Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    OMAHA , KEBRASKA , FRIDAY , MAY 28 , 1880. NO. 293
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
The House Working Diligent
ly on the Sundry Civil Bill.
Edmunds Explains the Plans of
the Democrats in Delaying
Adjournment ,
Don Cameron to be Deposed-
Northern Pacific Extension ,
Special dispatches to Tbe I ee.
WASIUNQTON , May 27. 4 p. in.
The house disputed.-with ihe morn
ing hour and wcut into a committee
of the wbole on iha sundry civij ap-
'I " " * piopiatipn bilh - g * *
Spedal dispatch to TUB Bn.
CHICAGO , M ay' 27 4p. . m.
Journal's Washington special says :
Edmunds ssid to-day tbat ho believed
it was the purpose of the democrat !
leaders to hold congrers in sassion until t
til the 10th or 15lh of Juno , eo that
they could authorize the committees
to sit during the summer months and
use their "dwg nets to obtain campaign
material if the nominee of the Chicago
convention was a particular poreon.
It is awertod here to-day very con
fidently by Elaine's trusted friends
that when the national republica
convention meets in Chicago
next tha
go on Wednesday ,
Cameron will be deposed from
the chairmanship by the Blain
members , who are in the majority ,
This will bo done in order to giv
Blaine men the temporary orgauizi
tion of the convention. A lively tini
is expected at this meeting of the na
tional committee.
There is great rejoicing among th
friends of the Northern Pacific rail
road , the committoa agreeing to re
port a bill extending for six years tin
time for completion of the road and
giving the company nearly enough"
land to build the roa'd. This action *
In connection , with tha favorable report
port by the senate committee , indi
catcs clearly thafthe measure will go
through both branches of congress.
Delegate Downey triend to get an
amendment to the sundry civil service
bill adopted to-day providing that the
Ueneva award fund should be used for
the construction of public building ,
throughout the country , two millions
alone being named for a building in
New York for the use of emigrants ar
riving from Europe.
The senate passed the house bill ap
propriatlng thirty condemned cannon
for the erection of a monument to
Gon. Gen , Meade in Fairmount Paak ,
The senate in executive session to
day confirmed the following nomina
tions : B. F. Thacker , supervisor fdr
Third district of Iowa ; B. M. Key ,
of Tennessee , to be United States dis
trict judge for the Eastern and Mid
dle districts of Tennessee ; S. Newton
Pettis.-pf Pennsylvania , to be asso
ciate justice of the supreme court for
New Mexico.
Special dispatch te The Bee. ,
WASHINGTON , May 28 1 a. m.T-
The eenato yesterday called up the
bill to provide a commission to inves
tigate the tariff bill. The bill pro
vides for the appointment of nine per
sons from the civil list by the presi
dent , at § 10 per day , with the power
to employ stenographers. They are
to inves igata all questions relating to
the agricultural and mercantile man
ufacturing interests as far as the same
may be necessary to the establish
ment of a judicious tariff or a revision
of the present laws. They are em
powered to visit different sections of
the country and make their report
net later than the first Monday in De
cember , 1881.
Sen&tor GarBeld offered a substitute
providing that the commission consist
of three senators , three members of
the house and three others to be - selected
lected by them who are not members
of either house.
After the debate , the bill was laid
aside informally.
The conference report on the mili
tary acidemy bill was agreed to.
The agricultural appropriation bill
was then taken up , and Senator
Windom explained that the amount
appropriated by the house was $238-
000 , and that the senate had increased
it to § 281,000.
An amendment fixing the commissioners -
sioners salary at $4009 instead of
$3000. It wai stated that the laws
epecifiod this amount but it had
never before been appropriated. The
amendment was adopted.
The following amendments were
adopted : For three assistant chemists
at § 2000 each ; for labor and new im
plements , $5000 ; for chemicals , etc. ,
§ 5003 ; for the purpose of testing the
tensile strength of the different
woods , $5000 ; reducing the salary of
the librarian from § 1800 to § 1400 ;
for the purchase of machinery , etc. . *
§ 1500. Tha bill was passed , as
amended , at 4 p. m.
On motion of Senator Garland , the
senate went into executive eessicn and
when doors opened adjourned.
Mr. Yan Yoorhoes made a point of
order against the cUuse appointing
the mannigets of soldiers' homes , but
the chair overruled them.
Mr. Harris offered an amenement
appropriating § 4,098,033 to complete
the construction of certrin iron clads
and to provide engines and machinery
for the came.
Mr. Blonnt made a point of. order
against it , that it was the substance of
a biU now pending in the house.
Mr. Whitthorno
was opposed appro
priation , but he regretted that the
point of order had bean made , as he
wanted the whole question discussed ,
and he added that if it was , he wanted
to expose some rascalities in these
contract * . Blount insisted on point
of order , and it wai sustained. Pend-
Ing further consideration the
committee rose. The com
mittee reported the general
deficiency bill and ic was ordered
printed and recommitted. This is the
last of a series of general appropria
tion bills. It appropriates § 600,000
for the pay of U. S. marshals and
general deputies. § 1,000COO for
completion of public buildings at
Chicago and Washington.
About 25 or 30 members applied
for leave of absence but were in every
case except those who pleaded sickness
refused. Conger undo a { personal re
quest for leave next week to attend
the convention. His request was
granted and immedUtely thereafter
Keifer made similar application when
Conger created much merriment by an
objection. Both men are delegates ,
"but Conger is for Blaine while , Keifer
is'for Shernnu. Adjourned.
Special Diipatch to TUB ln. ,
TENDON , May 28 , 1 a. m. The
international rillo match between Ire
land and America occurs June 20th.
The strike in Iloubiux , Franco
ended by the masters conceding to th
strikers the demand for an advance.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
ROME , May 27 10 p. m. A news
paper publishes a fiery letter from
Garibaldi to his constituents , in whic't
the veteran accuses the House o
Savoy with ruining Italy. The polic
seized the publication.
