of making salecticns for your
paper , but as the foregoing fully an-
gwera that scurrilous article of Miller's ,
in The Herald , we suggest that both
mine and his admirers read tha same
as good Sunday reading.
A Great Show Coming.
It is gratifying to announce that
Omaha and the Northwest is soon to
be invaded by W. W. Cole , the king
of circus managers , who promises to
bring the grandest show that ever
pitched its tents on the American con
tinent , embracing/ it does , more
rare curiosities in the animal world
than any two concerns that ever visited
this section of the country , while the
attractions to bo presented in the
arena will be in every way superior to
anything heretofore seen in the "saw
dust circle. " A spicial and absorbing
point of interest will be the two giants ,
Capt. and Mrs. M. V. Bates , who
have t-xcitcd the world during the
past five years by their phenomenal
size.eich being eight feet in height and
weighing something over 500 pounds ,
and who ara , beyond a doubt , the
largest people that have ever lived at
anytime in the world's history. In
addition to these mortal marvels Mr.
Cole luiB secured the mammoth Kttn-
sas ox , which Weighs 3tOO poiihda and
stands C feet hi h ; and as an adjunct
to these he has a performing Spaulah
bull , which has been trained to a
wcnderful degree of perfection. The
recently perfected electric light is
arranged on ascjle of grandeur never
betura achieved. Another fresh and
foreign foiture wi'l ' be the introduc-
tio-i of six imported and educated
stallions , who perform the most
nnrvelulii evolutions , obey the
word of command , drill like soldiers ,
and one of them , as it to astonish his
companions , fiinlly jumps over four of
them at a ainglo bound. But it is im
possible to enter into the details of
this leviathan organization , as nearly
every nook and corner on the glebe is
represented the earth , the sea , the
aky all contribute to the vast collec
tion of world wonders , the full partic
ulars of which appear in these ) col
umns. It travels by rail , using itn
own cars , which have been built ex
pressly for transporting the ponderous
vans and paraphernalia necessary for
this gigantic enterpris ? , which will
reach Omaha on Saturday , Junw 12.
Ju&t received to-day , Grenadine
suits , Lawn suits , Linen suits , Colored
Silk suits , ( new shades ) , Batiste suits ,
Mamie Cloth suits , Black Cbrihmere ( a
specialty ) , Mohtur Debego and Linen
Ulsters , Dolmans , Capes and Walking
Jackets. It will pay to call and ex
amine. All garments guaranteed a
perfect fit without extra charge.
Prices lower than cvorj at McDonald
and Harrison's Ladies' Emporium ,
1,408 Farnham street.-
Mattet Olive Oil , at Puudt's. 28-3
Do not forget to try the Eagle Mills
Flour-only $3.65 per 100 pounds , and
there is no doubt about its miJditg the
most elegant bread that can be made
from the Finest Winter Wheat Flour.
Over 5,000 sacks haw btcn mid in this
market , and cah sack has given perfect
Headquarters tor Joe Schlitz's
Milwaukee beer at MERCHANTS' Ex-
CIUHQE , N. E. Cor. ICth and Dodge.
Over eighty mUUons of dollars of
insurance capital of the oldest and
best homo and foreign companies rep
resented in the agency of Taylor &
Howell. - dlGlf
Baked Maccaroni in cans at Pundt's.
Laundry work will be collected and
delivered by the Omaha Shirt Factory.
Leave your address. First-class work
Tableaux , Ladles I
The ladies who are to take part in
the tableaux , at the presentation of
the drama "Reward , " will please at
tend rehearsal this evening at the
Academy of Music , at 8 o'clock.
Company G in Drama , "Reward , "
Fune 2 , 3,4 and 5.
Remember Lady Lightfoot speeds
g nstt imp Tburidiy afternoon. I
An Inebriated Irishman Falls
Fifty Feet Over an Em
His Life is Saved by Soft Mud
and Forty-Rod Whiskey.
Sunday afternoon" about tw
o'clock an inebriated individual who
was wandering along the edge of the
high embankment just east of the B.
& M. track and south of Pierce strert ,
was noticed by Mr. Morris , who re
sides near by , to be dangerously near
to the brink of the hill , and ho started
out to warn him of his danger , but be-
fora ho could reach him he gave a sud
den lurch , which sent him head over
heels down the embankment , which ia
at least fifty feet high. Mr. Morris
hurried to the bottom of the hill and
found him apparently dead , but upon
examination it was discovered that he
was only stunned.
