THE DAILY BEE. Thursday Morninpr , May 27. | THE OMAHA DAILY BEE Eervtd to rabicriberi by carrier to any j I orto the dty. ererr day , Sundays exccpvcd at CI Item eenU per week. Any comptints ! boul irreguiarltics , or Im ] proper ddlrery ot the paper , If addressed to this office will receive prompt attention. TE > OXAHA DAILY Bu will bo mailed to Bab- cnben at the following rates , payable Invar- ably In advance : * 8-00 per num ; * t.OO ill taonths. Tui OMAIIA WKKLT Ks J2.00 per rear. rear.THI OMAHA DAU.T Bus has by ar the larpcst circulation both in Omaha and abroad , aj > d is therefore the lient and cheapest advertising medium. , tary and Cotnmercuil Jtrporlt , Railroad ann BKhVITIES , L'aterson sells coal. Additional local on first page. Try Haxe'a Royal Crown Cigar. The river is raising rapidly. Root Beer and Ginger Ale at S&xe's. One drunk yfslerdsy at police court. Forty-four Montana emigrants want wcbt in IwtnigW.s train. Try Saxe's little Key Weal C'- gar , lOc. Three lucheicf rain fell Tuihday night and there is a happy prot poet for more. Soda at Sax-a'e pure fruit syrups. Go to FredericV , the Leadirj , Hatter , for best RCOS and lowezt prices. ma)2Gtf Forty Chinamen bound for 'Fiisco pissed through tbe city Ust night on their way west. The chapter of Trinity cathedra held a meeting yes'erdsy ' morning at 10 o'clock and adopted i et > ortg to the an nual council. NOTICE ; If Sir. A. G. Schimmer horn , the "literary fiend" wll cll e THE BBE oince he will find ? 2 await inj [ hit order. The Smith Bns. are creating three large brick tto'ei on Tent ! street in the rear of the new Topple ton block. Tha dram * Reward , which will be r produced by Coin , any G fit the Academy of Mu ic on June 2,3,4 anc 6 , will contiin in its casta the Vest amateur ta'ent ' of ourcily. The b'ossed rain fell heavily TneaJny evening verifying Professor Tice'slttett predict ions that "dwing M y or Juno win would Ml in the n r.hwcet. Tica hit it forcn-c. Those of my friends and custom ers wi hmg cut flowers for Saturday , will please lea'ie orders bsfoie Friday. E. C. EKFLINO , Florist , Cor. Elcvi nth and Leavenworlh. President Boyd j ea' erday recaived n diipatch from Etiginenr J. 1) . Cook , iuformiug him that he would be in this city on Thursday. It is prjbable that n I'peci-l mcoting of the c'ty council will then le held t ) discuss water works. Dr Mumry , lUsDr. Oliver Hub- bud , has sk'pped from Da\enporr , Ja. , deserting his young wife at that I'Hco. It is authentically reported that ha has another dcseitoi wife at Warren , Mo. , whom ho married in Indiana some years since. The doc- t"r is a bad eig. ; Mr. T. A. McSbano has opened n now grocery aloro on the southwest corner of Twenty-third and Ctiming street- . The locaton is an oxrcllcnt < > ii3 for businofs , and as Mr. McShane lus plenty of capital and business push , no doubt ho wiUdo a successful luiiness.- " Saleslady , trimmer , two apprentices and a nune-girl can find employment by cilling early at Atkinson's m llin- cry establishment. We have to note the first importa tion into Onnha of tooth-brushes , Kuhn & Go. having had a large as sortment of brashes nude to order in London. Every brush is warranted. The Chicago and Northwestern rail way will sell round trip tickets at txccB&ioN BATES from all of ita sta tions to Chicago and return for the National Republican Convention , to I o held in Chicago , June 2. Tickets will "bo told May 30 to June 1 , inclusive ; good to return till Juno 5. m24t3 German lecture of Mr. Robert Rcitzil , the eminent thinker and lec turer , at Metz ball , on Thursday , May 27 , at 8J o'clocK. Subject : "Tri umph of Natural Science. " 2Ct2 GENTS' Elegant Neck-Dressing , Just received , at L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS. Office , ot three rooms with constant supply of soft water , to rent , iu the Cruickshank block. m21eodtf COMMON LUMBER HAS DECLINED IN THE EASTEUN MARKETS , WE AHE NOW SELLING : Frrming Lumber , 18 feet and under. § 18 00 So. 2 Fencing 19 00 Ho. 1 Fencing 21 00 No. 2 Sheeting , dressed. 16 50 Ub. 1 Sheeting , dressed. 18 00 First Common Board 20 00 Wo are keeping up the high stand ard of grades for which this yard his a well established reputation , and will continue to make as low prices ai any ' yard maintaining the same standard of . . ' grade. FrrL s. & GRAY. may20tf _ m SPECIAL. We are now prepared to furnish regularly , once or twice a wtek , the finest special dairy and creamery but $ ter , and will guarantee &jirst-clats ar- iide at the lowest prices , quality con- tldend. Parties taking regularly can flepend on getting the same when great scarcity occurs , in preference to gI ] others. War. FLEMING & Co. m25tm31 CRACKSMEN'S SKILL , A Brace of Professionals Burglarize - glarize Lewis Brashs * Clothing Store. Effecting Entrance Through the Floor of the Building. A Neat Job. Omaha seems to hive become the centre of operations of a gang of sneak thieves , burglars and bilks which for four months pwt have bein conducting their