Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    r. . - < Wv . - .
! f' 'OMAHA ' ; NEBRASKA , TUESDAY , MAY 25 , 1880. NO. 290
Established'ISTl. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
Sped * ! dlipatchio The Bee. ' _ > , ) V
WASHINGTON , May 25 1 a- m.
The president aont to the aenate yes
terday th& nominatioa.oL Joseph O.
Pntnwn.o'f KflWYork , "be mur ater
of tie gS. to'Bslg'mm.vice .Wm.
O. Gerdo ; res'qnecK
"Why Senator Gordon Eeslgned. ,
Special Dispatch to Ti BuT | i | * - . / ' '
CHICAGO , May 25 1 a. jm. The
Journal's " ' "WashingtontspecraT savB ;
Senator Gordoittbl your : correspondent -
" ent to-day that ho 'did not 'int'tad'to
deny the elorioa put afloat inthonama
of Alic. Hi Stephens , tfiat , hhad
resigned SiiEoSttiEUheioH.iteJto av6i4
nnplea ant 'disclosure * . 'He said taat
theao stories were used in his last 'cam
paign and although ho failed to. police
them ho was TO elected by a vote of
214 to 6 , He s. ; d he resigned purely
bectuse his aalarywai not sulficjent
to mest'tKoTerns ml j up5n him. ! aid ;
becauaeiia * ' Want id Co provide a 'com
petency for J"BJ , fani'ly. , .Govcrppr
Brown , hls'succtiisJr , will arrive Titte
on Wednesday
WASHINGTON , May 25 1 , a.
"For the upper JilisjUsipp Ltand
MitsourTiValleyii , 'Stationary ,
followed'Hr ' the . iliMonr'i ' j by'
ziting Ijarornefer , * uUK-rn
cloudy \rnather ; neariy.stationary b nfr
oineter , , , " r
* j * - * *
The house yesterday/co'fecar aU ? fa the
senate aineBdio nl to\lhhoaia bill
-jf ofsettJerJon thVOsago.
in Kansas' . * The BQ1 passed so amend
ing section 223S as to provide that the'
fee in donation cases shall be : For
eveiy final cortilirate of. 160. acrea ,
? 2 60 ; of 300
acres 7-50.
The refinsl of the house , by a vote
of 111 to 107 to consider the twirl bill
is regarded at the death blow to that
measure this seision.
' A statement was made ou the floor
of the house yeiterday hflernocn that
the senate appropriation committee
had agreed to p < stpono action on the
adjournment reiulution for ten days. ;
It hns been nsLeruined that theru ;
moris incorrect. The senate commit ; :
tee his not taken any actio ! ye although -
\ though the opinion prevails tbat ad-
* Jourumeut cannot be jtad by next
Monday , the date fixed pytthe house.
The jointjule\.for _ counting the
elector * ! l ote gfe taken up
and-Taller sjioke agaimtLit. He
followed byin alh and Conkliug , who
argur " that'the constitution pointed
out a way in which the count should ,
/ , be made. Eaton said that in' ease of
electoral vote'of state was di
vided , a circumstance which was
not likely to occur , the names of
electors voting for different candi
dates would appear on separate re
turns sent to the president'of. the
senate. Conhling Raid in conclusion ,
that he believedthat at the next elec
\ tion the action of the people would
be so decSsiveltbat no rule wouldjbe
Deeded. " © " * % r ' "
\ % . V \
A vote was rakenkomth , joint rule'
as reported * ttho iaenste , and'it yas
' *
cas' - naysli. " *
adopted j , -
Tne senate at 8 p. m. adjourned.
The Grant Faction Bolts the
Regular Convention.
And Elect 16 Federal Office
Holdcra-as Delegates ,
Anccber Grant Bolt
Special dispatch V > The Bee.
NEW ORLEANS , May 26 1 am.
The republican state convention was
called to order by A. J. Dnmont ,
chairman of the "state central commit
tee. The in caucus yes
terday morning refused to ratify the
compromise agreed upon Sunday by
their leaders and began disorder at
once on the meeting of the convention
by refusing to , recognize Dnmont's
right to call the convention to order.
Much confusion prevails.
Pinchbeck , Beattie and a few other
Grant leaders , , failing to obtain con
trol of the convention , have bolted ,
the North Louisiana Grant men re
Spedal Dispatch to , * ra > Usm
CINCINNATI , May 25 , 1 a. m ,
Warmouth has been made chairman
of the regular convention of Louisi
ana. Sevcu of the delegates are for
Grant , seven so * Sherman and twofer
for Blaine. After providing for the
appointment of electors and a new
state committee , the regular conven
tion adjourned.
The Beattio - Pinchback bolters
have adjourned to another part of the
building , and Beattie has been placed
In the chair. Seven Grant delegates
have been chosen ; 'All of the Sher-
min men are federal officers , ai also
all of the Grant .men but one.
Railroad Disaster.
BpccUI Dispatch to TH Bn.
SAN FRANCISCO , May 24 la. m
Later details of the disaster show that
the accident was caused by two cars
jumping the track and a third car
paising over thtae who were .Ihrown
from the detached can. The , list of
wounded is not yet completed , bnt It
is known to be over 40. while 13 are
reported killed. , The engineer of the
train which met with the accident .yes
terday has been arrested.
Els Last Hunt.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
BRIDGEPORT , Tenn. , May 25,1 .
m. Wm. Tat ? , livingj .neat Jasper-
climbed a tree with a'gun in his hand
and cot on a limb , wntch broke be
neath his weight , precipitating hlia > to
the ground a distance of fifteen feet.
In tna fall his gun was discharged ;
* & t"1.11 striking him In'ihe breast
and killing him.alraost. instantly ;
The deceased leaves a wife .and oae
child. J c * "
" "
Disaster j at Sea . ,
CHICAGO , May 24. 1 a. a. The
ChicagoJournal's.Kew York ipeckl
iys : The steamship "Mercator"
'w ' ich Ieftb1 port March 3d , has not
beensecri _ euice. Her cargo , a miscel-
Ianeousqnewa3 valued , at § 120,003.