Special Dispatch to Ihe Uee.
LONDON , May 27 , 10 p. m Clemen
Salterhwait & Son , dealers in Ameri
can stocks , and interested in the
Reading , failed. Liabilities huivy.
-The appointment of M. Wadding
ton as French ambassador to London ,
is universally confirmed.
_ _ Tha duke of Cambridge has in
formed ihe Rifle association that the
great match between American and
English teams takes place on the last
day of tha Wimbledon contest , at
800 , 900 and 10CO yards range.
Special dirpitcbes to The Itce.
"pDuBtiN , May 28 1 a. m. Earl
Ccwepr , the now lord-lieutenants , has
arrived and had an enthusiastic re
coption. The people of the city and
surrounding country turned out on
masse to welcome him and' lined the
streets on cither side from the railway
station to Dublin Castle , hia regal
residence. Earl Cowper's full title is
Fransis Thomas Do Grey Cowper , K.
G. He is 50 years of age. Earl
Cowper's administration of Irish affairs
will begin with great promise of use
Fulness and success.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , May 28 1 a. m. Rain
jommenced falling in the Midland
: ountjes yesterday morning , and the
Isought shows signs of breaking
through the united kingdom.
ipccial dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , May 28 1 a. m. A dis
patch from Calcutta says : Abdul
Rahman received and treated the dep-
itation from Cabul with great respect.
Special Dispatch to The Dee.
" LONDON , May 28 , 1 a. m. Mr.
Gladstone denied that Mr. Rlpon ,
riceroy of India , was a member of the
irder of Jesuits.
Ipodul dispatch to TUB BEX.
LONDON , Miy 28 , 1 a. m. In the
louse of commons yesterday Charles
) ilko announced that British efforts
o mediate between Chili and Peru
tad failed , and that England was now
ommunicating with other powers.
pedal Dispatch to Tni Bu.
LONDON , May 28 , 1 a. m. The
? imes in its financial article this morn-
ng says : The aspect of the weather ,
rhichisnow watched by th' e inter-
sted in pasturage and root crops does
lot seem to concern operations in the
rheat market. Experts predict that
here will bo good harvests both here
nd in France , where the appearance
f wheat is all that could be desired ,
iomo rain would do good but a con-
inuance of dry weather will not harm.
t is expected that the demand on the
Tnited States will be larger than ever
efore and will reduce .the price of
rheat one pound per quarter , which
rill be the means of saving to France
nd England together 00,000,000
terling. This will be a most power-
Hi stimulus to stagnant industries.
Sutton Items.
orrcsponJcnco of The Bee.
SUTTOIT , Nob. , May 25. A party of
oven men started for Lcadvillo by
ragon. Ono of them is an old miner.
Ic is going to run a shaft , and the
thers for different purposes. There
ras a little fight in Sutton on
iaturday night. Ono of company
i'sjnen'and another man , it.
'hey made quite a fuss.
A Crooked Female.
pedal Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW York , May 28 1 . m. A
[ elective from Cincinnati called on
iuperintendent Walling yesterday
laving in his possession a warrant
nd the necessary requisition papers
or a woman who is wanted in that
: ity for stealing § 300. From infor-
nation in his possession he believed
.h t she was in the Twenty-ninth pre-
: inct station house. Superintendent
SValling referred the officer to Capt.
Bergold. who found that she was sick ,
md could not be moved at present.
No arrest has been made. The name
D the woman is refused , but it was
learned that she is young and of ro'od
Tlrea of Life.
Spedal dispatch to The Bee.
NIGHTSTOWN , Ind. , May28 , la. m.
Dr. Geo. Wood , an electric physician
from Sherman City , Kansas , who has
been visiting friends at this place ,
Duosday night poisoned himself with
: hloral hydrate and died to-day.
Terrorism In Kentucky.
ipeeUl Dispatch to The Uee.
MAYSVOIE , Ky. , May 28 , 1 a m.
[ ntelligence of a startling nature
; omes from Lawrence county that the
srhole eection is terrorized. Court
has not yet convened , and mounted
men are riding udaiid down the coun
try. Communication between Louha
and Castlettsburg are prevented. Ri
oters have destroyed several miles of
the telephone wires. The people at
Castlettsburjj are anxiously awaiting
the arrival of troops.
Victoria's Villainous Band
Surprised and Almost
Outlaws of Every Tribe Found
Among the Slaughtered
. - " and
' & Murders by the Indians.
I _
Proofs That the Comaches
Have Added Their Forces
to the Apaches.
Victoria Vanquished.
Special Dispatch tu The Dec.
NEW YOKE , May 27 4 p. m.
fhe'.Hcrald eays : At last Chief Vic
toria and his villianous band have
been surprised , frightened and de
feated. Thirty dead Indians arc re
ported by native scouts , while the
soldiers claim they killed about twice
ai many. Either number would indi
cate unusual succes ? , for Victoria's
band is not large. The finding of
Navajoes and Commaches among the
dead , proves that , as suspected ,
the band h composed cf bad In
dians from everywhere. The most
hopeful indication of the fight is that
the luduns were demoralized by their
defeat. Heretofore their immunity
from serious harm has caused tfjeae
particular savages to consider them
selves invincible. * Hence tholr bold-
QCS ? . But the defeat experienced
will make them less dangerous in the
Future , even if the pursuing column
Fails to overtake and exterminate
them ,
spcc'al to The Chicago Tnbnuc.