schemes of plunder in our midst undisturbed and undo tccted. Hardly a week passes in which our local columns are not called upon to chronicle some job perpstrated by thtss daring deiporadoes who in almost every case get away with the "a wag" having no trace behind them of their whereabouts. Tueaday night one of the most dar ing pieces of burglary perretra'ed for some time past in our city was accom- pli-hcd on the store of Mr. Lewis Brash on the 11 > rtkwi t cornsr of Farnham and Twelfth streets. At a lit'lo before nine o'clock Mr. Brash Icckcd hia store leaving the ligh's buruiug , the window shades ( n Farn ham street drawn up and alltn'rances securely fastened Yentorday morning ; t was discovered thdt the store had bjin entered ; thoroughly rifled and over ? COO worth of plunder safely carried off. off.To To understand the manner in which the job was done , it is nccessry lo explain - plain the sUuation and fiUllIIonxIHNOS OF TUB BUILDING. At the rear of Mr. Braih's s'ore , and opening into it by a large door which ie usu illy kept locked on the in- sideis Mr. Robert Stein's barber shop , From the door to the front of Mr. Brash' * store , a long counter runs a'ong the Twelfth street wall , at the south end ot" which the show window looks out on Fanum street. Two hrge gUsi dorw immediately adjoin , giving at nil hours a full arid unob structed view of the interior , and di- reclly ia fiont is a small nickel-plated show caar , which last evening was filled with filk scarf * and handker- chiofa. .The sidewalk on Twelfth street is planked , but at the lower part of Mr. Bntsh'd bull ling , near the en trance to tbe barber shop , a trap door in ( ho planking gives ace .SB to a cis tern iindernist'i. It wa3 at this point thai the burgLus ob'air.ed entrance to the ttro by A MOST SKII.LUL PIECK OF WOKK. Probably during the heavy rain which fell in tLo'y part of the inor.iing , two men stola up Thirteenth street to the dcor leading to the cntern. Oiu lowered himtelf down , and craw li"g loTig the ground under the (1 ( or bt-ama , located himself at a pom * , i onio fifty five feet along the wall , whe.i lying on hia back he quickly cut a hole in the floor by mojus of a br.ico r.ud n half inch bit. The open ing tiii. 0 WHS a small one , nut more tlunafoit Miuro , but the place wai evidently fe'eUd bjforohand with gre-U cans. The hole in the floir open ed directly beh'iid the long coun'cr , thus protecting the pirty from detec tion as he era * led up through it into the a tons. The f ize lends one to sup pose tliat either a icry small man or a boy niado hn wiy through at first , leaving his fellow cracksman to stand gusrl ag-unst intruders. Foot prints in the damp ground below also support this theory , showing the 1m preesit n of two S'ZJB of feet , and the uwrks of tbe back of n largo man , who doubtless di i the cubing. Entrance once gained , the first care of the burglar was to provide a means of realy exit. Creeping lo the rear of the store , ho Grat proceeded to un lock the door leading into Mr. Steia's barber thop , and then to opan the shop door which opens on Twelfth street. This dene , and his compan ion in crime admitted , the succeeding work was easy. IUFI.INO TUB STOKE. The jewelry cases in the long coun ter were first explored and all the ex pensive ring * , scarf pins , studs , &c. , carefully assorted from the cheaper kinds. A valis3 stolen from the shelves received the plunder. The trays after bjirg emptied of their con tent ; , were carelessly thrown under the counter , and an investigation was nest made of the silk handerchief stock , which was completely cleaned out and packel away. Hero the bur glars seo-n to have become bold , and abandoning all caution , they deliber ately proceeded to rifle the scarf case , which stood directly before the Farn- liitn street doors in full view from the aidewalk and with all its outlines thrown Into bold relief "by a gas jot burning br'ghtly above it. Four dozen handsome Windsor scat fa were taken from the case and stowed away , after winch the nnrauders , having all thay could conveniently carry , made up their minds to leave. On their way out they stopped long enough in Stein's barber shop to pack up twenty- ono razors , belonging to the proprie- : or , which they carried off , closing the outer door behind them. The whole job was , without doubt , planned dayj before ita commission. The night was espea : % f ivorablo , the rain falling heavily and the noise of .he shower effectually drowning all lounds inside the building. Every indication points to the fact tint no novices engineered the burj ; ! ry. The itudied manner in which the hole was cut just where it was most convenient and inconspicuous , the care taken to have ready exit in case of surprise ali show the experience of old hands. TOE LOSS. Mr. Brash places his loss at over $600. Thirty dozen silk handkerchiefs valued at § 300 , over § 200 woith of jewelry besides 4 dozan silk scarfs acd articles of smiller valu9 and two * > > * u uAAtA valuej