.Owners b tha-cargo japnrehend that
.fte "MercaM'jthas been cat down. by
iceJ'bTifthe ship's consignees express
the belief that her machinery has been
disabled , and the -vjsieL -making
parV.under/saiL- / . . . * Hti ' $ '
The ahip' gti Paul" from-tivefpool
reports that sho'Tiad three doys of fog
on the Newfoundland banks , during
.which timei she hid to lay teen ac-
, conntQfiic3.l" : < When the fog lifted the
Vessel was surrounded by icebergs and
Iodser"ico and encountered , several
bergs on sucoeeding'days. ' ;
Trie brig ' "Athlono" and bark
, 'Topaz'-1 h venot-yet arrived. ; . Tliey
were last ! seen drifting Kelplejfljrjn
See floestjust enit'of theNowfouiidlknd
* "
RyarrhdXaoss ; Mislead the
JRoIlceVnH.'Meet in the
iij Bounds , J'ought , JEle-
salting iri a Victory for the
, . B American Giant.-1 ;
' ' "
M , lj * " , t4 .
FA fe B Ry&n'"ttie'Thurnper ? '
SpecUl DIf patch to The , Bce < "
The often delayed and much talked of
< < meeting'"b ti een * : Ryan andf Goas
took , place this forenoon at Fort Ham *
r * " " J - *
jltpn.JEUeven rounds-were iought ;
darinffrwhicK , Goss recervediyery t K- ,
- ) jivi i'.i.'jij . ; r , ii * i 4 + >
verd.punuhment , and at. the conclu- .which Hy an was declared yic-
ten- i ' \ , - " (
Special Dbpakh to Tht Bee. < y.
CHICAGO , May .24 1 . m. Tha
JourKaVs Now , ? ork pcijl say * TJiS'
"m , which is genwally
g matters , publishes-
the following : It seems that while the
police were watching poiovarii and
llooke , mho , it was given out , were to
Sgh'f near Coney Island , arrangements
were made quietly fprtho meeting of
Ryan and Gossj Shortly after day
light the ring v'waa pitclied in a quiet
nrok near Red Leary'a hotel at Fort
Hamilton. JNo time was lost in get
ting tfce meEf ready for work. There
wera'scafcely more than a dozen spec
tators present. When the men
tripped the superiority of Ryant was
plainly parceptible , " Jii's toweribg1
height , over six feet , "and * hrs "enor
mous muscles , gave him the appear
ance of a g'ant. Gosa looked puny in
comparison althopgh In prims Condi
tion. There were little of the niceties
of science indulged in from the start.
Both men were terribly in earnest and their work before
yan forced the fighting
from the first round , and rained his
formidable alecge hammer blows until
the .Englishman was covered tvith
blood and "was a sickening spectacle.
After standing gallantly up to the
cratch for , eleven rquudi , Goas atlaat
fell under the terrible blow which
caught him under the chin. He was
unable , to rice , ' : and'wthe sponge wac
thrown up by his seconds.Ryan , on-
being' ' declared the winner , 'left bis
cornec.Knd shook hands with his op
ponent The > partjes then * .returned
to the tavern an'dVero' " , quietly * smug-
4 <
' "
- IiATEB. " >
- NEW YORK , May 25 1 a. m. It
is now reported here from Fort Ham
ilton that no mpeting took place be-
tweenjRyan/and Goss. ' * , f
The Turf.
Bptc'&l ' Dispatch to The Bee.
Louisniiii'May" 25 , 1 a. m. , The
race coursa , yesterday was in good con
dition the weather fine. The firet race
was a 'three-quarter mile hear , beat
two -in threej with a 'field of seven
ttirters.'tChanco"won in two straight
heats. ' " ( flme , r:15j'second heat 117. ;
The second race was for threeryear
oldrdaah of twc aniles. Won " , easily
by "Amoras. " ' Time , 3:37J. :
The third race was for the Tennes
see stakes. for two-year old colts W"n
by "Hindoo" after a close brush.
Time , 1:46. „ - - -
The. fourth race-a , mio | , dash , w s
won easily by "Montreal. " Time ,
The Hostile Beds.
Special Dispatch to The Bee. '
TOCSON , A. T. , May 25 , la. in.
Captain Kramer after defeating Victo
ria near San Carlos and killing eleven
Indians , followed the trail Into New
Mexico , where all the Indians now
are , and turned the pursuit over to
the troops belonging to the district of
New Mexico. Lint.-Mills struck the
hostile Indians' camp * just cast of
Hacheta mountains , when a fight oc
curred , resulting in the capture of the
camp and twenty horses. Three dead
Indians wore found afterjhe fight.- , ,
AMerchant's , Sulcfde.r '
Special dispatches to Tha Bee.
PHILADELPHIA , May 25,1 a. in.
Early this morning Samuel Scatter-
good , a wealthy 'merchant , , suicided
by hanging at his residence .on .North
Broad , street. The collapse of the
Heading company was probably the
cause of the fatal acL. - .
A'Dijaaly Dish.
Special dispatch to THS BIX. .
, May 26 , 1 a. m. A
report comes from Camion crtapty that
family living aioar Brady ville' , in
that county , on Saturday ate. a mess of
wild salad. Sixof the family died
within a few hours. < '
- , :
waiting Marchimr r Orders. !
SpecUI Dltpttcb to The Beo.
_ MAYSVILLE , May 25,1 a. m. The
Mason county guards ' are momentarily
expecting marching 'orders to Law-
fence county. Tento , blankets , am
munition , etc. , have -'arrived .from
Death of a TJ.-8.a.rmy Officer.
Fpechl Dupitch to The Bee.
"Co iritBUB , 0. , May 25,1 a. m.
Thrs. . Brent , U. S . , died at the ige
of 35 , at the Deible'r residence yester
day of coniuraptionl He was stationed
hejredurine the latter part of the war
'and resigned two years ago.
colver Wanted ,
to The Beer - " ;
v , May 24 , 1 a. m * . Mo-
tioBS'Trere made to-'day in Philadel
phia and Pittsburg for the appoint
Bent.of 4 receiverfor' the'Reading
An Irish Immigrant Train
Attacked by Zealous
" " r ;
j * * "Stay-afflomesl"
Hanlan and Trickett Prepar-
ingforthe ummer Row. '
Communist- Celebration in Paris
1 The Mansion House
If , , - „ Famine Fund. . „ .
jy . < , IM ' ' - .
The Possibility of .the recall of
TI tliB Gbvernbr of the Cape
/ of Good Hope. .
Amftrip.fl.n Railroad Stock Takes
a Tumble in the Englisli
$ * .
A liarge Assortment of Euro
pean Items.
Spedal dispatch to The See. ' ' "
. CORK. May 24. An emigrant train
from Kerry , .with passengers en route
to'the United States , was attacked by
"five hundred men'eouth oFCork.JTho
f - - * i * * - *
.militia.ami m'any emigrants were serf-
'ously injured ; .
' *
Special Dispatch" to Ti'o Bee.