A policeman was telephoned for
from Iler's distillery , who upon his
arrival found the man lying in a
drunken stupor , ( leaping off the ef
fects of Iiis fall. Ho continued to lay
there until evening , when he revived
and walked off. .
Probably the soft nature of the soil
on which he fell , and the liberal pota
tions of the ardent that ho had im
bibed , were the. only things that saved
the nun from instant death , as the em.
bmkment is very steep at that point.
- -
" 'Tis better you should count the
cost" of musing the chance of writing
en "Grandfather's data. "
West Point Creamery Butter , 25o ,
at Pundt's. 28-3t
P. H. Sharp and His son , H. C.
Sharp , have formed a co-partnership ,
under the style of P. H. Sharp &Son ,
said partnership to date from May 1 ,
1880 , the new firm receiving the assets
and assuming the indebtedness of the
business of P. H. Sharp.
Charlie Collins in "Reward" June
2 , 3 , 4 and 5.
Smelts in cans , at Pundt's. 28-3t
It is found with the Indians , the
Canadian * ) , the South Americana ,
among the Spaniards , French , every
where ; and everyone praises it as the
best remedy for rheumatism. We
mean St. Jacobs Oil.
A little learning is a dangerous
thing , particularly when dabbling in
Medicines ; far batter to use a well
tried and .established remedy like Dr ,
Thomis' Eclcctric Oil , endrrsed b
everybody whe has tried it in cases of
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Spraini ,
Bruises , Curs , Burns and all the Ills'
that an AmGricaii Sovereign ia subjec
MISSING. A case o constipation by
using" Hamburg Fies.
Home comforts , moderate rates
Astor Housb , New York. mlC Ira
Murphy & Lovettlns. agency ; old
cst established agency in this state.
"Look out for that mother-in-law'
and "Jakey , jump the baby , " June
3 , 4 and 5. _
Specialties for this week nfa :
Fint Hosicl'y , new line of Ladies'
Children's and Gentlemen's Hose , the
latest style ? , suitable for sumrae
wear. Children's Fancy Striped
Hos * , good colors , for 25 cents a pair ,
Bodies' full , regular made , extra long
silK balbriggan hojo at 25 cents a pair ,
This is acknowledged by everybody to
be the bist Value in the city at th
Gent'emeu's ' English i hose at2E
eta. a pair , worth 37 ct3.
Second Lisle Thread Gloves and
Lice Mitts , " twenty different and dis
tiuct styles , from the finest French
Lisle and Laced Top Glove full , reg
ular made , down to the ordinary Ber
lin Glove , at prices one-third less than
arc sold elsewhere.
Third Linen and Mohair Dusters.
Fourth Millinery A full line o :
the now shape ] in Tuscan Straw , with
the latest trimmings to match. Sun
Hats all reduced to 25 cents.
Fifth Domestiej- Great reduction
in all cotton goods. Prints , 5 cents a
yard , or 20 yards for $1.00.
Telephone orders promptly filled.
A. GntnuESttAftk & Co.
All the members of the May Fesli
val are requested to meet at the Bap
list church to-morrow evening at 7:30 :
Safe , Certain , Sura and Speedy
The only articIeknownthatWill
eradiaafe\K\z \ disease
Genera I Agent !
NOTICE AdrertlMmenU To Let For Sale ,
Loft , Found , Wknte , Boirdlng &e. , will be in
ertod In theH column * once ( or TEN CENTS
par lin ; men tubeequent insertionFIVE CENT
per line. The Bnt interUon never leas than
T § LMft-HMEY.
TO LOAN on "proved security
W. R. BARTLETT , Real Estate Agent
Office 217 south 13th St. 675 t
( RET TO LOAH-MSul at L w Office
D. L. THOMAS. Room 8 , Crelghton Block
M ONKT TO LOAN 1109 Famhim street
Dr. Edwardn Loan Agency. nov-22-tf
/ 1 IBL WANTED To do general housework
\JT 10th tt , bet. Howard n-t Jadtst n. Gil
'ANTED A girl at No. 412 Tinth st , bet
Howard anJ Barney. 6S5 3
WANTED A girl to do housework. Enquire
at 1112 South 13th St. , bttween Pacifi
SJid Pierce St i. . UBS. DUGUAh. 667-
WANTED A good cook atTlZAUIVa Palace
R ataur nt. 5 .g-t
SITUATION WANTEDBy a youn ? man , as
clerk in grocery , < ! ruer , to tal.e care o
honer , or anythlnj. Good references. Addresf
A , B e office. 037.1
TTTANTEU Position ai book-Keeper r as
TV sittant , or talesman in a good office o
bu'inesn houie. Addrais , H. A. K , Beeolhcc
_ 007-t
Apply to FRANK RAMGE. ri7-t
JL Davenport 4IO-tf
ED FOR BENT At south east corner o
14tb nd Chicigo streets , conveilent to thebtui
nesi part of the city.