were the results obtained the burglars BO faraa can now ba as- certotned. None of tha large stock of rcadj made clothing wai taken , it be ing probably to bulky. He CLUES TO THE THIEVIS. M a little after BU o'glcck yeetcrd y R morning two men were seen on foot , Inking northward towards Blair , above Florence. Ono carried a valise , | .he other had nothing in hia hands. ( Officer Spears started out this morn ing on the scent , and will work it for all it is worth. About the same time two men , one of medium height , the oilier much smaller , crossed the ferry , each c irry- Ing valises. Officer Jacobion was detailed to fenct out tlu matter , and is now in Council Bluflj Investigating it. It is to bo hoped for the credit of our city that the burglars will be captured. Tharo is already teD rau h cunp'atnt among our citizens at tha seeming laxity of our police force iu mailing arrests. On the other haul , member * of the force ara sail to complain that it docs no good half the time to a-r st t1 o parties , as the police judge inv.i"iab'y lets them off on 1 g'lt sentence. Since we have hid such a nice rain we feel more like business , to now wo are prepared to give some extra bar- iius in all departments. L. B. WILLIAMS fc SON. Everybody invited to visit Bein- dorff & Alauss' ice cream parlors where t' ey will bo served with the brat cream in the city. CLOCKS ! CLOCKS ! CLOCKS ! Edholm & Eiicksxn la\e a large stock of clocks of every ttyle and d'j- scription. Plain c'ocks at.d fccy cocks. Anything you wat.t. 20 2t _ . . . _ How can they do it ? What ? Why make thoeejjlegmt pants to order for Five ( ? 5.00) ) bill. 2G 3t L. B. WILLIAMS & SON'S. PERSONAL. PABAOEAPP8. Hon. T. AI , Alarqujtte oinie in yesterday from Lincoln. Deputy Alarshal D. B. Ball loft yes terday noon for the west. J. C. Blackman , U. P. agent at Fremont , went homo yesterday ncorf. Bishops O'Connor and Sp ullirg went out yestjrday to Grand Llind. Captain Bowman , U. S A. wcit out ( o Cheyenne on the n > on tn-iu yea e day. Levi Carter was n passenger on tbe overland ( rain yo terdy boucd for Ogden. 0. A. Pardoa , gnuMl western trav eling agent of the Grand Trunk line , is in the city. Councilmans etheiiEonhf yusler-lay for Idaho to look after bis stage inter ests in that section. Zach. Taylor has lift for Dakot ? . This will bo interesting news to many of Air. Taylor's fricnl * . ConductorW.A Kell yloftyosterdny for Giand Islaud as a witrois in the Lawrence poisoning case. D. W. Hitchcock , genorfl pasienger agentuf the C. , B. &Q. railroad , ac co-upamsd by hia wife and family left yesUrdiy for San Francisco. The followingnrj amcngtheartivals at the Aletropolitin hotel : 0. C. Haruil'oAIilvaukeeR. ' ; . H. Clifford , New York ; Juo. W. Williams , Sivn Franciso ; Alra.P. Detlen , ButteCit } ' , Alt.Goo. ; E. Atweler , Decitur , III. ; N. B. Putnam , B. & AI. R. R ; R. R. Adler , Roc'i Island , Illinois Wm. Richmond , Chicago ; J. S. Aley- er , ElmGrov. ' , Mo. ; Ala rk Meyer , do. ; Z. Street , PJat'smouth ; J Ryan , Co lumbus ; J. W. Carpenter , Chicago ; H. W. Curaniiuus , St. Paul ; A. J. Reed , Fal'sCity , Neb ; H. AI. Lake , Boston ; n. A. Fishcr , Grinnell , la. ; E. K. Laton , City ; W. R. Rult , Sioux City ; AJ. E. Davis and wife , do. , AI. S. Alarquis , New Castle , Pa ; Jas. A. Riy , do. ; AI. AI. Bump , do. ; B. ali- Croary , do. ; J. Bemis , Des Aloines. For the b.V. Ice Cream , spiludid L Water Ices and the choicest con fectionary , go to Beindorff & Alauj. Headquattera lor Joe Schlitz's Alilwaukee beer at AIERCIIANTS' Ex- CUANOB , N. E. CerT 16th and Dodge. Laundry work will be collected and delivered by the Omaha Shirt Factory. Leave your address. First-class work guaranteed. McDonald & Harrison have just re ceived this day a case of Linen and Alohair Ulster * , ranging in price from $1.00 to 10.00. Lawn Suits , Linen Suits , Percale Suits , Cambric Suits , Stuff Suits , Black Silk Suits , Summer Silk Suits , Colored Silk Suits thous ands to chc-sa from and prices to suit the time' . All ' goods guaranteed as represented. Ca'l ' and examine be fore purchasing material. No charge for alterations. The second and last concert of Alay festival this evening at the Baptist church. The young men of Qmaha are be ginning to realisa that the best place to lay in a stock of fine neckwear , fancy hosiery , white and colored d'c-s shirts , summer underwear , ttc" is at L. B. Williams & Sons , became they don't ask' the exorbitant prices of the furnishing goods dealers. 2613 The Holy Eucharist will bo csle- b.-ated this morning at 7:30 in St. Barnabas church. Vcspera will bo said at 7:30 : p. m. The Rev. Dr. Balterson , of Philadelphia , will bo the celebrant in the morning , and he will addrew he people of St. Barnabas in the evening on their special work and mission , After vespers Dr. Batterson niU be glad to meet the people of St. B.irnabjs in the rectory informally. Carriage Umbrellas at WoodworthV. New and magnificent Those gold and silver brushes and combs , at Kuhn's , Fifteenth and Druglis. War ranted quadruple plate. 