.LONDON , May' 24. Trickett , the
Australian champion , will be in Eng
land inJuly. , Articles fora-race with
Hanlan havfr already-ibeen signed by
him. The date is not fixed.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
PARIS , May 24 4 , p. m. The
communistic-demonstration yesterday
was a very quiofc affair and consisted
in people assembling around the
Bastile column and placing red wreaths
on the walls wEerd Ihi communists
were shot in 1871. The crowds were
quickly dispersed by police , and seve
ral arresis made.
SpecW'DlJpatch to The" Bee. *
DUBLIN , May 24 4 p. .m. The
Mansion house ; committee have about
24,000 pounds on hand , and-thissum
will be exhausted in three weeks.
Duoatcl ; toTbeBee , _ . , . - ,
" QLABOOW , May 25 1 a. m.
iron market of this icity ' .closed- flat
yesterday ; .The/feeling is extremely-
dull and depressed. Demands from
America and other foreign countries
baa almost closed.
Spcdil diapalch to The Bee.
LONDON , May 24 1 a. m. In the
house of commons yesterday Sir "Wil
fred Lawaon , liberal , gaveTiotice that
he would move 'an. ; address , for the re-
illjof Sir Bartle Frere , governor of
Cape of Good Hop'e. <
Adispatch from Dublin states that
'Rev. Isaac/ Nelson , homeruler , has
been elected to parliament for County
Mayo. '
The duke of Saxe Weimar in com
pany with a large number of Ameri
can and English clergymen , witnessed
the performance ) ! , the Passion play ,
yesterday : TbiJjntereBS. excited by
the performance continues umbatod.
Colman& Co. havb'failed , liabilitica"
oyer 80,000.
Jnthelionse ofcommons yesterday'
affrnoon , the debate on the question
of BradlaughVtaking th'e oath , was
continued. " ' ' *
Bpedal Dtopatch to The Bee.
TVQpftT" , 'May ' 25 1 a. m. The
lower classes in Barocalina are as
suming a menacing attitude. -
BpocUllDtopatch to THK list.
- BERLIN , " May 25 1 a. m. The
clerical opposition to Prince Bismarck's
compromise on the May laws is on
the increase and it is believed the
matter will further embitter the rela
tions of the church and state. ,
Special Dispatch to the 'Bee.
LONDON , May 25 , 1 a. 01.7 A dis
patch from Madrid states that the op-
positiona against the ministry has con
solidated itself and that there is some
reason to expect if will succeed in
either- driving the ministry into an ac-
ccptancb.of their demands or in com
pelling " "tliem to advise King Carlos
to dissolve and appeal to the country.
One hundred and thirty-one monarch
ists have joined in the coalition against
the ministry.t >
Corrospoo4cncep ( Tni BIB.
LONDON , Miiy 25 , 1 a. m. Earl
Granrille , secretary of state for for
eign affairs will .receive . tomorrow
deputations in favor of meditation of
England between Chili and Peru.
jBpecUlDtopitchto The Bee.
LONDON , May 25 , 1 a. m. Tha
failure of the Philadelphia & Reading
Railway' & Iron company continues to
depress 'all railroad stock. The bad
impression caused by these failures is
Increasing rather than diminishing.
Mr. Goran's representations , which
he made to the English stockholders
on his last visit to this city , and those
which were contained in his subse
quent annual reports , are contrasted
with what now is confeised to be the
real condition of the company , and
accusations of unfair dealings and of
the suppression of truth are freely
made. It was remarked yeiterday
as an , exceptionally important fact
that MewJKork Centralswere the only
American stocks that advanced.
LONDOK , May 25 la. m , A dis
patch from Vienna says that it is be-
lieved"that"Austria has offered to .iso
late the Albanians , thus preventing
them from pbtaining.reinforcements.
" * *
I " -
LONDON , May 25 la. m. The op
eratives at Blackburn have resumec
.teclat dispatch , to The Bee ; < * . "
K PARIS May 25 , la. m. At a ful
meeting of the membr rj of the left to-
.day tbey considered .the election of the
preaidcnt-of , the senat * . The vote
waa : BL-iieonJt3kE.I : ; eroyer , 53.
L'ISEON , May -25 1 a. m. The
Por'tugtsa government his asked the
cort'ea to sanctjoua loan of 4,000,000.
Three young blind eirb , from' the
blind asylum in St. Louis , 'whileout
walking , Sunday , feU into a large * ex
cavation , and were seriously injured.
In the base , , ball games played Sat
urday the Cincionatis were scooped
by the Bufialos , 2 to 1 ; Treys -vs.
"Wbrceaters ,'15 ? BoBtonVvs.T'ro-
vidence , 2 'to 9 { Dailies , of W st Troy ;
vs. Albanys , 3 to 6 ; Chicagosvs. ; Cleve-
lands , J8 to 5Princetons ve. Harvards ,
9 to 5.
The 'democrats of Buchanan county ,
Mo. , , resolved for Seymour and Hen-
dricks , last Saturday.
The Presbyterian general assembly
have decided.tnat ministers who have
left the pulpit for secular work , and
become hard up , and widows .of min
isters ivitli children old enough to
work , ra not entitled to relief from
tbc missionary fund.
' 1 - - ' '
Chicago Produce.
CHICAGO , Hay 24.
Flour Dull and drooping.
Wheat Unsettled , lower , very
weak and fluctuating ; No. 2 spring ,
§ 113@113J for cash or May ; J51.05i@
105 for June ; 81 OOf bid for July ;
89jc for August ; sales , § 1 04J1 07 |
fo ; . June ; 991 02 for July. ,
Corn' Active but a rhade lower ;
37i@37ccaBh and May ; 35i@35 | for
June ; 3G < 2 > 36Jc for July ; 3636c for
August. + it \ I" ' ' '
Oals In fair demand but lo.wer ;
31c bid for cash ; 30Jc for June ; 28Jc
for July.
Rye Steady at 85c. k
Barley Steady at 98c.
Pork Dull , weak and lower ; $9 95
for cash and Juno ; 810 05@10 07i for
July ; § 10 0510 07 for August.
Lard Dull , weak and lower ; $6 60
< § 6 62 .fcr cashSG ; 67 665 for June ;
gG G7 | for July ; 86 67 @ 6 70 for
Bulk Meats Dull and t lower ;
shoulders , § 4 15@6 15 ; shore clear ,
$6 30.
Whisky Steady at $1 08.
t/nicaRoJUva StocK Mor&ec
CBICAOO , .May 23.