SANTA FE , May 25. The Daily
New Mexican publishes the following
specials to-day :
Advices received hero state that on
the moYning of the 21st inst. , General
Hatch arrived at Ojo Cellente , having
marched all the night previous , and
tras there joined by his Indian scouts ,
rcho had left Victoria's trail a few
miles south. These General Hatch
put at once on the trail aga < n , having
o wait himself for his command ,
nrhich was from one to two days be-
lind and moving as rapidly as the
itock , which was weak and exhausted ,
, vould allow. For the animals very
ittle forage is obtainable , the sheep
laving destroyed all the grass , and
; here is great scarcity of water iu the
vhola country. „
The command iinearlydiamouuted ,
uul General Hatch will be forced to
ake the field in that condition , leaving
ill the horses at Ojo Callents for re
The Indians have certainly traveled
vith great rapidity , and if not in the
31ack range have already crossad the
The command of General Hatch has
low marched , since leaving the Mas-
ialero agency , over two thousand
niles over the roughest and most
nountaiuous country , which has been
cry severe on the animals and rc-
luced them to the point of being al-
oost worthless. The troops are now
loing all that men and horse-flesh
an , but will require more troops at
mce to subdue the number of Indians
low on the war path. Victoria and
lis men have left large numbers of an-
mals on his trail dead from exhaust-
9n or killed. News from the troops
a the field gives satisfactory evidence
hat other Indian tribes aru beginning
o go over to Victoria and fight with
is band. An Indian , thick set and
tout , was killed a few days ago , who
ras proven to be a Comanche from
arious signs about his person. The
robabilities are that he was a snb-
liief , and If this is true he had ccr-
linly joined Victoria with a largo fol-
jwing of his tribe. The number of
ndians now on the war path can't be
stimated , but Victoria can now ccr-
linly command as largo a force as
Ion. Hatch.
A dispatch from Las Lunas , dated
fay 24 , says , the very latest Indian
ews is that Antonio Jose , Lunady
arazinor , Jose Belasco and Jose G ar
ia were killed on the ranch of Patri-
cine Luna , eight milci fron Tulerosa-
t is at present impossible to ascertain
10 names of all the murdered herd-
rs , but will send them as soon as
> und out.
Authentic reports from Socorro
junty in the vicinity of Tulerosa ,
: ate that every ranch with the exccp-
on of ono has been cleared out by
10 Apacnee , aud that the number of
lese murdered since- May 1 , is 70.
Distillery Burned ,
ttcial Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , May 28,1 a. m. A distil-
llery and bonded warehouse belong-
ig to the Chicago distilling company ,
as destroyed by fire last night. A
irgo amount of spirits were alco de <
troyed. The buildings cost § 00,000
few years ago. The distillery was
jsured for 25,000 and the bonded
arehouse for § 10,000.
The New Road at Wichita.
[ > edal Dispatch to TUB BEE.
WICHITA , Kas. , May 28 , la. m.
'he San Francisco and St. Louis rail-
Dad was completed to this point yes-
arday and the event was duly cele-
rated. The road will eventually be
xtended to the Pacific coast along
he 35th parallel route.
The Trial of Lawrence.
lenJd Special.
GRAND ISLAND , May 27. The pro-
eedings in the Lawrence murder
rial to-day drew out a large crowd of
pectators. G. B. Snmner , of Chica-
; o , testified to the defendant pur-
hastng insurance policies onhis father
tefore starting for the west. Drs.
< ohan and Stevens testified that the
est mortem appearances of deceased
odicated poisoning by pruasic acid.
? he medical evidence on the part of
ha state will probably close to-Tior-
ow , irhenProf. Aughey , of Lincoln ,
rfll give the results of hia chemical
The Leaders of Eepublican
Factions Concentrating
at Chicago ,
Where the Lash of Party
Pledges is Being Vigor
ously Cracked.
The Cameron Host Securely
Planted in the Palmer
While Gorham Wires His Sur
plus Gush for Hiram's
Logan's Lunacy Liable to Lead
to Disastrous Results.
Sherman's Friends Frantically
Decline the Tail of the
The Plumed Knight in New
York and Confident of
His Success.
Senator Jones of Nevade for
Elaine , But Thinks Windom
a Strong Man.
.uishing in ktbu Lobby.
Spcclil Dispatch to The lee.
CHIOAQO , May 27. 4 p. m. At
list the city begins to look ta though
it realized ihe imminence of a great
event. Yesterday for the first time
the hotel lobbies began to be uncom-
'fortably crowded , and out on the
streets the first few delegates and
strangers flocked with the usual city
throng ? , well clothed , carious , and
bent upon commingling pleasure with
their business. At the Palmer House
are located , arrivals are especially nu
morous. The advance guard of the
Ohio headed ex-Gov
delegation , by -
ernor DennUon , has arrived and is lo
cated at the Pacific. Dennison be
lieves thet if neither Grant nor Elaine
ect a majority , they would both be
willing to concentrate on Sherman ,
who has never antagonized either
Grant or Elaine. He further says that
the tilk about Sherman's accepting
the second place on the ticket is non
sense. *
was among the arrivals from Wash
ington last * evening. Gorham em
phatically denies the reports that he
had denounced Grant in favor of
Sherman , Field or any other candi
date. "I am for Grant , and have
been for him all along. I was In favor
of his nomination in 1876. "
"If the unit regulation is broke
how many of California's delegates
will Grant get ] "
"Grant has some warm friends
among the delegates , and he would
got a fair share. The unit rule will
not bo broken , however , unless it is
done by the delegates who have no re-
pect or honor for their pledges. Ly
ing and money will do A great deal ,
but I venture to say it will fail hero I
without trouble on the first ballot.
A gaining fight always wins , and Grant
is gaining right along. "
"How is the situation in Califor
nia. "
"Grant is stronger on ihe Pacific
slope tlnn any other candidate. Cali
fornia republicans did not pay much
attention to their state convention.