22-Ct Over eighty millions of dnllcrs of usurance capital of the oldest and Test homo and foreign companies rep resented ba the agency of Taylor & Howell. dltHf Coughing in a shady grove , sat his Juliana , Lozenges he gore his love Jpecacuana. About three score and ten , his love out of the box did pick. Then leaning very hard on him , "Dearest I feel sick , " must have been a blamed fool , such remedy to try , When Thomas'Electric 051 , he anywhere . cpnld buy , " ' " in I A j NURSERY OFKNOWLEDGE The Union Catholic Library Association in Working Order. Installation of Officers Musi cal and Literary Enter tainment. For two mouths pitt readers of THE BBE have noticed from time to time calls for meetings of the above named organization then in its incipicncy. The result of thcs9 weekly conferences hag been the cs'abliihmeut if a society with a membership of over one htindi c 1 ladies and gentlemen , for the I purpose of founding a library to con- tan standard wcrlsof refrcnce , his tory , tcienca , the ars ! , and the purest and most elevating works of fiction. Of coutsa all thesi hopes will not be reilwellnadiy , a month , era year. It will tike j oars of p raUtent and un tiring labor , to procure means for the purchase of b.ois , newspapers acd magazines , and m ike th < j association ' room * attractive to all classes. The rooms of the association sro located in the southeast corner of Creighton block , and are the generous ccnlribution of Air. John Cre'ghton , whosa quiet charity .v.d pub'c ! : j benefactions Irs enshrined his name { in the hearts of Omaha popple. Alany I t other gentlemen have bjcn rea-ty handed in pusliiug the association to a . 'substantial ( basis , uniiln'iwits nust ' enthusiastic supporters have more thanrealized their expedatloi > a. A reading room wiil bo immediately prejared , newspapers and magazines procured , and filed , and the room pp ned eve y evening to all who wish to spend a profitable and pleasant hour. hour.Two Two wteks ago Tuesday the first an nual election of officers and managers was held , andTuesdayeveningtbocetO' monies of ins'allation took place , com. prising , as the pro r.mmo following will show , addresses bj distinguished divines , vocal and instrumental music , rca'lint > s and recitations. The officers for the ensuing year are : John A. Creighton , president. W. A. L. Gibbon , first vice-presi dent. dent.Charlca Charlca Hanley , second vico-prcsl d.nt. d.nt.C. C. J. Smyth , Secretary. W. AI. Bushman , treasurer. Board cf AIangeisJohn A. Ale- Shane , ThoB. J. ifitzinorris , E. A. O'Brien , J. A. Whaltn , Airs. Ben GaU gher , John Rush. The loims of the aesjciatioa pre sented ixbri liautacd beautiful app ° ar- anco , thron el with mcmbrs and their guests. An exquisite laso cano py , surmounted by an eule , formed an eli-g-nt background lo the [ resident's cliar. : On ono side cf tbe canopy was a large pi rtrait of Rev. "Bishop O'Con nor , ai.d on Iho other side a large crjyon picture of Air. John A. Croigh- ton. Liigj < ) ! paintings , mt-di'liian . pic'uie. a-id vases of flowers adt-rned the walls. The clergy were we 1 rep- res2i.t-d , h'adid by llie Rev. Bishop and his distinguished guest , Rev. Dr. Spauldili/ , bishop of Pe ria , III. The exercises commerced with a brief address by Bub op O'Connor , wishing thopsjoc'a'ioi ' ' "God speed" in its great work , predicting a brilliant and prosperous future , an I introduc ing Rev. Dr. Spoulding , who had come to Neb r ? ska on a nwsioa cnn- nec'ed with the material welfare of the state. Bishop Spouldi-g pointed out the many benefit" ) ncrnii g ti nil who aval themselves of the advantages cf a well stocked library and reaisrg rocm. The mother church , he said , is now , and always ha * bejn , the nursery of literature , science and the arts , and has naught to dread from the most rigid discussion and examination of its work. In no way can this be done better than by the dissemination of knowledge through libraries , for the morethoroughlythemindistrainedthe more deeper it penetrates the scorning mysteries of science , and irristably recognizes the existence of an infinite God. God.Tho The addrets of the reverend gentle man , of which the above is but a bare outline , was eloquent and beautiful , showing him to be a man of rare schol arly attainments , fine delivery , full , well rounded voice tud commanding appearance. His reputation as an or ator , well established in the west , has been increased , if posnblo , in Omaha , and an effort will bo made to secure him as one of the first lecturers of the librarf c jurcc. Vice-Presidcnt Gibbon , in the ab sence of President Croghtondelivered : "tho inaugural address , giving a detail ed history of the inception of the as sociation , and mapping out its future work. His addroas was full of cheer ing words and eloquent eentcncc3 , part'cularly at the close , whore ho showed his powers of oratory and a discriminating research in the vaults of . The knowledge. association