Hogs Receipts , 30,500 he'ad ; ship
ments , oCCO h ad- ; largoreceipt * fde-
prd3ued the mnrket five to ten cents
lowea ; mixed packing , $3 754 00 ,
chiefly at § 403@410 ; choice heavy ,
84 10@4 30 ; § 4 C0 < § 4 15.
Cattle Receipts , 5000. bead ; ship
ments , 4000 ; market dull ; common to
good natives , $4 G04 55 ; western
corn fed , ? 4 004 45 ; grass Texans ,
$2 C52 85 ; native butchers' , f 4 00 ®
445.Sheep Receipts , 3200 head ; ship
ments , 260 ; market weak but active ;
clipped , $400@425 ; wool , $526.
ST. Lours , May 23.
Flour Dullr fancy , $5 20 .asked ;
choice , So 02 for cash ; $4 CO for
June ; family , § 4 75.
Wheat Lower and unsettled ; No.
2 red , 51 09J@1 09c for cash ; $1 09 ©
109 for May ; 101j@l 02J1 02J for
June ; 929192g@93Jc | for July ;
90g@90 c lor August ; No. 3 do , 93Jo ;
No. 4 do , 97c.
Corn Lower ; 35J@35c for cash ;
35i@45gc for May ; 34@34jc for June ;
34c for July ; 34g34 | -August. .
Oats Lower ; 31Jc for cash ; 30go
bid for June.
Rye Lower to seljl 87c bid.
Barley No market.
- Whisky Steady at $1 07.
Butter Unchanged.
Eggs Unchanged. '
Ltad Dull at 4c.
Pork Lower ; " ? 10.25 bid _ for cish ;
§ 10 bid for June.
Dry Salted Meats Entirely nomi
Bacon § 4 604 85 , | 4 907 05 ,
$710. '
Lard Nominal at $6 60.
Now York Produce.
NEW YORE , May 24.
Jlour Dull ; superior. fine , western
and state , $3 7C 34 40 ; common to
good , $4 2094 75 ; good to choice ,
§ 4 807 00 ; white wheat , extra , § 4 75
® 5 00i : St. Louis , § 4 5@7 00.
Wheat Steady ; No. .2 red , § 1 It ®
,1 21 ; ungraded red , § 1 26@1 30 ; No.
2' ' do , § 1 32@1 33J ; nngraded white ,
$1251 2G& & ; No. 2 do , $1 251 25 | .
Corn Ungraded , 53i@55cNo. ; 3 ,
54c ; No. 2 , 54@55c ; low mixed 54c ;
rnmd yellow , 52 @ 53 c ; Juno 50 ® '
50lc ; July49c.
Oats Mixed western 42@45c ;
white western , 44@47Jc.-
Coffee Quiet and unchanged. * s
Sugar Steady.
Rice In fair demand.
t Molasses Buiet and unchanged. *
Eggs 10X@ll o.-
Pork Old mesB , $11 20. .
Beef Quiet and unchonged.
Cut .Meats Long 'clear middles ,
$6 75 ; shorE clear , $7 00.
Lard Inactive ; prime steam , | 7 10
7 15.
Butter DullTand * unsettled at 8 ®
' '
Cheese Nominally unchanged. -
Whisky Nominal at ? l 13@1 15.
St. liouls Live Stack. . , j ' j
Sr. ; Lbuis/May 24
Cattle Offerings large fortho , fint
day of the week , and buyers asked for
concessions in prices , but failed to get
them , and the tone was" easier , 'how
ever ; choice to fancy , heavyChipping'
steers , $4 604 ' 75/ good - to prime
from 1100 to 1500 Ibs , f4 " 00@4 50 ?
cows and heifers , $2 60@3 50 ; stockers -
ers , S3 003 90 ; 'feeder f 3 754 00 ;
ieccij " > ts , 2100 head ; shipments , 100.
"Sheep Demand urgent for clipped
at .83 00@4 25 ; receipts , 100 head ;
shipments , 350.
Hogs Easier and sow ; Yorkers to
Baltimores$4 ( M@i ) 20 ; packinff :
$4 00@4 15 ; heavy shipping $4 10 ®
415 ; receipts , 9400 head. .
Co'lege Cadet Corps -to Disband.
SpecM Dispatch to The Bet - " ' <
. .CINCTKNATJ , May 25l > i m It is
rumored th3t-thecadA ; c roiof tha
Asbury University wfll disband sextv
yaar. . Ii has been twdearthe direction
of the federal government and. ii a
prominent feature of the college.
A Proposed Indignation Meet
ing to'be'Held in Chicago.
, To Denounce' the 'Fraudulent
Actions of the Third-Term
Tricksters at Springfield.
Geri. RaunvRises to Explain
the Illinois Affair.
* t
A Feeble' iJTeinpt to Justify
tha Treachery of the Third
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , May 25,1 a. m. A num
ber of gentlemen assembled at the
club .room of the Sherman House yes
terday to arrange for the mass meet
ing to bo hold Wednesday night. Ev
ery peraon not'lied was present. Var
ious committeea wore appointed to
further the movement auci the follow
ing call adopted :
"To the republicans of Cook county
who are oppoaed to the action of the
Springfield convsntion. In view oi
the great outrage perpetrated al
Springfield upon the republicans oi
this , state , and especially upon repub
licans'of this county , and tbat a prop
er expression may bo made by which
this county was denied representation
and through tbemostshanufulfrauds ,
and that a protest may ba made
against practices , that if successful ,
will not only be the defeat of our par
ty in November , but destroy its use
fulness. Republicans of Chicago who
are determined tbat the party shall
not be controlled by fraud , and that
the will of the majority shall not be
stifled by tricks of political manager * ? ,
are invited to meet with us at Central
Music Hall , Wednesday evening next
at 8 o | clock for such action as maybe
deemed advisable. Signed by Henry
W. Kinir , 0. : H. Case , Andrew Shu- [
man and 31 others , - . '
Gen. Baum on the Springfield. Aflalr.
8p cto Dispatch to the Bee.
WASHINGTON- , May 25 6 a. m.