FR REST Furnished room In private resi
dence at J62 ISth St. , bet. Dod < e and
Capitol arenue. 668-1
EOll BENT Double room , Jacob's Block627tl
ITTOR RENT Furnished rooms.cbeap ; by eek
X' or month. Apply at AMERICAN HOUSE.
J10B RENT A splendid Photograph Oal err
I -71-tt L. B. WILLIAMS & SON.
lK REST i of room 569 Fifteenth stresi
Jx-nh's Block. rm rewonahln 100-t
FOR SALE 2 show-one * , 2 counters am
shc.ving. Restaurant , co13th and Ja-k
ion Ets. 6S8 2
S FOR SALK Good location , good
bnsmesi. Enquire at the Bee office. 878-i
TITILK Twenty to twenty-four quarts or one
JjJL dollar by John T. Paulson.
and23JSiB. 075.1
FOR SALE Restaurant and ciirar store , one
block from J'ostofflce. Apply Bee office.
I AH prepared to deliver sott water to any part
of the City for low prices. N I ify by posta
or leave orders at my house , THOS. SWIFT.635t
635-t :
TjlOR SALE A hou o with 5 rooms and lot in
J ; Nelson's addition. Inquire of Fred. Hen !
reckson's meat market , cor. of 16th and Cahfor
niaSts. 024 tf
TOR SALE Small toda fountain In good con
JD dltlon. D. W. SAXC , corner 13th nd
Farnham. 577.1
_ L Coarse bank sand , gfuVcl for gardens am
moulcing sand will be delivered at short notice.
Leave orders > l H. Sierks 1414 Frnham , and
Chatlm Brandcs , 921 } Farnham Sta. HANS
BOCK , Successor to Cnarles Daniel552t
Tpoa SALK Cottonwovd lumber of all
J RKDMONP-8 , Sljtleepth-Bt. 616-ti
TOR SALE A rail dwelling hous , nett to
JC " H. Collins residenc , comer 19th and
Capitol Avenue. / or Information call at G. H.
t J. 8. COLLIN ? . 131 Faniham 605-t
FOR HALE Good house and lot , witn - \ good
well , coiner 14th and Pierce Streets. En
quire of Fred Lang. S GEIS. 487-lm
OK SALE A Grist Hill. Appiyat
r 472-tl L.B WILLIAMS & SON.
SALK A New American Sewing Ma
FUR In good condition , with all attach
mentf. Hustle sold before IhelSth of May
Store , U > rner Duuslis and 13 th Streets. 474 t
SALE Two of the celebrated J. U
Brunswick A Ealke Co.'s Nonpareil Bll
Hard Tables. Nearly new. For sale cheap.
230-tf . C. W. HAMILTON ,
SiKAYkD A roan pony , 4 years old , white
spot oti forehead , tour black Irgs , andthnl
fcxronhinti leg. Finder will hgeiill&tJlj reward
cd by l&avirtg inforfiUtidH atefttfyk's reabura Jt
' " * * -
DdutlasSt. tm-31
rriAEEN UP Two cows , one 10 and the other
I 3 jea * old , oth led anl whit * color. Oil
cow had both borni broken off. Youn ; one 1 as
one blind ej e. On nsr can have them by paying
charges to Wallace Moore , Florence , Net > . bS6- :
STOLEN From the undersigned , Tuesday
Hay 25th , one dnn colored hone , tail , mam
and two bind feet white. A tuitablereward wli
be paid for return of tame , J , Fi CL1XUHARD
SmUtirig Works 682 31-d&w
FOB A Flftis u&aui&ntA front , Doorg
counter , Mantle , Store fitting , venecrtk
work go to 1310 Dodge street , A. F. RAFERT '
CO. ; Bonders. np26cvsat-tfv
0r * JtJl tl"n Free. CorthesDeedjrCnreo >
Seminal WeakrjcM. Loss of JHhhood. and all dis-
jrderabrouith . . ton . - . by indiscretion . . . or Mcsess.
t 78 XniiUiu St. . If * Y
Are Not Half as Interest
ing to the General Head
er as the Following Price
List !
