4:5 Years "before thePiiblie. THE CEMU8ME 1IYER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is Leir to. " but in affections of thcXiver , and in all Bilious Complaints , D.vepepsia , and Sick H ° ad- acnc , or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pro. paratory to , or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box has a rednvax seal on the lid , with the Impresion.McLANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa- turcs of C. McLASE and FiteMiso BROS. S Insist niton having the genuine DK.C.McLANE'S LIVElt PILLS , prepared - pared by FLEMING BnoS.l'itlslraiIiFu ( , the market being full of imitations of the naniD-T/a/xttir , epclled differently , but same wronunciation. _ COUGHS , BRONCHITJS AND. CONSUMPTION. What a Well-Known Dreg int sayg about A'Jcu'8 Lone Laleam. MOTHERS , P.EAD ! UAKIi 10 > SUTIOX , Sy. GZXTLEKXX : The denv nd for Allen's Lung Balnun is hicrrceimr constantly. Tr.e ladles think there t * no medicine equal IT it lor Croup Jd WhoopJiiK Couirh. C. 8. MARTIN , - _ _ _ Sold b ) all Medicine Men. Toll-Gate No. 2.-SSSSS1 e niou . 7 objects to find , iked etamp/crwick ' ; gg DR. E. C.objects V BnRilo N. Y. wroctllaoayat home easily made. Uootij lUttfraa. A.Or ! R * Trae&Co. Portland. JJe ATrOHPEYa-AT-LAVT. . S1MERAI , A TTORKEl" AT LA WC n.pl eil'g Block , -iibcrasiid Uouxlaa. OilAII \ , D. L TKOM tS. T'ORNKY AT I.W Eoanii morey , buys A and eelU real cttJr. lconi 8 , Crclghton A. C. TKQUP , A TIORKSr AT LAXT-Offlce lu Hsrsoom'i A. Block , vllh GSOTS * E. Itltthitt , 1506 Farahkn St. OMAHA. NEB. " DEXFER L T.1S3AS , A TIORHET AT LtW-Crut.-k3Eack t Build A. lrg. A. M i TTORNEY AT LAW Ofiot. 15M Farnham A. Btr et. et.A. A. SWAHTZIANOE TTORKEV AT LAW-Oof. litb and Farohain itfcrt. mayatt WILLIAM A. FONDA , A TTORNETi' AND COONEELOB AT LAW. XV. Room No. 6 , Frenier Block , opposite Poet OfPce. OMAHA , NEB. WM. L. PEABODY , T AWTER ODce In Crelghton Block , n t U _ iJ Port Office , OUAUA , NEBRASKA. KOTAET roBUo. coLi.r.ciiorrs MAM * E. 0. MDLAUCHLtK. A TTOHSET AT LAW AND JUSTICE OF JTnE PEACE ioutheart corner rate nth indDjuglaiSt. /ZTCollectlons Promptly Attended O'BRIEN & BARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law , OFFlCE-Unlan BoUcFi/Ve ! nlh * nf Tirnhata A , L gOBSOM. A TTOrwreY 4T LAW Room Crolgbtoa JBlock. . OWAU : Nob. JunMf ATTORNEY AT LAW. KARBACH BUCK , COR. DCUQI5TH ST8. OMAHA. KER. W. J. Connell , A t.torney-at-'ta w , Office : Front rooms , up BtAlrSj In Banicom'a n w brick building , K. W. corntr Fifteenth and Famham Streets. Jora L RIOICK. Cnis R. REDICK & REDICK , Attorneys-at-Law. - - . ! Epedxl attention will bo given to all suits apjnrt corporations of every description ; will . practice in al : tie Courts oi the BUU and the united State * . Often. FarnUam 8C , opposite Court HOUBO. „ ADAMS & SIMERAL , TTORNTiT } AT LAW Room 8 Orolglito J\ . Clock , IBth Mid Douz'os streets , nofdh C. F. MANDERSON , * . \ TTORNXT AT LAW 242 Famhim Street * J\ . Omaha Xebraaica. PARKE GODWIN , A TTOHNET AT LAW-llth and Donglal jBltxto. . with Q. T. w. T. RicnuiDs. Q. J. HOST RICHARDS & HUNT , Attornoys-at-Law. Omen 215 South Fourteenth Street. ' Only Direct Line to France. L GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPAN SiS TJETWEEN New York and Harve.Pier * 2N.B S Tj.footof Morton St. , pier of company. % Travelers by this line ai old both transit by Xn S iah railway and tbe discomfort of croeelng the chantie lln a small boat ANADA , FILAMIECL , Wednesday January SI E I noon. AMERIQUE , B. JoocLOVeJneeday February C .11 a. m. A FRANCE , TRUBILLB , Wednesday , February N f IS , 11 a. m. PRICE OF PASSAGE ( including wine ) : S' 1 TO HAVRE First Cabin , $109 andfSO : Second S'N Cabint5B ; Steerage , t26indudlnwino , bedding N and utlnsilj. Pi LOUIS DE BEBIAKAcent , 6 Broadway.N. T. PiCl FRANK E. MOORES , No. 214 , West Side Kth Street , Bet. Famham and Dougbo , Next Deere ClO o U. S. Express OfDce ( Sieu of Paia ti ClB teamihlp. ) OMAHA. NRB. B C tngnnpcrdayathome. Samples worth 16 free 3 lUM UAddrees Stlns.m ft Co. . Portland Malnf ; G EAST INDIA ciw c < H [ ' CiAJ AJ AJJe Je JeT T < B' B'Oi Oi OiN N- NPi Pi BITTERS ! PiAl AlP ILER & CO. , BOLH MANUFACTURERS , IoLe LeNi Ni OMAHA. Neb. NiAJ QUAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE AJB i ADC MA T/C. The Great KADEJMARK. AJHi GrSrts Enerlleh Hi $4Zi Remedy , HiPi ' 1 An unfailing 01 cure for Sem 01d inal Weak- d neaa.Spernu- torrhea , Im that follow u Mquencaof S ] Abuse ; loa ot Memory , Uulrernl LaMltaJe , Palo In the PIN BKkDlmno9B of VWcn , .Premature Old A N ! Mid muir other Diseases tin lead to Insanity or Be Consumption ind Premit'tre Grave. * Tnll particular ! In trjr phamphlet , which BeLc wedcsirc to Bend free by mail to every on * . Lc C&The Specific Medicine il sold by all drogzlst * LcCa i at n per paekase. ils or packisea tor 3 , onrll be tent free by mill on receipt ot th monerTij CaFr ' Fr FrHi - No. 10 MecnanicoctwDTf Hi -BOLD HiPe Pe Pec < SHOW GASES < i KAMTJlCIUa..U > ZT Ai nt- - - * < - - \ AiFa r. O J > "W\.T % L 3DIEQ " Fa < 0317 CAE3 ST. , OMAHA , NKB. i OTA. cowl asortpjcut Jwav .o ! } h l.lE4 Pen n , DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING . . PROPRIETORS. Farnknm , fret. Stk and 10th Strutt. TEKUS OF SODSCniPTIOX \ear.Iu advance ( postpaid ) J8.00 " ' > 6 mouths months " " 2. H > TIKE TABLES. THEIAILS , . C. H W. H. Ri O a. m. , 8 p. m. C B. S Q. . t30 * . to. , 3 p. tn. C. R. L A P. K. R. , iSO a. m. , p. m. C. i St. Joe 4.20 m. , 8p.n. . 0. P. K. R-H:30a.m. B. & U. R. B , Sli . m. 0 * K. W. , 7:80 : a. ni crnnxQ. 0 A N. W. B. B , , 11 a. m. il p. D\ . B 4. O .ll a. m. 930 p.m. C BL & P. . 11 a. m , Up m. C. B. 4 St. Joe , Jl a. m.,11 p. m S. City A P. , 11 n 0 P..ip. m. B. & JL In Keb. , * P G-elmrJisforBUtea loin leave nl o ' y.'vU : 4:80 a. m. Office opea from 1Z to p. m Banday * . THOMAS F. HALL. Pottoaatet. Arrival andOeparturc oiTraiiu UNION PACIFia LJULVX. ARMY * . P UyEr " " 1r"P-m- fOP-10- 6:10 . . 435 . do Mixed : p.ro. p m. do Freight. . . 6:30 a. m. P- - do do . . . . 8lfi a. m. 122Mfc.ni. ; CARD OK THE BURLINGTON BOUTE. OHAHA. repress SMf.m. Exprees..10:00 a. m. „ „ 6:00 a.m. Mall 10:00p.m. Sundays Excepted. Sundays Exeepted. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACIFia jjtll fiA9c.ni. I 10:00 : p.m. press S:10pjn. : | 10.-00a.rn. Cundajs Excepted. CHICAGO 4 KORTHWSSTERN. jltil 6.00a.m. I 730p.m. Cxprct 3:10 : pm. | WOO a.m. Sundays exceptod. BA"SAS OfTT , BT. JOE & COUNCIL BLUfM. LSAVX. AK5IVX I.J ! . . . . _ , 800 m. I Express.- . . . 8.45a.m. Etprsv . G:0l'lp. ni.1 HJL. . . . . * . T:40.3 * . ni. The only line running Pullman Sleeping Cars oat of Oman * to Union Depot. OJIAUA t NORTHWESTERN AND810CX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD * . Siprees 8:00 m. | fcSSp.m. Daily Except Sunday * . 2. & M. K. K , In JPOJRASKA , [ WMll ( " ] O.oub ( lv ) . . . . B.ODam KearneyJ'neOT)6aO ) > ni ° l tt nonthiarlO:2Sam [ BloomiBrtonlT)5UO ) ra E dCloud ( lvj..6 J am Rod Cloud ( tr)7a ) pm Platt < mouthtar > i:20p m Omaha ( r.l:61p ) m RKPCDLICAN VALLET RAILWAY. BMUni * ( Iv ) 8Ki ) i a-1 Bloomlngton ( TlSOp.m ) ffloomlnifton 1:55 p m | Hastings ( ar ) CiS p m sioui crnr * ST. PAUL & B. U ] 6:10 a. m. 1 Express 10:00 : a. m. BXTTCM 8 : Op.m-Mall | 730 p. m BBTDaE DIVISION U. P. R. B , DOKHT T&AOIf. Leave Omaha , daily : 8 a. m. , 9 a. m. , 10 a. 11 a. ra. , 1 p. m. . Z p. m. , 3. p. m. , 6 p. m. , B Ix re Council Bltlfla - rt6 a. tn. , 8SS a , tn. , 10:26 a. m. , 1135 .m. , 125p.m.25 p m. , 2s p. m. , 535 p. m. , 6:36 p. m four trips on Sunday , leaving Omaua at 9 and a m. . Sand 5 p. m. ; Couarfl Bluffj at 925. , m. , and 2:25 and 6:25 : p. m. . Leave Omaha : 6 a.m.,7 a. m. , 8:40 a. m(1 p.m. , :60p.m.,736p.m. : LriveComicU Blufla : 7:16 a. m. , 9:10 a. . , a. m. , 6S6 p. m. , 70 p. m. , 7:50 p. tn. , p. tu. Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & BETUBL1CAS VALLEY R. R. . ARRI71 10 : < Ba.m. 145p.m. DtU'v ' exceot Suudar. COMMERCIAL , Omaha Wholesale Markets , OMAHA , M jr 24,1880 , ? BUTTEK AND EGUB. : boloetabl 1720o Packers loU 10@1 ? , Freh eggs , psx doz , , . , § loney 16@18 POULTRY. . vhlcteni , per dot 2 00@2 25 Jacks GROCERIES. EUQABa 3utLoaf J Powdered J ' Irannlnted J Standnrd"A" 1 „ Sxtra choice and very bright. . . 48a52 Jright Table Drips 45a4S few Orleans MoflaaseB 48a50 Market advancjn ' llo , prime to choice 17al8 > o coed to prime , laH ? ) Ho fair to good 15a15 tfocha. „ _ 28 RICE. . ' vjaa DUiEDtKOia-s. iewPnmea MdPruncs 7urrant , choice new . 7 < Bi JlackBerriea . 12' ' BiN laspberries . * N Pitted cherries . 22 ' , tlichigan grtd Apples . ' f.3 ? Sliced * . N 1 " itate Peaches . . ? Ni ialt Lake Peaches. 14J NiAJ California Peaches. m AJ CANNED GOODS. AJEl 'S"0ysters , 2 Ib cans , t ? case. . 8 75 ElV do do 1 Ibcan.percase. . 24J5 Os jghtWeight Oysters 2 Ib 0 caao 2 90 lo ialmon , 1 Ib , $ dozen . 1 70 do 21bdozen ; . 2 75 Standard Tomatoes,2 lt > , case 2 50 - " 31b,0ca e 335 itandard Peaches , 3 tt ) , V case. 4 50 " " 2 Ib , case. 3 60 laspberries. 2 Ib , ? ? case. . 300 thblc < Jlackberries , 2 Ib , I ? case . 2 70 dif Jorn , 2 lb.tf case . 2 50a4 00 am Lpples , Gal , tf doz . 385 bcl : arrc r Fat Peas,2 Ib , V case. . 390 am trine Beans. 2 Ib , per case. . . . 240 SUNDRIES. fairness. . 10 > 'epper . IS II I ilhpice . 17 IIv aovea' ' . 45 it B lossia . 27 ac- lope . U acb landles. 16 oz . 1' ' b IreenmchLye.percase . 3 90 Iean8per bushel . 80 iheesa full cream . 11 iTlndow Glass , 60 per cent , discount - OtR count off list. R ] HARDWARE. edki 1 1RON. _ ki bmmon bar . 3 iitic orse-shoe bar . 4 tic 'orway nail rod ticPi BfEKL. 8 ast plow.- 8 jn. cast , tool . " . . . . 15@17 es'p'B.Eng.do 25@30 AAILS. ens , upwards. 3 50 'rd'd's Bhoe 'g " mule" mahnnails tens , upwards. . . S 50 Vstr'ahn 23@33 utnnm.nalls 23@33 DRY GOODS. BROWN COTTONS. .tlantlo "H" 8 ! do "F' 7 epperell "O" 3J-7i Tl cfo "R" S6--74 do "E" idian Head awwnceXXX ebrwka. Standard "AA" DENIMS. moskeag 17 Bat eaverCreek , "AA" 14 * wit Ge : do "BB" 18j tie. larmaken 10 'aimer 10 & "AXA" 15 lo "BB" 14 lo "CC" 13 rarren "AXA" 15 do " " "BB" M do "CO" . . . . , 13 UUCKS , lymonlh "AAA" 15 'ew Bedford , 10 oz jg ostonS. O 12 a BLEACHED COTTOKa onsdalo / . . . . lU ( do Cambric - , . . . . 13 &bot . ' 9 rait of the Loom . ' U ewYork Mills 13 Hls'Muslin 10J s ramsntta v 36-12 } epperell ; 6-4 30 do 8-4 24 do 9-4 27 ti do 11-4-30 TICKINGS. \ ( moskeag. . . . . ' . . 82 21. sll O.B\O ' . . . . 20 do "AA".i. : . -.V.- . Ill do AAA" 1 ? 17 PRINTS. Albany 7 Albion 7J Harmony. . . - - - - fi , American'I * ' 7 Allen'g r 7 Allen'gPinka. * - * 7 Ancona Fancy 7 llancheftiT . 7 Merrimack - , 7 Merrimack Shirtings. . . ' 7 Kichmoncls . 7 RichmornlE 7 Sprague'a . . . . - : . - . - , . , - . CJ Slmpson'g Monrnin g ' . . " . . - * 7 . Simpson's Black. . . . . ' . . " " 7 STRIPES. American 10 Amoskeag . ' 1112 Awning-stripes . ' . 19 Lewiston , A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Hamilton 12i Omega , 16@17 ' .ittafield 7 LUMBER. Framing , 18 ft. and nnder ? 20 00 Each add. ft. over 18 , per M. . . . 50 Fencing , No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft 22 00 " No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft 2000 Sheeting , Dressed , No. 1 20 00 " " No.2 1900 Common Boards , Dressed 22 00 STOCK BOARDS. AStock 4000 B " 3500 O " SO 00 CommonStock 25 f ) FLOORING. No..lFlooring . - 4000 No.2 " 3500 No.3 " 25 00 Yellow Pine Fleering , No. 1. . . 4 5 00 SIDING. No.lSididg 2500 No.2 " 2260 No.3 " 00 PICKETS. No. 1 Picket * , perM 32 50 No.2 " " 2500 FINISHING. No. 1 Finish , 1J , 1 J , and 2 in. . . 65 00 No.l " 1 in 5000 No.2 " 1J.1J , and 2 in. . . 4500 No.2 " lin 4000 No. 3 Finish , in 35 00 SHIP LAP. Plain Ship Lap 2300 O. G. " No.l SO 00 " " " No.2 23 00 " " No.3 CEILING. 8 Beaded , 6 in. , No. 1 2500 ' " No.2 2300 J Beaded , 4and6in. , No. 1. . . . 4000 " " " ' . 35 00 No.2. . . . Corrugated Ceiling , No. 1 50 00 SHINGLES. A Stir ( beat ) Shingles 375 No.2 " 300 f No.3 " 2 50 1 LATH 400 i Lime.bbl. . ' . 135 , ' bulk.perbush 40 i Comentbbl 2'/ ) Iowa Plaetar , bbl : 250 J MichlRan Plaster , bbl ; ' 2 75 ( Hair , per bush 25 J Tarred Felt , lOOlbs 3 00 a Straw Board , " 400 O.G. Battens , per 100 ft.lin. . . 1 23 T Well Curbing. . . SO 00 J Ro cch J , and 2 in. , in Battsper * lOOftlin SO 1 POSlb. f Cedar Halves , 7 in 18 T " Gin 16 . " Quarter , 82n 16 ! 30 fl : Dak,4x4 " 4x6 40 o 0. G. Casing. 