General. Raum , comraisn'iier of fed-
era.1 revenue , who' presided over the
Illinois republican convention , stated
to-day" tbat the sweeping charges made
by Farwell republicans , wore not sup
ported by facts. That in point of fact ,
the state convention was a representa
tive body , and included 693 dele
gates ; that itwas idle , to as
sert that euch a body was
controlled by a few men or office
holders. He says that' Gen. Baum
recalls the names of a few men only
who acted a > delegates , or who , be
sides myiolf , hold ollico under the fed
eral government. ThefeTniay be more ,
but if so I am not aware of it.- From
the very moment the convention was
called to wci apparent that
Grant had a majority. Whether a
full anti-Grant delegation from Cook
county was admitted or not wo had 14
teat votes by yeas and nays each , and
jrhichgave 'General Grant over 100
majority. I was a delegate and should
taken ,110. part in proceeding except
that several of the gubernatorial can
didates expressed a wish that I should
preside , and when my name w&a
presented ! to the state convention
committee there was a unanimous vote
in my 'favor including that of
Farwell , whereupon a delegate from
my county gave me proxy during de
bates. The minority invariably were
given more time than the majority.
One.chief qu'estions.which agitated the
convention , namely : as to the
mode of' raising a committee to
select delegates to national "con
vention ' , itho minority , led by
Gen.'Hurlbut , made eight speeches to
two for the majority. The previous
question was called , and an appeal
from the decision , of the chair was
made , and a vote of 647 to 48 was the
sense of the convention. All leading
members jubilantly acknowledge party
rulings. _ don't think there will bo
any contest over the delegation , and
if any tbey'cannot ' possibly succeed ,
' , Grant in Iowa.
SpecUI dhpatch to The Bee.
DCBUQUE , May 25 1 a. m. Gen.
Grant -reached this city shortly after
noon yesterday to remain a few hours
as the guest of a personal friend , Wil
liam Ryan.
, , . The Vanguard.
SpecUI Dispalcb to The Bco.
CHICAGO , May 25,1 a. m. The first
delegate to the national convention to
arrive was Hon. A. 0. Ireland , of Or
egon. Senator Dou Cameron , chair
man of the natlonal.committoe , i ex
pected in the morning. . The remain
der of the committee < -will arrive dur
ing the week and , a meeting of the
whole .committee will be held Monday ,
whan a temporary chairman will be
selected. Gen- Logan , Raum and
Fitley are candidates. On the other
side Is Eugene Ehlojof Maine.
Politicians Leaving For Chicago.
Special Dispatch to Tna BKIL
* CHICAGO * May 19 1 a. m. The
Journal's Washington special , says :
Nearly all tha leading politicians , in
cluding those who7 are managing the
canvass respective of' presidential can
didates ' , , have .either left for Chicago
o'r are'preparing , to leave. Quite a
number-start to-day. Wm. E. Chand
ler left last night via Detroit , where
he will lock after the Michigan dele
gates , and on Wednesday the officers
of thenational , Blaine club start for
Chicago to open" headquarters there.
Sherman's active workers also leave
here ' to-morrow , and by the end of the
week' will be left without any
active friends of the respective candi
Helena ( Montana ) Independent , Stay 11. "
Last Saturday Hannibal Jloe , who
resides'in ' the Little Prickly1 'Pear , in
the vicinity of Wolf Creet Station ,
mouldered his gun and went out in
the mountains for a deer hunt. While
he was passing down , the coune of a
small gulch , and just as hehad ; turned
a point of rocks whiclf'protruded ab-
Tnptly from f he moSrifaln side , he received - " "
ceived upon the leftside of his head
and face a stunning blow from the pa *
of an immense she bear , which it ap-
lears was lying in wait for Turn * upon
he other side of the"rocks , The.blow
cpocked 3Ir. Roe. down and caused
lira to lose possession of his gun ,
which was the only weapon he had
with him , and at the same instant
nfuriatedbeast , throwing h aelf- '
' "
v - ;
the prostrate form of her astonished
disarmed and wounded victim , th <
man and bear were precipitated to
gethcr about fifteen feet 'down the
steep bank to the bed of the gulch
Having natning to defend hirnsel
with , Mr. Hoe quickly determined to
"play the dead man , " and turning
upon his face feigued ur.csnscioumesa
through one of the most trying ordeals
ever experienced by a humin being.
The bear evidently concluded if her
prey was dead ho had been killed by
her own strong paws , and bojan her
fea > . Beginning upon his heicT she
literally tore the man's acalp to shreds ,
leafing it iu a condition horrib'e tc
Ipo-f a * ; He says ho could tu h hear
a'ndf feel her teeth
She then bo aii upon his Lft should
er , inllicting there a ghastly and dan-
geious wound , aud hit him in several
places upon his left arm , side and back
as far down as the hip. Juet aa she
had driven her tsoth into the hip and
was doubtless , upon the point of in-
ilxting such wounds as would have
Ciused instant death , one of her cubs
raised a cry of distress. It was at this
point that Mr. Roe's play , of "dead
man" whith had hitherto teemed to
unavailing1 , was ofgreaisarvlcatohiru.
The bear evidently thought her vic
tim dead , and leaving him , hastened
to the relief of her young , intending it
is supposed , to finish her meal at plea
sure. Though , bruised , mangled and
fatigued his scalp a bleeding mass of
torn flesh and matted hair hanging
about his brow , his left cheek and ear
torn off until they hung at his aide by
but a slender strip , his cheek bone
broken , his shoulder , atm and eido
badly injured , ho nevertheless sum
moned sufficient strength to rise and
taway _ before his antagonist arrived.
j story of hia subsequentachive1
niont is almost beyond belief , but is
b"undantly vouched , fbr. He was
living alone , and knew that to return
Jo me without summoning assistance
Wai to certainly go home and die iu
so'itude. Although from the tceiia
) f hia encounter it was a mile an 1 a
half home , he wa'ked that distance ,
and without stopping at hia e < : bin
proceeded a half-mile futthcr t'o ,
Upon the opposite side of which .he
saw akcouple of neighbors , to whom lie
cilled for assistance. As soon aa lie
observed that his cries were heard he
returned to.hia . cabin where his neigh-
bora soon after found him sitting upod
a stool , holding hia hand to the side
of his head , and in tbat way ns best
he could keeping hia mutilated check
and ear in place. Such aid was .ren
dered aa could be under the. circum
stances , and medical assistance was
telegaaphed for , ( o "which Dr. Steele
promptly responded. The wounds
were dresjed early Sunday and Mr.
Roe was It ft as .comfortable aa his sur
roundings would allow. He bore his
Bufferings , including the great
jgrjitnumber pUtcbea thut-.were
taken in sewing his wounds ,
with wonderful fortitude , allowing'
grosn or complaint to escape him , ex
cept upon one .occasion when the
needle pierced the flesh 'in close
proximy to the eye. He confidently
asserted that he would get well ,
although the doctor regarded his case
as a critical one. Since the above was
written Mr. lloo has arrived in Hele
na and is now at the Sisters' hospital.