10 Ibs of A sugar for 91 00
10 } Ibs extra Caagsr for 1 0 (
11 Ibs Canary 0. Sugar for 1 00
9 Ibs Granulated Sugar tot : 1 OJ
8iIbsCTinoaJtt rlf „ . ! . . . . I CO
6 Ibs good Rio Coffee for 1 00
5 Ibs best Rio Coffee for . ' . 100
4 Ibs choice Java Coffee for 1 00
Si Ibs belt Mocha Coffee for 1 00
Xoung Hyson Tea per Ib , 30 to 4C
Oolong Tea per Ib , SO to 40
Japan Tea per Ib , 30 to. . . . , . . .un. . : . : . . 60
Finest Gunpowder Tea perlb 76
BestQKJlodrjperJacR. . . , , , : : . . : : : . : : : . 3 25
SnowFltRfc lDtbritEeatflod ? ! : : : : ; : 3 65
Havensfbest flour , . i 60
20 bsra White Russian Soap for 100
SO bsrs Climax Soap for 1 00
24 bare Laundry Soap for 100
18 bars Linen Soap for 1 00
Pure Maple Syrup per gallon 1 15
Golden 8yrnpp rH tlon. . . 00
Ne * Orleans Syrup pV * gdllbti..t 70
New Orleans Molasses per gallon. 45
Sugar House Molasses per gallon 40
r Ibs St. Louis Soda Crackers for 1 00
17 Ibs M.ibuls prater.Crackers for 1 00
UlbiEoston Butter CfabSrs for : 1 00
11 IbsOinger Snaps for 1 00
13 Ibs New Currants for 1 00
8 Ibs New Blackberries for 1 00
4 Ibs Pitted Cherries for 1 00
10 Ibs Dried Peaches ( halves ) for. . . " . > 1 00
10 Ibs Choice Dried Apples for 1 00
10 Ibs best.nNr.Prunes / : : : : : . . . ; : . . . . 1 00
IdlbJ. BeSlViiehciiRiislnS ; : . . . . : : 1 09
7 Ibs. new layer Raisins 1 00
Peaches , 2 Ib cans 16
Peaches , 3 Ib cans ( standard ) S2 {
Pie Peaches , fl Ibcans 25
PeachesCal)3 ( ) Ibcans 3ft
Blackberries ) * . . . . : tin. . . 15
Apples , ( York State ) gel call i 55
Blueberries 3 Ib can < 15
Cherries 21b can 12 }
Damson Pimps 2 Ib can * 15
Raspberries i Ib can it. . . . 15
Strawbeffies,2 lbcaa..iij.ujiij.i 20
. . " " " 12 '
StringBeafls,2Ibcans.i.4 < }
Baked Beans , Sib can..i. . . . 20
Ltei Beans , 2 Ib cans
YahnoUth Rfn ) , pef W .
Tomatoes , 3Ib can t.ti. IK
Succotash , 21bcan 12 }
Pumpkins , Sib tin , 2U
24 Ibs beans * . < , . . . . _ . . 1 00
S ) tbVlried Lliria btuis nitmium..i. . 1 00
85Ibs hominy niiinii 1 00
UIb CaroIlnalrice 1 00
Z51DloatBeai.MtM 1 00
Fit family mackerel , per kit 90
Fat family white fish , per kit. 80
Codflah , whole , per Ib 8
Codflthbonel 9Sprlb , , 10
HatlIbut.petlb..V. . . , „ , , . , 12i
Holland herring ( flew ) per keif 1 25
Tobacco ( Blackwell's Durham ) 6er Ib 60
Tt > baeeo&UverSelpIaperlb ( } 69
ToblCco ( oTd Style ) per Ib IS
Tobacco ( Meerschaum ) per Ib 40
Hams , sugar-cured , per Ib 11
Eggs , 11 doz for 1 00
Butter , fresh roU , per Ib. 20
Complete price lists furnished onapplii tl
Country orders win receive prompt and can
attention. Positively no goods ixJid on credit.
J. B , FRENCH & CO. ,
The Original Sellable Grocers ,
-No. 1119 Farnham Street ,
* OMAHA , NEB. , ,
aBsa i" ?
$2 TO $5 PER ACRE.
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long Time and
Low Interest ,
Large tracts suitable for
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State ,
80,000 acres scattered
through Iowa.
A large number of Improved
Finns in Nebraska , many of
them near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre.
An Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Resi
dences Irom $3,000 to $20-
000. Many thousand vacant
lots in the additions to Omaha.