can justly pride itself oa the wisdom of keeping Air. Gibbon near the fountain head. head.Tho The remaining exerclees , in each and every number , were well dehv- ed , and the participants received a full share of merited applauie. Great praise is dua the committee of arrangements and decoration whoso energy and zeal Km the entire source of success of the first inaugural cere monies of the Union Catholic Libra ry Association. Following is the concluding portion of the programme : Piano solo Carnival De Venise VeniseScLulhoff Miss Sadie Riley. Solo Kathleen Mavonrneen Crouch Mrs. Quinn. Beading "Getting lleady for the Train" ' Burdette Miss SUcia Crowley. Zither and Banjo Duet Forget ine not. . Moser Me&srs. J. T. Festner and T. H. Cotter. Recitation Mary Queen of Scots. . . .Bell Mr. Chas. McDonald. Solo The Haunted Stream Barker Miss Mollie Burkley. UeciUt'on lr. Drinkwa er's Oration. . . . .Smith ilr. Wm. MacDairmid. Mr. Martin Cahu , accompaniest The first regular meeting of the as scctation will be teld at the rocm * nest Sunday afternoon at 4 o'c'ock8 Then the standing commit'oej will bo announced and other njcoyary bnsi- ' ' ' ? T The May Festival Concert. Nolwiiha'anding ' the tbraaten'ng rain st Tin , tbo Baptist church was comfortably filled hat evening , the attraction being the long- looked for May festival concert. The p'riuted programme was rendered faithful'y ai.d well. Every number was characterized by that high degree of finish which denotes careful and diligent preparation. The chorus of young voices , fully 200 in number , were provided seats In asortcf ampbitheitro erected in the chaucol. Huffman's orchestra furnished the accompamincnt. Tor want of J spice to make a report worthy of the ' entertainment , wo only mention a few of the most notable and original numbers. The "Bee Song , " of which the i chorus was a prolonged buzz from the little boys , was excellent. The "Farmer Boy , was sung with a whist ling chorus , and was considered by many the best piece of the evening. The eolo by Master Harry McCormack - mack , "Little Brown Eyes at the Window , " seemed to captivate the au dience. Little Harry isn't over nine yoirs old but has a strong and well- trained voice and isn't afraid to use it. lie sang from sheet music , which al most Lid him from view. There are few profoaatomls that can excel his j sinking. i The originality of this programme ( is ; where llu merit lie' , whic'i , of c uirso , was s implemented by the su- pi ior directorship of Profs. Mayer and Smith. There will be an entire change of pr. > Rramme this ovi-n'ng. Tha lEphcopal Council. At 11 o'd-ck this morning the iiii 1 counc 1 of the Diocese cf Ne- Lnska opened its session in Trinity c-thedn-1. The cnmcil airmen wra pr. ached by the Rev. Dr. B t'e-son , < f Ph lidelph'a , after which tha 1 ely communii n was celebrated by Bi'hop Cluk on. The council then orgmizcd for busiro's and jftoa nceai for lunch , nt 3 o'clock the routine was re sumed. Vri ui reports from the tncnty-aiven parshi of the state wera received showing the cl.urch to b > in a flourishing condition. This evening at eiglt o'clock a 10 ceptiou will bo given to the bishop * , clergy and l y deltgjtoi at the resi dence of the bishop on Sr. Mary's av enue , to which the member * cf the different parishes and all friends are cordially invited. Among the prominent visitors pres ent from abroad are Bhbop Whipplo , ( f Minnesota ; Bishop Spalding , of Culor.ido ; Bhhop Vail , of Kansas , and Bishop Garrett , of Northern Texas , wto was formerly rector of Tiinity patbh. Among the ministers from abroad arc the following : Rev. Dr. Runcie , of St. Joseph ; Rev. Dr. Battprson , of Philadelphia ) Rev. Dr. Durlin , ofWisctnsInJ Rev. Mr. Hines , of Elk Point , D. T. ; Revr Dr. Oliver , of Nebraska City ; Rev. Mr. O'Connrll ; Rev. Mr. Green ( colored ) , NebrskCity ; Ilov. Dr. McNannra , Fremont ; Riv. Samuel GoodalCo - hmbus ; Rev. II. C. Shaw , Silver Creik ; Rev. J. W. Grieawood , Hast ings ; Rev. Mr. Hani's , Lincoln ; Rev. W. G. Hawkins , Beatrice ; Rev , J. A. Russell , Falls City ; Rev. Mr. Htliry , Nemaha ; Rev. Mr. Burgcs' , Phttaraouth ; Rev. H. G. S. Young , Crete. A slang phrase Rub with St. Ja- Oil. A. l < . & A. M. Tlie-o will ba a spcaial communica tion of St. Joint's luilqn , No. 25 , Tll'ifiday evening , for work in the M. M. . degree. Visiting 1-rethren are cordially invited. JAS. B. BUUNEB , Master. Murphy fc Lovottjlnc. agency ; old eat citiblisbed agency in this state. apTS-ly Home comforts , moderate rates , Astor House , New York. mlG-lm MLSSINO. A case o constipation by using Hamburg Figs. Real Estate Transfers , 0. 