It was in the hands of the Central
PaciGc railroad , and was run by that
corporation. The fact that the Cen
tral Pacific is opposed to Grant
will save the state to him. The far
mers and substantial people of the
itate are all for him , and would like
to see him nominated. "
Among this morning's prominent
arrivals are "Charlie" Foster , from
Dhio , and Senator Baruum from Con-
lecticut. Members of the national
: ommittee are arriving very slowly.
In case a contesting delegation
: rom Illinois is arranged , Blaine men
: ely very confidently on the commit-
; eo on credentials , which they predict
pill be composed of sixteen Grant
to ninety-nine anti-Grant men.
Fhey will claim that the
ippointment of the Illinois delegation
fvas irregular in all respects ; that the
lolegitea chosen by congressional ais-
; ricts should be admitted , and that no
be to
lelegations-at-large permitted
participate in the proceedings. As the
inti-tliird-termera claim to have had
i maprity in the convention , they be-
ievo thai their demands will be con-
22 < 3ed.
Arrivals and Opinions.
Special Dispatch to TOT Bn
CHICAGOMay28 la. m. Gover
nor Foster and'Hon. J. S. Robinson ,
sf Ohio , joined ex-Governor Denni-
ion and Gen. Batoman at the Grand
Pacific in the interests of Sherman
yesterday. Governor Foster says that'
Sherman is both the first and second
: hoice of the Ohio delegation. They
ire opposed to the unit rule. Hon.
la ? . F. Wilson , of Iowa , Is here help
ing the Blaine boom. He says that
the Iowa delegation is for Blaine by
personal preference as well as in
structions. Hon. J. B. Hawlev , of
Rocfclsland , is another Blaine man.
3ov. Head , of New Hampshire , and
C. A. Hail , of Ohio , are here with
their wivca to attend the convention.
Congressman Fry , of Maine , and Garfield -
field will arrive to-day. Gen. Arthur
and Hon. EdwardPierrepont come
to-night. Among the arrivals at the
Palnier house yesterday was the fol
lowing delegation : From the Third
district of New Yrrk , Albert Domett ,
Judge Francis , George F. Elliott , F.
S. Hodkins , James.Johnson , Paul 0.
Gremering and John T. Charles.
They express themselves strongly an
ti-third term. Mr. Stigman eays that
more than twenty of the Now York
delegation will bolt. Shoimanis the
first choice for President. W. A.
Garrett , of Michigm , say that if
Grant should be nominated the re
publicans would It se several congroj-
sional district ] in that state.
Biff Guns For Chicago.
Ppeclal Dispatch to The Bve.
Nr.wYoitK , May 28 , . , 1 9 in. Gen.
Horace Porter , lormeily the pi irate
secretary of Geu. Grant , lot ! last
night for Chicago. To-night and to
morrow largo numbers will start.
Senator Conkling and party will le. ve
Washington this morning bound for
the convention. A number of parties
are being made up at different points
in the wcsf. There will bo one from
Albany and another from Rochester ,
which will leave to day.
New Jersey Delegation On the Rojd.
Spcc'al Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , May 28 , 1 a. m. A
largo delegation of New Jersey repub
licans in Elaine's interest left for Chicago
cage on the I'cnnsylvania railroad
from Jersey City yesterday morning.
Ex-Congressman G. A. Halzey , who
heads the delogation-at-largc , siid tea
a reporter : "Now JVraey la as solid as
a rock forBlaiuu and 110 threats of
a combination willmovo their. If we
find ic impossible to carry our man
through , we will then have to take
counsel for second choice. In regard
to my recent visit to Secretary Sher
man in New York it was of a purely
personal nature and hud no reference
to politics.
Johes. of Nevada. Interviewed.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , May 28 , 1 a. m. Sen
ator Jonue , of Nevada , is at the St.
James hotel. "I have no reason to
withhold my opinion " bo said , in re
gard to the chances of candidates.
"Nevada is fcr Blaine firat , last and
always. That defines my position.
Nevada has taken her stand and IT
stand or fall with her. That settles
it. " "But what effect do you suppose
the uprising against Grant in Illinois
will have on his chances in the con
vention ? " "Oh ! as far a& that is con
cerned the minority can make a noise
any time by concert of action. One
thing is pretty evident from the dis-
patchc } received that the anti-Grant
men are determined to make them
selves heard. I have just received a
notice from the chairman of the na
tional committee to repair to Chicago
at once , ai the committee is about to
hold an important session , but what
particular question will engross its at
tention I am unable to say. I will
leave hero this evening or Saturday
morning. " "Senator , who , in your
judgment , will bo the candidates ? "
"Well , leaving dark hcrees out of the
count , we will have Blaioe , Grant ,
Sherman , Washburne , Edmunds and
Windom. " "Windom ! Windom ] "
"Yes , Windom , and don't you make
any mistake about it. Minnesota is
for Windom ami will stand for him to
the laar. Oh , yes , firmness is import
ant. The atato must not be depreci
ated. See what it did to Hayes who
was not recognized in the count be
fore the convention , but Ohio re
mained solid , steadfast , hopeful and
dogged if you will , and carried its
man. I.would not bo surprised if a
similar rout were , in store for us at
Chicago. I tell you that Windom is a
strong man. "
Not -All For Sammy.
Special Dispatch to TUB Bus.
ST. Louis , May 28,1 a. m. The
Post-Dispatch yesterdry afternoon
says editorially : "After a very careful
canvass of the delegates elected by
the Mobsrly , Missouri , convention
vesterday It finds that there arc nine
For Tildeu and twenty-one against
him. The Kopublican says that nine-
been at least of the delegates will vote
for Tilden , and that of the remainder
Morrison has nearly one half. Others
ire divided between Seymour aod
Hancock. The Times says that advi-
XB give Tilden twelve of tha delegates
io eighteen against him.
B.'aino En Route.
Special dispatch to Tha lco. !
NEW YORK , May 28 1 a. m.