Hundreds of lots scattered
through the City. Houses and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and all kinds of Ci y
Real Estate.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , at
10 percent , interest to all who
can show good titles.
9Saps of Douglas and Sarpy
Counties for sale ,
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Farn. St. , Omaha , Neb.
For Rent.
Splendid cofage , 6 rconu , all in the best con
dition , fruit and shade trees , stable , bard and
roft wjtor , and 4 Acres of Ground , $120 a year.
West Omaha , mil sell fet Sl.OSO.
110003 and HI1J *
For Sale ,
House and fall lot on Webster Street , best loca
tion in thr city , $1,500 ; easy terms.
Twenty Thousand Dollars In small well secur
ed mortgages ranging from $200 to 81,000 , draw
ing 10 per tent interest , have been lately placed
in our hands for sale , at small discount. Per
sons having a little money to spare can make a
eaio and profitable loan in this way , without any
expend of commissions.
For Sale , t
Church Property and Parsonage in South Omaha ,
near Depot , at a very reasonable price.
Cottage and Lot ,
New -story frame bou5c , 4 rooms , 2 coeeta-10 !
foot ceilings , double doors , etc. , 85 barrel cis
tern , full lot , all in No. 1 condition , 5 blocks
ffohi High School ; SSuO , on monthly payment * ,
small cash payment required.
BUUG3 and HILL ,
Real Estate Broken.
New nouses.
Vi'o lire now prepared to build houses worth
from $400 to $ sOO on ourloUin our new addition ,
2Slh and 29th acd Fambarn.DougIas and Dodge ,
and mil on email month ! ) payments.
_ HOGGS and HILL ,
$000 to $1.000
Will buy you a new house , with one of the finest
lots In Omaha , on tttiall monthly payments.
For Sale ,
Home and Lot on street car-track , Shinn-s addi
tion , $ l,9oO. _ 0003 and HILL.
A New House
Atid full lot , one-half block Horn street can ,
Shlnn's Addition , ? 1C7& .
The Cheapest
Residence Property in Omaha must be gold In-
stanter , W i Lot 4 , Block 47 , with a No. 1 house
of 7 rooms and all well improved ; southeast
cofncr 21-t nnd Gass. Want beet bffer.
For Sale ,
Fine } oung horse , well broke aud suitable for a
lady todnro. BOGUS and E ILL.
We * ant d conlrSci to tiara 200 scroj cf land
brokfi at onto. EOQOSaml HILL.
CIicJlp Lots *
Look at iile lot < 111 6tlr ne Addition best
Iota for the money in Omaha , 29th and Farnham.
Residence Lots for Sale.
200 Lots in Kountze and
Utith's Additlqn.near business ,
good 8urroundingslotscovered
with otinstreesj and are the
choicest , cneapeSc aiifl n&ftreat
business of any lots in the mar
ket. By all means look at lots
in Kountze and Ruth's addition
before purchasing elsewhere.
Will sell on.monthly payments.
Prices $400 to $650.
100O Residence Lots
Fronting 3,0,10 2nd 1Kb streets. 6 to 10 blocks
south of depot , many of these Idle an very de
sirable and for men of email means are notv tbe
cheapest and most easily purchased lots In Oma
ha. Prices $250 to $300. Monthly payments.
BOOGa and ILuL.
13 Choice Lots
On Park Wild Avenue , only 3 to 4 blocks from
Depot , $500 to $ 00. Monthly payments.
GG of the Finest Lots
in Omaha , 10 to 12 blocks west of Postofflce and
Court House , on Farnham , Douzlas and Dodge
streets ; finest tiews in the city from these lots
Prices $200 to $300 , on payments of | o to f 10
per month.
BOQf.a & HILL.
2 Houses
And two-thirds of a lot , Clilcaco street , between
12th and 13th ; rents for $300 a year. Price
| 1MO. BOQ03 and HILL.
Houses and Lots.
Kew2- tory roeidence corner lot , choice loca-
lon , t blocks from PostofSce ; 83,600.
2 Houses and south J lot 1 , block 12 , on west
side of ISth street , between California and Web-
ter .treets ; $2.200
2-Story Brick House
With fall lot , 2 blocks from new Court House *
2,150. BOGGS and HILL.