0. Housel and wife and Reuben Allen and wife to A. S. Patrick , q. c. d. , nw no so { sec 9 , tp 15 , r 13 § 462.50. Louisa F. and Charles B. Wells to Felix J. McShane , lot 2 , Griffon & I aic's addition , city of Omaha 5650. J. A. Horbach to C. C. Housel , lot 3 , block 8 , Barker's addition , city of Omaha § 050. Why dose youree vea with nauseat ing medicines , when a purely fruit cathartic will cure you at once Ham burg Figa. Try them. We offer a ftrst-class white Jaun- dried alilrt , with an improved rein forced front , made of Wamsutta mus lin , 3-ply bosom and cuffs , of 2200 linen , at the reduced price of $1.50. The workmanship , fit and style of our shirts aio placed in competition with an d ahlrt sold in Omaha. Wo guaran tee entire satisfaction , or will refund the money. Wo make to order every grade of shirts and underwear , give bettor goods for less money than can bo got elsewhere. Our fancy imported shirtings are of the choicest patterns. In underwear wo ca'tinot be under sold. sold.Omaha Omaha Shirt Factory , 252Farnharo , opuoMto Grand Central Hotol. THE ONLY PUCE WHERE YOB can Qnd a good uaortment of BOOTS AND SHOES At a LOWJKR PIQURS th n t 17 other shoo house In tha city , P. LANG'S , 236 FARNHAM ST. _ LADIES' & GENTS. SHOES MADE TO ORDER 1 perfect flt irturantced. NEW TIME TABLE or TII MAHA AND FORT OMAHA OMNIBUS LINE. OUJLUA. . A10:00 : o'clock . A.K. ' . P" " ' 03) o'clock . r.M. . r. M. TC.-OJ o'clock . r.u SUNDAYS EVERT TWO HOURS. Far . 23 Tents. PIANO TUNING AND REGULATING BY A Competent New York Toner , veEJ } } jndwroUfd. CfJmWtit wv v . _ _ . x kuU ) ct X3uQK STORE. * * A T ( * LA Ppftoffl i proaptlr tttBd' SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Sate , Lost , FonuJ , Wants. Cordin ic. , will b < In serted In thcso columns once ( or TEN CENTS per Hue ; each sabwqnsotlneertlon.FtVE CEKTS per line. Tbe Drat Insertion nercr less tlun TWENTT-K1VK CEMT& TO LOAN-MONEY. TONEY TO LOAN Oa flwt mortRape * im- -LVJ. proved property , iu s-uma of $300 to $5.- 000. Le l intcrea.uid no c-'iiniitijn orbrok' eragc. VA.\15 i. DNYDEB. may2.6t TO LOAN on a prorel sectiritv. MONEY II UARTLKTr , licil Estile Agent , Office 217 south Uth SU &T5 tl rONFT TO LOAN Cad at Law Office L D. L. TUOMAh. KwmH.CrelKhtoii BVk ONEY TO LOAN 1109 Karnhim street. M Pr. Ed xrd LUMIjn.m , > . nov-2X-tf HELP WASTED WANTED A pirl to ilo hojiwwark. Knqu're ' at 1112. South J3t i St , iKtwtcn I'Jia'n ; ami 1'iercc bt . , MKi < DUG JAN. t07 1 WANTED A eoinl Rirl for penciat < rork , f mall family , S. K. cuincr 2 Jd ami Califoanli St . 671 27 A Kill to do hou e w rk by Mrs. WANTED fu'-ny , 730 18th St. , ueirCurctnir. 6 6-27 WANTED A thoroughly competent girl to do Ecnetal liousawor * at 373 GIBS &t. , bot. 19th a ZOlh. Jlo'ercn os required. CGO-iG 4. good button h > Io hv d at WANTED Sttlrt Kaitory.1 r ng simple of work CO ! 27 WANTiD Dining room and Litclitu pirl it rinmctt Ilousa. Cffl-Zjl WAKTE1I Aeo do. ) katTIZAUD'S Falv-e UcHlnurnt. 5 S tf WANTEO-glSCELUNEOUS. M AN WJMT5P-T. ttuk In f 'iUii , D J. Smitli , North Itt'j St. 070-20 THO GOOD BAIIDFRS WANTEU-At Ao. 2 8 mil sttcet , b t. KarnlnmandDim Ias. ccs t J good men , GEOKGE DEI.FEL. , _ . 657-lf W ANTED By a wtni'ii , lilmtiuii as hosc. . Keeper * , ITU Howard slie.t , Intucsu 12tli 1-iili C51-23 W ANTEI * I Irtt c afslnitinew and rotWencc prtpirly in Omahi , with or without ' prices lurKOO llocati nu. i 3j2i1Ct DAVIS * bNYDEB. 'A TED At the Cnij ; ! ton Uouoagood I i he per In Iho LitthcD , mm or Hcniin. C21-tf Nh. DOZEN GOOH TAIU S AVANTED. O Aj.pytoFI'AMt KAiiCE. 157-tf _ NTiCLUGEN E C'FFICE , corner ICJh and DMeupnr' . _ _ 410-tf FOR RENT-HOUSES AND UHD. OUPEN'T Fu iibl cd r > cm In privata real- encc at K2 16th it. , let. Dcd.e and l avenue " OT8-1 F ! l RENT Three ui | er ro m ? , unfurnished , on Doui.Us.trect , gjutn tide , occon-1 door O I hENT-Fun.iihed . room , 13th ut. , let. Jaclson and Jones. 0'.6 20 D' SI ABI E ROOMS PI EASAhTLY LOCAT ED TOil EN'T-At tcuth Ciikt corner of 14th un 1 Cliiogii sinctH , convei en' lo the bual- lies ) p rt of tha city. C59tf T70HRENT A few dwellings and otCce ? . JL majZrdOt DAVIS 4SNYDER. FOR RENT liy Juoc lot. A nice cottagr ai.d sttbic on upp r 1'oiwlns Street , 2 blocks from lostofUci. fuiniro 1210 Faruhun Street. f50 tf Fi K I ENT PimMc room , Jacob' * Block.627tf 627-tf I70lt RENT Furnistieil roonuchcap ; by week J ; or month. Apjly at AMERICAN HOUSE. 498 If FOR RKNT A splendid I holograph Oal err. 71-tt L.B. WILLIAMS&kOS. FOR RENT } of room ECS Fifteenth street Jacob's Block. 'Bring reasonahln 309-t FOR SALE. SALO-N FOR SA1 E At coed lorilion. and good hurine H Fnqu re at Dee olHcc. 653 20 s "T7IOR SAIE Full lot. forth * est comer Farn- L hi in and Oth strett , rpposito U. r. R. R. heioqimrtcn. The best vacant property In Omaha for ally nl olf' a'c ImMne-a nl 32ilft DAVI j A SN V DEtl. FOrt.'AljF Ra ii-e sand rralcncc property In all parts of the ci j Low price ) alij cay icrnis if payment ' nnj 22dOt DA \ IS & SNYDEn. FUR cbtta , { ouf (1) ( ) roohij ahd full lot en Ma on ncnr 1 th street. Only Ihrce ( ) ) bo.l ! > 3 from Union Pac flc & U. 4,31. R. R. dcpo'saml ttrcc ca' . Sl.ifO. Easy terms ma > 22JCt DAVIS &SNYDER. FOR SAW Kcs'dciic-anil full lot , noithweH conn r Uliic-igo and 21stslr-ct. Ono of the best locftiolis ! n nmilidi DA Vis & SNYDER. ORSALE ' and ciuar store , ono block from I'o'totfice. Apply Bee office. H4-31 JAM prcpirtd tn ileliier sottsater loan- part nf the ci > for low pri ea. NI lify by postal or Icavo ordgm at my ll" sc , Tl03. 