54 and 6 In , , per ii 100 ft..Un . .I. . 8 00 ti ; Dak Plank and Timber , per M. 40 00 ° Clear Poplar.- .T. 50 00 ' Black Walnut 10000 { HIDES. J1 3re n Hides , per Ib 74 ? 3reen Cured Hides 8J b Dry Hide * 12@15 v Dry Salted Hides 10@12 h Jheep Pelts 801 00 „ , Callow 4J@5 „ LIQUOHS. WINFS , ETO. ? Sigh Wine. , gal 110 * Ucohol , 180 V cant , tf gal. . . . 215 Cl Vench Spirits proof 120 Marshall's Bourbon Whisky. . . . 125 ti kliller'g Bourbon Whiskv 1 50 , 3randy , very fine , gu. 4 00a8 00 do common to fine 1 50a3 75 " lln , 100 per cent 1 40a3 00 side do Holland , 90 percent 125 ai ems , mixed Jamaica , tf gal. . . . 1 25a4 00 ir do New England 2 00a2 50 Kennedy Bitters gal 150 w do do § case 7 00 OJ do do do 100 case lots 6 50 in Jhampagnes , ptatein baskets..20 OOaSO00 U ) omestio Champagne 12a20 5 OOalO 00 'ortWine caae T Iherries 5 OOalO 50 * lies , Edinburg 275 * a dp Bass&Co's 275 fe iuinness Dublin Stout 275 g < LEATHER. ai test SlaughterSole 33a35 8r lest Oak 38a41 _ . VenchKipa 1 lOal 45 * V 'rench Calf.leading brands. . . . 1 25a2 10 " omesticKips 65 at 00 to omestic Caffs 90al 10 M [ emlock upper , 1 ? foot 20a 22 Ir lak upper , foot 24 train , upper , y foot 20a22 .ininga , doz 7 OOalO 00 co 'oppmgs , I ? doz 900 lorocco , ( bootleg ) f foot 35 be do oil dressed 35 Tl do Simon per skin 2 7. > a3 00 . * do Glove'.kid 325 J' lri loot Webbing , bolt 40a50 HARNESS LEATHER. ? a ro. 1 Pittsburg Oak 41 i o. 2 Pittsburg Oak 33 dv 'o. 1 Cincinnati ! Oak 36 an "o. 2 Cincinnati ! Oak 33 i ( "o.lHernlock 35 o.2HemTock 3' " COAL , RETAIL . J > 1 nthricite 1050 cii lossburg 1200 th Wyoming 850 skaloosa 550 iwaNut 500 . Hute Breast 5 50 in th TRUTH AND HONOR. pe Query : What is the best family medicine in ie world to regulate the bowel , purify the oed , remove costiveness and bllliouencss , aid pMtlon and tone up the whole system ! Truth id houor compels us to answer. Hop Bitters , Je lag pure , perfect and harmless. Ed. See lother column. in inna na I Aai All Plaved Out a common complaint in hot weather. vii cel BO package of Kidney yon , pet a frc fort and take it and you will at once feel tonic power. It keeps up the healthy cei ion of the Kidneys , Bowels and Liver , id thus restores the natural life and ric reugth'to the weary bodv. dii co Bucsieu'B Arnica Salve ] In Tbe BEST SALVE in the world f or InDi ots , Braises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt pn Jieum , Fever Sores , Tettor , Chapp- pnwe Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all th Ends of Skin Eruptions. This Salvo thmi guaranteed to give perfect satiafac- glc od iu every case or money re Bonded , in rico 25 cents per box. For sale by on 5dly . J. K. ISH , Omaha. on ofl gowe 25 1 lar gei no > noma ma Pr coi to CC1 he- Famous Seltzer Spring of prI < Germany in Every" American Home ! agi to ; TARRANTS SSLTZtR APERIENT jat kwd upon a sdcnt'fic anal rail o ( this celebrated feiMi rman Spring , It its concentrated duplicate , Mi th thirty to f My uparklin ; ; dates In each bot- thi . 8ud ! by Diuggists the world over. over.mlZeodavrSw th : tn foi D. I. C/ foi Is an absolute and irrrti iijle ! cnr- foiwi lit ur do aness , Intemperance and ( to n o of O taa : ir 31' yuxo , rcarcollcs and Ctlznolic * ' , irmir iu te , desire and lubit of nsisR acr cf liici , C * thi lertaiff the t to or dsslre f oraiiy cf Ciea per. ' ' t - xllotu and dUgartlce- Giving every ono p'-tc- ye indlrrcsIstlbJecoatrtil ot tljo cobrtctr of j iz thin elves and their friends. It prevents that absolute physical an * IC.JT 4 in irortraUontnatfcDo'B the sudden broaKnt' Iron Bdne itunnlents or narcotics. Fackaireprepmd. to cnrel to S persons , $ i T thiTu rtrardruggl3t < , $ l.JS per bottle. Tempennce sodtUea shncld rt < x > ismendli Tu perfectly narmleea and ne v sai Hop Covth Cnra doi oTS alrp ln.locseartt < : ric onEh , Quiets tto nerves , prodaces rest , aad Ju.tr bn aOstocure. The Bop Pad for Stomacn , Liver and KUcpyr. thi perlartoallothcrs. Cures hj atecrpttso * Ii no iperfect-HBkCrcsglsts. thi n < HO BUcnXfc. Cfc , ef F.oci lav X.T.wufr. > ' tit llcp ttttn ! , tlch inZa Co Imi mi Bkl4 , ooiJsj nort cura Uua 11 otier OR SALE BY ALL DRUCQISTS.i kei ANTIQUITIES. The Relics of Early Life in the Territory Minirg by the Jesuits. Sin Tin i-co S ! e t:0c : Frogs. The esrly history of Aiiznna his still to be written , but it is in m. st respects ident'ca ! with thit of southern Califurnia , New Mexico aud northern MtxSco. Th .t tha cr'ginrl inhabi tants belonged to the siine civilizttion as that under which Mexico rose to eo compaiatively high a grade long be fore Cortez landed on its shores is usually conceded , but whether the bulk of the people removed south ward toward tr.e consolidated empire of the Aztecs before the conquest of Mesico by the Spaniards ; " whether they remained and were swept away by the Spanish invasion from the south ; or whether the Apaches from from tha north drove them out of the open lands into the recedes of the canons and finally extinguished all tut the few pueblos still remaining , "Is not certainly proven. Probibly the turh lies between tbo three al'e ' natives , and all the causes may have contributed to the depopu lation of the country and to the ruins of the extensive citioi , dwellings , ca nals , etc. , which strew the plains and line the sides of the canyons. To the student of history nothing in Arizona equals in interest theeo architectural remains. Now that the railway Is finished , many of these are compara tively accessible tha famous Caea Grande ( being only a few miles from the station of that name , while nu- menus other inins exist in the dis tricts j around Florence and Phoenix. A fesv miles from Phoonlx are the ruins ' of two" or throe towns and the rvmiins ] of tr.o stupendous ennuisone cf ! which is forty feet wide , and in firmer times drew its supply of water from i ihe river near the mountain ? , twenty ( miles distant. In this neigh borhood ] are a'so the ruins of a build j ing rcupying a pa'a'lelogram of 26 feet by 130 , with walls still over , ten feet high. At from twelve to fourteen miles from Phccnix , at La Tempo , are remains of what must have been a populous city , and also another sys tem of canals and