LoU 1 and 2 , block 230 $2,759
Lot 5. block 15 1,500
Lot 2 , block 81 600
Krts 5 and 6 , block 2E 1,200
outh i LoU 1 and 2 , ock 281 1,000
East ! Lot 2 , block 121 2.500
West i Lot 2 , block 121 2,500
Lot 5blockr227 MO
188 feet Lot 4 , block 205 VA.2'000
lastLot7 , block 102 $1,400
West i Lot 8. block 103 „ . . 1.400
Mli ] LctSblock 102. . . . . . 1,400
S tJL5t8blockl ( . . - . , , , 2,000
x > t6 , blockSS9. . . ttf" ' 25
I have secured the agency of the well-known COLUMBIA Steel Spokea and
Rubber Tires Bicycle Irom the Pope Manufacturing Co. ; Also the Otto Hand
Made. Samples can be seen at my store , at Manufacturers Prices , reight
added. Send for price list.nST.
j OIX.S Sc W'X-KnDO"TOT C9-Xi k. rj0.
No. 1204Fjrnham Street , Omaha , Nobnuka ,
We are now prepared to take orders for the justly celebrated clothing o
thia house , which for Durability , Style and Cheapness are unsurpassed. We
have now on hand the beat solectud stock of Clothing , Shirts , Furnishing
Goods , etc. in the city.
Boston Clothing House ,
Rcigninz triumphant and pre-eminently grand. A perfect son of camas-crested temples flooded
with th-
J-J J ± Z 1fZ.fmT ll SfS-
Another Sun A Bewildering'
Discovered. Brilliant ,
'n the shadow of
ON EARTH. which all other
Illuminators palo
A Perfect Panoply and glimmer -with
of .
Splenaor. an uncertain light
"W" . "W- \
Circus , Menagerie , Aquarium
The Concentrated Marvels of Two Conti iciiU Embracing 10,000 Bare and Exelusiv * Features.
Positively tfce Gnndeat Showon Eirth : reprrstntmir a rjclonran array of the world's most choice
wonders , is one VAST OBJECT-TE aUHING ACADAAiy.
W. W. COLE , Sole Proprietor , who personal ! } dl.tates each and ever } movement of this gigantic
cnterpiise , a fact that is sufficient to uuarant e an cntertainmet pure and perfect to a degree so
eminently distinct from ibc usual routine of canvas exliit ittons , that n thi' g objectionaMe or In
decorous is ever disco\ered In this New ndTiulv Ma&Mveho . One hundred raring Equettrlin * ,
flve funny CIown , two hundred btautifnl Hordes , five hundred Men , Wi.m-n and Children. Travels
onlyb } rail , using lt own cars. C < f tly an ! gonjcous Vtanlrobc < . Astounding effect ! .
80 Dens ol' Zoological Wonders
From tbo upper and lover seaa. I hvre also secured , at an expense cxcerdin } ; $20,000 for the sea'on.
Each eight feet high , lackinz only half an in-h : combined weight , one h lf a ton. The most extra
ordinary people tbt ever existed at a > \ time in the world's history. $10,000 ttat they are the tall
est people on earth. The greatest curins tii3 In chr stendom.
The Mammoth Kansas Ox , 6ft High ,
THE LARGEST ON EARTH , 3100 It . An AtUrtean Monster. Most emphatically the braest
specimen of the cattle species everducoteitd , and bcjonJ the possl'ility of a doubt most giirnatic
brute ever bred on the American coutincnt. ? 5OM u oHered fur a liviug equal in point of sua and
I havu Juat added , a ) special attractions for IS15 * ) , the
And Six Famous Trick Stallions.
The most wonderful and best performing Stallions in the worM. They walti inthree couples. Th y
march erect on their hind feet. Tnay sit in Chil n. They Drill like Soldier * Thry form Tableaux.
All performing together at one and the same time. One Jurnpa over the baths of the others. They
SeM w upon boird. The r performances arc aMtonhllnc , and j ist as rcprcsc toluol lithoCTapbs
. .rrii a number of itiueiltflc e onti < w aid < n r > uy
Introducing the feitu'en nfanenutnebull 0hf. nd miiy otlie-astonUtinfflieforminccs.
4O3BST3ES wwwT s-f9mrm v Trmivt , ' j j _ iS nO JST .
A ROYAL ORIENTAL , rAKADt will . e uiten in the fo e ooii , dirobyintr thcmosti.o Keons.aiit-
tcring Gibxy of Golden Glory ever witnessed on the continent. Introducing more Wild Hoists ,
more Men , Women and Hones , more Curiosities. Adraisa on , SOc ; Children , 2ac.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery ,
A. L. STRAN& , 205 Faraham Street Omaha , Neb1
. o.
! 2I3 Farnham St. , Omaha.
Order * Solicited. Samples Bent on Application.