Senator Blaine hold a levee yesterday
it the Fifth Avenue hold after his
irrival here. Mr. Elaine in answer to
i reporter in reference to the anti-
3rant demonstration in Illinois , do-
dined to oxprees any opinion so close-
y on the eve of the convention. His
sonfidence in his supporters was un-
ihaken ahd unless all his rivals coin-
Hue against him , which is most im-
Kobable , he feels certain that he will
ibtain the nomination. Senator
tilainowill probably leave for Chicago
in Friday or Saturday. A meeting of
31alno men inthii city was held last
ivoning in Fifth Avenue hotel. The
ast of the delegation will leave on
Mayor Kallocli Case Dismissed ,
[ pedal Dispatch to The Cec.
SAN FRANCISCO , May 28. Nothing
ret has been received from Sacramento
ioncerning Kearney's case , but the
> elief prevails ihat the correct news
iirculated yesterday was the meeting
n the temple to rejuico over the dis-
nissal cf the proceedings of Kalloch.
? ollowing is the language of the
ipinion sustaining the demurrer :
'The scope and purpose of the act of
L873-4 was to provide a sum-
nary" remedy for the removal
> f public officers guilty of
ion-performance or malfeasance
n office in the course of their official
luties and not otherwise. The sec-
ind act charged against respondent
ras not committed by him in the
sourse of his official duties as mayor ,
) ut as a private citizen , and we there-
ore decide that it is not within the
Qoaning or the operation of the slat-
ite for mischief against which it so
arefully provides. Demurrer must
ic sustained and proceedings dismiss-
id and so ordered. Upon the con-
lusion of the reading of the opinion
ho spectators , who crowded the court
com , applauded.
Sioux City and. Pacigc.
lerald Special.
FEEJIONT , May 27. At the meeting
ield here of committees from Lincoln
ind Wahoo with that of this ciiy , in
sonference with the officials of the
atom City and Pacific railroad , over
m extension of the road to Wahoo
and Lincoln , it was agreed to furnish
tha right of way to the Platte river.
It was also agreed to give fifteen
thousand dollars for a free bridge , and
forty thousand dollars for shops for
the road.
An Honest Contest Resulting
In a Victory for the
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON' , May 27 1 a. m.
The Hanlaii-ltiley race is over , and
Haulon won. It was not a fizzle this
time , but an honest race , anda close
one for two miles. The American
was fairly and squarely out rowed. At
half-past 5 sharp , a puff of white
smote and a sharp report pro
ceeding fron'tho east side of the wharf
notified all interested to get ready ,
and the customary bustle of prepara
tion began. The press boat dropped
away from her moorings and slowly
steamed toward the start. At five
minates of G o'clock it was announced
that it was time for the men to come
out. At G o'clock precisely a start
was inide. It was not a good start
for Eiley ; the delay and anxiety h.ul
unnerved him just the least bit.
Ho certainly made a bad st.trt. Ho
spurted 3G , 37 , 38,39 and 40 strokes
to the minute , Han Ion pulling S strokes
less. Riley meets with a second mis
fortune , his right hand outpulling hia
left and tliu prow of his boat eoon
headed into the clustering boat ? . At
last ho noticed that something wa ?
wronp , looked backward and turned
sharply toward the centre of the
stream , but he had lost a length and
more of precious space. He was evi
dently fluttered and a trifle angry as
ho started another spurt. Again he
pointed fur the shore ; another sharp
bend , and Hanlau was two lengtl's
ahead. He pulled hard and steered
splendidly , going straight for his ttaka
boat. The sympathies of the crowd
wore c'early ' with Kiley , and they
cheered him again and again , but ho
could not regain his losses.
At the outcome the rival oarsmen
ran their shells alongside and shook
hands. Riley took his defeat gooc
naturedly and in a manly fashion said
"I did my best to win but ! could nol
catch him. " He says Hanlon is the
best oarsman in the world. Kiley
broke his foot strap which caused some
wild steering.
New YorS Money and Stock.
NEW YORK. May 27.
MONKY . 4(23 (
0.a.OaiKai . „ . It9 }
a. 8. Cs , Now . . " . . . ' . . . _ 10SJ
U.S. percent . _ . 107J
Rock Jrliad . 139 }
Illlnos Central . _ .102 }
C. B. &Q . 116J
New. Turk Central- . 125 }
L ko Shore . t . 1 ± H
&I1 * ) . . . . . . _ - . - . . . t2tj
Erie preferred .
Northwestern . 91 i
Northif eirtern preJ oired . . . . . . _ _ 107 j
3t FC1 . . . 711
St. Paul preferred . _
Wab-wn , St. Loniaand Pacific. .
preferred .
Han. &St. Jo .
Han. A St. .To , pt'tl .
Kansas & Texas . . . 29 |
Union Psciftc . . . . 83
Central Pacific . 3JJ
Northern Pacific . . . 2.\\ \
do preferred .
Weirtsrn Union Tele raph . . .
Pacific Mail .
U. P. Land Gnats .
Drliware k IIuJjou . . . . . C8 !
C.C. &I.C . ll |
DcUviare & Lackawana . 74 }
Michigan Central . 7U
Ohio & Missi3.ippi . 26 $
SV bash . 31i
ilo p-cferrcd 67J
St. Psa ! i , Siout City 374
iron Mountain . 10
Chicago Produce.
CHICAGO , May 27.
Pork For June , § 10 00 ; for July.
Lard For July , § 660 asked ; for
August , § 6 G2\ .
Corn For May , 37c ; for July 36c.
Wheat-l 04 for June ; § 1 CO * for
Wheat For May , § 1 131 ; J n ° .
31 04A ; July , ? 1 01.
Com For May , 38. } c ! June , 3Cjc ;
July , 30jSc ; August , 3Gic.