reservoirs. Bums of a similar description to those of Oasa Granda have been found in the Rio Verde valley , en Pueblo creek , ind at Aztec pass. Casa Grande , discovered by Father Kino , 300 years ago , is rituated near the Gi'a ' , a few miles from Florence. The main building is about fifty-five teet square , and four stories iu hight , mill traces of two more stories. Each itory contains five rooms , two 35x10 eet , the other three 24x9 feet , ana all ' ) f them nine feet in hight. The open- : ngs which ones served for doors are hree feet and one-half high , two and me-half f .et wide at the base , and two 'eat < wide at top. The whole of the ntorior is neatly plastered , the plas- er ' perfect as when nrst.put on , This : uilding is surrounded by a wall , ? liich , when perfect , was fiftesn feet ligh and six feet thick at the base , nd ' within this are several smaller Apartments , besides a sort of watch ewer < at the southeast and touthwest ornera. The towns of the Moqui and Zuni , he former in the north of Arizona , nd the latter jutt over the border in Tew Mexico , are in so many respects imilar to the ruins scattered on plain nd canyon , that they evidently be- eng to the same civilization ; but rhether the Indians are the remains f a separalo tribe , or the remnants of lany tribes is one of the problems of he his'ory of America. vai In the Gila valley , 120 miles from aist 'uscon , are the famous Piedrai Pin- st idas. A heap of rocks , about fifty set high , is covered with rude figures , t : comeirc , comic , anatomical. Here cc ro squares , circles , crosses , triangles , is nakcs , toads and vermin ; men with- le ut heads and dogs without tails. The lew ketches show considerable similarity w those of the Azec Calendar Stone in saai fesico. It is a tradition with the aisa ndians that thosa stones were put sad jere in the time of Montczurna to re- d jril treaties between different tribes. d The "Indians" of Arizona evidently vi clong to several very difierent stocks , fein : he wild Apache , formidable for hia in ealthtnesa and treachery more than In om his numbers ; the peaceful , not tero isily provoked , yet bravo Pimo ; the ro idustrious Papago , and the town- io > nrelling , family-loving , orderly , clean fir id the self-sustained Moqui , have lit- up 0 in common. The dhtanco which th ipirates the rude Apache from the an Loqui , with his old and respectable dr vilization , is as great as between bo lat of the rude tribes of Siberia and as i 10 cultivated Japanese. or The ruins in the canyons , on almost ab .accessible ; terraces , are believed by be fajor Powell to bo more recent than behe toso of the plains. He believes the he ioplo took refuge there to escape the thwl Danish incursions. wl In an old Spanish work entitled Apostolic Labors of the Society of jsus , " the finding of gold and silver of f the Ssnta Rita mountains ia thus , ir rated : "In the year 1769 , & region of th ea silver discovered the rgin was on th ontior of the Apaches , a tribe ex- iedingly warlike and brave , at the ace called Arizona , on a mountain Oil dge which hath been named by its rk scoverors Santa Rita. The dis- ivery was made known by a Yaqui fuBi idian , who revealed it to a trader of th urango , and the latter made it iblic. News of such surprising so ealth attracted n vast multitude to ar 10 < spot. A depth of a few varas thwi asses of pure silver was found , of a wimi obular form * and ono or two arrobas miW weight. Several pieces were taken ha it weighing upward of 20 arrobac ; hami IB found by an inferior mi licial attached to the cu in ivernment of Guadalajara to L eigbed 140 arrybas. ( An arryba is ] pounds. ) Many persons amassed tci eif rgo sums , whilst others , though dili- . int and persevering , found little or ne : th thing. For the security of this < ats of treasure , tha captain of the reside of ALar sent troops , who es- rtod the greater bulk of this silver m ch headquarters , whereupon this offi- r seized the treasure as being the rei operty of the crown. ah ; "In I vain the hndera protested an alnsl this treatment , end appealed let the audience chamber at Gnadala- fe < ra , but for answer the authorities re- rred the matter to the court of ad rid. At the end cf seven years ha .0 king made the decision , which was on at the silver pertained to the royal onmi easury , and ordered that hence- sli rth the mines should bo worked a , r hh benefit. This decree , together j . ith the incessant attacks of the hcs- le Indians , so discouraged the treas- ah re-hunters that the nines - were aban- tei ned , as needs must be until these teiwl vages are exterminated. " From wl tat day until within the past few In sara the Apaches finally beat off all io e who penetrated into their land yewi search of . gold. stt Southeast of the pueblo of Tubac pr 10 Jesnit padres erected the Mission bLTl umecarori , almost in the heart of the Tl pacho country , and there cultivated sp ( ; nctity and the pursuit of worldly va ches with much success for a while ; vam ; it ono day the red man surrounded 612 10 building with fire and knife , and eif t a padre lived to tell the story. All foi ie tribea of the Apaches , whether an jyetero , Tonto Ohiricachua or Mog- ante , done , were united in the endeavor to iep from the sight of the white in- ider the riches of southern Arizona , How to Secure StraiKht Comb * in Movable Frame Hives. This ia the basis of successful Leo cnhu'o , for it-is impossible to handle thebec1 , unl &Klha c mbierofcaiigtng perfic ly struylit in the frames , ao ai to botaaisy tsken out stpirstaJy. The plfiii fonnu-lf in uae , and indi cated hy LanQ&triith , vas a bavel on the lower fcida of the top bar. Th's bavel , . made in the sl'apo nf a Y , was s mutinies made very email and usu ally succeeds tolerably. Yet it happenel very often that the bsei would join the comb of ore frame to that cf aaotlur , end when they were full of honey , it was impos sible to separate them without cutting1 the comb and causing a great deal of honey to run out , drowning bees and sometimes attracting robbrs. . The invention of the comb founda tion or artificial comb has finally and forever put an end to crooked combs wherever it is