3fflrT.635tf 635-tf "l OR SALE A hou'8 ith 5 rooms and lot In 1 ; Nelson'M addition. „ Imiuito of Fred. Heni- ro-kson'a meat market , cor. of 16th and Califor nia St9. 621 tf IT'OR PALE House ai d lot , with 94 feet front i' 123 feet deep , And Veil , C'etert , on corner Of Lolviuworth an 24th Sts. S3S-26 TT10R SALE Small Rrtda Imlniaiil In go < il COM- C ditlon. 1) . W. SAXE , corn-r 13th and Farnham. 577-tf MILK Twenty to twenty-four quarts dollar by John T. Paulson. mo nUlLDSRSPLASTfiltERS ANDMASOKS. X Coma bahk sand , grarel for gardens and mouklne sand will he deliten it at short notica. Leaip onlfra t II. Sierts 1414 Firnham , and Charles Brandei , 8'JIJ Farnhdm SU. HANB BOCK , Successor to Charles Daniel 652 tf T7IOR SALE Cottonwo- lumber of all slzesat REDMON'D'S , SIxteenlh-st. 516 tf E OR SALE A mall-dwelling house , next to O. Bj Collins residene , corner 19h ! and Capitol AvcnUo. f of ihfofmatiBn call at 0. H. 4 J. S. COLLINS. 131 Faruham Btnet. 605-tf F OR SALE Uood hduso and lot. wltn t good well , corner 14th ana Tierce Streets , fin- -f ot Fretl Lapg. fe OE1P. JSMtn 77 OR5ALE AOrutMUL Applyat AI 472-tf I. . B WILLIAMS & SDK. FOR SALE A New American Senloe M - ClilhU Ih ( rbdd coHUiVmn , tvilli allaltach- hlents. llu tc sold befor * the 16th of May. For Information apply at ATKI.NSON'SMIllinery Store , comer Douglas and 13th ' trcels JT4-tt EOR SALE Two of the celebrated J. M. Brunswick & Calko Co.'s Nonpareil Bil liard Tables. Nearly new. For sale cheap. 23) tf C. W. HAMILTON , MI30tLLAN OUS. QTRAYKD Oh the 18th Iritti , ff m the pfe- Vj misesof Julius Agaionl , T uiilcS west of Omaha , lie sorrel horse a'lout ten jears o'd. His white fore feet. Liberal r .ward w ill ho paid oa return to 818 13th st. JOHN tUSEO. C5g 27 OTBAYED From NOrlh Omahi , oc < ! bajr kj mare c"lt , 2 j Dart rlJ , he My mane ami bil. Any Informanion kit at Her' * store will be suitably rewarded. 852 29 J'i-i- . -i-liM ii IVcf. rcr'i' ' bcininilH < rilnri.i , , , , ofManliooil.and all di - TrdeniTouclitonbrinili-irctionoroic'ics . * Anj O.nitr/.1U"I'tll" > " ' ? " -'lcnt % Aillrc s . / . \ , iO.N , fc CO. . 78 .V-i .uSI. . > f. V AOADEMT OF JVLUSIO ! One Night Only , Friday , May 28 , 1880 , ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ! ISO Laughs in 180 Minutes. CHAS. L DAVIS , The creates' living OM Man Character Actor , orsM by th ) pr 3 and pubic as the only tnw representative of Thetfciv England Fanner , In his great character creation of "Alvin Joslin , " Supported by the Emotional Actress , And a powerful Diamatic $ Company. The - ' peo- 'le's p ay. Three 1 ourj of conUouoiu fun fiescuted vlth new and beautiful scenery General admission , 60 tnd 75 cents ; Regcrred eats , 31.03 , now on rale t nutennann'i jewelry , Doors oprn at 7J5 ; commence at 8. B. S. CK VNE , Business Maof/fen / _ _ _ monwsd/rf MARTIN -1 ff ONE MILLION ACRES ox * CHEAP LAND us- EASTERN NEBRASKA , $2 TO $5 PER ACRE. 20,000 Acres XJCtf DOUGLAS COUNTY , 6 to 12 Miles from Omaha , $6 to $10 per Acre , on Long Time and Low Interest , Large tracts suitable for Colonies in all the best Counties in the State , 80,000 acres scattered through Iowa. A large number of Improved Frrms in Nebraska , many of them near Omaha , $12 to $40 per acre , An Immense List of OMAHA CITY PROPERTY , Consisting of Elegant Resi dences from $3,000 to $20- OOO. Many thousand vacant lots hi the additions to Omaha. Hundreds of lots scattered through tha City. Houstsand Lots , Business Houses and Lots , and all kinds of Ci y Real Estate. We also have MONEY TO LOAN on Improved Farms in Doug las County , on 5 years time , at 10 percent , interest to all who can show good titles. Slaps or Srouidas and Sarpy Counties for suit * , Boggs & Hill , REAL ESTATE BROKERS , 1408 Farn , St , , Omaha , Neb , For Kent. Splendid cot'age ' , 6 toms , all In the best con dition , fruit and ! ia < le trees , stable , bard Mid roft water , ami 4 Acres of 0round , 8120 a jcar. West Omaha , nil ! tc'l foi gl,6SO. BOG03 and 1IILL. For Sale , Home and full lot \Vebjtcr Street , best loca tion m the cit- , $1,000 ; easy tcr.i a. DOOUS and HILL. $20,000 Twenty Thousand Dollars in small well secur ed mortgages ranging from $200 to $1,000 , draw ing 10 per tent interest , have b < en lately [ laced in our handa for 6ale , at mull discount. 