Oats For May , 33 c ; June , 31c ;
luly ,
Ilye Nominal ; 80c cash.
Barley Nominal ; 76c cash ; extra
No. 3 , tioc cash.
Pork For June , § 10 02J@10 05 ;
? 10 15 bid for July ; § 1025 bid for
Lard For June , § 055 ; July , § G 571
36 GO ; August , § G G2i6 65.
Bulk meats Loose and nominal ;
eng clear cuts , § G 30 ; short rib ,
; G 10 ; sides , Ci 00.
S. P. Hams 15 Iba average , 8J@
New York Produce.
NEW YORK , May 27.
Wheat No. 2 spring , May , § 1 15 ®
L 30 ; Juno , § 100 bid ; No. 2 May ,
Jll @l 24 ; No. 1 white winter , May ,
J128A@129J ; June.Sl 25i@l 25 ] ;
Jfo. 2 red wfnter , May , § 1 4l ; June ,
51 27 ; July , § 1 1G@1 17.
Corn May , No. 2 , 55c ; June , 5
iljc ; July , 4949ic ; August ,
Oats No. 2 mixed , May ,
I7ic : June , 3940c ; July , 39040JC.
Exports Wheat , 118,762 bu. ; com ,
Freights by etcamer Grajn to Liv-
srpool , 4 charters Cork for orders 4@G ,
lircct ports U. K. 4@3.
Chicago Live Stocii Marset ,
Cattle Receipts about 5000 head ;
narket dull ; eitra graded and export
teers , § 4 6034 70 ; prime to extra
hipping , § 4 35@4 50 ; good to choice
latives , § 4 10@4 35 ; fair to medium ,
? 3 90@4 10 ; stockers , ? 3@3 35 ; bulls
ind stags. § 2 50 < g3 50.
Hos Keceipts about 18.0CO head ;
: ommon to prime light , § 4 05 to § 4 25 ;
iornmon to good heavy picking , § 4 00
Sheep Receipts , about 600 ; shorn ,
S3 80 for best grades.
St. Louis Live Stoct Market.
Sr. Lotns , May 27.
Cattle Quiet and unchanged ;
: hoice to fancy shipping steera , § 4 50
36 00 ; fair to good , § 4 10@4 40 ;
jutchers' steers , S3 80(34 ( 00 ; grass
Cexans , § 2 503 50 ; wintered do. ,
? 3 00@3 60 ; cows and heifers , § 2 75 ®
5 25. Receipts , 1,000 head.
Sheep Steady and unchanged ;
: lipped , § 2 25@4 00 ; woojed , § 3 50 ®
> 50.
A Frenzied Forger Attempts to
Kill the Witnesses Against
A Small Blaze in. the Kansas
City Stock Yards ,
Fire in the Stock Yards.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
KANSAS CITY , May 27 , 4 p. m. The
hay barn and grain bins of the Kansas
City stock yard company burned this
morning. The alarm of fire was given
at 8:10 : , to which the fire department
responded promptly , but the buildings
being very dry and well filled
with hay , the lira was beyond
control within ten minutes from the
discovery of the firo. The fire was
communicated to the fences of the
stock-yards and considerable damage
done. There were also several cars
standing on the side-tracks which
were tadly scorched. The damage to
the stock-yard company is estimated
at 52230 covered by insurance.
A Forger's Frenzy.
Special Dispatch to The BHI.
CuAULEhTON , S. C. , May 27 i p.
m. In couit yestciday afternoon a
mau named Wood wn found guilty of
forgery. Immediately he whipped
out a revolver and fired at two of
the principal witnesses against him ,
wounding one of them.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
WASHINGTON , May 28 1 a. m.
For the upper Mississippi and lower
Missouri valleys : Falling baromater ,
warm south to west wids , clear or
partly cloudy weather.
Eilect of Whisky Bill.
S | > oclal illsjutcli to TIiolcc.
NEW YOUK , May 28 , 1 a. m. It is
estimated at the internal revenue of-
fica that the Carlisle whisky bill will
reduce the receipts of revenue over
§ 2OC3OCD. Tha president signed it
Sentenced For Life.
Special Dispatch to TUB BBS.
SimEVurouT , May 28 , 1 a. in.
The judge yesterday refused a new
trial for .Robert Brown , convicted of
murder , and ho was senUnced to the
penitentisry for life.
Found Crowned.
Special dispatch to Tha Bee.
DETROIT , May 28,1 a. m H. Rob
inson , of Detroit , who has been misting -
ting several wceks.was found drowned
in the river to-day. Ho was a well
known business mau of moderate
Price's Lf st Hopo.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , May 28,1 a. m. The
rospitj of Goo. Price hai not arrivrwi.
The sheriff says that if it does not get
here ho will hang him as ordered by
the sent cue 3 of the court. It will
probably reach hero to-night or in the
Kearney Released.
Special Dispatch to the Bee.
SAN FRANCISCO , May 28. Yester
day evening the supreme court ren
dered a decision rcleas'ng Kearney.
Judges Myrick and Morrison dissent
ed. Kearney is still in the house of
correction , PS the pipers cannot reach
here till noon to-morrow.
Base Ball.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
The [ following games of base ball
were played May 27th :
TROYN. , Y. Troye , 2Bosonf- ; .
BUFFAI-O , N. Y. Buffaloa 0 ; Chi-
cages , 11.
PROVIDENCE , R. I. Worcestcra , 1 ;
Providence , 4.
Colliding Cars.
Spccl-xl Dispatch to Tin BKI.
DETROIT , May 28 , 1 o. m. Two
Freight trains collided near Bale
Ireck ! last night on the Chicago and
[ Jrand Trunk railroad. The damage
is estimated at $15,000. The loss Is
mostly on grain aud corn cars. The
accident is attributed to the careless
ness of ono of the conductors.