He made the journey of forty miles ,
from his homo to Helena , in a spring
wagon , thus affording additional evi
dence of his remarkable endurance ,
which hia physician regards as being
without a.parallel. Last evening he
waa feeling quite comfortable and
considerable hopas were entertained
for bis recovery.
Hstena Herald , M y 12
The victim of a furious onslaught of
a she bear on last Saturday in the
Pr-ckly Pear Canyon was visited yes
terday by our reporter in St. John's
Hospital , whore he. was found the
sole occupant of a large and comforta
ble room , provided with fire and all
the necessaries for a patient in' his
condition. While there the attending
physician , Dr. Steele , came in accom
panied by a barber , to dress the
wounds , which had been hastily
bandaged last Sunday morning in
Roe's cabin , near the Missouri river.
As peen ci warm water , sponges and
basins were ready , the work of
unwrapping the head commenced. So
skillfully hid the work of holding the
head , check and scalp together by
means of many bandages been perform
ed that it was wonderful to look upon
and see how 'a few stitches hero and
there , and some well applied banda
ges would hold together in a natural
position the mangled flesh and skin
that had so distorted the "face di-
vine. " The unwinding of the head
reminded one of 'the ' unwrapping of
Cumming's six thousand years' memo
ries. So completely was it enveloped
from the crown to the chin that only
one eye , a part of the nose and
the mouth were visible. But pa
tiently and with great nerve the un
winding was submitted to , and ere
long the last bandage was removed ,
exposing a head furrowed and cor
rugated to the skull in every direction
by the beast's tusks. The left ear
was gone and the left cheek held in '
position so as not quite to hide the
exposure of the jaw bone under where
the ear had been. After a careful
shaving under the barber's hands the
head was again bandaged , oiled and
packed away for the process of nature's
healing art , to be again dressed In a
few days for another'process of heal
ing , which Dr. Steele hoped would in
the end save the man's life.
Base Ball.
The following games of base bill
were played May 24th :
Spedal Dispatch to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , May 25 1 a. m. Cin-
natis , 17 ; Bufialos , 4.
WASHINGTON , May 25 , 1 a. ' m.
Nationals , 2 ; Baltimore , 2.
TROT , May 25 , 1 a. m ; Bostons , 1 ;
Treys , 8.
Still They Strike.
Ipedal Dispatch to Tim Bii.
CHICAGO , May 25 , 1 a , m. The
urnaca men and helpers of the Union
oiling mills , who have been getting
3 per day have struck for § 3.60.
To Sophia C. J BJeckehoff :
You are hereby notified that on the llth day
( March , A. D. , 13SO , a petition was ttleJ iu
he District Court , within and 'for the
County of Douglas , and State . -Nebraska , by
ohn U. BJeckehoff Plaintiff ; and against .you 19
elendant , the object and prayerbf-nrhlch pell-
Ion to that s "divorce from the bonds "of ma-
rimonymaybe decreed in favor of eaid Plain/
Jff and against yon ty reason ; of .yonr * „ , ,
. W.
* "
< " *
k I i j y a
Bryan , Texzur , June 1,1879 ,
J.C. Eiohartlson , St. Louis-Dear Sin
Sly boy , 9 years old ; bad fever even
other day , or every third day , for nbou
a monthi. I used as much a * 13 grains
of Quinine during Hie day , but with no
effect ; tried Clnchonla ( alkaloid ) Solplt
Clncbonldla , Bnlacine , etc. , etc. , but the
boy got worse all the time. I reluctantly
sent down to my drnc ( tore for yonr
iTeurtniKtvind i write jut to ajr that be
never had a symptom otfaver after com-
mencinc-Febrifuge , to date , being now
over a month ago. I feel that I ought to
say thl much In behalf of yoormedlclne.
Am a regular M. V. , but retired from
practice 3 years ago and devoting my
umo to tlrus : business.
Very respectfully.
Stockton , Mo. , An * . Wth , 1879.
JT. O. Richardson. St. Ix > uU Dear Sir :
Clifford's Febrifuge 1 the best tblne for
Chill * and Fever that ire bare aret
Iiandled. ' There never hM been a caie
that was NOT cured by It ttiat was Caken
accordinK to directions In thU port of
the country. Yours truly ,
CMllicothe , Mo.t July 30.U870.
J. O. Richardson , St. Xoal Mjr Dear
Sir : Here is something reliable ; if you
conmalcennyiueofltpleaiedoio. We
have sold hundred ! of bottles iritlk Ilka
results. Yonr friends ,
Boyce & Oitrmnder.
Tills is'to certify that I bad the Fever
nod Airue this summer'and the uie of
one-third of n bottle of Clifford' * F bri-
fiiffe promptly cored it. It 10 the ( peedl-
est cure 1 have UIIOTTII of.
3VcFT . LtUUK * lJl % J * * J * * * * * * * * * * j % j .
Clifford's FebrlfuBe , and it ctwed jno
perma.nonUy. Ibellnve mj cane would
mvobeenfatallmdl not found this as
I did. Yours truly ,
H. VT. POOt ,
Manager "U.S. N.MfgCo. "
RICHARDSON & CO. , - St.LouIf.