used. This comb foundation , made of beeswar , saves labor to the bees by furnishing them material already prepared for the shor ing of their honey , and furces them to build combs which hang in the tramea "as straight as a board. " Indeed , artificial comb has even one advantage over natural comb , it is more regular. This was said very truly by one cf our leading boo keepars at an eastern bee convention. There are , however , some attention ? necesaary in order to derive the full benefit of the artificial comb in ob taining stra'ght combs. For instance , the hives should be perfectly level from aide to side , so that the founda tion will not bans ; out cf hia frame , but will remain perpendicular in it unt 1 the bees have it finished and well fastened to the sides. It should all be well fastened to the center of the top bar. This is done by pressing the edge of it down on tha under aide of the bT with a knife , while the war is warm enough to be quite pliable. When foundati n is given to a strong natural swarm , it should be given sparingly , not more than two or three inches deep iu each frame , for if a full sheet ba g'ven , the largo num bers of baes wl ich cluster on it will cause it to Bag. Full sheet * can bo given safely to artificial swarms or col onies which have been divided , or even to full colonies in early spring before they have attained full strength. But in order to secure straight combs , it is not at any time necessary to give more than a small strip of foundation on each frame running along the full length of the frame. With such strips on eah frame and hives set perpendicular from side to side , straight combs w.ll be cecured every ime. It is , however , advisable , to set the hive somewhat slanting for ward. This will caiMB the water from rain or moisture to run out of the 'live , and will not prevent the combs rom keeping perpendicular , since the ilope will.be in. the length of the Tames and not across them. Straight combs ara the pride of the icientific bee keeper ; with them bee ceeping is a pleasure , since the hive an be taken to pieces coinme un jeu le marionettes ( like a puppet ahow ) . * In our next wo will tell which hive ye prefer and why we prefer it. We aho gladly answer any quoition vbich may bo asked. C. P. DAJUNT. I Hamilton , 111. . Hedge Fencing. E. ihloFjmwr. The 0age orange and black thorn re the two most common hedge trees. . ho black thorn is a slow grower , but lore hardy than the Osage , and is 0. discarded where 0."I low pretty generally "I he Osaqe , a less hardy plant , can be rown. The Osage orange is the fa- W orito in all mild localities , for moder- tely dry land. We will speak of L. tnrting the plants. This should be done about theme . me of corn planting. The seed , osting from 50 to GO cents a pound , J. covered with boiling water at first , sft to stand till the next morning , rhen it is poured off and fresh tepid rater put on. We then mix with a.i and from the roadside , or fine dirt , E. nd keep moist and in a warm place , ly at a temperature of from GO to 80 egrees Fahrenheit for about ton MI ays , when the white germs will be < A. ia i bio. Have a rich bed as A.s > r onions ready , and plant the seed A. rows for horse cultivation thirty iches apart , for hand cultivation six- I ten inches , and about as thick in the me fre. w as you would sow black seed on- CO ) ns : ; cover about one inch deep with isd ne , rich dirt. If the ground is dry cur cos irlnklo the seed with tepid water in 10 rows before covering ; if moist id warm this is unnecessary ; but if ry weather comes on the rows must 3 wet every night with water about warm as rain water. In about two three week * the seed will appear jove the ground. The plants must kept free from weeds. We have scan , however , as good a edge as wo have ever known , where 10 seed was sown on the ground here.it was to stand , which had been at in thorough preparation , with a tin of one year in time. Ono pound seed will produce several thousand lants , which will be ready to trans- lank early the succeeding spring the irlier the belter the ground where 10 hedge is to be grown having been loronghly cultivated the summer revious to setting the plants in it. Ordinarily dry ground needs no M [ ovation excapting to throw up a dge and turn about three or four mows toward it to run off the water , ut low or wettish land noedi to ba V irown up several times to form a irt : of hog's back , on which the plants o to be B3t six inches apart , or n lirty-two to the rod , and cultivated by ith care for at leasl two years , and anured wherethe ground is not good , 'hen two years old the plants will ive made a growth of several feet and ust be slashed and laid , i. e. half it off a few inches from the bottom , the spring of the year , and then the ips regularly bent over to within ghteen inches of the ground and in- rwoven and staked and tied , whore cessary to keep them in place until .e new growth comes up among the pped branches. One year after laying , the fence ill turn almost any kind of stock , in- ading pigs , boys and men. It will quire pruning or shearing off twice year In order to keep it in comely tape the last of summer ( August ) id io the soring. The practice ot tting the plants grow two or three et high and then shearing , makes very poor and open fence that ill not turn pigs and geese , and is a very slovenly appearance. But ir plan , generally practiced here , akes a close , compact-hedge , very ightly , even near the house , and small bird can scarcely fly through When plants can be bought for , y , even § 2 a thousand , ai they lould be , it is beter to buy than at- mpt to grow them if inexperienced. A hedge should never ba set except here a permanent fence is required , this connection we might mention sllow willow as a tree that makes , hen dwarfed , a very quick and sub- antial hedge for low or level lands , referred by many to Osage orange or ack thorn. It is a rapid grower , be branches are aiwed In the early ring about two feet long , trying in size from that of a an's thumb or finger fo any larger ze , and set with a crowbar , about ghteen Jnchea deep , leaving at least Ani ur or six inches above the surface ton id ten inches apart in the row. The Bit ips of the cuttings will thus be on a plet boi ! vel line. The ground should bo iUAn ell tilled where the fence is An : Uh < ade , and kept cultivated and UhI clean by tillage , with pnti- , toca or beans on oich side forsev ralfeel , enough t > plaiit two ] rows of poldt > ea or btnan , and to cul- t"ya-e bctwesn theni The cuttiigs will nuke ijrowth of frjni four eix feet tho. first summer , 'i his growth should a 1 bj put b.