1'cr- Buiia having a little uimey to ppiro can make a f ale and profitable loan in thUtay , without any ckpCnai or commission } . BOGGS and 1IILL. For Sale , Church Propertj aid Pgreouagc In South Omaha , Cear Danot , at a vny reaon < ible price. BOOOS and HILL. Cottage and Lot , Kew 1-Btory fiame bouce , 4 roonu , 2 cloecta10 foot ceilings , double doors' , etc. , 85 ban el cis tern , full lot , all in tio. 1 condition , 5 blocks from High School ; $ S50 , on raocthl } * luymcnt euu'l ' cijii pajim t required. LOGOS iml HILL , Keal Estate Brokers. New Houses. We am now prepared t build homes worth from $100 to SiOO on our lota in our newaddition , Z&th and 29th acd Fainham.Douglas and Dodge , and sell on sulill inomlilr iiajrmcnts. BOQUa and HILL , $000 to $1,000 Will buy jou a new house , with one of the finest lots in Omahi , on email month ! } payment ! . BOQUb and HILL , RKALEaiATBBROSIM. For Sale , House and Let on street car-track , Sbinn-s addi tion , Jl.fflO. BOGOS and HILL. A yew House And full lot , one-half block from street can , Shinn's AdcUion , $1,375. B CGSaniiliiLL. The Cheapest Residence tropcrty in Omaha must be sold In- stanter , W \ Lot 4 , Bluck 47 , with a No. 1 house of 7 rooms and all well improved ; southeast corner 2l5t and Cass. Want beet offer. BOOOS jnd HILL. For Sale , Flno youn ? horse , well broke aud suitable for a lady todiive BOGUS and E ILL. Wanted. We want a contract to havjSOO acrei cf land brokft at oncfc. BOG08 and HILL. Cheap Lots , Look , at the Iot In our new addition beat Iota for the money iu Omaha , 20th and Farnham. BOQ03 and HILL. Residence Lots for Sale. 200 Lots in Kountze and Ruth's Additiqnnear business , good Burroundings.lotBoovered with younjr trees , and are the choicest , cheapest and nearest business of any lots in the mar ket. By all means look at lots in Kountze and Ruth's addition before purchasing elsewhere. Will sell on monthly payments. Prices $400 to $650. BOGGS and HILL. 1000 Residence Lots Fronting 8,9,10 And llth streets , 6 to 10 blocks south of depot , many of these lots are very de sirable and for men of small mpatls are now the chcancst and most easily purchased lots In Orru- ha. Prices $ .250 to $ XM Monthly payments. BOOOa and Iliub. 15 Choice Lots On Tark Wild Avenue , only 3 to 4 blocks from Depot , | 500 to § GQO. Monthly payments. BOGQd and HILL. GG of the Finest Lots In Omaha , 10 to 12 blocks w at of PustviHtc and Court House , on Farnham , Douglas and.Dodge streets ; firient views In the city from these lots Prices 8200 to 3:00 , on payments of 13 to 310 per month. BOOKS & HILL. Houses And two-thirds of a lot , Chlcwro street , between 12th and 13th ; rents for $300 a jcar. Price lf > 00. LOGOS and HILL. Houses and Lots. New 2-story residence comer lot , choice loca tion , 4 blocks from Pos'office ; $3,500. BOOUS and HILL. 2 Houeca and south j lot 1 , block 12 , on west side of 18th street , betwca Calltornia and Web- eter directs ; (2.200 BOCOS and HILL 2-Story Brick House With \ full lot , 2 blocks from new Court House * $2,150. BOGGS and HILL. LoU 1 and 2 , block 230 $2,759 Lot6 , block 15 l.SOO Lot 2 , block 81 & 00 Lots 5 and 6 , block 25 1,100 South * Lots 1 an ! 2 , block" C1 1,000 East i Lot U. block 121 2,500 West i Lot 2 , Mockl21 2,500 Lei 5 , block 227 BOO 188 Jtbi Lot 4 , tlock 205 2,000 BOOOS and HILL. 'iw : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : HUdl j Lotf * * * 102 / COLUMBIA AND OTTO BICYCLES ! I have secured the agency of the well-known COLUMBIA Steel Spokes and Rubber Tires Bicycle from the Pope Manufacturing C > \ : Also the Otto Band Made. Samples can be seen at my storeat Mafjura-ture-s PIICCP , Fieiijht added. Send for trice list. list.IN - , i. ID. SOLOMON : : % - No. 1204Farnham Street , Omaha , Nelrafka , SCHLANK PRINCE , BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE DEVLIN & CO. , OF NEW YORK' ' We afo now prepared to take orders for the justly celebrated clothing o tbis house , which for Durability , Style and Cheapness are unsurpassed. Wa have now on hand the bes t sheeted stock of Clothing , Shirts , Furnish-'ng Gcods , etc. in the city. Boston Clothing House , FARNILOI STREET. apiS-ly apiSlyMAX MEYER & CO. , WHOLESALE TOBBACCONISTS ! Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards. Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards. Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards. Send for Price List. mwt MAX MEYER & CO. . Omaha , i\eb. MAX MEYER & CO , GUNS , AMMUNITION , SPORTING GOODS , Fishinii Tackle , Base Balls and a full line of A.TSTJD : E\ANro : 2r G-OOIDS- m-f.w JOBBERS OP HARDWARE , CUTLERY , NAILS , STAMPED AND JAPANNED WARE , TINNERS STOCK , SHEET IRON , TIN STOCK , ETC. 1317 & 1319 DOUGLAS STEEET , A T = r A positively no Goods Sold at Retail. IE1. O. WHOLESALE GROCER ! 1213 Farnham St ; Omaha. OMAHA FENCE i BOX CO. We Manufacture to Order OFFICE RAILINGS AND FINE COUNTERS DPI3STE Iron aud Wood Fciices , Brackets and Ulonldings , Improved Ice Boxes furnished on short notice. GUST , FREES & CO. , Prop's. , 1231 Barney St. , Omaha , Neb. . L SLEDZIANOSKU-0 CO. , MANUFACTURERS OP O TJ ID 3D Z 3ST GS ! AND DEALERS IN PICTURE FRAMES , CHROMOS AND ENGRAVINGS. 922 Douglas St. , ffear 10th , Omaha , Neb. LANCE & _ . FOITICK , Dealers in QTCTVIES House Furnishing Goods , Shelf Hardware , Nails and Etc. 1221 Farnham Street , 1st Door East First National Bank. I HENRY LEHMAN , THE LARGEST LV THE STATE. -AND - WINDOW SHADES , PAINTERS' Am ARTISTS' MATERIALS , Orders Solicited , Samples Sent on Application. 1 PRACTICAL FAIBItli Aqu UtUUHATUlf |