Special DUrpatch to The Bee.
DETROIT , Mty 28. 1 a. m. George
Wood who killed James Farrier , near
Harwell , a few days ago , has been ac
quitted on the ground that Farrier
: orccd the fight and would have killgd
Wood had he not dealt his assailant
the fatal blow.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , May 28 , 1 a. m. Sig-
lor Farini has been elected president
of the Italian chamber of deputies.
Unity Is Strength.
Special Dispatch to TUB liitn.
SPRINGFIELD , May 28,1 a. m. The
writing paper association voted to
maintain the present schedule of pri
Payingtdo Wages.
Special.Dispatcn toThe Bee.
PiTT&KUno , May 28 , 1 a. m. The
receieer ) cf the Philadelphia & Reari
ng compiny have been granted an or-
ier authorising them to borrow $1-
100,000 for the payment of the wages
of employes.
} ho Comot'a Work.
Special Dispatch to the Bee.
NEW YOUK , May 28 , 1 a. m. In-
.ausely . hot weather continues. Sev-
sral cases of sunstroke occurred yes-
, erday morning.
A Delegate From Europe. Di i > atth to Tni Bn.
DETROIT , May 28 , T a. m. James
F. Joy , who heads the Michigan re
publican delegation , arrires from Eu
rope to-in'sht. It will be remembered
that the delegation was requested to
; o for Blaine and assertions have been
made that Mr. Joy is an ardeit Grant
Railroad Collision.
Special DIjpitch to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , May 28 1 p. m. A
train , with a picnic party on board ,
on the C. , I. St. L. & I. railroad , col
lided with a switch engine near this
city last evening. Both engines are
total wrecks , but no one was injured
to any great extent.
St. liouls Produce.
ST. Louis , May 27.
Wheat Unsettled ; No. 2 red,81 lOi
@ 1 11 for caah ; 1 10 | for May-
Si 021 03 | for June ; 93j@93.Jc for
July ; 90Zc for August , No. 3 do ,
SI 02.
Corn Slow ; 3. > @ 3Go forcuh357c ;
for May ; 34J@3J.Jc for June ; 3lie
for August.
Oats Dull ; 31jQ31c for cash ; 31 | c
for Hay ; 30 030Jc for June.
Rye Lower ; 81c.
Whisky § 1 08.
Pork Dull ; § 10 25 bid for csh and
Dry Saltad Meati Nominally un
Bacon Nominally unchanged.
Lard-6 50.
Water Worfca.
A special meeting uf iho city coun
cil was hold at ono o'clock yesterday
afternoon at the ollicu of PreaUltml
BoyiL. Present , Moasra. Kaufman ,
KeUnixrd , Uwldh , Iloruberger am
The report of coimltiug Engineer
L D. Cook was ordered printed nu
the city attorney imtnicttd to
up an ordinance iu cimformly wit il
and present at next Tuesil.iy night.
The council then drove over to
South Omilu to look overtliu ground
with a view of relocating the hydrants
in that part of the city.
Bryan , Texas , Jane 11,1879 ,
J. C. Ridiardsou , St. loulu Dear Sin
My boy , 'A years old , luul fe er - > ery
other tiny , or eiery third day , foruhnut
2 months. I usf < l 11 * much'A crninit
of Uuiniae during Hie diiy , but with no
effect ; trird Ciiirlionin ( alkaloidMiljili.
Cinchonidin , bnlacimetc. . , etr.Iiut I IIP
boygotwonenll thetlnic. Irvluctnnlly
sent donn to my ttruK store for jour
I'eurtfiiK'Nnnil I ivrUo just to nny that he
never hud nHymptorn of fe er after rom-
Tnenclnc Febrifuge , to date , heinfr now
over fttnont-h ago. I fed that I ouch t to
say this murh Iu behalf of yo r mpilirlnr.
Am a regular 31. ! > . , but retired from
practice 3 years nco and devoting my
time to ilruir biulneioi.
Verf rcn'octfully ,
Stockton , Mo. , Aaff. 35th , 1870.
.T. O. KlchnnMon , St. T.oulf-DrarSlr :
Clifford's KebrlfUKO is the best thing for
Chill * and Fever that we hare pier
handled. There never IIM been n raio
that was NOT cured by it Mint xrn * taken
according to directions in this part oj
the country. Yours truly ,
JUAOE & BUTCEEIX , Drnggljts.
Chilli cothc , Mo. , July 301879.
J. O. Richardson , St. XrfMiis My Dear
Sir : Hero 1 something ; reliable ; it Jon
call make any use of it pleaaadoso. AVe
hnvo sold hundreds of bottles wlUi like
results. Tourtriends.
Iloyco Ss Ostrander.
This 1 * to certify tl-at I had the XVror
and AKUO 1IU iimmer nml Uio u of
one-third of n bottln < > C CllfTortl'a 1'rtirl-
fuge promptly cured it. It 10 the speed !
eat cure I bare knovrii of.
OfflcoofU.S.NovelryMfr.Co. ( ,
New Tort City , August 2,1878.
My Dear Sirs For o ver two years I have
had Fe er anil Ague , and after trylnK
every tiling I toolc one-halt bottle of
Clifford's Febrlfuco , and it cured mo
permanently. I believe my cn e would
hava been fatal had I uot found this as
I did. Yours truly ,
n. w. POOI ,
Manager "U.S. N.aifgCo. "
F. P. Kloc.Ir. IGth St.
Fr ? h anj Salt Meats o all kinds constant
on bund , prices rcnaoiiabl * . Vc etablea in seas
on. Food delivered to any part ot Uio city.
23-It Ml M > rth Ifith 8t
Has ( rat rccrircila lot of Spring > ; oo.j. | You
ro invited to call and it' pnco , which lie
uarantcca the low tat in the city
miff * 1220 KARNIIAW STT.KnT.