Are "Not Half as Interest
ing to the General Read
er as the Following Price
List :
10Ibsol Asujrar'for. $1 oo
10 } Ibs extmC juearfor 1 00
U Iba Canary C. Susar for 1 00
9 Iba Granulated Sugar for 1 OJ
8 } Ibs Cut Loaf Snearfor. 1 (0
6 Ibs tfooJ Kio Codec for 1 00
6 Ibs best Rio Coffee for 1 00
4 Its choice Java Coffee for 100
3J IDS beet Mocha Coffee for 100
Younj Hyson Tea perlb , 30 to. . . . 40
Oolong Tea per Ib , 30 to 10
Japan Tea per Ib , 30 to ; 80
Finest Gunpowder Tea peril ) 75
Bcst.O K'Flour per Kick i. 3 25
Snow Flake winter wheat flour 3 65
Ha vcntjbest flour ' , . , ' ' ' 4 JQ
20ban WhiteRUasiinHoan'for. . . . . . . . . . . . . I 00
SObJTScilmarSohpfor . - 1 00
21 bars Laundry Soap for 1 00
IS bars Linen Soap for 1 00
Pure Map-Syrup ) per gallon 115
Golden Syrup pergallon . - 60
New Orleans Syrup per gallon 70
New Orleans Molasses per gallon 45
Susrar House Molasses per gallon 40
1Ib3 St. Louis soda.C'rackcrB for : 1 00
17 Ibs St. Louis Oyster Crackers for 1 00
lllbgBoston KuttcrCrackers for. . . . 1 00
11 IbsGinjrer Snaps for 1 00
13 Ibs New Currants for - . 1 00
8 Ibs New Blackberries for 1 CO
4 Ibs Pitted Cherries for 1 00
' 10 Ibs Dried Peaches ( halves ) for..77. . . 1 00
JO Ibs Choice Dried Apples for 1 00
1011)3 ) best new Prunes for 100
10 Ibs. best Valencia Raisins 1 00
7 Ibs. new layer Kaisins. . . . 1 00
Peaches , 2 Ib cans 15
Peaches , 3 Ib cans ( standard ) 224
Pie 1'ca liea , 6 Ib cans 2o
PcachesCal)3 ( ) Ibcana 30
Blackberries , 21bcan 15
Apple ? , ( York State ) gel can 35
Blueberries 3 Ib can IS
Cherries 2 Ib can. . . 12 }
Damson Plums 2 Ib cans . . ' . . 15
Raspberries 2 Ib-can 15
Strawberries,2 Ibcan _ . 20
String B ans,2Ib cans " " . . 12 $
Baked Beans , 3 Ib can 20
Lima Beans , 2 Ib cans 12 }
Sugar corn , 21b can 121
Yarmouth corn , per can 17 }
Tomatoes , 3 Ib can 15
Succotash , 2 Ibcan , : ; . . . 12 }
Pumpkins , 3Ibcan 20
2Jlbs beans 1 00
9 Ibsdried Lima beans 100
35 Ibs hominy 1 00
11 Ibs Carolinatrico n " 1 00
25 Ibs oat meal 1 00
Fat family mackerel , perkit 90
Fat family white fish , per kit. 00
Codfish , whole , per Ib 8
Codfish , boneless , per Ib 10
Hnlllbut , per Ib 12 }
Holland herring ( new ) per keff _ . 1 25
Tobacco Blackwoll's Durham ) per Ib ' 50
Tobacco Silver Seal plumper Ib 60
Tobacco Old Styleperlb 85
Tobacco Jleersc'haum ) perlb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Hams , sijear-cured. perlb " . 11
Eggs , 11 dor for 1 00
Butter , fresh roll , perlb. 20
Complete price lUts furnished on appliuti
Country order * will receiye prompt and cart
attention. Positively no goods sold on credit.
J. B. FRENCH & CO. ,
TIic Original Reliable Grocers ,
No. 1119 Farnham Street ,
This compound o
the vegetable alter
/atircg , Sanaparilla
/Dock , Stllling1aa nd
Mandrake with tba
odldcs cf Potash and
, .fron , makes & toot
effectual core of a
cs of complaints
-which are very pre
valent and afflicting ? ,
It purifies the blood.
_ purges out tha lurk
fng humors ID the system , thatundermine health
and settle into troublcsoma disorders. Ernp
tions of tne skin are the appearance on the ror
face of humors , that should bo expelled from the
blood. Internal derangements arc the determin
ation of , these game humors to some internal.
organ , or organ ? , whose "action they derange ,
and whose substance they dUearo and destroy.
Aria's SAMATiaiLiA expela these humors from
the blood. When they are gone , the disorders
they prodneo disappear , such as UJeeratumi of
the Liter , Stomack , Kidney t , Lvnqf , Eruption *
anfErvntite Diseatu of the StinSt. nthonjft
Fire , Rote or Erytipelcu , Pimplet , P ttuia ,
Blotches , Boilt , TumonTetter and Salt Rheum ,
Seald Head , Ring-worm , Ulcer * and Sore * ,
Rheumatitm , A'euralffia , Pain in the Benet ,
Side and .Head . , Female WeaXnea' Stenl- '
Leueorrhad arinng from internal '
and uterine dittattt , Dr ° p y ,
tiation and general "
partur ; health re
J. c. AYER &
Wholesale and Eetail
Goods sent to any part of the United States on
solicitation , Largest assortment of
And everything found generally in a flrst-
olaaa Jewelry Store.
Jewelry mnunfncturcd on sliort notice. Orders Treat
the .Conntry solicited. Wlicnin Oinalia call and see us. Uf *
trouble to sliow Goods. *
The Jcwler ? , Opposite HiePostofiice , 15 < h & Dodge.
Successors to
Cash Price List.
10 RsStanilild A Sugar.- . . . : ? 1 00
lOitt * extraCISugar , . . . 1 00
11 Ibs C Sutrar . - 1 00
9 Ibs granulated Sujar. . . 100
SJttsCutLoatSnsrar 1 00
3tts Powdered Sugar ICO
ettigCKxlRto Coffee 1 00
5 Its extra choice Bio Coffee 1 00
4 § Ibs Costa BIca Coffee l on
S fts very best OQ Java 1 00
SlbsMoch 1 00
6c nsPeactes.i. . . 1 00
10 Ibs Valencia Balslua. . . , . . ' . 1 00
10 Ibs choice Fronts 1 00
41bs'PHtsd Cherries 1 00
10 Ibs Michigan Dried Apples 1 00
13 Ibs dried Currants - . 1 00
20 bars White Russian Soap _ 1 00
16 Ibs Procter & Gambles Soap " . . . . . 1 CO
10 Ibs Doblns RIectric Soip 1 00
17 Ibs choice Soda Crackers. . . . 1 OJ
17 Ibs choice Oyster Crackers 1 00
11 Ibs Ginger Snaps 1 00
II Ibs Oat Me I Crackers 1 03
II1 b Boston Crackers 1 00
7 Ibs Jnmb'cs 1 00
24 Ibs Beans 1 CO
85 Ibs Hominy , l (0
25 Ibs Oat Meal l 00
ISlbsS-Ht Peas . - . ; l 00
11 Ibs Carolina IHce. 1 00
9.1bsTapioca..t. . . " ' . 1 00
Dlbs8ao t. . 1 00
141bsBarley : 1 00
12 Ibs Mixen Bird Seed. ; 1 00
,7 3-lb cans Standard Toma'ocs 100
02-lbcans Standard Tomatyes.- 1 00
5 3-lb cans Peaches t 1 03
82-IbcaniCorn 1 00
7 2-b ! cans Cherries 1 00
0 2-U ) cans Yarmouth Corn , 1 00
71-B > cans Burnham & Merrill 1 00
BlbsB Un ? Powder ; . - . 1 0 >
Pure Maple Syrup p r gallon 1 15
Amber White TO
Best New Orleans Syrup 70
Good New Orl/ans Mob'ges 45
Barclay White.Ouurdian of Rebecca II. White ,
and Rebecca II. White , non-resident defendants ,
will take notice that Joseph Barker , of Douglas
County , In the Stito of Nebruka , aid , on the
13th day of May , A. D. , 1830 , file his pttltion in
the District Court , within and for the County of
Douglas , in said SUte'of Nebraska , against the
said Barclay White , Guardian as aioresid , and
Rebecca M. White , defendants ; thn object and
prayer of vthicii is to obtain ptrillion of lot twj
(2) ( ) , in block three hundred and fifty (350) ( ) , in the
City of Omaha , in ta'd County and Slate , which
gild lot is held by said plaintiff , and tbe said de
fendant Rebecca M. White as tenants In comiron :
and the said "Barclay Wnlte , Guardian ai afon-
saM , and Rebecca M. Whlto are notified that
the ? are required to appear and answer fa Id pe
tition on or before the 2Sth day of June. A. ! > . ,
By BICIIARDS & Hcxr , His Attorneys.