-.ck to within six inches , when bnincbcs will sgaia ttart out in a'l ' dirictio ; s. nukinjr aviiy j close hedge It needs a- mill trim ming. A MONUMENT OF GOLD Shculd be e-ec'ed in racaiorof the imentor of "Anikcais , " the external 1'i'o Kcmcily. ilr. Jamea J. Ras.ttt , of Uric , I'cunx , wr.tcs as f j- Me-ni. NECSWIDTKR t Cj. : Oi.ML 3iKS Enclosel find P. O order for 31.00 for which tend box "Anakesis. " I have used two boxes and feel it my duty to siy teen that by the use of your simple remedy I hae been ratted from the brink of do pair to th * jojfnl hope of eon bek ) ; able to declare mysli"en tirely curo.1. Ono month's trial , at the f mill expense of the coit of one oox of AnaXesis" has pi\en me more relief thin two years djctoiin ? with our best phya'ciam here. Surely a monument ment of celd should be erected in memory of the inventor of AnaktiU. tend at ouce if pos sible. I shall ba pleased to reply to any one who in quires as to tlia merits of your \jluablo medi cine , should you Eccfltto publhh this. Sincerely jour servant , J MES J. IHsSKTT , Eri" , Pa. "Ar.akesia" is roM by &I1 dru-/i ts Price Sl.O-J per box. Samples sent free to all sufferers on application to "Anakesw Depot , Box 3.J46 , New York. AIONOt THE LADIES The brilliant , fascinating tints of Complexion for which ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial , and allwhoTTill take the trouble may secure them. These roseate , bewitching hues follow the use of Hagan's Mag nolia Balm a delicate , harm less and always reliable article. Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm conceals every blemish , removes Sal- lowness , Tan , Redness , Erup tions , all evidences of excite ment and every imperfection. Its effects are immediate and so natural that no human being can detect its application. Catarrhal ; HA KINO offensive raucous , PAINS over the ' yes , CRACKLING In ths head , SICKENING rcath , DEAFNESS and tlcklln ? In the throat , re SIGNS of CATARRH. The PURULENT ECRETIOXS thrown upon the BRONCHIAL UBES while asleep , follow the nvcoug mem- rane , and POISON THE ENTIRE SYSTEM , uflererg know how OBSTINATE the disease is. he ac'jon of Catarrhal Virus , like that of small- ox has boon FINALLY DISCOVERED. Catarrh now cured. . McKrasBT , R. R'dPreo.,33 Broad St. , N. Y. "WEI DE MEYER'S CATARRH CURE to won derful. " i. II. BROTO , Merchant , S33 Canal St. , N. Y. CATARRH 11 YEARS. Cured byono pack age. > BKXKDICT. Jr. , Jeweler , 697 Broadway , N. Y. ( family of. ) Cured of CHRONIC CATARRH . L. Butisn , 443 Broadway , Y. Y. , CATARRH 10 YEARS. Could not taste or smell Cured. I lost my \ oice by Catarrh , and Iiava been cur ed. i " J. IlKsDKSsoa , 155 Nawark Avc. , Jersey City. i r. , D. WOODS , 137 Broadway , N. Y. , cured o Chronic I Catarrh. A. NEIVMAK , Merchant , 305 Fulton St. , Brook lyn 1 CHRONIC CATARRH. Given up by physicians. Cured. B. TIIORNK , Insurance 1S3 Montamie St. , Brooklyn. Self and ton cured of CATARRH. D. McDosALD , Merchant , 713 Broadway , N. Y. ( SUter-in law. ) Had CATARRH 0 YEARS. Cured. Etc. , Etc. , Etc. , Etc. . Etc. CURED ! CURED f OURF.D CURED ! O. PRESB' T. Prop. West End Hotel , Long Branch i , Cured of 0 j eara Chronic Catarrh. W.J. H. BROWN , 393 Canal St. , N. Y. , Cured cf 11 J. years Chronic Catarrh. D. McDosALD , 710 Broadway , N. Y.Sistcr-in- Lati ) Cured of 40 years Chronic Catarrh , us. JACOB SWARIZ , Jr. , 200 Warren St. , Jersey 21 City , cured of 18 je'.rs chronic Catarrh. B. Thorn. 183 Montagu * St. , Brooklyn , ( salf JO and son ) cured of Catarrh. McKixxKX , R. R. Prea , 33 Broad St , N .Y. : "My family experienced immediate relief. " tic. . kc. , &c , &c. . &c. DR. WEI DE MEYER'S PAMPHLET with the est remarkable testimonials on record , font e . , by his Agents , Mcss-s.D. B. DEWF.Y & . ,48Dey St. N. Y. ; or by DrujreMts. The cure delivered at $1.50 a pickage. Think of a rcai re for an obstinate disease , at this trifling t. dccS 2a4v.--eod Wi WIND ENGINE PtHi Hit P. P.B F ( All 1 Allt MANUFACTURED BT ast , Fees & Co. , Springfield , 0. The Strongest andlfost Durable PtI E GIN I Coi In the World. apr 513 Hundred ! in use In Iowa and Nebraska Sold C.J Dealers in nearly evrry county. J. ) FEVER AND AGUE , .1 ' | - | FOKTIF5T TOE STSTEv , id you axe armed wiinat disease. The finest lie for this purpose b Hoatetter'ii Stomach ttsrj , which renders dlgettioii cur and com- te. coaatcncta biliousness , and Keeps the well in order , and to genial ana beneficent are effect , that not only Is the body invigorated. id regulated by iu use , tut despondency bin 4 ied tram all the mind. For ! -\IA TIIK Chicago SL NorHnvcstcrn 2,380 MILES OF ROAD I It ii tfao SlIOllT , SUltE and &Je Route Batweim COUNCIL BLUFFS AXD CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE and all points EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC GREATER FACILITIES AND JIORE ADVASTAGEd THAN ANY OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. It U the ONLY ROAD botwe-n COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which la run PULLMAN HOTEL CARS ! In addition to these and to please all classes of travelers , It HTM FIRST-CLASS MEALS at Us EATING STATIONS at 50 cents each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS I ITSCUfr.HESARETHEFINESTI ITS EQ'JIPPMEKT ' FIRST-CIASS II ysu wish the Best Traveling Accommod * tlons you will buy your ticket * by this Rout , J2TAXD WILL TAKE NOSE OTHER. All TIclota Agtnti can Bell von Throuch Tickets vK this road and Check usual Baggage Free ot Charge. OMAHA TICKET OFFICES-lSfl Famham St. , Cor. llth , and at Union PaclSs 1'epot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorado Central and Union Pacific Ticket Office PAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 2 New Montrom- ery Street. For Information , folders , maps , etc. , not ob tainable at Home Ticket Offlce , addicts any agent of the Company , or MARVIN HUCHITT , W. STENNETT , Gcu'l Manager , GenT Pass. Acent , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , flen'l Ac't Omaha & Council Bluffj. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City * RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City Route ! 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE ! From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS , DDLUTH , or BISMARCK , And al ! point ? in No-tliern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. Thi line is equipped with the Im proved \Ve9tinghou3a Automatic Air Brakeband Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT is unsurpassed. Elegant Drawinj * Room -jrd 3eef.in ! ? Car , nwncd and rontrolltd hy the com pany , tun Through IVifh ut Change , between Union Pacific Transfer repot , Council Bluffs , ludSt P.ial. Trains leave the Union Pacific Pransfcr Pcpot at Council Bluffs , at 5:15 p m. , cachinif Sioux City at 10:2i : ) p. m. , and St. Paul it 11:05 a. m , mak'n z3TEN HOURS i.v ADVANCE or ANY OTHER Rourn. ReturMnc , lca\p Ft. Paul at 3:30 : p m , ar- ivi-is : at SI.MIX City at 4 : < 5 a m. . and Union \\cilic Tran'fcr Depot , Council Bluffi * , at 0 0 i. m. Besuro that your tickets read \a ! "S. C. ; P. R. R. " F. C. HILtS , Superintendent. Missouri Valley , Iowa. ' . E. KOLINSON , Ass't O n 1 Pass. Agent. J. H. O'BRYAN , 'outhwcs'crn Freight and Pasitnjer Agent. ny20-tf Council Bluffs THE { .G.ST.JOE&G.B.R.R . . ) . . . . , ) Is the only Direct Line to T. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. 10 change of cars between Omaha and St. Louis and but one between Omaha and New York. ilX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS RXACIIIXO ALL Eastern & Western Cities "ith less charges and in advance of other lines. This entire Una Is cciuipced with Pullman's Palace S'l-epin ' ; Cars , Palace Day Coich- CT.Miller's Safety Platform and Conpier and the celebrated - 3TSEK THAT YOUR TICKET READSTHJ Vii Kansas Citv , St. Jo cih | a2TCouncilBluff3R.R.v Tickets for sale at all coupon stations I the rest. . rest.F. BXRNARD , A. C. DAWES , Gcn'l Supt. , Gcn'l Pass. & Ticket Ac't St Joseph , Mo bt Joseph , Mo , W. C. SEACHKEST , Ticket AKun. , 4 i Fifteenth Street , between Farnham and Doncias ] , Union Block , Omaha. 3S. TEHON , A. B. BARNARD , Pa * ; . Ascnt. Omaha Oek'l Agent , Omaha. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I SURLIHGTON & ith Smooth and Perfsct Track , Elegant Pas- scncer Coaches' ' , and ULLMAN SLEEPNC _ & DINING CARS. Is acknowledged hy tbe Press , and all who travel over It , to he the Heat Appointed and Best Managed Road in the Country. ASSBNG-BRS GOING EAST should hear in mind that this is the EST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , North an J Northwest. Paaacngcra by thU Route bavo choice cf OUE DIFFERENT EOUTES , And the Advantage of Six Daily Lines of P * lace Sleeping Cars from Chicago to ew York City Without Change , Express Trains on this line are equipped with the U'estinehoiHO Patent Air Brakes and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler" , thj mo t Perfect Protection - tection Against Acci dents In the world. ILLMAN ! PALACE SLEEPING AND DINING CADS Are run on tha Burlington Route. Information concerning Routes , Rates , Time mnections , etc. , will bo cheerfully given by plyin ; at the office of the Burlington Route , Fourteenth Street , Omiha , Nebraska. E. PEKKISS , D. W. HITCHCOCK , Gcn'l Mrnazer. den. YTcst'n Pass. Ag't. O. ( PH1LHP1 , St. Joo. , Mo. General Agent , Omaha. II. P. DU 4L , l)5-dly _ Ticket Agent , Omaha. ( tn ul alma. j > * ri3ialty or by I.rr-nl Nii , ilUilrilcJ.COctl. ft L to-ii tiutt , acpicfl , pen > ; c i ite < mlT rnt. un in tCMCllrvltc . . . > f ltT.fi- * - r * - PSRMAMENTLY.TCURES ; ; and Piles. . . S. K.H. CLARK , eentIineroTt.r 7 tj Lncasea ofKIDXirr TKOCBIX3 rthaa acted UtoacLcna. Itha carcdin nyTerrf baa corcn of riLES , and lias ncTcr faUc-I to g net efficiently. " 1s3r > > "ltl rprlc < : Ii ? c ir3 ol creat suCcrlne froa PUe * na Co5 ( lTCac lt comjlettlr curcdme. " I 1. C.9. IICCAnOS'ofEerisUIre , y , ' one ! r&c i > ccliA9fIoixt frontier * for me ia eoa r 1r-ctcl ? c-jrlni ; a serero Urer and Kldnty J 8THAS \itfOWDERFUL POWER. BECAUSE IT ACTS ON THEJ txrnn/rni : nowdiS AND BID. ] NCY3 AT TnnSAMT.lXHE. I Because It cleanoe , tha system off the poisonous humors that develops [ In Kidney and Urinary dlecaaes , Bll-l lOJoncaa , Jaundice , Constipation , I Plica , or In Rhoumatlcrrif Neuralgia ! and Females disorders. | rMcnd end can 1 > Mot b7 moll prepaid , Bay It ot the DraezMc. Price , LOO. Prepltics , B Burllneton , Tt. For { 'oiighSjCoItls , Bronchitis Asthma. Consumption , And ALL DISEASES of the Throat and Lungs. _ Put Up in Quart Size Bottles for Family Use. ilcra who trto pUm off upn v u an 1 UYE , which is tlu only Mk [ > on eieh bottle. Extract from Report of tbe Commissioner of Internal R venue- TKEASUKV DLr.YKTHENT. OFncc OF I.VTEK.V VSVJE ; ? ° ° Jaal"ry * * " f ' Hear , . LAWRESCE i MARTI.V. Ill VK-a St , & il ? ' ' ' GsyrLE2inxi 1 ha\e rcc Ired a "co'tlflod for-iul ci ic llo in reihcnta a d r i.iv prei lj1 ° sT.U3eJ.l"tllc nuficturo of an article hich you drertw ! and te > l under the nu-i ot "TOUJ UOLk and UYE. " Ill's ccmponnd , aecorUi s In joar fonuiilo. in the opinion of this ul.-r. wonH have a s-uOcUnt quantity of the UAUNAM OF TOLU to iUcit ll thaadvanUie * M-xi-wd totfcU rtcla m pcctcrsl comi > Uiat4. whiio the whty ! a d syrupconstitute aaemubioa raniuinc the comrouiidantgrcealle remedy to ( he jvvient j In the opluion of tuls offic * , an rUcl * compoua 'c-l accordins to this form On nny rroperly ! c.assed as a iroJIcinal preparation unJenhcrroii i ins of S h daljA , followios aceti- J.1W , V. S. without rcndcricsr them liab'o to pizpeotal Uxu Kqn r ilc-xlrr ? " ' ' Yours Respectfully , ( S ccil ) GBEEN 'B. RAUM , Commissioner. Lawrence & M\rtln , Chlcigo , Sole Aent3 for the IVu-lSti'M aadCanida. SM by Dnur rn . Cre.anJLGeneral ? . Dealers evcrjwLcze Wh.ikiJej.Lt . f , r JCeb. . STEELE , JOH.NSOX is , will supply the trada at manufacturer * prl.cj. WHO IS UN ACQUAniTED rrft THE CVOCRAP HVOOTrH.SgCOUNTRY. . WIU. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. IS TirE GREAT CONNECTING LESK BETWEEN THE EAST Jfc THE Its mam line runs from Cblcaito to Council Blufft , passlnB throuch Jollet , Otuiwa , La t-allc. Ueneseo , Mollne , Hock Irlauil. Davenpjrt. We t Liberty. IowaClty.Marcneu. llrooklyn , Grinnell , Des Molnea ( tbe capital of Iowa.3tuart. ) Allan- , tic , and Avoca : vritli brr.nclies from Uurenu Junction to Peorta ; Wilton Junction toMusca- tlLO , WosblnKton. Kalrfleld , Eldon. Uclknap. CenWevlllc , lrlncelon. Trenton , Rallatln. ( 'amo- rnn. Leavennorth. Atchbon. and Kansa * Cltr : Washington to Slgnurnejr. Oskoloosa. and Knox- Vllle ; Keokuc to Farolnirton. llonapartc. Hen- tonsDort. Independent , Kldon. Ottumwa. Etldr- vlllP.Ostaloosu. 1'cllaJlonroo. and Ues Molnea : Nnwton to Monroe : Ue Molnes tolndianolaand Wlniernct ; Atlantic to JUoirU and Audubon ; anil A'oca to llnrlnn. This Is positively the only Railroad. nlUch owns , and operates a throuKu line from CblcuKo Into the State of Kanns. Through Express I'asaenser Trains , with I'nll- man Valaco Cars attached , are rim encti w daily tetneon CHICAGO and I'EOIIIA. KANSAS CITY , COUNCIL unrrrs , I.EAVENWOKTH and ATeni- So : . Throughcnrsnroai3orunbctiTecnMi' 7au- Jtee nnd Kansas Cltr. via the " .Milwaukee and KocV Island bhoLine' . " The "Great V.oct Island" 1s maenlflcpntly equipped. Its roait bed Is simply perfect , and its track Is laid with steel rails. What " 111 please you moat will bo the pleasure of cnjoylnif your uical . while passlni ; overtho beautiful pialries ot Illinois and Iowa , luonoof onrmacnltlccnt Dlnlni ; Cars that accompany nil Through Express Toln . You cet nn entire meal , ns EOOU as is served In nuy Urst-cU53 hotel. rorseventy-tlTe cents. Apprcciattne the fact that a majority of the people prefer sepiirate apartment * tonlldorent purposes ( and the Immense jiiis enKer business of this line warranting It ) , we arc plt-osed tunn- nouuco that this Company run * 1'iiHman lettuce bleeping Can for sleeping purposes , and 1'atace liinini Cart for eatlcff pnrpo onlr. Cneottcf ( rrcnt fcntcroof cur I'alace Cars Is a SMVKl > v SALOON wnereyou can enjoy jour "II itin. arnll hears of the day. Magntflcent Iron UrUlKoi spun the X.uL > < nna Missouri rivers at all points cro eft 5T Mi line , and transfers are avoided at Counct. ii. J"s Kansas City. Leavcnworth. and AtcU'sos Cu y necllons belnsmailo In Union Depnt * . TIIK I'KINCH'AI. li. IL CONNKtTlUAe < . i THIS ( JKEAT TllIlOL'UU LINK A&tC # . tOIJ.OWS : At ClliCAUO.irlth all dlvcrelns lines < ux rir > East and South. At K.NG LEWOOO. with the L. 9. * JL S. 'MM Jf , Ft. W.AC. lt.Kds. At WASHINGTON nzicrrrs. with 1 * . , At i v SALLK.wlUi III. Cent. ft. it. Atl'KHKIA.nlth 1 > . I * . AJ. ; 1M.4E. W. : 111. Mid. : and T. P. AW. Rils. At HDIK IHL.'I > . with Mllwankeo & Island S ort Line. " anil Hock Isfd A fee. l AtDAVE.srour. with the Davenport . . . . . At WEST1.II1EKTV. with the B. . C.ILA - * tfc AtliUlN.VEI.l. lth Central lown K.1U A t Dr.s ioi..rf : , with I ) M. A K. t > . It. K , AtCoCNCII. ULUrrs.wlth Union rnciHU M. At OMAUA. with . A Mo. It. II. It , tu N1Z. ' At CoLVMiira Juxciiox.with H..C. it. A fi. IU At UrruJtWA. T-ltli Central Iowa It. it V Et. L. A I'no. and ( T. 11. A y. It. ltd-i. At KroKUK.wltUToL , Pea. A War. : Ws3 < s Lours A Pac. . and M. 1 . Keo. A N.-W. It Itcs. AtCAMEIlo.v. nlthll.i-UJ lt.lt. AtATCIIIso.V. wllhAtch.TnpckaAME ! tar Atch. A Neb. and ( "on. Ilr. U. P. 1U Itds. At I.CAVENWOUTII. with Kan. 1'oc , to ita Cent. It. Itds. At KANSAS ClTT.wlUi all lines lor ttf and Southwest. I AI.ACK C.V1CS nrf run thrnilEh to 1'KOICIA. DF.M . JUI.UFFS. JLVASAS CITY. ATClHSt ! \ . nnd L.KAVEXIVOIt'1'H , Ticket"via this l > lnc , Unoxvn n < tbe "Orvat JC cU Iilund JCuutc , " nre lUK all Ticket lu tli XInlte-.l ' . Accnm btnle * nnd L'unadn. For Information not obtainable ut your homo ticket office , addrei * . IdJUOBAlLir , , E. ST. .TOIITC. Qen'l Superintendent. Ucn'l Tkt. and Passer An. FORNiTURl FEATHERS STT A JDBS. And everything pertaining to the Furniture and upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THE JPIRIOIES- p St mon th eat 1208 and 1210 Farnliam Sin-cl. Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator IFOIR ± 880. MANUFACTURED BY S. P. MAST & CO.jSPRlNFFIELD , 0 They also make Buckeye Improved Iron Berun Walking Cultivator , with -without Springs. The Kew Force Feed Buckeye Drill , one or tire Horse Style , Inquire for them at the beat dealers. F. H. PTTGH. Gen. Agent , Omaha , tfeb. A new and and hitherto unknown remedy fo all diseases of tie Kidneys , BIadderand Urinary Orpins. It will positively cure Diabetes , Gravel , Drop. sy , Brlehfs Disea-e , inability to retain or erctl the Unne , Catarrh of the BIaed r , high co.orf d and scanty urine , Painful Urinitinr , LAME BAOE , General WolnefB , and all Female ComplaiflU. It avoidea Internal medidnev , Is certain lu it effects acd cures when cothinj ; rise can. For tale by Drcgpfsts or tent by mail tret upon receipt ot the price , $3.00. DAY KIDNEY PAD CO. . PROP'BS , Toledo , O. OTBend yottr addrefa for our little book , How Isf waa Saved. ' ISP , TESTIMONY. XheCaaLlerof the First National BanJr.Troy Ohio , gays : TROT , O. , December SCtb , 1S73. DR. BCBASKO MCDICCTS Co. , Plain , O. : GISTLKMKX I was troubled with Khcanu- ti mla tprins in the acute fj m fo liullf tha I was unable to ue mr hand. Through tha recommendation * cf my fciemK I was lndacc-1 to try your Rheumatic Cure , which immediately be-an to soothe , comfort and allay the pain , ami inaihorttimolwaarelievedof this dhtressia ? disease. I take treat pleasure in recommending this valuable remedy to tbo M similarly affected. Tours reaixetfuIJy , JNO. t. MEKEDITU. These remedies j > eak for themselves. To try them ia to be cured. If you cannot ret th m of year Druoiit , by remitting us 3100 we wEI if r.d yon four bottles of the Rheumatic Cure , or six cf tha Pile Kemtdy , by express prepaid. Give plain direction for shipping1 j The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co. , , OHIO. m2Wawt ! C. F. GOODMAW , 'Agent , Onuox dKS H.H lIrttiCo.