One Night Only ,
Friday , Ilay28l& > 0.
ISO t-au-Iis m ISO Jlinutci.
rho creates ! living DM Man Character Actor ,
KnJorseJ tiy | 1i jircrs anil pull ic 03
the only true representative of
The New England Fanner ,
In his grint character creation of
"Alvin Joslin , "
Supported by tlic Kraotional Attrtss ,
And a powerful Diamati : Company. The pee
ple's p ay. Til r co bouri of continue. n fun.
Pi evented with new and bcau'.i.'jl scenery.
General tclmisaion , 50 ind 75 cents ; Keserved
seats , $1.00 , now on ! ae at Ilub.nninn's jewelry
Doors oprn at 7:15 ; commence at 8.
B. S. CKiN'E , Business Han ? cr.
U. It. 1CEE.1IEK ,
iVhoIcsale Dealer in Foreign and Domesti
fruit. Butter , EW , Poultry , Came , Hams. Ba
ron. Lard. Fresn Fiah , and Agent ftr BOOTH'S
JYSTEKS. no 2m
16th and Cuming Sts ,
We propose supplying the
people of North Omaha -with
erate prices. Give us a call.
. paid for Country Pro
duce. Goods delivered free to any
part of the city. . ap7-lm
JtLACKS Ac , ,
than they were ever offered
< > U Jtt
Is Unsurpassed , containing all
Noicllirs of ( he Season ,
from the cheapest to the finest
Dress Fabrics
is now the most
Complete in the City.
Remember we sell' for
CASH ONLY , and by
so doing we undersell
ait. .t
Leaders fn
1522 & 1525
Successors to
Cash Price List
10 Bs Standard ASupir Jl 00
lOJEj entiaC'Sugar ' 1 00
11 Ibs C buiar i o )
9 Bis granulated Sugar. . . l 00
Sin * Cut Loaf Susrar l 00
3 } tt < a Powdered Mujrar 1 CO
6 Itisgnoj Rio Coffee 1 00
6 Its extra choice Itio Coffee l 00
4J It * Costa Rica Coffee i on
3 ttp very bcslOQ Java l oo
SlbsMoch 100
Grans Pucbcj. „ . l 03
10 Ibs Valencia RaigliM 1 00
lOltochoice frmifs l oo
4 lln Pitted Clieniei 1 00
10 Ibs Mich'gan Uricd Apples 1 00
13IU ) dried Cnrrantf. . . . 1 00
20 bars White KnsLv Soap. . . , 1 00
101b Proct < r& Gambles Soap 1 00
10 Ibs Uoblns blcctric Saip l 00
17 Ibs cheiceSoJa Crackers. . . . 1 00
17 Ibs choice Ojster Crackers 1 00
llllis Ginctr Snaps l 00
11 Ibs Oat Crackers l 00
U I b * Iot ton Cracker * l 00
7 Ibs Jnmh'cs l CO
UJlhs Hcans l oo
35 Ibs Hominy l | Q
25 Ibs Oat Meal l 00
ISlbsS lit Peas l 00
11 Ib < * Carolina Kico. l 00
' ' ' ' "
9'lbsS.ifo . . . I V )
14lbsB rIty l 00
12 Its Miien IJlrd b d 1 00
7 3-tticiiHStinilanlTonia < > as 100
9 2 C > rani SUn.l.anl Tomatyes 1 00
SSD.cann rcirhes 1 00
S'--tt , can Cora l 03
72-HicanitCln.rrei. . . . . 1 CO
(5 ( 2-lt. cans Yarmouth Corn 1 00
7 1-Hi etna Burnham It Murnll. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00
fj HmP.ikinirPomler 1 o
Pure Maple Mjrup per gallon l 11
> mbtr White 70
BcHt New Orleans S > nip. . . . . . . 7 ! >
U vxl New Url.ajm lIoU-so ) a
( Formerly of Glah A Jacobi )
tfo. 1 i 17 Farnlnm fit. . Old Stand of Jacob Cla
Ear Diseases
Dr. C. E. Shoemaker ,
The tiell known Anral fcur.'fon , of Rem.linjr. Pa. .
MlioIinsUenin the m dca. : ( irofenion orerao
} * sr , k-ivcsALI , his time MCLUaiVELT. to
the triatmeiit of dcadiem and diseues of the
tar and catarrh lion ids a valuable little book
uf tn i-a rj on the treatment of these duesr * .
FrSETOALL. This booi g.vcs referenteVind
le imonj.s that will la'ii/y the most skeptical ,
lie ii ls author of a wof k of 375 pages. oitaTo.
i.n these di-a e and their proptr treatment.
I'rico * . ' . by mall. No family hould be without
icr.pyot this TjloaWe book. It wUI site suf-
"im&f l JJ-n4 hearlf nd doctor's fees. DR.
? # ttlnlj' for the " ° ' R"N-
NI.NQ hAKS , U nni er | kno Itd d by
physicians and the public in ? enetal. as the only
truly relKble remedy for the cure of Uiis loathe-
Mmedbeue. It h hMmles * . plourant and reliable -
liable , and will cure almost ny ca e , eren ot
lortr or fifty years at-ndlnif. AH bad inull and
unpleasantness of the disease InsUntlyremored.
ind the hearing in .rojl cases greaUy ImproTed
permanently Pricf | S. Ill j . R. Ih. whol
ale ana retail dealer in drags , medicines and
rarsicmi instruments , 1311 Firnbam ureet ,
Oalah- ;
Contractors and Builders ,
1310 Dodge St. , Omah * .
or TUB
7:10 o'clock A. ic 10SX ) o'clock A.X.
3:00 : o'clock r. J . 630 o'clock r.X.
8.00 o'clock r. * . 10KX ) o'clock r.K.
Fare J5