Dated May 15tb , 189 % m5-22-29 J5
Ear Diseases
Dr. O. B. Shoemaker ,
The well known Aural Surgeon , of Peadin ? , Pa. ,
who baa been in the malical profession over 20
years- , gives ALL his time EXCLUSIVELY , to
the treatment of deafness and diseases of the
ear and catarrh Ue sends a valuable little book
of CL pa os ou the treatment of these dkeaes ,
FREE TO ALL. This book gives referencei and
testimonials that -will satisfy the most skeptical.
lie is also author of a work of 375 paea , ocUro ,
on these diseases and their proper treatment.
Prica $ Z , by maL ! Wo family should beTwlthout
acopyotlhls-v luabebook. ! It will gave suf
fering , IOM of hearingani doctor's fees. DR.
SHOEJIAKER'S remedy for the ewe of RUX
NINO EARS , la uniTers Uy acknowltdared by
physicians and the public in general , as the only
truly reliable remedy for the cure of Ibis loath -
BomedUeaie. It fa harmlcw. pleasant and re
liable , and witl cure almcst any ca e , even f
forty or fifty yean sUndln ? . All bad si" " "
unpleaiantness of the disease injt *
and the hcarin ? ir. irost.w-
permanently. Price #
sale and retail
& GO'S
} *
Eemembor that you can. now
buy Goods of us at UnhearrTof
Lo\v Prices as indicated below. . t * '
Household and Job Lot Goods sold at 3c , 5c , Sc
and lOc for each article.
Our Great Specialty , an 1 sold under a full jrnar-
antee to salt or ihenuiney refunded. la .Tea *
we quo'e : 25c , 30c , 33c. 49c , BOc , { Oc and n | > -
wards , all full value , aril a present gircn with' ' '
each uue pound sold.
Coffees. . . ; .
Blown at 15c , 20e , 22cand 25c , and Cilt-Edxo i
Java at 35c per pound ; Ground Coffee atlOe ,
20c , and our tiuperiour Crushed Coffee t23c per
SPICES The mnet complete assortment la
Omaha and at prices below all competitors
Try us.
BAKING POWDER 15c and upward.
FLAVORING EXTRACT3-At 80 per boltte
and upward.
ESSENCES At EC a bottle.
large box at 5c. CLOTHES-LINE , fron 8 to lie
tach. CI.OTIIESl > INS,2doienforBc. SHOE
BRUSHES , Sc , ICc and upward ? . Scrub Brnia-
cs , Sc. Horse Brushes , lie. Carpet Tacks , Sc.
Toilet Scapa at 30c a dozen and upward * . Blne-
in ? , Be. Pepper Sauce , and Frjnch Mustard ,
lOccach. Mop Handta , lie. Axle Grtfiw , 2
for ISc. Com Starch , 8 : per pound. Laundry
Starch , extra quality , at 8c per pound. Citron ,
Oranjo arid Lemon Peel , at 30c per pound.
WClow and wooden Ware cheap. Wash
Boards , 15e. Broom * , 2 for 25c. Bird Food Jn
one pound packages with Cuttle Flab Bono at
Tobacco and Cigars.
Blackwell & Day's Durham at 50c per ponad
good article of Fine Cut at 60c per pound ; best
brand of Pluft Tobscco at COcp'.r pound.
Wetcll a lOo Cigar for Sc , don't fall to try-
" 7" ?
Weallownoonctoumlcrscllus. ' - ;
Superior quality of Sjrur * at 70c per gallon , ff * *
J2.50perkcf. { LAUXDRTOJOAPS gold at hot- - ifc , ! ,
torn prices. DRIED FRUITS , extra quality al '
low prices. CHACKERS , best in market and as I-5 .
cheap aa the cheapest.
We hive also added tha following goals to our * .
rtock , which we propose to ell cheap , : 1 .
Camphor Gum , White War.
Sulphur , EJ * . Jam. Ginger , ' - ' '
Borai , Parajtorlc " '
Salt Peter , Lauduman , .
Alum , Liquorice Drop * . . * . f *
Aqaa Ammonia , Htrenzthenlnr Flacttf.
Cubebs , Paris White , :
Spcrmadllo , Whltlnsr ,
( Julnlne PiU , Cuttle Jfteh Bone , ' * '
bweetOil , Sage.Thyme , . - .
Cantor OU , Marjoram , ' ' ' '
Machine OU , Caraway Seed ,
Mustard Seed , Calrdomon Sttd ,
Sulphur Camphor and Tar Soaps. ' ' :
And an Immense Variety of
Other Goods too Nnmor-
oas to mention ,
which we pledga onraelvcs to , ell - ;
cheaper than other Dealers. Don't ' .
Forget It , and give ns a call. FIne - I
Ine goods and compare pr1- ' - ?
( al rates to part'4 r.
again. Orrl- _ . -am- . . > f
. -
aa bnvln/f / to sell- . . .JBL
- rt from the country > ;
- -Prices guaranteed and sent ' _
w jj , "
113 North Fifteenth , adiolnlne L.
B. Wfllbna & Son , Dry Goods Stoz
Omaha , Neb. r
Cheyenne , Wyoming-
Firet-cl's * , Fine lar e Stmplt Rooms , cn
lcck from depot. Trains stop from 50 mlnatw
to 2 hours for dinner. Free Bus to and from
Depot. Kites $200.12.50 and HOP. WcordifflT
to room ; angle meal 75 cents.
A. 1 > . BALC01T.
- - - -